- GMEITE. mr'uAirrys uftucia*'&,,,4 PITTSBURGR:" . : MONDAY MORNING, JUNK 14, 1847 i M rreetw tau DAILY Osuira publithcif • Duty, Tv-Weekly, awl tVeekll.6—The Daily as sev...o . 13 ollal•pernettato,• the Tti-Weekly 411, Wham r antrum; the Weekly is Two Dctilars_ret sw.m, twicay • Settee to Advertiser.. - ILT Ailrarti•etneutt p ut .e - e ingc/110.1. aboulit he banded in hv. five O'clock in the intern.. .1 neutron to this,an We patrol' oar cuoternel6. WouN produr rant.' benefit. FOR,GOVRILNOR, • JAMES lIEVIN.'t Or canoe corsir.) FOR CANAL CONINOSSIONF.R. JOSEPH W. PATTON, ctrxer447co tiouxii I • GEORGE o r . t pi /..10.1011111., LEWIS-C.. 1. MAM I VELV.E, tif of Wilkin• lildollll Ty . CHRISTIAN SNs Ty MARSHALL SWA !IT% ELDER, 1 . , 11, ,, burgl HENRI' LARGE,oI Mifflin Ty. J. W. BAXTER, of P~•alnu rq4. VOI Cakiya TUCKS/0 PERKINS, of Lower Si (1011 'fp VA acwrvn. Tp STATE CENTRAL C0111I111ITTE8: TROAIAS EFRANKLIN.Lanower V.ty . JOHN C KUNKEL. Dauplnn Conn', • • THOMAS DUNCAN, - JAMES MARTIN , THOMAS C HMABLY, York WILLIAM Al WAITS, Cambeslatnl DANIEL 1H SMYSER, Adman. JOHN P WETllERlLL.Phlladelphiet-o.iv JOSEPH R CHANDLER, - HOBERT T CONRAD, THOMAS MeGßATll,Philadelphls Course HILLER LUTHER, Ream. •-• 'ROBERT AI HARD, Franklm. THOMAS AI T M'KENNAN, We...lnnen. • .AIIIDRF:W J OGLE, Somerreq. HALVAH DENNY, Allegheny. RICHARDIRWIN, Venango. JOSEPH II ICU/INS, Westmoreland. HJ MA X D MAXWELL Nanhainplon . J B SALISBURY. Susgaebnatita. ./ILHANAN SDITH Wyonnag. • SAMUEL A PURVIANCE.IinIk., lIRAIRY_S EVANS, Clone, ROBERT T POTTS, Monlgnlnery. Par Lzm N C O. vr ffi . : ll l <_f_Ci.l . llqc/Itgence.Dome st , c Markei. See fourth Page for Miscellaneous! IFerta Irr the Report of the 11.1 harm, Committee for We at thin Warr' • 'Putt with Mexico It is with real sorrow that we see the prospects of peace receding while time is passing away The recent news hen removed the only hope we haveindulged in from the commencement of the war, that peace was within our reach. In the pos. . Bible election of Herrero we expected much, but disappointed in this, the prospect setips far remo• • ved indeed. This expectation is grounded no less upai3 the obstinate and extravagant pretensians et our own Government, than upon the stubborn ■nd almost uncompromising character of the Mexican People. The Adminianation at Washington, we have reason to know, has advocated tbe i seisure. and poweigan after peace, of the country between the Rio Grande and the Pacific, and atane trme, a line drawn directly term from Timpico went to ',the Ocean. We have seen notaiithorized tell:a :Aim of thin extreme claim emanating from the Capitol. The Democratic Review, however, says: Ail° the lerritory io Le ceded or sold to as bg Meicirx . r, we are of opinion that it wilt not com pile more than Upper California and Nero Mexico and that our Gorernourat mill not lariat, as a condi' iortaf pa2re, ore the right of way aersi ale 'IMMO, of 7OhilartiOpef, but rattier 'nuke :hes • subject Ink subsequent friendly negotiation. be tween The two lister republics." ' This ie more encouraging, though we do tel 'suppose any Mexican Congress, Prefider.t, or Priesthood, will ever consent to sqch a annelid. r of country. Our reasons for supposing this is, that we would not do so run:elves under like cir- comstances. The Review further says: '.eta to the erosion of territory demanded f Ihe Atmicerna, the Adrosmstration usill ma claim it as a forfeit; but offer to pay for it. so 4 to at quire it by purchase. AVe neat a clear title to it; end the administration considers purchase the I • way best of all titles" • , _Very good! But we euppose Mexico is too more'willing to sell tipper Calif:Mils and New Mexico to the United Stain than we shoal,! • be , to salt Pennsylvania, or even Tomo, to Mexico. Pitrietic men do not like to barter easy their country and soil for money. As, fir the railroad pr canal by way of the Isthmus Tehuanteptc.'a communication which Cortex de. aired, and which hos been talked of l'or centuries, , .11 is a ' stupendous enterprise. though in all r e : spent, a practical one. From Guasacualco, on the Gulf, to the Bay of 'Tehuantepec on the Pacific, the whole breadth of the . fallamus is only 125 mile.; and the portage i between the two navigable riven, Goasacualco and Chimalspa, 95 miles. From New Orleans to Guesaceica, the Maumee la about 800 miler; to the Bay of San Francisco, somewhat exceeding 2000,—, a , equa l to sh e soy . age across the Atlantic. With steamship. ply ing between New Orleans and Guasscualeo, Z 1 from Tehuantepec to 'tan Francisco, -`railway through the deep gape of the dividing ridge of the'lstluneta the expedition to Califor nia world be reduced from ta quarter of a year to little more than half a month. All this, we confess, is desirable. So also is a strip of land . on the Pacific, and .Itotb, we doubt not, may be 'secured on easy 9erma; bat when vest conquest. are determined upon, Mexico will I 'not yieli, except upon compuLsion, and no,sgaru of coercion,. whereby we retain vast ,paaes non's, will be sati.f.ctery or permanent. The steamer Psucsa was launched on Sat nnlay it Elaabeth, from thit yard of Mr. Walker. The launch was an excellent one, and a largo crowd of persons were in attendiLee. The Peli can in a low 'pressure biat, designed for the ',herr trade. The 'mei has been aubstautially and is of the following dimension:-150 feet length on deck, 26 feet beam, and 44 feet extrema beam, over guard. The engines ore from the ex tensive and splendid establishment of Knapp dr. Totten.. The Pelican will be ready for service in three weeks, and we 81)111 then commit her to her owners as a model rend of herikiod, - Bemoan erataos.—This delightful Piste; .it will be men by reference to our adedr• thing columns, will he open on the 45th of thin month. The medicinal ninon of them water,! jar, so well kettle, as to render it almost super- INOUE to refer to them. Thom who are suffering ; • from the earious ills which afflict humanity, aro sere ha derive relief from their use, while al..° The merely seek amusement, will Bed In the beantifel Mountain Scenery which surrounds lle ford, and in its gay society, delicious marir, and I excellent table, untiring 'stucco of pleasure and Raßßwtion. .lap. G. W. Huoau, of the Topographical • Etwineent, we are glad to learn, has been ap. pointed to command, with the rank of Lieut. Colonel, of the Washington !Scallion, recently allbd into .01. ice by the President: Copt. H. le one of the moat gallant and distinguished Et ginaara in the nervier, It woe at his auggvatiot that Gen. Taylor took hie, position at Buena ' 1 Visa: kia leper. fo the Departments, watch .hare appeared from time to time in the Wchiog. ton Uniag, hare. been universally ie.d and ml. //stows:v.-0o Ratonlay afternoon, a', matt named Roblin Algeo, heather of M. Thome. merchant tailor, was drowned in the ,111 i, tt> river. ,He was in a slill with two others struck the lint 'pier , of the old bridge on Pittsburgh aide, and he fell out. He petsed . Yitider the:akiir and tbea under a raft, and it oramolor waa not rescued. He waa 18 or 19 cart of ago, and a young man of promise. 'rite body, wairecoyered soon after nal the. Coroner randared • reriicr in accordance with the furs, A roars [LOOK forthoTnini-Chureh whit foot Goei, and one illuminator" at night, like the Pbila delphLe State Haw:it:lock is,teUted of We 'hope that elcek will go 'her" and that without loos of • • • ~,, -fir 141. V.llEii_OP l ,*lr. p ES-ALreirgt./ra] THE: IiNITED 'STATES.. - S`:~s..~t MWRT IN , .VA N BUREN...- . . . Mier/flats three Ex.Piresidenanow livingre: .. John tlii,ney .Adan i, , who I :u? been a member lithe House of IteprMentatirres, since be left the E:XeCtleire mounts in 1829; John Tyler, who has retired to the neighborhood of his old quarters in the iild Dominion; and Aldine Van Buren, who is 11.1 w enj lying a dignified !resole Wq his fancifully teamed country emit ofeLindenorold," near the bank of the North Ricer.attsl in close sort-1 election with the Lily Catskill. Big the rise and promms of this min that we propose briefly to sketch for our column,. Few men have adirene ell from au humbler beginning, and no men has reached a more elevated position. The father of l ' the Ex Preeidemt was Abraham Van Buren, lie. owner of a small farm and the keeper of a logo ellen tavern in the pilitically and horticulturally renowned Tillage of Kinderhook, lie monied one Mary Van Allen, a widow, with' three children, whom,ma.deo name was (Leg or Hoes. The lath / r was ' one Of the peel natured earl of country revertokeepere,worise politics were al Waysin exact keeping with thole of his customers, no matter to what pony they helmeted ; and the mother wag what the world calla a Amur! woman, ambitions that her eosin. alsould be "great Men," and eel!. sacrificing enough to forego all personal comfort, if need be. to pot theta on the road to fortune The father win sew illirerate, but the maihn'e management .and ambition concealed much of this; and though mai tied letelillife. and each to uncongenial,/ rule, neither had cease to repent of the union they hod formed. Both were of Dutch descent, and hod much of the thrift common to the epigram.. from the Netherlands. Martin was the eldest of live children, and the only ono that has become much distinguishid, lie w. limn °tithe fifth of December, 1782, it the Kinderhook tavern hour,. Between the tarern and themillage rcheol he passed his boyhood until fourteen years of ago, In '9l; hereriti>erenced his seven years' apprentice ' ship at the low. in lea valve ailing.; fleet in the office of Feline. Syleester, and afterwards with William P. Van Nem, at New Yotk• Vat. ' NCns wag a skilful teschir both,..in'the arts and myth.