The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 15, 1847, Image 3

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itgrbs.• .. Uonfioni• • •
7 bins No 7 Loaf Saijan •
4 keg. Pure Whitt Lead in
4 tibia No 3 &nub Idattoreli , 4
6 Gbh N C. Tar, for sale by
W & It bleCti itin Liberty • fret
6614 I.trge do 3 51erkcieli
5 io• 1 do,
5.1.1 t.ols 1 do;
1U lit.; • 2 do;
151,04 scaled Ilecong, for sale 51
.1 It WILLI 551 d & CO.IIO orood •1
N vi• 4-21.11. Shelled Aloaundc
11.1, Filbe,M
1 F. s% alnum:
Cr,dtn NUM; for oale I.y
~ o Jl/ 11.1.1 A 11S TN). 110 wowlll
COFFEE -4 , 1.40 /,Imo MN
15 I.2co.a)te:
lu •• Old Gov Jay.;
it. Mech., for %ale by
1 WII.I.IAMM ice°. 'ID m. 1.1
011ACCO— , 0Z4 na:
.11 do 11. and 16a;
I. and I.*
I. ke,n 10 1,61 . 1ri0n
AI krarrictsnuffah Cavendish:
In by .1 II WILLIASIs Za Cn
... rebn; for calc byl
lo Waj., )114 & CO. 00 woad .t
1 1N beco M
Rock d oe Ride l'ow&r:•
o; •
co). Ravenna. 0. Or
.• for n. h. by
• 0 V. N. IC Al.-01./•ll.lbenyst
`U S tpels;
itti,.l• No I Lard, in gm!, full bould
4 ,. ‘ o r''. ""v i ' l ' o; r t : l• 3'
1". ' 11 CO, wait, and faun oju
I tI. nrr kl anma• Dew,
1!.% 0• round Lump;
~ s • I.- P. .Ire.'• fine WC:
vi„hl:44to, ell,. fur .ele by
Nv 7 iND1.11•1," ui,ss . -150 La- Ea
251... Ca, 70 IUI
11.11 111514; 10 - 101111,
11,1*,; 10 " 11:17;
VL lllslO
C ' t ' Glo. l s •• 1101 rase y . '
I,IIN 11,1NN110111:T
SlCOlll—.l easks
It ) e ro Soles;
as shoutadrs;
odo ij...rida rec..;
For sale by
F VON 1107 , 1ti11.RST CO
ra .
-91‘13.4TlailIli: GI.AIng —lan ITies assarted six,
Vnc Itl. .t.a,......a1V, 10.[11.12.161,4111..,...1.6. 10.
14.14, .f.c ..../ ...IL, by WA. It aIcf.UICIII , ON
__21.515 , 2 Llbeny men,
i l
p LSI' -- , 11 /i• , .. 0.1:• alaekerel,
aulbl. , na do;
)310, 111 rr.oi
lo bl.l• No I Shad; an store and for sale by
1 a It FI.OI D
:,,UNI-IIiIIKS--atal rock•o4,,
' , lb..';
•n . e.
j al I I AS DALZEI,6 24 wat,•treet
♦.. 1 !letting; Whale by
F'hst eide of the D.Etnthl
11: sle to w roceitted on Con
• t j n o V . : ., : . o t A rr
.n 31 No 7 Conune.cial R00r..7412y .1.
-I.lli. it taa „ :l r 11 „ IA n i ,
• t• •Su 1 Shad, juit received and for ral.
by F ~, E LLEItz4 , 17 Litae.ty at
I'ANACF.A constant:) . co.
cor Ist d N
wood ..16th and wood 1
A MHO T FOIL SALT —Y:leven-autteenth•
Li of the oat VINUGOI.D fnraale. 'For mon. ,
A. app'y at 'euylSS • FORSYTH it DUNCAN',
\/ Claret M. me; -
5 lohae lint Sau.eroc Wine; for sale by
/e 9 5111.1. KR Or. RICiiKT SON
(IIIF F EE—li A tongs Prime Rio. In more and fog
%Joule by jcB J & R FLOYD
E &THEO—Lit:fetter N. . Sole. feor mile by
• j. Ail Flatri 0
pOTANII—::.e,I.• Pure l'onmh for sale by
an consignment, I j or & a i llii: .. y .vp
40 tans Nislaning Furnace, for sale le.
SVGA a-I_o ..bds N 0. t.bigur, tu more snol for n3l: '
jet. A R FLOV
bblo, m prime onleilmi t or i g A, l N .y o
riiiNl4ll . lll S..ED - 111 bl/JI, and for sale by
• l,n J A RYIOV
Ma —GO bail Pure. inn mile by
• je. ItOlcT DA 1,ZE1.1. a. CO
11 n 1MI AG—; dale
by E ,on pune Mopping career (• :n
ROUT DA C.O, Lib< ny st
. 1 3 L , 1.7 , 1Ci 1 N
. K —flo;
bywle y r od I nk,t;
i ar
bag. Drool: I ale Ly
:el ENO, ID:NSF:W.I9 and V.O mood sr
1 , —i mil, in more;
anoe; for role 1,7.
'"Wl2lll'''AirV•!:.,. co
OFFE —6O toms pr: no Rm. ands 1
. a9dr, and fist
•• d+OP .tc4 to
'7,:&7l l ,l"dgi b lt . & CO
LARP -17 hard lur oak. cy
II A NEERRI Winicr Picked:Ala ree'd
sar kale i.y
EMEND. 1111E' & C 0.37 water at
0 AT,—Ou bu•belm Om. for ale by
• )4-4- FRIEND. ItliEl kCO
i •
LI A RI.ET --SU Lubbcb. Li.nticy for .ale by
.l.f jr4 - FRIEND. RH RV _k CO
I) HI EI;:ii!WPI.E.S—NXI buebels Or ink by
VAC., RI, —nt• Et bushels prune, fur sale br •
N . L.oollol. — ip bbl.. just received and.for sale bl
jeg ..i gaDD g g ci, GU wood It
, Adif ILL. A B It . tlll tl .. 7 36 juat Ives a iir l jot
. '
ILIIISINE —I'M on rust received audio, rate by
_ jei , • J KIDD& CO
A NUTS—It lasted Ins cuslonsers, at. the Mazur
and 510ce Factor). Filth street
yll 11.110Mik ALCPRN
°RSV. RADISII, bra ell and put up In 'omegas for
tmruedtate u.e, ro.,stantly ou band at the Al knnard
n f ' ) i, l ''' ' ' Factor)
.I'7 Fuld
"711 . 1 0 DE4& ALCORN
- ---
U. Fie n..ted and Usoand. for oteamncestn
hotels and a,,eers. at the hlantvd and Itpme Far.-
,•.2•1 Fifth et 'mttl RIIUDESI A LCURN
!WV ND i.INGI:I(—.It, Ws and 110 kegs on bane
and kw sal.: by tr. ALOrtiN
Yl4 Nol7 Falb went
HOUND ler.l . l;r.K. ea bola, keg. and boarr,
ground and constantly oArnd
. . ...
i yl4 . No g 7 Firth street
—__ _
ANS WANTED—Country Nixed Fogs wan,
ed, for which the highest price in Cash will be paid
pl7tr Finn street, below Natant
IPT2I; TUItPINNT/NE-13 Dbl. dust received
, in good ordsr, and for isle be
I HIED APPLES AND PE.ACHES, in non" and for
I, i s sale 1.1 JNO P FEKKY
F. LICK ETS AND TUBS-2540z. for sale by
nj ALERAT t S-6 ooks on hand and far ra'n by
ESE tri• It 3 MO. and for safe by
rJr I a&IA0 DICK &CO
10 ZOPPY.II-113 Lana. rooer;or. josi revved
and for vale & FOCKET,IIIa
I .
to_ .....
▪ !LT APPI•NII—Ie bbiz,Jlot oce.val and for
▪ oh. by j.P = t V VON OONN HORS?' kCO
'CI prun T ,ll3.l reeesvcd . and for tab.
cows F.NOLI4IIk. uhNnerr.
D INT—I Lb. bn,trov !Mot Varniab Paint, man
o atturo/ •r,.. J.,' rob. ty
N O T )/
1 7 44 1)24 3 0R0 A , l,l_ . _l>ro gin
S P .5 TUI [ PI
b Trill o jr3l6; . 7
gAIL-25b1,1; N. - 6:Tar for "le law
OUI. " 'n i t ' , (" 51 VII I t7N :
AAI lil—too i:1.4 . 1.11 limn• in store, for tale by
J C It KI.L, Art, Water et
INDOW GLASS-130 hp Bxlo,
150 U11103[12; (male by
FORI3V 'II A UU SCAN. whiter and horn me
INMEED 0111.—A frw Inure]. in Moen and fot
in 7 •Ale J JORDAN ANA and
iillD-111 lirts. la good nniel-.. so
, - .1 & FON
eriorfor sale by
2Afil/-1. 4. - "P I ti MORGAN
- • • - • --
01LICE 11A L gb ,
ONIGGIA I ,v.,Carlornaltd. for ule by
).•,% I D MORGAN
ray. CIIALK 7 I reOt OvaLeityoooAN
PP ERA% —lv be rcls for sale by
E. POW DEIL—ZO kegs fat sale by
,A6ll—:w warTanlgolfa:,letri.
RIOT SY 'SUP—Fresh made, and of Carat quia4
for sale low by
joliN O IkIOROAN.SaI sen.d . rt
im ITIG LEJL , I37:4 kegs PA . io,[4l.o6Rt..yAN
1 - Ik.l - 13 - A ; k kons, nuw landing ami.fur •• , r
I Mt X , V k C. 40
. tot otle
EESE--"" ”o"
ILS—WU Lost assorted. Pitt,tairlyb M.ozetbre,
Yale by mid & R eCtITCREON
1415 i 13
Tip • E FLOIIIII.-5 barrel. Cork for salkby
bias Fred, Ground for ode by
if 1, _ --------- vi ;„_,
girisrwa3- to es row received and tor vale by
inylc , ft it vil.:l LI:RS 37 wools
• - -- • • • -
, ETAL- :u time Cambria all. r i g, for eale,by
ii ••• - W It. ft IaIeCUTCHFAIN
"' n, " 1:; "".-
rfal /1 1 1111D nvric i, `= n i/1, ir
CA/1111/ I 17117 , F0rt
I.s .7111 , tp, W3l._ 4. HILL. N. 8.1 I
be th
• le,
A • i
Cu. •
C ntral
GO t o
at ten.
tnenta o
bt tem
e l he
the ree ,
this so
of doll
Last ye
Nett re etipte for the 'ear entbn,-;:titt:t
Nore nher, Ia 16 I Sitte ,1:.2 1
The r elute ~;" the present!) 'tr. u,t
to the tat of June inst nsceco 1;x.1
of the last yew to Inc saute r 4
by the sum ol 17; 41
thie recta Is nt the month of
114 17, alone exe,tl that ot the •aoo
month lest ear by the solo SZet 141,
It is therefore n Tery tuoderate et,
create to place the whole rcertpls 1.1
pfesent year, tf nn torel.he•
ry c"watt irs newt:, et
And the eapeoetsol the tear witi al, 0
accident °entre, be reducedlnca ,
than .5,100 MO. and may be fairly
eattotatbd at ( - op ISY
Leaving the:it:income of the pinvent
131,,q;1tan,-9 kJ", R 2,11 & co—:3 4., INI,
WOOL J Rot —,3141 tall. lbw, A NI V. 311,1114 ,, :,
II?. .14 ...Robison & co—INJ do, U'('inrlanY
103 do, T Odiernr—So sclot cc rr , I. y.
