The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 19, 1847, Image 3

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    r 4p i.
r ilonAcce--
is ball 11...1 •
4 01. Ao 5 4 0, 44 _ ,
14 b. I.e. Laire7
la.. Usltioxise 10. 61 auitlipos
1% • 111ILIC2Iblr:.01.6 11-14011 .. . ,
100 lusi4; IQ " 10115,
it ,iuy- I 0 "tilt),
Is Itztt.; It 1111 C;
5 vteet Glue; Efs Nat by
.'r cfl , 4 Bilfittllolll4l. It On. 35 Frenl
B AGO 31 —3 ,, elr o ks
3 do 1.12304 , 2 3 ;_.
2 .10 AstrV ,2 V . For OLT
loa. 5
r ro Ito
\I c.! rel-11.11STSTILIOX167ill:
I %S.!, , for ea by W it IIIeCUTCHNO 74 "
No IN Libeny street
1.':1,411-1.11.43• u 5100k!3 ,.
W 1.1.3.. of
:5 o I 11 ,,,, f11. Of
IU bbk 'o I Shad; ol
:6 pieces lisesa;
• '' Eggs, Wilding
';','sbisitt..ZELL, dd
1.11-11- - setiedectsr
• ".4 s ; {Visas Oil
nee 4IK 4
received and kl
on , r , k • Tenn. Pawners;
now landing f "3"
J 1 ...11,10.D.111,11114 {YIP
ac -
pjaCtLy_ CO. wan, and frant r
bro• 0 1:111cal,
I , VV.,. tme‘
11. 0 i DOW GU A.VOI-eV t?• en;
JO r.v.,,,t1 VON 00242,111065T1k CO
11141a41 C(01111d,
b ho goal ori', far We
for side by .
ca received Add:
0/ 1 . - 4 41 4 4 "P''',1 c
• 1 •
Web,— ,
Ml. iberifau d and d
Irwin ids
led 0 120,14
liiMOTIIII siCE.II-40 b.. gulp
eqdes; raie s d o sso r p o s ,
a n ter
. D
!IL -ft , pot reCetV2l,l&lio=4l
LIU RH 0- :5 tad. , No t Batt for *ale by
bUtAAII-211 Lae in elan. sad for at&
ktty 5,5: 1011 N,
. • .
MACH. Ell 1.1,- 14
d u , 3-11.;
15u of bSI. for see bY
INC v ',Ritter
- — t.1.1;
• ‘P t Herring'.
Rao •ids of tea Dmnaond
To Ro )+A Ni rA.D—VounoMixed Sege ol ot.
.R. A c. d ', 4 44-4 i 1 inCula wilt be aid
' 1" '''.
' " ••"
KANE tilt streekboloor !dukes_.
A IVRY REANA-7 bbts prime. eeeelyed on 'con
.l-I.itgnine t it elm iot •ale OM in elan , by
• • 10i1N SCOIT aCO
_Em)lt_ 'Nn 7 Conttnereisi Row Litiony et
ii IRIIAtio AND 1111.41.1 1
1./. tgi 41014 No 1 Merriest • I'
Re tible No I tilted, roes received andib for ILL ,
FA ' . by F attiLLEIL4, 17 Leity m
.- - - -
&rminovr VOIAIRILS,-Elees-stzterothe
out on• Mems eAI gßite(.ol.l.) (ornate. For terms.
ao. nopt) at in 514.1 FOILATTiI A. DUNCAIes
1.../ e Mat tLetet 'l4 we; . - 4
4 lhayit.set :Animate Win; for tiale by_
le a
_ .----
;mom Rio, p a sl i ov i r4 D foc
/Ant! Ly
F.A.TFIVAL- WO Nadas .e,nr sa b
j. • .1 t.. 10
PO;l:t6l3—US..olta rare row!: ftaattFto
WOOL re• as au eansigaraent, lark•V;„trovo bcr,
jeb far rale by
pit:,,ItRON b.....e . 'Nlabnainit F.Tri t FLoy ,_
bbl. pr;sar ardektlKlM;yo •
'vel"l% Or
Iti_stare-n-_;l4bridkeityfnlslilTonyr: 141
ATUe-ribbas ro:47;t.ct.t.
/ ta l e W-17aThilmate atopplng
4...flandiag Ly.
Je= MOM` ALE k CO, I.ibegta2L
b prime Malta II aaaaa ;
S U 41A
Email; for .0! by
ke4 G LIE . 4 !a BEN N ETT. IS and tO art.:22L .
F L" a- 11 br
rei for saIe 4ISAIAH DICKEY I
" -
C'EE gE-4 •ole b9 lbr Pr'r,lTarnTitg,tt,;*
PE " ' " • "VdJ C
VIRE BILICEL—V,IXA Fire Brink far ~le by
r 1
Alp-17 tego plate LAtd fo!nleb • y
_. .
j " 1
BERRI-tu b ii.1"4"1. oft reed
\Jana for sale lt)
RIMY .r.ter
0 kir:4—tuo b Lela Oats lagiirAl.
iti,i,Y-5(1L11,6;e1s Ifxrl
P —WO buslelo u Cu} .11ebir__
lvdTb—elTrEM, kl.a.lonblsNETT•
pi—recei•cd uul lot • by
J KIDD e, 03
EA. NUTA—Esassed 101 cuuom erc ,tbe MUM.
wd Since Fsesay, sr FifthEllO street.
DE4 k ALCOR:4_
ea and
put up la vian..rfor
it':zkr,etrri.iX:tantly on hard at the .
co4rud*plee Fator,•l7. F
ort! o:l7l.llAvie,eLcov:EL:
;74!":41:1il:V"'Eni13 IXt"
GR . O , A; t1)..=1; lit11:0131131:IWZAtul
pound and °tomtit.). ItoDneran..
Nol7 PAO Moot
4! TIN
._ I
5.1- if""giiiFarut
' - . 0 ; 7 1 ) A :Si) Ault_
IS jel
8 bi`
16.13-113 bass sarssor. d
ffiri VsPalwirbs 11111.1.11 Rl'.K_ElrSt_
C Ts,' far sale lasr b
1PAP.725 441 LI'S ItltlClffrso,l
A 8115;•-suu Wm, in slaty, for Yak by
WINDOW: °L"-1130' bbt Dr tale by_
myA TOW: b, DUNCAN. water bad from ms
" OIL—A few imayel jb now wilco!
.1_01Lr•O A)_::lit!NE2N •
L 174
• ARD— good ---r--I—"Y /OR
•ruelt, for_sa O.P
o , s
^ ' • 3 r '
" - s 11~Idda , jr•t reteireA ~`l ~~
'APPI~R B ' Vill!lnllnS ST+ ~
. _ ~ YM • ~~~__
prigagzr, zawlearritirtair
bkY :171'15 ao'Ne.:l.l.llark VamishP.l.4..V.
J. Ll.L.U l :e 4l.o pmt o moßGANJDropria
y. TUILI.I.IN TINE -3 Larri.stfiliallpi
1 , 7 P"5
LS ILL-1 01•1141 irk a. Cot oak
bi D
1\ ;171‘IM6IA-- I c;;e / aSibartatcd. far aala ky Ar
1110 RU
firrlik ALK-1 cask for VORGAN
fIOPPICILAV 1•J Verret, for nle
‘../ 0 5 ,
D oc O. PO Vv OlAR—WirroA tt Tor Saint%
/. 5
mut —v I Nisibowarranted at mal
Ptr • ",11 eORGAN
LST It SP—Emh made, arida( 6 ria qoal.
lany. kw solo low I.r
W liifft IL. V. it/ -50 fir Purr, for al. fil
,112 . _119T21 . :L
....ckLif.l3/TV s—l l'ima, ~o•V Illiti4 f:dr
CUEN.SE —um i." li(11/ iKatirgickeyhi 00 1
.".-- _.. -
AILS— Wu ur c. a......l,Plit.trfausaTcoraeitEoti/
Nfo,•ale by_ . ~ !S
.. n t___________---__
i ii SHED OIL 7:23.:
- _ __-. _
niiii W L.°V IL - 4 ' 1' . VV) 1 :4 1.. 12:1447.3 74 it
JA jr 5
rf:f 11.'-* "I
VII tglittiVall a co
iiii iii aim -50 0.. ) o:7 . o ,. ..atrat u m= ...
. cy,r,st , ,R , C. R. ?qr. for ss , * A.
Mv7, o.- ' ""•
~.___ !,. it mO, I) rel k-J.).l_
RAN -8 4,, ..ct..1..CH1ncpja1q,..1.1,,,..4,„
L/.1. ... or ." ."-----1-''.."-------.-.
9ACVS' fur sale low • y
1 ,000 41.1.‘te "W
CliJtri '471" ";117C17.1•1eVANDI.AM
• • perfir';:ll,:iiielker'• Mead. for
,F_ b 4 WO.
• ;
° V -40 to•I4 ElearpaVisfitialie, co
FI II bA i t ci)
x r. j vso
E;sr;;-e`'Cr'i; 6• ;;lni:ir , : ll:c.',4 Lia U pg r
e t W IC K Wabv
N , int{ •
s. et 110TRIMII. ;IFINI.,a. LL. N. 1:C kM.•
11(oyeaseatii of lb. Mown Stea mers.
Soma, Cupolas. Lllre Amer. I_e sea Lerup:..
.CalsOnn. OA). JoOlia. JUly I June. 4
VittioColoulo, (FIV---. JOY I , ~1 ,
Cala='oat,/ - Lou, . ' , July If . . Ju e
elletflou lAol Heo re, July I
Blitoani.llk) llareieon, Auf I .11.0 y 4
Sarah Yeads.lfikli hompluo, ___
-- --- --- - --.--.
°MSaturda rilisaU ass LiTE,
y Morning, hue 19.
There Irtv 4 Get water, lalw, itb the etm.' ILI
de.. •
Floor—Fridsy um . escesairely dolt day to the
market. Nothing wes done that we could bear to
establish a price. 9 hose who are able to hold their
Fleet have withdrawn it loam the market for the
priment. The weak ones are balding off-as long as
possible. To day there will doubtlesabe seine ha
ziness done.
A sale of 3000 lb. Flu, not in merchantable order
at 51c, cub.
Se!autism in cake, and to arrive, is offered at hie,
A sale of 50 tons hlercer Co. Pig Iron, at
rri, 6 mm. • This, we pregame, was Coke Pig.
Venturi are fair ate at 51ciZtc,--extretocs —as
In quality and order.
Cotton—The naves hi; had a very lavorahle. (feet
upon the views of the Cotton Factors. No sale'
have transpired,, nor has there even been inquiry
note the nem; but it is so far favorable,they ecpect
...neatly to realise what they inked a namth age.
ea-111612e. laeoeoectioo with this aotiect, we
may mention a curious practice said to prevail in
Cincinnati. R. is this—that, wherever a lot of Cot.
ton In shipped from that city to this for a market. it
i a reported an sold. and forthwith the price and terms
appear in the market reports . We knee marvelled a
little at the orsamooal large isles
of in Cincinnati, h o t
w ere innocent or any knowledge the cause. u
this explanatioo. Is ft correct ?
A lotbf Timothy Seed offered about the market,
by the 'carper, could not he wild at $l5O ha.
Sale 100 M Shingles from ttalt at 5,50 1. hi.
Cheese—Dawn plenty and very doll. The warmth
f the weather damages them a good deal. Sales
54(t6c 7 lb in bag.
'abort & Richardson, at Cincinnati, handsodiely
i, in polished cedar barrels, 4 bblm kiln dried
Cornmeal, to be pent to Queen Victoria, and
it on the 15th Mat.
River Freights continue extremely low. and are
quite scant. The large boats now rooting are ma.
king hat tittle, and the ,mall ones are, generally,
preparing tar the mummer trade. The Packets to all
the short trades ore doing a rather small business.
The Pilot of the Mingo Chiral—Hemy T nester—
lode ue his senior. of the late Meader to that boat •
We psiblieh no much of it as relates to the merit.
the case, and hope we 'shall hear no more about
lls says
w agt ingo one did not take isheer on
him,“ but as la
where I wanted ber. She was
iylog sttlightep and down the river. was as close
to the bar I thought was sale to be. When pool,-
rite the mouth el t h e stopped the Engines,
and floated until I saw th e Amen. coming right
head on tato me. I then rang the bell to back her.
and the engines were backing when the America hit
an on the larboard side of the bow and shoved us
around with our head to the Ohio shore. I was an
cloth to the ran ler that the Engines did not make
more tban three or roar revalottonsherare
she touched the bar and sunk immediately."
A bulkhead was built, and the heat rain. and
ready to run in Whoa's. She proceeded to manes
rifle, .d will be.bere soon. We putthsh the above
hit MY not to be considered responsible for anything.
s it.
The short time "ma bee elapsed since the Sandy
and Bearer canal was opened, aulficlent to chow
call we My coped Bow that tearer
w to
completed through to the Ohio canal. The l'aleb
Cope," the elegant and Feet racket, put on the I.rat'e
to Glasgow, recently. has been dome •ery line
'te Ot thus tar, and which, must nee•ccanly
,mpetes nee!ms to have taken poolearton , I
Mime portion ot our conotrymen. This new
runs ip the direction of Steam ',hips, New
.eana rill have her ,full share ere tong. Beside.,'
ie four mammoth Steamers to be built at N. York
e. the N. O. and Liverpoo l , Line, the Steamships
'Wing here armlet Cincinnati ate lor that plrt. '
Esport ar Breadstas from the U Slates to Greit
Britain and Ireland, Goa Sept. 1,1246, ta June 5,
Flour, Cornmeal, Attest,
From ' bbl.. bbls bo.
