The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 04, 1847, Image 1

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A 2 ^ WIEH/11, JOAIKS & CO., Commt.mon and
Jl. 1'•If.1311i,11g Nterrosuo, has-a retaraed to their old
.f , tro-r and Front eueets. VAushurdia. oet2l
.1 ) IN
IS' C lIICISTE it, dealer In all tend , of 1m
...t. oted mad Idros,it .earn . etaniat /..e. , and
a i
he ch., ....I I. trid.....1 ..i......iirKTouaceo, whOlesale and
rrol, . o . :AO l o rd street. l'rustrurgh: , 3 ,21 ..
110 , .. 1n... Mt.,. . •CLOII4. Kin . ..
It. uN & KNIT/Cll., \ Vhelisale Rod Retail
A. , // tree .1... rofllol oi Liberty and el. Clan street.,
l'otsl. ..eta l'a • • ~ • ... tnaYld _ '
U A t LLD W S .a Tl , ltal Ell, Wholesale and Re
f) I, 1 .1...5..r. ... 1 . .....3 and ivsple Dry Good., Nri
at . . - El al Lei o. :d.a..• ....ns l'hird ____ ,
11.. A t . .. }. 1 ' / ' 14Nr: tio‘ri)nrertot.lCuiliitb"°'s. 7 1 ;1 k
. " '` 44 '...."7. --- .
1A• sAitipsomi 4 Co. ; Grocers, Commisuon
• N 1... 1,..n• ao.I benler• tn Pal
tuuteati Manufac
tured .. t ..., No to I.llol'y s!reet, l'tneruegh - 001,27
D. At:Al.Eli oft... 011. T lir Wholesale, liteeer, II
.1. , a... 1 051Vneal .111,4.1, I , oourah. •
. --- ---
tial 11.1 . 1. liAtiALE'• & CO.. Wholeaale Gra• ...ul r, ~1 ~,, e d... 0.-1. NIP ..V.3 ‘larket street. be.
vre..l ,I. a,..14: I, PiordiPh/Wield/rm.'
i 1 A., ~ Vo., Forwunlosg ani
1._, , .‘ am .w.rini. ~I..rrhn .., C 41151 Devitt,l'iltsbumchryL,
.-- - J_.
I a ORLANDO LOOMIS. Attorney al Lad; of-
I I • Lire ..0 itit .trri• tat. ve gtrtuthlielg
..—.. pl7l y
_. . .. _ _
Win. Colrma', John F..kannto. J.-
limbo. ,
i 10 GILMAN. LIAILM.AN & CU, Maaahaa
V ai Carr , are ralram• so , Agit., A U. and
eteel. tont neut.. ri , ,i, Couch Trinsonng• DI
v ery
gipt,.n, 'umlaut:nay on St. Clan.. .e
nvikor:tr St (.1.0r1 , . lintel pall
. . .. . _
f AUNtilril:llAlrl & llONNElLNlibaleaale Oro
1. • .,
err. Comours,on and Forwaratmg Merchants,
dealer. in 1.11Mi11. , anal Pot.l.,orgb utattufgetorrea No
144 1..1.e, -1. P.n.o.orgt, _ ol!3
rt _
/otoi rAAA...oN A. 2. 141:1116 , 11 . • •
( , AlitiOni d I , I,•ICAi !WIT, (aurae...ors to li.
V ....oar, a , a t Wholrsale Lito..crf. Commission
and 131,4nr.1., A1.”1...1t,t Ileale” In Produce and
ht,lanal, 'w001...40,, rnatle ftrret.l,tWecti Wood
aturl.,t•er,‘. Icti,,aryb. l'a. calla
Imports., an
wholesale and Meall
.dealer in l'ani.)owl :staple Vltr,rlY Goals, sign of
tbs 6.11 ndo, IV, Mail.. sn n
arl, near Liberty, via,
burgh. Co
. I, clll
it..) • 1 :t11 h :i l l t, Lt: (11'11,.01,14711.1:101)%gt":11:.:t Too ° r E l ' o n e ' ol.
aer oi Mn, Let-1. . ___.ill, if
".." '''"'"a. J. Ilaartann SearalL
..1.) VAL:-.1-1'.." :?:,*:::rot,LlL.r:weAa's'l ra'nd'atil.O47:.
mcb.Sly ,
VID %V' A 'ts / II b. 1.7. a: LTO, Wunfeasle brute,
.11/ rig... , ••1 ... to ...toad, wend dont front /h.
_ ay4
U I..At.f 2011.71 6.11.•tt.
112NVALT, ~... UKULI.AnTA A1,01C,..f Gro
J:..J erm.d ai..r ~ ;nod.. r and ratsburgl , asauataa
Mfr. I I, ‘.. , .. - rty. nand nand sts.,l•lttainArgtt, VI.
mrs. • ,•,/, • u !M. , I. 6101BlETS•
E , niGI.ISI I a ISE:NNW:DT. (laic klnAltsb, Ga 1.17.1
.17.1 1 ~.,.h.•• a. t, . “ i.i.e.ale Grocr., Conisiotinon mqd
rotw.trd ,, a; M. r,,,,,,, ;sod Prole. ut Frolure tml
Ilt. , . 11,0 ‘lu.. ~ Na 37 Wood greet, between
5tt0...1.,,,,1T,,,r,1 , 1-• - - aril
----- --- -
IL / A falt A Vi.. A ~ I , r KNllli ill% Asorney• at
Or (mu,: 11,1, , , , . 1 ala. , hoot. 'ware , ' Gns,trce , .
WFaall l l to Itatrweli rOM liOi.e. o,ps.llta .....
Vir.'W Ali° 6: SW AIiTZW ELDEII. A kus.-
U it. ~., ..‘ 1.1.r.V. 1... we renovcd teca odter. l o aotat.
•,,,Ic ot Von. in SIP,. brlWagal etlatry Alle, a lul. Grant
tire,. Fries
• -- -- -
1' lit Frooal Alen Kite --.-.
IP ILI Eli 0, till lilts CO.. Whaler ak Gmet
..... anti G.u...A. ... Mercaun, and o
r..zenalir Kitghi
Caw. Y at", No, 4 %V star and 10. Fro. A. I'm
burr. -a trb,
.- -
. -
1,, .
II L V JIE, Folio roila Manafarturer and deal
J.: 11 111 .)I,,au I tnatruwents, 11l Woad atrart, not
l'i I IL OP
- ~:...- . rum"...
I,,t,ithi"rit r a. Co, Caman.A.on and Furwatding
I ' MA...lw. No . a. Walt, 01, Voi,urall. walla _
VII AN VIS Et:lA.loi%, I :weer. 1:4,111141M. 011
r :Otet.. Laid dealer in I.,Jure, 4 . 40 dal,. thig,
111 0 ~. Nn i 7 1.0 ,, ty„A1. near l'annl Main, Goabargh,
N It. o.Llatti, I•aatt, Matalla gape, 10, alvrayo all
IL. EATON,. Dealer in t.:ur3l,l6.lann.y. ;And
Fnory Snoide Trounnag..,.. .1.1.1,1. surrt,
or. 0. iaiOman. 'IO-ITanalcir 0ar..14 . R.
,I.:01WIC. 1110110A111 & CO . Whinesale Co,
k I ...r. and Cronin...ion blerelisito, Itgo Woodstreet
Von .nriiii l'a atoll •
------ --
I i V.O. A. SKILILY Wl-61,..n, Grocer and Com
/ ini,nin Merchant, and Mint, to Prriduce and Ilnitufacturri No 10 Wnod C.,plilshlrgn
1.0, tV Siniih. M. It. 'Crown
( • F.lO. W. SMITH & Co-. Wieoreo, Malstert,
f../ . aind defiers in 11oph, Pittsburgh and Point Brew
c tie, 4,1111 And Pin titre.. OM
IEIOII4K COCIMAN. Corniniasson and For
tl. word..., Ur T. knit, No 26 W odstreol,Pntahorgb..
I.l. l .. ` tten u e
I,torr and ,ietwral l'ape'; Warehouse, So. F 7 Wood
*lre , rotstn,ro
_ _ _—_-- -----------v-_
it t io -1 ; r„ La I . It i° w , l e , e o l f I tL 4 c l : sa i I " Mr, l' '' t , • =7;
111116,1111 i 1311.13N0T, wurrE A RED LEAD
Man ti Coe too , . P.. & OA Merchant, corner of LA ,
tee O'Mara n1.,1,1110411f01. febll
e•1/fl DICKei. U.SAT IatLLT; JL.
ISA lAIII DICILEIC Coy Who:esalc tiSoiess,
II .S•
Merekranss anJ dealer. in Prod... No.
al, and lir: From otrsel•, hsantyls.
1()+1,1P1.1 KNOX. Molloy at Love, .Citietvogh,.
.41 Vs-, bus resoused the ISM clitC Of Sl °ra p M
nt rofession
us. to
n.I .No:. ltake , voll S. Building.. street--
..c00...4 donng LI4 absence loy T. J. loghato an J.
CLrlsue.Fortrs. 1141.4.55aj.
011 N D. IIOROAN , Wholesale Druggist, mod
Jdealer to I.l)..etttoru Pmna, uitti VS(Tkilasec, LC,
No oil .Vooll watt, one duct South or Worland y,
I .l All E. 4 Jilf.l4.ll,Ja. &Cs,.
Wa Isaee.sora Jatspb 6b , p CLundiers,:Z ter
iOIII.II 11. ILLELE-OR, %V bolekale and Keitalideirl
e air in Nlueic and Monica! - Nair ameuts. School Nooks,
Paper, Slater, Wert Peru- quilts. PronlereCard*, and
Stationery eerier -illy, Na. al Wood st, Pitartrorgle
ILrKags 1.0,410 , or alto in trade. _ sepl.s_
-._ . -
il SCHOON MA KILO. .11t, CO.CC/. wholetala Dreg
s/ . gwis. No. 24 Wood rt. Potshot gh. acTers
—..- .
11013E.P11 JORDAN it BON, Conamission aed
J Forwarding klarahaiL•k. No I, Laliony et, (opposite
Seieddie Id . 1 i-weit.2e ,- Foo,. _.e.l°_
1011/11 1.. GALLATIN, Attotory at Okisce
al 4th .1, -hetwe, twoot . ood Southfield, south ride,
Piit•tturr2. di ii -. kileod promptly to Leutakee , a
re the airy P i tttt If ••••aiitir-
011 N D. CIA VI.S. At e'llONFLilt, corner s Fifth
Inod Wood -ticet....1 1,.. •iiiele - .'
.34/11111 C. DI 11 W 1411.1.... A ~, i tt, Wholesale 13,0-
cc ., aun t (an0n,,,..,,,,, ke..e.deseei Water otreet, 2nd
door alms , tric Wide , . 1211.1mraft.
11 rr l ~,,, Na •c, 1. , ..., It ut no rnataaturcra' once.
11 .. 22
3--4:11114STON .11‘.111POCKTON, Bookiwllers
Prow , . and Piper enanufaciurers, No. 44 Marko
ft, ralulnacti.
JL. ItICAI.I'S .Ikok !Nora, 4th, near Si2rlcel at.
. LJ. edrtesical.'lloological, Ilistoneal, *hoot, bliieel
-22-iiiii old Mcioode.i rooks and Stalconc7. ar.t
1_ _
W. ILOONIIT,SOIII..t CO., hanke r (ari ...,.,..,
d, elo
. change. Nrok re A. corner ot Wood a o
Ilgurclianeu lioic I Hoh3hcngP) l
Plla,edwutgt aPiar2l. i
jrrCurreney purr u •
10iiN 41141168. Wholesale Grocer, dealer to Pro-.
ti..,. 1'41,111'0 M.lnu(urtnre., Tin Plate, ten. Ae,
No' ..el a
di.,rl) •t, Pin.leurgh Ni 4
/oho Floyd llschard-Fkeyd.
T L It. FLOVlll,llnee J. Floyd a. Co! kV lkolesale
J. . tirw•ers. No 122 I.itiert,' •trri t. wpt3
_ .
1 A2l 1411 DA 1..Z1L.L, Wleole_u!allrocer.Conenes
Merchnnt and ilca or in Produce and Plosbargh
ma „ 0 the,,,,,,, N., el \ Vat, •i, P i dkleurgli L i janla
- ,
1 N. WAT Ratak Ari,... IF holesalc dreiccr, P a r.
..1...5. warilinii wed titocohiseore kir. hiteii, Lk-aler ere
Plitsliaript Maroiwiltlle.liild Vrodurr, Nees, 31 Waive
• awl 1,2 4 mei, kt- _ ,
)j Vll9 II 1/TetIISON it, Co., kVleolewaie
Lk trrocerr, r ir JILO/•11, /411. i (...4.1111111/111.141 klerrhantk„
anJ donor' in 1,06.001 Ai•D1111krIllte, AC., No
vuy. 41.
