• i". ' Ar' S,- .E'' , " - ,;',' ~ - -`l' t 'Oliii ." • , . ' •, , .. , -'*-1-;' -.• "-',' -'. , ?' ; ....; : --; C. -,7".. ~'_''';: Vecigt=3:lll:::.... " •. 7 —, ' _ '-'. " " _ '3'.., -- -- .--,-;.;:,,-,:::: : •`; 1 ' '''',.' ;.` ...=,,, *, '.. ••I''- ' - -- " '',. ' 77 • ',..1 ~ . ,e, 4r,r 4 .r ' 77 " . " 7 7 " ..7- ' 7" - t I i. .. , $2i,..',--"47-147--7.7,`;'-'; "• ' . 7- r _ ' '': , ' ' - • -, ''' c o ' t.3'.',4."3'..' ...... . . 6,mr, 41641C1' ' Imo , .... „ 11 ......1,44An--cic.raftweel 47...... ~. 'AT It I s. a n ow i. nom e. M lERCTAL RECORD..' - ,* VIM Bois:. 1.4i-Awymll3llll.,-.'," ism 44 i 's , . - • 1 I .21Thlli war.tll.ezal! n0v.,,,,ja..,,,,, , _...,,a ~ 7 !x._ 4 _ 161 6 .1 9 83 , . rrr.a soup wililta..„6/i•jj;in.d,...1,1 psi •..._,..'' ..b6l/4460°L14P""4. • 1 44"1"Y 6 0 619 icfra 3 31 xac ' ' _ FriVii..44l6l,4lr.V.Wwtmalarlyas/c4484447-•• INTIM 1121 =7,i Facie; I .' .`—.7.7 , ," Tb21 " . " 5 If UW . II" 1.. • ' 26 " 1=11116641 mac V' 117%4444__,7 2. 6. 1.6 it ) Ta i . IrD E. -,: 41, * '' -- ' ' . '• ' 4 I 111'1.'1.2" ' iicioL.,,s,ellt.intrial ' l6 "6'112'1 -"- jj.- "slieonx.l"" ' BF . bdir); (" ' I k ' km' is .....a, 6• 6 4 ' 4 4311440 WV/"4264d*. 15 4 Agf 7'M anal 444 ' - 14 Turresl47 6G515 2 - Qd nod ler m Wsdae.da2 .. .6re. . II it 666 , t 11' : " , % ' , 00: 41 i / 44:1 ! 0.4 ,> ••;1";•,•-• MESE ~.,. Li'._. ~ ~ . .. ~~ i ~;. ~'.:V. etTr °,1 !'" 1 "«'11!" in'arvig." . • .11 - na : E z tETA:t:f < C•co::-K, :4 1 4' , :-...- A ': ,•• pito 4-tit, , ,- • • • i . V4l - 0 1 1 - 1:1•:••NW: s llAVltiiii*N ; L .rs, s 2;q4.etitti:-: 4 ;:14 ,, L. • tl s it:W* l Y'i:'l,..4: 4 . 1 .A.a lsi lll!'i 1 4 11 . V2. 11 U:0. .1,-; e,3,- , .. , .....- :4&4,44.-1:::"y:-" 4 .4 - . ~, , ~, • k ;, ~.44- : .,4. ...r. ! %., -i-• N. •,,-;,..,....), , , , , 1 , ... , . -:,..,;,,, 4.4,.... , ,, ~.. „,,i , '..-k,', .w..-i , ,,. , : t .....34, 4 , ---%, 1 ,. , : ......,.5.,:„, 4 3 , 0 , , ,T . 7 4y. •sp. il-.. , ; ,,,,,! -- -. NI r , •U; . .. 14 ,,)", - ..,, 'i,z 4 /:. 1,..„.--V..i b .,. 'l4 .1.1.,, -, . %P.T00,... .4 , ,,,ft. , 1 ;.!',7j... ~ i'-',:•r•''-:;:r's;.::: 7- 2, : :.!;=•:7 .- ;;:i:.: , , - ., -. .; ,-, 4 .- . , i -, =.4,T•;:t.:::;-:1: . ,:',:-..!?!: -:.',''t,S:•;,f.•:- . ;':,- , - . •.-..--a;--:,'',:f7.;.:.5.''.:,,,..,;::.• r , • lIMI (LITILILW, HAY. Anil( O&M 15 M. ,Vl.*.v • rAcr.- (." heireesivollmletimi rast,Serohlitnor .14jklaohkellhwheld easterootely mew siteksand. 610111,Imre it very. monk* tos ode se tb51161664 1 Seed hal Isitement ima1(*(017(...1# . , (11 ,0( 0016th - . s ou .i mowtozauss , ombta.mt. g g i ma..,..rzs o 4s.assew. _ trak„ — Ca►TI~& - . I hap T.i a.E MP, S .- lb a 1 ' tOU(DDEIIIIZ ) 21 IZT a I . r t f M- p a h UM% Se putty u(tkees wino: laWrls.o NJ" : . FP)1711-111.601s bash hartM o r t o t i ng fit, As GORCIEUROL—,SIIIO.IO brad. g x i" -- . UMNSII.4 loos arrive; be sairV- • - an111131,141M-7 bias yaw bit laaLs is - • Wl.44.9lBliptiva-mst 410BACCO-25_keics No IA Imior sear Northam Lila mai fat sale kw le ekes Ow 1111D . OW4bblsvitaik tAnt Olt - . " 41iftebate 1 Lira Opi treat bisieb6L . 1 tad nee itebbildrjsuteeit&zatali • • ! IITT1130:PILI5-010 hpassAllarat Nag br ITIAWLIF4ACIsikriONTestai sad Wiwi& lb, - , Az:Awn:tritium 11101 , L0D 1 60- 00 bit 1.,11s;11s,11 1 fir. J. 101rInrte sal OK amby w lYy ~~S " yna-rj^^~~~ ,u.t~1,.n n.'a~" .. ttii ~as ,: ::.. 8 ~ r -.+~,,~~,.,T.,Y.,.5.~ .~.—n-.,, , --~---~s~ 11.=As=ntl 1." WC l a*. - * Web iticayAm narroN-5. aim alma 'lnto lac Mon, garUlisteinswi*lsiebiefi, a a o - f7A7D1X1143 Da Oa WI Ms Stu int nel treaClumiliall4lirde ' . Llwo ibiepa.i.a. eadviagfren etaa4 br sale la _ velk . • BAL. JAB lIALZIPIILL. > ls.viter lIINS-1 coal/dui. OipaiiiTisimelioji L , _ 11110' ItAILB-1 cue "Was* lloptior silo by plawrza-3 .weiffra athie6l= thilltkt =kg, be Salt y D _ . lIMILICVOIIIOI Roden. dak six.tr;ak pew, balf pipe.tad gaoler; b/ w i ta • NC}lt•Cs - issordwir Brody. Sdi pm*: is 14 AW ills by • • LICOUINLVEIL QTRIIIP—IiS pHs ass IllynpjlasSis.erfre tor .1Z {sr mak tos Asia: . -.D WILLUMS- siae, torAlle " %br wak rlnggarf , - -16 big!, oudefiragess • '• • No 110 moodit SVGIA-40MITIll NV/WM.4PM leegiria by B Bibemis, los• sate by rear • - • WIPE s XeCANDLtzro. iRGGOOM! : .2M I Vea;Ga3M PM% Cainna CeOsitrodkni kor salt Arill pipei /malt • JACOB WEAVEKIi. OVIRDiDqy OA in laklf piprj_sol by • JACO* WEALTEN. - _ _ - VOID lILISSILOILIS,.(bgasi,Issoriss, is octave 1674aSts.Orivalssy111 'JACOB WitalfEJL NA" 0.1121 ,IP..avegUTOEs. lia 111 ..AL VOIVOL Irvarez= Bisadiss, vintages GM } '=VEIL 1 k Pr 6 ,4 Bra , , . rTaLlilli!liat limn:4- lir Ai* ITN UIMUIRM-'A segr — sod yen Madam fere lem4,4oa bandasdd iN mak Ism 15ishisi rll4-14 IA *WI Tips& RI wa GINGIan' M:11r eists* y . 11 81!• ea4l 1111100zo doefiN -1,460 Jr Aka& ' wit IThAtOterlabsiGerraaarf.. € l "` .ll 2 .l".b6l 'z'.P!''J am ' in cAssolg maxmo 115 'Most 105 IS AK fest, AT-4540s Mrmaa jaaleity„ .41111 ----- iip Was gemLs MteecAllbt sale by , CIaDWELL _ *a& Torn Oa nit* At , , • -4 IitIVWELL 1 , 6°11. Ciatir Swan tor ,i.6;wii66ot. e.llWik-3iteo Z*o I•lllV,l,'"gdgjto TWMk4ll.betAi fill Moir fit bp,,-ts'". . . 