The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 18, 1847, Image 4

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A . GEM.
a dead a — , cfnmfi
trembling In thitaea,
hen she saw.the wide-epread
e vaned her modesty. •
What please hi this wide 'Sea /await
_What room is left for,or
Sure it were better {het die,
La this immensity
Eat while her ealf•ahaaing fear,
.f, I 4 towline= confeMed,
' ' A shell receiTed and welcomed her,
And premed her La ill breast.
Aad norwiahed there thiedrop became
kpearl tor royal eyer.
Exalted bills lowly aharao,
And humbled bat to riser -
, 1
FromtlisSesten Olive Brand:, •
Corn Stalk for Fodder. •
. Green corn staiks'Aus most of our read
en are probably well aware, area most
, eicellent and nutritious feed, especially
'rot. cows in milk. • The following
. • moms, made by the lion. H.
-• •
.worth, while acting in the capacity of
Commissictner of .Patents, at Washing
ton,ls worthy of regard. "Fformit me,"
says Mr. Flisworth, in his published
statement, " to mention an 'experiment
- made by myself at Washington, on the
bubjoo, of fodder. NotiCing the
' =tuts made in 'the French period/01114
that the stalks of coin (maize) contained
• •one-half as much saccharine matter as
:earte, and .knowing that my ancestors
made their molasses during the rerolu
• .'"tipnary 'war from these stalks, I sowed
• four and a half bushels of common corn
.broadeast, and Imiro l ved in the same.—
' - This labor -was- easily performed by a
__single Min with a team (the , plowing in
cluded) in a day. Having soaked the
corn in saltpetre Water, it took a rapid
start,rwerlopped the weeds; and covered
- tbe ground with a forest of stalks. When
..fairly-tasselled, I cut the same, which I
fed to horses and bogs, both grew and
dry. If fed to swine after being cored,
it was cut and fermented with chop or
bran. Being anxious to ascertain the
quantity, I. measured measured , a. few Square fe
of the , stoutest. I found I had 5 lbs:Vf.
e• ireen'fodder'per square foot. aiThisimay,
'not seem trier ible,, and it isigiory
less• than what would grow on th e 'cla
lands - of the West; if, however, we con
sider there are 43,560 square feet in'an
acre, we shall:obtain' 217,800 ilia., equal
to 10111 torts of green fodder!
_ .
•. 7 • 4 , --cut the Brat - crorthe early part of
Jnly, and, plowed and - sowed the same
land again, and tdohlt second crop two
. thirds as large, and even tried a .third on
• the sameland,. but it did not reach over
ten inches before, the frost setz‘d it.—
: Persona who have only a small patch of
ground, may try this experiment to ad
vantage, and fill their barns with fodder.
N-curing stalks, it is recommended to
.plarc•the small end on the ground, with
Ithti butts upward, to guard against the
absorption of moisture front the ground.
Whoever will_ try the experiment of
'cutting 'Bowers,. and ',putting some on
damp flannel, or into arater, and hanging
up others to the sun, will see the advan
tage olcfniog fodder in the way I have
mentioned. Should any fear the-stalks
would not stand upon the email end, a
. few rows oould bo left to support the re
;hirainder." •
• la this climate, whore the pastures
are generally cut short in early autumn,
the provision of green, succulent feed, is
to matter of great importance to the farm
.Aer, and, our opinion, can in no way be
• -hatter or more economically secured than
by !rowing corn, to be: fed as above.
•.. -The River Rhine, In - Germany.
An..Americen, nOwin Europe, writes
to the Boston Atlas aefollows . •
• -
"How can I give even a faint idea of
. the beauties; of this_ river? Notwitle•
• standing all, I . had read and heard of
, them, I was 'not prepared for the reality.
• •
I.havc passed the Hudson dany times,
and am constrained to admit our North
River, the Rhine of America, is no match
for .the Rhine of Germany—setting aside
the wonderful. works of art and industry
, of ancient and modern times, and the as
nociations of 'the latter. Where our
Hufison' presents half. a dozen miles of
'scenery like the vicinity of West Point,
the Rhine has fifty of such:, The most
lofty and precipitous mountains, crested
by the mins of the old castles, frown on
. ^you on either aide, for a hundred miles'
an 'extent; varied with beautiful cities,
towns and hamlets; many , beautiful ca
' thedrals, chapels and monasteries, the
river making various windings among
.the mountains—some rising, abruptly;
hearlrperpendiculMly from the river,
others, gently receding, the sides of
abichrrre,cultiyated foTthe grape.
"It is surprising to see the extent of
: the ,grape cultivation in France, and es
: peclally on the Rhine. ' where the best
wine in ,Europe is made. The sunny
sides; of all the mountains along the
-.Rhine. where a human foot can stand,
are covered with vines, each cultivated
with the-greatest care, plaited in hills,
'and trained short tc, a stick five feet in
height. You will see - miles in extent of,
the vineyards; and along the - steep sides
Of the hills; terraces of stone masonry,
-and steps, which must hive taken years
of labor, extend from the•-'water-to the
- whtmiti, at regular and close intervals,
on which the grapes, that produce the
; , best wine are grown. The tmmenee ex
tent of the vineyards in this country may
• .bo imagined if one knows the quantity of
• Wine drank. It is used as freely as wa
• • ter, and in ,a great measure - supercede3
.it. , The common wine, of France! and
Germany (being'.the *pure juice of the
gripe, as is erery other• . kind, and Tate
unlike the poisonous compound sold in
the'lleited tates) costs rely little. It
. possesses not • more than half the aleohol
of. cider, or the pernicious.effects of the
latter,. and where the wines from' the
pure grape are commonly used, and none
of the strong, liquors, you , will-Sad but
rarely any intoxication. I saw but five
cases daring My stay in. Paris of two
gather the follow.
ing statistics of the. General. Synod of
the Associate Reformed. Church in the
West, from, the 'Preacher. The . Gene
ral Synod is composed , of • a representa
tion from thirteen Preibyteries, extendj
.hig• front East Pennsylvania, through
Ohio, Indiana, Michigae, 'and Illinois.
Therse Piesbyteries consist' of 79 ,set
s iled ministens, who • hive 'under their
:pastoral. care 123 congregations ; be.'
aides whichohere are under the care of
the General Synod vacancies, chiefly .
'The whole number of .cOmininicanta
.. reported to the General Synod in May
last, was 13,100. The number ridded
' . d - rite year is not reported, as a the
• ' :mina es of the General Assembly. 7—
';: 'Tbeso nutibets rather fall below than
exceed the truth, as several of the con
gregations did, not make any report. ,
' ..llonumber of probaiioners, or as we
• 'Call them, licentiates', is 25—of ministate
without. charge, 21—of students of di-•
-,L.- ,, t• -
erannait Oda-,itsknowledge e*
i +X r ~loogh to need - it • A—. on
-tes ,,
Ailtto need no`lim e , and ,perfeptlee
to need 74,,P0w
70' • E .EICE 'Arm AznacTrit••
Consumption, Cotten., Coldsokahroa. Bronchitis, Liver
Couiplaint, Spitung Blood, Ditlealty of Breathing,
Fen in the Side and Brener Palpivalon of the
lleart,lnenensaactoup,OnakenConseintion, •
Sore Throat, Norms Debility, sod all.
discerns of the Throat. Breast and
Lungs; the met effectual and
speedyeare eser brume for
anger abort diseases,
comPourits sraue OF. WILD CHERRY.
Anoesewumia wen ese--ResslL with sae w .
shment the wonderful toe- pmfonned by
Serape's Competed Syrup doff WILD CHERRY:
?Irma petriat, /*ratty TS, 1847.
Swirie—' Dear Sin In justice toyminelf end
a duty I owe to'. suffering humanity ,I cheerfully'
giro pay testimony, and declare to t he world the
astonishing effects, and the - great ewe. your
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry perfumed on me,
Lode, toe meet nameable wenn:tante.; I was
teken with a violent Cough, Spitting of Wool, se
vere Prins in the Side and arealeorbich seemed
to break down and enfeeble my ecoutitution, so that
mzEtiette,i end my an sbita
all gobo7erond me o th , ealw . er o,, :af
thanks to yea and the effects of your great diacove
ry. I now feel myself a Weil man, and raised from a
mere skeleton to as deity end healthy a lean u I
have been for yearn and shall be pleased to give any
inftemation wipe:tins ray case, by calling at my
residence, Mechanic shest,third door beloartiftrge
street, Northern Libertia hems P A AAA R.'
Testimony is now received from all Fiarters o •
•• "'
the Globe.
This following letters are presented with a view
ol more fatly showing the opinions of Physicianein
relation to the • Medical rAnent Dr. SWA
Dr. Swayne—Dear Sir. Having. used. your Com.
pound Syrup of, Wild Cherry extensively- to my
practice, I was requested by you Agent, Doctor
ilnitcher, to explesa my opinion in writing of,jts
properties as a remedial 'agent, I most cheerfaßy
comply, as I feel by so doing, I will diecharge a
debt I owe the community at large; and Phyilcians
.in particular. As mach u I detest quick Rome.
dies and Patent Nostrums, I was induced Born
a failure of the most potent expectorants, recom.
mended in our matena medics In some cases of
Diseased Longa, to try lour preparation ol Prunus
Virginia or Wild Cherry. It re anfficrent to say that
wax so much pleased with' the result of that and.
steneurent trials, that I now prescribe it In prefer.
ence to all other Reim:dies where u expectorant is
indicated. •In the much dreaded Pneumonia or
!Busse of the Lungs, in the alarming lore in which
it appears in Kentucky, I regard it u an invaluable
Remedy is the treatment ol that Cleanse. To all
who know me I have mad enough, had as this may
be wonky persona oat of the sturdy of Fnurkforr,
I will bneey add, that hale been eegsged in on
active practice ol my profession of 12 yeareend am
a Regular Graduate of Transylvania, and that is the
Met Patent Medicine I ever thought enough of to
express an opinion in writing. .
J. H. Ettaeon, Al. D.
• Jemmy 1th,4847. • FranklilsCounty,Ky:
FILAIILYONT, Ky., Jaiery 7th, 1847.
The - atiove certificate is ham one of oar Physia
clans thing a few miles Prom here; he redoing g very
good pruned, and is -considered a girod Phyncian,
and stands Ulu be is, u he sup, a regulargradaate.
DR. W. L. Caoscu an,
• , Druggist' and A'pothecruy. •
Talimeniale wi ll never wane.
111 • From the Temperance Pledge.
Now 'that Winter sa upon u with its attendan
train of Pahnonic and Bronchial aficclaone,Combe
Colds; &c. &c „we would advise thole afEliare in
tideway to, nuke immediateitrial of ,Dr.Swaynee
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. It will never
bail to petftrm a permanent cue.,
The salutation
of this medicine has caused many emulous articles
to be put bath under its mu; bat the preparation
of Dr. Swarm; besides being the first beer offered
tether public, is the only one that eau be relied on.
The other sal:tares sold tor. Wild Cherry Syrup,
Balsams, dec., are ail spurious and .wonblesx, and
contain none of the muss of the original prepare:.
lion Dr. Swayatex Comp:mud Symp.°, Wild
From the Springfield &prem.:
Of the thotteandr of porparted curative nostnims
now before the public, hot very few are bond to
possess the healing virtues for which they are re
commended. Among the laUer we are pleased to
learn none. Stand a better test than Dr. Swayne's
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. The afflicted
in this vicinity are begirming to use it, and to their
joy they find ae its we their hopes bared upon its
recommendations more than reallied. The afflicted
need not despair. While there is luls, there now is
ErSiam. the Introdactiou of my article to the
public, there have a lumber of unprincipled indi
vidurda got up umtrunts which they &then contain
Wild Cherry, some uncalled ”Balmuts,"“Eitter.,'
and even Syrup of Wild Cherry, but mace to the
original and only genuine preparation ever tetrads
ced to the pahlic,which am be proven by the pub.
lie Records of the Commonwealth of reunaylmmia.
The only safeguard against imposition m to Bee that
my signature m on each bottle.
Prepared only by Dr. EL 3 ' at his Prism..
Office corner or KIO and Rack Streets, i t l aladelp Eton
a. All Wild Cherry preparations-being
•fientletie and counterfeit vrithoit his stenaturs,
For win in Ihttebargb wholesale and zetsilmy •
WM. THORN, AI fdatiret street, • -
OGDEN & srip WPM, comer atial & Woad sts.