Water and !/1 I ~..1.•.
11r , lea IL. it
lobo Nlieptutt.
1 An DERT o Nti I t..rolv, Wholesaler:macro
1,1 Volwarditer. and tioeeinew-oin alerrhalik, Dealer%
et Pro-hire • rid I.lll4,urub ananitine ~,, • Na. 13 and
3,,V00d or. Peo.lowoh NMI
Joie" 21'thir. s I:. Ihoilateld. Jos. O. 11141111
Nr"ru'isl.iii'erlll%;-1-Talign "i l l: o i if:./11.11).:1!e'r't;"..'ii‘reaant,d I.litt;
los rah 1.01.1 y
ikl Alleoi Al , I. N nowt, )Wain i: Nomick
• NI.V,:`',,Z,N„,,A % 1i 0 1✓ . .1 , C :1 rr i 0:11 ' 61 .Le d 1 I W - 7:711;• . t . 1
and Market.
. Joan
I 4 i 11.1t..1!..„2,11,11.1;A,T,,1c1t. A Co, rVholirpale Grocv,Lr.
.',... - • -'
caw, tinla.r.u. • c. W. UICSICTIWIN.
A AILI.F.II A. ItIC IfiCTSON, Wholosala lito
till ...fa nil4olll/1111•••1•1 Merchants, No 176 Wooer)
!nu., yanalutruh, 1941 janl4
__ - _.
. A4c . coO„o A kill°, WhOlerale Ansi retail AIM
liii 0,1 r,..p manufacturers. and dealer% in Fancy
, , Parr. wiener oi 1Vn0..1 ...Foil, .1. __OP 2 -
g 1 di J. 141.0.4111. kg holveoto r.eoe . e . rs, Dcader. lll
Al . P r eolier,oeio,ott. Rod l'4ll,Varifing d1r.....U.
• .10 11
Mere ho No.. , ll,ilwri, emd 2k3 Wood strcels,
Peoritburnti. 12
• •-
uoinxs dr, SON, No 45 }lated sure,
...I d oor , na . rod., or you., t..irn
el.t. Bad 00111eAtoe Ir' . .aheaße. Certificates
Woos. [tank Not, MO SVKIC
tChe no!lertion. wade ern the retenpol ciao threnge
out the /boort Stdos drell
Mif UttPICO. VVI-LEIO2II h. CO., Wbotrted, D ry
WI. Goods Dealers, No. a Wood street, Pdthbargi,
R lY l'odtde t , A (cill,estson.
I)OINDS.XTEIL Co , Wholesale I
and 174..117;11ln rad For 4,6'11111dg 51C/chants. No4l
Wrier street. ele/W
i t y
p. . 4 . 7; a rt , 47 . ..
11ausr. •pltudan•
R11F:IITSON ttICPPICUT, I.3odoooDtai.
0 rt. and C o naus...nn tnerrhants, N4i i‘eeond st
131CIIMIU T. LS.V.CII. deepenie .rrne
It Nie' in Foreicn anti
Do of
Saddlery. !lard
wore. and Carriage 7 runminag, e 0 discrmlionc No
•••• nre.Pittretcrae. • .• • • • %ie 1
•T. - G. ItOOilf .
jk, CO, Mleolcaale Grocers, °ennui.
non Merchnnt', and dealers in Produce . lintd
. l'ittaburgh ennincterna. [d eny
et. oplnnite Betide.
1,e1,1•1 ,
1.) WilAiaaa .13AFID. wholesale and read dealt"
m .
Lerner, Monter, plorernakers' Tonlonnd Find
ig...Tan. and Cotten.✓Tietila, and Tuatara Oil, 10.l o .
pa Wood at, Pinaburgh. eep
ItT i er., g tt r Tso i n Z and P l' or C 7n " g Al ' e h
r ° r a c. :
leer In Produce and . PittebVo Manufacturer, bbc.7
PlUrburgt,et 1,24
ROW. 1011102. SAIeL. I. 1011101.
RRROBISONWhoIesaIe Umtata Pro.
. duet and Commimon Merchants, and Dealers 0
Pooburgh Manufactures, No. 100 Lttrerty sire, Plus
ho h. 1.. _
D °BERT 11100111B.Wholesale Grocer, Recta)*
AL tag:Distiller, dealer on Produce, Pittsburgh Mune
factures, and all lauds of FOTeilpl and Ilwenestic Wines
au I Litiosont. No II Liberty street. Pittstiurgh.
Tr N. B. On bawl a *ery large shock of superior
Old hlonongahcle Whiskey, which real be sold low for
L. 0. Reynolds. J. 1.. Shre. -
loptcywoLor a. BEIER, Forwarding and Com-
IL =tun. Merenalto, for the Allegheny River Trade,
dhaters is Groceries. Produce, Pittsburgh !Manufactures
and Chloride of Lime.
The' highest priceain cash, paid at all times for
Country Rags. COMET of Penn and Irwin OW. jantfl
11 C atiscelett. Thos. It Wh d e.
QIIACIELETT Wholesale Den-
LT lee. Forman and Domento Dry GaAs, No OP
Wood atwet, Peusburghfeblitt
_ .
W lIARBAUCI, Woai Merchants,
er. Pater and Produce generally and Forward
me and Commission Merehonts, No 03 Wood street,
Pittsburgh. laßL_
SSAMUELAnotney at Law. Office
A Breed's builltna, No OS Fourth street. between
VL2sstl tend I.4ntidifield. novadkvtly
td S rer of Fommer
cy.Sliaving and Toll. Beep* Willlefill
pressed Lud 0,4 he. No 11 Fifth et, burro. u W 3l ood
and Market us, Paubtagh. Po. oc
(1 F. VON BONNIIORBT & Co., Wbolessle
O. Cancers oorwarding and Commission Merchants,
Dealers in P.tacsurglt Manufactures and Western Pro-
duce, have removed to their new warehouse, (old stand)
No 35, comer of Front at and Chancery Lute. nov7
All 11.1E.1s M. FLIER, Forwarding and Commis
LO siren Merchant, Dealer no Salt, Prucc and P ats
burgh manufactured anteleo, Canal Basin, near ith st.
Al • ihr Denier In ~ e ed R. Flow
13. cm. null TrOLINIOIti A gticultural Implcutents,No
Wood garret Pawborch. febS
B - • . ....-
1 1 A/511E1i & s ear —Wholessle Grocer , &
it Onneoiroston Merchant., and denier. in Product-
Nu 13 Wood once. Ettotturgh. *ton
ja103.. KENNEDY, Jr, Looktng Glo-s Monona - tat
and Dealer an Clock., thtottna, and Varie.
&nods, corner of Wood sod Fourth tame.-
-- 119
T I . Fointh. K J Forsyth.
r P. FORBYTII &Co, Commingion Pilernhant,
1 .dealers in thin, Lomb!, liniceries, ?mint< auni
nianuinciturre, Omni Kann, Liberty
nn linn t.e
J. 4171• LI. WICK.. DAVID la Cklll3l.Ml
JD Wick,)Witoksale Grocers. Forwarding and
Commission !deletion!. dealers in Iron. Nana, tikes,
Cowin Varna and Pittsburgh ilanufaetures gencrallF,
i•onter of Wood and Wairr ate, rittaborsh. mehla
WR. MURPHY tonnes the ladies to eon and
. eganzture his stock of Ftensh Worked Collars, as low asl.3 Denis.
V 1 .6 1 m E la :1t h :r 1 :1::n b ;, 6 .7 . 1 . 11)< F : 17 r w all'2lYee
and Potato:ugh Nlanufactures, turner of Water end
00,t1,6e1d at. Pm-tough. Pa. solS
W 1 111 1
.:‘,7. 1 . °1LR
rife; C Il L a
! i rl e l e ' r7. ;L a .
..Ivry, Se, corner Libeny anal St. Clair roretr,
{7M. GLENN, Nooktonder, has oarioved t . he
V r SVod .n 4 Thad m, Wave t! II hay, betf lames prepared to Jo every dererrpoota of litaltna
and Hindlog. opal
Vk ..,1;';‘,Y,5,61',,"5,,z;d2.144r.,t:r1T1.V,1 neor ,e
• •
_ . .
V5l. MITCIUGLTRICE, Wholesale Cm.
err, RectOying Doodler, and Wine nnd Liquor
Merhants, Llben) otteet, (ol•Pos , h , S , x , h
0. 11. ROBINSON. Attorney at Loor. ha.
• renaoard hi. other to the Ex honer 1t0ad , 05.•
al.or .evt, next door to Aklet man John..
ARKA Funr) god StTs - ple
. Dry Goals, Nu 79 Slarket Meer, Pittsburgh
ILLT/Litti it 1111./.IOIIbILTII. dram the burnt
. Disom.t.,) Wholesale Gmeera, arc now located al
11M Wood st than they cart fa r sale . a large asst.•
Loaf Groceries and l'ashorgb NlanuMentres, at low
pl. •s aud on favorable mew. ma) la
W. WILSON ! Dealer in Wale It, Je.rirY
1 • Silver Ware, blthiary Good, kr, No. 57 Mar.
Let Wert. oo•I
It. MIMPLIT, who:errole and mad dealer in
V Vkr
.Fore,on nod Dornevoe Dry (Vaud , north ca-t car•
eenrf Market and Focallt 0.0.
kj M. 1 , . 111.W•It . Jr.. - hoe r.epareao.ea ,he
V V Drug Store or Edgar Thorn,' corner tri levers and
, land ave.,oral weep o oupply a rdte be•t
nedlernes. prefornery. sue.
Phyarelon's prosenponro ertirintriled.—
vlethelneo con be Lod sr Ali irlors of are melt
teldrolly •
A M Waihneford. John I' binge,.
Vcr tr.!: tri . T h lt ,
n tV o.. ft s Co , „ , ru nz no n non
d For
v v. . fel.' O
WM. M. DAILLIMUTON. iinerneY La.
I . lustotrktr. .ornentaatoner to tae
knowledgrrent and pr o° of Deeds, Lease., Canuactr,
Depositions, or any othe - kerning ( under seal or not.) to
D o e
toted or recorded in the Vtate of Obta. (Mee on
tr.aboveStatnAo4. tcl I nf
iM atreet, near Ornithield. Colleenna. %gen.
lather bu•tner. attended to with punctuality
acts— <
...t...Fenwle; Crocl,an
'aireatoek s eo„ John Herrin,
Lingiuy Et Co, .1 John W root
• McCully, Esq, 111n1. %Vihanti Lamm-,
Graff, I
No. 114 Liberty of,
Diamond Wiry.
NI-mum:it PA
a 174 IT
Baziers, Dealers in Edviangt, Bank Aro. god Coif.,
Corner of Third and Wood wee.,
Pittsburgh, Ps.
it W — Wee. M semi,
(Swerieser v Lorne * Widoeing.l
' 6re Norh side of Fourth et, sUovc Sul th6eld.-1/0
relil7d&orl yF
ATTORNEY and Counsellor at lA, CINCINNATI.
OHIO, Colleeuon. In Sauthern Oka and In Indiana
and Kentucky, promptly and carefully attended tn.
REFER TU—llon. llrcbrud !bridle, 0% r n Sua.
C an , ., Wtn kl`Knight,Church & Carothers, Wan Bay,.
Eau...fames Y. Stuart. AValkork & Wars.
Oliver Blackburn. George B. Jones
,17 0. BLACKBURN a C,O •
110LI - ALF: firocersland Dea/ers in Chit, Lbw
V I' atoms, and riUsbarga Man &Mee...hare
on hand at all bates a full and general asportmeur or
IrZt .. l4l ,h litt . If line, WSIMI . Arco., near Clietry m A r, lgt ,
filal101al& OP THE JUNIATI-WOll,B,
VOX 781 ••LI OF
Having taken the Warehouse formerly *crowed o>
M. IL Rhey & to.
Water S near EsaaV 1912.13 - a llll l ,
Will keep on hand a fell sepply of all sizes a Roder
Iron and 'lead., Floe and hire-Red Iron, made from
hie twiLluniam Idsemr, which will be sold at thei lowest
market n.. Enktne Rudders and coke . .., we invited
o and examine awe& Orders promptly Cl.