11,r13.171 -,n /VII - bariLlhe from ganef far NWW -DTII,-Iri SOAK Co,loinsist • -;•.'"*, • '"''"M%Ambico:- 1 1 VIAIIP WOOLIC—: vibbliwaruesinbas oailvedinvlr 4 QTHNOT,.. , . MILSIII..WANTO Ito Oplalaulhei jpiinasel,lbt *lo..t v em treukwill . - Uniors add b ral; - • * do • or ,,y *croon*, sossuila• • &FLOYD 117,11. jobbiro/11111-- • 5 .17 11163A.DAArliabrii,""ii - 2 - laniratiZ i g COQ esirwittbs pp@ • elsaispimsbee earn atffter , _ rank 'MELT IRON-104arbeilig ma SSV "Air.. 0001043, WWI h lima "i, A °llllll6°°s • " 'swami= alike Warm esereral br JOBA l'eastrimnbbrirrar' -n" R ows,4l4lW-Viiimikkal_condoikern " AY n e. ions so & .. • , . ralamoelal ',bates • • uggir..4l4 4 2ii , d Mak IY ems mot 144 ~ Otolak'fbr' ageoteet. Wes sad poegroons Ya tdestiod tad * E•c- V;lfka. lUiO . D111& ALWIN. inlannfl) Mrl,ll,labb/s. kelt. and b0z0 ,11.6 "''''slii4.`rO g neg l aZNlX -1 -11 -14113 —"met icoo-acria•sosisaapissA L•9 ! r F : .t - d :t AL! amseiviss fat mkt bl, • s unwria, aim C &citb hg O Ar.=12...!,-OM r l ~~'. eon wood aal wager as Plialo.loo (I MIAMI.% Lim Filth Costa sarebentethOleth well nuke bosom apply either thedmethel Pthe, they are well kw=ontheinally append of by Oath was leave wed then. For We by AO VbVei UV' lOW * Tut tiOiredazid isruia x y xl5" ototTryTn — it libert - 131111111718-6 eases low : 3 11eli r eedlsoe, wal -La wool Loeser, brigla lush colon eta nowoonetaad soluovai.-so klf bble Pio 31 sa • , E HEM:ELTON, au. aid. LainUCTS-16- pair la* Domestic. Mink= jsst . reeosi_ 14,1) . as nitralf i s k a r le i lawca• 118 • es Ms. olsw.voued; foi natal DIAMISIL P11411.--Ba Orr va c =riltrad owl Ibr Nice as tilrb;" wa! 4 041 11 !!'on for sals EITITT11111,&•'—• bola itorl •—IO mks dry Peacta6lll4:4 • 10 bbla. Oreabertiedg forum a. bt • .• • I FLOYD. Ala04:1 : 60L-11 DLL last iet,d; lIDDICO 10144 13 6 1111111 C" K tr a t / "lag sib" 61 inurtitlo3 holt C 4 77 11121 " 3 : 0 TP Wolin . •ix ns Web) Mile • ir.iILOTAIBALuu l iaiiiiratte " Vrtat• by knoYD trO7&000-70bse pond lamp, ta,1111.,1k Tabs& ..I. ea of lie best bneir,fm bY .1 one • k It FLOYD 1011.0118—A szas amity Euadi I. ` bst ; no r , WalPs reed kr a- OXUS, 4011EW aco . Otoestaial tow, Ilbsny st NaSMMMI VraentArlai•Vl e- / ' ' 4 vbwras; i 7; a=gatNitlffl :: E . 7,T. 11,- a. few bate Nil t Lao! Oil faz lasektaay mad IJ ober ri179,"; rMh j JORDAN SON 111141.1111111-4 tinges of 64,1141 M and 114 AP= num •34.1. 11 / 8 . 1 , With sag bast alio. - - 1511ACKLEST k WHITE ws7 . • . b . TR)esELL-.1,56‘ - Clarke Toed owl for C a rr ai a 714 M L W It svaLuts OAPKIIL—II laid super blescled 'squid Ibipe At ssed; 6r NM by • bob - MUCIIIXTT &WHITE 011111111 , 11 . 1 . 14a5i ssek, black cud colored Jut nab yeti ' INIACELETT &Wit= C OWLS—I bele amaf ez. earketf et nee* tor We WOOLLE a f 800141-11Claamflaryni mad iimilisoma r ilinwmaar= r tooa l . 7 lk WRITE tralrrlf,lar.^F L uir , V°N.'7 , 77 ,l l TIALCON4EIam,B4Ise sad iilealdera of pnas qua Sui any; fir ssle.by . TIIALT/Wl'llM—illAbs=7= sale B iill2ll,lldesW filealdersua kw. LP le ealtparebassf kasals b2y SALTPEMILE and f 'doom far . I MOM it CO T°"4IPCII-3111blir-jeit: • r• bu leafs 11., ail etsopenor . qubry ea ansigensas kr lOU by • LYAkilEtill,ibb—ba bbP EPabos. 1`• 4 deLA amsr, fir mai y, , DI , CiP &OD tract Is 'rams sts B • FARNEOTOC o ^.::~ . 1 , 144111011C1C—1 easeatatilME ale by A FARA 41.03 had,. bola Ule 47 3 DatZEI:L. no.karcuatA r rivross,&,..cr • bi Pcst4 17 dP R 75; actil J D SUL 111031746 t: Ms 11 ) 1 , at!L Sea Inn hi !are pe•- eagi 1111—$4 bblli Liao No se uod Ac, mai Orals by - .143 bast DALZmA.II., ainn E4V;i.gNag=l • • passum Ilarlaa Oil Ow eal• by JDNICHISALN 1114.1.03 ROCI POWSillawasit7 k .l Wjggr a co L c "' w° " -.41° ` 1 " r i orritirsim qa. T AAP SZJLO M—.lo bbi. Nimrod Le oiala AA 80111 - SCISINIMAMIL . " CO DAMNS ANFO CURIUM'S br sae by 1010 ' • ; wicitsmecANDuizill POWDIIII-1001reva vari.s.l WM. of Claimer, sad 111 Yenreer , saillM9o.• • awl te- Owing; for male by • peal • II =DWELL g Amix-laser eased Ramslhr o j ra i .304 7aput di j etaead et meideld wog% ter sale krwir, WOGS Is Mar J TT . 1 ;r7+,77 3 ".1 ?WM E. ssairMlNWProl %I. 5 our - ..a . 11 4 " .111 .. kfflmam • pOOAlhMMPikligilAitHgtetsCalitiVi CO • at=Ul/I'''%lLts law . ir4se end - piA vaallty fa,vr l i vic/6-40 tb•J" l "* br i l lart it co AL " " m 9. aft it wad mita Ist w 4 b 7 osi gall Aige.-1. sh. L i- •s & 21411,1411 i jaIOON ne& bra s e. lo CO : .. ~. . ~,,, jballnl , j ODD «is& _ - - - C bage Ale :sea kyr es k IL eosuom co rie.kotarleumr 3214ekerek lei , A 7T N tCO 51 241 CO - Of- 60 - forg t • • it matt : . a SIII6 . VA° ba pima OM , 1 0° 0 IILACIIIOIII.It CO into et I) , lrtelbb lol4l "MaiteliPl Oft W 144 ° l4 lJ bbhl u ...ou "M "I7 I 6 ;;CZNI MIL COC , G WIS—* Optima wisa fen . ; •erf Grco Pos. fiar Alm NY. ":"., • ,zimagkr.a.coby g=arkegl i, saall lot UNn O I3CERk Co pr o ialt a) '1•01—W-46 fiat Fr_Tf; " Nen I.**'" T!" 4 7l•!'`C • • sail l t.ie r••• • ! lt k , c o -nezi X ~ - • • sow" T" .