The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 06, 1847, Image 4

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    (Me of 0ur.,.51 0P9 1 2 1 14. 2 40140ara
Y : "e to account for
41 raw
the,aemattel of Pro:
-I 'Mecrintr;ok, by titrrY of his cotru: . :
try, Carlisle . . The ,following- silo°.
- mold that -gentleman jttay add , semi
• what to theLfindingof the jury in his fa-
In Our country the public. mind is
generally contentwith' . .the action of this
tribnn is They ; are the., last and only .
legidgiate 'resort. for either private \ or
Win Wrimgs and a sound state 'of
:Pu here,f
itoeiety will generally feel satisfied with
their decisions.
Hole far the Judge, . Who presi ded at
thotrtal my have overateed the proper
, funeti as of hie office, we'eannot under
.take to determine .. . . •
_ -
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It is very tme that so far as the Judge's
opinion, publicly announced eter the Vtl ,
diet; and since - widely cizeulated in the
newspapers, can go, I stand before the
American public branded as 'a rioter.—',
~ .But .I have the satisfaction to know that
':men learned in the law, older and wiser
Akin Judge Hepburn, and more erperi
.. °need in sifting testimony, who carefully
-' attended to the trial throughout, with no
~:interest in my, conviction or acquittal be
yond the interest of -truth and justice,
• - were withstand that my conduct was yin
', dicited by the -evidence, and , , that the
, verdiet of thb jury was a -most true and
righteetto One. That 'some mistakes
- were' committed by the jury in regard to
the - colored defendants,-is not to be. Wo
ndered at. There were, I think, thirty
_ six persons embraced - in the indictment,
of. whom ' twenty-nine were put upon their
trial ; "and although the counsel for the
defence staked that my trial should he
. , 7 separatid from' that of the ColOred de;
Ilk: .. ..fondants; on the ground_that the minds Of.
' the jury nidar necensarily boconfused by,
the -amonet: of testimony that: would
'offired,: . the . Court refused to separate.
.Moreover • the . Grand - Jury returned a
wrong name in finding a bill againit Rs
', ..Zig Johnsen instead. of Riehani: the
r 1
Traverse Jury were sworn upon the in
dictment thus found, and sabre (after the
trial had'gate on for some time) the mils
..., tike was detected, the bill; without the
consent of the Traverse jury or the
for the defendants, was sent back
to thegrand Juif, - kept *by them during
' -'- the adjournment - of the Court, anti return
.cdfinith thonime corrected. The -Pro- -
eteentingnlttomeyi with the consent of
\ , the , Ceaff; but withoutthat Of the defend
- 'nisi - then-entered a nolle,proiegid against
\ llichanl Johnstin't end the-trial Pleceea
edwittont the' Traverse Jury being again
sworn, -A--Mansfield could not have
I , kept the inidtitudinotui evidence in regard
to all' the defendants clearly.before his'
Mind, .without , careful notes; and area 1
. _, thin h '-inight-have been pinctled;]so the
c c ertai nly were in one or two tnstan
... . i ceixon the : recent , trial. With what reit:
eon,' fore, the jery . can be blamed
.. - for It entai l error in- their verdict, 1 .
leisytt, , all impartial 'men to decide;
' ... _ - eaptici y wheettia added thattheir at
tentionlivatterithdriwn from the colored
tlefenddnts, to- ta great .. extent; and con
- t.eiitiatednpbe \ myself,' thrtnighoto the'
-::. •- ‘ -
trust, Oilltncourse of the pleadings,--4;
1.. ~..Tho insult of this concentrated attention
was nYeitEat of acquittal in rox behalf.
111. 8 ?ellit 1 2 8t .a teare t o011i tkl ito W e re
not:aistain the : verdict 9 t twelve
.-.:, • ? watt' 14. tiiitatie4tritat :Iritagrity,—erith
nilit.-6f. whom IhsalitelhOeisc l ia r ,
flour: - .liiint . . ancerr -; :1. - .,„rdsted„ • d fiptl:pllk:
feciyillfill P1341;10'-*ITT:41
!..: Pialnitt'aie-',o 4.4 ;...!i # C 4ita gg i ; lte lt e tw
- ,.wliere frith d.iii ; iii.k.oy4i,effeir
. ..foilltrio#." 4- "BuiViati.
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F om tba Faisbiugh f,brisuas AANmeate
- • Although my name has beenteonnect
" ed . with- the Carlisle riot of 21 June, by
the public prints in nearly all partei,if,the
• ••• country, I have thus far made no state
ment ear the case in my own behalf.—
Notwithstanding the , exaggerated lindl
even ; absurd reports which gained cur
' rimy" before the trial, I did , not dean . ; it
• proper to make any'such : statement until'
the trial itself should . have" been held ;
.nor,had I supposed it would be necessary
-even then as, from my knolledge of the
facts,l co uld not rationally look for any
thineelati but an 'acquittal, which here
tofore (at least in other , than political
,trials) has been generally deemed, among
civilized men, satisfactory proof of inno- ,
cenee. But as I find that attempts, are
- - ritilrMado in certain newspapers, cape=
, Maryland and Virginia, to'
,=blacken my character, upon the ground
that j the 'President Judge protested
.-...:ra g airtiti - the verdict, leaving it to be in
, ferred that the twelve gentlemen of Ccun
,'„„,„ bell* county who formed the jury did'
• - not render a true verdict. according to the
• ' 1- 'evidenCe, although bound
_by their oaths
to dic so, I'deem it due to myself to offer
few Wordi for the consideration of all
honorable (not to say Christian) men,
' whether north or south of Mason and
Thames lino.
Without entering into any-minute de
• .
tails; I now simply, state; upon my own
personal veracity, thatsmy first • know-1
' ledge of the case was obtained while ac
' • cidentally passing' the Court House, at
about d•P. M., although the slaves were
arrested as early an 9 or -10 • o'clock in
the. morning that - I entered the. Court
. Home under the impression, derived
.. from a clergynian at the doer ' that there
. • was no sufficient proof, that the woman
• , ..and child iiere slaves ; that I knew no
• ' thing of the persons or character of the
• 'Claimants of the slaves ; that my efforts
; in the - case were directed to legal pro
ceedings and none other ; that no word
•' or act of mine was uttered or done with
• reference to forcible or riotous resist
ance ; that the riot was a source of the
3-4, l _profeatidest pain to me ; and that no man
regretied'its unhappy Consequences more
• deeply than myself.
•___, This statement, I say, is made upon
my own petsdnal veracity, which will; I
' know, be. a sufficient guaranty for its
truthfulness with all who know me, in
the Southern, as well as in the Boni ern
States. The substance of it was amply
prored upon the trial, and on that proof
the jury acquitted me, as no intelligent
jury .could have failed to do. I think
• that soy right-minded man who will ex
- • amine the testimony on both sides, even
as.given In the imperfect newspaper re,
ports, (that of the Carlisle Democrat be
_mg the most complete, though even that
- 7; is very imperfect.) will be able'to ex
' , plain it in accordance with the' above
I have
ve -no disposition to
..coinplain of the witnesses for the prose
, antic' . in; least of all, to charge any of
'them with perjury. My acts and words
I • were misunderstood
,by them at the
time ; and under a wrong view of my
objects, they, involuntarily gave the col
oring of
-their own feelings'so what they
• . saw and heard. All men are - liable to do
- this, 'especially in cases suggestive oil
prejudice or passion : and every one
knows that questions involving the ,
tercets of the colored race are of this
seri- In the recent trial, acts, and even
. words, testified to by witneisea for the
prosecution; bore a very different aspect
when Stated by those for the defence ;
thus verifying at least one sense. of the
maxim;men deo &est Una, 11011 eat idem.
Many of the Witnesses for the Comman
'wealth are personally unknown •to me ;
but I do not think that any of theM would
charge me with intending to excite a
sure that allitaimable men, in Pennsyl
vania, Alarylend, or elsewhere, who take
io do me justic*:; Thal bare beerkin. ;
kired,delmtist rine , : but I tutre
rrge,49 gratify k and - therefore in: this
gamma I hare simply deferukti myself.
To go farther, 11th - origin it might...tentl"
enlighten' the public- 'mind ,upon -various
itrange_ poi* connected with - thin whole
case: would_ : probably give rive to strife;
Which lam deternimedsttilarnid. •
My:cordial thanks - are due to the citi,
rens of Carlisliurho hive" shown me so
much kindnesi during the : : inogress - of,
this trial, and alioeto the editors of vari
ous newspapers in: Maryland and Virgi. :
nia, :as 'well . as. in -Pennsylvania, ,who
have taken the pains to give' both'aides
of the story. - I trust that; nott'•inlY'they,;
but all who have :publialuni z aCcounts
the trial, will copy tbia,itatement:
Yon tv:McCurirtic
Carlisle; Sept. 29, , 1847.".• - •
lt CEk'
ERSONS afflicted 'with' Serial*, Kin& Erill
A:neer, Erjelpetae, Old Soree,illeenr,Tettee
Meraurial Dresses, or a ny other eoloplaistrarishoi.
from imperitier of the blood, are requeitiat to . reed
the following testimonials; in proof of the loader ;
thl properties el the ebdre named miditioe.•
the, anderaigeed, eiritad: Mr. leene
Bieeke;:ii, at OA dace_ of Memo.-Homed - arid
Walton, SiG Market 'street, Philadelphia; consider
Ws ease the =stereo:who/dame we have ever. wit--
~• . •
H.diseasewax SOROFULA, Sad tenible•mast
hero beon ke tweirelears' COOfiiCt with the 'de;
'sralate,the eroiroreofethismouth,Nelejtp.
per Lip, and lower Lid of the Right Eye hire hp
destroyed, Fate nearly Catetrup, and put of
Jaw Rono•earried away: And yet tre..eaa grr an
desenption of biome. . , •• '
Mr. B. internal us that inlanam laat, the whole
interior of his mouth, as well as most of hi Drat
was a masa of deep sod painful alter.'
On the 14th ofJarrnary !set he commented taking
ODA, which checked the disease in a !away', ass
rem that time thd cure lus programed without in
. .
. .
New flesh has supplied the place of the . deep al'
Cans, and though badly diadlisred, his face
and his moral health is Tied. I ,
We are ,assured ;quit
,the treatment of Mr.
'Brooks' case, no Meretul ,Oiatmenta, or Caliatic
applications have been.• needr-mi fact, the PAPA.
LEA ALONE;hai wrought this wonderful change,
Dand Smith, Becksenmity, Pa. •
Charles L. Rowand, Meadville, Crawfard 'cora,.
.J. W Jonas, M D South Second street, Phita
Jacob Lee, Pemberton, N J.- ' •
_. • • • •
E W Carr, 410 PI Fourth,,abOve goplai st, N. L.
S L.:retainer, Pa.. .
M Maddock, IS . North Eleventh at. Phila.
C W Appleton, frl D 46 .South M. do
Ilatothy Caldwell, Marion co. Minoan.
Daniel Yeakel, Chesnut Hill, Philadelphia
Joke Hamed;39o H_igtr street, Phila.
William Steeling; M l),Caradou,N. J,' • •
William Hat ,e 378 Hightrett,Phila.
J H Potter, ftlartufactorer of Mineral Teeth, 109 S
• Ninth street, Phila. ~. •.
L A Wollenwebcr. - Ed. Phila. Democrat g 77 N .1d
Gnome SV Meer. Brash ZiLiker,3l7 Market. SL -
Ezra L'am,ls9 Client street, Phil.i.. '
A D Gillette; .Psetec of k.leventh Baptist GharcJi;
John Bell, Eno Etzerist,Filliklciphia, (Nprth Amex;
Aaron Ssods, 154 ilailiarine Street, Phila. 11.
Daniel McGinky, intolerk Alley, do
Andrew Sweatt*, Camden; N J. :
R ti Evans, Wentildla. • - -
Rickard Odder, 40 -Market st., Philo
John W Ashm, 60 Smith Sixth street, ' do
T S Wagoir,Lithographer, 116 Maine street; do
B J Kemal, LW Eleventh street, do
Peter Sken Smith. Editor Native Fzgle.