Aided to. 11 11: V
TOWNI4END. thoxiort and Apothe-
J vary, No L. Mart et •t, Mee &giro aliore Third id-
Pittsburgh. will bare eon...nay on hand a weli
ed agsoltnient of the held and trerlirst hledienles, whir+
he wilt tell on thclnert 'p.m: mat. terms. Phi.ricittur
rending °o der. will he pronipil7 attended to, and rup
pled with articles they may rely tn.°. vs aenottie
u_rPhysielano , YrtnCr/gt/ong will he accurately and
neatly prepared 110.3 the nest material,. r no hour al
the day or algid.
Also for sale, o large atntt of freak and good
?d Perin
tnery Add
‘Ar WIt.ON, Wa , lr ater A. Jeweller.
V . corner tilt a nd Market • c tr. A large and well
reteeteil W.
01 wateher, Jewelry, elver ware and
Military Goirly. Alwayr hand and at regolab ear.
tern pricer, Gold Patent Lever, tad Jewelled 'watcher.
Sr low Sr UV. `dyer do watcher a• low a. 1111.
Gtllllloe Cooper, Yolda, bilinrott and other approv ,,
!natant - wairlier way he had at a mall advance and
ITT . Fdie watch work done in lee very la •t manner
1•. 'WM,
u. 'Moulde d Ire and itrri, con-
Mnny on band Cul, and 1,1a,n
Glassware, La all as 'fanatics, at their %Vurckouve cor
ner of Alerket and Water streets, Potaburgh,
Our Works continua in full operation. and we are
comae/. ly adding to our stock. WiliCh enn.l Z oano to hII
nrd” . with Pr.uPlness• arc rePpetlully
cola-Juni to cell and examine prices and wrnis.
J. B. '
Office 3d 9t, opposite St. Charles Ilotel.
rirrsu u KG II;
uf x . 2 1j...421,17.!iTi.1t,in sh
Rens TO
(17. fitrucri"l:7.lorkreenhelm" / Pittahorgh.
D. T. Morgan oeILD it
I --------g.EOIIN DUNLAP,
;Or ANL/PAC:CURER of Ten . Copper, and Sheet iron
1,1 Ware, and .dester in lintaelnis nnd Japanned
Mare, No 17 Itlerhet anent. The ,untemlwr re.nnet
fully enllll the anentien or the M notern McrelMata,
Country dealers, And other., to hi. hog° ode
e k of man;
, factor e d Tin and Copper tare, with a toga
m.n. of imporied U.S. FOrlgeliafi linnivrp,e. ,
Wnoleaale Loren and the pubf7generMlY, =Ain't
ted to man. • • • -- _T r t.
- azinCiv:-InitTli 11. 6 s.
Corner Untkn• Ali,. and Penn St. and gain of fin E 4.
Pitlabnellis. PS.
• J. nDenlight. - --
- WI .ftentnEgtit.
,I. 1. An W. BONBRIGHT. - .
W . . -
ABILANTED equal, if not .upc riot. tip any mode
in tee Untied Tonne , and which they mill db 1....
or at l a w Pony and on good Tennt,
anti tyr • H , Pa •
u.r. • R 11.011 .50 AL
• ILL P. Jr. S. NELN c a
atpades,llaes, liar and Manure ra
Marlow. Na Il Woad time, Pnadan
'• Nal. 72. Vousa wer, wro wen[
ID' All routine. eCiLireen antillisek Tear
ne yp in tonlier. half, and O ee pound peelges, r•n
ging from 40 e per podndt • SEW • A ViIFS,
Arm at't for PatlsTm Co
A. ,N 1 Wal.gtord. Slayer.
II KR 111 %V ARE A\ II
sale 11110,000 lUa ...acted Steel, clz:
Naylor dt Co , r, 1111..ter and German to , l,
Jolars fr. golgeo , Am, Blister Spring; and ask
..MadokShavets, Spade , . and Furl. ; •
Carriage `llamas and Axle.
(mouse halal/ Vthe". and
sledgcs, Sledge hloulds,Crowbars;
In mace II age.. (Juntran
Mattock a, Cla y caul Coal Picts;
/S eSickler.
Log Chains, he.;
IrrSulatnander hue Pam( Safe. Lon. h.:lo,las.
and Miser Pittsburgh Manuthetures sold ai the loos
yricev: fel,ll
R traneuliower .1 Fr...tido Sant,
N. 59 South Wharves. and No 117 south Water At
1 . 1111,AUELP111:1:
DEG to inform the trade and dealer. generally of
Pattbureh. That they hav, made each arnugem , nts
with the Voatant manufacturer. and the Growers of
the West. West ladle, and other places ...VIII
large and 1.31.4111 Aupply , 1115 tollownte dercrt,
tams of "VOIMCCO iie sold Rooas accosts
modattne terms any other house in e,; yor el .e.
wher and all goods ordemd trunt them will he war.
ranted e,
equal to representation:—
Ilavainti et. llomtngo, Conn.,
Vara; Pomo Mato; Seed Leaf To
Cuba; Immo; and Eland.) berm
ALSO—Braueh's celebrated Aromatic Stag Canon.
dish, with a large assortment of ink, popular brands,
and quelnies of pounds. 5s ma las las and 'd'} Lamm
54. Gs and Ins Plug; Ladles' Two"; Vagtnia Twist,
'&e, sweet and plata, to whole and half boxes, wood
and hu,together ran every variety of articla belong'.
ing to the trade. JelOnlly
J U Laura.,VV Atrutonov,
Late of Pittahurgh,Pa.. Late of Na•hville, Tenn.
ELIMER & ANDERSON. Dealers in Canton,
Forwardure and C0M1111.11.1 Wien..., No. Ii
Float Arcot, above Itroadway, Cinemas., t now
B.lnnt TG
Al. Alien &.'o, .)
Bagaley & Smith, * ViitoLtuolt.
Wm Umgham.
Sony & Shopherd.
M& MeAnster. 1 Nm.ho:lle, Tenn..
ronnann & nrrnittead.
WF Lane. & Co., Lout-v.l:e, gy.
Swinger & Wh4outun, t ,-
''''''.....'• C
Jon., Johnston & Co.
I lowen, (!erna & Co., New 10de....
ST aggooggor & Mo ccc .. c ccc 1 uck.
Stnoon!! keighler & Co.. Uolonmre.
Stun& itagaloy & Co.. Ph,ladolnins.
Dowel nosh. Ucenot, /an
_ . •
--- ti. W7Ermveleil.•_ _ -- W
C . I \'"'n
And Commlsalon Merchants.
PARTICULAR &millioneld to rrortmgonkent•
A Sugar Milk, I.:ngtor., or Olist al fOT Opo
and Altakapas.
REFER ro—Nlesst.l Sheffield &I. tnlow. All Tan-
Limerick; New Orlear,
1V1 , 19T1. Lunou& Lkorrion, NI, Z Sherle, • Lou.
o n. & Speer. Mr Wen Rat. , “
W.ghouln. Arnwrorog Ntrbokon, l'atoborgir
NI He..un.Turld & .
Ilyar• & Cra.gtle3d. Udward. &
Wtotrall, Moo Zenon Lui-ro ve, Mon John Uutu.n.
P12,0101/1, l.a
r 111F•liAl. ro•li loiranoe• ttt t on T....0pt of o•oo
aignment. ..loppino to our a. 1,11•••• .11 lir
Pon, :N0....10wa. valor i 0 odv•nre •Ipply
tog to our faro.:.,
Memo.* rho., & .11r,,1,p0n,
Pluldelph.o. May 5, 1 , 45 eim•l7
II All prod.., co.l to u• ottorol wl.en
in l ii yr:m.l.l3w Woll,n . olonl 5..1 . 0 55 •
or in our l'lnladelploo. I! II A 1.1,
1511 , /STEWS Or AND %V I.F DrA P
tio: 1., Wood S tttt
AHE non the rour•e• grrrreo, hat, Id..
lo Ihr.r ernettcyr stook of 113,,,, , ,re
Sul 1,n., .tr.. lrirril hay 4, Irrrn 0,,
gmr• ; ndruavgr. r; iron
the anui:ortutrrr Ist 0141 owe., them no. .4
ter auk on !rm....p.a.-a..'l ncrer mad ropi.sll.,
few •• or. ~,rs•llteli,o..r.l to cm,
'OM I"14/ &.FORWARI I Nti %VI
. V.-
j.10 .. .Y, %..10•,1 St / , k T . I . lll' itt . 1.1.11 mart
CON . I . ' , I ,,, Nt . Ett i., Oa. lel .3 ern', ti I ttrttutztt.tott
Kw ,
ni.i i
g " n • n* P nni'll, in Ili " P'"' n ' " " .1 ".. N ~...rECTIO% 1111 '%:'• ABU ilti II SCURIF 0,11
a -A'n""" """'"." nod t.''"`.. and In , nnen on Moto . . .11,, I tilt - I.tar e 0..,. (... WriLd in,
receiving and lorwarding tine Is I -unsigned to his i ~.,,, ~,,, ~,,,,, i „ . A j a y nr, Pei,' Tea M..,
care. As Ayent for the blanislarturers. be .11 be . A ~,,,,,d,.,,,,,,r00r,,,,, , ra,try ttAie c,,,,,,rtionary, ,
robalantly supplied with the print-y.. 1 article, of rm., Or , it... 0 on the toanitt everyday, u.tnewhsh
Pittsburgh Manufacture at the lowest wholesale tire tlie folktwine i--
prieea Orders arid ethaigninenta are respr,ethylly . , ticantioitr. Pound Ce , Ire.. Rt, rt , itt,
Olietted. tgi purify. it :twig.. ar, Proc. , pt.,
- Jcily It:. t. A ,ttagtat dn. Motn•te• I. I tot.,
U F Conway
U. F. CON MIA T IC C., /
1 3 , 11 , 11 , L.1t11 . 1 . 1- , ' a r , : , l i . 1 1 1 , I , :i
.. : „ :01 , 1; , 11 4 11;•;:t•I :1 , 1 ,. 1
~f 0 ,1 , / . . L11, . t r , e , .
..: . 0 ,:. 1; , •: ,,, I .0 1. , IC;1. 00111....) . : , :. j/
, t 1 ,,. ., : t :11:: „ ...!11 , 0 . :•: .
Purchase, SA:O AM/ ..4a , pone. of 1., Imp. Ct., A, . a ,.,,, , i , c ,, y ,„,,, L...,iiiy i , ailt, °diet rsuidttoth•
it • F: In, 1 tr.-. sr! tt.t• c tt
1 &Co Or.rnt R•ilet Aen , Ire.h Br.. f taw. Rust, it- . too 'warded solely
lorenz !riesling ACo Henry firait '.r ~,in White Wl.rtt r 0.... and itre (runs ail Leuen.rvery
Ural, Lind..., A Co It 1. , erh & .."0 •riLl ANDREWS
Lynn Short ACo Cl" ' A i nnn ,,.. • Nl/A nil A VIM: C B.F. AM --PRICE item:eta.
nurrloll, tlitrn.• ' ' in "' • 1.. , nil Inn, now arta,. who 0,, So,j ,Ip.,
.111/11N 1 , . PEIIII 1 . aco 111,....'have 0W 00.4,10. 0 , 0 ,..
ll.ate nt !the lc in oi ~.• it 01 lA.-. 11. ' 'l. I , i ... -ytti or t•tis•nn l - nn pound ui Itto mt.
\V - Cole Grocer. edursolisisso a Plow . I. ~.,C, c...p. , . • I • - - , n '•• ~; • ~ . 1. . , . ..” ~..) wai..<
Meech... , it.. t,i,,aii whn 1,..w. tried .. 100,1110, 0 tto, 0,0 •
jD ' „ A r ' ta n . i'-',„' i 1 1 ”,t,." l'::.:::;:";:..., 1. .." 7 )1:: I.`..'':`:: 147.....,V;.",:',';''., , ' . ...7,' , 'n 1,1 '.: ;:::,t,,b:r.5r,,•'17';,7..d,,.." ,
. 0.... '..C. 4 `. , 4 0 0 •101 N• 0 1, 1010 I,nd the price inw ... omen to nitort •n opoorinnos to L eery
i Dye Siege., 'Coro, ti arn., S. ia e snit Itii. ra r e ttcronit to give .1 u li.e. and pitse tor ilserure.rea Su,
Sinnutt......'. genereßl • rut. , ot I.,ltetiy 301 If Win 1.0110,10, LI \nu mine,r.rtt, lygtt,ino...b.„. on
,trettlit, rtltsttutltht P. twtto ,our rhannts cap• don't lie re red' a wily% coat ,
tietral lah GT Ittot•lt. risa , nit ooft tattett ttt ft,lllsreitt and. II .au are noi relished, the ,run
•,sinnent. of Produce. A r ios ft `molt,,
wi.i he returned StEPIIEN BARRETT.