-14 1 .1 rttil 4 S I STni lad 6014/814 W ostn.;t liVibbb•eff hN_IM NWI w- pzassms-41 row tasiteicans Coast miumwl4••• 'err! ncas mars—gt bora roma adm.„,*. t , A or Nasty, ,77 . . .. •- .•. - V -- - ,-, *'... ,.., ;':,••. , •;._i_ , :. - Ai i e,g+.0....... ..7 . ,, , 1.e,L1.,ic5'0rg ;' , .". 41 ._ • - ~-, • 3110•0111111141 H aw Ocean iltiiamnar. - • 111 44" 1 . . Bri e . B l t4 e a in' i. Us" , - .0 " : " ; L et" r4l: H m Vi , N tioa lllri vt Syria, -•- & i t . " %Ar s Vann, • B"Pi 70 Ilimnal,ird Morin, .• Oet2l - Neat Irk) - indium', _ • • Nov I Oet 4 New Yak. 1 1 ,4 Heptla II Wooldimijinai) ' &pita Oat li Caledinia, ter) , lioth . PlTTszustsa somw or VILADIC. anDirrrEE- 7011 OCTOBER: .: •.00D[t: c V. vox scouracart. w. s. purl PAIIfEM3II 611110106161110T5 FOR IMt. 'Steam • Boot Batt Lice, leaves daily fot C. cloud, 10 6. or. P .Packet do Brooiaavp6 to limm nd - Cud Pocket Lino to nilidelibla, daily, 9 r. r. Mall lied U.. direct to Pkiladalpitla, 9 6. it Wotan and Sectbank Map Coach lAse,o 6. it. Nadi Waters via Cletshold, dg17,10 A. N. , and Welton Thor Yuk, daily, 9A. N. " North Eastern to Philodolphly . dally, unapt Sea. dm, 4 A. l =RAI D 3 Lwypi for bale by BELZELTON • Eva wide et Diming MIJUVAI: AND DEPARTOIUM OF MAILS. Entire'l Mail via Philadelphia, .U 4.1 A. fel,;:eloaea Waters Mail, Cinienti aad Loeisaille, lie 8 P M., closes 5 A. M. Smitten Mall via Baltimore tad Waikiegtee, dee /3 P.M., claw 5 A. M. _ North Weste rn vet Cleveland, dee IO,A. M., dens J It it FLOYD utd 1 tb brip sn't ► BEAVER PACKETS 149 sad 10 sad Sr ■ MONONGAHELA CITY PACKETS, 3 r. ro. DISPATCH. rialson, BrowertMe. GLASGOW PACKET, Glasgow,. r. WISCONSIN. Cu: ', JEWESS,St Lad& HIBERNIA, LosiorMs. . . f;°—. I PORT OF PITTSBURGH. IM=3 chaisofia maxi° osaltai. wsd ASolll — ‘ •IWgrngsli t iss • *II Olibb& " igs b, g Wag &COMA 9 A. Erie - am Wasters New York, du t P.M., ci• I mono' Turriausee 121•SiTT Cr Thanday Honer& Onmbor 14. The' mama mrettrally maintains Gm awl ectivity, prom* No variation. is rem IkNa 00 . list al' Flotto—No truisicilais of importune iniasednad yeateiday. Sala la NMI lam monad Oast stere at 6 p bbt. The apply Is far, tat a probability of neresse, otriag to the bombe, is the 'Mal, which will prmat abipmeata to the mit la which cam there may be a farther dachas is prices.* Grate—The mania is dell, Omagh we bear of am chimp is prices from last min aim, width were —forphead 90 to -964 Rye 46r, Bailey 43 to 453 Cora 40 to 45, sod Ona at23c lom EleMse—The Market -la steady, tad prime emits H'' Foam salsa of 90.1 lbe ham weaned at the am! ram, vis—hasia 9610 for read to prism ussiactsii sae shoulder. le lb. Chaese—Reeeipto aesth e te fall, sad pries at oar lan Maud figaree WI quilts tom. Wit ICKI bra at Fralt—Sala of RI bbla Ro 2 faiths/al al VAS, bbl. ';Salmon ia firm; with limited also at IWO p bbt itir old and new. feathers—TM aopPly is mutat la nthei with readied* at 31631 c, for a good article. Hopi—Salsa of MO the of seal sawn at nee r lb—supply luniuml. liatteles of 10 kegs, Ina storo;st 01 to ►Oo Molasses—ilfs policy saes 15 00.1. It 0 at 31e ► giL oaai—Sales al 13 boxes DI a good article at 18c tampsTs wines. BEAVER-Per Lake Erie-7 ads potash,' Wick & hiceradleass-47 ban cheese, ftalpy & Smith -33 Mb plater, embey-27cheese mid. poem 13 etartde, km , blatelleoe-60 do do, Dickm-13 -roll. paper . J Slidel-317 kap powder, Patton & Sool.loo do do, WIWI. Par Beaser-i3 has Meese, W 61eer-487 beep dueeed, Pei Madam-71M brae shorts, 3 ben Walton, bdta bedding, G Ike 1. make, 1 bs, 1 MI, log better, Mates bp rye. 7 Mb cranberries 1 crt, bg scrap, 30 kg* made, You Bombast. LOUISVILhip LE-Pe rors-4 Allirpuppa-10 kgs Macao, Labatt & S bai ades,C blistor-2 make Manus, A Palseateek-7 ba, 1 look h Ms ladle. 14 Oni.-144 rap:Howani ail tra 21 aka. Where, Et Watam-13 bas roam; C Far chro.-16 Oils, 1 ta carat, Ceding do Roberteoe -37 aka mei, Barker-1 ta Nadas, R T Leech. ST LOUIS-Per Wyoming- IWO pip lead, Or dee& Samdea-5 las asercb:Begatey Ir. Beath. CINCINNATI-Per Ludy Bres-.12 We beam Hatchboo-ID kat _tobacco, D latebble mi. bicKas-13 toloceo, It Datodl-3 do do, Itos-. do do. 11 lqp better, D Lamb & co. lotO? Obsdator-- 1 spose,asch & ma-11 beam 1 Sc drypooda,Arbertbarm-14bleheasp,LeeM & co-183 Ws whiskey, Scott & co-6 cookies stove., Allen & • •IoATS LZAVING TM* DL? - D. LEECH L Gies. PACKET.; Plulididpkis aid BROWNSVILLE PAZLETIS 'id La: is. sal 6 9 ran 6 ISOM WATIIP..TANDIVO ARRIVED. Cotiott. Idotests. Borooseills. Miebigss Woos, Bosenr. Lads !gases. Sessett.Mrommille. Dompotaistdosa. Mos: pity. 013134.0. Hoserieksoe, Itsteor, Mem bum. • tele Eris, BessoMil, &arm. CM'S Coss, Mmes. Barer. .ricosese, bloom StlLoais. Lady Bytes. Mao. Cu. Ns tasked. rebort. St. Lads •Alidstippo, Ml:otstiels, St Imes Wyood e tes., So ottmgilisys. Ms. Modise, St Louis. DIGPARTED taloa. Bon Mew.asao Broursaallto. Woodward, die. Laipateb !Weal, growaovillo. - Likestektio=,_ ilamor. M Whir r As. ?...Gliteo Bearer Caleb , Moore, Bohm. Bans. Wanda*, Pralaylvadia, Gm. CIL Ititodo bland, Daiwa, Walbrailio,Bantad.W•= " New Enema tio Mao, Clooloosii - TagOoti, Pam Cto. - • &Ohm Light. 