The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 19, 1847, Image 2

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ur•Tzs Ternarting Datur Oassara Is pabliobAW
Daly, Tri-Weekly, and Week:T.—TUT:laity t. bcy.
Alothuli pet INUIT th e TriAV er tly is Five bonus per
r uizta; the . :Wee lyb Two Dollars pow &maws. larialif
Bette* to kihrorttnix. .
tEr Adveruvements, to sbinild be
bonded in by Ave &deck la the aftenoeo- Anent.=
thi. on ;Mogul of our easterner/. would be prodne
Oltilf• JAMIZS 113 VIN.
for °gag. coorml
poi" CANA C
1 ,..51e.
or m 3 (mem ) ,
elaTel. .
OFXHIGE DA I FS, of Allegheny On.
LEWIS C. J. NOMA:. of ludianaTp.
Toll MONTT rLllwau
1. W. BAXTER, of Panburol ,
'Mt moan comu•.wrn.
THOMAS PERKINS, of Lower St Clow Tp
THOMAS E FRANKLIN , Lancaster elis
JOHN C KUNKEL. DoopkinCount);
WILLIAM M WATTS, Cumberland.
JOHN P WETIIERILL. Philadelphia csis.
THOMAS McGELATIL Philstelphi• County
ROBERT Ai BARD, Franklin.
ANDREW I OGLE, Sonscracs.
HARMAR DENNY. Allegheny,
RICHARD IRWIN, ilenango.
JOSEPH II KUHNS, Westammlidd.
,11 D MAXWELL. Nosthampign..
P B SALISBURY. Socclischnona.
ROBERT T POTTS, blotlignsery.
QT F... Copies of the Report of the Baltimore
•Consminee for sale at this Mee ; large amber of
copies of this Report have been punted. by as for circa
Isla, ands it is desirable that they should be newt by
every roan in the city, and in the neightiortiood of the
bend waters tithe Ohio, as as between Baltimore m
and Pittsburgh. Single otes three cents.
For Lax* Commercial Intellmenee, Corneille !ler.
thtem, Riverle. S• 111.11,1134.1.14 ace
ird pa .
TsUvulae System—oliniewity Overcome.
There is good ins= w suppose that all con.
imam is now cloned respecting the extension of
the Telegraph from the seaboard as far westward
a. Lour...ilk. It is understood that Mr. Ken-1
BALL, a the agent of Professor Mossa and other
Patentee., ha concurred in the but compromise
made between Huey O', Eeq , and the
Ohio Trainees, at Cincinnati. Although the whole
line would hare been construckd by Mr. O'Reilly
under hii contract., even without compromise, it
is *Kanter all around to have harmony in the
Progress of this magnificent enterprise. From the
prorate now made, and the arrangements fur in
creased speed in construction', we doubt not 'the
the illriunotippi will be reachal at 9t. Louts before
the Ist of January. Hurrah, then, for the ••Orcat
W en!"
Lines of Telegraph are also 'arienged lot im
mediate constitution, to tonn es, th e principal
towns tow on the Lakes with th e rincipal towns on'
the Elealamtra and or the Oblo Valley. - One of
thew lines, connecting eleselseut with Pittaburgh,
la now ander r apid headway , muter Mi. O'Reilly's
-i.6.#•e(, but under th e inmtedite direction of Mr.
Haman B. Ely.
When this Lake Line of Te i
igiaph, and the Lice
Act Cincinnati, Louieville. d . are eompleted. as
: , they--wilt be within from mixt to ninety days, they
will odd much importance tot the basin,. of the
Pittabargb Telegraphing, sal contribute largely
to the profits of the line l‘ltween this city am)
Pram tne spirit manifested in various quarters,'
it is evident that the arrangements fop connecting
all important towns and villages with the Main
Lifiel through the Weat, will be warmlfaustained
by the people generally. The east of 'extending
these side lines is So moderate, that we dare pre
dict few villages worth naming will he found un
willing m take sleek enough to "shoot lightning"
tepidly between them and the Main avenue of
Telegraphic communication, where all are brought
u it were; "within speaking distance" of the pin
dpal cities of the Union.
it is gratifying to know that several of oar most
estimable butane. men have taken considerable
. interest in the extension al 'hese “ligh ming rues,"
aid in the farther extension of the mapailicent
spleen, as in all other works of 'public improve.
,nest, we trust that Pllfsburgh will never be
"found among the mining."
The unwavering zeal, ardent pmesetence,
and good faith of Mr. O'Retlis, amidst all di,
couragemente, in his efforts to unite the Great
Weal with the Atlantic States, are demising of
all praise. We hope that, late Piomethens, ha
may draw "the fire from Heaven" over the whole
Missiesippi Valley, as he has over the Mountain;
which separate the Eget from the West. That
de", it will be semi there is e moral power, as
wells; a scientific wonder, in this great inrendim
of oth lima. When Mi.:of:lei and Maine open
the one hand, end Louisiana and the Lake coun
try upon the other, shall hold free communion,
not be months, or weeks.or evetfday; but by mo
menta of time, somellUig will hate been done
more thaw ham yet been scaxopthited, in this free,
social and Ixdituai communication, to bind this
Uniod together. "He that Compassed the water
- with bait& MAU the day and , night come to an
end," has Peen to men an ageht - of power and ot
uae in electricity that shall be among nations and
man what the stars of heaven are to eta all, •
common subject of wonder and of admiration.
The time is not far distant when this whole land
will be tidied.] with electric wires. It is not
alone the peat thoroughfares that ore to 1 . 0 tene
fitted by tlla communication, but all the arteries
of our geographical and political queen. To the
Great West the will teen era equally wonderful
and important.
Washington Murray, of the Weamotelsnd
(3111113•, ltrilol hem Thunday night, on board the
Messenger. He died on Wantonly the night pro.
stow. By the Massager, James Johnston And
Jame. Carpentei,lloo-COMMissioned officers of the
gams company. and Lieut. Ryan, of the Payette
company—all of the second Regiment Pommy!.
sank Volunteers, also salad. Mr. Jame. John.
-son is at tha St. Chafes Hotel, stidNary itlr
These Volunteers hese all been discharged on in
count of Bickner, and more are on their way
home. We hope they all lily be kindly eared
for In returning from a envies which has been
alike disastrous in battle and Woozy amidst a
euspendon of arms. Disease, indeed, has been
the worst enemy our troop. hale encountered in
Locomco Errnisraor. Tbe Johnsown
Coulter, a Loudon* paper, publisher! in Cambria
. Ceunty, has made the seknowledgettent— 7,_
rdt Is impartible for Gov. Shur& to get the sup.
Tot of the old idablenburg torn."
What merit has Governor Shook to induce any
clam of men to rote for his re-election! What
claim ha s be upon the People, of whale ability
to set for tbsmeslves be hair shown each peat
dieund, and whom be is unwilling to trust with
the power conferred upon theta by their servants
in the Legislature of the Starer if. a lived •
life alma in offir.e, bee been tea at the blic crib
Kaa Aim whereof the memory of runneth
not to the contrary," and all without priblic CieiCll
CR pelrateld mat it of any' sot t. Our belief is that
the People of Pennsylvania will give Governor
Mug& full permission to rear to the honor and
alp* o f p r ivate life, at tp• expiration of Ma pia
mat Om awake.
The notice In au paper of yesteniq of the
death of ; Mr. thwaitaor, at Uniontown, on the
nth, tarn Oa to be premature ! A g .eutaw.
(*Pad te as last evening to asp be had aalp
111.'e wife, written ea the 16th. H.
era than alive. We received our IdauXitiou
Gem t h e Philadelphia paper., and m pleand to
learn b erroneous.
1411:Tule, Deliffl,OP Ibe ant againantil a day of two pervious
TED arakVES. ,to Ryl adjoeramena ofithe session, wine, shWerenold
-eel e .er*h.% a bun& isCher band. inquirelor Mr.
. 1
Calhoun, and herrecilied with the acute kindness
anon theforrolie•txManon. These visits*, re
puted regularly every ao.ioo, and thieimonity
oft Sae the house,. as to their object,
being excited, they learned from the old woman
that; she had a daughter who was • slaw on a
plantation adjoining Mr. Calhoun. and he was the
medium of commemicalina between them, reneg
ing their messages and peewits to eicti — other. —
jiVithen Mr. Calhoun reached the city, at the
commencement of the lastVongress, resistance to
the Oregon "Notice' as. teteommended by the
Prenatal, seemed utterly hopeless: A devoted
friend of 'Air. Calhoun, who knew his extermina
tion to opgpse it at all hazards, endeavored to Me
rein on hlin the propriety of • cautions p.licy,
as political rivals would not fad to improve tiny
opportunity of placing him in an unfavorable pe
ndent before the country, and added that an ob
ject wa. sometime. reached more safely and more
certainly than by impeaching it otherwise thin
by'a. direct line. Mr. Calhoun replied. that' to
consenting to his elecion to the Senate. he had
menficed his own eaw and convenience to what
eras deemed by many of his friends a public he
'ceSsity. He would use his utmost effort to pre
serve peace with England, if it , could be done
compatibly with the notional honor, and he
Witold do this regardless of the consequences to
himself; and aa his manner of doing it, win or
fail. he, would approach his object direct.
'ln the coutrover,y with Memo, Mr. Calhoun
his acted in the same direct manner. "Wiener."
said he, in his place in the United States Semite,
lithe presence of a crowded 1145.1161 y, all eyes
anon hire, and an intent. excitement pervading
Ida multitude, .pooner. yea, much sooner, than
'ante for this bill, declaring war to exist by the sot
of Mexico, would I plunge a dagger into my bo.
sum. I prize my emelt& minothing—truth nod
the honor of my country as every dime." And
yet there are men•of the dominant patty who
Would make us believe the lie that for this pro•
tended and bloody war this Government is irre
Me. Calhoun, I believe. is always governed by
!food motives in him public lir., and his own good
intentions ate borne out by all the events of his
prorate life. MI whit disagree with hint as a pub
lic man will award to him the pored patriotism,
ability of the highest order, and all throe
al virtues which adorn the life of a man who al
way. takes counsel of an intelligent conscience
$Ve do net regal.' him by. any meson - as a Wee
enunsellor or a safe statammen,but yet it is refresh
ing to hare an opponent. a gentlemen, and an
honest and able man, and all these do we esteem
lobo C. Calhoun. •
JOHN C. cAt.aouN
-We need net ray-that the-pnblia.itistory ,of _the
count. it eminently ident.fiid with Me name of
Jon 1,.. Lemma. Carona. Few men have been
longer, in ltv verincesA6 l . felt 6sVPPi ce ?l'4.F!'''.w'
marks of public confidence. Unitell et times
with both of the leading. parties of tit county.