S. JONES. ISO Llberq street. ;
Sold ciao, by J Allgiteny City; Boyd,
Carns & Co., flatlet; Wearer & Henderson, Met
con Norman Calendm, Met 'silk; .1 H Barton &
Co., Erie; bl'Kensic & Ka. :11, Cleveland; Denis
IS 'Son, Colentbasy Miller . Brownsville; blush,
Wheeling, Va.; E Id Blume, Cincinnati, Obits, Dr
E Easterly & Co., St. Louts; J Morns & Co.,
Louisville, my.; Andrew Oliver & Co., New Or.
Is cow ansverially acknowledged to be the 13
FALLIBLE REMEDY fur Ithenmatisen,,Spi
eel Alfections„Coatrictionsof Me, Muscles,. Sore
Throat and gummy, lessiss,Old Uleere,Pains in the
Back and Chest, Agee Is the Breast and Face,
Tooth Ache; Sprains, Elnuses,Salt Rheum, Berns,
Croup, Frost Feet. and allffereeee Douses.
The TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS which has at.
tended the application of this most WONDERFUL
MEDICINE in curing the most sevem cases attic,
different Ihsesiee above namedi—and the HIGH
ENCOMIUMS that have been bestowed upon it,
wherever it ha been iatmduced, glum me the tight
to call on the i.AFFLICI'ED to resort at once to
Ernie faculty unite in recommending the sale
tied Ettemalßemedy, Hunt's Liniment.
The folloOng letter from the highly eminent
Physicians wfoliave been attached to the Mount
Pleasant State Prison for, many years, is tho beat
en-dente of the vale° nil= celebrated Liniment.
Sono Stine, Demmer %,1115.
My Dear Sir-4 tenived year note of yodel:lay,
sting my opinion in relation'to Hunt's Liniment,
as prepared by Mr George g Stanton. %wain
Its composition, and laving frequently Ned it.
can recommend it to you as a eafe Eaten= Reme
dy, and in my opinion, the best Liniment low in
one. Very =lye= ropectfulleyours,
Col Fierre Van Cortiandt, doss Maser. •
fully concur in the above opinion.
Yonorowst, Jan. 14, 111.5.
Sir-1n reply to your letter, 1 would say that
have teed poor External Remedy, called Hunt's
'Liniment, la my practice since you made nib as ,
quaintedeith to composition, and unhesitatitigly
say that believe it mine the bed External Seine
dy now in lase for the coesplaniti for which you re
commend it. 'Yoursresentfully
.: • • •LIENJ D ,
VR;I4I. D.
:Geo E Stsaton,Rsq. - ; • .; • ,
o:7Among ths-mosol worthless articles and
bumbun Mat axe-poured faith at the day
upon the campy, it a malty ng to bad
komething of rod practical utility, something aim
ple r , speedy and elleitesl in its operation, and at
the rime time bee from those injurious' elects
which generally attend powerful oemedics.' Hunt's
Liniment, prepared by Geo. E Stanton, 01 Sing
Slog, though it has been but a nun time before
the puhlie,h naiready obtained the confidence, not
only of our most wealthy end Influential ensues,
bat oar Most etalnent.physicians. All acknowl
edge it to be a sovereign balm for many of the ills
that flesh is heir to, soothing the aching limb, and
by its genuine stimulating =lance, naiad ug din
e from the synem. '
My. Stanton—Sß-ening year advertisement
of Hunt'. Liniment, I was induced to M is Oleos
on my son, who bud been crippled with a lame
back from en infant end It Is with gratitude 1 Jour'
testimony to its winidedul healing properties. • My
. child, wbo Is now Ire years of age, is now in a fur I
way of recovery, . Yourty&c.,
1 certify that 1 SID personally notiainttd with
the above named child. and think the father would
be sale in saying that his son Is almost well.
8 , IBM. Deputy Post Master. .
S. 1 would also state that 1 have been for a
number of yeara elect to frequen attack' of the
Rheumatism; *Mc In many instances prevented
my !Randle' to my benne.. Two or three appli
cations of the Liniment invariably remove all af
fections of the kind. In caste of braises, Oral=
audience; too mammon to mentioa, it has in this
vicinity proved a certain remedy. It. Value can
only be estimated by those wbo baseline it • fair
This Liniment la goblet 13 and 60 cents per bot
tle, by all the Principal Druggists and Machina
throughout the country.
; •
Wholesale Agents in New York. •
HOADLEV, PHELPS & Co, lit Water •
RUSHTON 8c Co, 110 iarototway. -
A Id &U.SANDS. corner Fallon and William.
ASPINWALL,-86 street.
Orders addrened:to me at Sing Sing, fi Y, anti
be attended to. • GEORGE E STANTON,
. For sale in Pittsburgh by L WHAMS, Jr, led J
lIIDDA Co. Allegheny City,JOHN SARGENT
fiteningtmni,JOHN 8841 TH. • febll
fa• diffiniii, Only Toss, wad Ogwirte
Wirer Pills
• - ;
PREPARED by E Sella= .
• Demi Borress,ll, Ang.10,11317.
. la 13 Sellers-1 wish yes io mad es by me% one
Dena Dilate LiverPilbs yonspllie ess!laqy benne
laymen popular le t Donn, net only for beet ear
plelet, bee fin Fens. end Ague, end Bibosis elections ,
eenerally.-Tbe demand. Is ea Deal at des time,. thud
ae eaAset area nntlifall wben Ise aspect es be layout
?So m a.
taistien i—A• Dere escaper pills, A
ca El
lled : . L,lver
Pllls~persom should 6e er is iel s r i rja=tr . "
sold by pf wadi and Deny . ,
A weeny
city. . :ed
Dr. WLsaithe Wormaptellie.
b nl e 6 =e " .l l re f i V' t e
le one ;
passed Wens* or wens, 0.4 by them Of said
medicine child of en, dll l
II is Dely Ilie - seess.supsbeap . ..maamectosi.ergr,
pm., instkanswe Nom
. ,
' ilkku
• Der sato by J IRD klb, HOPP Wood ''ji.ssl'ftts
• . _
Most extrao;dinary Heditlize in Use World.
ThY,„ trw t. I. pctupm quart botl;e:etu.. wets cha rt
pkateaser.sed orstranted superior to my told. '• tures
&Mom without matting, mee t . siekaa or d•
bilitettag the p • ot.
The put beauty and mpatiority of tlAt Sarsaparilla MI
all other IlledidHoe 4 whitstit Eradiates Disease it t.. ker.
atm the Body., It is me of the veep best A 5/3
BUMAIEBMEDICIfiCS ems Isessm , it mat laxly porde
the teholytat asd stresaythms the puma,. but if C 0.....
Nor, Pure end &A Mood; apaseepotemed by so o th er
.41stimbte. Asd to this lin the plod mem of its sonde:Nl
Ammo. It bas ptrfoemsd with. the pa, Iwo yean, mart
dun d5,C00 mew of Some Cases of Cisme ; lost O,OM
of them elms amiderid Mineable. Ittore Was
3,000 ems of Ctuvede abemestista ;
%Memo of Dyempsis;
400 ma of Grand Debility and Want of Eixtly;
7,003.ceem of different FmakCatopkiate;
20:0 met of Scrofula;
1,300 wan of tha Liter Coat pkaint
114(10 inuet of f Dilltalt at We ne rood Drum i
/diarrhoea:Lief caves tliteiue of the Blood, via: Ulcers
Erydpd., po Rheas, Nowlin wa he., he. To
gether with numerous we of Seek bleadache, Paw o the
Inkwell Chat, Spinal Alkatioes ete.,
This we an anew, Weal eppnw incredible, bet we bare
WWI from plapicianeand our are. front all ports :o( the
.I.leited Stew, tufarising MI of extraontiew7 wren Eh Y.
biwidek, Ena. ascot dle most respectable drughte New
ar, N. J., =Gran es that lie oat refer to opre than Inti m
aw w that place aloes. 'nue aila bf wen in the
City .of fiew York, which we well refer to - with pleasure,
and Ato wee of Wander. It ia the beet medicine for We
Peirrentite of dimwit known. - It undoubtedly saved thibree
of mare that
sou' camnico ntz Parr Simmor
Arlt removed Mt =me of dimaseind pteveed them S.,
the Bummer whoa.
C.Ol, 0. W. 151 cCao ea, or was Usrrnen Wrenn .Nerr,
and rewanber of the New Jerry Legiaketarr, he. kindly sent
us the isllowing eutifieste. It tells its own story. •
I Hamra', Jan. 25, 147.
• year since I was taken wills the Udine.% and lay whole
•7= , 11 in • debilitated stew I was induced to try Dr.
lad der Inking two or three bot
the, I we. '. 00.17 is "'" TMeerd, as ti altrillute it entirely to the
said Sinepartlla: I bare maimed taking it, and and ihat
I insister! every day. I bane famed my life, and wpald
not be wit/meta under any 111116.iderstiao.
' * '4 W.lllcLum,lata U.S. N.
This outifsceis couclueively proles that thi. Stroparille
hue prefect coulees* over Use mutt usletitute disaue of the
blood. Theme pens= cured iv one Louse Ls unprecedented.
Tasted Cumulus..
D. Tomb:ye—Dem Sir 1 hare the pitmen to inform
'you theta of my children hem been cured of the Scro
fula by eof your euellent medicine. They won,
.:Meted rely seemly with bad sows; Mnmly lakm four
badge; It took them awg:6 fee width I . Gal nrelf Wee
deep oblipUon. Teets, negeetfully,
1.1110 W. Citm,loll Wocutet
New York e ?d I, W.
R. Tewnseud's tiaeapviW Is • emerega ad speedy
cum foe Lueipissit Camemtims Barrenuem, Lmiemebraor
Whitey obstructed or diScull hammtruatioo, lacuuthaueues
of this., or iumilutitag do eharge tbereo4 and Gyr the pm
orsiprestralitat of th e gaga- r at matter mustier dm vault
f Inherent mum or camel, predated by 'regularity, Mem
or mteideut!
•- - -
Nothing inn be nuns surprising then its invigoreuag
tuna ea rise buena fume. Peewit, at weak.. and bur
sas% frunitanfag it, at woe bosun robust sad fulloteaergy
under ii. ianuener. It isenordiatel, enuurensets the nerve
iniuntseer UN &male Gene t wising ra the great cuue of ban;
- -
• It wdl net be everted of us, in cases of to &heath a ea
ters, m ohibit yessilicates of cares performed, but we on
mare the silica-043st haodreds ores. hoe been repotted
to. giro& met when families hare bece withoot
roe,' alter Wag • for bowies of this laredusbls inedirtinc,
Yes bon blest loth healthy offspring.
Dr Ile..eed: bly wife being greatly disteored
weaksrs sad gtheral debiliry, and euffoing con Semi,/
by pin sad a sematisa of basin dews, fema le of the
web, end with other dithollits, and having linowo oars
wlicre your medicine bets attend great cores; add also Oar
ing it recommorded kir rob ems ea 1 boo descrWold obtain
ed a beak of yoo Extract i of Ilarethaiille,' end followed
the directions you gen me In a short plod it removed
her emphinte and restored her bath.:&io grateful for
the boat* she meioti c I take pkanueth thus acknowledg
ing it. and raccenateadthg it the pallet • Al. D. Aleuax,
Agway, Aug.17.1b44.• Co of Grand and Lydia. .to.
• •
CdthecEttie sap. Ms RM.
.1. Dr hemonact: To ail 'don th is may oacces—This is
to certify tbat my wife mad me bottle of your Sanaparilli
previous la by ®garner(, oder the mod Oarating
itedicate e .
Loot, traubled with We ilopsy, rot
kg of thy torsos mot ory much
1.4 .itt, permathen, sod the nicommodatice of thole
who badit, the wee iceloced to try it, with Little or tot
faith bathes S to say, the roedai. had the happy and
desired c&iitt,sot oily is the Looser coolittoont, bat Ober
, tho MIDI.. of coo wady of its ma the dropsy end new
affection pre., aa estouishing doree, and het
health is isms better lb= u had two far a long time pre.
LC do Will be of soy seen to youor any we who
doable the marmot' b. =Widow, yoe clot/sty who=
to it
Intoter,a spelt your we etiedicatandsotirljrraot.