New York ....... ...85?.634 t 1718362 1086436
Philadelphia .• • • ....1:04119 137690 41(1736
Baltimore ........... %1...A1 61615; 6=B
Norfolk •-•...• ....... 4031 tltbr./
N. Orleans, (Jane .1.t...509...31 '23:t1.2
•-•• . ............ 61:65) 23085
.. 4161,8 4734.31 3146'
0 - that ports
,--- ---
Total... ....... 1986E90 612542. 1903019
C 0,,,, Rye, Oats, ' Barley, :
Saab. boob. bean. buab
N licok ....... 5041729 40163 308221 171°112
rtilada . ... ,• .. 858871 5662 3017 •• • •
Baltimore ..... 1505440 •... 0413 ...
Norfolk .. . . 1362761 •• . • •... ....
N:O. (lone 5.45247 •.• • • • .. ~ . .11•.. o
llostan ...... • 553113 .•.. ,•• • .• ' .
0450.. pore... 517 M . • •• • .
---- -- --
Tofal • •..1311E=21 46171 373911 172.3..1.
Barka from Near if. h. from September 1.1816,
to June 5, 1817: .
• To Great Britain. Ace. France 6
,FlOor ... . .............. tvbt• 85%34 181,17
i:orenaeol ............ . ...... 277852 .
Wheat ............ • ...boa lormsti ^.34080
051ra . . ...... ... ........... sairrn 6131
Rye ....................... 4016.1 3157!
o.u. ...................... 308= 3068
Barley ................... • 111682 I 32
Caporulrom N. °dem., from September 1,1846,
t June 2, 1847
Rif ET it CO
t Britain. Be. Fn
T ° 6 7.bbi.
...... 41:15,6
... ird6
usval 907
WHEELING --Per Hibernia -1 ba, M Comm
2 Weil pig Iron, Linepton, Rouen 1 -7 5
bra.. J Donaldeon—% bbl, Boar, 09 bdla paper, t 1
.eta rage, 10 do peachea, I s bbl. owner. 11
SUNFISH—Per Mariam—lD Ude flour, Wick 51'
M'ndlese-70 do; 9 Midi tobacco. l) Leech & co
—td)bbla flant, ilobiama & co—t l brcon, V. aka
wool, IS bdla leather. V. Mid. tobacco. [lineman—
OM bbls flour. Forlyth.& c 0,% acts wo .1. Bagaley
& Snaltk:
-.' St, LOWS—Per Talisman... 4 bale;Wor li
Hoboes & tho—b boxes. MeFaden &Co—at hhda
tobacco, At.ond, Jones & et -a 9 P . lead, Bags
i.y & Sanitt,alitbla bacon,4 Wats pork, Mei. aden
i& co-33141es benip, 11 Gratl-0 1 bay starch, GB
. Miltenberger...2 bac Eliott& Eniglish.-15 d hides,
IV Young-119 hones, owner. . - ':
. .
• ' BEAVER --per Beater- 13 aacks.wheat. S M'.
CI kkkkk & co—. 4 bacon, Batairj& 000th-5
bp. ;Mese, Dickey & co—l 7 bbla floor, J M'Cully
14blotrma,MT Mattheare-93pavengira—lose.1
i, .. Iwo nail bewail with 9100 bu oata,4fi bbla erbio.
ks Eric-11 arks w0d1,:. 1 / do corn, 100. d
01f1S11k:NGF.It.Cse01.0. 10 A. N.
""••• u
PACK ET,•1.011Ade11,101 And
Baltimore. 9 r. •.
BEAVER PACKETS at 9 and 10 A at and 3 r m
GLASGOW rAcKKr. Olai;ear. 4 r
HIBERNIA. Wbeoling,lo,a.
FINANCIER. Lacisnllea r.
NIAGARA. St Li:mm.l o A. la.
!GERbIANTOWN. New Orlcear, a. si.
ISAAe.NEWTON,CmcinastI, JO A. M.
BEAVER PACKETS at 9 A.M. sad 3 P. AL
I I b
ET monc.AN
• P. M-
D:Lev:a & Ca'a. PACKET, Philadelphia sod
Baltimore 9 F. M:
Beaver, Hoops, Beaver.
OUNII•BovImzn. Brownie.
Lake Krim, Hemphill. Beaver.
Louis McLane. Benneu. Browarikle.
Rambler, Haughtoo, McKeesport.
New Cape, Shale.. Lll..gow.
New Nagload. Etsben„-WlicelinL
Name Newton, Mason. Cineionais
Harlem. Monks:, Sunfish.
Beaver. Heap*, Beaver.
Leke F.rie, Ileraphill, Bea ver.
Consul. Bowman. Browneville.
Luau McLane, Bennett. Orownwrill
Rambler lisughton, Moo, City.
Itatato Cope. Stales, Glow+.
Ileepata+, Nelson. Moouotabela Coy
illbarma.Suank. Wheeling.
CliPolw Nal—Crook.. CO..
Mt. Vernon, Parkinson. St Luau.
37 . 1 . 411:176T k CO 11116 'HAT,.
ATl°ll.rAT,te'". P i rg,;.,..rt , .. a.. ,„, .. ,
'""7.---,C°.",iiDeposi ions,of tatter canoert
:te be reeordo et wed In th.l States of ,KNTUCK•
GAN.• 7 ;
Me., Betk.4 8046./3 11
• VllO5. 1.919.11(35,
99.-M'XCliiihT, N 059 W.' suet, ST, LOUIE.,
Pitl Da i p4 cm
Sho /Y
d, . Co, •nd AmbonTe=
I lIIPOIITJA.II-------:(„T TO TEE R ------1 CD R- - Chm e.
1 Maw Cream, • nialehlte. ale ter[: De Growth.
Beauty and Res...doe of the Htt. TtlsCr. e s Wlrrtt
once know. will raperrede all other enrolee of Me
kr id nova used lt hate the hatr IS elead.lll4.lh thtltste -
111,1110 or tnnting Inn. • few appiterations will mile
the bur soft,:ar
, e ‘
„ st ‘ a s, be n s i t t ri s tltul .. l l . , lL . O . S .
Uir.lellei:lrlleicol'air to Pee at long as all the mom
which are gener•lly coed. Every lody and gentklma
who an' sn the helot of name oils on their ban, stiou'd
near purehaw • haute or lbeettinelle Illtsf Cyr.. 6.
M le so compassed that n will not invite the halt tike the
other preparations,llolw ill beanttly to and give perfect
aamfacuon in every inmance
Fel tmlimouy to it• brrl superior ...W. ea, see the
tollowleg letter (tons Rev Mr Caldaell, to Meseta
Seadersholi to Stretch, Nashville. General /gout. tor
the Western Slat.. ..I
Letter from the Rev R Celdsvell, pastor of the Pre.-
by tense Crotch Pulaski
Memo Moder...Se Streteh-Ganttemen I take
ple.sure in adding my testimony en favor of the egret
tent preparation called Dt. Pettish,. Chute, wine
CreamMe alsout two year s •go my hole CM. VOT 11 0 . •
bt ally, and diapered to come out but havong proectied
• boule of the Crean...Ml used et according to Me pre
wrtphon. tiny hair is now soh, elastic and firma , the
head Man) balsams and oils were applied eseh lea
ring my WWI? . In • wow audio than berfOr•• Thie Create,
however• list met my egpeetations
A. an art/clef.. the Toilet, soy ....fc gives it ptefer
once owe all cabers. beingdelicately perfumed, and not
disposed to n0e1.,. The ladle. tell mall) will find_
dm Chinew Creme to Le a desideratum in their po.p. -
(""e toilet R''''''''''itteAL,Dli ELL
Pulaski, Jan' y. 7, 1.17
Up9•Sold wholesale and retail, to liitwbusgh by John
Regalia.. Ben.Ver and Glasgow Paenee. M-Townwnd. No 40 Market street, and Joel klobler,
The new and fist runtime Meas.*. corner of Wood and Filth ins. Ml._
oat CALEB COPE ASI 111PORTANT IsETTICI3.-The following
rb°,,,,'"'..,in.",""' t"`",,, , '"",1;',, n °L.' .a. letter Rom Dr.!Utahans, of Lowell, Mats , but
yt„,r--",„:1,, .„-,:',.,nt.„7•„!'•.--‘:`,,:--,r„-- a eats the unifotmlanguage el hundreds of other phy op
b e , g b d i l y et 3.70-eir,,,-....-„,en- 7w,,Teg70.61`,,,,-.0.% .. [Plans, who bar Ted, and therelore know nose to or
Instmth of Sandy end BesserCarrelq on Mosta. , , We 4 P'‘.n...J.,..• /...P...'nn"
headay. end Friitle. Lowell. Mess, Jan I,n ledl
For Weight or peerage 10 BelVer'Nehr the _
_D r _• r”..;‘1nd,t1.71,;Dk01,,w5,,,,.h: btha:.......!.),".1.7,7j,:,
Sevens W. cat and Netlike( New Lisbon. apply on be
ivol ~:'
ore tel 0& W HARBAUGII.TI rood street ri.rci....- in my P . ''' .e inn n i'n''''• of )"i••1
lila eine can moo Sealy say, that I have ire more success.
tul in the ose of that as a T odd,. safe and very thorough
The fine Inearner PALO ALTO 1 Elpectoracit. than of any which I have ever used. It
MeDatiald. master, will run regularl• is the best for the following obvious font.. It de
between lintsbureh and liesoer pet not if give nle
doses, occasion a disagreeable
place of the Eisner kbeltia.) le•Ir newt eh II does not weak. the 11111(• mod peonage the
ing n eeeee e•er, mowing at e o'clock sy stem like most other EXpeetoratits M common use,
and Pittsburgh cocci aftewoon at 3 o'clock nor does it abate the m.o. of the Niacin, like other
epaoseanng medicine's. which have been used by the
n'e'gh‘...' r1g.1i!ff,17.1.221;16), Arne Smoker faculty In • word tt re nearly or smite the Win{ which
b e ;r, en ,, g h t r e , b y . e ,,, o r ,boZoool., for 0g0,,000
tea.' in Coe Water and Smithfield sts, Pittsburgh by i
''''‘. ZInsI2F:YRRIOD A /I. M CI
REGULAR PACKET , POT sale In PAtebut. at Me PEKIN TEA arum...,
Tb,....,5aA. Var. passenger 7, ,,, „... 0 ,. n ,, , no ., tt . o d, oo d m t he Di. Store 01
t earner SW ['ARA. 11 P acherant.Euelettlellvel, Allegheny Cim •'
(Draught only LS inch
C.apt. Cox. • ill leas eon Menden the niFIM_I__I.F
7 h instant. at 4 o clock rre ,for WII• A. WARD . DENTIST,
Cincinnati and intermmlnate poets and will perform y.....-- 11AS Renooved to the house en Penn
her tripe regularly during the low Wale! season. - "w erect, three door. Mane land cirri,
For !might or 'lessees. apol) . Want , tel los easaii whew be may be found from 0 &clerk
REGFLAR CINt 'NATI aSI tAlbla PA , hLT • a • elttll 5 9 1
ail A. he t desirous ot be. cuiplOyed by none bet
nnTllN't.l7=.'ennw' t hoar whits will Make 1111thedtate payment without the
Woodward mmiccwill leave.. above neeewity on his panel collecting he would ;erne par
reeularly throughout the seawn For tient. Mien.. to the billeti n g
, t ., ri.• i A il , h , i h ll . 9 ,g le e l d t
fir :tin or pa.sage apply on hoard unpaid let the expprarnot QC lh t) I , te. owilt b
at the fuhlowang raw. -
- - FOR INNPI. fi n e I a lAll ' ilhV I li ght '2l7‘'.- For Extracting Teed, SI
For Fpllono tram 02 to Ea err eavity
The and staunch light draught
mat tweeter yßiumpyl, t i tyr i All other oncost our in the sante proponent
All Cana di which enbahelnellth are not ranurmen,
G,..1,17:i,nrh.„,„,":i),,,'„,i,T,..:e:•,nbn;:, t . it , l . l n s o w n t . l . l be coin:Oct-editor areotibng to the above reg.
(wiener passage apply on board
N 1J -There are those marbled to hoe whose se
-_-- n ITIL. count. if not paid trnmedimely, will I. PlEred the
-----IFCCITCINCINN AI 1 standee , • proper &Seer Mr ent Irm. aplltnsiortiF
main The elegem and fora Packet -------To Terivellirs. •
Calhoun ma eeee e will leave as minor le t aggilp
receded). throostmut the-wawa Fur rcni . gaMija
irelglli or pamage •pplt on imard "* riIitrADICLPIIIA AND INALTIMOBits
FOIL SIP LOP la-DIRt . PT lErrhodeely for Pnalt•nns 1
TIIE m meet. ta. d eirrant steamer rl 9 lll l . Canal and Railroad being now in eleellent
:own' CA ROLIA A, I. order the Pueket. of this Line will leave war pas
Deee.eY muter 991, ire• • .. wagers as (ono., e,.rr .1t... 9 "c 1 .4
• •Isove throughout these .. For p e o,,, 'p.o.e. Itedltey Monday June
freight or pa•ange apply on board do toms ...Thotapson,'Cut• lay , June".
m7" O do hetilerty. Ts M.). Otednerday June 9
IN ProDURGII 1011/ •Or ~,,e, i•Avisiti - do Oh Po, Craig. rhuroday, June IU
g,. gap. 'I hr ite,s,74 opleatsitCnser . Jodie., tkrkey , Friday. one II
do loutsmna rhenium n ',murder June I!