31170, St. Laois. 00-11 I• Omer I Le. ray 11 - Plteed raise t Di Jwition'e kmbramthen is iYo oily' medicine dtet la cam We so ma mom sad utieblesome diseema It net oily immediately shat, mein sad inn& ilkelma rape aU bieedieg, abler thatinteierable lam i bed etecteatie cern, in aria Mort time minim oe• Ulm bare beat reredend Would& I s puma— applimetles ptedems en pain, bei mhos mom. ble esti &stud wittiaben. If person end built great umber er cues taut base bearinced, they mid be estonisbee.. pothimlLlS of We D bed bum miler tke bate or Me einem ler mem Mum thin wnt being eared, es. bet betties ef dee Ilmbrecatiebeenotailleally greet It mile berated pmeedentll-4 Bilmue.C.;'ilma OP Per We in Pittelizryte at the Mart TEA 910118,71 Pena sant, near wood; and also ai the Dm Mere of D P llchwarte. !Want et * iL • fa- lialketea Cliseietag IPasaseasir—ldsosest. Tasstaspne—We beg Ism t. call kniblis setennea the fobawingaras Ws. Doan,' .f Withasseille Clermont Oa, soloed el die veep btu preetleteners toeosiaisra "raid be resides, and late !keen ile IWO Litculatars, It is {bellied dais to ea* tke las& Ingmar? die pastesuriai busting tbe bands of pyre. atonal preladiseoal giving manta, dee: did navels appliance keel "deg /Ogee( yaw fMasud IPeaseesi sad, sa fer,lostrirell pleased In its ed& Oalarrial .04 Prooeklat Onsplaints. Pietas wad balt a dawn bettled- Pat dies as kw as yes as nu; as I upset If It eenuanesia render is general sat Islamise as it tae hinutorara. to keep it eanstaatly ea , bend, gespeetddly, .pl 7 We. Dean. it. a . • • nrw , mints the attention or oat mom to Ow ex. Morainal timid Senaoloyorforsodbl M Dr. CoAd hos* raeg. humakiriock , they win and tem* ra omeM (Alma of many s paper. Thy no Mira &abides moat irmaMol on roma, and Imo we lam promoted by ms ea MO LOW mysotabel pbyarloso. snaked sedation Mamie& =ore. viola& to cult them ea their several places Of Moak 'woe learn from tacit own Up* rho woodediel elm. of , tho medical& The &moos oamel to Mr lasts Br *boom bo ems duly, between the boas or • A. osl4 P, IL late.. Alcoa Roma & Walton, No 37 Motet a. nebula. . • - --- 071Naportleat•t• Afiverthaark—Tbe shoo tisoftenta which ammo in the Daily MetaLeGault* also appeals ikahf-Seaeltly, thas Mitring tba for sit of Na eacetation of 814 aflame any aneltbool Ouse, la an ansialage to anveoloov, *neon say axtra moue. .C.frardsmosta us atm bleallan in the hohntrY Yarn epee namable, WM. , . • • . OANSTT2I - 308 PatIMMO ormicao, SNIP STOUT, cOISIIII Of poor ones oust. Orp•Vlo Pro new weapon,' sciaracrate la superior aad ,azgedlnaas 1111111•114 all kinds et .1.2 rixsTIVO. sack as largo PotteThEllangtant DIOS of lading, Lester Shea Wasters, Ilssthaf,C•f*. 40., 4. ZoOlf. LTD naleilLlT Is ally ,szlest smutted in the best saaned, sad all eloilorftwtho arm with aorarael gad alibi lowest earn • . as& Propisty lU — Toog Yea% Libmri Association awl Sectsale.s.-Intitufe. •n/1 as@ via AgUiar. pYUppd a soluble Bon nal Low, ofa bog lessi.will %skew.. . I,loliNlllylW,ir.,Chhi .JAgef0F1011?"."1 egg. _ . 06 " litiel. ',..dZiks TMI LDEM bum am* W.' 4.444. * .6•4111*--_____„........... 46 „,,,w w , at 6/4„ vellit l =74l., Ilwe 40 *./.."1" -i L k ,6111 . 4 igUI be in etr i! `": ,• ~ 41 P C Y-1 11 . 1S t" , - • " "", '- ' %.,-- + 4 X. t .‘: 4 - 1. "" ' -..""" , - 1.,1.•A .:7"A"."-.....it..44"-.4 ~ s fv EffiMATS Citil*CAlt Will* NINO Llllll.-1. liaidtkoi Ss .rotti• jab& f. ".lid, Ato kafredt•ial Pa arks.* irlAik difekla fit ...ppati• amid& br Wad ildr ly at fittlread ali. vanorrroltia b• thai eat 00.a . a. malty well sat be *pm; ilpop by usbaidt. - ..:: • , 4 - bilk'ln sae a re.llrap it it aell hors that II.• powsk y et bdrao rtcompoie .ot • pracildtay, boil tgathor 1.1 g... drabk.ssal !Ma tt...... ;•...... in .bale.. p. OO k or•pcostal dr gon mai pretipitn• sic kit ea • patios. is thorn ar ink...dal... costal.. it. It k Oro tarok ta add rise& to 0.• Lk mitten id wid.• it ma. &id, '1•14c1O10121MOINI .1.. a by id* alba pe, if • A.I asti, a... Zit dame. is •••tp Aort tint . ' Now do • WA " &Was rm. that 'lactate. tea ....7....p.d.. Mt a...km tolstaa mph* so slid oat= to 1.44 it . ..c r ier. , Ikercforo,will attar get OM., sad Nits say WA • ..pisotil Ikon! &anthem istoar•proara• Wlinto ...Ors of id ma. • won paw.- ra atsmsudast km way avid bp *sill. rat WI &stored re do mho. ital.. Costdas sow.. that la• ...daily fro• alga& inn,' Ilyateckotill Ms arra& Mal paa—lt will not mould, •sd altloosh mita . 0f • bluish peen sok. pt is • Oar bean It beas••••drepld•rk wklek will to for wet: It it warriatedsoptri. to th• knip wads loir.n. by dt• samo of . o Anald's Virritioi l'hii." awl ocoothild mom gins kr tb. same pie. , A. • otaisatea visit iapaltka of soy Hod kik, al tin Saks* racausadalioot mill oalic/,•• on nut 1.• wars; tkst Or masa than sias could ... larolloca d. tart by au saw kerns exarotthy papa.. , - .. , I • . NII• rocasced o llibbettiCl.aical V. Poe lo Abe pdnatp of tioe pollicos slat rata attiok *all no. pats; it Sows fru kon tb•• pea .eithint ekarsiac tt sod is UMIRIUM. of &film lkoanbmna a • . f Arti b li t akC.