Joel Bodine Glom manufactamr,
William Stet:l),Farinington,Van Berea co.' lows -
L B Gales, MD, Bastin:Alas. • •
Rome Canfield Pitisiologist, Philadelphia :
Thomas S Harrisborth, Pa. 4_
Peter Wright.' Market - street; ,1 kola.
Jarocs W Newlin, 104 Filbert irk , do •
John Good, 114 Soren, st. '•
Willie= Line, Neter St, rald'sl4l. E. cb.Cedurioe
S!.. • • ' •
John Chambers, Pastor Ist leap. Cherie, Broad
T L Sander; Pabililter or Pledge and Standard,.
F P Seller., Editor. Ohre 11;leek, Doylestawn;
arid Bet by' ftwilorad L Walton, Pro
prietor., 376 Market E ad L
Phtbdelphirn" K E Sellers,
67 Wood st. Pittsborp, Pa.; Wm... ho 11,=.613..
ket sti dn.; 6K Perkins, Marietta, Obicr,twiaton br
Sherri, Maysville, E Y; John W Daninbow
Ohio; SideE & Reeve., Madison ls7C Noble t Loss
rale, Y; Deverouek & Pellour, S. Louts,' Mn.
P H McGraw; Nateketarllsr, - Hardmnr, & John
stow Yteksburgh,' dol,ChariesJenkiss,New °Heap
IS now universally achno.bidged to he the:lN
I. FALLIBLE REMEDY for Kbeirrnatinn, Spi •
nal Affections, Coniaactiona of the Moides, Sore
Throat and Quinsy, laraasiOld Ulcer., rams in the
Back and "Cheat,_Agna_in the Breast and Face,
Troth AChs, Smalnst.lttiihrs, Salt Mown, Barna,
Cretin, Frosted Feet; and all Nernst,* Lhsessen
te-ONi the application or this moat WONDERFUL
hIEDICINE in curing the moat severe easenef the
diderent.lhie.arei above named,—atid the HIGH
.ENCOMIUMS that have. heed bean:mid upon it,
wherever at has been introduced, giren me the right
.to call on the AFFLICTED to resort at once to
g7The faculty nails in stememeading the cele
ated Estemal Remedy, limes Liniment. •
The failowing. letter Nos the highly Unless%
Physicians who hue been attached to the Mount
Picas:rat State Prison for many yews is the boat
esidsince of the nine of this etleloated Lininint,
SING SING, Decerrner 26,1815.
My Dear Sir-1 received your note of yesterday,
inking my opinion in relation to Hoot'. - Liniment,
us prepared by Mr George E Stanton. Knowing
its composition, tod basing frequently used it, 1
can recommend it to you as a safe &Weal Reme
dy, and in my itilnion;thei bent Liniment now in
yei,gridigind respectfolly yoors ,
Col Pierre VanCortlandt, Croton Maapr. T • .
_lfully concur in the aboveminnicos 1
. , Youctosia,Jale.l4;
reply to year letter,. I would say that, t
brie used your Fraternal Remedy, called Host's
Liniment, n my . practice since you made roe ae
quainted with iu composition, and unhesitatingly
say that I belicte itto be the bast Paternal Rome
dy now in use for the complaints for whi ch
1 you re
commend it. Pabst - - pectiollp; •
Geo EStauton,Esq. • -" . .
• 113Rmong the amulet worthless articles and
Mun i to i ripi e ttia t
n are try =dl;z i th , ;:aLtr imi treil i, n u tt il y
,po iornething of reapubes! Wily. somethin g rant
plc, speedy and ..l -Meerut its:operation; sad at
the same time free from those inlOfitlßll etleeu
which generally attend Perweifol remedies. HP111.41,
Liniment, proposed. by Gee. E Stanton Of Sing
Slog, though it bale been but a short tiro* befoul
Out haa already obtained the confidence, not
: only of our . moat:weal th y . •and ialluectial citizens,:
but,our most eminent- physidons. Ail ecknowl.'
edge It tube a smudge beim for many of the. 4.4
that Dab is bed: to, soothing them/sing Ilniti,•and•
by its genuine atimulatingtnibeence„ banishing die
case from the system. . •
Mr. Stanton--.SirSieing year - advertisement
of Hanes Liniment, I was induced to try 14 egrets
on my son, who bad been' cripphici with a lame
back from en infant; and Itiarrigh gratitade I bear
testimony to it wonderful healing properties.. My
child, who IS new fire years of nowle a fur
way of recovery, 4 .. Yours, die., ,
. • Porr Orexce,Tountail, Nu= Co.
I certify that' I rim "per . sonally acquainted with
the above named child„sual think tke Giber would
be safe in saying that bin ten le simian well.
Nor ' • - • DeportyPostMaster;
P. S.- I would also stite-ftratit lure been for a
Cumber ofyesrs eukect to frequent attacks el the
Rheumatism; lithieb in' many: instances prevented
my attending to my badness "Piro or three,appll•
cations of the Liniment iovertibly• remove _MI Sl
feetions of the kind. • le eases ot braises, sprains
and scree; too women:CUM,mentlon it bail I. this
vicinity proved Curtain remedy. ?Its value can
call bo estimated by those who have ethic
This Ludtanot la schist "i 5 sod 00 centipet loot
tle, by all the Principal, D7'intintil and 'bfarcbarda
Whokok Agotatrini Ndd "York. .
' RUSHTON & Co,llo tirmdway.,
Alt & SANDS,corsatfolum and William.
ASPINWALL, 86, One. •
' Order. addremed to me at Slag Sing, roams
be attesda4 GEORGE E STANTON,
for ale In Pitlatnitgb by-LAILMS, Jr, mid .1
1E1017,& Co; Alleiroatry City,JOHN 9AEUENT
Illatidaabaoi,JOHl% StdITH. r
COa pY.e! ""'T item.
-.Dees wetness weigh nor yew, bean!
Or palm iflict your Wenn?
Try / 1 4', 4
awglYe sway aloud
':.rliamespreattoderilwo goal; -
"Youiliealthmay, yit be *WC.,
- Sereipiailer avid( kmity !
' ' MAMBA' sinhologay •-•
• • It sweaty spathe iFeitttit!s dente
• ufirtmilt446:6ly. •
Thi;'or i*(lo,nii 'dare
• 1 siaigthmed
Imilvtiett it tilcone1,(0110•071T9
• • II
•• , •71' , Dr.Daticaa's art well; trted;
optity IlisAyAnsiebuirviA
"niVsaf •
O.M Ncuktiappincg,No is 41
41,40 0red59 irtittellis valuable.
soolll' - flitiiiiiiieii W Wlk . JACRUOIh s eaNlt of
11 "tii4d •"•"'-'!'4o•Warl'
-Brial,o {.l4l4i t i 11
c 7. =l'. CoMP; FIRM itritgiMPLr . ... M l - r. -
, , : - .11.„ ~:". . ..4.,.. ,•,..., -
Commend) , qt Landlana Far Aide ttMIA FAIINEX.
TOCI A 7 , vormycl , l4ll4oo ri.:ignirrllttal
403 A Ott . -;'' - 7,- . :3,;;,4 .; ~ P ‘ . '' , ;' :- 7.., : . ". ,, 1
..4. .1..“:: 4''k Ff,;;•%44. : ';Z ! -`- ‘,..,; , - - ..,, e -,--- r , 4 • .z.• - :1.1 t,--->Va''..;--5:.-'AJ.I-iji:iliV,;44klZ7•E•AY4',,l;S"'-'aIWOII;I4I.VIYX--igAtt L lft
.f144;af.,i'L,Z,V+..'r444,44-i3:z.FailltiOr,.."--ra,l4.2Vriif,o,4P-0411,, -,,,4 k ';'.Z:47 , --,-;:-- - - "Vs ,, :., - .
... . . -
SAitS'AT .
11,1 i
Mod . WiTnnylngtry . Ardrseule in the. Wpect:,
p a, p aQa. ib% : Litt Motu..
et, phsbasusir, ant warnateit asstriof to my sad. t, cores
Hear iithbat utiahltearsteass sickoce or d.
Tha griat husdliand superiority of thisDanatatilin Ofsr
all ot ti.., ludku. is, AMU lindieum Disease it Dracut.
mis die Beaty. It is me of thu , sery bust DPRLNO 'AND
tiIUIDNED.ALEDIGINgIinsr.kasma n o t only inuida
. the WholCsysicer sod streadtheas lh. mum, but it Crean
hh Pesso.setsi Dick fibuisfp apart rptmessed by la other
fa this tinthe grant slocialtuf its masdethil
nem.' !thus pmfamed wilhat the jped hio Leas, cube
than .INXIO :ttirtmi at Atrant,Cama pima.. at lent 5,000
Of them wuriccesidand lacusibls.• hiccup..
tCaoo •
calmer Chwolia Mliamissima
maiol Dppeptia
ino map of Chian* Debility sad .Wast dr Energy;
7,01Xl cases of lacteal rewals Campan/
Weems bf , P.ortaa;_.;• - • • .
I,soilessus at the lAser Cosupdtbod.', '
4,51:11/ussui of Mimi. of th• hidosi 'Drum;
Pslichielsti cmiumptioth • .
Anallsousaisda of mum of Dammed the Blood, ye: Ulmer,
licnipells,Zaltithwea, Pimp:am dm coq as., At.. To
ga hm with mosierous man of Dick Hattlaiew, raio us the
AfcCtioas, Au.; dm.'
trt awl,., adoll appear ionedille, but We ban
lelletrlnom phpienukniatir van: (min al t puts of Ms
llailtodltatta, Labraa" Its of eatnerdiaary eons. • R. V.
pm of the mixtumpeutabledraggists in Ness
stir, N.,Li labium id dim he curds,' to more Mau Idu a.
1411 in plam aka, , Tbs. an. a... 6 of aoss io the
Csty New Tat, which in mill CeGir to wilt, plemune,
of chancier. It is•thw best Wealth. Lot the
I . .. Wife of dime.. Imovni. • It amiceluelly sand the lives
. .
~f,Afa Unmans Ili. P.n ..ilea! .
,its iLnismill th. awe of-datose, ad prepaid th eol'is
th. Saar - sr mace.
• .-.' • - Uatxan. Swains °Moon.
' 'Cui4:o; kl7.blollikath or win Naimoli, 'rail( dein,'
and mom* of lb, New Jewry Leglititurei hat kindly cent
!It! foliowina certiftoite. • !mils its own way,
!Lawn; 2.5.1 .e. 47.
• Art since was taken wilktlio Infiwione„ aw
NJ my wink
galas Falba • debilitated wenee / wawindiwid to try De.
Towswitod's dantapenili, tad akar tang No or ihriu bet
, ro7 touch ralicistd, owl atnibote it kutizely to Jr
hare antionwl takiry d find that
1 Wynne every day. 'I halide it wend my, life, and would
not la widiont it Ndcrany twoolawsliam. ,
- WeJlitc,Linut,htit S. N.
i't . • .
This ocri4Gesto cooduoudy Nom that Chu Barialorills
los podia combat am Ilbo•nicot <Antiwar 4iieure of iho
bkod. Throe pro= awed into how t. unprecodooted_
, . , •
TOIIIIIIXII—DeII Nies I h armthe idmistre b into
you,shal &mot my child,. have ban eased orGenbrals ,
full b). the use al your excellent medicine. .2liey were
adlintel.rerymeeraly.eridi bed eosmi Item milt takm Gar
.botileaL It iook ,them wrap be *inch 1 Gel smelt under
deep obligation. . Yam, prreethily,' •
Tins Yolk, Mani tam • . .
Dr. Toontorodlo SwoopOrfila Is • sorsologn and spord.o
rars fro. iaolpiost Vorsoloptlon 13ametomo, Leotard., or
Wkitroi'obstrooted or diroolt P.frostroali* Inocatioutoco
of Reim, orhorohoolary &chats tot s o 4 and tor pa
trol woman., of oho mreoi—oo batter smother the result
pf Whored mai at emu, prodilded 7ly brecolrrity, Meer
or occideok
• Nothing an be mar* aphelia* than it. invigoiatneg 'ef
fect. an
.the h : i -•Pareons,ent and haw
Ades fro m taking 'I, at cote become rand and full uf now
under its ing . . h immediately amateriets the maw
Imam/ of the fristuti'vrhkh is the snit moo of bar,
It will not be ' of eh m lee' or ea dettrate a at
rium en efthibit tee of GUM performed, but we ran
tantrotho afilicted, bundred.Ofiume. havebevareported
tow: Beaded where fweilies have boat without. child
fter min a w bottle. of
itCraltudde meibeibe,
mare . brt bled with <slaty uff.phillg._ .. ~,
t 0....