(Inth Relief,) Allen •& o—l. A 3471 50Ltlower
D eDona'd.
STF:UFIENVILLE—Per 14'tIminc,n-1:o.
bran, J Donaltheon-7 rack, wmd , II Morhrl
bbl. Onor, IkleVeden .5.1
Bonglutn—l {,z. hn.ter.l ••,, I • ”:•,
.3; t Ll.l 1..• I'll Oi..11“,
own, aLo
- 'SUNFISH—Pc, Inland Varkti-7 tiihacco,
Illialnell & eo-13 do. J gor-10 rn. a: - ; Larch.
Hour, IP Leech & eo-3 MI:), tobacco. W liicshom
—74 chalets. I: Townsend-5 pcgii. urdlicti -
tons pig iron. order.
Fricnikliip-2hhd. tonne - ii
& Ditcrorth—,l2 DAzeo.s, n— :1,
do, J A Roo-4.5 de, D Leech &
e n—Jd. dn, B ine .
q•m—l2 tibia thou, Burbridge, t% co-1'27
do, Carson & McKnight.
AVHEELING—Per Ilibernst 1,110 paper../ 11
Mellor-1 b.. J nosh-1 pcg. 11 mnroon, Smith&
co-5 acts wool, S& W flarbsu g h—lot J
Mcskimcr-83tarrela flour. W J Hee do 11 A
Sampson & co-70 licks And trap holn, J W H Ister
—I jar boiler, Rob,,nn & I,arreictiout.
ClaskeThaw-41 bhda and bOl bacon, 11/rolo.
Mcl.rei'& co-36 553, flour. I%osey & 14.-2
bales jean.,2l.3r Conymns--: copper s'etl..J l'ArY.
& co-1 bole, M Daly-1 553.
Per Swan-7:4 bbl. flour, II (4all-33'.. dui 'l'
Og!lotto-25 do,J •
CINCINNATI—per llibernio No 2 r tol..tonleon,
M C.Mgni.g.-3 do, F Seller.— I Ind butt e r .21 til,lll
bacon, D Leech & co—l ba, II Gratl-2 boo J li
bbl. linaCed nsE I hhd bacon.
—I bbl ham.. II Mitchell-5 ire.
.tiams J Lntle Jr
—42 nat . bbl.,G 1V Knatth—l libdsylgar, II Porte,
Per Mononcahela—l boo. Whitmore & Wo:ff
5 barrels oil, K K Sellers--KG) keg. boner. 75 fr..,
cheese ' IS bbl. hama,Jord - in & Son—g mrloi
eri. hhda bacon, D Leech & bbl.
W Gni erk co. -
Per American Star-3 bac Bingham-50 clo re,
mirage, ISO bales hemp, filaPailen ro—l3 pee,
blolvany & Ledlie-3 DbL chal..o
mt bbl., tVood u.lheo-110 tol
and 4 U. do. Von ktoonhoral & ro-3.1 ark. leatto
ni.ll Milano & co-3 Dm, "IJilie.& Thant I
baeon, Jordan & Son do, Tron & 01(:nn
oor-3.53 bbl. whiskey, W Greer— Rand, It Watson
&c.-100 do. G Smith-70 do, J Bryar-3 bac
& Dilworth.
pig iron, Allen & con-64S do, M lardy & I•rioniie•
ZAN ESVILLF.—Ver Newerk—l L., Sebirinin,
ker & hhd. baron. L S Waternriii--31
paper, H Heller—hit LW. flimr, Jordan & bon—.
2 ocks ;monde., 3do feather., b we's I.aciln. I do
butter, I do pork, = laid* totileeti, D
I I keLho nail., G & J II Shoenherge.—l 0 Mos 11,1,
1111:1.irkan Se. co-23 do rearlieL 3 feg. hour, 3
Hid. bacon, !Snaky Sc Smith-6 .51 int, fren,
haso-3.11r1 lard, I ken , do 53 pc. baron, &
Carothers—'2o WI. leather. n I. !tonere-161
baton, owner
BEAVER—Per talks bbl. flour, S 31111,
ken-77 boxes cheese,3 11'1 drug+, J A Can
bbls butter, 101 b. elieroe. 9 arks .1. 9 Mil; nil.
I mk potash I sek rags, %Vick A. 31 .1.
esks potash, J Cooper—Ml b. cherse, &
co-10 bags mt bbl.. G lV Sosith-9. tins
shorts, J A (77111ehey-93 sag corp. 32 do rysi S &
%V Ilarbaugh-79 pcs bacon, Itoblion & co-7 bb •
potash, M 1 scks wool,: bags rap, A liing-1 Its do,
3 mks potash, %V & It 111'eutchenn-7. do. %V tle n•
demon—l boss! Mane, 43 bss she. so, It lig des &
Pet Beaver-21) or ash hoops, 3 Les bacon, rekii
wool, 18 pcs bacon, I la anti I keg car, bore.
cheese CI M Harlon-101 bbl. flour, trlrihlln h
Boalifie potasla,Tanicy & nose.
there., Dickey & C 4-1 ho hie. Von lionnloosi
& no=fA has cheese, I do keno g, 3 bide sonreh
tog.. Wick & Mk:a:Wien-16 bra eras ere, Circon
& McKnight-10 kegs powder. W & 11 hl•Cidehron
—2 Les and I keg bacon, fC Bidwell-217J thishels
barley, f: W
SHOW NSVILLE—Per Loot , Meld ne-1 tr • unk,
Church & Carothers-121 tons pig Iron, Caddy,
Jones ati to-870 ft lumber, elisinhers-219 bocce
glass, 31 bl , l. flour, owners abnatl.
Per Consul—G blgs pritairies„F It Dravo—l :ha, J
Kidd & to-18 bbl. hour, F A Koons—l7o4 per
glass, Chinch & Carothers-2 ings. J C
371 Lill. iron, '23 kegs nails, E,F:rans—l IS seks torn,
3580 II lumber, owners.
Beaier. Usurps, Bea, r..
Consul. Borman. Wow nasil le
Lake Kris, Hemphill. Romer
-Louis bleLani. Henn; 0 .....
1:41.4.14,..11.0110n, Mr Is rtri.••• ;
(:alms Goat, Shoies, Glargoo,
New h:ngiand. Ebben. Wheeling.
New Rowland No 2, Goan. Gincionalt.
leland Packet, Davis, Sunfish.
Beaver. (loops, Beaver.
Lake line. Hemphill Beaver.
Consul. Bowman. 11rownsvillesi
Lours Mclam, ',enacts. Brownsville
Rambler naught/4i, Mon. City.
Web Cope , Glasgow.
Hudson. Ebben. Sunfish.
Monongahela. Slone,
Hibernia. Smith. Wheelleg.
J rrittenden, Israel, Sr Louis.
Rulguold, Ifaye
(abed thicket, ihvie, Wheeling
Newark, Fiord, Zanesville.
Orr,* it f1 , ..f1u/i /
Tyr..d3, MO/ Itlng,Junc
ecalbcr yeerrdly tra, .rite COY lelll
r4inn ~.undnyr.Eg4l.
itrrrnre rather ..113 md. thou2ir n 4,1 n.
wall !err 3mr 1-3, war m IMr
le .4 190 M ft common Vane Lumber 61 11111
will be run b .1 • de cd - '1
ac rivcr e'dow ...0
91 There It a‘c bt.rn • dr.,
Pine dt $l.l and SIC, fo. cn.uun anal
s 30 tons It b II It '.g Iron at S.G. an 3 4 , ./ ion
at 536, all mina! credo.
=there appeal, to be no •t..tolity , rn I br•
. Salads. it was :lett., nut at lialiroateg
Monday. it wits perfectly qulet—very hale
ne—:n fact, we Are not wlrtred Oi
once demo: the ent,re day • St; conunned
nominal price. F - rnm st re, of a rota.' v.aL).
Tll^ 1,1 11./Itt . large, but
• all Logo forward • I
LLIa Rye Flour at .33.75 tsbl. 1.
mukel.rrec.!... a litc;...
at s.ttlCdc t. lb.
11 6 tons S t'erailas in cok• at 0 j'. cash
I eek or non" vie noticed a contract lur l'e
It boron out to bate been at eriC.
01 is coming in morn Itemlom, nn.l lin,
ally sole 01 lull prices.
prima rpathem at :Mr !• Ib
'LID: 111(;11(.1ND1•111
is the 11.1111 C of Par klimon's flew n:i.C.301,
ly arr red from Brownsville. oho, she Iva
She is expressly adapted a low wate
t, drawing on) IS inclies all .r couplet, sod ..
andsomely titled up fora boat "I i.e eats
bin. e.mtain 3.! Aar , rooms. all neatly fir
. Length nt keel I It or deck 117 It he to]
floor 21 ft, and hold 14 ft Shd is IY, tons
to House toravorettiont. Inn Engin!, —2
1.1 , 6 incites diameter and clt It leng.h. ticl
1 .1 inch red sft stroke. Wheels 17 1 t tomes,
swot bucket. Wrought iron iclittit ruder lets,
: lull was built at tilikkbeili, and I. htlatice ni
'orb wa, done at IlrOwnteille We sonde
r Capt Parkinsiin, or dapt builds the
oatz. We have not kept allot ol Capt.
has built quite a numb,. and ivy h. bete has
met .11.11 a serious acrident or hiss )et fill die
this ii certainly very strong erldrnre nt"
i d skill as an officer. Man !wt., a 3
the Highlander.
hi. canal Flan given I
in.t be repaired under Iwo x ertie
crease of Vloar carried over the
I Rail Road fur the present year, will be Iron
060 bbls moos than in 1046.
rooLic wooks—Below or!i be line' a
t of the receipts on the
In the Ist day or June .
Int 01 Ihr amount tit rired the
vet. commencing the al, ccii NoveniP r
to the 1.1 of Jane 1017
For Al , r.
079 "72 364 I
nid ki 1:1:1,Nd I 131 , J.
.0 in IGO Sriti•l7:: 4.i
Aire is certainle a very tisti, eththit 61
przlrom the public workv;:ii
to f.a , that !hie vit
ce,liir the prevent year. must bn une
r the total rctelpts Irmo the
ad railroad. were
~ , 1 In t,
'pence+, including upwards oi
by the extraer , inlry 6,241,1
!nog Pi. 1846
CP.Eica:C K
r. N.
. .
11EAVF:1: ILWEET.zt 9 and 10 M and 3 r std
GLA , GOW E ET. GLoo,omt.
HIBEENI No 2, t0m.... 10 a. m.