- :Te' ,- =c wuppb.ia . Ike 0 MOIR.. I Co. Ndlant••• la Dlorik• Pam* Was , ~ • Rolt I Meta AtoSer C A hicAsulrfi Co. • ' • hags llpOiq MO, Ale 100617. Mr nor X 110/100—Diar Sir 1 hare 11..... 1 .4 amended Writing Fila r •a 0 Rod It a lest tatslattattia . awaffie, it Liu fralay ben 111.1 pa sad ireaseljf Lasko WM, roan • • TEITTLX.Doek4 7O I O / for Meal oFplo. •.... .Tiugare4 Ale IS;lea, NWT . I.e.biath...Doe• Bat Harks procure • Wald yoar Writhe Ythid, ram Mho math Bga, I taathth ty meal Wool repthor AMY threw is amyl htheaL _ '• WILLIAM line T.ll•4Bltreor thr them 1/11tholth C• PiOdarA, Sept U .t-Dm t o las yaw Writhe Itathone the lila to • Noe thadnat rthieft lor matti=6:=Latlika triirr.l3l WiWA C 1, Bri.-1e1"! Piapereil suld Vnistmrlo tro .. i at eas UMW, Dnair. net ebasigt saner at og ritual Saws, Nub! tsll, pa. !. °— ! • _ • 111111NDIEN OWE • - PESEACIE AND REsurtatac DAFT 1 I mewls Wooed ass trf du* lOW got Om most reasonable =t i l of isaiLad. IMlnd~ Valtis t aatfla PaoltatEltlpssaly. Fatah tbasaspostaasti tad mato of do Musk Closetsrasna bin &squally outland. Elsiltubtf at Ealbftwadttff &mob Asatfloa,sgatbaltba fruits teat aro cloatiats. ally omitted upon lo6akaoo ten alarm Wand to flo wall tams boast of MOW OS den passbran applaary vitsked be Whaled Istta puoaotallw mad • . I Parties lobo ohms. themeim Ogg armes en at Matt Ball We, sus tabu Is warm, aril Wes doses* 1 -ifs oabl.lst as wepalm to be Arum WI milt of du Wait WI Lta* Army othst Li , Ilba abb. tra=so any atosaai payabiti. MT of th• reosistotat sr NumW Pants din- Ise& WOLK IllealanS, to Wa dmm dams Ea. ssaa - It to IS. but stuireswe be tale wow sal wad b• It ds, te ea art sea oho to monk, &Mb) , *W tit AS Puke. eaddelaya. Las aa likokers,te- call awn es, eat we will seaward*taw at New Ye* raw JOSHUA ROBINSON, HarAcca Aeon • wa • d eke* dear brow wad "mu • . • ittiff L ITH O OlllO. i THE Taraielars al lie Unica Narrary.kava tan 1110 we of X, J. WOW), Fin/ 1 1 . s'. Reisio,Plakaala.Rllleacineamicanol alolre Ands; aad the Mac aro mammal lo call =damning ai Ow will lad de assiatira aarelally lawns!, &allay Wala s ea eariaias aridana Inab dm flala Csailegaraily tram manumit has ah a ollarl• nal aid slap so Capt. has Waal& a balm Kaaearesiu, .n.. o• of At mll pple. Paull. rt.., Manly, Per aed Apnoea Imo. all itardollTlVollad aloe& Primes are az laikara-Taaell lo ettc4, tllrres& aratra : , t ' ar rh aastaa4 thmated OW.J. .W sok amok& to waltdispasels. • ' . OW.). Womb will anted at Pal.laaltll'aaa 57MaebasoOlarly, dz." ob. wham ibt was wall • anerlasaa Al" pr. worm, I*W. ?rams ant On= Maim, awl ilia oobommat roc spalkna. ousJ moat sail Iliblbsloo Of cr rkl fan fin.llSt by do att.' Own, soil tbs you IMO, by Jobs W Itrocuo., D-1 yobs To &Jam of Or Unload auwoh Dow Do oburt•Deo of do colonic* WI Job eamairpuem st Magma tads peadcom; Jamb ergo" L D-1.1 ...I.—mad ralasiod s arc•4o.l. Rimy, e U .bed .111111 flOn Ow Weaver, of tee AaltOrAll Oonueon• by Dearly Wm. 0.-121 WW !Waal Hilary ot Ernes* Harper A Swim's Biw . a of Of Ca l meo of Han; by W. ti Pear TM El.tw/d Log by non Armed—foot.. Mimeo earn Loaf Lou Omemooovalth, tram Jo end of A. wood peaty woo the dart of loll*. Ct og : orttb= of aarmas Irttb • Ufa al Triga; by D D—oemplits W lost. Ts as. wookolow meg •ad t % . tuaarr KNO yd market s•botonna ant &DJ. JrRECEIVED AT M A: hams. ID t a Stringet, or an Ezassalos almost Inland telt sad SIA by Xis A PridadstaA d Thad. so lassulty, tilos], Ina at do kind Is tM Usngsl guar, by 0 Oti.W. Tb ikt rd "" d and' VI oda ICsiaassi sad Cowes. pit ha °mbar. Tim Osslaset Binds, es itlanrA Bonnie, a ads of V= . 111 or do enlist of ilks Pp* bl 4 LL 0410 1 . Te VW. Msdasise IbrOssabada: _ • Tb. Pan wa• or tM Yank's aloud Oiss-ame rx«k. al IC A MINU SLOIL•I44It. 311 m RE.V7 HOOKS A? 1101313111. WV NO3 OF W e .Ta7 ArN=WLAT . := =ol yI44=AN by R. , 0 R Gus. 31=11.41xy, far I=Mo:cm • tiOvre. Num% Oastri,itluiread. Teo VaT* Weals. LOW WV sad ttA Omuta( Inurpg el 11A1 rude., rumnithr.rwanbTioll....u.t..9f l PAr ll ram otrals sal)l4l•lr7lndittl.Anwes. Wirt 40. NAVA .lAorttals Dream. • 1,41~ Pisnosal Magnum. to I Ways Ladre Donk ON.. rW.EAZFiI I A • 01 lan needy •sad be. Wino. illsdiart and `` W• O MartT on- Awls • KORSEII,(6 Foartlon. • oat orbs. • ECIVILIII at dr a a heev eaoseated CiaieM L Mediates; by P La.lemill ro-1,1 Winos . , Undo sad Lau Doomars, obooreatisso Ma as., cam e ossm, sompsoms ear* Of Ileaselatio.Larps' Closcom•••• Soft Twat, &odor am% 00. • 0 a small., and *Om Reds atuassak by W Baslaa's Damoodo blod•bas • voodoo Sik Hoe pro-, nubs awl con or tor oars, by rogvas sod ok findicisos obooroadoao o• Whist and OW SM of slam! Imam To stook to odOod • Doom. • oory dos me of prinobooosetwooroy by Wan OW ku. Id D. Fns an tbigradbolk odsboo, mak cooNoobissbio ' addidoso sad rum Wools Oa JOHN ST reed; Too O oado.