Dr Tbsconaufv . • y wih being greatly dietremed by
...abseil wed general, detiftityi 'and udertq contitotatY •
by pat . and • ecesatiWt or baits- doion,'. Ming of dm
womb, sod with other derteultiei, .1 Latin kglPai t 0...
where your
clo d hes ilfetted great atm, and alsolmar
ling it reoolnatendeftforrisehesersu I bare deseribed,l obtain
ed a • bottle of •your , lhttraet 'of harmpartlia,, mut'. followed
the din:clime moode rni •la a elect phod it removal
Wei coorpbonts emil restored her/made Being . grateful Eir
the berate ithe waived, I take pkessere in ohm scknotlg
lag it, and reananeending it the pub' , AL D. Moog;
, .
../..y, Lug.l7,l6th Cor.of mad sad Lydia. 31.4 ,
- : ' '''' '''
' 2., ' . GR. V.,: eirt. Z 1 . 4, In%
'Dr' l'birunird: To al whom. this y camera—Tan to
to cmtify that my' wits used oar bade .low Saptpuills
=wt. bee GUllito{l
ortmnaions,= t1tda , 23 0,., ..r . alarousg and
T zt.
11. c . flte . fee y t, nen .
, all . ec a ttut, and " limy n= '''P' li f ti n ta l.
whit had mud a, area was ~t he to try it, With Mlle or no
faith ;laid dam it ho of the i f Whim re
bid and
desired elfeetoot only*. d e boon of ateaftseseutt, after
the = 0t,.. , : i .. , 1: of i . t= d ro p" % a l n i ez
health i. nww rU ' ei tied it had boat lic..aVinter pre
. • . ~ . ...
If this war be of air 'berme to you or soy' oslo .
doubts the samosa 11, rossikure, rock ors eidiell erskarso
. ,
I vabgeribe 1.7,11 t ram mart ob!dmt
s ir l'rracit.
Theo Este at of ,Sartaparilla has bean etpatssly prepared
asfertas• Le ask total/HM., No Haute who Wro.
eon to suppostshe h.pprrarhmp Hot siitisal farad, 1" Ms
turn of IV 4" should tweed to•taltr it, as it- n • arms
prereattatLn any of the lemmas sad bmible dime. to
widish koalas an subject at this 'tire of lift. Tbis period
soap b• damped' fxraratral yews by mast thisastdicase. :Nor
tst H. valoaltte to iboarwho are appraattday areassab.t*,
ss it is estrdstaal to assist Want by quids:mg DAIDA
nod iatirdatiag the systast Indeed, Ha matkuto tare,
astral fr •fl of tlw
. dslicata Lasso H whit gars an
lrtitas the 'shot. p 1... alessaii itinaides,DY lb. sat •
rat - tasiviss—by 1•409.4( the hepatitis. of H. body—ealt
to fir Ansoltaisp H. system ss to praises at at h•edp•fl ne•
humans, whirl tb< ow of rsiostandietaes Dans for female
Imam. sad Hoene .
'• Toiwiro har• pde roewirsions, d.4erqhfoikbaSo m th•
twit; roost sYDY'or raLswo owlet spirits p
• bottle or tiro. of Dr Townslown ginwriardia. if will
doom pow blood, maim thit Doak. swd bitlews, ue
Orr you sails:elem. orwridlog ease fuse spirits, wad tirdoisfsil
owripletlioo-alt of whickrued Warms. kilos tirwasosse.,
. •
at fluid m medicine Ime ever been %ravened - whale: vs
early remake the genie joke ar eiedia in deeempueince
fool sod deverlendsy the nom of dig..., em thes prepay
rattou of Sarawa;
. bl.l Ihralnarrerr. Albanyalley /0, Dia.
rk . r.trowend.• relr-1 hare been nkxted for mend
I 'pare with dyspepsia in its word rum, restednW Near
I, nem a domembe, or appetite, extreme Manias, sod •
ost enema heal kind. of kod,and K. usage iwiat
mad ea,) Jan been amide 10 nun but • wall portion
"on my Mounds. I tried Ow moat remeedece,' at they bad
ha late or en erect in removing ea complamt. I we. in
acid, acne two mato abate. a ky your &hat of Sara
' purls, end 1 must say arab little con•dreice., but area Mar
=:r‘o bes Wee, round my alepetete reputed, ..d
entirely remote; and V woad earnestly teens
mead the um or it to Mom who have been alined ea I ban
bees. Yours, V. W. V. Zorn,
lire 22, Ibm. •
Alt Orr A' m INA CLEffinesefabend.
• Kat the brain , end dabt if pan ne, stmt commisep.
tier esmot be and. TIM Um* one orlbe menet bandred
emee Mat revetment% Sansepetifk has mode
Tornma—Pear &r. Isem latm a Ink oriv •
nse 4M, villa eerere comet and 'pais a ley ale. ll' in
ced on me q uack in I mom nummed by phi,
micas to an th no n seem er ptiow L-1 raked I.g,
Win of bed make, had night 'emery med staking lam kat
may Jeebw nid he _could du mashing kr me. I was tote We
&vital in bur of bete( beseelitenh but war pronemeeblybere .
es Venable. I ma new ready anemia al km hew end
mad hardly breathe; I ma Lenam enameled, end minded
to die; ma waned la my bed, and vas hoe
emetern . indeed I went gen you ady demriptien Wel
WOR.Iii do uke. to my OK. I WWI hammed by my friend,
to Me put Mi 1 bad tried • pm number oil remedies,
ad ell maned to be to no pupa. I mad of mem met a
treardiemy cern performed by year avidieems, est' to ter
you thi Ltatley-Vevelvemet kiesm was mum bambor fi them
Bat I was induced w try it • I did .' . ansl me very thane fui
I did. I eident my tat I am meanly ear,.bat ten m
manned ew to ,boat nay biota.; and hope to be enure- '
lyeall in a -kw Ina, My, cough and yam in the Mk,
end meet nerd, Wee left mc and aim sot very little" and
am 110. smieded my emel firenith. I klt it I duty la gin
you• ftessment of my nee,tepubtide If yet pkwe..
, • . . Pane Bann., 47 LIM. st,krisoklyte •
• • • . Opinions of Pllkistelanil. •
Dr Tamohe nib abonst flay notniog Orden Gorr play '
oseions in different put. of tIA Union. . •
TM, is to ernify boo too. the osolonkned, Pbyriehins Of
Ilan City of Affinity, bate in moo.. CUM peeocribed
Totontriorr Wine it lobe one of Oto sew
ratable ptvpitatltto of the Sonnporilla in Itot
r• •
it Wtt.tow,•n,•. •
It It Damao,■ n,
P 6P.anatinotn,4l De
Alb. l . eym 1, 1e43.
This is b fritjs , that we, tho uralrasigoci, practicing
Thootoosion - Physteuro of the Gly ofAU..y.Ym lirroprat
prerrnbrd Dr TtrownoDs Colopoorol Extract • of Aar
r l VV4 — ' 4 .6 l ""ar,nsevelt:6l7l . u ."'""
oterTitt ot of of the aontrtioeil seroodint WM in
• W Atottar, r.
^ Kt. D an. Tr.
Albin Aril -1 1.,„„, , s „. Builauc rehl
tiletr i Wrtats t• -' •DrGA e South/I North Sor
ca.( Itheedelphir; If 3 Homo, , 041 2 5.4.; nod by
=l.4 . ,frogpo!c=heyqb,ou tit! Deate•31.30.,.
iddine, odds pm ap in tic Imp mum bottles,
addsh contain n Tort and •Vdd uldr accrddcastro
of 5 I' TOW/CdadD, aid ha nand blown on the
, From the Nom York Daily Ewen. of April 9,147.
the 311.1031 S lesterdn. lt wat
thetre *l rtaitr e dlT ".4 , barrarntrille Tdmesod
ITiliarhole thine in ird.3313 in good tame sow of the moo
d.. 31 Idndsddld.PldlunisFn bnldifidglidahr IdVdhc*dtt h .
the eadl wok,' megold, ginla inn, sonde • show
rarely equalled in Brachny. • ._Nrc take this opport.ity to
any we berate this .retrad of Q.: Eacindtrilla Own. the
•my great inadineity Mos mulaintd. •
• e.o.m.- • t
_ Nervous Oita
• New You, &Web:17,1847
71)y. Townsend w.. 1 hese bans Ittliettd more or kw 'for 3
yews, with • dread abiltin in lb. Ont, Liddinow I. the
6ew4 l of appetite, pals la 1114 Wiry and generei
Waned on on Jambe by the eaPtinalal head end cold to wind,
hal =ION to h mybsrheo as e dyer. - nue talus other
I medieises, too nowerooe tO enentkm, but With tilde oe amp.
;eawt: vs Wooed by whet 1 tea ha the peper In Wye bottle
paar Sweepteille, (raw which 1 Eland mad relief. ban
eine. haus erveral mord bottkei and 1 an enhanitattegly ley
!it I. OW bed 'enedkineTtewa ewr tats —the paw h, ml
and le ewe, wear! feel quite n different man altapthen ehe
1 beee Beemperills: • I bare vow a bow anetitn
thaw ~I had: lid) , Wl* kw taken It with the limed
-261 reeitle. , l wadi yowenwend It Ps' a Tateily eiedieine
psendly, end 1 fens =winced that if to wed there would net
ba half the sietwitie Own hi, endeteenently not N . away
Peewee bath h while it restorer a Is, at •elet thee to
Ibw eLeme.h ind bank thew .
is replar ;It l eap Igeb).4 •
111 • bodily Witteo how o that ds not bolikelf to shad the .
rota,' Ault to sillbore whoore not in Willi W 6, I ay.
47Towneadte fietwaperille.• • •
• • . Twang Bain, 7010 e et,
Canker In tballinotk.
- Beim idaedm;llll,lTovnistiVi
Sarimprilia Maid {he lira of iboasevii of childtaik.
Tba kollowing .certilate is stimuli tam • grelf."¢mber,
• - • Itsw You, Ayril2,llbl7;
aadric.m eery
delt altletia Maw ia as ositth oral;sitaded frith
p&batty. , Item as ieyrl Arida,' Me at
et Maine, sal hatred it directly, kw nhkh 1 en
am maks) eta WOW, • • Noon ,
Lunstarn Trotbss, SIT/Names st.
Far ale by IL E DELLE7B9 Drama, Non Waal eti
beam M shet • 4th sty, who ha beat Appointed by Dr
TOWNSEND ed,i;Agnot fw dikylsayar.,•..jstiditalyF ,
ISlis suidocksterelegat &Ora,* beliapairst,
taket , solution etebesigolly imartmade bef
o rmars tbe suit goblin of der funet
= the; arr ' reTtr hdrt4zyou WNo l titesdr=
Moth Ose table eyeesfel quo Mu:ma Darkly `'
Fa t stnayth totesUs tesiroseful Almai,
b Fat sole by 0 A FAHNLYFOLIka oar
lot pal
' War tad Weed and etlr— ; ; , •
• atoksox
io iik= d zmkan,
.innvidnaus and Whedesllealen in Wmehes,
WAUCb glasteesand andmian /elyers? of el dpecip•
liFtt, dualities And styles, cowman the snicks
rimed with the:nude.
Meta; Dixon 4. [vu's Braania,German &Immid
di{ver plued Imes - Shedield and Birmingham plated
Ana, article% Bidgers ikßest , s mtd Womanhaltaht eat
key, rasonciscissors, eraser., desk Astive,Ahn,
handled Sabin, nudes) of the Sam, medulla and eon.
lion catkins. *.large assortment of gold pens, ctn..
focal 'petunias - 4tantee crunba: and lapanned.unt,
•Sarisits shapes andf; guilds., at reduced rate., gold
match e11..11 and silser ofnll descriptions man ,
&wadi bolder.