NEW ENGLAND. Whoollnu, 10 A II
non.. no...r iuki unno,
nlnt Onule
nn June
yip. onto, :to . r..,nder Ow
•rzoont. baringr•cry .!nselork
' Tio• l•etron 1$ one non, nna n onanerrin :oN ,11. •
nt I o r, Ihe
I. Ott c r o
IRA non yip Lr,, r
J N V.1./lEllr. 1,:ro.1
bill tin 1.• w W oON. ••
Fou NEW ot:LEANs—utEtcr.
The eirg,t ~ ,v •1...1”, •
AMI•IIIC,N I' l.•I l•
~..,--''' ' .r.„. ;n
,4c.:.,..1:).1 . i;;;:i
for 4,....:;.1 on rll.pll, 41,) 1171
• -n.:: cINciNNATI.
• TL,• vet-) I:ght drateh: .trhud r
iiEtit ...ell 10.
, ca oL , i I. iii,ter. I.til :euve n. ....e
. dor even:pg./doe I id, al 1 ohd d:k
For freight or idr.odlp: ai•p', Oil i•t•.1,.:
~.I5 .
I".`li CINCINSIATI AND 1.01:18V11.1 . .
A :—.
4, 11 t, elega A w i. ,: z .jz, , r..4, , ,w,
nrl . ..r; will . k;se . n;o.o., ..1
iti' "----- lll'o'vlorli.i'uretlny mor not c. !rw 1.,
ror trrtglit or pnymuge nrp` orrboani. ,II
ran I.IJUISVILLE--111:0:1.Alt 1'ACI:1-.T.
RHd tool
A. • ,
Cro,, leave 21.W.11,A
Tut .tins Wrictek ‘•
For ioeight ps.nage Apply 011 bLurd
A 1-.,...., 4%
.....1 • t
b 0 IC, I 1,. 1(1g
. 111
~ •=
l'orktttrott,nt.t.ler.wltt lent....altos,.
%..t . ..i.1.L..;r-Itlitm Turtttloy mu
ortr tt:ne t Jlllle Litt, nt It.
‘,..0r ~ Ft: ~tutit or r.,•,..r.iv onkari It'll
Regular Itenver told illasgow PSIGkel.
tira.... Thr nrtv a V A l i twt , t , t;rl ... tttruttitAltk t
t, mtt.r. butt, xprr et , y.for Itt •
;inn.trd rutt utt a rrgtt ar Pact..., I
rr ~•
ltittglt tlatty at :I Wet,. l. rm . mutt 11,11.4 1 1 1 , ; I•
t otttoth of Salta F itti : llctivt, C.. 311011 Nltlrt.l,:t . ~ r-l
-tirt,tuy 1..1 Frt ins
For :t or pa“ .1, 14.0v0r Nowa...dn. or tor
ta.oo. and N.o , h lA•l,an np,ls nn 1.4,1r4
or ot
lii S t 00 i1.011.WoO!.11
The hoe ...aloof PALO ALTO. 1
11rItontrtitl, mut:tort wtil run fogular v
lo tote,. l'oottoirat :4.4 I:obvt r i tt
Mince of tlar .1, 0p.., Mit h kaft • toot •
- thg Iloavor t ott, toornonq a; .o ft tool
all Poo:torch over , aft, noon at :1 o't. lur k
JOHN A r(L'OtIF.V. ,
atcr and 1.1.1“, ch
The ue.v.Louae. p 31.1,4,
:"er v r calmer hLW ATA RA.
: • (laaucal only IA metro.,
'•areon Dior.,. tar
hrionl o doela , 11,41 nuernr,ltste raiid hel form
her 1., trel,,r .'ker•eg the unter .e , ren
rhr nr pa.e.nte ..prt% anuhl r I
elN.'l, A I'l A LIP( 1,4
The 1,:e.1,1•1,411/er
gAt4 ll' Wo,11„ „141
droughnu , Tl, •etivul For
tr rto epp'y rri I.oont
t;ise land .rtr, erasg,l
' oal ,r 1,1
ril ISA
-c“ kw; • I: l• I
•'.k the •I-1•11I, ,1J
1 eir'utt .
IZ pa..n, 'apply tul
I , lt t, V I t. 1.1
t LSta Y. T •a• • V.. • o• ,, Z•11
HELL NN 11l l'At'nM
111 11%0%
trrp• and •vdl
on trrer.l
11 1 Th."
"'" l/IFTS " P '. . r 1Tell,
1. Fr.. 111,, t
.14 t'Ayrver, Ttrr a Wio, S.kruf ,
°Work. AM. For 1, , C. ,u—Agr tp,, ft, tat I
Allegheny Meer . Traci:
The Ler :•••.mh•e•
ijg rW 2l lo Vli,
• • ...0 rOnl,
and Franklin For t.,rrist or o.oi•agn app:( or. •°."'
IlE111;LAR rm - Kcr I'IM NASIIVII.I.h.
Thc in'w •i•••rent
idy rugnlnr it r• L. Ihe sluts, putt on
!d r ids, o. 'Anti :WWII al WO . :Of k
A M. F. , frnighi of p t•-nan si,iiis oil hont.l no In
mcht.7 I Vd 111:1 - 1,1 . 11 h 000 Ara
Regular 1..... burgh 1111111 Zaue.lrthe
' Pasch..
A ,71..11, l''
"''' ( " : ' l ' ;Z " E l i * . "'" '"""r'
- 11:32,a . F:-.Z.,1 /a., V. 11., .1. ~,,:rr, 0,1 tun n• n
eitstia - IfinVt.Z.6lll ngs l nt PlKk't li -1 ant , Fdin tali
and %Allem:die • 'laving hail 11, C.. 11,1 0 ,1 foir.l up and
(urinthed in •nprrinl at)lr, thr Casnl.i
9 :Ter• A. Loria. 111110do...sat• 1,1 potiiritadr. Sho svili . 4 osl or,
Tu. 'day, .01 a y Ith. sr: 'do'r lock, I . NI
Fur irsight or pas•sge apply au hoard. nr to
mai 111 • 11 WILKINS Act
ix • - .. 1- ""i4l::''.';:7;i:.;Z:‘"i'v n i;','"""
t..... Captain St %V lildit.vtilivoininduct.
,_.,_. ot
...y.... n ,Funiang an nhovd. nn the Yid il•s of
Alarnii, heN inn Ihnshursh it:
Tunnidtty. Thursday and Saturday. ut 10 a r lon k. A M,
Illld InnuirLy rnety llonilnyi Wrdurnds, and
Fri lay. al 9 o'cltwk. A NI,
Tin. New Vitainn 1 hod 'ire,' I.tinglit nTlitr'ld% 1. Ilin
Ifni!, and will; rraulsrly *Lira., 1-%lr Irk irthior
na••naii ill i ~,, ',Aril t ar 0.
tridn i( i.iN FLACK. A 4.00
• .
WI:1.1.!0:11.LE 11)11.1 I' IKET.
.... =4 "1:, t,,... el, trii and iii•l lint li'i
....., ‘ l El ! ' s g n % re "' sv L tn i' ldi, , t ii t
. Z .
ids's-I.!. for Ili • .f.le, Arid W• 11 nook.,
•-ve., ev•.., .1,14..,0r1• I'lie W i. fur vintli
. 1-nlieir'n 1 . ..0.0 di .V:let:r Wo .., 1i0,,, , For 1r..,h1
or ~.1•, . ,r. 0 , 1 I olr , i - 1'.1711
1, - A hi, Ihist i• re N
•-dniiii% at nin ILugh
I'. lino " in Ch ic(
is, it , Orlon, in.- na lti :Owns • no ler
A Milt IF. Idnid
fil-A. l LA It l'At:nn. I' till: A' F.1.1-,11.1.h. A 'di
' - 'I , I . IIILIENVII,I.F.
~ 1 ~ , 11 . 1..11, l• .. PI,.
lan.: )..toi, nt 10'n10 , 1...• kr •
• 4 1rtli.(11Viiie rucry l'annil iy, l'hittntlny 3/I.s ,nturargy
ut -sdedark A. TA Vitt 10-.01.1 or pn“,inn innii, oh
I'.ll'Al - 1
1 ilf f f. ;Int ;
11111EltNI A,
' moo 1 rl,ll n 0..., 0 , 11 ocloo.• occ
oom, ,
n roolor 1., ...
111t10 len 10 l'otk poo horgh v.
Mloloy. I.V/olor•Alo) v 0
10 n'elnc k. A .
t oo kIC W 1.1,1.00 e 1..." 'For•olk ..lay 0 rol I , cut
y, - ire Oa or u•kngc
MI board., 01,111
REtifllm 1.1rN1112 . 1!..i . 1 . ! . ,,y) N,111.1.1
T:ir. Arni nnJ fn. .along •lAtori
LA77; so„ or j o i r , !eil i :1, 1 1 : 1 1 :Cro .wort.
Ihr ahoy.. poo,r, Oharoor 1 , 0-hur,h
rnerry.TurAtr,. hhoroln) nod ,Atortoly A , :It o , h o .k.
AliA of I,rovroov.lin too. r, Monthly. tV..ito
ran , Frola y.
frrorhi urimar.ner .1 , 1 0 1 nu Lnanl.dr ,9
-- liegiallar 1.11.11;a...wt. and Z•nce• 111.
at ,
THE loglti
ut 3111.11er-1-v3ll took,
lo on.
ror frr lilt or I,lll. l Anf Apply mo bor rat
nr nr.7 WII,KINs
He . / I7ltarlra Slum!, r thr
lwr al A .1101 ,ht 0
Ms 0, II I lafro. Ar I.toprtoLg, no I: 1/....1•
•••.• ... Ih. Grnflrleirtr.— tut 0...0 I
I ~,,, 1111111.•tes tO4OI the vim,' of I:. Dran'u Chrultrn I
1•10 Ir 10 . el 1/1111) Lutroly au o remedy t'or
aim hr.. cool lon.roo.• of the l.sek. PaY.
Y., I.rrasi, iollntstalion of :he ihrout end rye., ague al
Yo. lara, err. and I 010-1,10011, 'II our Irg '0 0 0 . d,
to 'he ..11,11.1 111 CV.I, roue 1 ii3Ve 11 1 1111.1 it Wei..
.1.11 ao hchrve thut ok/II p4I•ZI, .r al
moe Ibut. 4.olmary rlOOlOO nth! betelc grneral.
y I. r c faullJ I rult.orlll Tor dory rtiorryos far
%loch a 0 terntrEmer.,lo% told jusily nutlrd to 111.n0n., a:111 payola., of all rol.glornorl
%V 0 n..., 0. : Dry :n lain
LAUD OIL-1'531:i..1%,1,1,;,irci
10 1,1,1.. No I I.atdjuOlrr...ved
Icl Aunt lot die 111..fecturcs
A 211 IMPoItTANT L Ik:TT EU— I I, 1.11‘., , ,, , G
leiier fineu 11, Itri,l.l.n. et loerell. f1u..., rut
op,•••ka o twr pny.i
pr /al r•• Esii•-•••••:
••-f 1.0tii.,11 1: •
.., •
ir., • r.:11.y iinorr.l O
w Ilan ..171 . layr. 12IV ~.1:11 I , ear
Nii. I •,,
!.l r:11-.1I
ro , .t. ai 0, I Tr.%
t lAN. 21 ,
...oceo• u•
Pack , ' I 00.0:1.1. J
Jo Oli O. •... t.. •
du L141,11:1.11,, •S I “.la, 1 J4,, I:
tlo Loui•no,t I 'tow, i‘ 1,1,, Jam.
do 11. mh, ,
01. uc
ira14.:1.11.11, JO, 14.