In ea
of the great question. which have agit o .
tevl nation. he has In this ebown • desire to 1
identify himself' with the (nod 'of a 11..! Mr. Cal.
howl was sisty-five years of age on the 18th of
March e last. He was barn at Abbeville, in South
Carolina. His father, Patric* Calhoun, emigra
ted to Pennsylvania, from Ireland wbeh a child.
From Pennsylvania thti familj went to Virginia,
from whence they were driven by the Indian, af
ter Braddock's defeat, to Smith Carolina„and to •
settlement still owned by the family of a younger
brother of the distinguished Senator. .Tee moth
er vim a Virginie.lany, mid her worthy an the
youngest of five children.` The paternal and ma
ternal families were both of the true Whig stamp
a the rev,olulion; and frequent and severe were
their conflicts with the finnan. and Twice, who
- were the common enemies of the country. One
uncle was murdered in cold blood by a petty of
Tories in eight of his own bowie. A owned las
token prisoner by the -Hograh, end remained-in
the dungeons of St-Augustine for nine months.
The third fell in the battle of the Cowpe . tie. with
thirty sabre wound.; and the father hod as many
hair breadth name. as. in times lees savage and
exciting would have distinguished him from all .
men around him. On one occasion be was one
of tbitteen men who ' hall • fierce eneenntu dith a
Inge body of Cherokee Indians. Seven of the
thirteen were killed befoie the test' : retreated,
and twenty-three Indian. perished in the amine
fight._ .
Scenes like these, and to times when, from the
e i arsences of the population, every roan had to be
his own protector, ;laterally inlayed sOnsething of
lawlessness into hie character. At least pre.
mime this to be the fact, from en .cotrence in
his life, when. With hie neighbore he marched
armed at all point► to thi'Mightibrhoad of Charter
ton to exercise a disputed right of troachise.--
He opposed the Federal Coartitution, upon the
ground that it allowed other people than esrolini.
am to tax Carotins; and this he called a siolation
of the Declaration of_ladependence. For thirty
years this men represented the people of his
neighborhood in the Legislature, and daring alt
his life appesrs to hare had their confidence sad
Theeady advantages of Joho C. Calhoun were
few. Moot 'of hi• boyhood was mimed upon the
plantation, and in securing the small privileges
of a country life. to two years after commencing
the study of Latin. he entered the Yunior elesv at
Vale College, and, in two more, received one of
the highest honors of his chew. President Dwight,
rf V:ali College, was di:enrol with the ab 4
of his young •tuient. and predicted that be would
one s C lay tw President of the United ;Slates. le
the Law School of old Litchfield, when he pass- 1
eve eighteen months, he ahoacquired gieat dirties.
nun, and equal fame at home, both in cloning hie
legal +ludic. and to the commencement of prac• •
tire, at the bar of bin native district, where lie at
mace took • high position. A short period found .
him a member of the Legislators, and one el,
the leading members of the holy. lie sided with.
what is called the iißepublican party" in bbs State'
acd became one of its mot dotioguished merte!
bets. He moan interested himself in the national!
and the attack of the English frigate Ltat.' l
pord, upon the Chesapeake, inflamed his own!
mind, an wells that of the whole American pose,
ple. The bar was soon. forsaken for the forum
and, in 1811, at the riot teoion of the Twelfth
Congress, atr Cullwu., took his seat as one of the
Representatives from the State of South Carolina
with William Lowndes and Langdon Chereo—i
names restowned in the history of State. This
was the war Convene and the war. simian —4
The second place upon the Committee on For
eigri'Affsire we. awarded - Calhoun—Pet.
B. Po'rter being the chain, John Randolph
Felix Grundy, and Philip B. Key, his amociates.4
A contest ensued at once, and the Conxmittee were
divided upon the intensely exciting eriestion which
then agitated the country. Porter and Grundy
warts united upset one tide and Randolph and
Calhoun upon the other. The withdrawal of
Porter Leon made him Chairman of the Con
mittee, and as each. he brought forward and de
fended all the Wit measures of Congreen With
Mr. Clay and Mr. Webster, he defended the eti4 l
lateen:tent of the Navy, and contributed to make
this branch of the public defence *popuLsr.
to Coogress, at um close of the war, he sae
'Ahead at the bead of the Committee on Currency,
a most important Poet, when the financial ember,-
....meat. of the country are remembered. In
epic of all his friends may say to the contrary, we
hold that any impartial seeker after truth will
record Mn. Calhoun as being, during this period,
the friend of a United States Bank, of Inter.
nal•lmprovemente end of the Protective pollcy.i. e
We will not call him, as others have, the author
of the protective policy. but the legislative hi
tory of the country skew. that he was in all r 4.
epees the tnend of that policy. The tariff Of
1816 leas ai mach a tariff of protection ILS the
tariff of 1642; though strictly speaking neither
of these act* are . protective laws. Both wine
framed with more reference to revenue than pi.r.
',dim ; and both in an eminent degree suom
plithed the two meaty:ea
After six years' service. in Congress, Mr. Cad
boon ems called by Mr. Monroe to preside over
the War - Department, and In December,; 161 T,
enter. dupon the administrstion of its duties.-1
Upon bin oven recommendation, and according
to bid Own phut, the department was re orgamod.
Espeeeni were reduced. economy established, mid
order brought from confusion. • I
Mr. Calhoun passed from the services of die
Cabinet to the office of Vice President. Though
at first a candidate for the high office of Prese
dent, he d e clined, rather than increase the cowed,
and then became the candidate of both General
Jackson's and Mr. Adams'. (fiends for the second
office, to which he was called by a large majority
of the people. He was soon out In opposition to
Mr. A damie Administration, and Generellackson l i
f our y ea rs after, Mil hardly warm in his seat, be- •
fore Mr. Calhoun was in opposition - to
General Jackson resisted him with his whole pout
er, and would have m e shed him if he could; best
the confidence el •the• people of Carolina erns
never stronger than when he encountered and re.
oirted (beechen:. aseaolte. He survived them all,
and all throe, also, of General Jackson's successor,
settlest whose confirmation' ss(Miniater at the
Court of St. James he had reviously given tile
casting vote.
In the Nullificatiou contest, Mr. Calhoun was
f o lly identified; and we cannot but regard his op
position to the Federal Government at this time,
as the least &tangible, and the worst act of his
whole life. Mr. Jefferson, however, is the author
of the memorable passage which 'says,' that ..a
'nullification by that sovereignlint (or State.) ni
all unauthalized ads done under color of that
•insfromenf, ie Me rightful remedy, anailuoie
this to rescue Mr. Calhoun from the charge Of
being the author of the doctrine which Bondi Cap
ohne attempted to pot in practise upon the prin
ciple a laid down by Mr. Jefferson. He resigned
the office of Vice President to take a seat in the
Senate, in the very midst Eddie Butte:m*6on storm,
and a ar eh d ied to till the intestacy occasioned by
the res•gostion of Mr. Havre, who hadimen elect
ed Governor after the aspiration of the term of
service of General Hamilton. The teener pop.
!rayed ie Mr. Calhoun's re appearance in the Se a .
ate Chamber, not as the madding officer of th e
body, but R. one hostile to the Government, the
Senate, and the Adminietration, we have not morn
to give. The Proclamation of Genets! Jackson,
and the Compromise Act, put an and to nullificis•
tion,—the latter, according to the nullifier's, and
the former according to general opinion. In the
diecussiou of both rf these questions, Me. Galhoin
took a conspicunos part, and one so familiar that
It is not necessary fur us to define hle positicin.
C o ntrary to what ie generally supposed, Mr.
Calhoun is remarkably simple and unaffected in his
p eac oat depottment,-4-eod the more bumble trod
lowly In cireamstances are those who approaCh
Dune, the greater •W the kindlint. and cordiality of
bin manner. In fllostratioo of dila • gentleman
i d, w pm house be bearded from 183$ to 1136,!
while In the •Sonde, relates the following: "A
few eyeliner the commencement of the sermittio,
an. aged colored woman, humbly but cleanly at.
Aired, wopid ding the bill and Inquire fur .44eig•
c a thode.. i TJpon blind shown Into the parlor,
Kr.' Catboat' Weak' reels* he io the kindest
menner, shod .after .
~shaking etroddet
its: to • out =The inte r teima 'stead generally,
NA sheet half an hour, and when she; left, she
varied a bindle away with her. Nothing would
Coucoint. Byreda's V,IITT:A few dap
a Loeotoco cintliaste for Congress in Al.
hamallonounced Mr. Benton in a public apooch
as ..a feculent inane of corruption." Much too
entrees as we think. If the Senator had been al
led mass of vanity," it would have teen near
er the truth. Fide the following entract from bis
last speech In MiseSuri. Will, if • .father may
!not love and peeler his offsping, even to the world,
'who will, but it eterns to us in bail taste, never•
.!thelesv, and m we think young Fremont and others
regard it, Somebody once said to that old
oldish] Eagle," frus•am Bargesa,...Colonel
ton is not nu bad a men. tie loans hie young."
The 'report. war,: Borges* all over, ..sithe My•
I ens does, and yet who 'lkea the Hyena' any better
for that - There is no great merit in being kind
- to one's cluldreo.