- ries" of law and of pointers 'At thmage of about -twenty-one, ho was admitted to the Bar of the Supreme Court of Now 'Yolk, and commenced business at Kinder hook under ' the firm of Martin Van Buren and Swpben Miller. Soon alter be was married to Mims Hannah Hoe., an amiable patty, with whotio he heed most, happily. until her death in 1818. The mother heed to see one of her eons 'a member of Congress, and another Attorney Gel3etel of the State. The eldest ma Abrahm Van Burn/, married a daughter of Colonel Sin gleton, of S C. who is a eider of the lady of the hats Senator McDuffie. Kindelbouk, by the general corneal of all of Mr. Van Buren 's biographers, was the focus of noisy political brewlets, and Martin was always in the midst of the raging Pea of party, and soon made himself a name and friend. among the noi , shat. Like Caleb Quotem, he could plead at bar, play a gems at cards, bet en the election.. .need therue. drive a good bargain, whether in town l..ts or horse (Lain swear in, goad round. oath. , mike a good epeech;mud in a worth pleat" the ma. my by °deciding eel), the f.m. lie was induetri iti• ale, and carry thing was sacrificed to his deter finnan°n to become distinguished. Talents 1,4 ,' had, aid the :y have been much undefeated 1y his politicol opponents.- To get office and get riches no man hoe Mown more skill; and riches, arid 'diet are called bonnie, were obtained much ammo ' by Mr. Van Buren than by any other man of whs. blowy we have any knowledge, llis fortune is ' now large, and in every rupee[ he is What is cell. d independent of the world. The inconsistency 01 Mr. Van Buren. polio ciii cont. must IV adrnitt,d by all impartial mind. lie was again.: 1411 - nrenn's embargo act, and took up with Clinton and Cranford. 115 was for Lis. ii.e.ton at one time, and f r Tompking .t smiths r. In inn i in tent I.r C.o. roorl..ei/ ag ii r ,„ i T ony 1 ... no.! inloo7 precisely In oppaeition. He ins the hither of the Safety Fond system; a di. lector ' in one of the State Banks, and then a pub licly avowed enemy of all Batiks. . in 18U1-'O9. Mr. Van Buren removed hie law office to Hudson, tied remained there until 1815, when he was elected by the ending elite of Gov erner Tomplins, in the , ' lof appoinnannt, Alnirnsy lit to rat of il . - In 1812., lie wag elected to the Side tar. .i., , "Witt Clinton fm Pr.ident agninnt Madison and the friends of Jeffer.on, The next year be acted an one of the Court for the Iteration of Ettore, - arid in .1616 remmed to Albany, where he re_.: -.- rimmed until he weg called to the office of Secre• i Seeeen or Loan lon. Runzse.—On lb. teary of Stale, at Washington. In the „ meantime 12th all, the mayor of the city of London gam he bad been elected Sonator in Coogren, sheer ,an entertainment to the English minister. On Ride. !fire wan his colleague.—and Governor of the occasion Lord John Russell made a speech-- the Siete, which repaid him fur hie rejection from ! , ' the office of Attorney General. .i.t,c following extract from it elates to American In logard to the banking institution., Mr. Van i sympathy, and the prospect for the future: Buren penned a tom crocked policy than any , //The calamity whisk has Maned our brethero , public man ere knit. of. In the war of 1812, be ,in Ireland has called forth, in a moat remarkable ' also pursued the game euccenful craft. He we. i degree, the..mpathiee and benevolenas of the pop-' elternively the friend and enemy 'of De Witt 1 elation of the more faeorved portions of the Uni. Clinton, his enemy in adversity, and his friend i ted Kingdom, (Cheers) 'They had dist/sued to prosperity. Clinton was advised to secure Lis ; themselves in order to come to the relief of those favor by appointing him to the bench of the, entirely deprived of their usual sustenance; andi Supreme Court of the State. The answer of , among those in this country who bad been fore- Clinton was hke the man —"lt'd a measure of ; most in corning to that asaistance, and to swelling mere policy , be Paid; it might be expedient; but I and adding hugely to the liberal and munificent so unprincipled a man do I consider Mr. Van ido- subscriptions which have been raised, ttone have ten, that I could never justify myself in makingl scummed those whom I have the honor to call ray such an experiment merely for the sake of disarm.constitheney—the banker. MeICI2•IOS, and t'l tog his reeentment ageing( me." • 1 dames of the city of London, (Cheer..) But, my 'TIM sou in 1819. In 1841 the New York lord,thig spirit 'of charity and benevolence has net ' Evening Post held opinions as Min I h and decided been confined to the city,or indeed to the biotin as tine, declaring that Mr. Von Buren had "little ;of the United Kingdom. lam hippy to say, that moral fri th of any kind."and it was added, "the I day by day we receive intelligence that those who der:cleric, drives him into an artificial code of pa- I bay* sprung from the same origin as otweelvee lirical practice, in which he refer. all 'coda] ac. I have a fellow.feeling with °uncle*/ in oar Pws. yens into individual honesty, and all political ac- l eat adversity—l mean the Convene and citizens Lions to combinations of those ietereets. He be. of the Honed Stew. (Cheers) Neves firmly in the force of management. or the eThey ham shown the deepeat sympathy for tool, considerete, artful application of general pro- themiafortunes under which this Country hut been poei mtioanse., ng to th as ter as these cae existing temnpebe r and opinions of j labo ri ng, owing to the failure in the production of the acertaiped, end I the neccuary food for the poople. I rejoice in sellout. any leading reference to their propriety or i his manifestation of oympethy and !therein,. It durability. lime polities' morality never reachet si I shows that no remotenese of distance, that no di. Inc ag to a moral power or neceorary troth in pod l versity of institutions, that no record. of Pepin he rpoinion He belongs wholly to present mine, I tioo, even, though written 'in bloody cheese and may be said to represent trading or boaineei I ten, hays obliterated that sympathy which gringo politic/ ! ; from the BIM origin. Remembering that they There are some marked enntsin Mr. Van Ha L.peak the sante language as eureelvu th [be ' ren's life, which nerd more epee than I have time I read the nine author., that they have, at the dune y to give them. it is Minna that he was reject*, I precepts of. divine tenth on the banks of the find by the Senate of the United Stites, is Minister to ma and Mississippi that ere lead from the bulks England.. for conduct believed by them who voted! of the Thames and Shannon, I rejeice that they ageing him to be derogatory to the national hon. have there the same enlarged spirit of charity and or. Genet.' Jackson however, said in Ms behalf, , liberality; and I ant d. n whatever May be the that Mr. Van Buren accepted the minion with re; the misfortunes of a present time, there is this reluctance, and in . all that •he had done. consoling circumdahoc--a circumstance lending which was complained of he, he had obeyed his to mite the two countries in the bond. of Moll ' inetructions. • His nomination was went 'e the erhood, kindness, and affection. (Chen) Alt -w Senor, in Detember, '32,and on the 25th of lan- , me then, holding the high office that I do hold in miry was rejoctej, 24 to 23. Mr. Calhoun, as Viml the councils of iny sovereign, to sinter. mystlf President, giving the casting vote agtinst him. In I deeply indebted for the sympathy which huts m March be left England for the Continent, and in I exhibited by the American nation. June rembed the United States. A year after. I //Permit me also to add mowed with regsid e and le., he we. honed( the presiding ollitei of , the present circumstances of the countiy. I In who Scour, as the successor of Mr.