10,44.1na 8re,... I I .
do Lotoli.ana, TlAnp. pl.
do 1ir111110.3.TP11.1.T11 .T
do Indiana. Wear), ~.surd,l.
do I.oulqt:uoa. l'hron; ~ ',it 1., •
If you tics,re ,r • oollor
gnodaluxo4, recure our •
Nloitoofuto•la r 111
Ir LEI:CI! a t 1 /.
E o r v t . CA T
Iliu ruld.ration : Taro .
• o "
-.o "
Motor) of 11, Homo,. ;,• 11, 11 NI ••
br Auppla N„,
Irvollate . tlhy . ly . , 11o,T,
Aunt hitt Tait, 1., 3i :ilia I Mi . K i lo l~
hero iry Faiwer 1..i0r) !I''
I.ive• of Cllll/o'lll .1111. "Ai t .4 in An, I.
purautt of Know le , g, r i!!!,
ted by anc..dop!•— a!! I &1.E.,.
with po :are !an ,
1:11., Or. 3i 11 ' 1 11)111111 , pl.ttr.illo
111 f evr
1/7,11yr y
of mt t.i . I. J T. at-on
Li Ve4 ein.rient a
Fir!iFe !. 11,11.11 t.r.• rof
. . • ••
J I. It!'. 11/ ar ir 01
1)Vo In Canner,. al [lna •. ranara.- rut 'II
Grid Tn. , ratr-t
M r ra y . avormL.
frarlall• and arro 1.. 0r 1111 all or
tiara ;it 01- tarn ar tlr
Isar, and nain I ' • U..• oat!
Ilrend Iln• .-a • ad, Lr can la.
Vat,. n,k W .1111,, t t t.! •tlrlP I let ,
lit I. Cal", citi...t.l t.ti ttP 141 'Lotto,: o:ir
and lundr
A largo a•••.rt....... . • a, .nr
ii. ak , nd• , n nand. • • .11 ret,..1..r. a:l3
can la. .a thr
J ,
I.INE“I" , 'NNAL 1..1,710 3,1 ANI,
LCAN Al. I . :1 .4. SW A 1.1.01 V
EA VE Ilcavrrlanot) nt . 11. c
Arrovuoic olor .W 211 11 11141 111:.% V Kll ao.
ovoll Arno, ut 1, nor. oo twit 17 1 1 :kr
Song., lo l'ocoocoooo.ol ! cnorr cloo
Pvn.. oic• r• vo loc ro.on- Toon: tios-,cl.,nrcoo.og
on :tor l'aekesoo von: `onco. oon ao,o, n0.0.0r
010 tonere, nlrklll.,Al r.
o'clock. A :OE 1,11,
klt { o VI to 1100n.c7
lo r •0010
%V M. A. W Alit/. ['EA IsT.
, .. r
1 1 , r it •
,4tart.cnnot „
M „,-
~.,.. ........e
1) 11 . '01UL:1E4..1 0
ItA 11 1,,A1,
I . •• I
4 0 1 II
lilt. JOH3 %. 4111 A PSI AS
E A S A :11 l it 11:.%.\1. 4. r...1 . A llLl
.1 7 13( 4i , 11{ one Ir. prr,
Sfat , Itr,•.•u:tut ~, 1 its
. i~.
n . . 1 tarbo'. I
gel• 11, .
In r.t. f \ , lio
A I 0. ccr
Ar., 'Oa 1.•.1•`1•t1.,,,,1 1 . 1. F. IV • ”1/ •
PiPhat -
Ilroni• A 4r o r • •
1,0 .4 Is I r
50 tin /la of.
40 .1. clO
lll`. 11 11I.I.1.1ri:
1,4,1,0,1 S. I, .1,11 I it
E fil.l: \ !!
I s r V, 111. NI II I )I
Ihe Week •.Prok, tam In^ ilAll;.;Cti
To • ! A 1 , 1 . E.1{ flltlllf I
r Ir. rk. ,
bill• 01 .10
al irrr
The cod,.
wt. clo kark
.ter, Vora., I/4.1,111.y.
Nrrt Man I,r, 1.1/
klikttk 1 1 te 41,1.1....• In IN.
an t .. Itt-. ;atm ttk the anal, and nanrral .1.1.k1t1 1
raw n th. ay., I.k it l'
Sprt't oi 1 In. r• .•1 `1....1.31 , rotn Itk-It If kand cr• at ro-In I Itar.
„, ,„„„, r, ornalket:n. 1 Writ rarr taltek.-1 tin' ett)
•i 1' rlr '..t..1 • l••. • r I • :•• .1 I and 1 a .la, mkt titan altkf,,llkrr
1.... a•akr Sattanktrelar I it. e itar arreilt,
111Cii it 11 . .Heil, .1 it.,
~t 11 • r . t ,
rrr. , "" 1 "'' .1.1.111 And .Ik. arc to.ltrsAltrAllloy oa, I ra,a
„ t•, In natuutn.
I/P Dun: C.., I , 11.., J•: •
lot an 11) 111.1 rect.., •1 , 4 j
. n l
ihr 11rt• iltntr.ll.6 chrt'lren -
10,),")al.;•s 11 itcr Tlk. ...wt., rrltllt-ate it from a gr...
Ireal tru1t...1.11t,1, ‘,1,1 ti
.- Ihr , tankori •kt., rk kik lorlhe
N cav
resturattinn tankl rani .ki ihn DV Tn.. 'wt.! Ilcar rjr..-Orkr kke in, rhalklren 'tar a•na
ttk o art ,... hat, k. •iF %VIII, Ilk , IN 111. .1114.111111110 throat. altrakital •Irtit
'nitwit halt Ir.rts 1.1.1111., ~.r.; In clunk „„, „um.
grrairr favor 11,. In /......111111.tn1 1...11
, rt ar „„„„ „„
It ~,
Ilteir Ika ma.' Irl.l of ••.k... all ) • 1 t.•, zralrfill,
„ .• , la.tar.scar,
.1 the n. ' c it
1.-kn, It 'III aro! 4111.1., tab , . hrrn nrpanilant Dr
fro PLU A1141: It. AND MAI-11.1N ANTS. TOW II .;ar Agrot fnr AN:O
Imq en je11.14. 1 - NP
uppo.nteel Agenl•
mnrer• J. A II n—lnDeu•lenlY , I A , I I7 S EX ere [min NT— ‘r ad...onto
known 1., 1•11nola./. and Alnt-11.11.•i• In t he En•lern 0..- ' • rem..ay inn Puln.nnar n 'rect . /ono
, ne )-10r ihe euln their inanaulenlyee are now r The nunoone of the nualnd ehatacler
rrd ins, Plonahe, an the V 41 10 1 14 kIlld• of 01 ttlpoorast.tat.-11. lentlenre ortginele it
brnen WO, k nerd ef the Itrneehat. non ronerquello t 1.11110011 of the nnor•
v of Gunge u.ol Sienn, Cork, u.ed ral lunno••—iv. 14.4n0d the truth Itself. The
And ration:so- Poen.. Molder., 100.111 only prarnealdweiNnle of removing sorb nhonrurilon i.
4, 1 Oil c o ,k.. rr., and 1104 seal Inn inn of en/iv-morn..., renuA tor e ere ron.
sell to the W e.te Nur, 111141 F:11g1110 111111•4 . 1, nt Pen 1.000.1 111100, °loomed u jadielo e
tarn Pr nea, el 010 •ive 01 10.0111 on of the remedy of On Juyike of ILe
je7.lere-seat' F •t, Pinel,orgh Por rale in Pittel,orgli et. I,e Pekin Tra olarc, 72 th
_ - „ .
: •Nret. near evno.l, nod Men el 1110 Vltug Store of II P
1411 , 0R8- 01 1 ore r. 1.1 - -rnn • '•,..,rnetor. l. I Schwa Pr, I?edernl .t A llrehen, ~y. ...y I I.LAseT
j CaelOtnn." end I - 1 Iktlpos A • flrornl ea.
Vell'fllll,ll 114 1 0—f. on , netter Pew en Poone Larks—in 1 . ) L STEIL PAIIIS—,I, for Lund. Ile- •1-
enel.. en I ..:1 1 0• of ned I I -7.,‘ on hand and for vale ut NO all Ltberty etrert,
mo. extra,dinary .11,dirin, in ILe.Onirin..:•;'•
. -
Th. •t t atot •
pot op to fjoart t s $t Is os
ft r atarroattal rut. tor to 01a. la
etiathst toroth,. paa.,actA,. tolutss or do.
to nat.With I rt
Tao. gra.. lostut and sutornotat, of ihn tala
all,ohr. Atir.l.ol. Is orb.. It 1,r4;11c41,1 It Int ...or.
Ars 111. Molt. It Is 00. of th e ety Lett
AU,1111:11 . 0 Fla. rt.( koonn tt not 0.1) p o rso.
tht oho, aptrso mot •innolont th , person, hot at
,a•to.l o uof karlo . purr., posa..ol by on oth.r
5101talh, 211;i1 ttrs the ut and wets. of its nt udrat lot
suoo.. It has nothata the putt too yonr. 1.1;;1,
th.. as OW our.. of Ause rs. I'oo of Lhaesrc. al Ira. 5 lU
of no.. nors ctotoder..l thrombi. 5110 that.
1(000 .0, of Chronic Illootoatim
Ulto 1..0 of sptola ,
.1....0rt of tit. rot Drba:it, awl %Cat. Folorz3 •
ra•e - a ditret rot F.;r:la, l,•Itli;/;111.!•;
.2,00 M., thoolat!a
1,50 Ira., ot the tot rr Catotplatnt.
aff.....urs of 1/501 . .1.. laf th e fitdoe, 0.1 Orono ,
$lOllll raoes Coo•umptiota.
hod Thounnoli of of the 31... d. tto Y.rf ape +all am, .4., 15,1 01. a To.
a....xttl,otourrout casts of Awl Ilt ad.che, laaothaa hr
...and Ch... :spinal aft that., ,r. Atc.
Tlos. 'an. r, %sr ha,
f• r• loot. Ohs. fut. arol oor tots 11,11141 '5 `
v 1 11,
li.ird SI:11r, ahlorno, u• of estroorthazara our.. It VW;
tool. L. I .th. at, of thr too. ro spo.l4.thtlguill• II; N..
.0. 1.. statorins tar iltnt taut 0.10 mote Ilel oo
..• th.t plat, afoot. •1 1101.0ods rato, in the
Neat • n aorta n. oetina ft, :55 WM; pl,Mrt,
.14.1 ,•; (I rhsrartrt. It thr last trunlicinr 1.11 thr
1,0 rot.. off.. soe loom ta. II l utolaol.oll, s.sed Co fires
of tooth 1100,
a o 0tt..., roar Ilsoar Sr./trth !