This Extract of Barmparilta has tem wrprowly peepared
to reluctant to female complaints. Ito fmnole who has rew
100 to suppose .he is approttehisis that =Dim' period, "TA.
maw ay' Sphi'.shoold neglect to take it,.. it u a entain
prenatin toy of the omen. and honiblo disown to
which females an .object at this time of life. This period
may be delayed the emend years by ming this medicine. Nor
bit lea valuable to Mows wile an apprsoebio womanhood,
as it is mbeniated to aril Imo. by qukkeo the blood
mad invigorating tlio system. Indust, ibises/Misuse is in:Ri
alto De ail of the anima. Macaws to which untie, an
ltr b et. ,
- races the whale gates, maws perahmendy the :w
-ad amirk...lg mamma; :parities of the body—sat
so re stmithilin the system as to prods: a sabsetpiatt
lustioi, which is the ease arm: latiheMall takm fur female
wakmas and dims
You van boa pale axoplreioat, dull eyes, bloat. ai the
Gar, roe:Gain, or Grata and ve '• oat of 'paws io mils
a bade or two of Dr Toenarsid's h will
demo your /kat, roma tba baths aid blarlwa, aut
give you aaboation f ryorkliso eyes, Sae spirits. an beautiful
—all of which are,al bantam value io armor,
, No Saida medicine by ear brat ddiarread which
atorly Ennobles tbe pude or saliva at deamp
k—.oldes Ilbe vatic jupea or a.,
Cmal cad strinther ti n thc organ of digest.%
I Ds.. Darannecrr.Albeity,3l.7lo,lB4.s.
Dr Totrouoad. Bic—l to berm ,Elided ix tenni
Tara with appal-nix in its wont Atious t attended with lour
was of onnaeh, Int of appetite s climate Learcburst, 1.1
Brea mention to all kind. imat t wad fir weeks OW 1
conk! eat,? 11 hate Awn unalk lei retain hut • .mall portion
ea my stonseett.. 1 tried the oo remedies, but they had
but linl• qoD cruet in noosing On complaint Inas io
darsid,deut two moeths mew ht try year Caine aliens.
Fantle, and must my withlittle ton& t be after maim
=r,,1..v0l bottles 1 foetid toy appetite mimed, and slut
entirely removed; and I nada eammetly meow
wind the tun alit to them who have been aAlieted as !hare
burn. • Ten.i4Tes W. W. VAN Zayre.
• Nee SS, ISM. Stelenlikust.
. Reid the funeral& and dash if you can, that etwearep.
ties stunt be awed. Thais.] cos of the meal hundred
aka eat Townsead's has ere:
Do TsunisendDes; Si,. I was U. a little arm a
year ago, with a seen cough and pain in say Md.. It ta
..Med an IN earl fad, indeed. I was pronatinced by phy.
Means lobe< the nate - amatunpllow wend 1.. p qualm.
title of bad natter, had night...vets, and Making very boo
my doctor wad M. veld do notb .. (sr
I went into the
hospital in hew of beingbead but was pranonsed earn
sainernble: I was now greatly dimmed at the begs and
Beal hardly lavabo ; soots bet:mane seekated t sad netted
to die; we undated to 'my bad, and we obliged to butte
watchers . betted I met gee you any description that
weld do keine to my eme. was nipped:l by my feeds
to be pet money: liad tried a great number of ~.dire,.
and mead be to romper_ I read or wend most V.
L yon en truth; I suspected then was wet hmsbug is Omsk
boll aria indeed to try it ,I did ma, and ma very thankful
I did. I estop( my that I sae entirely well, but ma ea tar
reamed ai lob. shoe my hosiers, and hope to be entire
ly 'rah: a dew tweaks. My cough and pain is th.
and night micas have tan ma and rale but very little, ma
US phdey my peal 1i1141.1.. I fait It a duty to gie
you a remnant of my ease, to }addle if you pleaseg
Pima Snow., 47 ImUe 4 broaldyn.
Opinions of Physicians:,
Ih Townhand is eland dailyncirring whirs from phy '
Win= in ditramt pea of the Union.
' This h hastily that se
d , she ondersigad, Phi of
IM Cape litany; brm m mutinous cam ' , lnscribed Dr.
Teninandh , ihmsporihi,,Mnt believe II to be am of ha aned
'Month preykraima of t 6. Sanwa, Otha narksc,
HY You. , D,
J Wits., ;
11 Butwa,r 0,
EELmmmons, n.
Albaoy, Aril 1,1645.
This h to certify that we, the asedersigned, manakin
Th sosse dro physieros of iha City of Milroy. doe frosuest
ly entarobed Dr Townsend'. Comp:sued &rose of Stns.
pualla,nad eon Its brows godlike, woold red:emend it to
the Welk 6i ssenarrialocrafttions, and otiose oho.= dis
oweer, in plethora. to of taw sdrostited haroditsnow m llOl4 A%V r,
' Agway Ipatl 9, 1144.'' W. Id Drama. r.
Prineipaltd6ot, 196 Walton .t, Boa N ' TI Bad
ding* Co . Mar get Boston; Dr Dyou &Soon r. 9 North Pro.
oa4 Phdadetlithsh Illiawn=o, Ballinsere; and by
rad l ies a"rtler=a lb. Uattol Broca,
Nam sehtlina, Wow peednp the hap mow taffies,
whinit <oaths a quart had iterand with On
o n sianahere
of P TOWNS/ND, and hottamo blown on the Gls.
FiVO the Now York Dolly r oast of phi 0, lOC.
A Ferattyphog appeared in dm roasts yeherday. It wale
W. admit.% eab,ro Sartapuilla Enron of Dr Trornatted.
The whola aunts got . up in good hue: some of W. onh
rotated landwapaprounissrobastu4 hiLlt, torn.; with
•iz .ol.
any wsistlarne this extant of the drowses thee
nal great popularity Woo acquired.
• ••I , Naive= Dobillf.y.
• '• Nter.Yons,fdarehM, 161
Dr. Tanneendt—l hare been afflicted mom or km for 2
yeas, wick a dreadful limiting in the chest; giddinem in the
had, lam of appetite, pun in the Rohs, and general debility,
brought on nodeubt by the continual heat end mild to which
I its subject to in my bminest m a dyer. name taken odor
1110i111101111, 600 11011101 . 002 10 mention. bat with lade oeno me
• I was Induced by what' saw in the piper to try a bottle
of yOOO flarmperiPa, Er= which i bend gent relict l bare
since eaten nercralneore bwky end 1 to. anbesitatingly my
it is the tent Imedicioa 1 ham seer taint—the pun to my
chest b ggo., od I ktlgnite a different man altogether since
I ham Plump= flaienparilla I hare now• better appetite
Chao seal had. b fe /1111 Won it with the lame & F eb.
010 l roulla I mould mammal It as • daily medicine
p5...1.1y,..Q. I feel comfit:wed that if so rued there would Ind
be half thisklmese there M r endocEntly not so many
Doctor's billd'for whda it mennen • 'te, tt also gireCto
the stomach sad kneels Omar regular it hirepil OM blood
1111• !wall Otte, Ito that dhcae lc not milker to attack the
system. And to all 6.34.160 arc not in a heichbyttate, I say
try - De Torromod's EtarinpoOld
PlOl4. Marra, 19 Align
Canker bithe Mouth.
. ....• •
Wow le ett iceotint of soother child seed. Dr Tcoromod ,
Sereaperille the weed the tics of thoomads of ohildreet.
The it Iloweog orrtifteeto I. petaled ft= a peat otuato
• Nvo , Yalta, April2,lof7.
Dr Tennaeidt Dear iln—One of my child= amvery
sick with die Can in the amid, and lbrcal, attended with
vest debility Ileum sear dying; I obtained woo of your
walked mediate, aaii It eared it directly, 6r -which 1 00
mars you I teeing gratelhl, ' Yours respectfully,
Y.t.ttazarn Fowtax,27 Desbromes eL
Ter ask by B B :auras Druatir, Noe 7 Wood at,
bateau 34 tad 4th eta, Tab* has bean appointed by Dr
TOWNSYND ads Agent for Allegheny an. pied* .17V
Dr.•l, Pettit's American Eye Salve. •
J T A Z/5 14 1 4 :1" ny Ac h i r, A,171V412:1171,v1 y .
It bat eared thousandsof weak, ante, itenaleted and
dimmed oyes, if reecni, or the most aggsavated and ob
stinate chime ease., even of BI seam' standing, and
trate weryother keewe'remedy and prescription Wed
bed WWI oftweeers. ji teyell known that a tare raw
WO:vibe eye Is diming In relieving all • emenzal
whninyulcm,aad tetheactorr, bams.aealdhead, chit.
blatee, te. 'Pneittl eeeteper box. Pahlets zed dl•
reams, coalman, ko., Votolexudi aM 6 b.lhd !fl
tlio *seats, Gemeral•Depot. for the Vaned Bouts, u
Winebomithi 146.1eim NearlYerk. • • Glitmeed •
rat. voitritaaNDll salliarkiftlata=
si Am of W. Great Blood_parta ea of the riGhlest
wadndudJbrnylT 1i . ..W03019 *twain
..:.T~':.. ti ei'e
\-- - ---79---
•.:4'S'li''' -..:* .
"Whet .hough the Moo may not he explained,
Bine, their last am duly ascertained,
Let not d,..,-sion,po:ndice, re pride,
Induce mankind
Meant which. the' a epic, are by Heaven denoted
To Strome the Wei (human ktitido
.THIS remarkable mention, which has reeeived the
universal samba* n of the medical profession of
at Bruin, comprises tn entirely new application of
Galvanism, ass remedte. agent, by means of which the
oldinatiValrente Bonet es, } creoicandhlagoetleMa
chtnea,,te.,ue catirelytispensed with, and th e etym.
rims Fairer of Galva.= n applied Intel:nit as y of the
objection Which are =so arable front the general mode
now in ow. The strung , loses, and irregitlarinterves,
which Galva.= is eppbed by the TI nee, has
been pmaouueed, alter o lair and impartial al, en he
decidedly Werner, and it was to remedy tins thtdi cal de.
feet that this new applied lion was protected, Which, of.
ter unceasing nit and perseverance, protect ed,
been briloght
io its present sum of petfection. The &Maxie /Mr
answer alt the purpose. of the moo expensive Ma
chutes, and In other respects are mouses and
wool,. in accomplishing the desired oleo.
The GedronicHrode used in connection withthe Meg
mit Fluid, are confidently recommended in all diem ,
den =CO aria: front an trisfalAtd or maunder" OW of
.the aoreesss or OW gam, and these complaints are
among amines( pained and universal Is which me are
trance,. They ansc, without exception, from our sim
ple eerie—a deungeOent of the l'iervons Spoon—
and it was in throe ea= that other 'needies , having
so often failed. a new meat MIS grimly seeded, which
It is confidently believed, has been fined in= proper
and Indieito. "phonon of Galvanism
The Galvanic Rings have been OW with entice suc
cess in all cases of ltuunsintoo aeon S. chlonle,
PlYing i. the bend, face Of Ida* OM," rte-Dokirrus,
Diethaehe, Bronchitis, to**, Nweeeser gui HazdaMe.,
Indleanon, Amasses, Palsy, Regure, Fib, Cramp,
Palpiicaien of the Hearn elpeeplay, BOrsess qf Jana,
Spinal Conolainto Lusher, tyareelgo, NOriana
store,Diasiou far gised,r sienna and Side,
GassulDeiliry. Deficits= H and PApiaelEM.
agy, and NERVOUS !BORDERS. le sues el
confirmed Dyspepsia, which Is simply a nervous de
ungemeut of the digesdocerras, they hue bees found
equally anceenfal. Mau sonsaudiaary edicts upon
the tram must be wffilueed le he believed, and as a
mann preventive gar the receding complaints they
are equity recommended Tbs Magri are of digerent
prices, tong made of all alsemiatil et moons orna
mental patterns, and CU be emu by the moo delicate
female without the alt inesowniance. In fact,
the sensation it rather agreeable tianeffierwime,
The Bolranle Belts, Bracelets, Bands,
Garters, Zackleees, &Os
re di
In same cues ofd vs sevearolcOnd of long
standing, the imam yplind by the Galva., Rings
is dot sufficient to arrest the progress of diseue and
ultireately restore health. T ress
Improved modification
lolthe Oalvanie Belts. dracelett de., entirely t e rn.
die. this objection any degree o fpower that is respi
red eon readily be atnainel, and no =Wont which
the no stoonts agent of Galvanism eon effect will fail
to be permanently relieved, These articles are adap
ted to the onto, arms, wrists, limbs, armies. or any pan
of the body, with perfect convenience. The Galvanic
Neeklues are used with greater benefit Mean. of
Bronchitis or affections of tbe throat generally; also is
eases of Nero= Deafness; and with almost miffinu
careen as a preventive (or Apoplexy, Epileptic Fits,
and similar complaint, .