. • •
11 :r p a l e C413 ar 8 id N eratuood k. M ionswarthouso ""agv raterly
by• Mean: Arldntrat Son& mad recently
Ashhantillk Putnangte ,n beg luve to Inform V.
"Deleckfannhara mut %Yemeni Merchants and others
liou•litoll deal= buynnen all dines an aseartment Cl
Goods o their ownisopeetatica:Whici they are deter
ui toilet the .lowekt •
.I.l7`Every =Mat= *ill be podto e Indi of
Goode and in the . executioner elders, the ll qulinei es
prtees will be fully gaarsottied wont all corapention.-
•-• j • J . ...FUEL, • •
No.' IN' Nora 'Mid Sired,
11011 PEW STRUT. • •
.••' • PHILADELPHIA, ..-
HAt3 ea head, and wana/hetarea to odor, Awificial
Flowers, Peathets,Tarlatanotad Pate Cyr, "A
da& Dreg. Capaillorders,Cbltands, &a. ,
And every description of Fahey Gdods,whieh lie will
ell at the !awest market prices.
N o.—Peathent dyed, cleaned, alyzed, and hhaded.
. LIDO WA •- • •IgilL' B,
fi7 'Nona Winne, fiskno Rsoounish . PIULADELPRIA,
0= V" T. th4}tri
sive, and they feel ,ecattleater giviug satisfaction to
dare who tell. They have nose cut hand—
Whae Wietet and Rail Oila, of &relent qualities.
Rohr Oil.
Winter -pressed Lard OR •
Walter Clephant mat Whale Oil.. •
Refined, Racked and Common Whale Chi. •
Tanners' Oil; Ppenn Candles; G oa noe.fie.
N.H. A ug lods delivered la filn rata °nice. allld.tst
lea I.l4Nwrl Second Sarealvbilladolphla,
MAMU!. ACT URER and IM ot Lqloi Clem,
.Rdles and Pistols, Powder Plasks,Rlost Rags, do
ne Fins Powder, Pereonden Caps Shot Wads, nail and
ziank Canridot, •
Alse—eil - rrel Revolving Pistols and materials for
OmMaker's me. •
.Wiens made to ado% and - repairs neatly executed.
ur e r . pr,ved,.if deszd,
. .
WHIZ Hammer po=s==es many adTantagan [MCI all
J. ethers—unong which may he mentioned •
Iu Manageablencato—Therapiditlty and frAenr blow
may be controlled with the
nd- ffreatest etura, while the
hammer ifin operation, athe hammer say be in.
"tautly arrested , and 4111.1peoded at uty leiskt -
11,Ungentaallty, or capacity to exeetne work or an
kind=; fret thelarpg m the =tallest, ostler the ISM
tweirnplicity,CoropuctrieCe end Cheaunese. •
Its Ateembiloy upon ell ludas, by the workmen.
Anti= bummer. are untie Etelf•Acties.
The subscribers continue to execute ordereYor there
arum's, of all Axes, upon reutuutable terms: -
:For Anther particular*, impute of
rturirproxtrof the Patent forthe United ewes,
drol&IY • Youttmark Foundry, Phllad's.
dWIIIR6I, 11CLING-1017018, •
are. atyk sous Front iimcsa;
Bad. of Wilma's. Cabinet Wore Money
A . .. ..
1U .. . .
LL orders len iviilt S. S. D.. tbe offito or tbe
/SweSaritiii llinel, PhisliwO, will be protorsl.l
intended to. THUS-O. DERRY
- waxier fAcr # ,-__casca AND
M i t HAMM aGIICM.2O Clam st
pousetefode, foto of tholes of Offa l *
Wawa. reefeethtly fake'w los Casco
otta theftethha, that he hoe, sad VW keep
coostaitly =load oat Olt ale, loothooi aembovent of
oshitootblt Cenical. Volueies of otthes mad deteripticets
madam orekr at the ohortho tweak mewed to
tbe qui hed sooner, of othototiol. feleff/ly
Wathifigioni ID. C.
ZENAS C. Rollllthil Mechanical Engineer and
Agent for pthearmag ante, will , prepare the• ne
tn..), Drowmys n. Palms Mr Appbesets the Pal.
timom.d tra.smet Wrathy tontleas in tha line of his
proles...Au the Patent Odin. Ile cm be ommambed
on all question retinae to th e Patent Lets met dent.
awns ma the Dann &awe or tame. Pe me. at a
distance desire. of haring. etanba.ons made at the
Poem tffmee, odor to making application for a panel,
may foraraollpou past rack's. a reef lee dollars,
a statement of their net. when immediate aura
eec will be given •mo it, and %lithe theme.= Om
nald ...hied by a visit or the applies= in potamorl
promptly eenonameated. •
Ail keen Ott buinetts sear as post paid. and contain
a nattabk fee. where • 'rotten opsnioa sa ronaiml.
thin . P. weet,oppeone the Paolo Ogee.
Ile has the bins of referring, bgpnwisamea. to •
I tom Edmand three, Comegotoner of Pawner,
•lon 11 t. I , 3lnrooklaio do do dei
II Knowles, alsrehtlest, Punt yang
Jake Colon, Washington, D
le Porte, lilasaaetomsetts, US Penal
Don. W Altro. Ohio, do;
11...11111ewlin; ht e, hloomri:
, lie.. Willie Ilse, New Ito*
. line. Robert Stramtkiall C., inmost
Dan e !Irene, U S 4 Santee
Don../ It Rolfe, II C. Monad;
eapt.ll 11 Shrew, Atissearit '
___b}ronat Drsoks,.E•q., Pittabseel. • • . myth
REMEDY—Wmnited to are, or the mon.
ey returned. This medicine is prepared Irmo arm la:
Keempt, obtained hum One el them is the Pd.
West at greet expense. Thom who tare bees
familiar with the. Indians, know that they cm Aad
de core Venereal witheat the knowledge of Misr
eery, Balms, or anything of the kind. The of.
ffieted . hero now no =city of being eared
lotion mthe o'r • This medicine's
p ro Mamma to the tante, sad leases' no amen , on l2me
Prepared by ROWAND4 WALTVN, tied wild
ettolecile end retail, by J. T Roamed, 3761darVet
street, Pb
For ale in Pilule rib by ft Sellers; 157 wood
eteret. mut by We. Ttiereje/ /desist et. - '
Helms—made mammal approvedEmaraparta—
and twas tathionable Eastern patterns and eoleta Alan
er made to ordered all krona, andarall {trice. '
Coantry rehanti arrd others are Invited *eel aid
examine the gore for thentaelvasoa he seld
', Oedemata or mall, and a Itherat deellehon made to
PROM the very-liberal encoame
:. , ffli f t e teen the sabteriberhae received since
be tutralocatedldnuelf le Allegheny,
has traduced hen to Wet a lease, for a
occupten to Bea, r b Lr Y ee=tet a
t e nt P terte r ei b tre ' ll
Pratt vteitatiChurel. Frani the tans experience to the
above bustnere and • desire to please, he /ropes to MCI ,
It and receive • .hart of public p
• N 0.,, band and &dales to ont=kaway Dug.
en i apes, and top fluggice, and eVel7 . de•Cliptioll Of
Cernagel rude to order,
_front rat:mem-five dollars to
sightheneret tecoStettl ' JOHN SOUTH.
T. Jones. pals. Chemical Soap,
Ln Olt all kindle of emotions arid disease* ot the Skin:
r melt's/ rimples,lflatchee,lialt Rheum Sullen neat ch•PDal or cracked likM, aml for an other dima.
b. of the Skin, which mom aziamal remelt* this
Soap stands onperidled. It also dispels Pratt les, Son.
born, ilprphew, Ten, and Menace the color of dark,
yellotr,orandgerd slay to a here, MC117,7 . 001(01,
clearness. A fresh supply, er gnawed denims, and kr
sale at the reduced price of 37/ per cake. Ms 11wt boon
reeelmd, Is offered for sale by SI A FAWKES rocx k
Co sm.. , 111 Pad wood and also at the earner *tilled,
f iE?iT ruestaluso GOODS, (.1 whole
-1 G TODD, moufasturarshasuls, No atl Wood
- W., sip wain, two door* below kul, Joliett the atteatiou .of
pukka's", of Madams Ywnishiag (Mods lo ousakek of
taw sad fathiottabh pods, wanahoturad Yperir 14 ow
owo mks, warstata welled. wad giro maufsetion;
sod we would call the alkalise of purobasaissal our onto.
man N moo MO of suporfiatSNo I Troy latitiQuat roaksd4
ass a 0: With both *die wed stripe& of
aussy &ecliptics% Yd prim to nit porshaaws;
aoollsom an of those Pool Thracedilboma El*
tie Sospeaderi jot opened With Tarim sorlsoad prima We
would solkil Um mils of eurchatess Who are ha tho habit of
Penh timllantllda.tss, to hall and
make oar
gook, as Int an cooklatt , ma tar as primrose Co..
owned, tea Woes th ee to Is 4 bid lama as booth.
as oak.
• Patent Blook Spring TIMM. --
N rE.w . ',l7lloo,ll4 Vek ` .ll!,=:ll
The superior claims of
this This consist in the tan.
Pimativo nun with whieli It may be morn. The Did of
;wood Way neatly balanced on springs, yield. to Prey
sue on any pan of 1 and thortmghly adapts Instif to
Tony movement nude by tiro. Wearer. It can he f rom manta Intermission, until a enrol, elected. 11.1.1110‘
sm Mem *Reis mode arrangements fotthe soinufaenatth
of Mete Tabled. Thaw, 44 Impormi etre, In Fiala
drlphl.,:ibd 6.11 , 0 theta now Annie athheu othee,No.
77,Dmitbfiekl el. nese Stith, Pinsbmih.
Villg a t 4" of
bands ant far paptcs and parcels °fere ry
description —lO an buten ate ea* be placed wand..
batiket of papen holding them line at the mama OWN
knowing or addition or
al redeekion without tai l tote, tor
e . . 8e • AIN 0804 at
' • . Dr. McLain's Worst 1111Prafies
lis to certify tint, by taklaa easi vial of mesas'
J. McLane , . Minn !mike, a of laasevtaiirwhi
Owed vont,* er 70 worm,' asid Isy De Deaf said
isaillaine • child of my awn passed If lam worse—
it hi , tnii7 ,6B NW - urressar wars waielne
see. soul raw mails vials.'
rorsale br D{d, Nee! ow Creel, fin*
- 11.1.111p—,Ima por
0 6y r i r=t i lu v re.:;;ealtOposear's"
S e D
.? )TU1'13601;03 of
,Ziackulu sad misusers leaeraltr
-.. • .
libbotriPalters OloteriAlkiiitay oily MI 1111/11, ha
We Dellott_lomonot Ibt Si Yee on UM maw ; *wood
ea Bee.' mu Geuiegsod aL paherso fade to order.
I . l lll l 4d n aNt i ostrf ga tleee a r - 1 -44 b at i ta .
.al reeelilegt ...dead* et tette at the Whie
sign ' ' fq.PO 4l ; 044 "I
4!4-t. , A , o:Til*
:LIGHT STREET; -- BAL 1 *oat;
Fict iv TlOUTlK:Pnliktirx: .„•--:
rims eratishilait teak lid widely hangman bem(
flame of Me mcsicommodlens in Meetly of Baltimore,
Lan recency andurpne very extensive altendions mid
improvements- An &Mire now Wiwi bas been added, ,
to , th .t,i ne muumuu and airy Magog apartments ; sad
Wearies bathindnarm. . .
Tha Ladies , department Mien been eomplittrifre•
and fined up in • most mime and beatuifal
.- In filet the whole armartment of dm Hoene bits
• remodeled; with a angler era on the part of dm'
' torimon 1 ... a. the moron and plemare albeit'
wens, and width they, marital,- me n will ehal
nCeatjerme With any Mel Mike Union. ' • .