Iron tt'ait Lard Oil rattOr, and Tani y rosin 4VntL.,
AUCTIONEERS Whit 511. rt. opr.ette Ir. C o llotcl
Ilardware Coiled - , Meditlery, &e:
!AND COM ' ISSION M ERCHANTS; I MriBITER A j! fti a llErl.t:t Al ii , fo i r t elienaiid Burmese
ALEXANDER LEVY & BRos. .i n, Bard..., won til rropreitul.) turn. lc. friends
CINCINNATI & ST. LOUIS „,'"';';,'„P",„';',,.:,1,7,1,"', 1 ,..",;,",,, e ,',, , ',',' - ';`,.„,'70T , ' , "; ,,,', ... ,
OFFER us sorill at either estahltrhinent all Ittni. of ; a . y ' y io:, - ,,,„' ' ' .; a,,.,,,, wl n y a - ;,„.. „,,,,,,., y,..,,,,,, g,.,„....,.
Merchandise at the ktwert rater nf and ; ~,,,,,,,. ,:,,;‘',,,...,,,,,,,, ~,' ,-,,..- 2 - - '"
i . 0 ' ini n•n r . f . ' n n n '` d ... I. ` ." . " ..n. n ''' . tie r w m n t, rontins•lly ree r r,ring fresh a.Pliestlut ,
eferenre• sit., PI required. Leiter. add AAAA ed to , ~,,, N...,,,,,,, ~ r . ,..., ~,,. ~,,
ether Rouse w.ll Le promptly at tu. pl./illy v .," ~,,,,, ~,,,,,,, t. ,,,,, , 0 ~,,,,,,,,1,,,y, ~,,.„.,,,, .4.
JOll3l H. RI C IIA RDA, —„,, c ,t her Ea. nr at ert
W rier n hlerhants are ins:tea to eee and elan , .
, NO. '4O W ATER 01n.: Isla:Art.lW' Copartnership:.
LIALTIPIOII.E. , i; - F. the underrisne.t. liner envied into Core riser•
i W1N,,8..0.t.tribiar,,r77,7,,,n.',a5e, Dried l'ruii, Rees. .
~1 , ,. .., . .41 in .. r n th ,, eroe,us.r.pottem..ol,..l.7.r..tati.:.z.hotedea,
th ttroil
. 7 1 re .0
Ath'ancr• Matte On cootttgon,ots Sni,sfartnry ref. .or . n."'. 1 ' 3111 , 1 1 1. MetiltE i ly & CO.. .
rrenre to those addre••ins itt mad ret.17.111 • •rl nave taken the warehouse, No 6 Cornmerr. , R.W.
La.,p ttoret.fornieriy orruptedlis hie W 0 Pure y—
taxi. enioorwia
TIIO3IPRON & CAM;ll ' l5l ' 1.717, """ 1 '.'`'' all l ' . '''' . ' ......'" to^. chore 10,11 he
1 Nttenotty and faitlifultrtattertilril to
COMMISSION MFRCHANTS MORRIS Ott' M. formerly of Plidsdelphis
And Manasfactueers of Lineenl WI, TI lies ii MeirREW. • Sinabficid, Ohio
No. 2U Cidrimbia Street, II meipxw,..
eINCiNN AV, 1111111, I . ...harsh , Mareh tn. 1-47. nachto
caellite ecru 'on rL•xxeco,r,D kfiraialtAl. ItICIAUBI OF I.AKa , .-Ite...
ill. Illoit- A taw dom. timest tabu., of Ilausbtou
intplA ly and Ilii.ittl , Miner.] Irre , .. ar....p.aniedby doe our
oi I. entire ,ouniry , 1000 , 10. 00•1 lots.. of every
0,030. name anil record start 01 nil the satassisronc
ono , • rt. stilt or the geotrtsieal ead tspoeraph.eal no.
•ct a, toeether enh sit , the siatirrir•l ilitilirrlatant eels.
tit, to the ahnernl rect."( hal. :totter out, ale eartialii
.I in tins wall. For vale by
lIA Yr.& IiKOCKWAV, I/Tarsi..
,n 0.11,0 No 2 roinsnereisi row. liber iy .
- DIIIOO/4, Dlitilill
10E1. Nlit111.1:R. thugs.. and Aincli•r'st, N. IV
il tt 000 “er oi Wood and 511 rs i I . lo4 , usgh. l neer
...runny on hand. Bross, ' l'n nit, 40;-, Bye oath
W 1. Lini.:Voiti) & CO.,
cullmi&AoN & &pi NO 1.11-14 , 112 Sl2,
Seroud Street, near Wood.
V.AI.I.:KS 1...11,urgh olictlue iorr•
'Aral kr, roil y .ri. klmf
of V.l.age •011,g, mt.l a , r•. 10w5... ythr• ta.111•.. k
fim Foot •ar_s, :Au vdr.- vvro k
•ledgr•. . le e
I.vlr 11
!MALCOLM 1.F.1.111. Jo" d
BIALOOLfiI 1.1R:101 , 11 & SON,
/I om
nontlon and Find. o••.
Cuirotry l&otlure, Copp, T•o, T. Plaice.
Tool-, Iron aoJ Z•oe, Wkoo• Iry.• Stud.,
Itua,,a Stwei Iron, Vooon or o, owl •
i•ib o ,o, m ono , d,re. arnardllT Nn• al .Vl. and W
, eoo Jot the •ic , o
V•OOurgh,Po. 1. •
lironer•, w ro•lo m and. Invdr t,
mgmneno of produ.•••• .6r no•t•it,
rad ad. wan. ol lt
1 • 1111. A 111:1•111A
W. T.
O. W. N•1111.Wet• 4,11
No. Winter S ccccc c c
sr Llitils,
Will rive /1111111011 1011;0 11.1* Pro
Aur PI order. ipr purrlot...g
Ilayza 1,1.1,0tg1,. In.
John :A 0.11..10 I.l\l'lCrOlvo. ell(Ylkert.on
0,111 For-Wurdill . 4 ,• 2 l fr , d.nh ,
NOS. &15 sOUTO ST.
9.9971,- alowiJs(vs wn A RT. Baltimnr•
Nos. Hand Light lit,
frrenet will Le ss+dr
In nbove suldrf by
itugl9 (Mr, N. 00 Str,..l.l.burgh
STE NI 110 AT. N I:+sioN
. ... .
AIOAtiN f. Alllt
P t.A 1101lnK,
ittsburgh, Pa.
L.P• LEAD WOR.KB.—The undersigned have
completed their new works, located on the Wok ci
the riser above rho Acitieduel, in Allegheny COY.
opposite whi r Pinvbi. for the reanolaclum ul a sew
rior Mislay 01 e les& birth dry and ground in'
oil: also. red lead and lanes - ago. Having availed
thetnvelvea at all the recent improvements in Os
manufieture;and erected ler buildings on 'a reey
extensive scale, end wu6 rep may to make lead lit
large quantilien.-thes will be able to suiply orders
! to almost Ins eateni. nor 6
1.3 labiate', Pattern Maker, Alkgheny City.tril fillll,,
ha. Bre nearest Cat.. for Stoee• on head colter or i
wood or Iran. Mill Gem mg nod all other patterns mode
ter order. opllltf •
ye-iii;ll-19Alorallona Bleached Sperm 11.1: •
I.J ,iooo do Natural Colored Bperna Orli
• BIA) do Iflrached %Futter Whale 0111 ;
A Idris Lard Oil. met reed and for sale by
...____ )411J.ER de RICKETSON
CI: CREAM FRE.E.ZE.R.S.—.IOC reed, Inge Iwo..
1 ment or Jullasou'a excellent Parent Ice Cream Err,
..sable an llotels.Strantlioar . and pries° , farm.
my 7 No 17 man it:
11.,irels and
• -
errisousog FORNITErIi . /V/111Z 1400.. c
NO Fl 3 TIDED fig/MET, • . -•
A LA 116 Fend splendid •
asvortment of Farnham,
suttblo for 410.716:111.,
FSii tlotelo oud private Uwel
fines. momently on hand and made to order.
•tock on h.ul cannot be excelled L" any
manufactory in the
doewstern comfy. l'eglon• v. 01.4
to purchase would well by giving me tall, As 1 am
determined ruy prices shall please. In of the stock
50 Sofas otnii I h and llairoloth cover.;
2 dog Mahogany Nurse Choirs,
14 pai r Divans;
12 duo fine, mohngany Chairs;
12 ota fi ogany Work :tondo
3 dog mvliogony Rocking Chairs;
15 marble lop Dressing tlureno+l
0 potr Unmans;
...marble lop Work o.tosids;
12 eherry ork Stands
Mahogany. Maple Cherry sold Pop!. Bedsteads of
aII dercriptiolo; and large o•Aarllnent a Common
Furniture awl Chaysocoo lIYITICIOus to mention. •
mar9lf '
• r
n t: ft - AftuwA II F. 110 US kl.
Corner of Wood and Ad ells, Pittsburgh,
.1 V IN tut roam from the old ban of Walker fr..
Woodwell, on the lot of January, 1517,.1 take
pleasure in announcing to pry friends in the cty and
country, that 1 have opened my now store afthe above
natned place. Ilasittig purchased good• for cash,
and made airatigernents with man factures n thla
country and ,Europe to be constantlt suppbcdt j ran
fully prepared to furnish 11 areorall as
good terms and as low no any Mitre or West.—
Merchants and others arereSpectfully invited . to cal
and ex:moue my stock, before purehasing elsewhere.
Pre followtng minims. a part of ray stock
Steamboat and Saddlery hardware. lien Triturainia,
riles. Nay lor's Steel, Cutlery, Edge Tools. Anvils, It i
es. L s. Lurches, Sickle, Scythes, Ilutt
ere a, Union Vacuity Plaues.Saws Mahogany rd
Sack and veneers; and all other articles connected with Ike
11.rttwere bushmsa • rachlld
N II T IV I T it s r AN DING
• ter ted
non es opposa'An w thiaieVeni
lion of a l'ottslairt. Slechtanie.• Ma
jority of the Cabinet Motet& of Ulla
and Allegheny city. •nd their newer
oe•eueume lute !shown thernatlrea
above the vulgar prejudice aiant•t hone and
they gice (il.rlrllll'. Iledvtead the preference, *imply
Lac •use it d na a, hear, the btu, stranpol. am, moot
caner/twat Iladvtcad h
u,e The furatatu; tecurnonial
vireak• for ditch:—
We. the •60.rilwro. Keenest cabinet makers of die
rave. or rtuaburgh and Arlealretry. Pa.. do hereby ter.
hi,. that we hate hodela the right Ili manufacture bell.
'lead. with lirivan‘e Valera Froacntrigt, and conaulei
; the VISSIe superror no any ta.tentitga wt,
which we are
3 . 31111 • • Lenton I.oltu 1114:rew
T I oung &I, Fainnan
J Hartley Jame. II liner
John LllgKeir . .. Jr. Oat Lowry A. Son
lawn” Q. al,. Italdle h. Drennan
id ,Farley thigh II Wallace
Der id latter Ranmy h. hrelelland
Hugh Wallace Moses Ilulluet
Meal !Jokey
1. For (mew to wake nod sell the above lIerIvIcall•
F.l/11 , 11:11.Elt F bIAZZAhI.
Ie • l'11![11117*
1 'I r •nt.rraaa• balmy{ obtained a patrol, May Id
1 1.46. t to Preva 'trick ?dacha, and havihij once then
armn ghl, levied It ability. ale Dow prepared . 41
,etrat and t cart to de11..., In.rhares to any part of
die 1. toed Stales. Tbc macho.. is IteriXll,dlo make,
Itnek ' erode ara,, a... 1 writ male :11.1001 Food I
..noot Lem taw, per dap. •offtrientle third to stark hp
the b.i t. tlow voal tug the eapvit,e and laths Op t ,.
par.. • the clay ..Ir,•ne and bandlorr the howl. after
j ....•ag naulded ottani, not holden. get out
OUT uz .pan, and thvt Jt ran la. taherr to
; t he.a.• Jord put toerther Oat. are. taribiy.tha• render
' are a orrahle We arenow budding tuartone., and
rug in•ltiltrin lua
•hort u... Fuca full dem-hot..
tete r :an raretatre nob
han lantato. near tilt heet. where we .hall he happy ter ergnaln racrythare
aortaenal 10,1 who may We have 31
pre-eat nu luaranzed Acent All letters m oursdd rev.
Me,111.1.1 , ..N it Co
•ep.vlij CINCINNATI.