Christie's Magnetic Fluid
lensed to connection with the Galvanic Rings and:all
their atoditiceuons. ?hie composition has been pro
wanted by the French Chemists to be one of the mom
extraordinary &miseries of modern science, Ms be
•lieved to possess the remarkablep ower of reartsfing .h
we sentition • goleonie . netien by this means ceasing
onsicentradon of the infiume, ht the seat of disease,
thin giving rapid:and pcnnancnt islict No .other
competition In ehemlnrie knovinuo produce die same
creel, or to impart. similar propeny to the nervous
sysmte,by me miser an outward local application. The
agnetie Plaid contains nothing capable of the slight
est Injaryi ite application is enfeeble, and it is m
harmless tit its nation as it is beneficial in ite remits
Fall explanations and direction. aeccomany it Th e
eombineU Inventions are inoverrrayperfcmlybarni
lessi they see mold at prices wilnin the reach of all sod
the &moment onlg reiterate a Mir trial as a test of
their emerging efficacy and permanent benefit.
ChrbUe's Galvanic strengthening
. •
These articles form another valuable applicalien of
the mysteviouo taguence of Calamine. They are se
important adjunct to the genuine Galvanic Kings and
their roodiScatiom, acting upon the awe ptumiple. bat
timing the advantage of more local application. The)
are confidently recommended or &valuable addition in
the speedy cureof ftheumatism.acale OrektOtlic; 111
I nervous complaints, and m a peanut mutely to else.
bf Pain and Ingham its the Choi or Dark. ?Me Mt*
ble,in Asthmatic ~triter, and in Mahatma, 02.71,1.
rim Pulasmary Organs. la.:fp/nal Cesuplairds
their effects arc of the most decided characier,and they
have ellen been used with complem They are
alto of the greatest advantage m Pgitts cud Weakness
of the Dream, and are highly recommended for nimay el
those complaints :a which females ore especially liable.
As alt <fertile] Mes for stiverierang the system
when debilitated wi th diremc °tether ceases:ma ter:
Mtn aidit ‘,Coustilittional Weakness, as a Preventive
foe Colds, fad all in affection. of the Chest, generally,
thilialeanie ?Strengthening Plaster will be band et
great and permanent advantage. In a few words; it
mbraces all the virtues of the best tonic preparanott.
I wilb 11r impoitanr addition of the talent. influence
which is neither impthred nar ekbansted, while the or.
than enntmom. Eimer articles Wl/1.40 Maud antlm/y
- Of
from those oltiectiani which are • constant to
O r ...phu t , with the anntistei ON plasters in eroMe common UT I.
137.:The great eelebnty and serene there articles
' p
h e at caused them to be counterfeited by unprincipled
persons. To provide
agent in
Dr. amen,
ha. but one authorised agent in each city of the ltaloin
The nate anent to Pt Itehargh, W. W. WILSON.
Of' the highest and taste re...perm:Are ebaractet, aroma.
sandy reecived. regurdisig the extraordinary rape
and agrees. of the above artieles,. It la believed that
in the city of New York &Moe, upwards of FAGG?
Thlo SA ND PERSONS. during a period of less than
a year, bare been entirely relieved of thei most painful
ehrothe disorder& solar of whieh have completely bait
Lid all former &Toms of medical art. Indeed many of
tae fite‘Pky•itqa.. of this city, who dia•PPm , e of the
Galvanic and Magnetic Machines, constantly receimi
mend this application O. their practice, mil art th the ex
ception of those who aro too prejudicial so give It • tn.
al, the Invention has received unanimous favor with
the most intelligent among the Americas Faculty. 0.
Christie is at all time, ready and most happy to give
eveey facility m physician an ail interested - , for tee.
dng the troth of his assertions and the ellleacyof
OnAaigeney in Pittaliargh,comergth and Maiket
ac ly o •
lOWAN:MS afflicted with. Scrofula,' Eieg's Evd
Cancer, Eryaipelas,Old Soma, MeV., Totter
Mercurial Direases, or any other complaints
from impunties of the blood, are requeated to read
the following testimordala, in primf of the wonder
fel properties of the above puled medicine.
We the nrislenigned, hariag visited Mr. lane
Ricoh, Jr. at thb office of blows. Horned and
Welton, SIG Market street. Philadelphia,' cosmic,
hii one the ono; remarkable one we have ever wit
messed°, heard affil
His disease we, SCROFULA, and terrible must
bare heen hi. twelve years' conflict with the de
. 7isl e lalate,t be entire roof of hi. month, Nee, Up.
per Lip, and lower Lid of the Right Eye have bees
destroyed, his Face nearly eaten rep, and pan of the
Jaw Bone carried away. And yet we can pre al;
deaception of his cue.
Mr. B. informs us that In January last, the whole
interior of his mouth, as well as most of hia fame
was a man of deep and painful ulcers!
On the 14th ofJanuary last, he commenced taki ty
CEA, which chocked the disease in ■ lewdaya
rein that time the care ham proireand without in
New Oink has aepplled the place of the deep al
ems, and though badly disfigured, hie face le sound,
Mad his general health is restored.
We ere assured that in the 'treatment of Mr.
Brooks , cue, no Memorials , Ointment., eel:untie
applications have been mied,—on Oct, the YANA
LEA ALONE, hu wrought this ioanderful change
Dand Smith, Backs coon), Pa. ,
Charles L. &mend, Meadville, Crawford coPa—
JIV Jones, M D South Second street, Phila
Jacob Lee, Pemberton, N J.
E W Cute, 440 N Fourth, aboveToplar st, N. L.
S M'Cunough, Lancaster, Pa. • ,
R St Maddock, 23 North Eleventh at. Phila.
C W Appleton, M D 16 South at do
Timothy Caldwell, Mule, co. /dimmed:
Daniel Yeakel, Chesnut Hilt , PSiledel p hia co. Pa.
John Named, 390 High street, PUN.'
William Steeling, M D,Vaindes, 14, 1 J.
William Hale, 3711 High atreet,thiln. •
J 11 Potter, Manufacturer of Mineral Teeth, 109 S
Ninth street; Phila.
L A Wollenereber, Ed. Phila. Detnimmt 277 N
etreet, do
George W Meer, Brash Maker, 311 1 Market St.
k:mn Carr, 159 Chimera street, Phila.
A D Gillette, Paster of Eleventh Baptist Church,
John Bell, Ene Strient,Plilladelphia, (North Amer
can othce.)
Aaron Sands,l64 Catherine Street, Phila.
Daniel McGinley, Bowles Alley, do
Andrew Sweetest, Camden, N J.
R H Evans, West Phila.
Richard R. Young, Gilder, 409 Market st. Phil*
John.,W Ashmcad, 60 south Stith street, du
T Wagner,Lithograpber, 116 Quoin street, do
13 .1 Kensil, 123 Eleventh street, do
Peter Shen Smith. Editor Native Eagle, do
Joel Bodine, Glees manufacturer, Villiametown
Witham Steely. Farmington, You Buren co. lows
L 13 Cole., M D, Boston, hlan.
Russel Canfield, Phielelogiat, Philadelphia.
Thom,. P S Roby.A4 U, Harrithergh, Pa.
Peter Wnght. r.. 59 Market street, Phila.
Jame. W Filbert it. do •
John Good, 174 Spruce st. • do
William Une, Pester St.hUnifil. E. Ch. Catharine
St. Phila.
F P Senate, Editor Ohre Brrneb, Deyleetcroth
Wholesale and Retail by Re rand v Walton, Pro.
prietom, 376 Market St. IPhiledelphlen K E
.67 Wood at. Palatine), Pa.; Wm. Thy n,&:. Mar
ket et. do.; E 0 Perkins Marlette, Ohio; beaten &
Sharp, Mayarille, H Y; John W Danenhow er, Cie.,
Ohio) Sidell & Keeree,Madieen tart: Noble , LOOM
MUe, Y; Dererenek & Pelloax, St. Lotfis, Mo.
P MeUmw, Miele; Hardaway 6r. John
Hon Viskalmligh,do; CharlerJesklne, New Orlean
La. oat
REMEDY—Wananten to cure, or the moo.
ey returned. This medicine ir prepared from an In.
dian Receipt, obtained from One of there'll the Far
Werti at peat expense: lime who. have been
&tam tehe the tedium% how that they eon and
do cure Venereal without tin, knowledge of Eder.
miry, Balscon, or !anything tit the Med.. The C.
flitted have now en opporWaity or taint cured
withog tithe use of Balsa* Thy :mlearib
lemot to the Mate, and leans' no mall on the
=by no
ic ztyp 411VALTON, and sold
J. T Ragnindi, 276 Mutat
atreet,Pidlad'a. , " 1
FOE side liihumblyth by it it *Weir', DV wood
"vtopl by WikTionybit Sluts% •966/T
'No. SO MaaLet Etrersfirg dam liknoTkird,SmaiJidis
viIPORTERS and Wholesale Dealers IA Wiuchf.,
.LlVateh Wane. and materiala • Jelrehy of *ll due rip
tions, qualition and avlel, comp rmag all tha articles
connected whit the unile.
Cloaks. Thmsa A, Son'. Braania,German Elver and
&leer platid wales ShetSeld and Birmingham plated
fancy articles, !dodgers is Son% and Westenholada cut
lery, razors, mason, erasers. desk .KaiTeh, Sc,. ivory
handled table cutlery of the &nest, manna and ease.
non onalnica A large aasortmeat of gold pct. peri
focal speetaclet, paper macho and japanned Mir.,
carious shapes and qualities, at reduced rata.. PM
-Wigan cases and silver' ware of all dewriptioas rear•
afactared to order.
DIMON A. CO. having recently rein vcd into the
Inge and commodious warehouse formerly occupied.
by Messrs /anent & &ma and more recently by
Ashberst & Pennington, beg leave to inform. Watch
Dealers, Bombe. and IVotersillgerchanM and others
that they design havittgat ill times an assortment- en
Goods of their own importation whin they are deter
mined tosell at the lowest...nes.
ll:rEvery attention will be prod to the packing of
Goods and in the notation of order; the qualities and'
prices will lid folly gmtrantied against ail compertitioa
No. 156 Noll.' Third Sired, ti
£BO7l XvisTaiXT,
rTAII band, and macidientres to order, Artificial
II Plower., Feather., Tarlatan, and Paco Cam U.
Wee Die. Dom Horders,Coltareur, Ire.
And every description of Fancy God., which he will
seltat the lowest marhet prices.
N D.—Feathers dyed,
27 /fortA Mamma., belote &awned,
O/TER for sale at the Jos..; once', all the nniele!
of the Oil Trade. Their moor is varied and exten
ive, and they feel confident of giving satisfaction lo
those who
O call. They hare now on hand—
tllite '' Vf rat
inter OS
and Fall Oils, of Braman qualities: -
Solar Oil.
Winter.pressed Lard Oil, •
Wiener Xlephant and Whale Oils.
, Refined, Bucked and Common Whale Oil.
Tanners' Oils; Foam Candles; Onano,&o. de.
N. B. All goods delivered in first rate order. al adan
GU.'• . •
kNo. 124 North Second Sind. Philadelphia,
11 ACTUBER and MIPORTEIt of Ellin lions,
Rifles and Pistols, Powder Flasks. elm Baia, Ss
rior Powder, Percussion Cary bbot Wads. Ltup tuld
rbe— k C. b n iu ml =or Rerso à' iving indnuaterirds for
Out. Maker'. use. •
aeMaas made to orde., and ? r epairs neatly elevated:
ifrAny Can which I eell will be proved, If deated,
in the presence of the purchaser. ale
STEAM liktdhlfat.
MIIIS Hummer possesses many advantagim over all
1 others—among which may be motioned
Its klaaageableness—Tberapiditiry and th ereof blow
may be cootrolled with the petite= ease, while the
hammer is is opentkin, and the Itanamer majbe
candy arrested, .d suspended at any height.