-Calhoun. i not mean to hold out any flattering hopes that we a potation which he held for four yeara,f and are now suffetiog from misfortunes, which must which was followed by hie /decrier' to the Exam. ibe of • temporary character. The extreme de or , nee office. Inese of the mein articles of food, the dearness et In the affair of pen cm! Jackson and Afrs, ga- I the same time of the great staple of our ' mat a wn, which sowed discord in the cabinet, and among facturm—thcin and other'eircumatences roost I !t -raveler, Mr. Van Buren acted so conepicuous a tail en this country for a considerable Join ge et part that it is nesessiry to notice his agency in it. difficulty, and, perfume, considerable suffering. I I 111.11 do so in the language of Gen. Jackson's do not think it would be either wise or manta qa drat Secretary of the Navy, Gas. Branch of N.C., '.tie to shut oar eyes to these fails; bat I laud lb t. who gives the following account of the pan, Mr. by the combination of all chime in thie'coulut.; V. B. acted in this nationally d is graceful oo by that absence, which lam proud to seknowl. currence. Gov. Branch in hit letter of the day . edge, of any wish on the part of any party to rye: embarrass the the executive government in its gental Mr. Van Boren, it most be borne in naiad, was a to legislate with a view to meet these &Incubi ei widower without daughter.; and he adroitly seeded and calamities by that Spirit which animates i• /I eiinseir of all hen privileges as such. lii) diem warriors in 'toe plains of India, which coal les tin. to Mr,. Eaton were 01 the mat marked char. our soldiers to encounter in the, meet sultry i li. acter. Polite and assiduous on nil . n .anions, be __ ~__. and 0 ,„,_ .„ ; _ iwan ..,_ .., wag particularly no In the pretenie eat t ;en. Jacks/in! male eer y "."', "..v"? ' ~.' ""." or Ale. Elton. Ilia influence, in every variety or by the poweeef the time. slog., M, confidence m lore- both off. rid end unofficial. wog exerted to the Almighty, that all thew difticolioes may be make 0 ;gluten' In Iliose gentlemen that he enter. i overcome, and that Ihe glory :and prosperity of eel deeply into their feeding; not, in fact, that he eathin great nation may heprowived."(Loulebtes•) red anything about them; but he ler/maw the pos. er te tie acquired by pursuing such a cowrie, and I had rte eerupies to restrain him. At length, Con JAckann. alter the meeting or Congenn• la Decent. ber. let 9, finding the lames of Washington to be impracticable. determined that the families of his cabinet shoeld mbtait to. terms or be dismissed. emigres era. in Se... ; the Lidice or the mem bers from Tennenee. even. held no intereoerne v.. :iln.17•100 ;nor, in fact, the Oreeidenter own family. The friend. at the administration beams siesmed, telt the exerciee tif melt demotic po wer ebouldoverwheirn them all, and warded effnlie Ow pending Mow. Ter situation or etra. Laton,lner• ewer, mien/steel the.l resident's Inhale nitai ,i' and hr cone need to be much occupied In eolleceini ,ertig. icatee,orincipally from MSc. seeker., to *main her. This book of certificate*, for a folio did it . soon become,lwaithat on which office smitten first qualified for ogee. la the meantime, Mr. vse eel ten, who. had artfully contributed to Whine th e Presideot's mind, doubtlese, in put, lad/mine hire to believe that Mrs. CalhoueOrrefesal toren/Mgr.; Eaton's esrd to February. 1829, bad influenced the (entities of the Cabinet to puram the comae thee bad adopted towards her, finding Lisa wrought up to the mad fury of a , oaring lion,' to- use Co,. Johnson'. deacription, thought it • good lime au uncage and torn biro loose as Ins most foroildaMe rival, Mr. l'alhoun, who was then Vice reeSidlllo, ME=M ! m algreijilivith - 11iiiIii - Wisirreis" . Oß K *l4.7l (Van Beres) attached to service undetench odder • , :rm, manner in which the orskiendly comes, f liondeiseetonammenced between Men' Jackstmend i Mr. Calhoest, taken in connection wit the time; ie Isufficient 10 convince any intelligent mind that it mat instigate/16y Van Buren I one every anise to defeat his purpom. Often bore I etreated Gen. Men Jackson to avoid a rupture with Mr. C Itioewias no good could result trots such a quarreli Ha allega• Boa spinal Mr. Calhoun was a mere pretest; Von see him now in sweet i ommunion with throe Who in 'lBl9, were his moot 'bitter assailants. By this • time, I well understood the characterof Mr. Van i • Korea. With him, I found that the dud justified the means; and, ai the stestructinn of Mr. Calhoun was the object nearest his heart; he wee very wil. • ling th e old Chief; for whom ho prefelised so mech love and veneration, should accOmplith this work for him at any and every hasard to honsell I be% hewed then that Mr. Van Buren placed tan low an estimate on the Wine, patriotism and intelligence of Gen. Jacksod to accomplish his parpoara would! prove delusive. • • • It doe. eurpaas ill belief that the roof, diapaesionate and tinpnnhipled w ire worker in this plot should, by .uch coaling, render himself acceptable to a Iree, generous, patriotic and enlightened people." I hare seem for no more, and will only add that Mr. Wan Buren owes much of bit success to hi. cunning. He was never known to show anger or to resent an insult. Asa politician, he always culated by ihe roles of addition, aubtraction. multi plicetion and division. He has counted every thing upon principles of lore and gain: and the aim and cod his been the sena., whether appertaining to dol. lays and cents, or the honor of office. He is ens' tiemely nest in his person, cermnnioaa and polite in his intercouree, and reserved 3n his manner.. If he has ever had any sincere friends beyond the poli tician. whom he ha. served and those of his own household, he is • mach better roan than he is esteemed to be by the majority of men. Englieb Nemm lit)ondenseil for the Pittsburgh Gazette ) An act was recently introduced into Parlia ment by Lords Uray and Somerville, the object of which was to convert a Civil debt icto a Crimi nal offence, and the terms of which allowed ••any formable to stop and detain all carts and amines employed in removing the furniture of any house or lodging, between tho hours of, eight in the evening any six indite morning, until inquiry can be made as to the Cause of removing at such um usual lime; and each constable may atop and detain all such carts and carriages so employed, at any other time, if there is good reason to sweet the cause of removal to be fraudulent. Lord Brotierana censured the bill, and succeeded hr preventing it. favorable consideration. The bill was regarded as one not alone calculated to pre. vent fraud, bat to prevent the poor . laboring pee. ' ple who ereunable to lose a day In the nect army removal of their effects from place to place. Toe armies or Tes•scrs is aloe the subject of agitation in England and Ireland. Sir Robert Peel has :taken hold of it, and justly concedes. "that in all cave. where a tenant has made dura ble improvements on his farm, and is pat oat-of that farm before these improvements have roam created him for his outlay, he shculd be entitled to compeneation by law." TUC COON AND N/1 , 10,1101 Lava, ACCSA ding to the high authority of Lord John Rosati (premier of England.) are to be further reopen& ed for three menthe longer. T”na za great suffering. we are sorry to see, among the workingmen of England. The Manelimier Examiner rcer, with reference loth, manufacturing Ilint;icla, that 317 mills us going full time, 905 short time, and 95 closed. Of the workni,n 77,000 have camstant employ, 84,00 get work part of the week. and 24,000 are unem• pleyid. There wasno proepect of any immedire improvement. in iviteunittutt to this suffering do we end the following demand foi How room for tie crown! Mby Douglass Jerrold. We expect that same cnmprmaiss will be necreaery between Parliament and the Queen. Pastor child/en or leas support will La the principle of the compiumise. The one or the other must be reached by hook or by crook, though to inserfem with each grave mat, tan would probably te a new matter for the Eng. bib Parliament: On Nlondey viela whet cn ott, cdt g piciute did Lord 11.0(111dran of his idejeszy at Llucluitabriro Police, with her children at nano in. Windsor; a separation inevitable, utak. Mr. Blare had tber £150,000 ($ 75 0,0301.10 erect en addi tion.] front to the palace." l'bute £150,000 are called (or to accommodate five children., Mow if the "Juttu.tie happuvess"—so prettily phrased by the l'Oet—reivirea.Clso,ooo et prevent, we ranch (ear tniit d!ioulti ibe -Jorneiini: Lappin. lie Ina bled in Its amount, the cost would proportionate. ly 64. 'Tbur—For flu children,. J:150,080; for fificen,.C4soooo. We trust that Mr. Home will cunrider (Ida 1.41 es from Merida and Yucatan hair been re ceiveitnt New Orleans. The pepete contain lit. tle of importance, excepting an culler -Nat the Government of the State in. tepid to the mariner in which their vessels most If.. the Mexican flag during the difficulties with the United States. '1 he Mexicali llegis recognized at the only ono which lineman has a light to use; but beside it, a white ti.g.,witb a red and erten bar crossed in a dingo. nal direction, is ordered bs be nerd immediately under the Mean un flag. u • distifirtion for Yuca tan Vessels. 