A• it rrthatt thr C 41”... d 05.... Al.lll rfrorol Item ful
III( SLi11;111,
• ..
ttr 111: I%•lltv,tuvt,
old mem,' ttf :Itt It it nil Legttialtitr. kondly prut
tt t,t Ittrrt, t,rttlitrate. It WI. ;
It I r . 21. 1.-7.
A ,rAtot... I tt.t• ta't will. thr Ittitt-orta and 4, tot twit.
ttt I. ft' tit a .1.1,110A1t al -tor. I tit, toduerd td to, Itr
To ...rot, S art tpardtd, r !Wm, v.., •,tr Oat r tod
11.., , I ma. Act coodl t , dud attroltutt tt rotor.): to thr
dol t'otrsditortlla I r rootinued taittoz tt Atol loot tita
I ttati , r,• tury td, I I.rltrte tt,ed i , and ttottld
too, t. oltoot it untie r too) . rot,itlrratton.
. .
retatle,te nheaelannely hna•e• Ilaie Sarhvariltt
1.• perre..t es. the moo nlntittee olan.ue the
Three re...rained ae. tane a• ampere...len ral
1)r Tt.t) , - De r m nor . I Irate the ialeature ht laalatran
'hat ilaea the., elaahlet st Lane been ratreal ofne.t.
1,11.1 I.) the Ira , yo.a. Iry ',rot nintarnae They na at
etllental ar•et rel, allt• hate ) teLen shut
natal. • It •
them •way, ler nltoeh I lia I lop. if ...ler
Vatate• re•lentfull).
. . _
Dr T.,tlDrlrDs P , araajasrtha aan go na.l rioted)
rarr1..,11•111,.11..11 Ilarrranrar,
NVI,Drr, .111Tirall .liar
Unnr, aDvluatar) Jwllarg. thera,, .111.1 1./.
rral 11.... tralmir of Dr. r,,tran—au
tp warThrt thr reotlt
-n< or raaaro, , errewilarD,, ;Inca)
].,Lm, ran Ire mare borprlnn; Itlanni tmignn•ling rf
fir. nn Ow 11111114 ff franir l'rr•ont all w.aanrat anti 1.11.
111n1r. Ire 1.., at al ac Inetrun.. rll,/,t 111.1 ftlii rnerg,
ut..!•r In !a tluenct It inunr , lgatrl COI/. .Arta the n...
It 1.111 mot be • •per d of to. ot raw. of so delicate • be
tto eafttlot erriduate. oft ur.. erbtrinetl, but
a..ore ulthrtett, !hut bonder,. of rubes beert revolt,:
ruleut.. w. firm fettotte. have been a &twat eh: b 3 •
fa hertooo K • fen bottle. of Otto itteatuultle medal-Jur,
Le, Leen ble. wish to .111, uff.pring.
1, t
...tie belt, greatly t5tr......1 Ly
wort.• ne.. and gt ItereCtb toitty, and otifert, cot tu•11,
auJ u erll.l.m vf be •do•u. Who:. of tl.c
.tit tole, 4,11 ultte. tool W. I,
nh•y..ur ruetoetut
IS eltertel greet cute. • 41, ;11.,11.0
•1, I 1...•de.y . k1,
I....ffir •and LAlow.,
.lirrt.twq. 'Mini ritut II rtularTe.l
lamb awl rr.t.,...11,....14.11thgnat 10 L.
I t.. 1, ts. u, atku0v,1...1.4• th l)
17, C., .4 (.rand
all I.l.hut NO) r•a• - • cv This 4.
uuder th• alarh.h.a.
an.l ta ,te tarthethr I:, th e haito ah.l, oth la.urs .4 rat:Co...m.lth 4.1 afler
I.•,:th :. °a. ,thr I' had h., n lor a lung i.c,r in..
'••.. moms' \NO M stcltlED I.AEHE
..: r;:, ~ ~. ~
t n
ili• T
[ 11. i.,n...,c.
•.a0 fIL O Tiil
~...,'i;. ,
ii ~~.f. r.~ w
N•ALL A LILL: . Plll4ll . ...ail 1.4(1t
Lt, 11, 14 ar-s• 11.3
pi 1...,. /34a Lot. Tine n 0.41 rnarl
•11:11:1: Us
S.. ro , I, 1-37. Incr.
! VII• NW: WO: -.rye Oil Prn, rnt rt. ny 31w Isoodlo ot $h-
I ,a• .0 + il %% . WALLA CE
su•! , • • - ALb EGIS EN V CEME.'I'.Ie.Y.
r4r 4,m, tn. nor. f• :AO awl 14.4 no cr., NOP it 114 Pilinrll•tn enr.ron. ystrerti,n4 Lon in an• Crrnn
.1•••‘I rh• my (err, st4lrr.! I 44. pry...a - mm.llly n!., I ~ r.. yr ..I . rrirration Ille nurrnr.lnyl
nr,nn t.• c..1,1, , ,11,1 r ranol 14 C. 011,, Croy., or I'. They,. 11r,g , 41. corn, n
I cmstrrr,
5155 t., 1.53. a.. 1 55,, - .)1,1,,,1 to
.rrly 0.11. 1,1...4.,
o, f 0,
I 6 , 11 g
r."l •. is 1.•,..1
I, •••• ..... Fs ..I 14., •
...n• ..IT,. To N....!
i.l.,• t ratiot.• 11.. tt1i . .. „ .!; , !!1..
.1 Wit .1 1..
It 111!!!..!•,
I • 1.
1,4” err 11., ,
a.!.rta•••l 1.11,,• Ikea en
A. W •%., i. , r r,
pr.] . 2.1 11. •r r
1..1., •I. N V; It.
r t.apr.• or 4.1 4,11 I 1:
zre.4l en"4l, )" 11
it, „1...
mi l ... i. t zs ., : th, J . it d .AT ,, , , § o l ,r u m :Ts , lt on
Ito ottit intnelueed, to the roost Mn
e,t.hshatents at New Tort nod Vitilode tphite
the oh.le-t• ,ed prrat :r
n o eirsrlett
the. o”to.-rota• tr:ethh. nod the pate!it
r ••••• • preps.," to itypiy NH who roar
otter h• tt d te,t .he Ilat for the
t 0111,1 , 1111 1,:•,,• • N,utraa, Alma ellen fine
,••; , or 1444,
Ilttt•tia rot ®
wrest, amlsth sts
st,l Lp
' zti NCiVA 'l l4. 3la ~:l f'arturer JL
:.•;1 to No 75 Sl'noll.;lrerl.thre , U;.;;;'•
; oonl; •;•;.;.; 11t- e0n..,;• of ; very varitty of
zol!cou..; .a.. 1;• ,t; tn.. Init..; ',vie: ego-Vaunt.
I .t;;;1 `Uraw 11.11,, nod rewel,
rr 3r0(4.1 •t.:herd da , t
1.'4511 1 , n•lalon, 11516.
41 1,1 , .1- - .1[1.: CI;STA Nyle i:rotleuwn'%lla.s
u..;l,orrtnlio <4l u; fir.l- . .V11.`r , ThureJa)
Au,l;;; ...;711; ..voL/s.o, n ulo-up
rotiu;;lc llnt of i . ll.l.l:rgh lictinniarturt. :;Itrall of
olourrtetl 1.;11.1vr”,...d Ly uotnent
;t. :rude i;;e.t•c ‘..t., al ' . Co . •
lienJ of Winni
SP"Gg Foollthot for IEII.
%VI /1'1.1; oven 10utr'..11.14 nod patrn...Cl.
11.4 be Itau now oo hoodu 1 tree .;•..1. u(
Sotto, 1;u f 11:110 and 1 . . y. loch ;v:11 hr
uyr tlut.nolsi I h., in xunL ol arope.or
H. H. PALMER offer• for am,, on ns favor.
able 18,1 n. as nny low.. zn' l'h.lndrlpin. a
5p,,,. 4..11111111 of Sarnw, Einrente, UM
kmal, no, ogre.. vor..ty of bury I. raol awl
AI. Room,. of Ow .is7ng otyle.
A I.SO-I . ulso I,nt. Struv. mal I.eitorn lint--; A tti.
:row Nrsa• ••••;.< the Stoll
le In. I:3,••t" Whoa
Ih Wh•l••• Frenth 1'n.• 21, • e M., WA.
Y'6,,< ot wan, g i••••aut• • ',6111.11 are
ove 4ik_
W 11011:I.An hn. trr.vrd •
I,OJ •opply linugn,d and i'tp-nu V a
l::x - ,..liup•.n atylr4.
Vatrn fun- Fr, nrb Molelk.n lint •. nt yvrr luw
rtrtrt• 1..11 Net 7zt tvo..4lrtto
-1 . .0% I IFrim;l4l.att•stalr. kettl krt.ln
t - 0,.../ittltlyo
1,1 eu, gyi litt . .ll ll, lttyt,,itaifprtenn vett' L. w• RI NO
7 , Wood •treet. Ppm
11(11 1 8ES, LOTS. FARM , Iktr.
T , 11.• rnlvr 00110ns In It nun tn ,11.. %Yeah
0.11 rO.l, 1,•• rum and AI, I. ratontell rn Orr•ero-
. r'oor,,t I'l . 01. 11, V
W, or%) retk. with/0 half a Irak
0, :he Monnhnnh , ll,ver. and Ilion,. rn.lrr, nlOO,
Itrown-01.1.. the Fn contarn- 'f,GO. t rerer or' h r ..,
moil) 1.,01. rth rin
t•rnher.•tune 1.011 and 'rand
rnr ng.. The r'rrel runs morn than nmile through thr
141111 allti dnrn and tunnel 01151, fret ,n :ength
I. 411100 of 1.111. he Flour rmantas three
!WI .1 Frehth Illur tr. and the moll run ge.' order ler
szo.renrint nr cnuatr work. The 1.01.0. r l l rr new
There rige ..1.11• I.nrann Nffnelnnet. 1.11.111 K rho?
11,r •urn n¢ /.101,r and 10.41rtrad run lb.. ...1. 1 1hnu•••In rem.
lot m0..100g lut.t.l. p , r day. a larp:
rr.te, Ihro a,' all fore.
livr low.r• for work ;lrn. no ottl
It , i.t bp, of all tree, of
04.1 and om. ohm; II yrar. nro of ITU tree,-
100 r, . ,vl-;:ly o:In r fru.t. pcnch plum. lex.
r to 1 11;0rt,r..:K... or Area; l'itWmrg F.
or tor M mor. [.c.r tor Farm.
TOE o:Ter, nr Kole 1, 1 ,
11::::-:.•.tuale On thc North Kti.t corm.
11:0 I •,.. tt: l o.::,loVen.
1.1111, k:1.0 it t : ~, fan:.ll,l in el,
..4.• Vor ot pat,, • attached to
•0 rt. , vtal.s tot, ..0.1 oil whet coat:v...ll,A
h • ,lhon aopro• vrty. and
noohal, lho CAnal.sarol” ihr vmrao,Foomor•
to, lovh. aro romploaol.
h - Iho-I do 0r , ..L , e Ilo• oaalon og 1)11:0
./. • OA hay lot roal or 0/1,01, Or eX6I/134,, ,
I. kh' It•fi. •-o ,or O ,A , h oj tV3ICT I.
- .