V All
XT1 . ...n1 V 1.1 ta•ted and apparved dun, are pav;
..... la ho au.. trialwv.a.a.evin
loreth .nierha or
an a. aa: . tar de. e. no heoperang
ot Na...q..010 'I I,tal eb;eh then Jur:dolly
ahd .oper :aro, Jcpar..l., ate m• Ire ied e p
-1 'ter. heoueht lawn Mar, wh,.j..jhe
t., road, ihe sov.l.le maw r. loah ato trahr•
; oed l'hev will e rhoruuehly
hurved at. 4 p , ... nraelvrbel j, and oh.
. rlvrle, J. Ca the pro.
praaarh Loati •.•enainlaar Shea acknowledged
vt II I, prmni ,, Y
It- wriwnpiona erfefully
r.l, ~,,, no.y Low Ihe tzt
$141,t 2.1,, Is...mler° rerloal,f, tow Tooth,
nod Cloth I,e. r , ,c.ll
los: it rash, _
Ciroreri. Fruit •nd +Stre.
W 11,11.1.1,1.41 A Nil
NP. 141 I.IUKILT V 5T11.141.:T.
131,N1 A M I ti 111 , ,N r NI would rforrrtfolls 111fill10 1.14
old own.l• temt Ow p&p,. r,enerally, Owl 1.,.
K:tot .• 1111 l lw Ow looorhew,
do.l to ipl• Old wlwr , Ira boor., by 'teapot, a
.opplY of food oft. 'who.; low Igo nod. pay
• aneloaon L , n pnaon., plata n •leaa at
lasaar • l
nnurnn norle..l
'I•. s. Fl.Ehf !NG,
\1%.1V.0 A IJ\ ‘ t ir ! . . 1 1 . . A 1 ' 1 '4, T “"
pa 3ml updio... IL.• ;Oa., laponr...” 1
1.1 aura.... Taal Pearl of gotionetwo lo rye',
t .to.rt Alllosty Ilutow to ,
. to ant., 11,1dIrrIloat foul
A Apr a okra,.
o t. I. oot 1311.1.01 1 n Of xr a al• pad porldra dram pi a
~. • .r 01:1111, r •
• LI pges• "I • II door al tl.e 41(1;1,4 notice.
9p1,11,n Nn tt W Clnir l'n
fur u , Nam . MIX R wnnt
for 201111 e highert prive in eAsit wlll
f WretitauJ
Ai.nyee net breed, every dee.ereptinet nf,
rappang Parcr d Chloride Lime
melt! ,nrrirr Penn and Irwin
- •
- .
/ , 1.1411.1104111 P WANTISU— rlff A 1111 l
,rarr ul nag, a .1111,11.411 in acme respres-
Isle Ilominercsal Esnalslirbineni ill Ihe ray As it
de•lrnor Ina parent+ ihnl he shoukl acynFre n
clot of Isu.suraa *mall remunenattnn would only 1.
VAillregi reit ill , first } ear. Itc . ertora may Is. , Inn' I
I allmrnf Gsralle. non(
((((( g . tt W1)1.11 , F.
~.,. IMPOT
RLIIS awl Drnir. ,
, 744QN *). - Iloril.efe, I'ullerv, and
or /. Sud.llrty, No . .A1 M. 0.!
too door. nl.ovr St Claarko
Hotel. l'an.lnicr.h
Thr.• are
selected and adapted to 'ever r varsety nd'hnnd. Tay
elem man. the laveyet, the merchant and ewer,' elm.
e t
men regtortng a durable, untforni nod cortnnetetal
pen, eau be ...Ailed Their rtaattrdy and One point.
give cent ea rn writing, and - tantsng either a
bold mark or a beautiful liair 111,0. at' the plenoure nt
We writer Ibrae pen. warranted, and telling
jet the boo,. prm , -. Gold Pen Irepot ‘ r nmer of 4th amu
1 Nl.ltltet rt inyt3 wirg,ON
_ .
• ' -
IR/ A STILL! SOS)Nv 'Soros In Sllltt.l.wrirehutoe
V t ke, for several good nook keener'', salesane
warehouse men. I/borer% and Any. of different ages
Also, wanted for seven! reopen:able prtvate famine
l i otels,lke. seveysl Goode ooks, Soule gals, climb<
maids and nurses
All kinda of Agencies attended to. Please call
No 20 Gab st
V. 11. SATON,
IAF.AIiFiR in Trtormilign and Variety flooiN,Tortrwe
Vorrhalalll:llProh:,'Nd eralHorlenr4l.l.:TaWriria,knlir‘alls7L"..l
No n 3 Markel Si between Dininond and 4th rune!,
i 125 41 1,
~)IlOOAS—IJt don.
l'oen d r o nry'a%ni . i=: :; ll ,or
77 au too.
rrlilS Institution, under the 'care of Rev, J. ,M •
GORnOtn arm loon. in which ell th e 'solid and or
namental bid.. .tor a Aniebed education are taught
IP inns Ortli, for the reception of pus/Seat ~
So. SS, Irwins new, Liberty Street,
between World Ith tweets. The ScoOnd Session will
eonOnettee on Monday , the tali - of Fetivary r and it is
important that any who may design tenting aboald
Le prerenf as far su ptactieoble either . ..batiste or at that
They have- mewed We write. of Proriewor RHO
COCK teacher of plume on the
me l d and Guitar ,
who chee k welt knew. to need mcommesdation. Alsi;
the service of hIons.CASIMIR LAUREFT, .chor .1
illhrecontothii de la Literature Franeawd'and other
valuable echo. hooka inn, , s native language. Mona.
Is • graduate of the Unersity and Neutral School
of Tuns, and smods high no teacher, rh.l. who di
oirtbee 10 onnun an accurate and thorough knowledge-of
Frene Louguoke wirutd do well mato. the...clan
under h Instruction.
For terms, roe Circular or apply to the Przncipall
PHIS ha. but recently been opened under
We tuition of Mr N. W. Metcalf, ache
Corner of Sandusky and Strawberry sta.
The ruccers which ha. thus far attended this Outdid,
in lir eMuldirhinent and 'prows., ban (ally equalled the
expectations of or
h e
will and Proprietor, and war
rant. the hope that he will he sionained in his cilia. to
render it a dertratile Institution for the education of
Young I.aillevin Allegheny and vicinity.
The First Ses.ion of die nett Academic test, will
commence ou blotchy, Feb. Mh.
Tuner are . yet a few eacancier to bufilledi lan. the
number of pool , . rs limited an early application Is de.
able. Fur parricidal., relative to termrrta.r caneull
C 'cases or apply to the I noon-toe fetaf
VALUABLE BOOKS...Published by J A
&U P James, Walnut Bireet, between Fourth
and Fifth, CloChirintiv
Guient's Gibbon—The bletitryed die decline and
fall of the Roman Elnrrim Ry .Edward Gibbon;
Esti. Anew Edition, revised and corrected thronghl
out. preceded by a preface, and accompanied by
notes critical and hiatOncal, relating principally to
tho propagation of Christianity: by AI. F. Onixot,
blinitter of Public Inetructlon for the kingdom at
France. 'the preface, notes end correction., Inns-i
load from th e French expressly for this edition.l
With a notice al the Lite and ctraracter of Gibbon,
and Watson's Reply to Gibbon. inc .°l.• imp.
800. 1073 pages,
Rapier. es
War--Complete. I vol. imp.
[lvo, WO pages..
Hallam:Midae Aget;Chambe l r's Rebellion in
Scotland, Robertson's Virginia and New England ,l
Russell's French and English . War in America, and . ,
Itainsay's American Itervolution. 1 Tot 410. •
Li racy of American History—Containing ante.
toms from Olio best authors on Atuoritae. lilstory,
Biography, 'Presets, Commerce, Statistic., Indians,
Revolutionary Battles, &c. ar.e. dr.e. Also, Anec
dotes, Poetry and Maseellaneous artielea. Illustra
led milli more than 501.1 engravings. I Vol, imp 9vo
640 pages.
. Untversal Pictorial Lalwary--Containing valuable
papers on various subjecta, comprising Natural
History; Natural Sciences, Agriculture,tturd Econ
omy, Biography. Fine Arts, the Orientals, Tr”els,
Geography. Botany, AI weedaneoun reading, &c..
&e. I yul imp [tau 640 pp. fell Weep.
The Family Medical Library—A Treatise owthe
Preveotann and CO,O 01 Dweases, by regimen and
simple medicines. New rolitton, rey.e.l and enlar..
god with the addition el a Vegetable hlateria Mcd.
Jon. pointing mat toe .'dues, preahens aml 'doses
of our most valuable native m edical plante;and on
otailane ol Anatomy and Phy•iology. Illustrated ,
with one hundrcd Engravings. sit of *bleb are.
colored. By Noremml,M 1!—Befl pages Bro.
Anterman Flower Garden rempamon—AdaptetC
• to the Itni trd States; by Edward, Sayers, Landecape
and Oroasneutal Gardnner. IS mn, Odd edition;
, revoied, enlarged and illustrated. • -.
Palmer's t/tenon, Rocky blounuins,&c , de.e.
Family Testanter.t. °etas., with and without
Polyglot notes, and Vaal's" in ...tette. .
Hire and Bin„aree'a liebate Burn's t`lort ' s Lady
'of the Lite. Lana Houkh. More's I,inte Dern.
lion. Juvenile Itoski. Cheap editions of 'anon..
70,4 a in painphlet form. inch:dß
kl./CAV 1100K6--Tbe Ihrie.Divine tinter, Faith,,
11 Hope and Char..
,Theaye. , al a
der ection in 11,iven Ity Rev •
rem.% Adams. with an ininadtamoni by Bra. AV 11.
maven.Meiners of Alia. Mary Jane Graham By Rev.
Charles A Author 01 Ciao tisu
A C0act...P....el of Meadow,. . on the limos of the
abort, [try Bondi
. A NI
'Ant , oui Homey. rompriiiiiig olimehe.
the Indian • thomiption ot Anacriean
he, with 1 impair, luta iheir origin, and the origin of
Intbsn ttibri
• Balmy of the United M.Meir with appenpisshowing
conneetion mph European History. booty of the roorineea• Illinory of Mexico and
et•a by Mare ion SV 7 11500.
The aLOVe f•-• 1 reeeivellam the Boot and Paper more
Ave the Lie., met Loosed es Woke.'
Where are ItOVIr the nonce I Chewhed!
• rt. the tiara es the Ad'.
Ite doeth as ,kg.t a tarn.
Dreamt re Itte pest
The Koss 04 Alabama. •
aryof Argyle. Tile Mottle,
We meet as 'lianas , .
'Tel hlobbetht Hour
rime,. Funeral The Old Cho rrh
I'.o. V... eras, a de•e
SS. Or
adtdreght do
C) tares do •
Aloralng Star do
ao de
1,e,1" do
h It Per. do
Washargtort Whlthes.
The &boys lust r..r d and for sale 4
MELLOR. fl wood
'ma ccccc
d and Mt ottle by J L. RKAU,Ith
On, • — nerrative of adverate* di Mr South Se
Ely !lemon Meeedte. aro( tt pre
Find tout Second Vole l.
owl drtittng• of Mob.
inc.: a, J. Spailo.
:dalliers tint I Mowry. Irma Me 0,64,1 period
tot. year of our lard 11'0_
Sac ad liolomphy of the Seam., 4 Yoh/
. Live• of Fatineitt holly Waal; celebrated in Araert•
ran ttosory.
The reran of Knowledge under ditlicultma Moon*-
, led by Attendant, with pentad.: revised, he.. by F.
Wayland. IY U •
• Paley's Natital Theo'ogy. wah rupplerneniarY
" 7.l:ret:int* o for Youlo.
' Sodom,. II notated by Lowman: fart.. , an ant*
and anecdotrin by R. • ,heat ?mid, with int.
duet , . by R. I'Todd, U. D.
The Cat?* Frtnd .
I lack ley'r A Igebt a,:elteap eth to.
Gem." , Memel. 03, until:ale o Seetiano, by Ella.
Isom, A. Id
Stony on the Conatatant
e It
!teepes amide Ltnary. Alter Cordon. and Atdl
Ealdeoltral Campania, or ramily ?hyoid.; trotatlng
Moons.. of the United Mama. With then soa.
mono, e atoc crates aid rotas ot p ven tattoo. common
owe 4n mewl, fra,lol,o,tlmlootatton, r.