Its Universality, or capacity to execute work of all
kinds, ikons the large= to the smallest, coder she awe
Its Uimplicity, Compact.= cod Cheapness.
Its Accessibilit y open all aides, by the workmen.
All the hammers arc Nadia Self-Aedna.
The-subscriber. condo. to .000 la ands= for.these
hammers, of raisins, upon realionable ten.,
Fat limber pmealars, inquire of •
Amine= of the Patent forthe United Rates,
deeld-ly • Nouthwark Fotandry, PhllaiVss
Idanefacturers of
No. 384 South Front 8
Back of 7 A. Mines Cabinet Ware Money
ALL orde n lefl with 8.8. Moon, at the oifletiof the
Me Hotel, l'ialbargh, will be pre.PLII
attended to. MOS. G. DERRY
Se , PAikidellikin, hen or de hew of 041 e *
nwieerfully intones hi. &nada
Lad the pablini that he has and will keep
enadantly on bawd and Lv.l., a handsome ay.:winelW of
ashionable Carringoa. Vehicles stall Mile and damiptioaa
sad, W oiderat the dentine peak wino, and evecated in
the very bed wanner, wleated malarial .
4TiiihirAgfan, D. C.
ZCPUS C. ROBIIINB, •Aleehanical Haiti:leer and.
Agent for patenting Patents, will prepare the no
tussah Drawings and Papers for Amnia... fir
ems, and transact all other business in the kw of hi.
pmfession et the Patent Office. lie can be consalted
on all questions taloa:4 m the Patent Lasts and deal.
soma so the' United States or Eantoe. Pe eon. at •
distance &slants of haring egananations made at the
Patent Other, prior to mating application for a patent,
may Animal (poupaid,ancloaing a fee of fire dollars,
a Clear statement of their ease,when immediate atten
tion will be given to it. and all the information that
<mild he obtained by. visit of the applicant in pencil,
promptly conananicated.
All letters on basiacss wank port paid. and contain
a mash i e fee. where a written opinion is Minced.
Mee on P.Street, °primate the Patent Oilea.
He hat the honor of Interning, hy.pennission. to
Hon. Edmund Bake, Commissioner of Patents;
. lion. 11 L. illswortit. late do do do;
H Smacks, Machinist, Potent Office;
Jedge Cranch, Washington.
Ho. E Chime, Alusachnictts, U 8 Senate;
W Aileeqq Otto. do:
Hon./ D Berlin, At C, Missouri;
lion. Willis Hall, New York; • •
lion. Robert Sunilt, AI C,
lion. 8 Ureern, ti IA Senate;
• Ho.' 11 Salle, M C„Shasourl;
Capt. H Id Shreve. Miesesith
Frusta. Rtooko,yuii., Pinsburnh. nrnie
Mt . 7,T;7 4'l TlTril l eotl7•7 l .
truly to writ as to sinters In Creams, Ilwestmems prs earn,
Front, Cooi Drialu, and athi.ha CetbOtl ethaltklnL,U.l .
The pope:won wad erthertadly iavite the eerpeetable
.vithiere to cell end we the A [hewn= the theireelres, as they
are dawned that than tU difeeent &palmate it maw he
r ased, and antalsqy I. the mat pleaamt wwwt in the
Td BATA de to both idolies'aad6thtledoeiVe, are '
thApialled the skranee, wealierie, awl mart 17 any in the
eowary; Lod the Lain' Parlors will eialkage • etsopeer.,
Hr richoess'arathow,and thaw of thiy Wealth,
wiabliskaleallo be drawl anyyrhento
Tim met !lathes, edik tU enema, chaste, and ebewie
rothleva, u •pdave of the oweewricedy,
NaA. are land vp at which Gentletwea, alum, cu here
Disuvreud Refroduivrov'at all hewn of the dey..The
gnat below is mama VI both Win sod wealth:am cetrabee
utile two an.nor. Tim Ladies' Vatiorsoielonire, for La:
j dies—waive. at the ~tat want
. • •
N. U. Parties will trefassiihed at the thiorteir metre..
bekewswiado on Mr moat Approved Lenora p arm—
End amer fashkmable Eastern pasterns and colors. Also
or made to order of oil sixe. ond at tlfprlce.
Country Merchants and others are Invited to call and
examine Oho above for themselves, as aftwill !sold
*shakoes or rotall;and a 'liberal deductiOn-mado tO
wholesale purchaser.
striate A wpArrEatveur
FROM the very llleeral encourage
menthe subscriber has received since
he Las locaimi himself in Allegheny,
bete induced him to take a lease, for •
term of years, on the property be now
mounim, in Deaver street, immediately beside the
Prethytenan (lurch. From the long experience to the
above busman and a desire la please, he hope. lo mer-
it and receive a thereof public patronage.
Now on hand and finialung to order, Rockaway . Dug
s, open
mid top Meanie., sod every descrepteed of
made to order. from emearrfive dollars to
inglethennuel. Isen3lllllollbl SOUTH.
Dr. J — . Pctlit's UnlyersarCiikiillithedy:
in FEW boffin of Dect..l: Peden. 'Tanker remedy..
tonal/town and thoroughly tried. Lax been Peet
obtained, and m for sale by Wen.FACKSON,EiI Liberty
street. it is the mire, sate, end ce rt ain remedy In 19
cases out aka, kr otdmary or emusardthary, and
inert aegmvated eases of recent or climate narthex
Sore Mouth, calomel sore mouth% swelled leartt tarry.
sipelas, canker meth, incipient ronchthis and quinsy,
putrid moss throat, black wane, and all cases of mem
seen ranker, in the month, throat, and .tomach i when
applied in accordance. veldt the directions accompany
g each bottle. Thaanicle reeelved„ is known to Le
grower. Price eV eta _ per bottle. inartre
T. Some Okienalcal Soap.
pOR all kinds of en:adobe and dis
eases of the Skin;
V such as Pemptcs,Dlom he Rheum. Scurvy, fleet
Spots, chapped or enac ted Shen, end for all o th er dims,
Hof the Skin, eqre external Vemedies,
op stand. empanelled. It also dispel. Freckles, Sum
born Morpkew, Ten, and changes the color of.dark,
yellow, or &deleted skin, to a fineeheal th y, youthful.
etcetera.. A fresh supply warranted genuine, and for
sale at the reduced price of 37 per cake, bon loot been
received. is olifored for sale by 1.1 A FAIINES COCK k
CO ,corner isi and wood and also at the corner of sixth
and within. tt go
U wle,l H k E TODD, tallolltlettOttt AgtnlJ, No ad flood
rt., upstairs two doort below Rid, solicit, the museum of
purehasers of Onetime= Furnishing timed. lo our dock of
newiend fathemable goods, manunectured espressly fn: our
own Woe, warranted well made and girt pocket vandiacticer
end we would all the attendee of punka...nand our eioll;
men to one awe of merlins No I Troy Shirte,not remind;
me case mednimquality,do, "Oaf both white and striped of
eon descriptiontudnusoily with price to suit purcharr•
ether cam of thole Rend bororel Joint Brand Out
Sumenders just opened wide swim. imbue, Irk.. vira
would solicit the colt, of purchaser. who an la the habit of
gen:cover tie mountrtm for good., to all and mardoe our
wok, ,v we me madden amideusg. uo fir as pc irta ere eon.
meted, can induce denote Lab further. bet Maine immode
st mil. el
Patent 13 - lock Sprite'. Truss,
WEWLT IN V ENTER—PO: Me re liefand Permanent
.1.1 Caro of HERNIA or RUPTURE. Malted to all
sizes) •
The superior claims of this Tens. consist in the corn.
porstivo cam with which it may be worn. Ttie • pad of
wood. being neon) , haloneedsm springs, yields to pre..
.113 on my port of it, and thoroughly adopti Itself to
any movement made by the wearer. It eon ho worn
without intermission, nntit r. mire Is elected. The sub
scribers hare mode arrangements for the moonbeam<
of those valoablo Trusses, in a superior style, in Philo
delphla, and have them now for site at their otlee,No.
77, Smithfield st. near Sixth, Pittsburgh.
CI AMP APAMII.I4 —Bristol's Comp.
Mercitent's Oomp..Flutd.Ext.Sarsapardla;
Carpenter's do Ms; .
I • Comstock'. do
Toaensentbi do do: .
• Conenntly .na Tor sole by B.A' FAMNO'
TOOK & Co. toner of ant and woo d and lanai and
• ilaiband's - Celtbrated Plaid lagnesp..
Toils is a mad. safe and elspot b...
.L.Lag a - perfect atdatioa of decagon! pun embottato of
p . “ . .... d16. ... 1"..
print.. at Malang. erilkatt be Nakao to Anna eaten.
ow boondspelo act the manor the
M. One
pi tab'mMtn
m fdoC*nlogoi ,
akat tvez-=l. g=
14 t
adstAou 4 o uludl
FOOOl THIAISTON, Proprietary..
To rlis,,, free n V=V47, l tYcit . ,TAt...',7,'
has records undergone Verresten,ire atierations and
improvement.' en entire new Wing bar, been added,
containingnurneroas and airy /denying 'par:men:44.d
The Lemma department hos,also been completely re
organised and fined op in a soon mimic and beautiful
style. In fact the whole arrazigement of the House ho.
been yy m pc c ied, with a single 'eye on the pan of the
proprietons towards the comfort and pleasure of their
Nuests, and which they confidently as:en vent e hal-
The i table Zw":;: r bittp'rtery th th'enaery rub.
sundial and luxury which the market afford. served op
in a superior style, while in the way of . Wye., a c .,
they will not be moused. -
In conclusion she propnetors beg to say, 'h. rsdting
will be left undone on their pan, mid he oar' of their
using/it*, to render this Hotel worthy the conbuued
patronage of their Incridi and the public generally.
Thu prteckfor board have also been reduced to the
ath lial r Tr : dlnati, OH 75 pu day
Urodemerioi ....... —• • • I 50 if -•
N. IL—The Baggage Mingo"' of the /loam will al
ways be frond at the Car and Steamboat. Locality.
'which will convey baggage to from the llotcl, free
of charge. ' mratf
D EMU. STR.ICET 1101j6E, Cincinnati,
01110—The sohotribers having purchased the en
tire interest of Col.() r Wiiitttmsan, late of tins well
known establishment. beg leave Mouth to their friends
and tee Petale generally, War they have taken ml.
rommodiono lintel for a term of years and will exert
their best energies to make it ademmblehomo for Tele.
elle. and City Boarders.. • .
The !loud to spackle. and admirably planned ra, eon
venlener, light andair, having number of parlors
adjoining climbers , presenting ammo.' altrammos
The tmematprop neon having had the axpene.tmor
years in thin city and elsewhere, her they will be able
to g iv. general satisfaction, being lerminedite
andimded attention to the house alone. • • • •
The location fro nt. e Pe e d , tet Neese nodcoLadrd,
eligible, having on Plalnut Third ebb
so that It is equally desirable bylaw of the copycat.
cacao( business manor retirement for private boanlem
It to near by the Bank*, the Post Office, the Masonic
Hall, Odd Fallow. HelLand hut magyar, &stunt from
Main street and two squares from the City Wharf, du.
°da ring the greatest inducement., e specially to
merchant. mod genetally to all persona visiting einem
natl. • • JOHN NOBLE • '
Weddell Loma, Clevelastdi.Ch
T 11.15 SPLENDID DOTEL wag opened on the
46th of June; for the teception of company: ,
ri The edifice fronts one blinked nod twenty-five
colon Superior-et., and one hand:mina ninety-five a
on Bank-n; and contains over two hundred large airy
chambers and forty private parlors all of 'which have
been furnished with the most costly (immune. The
drawing moms see sp acious
. and summit In elegance,
anything of the kind to the. United BMWs. The dieing
ROOM, gentlemen , . parlors, reading spates, office, and
&ening rooms are all large, airy, and famished with
every luxury and comfort that money can mecum.
OTC{ WO peon smite the earner moo of this
mandficent structure was told by Messrs. P. Wed
dell & Son. No expense has been spared by them to
make it equal if not superior to any hotel in Me Union,
and an ornament to the city
Carriages will bole waning at at all lIMCS,IO Mulvey
paomnsers to and from the boats free of charge..
Cleveland. Joly 183ot ...a 8 BARNUM
Cbarles Street, between market and Lombard
St althatore.