•.-c- LO'n • . 991 . , 999 . M. , ecreee9l/ do Kentucky. 'I lob!, Sunday, Jane El
...- ...... fay thi• imile and will learn rego dr, Ph., Craig• Niondo• Jun. IL
1 .4 ...I the "co.^ It. "J• do Indiana Bette), ruesday June 15
will be ildtrvlliied he wisher etr7. • do I outman, Thor... 1N ednemlay,l.e IG
Illit.lCA I. LOC P.% 11. i, Cm a 1-.11 do kientocky Truny.T.rsday June l:
1 en
4'nn tn ‘ n"
1 idl: lintrinn'ae‘a,t;;',ll.,l:2:,i).„.. I:.
. i ff,..„..., i. Ilk AA
Crotier, ina-ter will ton a. 1 tei eular t do Idniththna Its..son, hunday, June tU
packet hely ern 'Lamb.. and lows If you desire clie•p ravening .d cruton.. neeoni
vine during Mr *ea,. .tie Water on Thursday eve. motet ens, .eeure your tirket. at the Pa. het ON,
nine. 'slay Gib ut 4 o'clork hlooongahela Rev.', Water street or Si
For freight or pa.wer ripply on Imard tnye
_le7 D I.F.ECII & ClO, Capps Ilss.
, pIIIS n ew and apt tilde rtablolournt ere. terldoram
.Th...•,,,bc,el'abtoi di1tgi'...,,%,r141.7.;."'"ine 1 nie pnot F easen. is now opto lot the 'virgin , . hi
m oo „ o ..„, o „, io , 0.., tth:sio na attJ perisma , ,, i . .t
.I:e.snler.% .
r . Lei beta,. thts plate and /paw. Ike . 919 . 0 1 ° , 1 ..
~, .r , 9‘:.,,,r`r 9,,'2,..."7:
.0,- For ire gin or passage sorb. on coard or to t °Ps 1 . 'he ir s9 " 99 P",' eP, 1 : . ; , ie ' . l° ,, 7 ., P . ,,,, , , r .,,,,
toll 1..0 II kill. I 9 NISI 1114. II Sct I ^ , 'he P• 99. e' er ' °I 9 ` ine ` "'in ' •
r P
FLEE 1 LA It ClNt'l `.. \ ATI PAPKIT
wifigill contrentenre .ettld be o n...lied itt the Union Ann
1 o h i e he ne. spayed ne thnt , anis nor v lin roe .n the
..- tit ",. ~r ) drrx. .0 .....6 atmounent of lbw drawable obte-th he lensc• the pold e
Zt'n,eon7i'ea.t:rn'es'Aill t ra ' nPi ‘ • atm+ , du '''filefsthlnnunwangu" ots
r o r e the ..- /0011 th ng Irgular 1r .... • r,..ond .1: .upte• • att I cur , rm.* Ibe I anoint v vat•
The. '. d ' ... . "P) O ' , she . a . l et lor Ire. el„ .i al made to order wth perneular ..dem mu. y eapi
pa-rage appiy un t wird .1101 r 'oven •nce e. well as style and All Me
Plstabwrgla nd Sonelsh Packat;- ' m''' , '''''' '.'"*.'"." '" its " `" b "'`'''" 'l';
r4WEtte. I lien[ w and hoe .11thotr• • aveto , s rape and e onifort •nd an e xperience or .
has e nable...l Mr rope riot to tpindoe• man)
rhh,rl main r, ba• resumed Pei re* inn. ril. a.k.a. ... ) m e,pec0,1,..
4'. curd
"cn" I.
".' "rg' .... nen" an
'"trs:"ti"n'ptl t nr t . ' ;e ' en raft , ad J;
• 5t.,... epr , r , Thai-4. •,iNI Pn i 9 0l he 4 " • " ° erne " ,' , , „,, ~, , „),
Jar. a, 1 0 p,h., k, It 11 I .1. 11. • tg . “ a; ~......., u p,•l) 1 o ot. and die 'in. il .e,n . t i
i s
. roe 4. mem corroppend ,lon , 1.., tp,, omet u• new
and 1 . 1-. sure tr. v•I I. A 0 .11S
boater. June 1147 'e.t.d.
ANDFRION Prom ,esor, respeetliiily in
oRIPhe pilule tool data eival•lnthelenl Orel m.o. tmiene o.
and prepared fur the aceennoodetmet of ammo, by d
15th of this froth.
The aunt-lions
of in a ( w hiners.° A suer nig nee ,
are . welt and 'edict, Loewe, to Tv,. re rowan rat en,
pp o •....1 ihe pt '
N a he se to w ce lb of u r M 411.11., a h... e. Iy . y ene
e , s od are ...te d .... Mop a. nte ...tag. rof bort. a n
.to , ,•hopeni n•••• I. i .er 0 . nu oine,d , a aet to me
is vo. aide ieg•rd 01 the n airen• or the blartnbal dart It 0
the two Post siltemtath have wee eppeneeit I.lsimiew
eel ,
attentive sem ant. end a Lio. I and a anus C.
I,lv. elan been snared
3h t road from Cumberland th• n eau. rn tvren nes of
Ihe Italumote stul Oh o gadrood snit trous 110114%1 •
0h . ... Pentaylean •. Csetai eml t ham ef t , omit
western termini.. of Ifonitn,rlnthi % alley as lo ad
it-it orJ Lave nem. I 1 .rb mpg, ved mud air in sten . or•
'if r - _ ret lin sti
V.... 11 -NOll F. Its CONTR *COW. No
pomp. will he wee awl .1.1 M. LOA Eil)A i J lo Is
tante Harbenhof Ilarroptoonth and .01 W 1..0‘...1 1 AN
Julyl . l in Ira City of Pittshown etlOw'elock, A. SI , m
ake or 'he Panel t oe[.. for the artdme Pm din Leer
upon fi-teen ....or the I can.) lo an •
Inrof, to
reeding West from Ilare. of
shore and drive ram d
RAP read errndlng 1..”1. Av.,o fi vn a er ns
sow lean.% plot moth can be•te.4 al the Leg love , •
oda, tu each lo no ten days merthatt to In on e
In penned o,r rvest sing the. 1.4. Airy ImMer mono.
idle ear is had {than I.l.llftsttnn to :be or Awo.
ewer Pomo , w .15toysM it V kik flit , h.* r-•'
ANDREW S li/k1ie1A1ii1.019:ACRF;\•.1.!„....1.11,,(40.1...t.
litoUNgappeKVlladDl:n. The ppe.t.riiesor el plii• lath oti l s
car and favorite teaort eve - sea.. to please his nu
carious morons. hat Me Ne•sore In an non., Mat In
add ic lt • present company • •ps Mawr lon ass,
Murphy. and leunney, he loag e dread an eutntr men(
ortth the utlonted Vocalist arid Plant.% Mio DILL, from
peon ew Yetril and Philadelphia CeWerte. who wol op
peon each !wooing In • mem , of Sortea:Delerta lc in
cenninetion with tar Ilarrounisto
ID -Programme changed Nigh II
I ,ekets el Adre...lon, 121 cent.
R7-"Pcnons wishing to le served w th lee Clem. will
please leave the., melees •t the door _ 11115
uAtiiiiitiN,s-coLuritATNINIL-ul ur..
1 I SLACK, SPD and c•CARI.ET Flo I 1 low been
already in twe by the Presdeut el the C opted maw. ,t 1
the Derdsnmennd both oh Co 1 y lie
I.overner end Ls at•lapare of Penney Ivanm.mii homer
ou• h ghly C. put tb e tnalilltilobt, eottertur and milts d
TM. Ink now. mom freely from the pen, insproye• on
the popes, and cormde• steel pros less than any other
For permanence of co or there Inks fully eaval P( n-i
•urpase ...Whew for when the color pe odee yet en the
it win (Villain mocha led age. : oar ,., ,
/tot ,red and lon tale to elaanotte , •
thaw , s I.) 1 1. READ
tell ' F o urth neat Market street
FOR TR2I stainer wrow.itaiisS.
Tbe steathbom bEntorr. L.l
011tre li. totentenee MI:M.I be
twee- DCOOII soft the retail Ste
Vane on Jobe 44.1: malting seetly
tri dewing the temstnear ul the
*tenon, kettles' Detro pe
theeety Tuesday ate tielbel., P.
*7 )•u Vad'..*:i*,:,trslC.V•ll°Z.F.'*.'"
", 0; r rtni;irodr t.
p p VtarigTtt . .. r
Favn, onsovr, •weil .cave '.'clove
ontcsa Aou creams... Jane lath, al 4 oclock
Fos icvligui or passage appl) on Uon Id
.The'cleirrnlin=rl,2 racket
JrwLr_muler-mlll leave a. above on
T's 7 -75 Saßaday, t1711,a1 10 o'clock A.
M. For ',tab, or passate *not)" _ hard. jo!*,
Ti!e rplendid z foal ruoniNE Racket
Maclean. mamer, will 1ca5......1.0re
s on Salord•y, J one :0113., at I 9 &ease, ,
A • hi. For 4cl:tater paPakr apply On board. 0010
"" 4A ,
AlcKl:ESl`oliti . f.AIIFTII A Ir Ivo•vt st. k•
lit El he CITY I'ACKE.T.. t
Iraq Pit *bore. every 9100de%. W. o{ Enday, likt 91 o'clock. A. Al .end Mout., a..
bele City every ItevsTborstler and SaTurslay
o'eloct. A 7.1 For (tete. os.vave opplv on ho t.l
Allegheny River Trae- ,
Th< hoe smtl , ni ' 4 •ip lioel
irrie OW Jaunt * . IttrotoWn ' eettt cotton
ue to not .
• ItrKulsat I`o<\•I da
• rtng the ace..n between rtimlotrah
and Franklin. For freight or r,..w •PPiy no toot. ,
...RF.GULAR Ti.An't..;SKFT. FOR N. A.a.11Y11.1. 1 .
A; t 1 ' 1311 N VS,
Ca,n 1,41, V tr,i• a .. c..ttonrne ,
hr. 0..,..A0,;• I • ~..e •ho.. ron on
Mond , . the .1011...1•Lant •m.llO L. rl. i,
0 1.1 . 7 " '"''''''' r l " ar iistcliuti',77'.:';.'n ,,,, .
Regular Puunurogn and Zanaerllie
oaeg Parbat•
' / T ' ma ' ' 7 II I! g a
I 1 ' '4 7i e g' , ' sus
: .
re-eular pa, art I,tareen Ihn•barabll
awl Z-tnervtlie II ray had bet eatona fined up and ,
furnished Inanper;or atyle, the Comet offet• Mr twat 1
acenonnodounn• to pavaengeta She will le,. on
Taerilay, May Ith, at Irieloett, I . M. I
Fat height or pas , ge spot) on hostd. arm
multi D WILKINS. Ari a I
- i
n' g6t a tlgillT l V "'n
Captain 0 W Ebert., will totanhence
• anning a* shove. on the Id day of ,
• March, Ira , Ina Totabotab every
Tuesday, Thursday and latorday. ot Itt o'clock. A. Al ;
and leartne IV beeltna every Monday, W eduerd•y and
Filday. at I/o'clock. A Al.
The New 1•1141.•1 has been bought expressly for the
trade. and ar,II leave reautarty Oki abor. For fretaht or I
oaarage apply on board. or to
fail. JOAN FLACK Agrat !I
The neve. el.-rant and Nat Packet
C. C Catled ma., •
was Innlt ,• ,
Aud i
for th , • trade. and well make
duly moo dor:mg...o,om. tear.,
Patrbotah every roornma at 9n el xy. and ,•ellavdie
eve ng al 'I o'e.ll The , afarn.bed walk
ter"Faber ralloolollooo,lo Water Goiter •• Foe f i r . nat
'lP'ir-71i:,717.ennsi.ettl at the Pnial; rgh
W harfAtokte'crivelreleht. and the teen) alvaa , ,• on the
A aleBAN.h. Areal.
i!'3.._ ~,, ____ . . .
RE.uwat F.,,,glggylutsvlLLE AND
jakThe near and Itaht draught oror
0 M. tatevente master. leaves Ihtta-
Valet every .Sloodax,
tad Ftsday alltrelock, . AI , Leave. ,
tlteabenadle every Tarsalr. Tintraday and Sword.,
at a o'eloek. A. I. For (eclat at pagsage spoil', ,on
I' ^,d .
____ 'd,, - .
ii., The Nu.smef
atSlarnorl,tmflh inveter cad et ooce
roootng a. a regular pack a:wrath.. 1
Oils In. , icaving )inch every
Nlon.lay.lV,lne..l.Y a , ..: 1 Frk , ,aT• Lk!, 1 !::!‘...2 . _•,,t!_: .
leaving Whrellng c . v. , / ""Pq• "."`,..",". 'I
day. at •,, o'clock, AM. For tre.ght 11 ( pyl. , K p , y
Olt Loma. 1.14
ItF.MII.AR rri•NnutuTi!—_,Nsi) tilowNsvit.t.E.
rA.9 ) F.r
c al
THIS ororinlifatireprrig .team((
ve , ll too .1. a regular Packet loqvreen
‘lll , ulme plscro. Ir••olg ras.hurth
,very Tgraday, Yhoraday and Vatorday. at lOo'clock,
t. 1114 and //(1/0011111/1/10 every MondAY. WOllllOlllOl
•13110.11111111, 01 1. o'clock.