'fel following remedy for bowel complaint sel dom known to fa, i• by the late distinguiahcd Dr. Whitman; • Take of Rhubarb root. I es, Cardamon Seeds, the !marl g ot, English Saffron, 2 drachm., and one Nutmeg. Bruin the whole well in a mortar, pat them in a pint of the IRS quality of Cogatic BilndY, cork the mixture well, stand it la therm or before the fre Cony eight home, (occasional? shaking It ap) it will due be ft for ow; • tee spoon full to be taken three Muss • day. ox,aiatly Parisahh n jean ago go gepOittd taigroucelhut saiggthi ' ll ° ll °o d011400d4 itj duriog his life, from w ali!iDg nee lanually-, 1 From the N. Y. biro lam,' Farmer'. Truot,l Ohio Troia-- Pennsylomie A Gorord life, . 09.200 Oithdre subscription the N. Y. Expiry'. Oise hied this now. aria:muting to nearly fif ty thoitiatd dollars in all, tie had received semi annually; and the condition: were, that at his des map, the whole sure originally paid abaft meet to the companies. The companies are, by his de. cease, relieved not only from the annual payment of a large sum. but have realised a great profit. The Farmer.' Trust have after calculating inter. eat, receirrid twenty-five thousand dollars; rbeNew York Life and True, forty.sis thoussnd dollars, and other clumpanits in proportion. The Marquis Peas a man of immense wealth. !Ili income we, wee a million of francs annuity. Ho 'leaves over slaty rnillion'e of francs in real estate; and the bulk of Me furrune to a 4randebild only nine leen month. old. lie lived rule; est and drank by weight and measure, and regulated ail his e. m . duct by the nicest exaction. He calculated to live rill he was a hundred and fifty, and if he had would probably have broken; the companies that had granted the annuities. I COLLISION ON TilE LAKE Tll/0 ITU LOST. . by an Extra from the Cleveland Herald we I have a melancholy account 0f the ateamer Ches. speaks and schooner John Piirter coating in con tact on LAD Eric, on Thursday last, at a. a., four or five miles off Conneaut. The co!. lision wax as serious as to sink the schooner in • few minutes, her crew baring previously jumped on the deck of the weenier. i It wail soon found that the latter was leaking brolly, and notreith. wending aft rff..rte the water gained so rapidly as to extinguish the fires and leave the boaran manageable wreck, a mile mid • half from land, and in a stiff breeze of grind . . The Chesapeake had 40 to 50 peawagers, a large proportion of whom were women and children. The boat wu then manned and succeeded in teaching shore, and the clerk, after ■ run of two mile. to Conneaut, op the beech, wujuat ha time to find the steamer Harrison. Capt. Parker, cuter. ing. She immediately put out to the wreck, and eared all (it is supposed) but about twelve, seven of whom are known to knee been drowned. Pamengers.—Ge4rge Van bore., of Lower Sanduaky, 01 Mrs. Hock, of Watertown, N. Y; E. Conn, of Renville, Ohio; S. York, of Tiffin, Ohio. ' Crew—R. Sutherland, Ist Engineer; O. Wait, 2..1 Porter; R. McMann, [leek hand. It is greatly feared that Mr. D. A. Poison, of Rochester, N. Y.. re lost. • The paesengen lost all ther baggage; the San dusky Cite Mail was look some 30 tons freight; the clerk's books, and $BOOO of money, wire ill carried down when she sunk in 40 feet water, aeon after the passelaiirs were taken ofr. l'he Schooner was frieghtsal with 4000 bu Corn and 70 barlels Pork--a total The Rough and Ready, another sail ream% was run down and sunk the same night, by the'stra. sr Constellation on her way op from Buffalo. No lives lost. Feast *CouscccLver.—The Uioua . Pair ners, and Omahas, in the neighborhood of the Bluffs, are constantly raising war parties to mo. lest each other. On the 26th ultimo, a party of eecn Htoott came down in the neighborhood of the Owe, and laid in ambush nears Gehl which the Otis.. had prepared fer the planting of arm. They fired upon some three sensors who Isere geiee tonere.. the Geld, and ki.hil too of ihrtn—rho other squaw eaceped and gave the alarm. Tile teenier,' pursued the Stone, and chasA thins into an eatenaise wood brake.— The Owes surrounded the brake, and then set it on fire, and as the, Sioux were arisen cut hp the fumes, they were ell killed by the infuria• fed Otore. The Mi. Ltuis . Republican calls upon thitGuii eiiiiment to interpose and prevent thee, autroges 1 he Mormons are engegeil extensively io Agri eutture uesr the Blaffs. Patacate Otre.—.Abbott Lairyenc„ cf Bos ton, hue presented the sum of $50,00,0 ts•Hatvard College, for the purpose of establistrg a &fen went for teaching thapradical.eiertc 2,--linginer. ing. mining, and the Me-elation militant:facture of machinery. Of thisi turn , $ 3 9• 1111 01;1. to be el. plied to the erection of 'unable titt4ogs--the residue, V 20,000, .is to form the buts of a fund, "which, together with onehalf of the tuition fees, till the amount ehall yield the rum of three thou. sand dollma annually; shall be equally' divided to tween the Professor of ogineering—and the Pro fevear of Geology. and he made a permanent foundation for -these profrinorahips." This noble gift . . is only the continuation of a menu of noble charities whibh bare long dininguiabed the donor as - the greet philanthropist of the court. , The Par...... which captured the Carmelite IVY a refaces of ahotit 80 tone, armed with a loog 18-16 pivot goo and mall arm., manned by 85 men, all Spaniards, except one Frenchman. She wiled well, and - teas undonbtOly 'fitted oat Cl Barcelona by persons there who eapposed her pri ses would be imtsedistely condeimed by the Spaniels_ authorities, and who were doing all in their power to have the righte of privatters to septum imerican Tassels recognized. Me Gov. ernmant has coded the Princeton to the fifeditcr ravens in punish of this and other armed weasels warring upon our Ma. McLexie Report in furor :f theiloera route and . commencement West from Cumber land, two eball bee° occatim to copy or notico to- Mr. MeLine has advised, and 'the Directors of the Battimore and Ohio Rail Road balm' agreed to extend the road (tom Cumber:mod tct the line be tween Maryland and Virginia. The dirtance is 55 mile.. Moss, Morass.—Goveinmcnt Stocks and Notes sold in New York last week at 106. Penn sylvania Pins reached 79. For 11linoia and In. &arta Bonds, and other blocks from 1 toy per cent advance tau ranked. Exchange on Eng. land la up to 1063 Tat Onion or Finn Sen-syr.--The Belot Council propose to the Common Council • cart, promise of this questian by levelling the bill afro rob feet, and raising the loner part of the street in the 'time proportion. News Items WATER In, Acztosrenr.—The Councils of AI• legheny have purchaeed two tote, for $16,000, on which to place a basin, and conetruct world Err supplying the city with water. The basin iot is situated on Troy till, and contains even act... It was purchesed from Nicholas Vogetly, Senior, fir $12,000. The other, for dm work., is adjoin. ing the former, and reahces to the river, It wee purchars d of 43. E. Warner and Jac Painter, for I3.ooo.—Jour. . - Tire Simms—Loss or fare—During the' storm of Wednesday afternoon, which in force wu but little better than a tornado, the upper •works of the new govensment steamer lying nf the font of Butler street, were. blown over upon a coal boat near the share. Mr. D. Stoddard and t wo other then, who are at walk in the coal boat at the dime, were mailed beneath the falling mass, tujusing them dreadfully. Mr. B. was killed.— Pin. Com. kr° 77 77 TO EP/COULS.--They have dis• covered in Sicily the oyeters,celebrated in the time o f l b. Room s , which were called the eon of Yams. They are very encculent. Pasta Faziwort.--Gre7 hair is now all the rage in Part.. Probsblysoute antiquated Water maims the nobility had become too lazy to, attend, to the adjuatment of her wig, and so net the fashion by returning at once to nature. A Maw* Emma is exhibiting himself In New York wh oia 39 years old -6 feet 6 lathe, bleb and untie* only SO pounds.' If married, we abould Ilk* to war his obetter half" ' trigLe of 8 3 . Eight -at We go. York Life ~Truer, nearly a bun. Pittabinieb Uszette.' • ' nom one swardl IMVORTANT:FROM MEXICO .. otoi took oat on alma kh Le reolv.l the AR AA, t ROM VERA CRUZALIT LEANS' HE E RS iiAZ . °L O ED. !pp' , ".. 1 U.%511,600 . ....... 13,600 NEW, PBBSIDISNI CUOSE. IN ffiBIICO . ' • ........ 6,000 ° ^ o i7 10,000 8.000 . . C..racipouleae of We PillabLrgh Gust Jane 12 10 By the anieal of the Onverninent aleatioeri Fashion, at New Orleans, 'we have Vera Crui dates to (he 30th of May, and the following front the seat of war, Col. Suwere, bearing despatch. ifoo3 Gener Scott, WSJ murdered war the Nacional Bridge. So also was Meet l'ifcGonald and four others. C.I. Soarers recently peased through New Or Irene 'from Washington, In bearer of despatch • to Gen. eq.ett, which have no doubt fallen into th hands of the enemy. The murders were of the mad brutal kind, nod committed by the Guerrilla parties which are hortrini like vultures near nut Army, and the scouts, wagon - trains, Ate. .