But let us have Lis own words— •
Col. B. said that t h e State of Miwouel, though
a young State, had a name abroad, and • goal
one. Freedom from large debt—compliance soh
her contracts, so far as she went in debt--ezeinp- 1
Lion from the rage of banking sod premature in- i
taunt impiorement— clearly adherence to her po.
laical character, and to her poll it'll men—candid
and enlightened consideration of the conduct of
her pubhe men—the arty length of time which 1
,th e had retained, and musined, • molar—all
chose things bad given her character Aroma led i
he wasproud to belong to her. His children also
I were proud of ktiinouri; aml of thu he could give 1
e high evidence, noted at the time by alt the pa I,
pent in Washington city. A general illumina
tion wag had it, that city, after the news from Cer
ro Gordo, in honor of the American 'tonne. in
Mesico. The children of the Slime. Senator
illuminated their father's ...Mecca in C stunt
• Vey pat the .Ifittouri rirlJrit,t, xurnourdesl by
theliog tdoch Fremont and some Atiuourione'
had carried to Me laftiest f ixak of the Rocky
M o ten tetin4, in the centrefl anked on the right
and Left by Cerro Gordo and auena rula
mi. was their collocation of the honors of the
mart history might make it a Intle.different, but
it wiz eight in them. It comes from the hawk and
s` and thd the heart was in ,itla, right pl3,—ir.
kles..un. The girt eltdit;the mother twent wck.
I and the only a in and the father being to St. I. to•
I is. All had beard that he won a teacher to his
children; this illumination would prove that he
had taught them to honor the Stale which had
honored their father.
Mr. Benton's vanity enters, into all public a
Well as private matter. Because Congress refuted
to make him -Lirtren ant General." and to place
Taylor and Scott under his hest and nod, he
holds the following language as to the war and
the great evil Conger= bee done in refusing to
make him a military commander. Mr. Calhoun
and fiiends are aimed at, let thin lut coned'
from his recent !Missouri epershi' Me. B. says:
..One war bad been •voiileit•without a km of
right or .boom; _another has fallen_ upon no. and
now, the question which met bidi at every step
wss, "When will it be finiabed!l' Mas. he multi
pre no more Them arm a time when h. had
an opinion; the President approved that opinion:
it was founded upon a combined movement of
arms and of policy—two armies—:o,ooo under
Taylor, 12,000 under Scott, with a Mien'.n of
peace in company—and the .word to be elf etise
if the ohm branch failed. Policy and arms were
to be combined, and piney relied upon - more than
army, and if that plan had been adopted, he 101 1 1
believed that pence would have been restored in
the month of April past. or this month of May;
and peace, not the mere cessation cf fighting, but
a restoration of f'iendahip, commerce, a social in.
tercoune, and , all . the aropathim of republican
brotherhood. Congroso refund the appointment
indispensable to the emcees of (hot plan ; and
nom he woe without the otriata . of forming -any
opinion upon Mt probable duration of tkoyar."
UlllOlll or Tan NonT■ 1.1110
Tiro STAT.. Gnznrrr_—The Vorreepondout or
the New York Tribune, from Philadelphia, iu toe
truer of the 14th, stye:
-Mesas. Gnihain & McMichael. of the North
American, have to-day completed • negotiation
with Mr. Chandler, of the United States Cozens%
by which the Oer.Ette ponce into the bend• of
of Mean.. (intik= & McMichael, and Mr. !hand
ler retires (duvet from the profession he lies so
well adorned, .11)11 of years end full of honors."—
The price paid for the Gazette is $45,000."
We hey from • priest. source the sante feet,
though we belief/ the Gazette was wild for ',ow
thing over the sum here named. Mr. Chewier
one of the oldest, and has been th •
ablest and most industrious Editors of the Amen
can Press. We me rejoiced abet his paper boo
given him good support, end left lairo s clitiapetero'
ey,Lo the balance of a hie edited, we bore., taw
he fined up with health, saw, content.. .tit, hot..
ore. and troop. of friende.. -
The North American, guider its present rondo.
tors, has been one of thiebleat and moot publo .
spirited papers inthe I.fildon. • fliseitedby the sup
port of the l l old Gazeltd,7"iti• pieced op in a,.
impregnable foUndation. Including this porches,
and the cost of the North American mime, too
years aince, we believe Mr. Graham hae es, ends
nearly one hundred thousand dollars beyond the
daily =toeing expenses of his paper, for able
he now has a public press second to norm in lb
Gahm far patronage, sod claiMe to euppott.
Hovels'. Bar C . — The London, U,r
aid, of a late date, (My IL,) say. that an inapts.
tent document hat been promoted to lb., Secre
tary of the Colonies, 'by certain resident,/ %Abb.
Xl:tete:Awry chimed by the Hudson's 13. y Corn.
pany,ccanplainiim of grievances, which, ,f
mpreaented.,cannot, in tho present age, In, al
loyed to remain lomier unredressed. It al.o.ay.
that a similar representation ban been nude by
petition to her Majesty, which will, no dodo,
command attention, as an abuse of reurpcd pow.
is there net forth, which eennot fad to d mond
correction. The . hetet held by ;the Company
was ieceired from Charles 11, and sanctioned al.
Leeward by act of Parliament. ofily for seven
years, which act expired in 1697,-and hie never
been renewed. The &revel of this fact has, we
are informed, -produced a very Wrong mention,
and the whole curia now under the consideration
of Earl Grey.
Thus us most eztntoldioary atatament.. and
altar all the icrentlmitlon by oot own Goesrnment
.01. Great l!ritain is to the mien and power of
this Company. we am hardly prepared to credit
HMI newiKNoriioilentr:,
cily or Nast.* has retinal, iineWSsoo.-!
000 of tt *iwk of Jha. Ctud4twa *lnroad.
eirdionati it boithi roads to - , thir:; borders of
0hic.,113 alma. away -direction owl ittocoate• 0. 1
as we valor our owa autrnit to cony • ,Rud to
the 'macro lined the Suits, ta eo•opeikta with
the Conant Rail Roa'd eat ,
A ROAD is eardisly biked of betiren York
and Hareiebarsh, -
The Bahinxorc Republican says
Op reaching Harrisburgh, Baltimore will receive
the benefit of an imeriense secessicai of trade in
coa l, lumber, ate., which it • 'most dellairable
j• et, and will fully compeneate for tie coconut.,
tint of the road yet to be made, even .hduW=ahe
Central Railroad of Pennsylvania never be made.
Bat ouch failure ie not to be anticipated, :and,
cons: goer:lily, a detect and profitable connection
grub Pittsbargh may be expected by this rent..
Ve duire to see everj possible revenue of trade
Opened to our city, especially where it can be
effected with the advantages to bU received.
“A repeat trom the committee which has ra•
cently visited Harrisburgtt and the adjacent noun•
try, may be shortly expected to be laid before the
public, when we think it probable that the citizen.
of wi:l bgcome satisfied of the impor
tance of funning the ptupased connettion with
Harrisbutabc without oelay.
The bus , iners -f the hyrrta Mt.rt Ras anoan
continura to increase with unexampled rapidity.
The total receipts on this !toad for the month
of Mae have been as following, viz: '
1811. 184.5 1846. 1847.
51.743 S 2,04 51 $a,'769
,$?2,421 GO
811E1,0(0 Count er EtacTiercirr,.—We
last week published sti inpertant letter to the
Editor. upon this subject and we now find the fob
lowing in the New York Tribune of dune 14.
%cent accounts from Europe speak of a du
el:mop for smelting copper by electricity, and - that
it takes less thin two dayi to accomplish what
the old purees. required three days to effect, and
with • mere moiety of the' former expense. Ore
raised one day, is converted. Into bars the next—
We have not as yet, met with any detailed sc.
count of the improved process but if practicable,
it will be of great value on the shores of the
lather of lake, The Cornish mines are anima,
al to produce copper worth five millions of dollars
annually, and States at present import large
The English male of smelting by lightning ham
been patented in Britain, and the Welsh sinelteis
estimate their future ravines in luel at $7500 per
day. Australia sent 1111,090 tons of ore to Wales
last year to be run into bars. By the new mode
the work can be done where the ere is found:
In regard to the mint. upon the Laker we also
dad the folkiaing in the Tribuiwk.
It is said that ISO persona, including a number
from the Cornish miners, England. are, this year,
employed at, or in connection with the businesa
of. the copper mines -on Lake" Superior. Dr.
Houghton was the first to draw public attain ion
to the unuetal region, yet 101111110111-021011141 MVO
V..e Michigan Legislators in lB39,that they refire.
ed the doctor $2OO, being the amount of hi. es.
pease. in a tedious joitmey that yetr, to report
thereon, rather chosang to allow his menuseript,
the result of much tad. to remain unpublished
He was atterwards drowned whets on an exploit.
tog tour. No furnace, have yet been cruise! for
witching the oie, which is all shipped for the East,
and some of it has been sent to England for an•
sly els. •
Ts. ilt \TR or , Dan r es„. , 11000110•
ce,l by the loot Steamer, Ls on event calculated to
,feta a profound feeling throughout the Irish
Nation. No tutu ha • figural a. conspicuously
In lash affairs as hunself r and none ever eojoycd • r ieL
Cornmeal—The mime may be mid of Meal—
more of the cm/Ileum and respect of lb. Irish .....i.„ .
people. Nis Dune for years mu a 'talisman of , Sogare—A very active Jamona prevail. for Ste
strength. and laNsould moo end mould multi. ' 'U.. and this market m tied* buoyant.
1ad....1 hi. ~11. 6.6 4 th. la t year of hi. life, f Whiehel le •Keeteti for the we.. anal is an
hi. it stamen wee In. than at any time within I ••I•Abelarrut,,P, ha. nl'hi no eff „,.. r. „.„ lb. ma rket for
our remembrance, and as age and weakness were , p roe i r ,i,,,,, a . 'New Nue Pak $17217,151 end
creeping upon lion, his friends emoted to forget . old $16;50. New Prime Sit , and 'tiny Puked
her in reins. He died- at Genes, ant.'among ! Min Beef 515. Madeline ado of all.