",,.."1 017 , " for ••.• lb< I.grl!in. I:nu,
1, , no x ./1 S'4,:lt , Var.l Lot
1r1,111'1',,,e,Ff....n• .1,1 kb •Ir.
••• 1,0. t.rcon..l ing n Ward. n. , ntnut
1,7 In a . ..nil-0 nln
Jc. Ite-c er• To n. int
11 , 1M1..,
n.olrt, , e .1 V.II . •,,011.1 Wll,llll mu nati locir•1
zHI et al the lAsr.l.. r Yard
Her. t A e•.r1n.. , W0 •:.
tul'N'l'AV—Tis ,
~; :AI. z
iooorFl,r.lnod on O.
oa.a. fIll• NAI 111 bICKEY
tool !low al•
Il N 1 I. lIS FOIL SALE arr....oi 10 •
"'} n e. uu
j ,11.11,11 . I..tat.• Ground.rtittated
I 0:. of Me A 11..0en) Rivrr. conticuct,
:1.1. trat.l adruttiazrottrly tutotttrtl
Ittt .. ; , 1 1% ctrltt. and tt, her Ittrltr nutituittrturtitr stat..
' , ..llt.t..ittr Istrt:-.l.F.wttl 11A R.%121 R DENNY.
I'l. r. tatt.l irrttt•
' - ,Tii.olotable L 2 r I Est ole for Soft, •
•I` lII'. toot,. s urd 4liono tror,r to et
: Tnne,v
11 to rotor r,. tfrr+ ror ..tlr 'LX 1;1211.111N.*
1, ,, TS o .rcon,tr , rt looorto, Frrry • rvrt and lie
d, r,
i'l6, '6l Wllll',ll,lllV 6,16'161 us: 2tl
tirpdi Thr 101 A , 1 1 . 1 11.,111
1611‘',111. 1 Who, lo,ther Cur tem. opp, to /hr
r , 1.. r on Ow p011611‘.. .110/IN CA I. lINVELL
I , Alllll,. PAIEII.*. FAILMSI
4 w Ora, 1.. puretal/iri a Vann, will do writ in
all Regioari on which Val' will Sea Y arVl , salt. i/dra lo 5 alit arre.....lualed in
I'. •, lilitodia tair”re. -
anit r of rye. y vane, aiiil Cl,
S a; Aarni
ups FOlt SA I. v.- I-I an
-a •1 .Ik,k 'IV •tttt I :ttitttrlt t'n.
V. • ••nnt i.l lI; e) 3, S,ll ,11011fii
1134., %N. r.. 1 ttut.l, •nte Tit ttnlay '4%h
•ty zwit 1, 0 CiOcl, 11
Alt') OIL rr 11.1% ....... nwor
4 Ire norrirt, Yrrr 1,nr.11,1 a, row rwrrared rn
ord. rr int tiler ronrrn Tiro, Orr o are
rnwr t nr,lw rr wrl.lllllh. rwartnonwy
nrtrwr.rn rr . OrwYcost emir nwrr• is r, •prerfurly
rnr, , • J h SON, In I.rtrerr y rt.
cOUN'illtIC It Est DEN CI,
ttttt,t ti 11 , convettirttrat
aci 1! rr r:t the Sttist•ton
NI„ n o ot , olio tti l'ittOttarr.t.
:-t t`t/t . ot .
I \ ;1111-r - 1 - 1 . :111 Ir;
•vra,. Tv/tn. uncle/ pl.invgl.le
V,P 44 I)IANIONII -t , of I/ Are
. .1 .hal' lii nr
,11,...•1 L.k'N oss
A 1 , 4 Al ' lAI
111. tr. A,. A: .11 ~.n • A NIPIt A:\\'+
I Tr , 'WWI' ro, t‘on.l
I .tli XPECI'IIIt A NT —ll, c rtur...of
e . 5 1 ,1., .nris - valtl henp lertbrow ier the vete ol
o 0111,041rn rie.l r ti•-r• ••• • 14.• W•ai
Vet, nil k l :4,•• • toVt•11 14 a
•nl. n 111... TP.% S'lolll*.
ti 1 . , .1. .. est.,
I A n.,• 1r11.p01.31 1011 of It A
In el.)
In twee.. •Ite
In tst. mu..., a Vet .1, Mete 111.111 5 'OOl 111
ring no no nen rInI , I lllen gave n tenon..a
foil in. Inn yonnl, whol(a•.‘ornerntl, wcII, and
•Ir pa•..-4:17 worno• oi aloof IF
NN'arrl,Algrs. Smr . loti , l.l•lier
‘,l ... :, 1 1•y 11 A I , .lllNral 0131 i h. CO,
en.rorr 1.1 lin. , uro.,•!. o 1 u.. 1 nth 114
.C! •,, ..............
~1•1.r o) 1
, 11 , 0 ....
- t•-FirArir4il ot I! 1 1 , 1,1 Kw v.. u rti,,For
r vr.l a/..1 34 131. to,. 111 t. Rh ,rrtl
.11 grtcdlWral or,
arrltr, K.. 131 V. rlrerl,
,r 4.1 0111 1 - 7 S N %VICK VItSIIAII r
CPr..ll.loltl. I' . l . 'rtnin
1111.1 r line cut
II lualli rd E)e Smolk tog do
Sloan fitic do ‘lo
' For tale very !ow w n coln.ignm•nt ly
IWO et It'IIIIA Nobi wood ...reel
% V A UFA, 111.11:R,, irr ',untying far drink•
:ng nn,l ure. render ng ta+ cleat and
wait, —Thr) if , in very extrolive ufe
li, Ihr For role by
ti I OE() COCA RAN. rd'artod at
tun) Nll AICGS4IOE, 0111.111011 Sind elneell
h •ht. let le. arhi ornall par kaitca. con otan tly on band
end oot emir at the tilo.tord and 'lnce FACte , ly. 27 Filth
It 01)1 , :t4 /t. A I.COlt N
.• , call lot of Ground Coldlrt, in tubcat !booboo and
OdA, &c.—rof sale by jet
.7 KIDD & CU
ntssrae; Hams* a co.,
VDSITE: DANK NOTE ,, , AND: r;:cs •
Fout , a, et'smutty oprotjje toe DAnk of Pittsbuqh..l
CVNIG:Nr MONEY Depoi.e—Slgno
Cheeks for .I.llle, and rolleetionlijnade on nearly all
ihr pnneinaln.ots in the United
The , si-preonimm pa7d for Forrlgn and Anter.c uii
t;n:d •
A d r.ner. nia.k. on con.Lgivar tam Of !'ro.luer
' •N. 110IsNIES A'S N,
Bonikero and Dealers In IC change; Col
' 'and Mani, NoI o
Eo. 55,11KAliitl., STREET, I. TSBEVIGII.
Se: ten, Roirs. Mekong, uysng Kato,
Now York. ' I pr. ,Crnirtal, ,i di
f r adallc:pioa, 1 do lA.,ussw9 r, Ida
ilmltnuorr. ' 1 .'o SI toms,
. . . Ido
Vac I::crs. BASK NOTES. Buy igg Ralr
11114. CO. .t S. op (harp, Idi
do Rehr! Now,
do Pron.ylsoool f'y lAn
1111 New VozE J. s o fdo
\ eo
V ir4iui
N. yr 0,1 , 3110.
3 Ito
OSIRPLen. /LE, llate of the firm of Wm. A.
11,11 A Co r) 00,100'31 aCu 11 1%.1,0 of Evr,
hoe e•ocrr.J!o4n Coportnerthip, and., the t•sore or
"ILI. 2 CURRY. Ihr output.: Of cam, sag on
ranks g nd I isehange tru , irsen. in all hs branch, ut
No 1,5 a
ockl •trem ihret. door,' below Fourth, west
xiJc—a hem boy utheit the etwom 1. their (trends runt
de publia generally. JOSEPH II HILL
inchls WA C CURRY
JOSILPII 11. 1111.1.. NM. C. CUir.hY.
nanacEns & EXCHANGE itHoKr:r.s. nr&t.Eric
An 43 Wood kite,. third door below Tooth. ve.l sole
D Alt Funds and Cnrrrney rrce.ved on Orin-Ake nn.
roil..t.i.ont nine, on nil the proicipnl t'it,e• of the
Eickangc on Ite:nroorc.tire s York. nocon and Cotilltn.vit constantly for sale
Mtn, Indiana. Kentucky. Virgo:. told l'entray
flank Notes 14.fuFl1 nod mold on tft‘orni•lr trent.
ExchanKe On England. !min.], lictotany 0101 Prato_
pfoeurrd. r . Ac. mcldli
1,F1 . 0. , 171 , , HANK Sot!.
A N 1:t.,1 E.
N.. 64 Ilerod ow deo, a.kyo-r FavrtA. Fag rid
mchitll --_Plitsburgh, P. .
_ _
n Forelen nod IlIon,l;e lElls of lizototnce, Cerlifi
rate sof Halo.ll, Dunk Note. and Coin. owner of :Id
•e.d nod street., directly oppoiite Clio It. Hotel.
pp Indiana, lielnuery, and Prnna. farad, a!
Wanly and Ca, Or rapurchaPed a , enolueeilr.a7
, olleetlons on Cieemnan. Louisville, :St. Loin
J •ad all oecceoblepatuoi in the United :stains mad
promptly. and upon the lowest term, by '
N 1101.1ILLh SON, Exchange Brokers
mc1,15 •.
1" , Market Pt
lolleetiona on 011.311 RD. Lon: and
V all other twerps:tile points to the United Stater,
made on accommodating ten.. HILL h CURRY
opal " Wood pt. next door to Esgle tftloon
V.ze hang. on Niw York, 111:!adelph andop, Belo
more continua, tor Ca it' toy HILL B CL'IIRY
t-s 1? Woodat next door to Kai:hi Saloon
ta i Lir n e k n . c w y or toe Ohio fiTillatta, und kerack .
anted tit very 'ow s of discount.