„ N 01 gel , oo Bootsors me mail& id so -• if •-------- • Tais•witlasull 01.2 ETTI. isr Maim, Ned Ify C f Hamm • a ri a s • , Est Rohm of Odd demi Wee lay II raw fiessmsvialsal War isi priseiselly Ss Raiiiressf sass il =e. IsAmsdsVssi ssilassg estrects. Natiess d mow anis soMisloriaiisoll Wavy &sisals, with • gement ear slissoi rem rashig as Lumina. An snil Lbws two, sol*Ssims selection. Ws. fissigs ..tsioustiot elm Is wow is loom eel Lela* wild. Ilia • Lid st an. bobs pebillivi is tad essati7 oil slimed, pee rod in do MYNA maser. =ll st sawn. Imlay M Osows 1311 . riss....t.l N. T • . tw Ti nykww lemlwid by Wm Cabkm. •kw cayman mufti 6W 44 auel7 kw law awn. Array b. WY CALDWP.L. • sea lAN WOW S& rip4Ornrc i viholomitio rot. of actorßN° UM, MI Matto 0.. artt sad bso, • tarp omsonmiutt of pm a. standard allsimrst taw .4 Co.. amt., tottioh Ml: ll."A 7 r =mi at my WI stir. Dim* Omo Lair. Day ani Jeorato—Morm 4 sa itio ADM ott.asiial m. 0.. • esontry niloutto .11 WS it ic Mott ...ago is roll sal a.m,e mot of *don boo.. paiw sol Pato bsi k . parrlosay. pro. Os. pauly Mriago at \Own cask pouts tats la ouriospo ser7 • • 9 , 06 ANATONnt r lIIELANCHut.' last it " 1. Hilt all Ow binds, MIN.* add X seventeens Iler time pudAleNd a tZ 6 r . •es•HLY•eetkes, wmb.% azd satessetkok r* w 1 bledso•tH. Hosoneally spelled mod p DefeitriteS /weft lei* • “tilidel P.dessh Ibliewmg deee•Nd: • dm olatee,••s= y cinched bfu obil.. ad tbe amuses eissodeel ez• Mad SI us Kam. Jas Teed sad Ibrolisby JOHNSTON &STOMOM *al Reetsellen, eat mattes & so oomrtorl a irrocrrori l.•' med as hi J *blab .....a.— • Wu sail Ilbetcber, by UM law (N U. Um Owe as On Omar. wasabled two W W Marls. tia Wiseman. F • ••• OL NUM IioDONALD a DID:81:WD DI Karla &nu WW, a Oa Oiread Law or Panama) Illemakm Ai Da Paortato tb• Irma loulaDa: by •Do Lamootuao polo. . hulk Glat ot a um Deaf roots Jo old nail Claraanesi Om" by] yarns —ljoarbo Dorf oof Desslaof Dunlap; brio. X a ODD I Wood Do hums Dol tE. Porsamo7; MINA. bl WIT Doen-1 Taloa la Po" by ODD a • .11001 CS. . t rod 9 . Doom Ifraretaben latillhas Do a wail. Cbramoremo Tad i C k., ALIA MA. CommomEor meratal. Guam Itorio• amOol, foa. lamb of Maul by I.Dparl; Dm" mot/. Illoaosau lbw Dem. !Um Nu% )ma_ mamma ioy m•LI Vc L CALDWILLI, tt,rd et, oppiii• pod gam o ola !not t• •• a awn m. 0., &beet bap, Eikiapie.QuanneL • Oartrafra• saa, •um walla Goo Da borax P4l h•amy Haz u ksuillow Lam Oems GOON lamb is 11 a amp far OM Opus of 111ank=1, a •anety of an sop. •aium samba, pilau, aalis. 41oaal nbask (or ... by coil JOON LI AIELLO& 81 ••o4 • -- —•-• a ' MBE Wain leer rele Adam Or Joe city tot ari ale 1 at C F. Illizarto madme.' ewe* Gaiters, and Ma aro received satel culvMade na eforaren gam.Taee tran teamed ar Jere laanaiesor,by W w miaow 0 &area la the Untied Sa • Norleme Dom Cisurnes ud it, Mi Compel of N York sod Wean rapers of nWErU7, eire Mortal 0 ei• an. Tie prim ere dr 11113 elleaceorag 'Petal sod .1 klULull lit wood PIANOS% PlAllrt H. it Weal 1141,4 1' 1111VT6 1 ;i 1P W - tb - Ethaeesay M eziwthed et ell Mere, aselttw newel. Wu wall be then tem le us Ile A. tad how 4 wt. P. IL,esoll gay. Mae's, &tweet 1111, I 3, dee w eadeqWd, nale Idore'ela eitisees of Piithearge eel It that we hone men,' M t. H. Lieber est• *sue Wrea th P6+1.071 , 14*, dm , melee eel Pleae,revest(kwa whom they may be ob. tithed Moo owe (Neer YeellUweNNlS pee le CLAIM N.. YWk:Swe 1.10141-eell2da • • A AMENDED immanent of litanmaed MAA IL my, rand anios Irtssos,*.th Frs=.4. -1 In Label and ns, two*Aitstul ioNnrood Pianos, withOoleauta's emlabratel Ago/lon attachment, laidmr4leUmnssiso4 .r..tyloo.AA in • 4, 112.111/67 Jell • liloaddlnerseloneAl pAi1......r5-immi• M..grarf tare* Ira .". '''''"'. " ' UD tit rrerroCrroN. • Beelothenel bameenere : Nib . . wren of imbibed Mel enre be% Ceescrlc• ♦by • 111 fiedeel— " Ab• neel•111 be god, r.bu.b.e by • JAI. eV. T.:lAllid, AVTIOII TO TUX PTILIO—Th,, .0„,,,,0. Cbey, by Infers amuse% erbb 11,4 Tau Tu Op, Yu Oa quebeelve risk* ie sell timer Tu. Ja Ptheborgb sad •Ileyleny calm .Asy , s u ettemptlag le act dear Twee except poems me, I. pram:king • 0 Gawks •IA • hug usa dr b•—•adOtir euu rots fug me is bu•llidese , oat .A JATNET, TI Teniallleel 1.0101-41 11 ammo , : •T taw . Gehl alma LasarWstelsaatika ad by arhadas Ilrorport,t4/157.• Th.Saair aglow:di" tips atm reward by Maytag It at the Jae. MIT Om at W W W Itaeo, artraar af Nuke sad 401 OW at Jakaoran • 15...e.kica's Booksory, mast of asl ara on. . • 111.4. aT a 71011. NET aadOsaavallorialaw,ClNClPlNM Aotuo. Calaietri la eveilieva Oine milt Indium ad is gistatiry, vaaaaly and meetly avviaavi DevanDaalan te tai awe of 1411117trulai fev Waft przaa,avkaav&W. &c 110-4110 a w &GU & Ea, Gala, awe& Oandiaa, Ham DV" Mock A, Davi& . vDI IM;ROES 1 &411111 Iralavand UAW: k.Mat laa WONG OSMIUM •IP ,•!! Dva rued sal ibe Navel DWI eal a. la IL lc a •••• ss ma. • •1••• 81 =q1 ion Ow Latin Rabbet lama p MW s fae w 1311_11_1b"" ""r tosolo!1_.11911m8,11-1.—PoleAtir " W "" - . row MIA* 11041 , 16 LIMA= fulgess-a apiimm rika;.. llama sidsll As ilep no tarriri la irm boa 4 . • ~..