• • Parties of Mexicans bad also been robbed by heir own countrymen. Privates Chas. Little, Wilson, Wingert, Shoo. fer, Schimkest, and Moneson, had recently died ea Jalapa. They were all Pennsylvania soldiers. The Hospitals were fall at Jalapa, and among the sick were many of our troops. The city was mill under the control of the Penneylvsoia Regiment (2J,) and three or four companies of the lot. • Seven.' companies of C. S. troops were also there in ganison. Perote has been rc-ieforeed by a pan of the Ist .Pa Regiment. The Mexicans, under the encouragement en to Guerilla parties are robbing and murdering each ether. A party entering Vera Gritz from Saute Fe were robbed of all they bad. oft,We regret to heir that there is no confirmation election of Herrera to the Pramleney.— The repUtt by the,esouthern Telegraph is that Psatcts• has been; elstetl, but this is not car- The Mexican Army, from all accent., are in a miserable ' , light. They were levying contribu tions on all aide* and living upon plunder. Al San Luis they were suffering by disease end fam• inc, oven more than our ma troops in the intp- The inteUigence brin lion of Peace. a. ur no hope or col*di°. /Gem Scott was expected at Puebla on the 4th instant but would not advance upon the capital without lute reinfotcements. General Scott's Proclamation bad not alienated to any' extent, the Mexicans from the Ittilitary Chieftains, end the ultimate effect it wu feared ! would he amore obstinate spLit of ruenge. The U. 8. Gosernment organ has jug claimed foi the Administration, and as a sine qua non for Peace, that our claim must ..embrace perhaps all north of the boundary of Me Rio Grande to Me Pacffle, of no reel'value to Mexico, and hot a reaunablecquivalent for tho sacrifice of life nod the great expense which Las Leen Laced upontu. Nothing short of this trill satisfy Me American People." • Gen. santn Anna was •t Rio Fria with three thra•and men, and save riches of hip, intended re&istanco to our arms. ERio Frio only eight toiled limn the city o Mexico. Rio Frio where Santa Anna, has taken ► stand is the mo.t dangerous pawlebieh our army can make. The road, jug beyond Puetili,is excel lent, but near Coadora it reaktes the mountains, and pt..re anon tt deep, narrow defile., and over ...rep and tugged latighle. Near Teemdcoa, a t hacienda, the root winds along the aide-of the mountains, in many piaci' being cut through the solid rock. Hero the road is commanded by the heights of Popomtapetl, which, reedere the Peer age of an army over this steep, rugged, 'end en. peed a tea 1, a ratk t.l very great danger and , dilTicully. But when the heights are pawed. the perils sad obstacles nt rho position are 004 surmounted.-- The road descends into • Jeep, narrow deli, where a small and brave force might operate with greet 'effect upon • large army accompanied by long trains and parka of artillery. This dell is! traverred by the Rio Frio (Gold hirer,) where j our brave soldiers roily sewage the)r aunt oiler the labors of this difficult paw ige. The Rio Frio i• the only point on the road, between Puebla arid kfetico, which is likely to give our army any trouble. l The commiseionent appoint./ in Mexico, with Aimonte at thew head, to sops intend the defences of the-capital, hare probably eel. tad the Rio Frio as the only available point ol defence against an ar mf 2pprO ictung the•eapttal, and hare Probably re moved thither the cannon 'attended for the defence of the city. The Government has despatched a veer! to the Fifth:manna to look out, for . Pcivateera.--. Commodore Resift, we. directed to detach a sloop of,eir from the force under his command on the coast of Africa, and vend her to cruisein We hid-' iterranean, for the purpose of affording protection to our Comnerce in that vicinity. Leelative Correenontfeaer of the Plttettargh Gasstte riew YORK MARKET. june'l2 8 o'c e. Floor—The market has received a n ow i m pi i h re but it is atm rat wholly of a apart:ll4dr° character, and th, re linen been heavy Purdue.. on epeco• !afire account. Priam claw at the same figures a. yenterd.y, but they hive k strong upward ten dency. Rees 8410,000 bbls Geneseee anJ lar brands at $8,7548874 per bbl., in Wheats there in no change whatever, and a very active demand prevelli foe both Red and White. Vom—Thu export demand ha. subtiJed for lh present, and the only bulitioss doing is fur con. somption. Riles prime 'Yellow at I 20c per kg Cornmeal—The market is 7.1 e. lower. Sides 500 bbis at i 5,561 .Rye Flour—No change except that the demand is not so good. Bales $7.2.5 per bbl. Rye is not so troll eupported--asles at t324135e • Oats—Saks at 63aft5e per ba—they conttatte aver acarce. • Provisiani.--There has not boon any move. meat of consequence in the market. ,Bales new - Mess,Pork at $17a12,12i and Prime 'at $l4 per bbl. Sales old Mess at 16 37016,50. Of City packed Mau Beef 411. at $16.323 per bbl. The market for 11.00 is quiet and unchanged for several (Insp. - No. I Western. Lard lowlier dull at 9f alOgc. Vessels are loading for Liverpool with Grain at I2J per bu. The stock market continues to naslntain the same dull and heavy appearance. Prices are ten ding downward. Groccries—The.market is steady and withou change in plias. Prime rendered reHs - newel!. at 9os Erelu.ive enn”%rontlence. of the Pil,4nargh Guetta. HAL lIMORE MARKET. done IR, 7 p M. FloOr—Our market has gone up considerably I to day, accomyaoled by Illt/ active dfinwil. The ealcsof Howard street are 6000 bbli, end theme, ha elt ev st $8,76e8 aa holders .pricer, and oral. In City & Mills Susquehanna nothing or costsrquence doing. • . Cornmeal—The market- hu not 'aria] to any quotable extent. Further males to.Jq at $5,25 per hbl. WM.6lE—The market is more.aelire, but pri ma have not nucleated. Sales White at 200a203 e, and lied at 192a1.95a. Coen—The prchience is still given to While, of which, there were eater to.day. at 111.114 c,. and Yellow at Mc per WI. Oat. are realizing 62c per be. Whiekez--Bales of bbl. at 38c per gall. Cluvered,a fear .11 . 1!) at $4,00a4,373 per bu. nelea•ylazseed at 13.5 c per bo. Provisione—There ii nil change of importance in Provisions: Sales , : new Western Maas Pork at $16,50416,37i per bbl, and Prime at $14a14, 37k. Men Beet is held at $l5. but the bus/. nese doing in that article is .mall. Prime i• $19,60 per bbl. Lard is selling as before at Dialec for No t In bblei sod kegs. Butter m scarce and iu request—eau West pkd kegs at 133 c per lb. Cheme meets with a fair demand at Ba9c for W R in bra. Bacon—Thera ta 00 particular variallrn in Ma market' Balm at 7118 e for Shoulders, 91810 c fur Sid., and 93a103e for Hum. ETrnutoi - ori. U. PatetAaterte.: P/lILADELPRIA ,hfARKE rakti Fkoo rime reeikoed ener the panic Wa fall, and-cos:eat on Friday, are not fall, soppett ektaither has 'Meow bona the - semi activity in the market am yesterday. -.The rah are only sii b!. Pa band. at $8,376 per bbl. Wtwat—The market partakes somewhat at the dullness of Flour. Moderate sales prime White at 209•211 c. and of Red at 197a199c p , r Wt. • • Pro•iaioo►—The champ. on Pmk in not quit maintained.. Saks now 'Men .t $17a17,25pe bbl; of new Prime at $l5 per bbl. Of old M at.5 16 ,25a16,373 per bbl. Holes Weat pkd Mr.. Beef sr $l4 per b bl. The market for Haeo/1 is steady at previous prices and moderate eatea--say at 73.8 c fa Shaul dere. 9.9,1 c for 9ides, and 10e for Ifame--all rak The sales of No I laird this week bare been considerable at 10a110in for bbls and kegs, tub an . d credit. Some sales W R box Cheeeto at Slain cents per lb. Corn—The saber are fair and at 116 c for prime Yellow. and 116 e for prime White. ' in Wool there is yet no change of pricer. Vi ry little, comparativelf o f the DIM clip has yet come id, and the 'sales of °lifers very small, ow. log to the exhausted stock. Sales through the week some 30,000 Itar at former prices. Freights on Flour to Liverpool have advanced to 4s per bbl; and on Grain to 1.1.1 per No 1 1 1 -, 71/' A few sales of prime rendered Tallow at 9a9ic —it to wanted. Dot little doing In Seeds. Holders of prime free Clover want 6 4 ,75 per In , The sales of Cotton are moth rate, and at Ilia 133 c for Upland and New Orleans. Coffee is dull.. No local Dews of importance. , , Corteapandence or the I'. burs bassette. FlaS IN BALTIMORE; lone 5 P. M. 4 . fire broke out last night in the store of Mr. Ackerman, which was entirely destroyed. Another fire occurred this morning, which destroyed several buildings in President greet owned by Meurs. Conway. CoUri% Buyngbe and Davidson. Loss $20,000. Correspondenee of the Pittsburgh Gazette. PHILADELPIII4 June 13-9 •. x. The Southern mail is M at Baltimore, but brings nothing furlber South than Augusta. The meat of a brig aras attack by lightning at Baltimore this—ifteration. BENEFICIAL