Ir le will Wray. be mpplioll welt deers sub.,
manna! ind loamy whech the to antes affint_•_wmreil op.
le a . ,imperlor style, while Ii the way of wines, to : ,
t„,..,.0„„„„....,,........•„,,, ._ . -
In ainelralon Me proprietors beg to say; that notlnnt
will be left . nodose on their part, and entire parte! their
,Willtagic I. tender this Hotel worth! , .the continued
piactas ,,d e c tf=nd h axd . the pale gettersq. ,b ..
elloter peen :_ _ . ‘"°.°`.._ reduced ,
11l 75perdap:
: fi L :rem thdi en_ _ .s?' , ".... .. —. —lne . "
i N. - U.—The Hasinage liagena of the Hoare will el-
ware he timed at the Car and likeamboat Landinp,
Which will mum) hag:mem and-from the Hotel; free
of elianyv . . • . • - • vuV4tr •
Olllo—The enbanibers hiving parehased the en
tire Interew of Cot.O 11. Witham., late of dna well
known wutblisloneal. beg leave to suns to Weir friends
and the public itenetany, that they have taken this
rommodiona Hotel or a Lena of year. and .1611 exert
Weir best energies to mate it a . dewvable home for Trav
ellers and City D0d0,.. ,
The !total ts spaedons mad admirably planated or eon
venienee, light sad air,' having 'a windier of parlors
adjoilling pmeming unseal auraewana to
The present propiieters basing bad Ibe enpeneneed
years 'nails city and elsewhere, bope they will be able
rjtille Pllollltatufaetioni beteg delete:lined 10 give
rided attention lathe haute 160110.
The location of the Pearl Street Ileum is anent-and,
eligible, having from on %Velma and Third Oh
go that it is equally destrabl in view of the consal ,
rain, of busmen meant retire eel fer private boarders.
It la near by the . Hanks, the est °Mee, the hlegotue
Itall,Odd Fellows Hall, and butane moue distant Rom
brain street and two squares from the City Mao rob..
of greatest inducements, espeeielly to country
merehantii and generally In ell permits 'Wt.* Quin
nati. ' , JOHN NO
mann JOHN 4 DUllpH r
Clll4ail if ii\ atiiiiiiic, .--
Charle Strut, between Rubel Ind Lombard
Iterates, Baltimore.
aTrot subscriber having taken the above este!.
liahmera, offers ha services to the eldlens and
piddle generally. • It In eonvenlently !situated as
mend. the Steamboats and Railroad Depot—is in the
midst of the more intensive Importing lionaea,and in
Wt. the location ofero to those visiting the city, as ma
nly roovenlences and cotagnts no the ...chervil:impel
• The bone meow being lined op with new &inhere;
Is good tame and style, and will be open to the piddle
on the Sd day of april,lB47. The proprietor trams that
his unremitting elms to please, anti wore to !dm a
portion of the pablie patrona ge, resident as well an
ironstem... W W DIX,
• . _
Italumara. Apn It, 1917.
A LLD/ IiANY HOUSE,IIIO Market sl ,Thila
delphia—The subscriber Hasa of dui Washington
Hotel , laborgh, Pat) tato§ this marled of in
(aiming his old friends nod the pabhe generally,that
has taken the ribose rimed HOTEL The House Is airy
.and coutforrable, and boatmen extensively altered' and
and the promstor hopes by • auto* arteution
o lboaineas, and a popes or,. for the =alert Of ins
guests, a merit and receive • abase ofpablic plumage.
The Mose ia animated vary eovivenieet (elle Travel.
l 'i ggtZ4 4 T4l:P27l4l:P taro sW l:nr? " lZra
iho Balurnore and Reading Depots. ERAHLINU
inched to Ite premises. Terms, par day.
Allegheny House, Pltig. Augur V.l647.spred3m
no.lo eltittall, MUM, P 10211016.149.4.
Sebwribers, tinder thci firm ofßazwas &Want',
. L
bane purchased hfr.Joneleinterest , n thliesiablish•
meat, and hopeby tho strictest at to th e wants
and comfort. of their roasts. to merit eontinoanee of
.the liberal patronage harctodne recalled by its former
° The home himbean theroogbly renowated4ind repair
ed; we therefore feel sauced we can - .relocate oar
friends and thepahlic to accommodations equal to any
In the city of Philadelphia, N W nitILDGM
...)M , f • JNO WEWP.
vhaelamiath .
Canter Mala G a i t/111 1
r•IIIef establishment Is now In the historder for the
reception of the Traveller rate. IlasingWeder.
tone a thetas/01 repair, dame the pan winter, and
baring the wow experimad men in the west in the
rations demesne/Os, I falter myself that all will be
pleased who Wt. The location is eeetral.Oontioodiats
eat Fans II per day.
Umenmati March 13,1547.• W E mAgn
N. B,Altlosts not exactly a nese Elmotn, It Is the
same—w ant W ittad the old beadle. . apkr
pro+ .
itt: Timor ofthts king established bone, respect.
A rely kis scram es 10 site c limns of ortti,
and wilt a dowel( to render condonable wbot
mar favor tot with then company.
Ttdo poi . whieh bas Mal been • favorite ith
ibe Preemie , Deelero or 14121114,411.1611. eso ittg
season, present a tortes tell! for Owls operations thee
Manama, from the rompetition of the Hail 'Rota to
I ndionspallo,3o miles Ember into am ben esiointsepon.
Winri4ilot . . OD FITZHUGH. Froprietor
Laml A avUlei Ky. -- -
RIS TH ROCK al 0 KT ON Ind/ aelosalit
friends that be again lessee of 'the GALT
111/ 11 R R, lcaiaaiUq [).,wade he bows itiment all
hat old friends, anent( theta' wad the pablie, don on
tgrj."b 4, be gated to mato ali comfortable who tir , or
loot with own plumage. Jaalldly
• ronsura twortase•
/TIDE be aniele known for elesonue and whitening
1 the Teeth. strengtberung the pow, ...Woad the
breath, Ye. It Would be used every man anti • sad
brink, and the teeth and womb witlonly rapine a nigh
wubin t y in the rooming.. Wet the brush with wane
water, or
r eald will answer, and rub It a few-times on
the pis., whennoon will adhere for anantag the
toe& It Pelee. d.b.a. taste is the mouth, at. mm
pate e won delanddilfragranee tone breath. Issued,
unrivalled as rt pleatent,efteseions, <:terminal, and
safe frothier_ it ta warranted not le inmate the we*
bet. preservethest.
BY wand m etTabwlT, it will remove the tenet sod
prevent us arcatualatsta--prevent the toothache
strengthen the soma, and prevent all daeases of them
Chemorts,phystetans, and the clergy recommend it a
decidedly roper/or to every thing of the kin.: in sae:—
Ask Ibt Bateman's Cesspound Orris Tooth Pane, and
observe kis signs.. is attached to each pot.
iltemosended by Dr. etude, ihl Droadway,Lone of
oar best Detnists,and by roost of the old establiaked
ones in the United States, and ever, Esernively toed
by the Nobdity of PADand lad Fra'-ee‘
• A lame proportion of the disease. i hatnfflictuttutkind
arise from at,. dente/dawn of the stomach...bowels,
which a inane asp of the OW% tie Lomeges Incubi
entirely obviate. Persona of bilk.* habits should al.
ways hove whoa at head, and take a doer whenever
they feel the lean derangement lather, health. Ajadi•
elms We of these Lozenges mould prevent thousands
of eases.
• Foroles: WM. JAMON'S, terne,o( Wood mad
,Libesq tle.t3
*DIES Who Use Lboutton Preparodklialk, are
.L.J often oot aware boor fnatirfally ts to
the skin! bow nurse, hoer rough, haw sallow,elloys.,
and anbeakhjibe *km appears alley aunts prepared
elate A. it Is Johannes, containing/Oruro term.
city of lead. AWYe have prepared a beantithl r getable
article, which we call JONES'S SPANISH LJLV
W MTV. It Iv perfectly iooocnnq being parlfiad of ell
.deletennas qualities; and It imparts CO tho skin • neut
ral; healthy, alabaster, Wear; living while, at the tame
halo acting MA • 011uectio on the skin, making !loon
and stoooth. . .
Dr. James Anderson, 'Practical Chemist of Massa
chusetts. urn "After analysing Jonu'sfipaa id, Lilly
White, I find it possesses the most Delimiter mut mu.
rat, at the same time innocent whim I ever on.. I
wrtainly can conscientomsly recommend Its am to all
hose skin requires beautify tog."
11C - I"Priee. 15 cents a bor..
I urr Sold by %VAL JACKSON, at his Dais and Shoe
Store,fa Liberty street, head of Wood, at the tire
the Ilmllorit.
. Ladles, ladles, I'm sunanished,
- .Wheir you krone that you are promised
A natural, lifiAlkcointroy white,
That yoa will mill um common chalk,
And look a deathly yellow fright,
The theme of lastakter and ortalk.
If you would ••• • box of lONVS it
and. at g t iv he e sa ne
ski i n m ean
l a ea larb ad rlmyeat
mn uietr a S w old h l a e t
••• N'S, Eh Liberty st. Pnee all cams per box.
• • alllicted With Ma u ls writhe Lugs.
... i y is to iertify to those afflicted with the sent pre ,
mitnitory symptoms Of Consumption, that 1 have been
laboring for *costal' years with a bro4hl, soteneis ef
the threat and heamenea. I used many medicines, bet
founds:et relief in any preparation of medicine Intl 1
REMEDY. r have been mitts this saleable medicine
for several leapt, and always find it le inlievevehens
evoil make alter it. Aly occupation as .13 Aacuotr
ear, which keepi me almost constantly enicaned, causes
nip di.K.SII, at times, to become very alarmirig, when,,
at once procure this medicine. I therefore take plea+
sem ur making thin politic abutment, that others affect ,
ed with a diseast of the longs and eaPeelerent orpnr
may Lem the virtue. of Ws "all healing remedy?
and may be eared. there recommended Ile. Doneares
"Expeetorant Maud) • to many of my friend', some of
ewe their lives to this medicine. • •
.1 menet,Obio,Oot.l3, 181.5. JANES lIEWIT
e propneuu of the above medicine world, also
rot to the undersigned persona, rola. wade in Perry
twenty, on whom any person may cell upon and be
convinced that there ere nnma Amend In the above
medicine that cannot be excelled:
' David Ceibenaort, Somerset; Dr.'l3. Stone, do; Finn.
cis Gabber, Jackson tp; Mr. Lenore', dcr, Cleo. Polbon,
Seidler 45 Jared Darieen,_llerrell tp. ; •
eoero street, Cincinnati, Ohm. ....•
Sold in Putebingli by „Wag. JACKSON, EP Liberty
head of Wood street. I .• apledkerT
Pennons, Nay 17,1817.
Y AST !Watley !Jaye a teaspoon 101 l of B. A. Fah.
lAnestoek & Coo Yenallage to my bide girl, who la
between Mar and bee yearn old, and daring the depths
100 , 1arma wanes, rimming awe 11t foot id
• ' • tee l etta Ile eteets ea ibiseleld, 1 then gate a lampoon
fall to her younger Mater, whosnurappaleotly well, mid
she parent :17 worm; of mood -
Wawa:sake?, Pladdebeld street
Prepared and told yAIINNIMINPN CO,
rorner Ist and wood. and mood and ••=4 leg
• WllOSEtuearwera eau equal punt Look'
oir roan wire, with her brightstiouy heel ; Look
at yourowa,plued trith'enwittata and blotehost Yet
you .It.w Iwo wean W pre el! y COM' Pa • .all• dd.
great lianas Cbaukal soap, wale!, would ',Surly flea
you flow them, and mike year yellow akin clear wed
healthy. - (to at awe toluelowa'a Nora, Litany at.
lquatruih, sad cat a
M 7loll ENUlN l TOto i t= " Jk in wate l'inab o u golf
SO noel lased. is the doorway,
' , IM' MAGIC ICAAJAVA 1110 AP—For Am.
spats, tleie.,er Mute Croat Aothee,
w i .ttemc, ae, lA., de., ead maderate the mete
will? , l l da slur. bdr, den wad spoken.. -
fIT9dCpffYhd..JACKHON,Ie Liberty aneetitead
• Ad, at hi II: Dit. and adm. "AM Ave of Oa mg
pirparation cesonniesies • pecallat - aode..
lightfel Savor to. Sal UM"
camas,' nal= Imo ZV I , PC
AV.', IT 0 IBES..
allasIGIR01: I POSITARLIII siewr mar:.