Becon—Salea cork meat at 10e foe Hama, 9a
strang,s,—bippily, perhaps. aloud from the ; Irk f ., ~,,,,.....4 71 , 0 ,. foe sho o era.
r"'"" which we. •3"'g the ecaneof hi' lehe•r• , No. I Lsnd 10•101 e and dull.
and ehielo neither his pretence not hie emnuels in mocks there is more activity, and price. hare
,could all 'elate: an upward tendency.
Cotton—Holders bur enforced their p.c. ir,
S. 1. h.o. 4.. 4,, ,rs .... 11....5.
er r . et, Aaadt hml 4ereus ..... e.sco ? ..' J, but lbe ult. are ray law. niii private tenor.
err ....4. , ".d. , " m00t . .. received by Um steamer ate not so favorable.
Br .iraaer^ hwor'.l, an.lby ...arm in..iiiett.
Rye Flour has tumbled down to $5,75 per bbl
u. 3
U3der t e never
Da, Cn•tiscas or Sco ***** — l ls'e 11000110 c.
ed but yest.:lday the tritereet manifested by this 1 ..„ 1 „,,," c„„„„,,,,, e g eae , o f t h e 1...4. e, (aortae
eminent thrum to mitigate the eutTeringe of bit NEW YORK MARKET.
own contitrymen and of the trith people Death alone 16 74 o'c r a
ti.. 1,1 tared a , hied u0.,11 lit. reit. Lagi•e I new ..."
"‘ T I 7!: l'j i i t "4'o r e : moo l sr lU e T a l r . wr .„ip,it
lease of hte to other into, atilt to day we are cell• guilty, am at that figure at ha been steady all day
ed span to chronicle hot owe &crate. Dr. Ch•l " l a t art mei wa geToiliatist that d
rep l atattli i :i im tb7
Mtn, OI03;i rti the been of his prufnuart, and wu stansof ellaire across thireater gees a better sprat
one of the 'bleu mmieters and writer. of a cage , •m.• ,..,1:74 rr t/r4 l 7::s„ " r i r p „ l ' r : br e ;',5 an
I,r u , cars
try eminent to both. He belonged to the Fret war else melting at ere to If. per Quaver. These
Church. and wait, by common consent its head] if re ,
i Tery 'tetanal dillenteces um the first report.
I not MS founder His mind wen arrive, her rs labo ' 'Moen—Sale. Rai of p-line quality at lade per
, unecanng, and his philanthroptiy of tome targeted •
Corn or dorm elm—toles prime belle* et Mae
liberal Mod srhie'l entilied well and did wall for par be
all the world. Feu men have written more, Of
mote pitifoundly then. Dr. Chalmera Like
O'Connell, whore death we elm announce, belied
',ached, we belnrie, the age of more than three
I .., are and ten
The aubembers to the PtUeburgh pspers ih
thi• city, compltin very' much about the irregular
manner they ere noel, J et the &vehement." net
office. As that is the 'hums from which oar hem
get their lateet COMIC it is quite a di•ap
p:intoarett not to temiee them on the nil they am
We hese daily nitopisinto of the bad manage.
mein of the iiiiifi7ibruirehorrt tide section of the
country. Our paper ia , elways put into the office
to full season for •Il the roads laving East or
West. The fault therefore,sa fru *sour subscriber.
are conctree.i. does not be with us. We Sr. most
anxious to furnish them pu,ctuslly with the to.
tent and most funnily Information, but , unlartu
nately at present we bay. not sufficient indaersa
with flocleSarn or his agents to obtain • reform
of the abuses contplainctl of. In 1848'we hope
to have matte!. better arranged.
newt iieum
The Ntlernmeei Replaces appears to have
term the warmest affection of Oen. Taylor. A■
they tett the camp to return to their homes, over.
powered with a -recollection of the deeds which
had endeared them to hire, and, with their der
rnwtstrations of idipect and affection, he attempt'
ed to vain to addreas them. With tears 142e1101.
mg down his forrowed . cheeks, all he could say.
was, “0., on, hop -6n OD—.l can't speak."
G ea. HAIMOSU. Pitymakter in the Army
Whose death we noticed a few days silXll was the
father of Lieut. Hammond who recently died in the
ervice in California.
Old Mr. Ce•wropo,.(the lather of LQ6II Ethan
and .tout Tom.) who b. lupg been known u the
.i•Yauiareh of the Whits Moontaine," is, tbi. year
'is lag, • fopreuntatiee in the New Hemp!hire
legislature, and although in the Cot year of him
no-, looks only (they nay) elf about SO.
Ili., Biases K IMIDALL. the daughter of the late
Hun. Jame. Kendall .of 1.4061 1 / 1 dert, Mess, et
her decease left tw., thousand dollars, 6.1 prornoti
the circulation of the !Bible.
The town of Westfield, Mars., has parsed-a
;vote to exclude from the jury box all Odd Fel.
AAAA near Renames in Clecteerrs.—We learn
that this nui.ance le again making head In our *biter
city. We are assured 'that anions eteamere—not
racket*—have gol up this °demise business ogee
more. Not knowing much about the matter,' we
call the attention of OW cotemporaries there to it,
confident they will forthwith extirpate the runners,
a, as is alledged, they have commenced operation.
Toe Smola P lat.—Under encourage.
mint given that salmis will be made to abate the
Smoke Nuivanee in and about Pittsburgh, we have
taken the liberty to invite the Inventor of one of
the patented plane to visit the city from the nut.
The gentleman anrivertin the city last night.
Amur Mionstrams —A man got, up the
other night and took. as he supposed, a cud of
matches, and began to break one by one, tg log
to light a lamp until the sabot* cud was used up
aritboui accomplishing bin objaCe4.when ha diem.
erred he had used upbis comb!—Ere. Bo:-
lain. • •
Not ao bad u tha Man who put Ma coat and
pantaloons to bed and hung himself upon tha back
of a chaii over night.
WeiT Ma. Pouclirwrozo.--The cities of De,
wait and Buffalo, have mots town( abipp it' afloat
-than are owned in r 4116. 'fOUr Qlagtlnl Slates of
Tiodb and Mouth (Medina, Georgia and Alabama,
and them ate bat two of the amen cities alone the
Lake.. Mr. Polk, however, had 110 Idea that than
waa any comma, up In 'the barkwooda—N. Y.
BVII 1 1` ; *:!P. Pl.'.iiiiii. Pit. I''' - ' . (': )..-4 ?"
' ' ' ;'
AtNit i : :. _a an... ' ' B ' Id II *or wham Amon devnqubere
. • .
A pilewlsa bold.n aloes on; e ,
; And oft the-loorir .1b b. 1.10. hob'
.Carnirpeadestfr or filltsbareCkl•Rasette•
Con.niodp.eiid garrambink Gyrate.
Oeoarat :T.Yloria, Into!tintretti. to Elion
Lida - Potosi. r
Geiser.] Taylor has at Idoaterey for Ban Luis
Potcei,und expected to teach Vichiria (Polaris,
.a our Plirlwirlphia• oturespoedentr arra:wooly
crab tt,) byitte mid&6t lei,:
Com-spondenee of the Pittsburgh passim.
Puma.; Jobe 17.
The BaftimOre Battalion base:cached New Or
lean. on their way home.
Bargeant Hickman, of this battalion, had died.
Col. May bu retitled Wasbingtott, wherobis
family relations reside.
(nut rune taken by Generaltaylos from Mom
(erg to San Lois Potosi his been jotliciowdy se.
trend. He avoids the descent over which Santa
Anna traveled, and though the vroad is Wager, kis
every way comfortable. price at San Luis be
will receive supplies from Tampico, ena on bin
way there by way of Soto La Mlllillo.l—Eon
Correspondence of th.Pitbburea
Vita Utz, June 3
General Scat reached Puebla on the 29th ult.
with ims escort. The resigrdition pf Gee. Banta
Anna as President-of Ideaima and klf Gen. Brave
in command of the army, had not been acted
upon. It was ge l namity conceded that Harare
weal.) be elected President in place of Santa Arm.
General Alroontn bad boon arrested and hinds.
cued on acccearit of certain charges preferred
against him,—[the nature of which are not given
by onr correspondent, but t hey are said to have
something to do with Getteral,Scott.]
_ _
FllOl 111EX.10!).
Ceti. Worth entered Pnebn With 469 h men.
Gen Arista has been renanal fm !twin the bat.
des of '46, add ordered to defend the Capital.
The election fur Prmident will - potitively take
place on the Ibth of May, and with good pre..peel
of Heron's cocoon.
A peace party is acknowledged to odd. for the
first time in Wilco, and is mode WIT upon by the
Government pre..
Toe AltleriClll prisoners were at lree liberty In
Moire. They hoe made Veal complaints against
La Vega for bad faith.
Correspondence of We rittobures Gazelle
Gorarnor of Maryland.
The Whip hate nominated in State-Coneen
lila:, WILLIAM fl. GOLDS/1011001M. as their nui
didati Ger'Oclrernot of the State. The nomint.
.tion is highly acceptable, and the Delegates acted
with great harmony. •
V"h'.. 7lllls . iffir.rll f. f k t ral l eEV. G."'".
June le, 8 P.. Al.
Flow—Tbe news has had a dismarbits effect on
our martet. Yr sterday notbiog seas done, nor
Witty until towards poop; wheel holdersfinding it
.usekee to hold back fen -in their piers. and the
n wit ham betel *ales 2000 bbli a $7.68i pr bbL
Haders are anxious sellers at ibit, but buyers do
.0t mks hell witb any freedom.
Wheat has COMO 4 1 / 1 12 in 1110 sum proportion.
Sala of prime White at 183 e per bu.
01 prime White Corn a few Wee at t lot Per
Rye Plour—Tba market is entirely nomioal,
nothing haring been done sines the new. to MIS
Eire Wive. Corteepoodenee of the ritubergb Garb*
. . Juno 18, 9 P M.