For freight 1/r p aaaa ge apply un 'ward.
• . --. . -._
ReKsal•r,Pltt•bgatatsd Zane. 111•. \
TIIE. light &nimbi, steamer
niallt4 fata Alarter.w.ll malts. weekly trJp.
the ctlpyr pail &ill.; the ilea- a.
Fur lrella ot i•steasee appl .0
4tlr 140 ap7 1) WILKINS. M.Mee.
R 1
I'Skilill I AtAZIA V FOR 4
A,. end
.dditool Dc wk, I t.l receive
,I fur Jill)'_ more than usually;at•
tr tehae.—lsartng • inte Varloatt
.a (Irortal Tst, los,—
bp.,,eain., s.harts• etl Avyarla n 4 jr , o n u thr rer.r.aavvp
--sr itch wee Fallalah. I. ,11.. el , I r ,I,_
1,,,di.y. fog
Wishlngtan and Lis Gettes• s. 7 I r I
F... 7; i")1,17.n.. oi the Cr ...• a lamtlon, by the
”sitsh'elonfhle';.(tessllde!':'T.ydohlsss S Feiner, author of Mau
6717 G if vet Stkeich Ikatk. by hl
AA'rA'.'"'"'"l." ‘i'Ll'snider':' "an.d.r.4.:mt
A " '""..i's':ndflin, by die lie, Juba
a d E a aia Hien, la—
hem. 11.1 A .
Th e 'Pryer, o n On Mid Peninditme—e t o, al
eOLt Of Blau. e.
Martvage, by AL..
Montesama—fleon mspr I • 74 misEws
t."""'" ftnabbeld rind door Itomtteimid
ILSCMIARIU(rud.I6I:T,SIaSnd CAWY IN.] —The Mack Ink flow.
be en. mire. stronger and mire
.freely from
ode. Heel tient. lea. Man Run
b, ail- t for ruspnasol.
It I. of
lnafrth'e"petpeoe of smiling Immo
orTittal.n'sPoW.‘.ll,.l.;,, a mantbir
" w"'"
"Pt Pu7l'auce caromed
aid, and bail none of Mat atm y ou
q:lrmicatyirirl'egt Inn'ltgives a rich mellow leatlet, ° I inn
prove. In brighutess on the pagitr..
fatly egaa
of ,
P°"°"` f co t n a hh the color Money set oat he
"ipe_v,"lttl7:',l,`.%iTtra/Cll ANGEL. for
pa ss ebeived this day, and for;a:;‘,4l;:a
Go- nole who want tamp this Ink cap have a
% 111) . Paid
gtfi nalla‘ll'ial(olS,...olen from Ibis landing r
I%AL...end iheeseetiona the thi ef or
Inform...on let at iltmoalee w ilt be aroma! ieve
A SIGAIIIA—Imtge vise and frerb. for
V.A•lnar*"' I D MORGAN
01111COLV.Y.11 ORICAL PILICIIIN--A• the se,
0 son hart now ...mowed fur ...Paint Dyck* the
itutoscrlbent hex Warp sawn to call • the . attenion ill
Irrieltroakers and Other. to tht• veil u.eful machtne
We will warrant it eirtml I 1 tanstiorrsor to any other
fl,Y,l'fe.o, of the same price low to use •
We ha. a number of rertificotr • of their Pe....
ore. which occupy to o touch .pace WI ...I•et.ttog, hot
ran be men at out awe. }
az tckrnakers•re ~peet folly .n.... 1 to glee .....all
V. erillseye Out Owl. ithataillme for the prtrotgaunge
of the Neva State or Comex rf,g0gi1,...,,,,T a
apti dkvellor canal & peon at
C R AII.Ittr&D Opt VA NV. May al,
Kooks far additional oulweript.mtt to the
ouch 01 the I.lll.stollgh sod COUltellrtnlic 'With.' Co .
will be opened at th e tilts or tie Compd.). tn 1.. Co
en re , ~ , t t day of Jona, at 10 • a . ill c
ue ripen to day unt.l the 1.1 of July. t
ItOok• arid also he opcord on' the woe ilsy soil for
the wove tdoe. at MaPollorrtog plarePTe.r. at Me •
liee•pott under the threcturn of Ilarda Rowland and Y:
Ittu.<al Weal Ciewain.undrt tht date... of n o
Plume. and Jame.. tirodoer at Conoullsolle node r the
threcoon of Henry IP erksisiir sool tient), Moller—al
Cumherland under the. dare. wn uf Joe. llpy and . ...won
Calhoun. Ael .1 CAN° flll - .ltrl, l.w . .._y_
(IV lIALTIWNW., at the sr...noon of titlineloor
%-7ftlenti. has concluded to locate tonwell permanent.
If in this cit.
Ile therefo y re c . afer hi e profe.stonel wry... to the
fully eolteen• • shut e of poonstar.
Plll.":;leaunldera.nent‘iun peen in d 0... peettnarto U.o.
toes and ettlldtch.
Rartaxxca .—Yrnfes..istnueell .l Clow. Italmnote
Wllotiry, .
. ..
Dr R NI (Umbrae ,
- I t t li. tV Lawrence.
Orme: Southfiehl .00.0 t; ooltaa,to Merehauto. Itr lotitel.
Rm.Oanoo. hlonorgahla Route.
V4111.1C; WORKII.
rr II F: aulocrt‘ertao ja.l r•veleei from the too.. et . -
i eltrotoLl l'irotechnlat an tl.c Uoile.t nnale.... larp.e
and complete. attorunent of Fire Work• vehn.h he will
red to Ina trontr on 1110 moot teatnnaltle.terna, rill
Renraproe• I i t Wheel.. CI ssssss I ..... hoot. r 4,
Illoe'Light o , Boor tlar It , elm'a Totbliirn:. 111,11,
ROlll.l Cdfdr., roangtra I u e Cr...ltem F mom el t ont,
Mines, kr, &e. 0. - 01, flo.o the monktry proon.Ry at .
tended to ' .
—LOOD Ihtirtirl. 4.4 A friran Round Nill•.
. spa. is IIUStIER. 111 noon/ Wilarllea
141,11.11Ciphi,, illri• IS. 184:. -
CE—A profew.tottal terdneekt
Mtanalre:lnerNnimnaithr between M. epee, mel II
LIM sod 13.111.111gc. PIA be reerleed •t their flrfpretlVC
O llifell. •
They will attend et rile effme of D 0 thoelta,Tlura ft
Park'. haildinp, from 9 1111 9 rientelt,•.£m . and at the
nSoO of Dr. Speer, Penn weer, from I till I reekelt, r
relelllrn .
117 The ireOeriber rjorst•lement of all
Mounts due on his WA., to 11, if do te
Ju0r.10.1.7 I A____L____l4 SPFFR
I 6:A3.
"1"1:::‘1"cp1" of . ! . l 7ie d n't * LI of wak r,
11.'".1:::*:%.1,"nbirr"..:.'e. he inert.ed ::::.
/1..64::0 1 .1r 1 r. ' ;: i ,i 1 7. 1.:: ... t7 :61. 1 , 1 ,... 1: 7 ; 0 1 , . :,. . ,___....i . v.:Ni.;ritu. , b0:86: : :: ::: r i 11 i i. p 0 0 , : :: : : i7 ; 1 : : , , Td :.m::: , ; . . m - r of,
'.1:C:IiIrg1::.':"C8.&::74 Dray Hone foe solo
film. • IoV, r " , . __-- -i - c T.:: mice of
8: :I .— .°7ll: :: : , K i gi fi p r n i?O d - i f ii-l e tb d rii :e .
.43 1"*"11-11 c,0 7 , : , : i i: A n o Tl je k.A 1 : 1 : 1 : e "r . i 7 ,i7 : c'h ,..i,: :° ;i:F . ,. 14 ; ,
" l' ,lu7gl;butgl i „ t A i t on ~,,,,a.yo
hold? itt
1! , :;. T . :' . : 0 i T, c, : v ~T r. k . . T,,,.,r5r
i . . 9 t e:L j_.-------- i j m - 7
" 'il---- RIC LW ..t COM
, T A 7[l:
Mast extraordinary Medicine en Mr . World
Thu ittaet b potup Quart 'c011..; it et est times
cr, plemanwr, and warranted sops, ioru>'wad. - It mires
disease Intim. v
otatomiting. purging. sir-bins or de
ning the patsmail
The gnat beauty and superb:in of this ~.areara, Eta ores
Clothe. Medicine 3s, whilst it Eradicato Disewe it Inv ave.
' et the !hely. It is. one of the ser
SUMMER MEDICINES ever kno - nn it not only purifies
the whole .yOO end stsengthens the person, but it f. win
New. tun and Bien Bleed , possessed by nobbles
Med:ctn.. nod th is gland scent tau wenderful
neens. It has perfumed within the past years, more
than Z mires of Severe Cases of Disease; at keg 5 fat
of thew were considered incurable. More than
;003 cam of Chrome Ilheanatisen ;
.iltaill caws of Dyspepsia;
400 ewes of Cicacral.Debility sad Want of Energy ,
:ASO cases of dare est Ferule Complaints
n,v.00 eases of Scrofula;
ILOU caws of the Over Complaint:
2.9:5t cam or Disease of the Siday and props,
30410 cases of Censumption,
and Thousands of cursor Disease of dw . Blood. sit
Eqsipelas, Salt Rheum, rimp!es on the an, ram., file To
gether with s ewes of Sick Ilea/nay, rails ni the
Rde and Cho . 0 4 004 nlfertions, Zee. Ike.
This, we are smut, wan anew increflib'e, but we
leere from o,ldd...dour agents front all mugs of the
Coiled Stites, toforming us of esterodinary mina. Van
Bailiffs, Esq , awn( the most respertabledfinggids In New.
ark t N. (~informs us that he can refer to ds of sno,e tcaw s han LW mil.
ors that place al arm , . . 'Men are thousaa
cy of ?fre York, which we wig refer to with pleasure
end o to own e of chancier. It is the hest medicine fo , dv,
l'r ..... c o( kimen. It undoubtedly sawed the live
f more P 4
oun Ttllt PA. 81,110] ..
its it reunited the muse of dieter, and p epired them fat
the Summer meson.
STAT.. OfflC[R
Carr.ll W McCuuaa or TIM UMITIMIST.erma Nays, t
and member of the Ns Jersey Leislator', Ikos I s iodly . sto
us the Chlowing erstifictile. II Plls its own story
IlenwaS, Jan 211E47.
A year slum I was hams with the lilueasa, and my.whole
*vete. left to a rse it state. wiw•iodueell to try , Dr
T01f.e... Sarsaparilla, Lod after labia, two or three bot
tles, I was very much raieved. mod attribute it entirely lathe
said Semiarid. I have motioned talahig it, and Sod than
i t every . day. believe P saved toy RP, .4 would
hat be without a oxide" any tretaideralioll.
O. W. McLwan, late U. S. N.
Scans ct.stuazo
This certificate cencholsely proses that this Sarsaparilla
has perfect control mer the oast anti...disease . the
liked, Three perform cured in one house is'oriproced 4 ,ed.
THUS. Cat...
Dr. Tosexavie —Deist Sir : I bare the.pleasu en
re bu inform
you that three of toy children Imre been.cused ef the Sc.o
lulu by the use of your eacellent medicine. They :were
afflicted very seserely with bad sow. liar. mil mken four
bottle.. lt took them sway. for which I feel myself under
deep obligation. Yours. respectfully,
trout IV. Outs:0113 Wooster st.
New York, March I, 1547.
Dr. Towaseud's ittinisywrilla is • so cielgra mid speedy
cure for incipant Consumption Darren est, Letworrbai, or
Whites, obitructed or diffnult Mitatr lion, Incontinwnca
0r Urine, at involuntary discharge the of, and for the gen.
end pruaration of Me system—no matter wirether the result
of inherent so or causer, per:slimed by irregularity, il lness
ur accident
Nothing am Ise,osort surprising than its invigorating ef
fects. the Inman frame Persone , all weakness and 11.- '
tilde, Gum taking it, at once become rohust rind full of energy
under . its mduener It imusediately cormteracts the
/esteem of be female frame, which u the great cause of bar
It walnut tw r aped. of us, in cum of so delicate • na
ture, to exhibit certificates of corm performed. but we can
awnrt the allteted,Alat Inutdreds of cases hare bmo repotted
to us Se. teal ca. where !multi. have been without child.
emil after wing a few bottles of thee invaluable medterw.
nave been blest Pith healthy offipring.
Dr Townsend: My wife being greatly distrom tr
;: y ea i tztse and
. ge .,, ner . :1 ,... d eb , i , l i i L:l4 s d u a lLermt i r g a t o t
u l
w omb, .4 srah oiher drfficulties, au having Arm .
ether your med.. has effecird grew c ures. and also e
mg it recommended for such ewes.' have demio.4,.
eil a bottle of your Emmet •uf Sarsaparilla. and rut
the dawn... pie gave me lo • short period ere
her oomph.. and restored her health. Dein graWful
the beatits6l. melted, I take pleasure I. thus net
tug a, and res-onansendrng altshe public. M. D Moos
Albany, Aug. FL 10.14. C. of Grual and Lydius
xxs., W p,. 19, 1
D , Totem .rurf to all whom Mit toll rowerra—T
emmfy that .q/ wik ...done bottle of you , Sum'
I.`toe to her tonfotettamat tanfrr mom alarm.
heate ermumetances; ireiog troubled et wh the dropsy,
114 g of Me fel, Memo. adirtimw, bled
very mmh
, wt. prmatom, mil the recommeadatow
who had mod th t atm induced to try it., with httle
md •.dm. it to my, the movitcme,liwi the bap
demred p effect, tamect, emly n Jae hour. of mealimment,
tho esoamo of owe wee f the dropsy
mow gam way o
a. b.. o
atom r. ,
shmg dear
hmltt, Mte Getter tisa. at had Ines Aar loos I
It' do. wilt la of aby vrtv. lo you, or soy
doubts t h e ounce , Oa yob btu =linty
to it
I y.ur teat .bniaet rod
S J•
• ,
. 11,.. Eatnere et Sarthranka Las thee espreme,,, C
IA refenthere A Athat. euentplannaks. Na female •Isu
Awn th.thyssee the us approththoth that rest.thl pers.*,
wee ~./../.,.' .......1.1 tnegket tu Sake st, as a I. II
promotive fur se, uf the semen.. aunt Ann ible .11
A lath hos... are Antspet at flu thew of kfe. Th
ea, th for oethral year. ky utha, shies:seek.