SOCIETY. A T the 2.lth Annual Meeting of th e Pittsburgh Mile !l pendent flenaficial Sochi r, held on w ere the ink of June,l747,thefelkiwing peroons were elected Mears for the ensuing yesi,Vis I• revidenl..CllNßLES :senior dthwerd—.7cos.nt Junior Steward-11.Si Scott Fro. Treasurer—Jesus Maus illessengetscos Extras. :Secretary—anthem F. Nem, Ftntincisl Coinnunee—F F. Flasitiss W: U. Lemur: SCIINIDT. Committee of Inverllpitml—FeiDAßlCK Vane, darn 1355561, 11. Lesreserness. Prom the "Annual Report'presented by th e Audi:ins Committee, we mate the following ex tract, showies ate 6d nee of the Sreiety: Lelance in the Tresiury. June, !An, S '.99 Total amount at flues collected, SttO 7 Redactions on Notes seer/eel, GP! o n Balance in the Treuilry this Jay. etre held by ibe Svc SIBS] 3l Babinec in the Thum,' ' Tom! amount of Foelely'e means, 311730 00 Total 111004LIll Of aorieq'. mean+, 1340, •lAJ JI 1730 Oa 0(21 21 The Society tie. lost toted st ISA and incorporated in ISZII and consists of 104 members, amore whom are stilt three of the anginal fenders, viz: F. Vozb Jacob Lit ett y. and Chr.st tut St, IL Soot of Me Benefit. of the moiety are :—SieS or disabled members oreeive SI per week. ..13 the death of a member,. kis lacire are entitled to draw CCM from the funds of the Society. and alibi, deathof • met:then w.fe, he is entitled to thaw $l3 far funeral rape:Mee. 01 older of the tbeieipna GO"11FIGE F GFOIIGE Com:nowt julid.twlt UEL YOUNG, InoPost ropy. ---- 111PORTANT TO TIIE LADllLS—Clunesq Hair urcem, a matchless snide for the Meath, Beauty and Restoration of the : flair. tree n, when one /Gman. will supersede all other articles of the I,ild now used. hYhere the Ileitis dead, harsh.thm...- healthy columns grey, • few applications will make Me hair ton and dark, and give.ir • letup/al lively •pecararre. and will also make it otnin its live'i•es. and heal•liy ruler tin ee an long to all the prepare . ..on. Which are generally toed. Every lady and gentleman who are in the habit of using ode on their hair, should stoner purehaw a bottle of met:Morale ilaireream, is so composed that it will not injule flit hair like the oilier preparations, but will beautify it, and ore perfeei satisfaction in every tuStelace. Pot antimony tons very 'opener polite., see the following letter from Rev. Mr. Caldwell, lo Messrs Ileadeohott & Stretch, Nashville, Genera l Agents far the Weinem Surer: Letter irrm the nor. R. enttlwrll, ps.c. Of the Prvi bylemin Cburch Pulaski. Memo.. Mendenhall & Siren - h . -Gentlemen": I take pleasure in adding my testimony in favor of the creel, p tent reparation railed Dr. Parrish's Chinese fail Cream—tor Ramat two years ago my hair ma. very dry, brolly, and disposed to come out: hat having procsoti • bottle of the Cream, and used it according to the pre. scri‘Oion, my hair anow soft, clone and .Grni to tie bee]. litany balsams and oils iipplied each lea. hog my t h air in a worse stem then bwere efore. This wer,my expeemtions Alan article for 'Me Toilet, w.fe gives it ei., enee ever all oluers. be.egilelitstely pertained, en Nd nol dmpolurd oe ranenlity. The ladies tsp cialiy will and the Chinese Cream to be • desideratum in their prepa • rations for the Respec.fully, &0. , Pulaski. Janly. t , ISO R CALLOWEE tlasttold wholesale and retail, in Pipsborgta hn AI. Townsend, No O Market sloe; and Joel M o lder. corner of Wood and Fifth au. UGC( COLVIILII/111 INKS—.I3I.4Cic .., lei:Ant/7, and COP% INC/ —The Mack Ink 111 more freely team bet pen. sive. a stronger and tovre durable calor, and eberodes meelicus-/eta than ant other known. It is of best qtality for all reppeeea. The Copying Ink. for the purpsse of writing lcuere or documents, df which a trensfer copy is to be taken. It writes freely, gives • copy as prowl as the aria, nal, nod has none of that attchy mbstance comment,' other copying inks. • The !Searle/Ink sires a etch melleiv scarlet, tad tot proves in brightness on the paper, • For permituenra of color these Inks fully equal !I" not surpass all others. for when the color ia mice let on the paper, it will remain UNCILANGIED for ages. Received this day, and for sale en any quantity. by JOHNSTON& STOCKTON 101 l Stationers, or Market and Third so ,f A/lONS:STEEL PE RILAJLA E 'NIT/MUTE /Vl—The first half of the tamener eession will be coop pieced oil the IPA instant. putt the whole sesmen on September M. No vacation eei.l follow the Mote of the PR sent session, hot nacre/tea will commence on the N . W.TrOn....L. be centemed one loaner. Those, therefore, who commence on Monda, Juuntti, may have one eescon complete, embracing y all the pleas °lt :Pat t of, the fall seat's°, and closing bcfote the extreme ',cold of trotter. /nl4-11 E 8 BLAKE A UDITQWS lIOTIOE . 'T wc:;.":01 nted Auditor lc disinbute the funds in the howls of Jo,KUrie. Esq—deitnewalor of the %TABBING YON AND PITTSBURGH TURNPIKE C.I3IPANT '' Alt persons interested will wok., notice that he will sit lid at the Cierlis Office in the Borough of Washington, ler 11,01 purer., 00 Thursday, July 16, 1017, at I o'clock. r. Washington, ft 11 KOONTZ, Kadin., ashington, June It, 110. 1014th HII6TORY /111LX100—Just published, by J A A U P /Braes, Cincinnati. THE. Illd CORY UP n ETICO t. her Civil Wars and (Menial and Revoluttonary Annals, froth the,penoll of the Spanish Conquest. 1630, to' the ;unsold time. 1611; inelading so account alba War with the United Stales, hs rause, and Military.' Kehignernents. By Plishp yonag.3l. G With Iwo Copperplate Slaps, and .evenEngiagings'of Plana of Zane Grounds. An. One vol time octavo, of ern hundred and sisW4our pages jell __ The ship. deed., were ',muted to Jahn B. Rost! All persons hartng claim. spinet the Estate of :411:1 decedent will prewat theta cur Settlement, end tha t ndelded to mil hfwate will melte partnent without A.l - liter :toner JOHN B BOSS, Executer, juldertit*F Peeblee Town. lop nEir KNOWN, that Letters Teetemenrary. wok Cie iJwill annexed, on the Estate of George Cron, late of Wjlkina Toorn•hip, deeessed, were granted to Joteph Eseetiter,l o sent Will named.. deAll pentane booing Hain= agatnet the Estate of said, cedent will prerent them for witlement, and Wow ik dehted to ...kid Runk will make tomcat without deley.• 1.11.60.? JOSIO . II STORM, Wilkins T. ' I I , IIE ANNUAL ELECTION FOR butncruns lof ihr Firemen'. Inmranee ComPell ' , w ill b IMId to the office of Samuel Gangly ; oo Foioth wro.t, be rroeu %Vali and Smithfield gamma, Ponds:rich, an 'bailey the sth of lily nest LIT order, Re , role 1 SAAVL fiORAILF, Seeretory. ABAROAIN—For rale. a good Steam Engine mitt. 9ao Boticra The igine ia a 9 inch cylinder, nd 4 rem stroke.. The Boilers are 39 incl.... &limo.. a hY feel in length. I . llco SSW Apply lo 13 'cordon ir, Genetlit Alen,/ No 69 Smithfield .Ire. t A RARE VIIANCE—Agorma wanted to sell . la.uneful Patented Invention Persona with a capital of Lel or MU can dear from Isom 101514.0.1 Apply immediately W $ DD.p,l pet anoutn inl4 General Afell., 30 Smithfield et WANTED-4WD .CiURNCYAIAN CoPP.E . T tiAllTitth flood wolknien, with wady habit., Can Lear of good aragen and conotant employment, by applying at Wm other. .Inl4 B""N• '''''''' 3 ' btt ° „7l, `' co" B. d 0 o 0 ; " Id meta Dried t i_pylee landing 4n14 'A D A LZaLL 1.1 for tale by rOBACCO-25 bat, Rucker* bread, 5. Tobacco, I in core sod for sale low by _ JPA '2ll. p,OWDER-30 keg. Loran's Iblio Powder; ' 50 " .. Rock o For elle by, J DALZELL_ CU • bri b crize ic . r reed and for rlytn. IIIeCANDLIFNS SWEST C/11 -01 , arrely for sale b Jul 4 _ & BIeCAN v I/L b b y b „ " r P l if wicii,t4"""r ECANDLCSS6AA;—Sm.II I 3 h lc, Li? Eulle Uncle, for sale by Bnl4 E 100 bus for ale by WICK & moIANDLEnd -• pOTAIIIy_A pnmere and (n_fiale Inl4 b • Mo lll WICK t eCANpLESsy A Lratilluto roon - do for rale by JoI4 WI & bIeCANDLI:SS_ VILKIERT--4 CK auks Folbens for We by„. A Jolt WICK titeCAND4PSS ft RICAN! joill --- ' T 6-4 satato for rale by W ICE k A 10.6 NDraMS Total amount paid out, 14 order a abo Compass.: It 0'RF31461 , : Confraetor for the tonlinardon'of said Line jrld3t and on Jona 13,14, I; :2, Ve, 30. end Joly Boston and Now York Piano., -teceived, awl on bunt, the fol• - leering new onnitunenno: . On. elennon Flokewood Piave For. (French Pat:ern) wi.b coleneinhotele braaed on ...at, Ire'. naterdeneenble rends. The 101001 ininnornment. blade by Manna k Chork,Pl. One rlegara Rosewood Piaui:beim:ninon tome, and new scale Node by Chickenne, Boston. One 6 i Downs Ro , eaood Pinnn tone, or brilliant tone, nide by Nunn,. lb Clark, N. Y.. For sole no Eastern ' , Ones m J .w.WooderelPs. No 92 nonn. by '• • 'lnlY.et- "II 'X Ll-3191 MEW kIEDICAL WORK—Practical ohms. scions on maim of the diseases of the Beam Ansa. and Cootigious Textures; giving their nature. seat, roost. simploms, conseusenees. and univeation. especially midressed to the tem...heal reader: lip W, Balenbanie D.. of Louisville, . The author r of this work has within the I .Am - icon sureevittullt heeled uutverils of seven hundred eases at Files nod Fistula in Alto, without either the knife,' the actual. Or the OOtellti cautery. Fervale at tea Bookstore of. .1 1, READ Fourth, nesillariet strati Q TUC KlitILL/ILR'S JI &ET 'aul--Orbe of 1.311te Allegistny Linegn Compeer ; l'itiWorgh, ione 11 trMost were:eget'''. rwelwolders of the - Cotopon; ;for ear ctisig A &ridge over We Allegheny River, oppo. to l'lorhorgh ; is the Canny. of Allegheny,” will be holden In We no/ 9e•ardoy, tto 1140 •13 o'clock, r, x.; for o 'IN TIM porpore. .10/1A llARPER,Trenbarer •L 17611IKER & CO., - Falint.l 7 A,l'OttS, AND GRAIN AND PRODUCE • Conamtrololn Morobaktrx,- • • 71 .800 ru w Alt V ES, L PHILADELPHIA. A a n F.:17:7 prertnorVp receive and ibrvesid all Undo, L/ ILS-11/05 Rnl6 Dlraehod opera., Oil; IWO " Natural Color do • . 