Floor—Oar mobil has gone Maws under the in.
donne of the 011.1. For lloware'st. holders would
mgerty accept 58 pat bbl., bad buyer. refute to
touch nat that pnce. Th • tendency of the mar.
bet is de.rowani In etty mills and Susquehanna
nothing at all doing.
. The Inspethoes. of Flour for the meek bare been
17,000 bbl..
Cornmeal—Salm 'AO bttle kiln dried at 55,184
per ltd.
That Grate market re at 'complete stand.
The ri.•1•1.1/ market te tanaffected by the seen
bet in i'mpathy with other department. that are,
ran Lttle bas biez7d 1
Mem Best ims4trltt. •
••of Baena b lob sales at littralc far Shoulder',
9.1.10 c Inc and 9d , tOko for Haw.
IN I Lard tam not vaned-90110C la Bbl. and
Kiang Ire OxrcsoooßOSTOdenN et
M of ARKET. 'the Plitsbengh
Jam 18.4 P. M.
The here has bed e eery . deprsesing effect upon
the marker tor Flour arta Ondo. The nuke, for
Bresdetoffs is et a stand still,'and no sales w e.
tablish price. reported.
inlevre Carespondente °Clio PiitAlluri* (aat,itr
hibe Mb, P M.
This market is at a complete stand in ionse
games Of • report which hu beams of general
circulation, that the Cambria. news in in the city
having been received by pinta Exprese.
Beano. I. TOUVILLIIIO, England
not a omtury ago, goods wore textveyed on pack
horses from London to Edinburgh; and from
Edinbugh to Cifisgow, (only thitty•eight
it trot a folnight going and reterning. A steam.
er car now actor the Atlantic in eleven days,
end in thlßlFsix hours more her mail can be de
posited in the Ponoffice of Washington, a die i
lance of 440 miles from her landing.
The first Railroad company in England was in
corporated in the year' 1828. The orperiment
was made between Liverpool aid Manchester.—
The charter was 'lgo:emir opposed in Pediment
by the mland uavtgation Interest, Those who
owned stuck in canals, trembled at any new mode
of conveyance., Bsfore this period. a cargo of
cotton, "which woe transported 3000 miles ocroes
the Atlantic from New York to Liverpool in twen
ty days, took six weeks to he carried to the mills
of the **bets in Alsicheater, a distance of only
thirty miles!"
in 1840 there were 1300 miles of traveled mil
ked in England, and doting that year twelve
Wilms of paseengers were conveyed on these
roods. la 1844 nineteen hundred roll.. were
traveled ; and thirty million of passengers were
then conveyed. Near sixty millions sterling had
been invested in this dock, and expended In 1844.
In 1845, 300 miles more were added, and it was
calculated that the work of 50,000 stage-coulee
was Jonah, the railroads in Great Britain !
All •w r ut. a ccident_oceurred et Mager. Falls
yenerd About noon clad named John !dopey,
lon or moor Aide*, put Oat in an old canoe, to
crews from the Amencae to the Canada aide, above
Goat Island. his summed that the canoe man
leaky, and that In bailing it out he Boated doh n ltut.
ter than be eznected, add [bead himself onespec•
tedly in the rapid. above the honeeshoe fall. l'iode
ieg buena(' unable to makOeidway in the canoe.
he jumped into the rapid. cud made for the above.
No one new him alter he leaped Irom the nee..
Young latuaphy we. a capitaievrimmec—Buff, Cont.
MIMS To Faaxsas.—The last Jamaica Long
Island Tanner, myst—thThe Ran. William L.
John oolt. of our:lllap, bed a fine apple tree of
choice kind. which leaned and bloomed Wowing,
but the prospect of fruit'
,prai rendered doubtful
by the thousands of Meets called aphidee, which
attached themeless bithe kiwis. A hole about
one quarter Inch dbunetar,was bored into the bp-,
dy of the tree, and •peace of roll brimstone - M.'
muted. In twinty.foar honnr the infects wire
wen terming the trek In swarms. The remedy Is
worth being made known to our farmers and gum
Woeu—idtTeep 'besting bu econsieueed in Ot
sego, and the 'Journal sayr:—.lr b gratifying to
have good cause for believing that the price of
irool will range I or 10 di, Fez itound Mo ir
than last year.
meenCiete. there esiiies in ilea
Some concord with humunity.
Gomm to a> other. hour
The (omit through!
And wherefore? Menerreoon d.prem
A thoughtless thing! mho, eye unbiest
, Doe, on his elector, rest,
Or on his reason.
But shoo teach him hole to find
A Antler ender every vriod t•
A hope fur time. that are t t ind,
every 'And eve memo, • .IIR DS WORTH
Tee Pascal or ihsaorturr.--The trial of
Barker BarnsU, Cashiei of the Nantucket Bank,
has elicited the following letter written by him at
the time of the public disclaimer of his embeabe
mint. .Fhe severest sufferer from poverty and
hunger must hale beep • happier man than the
author of the following letter, who , was doubly
gulity in at :Much so be yielded to tempation
when fortune and hpor akkesmitedupon him: •
nseave C , Feb. IS, 1646.
Draft Sit : SUMP you left this morning. my mind
hen been, I mum you, in a pretty bad state. Aly
first coarse was logo immediately to Nantucket. but.
connected with that I can gee nothing but ruin to
myeetf, rr at. least divrace and Cellffilte from Ocoee
with whom I have been intimately assachted. And
whet other course is therein, me to pursue? !can
not reflect upon the subject without leafing that_
my very existence is a berthes that 1 cannot heir—
and what coune to pursue t know nut.
Every member of the Legislature treats me with
all the respect that I could rest or cipect. Seery
,'time of Boston, of any eminence, atones to me
the hand of friendatpi a, d, added to_all thin: the.
many friends I have to Nmteckr t all conspire to
make soy stain upon my character the leos endure.
ble. • _ .
I cannot, I cannot come to Nantucket. The Bank
Brill not suffer a toes from loads that I have made
use of.
• -
When dam reaches you, I shall be either In Eter•
nit) God forgive me for the reflection.)»r far be
yond the sympauhy of those who are dear to me at
• •
.• • -
Death, Death. Vas. any thing rather than di
grace. ' Your Frintid. •
N.w Yana', Juno 11
The Bank of Watertown. in this State, bee failed
but the amount of its liabilitma I hare not, yet a.
certained. Vann of notes filly per cent.—Phil
I..kin.—A hem,' and bog continued min t
ut night.
June 19-...C0NT11.111 . • 111 PAST.'
Moral Dignity of !labor—Riches and Poverty—
Le'ter tram the Mechterinean--Lettem from De
troit and elsewhere—Sketch of the Life or Jobo
C. Calhoun—News Door the AmuT—Rail 'Road
Moreinents--Late and Important from !Janice—
Woolen Manolactures.—The Young Victim—Stoty
of a flambler—The Price of Dishour.sty—Coloue
Benton's . Vanity—D b'eof lk. Chalmers. nod o'.
Cannel—Hudson's ROyCompany,&d., Ace.
Latest Telegraphic new., Foreign and Domestic.
Mr. frlcLaoe'e Report to the Baltimore end Ohio
Rail Riad Company-Central ftailrosdhe Poi.
marquee in Teeae=Saets Anna's Pan—Dangerol
e war with Brasil-o?matiods of the Sou Tremory
—Operauone at the Poet Office Lave.
Commercial—A' carefully complied Review 01
the Markets tor the oast weelte—The price. in the
local city markets—The Cattle Market—The prices
of American Produce in various parts of the Union
—Amount of Floats Wheat, Cons Ate.. received
since the °peeing of the canal--Canal !mimeo and
movements of produce—Minket ie London
Foreign News—COntiettation of forergo new. re
coned by the Cambria—Lae .from Braid. Ili°
de Janeiro. Li Plats and the West ladies—Lau
t one Melte. and Santa Fe . .
.•.• • . -
coy Nero-I:orit. of tbePreim--Copious k:etra !
from the leading joorikals on the oterestinitop
of ;Podgy.
For sale et the dealt. Wetly or is wrammus.
Price G co realm& copy.
Subisniptioin two dollars • year io
. adeance.
aAiIiTTE; JOB P&I1ITIBO orrice,
raise ' , marl.. coasts or soar orrice ALLOT.
CrpeWa are now prepared to ezeente in a wderiar
and coped:Lout manner, all of Jos Paurntid
.neh rt. lame Neter., Prelimboar Mlle, Bilis of Lading,
Letter Sheet Circular., Handbill, Card.. de., de.
,wa ixo elsrlat.rr raurrv.:,a
an, •a the hest toniiiitt, and
ig.aus al Priming dune with hieciireicy and at tie be
irrlaaportaiat le Advertlaierai—the adwer
Raiment* which appear in the Daily Morning Gazetur
a!+o appear to the Tri-Weekly, thu* receiving the belt
elt u( the eirrulatiou of all, without any additional
*sham 'in. 111111adirentage to our advertiser, without
, rrilvertlieuu-nui are al. :ntervd
iutberuauutry paper upon realwanable ten..
EJ - We :tsetse the Wootton of our readers to the e
traardinary core... Scrofula performed by Dr. Cullon't
fetertite Pena., *loch they will find record
ed en soother column at totdere paper They are
with. doubt the too. wonderful Ott record, and haw
so been pronounced by many of out most reopectable
phyturfAn. The ofibefted and others toter...aro re.
,quested to vtoft them at their morenl place. of elwae,
and learn fnto lbeir own by. the wonderful erect. of
die mesl, tn.-. The named for Mr lraae lirooLe.
who any he wen datlY. between the bows ol 9 A. M.
and 4 P. Al at the °Sleep( Rowena & Walton, No 9:11
Masher at. Pdanda. Oct
grip- Salt.... amass( Paill/0111M—S1 cow
Temmone—We beg lesee o tall goblin nitengeo •
me felsonring, from U,, Won Doan, of Willtsmsoll
itlennoni Co , and ono of for very Gut practitioners i
i.e seonty.4n olori be tevidry, and Isle Pen a tor i• lb.