-1, - -,r, • - • - . Matereighrtuilmigillatiesa Cap /tam saraWellai jaceedyevablijr %Lewin , abave Miaow fa Ma Oty,aeld enw epees/ lee de leepeesks• of tire Peblie.•A. lone ewe estelally eeireled seee.toWia air aod tape, of wren allweraiLos, War sod *spa which he 'nil dell algae nuy Wows teak prices. MILLI wade wwWWWwws with tee limed Howe or Beebe a. Coate, et New York, he wifl showgirl, oo Lod a All eeS their misbrand SilirM,llllk, sad Newt, Hata Oesairwomawy,thiee awl /Waal Lisa W . ELMO sad Bowe woweroctino; whit ha mill eo ell dime tote 'imam Io W h wwing. — lie Weis wowed ilut all woe will be pare WWI el. Wooten awl Ads. MI 12=trtet - wal Wart lee iscaeco , makal. He N Le do these refeeca. Dolls be brand.' DP *MOM &net the blown. pleb HOMO Hat ewer, ete et. HeCALLAM hilewon , . • •... • CI V/ I+lllllONlll MUM 1147. • • M'CORD j KING". • Corner of Wald end Pifib affehti: IlkrAvi remind dot/Miaow 11116;lowl Leh 11l they nipsigally IN•11. CM spill:Mir Of 1101' tam. son Ned elliallis.ffeasssil • • • •• MIST AM CIRCULATES 411; PROTEI7rOIL—Tba saanallor i Alt lambics ea Onorkf, On. rm. alma rnalwal &cambia =rl/ call wails. AinED lOLEPIL. Prodigal Hasa . • tat mew Immo . . FALL '11PABITION: . ••001121m toulvod Gun Nns , iart, Fag ayla a( Hass villick lava taro!. Be 1111. 4sy.Posrtat, Intel. AU tIon• 1/ wszt era 'leg SW suronwor woad do .• Ilea calf at 140 71, Wool. flow, deal ahn.llll.• 'Pall D . 4 ......oOgrltS boOestkraehe 111.1 1. • 11 be lauelseed• as ea Tweets' Aram 17"1. - adattenda irakidd ddl."X Ads. • ladable Hater timbemb oradfradreced of (guiding& lists ed 'drawled d 7 rade a tb• 'We u • ItEEVIL k • • • .. 1111. bead er Wood el 7 - IMO, VOA ji Jun . rtoolvad toe Moor tork, tie two t•erBl7l* for owienat or Sam, hYI woi Mato Poona Omtwore I Ilwo, isathOws. Ilia la molt of • boastitli sit noMoomm. tospeentily indid ea. will • .• • • - MAW ft. 3twoosbort 4 WILL/111 DO I• W rcesne4 a tnisk manly of Monad sad Boma Vim 5111 Maud espy ow alias. Extra lea 11nosei 1501 , 111 a 11.0 , at /In kW POWS .11a 53•51c0l mai p•- wawa CONTINUE" S=pdr..<4l•F7 " ...owe( tie lawn . 1,3 weed anosI.E.IN EXCHANGE BROKERS, 6r,c. HOWIT, a. CO., *Amts. szciaiusas micriczas; AND MUMS IN FOREIGN AND Domorno xxcuoior,.ceirruncrro or DE. POST; DA#Z NOUB, AND DITC/E; Pew* st, will appellate do Back M Mew* LITILIXdrr MONET mendrird as Drimmur—fit Clean Fat ,eale, sad acillmtaloas Aga on nue/ .11 Jae priac4al Gann in On Vaned Swan • Tan Won manna palii,for Sarno and American Dein • Atnnkine made an eamas of !mime, Ili aped SIM= Mend won ; made . _ N. aowass 1 sos, Mahar, WI Mailers la Itze taadis, Cats • sat Malt litotes, so. 65, mate? slutte, tirtairoloe. . Mete Itual Esasekes. .on Mel. Me Vat • ' jar. Ciatlanon, I d's. Pletadita,; de 163 iteleames, . ILM4 do Boned do Mum I NOM& !ounc ems Oast , • eta Co. t taa Orden, I dm. Wilma, . . 1 do lobe Plata edo &amen •, , ri di Peasylmus Cy. ido trartars • • . ae_• Mee Yogi do, ... /do is . Modena; . is New 011eso.„ •I do Mara, 3de Italtsd, I cbe . wall! WM of Ike MIR a we. A . Riy,.tate a Eris. P.) . ..der Ole !Mod of seepere eurr.al th , /a all to Nyack , . et Yon below Poe,* ession of Uhat, Meads sad JOSEPOCUR II H RY ILL WPC C 111. , Hill aad Wal V.. mend mm • • • DILL C UM be • litaaklat W ay So la weal f/lota/en ihraM , Lill paella hvavnalY• • await WILL. • UU. C. CVOMILY• HILL & CIDILDLT, aanzas a EXCILANDIE •D&OSIDES.DEALEIDA • FOREIGN AND DOMEPTIC TIME & MOUT • BILLS OF ELL-Hamm CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITS, BAND NOTES AND WIN. No 111101 and beim Fawn, west side DAD ?missal Clanaarynnaland an Orpasite, ondleanonn =Me oeaU tY prlntipal Mots intla Dana Sanaa • &at nano an •Pluladelplda, New Tact, 60114.11na CISCI.Zati ossainnUy far ' 06,a,ballana, [enmity, Vcquan and Pennrylranla Dank Notna,Wa& sad as &mania tem, EZCILSVCI LIVISiId. Gummy and Franca malls WILLIAM , A. HILL & CO. 70112011 ATI D manurne CISITWICATEBLOrG er I DEPOrk BANC 2110 rip, JIM NMr /Or. rar okres * hank Zola ./.14, oe • TWAP.II O,, P.. 141.1 WAS 112 ADWAILD SLIM. WILLINIZMI. di , a-Ana ANVERS ADD EL(34/01:E BR deal Bo Fascias .41 Doasstis liar a Erna." Ceni l•• caw of Deplane, But Mos sag Oas, earner of 34 wad Woad anus, din ffl 4 . lo . o fL IMig• , . .. - r , q . irN - , iic ti . ;, -1"7 way araisay. .: • ' UU" II" ' egal .- . • -... wept wen Maw tow& WlCiTligirAriffillertiTliebi • •A-].tend lisalsekr MAI Webm! 4 It will arrest ell those due:menus trinip nAmeerheattrt strike tech terror to the toted, Winne( Oer• Beware of all prevention palpating to cubit:2'3:i • Wild Chdrey,ereeptthatpunug the Mona. H Storavea ea the monde Wrapper of each beidle,,t• 4 • as they are none likely driliteto the ankle which they borrow emote, Read what it Aal done • 50.000 DEATHS lIY CONSUMPTION Weald perhaps be • tsetse estimate fat the rancid; •••• 'of lets deftest disease la • main yenta,. add re • the fearful catalogue of dna cet of I y Intane.`: boo of the Lam, He/northers Atthme, Comets !shoves. 