The Management at dem. , of women and ehd.
tlreo. A thartatalOry far I... Turing family ...Mein.,
and a gto-may, expiating technical Was, To which
ore added. a brtef anatomy and phyotolegy of dm hut
body olewring. principleo, the cave
cute 4 dt rr r eto. •0 row, nn IlYalttct on the at
e•riiiig bralth the ad Of Tarthanw, an
•Marri-an Malrria Melia. podding out die virtue* and
done. of our meda.mal plant. Uy Jame, Hired. ?by
law. in W••liongt lowterly of SavauaLt Tenth
etltt:on, troioed. et t la on,
iged..Crol arty conoideraly Im
proved, eniewettig a Israaal , ra Ilydlopsthy. Ilartata ,
1.01,1"•.“.114.0 ..latuaa llteritAl Spoleto Juin merited!
and for ..lnby JLIIINpITJN h STOCKTON
nt' mg ante, Mat liet and tIJ ono
ODO O: RS, PA PIC rrrci. turgeTn
1177 Pnper and Statioattly. eta ..... ol all Me
ttttletent lit:Want boo. tonil in ?Odle Feboolon claw,
il bent of atl. kind.; n aunety ot cap 'voting
tiler ttnl tordukramdruled and plat.. wt app. og pope.
all does, wallpa pe4lowit t board, bla nit book.. he.
Merchant* and other. widong to purchase. will had
eountleie emus intent 4 every mimic generally ki l l
Imok ow/ea, wlttch we low for ash, or On
tcliall i ligr lot to
Tlte r,. of the American Sunday
chmtl Union. andthe American Trael Society, Cue,*
.and and fat *ale at lbet Soeirt, , tomes
• , E 1.1.1017 h F:N61.1:411
trimilet Weal
Tk i3
lEW WORK—Ia. Prem.-111story of :11
11 co, her Civil W.M. and Colonial and Kos
to.narr Annals, firma the period of the Spanish
Conquest, 15.5). In the present tinle,ll3l; including
an account or the I.:listing War with the United
States. its Ilauses anllatilitary Achievements. 13y
Philip You.-g, AI D. JA & JAMES,
chJ , Publishers, CIPC1111101{•
.JEW MUSIC .I.looK—romphl /oral.
11 —The Meindenni a choice selection .lisnngo,
Ihtetts, quantal, Renate, %Valise], and Marche.;
with a flotory ni Music. Illustrated with name,
nu. engravings. Imperial name. Price ;:ji cent.,
Published a Walnutale by .1 A dt P JAhleti,
street. heti:ninth and rah.
Cincinnati, bt etch hit
'HENRY KI.EURII, Dealer o r
eiamern Piann
La al J W,N. la Third Simaii the
PM...nay he elatnil ittAll heart. gild Ihr
I, v. 411 hc them from to Id. , Irolll4 ine.
111 ' Mintier 1e.t..46.
WI, the unilvougned, would inform - the citizens of
I`lllllmlrgh 011 , i vicinity Mai we have appointed Mr. 11.
Weber Ageoi Tor.Ny.iern .Penneylvania,
.a of our Pionu Ceded e
limn whom 1141 may broil
.."? own
Yurh panne.
_Pievytirk.Svp : l.lfvU,i7ou f
TINT Reeeivol and 'ohiVnid wo o d
Ott anLecuher, the
J Colinwinieneve Pianos:—
One elegant kitiatestood,o octavo Piano FoOeiWoneh
Paint. I
one elegant Ito•ewood,al octa Pia Fone, with carved Goihm apiendl ve
it intio no nnent
Al.O ooe arty good•aecond hand Pimu, made by
tAiudPhiladn. Kliktillat
ineh n O .11 Olowlwalli, TOM
fiffiso • • Plano.
A. L • aplttndid &monument
of nraartiony and r 0110.0.1 rand ite•
lino nthl6o.l( haute. .11
Ike Irllo4.emorritS, Wroth for dirralrtlill,
and totteh Cu warranted to tro CS‘r.ri . 0.4 s
in the country. For solo inar for east. bl
.6 19 -N0,11..1,,..4a1,1.1 dont Wore fah
luf °DMUS ADIILVALF.Y. .11. tiaritarra
rnteflfQ4g=go r it ' ;rerttit ti atill eAV4lX.
with ribioursphteal otice, o eutiaal aiwt
. olaltUr , non
wort. ona.etlanatbry Wlth WY . tr . t . otra f l oe
ongtnal detiigna by Itarg=l.l,74
COI Mark • 71,1srs
U Q_U E 8 N . E • •
()LEM AN, HAILMAIri,dc Co., haiing:iontaleted ,
Ctheir New works, are now prCialCb,lo.mumfa 4-,
one every description of Coach and Eliptic springs
Iron viler, Manic. Blister, spring and
arid ollsizu of small sqsare and round iron, which
they oder dorsals on liberal tes. at then IVoranoawl
Ilia Wood street; where theyrm bee on nano n ,
complete and handsome Nair, .
of Coach trim:.
mings,-Carsisge hardware, malleable castings, sib
and Iron,
C. H. Ss. Co, have made arrangements With Mesons,
.Day Crotts, m
ill al • Shorets,. Spade.
Ports, ke., and will keep constantly on hand oven !
artteie made by them. Dealers are re
cited.lLas prices and terms a ill be mad.
MononaMena. , • .
E Partnfitship heretofore existing under the firm:
7 of 11lnrrhalI, Bradley, fr. Co., was dtssolsed on the
Sth -instant by mutual consent.. The business of the
latefinn will be settled by Marshall. Wallace & c•
TILE butane .of the above Foundry e eantin
1 by the subacribers under the hem of Ma rattail
Wallace & ,in all iu var... blanches. vim
Hollow Ware 111.11Gearin6
Stoves and Store Platen Light& Ile.vy !laden .
'Wagon Boxes . Fla rnas
&SaiLlrona Engine CasClige
Plinight Plough Caalinga,&e , be.
Medea the beat materials, Ind at the km*. priers
Purchase. arr invited to call and examine our Stack
at the M archon. in Liberty Street No. St. teal the
head of Wood Street. JAMF hIARSII ALL
.1011115 WRIGHT i CO.,
RF. , prepared to bead cotton and Wmillen Machin-'
orell voeseriion.suzha—Cardna&-
o r. l pmd,rvm,ni il ni,,
Is, - Wa rpm, Twitters, Spoor • sDrestg
as Cant Grinders .te., Wrought Iron.
fling toned all sizes of Cart Iron. Palhes and
Isms, of the latest patternsoilide and band Ladies,:
tools of all kinds
.astings of every desc nation furnished on short no•
ee. Ease.. made to order foe Mill Gearing. Iron
&e. Steam 'Pipe far heating Factories. Cast
Iron• Vinlow Sash, and fancy Castings genetally.—
Orden. left at the Warehouse of J. Palmer& Co., Lib
erty street, will have prom pt •11.11/011.
. To
Ulsekstock, Dell & Co., J K Moorhead &Co., G E
Warner, John Irwin & Son;-Pittsbmet.
C & J II Werner, Steubeneille. innlS
TIIOB. A. 1111.1111 DEL.
Lrun,ishin. tVarelronfe. No 101 Wood street, near
Fifth,Pritshargh. Pa ; Wholesale and Retail:
Farglish and French 'Engravings;
Japanned Waiters and Trays;
Looking Glassinotes, by the box or single light;
Table Col'erm.
Picture ulass of ail sixes;
Ibitannia Tea DI are, In setts or single pier.;
Portrait and Pi sore Frames;
Fire Irons and Fenders;
Mahogany Toilet Glasses, w in 1, 3. and ' 1 draws
tivrentm Silver and Drininala Tea & Table Spoons
Grind Magnifying Mimosa;
Candlesticks, snufrci. and Trays,
Gilt. Pier, mrd'Ealitel Maraca;
Ku!way Head
Frame , L....,
Benttemen's Shaving Cases;
Combs. Ham !Boehm, tr.e.
etj-Nlerehants, Miele, and Steamboat. supplied on'
411;eral tenet.. end pieking eattfutly intended to Vao
duttlountGle cash. fel47
AXES tits meth.d to whiten hie friends
• ' and the noddle Ward,- that his Yammer
'el. int In full operation. on the
side .
I. of the Diamond, Allegheny. ether , eonl
slant aupply of Blinds, of valioUa cobra
and qualinee,are constantly kepton band.
also at No. 5 Wood at, YinsLorshottj.
- -
7 7, - ": 11. Phillip,' oil cloth arm e room.
CIIIIIIIII Shutters made to order to the Lest style.
Blinds repaired at the shoitert native.
N. H. Ilia Minds will be put up.~ without any laddl
larval corpus. so that they ran lie removed in a mo
rn in care arum or WI rasping, and sunburn the out
f a erre+ dr e wadi ydvelaral y
- --li Found'ound '
: . et. b. rebailt and commenced bonne u at
hisold stand, where be will Lei mied lor
see his old el/lIIIMCIII and friends.
Church, Steandiont, and Benito/every
sae. from IU to .11/.OUd portnde, .3. from
pattern , of the rarest approved model , . and
warranted to Le of the twat materials. ,
hlineral Water Pumps, Csaunters, Hailing, tee. be.
ogether with every variety of Bram Cawing , . if regale
il, owned mod finished in the ueawst manner. , ,
Mr A. F is the. role proprietor of 1/ANITIT'II ANTI.'
ATTATTNA MTV, so lastly celebrated for the redo..
DWI 01 ft sTIATI 111 luaclsslitl). The Bribes and Poole.
L:Iio11 ran Le Lad of turn at all times. trial - I Y
WI!. McCULLIK ar. ao.
HA:2 ,, c; ln rcl i, n , tly made very importaut improve
th anufacture of the above article. and
adorer he latest improved cement wheel oven for dat
tenina, ere are now prepared to furnirli an article of Win
dow lita,s, equal, if not superior, to soy Cylinder Maar
made In the listed States, and hat hole inferior to the
Ct, halt Crown
We are •ltio very extensively etigyrs-il in the manu
facture of Common Windovr Ulu. 'and Druggists' Firth
and Ronk-sof erydroieription. Lkalers generally v•-•
incited to call ro ileum:line for themselves. at our vri
house: No. lig Wood urea, rittaharlthi Fa.
re • so s .." - A - 1.01 - 61
Nes. 2•11 ad Ma Liberty .tent,'
A LW AN'S. an band and made warder,' lup T.-lu
rk ty of Marble Mantels. Pktr,Centre Tab.., •ed
Bateau Tope, Tomb Stones, litemsusenta. ito , all oh.,
tiring made of the choicest marble. and ittimulectuted
prieelpally be arachlwri, will be sold low for cash. •
N. U. Per.. wrstittig to purchase Mantels. are
informed that it Is hencelorth unneoessary fur them so
go East. as I can furnish them with •n •nicic in all
respects as , and Honig. mouses.. &e, erelf bier , .
ed.) es che ap er
as they e. purchase these for to the
Rio. Cell and re. . jeli ,
No • Marker street, Pittsburgh, Pennat ' '
TUE firt.Crilrate baying made groat improgements
in the ronstruction of their COOKING STOVES,'
to cze . c s illlJ ., :t:i f t o e r lte p le ..,. olll , l . l . i i t: , i , ld ,.. i I . ig w id , te o e . i . uboa sup t p s4o tt lia m l I
with Inch Stores, toe en, and even-other h i m! e nf
Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron work neccaney tu famish
tits • Steamboat.
We ado Imam to order on the phones! none° Sal
Tab. and Chamber: Copper work far Stearn Engin.
and every variety of work to outline. '
• ,
Efrathagbam,mokeat Pitt bbbbbb ,1.1.14,
ilarrhuuse, AIN 137, -. Wood street, Pittsburgh.
gpWILL constantly keep en hind a pod unit .
mein 01 W are, of our own Utanutacture, and
supenereuality. Wbohnale and country Met.
chants am respectrilly melted to can and en
amine for thernsclses. as,re are determtned to Del.
cheaper than has ever before been offered 10 the pub.
117 . Orden giant by mail, accompanied by Me cash
env 044,.P. will be pcnannlY monalad Im Ibbea
r 4.. Miovel,eipsid• sad Work llawshe
HA VINO commenced the eartafacturc of Spades,
Shovels. IloY and Alatture Forks.
wee scae, •re prepared to fill it onlero for sus+ •rti•
eks at tinnern times.
Woe the coneeniettreof their customers Ind dealers in
such ankles, they hoveappointed 1./verge Crebran,
C46lMl4,Pllhlerchant, No thl Wood street, their Ascot
tin the vale 01 thetf manafoctures. All orders address
ed to hito will receive prompt anention.ors the most ad
•atageou• tem.. ORIFFITIIS & DIXON.
rittsborgli, July 6---dly .
Great Irratern Butt Hinge Manufactory,
10116VMM/7'lc 0.
GARDNER A Co.. would inform the made thin
A. they
. ate now misaufacturitig the best Hutt Ilitige
ever roe& in the Untied States. AS this Is-our prlnci•
ple bosom. we intend to send out ea complete so or.
istet e as eau possibly be tousle. Those engage,/ to the
hardwate trade, we think, will Gail it to their tots-reit
to see our Dram All orders Promptly attended to.
mys A tiARDNER &Co. rorof Mk • WI.