1550 " • 't trh.i, Oil "Illrecsed do - • 200 Tuareralthlr-l•Straite" 5 bb la Lard ' lAtiseritOil; turciacelvird and rot nII : LER & 11.ICKETKON Z S It U5 111 121e8,47 rercr . Vitiate to; " I do trar; ool: Lt.& data i / crittraildniondlibLattle Mnd DICKEY k ' 6. water and flout Its 0" WINDOW OLASII-X0 4i. &Ils' , xt r ..Pi„ F LIO IO NN i /lORST& P. pLINITICR-40 bblA Gr. 10,4 git Age r reor tale 'ORN—:uO bu+. D _far n 4 LT_._ rinnoTnir sisica-.10 tow in iblre;tok tale by . JNO.F VERRY. tem! and tor nle 6y ins% recorand and for st's jar• • • 1 0 SELLERS -I,—..l7ialt.Arrsala by • 103 ' JNO F.PJ,WRIF lidretsraticr.—so bbl. No .I—LarEN 1.1 hf USN , do, .„, r PERR Anctio gAlta ohm D. DilivDl. MaeDelOar • Drf 8001 , 04615, Ike "!?. • - ON 2iiiiiday enore:eg. I 4 iseteit, at 10 ijkliloai n till .e .! er etv ire ..,..runeator.eas.ubi e , and feeerlit) bouo,;•,,fee...elabreliakperaie..e, " • ' Queeassr re, Groceries.Farnilare, &c. One erase her osware; sompining - o hanthone as sortment of face and Colllllon ware,-IS barn!. N. 3 mar L'esAt barrels herriugs. Young l'lrado tee, Sp.. Ish trshes, 5 rislra th.tic sorts"! into sole, elortts. bed coeds, saddbm tasks; Waseir, - WetelWl, • A InAc . assonoeut °floss: and second hacd' house. hold larottere,kCebers Istenalle,&e: a: gown,' of • io down Irani* Window Sitb, reascil'hiseca, Coot., and other building sucterlarathrates,cookleAslcee,&e. ' At igstilorti P. 51. - A e r cercl - onsortnwst or ..111.0. .ea4~ made thinEfice Shins, with Inn, bosoms wd'ectlitr,,fasey and erarais, Spanish to.cl half Spani.h -Id second hand watches, Soo cutler), STRA 51. DlaTILLEIglis MU LS—CUANCERY-SALE at bf termhancecy.Court at Nash nat th, fday :ISr, th e Waite of John Reld, •administrator. die of R I.L'llantmediest, •s . Theses Taoist, and ether., I shal proceed:to sell. at Polite ' Auction, on the Vint of Auguncl947, at the up: per cnd of the Market Home in Nashville_ belongingth the late Gon of R F. I .4lommedira itt Co.; the Flour , Hid eel Distiller). with hog peas and cora crib attach ed Said property In situated - ea the Musk of Cumber land Riser, about one mile bylaw Nasheilla , including between six and seven land, croon which the. Moldings are erected, brown and designated. a. loth Nos 101,109, 10 , ,1 101 a nd t il l, as represeptedluhleflanoces plan or addatha to Nuithsille. • The hbore.slill and Li:milieu has been mended um more than 9months. and ale built of the best material The Dtttillery is capable or aumitfacturings9brls whit, key pec day. The- Flour •51111 ban only menufactared tiou bri of Flour since it woe fillialed, so that the sOl• chine l in perfectly new and of the most modem sad my tum d land The Mill Incapable of nmnafsetering :15 brls f Floor per day. Toe hog pens une capable ol contaiwing and feeding 5000 hogs, and am well situated to s•vellatior end expense (a feeding. The corn crib is sommedzaus—mere are also three Itht=liaSS•bleestia gen attached teethe. concern. - 1 wllhyioreceioe private bids toe said proem, anti) the day of sale. The arms of said rale are STOW payable in (months • in Hank, the butane on • credit of onwisse, andshree' years, wi th out intetetsc The purebaser Is sequined to gore notes with epprosed security payable in Bank, and a lien will alto be' retained sport the properly (usher to. memo the puiehascrusater, . J Xs AI • ILICALTiI, 7 - % r_WOOD Sarsaparilla and wild _LI Cherry Bitters—This stew gold veritable tram of Strimparila he Wird Cherry hail/ems used with great maces. for 'the L'pentattient rehloviltif all Inch dteralMits tatchwir rite from an Impare.elitte of the on:aromas healthy toles,' of the Lives— arraylitiu the Nerves and et once tenures bealthead visor to the whole st mem:, -• . . - r ' • In all Miami of Jeunoice, Indigestion, Dy•peosia, lota fel of Apectrie,ilahitual Costiveness, Ocreaelleaetche, Languor, and that Deprestion.of Pruritic - tablehop so common a complaint in the freeing rind-Pummer seism. of the yea!, this medicine ill. I.; ris copal—and amp rte trial will convince tha roost increduless . Of 'its tam lre vumee. - For further particulam Me_retder is referred. to the painiblets which will be famished by the Aprt a...bow ing the estimation in which this 'rateable medicine is held by those w.—ho Cat have ated.A.. . • Wala In tublie-DD De pOrticular and ask n for he Ilt. P Wood't Parsicaiwilla • and Wild Cherry Diners, mid receive norther.-. This the fir.l preparation of these err:cies combined ever °dared to the pablic, and the great semen attending it. um has induced the unprincipled meow...felt and tate. A. a preventive, see that the boaters hose the words "Dr..Wo W 4 Sartapimllt and Wild Chem Ent let reined on the (late, and that tech label on the horde Is milked nY ateproprietor, it ' , Threaten. Jr.. Pohl, wholesale and al, by WYATT lINTCD• AM, general' agent, 121 F u lton wee, New Yorg Wa 'Mess, Market meet, end P. R. Paarr street. Pittsburgh, Pa. Price al—large Wale.: lcAlOw BinDFl r itt M R. ANDERWIV. Pin:primer, reapeetAtllY informstbe public that this •enablirhatent will be opened and prepared An the lieFelemodatif!th of vivnerv, by dm The nttriednuti of Chia farbleinable 'Watering intee are too weltand widely ' , nowt:Con require enumeraboa in a card trthtie public. The aerate. of 1 1 1,11JARTIAl, whence activity, ener gy and amiable dispontion i art the manager of such an ertablisliment, bare hitherto commended hiorLer the favorable re' and of the patrons or th ev e g lEi Naga during the two lest rummers, have been en , Eaperien red and attentive -..errant. und'a nciliaud of omen., hare text been eel Med. .• 'lho road from Cumberland, the wAitesit term: Woo of the llaltimme and OLIO Retheollkene /Mee Hollulays burgh, on the Pennsylvania Canal, andCbanithe taborer, weW rn tertaintr• of Cumberland Vatley 'Railroad, to Red ord have been touch improved and are in good op. TO -6:121'114.LAGT0113—.. bolttwel 11R4/PO.3A - 1.1. 4 . will beJrceeived us th e Office of the rJ • es' River and Kanawha Company, in Rich • nil, VA, unit Cho kith July.n..rt, for the eon function • f tbreerlone demi across •Janta' River on the tae o the Cnnpan)'• Canal between Lynchburg' and the •• oth oft e „Nunn river. The Arno( said darns nil be ntrobt 31 ft high and 400 feet Iring, and sit— nated abo• t 4 miles above Lynchburg' he unand wilt be shoat Ift bier and s up ft long, rend: ituated about lit miter we* of Lenchtmcgls the t hird will be about 7.J A high an an ft lung, and Annabel about Wailes welt of Lynch u•g The foundation of there dams are of men, and be oupentructuret will be rem:cm:Lyn be rai ned as hic t is. low water level , during the prevent sea- n. iPI. or raid works maybeneeniand rpacifications obtained. •I the Cnrepany'r UlLee in Richtnerd .ot ar I the in., ii•er, Odiee Oil SY Al lOC aterva•Lyuchimrx. • utir the lri of . July van , . • • • VALTER I . ll, ltiN,Chiet Eiginier . James River JL Kanawha Co 1.47. • . inpdl-3tertJ)l2 RAL TAYLOR.—Joherton tr: Stockton vi receiver, porindth of :neje, General Each• . by A tinily, under the immediate superior direction cif the undered Officerr,fmen 6km - else:en frnra life al Camaggo, by ernia. roniider Cory'. Portrait o yin, it n e on likeu es , CornevjU S Navy . • Goo. A. riPCALL. A. A.ll. - flan Athena, Lt Topographical Engine, Ilarnv IsorariaLL, U. n.blavy. - ID•Price. eents,-, O ELLER'S . V5.8.,81 14- liello-Ws Ras. Aire.