Siam Logislatrec. lelo cheering thus in see thr lead
ing non of the penfeenion, hunting the bond. of peak.
1.0.1 proj WINO, and Airing non: is due:
'yip-. t have in my practice been using .47eacoi 7'
Chnseng Panacea, and, so fat, sin wall pleased in
efeets in Catarrhal and Bronchial Caciplatato Plc
tend me half a doyen boUles—pin them as leer as •
'can; as t rapeetJ n ceatla...l in reader general
isfattles as it ha. heretofore. to keep it eonatantly
hand. Respectfully. apt?
$5,00. BOOTS 5,00
TUE solieenber respelly inform Me public Opt
he Ism commenced the nonefeciore of Studies"
Pautimeibk Biwa, of good =atonal and swelimenehip
be will
warns illumrior loser Boa ever mode
ih PillOheellth for the price. The bamboozle 'Cum
rein be mole to nwaaore, end warrant SIM m repro
wised, at me very low price of FIVE' DOLLARS
CAM. Centlenien are renam aked to call sad ass
ne them. log 4 W B ERSKINE.
0-Vocrti MID hos am eg malty liable to the mulcts
ni - timmoramds or Piles. 71e Vcaetable Eleatomy
prepped by Drilllpbarn, boa erected wonders in. Mt.
complaint it a hailed ar so antidote to th is base of
bunt. erir,enee, and in anmerselrellswidemd , being
an ititemal remedy, as the only'one spar which l b .
amieted can reit with confidence far radical care.
K LTCII 3 /31,r;IPtIrto i rf st a re n e d i, i rse l iior by tt; rli ' lra Y ,Zottw k ,
Market street, and P.ll SAVITIII., Praitkaleld wrest.
l'sustotret, Pa. Price it pet boa. jeln I w
Pristine BmtnU•,..Wanted ai this (Mee, •
riwnii bleu &c0t:1144.J with the Prluting haunts•, Asia
one who can come well
,ieeoinesended.- 0.16
117 . W.1 . Z11.X PrIN•II.VASIA H.rfeah—A Pper , al
meeond of the Board of Manatee. will tw held
only, Ie dey.) at 4 &clock. _ -
On Thuorlayavenina, the OM natant, of Pulmonary
Consumption, Mn. EMMA, eons°. of Rev. Jseob
op. The friend. of the family are reapeetfully ineimd
In attend her funeral 11111 owning, at 10 o'clock, nom
,he residence f her mother—ldes. lilitabeth Meelt—on
Liberty meet o , head of Wood.
On Friday metning, at 101 o'clock PHILIP-LOUIS.
an of the Rev. W. A, and Dim Paesareot—
mg.d le months and no days.
The friends of the fennel ate invited to assemble Una
=mons, at PI o'clock, at the hours of Ms Father in
Hand meet, two doors from the Bridle, from whence
hie remains will be taken to the Ccaseu7 In Zelienopla,
riirtaros xXPECTOMANT—The vinnes of
eficatiooKaad cheap medicine for the, cure or
Consmaption and other diseases cannot he tem well
know.. • limy many lives have been saved by
Y 2 'II/Strang Atlas.
For sale In Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STORE,
IT Foralism:tat, near Wood, gad alto at the Drug Sum
of H P Schwalm. Federal .1. Allegheny City. WO.
—— - -
MOTU/R.—The Stockholders of the Pittsburgh and
.111 Ilegliany Cong.,. for meeting • liridge
over the Allegheny River, Irma the ec d of Iland mite%
are hereby notified that the annual election tot erPiesl
dent,lo Managers, Tmamter and a Secretary, will be
hold au the lot Monday ncJuly next, at the Ganoybi
gooey North end of the Ondge. at *tech:oh, P.M. m
Inlet( WM. MORRIvON Preside nt.
DII/ POPLAR-400,000 feat . Poplar Plutt
1/Boards, tad &walling, waroaed, having boon
to ote than two yams la the Vard—kkr Lola at No *l4
Liberly street, by W W WALLACE
Su"'"" - gllll7`'.;
3 trEs No 3 Mackerel. lavt received
66kkte ATWOOD. JON ID% co
FMATEO:HZ—MOO I6egood Live Geele'Feathen.
in .wso and 16, tale by
INOLAISEM-120 brls !low House ?Molasses, o
Limp AND..,401,,tri..tfe,...,Nc0.;
Landing from unaboat and foliialy SMITH
Jena m
MACK IL L—Y3OCr.No3, Law Bomb
Mackerel; Boston Inapectioa, 'endow and for
jell/ by BLOALEY a SMITH,
COTTON-1381ml. Tens.Cotion;
hlDVot 39 .iteTy dol
OOK POWDLR—For .ac by
IHALIFISE-800 box. Mew forga r co
firrll 0 bappriam Green ReoCkeer,
l ule 1 1 : 111 lelo BAGALEY Z MIMI
...Iyelabab 'for sale by
SAiL..,II:IIATITII-11eukIrAirArlastlifejitgb CO
II :a. Davis. Aastiossiti•
OAS Monday Monsibg, the..2lsl isntant,at 10 recite/Li
at th e Commercial /WWI= Rooms, comer of Wool aod
Fifa. • mem, will bescdd: extensoto assoomedt of
peeminatoe, simile, add Mims 191 Goods, a
A quantity of caps mammals. plum,
ma mos, ch-otticr ware, to.; 9 day dboar
clocks. looting glas•es t carpeting, feather and
st ...iding..trartsparent window bliods ase an10..1.
meat " new. and second Amid household d bitches
Etrolrare, coating sorra► gralsmoven attattatikft
dow sorb, a Saway' of roc< ne it; vanish lodisttcled,
roods, tobacco; c mackerel,marcbee, shovels, le.
At 9 Crelock P. At
Fate lable- and Socket maleiy, hardware new and
second hand watches, Umbrellas perOmilA buida
hw, caps, whips, Hoe shorn with linen bosoms mod
rst_arr assortment of Seasonable ready toads clothing,
dry goods, stoical t=uxre.eriutsioilrey:
ON Saturday evening. tic lurk tonasit, at 6 anclock,
at the Commereial Salem Booms, corner of %Said Isid
Filth 'ureic, will be sold without moors., to close eon
rigstnenti a largo and astatine colleenotsof adman.
neon. Books, embracing Sae library editions of a pats
vanety of valuable suindani storks Camay brines
prayer books-rplendid annuals, Be. -
At 6 O'Clork, P. M.
[enquires full bound Dmy Books and Ledgers;
3 superior Dent). Lenart+,
A quantity of half boood Ledgera • Duy Booki,memo
;annum books, copy books, Be.; attpetior pow
paper, letter and cap waiting paper, 7 desalt gold pane,
hum) ornate:, to. SIB
Positive galef Valuable Beal
ON Wednesday eiening, tbe gad instant, at O'clock,
at gm Consinerclat gales acme,. rotor, c( Wood tog
Fifilistreetr, wilt Le told: That tarp and very decim
ate three ciory brick dwelling two., with a/lenitive
two wary back leLldiug,ollll !Wan, ice hooseoni story
brick stable. carriage house, to r come en .Waler at,
below refry sweet at ptesetil m n
en/pied by the batme
bet. The Lot is 3i/feeL6l inches wide by 160 feet deep, front Water tri Front sweet. Title indisPulw
blr. Terms, 161000 — earb, !WM payable in eve )ear,
residue in five yews, with interest, payable memi-anna.
also, that splendid building lat-of- ground having a
front or shiny keen Dequesne Way,between Pin and
Nay inane, adjoining ',manly of flea. W. Jacknin,
and extending back ItAk feet. .
Tenn., one half cask, tondos payable in oat revs
With lIIIcfO.I, 10 he ilelitted DJ DO I C inoitgag,
iele ' HIV 'll'llglrltc,Antier.
Ua'B FAMILY Illsolcurgi—
u r principk in the managementof km paper
to unlit-wan ythiag winch we find until . .. PeCtonui trw
vastaation i to be of utillty to Ike public. Emu 0 Dr.
Jaynets medicines we have timed in on t (aunty for many
years. For instance the EXekelkOLAPiT, the CAR
NEY Al IVE, and YERNIFeIiE, wh ch we knoir
Lc Rood for the complaint/ they proku ' In Cure. We.
tureen Lull, Ontario put smuttier. when sealers!
ourtracelltngunipantotts. (rum having in Western
yoilt,Orank, tor runny date, the eutemone wider
'et region, weld badly an.- - - t
of toot region, veer. badly_attacked wide •oolent Dna ,
Hee., and Dyeentery. Hr.a bed provit.ell bustielf.
previous to leaving he sae, with . Thel.ktrutioateve of the
Jayne,* and in ail eau.* of its ore. among five great/e
-men, it woo saccessfol - in' effecting a speedy core.
The ExpectiPthen - we have known Eed among' one
teethe:isle friends with equal saceas; d (cell Hod
we 5•2:1 do • good art to famine* les ci•lly thee. eh
weird so they cahoot have aceettelirfettriedlate medical
.kilt,) to advise them to keep pa hand lamb the Expect.
rata sod Carminative. The Expectant:li i•belle•od by
rood physicians lobe thobeat recipe for Palma:tory
Consateptive Complaint., that has ever yet bees Com
pounded. The mimeo is,
Be. Jayne is not • quack,but
• repair, se ientif c, andabl e medical pracitionetilnise
set f Ills medicines see used by tea be reOLDENlevaioan..
. EZRA H -
. . • .
YAiior of the Muted& nainnnty Cairier.
For tile in Pntsburgh at Ihe• PEKIN TKA wroxv.,
71 Fatah plea, near Weal, and almost the Dant Wore
of 11 P Palmeri& Folere la, Allegheny. jellldharT
, 11U Clinic,ils of the City of Allegheny!..‘ v dlront
Ito engage the constrection ore Water Works.
and desirous of in Obtaining Ake mom approved plat for
constructing the game, hereby ere, the above teirard
for such plan sod specifications as the Coanclls shall
accept End approve. for the proper &rase EmerieUnd
Pumpe new, malty for raising MUM gallons of water
per hour to an elevation of AG feet. ' .1
The Plans' and Ppecifications to be left with MAisrs.