No 70 Rood titre, Ca
ANL. VADITHEIIS hlabogimy Looking
N 1 silicoses, Impotters and Dealers th looking Claw
Plates, Acconleope, Percussion Otpi,, Cluck., Cuttlbs,
Jewelry wool Feely hood s venerally.
7 he splvertc.crii -Ire making some improvrinenut in
their b00m...1:, with iitriezwil fueitipes is the purcFol hase
of Domestic, and the isamiriation of toasty eign
(moods, they will Pe stile to sell at Rouen. prom. They
rev pecifull) • Med die attention of puirlausers.
11 pmpartJ to make al
,Vron Ilr it n r newt reasonable terms.
Ordets addressed to wolf mem with ptompt site 10100
I.aeock street, Allmthenr City
N Wigistman, who hal a patent for a vol.
important unprorentes ott the Card, land who haa been
cogged for Mel... fifteen leans In NWac of the most
e penotre and surrersful Cotton Factorjr• tsl the wort,
will love hie personal attention to putting op. to the sat
irfaction 01 tiK.llOl notteerpetr.oll machine.. mado 51 thir
Co., 50..1913.0 94 Front rte,
. Us... Fountietionnd
TRIM, Betts of •11 riser can
. ...'horn the Wert unpinned pot.
tern, and warranted ennui to
any. Alto, Mass 1. 3 Ni 0 g.,
aist.hed if olderrid, lin. Ihn.
tinge 'put promptly. anil nn
reannnaltle tenni.
WM/ C Ihm len: • F Muted,
V I. INT O L AErSi M PrN4l+' A - T I/ It I.:
WAIMIIOUSE Noe .13 Wraith aud/11/4 "ff. street,
Pittsburgh. llir libtse teseuleeturril. by .ns. is
warranted equal to any In the country. All- orders .
will receive proses etteution and 6/led On reasonable'
sired re c all and other* risitint the city are tn.
before purchasing elsewhere. . 'fetal •
IRON and Nail., Shovel., Its. for Min .1 oar new
Wageboum, No. OS Water street near Wood, run,
nine to Front
• Alm. an ...omen , at th e old stand, Illetdimerl
Bow, Libesiy meet
Soon.. made dre.ltdditlonljo lEr ItollingJdtll. all
order. ono be lilted pros 1R
-• • • •
0 AAAAA Lli & "
lialtur.stram • '
irpla ud Cl
. eppir Tasks, . •
pattern Nave "Wats; of estry. tan
oik• No. f St. Coseiall&teL tri&ditteelf '
mesi of very superior Bpanisb Guitars. by the Les
erh manoferours, Wet resetved sodio i r i Tit
FOGG fr. TOURSTON, Proprietors.
To ! 1 . 7 ,2 t ,1, 1. , : m i • h . ,;;ent long
i a o n u d . 7 . l‘ , l; e l y e ;6 0 7; 1 1 . 17 i be %a:
:!,a4.WeentlY andtrgone yery
. enenkeire alterations end
nnprocemente. L. entire new enne has been added,
'containing nawerans and ode' , sleeping aponnwnw, and
uzieusive healing moms.
-The Ladies' department hati also been emopletelfae.
rganedaml fined op in a most outgun and beautiful
style. it In fact theisimle Irrangementof the House has
been remodeled, with a.single rye On the part of the
proprierors towards the contrort and pleasure of - then
Guesm, and which they confidently wised will chab
lenge campanum mitt ani'llotel to Union.
'I heir table mill ninny": be supplied was
ntial and luxury which the smart affords serred up
in a voperior style, while in the way of Wine., &c.,
they will ills
11l minelualon the proprietors beg to gar, that nothing
will be left undone on their part, and on the petrol their
airstansam to render this Hotel worthy the continued
pstronage of their friends and the public generally.
'The prices for board have also been reduced to the
following rates:—
- tiiT - ✓ , E.i .
les r indry,•e 71 75 per day. .
lienannena' - ,Ifitl
N. 11.—The Baggage tVageon of the Coo., wilf al
ways be' found' at the Car and ddeaniboai Landing , ,
which will convey baggage in and nom the I laic!, 1,,•
or charge - . in)illtf
OUSE, Cincinnti.
01110—Tlie subscribers baring purchard the en
tire interest of CO.O P Willmbnan. Into of this Wren
known enahlishment.beg leave to nate to their friend.
and roe , public generally, that they have man this
'Commodtate llotel fin . a term of Jean end •will can
eltheir be. energies to make it a desirable. home for Trav
lers and City Boarder , • ' 1•
The lintel m spacious and admiraLlY planned for coo,
ventence„ fiat and air, having a amber of pallor.
.adjoining chambers, presenting nasal 10
11191 let.
The prewent proprietors having had the experiences(((
-years in this city anti elsewhere. halite they will be Milt
to give general satisfaction being .4termined pet
Unalivided attention to the house alone.
The location of the Yearittereet ieuncos....sonly
eligible. having fronts on Pend, Wake, and Third no,
so that it is equally dem:nide in okow of the convent.
esire of imeiness nweor ratiresoent An private boarder!.
it ls near by the Batika,the Post Ogee, she Masonic
Itall i tALl Fellows Hell. tad but °new:lame dwtant from
Main street and IMO squares from the City W hat(. hot
offering the greatest Inducements, espetemilym stonntrY
merchants and generally triTiff permna matting Cincin
nati. JOUN 120111. E
h 27 /DON A DULII.P:
Formerly Fu ller's 'Motel, Washington, D, C.'
ug prornm, cortnerly asrociited with the welll
known drool Fuller le Cd, begs leave at call-the
f puma. visiting the itapitol, whether on
burineis, to ho newly opened establiohment
Hoare," which hot been heed up to a
p otion and elegance nanny... re-0 lip any
lintel in the city. It is /11021tAl at the western
f Pctinrylvatua Avenue. and .in the-immediate
of the totaling Depattwents of Noverantent and
Ills table will alwayalre aopplietl with all the 00111 -
forti and Itallrlell to be found in the markro, and Ito
cepa= or arm taNrill awed to render the Mention
Nouse an attractive residence to all who may ibri• G/10 with their patronage.
The proptionewould patneolatlreail the attention of
Oc e ra of dre Army and
to lit. lintel, to • lam
it ha. ever been a favorite plat, of resort.
N li. Porters alw)+ut attendance,on the arrival
of the care. to convey laughter , fteeof charge. my-1211
Corner of , Union and 'Eutaw Strati,
splendid and spacious Howl, *tutted
fo r both bu.tnr SS and pleasure Travellers, is so con
duct. d as to combine. all Ibc. taxiing. of. On best llotele
with elegance and ectinfint
Choice goitre or•pa runents are arra l seasons reserved
fin the arrow:nod/moon ( transient gm este, and Tamil em
ei.ning the city will find the Eirratv 110050 a
unsurprstsed by any thnet In the Union
llie location it elevated nod ralubriout. and
. Olio
coatilngot to Depots end the Landings. at whi 4, the
(:,ache , and Porters ot liar House are at •Il woes tit
Vruittng to mriveY poLengeis and their I aggage, Ate
eba•ge m the lintel
Tmax.—ltentletagnt' Ordinal y, per day.
rust , : Lailie.t do. SIM do Pltateltn
artesStreet, between Market and Lombard
eeeeee e RailiallOrC.
Tint autirentier having taken the ithove eitili
listinterth offersthe xrvices to the Vll/1.1 and
lii tintilte arnerally. It i. conveniently .t lusted ith
regard. the nteatutioat. soil Railroad Depot—is in the
midst of the more ettrnseve I[l,olllllg d in
fact. the location offer• to those vt.iting the City, alma.
ny convenience. nth; ewufatu as the other principal
The latt. Luau.. being fitted up Ivals neur furniture!,
good t a•te auk! sly le, nod he op. ono the ',W.I.'.
h , 1.1. r, Aprst. ISI7 The propriet .r 11,1 4 1% that
.• uuretuntute etfnr , to please. will 1.111
.rmit of th e p.iblae renl , nt as writ as
mat. W DIX,
1...te of the Gm of Da k Fogg
Dunmore. Aprtl 9, 1E47. uaylSlGin
Corner plain and Sloth ate,
'l , llll , emsiblishment k now in the beet tinier Mr the
/ reception of the Traveller Pumie. !laving uder
gone a thorough repair. d..•ti. p ast
or wiotrr, n und
tkving th e lowa expeilm it the e, in the
corione department-. I it, • . ••• kill lint on wit: be
pleased who call. :1 he location ka
one &nem. Fare St per day.
Bioe:M.l.March 13,1647. W hIARII
S. B.—Althonch not exactly a new Broom, it is the
mrtie-5 new Whim on the old handle.' apiltf
Chesnut Street, Philadelphia.
A . BOVF,e3eventh meek next door to '.tlikonic
.ClThis well known eitalithilaneet thic rerently been
peaty eittnigeit. mat cowl ythrta.hed. It is
...mica ;a the mosi fatibionahle part of Che•ital street,
and to the Immcdiatcv.eitiar of the public placer of_
asnosement. 'rho proprietor, grateful for the very-litie
rmit patronage heretofore bestowed. will Spate to CMS 'S.
to rend...his house every way agreeable to his guests
and Worthy .r their et:ummed support. my2l.3taw7tn
Louisville, Ky. -
AA. Rife
that he'l ROC KMa
again ORTO
leN. be
of Mme to aount los
fr ss G A LT
HO USG, Louisville. KY..srlthor 'Vs hope.
hie old' (nand, assuring them and the public. thou no
effort shall ho 'pared to make all comfortable who favor
with , thetr patronage. tonna),
U. S. Mod Lirte go Coro, Southrnplon soul Bron
- • -•
new MeMinthip W ASIII
TON, ll,YOunorimirthen, Frederiek new..
commander, will matt from New York on the
lot Jui3e ncit.carry tog the United States mail.
Oh. will touch at Cowes and Sonthainpnen to land
pamencers and freight, and deliver the mail. tor Eng.
land, Fiance and Belgium. and will then Mo.:L.! to
Ilrenwiluiven .
Henn aing.will leave Bremerhaven on the :nth
June, and Southampton on the tat of July. where Me
will 0.1•00 k 1010 , 100V0 1 nod bright from nboo
Prance, and Belgian, Arrange...tot here brim Mad ,
in forward goods front I taste up to the lam trummit. for
whole if ilmoired, bills of lading will he singed I.y the
Waist Ilavre.
Southampton IL neglect , . by Railroad.. with all pant of
Eagland, and by mentnimani wlll3 all the Continent -
Fiore !Imam seem. may lc 11.1.1 tie. trimly, Ans.
tria.iltimia. Italy. Stiroxerlsod.
The STriMiugion is bui I in the tironget , manlier, will
a vie w.uf being convected into a shipmt•wor, and sub
wet at any time In impretinn office, app.ntited bylhe•Sterident,
the•Sterident, both during tiii4 Mier vonsimetton She
hat too engines ot ROI horse gamer each, and OCCOIO-
modauono for 1411 brat elms, and 4I Freund elate pa,.
. e F ge aihrage from New Verb to Soothampum or theme°,
' First clam Site
Second clam ' Co
Passage from Itremen or Southampton In New York.
Firm class ' Stfell
Second dashlAl
"liewill ratty bout MO .itsclimstil,which will It
charged aerobium, to Ilse 0110101 in the cood. naming.
All Letters Cool pail 'hough ,he rust OM, Imeels,
for which hills of lading will be ,goe'd.will be taken
at 53 each.
For pwane or fleiglii 'MAY ntihr olbee of the Ocean
Siemer Navigation Company. It William meet. New
York, or to the Agents at Southampton,
Harr< W 11.1.1A51 ISELIN
Tlie Wmtrineton it Intended to leave New York in
0011ki .10011 the filet in August next.