Igt'Tu. subscriber !lament taken the shove e nab
ligment. ogrers biomass., to Inc citizens and
z a t t h il e ic r aer t y ai „lt is Bone sititatrdr
• tWst of the too l' restenslie ImpoTna Ho P e ' s=a n nd in
fem. the lOtaliOn OirCr• theme insitind city, an ma
ny conveniences and comforts as the tidier ptinemal
The house Is now being hued up with new furniture,
in good taste .d style, and will be open to the public
on ,be4d day of April, 1517. Thopoprictor wets that
his unremitting efforts toy:Maw, will *Pet= 10 him
portion of the public patronage, retident . Well as
transient.'W W DIX,
Idlio of the firma( Dix & Fogg
Bellmore. Apn myleildm
A LLEditi itt NY HOUSE, eteldasket st , Phila
• de/phis-11c subscriber Pate Of the Wavhingten
iYLHotel, II anrivbergh, Pal takes thi. method in in.
fotming his old friends and the nabno general/yob/at he
has taken the above named HOTEL The Haase is airy
. and eomfottable,and Dm been eltensively altered and
improved, and the pawpw, hopes by •strict attention
to Loma., and a proper care for the comfort of hut
to merit and receive a Mars orpubLic ran:maga
The House is situated very minventent for the Travel.
ling Public, being only Iwo doors above the Ilanisburg
end Pittsburgh Depot. and within twaminutes 'walk of
the Ilaltanore and Reading Depots sreuLmiu at
tacked m tke prentlimi. Terms. $1 pseduy.
P HUG RIM, Proprietor'
A Ilegheor Home, Phil'. A ugmtP.9,11647-malhat
,o. 122 eualcaii•
E tames, under the firm of &moors & WV? ,
have purchased .11,Jones'Interest in talsonahlish
leant, and fluor by the strictest , attention to the wants
and comforts of their rtes... to Merit a corinnaanue of
the liberal patronage illtrtlano ITCCIWC.4 by Its former
proprietor. '
. .
The houso hog been thoroughly renovated. and repair
ed; we therefore feel ovvured gee valeortte oor
friend. and ate public to accommoda con
tions equal to any
to the coy of Philadelplita itt SY !MIDGES.
GALT 110ilACE,
Gain sod Sixtls'Ater, Glisehmsails
/1 , 111.6 esishlahnient I. ewer lire best Order tor tho
reception of the Trsisehog l' Haring under
gone a thorough repair, during tha,past winner. mad
miring Um mow expetieneed men in Me west, in the
us departments, I finite myself Mat all will he
pleated who natl. Tha location Is centnsf,coramodious
and pleasant. Fate 11, per day.
Cincinnati, March I.l,lbdt. ' E MARN
N. 13.--Althow,h not ennetly a new Broom. It is the
same --a new IVhist on the old bawdlin. , arida
THROCELBIORT - 0.311 GALT 11011,1A1A,
lesealavlllw, Hy.
AILA TR ROC IfklO RT ON begs to initialed hisA.
- tbs.& that, ho is vista lessee of the OALT
II OT S Louisville, Tr.. where he hopes to meet all
We old friends, wsonng diem and the public, that no
.roll shall be spared m wakes!' eowfunable who favor
bun wit! their phrasings.
.1 Janl Idly
Acemout nu/wins, •
. • .
Ss... Warr..., rreprislood '
D. ErMAC. E. DrassaffruSie kisssideil Physician.
LMt, delightful establishment is 'boded ahem half i Inge,
eem of the breutiful einem of If orthatapthos tUnn .Le.-
f about fiterfirt abase the Connecticut Liner, which it
im.. The groan. wreanding th e Emalitialonent,
psi. about bey acre; which an emit* appropriate!
to the me and pkuuni of the Patients- Amidst me beautiful
grows mod primitive Dent Omar. numerootiDetyathemo
pletedy ...d i end atoning healthful.. picammt walks Dr
nearly Der miles.
- The epee.. and annsoodioos building. of.the...Heb
ert. ...located upon . the intent brow ol the hill, and ores ,
belt one of theme. enchanting i.smtipin in the world.—
latmedistely in frout, if the sitter of Northampton, with.
numerolas .4 lt.dsome dent/Inn mid. the dna. 'muse
of lolly aod inertimiging ebru. Farther'. to the cut are
the rith meadowsof Nsedomipate mid Hadky=l . in . the
Ir on endure of Spring. or the itsred of
Seasoner and A.m. hlidway, in north and wt.,
is sons the smooth and glueyness.. a the Conturtimit,
slowly Waldo" ite way to the Demo. ,Vn du nor th , nt imme
diate prospect ie the rilhge of Hatfield with.. rich and
health fel farm; cm the en. la the s.risking villas* of Had
ley, and 111. of rashers mith its Colleges: whole us the dis.
ewe with the aid of • glee may he ono . earn-ire and
greedy diversified nap of country. On the wake., at
aLout 21 miles distaoce, is Mount Holyoke, in its drew of
teveelisiog graze end • little Imola& is Km the pleasant
edge of fiesth Hadley; au the ouch,,, behold el about 4
mites distance, the tan.. Men. Tom, and the thanning
v'mg. of East Ilampt., with its elegant school edificer,—
the whole, presenting a consbinubs of natural menery me
...and: perhaps unqualied, other in the world.
il was rtscurksdrisy a isosleassus, .boo by meat scussi thirty
rein ell. tik us venoms poem of Europe; that ha nicer '
belie:al • mese ea perfectly beantiful assii cochentlyg,
The ancommodatione at Rood Hi 11.,. my .fry .5 ger 1 1
dolls, and are amply suilkient Dr upward. of one bodied
nod Ilk pm.. . I
It is provided with an abundance of the purest eyeing wa
ter and every other regal.. Dr the kalend perk. applies.
thei of Ohio ppe. a ad emoderfldly
hat or imyeired health. aocensfol medium o
Dr. Dennimon who resides in the establthatent, is a gentle
man :if mktg.esperiamt,..ll.l ede-aled in Enroll*, when
he eiyayed the adeanuws of .merit rare premire t. the
celebrated 11.1..11 of Ede n.% aod Dublin, ad his been
• eumenfol Prectioner in this vicinity for several years
Patients may therehim npans <ohm midde n. in he skilled
Ample proviiion is alqle Cur attesulawee. Amateg time tow
ploo , d are eeveiwl . well . wedzweted Getteim mews.
Tenos or IkewilTi. owclie,l adwce 110. Pa
a.m. :in c... ypleed 1.111 ewer,. article Ike plektil6 4w. at
thew* et, the articles. ,
IIdF.NT opened on the lath Of August; under tb.
to et C DAELZ, mending Physician and lie
G RIFLTIIIS.aunager of the boarding. Detwilmentl ha
been erected, exprestly Tor the purpose, and la well
calculated to Accommodate twenty- five patienu. It
situation Is healthy and the surrounding country is pie.
taresque; the Immediate neighborhood abounds In pare
soA water springs, from four of which the baths are at
present supplied. /leery facility for the restguation
health to the Invalid is here offered—pare air, water o
the finest quality, and a sheltered, cool situation
The Doctor resides in theestablishumen. Cammen.
datton an the system it avneeesiatty, as is alsi3 MI enw
rut-ration of the diseases curable by water, as it has bu
.come we generally hal:amend favorably received by the
community at large.
Neel. patient Is required to Bunion for the sweating,
and other procester, the fallowing articles r ! tutt, large
Brick woolen blankets, i keen contlosable. or a author emuse cotton sheet, and a linen sheet that eon
be cut into bandages, also mg course towels.
Very feeble pabenta ate mooned In tying an attend,
ant with them, roc whom board can be obtained In the
Ttasts—Each Pelmet In pot' eta dollars per week for
medical adviee, Limo( the bans , ar.d auendelice during
the process, boardand lodging.
Payment tube motto weekly.
Board for any imam brought by Patients two dol.
lam r week. - . , nesdtm
Faulk, between Wood and-Markel-al., opposile
Maj..Larimer's Exchange Office.
badersigned in prepared to accommodate rub.
1, scribers, and the public generally, with a dcliciow
bath. Ilis new cniablintimemt will be
vided with every thing necemary to bathing a
dazary.• d•
MALT and SULPIIIIR BATHS prepared V required.
The above entablinhment le fitted upMI an entire nerd
plan, being ventiltated from die roof %maths wine riber
confident that the improvements combid contribute
to render this entablishnient the nowt com ne fortable One
new in the city. JyPil3m II VASHION
mlit_sweas dto
TUSP Received OA no 254 Liberty' street, a large let
al of
Q ue ensues
re, Tear, Picklee, ice, which the own
er initiate g etre/need prices. He would invite
the attention or dealers, hotel keepers, sthenawat toes,
and private families, to call and examine his mock of
'caret,' beforeparchariug elsewhere.' 'A a they will
dtt to Ilea . advantage, those wishing - purchase,
shaaldeall soon and wears a bargain, as Ili. Mane.
torn about domino OP his each. . sg26
rrllESubscrilletkeeps consistalt, a gooassonntent.
I and annerectures to order, tale, lea, and desert
epoonti, cream. gravy and mustard spoons. soup ladles.
and sugar tongs, baiter and Rah - karate, th reededend
plain [eras; at the lowest W W
1549 •
corner market and Ith street..
RINGS, RlNGS—hat reed Sacs he. or Patetfi Val:
calmed Jaw Robber Raw, Thew Rings. or
beads ate for placlogroarld papers and parcelaorevery
descriptioo—At arthstaat one can be placed mond a
packet of papers boldlog them Sim at the wow time,
."..1 0 Iter addition or radactloa without arty lon or
COEClrlettlel&.' $ & PHILLIPS
all • • Sinter Asia; 5 wood al
JPitektt Ship Eainuukek, 4 cask" `lSpeceee
I Fllal4 compriethr a - 4m 4444111111X1011.19eRt.•'
ant anenikaz of Pelackultsts and eassumenlegenilly.
la t Wei: r. LOGAN...KENNEDY-
. • wood divot- .
n s-aos piake okl ree'd; Ibr sale by
Mn W PACM/EO2l. IN /Many
' p4cAkt sow
The sear And splendid 'stall:per ; •
• nr..a.vErt,
Caist.Charles Hoops. coarnsificea her
regular Inas this day, leancx. Pals;
burgh nvO o'clock , a. ss r aarr Bar el ai. ricknex;r x..-
wannecting rilth Pdtsbuigh And Cevelar.d lane of Cad
owl Boats daily to Clevebaid..o.; Denver, Warren and
Cleveland Line of. Canal. Pukes rind Stage Coacher
dolly to Warren and Cfavelatter Pazact LIAO, to
New Cableand :Greenville. Pa; The Exteasion Line
to Aloadvilte and Erie. liell.3.lcore & Cal Lbws of
Stage Coaches for Clevelaud and .Rooster. leave Bea- ,
wee dolly on the arrival of steamboat Beaver born
Pittsburgh. Apply to
GAI BARTON Cn,•Villeberirl,
amid CLARKE& • Beaver
MEN 1847 - kgirgaZ
N PARK Co, Clevelanat'Or
G PARKS, Beaver, P. Proptierors.
F NATIIEII,, Pius:msg. Pa. '
above Line to now filly prepared to transpon
J. Fteight and Passengers from Pittsburgh and Cleve
land, to any poiptonthe Penney Iyama & Ohio and Ohm
The facilities of said Lino are not equalled by .OT On
said Canals, innosabers and capacmyof litams,'expe
'Mance of Captains. and promptness of Agents, &c.
One Boat leaves Plusburgh and %Poland daily, run
ning in connection w idsthe Stunt,..• .••
Michigan and Lake Eno, bolveconPiushogd
Bove r, and a Lino of first elms Steamboat', I
lers, Bogs and Schooners, en"Lakea Eris, /laittit,.
chicon and Ontario.
Ihopeny forwarded to any Part of itte%Unimi with
despatch. E N PA! bM h. Co, Cleveland, Agu
REED, PARKS 7c.Co, Beaver Agta
W T LOATHER. Piusbargh, Apt,
Cot Water and ftdthtteld sheets
tn!IDI . E.I4 41.11,11.,11.1pEliallteZTL_!
-; LaL—
Tune to Halt:more hount
Time le Phliade/pltta . ' 40 , .• .