L..n 1.....1..., • w it.... • 41... as.- ..arksug ...:
... nt es sa rADA• I nu >b., flout. IL, ~...c1....w, 1
~4 As re,. saw, AA war n, lA:Lind, nL. eurdirthe
gat,delteath ni Althrs h. 1.1.. a. w.
7:11:t . n.;.it.r , ;:1... , . t.t
. (..r Asusulatsa, th e .1,4e1
laxathea, whirls It the. M. ~
rakarr awl Othease
f.f.e . fus rrufasfeutl, 0
the imp.. furs uf tlf•
.. fu prufwe • ...bong
mO.l med.-tun tak‘u fu
, 4.11 g,.•,
1 . :7, •
frer.l.• maul .I.•te
ryrs, fin. mi•Gr.u, atml
vs of gaavonor value I
V.." hoe ry. run,
Lbr*, "wet tin, 0. .1
.• .11 , ..r Dr 1
eirwas• ,vtar re
co.r IJ
moopliriv , m of wlasch
1611:1 • SIA.
ner Orni dia,vered
lUN't man& o d
.41.• of der.t....
No doted
.yr...tabl or ado , .
urea, et the po
foal u 1 erengthesong abd
eauon •.f Sa-mrattlla
41 .t 'Dar mmm owe Albany, Ma,
Dr Toroomi..f - l , e- I 1.4 ...., , • lLeo
. 4 , ... 1 0t1ed
'''''Proo".t.: 1 !ewe • 'Mem: . Ned
".'" S L L. 01. k on of fLe.atol fo. Imo
could eatO I 1.11. ben...gull. to retasa but •a*
or. my ...ouch I trod thromal rwmfdreo, ho
burl lelle ue ou *Ebel to Mom, tog the compbord.
* * *ea, ....tut too te.mtktodl 7 . 4,117.4 but
N ml,a, ood I molt my oh 7 110 mead ,2 ,..,
" I'
4 "y
lro".74l".nmed moot.
k me riburo ....rely n0m... , and • :
'''''' ""
" ' ‘1"."
''..... . ' k171. P.O Zottre
beta Voolob 4 ,
N., en, It** A1,,.' Wood
s A 12.10 er .4 )111411CLF
' ltrad the 44 4 11. 1' ..4. a 4.. c5 , "‘ . 1177.
tom oot ' be noml 'I ht. to ooly otto of the meet uo re
"4. ''"t' 7""""i' r"P"''' h" tole: 1 a httle over a
lee Toteniond-lhad I, I om
proem b &al rus lu my solo It m..
r•oo.ordo"om"b ' eey bud to eed I *ls Pro •'l by phy
1 2
'''''. 'L.
"k """"6 : jorsink r '7.".• I
tido of bad inatbm• b 44 *le. 4 • 44 k • , IllitsTo
~. 1
Id o notion furor •me
4 .1 ,. : 4-Vr ' 4' L..'"' be fitted but.. ~.........d th.r.
1. 4 ..1 h.h.r•.i r....‘ r'' d. e . ‘I. loop .a
~.-... I ...0 1t 4 e 4 "1 . 4 " ..... . ~....,
rould badly Meadko , I ...lobed.» emamatod. oo d e•mc
e t , d • ....mauled to my Md. and wtaa,obliird to Imre
',...,,,..•,..,.„ ~m l .d I. ',A goo you any Jove true*. Moot . do pato* to my we I omo mamma !, my fr ,. .etd:
lb 6. pmt rorovery I had Imod a detiot molbe . of 0re0 .,..,, ,.
cm wt.**. humbug to them.
rmo d ..ek i so ".'" o y r0.‘;:5b••••‘144.:ei1h.7,..,, ....a..... ....7 .0 .1, ',
li - '''` "'"' ' '"" "'I4 4 .0 ...a .. .4,, 0... r„ 1 (
to I moo ttoltand to lef tt . I .
. ytat I am ent•rely well, but ma m for ,
l •
.hd ee! 'Tir..t:abo t my bustomo, sod boy to to 'Mire. l
- 1::11 in .' •• ft* wrek . Ply rough a . .. 1 p 0 ,..: .., 1 1• 1 7 m. t.., t
'" ''''" '""'.
k 0
V Tra b , " 7l .7., .".. c .: 1 .
met GO roloin 7°. . 1 ""'' '
t ot al* moo. to toadish 4 you please
Tau ..'".'". 0. -4.. Battert, 47 l.stele at. 80... kip.
, .--
IM Too no°lo/Potdlti,LTItoorod117:111y:fel:771.1:1: n o n ed . e . 7 1 ft 010 ph y
'' ' ' "l. '"i''''.7."" t i
I . 'flire v..., ~.
1 W moor , it 1,
II Il Unwell,* P.
P klrOmAto.a*,* P.
Allrau,, .4'0.0 1,1,13
Th... ref hly that ar, the nruterstgoed, prielictog ;
Th0.....1.121..1. iff the City of Albany have (rev.- ,
ly preanaihed Ur . 1 ontoeml, Compuoud 4.a1n.... of 1..1 1 1
farina...A front 1
Inhints qulttes, m. raen,,,, 4, 0 i
the public hv merrurial,Krfulo., and otherr Waitron. LI.
ea.., . preference to 1.1 of the sfltertta.l ternedtes wrap
A 1V Itnaar..,T r,
ill'e'.3l Atr..l% Irl-b w.• 11 tivanvon, V r
Pritripaloffar. ill In.. et, Sun Buil:N.4 : N . Y; Iled•
dtng 4; f.O State at Balm: Dr Oyott 4. ho . 1.9 North flee-
„,,,4 . 4 4 b44eiph.; s n Hauer, dronnot, Ballonore; and by
pemeirl &nit.. partially throughout Pte CB.. SI ~,,,
irest tolica and the Cana..
None geanone,••se, 7 . ~,,
~,,,,, te l ,. i rg e ,,, bottle., I \
:11eAVIZ`;;;X:.;117and'IfLame" bl ' o.:11 un th " e " IVII=. "
From the dew Vc4k Datil Karen a April 9.1.47
A pretty !hong ppear...4 in.. atteeta yeatarday It yeas
a ltertuoug cab, or Sampan'. Esp.. of Dr ronuseud
Thu ...rule thing fa wit . up in gaud tats: ann. a thef ornaft
menal I... Serape pa...genre beautifan••••,ahn.,torther •
.t. 0..
the nvoll an.ek, m r ad, g learning lo tb m. , le
nrely equalled in Urnanlegay. ,We habe; this oppnettot ty to
lay we behave thia eft art of the nartatarealla deserve. the
very zreat pvularsty tt has acquired'
LARDOIL —.6iiith-erers Lasting gown:tenet 4
me me/who tore of leant oil are now prep led to
e w wn a
lt. ordets lot Wet satiric TilOf Oil is of th.
lie" quai end ve Übe entil at the lowest market eatel.
Th e nwen i:en o r Inter,. antrocers is revette . tfully
requoiwil. J IIIRDA Al re.. IN, IS I bet I t
=off Oppoette deed of Stanhirld
". T.
11e111:MI retnovwl to We city, for convenience
i alito professional liusinew, I will root the mie n
Ner you. Debilit y. . I limp'. end ne 'mined ate enclosure, situate On the Wale
None b...., M eee t,27, hit; lof We Monongvbela, one wile alwve Pntetvg.
It 3teve ti JAAII.V • "RA
y " 1" '. 1,"‘7,".'`d";',:,Tf1.1:„" `7l: ! ln k !'h a .. m ,,''','..ll „k : !.''',,,'. 1 ' " -..--- --IiiIIL DINO LOT ,
tonne" .1.-. r.. To ' i h' :. ...lied', so , Unwed dehil TN Al ANCOR:Tint htTil SAI.II—I bare for •alo
tonne" no rio doubt:Le the continual twat .4 cola to which ftwatwfvl Iltilliling Iwt ilk Alen. hwer., theTt.rj.
I ‘' .t. " ..' ' " '.'
''''' 1 I' In ! '"'"'
''' f ''"):eYir frerteilnerit'no it ' nilegeepittinnalile '
r " i'' '' ' """"" '7' l "'" ' ' ' ''' ' '' t • li '."
,!..7i; "" -7or ~,, ARO .V. Real Agent
l I".. ' " ho 'h" ' . ' ' ' ' s h i
"L"lt 71.1iii.1T.7,'.1,'7'i ;.., ' =.T I - 1 - -- - - - - . --— -- Renate—
of: -_-:::..--„ ....,„,^ 1
..„. r ''' - ' 63" l 'r a I ' h ' ~,,,t, ~ 1 TPOR nAt.R-104 ge re • unimpenved Lend, satiated in
;, ... W ii-,:-.1.....1..,---.4l—etn':g I;v7.eir ialtr.e7—niii:"pi.%.--..j.......4, \
b r . i Ni. b ' (x . ..d Cob . lily, I. agilely, 6 wiles east of Parker..
,hj:;.4,47::',,r„'l t.:.TteT,esVi:.Vrh...,,,er once i :1e0.% genie unimproved 1.. a simsted 'I nnies Rota
;;;-., I - hp — gli w %f r e ' liite Wien it with die ami. 1,,;,:ir, I, Nevv.Altieny, Indigos. OS CUTIIIITIRT
ei...1 rewlt. I ...Id geconove,tol
~,te.eut.inv, i t . I , :tt _ _,ii " i :
~ l I, C ,
.. Otb e_e r 10 .
e S_t_n i l Is. ii . "l .._ . t
. _ ---.__ ___---
ce roily, sad I feel coornwed be t nognlti Nei 1'. 1 .' 4 •'
h.hi,„in.,‘;' h r g ' ,..",", I"Rt. ' 7l 'reVtory er7ige".'fi'i.e.7llt 13 1,7,/ . 7,„ri 1 „ I , LA . .... - I' .'. I . F e e rn r e ,.. e . i . c: w o poe m ; l i o n lcof . R.
r., A . d't . i t .;
"."‘""cb ""l b'""1.""" "I'l"‘"" hoops
" ' 1
' Letw'eele :o a t end L ' Ve t :a.. old, and h ole
de On l y ale
ht a liesltliy state, sir dal
is ow warty to attack th. ,
e _ ne , ~.., ~.....„0,,,,,,,,.,,.,..i„,
... ,,e
80. . foot in
ystero. And to sll none nlto net not to a Ltalthe tone,' bay Ir • : T. , ig
iy Tr Townsend% Tetwhintle ",. t .. ° _,' . hl gr e ets online 0..1.1.1 then gavel teaspoon
Tn... f trn, In Allen M. 1 7• 1. 7. 0 ., r ~,,,h„ w g. A ppi,ienily well, end
It ' h ' s: ' se ' l 27 warms of equal sire
Watchmaker, Smithfield infect
Tethered and sold Ly II A FAIINF:STOCK4k CO,
corner let and wad. and wend And did Ws, , _ job
riUTlLlgali --a eilille.,
.ii.• lereiTili7d.Cinitry. t ig
A.jhrening awl Redding iintees, of ear... pettem ,
tl'e for nursery Often •ni.l godetters; alto, e large
o"e'se"ri. ent of !boated Preeket gfinetw,e innserior article
—just teemed arid ler-sete low, al the Pittehoegb heed
ttiti”oot Apr,itrhollterel Tltawre.ponse.N...,2..ovTllv.!lrweveatrititheiti
0 V Vltllloll.- CU:T—Tg./11A.CC.:.— .. ,
0 fined.?...t:titatteer.vche..ATl....,e ;.
fl bss ;Jo • do: .
For gale very lost i to close a • \
___ _ _ 5410 51_,IIIIrti.AS w..•drtel
WATER FII.TiIRe, for purifying Water for drink.
ing and family cse.• render:nit it aa elm,' ami
..eel as spring water. They am is 'MT essence. Ora
insle Eastern cities. For gate Ly ',. •
j ,_ figlimsad si
Cankerin Dloutb.
Mow a an ticket.% ofratherehild Putt Dr Townartai ,
Tr ~nlh OR r f.:"berfcl'ebd;ll": Ir:aT'dirotlncr
e ri‘eil thV. wish. New You, April 9.1847.