- /84.711
• CITIII,-itilool. tseasSiSisksr.. .
.SIIIIIC Lyrae.% method of eihylsig Led. by thlsitini
J . published Lse,' Et yew so well Lion% h do.
WiPtiOn ......eeeft7. Goods are we toneandon tie!
wee, Ibis ail transhipment °rerun Ladling is saved.
• The Boats are of Igi s !.9otead performs Lltairtripri
in frow six to semen
The capacity of Lc ertheases Weida rim . none
uy,puumnemena made tires, Wireeiviag,stinine i
adLneesTree of dams.
Wag telly prepared to mate sales a( Rediee, we
respectfully when consignments of western .Finer,' .
iwori, Lard, Better, Cheerio, Wool Feather, and wher
lunette far wile,. w wkieh liberal advancer well be
nada and other wag! haloes &Modal, pledging cor,
selves thmt any bemineen'ettnested to events be as
mo o n as h is tens s ae by nay
'elver promptly - ; 7: • aff ai larrN e k. Co t . 1
1111.aed Market a, puled" .
FIT Tim Vaal; rowrAsaa B. LINZ.
Sala : : < 1847 . .:-. MIME
to use epstrualonef = i te . Moen Pit
o'. ,
V and the Attache Citiesi • tranahlpetents on
the -.way, and the ecomequent rink of deny, deentee,,
breakage mad eeparanon Offloads. • _ .
~ -
- . BO= k. °Asa ' -
. . .
•a: .
• No 1178 art strati. Pliiiednlplun
• •- • • • TAAFFE k CPCONNOR
Oor Penn and Wayne . il& Pittabargh
.CPCONNOR & chlloith stree‘'Malbmorp2 As . nt „
& 73 Booth td,:N. Y.'
• Mombasa by increased harborer the :Proprietors
have added to their mock and intended then snap.
runts during aslad an ISM prepared think
ward treks% with nieslatity red dispatch jussarlOOMMl
by rimy Mel UM. Their long espenenee as Mitten.,
the palpabbsoperiority.of th e Ponabfe - Hoar System,
and the pear capacity and etionthience of the.ware7
booms 'moult end of the hoe, are pendbolrealeals=
led le enable the proprietors to Mid their eltheatethe... .11M
end accommodate their comomme—confidelyogen
be pastas a gesnady for the future they. reirtfullY
eoilen nontionanne of last patronage which Y nnw.
gramfally acknowledge. •
• All COOSIM.CpIaI b Mite & Manner will be recd
and threrar Wamboat chews paid sad Utile of
Laddignanarailied Tree of any any • fin Cinmuntion;
advancing or Mange. fleeing no interest bnectly or
Indirectly In Mearaboata, the intermit of the 'consignora
mast neeenntin be their primary *meet in mopping
way and they pledge iintosenes to forward dl geode
consigned to there promptly nod on he non admin.
aeons tenne to the owners. •
March 1,1917
MISSES 1847. Mh
Ten"Fß'Pl4ic arc r«paebhl l / I nfory ea tnuo.euoe
commend room on on
and eentlone throrghout tee mason.* I t
I: Inn=
have now placed a nuticnor class of Nelms eau Rail
road Cain on this roue, with- extra mewsweern,ons,
winch will give greater Maori le tnOrelow
A Packet Boat will alum,. be in pun, noel. me.
cling patine are requested to call and annum lino,
P re""l* Fra r gif.VTATlOna L ms..
One of the Packeut will leave the humeri, torposite
the Unleoll kit5...1 1 %.14, emu . Penn street and the
Canal, every night at IP o lock.
im E 3i DAYIs.
• rts tnCnrnialso ePPIV air the odic., baldmaplutsia
!Imo, Water street, or to D.1.1=11 lk Co
mekl3 • tor Peilit street so/ %mai
MILE Boatmen's Potable h oot Company being dm:
solved, Me Company stain went Into articles eV.
partowshin coder Ma name of eke snowmen's Liner
and likewise agreed to refit the Meek so les to have a
retnaber of Home in the impose of tarrying gOods
thmagh in from eig to eight days, with certeinty—end
feel encoereged by the liberality of last year% patron
age, to make more extensive *mugwump for the on.
Sang year. - .
We would therefrom yogoectfolly solicit • cantina.
use of Doi finmerpattonlyend teleran new enstomms
to those we have dam bonnets for. •
HO AAAAA 4 , Linria,,'
For tike traosportatioo of
iLL RCM, • Or- Menclisitrlsg, TO Erma
'PinisorLenfs,'Llsrenconn, New You, XXO ;Axiom
• Corner Masi mem and• Canal Ramo. Pinsbargh.
• No 3M.Marter mese; Philadelphia,.
• :ELDER, LiELSTON & Co. Agents,
REFERENCES. Bahanore, Md.
, .
, PITTSBURGH—Jas. MeCoßy; Geo. Morgan a Co.
W I Orllrk Co DA Sampson tr. Co, Al Altus& Co,
PILILADELPUIA—gforris Pkterson k Co, Reynolds
McFarland k Ces Root Rigby, Yews Vermin k
Soo, J Risphent, Joseph Orem.
NEW ORlC—Goodaserkesqrsect, Perry & co. _
DORTON—Rand, Card & Co.
CINCINNATI—Adams & Cres6t4 W. W &arbor
PI ' MASANT, VA-0 ltd...
NASH VILLE—F Fleming. -- •
merchandise hos NVert and Dorton,
consigned to A L Gedlan & Co, Pllibsdelphia snit be
Proongly formordor lessor ocsen 'Wen. -&115
.11WM -- 18 47. ageiws
• 07.:Ifitboat Tunalgreeett.4:l3 • •
Good. consigned Moarewe wt lor forwarded wok
om &IMO the current ri nits. Bills of. WIN,
transnittod,' and MI testrwilnew prtniody artendrd
fine frogs any earn chary, for storake• or ernsunicaon.
.Address,or apply M 6A MeANULTY Co.
: Basin, Pinsbergh
orr.l g a vory lame and eanmodions loarr bore,
ase ! propaled to reeeive (m addition io ior
hoponent) a taman as of Plodate, ke,on Solst o ooll
for mina '• MeANUL Tl,
PICKWOILTII i.01;r111.1111S.
MIL I 8 4 7 elan
E x - cLu til Lr ''lttst i ll'lfirvg,l"
lawn, Hallidaymbargh. S.reet, Petersbargh ung
all mon thediere places. .
Chic' Boit anti learn the warehorthe ore A:AreAnelty
tha; Pinstuagh.enCrY d.Ys SnadaThl nnd
steppe/me. Shear, depend OA anemic their gooda far.
reankd without delay and at fair relell
7ltie line eras kneed far the speelal aceoannodatjon
of the 'ray heath., and the pit/pluton respectfully
solicit a 'there) Aare of patronage. .
- • ;JOHN PI VOISZ W' OHN brat
- . - -
It. II CANAN, Jobomoon Agent.
C A kIoANULTY &Co.rittobaroll
. .
• • - •
J J M. Mein, John Parker, lipberadoore, itaraley
keesith. Foam. maA
11101 ER ADD 1111CRIBIN:141.
lmz. 1847.4 MINA
lignabelog eassmoctif iy ftsm nr liT i l i ekspiti
and Heaver, and
Li= sod Imo.= Oust Bows,
miming Bessecaod Abe aMeriostaning with
c gem% Une of 'Steamboat Propellers and.Vossela
"th'unk"' wil l
o f
predated !*' :t ' it " r
i"g*Cl.l"*" RI Canal sr:/ Irk - •
W =Ve * frete ' fOglt r iy fka cmlIV ingllghlaAlf Pa. 4 "
sengersorith prompums and dlop i st., th. pnwkw r
and sews fripectfolly solicit from their Moods and
pablac gescrally Mir pat7sire. •
C PIC Heie;Vmprieor
IREHOS,pARKS keo, Beam. lets
JOHN A CAUGHP.Y, Pittsb'gh do
Cor.Smithheld sod Wate”ta opposite the Nomads.
sahebs Hama •
W !Meier, Crocker & Co, New York
Gm, Any Baal*
F. N Parks & Co, Cleveland
Jur 'A Armstmog & Co_ , Detroit
bleClare &Willkams, reilwookio
Grimed &Poner, Chicago
Wm Poorer*, PometslovraMenna
Geo NaeholmYro,Evanshtunh, Penns
John Mdantou,'llsonsume, do
Wick & Acker, Greenville, • . do
. Craig &' Framplon,do
Hays as , Plumb,Gbarnsleargh; Pa:
W C ?Mau, Moron, _ do Cunningham._ New Caele,Ldo
l Arilt o 1 840;
C. Hoops. T. R oluoond t Co.
CLARK-E• 4 CO., - - -
orwardlac.t.Cionteolooloa )lorelciats,
(so raven
1 71 1f , 4 0 =r:0 0 .7,:futprepare.d on the
earliest openl of canal' nasigatentia raceme prop
arty at
,pitiabe and Beascri and &beer the same at
c h nt e res ., 4 h ri ti t u le cartal=l . nort . letza Eric
enable rates.
• • . . , , .
The proprietors of this line mlielt 015'6101nm of
Hem former nehmen with confidence, knowing that
Weir facilities aro second to none. •
Apply to or address
0 AI llARTON.Agt,Pittebargh.•
• /WI T RICHMOND it Cc. C ecelang '
lIR dua
Monk of lism venom. of • *labia don
TLine of.Doats arid Ci".[0W...1 by th.M.1•.1
which are la good order. The nnenbere an arena.
red to byword a large 'enmity of Moran/stars oad
Panne° f ish certainty and dispatch; • • '
Plodan or Merchandise consigned so any of in on:
dersegned. fey:forded fre e of IT! duange fbr eonego•
Woo or maga. , • -'
Bills lades( Danualned and all lipuveponapninatli
The' bachicip 'of ilds lam to conducted on nthell,
Sobbothteeplog ttio!lotel. Lim
or apply o,
t Co. Proprictows, .
Outal Huth, Pitortthigte
HARRIS t LEECllircopricum,••• •
No 13 Sethi, Third went, Pititodelpida
No 111 North Howard street;
No 7 Wthrthreot. New. Yak
and arOvo Owls oesi monng nun for
Kinn Wei rook Cleveland bone otigut, •
Posocageto wino onelpiontunglysoenng nun
% g o. pules, old lon inn Pogo, on ant - MOW
on board steamboo Beam, Venlig Putatoug at
anon, a. ern the neon •
. . CLARKE& Co, Bann.