[Only yd Miles Stating.' •
splendid andfast ronningeteammaConsal, Lest
fe IdeLane and Swann:, have atenuneneedMaking
double danlypips. One boat will lave the blostonms•
Lela wharf every mor . niet preelaely et 8
Pa...engem by . lho Moraryistur willmmo B
.next evening In Max Sr Philadelplun ,er
Rail Road care The evetung Holt will leave the
wharf daily at 6 otelocA,.ealsept Sundays.. Taseingets
by Me boat will lodge ea baud, in am tenable mate
rooms; leave Lirownsmile Sett traermag at 6 treleckt
erogenic mountains indzy.light; sup and lodge in Cam;
bealand. Thai avoiding mOt travel altogether. The
Prepared:lns on thluoute Ste ample,.and the co.emi e e
• complete; an that Ma:appointments or delnyiwin be an-
Passenicre caitate s pen the rot; anti eivrnei their
'seats pleasurei . nd have:chair* ad Ault Rend.
or Steamboat betwees,Balihnote and,phaudeMbia.
Caches chartered tdpanles minorvel sta they deurev
Sect..e your ur kets at the elleo,Mothenthela Home,
or St Charles Hotel: Al ' EWEN
Pecinur Maw Swallow and Telegraph leave Bea,
ear daily, at 3 Welciek a is; after the arrival of the
rooming Boat from Pittsburgh, nod aniro at•Warrtit in
time fur the Mail lams of Starlet, which hive trumedi ,
atoll' thereafter. and arrive it Cleveland at Ordellek,p.
This mute is ige, most expeditious. and eoni(wittble
. carEsk.LEFFINGWELL, Warren; hotul,
nOly Ommite the ISiot=ge Moue. PityoFgh • ,
114101f.1 . p10..111WV1UM:5A . :4:1.47
Line canal/flinger freight eneipaesenker Pite.k4
J. ta, will ran regolagy.dunqg the bettren
Ileaver and Greenville, Pe., by which freight seal Pai
lane at thel betwe easest n the two painu, will be carried 'mind)
• "
WICK h KKCllER.Greenvilic Ale
CRAIG & FRAMITON, Clark rrille, , do;
• ~ MeFARLAND it HMO; Dig !kid, ' do;
NAIL**. PLUMB Pharpaurgly,
W 0 MALAN. Sinnott, ' do;
WM. MATNEWSi F'olaszi;. dq
' REED, PARKS &Co, Beaver. .. do;
JOIIN A CAUDNEY, eoreerWater sodflortldield ets
ardly. °poodle the 11.1ombeikbele Doese,Tituiborgti
IMAM 1847.
'tog Till. reiraronraTion • L .
Philadelphia, lialklimere, Mew York
and. Bartow . • ,
TAE encouragement this line has received since
its commencement, ha induced' the proprie
tors In increase thestock by adding •number of fir
class hams, and instead °relying receipts to hereto
fore is apas, vre will give our own .receipts lot
freight shipped by this line. . 1 ,;
• The tionts'are all portable,conseqiently.freight
is taken the whole distance without tranShipment,
thereby preventing damage from frequent handling
on the route, and as each hoagie L o
wneiji by the
Captain who ran. them which a anthcisist guar,
some that there will Wino delay : on the mute.. .
All Produce or Merchandise consigned to die
undersigned biiferwarded FREE OF. COM
15dISS1ON,for adraucing mod Carerarding, and will
be shipped without delay at the lowest late. of
We respectfully solicit . abate of public. patio
Canal Ratio, Pittsburgh
F MILLER, 4eet.
Bowley's Wharf, Baltimore. •
Pittsburgh, Feb-18,184T, ' ; • :
1846 ••• - A!NO - •
. . ..•
VIA aaowNsvu.a.r. a - CUMBERLAND.
T/11lamdetstanted ate assuwared to forWatd pro
dice, Ire., to the EasterwMaHmts daring the ease
ins Winter, on the twat !notable ;eons, by, this cape
domes maw '
All property tanned io at will be forwarded at the
lowest noes and with despatch. • • •
Merehandoe reserved •b y' !Mut route promptly. for
warded. J C. BIDWELL, arr.. Pittimarsh.'
6 W c&3B.
notEP. E FMERTON Co,Cumbedand • '
1846 - Aliti • • • • - 1347
- OHIO . - RA I 1.1 0 A D.:.
THE maborribers wtll meeiltfor the delivery of Pro,
duct to llaltimorp by the Motionaaliela Bleehariter
at the fallewits prices.,
Ashes, Dason, Bnuer,,Lead. Lori, Penh, Tallow,
'Whskey, - and Glass—e7l ets perSOoJhe.
Tobaeca;Bregt, Plot and Wbentll-N mimes tOo lba.
Ashes, (PoDApplea.Cturese, Flar-tteee Class, and'
Leather—lDS ctapetloo lbs. • • • .
Oils,Bltlo&Seedt,Wool-110ete per OW ;
Beessost,Feathers,Turs, Ginsetor, and theastS.Root
—TJOtoperloolba. •
All property eonsornedte erther of the Mafersigned
Will be forwarded without .delay, free of Conmessoon,
at above rates. W H CLARK. Brownsville. •
HANNA t WATERMAN .Pit,sstAltr.
THh; TKUTH, ttle - MEN
gle r tat predating twoudera—Riad th following
.from the Rey. 8. Wakefield, Paster
= • ' Pittsburgh. March 6, 19.7.•
Mt. R. R. &Ilene It to from a sense . of dory; as won
as with great pleasere ‘ that ! bear 'testimony tO
tae of yeerthonly celebrated •Versolfuge:-:lpsdeared p
sing* herds, ILO gave it to three of my children, who bad
been dl for several weeks. ..The eldesi was; seven
years old, dm next four, end the yeengencwhteen
months. , 71kiltst Passed Lfty-six Wer9ll the secatid
ditty screw, and the third a coosiderable 'heather not
dthunetly recollected, ;19th r ee thenthsrldtto becit doing
well, and are now th read health. • • ,
Roars respectßdly,
• -- .
Rom th e Rev. s ?Babcock; of the Methodist Epiceo-.
Mr. IL. B. Sellers: It is with gran plenum I would
inform you of the good CEOCIR produced on my son of
foes yenta of age, by your jestly celebrated Venntfoge.
After Ms having convulsions, gave three:doses,
when lie passed an - almost Increddeble amber,
which limo his general health has been improved.
Front the Rev Chark4Cooke, of the Method et 64
ist Epia,
eopal Church:
. •
••• • •
Pitt 14.19 W
Mr. W E. Salient • I
gave try little danghter (between
three and for year" old) three doses ollentr•Vhintruge,
nee/tiding to prescription, with the happiest success.—.
The number of worms exp el led !do not know mdse.
Ay, but it was large.lShe /a now in posressian of.goott
health. I think the medicine> mop be'confoied in with
great unrcurvedners. _ C.Conas:
As this Verrnifuge his never been known Nonni in
a n y instance, when worms actually existed, parents
should give it In pre retrace to all other.
Prepared and sold by 'R. E. SELLERS, between 3d
and4ul, atneet.._
ll . -
sale b 7 or. CaawleFiit Ward. • " •
billett.H.AN'S TOOTH PASTE.. 7
• remnant Immune. - •
erYIE, bent artie known for cleaning and whltudng
/ the Tee th , strairithenieg the gams, sreettening the
breath, he. It should be used every My/CO/in a•stid
brush, and the teeth and Mouth *Mealy minima shish
...nailing in the morning. IVef the brush with wean
water:or cold will answer, and rub it • few umea on
the gime, when enough will. adhere for ccanum the
teeth. 'lt leaves • delicious sane in the mouth,ust
. parts st mon delightful fragrance to the breath. tinned,
unrivalled u • pleaxant, efricadiour, convenient. and
safe dentriflue. It is warranted -mite injure the renh,
butte preleffelhent, •i• • , '
- By aelPtitnlY, it will remove the tartsu and .
Prevent lla uensualanna—prosent the toothache •
strengthen the gum, mid prevent all diumea of there
Chemists, pity...clans, nod the clergy recommend D a
decidedly superior to everything of the kind in Ilse.—
Ask for Sherman% Compoand,grria'Noth Pane. and
observe hie signature in anachedto ettehDol. 2 • •
Remarimended by Dr. Castle, '3Ol Broadorny,'one of
oar best Dentists , and by Most Of the old established
ones inthe United States, and even itenalvely used
by the Nobility of England and Pee' 'ea •
A huge proportion of the disease.? int affliet ennakind
arise from some derangenieut oldie • Launch or bowels.
which • timely_ use of the Cada •ne Lounges wdald
entirely obviate.. Panama biliens pbould
ways bane a boa at bunt. anittake a dons vehement , .
they feel the least de:mamma 1M then health. , kind.
00 , 0•10 of these Loasusea would preeentlhotaatidi
of eases.
Ferules& WM: JACX130:1111, ennterstinotai and
Libettysts .
„. .
. y nabitz.
T. AST Saloplay I give a teaspoon 101 l or 0,-A. Pal.
oe.4mk A Co 7. Nenniftnta to nay tiolo ltui , who Ir
betweeo isnar aod A,V.Yaarl !Llat- 4 .riair OPc d.y
Peaito4 wen., avel.A.6 !%,45,-12,9,
&slog ita..etteeti on lila elula,lthetliaTe Alettwok
roll In bar p.onniter dater, who "rat appasegy w es4. n d
Pasra37 worms of l xertrte biyintrrri,
• irauturuhr: meet,
Pttpuel and .old by 19 A Milinaloolz E co;
rner irt and .1.5.1: as wood ant Ithlts. • • " ls' .
Cll2l/5 MMUS , 5511A1Ira fiO4P,For rem,
I:ling Orem* spotra.toior, or Ittorko Imo ,Clotti,
womkn,citiont, ac 4 tii n tlet: tchEleilt= NMI
wbeie 0, is &prated oleo& to 1 1 41&40,&hd,r & ,
Vold Wallin ditortkom "" Ce 25 MIMI LI.
4:74 Id by . WAL JACKSONAILIbenr load
It 110 MX% awl "we awe!, Oipa of _
k:.~ v ...
snanzi'—' --
anzmAir • sag t. atth - e medic. •
SJ gleamy., that Madras all take it raultiga s t cry for
mot. s. IgikfileyOtlik ..U, yes of Lam
=alhll'otrta OfTuoth Pute Mr took of can,
_ SHERMAN'S COUCH Lozrzcir-s. •
"Tam Lemma al th e safes& smo sore mit Hestia rem
t edythe raga, told&eseumodthess,.• is.r. , at salt
say tight.. of a...1 . 50gs or east, etc, et m she resosteser
has mar kkom mamas". where tag lila OM pis rasa
• adatheoth Selma thoooma base Lae./ma Mil %Mist
the kes gas, mouths" tolialth pasta i. 1 1 1111.(.41 . ) Yap
ormesumptuko, mad Woehbrieoo meltrotheactst dotastaug
cold" end cotvtus They do not meat ood dry- up the cough,
Mt ranter lt cogipeasste espetontim, mho Oahu; or
iFTILItiull sod moon the prams. or eastuttg cams.
They ea made boa • rasatdomioa of • most reloads apes
truntotor ealgh earanaes; sod see sustoutdallg. suisnsir . to
dude "" or g. ti=7l:st:=l. ' rut rt.
faZatoes telso hare bee awl etl frats so mama,. gar,
eta restored as paha health . ' hy Mad them
'al.. therm.. .ale pain so the breast or side,ora of Sher
M 1 Poor Math nukes (price ally EH emus) "thread be
*pgdied oar O. Tart, mil Isom tsh retiree& f asoded
00511.0.4, • far eathartie er Lama lotrogss m
pathetic eadlaae, aboad be thed orotsion esquires
Them... kern. here mss Gamed So =grams 1,400
fait cues la he Sas/Lb* the may mate soma &sus" teg
madame over thsemered. Mute diem. arises Hul aand acvdm storms
load sad antroseseakring, end am death, soh
outdo er ens baud seopeetedg verso gas.. ha
taboted arals Meth, Ida are doesoati Gar various iongts o
withookuty laza, Me th me do. of th ese Lamps would
Symptom Ithress--Psies la the jokes Or k *orets
ase broth, peeking athe mee, grad.; of the dors%
deep, and at tiemegskossethout H. 11.06113 deotal Noah*
bicediogat the otheogangagasoettkos" the arms* AIM
of Ma Ithe oaths ot the tody, slight shah or gar
eskgs, headoele& dkordorti, maga. torpor, disturbed
dam., sulsleo slatted "asleep, with
.fright sadaresatag
ometima temblesme mug keashosset, Wes; potild
bae, Ws, bad Ithle Male lomat, data( kathiegg NA
the shmathS/Larele, fattgue, sm.*. •Potaishoset,
Loo weak, lemors& Haw stssoth or huts,- savior.
eltootiaLpeas" Tarim" pa. of the 104•11, 400140 f Kum
thlogermg tithe throat, *hag orthe uthelomati utght,
frog dean a phr essethig km a. boor/4 oh& am
amea diselargth 01 alloseoullethees.