1 PAINTP.II, & CU, Liberwatree, on orbekne the &Mb
P.M.*. ChM ttnnt Fob Pow on Water Works
Bottom and New York Plasm.
ffiNINJOIIN IL. fiIELA.OR, No• hl Wboul mil
has rece.ved Anil offers foi sale— I•
One splendid RosewoodPinonFone,
with dl Mares, Ironrame knd new
W. Made be Maiming, of Roston. .
p.. elegant Rosewood Piano Fone.widia actives
add iron fiarrie. Made by Qiiciering.
One elegant Mahogany Paulo retie—made by Gale
L. C., New Tort. .
the above will be sold at
c ane
ha ng's price.
Ala. for
v ale at above, a recood hand Piano Forte,
with 5 orLave. , :
TbR. WOODV Mersey...wills sad Wild
IJ Cherry DiStersi—This new And tradeable Da
man of Sanapieslia and Wild enemy has bee..nsed
with great miser. for tbn patmaneat festal lo t all
such deems. mks their rile innerEt impost elate of
the blood it promotes a healthy magma( the Liver—
s-m.olcm Ibe Kers. and al ohm secures health and
Mom to the whole sweet.
In all eases of Jaumt're, Indigestion, try apepsis, Wee
- of Appmite,llabooll Costivenem, ecrolula, Headache,
Languor, and that- Depression of *lei., whisk is..
coalmen a complaint in the Fritts Slid PomMer season.
of the year, Ibis asedieihe ha* Int i s equal—and a
tie trim will convince the nest incredakies of its
Ire sinner.
• For norther particulars Me order I. raided/ to the
pampa! ets winch twill he furnished by the Agenta,shoe•-
mg tor estimation an which this valuable medicine is
held oy those who bare need it:
BP-Caution to the Public ./10
Be panicalar and n ut for Dt Wcod's Pitivawills
and On ILI Cherry Bitten, and receive ntt other, This M
the Grit preparation of these arlelee chnhitted ever
.ogered to lee public, and title great •ueede anendianin
we ha. lodated the unprincipled to countetfcit sad Imi
tate As • presentirc,mte that the boutes knee dia
wends .Dr Wood's Passeparilla and Will Cherry Bit
tem ' tensed on the glass., and that each label eta the
bottle is signed by the proprietor, K Thornton, Jr.-
:told, Wholesale and retail, by WYATT k SEWS! ,
AD general Wale, Fulton Neer York: Ws.
.Tomsa, Market stench and PIL Patna; Ennithleld
-amuck Pautbargh, Pa. Prier Sl—large bottles.
jc.idge SIP
LI LAND, le now running daily each-way, carrying
-7 CILd lbs ut (Auld.. .ad Piodote between above point.
Merehandme nom the East le delivered in Patlabargh on
Menight of the skirt day Gum Cumbertend•-nialting
t,mthe moat expeditions roans for gelling no: Gonda
the Kamm taut..
Tho Amnt in Baltimore will give a receipt as to Dime;
sod cosh
The only Agents are J C BIDWELL. Pittebingh
O W CAPP,' Devernwrille
AI /V MAGUIRE, ass'd
UOTII P/Cllll/ANSHlP—PttileFphital
ery and Plictico of Petweanthip:An threePrinin
primary'. interseed'i•e and Gnat; each pan in font book*
—by XA. Root. This wink complises cuts, des4ved
to dlesteate the manner of conducting ;behold and pen
wpmstory raceme., nrki thorough'y traia the tons.
Cl,. e n played in veli.inai - a elersifiestio •of letters and
events according to their similarity of Amoebae; and
nantiOnnOn• nCOOMpanying the 'nations is in
each book. The whole us arranged%oar.' gro•t
`economy of lime. labor and expense, a n d to enable the
pupil to write owe r each page twice. Received aTs daft'
nd for sale, by JUIIN II MELLOR
; yeti
' No El wood street_
EON. BALM—Two fine Lou of Land, 'gnome in
Oink Toe aship,lromantOmady.Onio,ona mile from
the Ohlo Cosa!, an d seven from &bon On Foch Of
Mem Lam Mere le a splendid "valerian of 40 and 21
feel. ood "doter osloodllocarrTeix rano( woors—a rod
plate for baldness, or any kind of masiuMmunna—for.
gnarly Maproper y of James P. Baldwin.
For termer, address the subeeriorr WI Almost, 0hi0..0 ,9„, p ber • . WaLl. ILA ALMOND
Man Aft North Fan earner of Founit and Nether 1
steoeal. Invitee the attention of 110yela to his sleek or;
the abort goods, of most apprised make, and being:
purchased tom the agent of th e manufaenders, can be
told at the lowest polutible price. --•
fr.rDealere wilt always And a good ruck of . ahore
goods. by Ike place, is the Wholesale Rooms, up Mitt,'
entraneo boa eta et jelg
VOILIIALZ‘..Fem Lessor Ground in the Maid,
Pittsburgh. being lot. Nos E 7,178.; lip. and lOU, in
Cook & CNMe• plan.
' Oaly WOO ot the purehase money willbezequired
hand, end albeg credit will he given for the butane°.
lettlt ALEX. 11. MILLER,.
J. of the Firemen'. lowan. Company, 'xi y be bold
at the office of Samuel Gortaly. on Foortb street, be.
%wren Wood and Pontnlield streets, Pmsbargb, on
Monday, the LIS oriel y next By abler.
G ft.e.;
toll 3t SAWN, oitett.v, beerelaiy•
LET—* rettedonable /health's House, e oi•
teheleg 9 roomy pleasantly .11.141t.i ist the Oth out
Reel 11100 per ammo.. CUTI WERT
Jet: - , SO ertnithfie'd meet
- - - .
12011•11ALC—A i tutu Brick B.NIiP6 Homo
r Meaoantly :armed on dth aura. above tiorithdild.
Prmo low, oud term. arenmmodzeng.
— l3 CUTIIBEILT, Real rotate °See,'"
No SO Smithfield street
Ci VDUS T WiLEDlltsar at aisorshis of View
Omer Tw_s,sds, or Krim s shades of colottSul
Also. Croton Cloths and Samoan Cossiments- , so be hod
low at she Dry floods Mosso of ' •W K 611.111Y111'
CHINESE Villlllll/LION-10-11,1 Jost reed
ne for male at the Drug watchman of
.1 ICIDDk. 00,00 wood ..a
C ALOSITGL=S - et ancencan as
Venn, no received and tot race at the Drag ware.
home ot triG J KIDD& CU
PEA—b 6 package. Y. II ,Gadpovrderiand Impetial
Tea, received add for rale km by •• •
016 TASIIEW Jr. l/FikT,3s wood st--•
F lBn-410 bbl. Nei Lasge blackereli
WI bbls • - " far ssle ey
)08 TASSEV- A. BEST. 35sroad st
ioll,to CO-6u Lt. Is Lamp, ss, Its, Its, .4
tintore Plug, on band and for See by
jet. TAJI3EY. tr. BEST
claAlts- 1 1 nor 5p.. , 44 , c r . ;
:iota . TASSEV k 113;NI'
RADON MID LAXID-1 cask :smarted Room;
I bbl No I Lod;
' col3 For sole Ly POINDEXTER &
DAUS —1.7 'arts omen maned,opo lerfeired ood
Lit& solo by POINI3EXTEN & CO_
IV ligyir7lso itt a ldar o Wititor Bile 16
FL l Odirn—sou be w u s ti E t5 21 , 11d . aeXmr
N. 0. BUCIA 8-43 AA& Vaa l t u ' r = 7 ,
CHIGICOJE-16 tory . ' prim jug, NV, a; . ,
.nrery, but received Bud fpi urt try •
r 2 .J a - BIDWELL, Ayent
eoppitaA.4-1 biassou kw mitb
• ST % N
Wi14113 PANACtSJC-Illix;
ACCIN--4goll las Hog Round for sale by —77—
WICK k Mee/J./D :58
1 0 11 011 .1"-", t"3.7"." 1 ' WICK it etkVarBB
010 1111MTAL-1140 band , Hot , and "CAP' Man;
'J. Weak by FIIJ END, MEW lc CO
001LCI1Ncs-n cuts Ara {Mail); 4,t.a1. by
Jen —114R40 RIMY IL CO
.._ . .
PIMPS well kip:lint we of apteodnl pastecgel at. am
'. its is nowaranpoced of the hugest, SIA IM,, bet.
inikariatukfarstisbed,andaaw. powerful , aoa ...e the
...., ttt 0 1 ti t . - weal:: Eaety stocasamodaxioa and COM.
fo that molten call roctue, has before...aka kg tw
it!. ;,Tye Wart has test ill Opetatt3o fOr b ee fears
ca-eknfjed • waillnar of:people whlawaike kaft—
as to thetrusrasas." Thalamus will he aid.. haiku'
~k ki ...,.• .
of. s em tr w e l i t t .t .l: ..o o l .l : g thi: p = ro All,T t ..., ico vna cio rAp7,... e. Kz arun e)
RACKET. att,:n.,.,:ri...
- c NONONGAIIIELA;Capt.Sasaa willleake Pitts.
Varga Leery bloods, =union at 10 o'clock; Wheeling
cerry . P.londay creams at 10 P.M
- --...---- -
-The PIIIBEIRNIe. P.O. O. ewri. 4 Kiiada.c. - will
leave Pittsbotgh every'Tnerday !owning a Inv...nag.;
Wheeling cowl Twerdac..evelualk at to P. at
_1 ---11V511:1111111iiii PACKET.. •
the NEW ENOLAND,P.O.2. tip.. S. DI., will
-leave rmiburgh veer,' ..O
'wed.P 1 ... 111 Wit - st- 11.
o'clock; _Wheeling every Wennesday evening at 10 11.