• _EROS sAunvin; Yong:own
oplll B
w pi TAYLOR. Warren
Yi fa
in tuebeiw
WWl:Erma %Hon lac p
unMusa: ut nimble PLASM Of- I
me an
As lon Corni Mt
' 'actr 7lE-. • 044•1141gsaittiaie
j ,
•.‘institriA.R . noitarrao erhOWE,T. VOIL ,
r . .11. VIM • • , • •
CUL Chidida irdaan craunesea r Incr. Dip =With haifianomed a iani
calla to Aids .elay,!. leaving plus ' skald weal idaddres wdltake Gaudy and cry ar
b was Wirer
Utita at 9 eoloik_, Braver•atil o'clock, wanre.l' Barka, hafarahrriie is acenal anch kos Lona
oath* iamb Pinata* and
Ba n LIM of Cul ger, aPot *Moak an Gra hard Weak Nu, nap ia
04 Beam, Warren and emelt BM Ihrasiora - ;,•-••• . •
ekod lee Canal Packets god Palm . Coaches , EntamAxy egtgarumaata:
-dNew uly a Warren ud Louie.* the Wed, aoat wow isd effete! rem
c.u. La g Groureilia,Pal aora e.o. ap „ay, whoopiarktrue, Wish
to Meadville .and Co's Llano(
Etago Combas - dad arr./dad kin'
s, hum as isZnirea nada 04 did ad AV r inneet
sec Awl,' an Go. mire ddidaddd‘: rap" IntodatiZererat Goniant bias ism ban aold
0 It HA ETON k aubarga
.. CLARKE fr Cn_INT . - • Mda and anew. They dose* eareaud dry •P Garh,
latuder it asy:groutraperlacatiers, allay ihe arida% :
irratim sad mune . .rhe Imam. aka :auks eau. .
lacy sanaderana a raiNiiirtrialai soot valua
Bac ble repa
anigissadionnea vita, nadanatedly unman ro
Padua anaphriata,'llandrede upon hue
of rieree tom ewe Abel of their +evader-1W
; ru n fru three who n
hi hy lade ad km ahani.a Mindy 0i1.,.
soil ratan! s lbws. •
• When theranruchani in Ma braid. ade,oue
mot's PaarNea'ailionets Mieni haty lagrania If
m ike orek 11. mt. at- auto 14tUrearreL ftesnled
anak codireidull.frlf acharrii huh. cr ess
addeadliarGa ainlicWsa Gadd be toed arkaasiou aqua.
bHERkfeN9 WORM tozxrion
Ta.`i"'. l = y km. ban Paud away Gan 1,4C9
...nib Wk. only arida stara deem)*
aahrmisaallaarrired:, Man dames arias kora num
sada:mica lem innamaskria sad em dee, erei
'anemic ear haat impacterl; grou perms sada* y u in ins
with tinanood ebearraglac :mica malaria's ,
without swami:. The era darraf Losearsoosei
aptedily Gear, _
.Worairralaana Ilajaiatarar limbs area
at. tha sax, aiding aria huh Jain' f•
wumadaurnalpolaustuad the apemitinflusbed cheaka,'
hisgatrawasoapaparriat amatiounttkirarmachflah,.
.ci dam ova Us arias ail. body, alight chills ow.
adididn hddhawn dd radiaah , magaiiams,. diatintad
-drum, arahlas Mattes WM fright and scrade
mistime. a tuhleiou mail ; lara irhainaohlmn grad
am, frliiladarhea• thiaaditi dalkiik reaway, Tao in
ah• ame ba UM; amar suaahrown, ma; •
and man Imam luta
Mt lado,
o f ahaatm aim a Mimi ante of Mt bodyi same of airar •
;thiserrisk 'UM throd, titling rofthe um gouda igtd,
Glund dada to pea .ma fro. 11.1...fri and. ruse
dd dr a .# bd tt d- 4 ' **aaddiaddn. • ;
_They ; isusediata relief in barons or sick headaelna ;
idlidadm dOidna:Flilwaraaor.tba apairs, dapudawy ;
assamorary or unto threet, bowel otlesosee eon •
paid, hada& armada. a a award riakingef tke ched
,eholle,tiarawa, aloe sill* auch bouttestlerial
affeetinas, asul mark Mau; ilaraliUni the
lay,•and -anakefulamis thugh Mid; dooktra or Maki
era rairrthiri . diarrhea, bajada.* aum of/Wu, Per
; au trivellog or attaidind*arlarili lad one Loan
gesusliyaemingjaili thd ansaaryof mob: wed
redoes the laidegthn guano
tMa aho Hard,
Whadosai tbar dadjatild habil., ail fad aMe ad,
, POOR:1111/1% PLUM.
• Thelma aterigthaUpkatoula Ull, I
sparas, or - maraca; a alas auk, 'We, feat,
*dee% -
; =Wu • •
yea aid! apply Masud. raridrulinla
Wit bebreopPeaboa: .Warruited num to attoikersaal
aria curia dio mad peke.icarbi alb Go Myna
%Rabaul phatec irk. World ltalfurdn Mad in liwo
•la eaublot sad ek, it was .
asemhkhr tha or ; U.S afford rard and 's
Mat - Coogka, adds, ditrally.of
~==“icei e b tri t a i r u stowaia l: ll.7 wdl ta: „
Magary Walla, or I = -' okhged aniaboiria ruin ,
decided aqua jam me of Gem tnilyralawkening Nag '
reserolli revommod them,. pre frees 1. atladdra n kanum they dickwiralkara better,adafford great
a mbar, - In Abair ogeradwynaistanolest; rou and
aodynal . Thy an can o f ninety darns,. inawli
:madam say'otker, sad taxa th. maim. of tnil
Lm .lb lan mad
di as walla the mud tesiimay al
• all thealibratal sod Vaal daanard sapicaus,
v im moat unlal sod ardleated ,
• b.. Mt wan:Um an eapr
• tadianraaand Moak!, at thalautainaloas eormLL si
Dinetloia ass art of Week ofesch 'Pith a
air-44mm It is tyao Gadd
.olwayaula flbamain. Pm Ma's 'hider, ad lea Gat
zetundaa, as them OM Mapy r •KUltip
bawled about rad add' Ea the amdhasaa'a_Plesiers, by .
' *Wulf ind rehal.lri
Pded i ICJACESOi id air .
kia Warelika, No. I, , iberts . "litnir
. 1; Sit. of ih
x.:..1847.- `rte
LYAXil'tllu'Oßlo auto
0 PARKS. Bearer, Pa. Prepnewn:i
T MATHER, rilisbuftb, 7, . •
; 115:17:1Lit:ozzrntfmr.r . d e r.=.::
ot any *atm the ratinsylvacus A sAtio•Ad Oleo
The fan Bides of said Line ate not equalled Ityinstion
said Canal. in numbers sod. capacity of lloat. expo
ciente of Captain. aod promptness of Agent. A...,
One Boar leases Pius/mm - 1s and Cleveland daily. ran.
ning in connection with the Busmen. • •
' Michigan anif•Lake Ens, .betweelf Pi ad
Beason and a Lbw of Int class Pheansboat..
Bogs and tiehooners, on Lakes Mei 4.
chigan and Ontaria . .• - • •
Plopene forwarded m soy part of .tke Mains mitts
~ deepateit. • •E N .PARKB.k Co, ClevelatuL - Agts
. • PARKS A Co. Bearer. data.-
: kV T MATHES. Pittsburgh, Agt'i
- • ' Car .Wansr and thankiehl streela- 7 •
18 4 . 7:
• -'Tama to . woe,
• Sham o . ! "
'doable dimly trips. no beat will leave 'Me Gkerep•
hen wharf. every morning Meanly at Wenn:—
Pastangen by the Inman' ancrels,llaltimons
nestevening in Ume MorPlandelphia Buyer
Road. ears. Tim onmemy virM leave . Me
wharf daily at G h'coakioneielfadan. Andaman.
by Ma boat will ;admonition* in
Nana leave Blownsville nun momiw Itt O'Cieltly
beta unmoiunalrasinday Gent map c o mm.. i q U
bet land. Thus avoiding maW tenet shoran. ,The
.preparsaions on this rano imple,and t , en
complete; minim disapsamnianm aelavanalloLoO.
. .Passenajors can mop au the - ream and "ewe nen
seats aline at pbennearß leuare,
_amll have and Philadelphia. ebaace entail Rod
er Bimanit ioat inaote ..
• Omens chartered to parties 10 travel as nal aenn
&mare your whets at the °Sea; Monoaanela Unsa,
or St Charles Howl: •'' • P hlM.lllldEdi
- ;„riar : :.lB47. 'Mpg
THROUGH mr itoUßs:
PAIFHET Mats Swallow tout Tel ph
Lacy daily, at 3 o'clock Y.l<, allot the of the
morningßoat from Plusbanth,"and arriVa at 'Warren in
tine for the Mail Una of Stages, achleti leave inuned4
lately ammeter, andagrive at Cleveland it :o'clock,
• Tkia nos la the most exiie..inioiui and _comfortable
one to the Lakes. • •-•
cures t LEnirritrWELL, Wan'em ,
REED, PANES AZO,Beaver;Ageola
JORN A CAUGIIEY.torper WWI and Smithfield
splay. Oppoeito ho Monongahela eeew ritts_h_orgtr
pr -
847 tirka
mins Line congaing of freight lordpaireniFt Peek
'. eta, Will ran' regolarly dieing the • neuron petwean
Beaver and Greenville, rebid, !hied arid pat
betiveen the no points, sill be enured lannpllF
.• WICK & ARCHER. Greenville, Anti
• CRAIG &FRAMPTON,ansksvilln do; '
• . MeFARLAND &RINO, Wird: , do;. -
11AY8& PLUMP. Sborpelrnrgti, - do;
W C MALAN. Slaron,-' ' • do;
WM. MATHEWS, " • do;. ;
REED PARKS Co, Beaver... . do:
JOON A CAUGHRY, earner Water and Ernithfield err,
aprilp Opposite the Monongahela-Hoare,' Pitudnregh
lfildisfisArklmi Ifiefillrmone. Nelp•TorM'
oad THE encouragement thisline has received since
Its commencement, has in
the proprie
tors to Plume the stock tryhdding a number of fir
elms boat.; and insbinkofgming receipts as herein
lore sa agents; we willgive oar or e receipts for
fieliot shipped by thin hne. - •
I%e boats are all 'portable, consequently freigh t .
is taken the whole distalice without transhipment,
thereby prereoting damage from trequent handling
on the route, led as each boat is mraed by. the
Captain who rune them, while. a antficient guar
antee that there will be no delay on the:, route;
Prodece tar Merchandise enliMgoWto the
undersigned will be forwarded FREE OF pqm..
MISMON.Ier ad:ram:44nd forwarding, mid will
he shipped without delay at the lowest rata! Of
We respectfolly solicit a •ehare ofpelb_llePoo
nage. • • •• WALLINGFORD& CO.,
• Canal Basin, Pittatinigh
. • Broad • Street. Philadelphia.
• ' - • F MILLER, Ageat .
filtiebarglirreb.lB4Bl.7; .
.1846 ....`1847
TO THE EMIT .111' 101101(11HELA
ib it Winter, on the swat favorable ienhe.. by this exp.
/Whits rwte.
MI Poperl7 eesteminegt tiimillbe &misled itthe
lemma rates and with Atari:ate!. . . • ••
blerehandese reee tent by tine math promPt=.
wattled. J C 11/EINVEZL, Art', Pith
13.1 V CIII, Anmnsvilla
60, , j7 ' SEGE/MON & Co, Clembetland
1846 . ttarD 1847
- -
. - - •. .• •
T"E tat 1"
th. lt . tll7oatt
&Mee kalowing pron— •
Atha, Oases, Sauer, - Lead, yard; Pork; - TraloW,
Whiskey,•••• • e, and Glms-.41 eta ••••
Tobamaillfestp, Flax end Wbeat—N ets per 100
.AMot) Apples. Meese, Plm.Ssell, Glen, • and
Letuber-101 ets per ICO • • • • •
Cab, Skim. Seedy Word-110 eta per
an d •
licerwax,FealbersFora, Ginseng, and Snake-Root
—lso eta per 100I6i. • . • ..
All property masvanelitirertber - of the anderviMed
will be forwarded without delay . , floe of Commission, at above rates. .W.II CLA.ll.4.llroarerrille. • •
• • - HANNA P. WATERMAN, Patalarrals.
aerr2Rdif •
• - • P
LHOOLIO3OIfI3 Pik m Spot:Mei am ;meow ism
.L 0 • earlmia and radial elm, winker Wend, =tons.
bleimbor,orblindokho, blitmios ado kidneys M a
kidneys. -
der, pmal . lbs book .boa mid., Mobilasi "tee Arm;
!of. me aftri oimifimMommi mei cOtoM irodta
"rut, .r.: l .l . t i of dor tr ap c,,,:,fc'embramos,....
ke ta,fm,267tmo
Ardi, u a -17ke Sped& 'is moto,-
polimtive, =Ha ma eafir* zemmedyoritboto aro
tide of combore, eoloormeo plomato .. tolmMm mmit
Thlriulo certify that I know * Dr: Ingolday% Kis llyeirici
lobe certain cure wed ski. mud,. Haringemito
in einem! awn, imagrolmY timccairneminos., io *rental cooly
firmed and more awes of iltujo whore it modem mtin
cumin awry eau • HEL , I
New York, him IBC. • • .... 964 Myth wren!. ."