.aaraotiurnit awniott LOZENGES.
They . gas thootaiik mieb.n...iick. Modal.*
islpitsseco of 4.• heat, Immo of the spirts, deepoodraey
adoomaluel !Mad ems thrust, burst oe sdawar conk
pleat, latang optameita kr* lama eishiog °PIM rhea
Mahe, egmess, erseag at the stoma ac bards, hiskeitti
aketstosoma tal moms diem., datineioe d ditiftgb
day, 2.1 welted:KS through th e raglM Maths or 604
ern soorbus, kinks& kraals m • KIWI 0,41411411. Per
eons Lavabo; or ette.ltaglagegsrtia,orilltiod the Lima_
gem rally rearingeid the boopary agouti.; used
after ilissiGtetion, mil Papa the thee of award... gal
early, led imam th e ouglemua symptoms *mug Han
too Ine Haig. !mom who hate hem too higielleets,
sandaled theli;imired=ronll Bud Urn Li•SlCell ad,
- '
G o t Omer fa the woad, ma lanai=
remerly Goe isks, or umbra i* the badt, loan, ad& mak,
lad& gas., shatmaisto, Weed% Itth la.:, , ,thes outlier
yea eau. apply the drama. Theymiuirialittle mom
sag before SppLcattoet Warnaledatgasor to sitothess,sed
the see Ismer the mai priee,osakag ably theasest, Nat
-hour. , eest plaster a the world. It aPortts relief in • Gni
ma& mho saistaskog cons. . •
lira komphiot era dyspepsia, 41s/welt blistora mm
the mio* Of the Ingo r stoma, ead It will thread great Mg
set . . kg relict In eteglo, adds, "Masai didoelty ed
Imotheath oppeasioo of the Mat or glossa. they waif..
stedithq Kolb and rally hawk the rasa.
ado ary thins, or ti.m. 01 , 1 , 11.1 to Med mod, will rayon
decided soma Isom me dame tray ahte9thst Phe
ter,' `1•133•102.11f generally nsommod pieksmotier
taksbra,beausse they *Mk or alliersastaramitarjam.
er abet In dirk opera? Mersa" thistiahm" asut
'map. They ars am of marelgdillhas insult
enta from my.otber, eld fthesthe evoke.* of sal
lime who lase toed em es yolles ths mast asthma, of
alPtimehelebratedut thd
dird situ;,- tad physkum, lo
ths moth la fl ta hi mediated Outer
S now masa here at the stsrutaid es.
'their =sad Queasy*" thadmostosinotams Mt. - 11.0.
Directions kr the art ea the boob of mat , eta
saillaarile.Shersuen mato& It is ha tgoetatstad
Heap mk Rhelmen's Poor Math plate& aul
bej lo hat
ws, by
_ _
Sold shokale Yd aka JACILSOItth Jas Pain
Mathis. Warehouse, Ntss SG Lithely ettheti oo r or 0,
EDIC4 .,_ :::: 15_
. 1 7,1.1 1 , 1 1 1 . G yk 1CA. 6.1 ,6 1.): 1 1.4 - )n0 : „. ° 77 D I,C A.I '
. ' • ..:
!T ' : " . "4 E"; -,4 4 1 . ' e ths
... .. .... . .., - "..' Mecum ha regularly est
, •'-• . :' . ••••!: -• - . 4 ~! awned to ihOmedicel pro,
. ''• - ''., r '; ',,: • • ~,fessam,ead been:for wear
' 4 ..
t o t Lem ' tis=ri
. I : '',...- •.., .- oha trematint'• of th em
:. '. .. — Sr" a " ‘ pnirate 'and delidate con.:
‘ . ~. \ d 4 plaints for which his versa
\ . „... dp“. tordileis and asperlente
- peidlirly. stalthfy hies.—
Eleven' years ossutoom v devoted to the !wady and
treatment of those cowl e no, (during which timed he
hashadosore poetise and em cued toorepottonts. than
:C.66 ever (411 hi the kit Or aly privotaPracutiemer) alll•
ply qualifies hisa to ml i r m mantes of speedy, pones,
nent,und satisfactory rasa mall allicied with delimit
dimmest, and all diseases arisuM therefrom. , . •
Dr. grown would inform those alifieted With Frivolo
discuses which have become chronic by
led by the see of enrol' the mmmon nostrums of the
day, that their complaints call be radically end their
mighty cored, he having given his cored,/ euanuon to
the trammel of soeh caws, and memesled to hmdreds
of instances in caring prnom ofinfiontation of he met
of the bladder, md kindred diseases who'll Mee result
mat those casco where others have consigned them to
Miele.. deepen, Ile pathealarly Malmo ouch as have
Weaken and mouccessfulir treated trr others. to eon
salt hint, when everyamiatscuonwillbe given them and
their eases treated in nearefal,thosougbandnuelligent
mannerosolated Oat by Mon cape-dame WWI end in;
vesumtnem, which, it is impossible for tam magoged . in
=ndpractlea of mediento to pits any . one ciao
CT Ireintsor Rap tare—Dr. Brom:1,-1We'. tom ' _
persons aillicted With .11ethia AO call . , gilts tam pa,
paricalei attention this.discare. , f .t.., ,'• .
• BIM Deemer; arks Pile., Palsy; etr... mired
I , l.V—Pants of elthe . l. , sex living et i
t he
sum .
:by stung their_ disease 111 siting, giving all tho sump
mats, eon obtain medicines with dureetions Mense s by
addreassag T .BROWN ; ad. D. pint. po.i. llnd melo
g .. - • - • • .
Bo N 0.13 lbantend alley. oilm!le l ke . i.W. , ..?
. LC" No curl. n. Dm! . • .., ::, ._ „, . drit )
ALair Cream, a. mmehless article Mr,: the prow*
bump and itennwation or the Bair. Tlsiscream ' when
ones known. wifl supeneele all .Other antelisof the
kind. now used, Wheretbe hair ta dead, himlik.thut, en.
healthy nt tifitifiliprWa. few applications will make
ihri hair soft. and 11...• and _sire it Imaiitifol lively •
appearance; and arill abo.ntako retain:A liveliness.
and healihy . color twice as long as Milan prepara ti ons
which am.generally med. Every. lady awl. gentleman
who are in. the habitof twig oils on their hair, should
at once parclue o tangent' the Chime Rai iOrenm, '
• itismi composed that it will net injure the hair like tho
other preparations, tint will beeauiy it, andiPrn perfect
sansfacikm in everp.inatance... '
Healt U .6st3tretc.,h, embank !l
, emma, Aeo for
Letter Root the Rev. R. Caldwell, palter of the Peer
bytenen Chareh..Palmki; . • : .
Meams.llendershott d Surfek—Gentlemen: I a .
.pleasore in tech ng my testimony in favor of the, zee.
le= preparation celled D... rarristh's -Chimera .
Cream—for cheat two yam ago aty_hala terytt
brittly, and disposed to caste oat; bat having preento.
boula of the Gretna, and oral torecording scathe P re •
netiptiorti my hair la LOW soh, dune and firm to the,
lead. Alany . balsruna and were applied each lea.
:visit my has ma moose sum than Wane: ThhiCresta
however, has met my expectation/1...
As an ankle for the Toilet; my wife givea it. prefer.
ence over another.. being delicately perfumed, and not
dialoged to raatidny. The ladies especially will Snd
fbe Chinese Cream to be a desideratum in-tacit
ration. Aar theamkt. •Iteapeetfally. &a- •
told wholesale and retail, la Puttbotalihs John • ,
W..Townrend, Pia IS Market II red ]set Atelier, 1 ..
eornereitlyood and Fifth sta.. :
, . . , , ..
.,P.7 INGS:L-Smotyla in ell its tonitiplibli forma.
:iiitretherin that of King's Evil, enithgenteMbre die
glands or hones, iioitre, White Swillinigg. Chrome
Rheumatism, ttatime.r ; diseracei S i lber s;l4 or Spine,
oral Pulmonary Consuinption, 'emanate ;Demi ono
mid thesauri cause, which Is a.poisouseur principle
more or loss inhalant in the hiniussieystem,iTheree
fore, voles" this principle cart bedestrwyed, 00 radi
,eal come= be etlected, but if iher:Onciple upon,
which' the disease depends; removed, a cure
must of security follow.lno maps under what torus
the disease shank! manifest itsell.• This, therefore
in the . 1i2•011 why Jon&. ALTER/Mit is FO elli
.versally.succeinfut IS eemersin so marry: indignant
diseasesit destroys thri4i or.principle from
Stirlen theee diseases-6'So the rorigin;hy :entering
, t a
into the circulation, and with 1.,
blood Is conveyed
to :the minutest , fibre,' touroei wry' lortiele of
disease from the systits.-Pre red 'lodged! at Pip.
C Soetli Third Sliest. PhilsdelPhini. , - 4-
..':SOld-atihe Pekin Ito hese, ptetl2 Yea :eh stree
Px AbOot OnO Tut: proymos liwkiox.f. of Mr.
&Re...Symptom* P 114,1 lam sormileMmifety fmm
SIoPoRM nod sei4Sicamelit - l'bi'M *ode me of
a glem 'amy of oaairleetiiittwot reWrognuomis I
benefit... AlomttllMM Abettor otitis I cooksioomed u.inK
Ur:tent Aledimoe,!norilek h.. entirely tottemed ma
fro acidity ot momoop.iml somosid moo mmfor.
tablo heel& &vend or my Ifieof amlidqvalimanceo
- have mode no of Om 1.1.1*.mi moolYmi Moot. benefit
from tom.:. I - oOp vritti'vonfideneel rteommou4 tke..
• • .• • JANE A LEE, 3i7 Polka m
whoTaitalo end feud by if A FASNESTOCK
• A CO, corostof In nod , Wood, oral Wood odd 6M no.
rullf•IBHP DAILY, inu-WiltaaArtaiiyr.EKL t Y
A t Ai d.j.. ui.ThAtimp,:34 sr. roar afPosOstes
One insertion of 15 lilesi Or 1ena.k........311 50.
Two itincrtions witlior si lteiotions,4 075
Throe' " " " .1 ...... 1 tel
(Inc Week "- .. ... I .0
,Two Weeks, ' ' • • 50
Three " •
.. . ... 3 00
One Month, , 4 00
Two ' '6 00
Three " / .... . ... .. 750
35 , * Longer.innitisetn!ents In nine proP!Tti/ 1 .•
One squan46 'moths, witbout iltrritionw•‘ 10 w
IS. Uw, w . 15 GO
Kashwiditionaitiquars for 6 SCO •
°n ° .T 12 D 1 4 6 Postbs,renewablii at plownre, 15 CO
- •w • 1•• / 1111 00
'Enitindditionitsquoirok ID mosths..'..4.• 10 00
TwOatroater; 6 months; tremble at plossato, 30 CO .
Fauks4Dalobut imusre,6 " 8 00
oa wat.wsins4 .
One iquann.3
, r .. 81 50
• A. each additional 37
1051/0.11 CARD!..'
Fivalines or less, one dear. z., 6 00
w • w sin months ' Sna
e • . .onelessotaily&areekly, 10.00 f
ei ”•- sit mou th s 800
:nnriattarinwrit isr worm! ..... .
Foe Milani/ or len, 000' insertion $0 60
ft Thfce wattle, S 60
"-.- 490
trAn sdvoltisomoils,lo,be ro
thatiettllllo square,
*O4 041iicalttlort5 pot eont to 6tlgi!oo4tiere the
.uoositt of,a4tetttolotiViCoodi =KB CIT year.
nra Ilawatliih.Pmzrer $6 03
t! 13 6 11 0 10111 . 1 .tortoolpiiolitoirO 0 09