- Oman Co , Ohio, Nov. .o.3th. 1E44 —lllr—FL E Seliee This is to certify that I purchased of Thomas Shannon; Fan , enn bottle of` our celetinned Vermifuge, and gave II 10 my Antic son en five years old. which took Dora a , W 101 norms ofa very laage aim. I liebeve your Veehntage to I, tie 1,1 worm medicine for obi dna c hat tine world e pralaced. I would thiresiare call upon all parents er w hom mie children afflicted with worms to given a fair tt in I .103EPt1 ID 421:Ea RV. , 't , Jirritee oth Pe Prqtared and sold. wholesale and retail; f e R ace a it_tillff ett ELooorio. , s • .1)113P. D. V. Oh fEd. the - nelchfaied and Popular Elocutionlvrfrodi the and Cstlee,'Wonld teepett• irony Ladies and Gentlemen of Pittsburgh, 'that he will give some readings from Shak.peitfc, Can ons Itecitelmns from different limbers, Imitations of Diennentalied "raters, red .Delineatione of Tragic and Caisifvenaracterv, at P1t14,0 fltiLt, commencing on Stood a y Evening. lone 11,5,2[71 eit leek. • Frlf funkier particulars err Inns of the day.' ' et< , ATUITS • Cl9pos rua DRESI69—W R • Murphy inet as the auentioa orldnta hii eh cellent astortatent or •lenve Gneee;eto 'send o( Soft Scotch hfull Moline; , . Soft Senn do Boa Nisolook , ..do • I Pl.lll Jaconet. Hatred do, as erell is French: awns.. very cheap, and newest Liter; Earbro:dored Mawr,. for Breaks, •I reduced pricu, a North East comer...ill anßlarhot surto. • t jui• () Ni ! i'LlTltlTA'l'V47°ntEgg,llll l ,. Fon•etibers to the Sleek of the above, Cortipany,'relli ding in or moor Ws ally. :a re regiarincllo pap he 10110140 ing instalments to JOSIWA HANNA, Apent (Or the • JO per cent. on or before the 13th Jane next. MAL—AS bbla Oil 114 O; f.tly, . I..Tu P VON BONNI103?“';:..„ , Not Tefloor, torn, M pure, mod .J.c 13.10W8L1, wth , Past, jun.received sad signie Eta. o vv . feed nod for We by PLUM Lb.tramir.sc - '~++lrr~-~. OtINCIIIINATIAXD PITTSIBURGII PACKET LINE. TCLIO well known lirreof apiendld patienget ' Steen. ' em is now compowifvf tassel t. mon. nt Lest (tabled foal tentiehout, andniort patomfol . boa on Me' watery e West. Every accommodatkm and eete-.. (on that money can praetors., hes been ptieriend lia . *engem The Line las beim inoperetwo for ti.o tears tear -he.,eared million of .perm'a i.e, least iMor to their persons. The hems will he et the foot of .Wood Meet Medal. previous nonan fur the rerept lion of freight and the erns, or passenger. 00 the RV!. ter. In' all enell ' the . pasysige lame) . mart Fe take /n • 1110DIDAT PACKET. KONONOAIIELA,C•pI. Stew, r.ilf IrDvn P. buDth t.TerT Mood/1y looming at ID o'clacl, IVherling Derry Monday evening atIO P. /D TUESDA Y PACKET. The HIBERNIA, NG. 2. Cam Atioefiber, Jeave Piusbutgls every Tuesday seeming at it) o'elad,; Whetllug every Tuday' evening at ill WIRDERSDAT PACKET. TimNEW:ENGLAND, NO. ft, Capt. N, leave ritiabarek deer) , Wedoceddyme,,,,,,T,", IU whw4pg,,, a y Wednesday evening at 10 TIIOII.IIDAYPACKIZT. The WISCONSIN. Capt. AL Y. Orget,urgi hare. Pitt burgh every Thursday running at IthVeloek; !very Tburrrlay evening at JO P. . FRIDAY_ PACKET., - The CLIPPER, NO. Cape Deltas, li:nve Pin.- ',argil eve Fridayenareing at 10 o'clock, I \ heeling - every Frid ry ay a vein's .110 P.M. Y SATURDA PA,' Tie ALIESENUER, Cap...C.:vit CKETa, will Irate Pot. ituegh every /3atarday morning at 10 &aloe k; Wheeling emery Saturday evening , at 10 P. M. • •-• SUNDAY PACKET. The ISAAC NEWTON,' Capt. 4. 0: - Afeptt, will leave Pittsbargh 47. every Sunday warning •i o'clock: Wheeling every ttnenlay evening at le P. M. - May 1847. WOOL, _WOOL! Tg."Ea.h's:}ll.zl== 4r all sLe different MURPHY! 1...E1.:. Old wool warehouse, ear LAberts wand Cecil's alley . atil9damtlF - . this year's catching, Jan received and ler Old& ley I^Q• MILLER hRICICE'reON EB-50 bbl. No 2 Large Mae!nova. of "I rag," nobble Nel flerriar ta ' , a d rn by r .a.a bb4 No I '4°' filteElrit 'RICK/USW,: T //11&—ICObbbl LaburviltelVbne Lime (be We by 1.4 4e9 ' POINDEXTER CO 1 1 ./..XIEIRD-12bbli&T‘d I bar for Irale_hy - J.' . POINDEXTER &CO -.--- - - Q tCLIIII CHINGS -3 tonsllOperforqualit-:krssle by ..J. i_________a9 AV & It AktUTCHEON 132 Litany st powou--6 c:tns tgaYdgOalitT• et. stejtt_ Ls' k 9 _ %V & R Mal: I CH RCN RIIIT-30 Ins. Dry Penv•hel gar sale by ' W IL It :441:1C:11E0N Ditoonts-200 do. Corn Hyman for mit by 13 jet; %V it II AIe,CLITCIIFON ___ --- • 20AP-57 bbls Ce nonaati.4rts_hy— - Jos - W& R NeCUTCR_ E_ ON BA7-1 bbls No I AIN b,n t l,y_g j l e 4 l3_ . (1° - :- , . & McCUTC I'o V ___ ._ W M ETAL -70 tons tarot p.p. iir : for sob:, by ~ & R Nei, 131C111.13N TR.OIS-0 iqns waned, PiesbeakmanoGrare...for • .R. 13 ale by W& R MeCUICHEON 'l► Rll.ll-400 kegs aalwri,d,Pin.t..sh rp, IN for ale by . jee W& R• .eCU rCHEON 'olL—'ls tannin for NC.1.,. - -LJ /6 ,4 • S P VON BONNIIORAT El YE PLOVII-4 b. reel. Extra: tone'. by .11 jeB _ F VON DONNIIOHII &CO _ p1.0178,-05 bbl. Fresh Oman& re, re 'ell 8 P VON 80:VN CO (111ININE-50 az Rim mrsived and to //ale 1 y Emyt3 R E RELLCRS, 37 .0. It EWDO 1717;44LA51111311 tam otlo, 150 la , lloxlt t, sale Bill yl7 FORSt rita DUNCAN, eater•• 11•1 (Min Bill - - T L 'incr.D OIL—A kr atm& w • gime and fo, by - J JORDAN & SON LA i lftp 7la Ircts, a avii.ar, Dal( Y , 6bhla. jest received and f0r.441e by 3e9 S P VON liONNI1OKSI• DOT/LAU-2 casks prime, Jun teetered cod for Buie - 23228 ' ENGLISH & OEN N ATE DAINT-1 bbl Impioved 9taea Vars.bib Oahu, man. armareil and fa) sale by JOHN D MORGAN, Dnaggin QP:D. / 1 . 1.171 /PENTII/1111k,3 bitTrcH . Ibr_!la le h y .iy,s • .7 1) NOHOAN .7 .D °TARR—Ie/AA !oilers°, far sale by • 1 D_INII4I AN LICORICE EIALI4-Itaieqillint4hrjiila lA'AGIBI*ISI.II-1 ' ease Carbonated. for CIIC by . jen • ' • •1 D MORGAN VV II 7E . CFALK—teuat or raie. lU Sa,ROAN WPY.WILAD—De barters far ra r e br iti• J D MORtrAIS ---- OWDER-50 kegs for ut, by' --- ISAIAH DICKEY & OTA.SIPat by my3l 11111ION-1111,11.VP—Preab undo, soda qoal::' Lill. Mr Bale low by - m 31 JOHN D 1110 ROAN, 31 ..4 w W RITE LEAD_So leery Pale for. kby °IT7I 3D MORbAN 1L58.A1936-3 iono, now landing for sal b tram, Cil m EASE—lbr . brn now landinnigt y q . _ r AHD 011.-71 prima - anicle of Na I Lana Oil .ILlzonstansly on hand and for irate Isy ' •I • J JORDAN k SON Jeff' Mannfaetusers., 0 N IS Liberry street lICOVRID AIITS-540 bug. kw gale at No7o Cm: merrial Row, LlbeFiy sure; by . , Je7atir .911F:PlIARD ONlMEt i l i grosa Me A line es Utot,ent o; 8C1i030 " Z AKER CO, fwood in lgb proof , Aby. jet SCeIoONMAKER tr. CO LARD OIL - L - 10 bblr, in fine order. fpt !Co 1,6-: ZMON lITBOR,-113 dozen Pa re, ile!tle los by LI JO I SCHOONAI &CO V' ILLA ISSA.2III-3 bandies for sale by Jo • I BCIIOONAI AKER & _ . SDI/LS-1,000 lb., at 15 ft..* per lb, kr sale by eydlihmr I bll EPIIA RD, Liberty ameet . . [J.& US, SIDES and SHOULDER/11.st rec4-U-ui-k—lf • sale by SON ItOOMB-30 dos. Gilt tlandledi 20 dos. Lome dint Comoloo; to 010 by S F VON BONNIIOUST & CO - - - iiimsvaLLE Llllll9-50 bbla for sale .1 1 ,4 ,a)-99 A GORDON, wales st vaxriir•-. co .n man and for gale Ly 13 'W HARUAUGII MEAL-. i 3 bags, jar ne d and An sale by w Mit . — 9 k W MARS/MOH DACON bog d. in sterepod ode toy3l . , 8 &ItHAUGII RiTTON-100 r rung. • FRIEND .Reint' &CD AHD 0 1 1.—eapcnii;lor iale at mail. niT3l I D NORD N J4 l d r fo rin l / 1 14-0 bbl. sod 1 box, ja jolt reed tl P;ak Bp:vomiter & Co r SS Brim at . C . 12118 t ha TrliC Via-1011180 PURI 14 It Vat BONN/108,4T d Co, 3.3 TIMED P2,41.011E8-130 palace, h' peima -Lfanielc, abut and kr bale b ie~ y" J C mo's ELL. water itt, C _ U& 1011E-40bss choice h.g,,Ayi A, vreggiuttg 00 lb. each. Jul treeivocland foto* by - . J C 811211221 OAP -20 bee edici--",. , onati Hoot+, jest rreeived per steamer America and for vale H miureNeERGKR. eiS wafer at - - - IsktAll-40 tasty bas Pohlad °testa' 3 do Extra Fine; for sale by WILLIAMS k. tNI„ itO is skid in tIGi AR CURED HAMS—WOO lb.. justrsecired and Ofoi sata by - THO 3 ta OfiltißNE j,ll Onne.k. ktonanuabela Hausa B . .t a 'CO ,o s:- , .360(j__ ._ .lybs ed, One ordil; in.t reek' °NOME- F AMILY LA Rl) , •7l3Btone Jere, put up ex pre.e:y (or amily ale, from no .10 lug each Jar-6.r 444.14 :lull • Ti OpIO.IINE QUYTIIS SNEATIIS -GO doz. Common •;;;-/ 4.3f0r ealeioer by TIOIS ODICIIIIVE '- • Oppotite hion22Lipl,ja ifif.pore pi z. 0.111-14 bbts, Freela Ground Family - Four, store mad for sale by in Jolt i hicicErrt.co,—: • • paw.' 80A1-300 [loyal larbling from 11 wramer .:kb IL Bosh Oar sale by_ JoII JAMF.S DALZEI. , """ Y .l :2Valsrsvrvet_ HON/tilt —IDU boxes, put op fer family one, le by P NA NON ""d---4416' co " rtor soviihield and I tau MSLAILIIT-414"1". jilearZdtfrVN..'" ' 444 42, W. knot side of We -Mainland TAN -.Q 3 Midst North ("Aeolian Tar, receinitqg G. real and Or MANNER'S OIL-1111 M..receiving Ly Connl and for nate by .Nil RAL.zt:R. rj Fm. mucK—gn,ooain aiore and (Or ralr Isy OtgatT i ttg tMg. " 44V . "" - ' Rll.lll .rtiß•R—ADY—Old Peach itn4y, fara;Ce Tia_qaapi RT/ 8.../3411Clit, Merchant Tailor, Ka' q..±Ye2±.121t.5.15.5A.nA..TqL_:17.101,. " P ry Lui liPb''ornlmr' xak b"'"'" Vhit's '‘bnyl•l:MlltlN ! -,4llE—ma 'Dor wiL5°N `"' 7*‘. usT , I reeefwell Rh! .44 br, mooed ure., froirllV3 to Ttri; `11`3,1,,, 614 J ""*C ilf"4l: nr f aria e ll or ' A,f AN ilvic-Tro KED TOLIACCO-41 bx;ii--'—r.. /,:lor Be 60, 9 0 .14, dijettlY fn.. LYnchlaurs 4, Ili. 11l or ire ,y ionor :acme a aryl Jell • , -, 1 LUCKEY &CO, waier -- (nt .t. • BILF0011t9,01:01b. ttacon 151414. ktr sale..).----7--- ,ve.i_l.ll.e.s...i.r.relnXiN_ wt m.cls.r. Et a tat—C3bb p.mlt.fielkees broil to at,4llburd Wn ' tt ht.CUTCHEoiti t sell e.erfor ea]. by ___UENI), an k. CO .pßrEND,lm e ltf 116 / 1 3-6C4) lb@ 6r sal h (20418/114A Aser Mao Lame Deeds sad Destine"; pee be le tt!ta Dry Geode Hoe. - MURPHY' ""I d r`ainlT'