Dr Tomato& Dear air.—Oue or my children wa, very
eiek with the Cassese io the mouth and, throat. mtended•with
r e ' ac tleri j' t bi l ' ne " Lcil l ie7an; &''cu'relitT2rell.;,7.:"l.l,7!r"'
For .ak by If E Prue -gist, N 057 %, oal et,
between MI and 4th ON who has beta appMated by Dr-
TOW NSEND role Arcot ton Allegheny co jethittwlyP
ti this admirable remedy for Pulmonary affection.—
The principle thme aunoeneed of the morbol character
otobstructienrw-tto tendency tn
rif the Dranchia , and ermsecturnt itt of the nem
ral hurne••—• is. beyond die he the truth tuelf. The
only practleable mode ef removing Atiehbstruction is
brat:teens of expectoration. a resell which era are eon
eimar• be obtained by a ituticiono exhibi
t.. of the konkly of 1. ) .. JaYno —While. Spirit of the
Foe sale in Piashurgh at the Pekin Tea
,to 724th
lan% tutzvrond, and atm at the, Dna' . tor
of P
Ime kdbarT
- -
tiLARTKEL PAKIIM-Soushto for pmd, Go.. ol•
qa on b on d o od for solo 4.1. No SU 'A
AL4kr" stree
mot Cana. lotp. . w w
ced and for saletry
E *WA:Rs
,-.,-.--.-- --....-7-- -
Tllll.l beta{ the del . the 9pring, 'Feeblest A
11.1 vrel be introduced, Ity. she meet NA
sortable emeidightneear id Neer tietehezel Philadelplalh
the endrusigeta take rest aeasore in being <fabled
teenen to their ournevoat-frieada and the p.bhe
ans. that we are prepared to suppli .11 veto:kW,
u. a Ith a call anth the fasitionable llnlica, e
...n. rotopritlng Seaver. ricottas, eedenre ant
Moleskin :rill lout, either vilicite•ale of retail.
mated' . , ear Inod and eth so
..„ . Itg/111OrKL -7-
As Mt ORE. Hat end eap IdaoufeetwervilFll6
as moored to No SG V. cal Watt, three doors wove
Fourth sorer. Ito week ecuals.of every veruty of
Ha. and Caps. made in the !MPS{ pole: also.Panarna
Leghorn and Yeast Straw Haze, wholesale and retail,
e lowest price S MOORE
at ,ill IS Wood st. Surd door Wave Root th
. . Fall ruthless, 111401.
nexus& COSTAR'S Sqletkostlemotees Has
dwill be introduced at Si EVIL'S on Thursday
August *7th . (academe washing • cheap. Nast
gettable Hsu of Vitutbergh manuferture &bud ol
'fashionable Hats =peeled tel advertised by some o
the trade. please calf at KEEVIII.k Co's
Pl. head of Wood et
. attrall f
R. II- PALMER of for saloon as favor
ableteron aa any house in Philadelphia , a
complete aiwoninent of Suave, Florence Rot
land, and a great variety of fancy Lrt d and.
C"',S. lA—lttn°tltt;,pai:gattlin'a Leahnen Botta Ani-
Oriel Floaters. ho. ke. =aft
AT I N I I I teEcillelf (tff: l w
1 \
' ° o er e l i ti l etZ , "
Pier Style ' fair Tiara, co edam's.. White
Beaver, Pearl and While French Cassarsere Hal., w iih
Venulators Those in want of a beautiful light Ilat are
respactfuliy invited to call. ft MOORE
=YIN _ 75 wood st; n doom shove 411
4 WILLI A-U—DOUGLA/ has just reeelved a
fresh supply of Ringgold and Buena Viva Silk
Oland Capt. new styles.
Cora fine French Moleskin Ilint. ot •Orl law
priers jell Mn 7.b wood street
CONTINUOS ha aanofecture,.snd kreplit
constantly on halo,very variety 11‘ HSI.
, and Cape of she latest style, and poste vett. tow at No
i Th tk,Siiii M Heide
eßwmtemaa.= , ......
By m
o d e l • decree of the t !lancet,' Coort at Nash
ville: or the May term 1147,1 n the ea st of John
Reid, administrator, he. of R V L'Hommetheo. its.
Thayer, Tatum and ethers, I shall pmeeed SO sell al
Par eat IVltini'l•nrket7loolllTeolcit=roille6.l4llitghier
tbe late flros of R. F
L'llocomedieu k Co.. the ' Flon rle r
Mill riod Distillery with hog pens and corn crib attach
d Said property la situated on the bank of Cores. ,
land River, shoot one aide below Nashville. including
between sir and seven acres of land, upon which the.
budding. are erected, known and denignawd vo lota
Noss 101.10 S IS' aud 101 a o represcute dinMeGavock's
plan of addnkm to Naohville.
The above Slill and Distillery has been erected not
more than 9 months, and ale built of the best material.
The Distillery 'Thee pable of ennhufacturingso brio whis.
key per day. Flour Mill has only manufactured
Su Itsla of Flour since it watt fioitMed, so that the 00.-
shiner) , is perfectly new and of the Most modern and
Imposed kmd The Mill is capable of manufaituring
M hers of Victor pm day Toe hog pens are capable ol
contenting and feeding WA hogs. and •re well shoaled
in Satre labor and expense tit larding. The corscrib in
t orturodlooo-tbeee ate also three patent porobleeotto.
ptomtpb..eretyonscririrltibl r a t , t1 . 1...0 o i r . eeive private
The terms ol aatd sale are Sttellparable in 4 month*
.n Bank, the balauce on a c dit of our. two. and three
. I
without mates,. The pufebaser a ,quired to
elite netts with approved oreurity pa, able in Bank, and
I 1 a lien will alto be retained upOn the propeny further to
Al secure the patches., gooney. J B WHITE, Cis N
'''' .12112.
uses '
s, i a MAWR AND etzt.La 1,011. C ALK.
Till.: •übseriber wahine lo oeinove an ila West,
„ wsd I will tell h Fenn and Mt la. oituated in_Greene
'l Ved \ County, Pa , on lug Wottell Creek , esti+. half A Mile
, L.e oft be Crag River. and abott)l4 miles atone
r I F L'l,7o7l`'ir:illind. Sil'h pr"‘To°„..'co"ael.o. ;7.4
t.. mg .. The Crrek Zna more than n mile 4 h use d g Et 114 e
! f .putou and by a tow dam and tunnel of 150 feet tn length
•. mere is 41 fest of Fail. 'the Flour 51411 coats.. throe
7 m o elm of French Btu es, and the toll is m goal order
risk. . us-relt•to or country work. Theytaw slat
i s ogen. -op•
sad Torte arc 4 omits Cardom Machine., , rtlin th
sell- i for turivng rhh and staff a en , housein emus
1 n'cle Indee ior ir
whin 90 bushel. per ityl a large
host Ere...Ala:loon Bootie. two Barns,nd all the emcee.'
and oar, not houses, five gra , hoores Ma workmen, lin old
f -t
ne/ 'l
°C.117.;;111*Intaa[170!IfillY:41„'::'117;1000fre:goohOr i'4o"irr":•'2!
' oiere .6 plally of other (Gbh peach plum, he.
td her I Itear in .1 tk• Barm,dge,nt Allen Krona, P 41101441116,
' Pre
" the
tVi i . l i U 9 •ni(tstrfwi
:k.„„, '"" , i PROPERTY IN YOUNGsTOW VI, 01110,
TIIE. advertiser offers for k mi a splendtd Retch
~,I r r 'lsadore]] ng Boost situate on te North East corner
, of the Put.l.e Stuart in Youngstown. Mahon's;
r . ' county, I noo. 11 ,s II tar, Getting/M0.., finished in co
-1 Bent s)le, and to the beet foralion in Youngstown,
I r . . ~... ! e7rer for e dwelling or pittilie hens, ttache/ Le it a .
'.. 'ti,„ I , ar.l. utak wales ambhns, and all oil convenient . .
er .4 4 ,a 4 al band.
, ! Th. morn , rn , tog err? rapidly, la situated Ira
7,,,. mestintely on te Caiml,and when the varrous Furnaces,
' as" ' t Rolling MM. he . now tieing luull are a44•04 ,444 ,W 411
„,4, ‘ ,7 . 4., me mast tlonnotoug place to Ithe wet.° at (Ann.
It *4111.r sold tOW e0141.01 011 lime, or exchanged
t tsontels. . rut O ftlitialliiiti inquire of
. o no ml , ;"r ;;;;-..,- of w....., and Witt r so. Pius
ore 1 I:u a rab. who
ce‘l'vrenearti Informsn:l 'oeSdkortf '
I -.. I S mobscober ode.' for role the Dwelling H. 11.10.
' sc. rr• : ~, he a der. Me 8 oat Ward Its Lot is
k '''''' ; r`O jr ' VO tell. (rare:tabus or:Come:es. and Allen otrecto
Five Lots of Ground in the 7 h Ward. hon.. on
%S" eti•ter st
n ea r i t by 117 feet deep, to waves alio.
Alm. to eef Ground in Reserve 'foviitohip. ad
' . ',II
T. es e ar,. on the watt.... • larre nuttier of
' lt . 1 . 0 " r. 6.6,,,, Appte. I, ern. riteob, 5t4441 Chras nee., no
; L.. ; , attuodance
lot Gimps. V toe s,irout which Wine bat tt.ten
''."'''''' ' tusne the two Yeats.
0.... r . For farther panteniars impure at the ILIIIrav;i1 Yard
' Eng, of Raven a Psyroon. tin 4.4 hnler4rn Ssniageld
nd 611441 (e 7 tabs CHAS KIISV Al,
la.• 1..40i.1 '4160 -- . 1: - r
1h' ,....„. " ,. I 11.E.A::treirTorfrieniarle'rts hOeve aed loam *Peet Slid
":„„:1 disirg, Mclver ratot,. •Ttte house is well calculated
' r. '
-.. forts 'yore •Ild aW(1110(.4111111rd;iltfl, on the t: to 11x•
on Crust It. a firn•lsh or ',Sage near I.y.' are
sr real Wit airs n0..1 tn tlye 10 .1•1 0' a ten tanning .tr.•
A. a house and lot to the flourishins striate of Os
nrevtite. Mercer Mandy. Thebes.< is well e•leolated
3r • tavern atone
The atone property will he sold cheap and on le
eontersodaung mons. 131.1.1111 DICI‘RY a Cat
ania water and flout wit
nlllO LANDS FOR B ALK-I=l sores of fine
k.-of Laud. Mr oa e. I, ins on Big Barroom river. lit Co-
Mollusk township M 0.,. eo, Otho. 110 cleared and an
der cultivation. There ...eon the plcmises. 4 dowelling
housect large loarn• with good Anemic and never-fail
ing water. The oohed • weenier Rill lie slid for thirty
five hundred 4011 s re or do mad to .tr witehuent. Ti
tle shuauteed: payments mar Iro der,ma sod, and
noose-won linen nomedtately For further inPosietton
enquire of lIAMPTON,PAIITII 4a,
my Os wood street
I' Tbe sabselilter offers Ist sale. ht LOU to soil pur
chaser.. four acre. 4.f land in Reserve Townohtn.
mnsurns the 'ptopett, of Ile late Gusavos PandalL
hear Allegheny Stir. The wale. of SAW Mill Run
pato angora the property-and it tae:
well ealcalatel for
Batch&o,or [viva. Became Larl .i Tille good and the
term. ea., hiennee of_ 7V.“
New Troy, /true 10. 1 , 17. .
.. _ leo.
is ARGAINt-Fer sale. • good Stearn Enloe with
ry two Hailer. The Engine le a V melt cylinder, and
4 resi stroke. The Ilentes. me 30 [Debra in diameter by
I'n°' 2;rra1•V.V1F.4.11L`:,..1 ieet,
No 50 Smithfield steel
1 14 _—__ , --"__. --------_-__
RAILS PRANCE Aa,nuts warned to .11 a
tt useful Patented lowa Won Pervons with • capital
of 4100 or 8 LAI emu elem Ism , SPAstocfj JO3 , per annum
Apple iturnedotiely to T ISFAT,
lull GeneraLbgenl, t.O 'Smithfield at
-- .
aA LARGF, commodious. three story Bliek Dureli
ling Pointe on Pena sineet, in the middle of the
square helaren G•rtisnn Alley and Wayne street
I tane.sion !teen itumediately. Fsq•iie at No 941 Li'.-.
stain. je10.11,,e W W WALLACLE
ii.7.isoilkeivCil4l4-40lini A .
olitztoNs4.4,4e of perehasing Lane in IR
I wry are referred for InfernallOn le
Dmggist, c amera De SOPOrilliend
opt, en the grounds, or 10E Thorn,
Penn and Band otrecto.Pitualursh. j
111 otder 01 the Board.
ith sour
sn ....1 •
, • bat I
Voluabiel4.o•l 11400 . 7 , 4 , 1 1
e tbr
Ve " et
t.‘ yr:. on tteeond rtreet between Ferry
. steret on t d n
I . 11 . ,
dolly Alley. Each lot vettl be twenty Orel fron o td d
reef anti ,tity leek. depth The lotr.will tot rot
n he
w l
t o r Pt; F .l 9 olrfr C "' AT. Vw n tri .
In .tronthr!!o.ll ..1113:fecp‘it There lots are well shinnied
let netn hit or rovadriew
Th wit lb. odered at publip vale on Tb
'Any of 111ny next ot o'c l oc k , hi.triav
and all
13)25, 1 1,1M 7lAnlgae=
enl Army. '6 " l "t ° l n PHILLIFf.6 wad great •
LAZILIVII MANONDS—Jost veceivid itod
Gfor role . , a full Anooorteoeut eissiohr Poloot
,ler.Dlimondh al the DM warshosso.of
J KIDD it CO, 60 rood et •
sianuess, 3gxcuillthr. sabxratir.
IX alixric 'action:F. celenneatEs OF DE-
•Foatth 4 nearly opposite almqlsaliO(rotsbarak..