13rnechisie,and other disuses 01 the ' Und the ot let woold p these twoeelationult n aa M donates. of the "r„t• , taley Bet It i• lap:cunt to bans that null all el this need wasted g eree , l i fe utgett bare Oen prenratellß,et , ; by a timely am of Dr: SW A Yti COMYOI.IIIII-'. SYRUPUV WILDCHERRY. - ' Thu elides ha. now been bean eau* attireyurs, ads the orteaal prepandimirr„ from ther Wild Cherry Tree Its repinatkee -u - remedy far Coign. Debts, Etroodote, sod Coss - sampan of the LIMO tamed ecifreiyapee lie tfIIME amnia, owes bet little to aaftt , W seesprper 4s. Thom who ',vs ac trial, &nag bend lea -^ • -fj• b 7 It, recommend it to *to aeighbara;sed thee, psdeally and sorely bent anted as tannin nuts,' ,7 ottoa area maid 4.! it. .ay foie sound Ina a.-V bottle weer Oita to am • aces, nail or while with faint atieetioe to the d ner.o 0u thei se. ; sesopsey arch bottneote nee in pulmonary dames, y c^ oflost steadies cod or the mat niessiac eats ter, Ins Nosy* mate niter, and la riny mazy • losUeemi tde elected entopten cad perremmen c' • emu. D. 391:4YNE'S Celetinded Campania Sr. upof Wild Chary. Read the MOS remarkable cue of Conemptiea everpliwed epee medul— la Soatots--Dear Ste. I feel it • debt of grab tede due te yoo.-emd • daty to the tamed gawially to • Wormy humble artimuoy in favor 04 roar Come : ported Slap of Wild Cherry. home three ping mace, I Inn mole-101y anented site eon and loam • •, , s; •• • •J matron of the nags, which wan annm panted welt • .47 c l e ge ene eig lo the bee end load ausalem/Adisaunge of dreams scums ' the Iwo, entesully open cheats ot mutter bowerra alight- At hnt I lett no alarm then my contain, bet nes petty 0.00 committed ttral Ism -• rapidly gang into comuunphoe'l paw daily owl. er,sod at length was namely able to walk shoat or etaffier; each eta the stesediet wantons day lase, Doane theatome I had trtee - Tyrone preparations aterpresenatem, bat Weed tae retn—groung all the time mine. Jan beret um adsamdandporeueded bye dear Weed in Wilmair. tont* mite ata dof year Syrup of Wild Cherry. I toast confess that premoosiy I hod been prejettie ed against Went inscilcutes, and r.,:0 Ninon tholo coonag oat of the hands of napless, bin t understanding year claims to the prafeerion sad puttee Of modteme, and Meng =plena Intl la the saying of my (needs, I torthwith ell. of Dr hbai, one of your spout, • few beaten sod commenced tin one. My disuse at Ma time um ale teeny a suety lire mouths' ritabdteg,, man. eternity was deeply meted. 1 found, however, eow• - serlenble relief trona the Mel leer or bre Sulam.— Sot beieg • pubtie speaer 1 fnqaentlt Attempted to preach web my rocreasiog strength anti thuthty , rapeseed then nestle UAL Dud already began to beat; in thus way, dotal...a, loyare ern greatly • retarded. to coanuence of setlng 6 t r bal napes- • deal) I bad to ate 12 or lb bottle. on I was' perfectly restonnl. 1 have no qnsima;.• guide , smaller number of bottles retold bare made me stead, bat for the above insurniem. The bythp allayed the !elvish habit, ail arayche ailltreourg be of sultry tette pulls - . Same of It. wee. nedicises we haveased la eat Am.* ha... 7 • rem. • Fie Immo. the RIPIAITONANT. the CAS - • bItIVATTYB.ud VEIOIIIFUGE, which art bend to • • he gaol ha the complaints they volute to care.. We • lumen Lake °trona the poarenmer, time sun's' of ear yaw:Mans totopeolotta hoes having. 10 Western • • New Votk,dtwalt, her awry days, thelhocateac water , _ of that mete., were badlp_ausekra, era violent Dew • ..• me and. Dywatery. Ur. B ladproteded lisoclf, preview to 'tonne home, leitloThe Derma...tic of Dr • /ay.," and in all tumor to we, among Amend. . • tote, it wee macerate he electing .sp eed y ewe. • , The Expecuirant we have known swan imams oar ••. latlesate Orionis with equal dct ual; and we feel dot •' . we WWI do • rood act to Beau Were -Lally thowait. t • nod se they cannot have acseas is ismordlate medical advise 'harem beep cohane both the Expecw. , not and 011 , .16111.1Ve. 'The taputotent is believed by rod phrociatte n be the hen recipe 'Ger ..I"tthewee7 C.',«rCk"=4; twat yet been %qte:.g. 4 apal.g aegeoksSo and able medmalpractitiour 0,10. Whaswilisiald ors !wed by the talt i tha ecte as: • OLDBN • • • .• • 'tjr 't • •. -Elbor of the Phil. taaassey • let hillitri= l . etch. ti:JUr4 SIORE.7, .D 1,11.7" gAittelgen.fleitpasl=lZ. 1.,,--:.7, eseioes of any other pills drat tin made, breezier . ." .. 2......;`, the The are ererrented free foam reemery. imoerale.rse • .'. eel Wm , sebstance whatever ttst canted:LADY-Sri WA, .. rare and " ' ' . •.'r Toe, are Sew, ptlla 11.110•11I0 COllOl,ll - SampazWa ..... , . ' to them, tad &their Is eembthed woe other . vegetable : .-..,.. .geep, ..xthe . combined tiled* of men old . ..., • ~. clean sumach and Jewels, perlfyieg the blood .as d ll'ehg Vb 011111104.114... , _ . . 11. lokez el all limes awl mder all elms. • • .tartart aid -ali.suie aid frauds, yahoo ' '-' • : irder abet 111111k1101 Utz' my lune Wu*, . ~ "'bey isibm axiom iliam urf