• cheerfu ll y ihs testiniony co,ll, eorn*...l oo
!Wag ellen of Dr. foyeklunfo llion r ise;o o know it
Woos nq awn • wal ennerrition, blollilaki ,
hang remit with! mown in sweral mei afMrsole
CATE.P. "t".4'
Dew YeetddaY,lBo: • ;
PD. Iliale—Dear hiew the phase. to win ,,
par medicine, Dr. biebbbee riles apeethe ‘ har seri. i ce , ket coma the ease aiaty "sedan and I .ow ane pow/ word
that I herit Wen stsphed at it, as it wa ta opiamb its•
moil& town Mr. However, Ima now wally to tha no&
lam askew &fable, awl do atria. ail wham who an all
dieted;. the la. nomer;to prawns ate wields, as. they may
&pad. co a eartsia ears: •
.. West May IS, ISO.
Dr. lawatithr;Dear Sin—Thai you way ethers
as si aroma toy be
the bewail hare dennd woes the,.! sfpar what& Bra
6* ;• 1 1 ,,": 07
the Paw alter hang moirotber !.nether witheati averm...
, • Yawn with rree~~wwl.t
, I add wholesale mi retail by WM. JA NOW Ms in
rat hinlieiw„Watelseem,and Boot and Moe •s, - Phi PP
I.4w,ty ward, bead of Wasi,ntalsorgh.l.hior,•dareats
DIU .PLAIISOII 043131 11NATINM114 — risliilli.,
Is l
ROM tbd Ref lOW rillgtifi • wnlj
ar. Rater man or Me
ThemLW:o% ~ila•lnd been aZiated during Ike past.
- whim; with a &masa of We stomach, *method, p...
dneini pampa& ti. 11.. 1•010,•••11l0101' twelve Were
withal Miertalssiori, and titer Maio( triter.. eerier'.
•• dies With lute effect, was famished with a bottle
• fDr DJeTorAt Demised." Bales= This be toed an
. • • • log .10 the ilreedops, Pad Wand mar/ably that mw
Wine owned lie ito (sin share tbroo, ot kw ado.
a • and in Mara &Meaty misams,every :mum
aensatiort wan mind)" Marie& 'no alaibillaaartursrf.
letwards used elensartwindiestiorw of tho•approph of
pda were perceived, Mukha p.m wasthereby prostat
e& . emtinerst tO aleevehhthr
end etemetheres teßte. motet & Aka • ' feW week.
health was so far festered, WM the saferer erto reliev
ed ham a huge MOM of oppressive pain. there et
petiepre, thendbre. he ean oonikleatly .fteammend Dr
D.lasDreainetive Ilatrare, as asalantry marine
: for dm..
.. ofthot wig DHINN
rot mitt ht eimbene, it • ttre mar ng
A " T6 e. te
.4 F..* meet, near Wood, and alati at the Drag
Pam of II P PDDIV44I2, PWkral NTOM, AliajkOly
.. M.lll LW-4r is
• . POPULAR ..EVERYWHERE, •• • • ,
Gassarauti V. ..hityetyaiWY,
Mr. P.Gialtam— G a s s
-1 patch, awl yea two
bottles of Sellers , Vinailaser and made moot am hot
&to two of my eltdirea, which bpsoght from rem
woman, and boos tle ether OR' I eeeoursead It tr. the
community as moo( the best tratedies,iiiarestrer teen
or mad kw the traarral of worms. ‘• ; • ,
• Yuma mtetfally.' _ ... •
PreriaWd aasniit by R. R. DiVaxicsmeer s ' od
Dme 11 and ea ow Sold be Dr 9thrattlth Was*
o , Ris e .
Allerbeey•Cirt, ... • . amid
TATNIPIancap yin.% 0,1
dpas sick** lalailtiaLixe- the -erre orl
=l"km mit bale 4isiase. Maim be ans
.. i verr- Nur ungehaveteen.rfedb7:u.7o-:.
vahinUag Alias - ,
Foredo - tit Pitablatal PEIUNNEA: iSTON Fri
Filank Wen WM ead. and alna anan Daallr nom
ai a t i bingliP 4 74 {4lll'
- Ow Muth 33; 1917.
- Dear inr:Tbr i . reo - lilyto tr. t•
Ihow ettßeted. wall i.divan arths Lamp, or Cowsateptioa
tbt is all 411{111 . 0r 1b43 tine attacked wida nun told
whisla woo tams leafed upon sayymisolhowiasi W ata•
spa/km et a appecothiog Dinasunptias_ aniagh: wit
'light wad innaidnialw, aileadtatwitlreapitaankcht mate I
:gait op daily • eosuderabk inatai of licodosind
MSS disk =um sitasSiow hansa•WwWw: . 4 ft.. -
lhasiai:this lino I. ants'ataidei by. iwo - of on now
akdCLL Phyaitilear. they did *Dot 64 amid for we, when
a 1awa.:0.7 ca. ip al Jara era! .s.•;MirDa..f
se Dalt Wallin won mild b. deasaw:4lait sly losp'swei•
'tally dinind, sad kri...a hy
Mad of isisn to modsa Whaler Di. - bassacaa'slferwhw
mat Reitsfy,lorlatla Wiy llaysietiospniatadwirensioainag
ilia this seediihaa wallaldti ea rani, sid Woolf .all add
wont to may Mitring. I load' thaw it wax 'say latrasad amly
thof ifal west di. Of the dasWiati(Whiala Ira o•
deafb i••a)Illwes- Inroad he wain low, foi aid to abe
• Cintiswai Odin and .s bi 01..: this Italy Yalu
11/adfedieis•,'art iswantenalw4liteetdin b ta. dine .
paw nlit4 ,st op aitestingfialliDa.feaWw• Gag
carte tin imi•hiadfightm• is ay Chaste ;fts •
W... Dwane., sabkh anis waddedwrielas M sbok s szk..
its rod wstair; , iahida it ws nobly .
eaagmeed, call was side • soma war Hansa...bee.
atte r uCie to way Insists!, or 3 ywals)
I ',id, I ban' ntomandwal Dr. Nana% Er
pntorwal ewMy iaiwaybashmen Whose siasalllittatd
sad it !walrus prond seettiihatio lhawarwilanwed
abated.% Ilylister is !gag thts nal:ciao itynsiaid, for a
Aimed 'Lime widat 4jr.ti.ied.1.4,, , .hk.!:
Ind ndfaired with'fot wen*mac sin his any nearered
Lithe - ma Of this maim . " hat, well .... riot ßloc r#B.,
that I taka hisslay wiilestanlyton boy. IJ. iorry
atoms alai thaw an Dasassustawf nimble pane.. waging
way with this deradfal dsatroyer—oo3lllll7lSlPTlON.
Won it aaly ionalia for One to mean this socdicitiot is
Das, lawfwa it ha teat., wasailistaaaightt be prolahred mud
their filaulin . Waal Malian' lapis inadetwf Isarpyy.'.
maliein will gin helloed nlief r andLL the Ow* thaw Ines
Umtata wad paielta I lakmath; seaway, iiiistwea ha tin Claes
tara wrawith to do nfetbled wad iwasehand_fsson, wad is
wool envy I MI eeet#l, wall pike. • mint nate.
Id. LL-TiMee vim ete7 iest beempalimed *Mb I refer
tithe midersipied, ream* et licatgastery,l4•llbie7
ty, o.,Mey say time . sabitaatiete atm Matempis.
Meaux Biunnau,
DK. DUNGY, Yrls imereas OFFICE,
eteebti where ibis valeabh Meditiw can almaya i r=
B N 4 in rib. 4 . 1104 by !NYC ,YA9ObUle, comer of
Wood end Liberty eprl44l,tve
IMPORT/LET 1 . 011 , 13 Z
I. Heir Create, a wateelew article for tbo;.(irearth,
Beauty andUesimation of 'has Cream, when
mice known, will supersede all other - articles of the
kind nowwed. Where OM kakis deal, harsh.tien, lin
' healthy *clouting wry, • fear applicationa sw)l make
the hair soft - and dark, and give it a beautiful lively
aPPearacee; and wilt aim rake it retain its liveJinesi
and healthy mbar twice as long al all the preparations
whieh am generally wed. Every lady and gentlemen
who am %the habit of wing Ude on their hair, should
purchase a bottle of Ike Maim lisdr Cream,.
It is to compoied that Wail oat injure the hair like the
other preparation*, bet will beauuly it, and give perfeet.
sahsfaction le every Maurice. • ,
For testimony Aorta very senator nuliUts, ilte
fidlowiag, knee:from Roe. NI. - Caldwell, to Messrs,
Iterideraben Cc. Stretch, Nashville; General Agents Col
. the Wardens Yates:
_ . .
•-• Letter from thalttv. R. CallaialiP•iior of ikc l i ng
hleorra.Readerthixt.t f 3 tritei - -.Geoilleraein I a
pleasant in addle; my nettirathijin he
of non o
lent preparation alled Ds: Chinn, •1 • -
Cream—for Mem two }carnage. raylair wall vend
*lob, and disposal Infmo not: but having procure , .
• bottle of ma Cain: • 'Heil ueooling to the p,e,
aeription, inv b hair le *soft,' alum. and fink to the
head. "Many balsam 1.,4 04 were applied earidea•
vine my hair In 11.1ftrrys taataAanbekne. Thia Crews
however, has met my expeetar*ta. • • •
Ag an Waterer !ha Toitetitny wdo Rive' It prefer•
once oVer aftothera; bolagdeheataly nertomea, tad not
111"e=ets'orarranriT hoTbedi=u7m"gillpHiV6Pr.
nuionr for the toilet,' • •Itespeetrahr ••••-- '
Pota.kl3an'y 181 T - • -• • CALDWELL'.
aryirScold wholepletuoi Euebargh by John
BL 7bwnrend, Noll Market meet. and Jael Nobler,
°mayor Woadand NM, eta. , :.• • int4d
•. .
. •
‘For 0.0 ens yuri,"ormimer, to milking uscot Mr.
; SOM . . Relmmmy. lavit narmed emmerly from
!Lyme:minim! an Mid Scommk. I bow made moot
medkimmhboal remirMyymterkra
4 ". 11 M.M. womb. Aram I Mommemed ming •
14r.. Ames 440dieme, villa Ms entirely relimm2 me • .
melds my Mommp. sal rerIPM4 1 .. 5611,6 ','
'table brol itlental Of my Maid. aya mgmmam.m. •
byre able me or the PIIM , m4 remind - melt bengal.
Pomthes, Lisa iritk cosikkikwerommelidMem.• ,l•
,• • • JANE A .I.EE,3l7thidatus at
EGlLMlmmmt le arod retail , by.II A FAUN lilirocK
COB Mlfmrof let ad Word, and Woad mod Gib . .
DONVOICILED 11,-Si.Vesien.Edat
Inanibutrecei l l=lle .
.0 *FAUN &
• • MAP..
I ,4reuch.staharwp,aasi.,....a.r.mok.:
I BATEjo An? . pygmy I sit ar a.
I OneVuse"ttio* of -15 liver, or . .
'Two insettimx!wittleirtattervi!me,. ...
'Threat . - •••..• - • , t• 1,59
TwoWeelg . • '
77 tea' — " • '"e 00
.. .• .... . 40D
.... .. 6ea
ar Longer ad rettiisate eta le Ansa:p;;Suii ol.
Ole e qu ate ,6'sooollii, without altetime... 10 VI .
- f ' " • 15CO
'EsebAditiaaa.ll.elicite for 6 mete .... • . bob '
" •• 00
Ciecitqlifire,6'elittle.,reeewable at 'Plenum, lb CO'
"• " , 12 . ' - "- MOO
Eiebaddilbbultoisrekrl2,boblbf.:.:. . ,
Teo tweeree,6etotate,iiiiwililo it Femme, 30 (oir
Each Wdilio e el eittere,6 MO . Oh , •••• . ... 00 .,'
IittILLT oir eirowsiter.e: .11.411 A .:earSte.
otioarti. d isiertiotw, • $1 611'
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