CURRENT liONlnt received at De4m..4. - 7 8,11b ‘'
Cheeks for sale, and collections:amain oa acatly all
the petacipal ?Mania the amed•fSatea
Tao Sosbmopreamain pant tor Fnreilltt ac d 'American
AIiTSIIMS made on emrigamentyof Prodaft,elaipped
—. -------_---,
'Flanigan and Dealers Inv ICsakisie, Cols I
and Sank Nate. -. • •
Rio. 55, T Snag', PlnagUltall.
Selling Kum I.laelande. Paying ann.
P York, • ipa Cannon. • i dia.
Piladelphia; do Intanlle. • . Ida
Illslomote, l do St Inns. I do
guying Rate.. 1370111 NirT:± iiiiirlog Bair*
i dia. Co. a slii Orders. il di..
' "'
Inejang', - (do Rata rrw%. •
, hdo Penney leaniaCy
Krnisetp . do
Virginia, li do New York • I. Id..
YO WhedlOg. I
do do NeNewOrlean% I
Tennessee, 3 Maryland.
" MC a r " te t n t ll tt . :e fins. of W.
S lare till &Ca ,1 sod W tat C. CUNRlt,thateolEne, Pad.
alto CePtaNnennhill • nutlet the name
ttILL CURIAT. for ow rapt,. of own rag on the
Yanking and Ysrhav ire basis... in altitetoranehes, at
Na 1.5 tkowlthree doors below FontUti wew
aide—whete they ,toliett tbe euovr_...of tb e e o lf fr i erand
the nubile ge. ,, • 11 7 • "wl'A r : C .tu KY'
Jan.l4l l . H ILL. WU. C. clintili. ,
No an Wood stme, tined door beta. Emilia. Teem side
PAR Fiinds and Currency received on Depoaite mid
collections made on all We principal MAIL in Inn'
United Pestea.
n Exchange on Baltimore. Mindylphis, :few
Ste B
Tort. oston and Cincinnati constantly fur sale.
Olins,lndiana. Kentucky, Vl and Pennsylvania
Rank Notes,bouglit And sold o n(n oel lile Duns
'Exchange milmgland, Irclaud, Consul •113 France
Islamised, Es . Inc. .... ' mein
•ND D.. 113 111, • • j
No. fl 4 Used Streit one dear atom Fount, Tad sist
mentnl Pftitabaralb, Pus rd&v.F
. .
nt.t.oo KAMMER. Itimallin Saints :
IMILAJOISIR ili. n.sint,
LS in Foreign and Domestic Billk'nf Exchange, Cerufn
cams of Del ewe, Bank Not. 'dud Coin . cootie of WI
mid Want stmets, directly opposites SI Clintlen Hotel.
i meMidlii
.intilLyege.Y4s:d = al.
di' by N trOLaaLOOPP ".
Hach.. Rfaker.33 Math..
Co'Dietician on Cincinnati. Lonirrille, M La.
and all acceacible poi in the United Chains niadi
I.'"'"d r 1111111 g
ritass, *mast
VT:l=on in; V.Etef Soo
mid! on neesenneadoung for . ,' MILL 1. CURRY '
non Wood 0. neal 4 . 00 an Eagle Inloon
- : ,,, na% h r re Ort:n',l7L 1..F1'e:i.11:id"1.51:11,.:111:LIE tl'""
e 71: 17 . Y . l lr.l . 17 a aTylo sn".AnV,",,l „",`,',.`' i,
ril________ W...1°'"E.2 ... t...:___.. ,. .1. ^n_
t I 111 0. leadlanas. wad 11.00.1gy 10.1
k. , Noleit purebarcd a 101. I r f rilasmi
• No 011010 .1
NO. 10 WOO D sfitsk. - r. orrsau ROll l
ANClibla a NIAVNIL.wkes
sidaDcand retai dealers
Aits k:asteto Readvamsle yothing, uroeld respeet•
MI/ take Mot iumbod of soliciting Me ancatmp of their
embouess mid Me public aeuerally. to the tolLowing
I.• 01 thee stock in trade anti assure them ulso, Wet
hey will sell as cheap if not cheep! , than ma
.stattimbanito in the city. Our faciles orl
nd ea inufaeturinteriods ere Such as to enable us et
all times to keep a
all assortment of reedy made rep L e
it e m lees prices Man they coo be obtained el, se beTe
rit present mock on ba . itd consists hi part of the mt.
lowing descriptiou oh amid. • .
• lin black emit dress viol., ham ste In cm.
insr do du Funnels do • • 11l * . nit
le i Mn and insimblelgreen do IS •.. ,^ei
W Sect costs, splendidiy made it. Of pad OtinCtilg.
/yip : e a pall., al all sLyies qualities tad priet,_
We vest. do do do 'lb _
ltaldocen Linen plum and stitched bommt ilortstssock'i
ecarim cravam; 1.1.011311; tOii2ll; suspenders: met.;
ilmvers told snider shirm oh court An.ty, o i l s oh
which hip. been retroil% puFelm•ed and adapted he
present ....en ble•etotios and otherr',athn are in
srantot cloaca, eattoot do better Mao to ore us a rail.
11.:ILICIIIII &WRIVAIL-A A l e`acedernens' whets
r fele tarnishing ware num 2.4 Wood street rip
stair.. Anotheettwoiee of these fine TiOr mann:acts
red Shaw., some very Svc. with Byron ned standing
cellar , -inedium qu&ities, do do: a feW dozen Dew
style bosoms, with hub Byron and standing rollers at
ired i a .pleDdio assortment of corded owl plain
btshops or standing collate IP .03 .10: Loma. wah
coll....fine and men q0• ^ • -. octoelittO i'lalt s ill,'
war earkey oil
huto tse . . • 1.3 01310, ;11.011 la.
iii neck., gun stotteroers. it. i n s alley ....Al. ..
The subscriber bung agent... rot ~ the faciariee
in me East: is constantly supitlied wilt new and flub
lottlatrle rods, and is enabled intl s
way to sell as near
Ev•tern paces as freight. will Admit in exantinattc n
of lb. pods . vcrpeetiollysoliellea. • f, •
kg , _
Agent kr EaUelaj_osaufastarero_
,K The robscrieers having beeskapPunted Agents for
VI J. AIL done o,ot I.o.lb4elph's - le aten•ively
...00hs riuratier • awl Al.OlOlO. in the I- surto ii,i
trU-terr the rale et Weir seauntactures. are now F 1
01 10 turniih 1110030031.1111. all the •••100e k ‘0 ,13 .1
0 ta.o- woik 00.0.1 in Weir Bossing..
Ms& every variety of Goege and Steslll Cocks used
.1 beeorminive usd Stattortaty Engine Builder& inclui
Aug Ott Cock., Oil Cops, le- Ire , and Which they will
.01 to the We•tern trade. and Engine Bußderat no Fan .
bra Pr ces, eselorive of fer t yla • _ • •
1.3.W1.1111,111110-0000 -
_ .---
Tk. VIC estalts cbukird
UUUUU kelV/131/50. •
ril/IE Proprietor tag* leavens Ante to kis In and
.1. the public, that, at at. Winn of on/aeons nuothes,
'he has been induced to orrr kirthL4l 020•001=10 a oe
e.ra of ARTER.IIOOS 50/5511511
fie fiesta( tolirel ' , rill take phaeton Nedoeedq,Jane_
921. ertonteneing at1r.,14. .
Tors, 121 re at; i Or a Lso Wing. of 10 Cream.
- lilellAlLD T. weiatau A .
'IMPORTER and Dc3110( e ery in), hardware and
'Crtage T00160Pg• of v desetiption, No tOO
Wood *Beet, Pluslirgh; offers ta.o.olactal and deal
ers • splendid *toe 01 in his line, at . easteto
Peinee. Ilis sopplinsof laces. Bend., Wrp,Knobs,
he • se., ate Am. •00ftrs bilbc 001100•10 in an.
matket.anhasotePaotaed Cot be• ••tietan.Dt or ekes,"
I:kht and DattleCtssah, Brown Japan and Lealbet
2 arnlsh, always o hood.. A .oproneatiee and se.,
N, B—A lota(' y Netts, Joscarecired and rill he
add low. .
w)711 .
fIiiiINTING PAPISII _ • •_.. •
1 h Beano Astannl °lased Bedions,lo4l4; • •
150 do Neetra-reat, 21417•,' "
50 do do do ' 241•0 7 ,
40 do do die 24.112, 1
20 do do da It ils3di
10 do do do :. 2.32',
fA do 00 ',. do ' 111.Ji:
i•, do Fins Boot, • 24037;
do do :do 15524.
In .10 dee .do •24122.
20 , do Actotesl 122' 4. • Colota, .
21 do do do '244.214 '
'l2 do Yellow Bedlam. 'Bud ;
On hand and for sale by 1011 N 11 MELLoR
No 21 Wood 0111"01,1101 ,00 en
.0.7 Chentond A 1152 and Fifth hares ,
Ittftliettl lsotnlalF2'llood l e o No Flß 7
Mari I
nhet street
3d and 4 lo onset, despeetfully,
I.ollooiPro6 10 die publir. that his al.: 4 of Wait
Pepot and Border. of his eel. moufaelum ,s very CO'
gen.., and daily oddittnn- see betr.g Wok 0. 0 .0.
they me finished- of new and selend A psi I'M , A 00).
a nett Il4sialedstoelt of Fan's Yard and Bade,
leaving recently reduced the, once* of the above
•Oicito.l3lol 'h s, In hot line, not ...wort et ed.l he is
prepared to sell for rub. 001[111.1.1l than soy establ th
etolo of Ode Cod. Fast or Westot the ountetatos
aplsl3in • .
tfrl4lTS opous 'NIL uu.ssiiire-w li
VP Mnephy nisi es the attention or tales to his et•
ellen; assonroent OIL 00000 60045. el 11.0 MA 01
C &A 'Acme h Moll Muslin., •
1 1 / 4 n s.i.. ,k;
Soft NY11•00k do , •
Plain Jorntset. Barred do, a. wr.l as rforll h lawns,
'f:rl)'erha...ier:. Itcl'erd • ::07:4::11:::15 " A
o 4 :11: tr i g Ni: 7l ;lth .
end Barketsiteets
_____ i lint
• Wornsal Worms' *erase:
. dls l' VI'T„.:7-11,t WIG ' C. e%Yfthar 1
a letl'o'f!soltdreas taker:lt vor;th Walrus : 1 proelred . '
various hinds of Veilfnugre;rit=dleTit.srkeretci..
I..tre4hetnere;r6rarfei Verusiishre tur4T‘net• alsilllt , ,a Pr.
Soso% toe child doeharged shout a quetta nt .17
Warms! The hearth of lb. chip
la oirun 1
gray I would reronattuvra Dr Me I...sidaVeliseillage to
I al lie, as one of the Moot safe and erects'
the ' , m .- nii , n i n n y .• •.1 ITS.I.PITIaI
'2:l47shrllesaio and retail by' J KIDD dIll), cornet
vsood &fourth et. _ " , tm*
f,.,,, w ,-,-,.. ...,„.
\.,:,... -t Ikaiitkitiroasit It .1,4,. ertio,sittp.c....w.,:r:ei.lo,.C.t.:l.l
'4l.'M' r';''''::::l'''rl".""ll:kl:i..Crt"?'Ailutil:MlX.l7)'"UT.•
,GL"o"'reeV* 'ticit"oljta.7litfo'r'l":llll.:VoittcvlaceXn I :
:: 2O j:4 7 : i ' ke ir:: l :l a i t .C e • : E t ‘li:hailiota tilit::11:11:11: a:a414;1,4::"::1',., a
tattneractat•- 'Fanwood aye *Baia at..vety lair pri• t
;lire.l±lartlii-4-0ria11"..........1 °' 41.'
VV . coo." -Landoll lass k cc," sod otaorp*, ..s.t,
..S; mi 11.... *a Lone* hilltact" Itroaesra; I ..I , c ,
et ' '' '' Li"'C'' D a
."a dtt ' lCa l M itt S / ', ; "-."'
Mgt pare-m as a and . c., r
lc morns_ \
1.71.1 16-4 " i A Ile a4lirctricietoool
‘llatock al Uri, belt btan.ts of biota Pcir. s at. ca ok! , „
and rot Italia% be lotracoo p meg,* w W • wit..."o . f„ ,
(..)TlLaallltt . I,Liji,rt',..i_ni s4r_P V,
taapsoao, Fat*, *gat r 0.... r ..„„....,,,...,
atanatactstool ad for sale Lefj:...4,hlaral...Zila. .
: 2-1 -P-.
--g-------"- moo -.
-..3..1"-artU.trlala.boUte:LlLaL'adulatP:ll3.. axie:770,,i)......„.,—.....,..:114,......d.r. -v,,,..;
\ 111-AIPAIIILLA.-1.0 bottle. P t. Taereeet
e----j----chei-ceel"Otetd.^ 44 . " ur..7 .- - 1 „,,,,,he, efteeh the Deem ..resefate sepal
LIIC:"""." n"
"jed!itiertnkit ali ot to the:xtonat, Btmaro, or p ee. end 111••• , f a t=
'.°"'"447-IrlL**'**l**°***..l*' * °IrEVniTOVWW::MUZWOAI
~ ~. a e ...I .. io 1, May Rl.T__ ~ A t; 1' , ,,..0 ,„„ . , e ..._ .._.,..