11.1. k. CURRY
aps Wood et—nest door to Earle tiCilnon
1111 , sad Kant tacky •ttan k
kl Now+ purchneed al low raw, by
N 1101.:11E. A. SON
5.1 Nlarko oi
CLI.11 . 111111t4: 141 . 01.1.1:1;"
:it)." 7 0 IV. STREET. VITrRII/ ROO,
A ANi , KER witott , ule and tte..ler,
t%E.1.4,0 Reutly.rnade Clothin7. would renreet
full- s tate 014 method of rolieillnt the attett.ton of their
C.1.4/01,• lin.l the puldte vueratly, to the Intlomng
it.. or their .tork An mole and u , sure ill. to also. tam
they ocli na cheap hnot cheaper than A.. 7 othel
hvblashhta the CL.,. Our fat',lo.c.. of puretta::ug
and at ma... taring g 0,14. arc Opel: a. , to etuttoe nt
all I: me.t Leen lull a..ortnttat of eady I.llt elnhh
me...le-A [m t. than they can be obtained el.e . tehrte
Ihe orr‘rn. ee
I,lv hand constras 10 pan of the rut
iowtoe dr.a.ripuon of ttiKtals:
1 . -1. dn . do Ftench
7.0 nrnp•n and inv:stde grern .25
eon.. wiendiely made .4. or eno•t
him pa, panl•, id .IYle• qua,tin,und pace.-
.210,/ r ilo 010 da
doter. I .‘,,c.” pla.n sod stitch,l .thrts. L..
trawni.j i.. 011";
ern w: ar.d node/ *Mr, ut <vet. van, ty, of
h h 1,1,111.,J hl
Wfi - re roc, No fii \V - nod street up
A noth4r ...owe of those fine roy G 14111.11.11,
/4 .arre very fine, wa.h t:yron and etztr.ding
-ane.litn dc: 4 ICW dozen urn
t. tn,4141.. wait Lath 11,,t011.•nd .tandlng °liner ut
incite.: • a •••pictfilfil as4orow ”t of ,orde.d and plate
•t ••,i do: norm. With
-1 sausertber lysing •aa.e co we we:or:re
5.01111.51511 v with new no.: lash
as,- a. ti va!,len loth, way to 'ell as near
F....lerig pro-, a• tre,slos se II Limit All a/atom:Woo
of the goods .a rolbre.gol•y oolgroged
A Kent for Fasvern nwoofst.gurers
pCIC. ItEDl,El,—Thon,d, l'nober. No 47 Mor.
I' abd Holders eren 1,14111i1 . 55 1 14 r! e/.
• vv. nub dutly aggolookus are I , :oe obale go ,t,
be, a, hegshed—of new and s; , lcod.d er. s Also,
et, a•loord sgbel, of Errovi Pep, n,..i.Vor.hri
gis r,engly rt.locr..l the pi gees arl the above
uthe IT. ill 1115 loge, not entoonatra.] he.
pt- and 10 sell for cash. c thati any esint.l.sls.
mew of !hr kind, East or %Vet osarra t
of the monogamy
~..*U31111133n. 1 5 0511 A VIVLoo—N - uprot a gut: uo,org•
CAmerst of 51,11:smoggier Slat,. ut the New Yore
0101,111 Mut. e'aresq. to)21 W II GARRARD
(134NA1111.11taN-1 bale.very heavy Vi goon Osna..
%.1 wrs.. j tag re. river and got aula by
13)13 a!lAcfa.l-rr& W141111.93 , 3atul ot
ljts !hr.. atncht of Rich bac and Co , nred Can
on 'Crspe roruln the New York any, 79 mark.)
enesq a IV II GA RICA RD
ri 'WEE:DS—A vrry largo u.Corlincnl of :1 4 and
6 41Vounen and mixed 'I weed., cu a s
of 51, nnol c M.r..acthe very unique and deettablc for
cncArldr. junn rercivcd and la. rain Isy
tnt 15 : 4 11ACK1.1.11' & arraJ st
lj pert°, heavy It..tap C 01....• subd l'nJdulp.. juni
ter.c.,•rd and for rule by
. .
l eupply jo•I tcce-i.rd, ilea , pattern, at the Nea.
. IV II t; iIRARn
goo., 114, Jrnn., lust tecrivrtl aid for sale 'rn low
Itoouitt , :turCr.' by
InylS sIIACKLETT k WHITE, 99 .a.. 1.1 wt
Nlllll/ IltiFrtn•
I{:nc4 Cukved,Cro
rh,i. !lugs, .9a4 received - and for sale
l.y Fll EATON'
I INEN. OIIf:IN EDGING.: Egyptian I e ,
ilawide Lae. for Nin•quiin Nets Linen and Conon
Mese Mack' and Drab Morocco for Saar.,
Rrro4, Caps and Lir•le %Wien, for onle
/ OSCIN ITO NIK.TTS-301.5-1 Itarrrdlllo•nui , o
a good artmlc and lo , g pin•re—lun revr.ved
and tor ,Ric
. in 0.1) SII A CI.Z LETT s: W I 1111 , .,99 won.! • t
n APRIL 31UALINS— I rx4 , , White. Mack. l' Ink
1 ll.ur and col . ured Niter 510• Ii.. jut.t bpentJ
eml int
-1,1, mere+ sort open ot tite srboke rood, .i,:end , d
rrw chrop. RI Ikr 7, [or rk
V./Nlorkt, slrt et '41)21 lv II GARRARI) re
)ANNER TID MMINGS-61111.11. cold nn.i
1 kvnlt TAtrel* ktpl
'orb —recrtvrtl 6) I xplerr end for r.ale
I , 11 FATON
IVIITAIN MUSLINS, ot a grcor-vArlrty of
my Ir.porlutllog Chtostz. for W Wow
tartom.. to Lr f.)Lal.lut dry poiln I.u, of
np.2l'.l:l:tv N I: rnr and Nlsrkrt .1.
1F - .7n: wry SI'itING , PILINTS-1 . 1 rav
01 I,en t ria:l strw .1)1e: ,prlog
nar3 rum la,
otlll !we .IEI, .M• 1 rtroiveil .nle 1,,
ot,rl AIA1:10.171 . 1111.1 , - w0n.1.1
N !Lit-TES AND GiNt:iiAit
M - iv i t
.plty invites the attemon of buyer. to hi. excellent
P•IMI.CIII of al./vet:on& Gitml.amc at rvd:tced
" - COTTON YARNS-15,trat II" 'Gannet! Via. t'oi
NJ tan Yarn Candle Wick, ent, and ItAttitte,
fora e at manufavutt t , 1 .t+ ttt liters
tC, PENGICII'S L IlftS":4J.l.l received.
, rer
rack .Sl,tp Sartmat 1., 4 t zol•-tccetteer's" Lam
Steel Pave, 'I inapt...Ng a a., ectters , t‘tts.rtnt• m.
be attemiun of Machin]. wt.! ron•urrirra Fiter.ilty
t* nvited. LOGANS. Kit:NM:DV
101/ wood street
VOR u. 1,., 41 11,1 Window soli; IU
lI Rein. lititehr•; it !fowls: 13tents,1
1 . 4,,r11 . 11,11. W.tollru VI And n small tsttp..
1.1, .at Wa.lti.ostds Ax. Ilatultes. Lotittville Lime. Ilay
1L0... and F001...--.ct .ote low in any a... way In su.l
1:c.1 AC GAlll{l 4
t en rinn. rie4r
r OLD. ANL/ fellES-Neeetved
ot Gold and bl.ver
Watches, stable foi Ladies and Gentlemen
--n( the 14,e.! and lialt ui d-on titt patterns and of the best
nunufadore- wasynnictl and Jur .etc at very In., nri•
lel 0 W WILtiON
ET'rER AND CAP PElt -just remised
on en...pullet., nral tut sale low at private sate t
mums super. lacer. rt. Paper, 'Turkey!; i ds;
tat on Iltshop'. Lc ter raper,
0. Lawn.ore A l• Ire, raper;
'lt) an du Cap rapt it;
1 ,.•0 I w JOGN DAVIS
LI AILS 1•AR111•11A - 3 bottles It, Toe...seed .
Clear.oportlla, which the Ihnter '...tracr roper.,
to dater dnitJ'r, nfi.mre,e , nate..
the geenely for the some ertee. , —joi.t reemortf and rot
sale by H E SELLERS, No 57 %Waal ehreet,ole Arr.,
Ilk, A Ileehetty Count,
W= B- 1 - 1 1 rOn n " a j te% % :" ".. .rntlTZeTi t lfn:f
-Sunman," and • lAndon hlarker• Madeira; Palo
Sherry, Lisbon, Dry and Sweet Alatagn Wines-war
ranted pare—in eaua and bottles, ior In de
(2OLD PENS-A very Ivyrre and arell •elaered
VA mock of .rhe best brand•of,(rold Pon, lusropeu,d
and for ..le at dm lowest pricer, by
C.,ILV Bli WAlLE—Table.Tea.Deuerf.nodf3oup
Onpreme, Fork, hvgar Tong, Hat er Knives. fke
mansoneured and for sale by W W WILON
-Corner th keid Markct aA
ROP0:1211.2. will Pa teeenred at the Office am
JIIIALIOS. 'Over and Kanninksk Cazapany::
ill litchi:son& Va., tuna the 15th /illy mxt, km' the Nei
stroction'of ttneemone dams actor' James' River , do •
the hoe of the Contpance Canal between LineithalX
and the mauth of t •e. North neer. The fitel of sant
dam vfnl bo about 3111 It en and ICal feet lon/. and •11- e
oared about 4 mica above Lytteldlaft I hc ‘ ,°°.4
be abentlS ft 11:0 and 'ant ft long, aml situated about 9,
Mae. went of I.yoehborgt,t the third vrlll aboal 24
'tlhgh_aml 3l, o tt +'lltate I about 13 miles areal '
of A nelthu.g! The tottonl r.f theft. dams are of
reek, and the he mooted lobe rat:
ran a+ high 2. low dlitlnC vreaent flea
+on Plan Set told anti/son, .eon, and spreigentipos
ohtalned. at the, 011. co in lticlanot d 11, ul
the aulocril,r'g ()dine on raid I:ne above I.yttel,l4rg;
on tont alter the IAI o 7 Joie neat.
WALTER OW V% N,Chief Hoginter
• Jam* River arKanawha Co'
Ruaunoral. 2•1111 May. 1,11% 191294tavetbla
lkl/K.IN RINI/MAL WORK—lwietieal alter;
/Avenous on me of Ilie s dlienites of the ReclUna
AM.. and Contiginu• 'Pointe, giving their nature.
w`at. cau.s antl y pitLeintion.:
.-tpeeintly ad.lrested to ;tic non gurd,ear reader. by W.
Rettig:tinnier M • Ir. of houiavilir, Ky.
The author of ihi. work has within the last few Ntimi
ttrnledupwriFd•tvarolanufred eases OS
Pitee and wltliout eitherdie knife, the -
mensal, or the peernlial eau. ry.
For rale 21 the Melt:ore of .J READ
Prig Foerth, near Market airc 4 l
ilthe Allegheny ltridte t`einpane, Nit-burgh. June 11,
1 , 47 —A !UK tutg of the - Stoc k !widen , ceC
. .Cotao.y
for VrIVIIIM a Wedge river the Allegheny Rivet, oppo.
Pintliaigh, in the County of Allegheny.* will tie
,holden the Toll Ilona. on Wi`urday, the 19th instant,. ,
'al's 0., fora special purpose. ` •
JOHN llARPl4ll,Treatiacr
ISS TeiliN - Hl7
41i/DIR OF EATING 110-
1..!44e- e Mr. U. Dexter, of liosion: tin. arranged and
anted a plan tor Lrati og houe il ti , which ha t been suet
tete:ldly Rood in !twine. New ti ark. he , and wherever
spplied. hasreceived the derided prefers-dee over
Inoue., Furnace., its ear:image* are,
I 4t. (knot regularity of Temper:mire.
dud. Freedom from Smoke.
• Oct No unpleasant Wylie.
4 `i anendeti sa, and not liable to get onto!.