Tk~,WISCON9IN, Copt. - A J. Gnaw, will leave Pi t,
bliqk every Tb sinday markungoi (I/o'clock; Wloolalig'
every Thur.-day evroloklat MP.
'Om COPPER, NO. V, Capt. Onakt;wlll learn Vito
buqk every monolog al 'lO o'clock;
U4l rllllk
CVelir Ffidayeveniai 0(10 F.M. - • •
. . .
The MMENGER, Capt. Lisfent, will 'cave Pm
burgh every Saturday morning at ISeelaski {\ hecllAe
every eaturday eitell!rig at 10 P. M. '
Tbe ISAAC NEWTON,' thist. A, 0.
leave Pittabavalt every Sanday morning •1 IV ar teal
Wbeeliar every . Saulas evening at 10 r.
Me Oa. ISO.
rH6 Witten mice la eullyaid far all the QiCeron
ea .113/PTIV•k.
Ord — wool ararebense., ear Wherry at and Crcilla alley
dlyl9dieref F -
LARD OIL—It blils No I, pooveteited and fog • B A FABNESTOCK Ala
jell --- corner In and wood .ta
V.X.TELICT 1.061)WOOD S t! eau" Vaword,.
as mewed and Cor nale low by
jolt) - H A PAH KESTOCK .t. CO
AOSEREI..—DW bills No 3 Large, far male h'y
• JelB - . East side of Dtamen4
Wr . Ebr n4 134 ,.. /tlyt-10 0 boxes 6110 and ICIL/Y
jel9 IIUTCHISON Y L CO, water and flout its
LOIIB 111111M11106-1,000
101 . Web, lel6 B A
'DOTTLL CORES —4 bale.,
ro4 jniate . ceived and Inr sale
jel6 R SRL
le fa
Vo4 for ilia by • jela
GLA/{—?!0 boxes B.l,Blbare• 8
eed for We by OltJ C
ovvizz-10 bags best 11.
V tor yea by Jelo •
plena. 83 bz. Whim PTO, to
sc:A. c. n umaitz?:9-w
IMele ENTIIIIII;liii but
DIIITTSABs-Sbbilitspb beurd 1 - -day
1715 ' CALIONsIc Ma:Shinn
STABAM-10 bgb FOY'ciareboust reerswd aml
for Yak by Es IMMIC . M . T,ri
Fir IM-40 bbl. Famtly Flaw On OW. IT' s :
Y9? l --M °T A CA)
12,11/1/1 MOXIGS—MOstaz a n aruct suss. si mins,
isifbatorees pnces,kot sale by Et 1t YAI.Mtd
IbitYw • N 093 Mors. sm.
,1438 0 re aid for /LCCO-30 bye,
km b Reeklieb.b!•34, Le TWO.CeII
io m .e y :
• • J DALZELL. Water .1
kegs Audi's iike.Powderl •.
30 .• Hoek
joie. •• Foetal. by J DAL7.EI.I.
0111 Y P-1/0 AL:0101N-1001 l ln bltls and sacbs,for
sale... by • int 4 .
ILK ix blotto N Iti.SYns
1010t1W 111.1CHNILI0L—N) bbls Law No 3, ol
Litho year's catching, jost received and Inn sale by
Is ' MILLER. b. HICK Fl'ettN
pH-30161 s No Lary? flaskerel. of "lON,
bits No 1 limner;
10 ails Not Shady 10 store and for sale by
LIAM-100 bbls Louisville Whim Lame ler sale by
Ibis and I big ibslsule laY
F 1E. 1•13 POLY DEVI &CO
i„CORCHIbIO2I-3ton•ouperiarqualittr, (wash; b . ,
1.3 jet; •Mt 4 it AIcCUIVIINtIIt,ISII.,I;•ny s;
POTASH-4 tonsgood way. Ybr &lb by
i • Ev i er - 3 0 Dry reiebei 111111 ,
. • W k R :deCUTCIIIIOI4
IptROOXII—p2 doz. Comßrooms Or gala by
OAP-3o bbl• Cineina ti,jar sale by
a — ALT-103 bbl. No 1 Alk•Oenk for by
13 /103 W MeCUICIO:ON
rr MID OIL—A prime enicleof Not Lard at
List:soundly es karst and for
J. sle ey
• a
JeT Idanafarterers, tie 18 Lieerly overt
G •
RODEO .lIIITII-4:11bo, for We at Nolo Com
relal Row, Liberty street, by • - •
•J _ _
lIISTJJEINT-5 lowa Oitnoreni on
‘J bond and for rale low by
Jar . • J SCllOO:ll4.AgEdtl3O:44. Irma or
LCOROL—fO !Ibis, high port reoehred sod
br oda : je7 J eZllooNroof. J ALAJLEK &CO
°Wen fonds by
e 7 • J KHOONJI&Khet tCO
- _
,71CXON STIIOP-tddoxte Purt, for alel law by -
J-3 Jel ' J SCUM/M.lok* aco
tox••;le - 1,y
AA OLIN —WO lb., at 13 cents per lb, for sada by
1c7,311. , J 1211EPIIA RD, 1.41a.t . 1y at!rat
MIAs SIDES and SHOULDF:ItS; Jail reed ind
Jet-- We by 3 'WHOM"! k PON
LIM /20101edi
I B II°MIII 20 do 2 La VONSus Csossoo: ,•!.
S F V soairoloom a. co
.ovisva.LlC bbls saw y
.1 19 ' ' A GORDON, water st
VILUIT-100 bus ~ BlOnl and for sale by
AL "Ye a s
Inn. SI lICAL--13 hags, just we %land 44 sale by
suyal 8 1V BARBA 813.1
Btc°N .-4 .*:,2"1—V - Altrirmtete.;V*
C 0T .,,,, Tr1. 7 -itai !lake
Alas, tg
RAY PIL&OINIIP , -414.1to and I Awn, On teed
Land its 'by;
Jag 131 , VaN DONNHORST & CO, 33 flan' st
C ID 'S IFINiOAS-10 ParaTeitles Vine
.4-1,,a-DONNVIORAT k.Ce. 33 Frani st
nRI9III PEACHI9II-159 bus. halver, Prima
JJertralej is Inot9and trr %Ale by
j r 9 J C MU% ELL. Weser weer
Cin.trre - :`" n`Vy . , e N t;;. ,.41""
."t" ' BIDWELL,Moier sum
O,OAP-deb:. Nei Coeinnail Beep, jot received
Oper *armee America mod in vele by
.y&111-4 demi) big imp Gren .
• , S'.' do Extra Pm& for sale try
D W1E.1.1.111119 & Ixl.llo wind sj
UUeY CUR41),10015--150011.& trcesml and
• for *ale 07.• • ODIORNIL
J-111 ' • • ite .110.0wilkela lkyvie
. 1014C9N-48001ba owned, G - 114 ord,r, pot re',l
hr swab by Jail THOS I; OUOIYE
VAMILY LARD-705007a Jan, pin up expre.slyfm
I- fhmiZpase, ithealm 3010, each .11.-41,1 W.. by
QorniE SNRATIIS—ao dot. Mum= 005 - Pamm
1.70,0 ale low by - TOIAS ODIURNE
011 . Oppmite
I kum
bLOOR.-14 tails Frimi (Imam! Family Pamir, in
V mom add faraala by .
all. • I DICKEY k CO. water and dam ma.:
AL4OSOAOI-300 bolt. I•ndinglnini"lielizer Ben
Ititib . ,6or sale by_ ' .. -
it ; 'JAMES DA LZELL, 9l water fl!e
ONICY-11.0 small baleT, ap fry.
Jac reatind and far tale by ' P C Ala
tt earner .mitbfedand boa!
01.AS3ES-30 Obta S. H., and rndeivtat_Pr
Goadolier and far sale by E tiEAZLI.IO.S •
nit " . Pat of Oa Diamond
~ rl l l bbts Norro Carolina Tai.,roreiviroy Ca•
Al4lLasity_orssle_tyt Z
TANNER'S OIL 'trots yeenininn by
A role by_ en •
,J: Iroti2Ell.l. •
nue Bftzoir—vo,ouo in men and far .into by
jail ' • - - • J DALZKI.L
LD UTZ. WHISKICT—Cboite aye - DAiskry
Wr sale in quanUtles id soil pitrchaserVy
- - _
'CAVIL EILARDY—Oid Peach Brinjy, [or .ale
.B. SLACK, dtprclkant Tatlac, Excbonse um,
a 1.1 Clair awash Plrlabarga jclprf
(1111.1MII APPLES-40 bbl 4 warranted if; !Coal
Molder-6r sale by • ' jelo p r
Aliff/-96 W.. small White. :IMVe
emamsz-4081 bits jut merivid a - a
Parma, 11
gr_ILASE-400 has assorted rtzcs,ll SiS
~%:.raieeoptry' broads, 19 ear* sad tor sale by
14 — J C ‘yavr sa
/Mel saperiosf yeelite, dilly foss LluekW mit. Va.
,orin be told ti ry lego belae••masigeseent:
101 l - 1 DICKEY &CO, vrisserand (roar •,'
AVOX-4,9:0 lbOhm Nide. for Y
Wk.R 4et.117v111 uY
V L. O4I "V"T—Ie ' 7; lv 17'm l'c'grTitl4r°
DOTASIFI—A prie anklejoinardliud for bale by
L. .1414 - 7 WICK& AIcCANDLEto3
Cot sale
A LIIIONVS-11 Hicks Almada ks We by
IM4 %vim a AteCANDLFBS
VILIMETIILI lulu Verne for ink by
Ibl4 WICK bIeCAN DLit%
bis Brown; _L
100.111r1b. mile by
Feßd and kt We
CALITR. OIL-10 bblo Plo , yr
ed gni toiiteby
j,l . J KIOD .Ik. CO, la
JOE tere'rmi hurt
store and :or .1110
y AID!, 4.
I uP'/" • st
1111114 IXI
10612.. Jo. Jeed
lied-W.las and
ASSEV S.ll r . ' •
lASSEY k fIE,4?
• sea for ..le hi •
and for robr by
A en..LEKS,