.. __2_ • _ .. .!--k
',.T. 11!11- Tr sii"---Tm vb" .tirirSito an" .a- 1_
— IFR S GINSF.NG PAN/Xt.:A keened
tlrrila. Gc.6
b' t. bu t7): ittd and ror Bala h 7 0 A MINE - On:CIL a I
‘. l ‘ b . " a S'e d ""1"1"""4"1"m7Ot , eer ishltahheed, wletk and woo
AR plylog titthteeeee. i t 1
text: ;
la-M=64W UsitiFUM 477, •
j Extecroaaar itaizoT: - ! • 1 ,
- •k
tiira4ili the Inak*4** l. l , ri ' g ' '
dame affictid with i tiseasstif ee L=1;44 4..! 8 1 14.6. ."
that in tin %Wine rBl3 Isiaa instant! k• wren
•hicit saw hears mated arm* lump, 1111
***. •AF***B C ,3 ***** - 1 1 . 1 1. * *0 ".
tight awl triedimmer, attended with thpimissthr* Inman.
spit op 434 • ecesiderelde ethstity bialt4pllkil.l Mith
hick dark tonnes MY aituatieti Wealth smiths mei dent
isg Daring. this tier I was encoded by lowan.* newer
thilful Physic :ma; they d 1 hot they mild lisisthe, aroma
at hag* they gave op hope, of my c my.itiathani•lf
me that bathing moth could be dose, that mry linsgs,wee•
tally diromed, mid beyond ;sandy. I eras than parmethei
• friesd of mina to mike • trial of Dr. Doinewes Jimeat
nest Remedy. which my rhysiciths persisuid agaithnesnyiag
that this medicine would sso do_ geed, and, rata - •
more to my =Seeing. I tont Diem it thss sty Inn mid :oily
hope, sold that if I must die of the disese4Deilin 0000 hr
dent si taco there world be winsisg Wes tle IMA to lb.
Cincinnati Office mid obtained S lantim of DID Daly Tala
Red moonfaced valor mvorfing to tin diree-
teas, which, birthed of adding testy salltying, immediately
pre tne relief, at one: arresnag the tenubloomme Cough
thinly the pm red .t/ghtsees in sty giving use a sew
red otheogth, which soca esabled'ese to be abost again.
This medicine continued its pod woh,..whioth n ea Wily
queered, nil I was made a mood maw: Iberians. WI
atteod ogle My bimonthly (.parade of 3 years) aa Del as
beauty as I wish. I have vecosuseaded Dr. Dithens%
P.neeteui Remedy is may itaikocin to those similarly
and it has Weray. proved sueomefel so Sall than itrithemed
it. Amts. My sister is using the outdid Seat pram* fur
Dithuol Liter and sts djfemien Oa Lusgsoittich see
had sonfered with fur same time, the has semi, Mt conned •
by the the of this asedicith, boll athasifilest the 8 bsike
that ktake with es to-day will entirely mita lei. 'lam lorry
to Laos thavhere are thoUseads of garsomenethig
away with We dreadful desteoyer—CNSUDl,TlON.
m iii oely paean , for the. to pectut7 this siediense
time, bac.. it be no lath, many linemaiglit isoi*lnt
their fam il ies areal relatioas agent reddened happy. Dab .
=edicts. .ilig ive 6u:a reliefs and al the lasaakinie aim
the hard and *and Cough, ruse. dui tightliestiathe Meal
give went!. to for catcalled and esteMn*, sip., 00 *
most '"'",
24.03*.vy,liatalltou ounty, Ohio,
N. D.—Thoie who may mot to acquainted with um eater
to the tuidenigsed, t ime of Istmtgemays Flataeemes
ty. 0 , they wales lay time sutothstrete the abuse thdemetan
Noastes Bassetthui
• Corr J. Boma.
s tem t, %here ads vatteilth. Medicine ems always
Sold t. Piusburgh; by WM. TACILSON, cones se
--- 7 - ------'- - -' --- . -----
Da INODLDSBY'S Eike Smarm, an iatawrial=
.1.1 a ortaia end radical m, vilseither mtereal,
Idertney Iv bliad,eho, far irrieases of the kidneys and bhd
am., paw m the le d sad side, babitml ecwieseses, nap
Mose, km
Fesalce bekre and afkr twaheesecut are ones trembled
with eamitipstion ef ea bowels or maimeem al mita the
piles. In oh loch am thit Specific on be t 0...!..
safety, end Is a certaierThs Smoak is Me
pregbre, end man merely remedy, without arr.
depot vamp, Macyneene tto to pas
Feely harmless la the met delicate cup. .
This isle certify that I know Dr.lingeldeby% Fab Spa:.
to Ws entail eery
my oh remedy. Markt ma its Witt,
hem] arm, amcsigg my fustiittneMOch imerersleOlt •
firmed and w arts ea. of Whi sks."where it seeds an satire
mow its merino. • Y WRITE/lUD. •
New York, Iday ~
IM.S. , 334'Ilieth street. -
I cheerfully crie my tendimony is to Me omelet Old Wm _..
lain); areas ire Pe. ylold.tbj's PM Specific, si L kai r it
IT= tTor i'
i t il l 11 :: ' -
.lazif.szs. t meow ter
mid2L 0
Yak,Nme L A D I E S V 234 SWIM( 'IWO.
• New l'ork,May, /813.....
Mi. Ikale-Thear
Sim-I Mee the panes •to my, Man_
ram mediine, Dr. fitgo's Pike Seierakitias sods spa:
int rare is the eme of my soma and I worgroyemay word . .
that I hoe hero surprised at Roo it ms to DayorOon km •
paisibk Lang her. However, lam rami may to lis med
icine se bee( Infabk, sod do Maims/1 ethos vibe are at
ins •
Maid in Mehl,. mom, to procure MD,
& ertiele.m they on
penal mtain care.
Yours with meet.
West Chester, N.Y., May 15,1815.
niDr. levldsby-Dmir Ski-That yummy hoed *Mire
slammthestigeries, se well as to opme sty pentode for
' the berielt I bete dented Om Ms use drynesshalsk Spu
eific„ I mealy wilt,)) request, and new do gars my teste
ri n k,
iu 6, or of it, haiisig lam curved e ware attack es .
Me Viks after taring used olio reetedies
e win t mat mom.
I'ms with
Sold whelesale end remit by WAI. JAC in, tit Me no- .
ent Almlicese Wareham, mil Doot ma Shoe gton, Na. tin
Liberty street, OM of Wued,riatbunk, -rriel4.s4l<sou 7
polio. • yen li-dly
- in 01Klill,a1PTION A lELBICATED-To those
'LI affilemel with Inireasell of the Lungs.
=This ism certify to. Rime Mffictril with Ma flropre•
'Mallory synitiloins of Conneeption, that I lame been
laboring for arsenal years with a bronchi, soreness of
the thicial and luMriene“. I used many medicines, bet
found no relief in any preparation a: medic ire, mad I
RD.MIEDV. I %mire bccn u.: red tla • vette:tide medicine
far several ,cars. and ;away . bud it to relieve 'when
ever I make aso of in lily occupation as pt Auction •
err, which keeps me aloe:Remittently engaged , maw.
My disease, et times, te beeetne very Maiming, who, I
at once procure this medicine. I therefore ate plea
BUM in waking this public staterneuL that others affect
ed with I disease of the lungs and expectorant Groat
May Maw the virtues of this 'Rill Leihng retard),"
and cony be eared. I haven...mended Dr. DIIIIMIN
ESVCCLOULDI Remedy - to many of my friendr, mom of
whom owe their hero to this moticitim
Somerset,Obki, OM 15,. , 1e45.. - '" -JAMES itEwyr
The proPtieter ac the aLoye mobelee Dieirdd,
reter to the undersigned Persons, eta; res : de in Pen?
county, on u n dersigned
say person nay call apse and he
coustoced that'diere arer'.atrates baud in the abbrei
=Melee thet esnmat be excelled: • ' ..
Demi Snortrea; lit ft. Siam, dm Frau.
eat Coiner, Jackson 1p; Mr. Larmer, do; lleirPollort,
neltlick ip; Jeered Devisee, llopelicil tp.
More skeet, CittelMeti, Ohio, ' , -
Sold in Peuhargh by W AI. /ACUSON, SI Liberty -
bend of Wood street.
You. whose teeth is Rail and y ellen,- '
You, vetom skin dark atud-nellowy- -
1 an whom hem in harsh and grimy . ,
' . Resty.dirty red or fiery
Vim whom vile off:maim breath • ' •
Unplement is ea putrid death-,
Von moat haseAber, roan. girl-
Troth as white an snow or pearl,
Breath a spie r , sweet, and caniele _
Pare and whoa and aviondt and beautiful,
Il' And Snivel:lk sulky, dark Maw., ,- r • ,
By rending what is mid below. ' •
th ß is EisA DREmty k h To l n sks ha 3 v o e
btohte Me
ol Hair SaMaretine-a Se box of dome,. Amber Tomb
Paue-end in calla. of. the genuine Jones's halos
Menne& Sam, The articles rest bet little, and goo
are &soared that the follermag are their Treat outdates:
The nth passe gives the Demi!: a_Dereet odor, whim
teeth. tab preserves Rio teeth;to- ' The hate stuff all
knew to be the end at thing ever node for Men
i .' le "l' ' lf: .
,ITeVe"ll:llol"es4"grpr mind) : ' b v:•Nc . u n re d
all <meow heckle., Ye, and name duk yellow
while, clear led fair. All abesethinge are mid (only)
at W JACKSON'S Boat neat Mine Mare tad Patent
Idedicine NV are 9 Litteitgat. • ' til)7
, ...„ . .
1 . Consumptive's Comeolation.
„„... epea-Siehress Weigh upon Tone henrit
, ' Or painiXllket year breast? .
I Try Dr, Dumesie's,l= /bang Art,
' Mut it Will M e e .Tao -' -
. . • .. _
It mean away the Wlsty elowl
•‘‘. i .IPsease sprestheer the seel.
Alta whispers thtemigh the 'lowly shroud.
heelthspay yet be V/
Sue.yelisletruse of lovely bur!
wtthtliug wutiliteuy
11 teareely ups ND mont!nig 4a.:
Ilefore it fade* away,-
' The !Voter of Death an. in tlteitienbn ,
' -
And litteMishetted aid grew— ' ~.
. . And *too it lOraarteLl; (A lory4esaj.. '
. 'it nipped theonih asnt thinoSl; : .1. , ; . .. '
--... .
Tb. licomn of Deathmialttlie.derd4, '
. .
-)( Dr. Daimon'. an Were Utmii :7' .1 i
:•- .Ao4 paoy toiely airotaelosaaml *
The AM of ttfuntlinely grave,' -^.:i.-,
Sycamore street, Cincinnati, Iltun, nhtra . his valuable 1
Woodit +old.
Sold in Pittaburgh, by WM. tACKt4ON, comes of " 1
Wood aud Libeety sta. . -, , . tiplid&MT
I ~ Nam lota, 18,1E46.
Gntlemen -. rouse then or eight taxmihesloee•-• sore
:ame upon tbe. 6.,:itiont nr. one - of mytfeel,.whieb was ..
...,y pA,plili, I commenced appylng the asltattletnedass •
aorec t. ut uniure••fulty. Om Imo elmoluted to get
I" k r i .O;te.rt7o. "- aT:i ' e ' e l' o ", hl eraar...lrul'oWahll":lt
estmet and tain e sirmtom I. L eoet , d bear of. mud mit rho i
of them bad the etf..e.t to trlieVe tie pamor tttttt .he ' 1
Oraryitel of the sow theme an, constant indamtnation 1
in u. ivol a revere and pemeitta pain, audit 'mdse.!. d
damn Mtn a_txtar Meet tote. bib. Lapbnesr .Stsdind
11 . 1; &1ag...1a., eml
.pot rib .. try) iso,Z:
u 0 s it. unit to my gresi s ra i her ..vvomaanomt, it al.
mall OVlantsomously telle 4 ded the. osilh rednecel dm
todsmination; and eonttnensid healind the solo, sehichi
la mei neatly
• 160 eorabeitltaniaorteerely beltevetam 4.0/falcate
."1 10
a 0
e 1
.;itill:"lon"'fblY "Sai'd.. P. FAIIFONS .S
For sa 2
_I9LO. F•W•iSS'''i
Mes.S. U. it CO, PrOil!iert.r. .1 Deon's
'Chemical Miller, Gentiturn;atOT ml lean. 1
liaTo Mon time to.4slttbe sirs..sot P. Dem/ s Cheeste et
ohemer by using 11171.1rith.aoict ( zmy,irorr.R,it.r,s.-
.7:L .7°,'2ll".Zoomort be n throm- sad 'Otte to
urdi tsiti to Inky mg to )ola sod
‘--th;;Mite,titstlo-evety ease I have. Mood it teem'.
t at o nd I .10 1,0,m ibai said Pivter - psmiteMs mroses
Volru.uo. and y,Of an
0., Dee ?AI
A.Pshr.iestoole & comer . First Woo
1.1.8811 r f
L .
~ l tmta rq 000 ttle th
part elebrated Versoirage; and pet
talk 000,010% fiVO )01TO OK 111001 WOO MAI
los 19. *rooms of a eery lair size. I behave ye*
7.. doge to be dm prod we medicine art
sat world. ever produced. t 'would thetedue ea
ptents wholsave children mattered vBlllOOlO
gi •tt a tair ts tat .10.8F.P11 ht'CLIIaRY •
Jultiee dr the Peace
pared sad wa. wholesale sad rcra.r, by It it et
:8 Wood meet, Pittsburgh. ."