. rah Went Ferability. _
A Model and Spri`ificanosi may he seen. and the ap•
status eloained at the Copp,. And Tinware factory of
\\'M. U St , AIFF, First ran el,
ray2s,l bet. Wood and hlarket tts•
17 Martel •nrret. nats' - receiving his arming
mora of hoot .-Faritiabing hardware, Winterise,
nio•line 10 pun re fidiinta i—
e ban Japamled Wan, Eakti.h and Amerman;
4 hat Britannia do do do,
ti casks Rogliph Tinned Satire Pans;
I do Oval Pot.• ea,. Trey arid Wells,;
I du l'araineiluil Wait
I do Weaned War, I cask UrigaWare;
Petellis assorted Copper; ell plate, Tinned Copper; •
IWO LIII/ula Wile: 50 etAT/eV l`late;
op 9 UM.AI'.I7 Market
Ci ntinragi, 0., March Z4l; 1847.
Dear Sir:—This is to certify Ip the public, particularly**,
those afflicted with • disease of the Lungs, or Consumption.
that in the Sprin of 1044 I ario attacked with • sterna cold
which som, became mated up. A
my lungs, showing all the
rymptcans GI an-approaching C.sumption. My cough Ins
tight and troublmome, attended with copious night sweats:
spit up daily a ronsidenibl , anaiitity of Mood, isaiird with
hick dark matter. My situation became serious and alarm
ing. Dining this time 1 was attended by two of our most
11121Physiciara; thiy .1;.1 the beet they could or we, when
rngth they gate up 111, hope, or
me fiat nothing more could be done—that my binge were
tally diseased, and beyond remedy. I was Ilia persuade-a by
a friend of mine to make a trial of Dr. tiuncaris Rapers*.
rant Remedy. which my Physicians peniatedagainst,mying
Out this medicine would do no good, and would sliD add
more to my sOffeying. I told them it, was my last and only
Lope, and that if I must 31e oftise dustam, (which was eel
deal to at,) Were would Le nothing bet, So I out to the
Cincinnati Office and obtained 5 irititha of Ibis truly Valua
ble Medicine, and covameweed using acconling rdrist direc
tions, which, instead of adding soMy auffering, inimediattly
gave me relief, at once arresting the troubleseMi - Cough
easing the pain and nghtness to my Choll giving lie a new
life and strength, which soon enabled use to be about again.
This medicine continued its good work, which it so nobly
oinmenced, until I was made a wand man.. I hare - some been
%neutral to my business, (upwards of a year.) and &el as
healthy as" I wish. I have recommended Dr. Duncan's Es
:aeon. Derneily in many natant. to dime sishilarlyaßlictol
and it Las always peeved successful so Car as I hasewitnessed
its effects. fily sitter i. using 1101 medicine at present. br a
Ltrer and an Affection J.N. Lfings, whfch she
had suffered with fursome times she has nrarly . iscosered
Lj the use of this medicine, and I ma confident OW: 6 bottles
that I mks with me to-day willentirely cure Ler. l'arn sorry
10 know that thew are thousands of valuable pentane wasting
away with this dreadful destroyer—CONKUSIPTIOIV.
Were it only possible for noose to procure this medicine in
time, before it Le tot, Lttenst.y lit es might be probtiged and
thew families mid es Latinittotiatio rendered happy. This
ntedscitte_will give instant relief, and of the same time arres
the hard and lainfulCough, remove the tightness in the Cheat
gist. strength to the enfiebled and emaciated franW, and in
mod caws, I am certain, will
~i :e. .. , f o) r i t t u a4nurice.
1 1 . 1 1 1s:t r t.
,F ...At
Montgomery, Hamilton County,,Ohfo.
N 11.—Those who trmy nut—be nequainted
_hill, ye, Ilzfer .
to the undemlne..l. enfants %f t. ..M:271r Lia.m „ iz i. ut i n ,
'ys ' th e/.
.Noitnanx e..,., o,
CAT, J 8 / 1 1111DLL
nt where tilt. mlttable Medicine cana!lnty, he d
" Vann 111 Pitt,t_surgts. by WM. JA CKSON, nom of
W,nni and Liberty .prll.4lkor
P 1 -E S.
nit ING Pik, Specific ,as ittlental rcmody
cr ain . d radical edre _whether watzrrtal, estereal
blerdiug or blind, also, for irritalioa alba kidaeys laid blad
der, Nino io the back* nad side, habitual crap
• Imp fie a. i.e., ..fifi...x.sul.are often troubledwith eunstipation ti.e ,reustisetiess, as well es 11111
rd.. ell 11.11 CAI. We Specific Can be tat. willrpet_
Feet safety, sad is a certain reified y. Tfie Specific i. mit •
purgative, and is.n entirely segCtable remedy, without ape,
IICIE of gamboge, colficyuee or efies- , leasant to hale arid pert
fierily harmless in the moat delicate eve.
This is to certify that I know Dr. Ingsddsky'e Pile Sperik;
to be, certain cure mid safe rewledy. , hiving was ily drag.
in mseral rases, amongst my funtly muscling% in murrain.=
firmed and severe caws of the inks, where it made an entire
ciare in every. ow. ' HENRY WIIITEIIELD.'
New York, piy, 1845 al4 Sixth slyest.
1 cheerfully girt my testimony as to the certain mad Alston
ishing effects of .Dr. Ingoldsb)", piles Specific, as I know it
from my osnseel...knee and observation, to be infallible:
having seen it naml with some. iu smeral cues of piles male
and female GEO. MIL t '
- New York, M.', 12,15.
Mr. limb—Dear Sin-1 hate the pleamin-so y, that
your medicine, Dr. Ingolthiby'e Piles Spoctsc, has made • pc,
feet cure in the Care of my tisteroad I nowNire )oar my word
that 1 hare been zurprioed at it, io it um to my opiumm Ma
p,milde m mire her. lloweecr,l can now faqir,' to the mod
seineu betng. to fallible, and do ailvi. ell 'others who are of
!lima m thelike manner, to imocure thi article, irdicy may
depend co • certain curt. •
Yours with roped.
WeW Chester, Y. Y., May 15,1645.
Dr. logoldsby—Demr Siff—That you may benefit others
who may he suffering, as well . 1,, .press soy gratitude Su
the bertertil Kase derived inam the use — of yo. valuable Spa
mite, I te.ply with) rquest, and now do gin say testi
y [mot of it, bas our
ing been eared or a severe attack of
the Piles atter - Main toml other remedies without success.
Tours with respect.
Sold 'wholesale and retail by W5l. JACKSON,at his
tut Medicine Warthouse, and Boot and Shea Sttue, No. el.
Liberty streetrtmad of Wood, Pittsburgh: Prim 501
7 til
per boa. jan 1.1-41
"on, whore tee th is Coal and y Plow—
You.,..rhme skin is dark and
You. whose how to harsh and grimy,
P. 64, dirtY red on fiery --
You, a boon vile offensive breath '
Unpleamnt in m putrid death—
Von could tiage—boy, man or girl—' ,
Te.alt es white as meow or pent 1,
Breath a otney sweet, and miracle
Pure and ',Axe andkenooth and amanita! - -
And hair t oil silky, dodo as aloe,.
tly rending what I.lod - below. •
REA It KM , . any of)ou can have rho at one 14 (mind
this is no truth,) aping a ar !mole ofJones's Pe
al lisle Rettorative—a box of loam's Amber 'tooth
Paste—and as mike Of the entwine Josef. Imban
Cheat bop. The ;uncle% coat :Cal little, and you
ore easurtul that die following newthcfr real qualities:
The torifff porno gives the bread; a saract odor, white
teeth, and preserves the teeth, he. The hair stuff all
know to Le the most exquisite thing ever made fur arcs.
wag beautifying. and causing the powth co' Bair; and
the whip, (get the pullout. Jotirn . 3 :Want, nand) will cure
nll eruption., freckles, he end make data fellow
white. clear and lair. All there 'limas any mid 101111)
at W JACKNIfs> Pont and Phoe :tore and Patent
Medicine NV areliourc rJ I.llserty at., 1101
CoOtsitnitilloso Consolation,
Imes siekile•A weigliapon your I,'cartt
Or piina afflict your Maim!
Try Dr. Duncan'. floating An,
And it will tire you re,
It clears away the misty cloud
llosea..,,ptend.cier .uprrnd.o•rnhe Pool,
A zul whisper. throttr,lt the g . .ou.ny sltrott)
”Your iserthls 117ny ¢er be whole."
ice yonil or m.o. of love:) . Imo!
wolo,nng wish decoy;
I ocurcely ttpslhe !mon., &Av.,
Before it fades away.
Toe Won n of Death was in the stern,
And strengthened usdi grew—
And when a bloomed, to lovely getn,)
nipped through:and through.
"I'pal Wane nr Death alight be defitdi
If Dr. Duncan's artsvere trieJ;
. .1;0 many lovely damsels mimed
:Ile tat, or an untunely.grave.
DU. DUNCAN'S %V r. , TricN orneE, No ISO
Sac.tntore street, Cuteittnnit, Otto, where his valuable
eat:do.sue k sok!:
eold in I'4...burg!, by W3l JACKS(.l44._rorro.rr of
Wood ind Liberty et.. opll:Wkwl"
G REEN MOUNTA:I.I.,I,?t.:I7.II!SC,,,Acr.
• •.
Gentlemen Some sevenor eght month. sicee. a ante.
utx.r the nm. o• my feet, winch was
very nful, I entemonced nets iim the meal remmlies,
oorPut llo.ucce..llr ly. the. sore 021111110 ed to get
eep, Intend to the size of the palm or my lotitli
I not only had the advice of pls,•trAone. but urcil. all the
tale, and pain clinician. I mated hear of, and tat ono
of ,Lem had the tirret to r',eve fir pain or arrest the
progress of the tore: there al. 4 , 1,0,11111 inflammation
to end a severe slot perpritud pain, sod it bad genial!
Into a regular fetter rote. Ala .Speneer Stamford
of mt • ray. advised me to try tour Ihnnuent; I laughed
at 00 64e., list upon hit urgent mliefletion.leoticleided
to us it, and to my utast relief trod il-toniithinent, ri
most, instantaneously. relieved the k nin, red9e•d rhe
inflammation, and eornmencell healing the sole, •cal it It
is now nearly well.
I do conGuenny end sincerely believe that it will Mir a
any rotor sore. it thoroughly applied.
Respectfully loom S vikrigo . ss
Ferule by R E SELLERS,.] World 81, IPS
TAYARs'BHAIR'PuIII e einnumial lu
attention Of those &moose( relating their lair or
improving its beauty, to this eiecant pleitaranon. We
hear it every where spot so et. and especially by
anthem who have made 5.0 of it, .greatly effitacione
ta stimutinieg the Konya el the heir, and preventing
and Carloe runny taelliour of the skin. Its preventing
empty and sufficiently pprved—N
• l or sale ln Pittsburgh at the PF.EIN TEA SIORF.
73 Fourth at, near iVoot.l; and also at the Drug Store of
11 P sekwasu,Frderai at • Allegheny c i ty. - /ell
f. ,
I i
f "