'the second •041011, 011 here 11 in due rout, of 'construction, and will he 111 r dine. in the ensuing
taItIICAT BA ItUA 111 . 17LiF4X - FallilD
N-111)UR E
TII or CYN-11.A1.1 , of it O n
Mast Forme,: that it to my; the Ilellows
fit lie
pool water power-now builitiog to Alummult•
County, 'Forma, within 8 Mir. MONOIIOOII.II. 100
County Seat, andonly - 3 intr.* ih.• wire There is
no mach sot:shoo within Lon toilet 01 ?Matinee , . eon be
hail for double the u•lid There is MI Ofe Make
of grmil quality •nd quantity widish (ruin one fourth of
a rude to two tehle•, nod rood rook, m a hoe fanning
5 04 X1 -supplim plenty and cheap. 1 heynitherlaim.
my SIXI serm i land oily quantity 10100 relannine that
will Indicants of Vllotl per ae, ea.. to the tar
nate. (Inc fone-001•0 leans area 10111 . of mole
o w
mink the 'furnace; Twenty erre. clear land, meinloW
A e.. tem 1101010•: Mee. Subtle Shop Stable, A e , aie
Tao tuniace eon be ready for e blst by the fai r, of Ocso
her. next. if 111p1.0r10 inn be mad omit lin
price will lir taken in Aemited lloode-0„, „„„I „
cash, no the work progresses In one year the Prolieti ,
will pay army cent
tha t
will and river that will yield
UM par rent profit-that will he given I.y the present
00401010 ft Apitheatkin. aim° lush will I, attended
to The owners brim y prapiril turole due thern.
is the remain 101 anY
nano, the woe's wish *el., the mescal owns t • will
eake a. and add tiny per mul. ro the cost, It in with
relnetence the ownri• wiTild tell ate whole, Ana i 1 no
d:env:else will do, rather than rota J the lidiMing of
the roomer. they win do so, and, if want J, airy will
iw the rortixeceo, thi•y can Bold
Orr elie nee tlun env Innly en" k lnviste proficient
Istog ume. Any quantity of the I.e
iLnne enst hr 0.3 Oke prem.,. 'A One &aerie
to W. d. E will he ontuedi•tcly onendrd W. Ltrc
to Morrentown.
Pig Iron. can be delivered nt Pittsburgh ko
to $l6 per toll, when it in - veoit from 810 to $33.
Irrtitorte•nd 032.11111 •pol. •
P wifi reeetv'en 1.7 the underrixord
1 - until th e lout nay of June. for tiro deli eel 01 IX.
Me barbel. obrillubu!gb Cool r of the beet nu rbIT
Ch. firbrieutien of Gar, to Le furnished 00 or berate th,
fiat day of IlLiober next, at - Me 91. - Louir Gar Work.
p.pmat "1.8 %loge opon deltv.ery- , • •
partiFtt4rsapply j. ;ha redo,,goe,d
ICKNNEVI *A91001411.,
"...:,..Croitrorn fed
itiscuivic nos Ca
..siavisiirs Finnic taut wyll iltrervetwo sids mud one
pliers siiesins, - with pips. anal every thing res i t ) , 6r
service. fins will be Amid lovri:Gir itita fsrarviesier•
inquire of
mid bad Piano Porto. amid bfilibor k
ell , Yolk, with sii o...ann.:rank:dam, and in good
A six °elder. reeml band. Piano, made by elemee
taCea,Lottdon. For said bel• for rash
Isidwelrs beg to calf the attention of all those
A tiers
interested in roofing, to their_IiAI.VANIZED TIN
ei..ATE:4, and. to she _many _advantages which they
powwwwp prwr metallic and_other substances hitherto
used for this purestyposiscuing "slimy do, the.srogth
and lightness of iron Wltnaill iu nobility to rust, haring
now been tested erveral )eat s. both tit this country and
is Europe. They arc also lens ,sobjeet to expansion
and connaelain from sudden changes of the
than eouonold Tin Plati; Into; Zino, A° or any other
metal now used for roofing, and consequemly 'arm - a
much better nod tighter roof. requiring far le is frequent
repair, the first cost is but a Thu. more. , •
fhe subscpbert: would also call the atteutton of ail
dealers and workers in racially to the many other pow
io whiqh Iron thus protected, can 66 appllmL
In grucrul terms it is applicable to 'titanic!. ofinio
. which it is desirable to ploteet from thetaction•of the
intiusplie .rce=l.l.l they woold.etircislly culbther at.
notion of thole interested inTEI.I•At R A PIIIC LINES,
to then Entree:red Wire. which is now almost enure ,
ply used in Europe. and which answers every' Purim.'
ac ernidumor of elcormity, manna only about our
hull us Butch as copper, and Inueessinis equal darabili
ty with that metal.
Having lately erecte orks • in this city for the-pur
pose of galvanizing ni Ii pikes, bolts. wife. A.6.,lhey
will be able to furnitilikuty article. which may he dest
red A sUpplyof Inthes fresnufitelurcil• in Europe,l
constantly on band, from 1/to wire page. • - •
GEO. It monEsvuou &C.
- - Nos. It and IC Bcarerht, - IiCW - YORK.
The Patent Eight for this_aruele has been secured
for the C, led States as well as Britain, and other
Europe. youotries, and all legal measoresseill be
ken toprevent any infringement by impanel.° oroth- L.
N 0.44 Cedar
Ili) EH leser ta inform Naha, so Dry Llode, that (herbs,*
J) reamed, and are cow exhituting,at the WAREHOUSE
EXCLUSIVELY for ,Ptintret Cali ex., 500 CANES,
;,;:rets 'AU Wr
to their weal sloth, readers their tuaortset vre If the mod
beautiful sad attractive to the city; hating Ad been pur
chasedfor CASH AND SHORT CREI7II , arc *rem, by
the piece orpacksys as the tame terve, at and below osuto,,
fuure,. peset. ---
Cataloiptes of prices (corrected .1140 sr* placed is (hi
hatch orbuyers.
Plerchseerestitt inform themselves of the state of the mar-
Yet, sad be well repaid for SP ciratoineticati crettif they do
not purchase- - •
L. A B. hare peculiar advantages for .arced, orders Cot
pried*, which are respeeifully folia ted.
encbS :LEE IS BREWSTER.** Cedar Streelea
• Wholesale Draw Ware
IN Tlllille CITY OM
B A. FAHNESTOI:K & Co,,i No. 49, John at.
• New York, offer for so'. a large 001 general
assortmeat at Drags and altdiciam , Dye. Stows
Filnts and Oils of every descriptlon,;which y ,
are pole - Med and determined to sell low.
Country Merchants and Druggists are engin:6l4.d
to call and examine their articles: - Orders eancu lel 'Z
with farthlulness and despatch.' B. A. Fahnestock's
Vermitugo constantly on hand.
B. A. Falruestork, . )
I • U. L. FalinoMork„‘Pitisburgh ,
G. W. Viihnestock, ) •
A. 11. Dull, New York; a_prs
IYIILIS W. F1V.1.1.) offer. for ralo el the lortert
. .
• Manufacturer,' prices, avery extensive assort.
clitof PAPER, yomptiring every pomitdc—varietY.
ado.pted to the wattle of eonsumors In all aertlonsAftlit
country. Paper of all kinds modeto order.. Abort
I.IC amekof PRINTING PAPER is asusaally large
a pan of whir./ of verysiaperior qttatp_
of n.ery description. Imported and kept constantly on
Lan , via, Felonies. Wire Cloth, Fourdrinier Item,
Blenching Powder, Blue Blirontarirte,Twine, Lc., ie.
• • .
Ctlett., Bale Rape, I.rese Rope, Bagegg, b e
poreltwed, far wharf! the highest price trt Cash will be
PI tralT ttlevr.Yoek,_J_gt.,llE4a. •
Indemnity against Lot. or Damage b 7
%Vith the additional security of • Stock Capttal.
The Reliance Mutual Insurance Co., of Rhea.
- Dotage W. Toland, Jobe M. Atwood,
C. Koekhdl, Lewis R. Ashburn, ,
Wm. R.Thouipson, . Grange N. Raker, ._ •
George N. Stroud, John J. Vaudoikemp,
George W.. Carpenter.
WILL make insurance .;.rust Loss or Damage
by Fire, in YITTSAVUON and vicinity, on
Douses, Stores anal other IluirdingE, and 00 k anti
tore, Goods:Wares and blerchandise;on the moat
favorable terms. '• •
The Mutual Prineiple, combined with a Stock
Capital, and the other proviziona of the Charter of
this Company. bold out unu.ual inducements, both
of profit and minty, to those desirous of effecting
insurance, towhich the Company ask the attention
and examination of those interested.
Those effecting insurance with Rai. Company
have,besides the usual protection against loss, by
the ortlinay method of insurance, the additional
sdvantageof a direct participation in the p. ofikof
the Compcny t toibtout
GLORGE W. 'POLAND, Pre.ident.
. B.M. fitscilwart, Secretary: 'r
The subscriber, who is the duly authorised Agent
or the above named. Company, is prepared to make
insurance, at the Office of-the Agency,. in the
Charles Hote',Third et., thlid door (rum Wood
street, and rill grsc all further ti‘Vrimation desired:
• oir).ty. CAAIPBELL.
aunN "PINNEY, JR.,
tGCR •T prrienit. TOW
• -
Safety Insurance Cossriany
FIRE RISKS upon buildings 'arid merchandizerl,
'l2 of every dmcription, sod 'MARINE RISKS•..z
upon hulls oreargries.of vessels, taken upon the
most favorable term.. •
113 , 0ffiee_in the Warehouse of W. R. Holmes
dr. lira, No. 31 Water, near Market street, Fitts
h. . •
b S. The surrey-, of this Company' Since the cull. .
iwit istornento` the Agency in this city.with the pronaptarat
and lihnalui with which every claim upon them for
loss has been adjusted, fully warrant tha ngcsu-no
eping the confidence and patronage piths triendi — and
the 'community st large to theloetnware M. O. hiss
ranee Company, while n has the additional advantngos
as an institution among toe most flourishing in
Philatria—ns having au ample pund in eapit al, 'which
by the operationofitscharter isconstaullituereasing
as yielding tom set. persun itesured_bis" unshorn 01
tits profits of the company wnhoutzinVolving him
tis any responsibility whatever; and therelore - as
',tinselling the Minna! principle divested of every
obnomotia feature, an f in its moot attractive form.
• . .
New Yorks
' , MS well known and respectable company a en
parral, throtherft,,virr. 4 l.llJlMll ro.
keitrauranee or every kind connected with risks of
nspenalion :mainland naviganott ; to inthre.against
rap, damage I.y fire, Dwelling lousen..Warehouses;
ailing" in general, •ala, Wares, anlklereltandise.
ol eve, y deavripiion or personal property on tee most
vorable tenses.
Ail?110/1100 , for Ineurastee euesoled sy ortihouldelev
the office, No :13 - INoost PI reti.
'• SPRINGER llARutil!tial Atet.
AT an Election held al the ofEee irt , K;lr „Map 12lb,
the following named getitleuvo wcre clio•ert
p opr,ors
ot Company, ior the covolog.year, vic
in.. ph W . Sae age, Stephen licit,
John somer, John . blveltaln,
W,lliarn IL Ward, -
John iiewhouv • ,: Jacob Miller,
Kilian, S. Slcum, Spring,
JOllll P. Alachie, Joarph S., Lake,
Jobn../ Ilerrick: • •
. .
And at a eufe.equent inertlng or the DO3( d,10:5F.1 . 11
W xA V Ali eras uttaotatnuAly ...elected Pros..
%dent for the casein; year. IV,. J AALES
j po,N. Journal copy rkerewtry.
Trr : oo l g " t ' :% " Liy ' a : lTl P :ri n i . edl e g N enT h tlia A :Z: i r7o!--
ber, Mien to make permanent ',not 'Wined lista- •
ante on property, in this city and its vicinity, and
on shipments by the Cinal and Itnerv. •
Jobe C. Smith l'rea:t., , Satnual Brooks,, • •
Ales. Henry.
Charing Taylor, •
aunt. W. Jones, . Sarni. F. Smith:, • •
Edward Smith, AtiErote White,
John A. Brown, Jaeob M. Thorns.,
John' White, John
Thus, P. Cope, Itichani Wood,
Wm. Welsh, Arthur(i. Col6n,3ee.'
This is the oldest Insurance. Company
tilted States, having been chartered in 1194. Iti..,
sitter is perpetual, arid from its high standing f..
gig ample means,' and avoiding alit
slis or an extra hazardous character, it mafbq
onsidered as offering ample security to thepublic.
At Counting Boom Atsroodi Jones S.
Pater and Front streets. Pittsburgh. ap...13-tf
. •
--- INDEMNITY ... „:
Ag Mat Lon by nre—The FICANKUN Fire
ranee Company of 11..iladelphia,.
• VII/ ILI. make Intaranee, permanent and
V on every deaeription of property, in.
on favorable term.. l'ha company hmv a perpetuall.;.
•ebarter. '
CONTINGENT rum), .$50,M0
• 011 ice corner of Third and Market tits,
~...j_t r WARRICK MARTIN, Agent.
American Vire insurance Com'paay
05' Pllll./tiM2,1 . 111.1.
['moires relaxer... CATIT sarooti nut me.'
Office in Philadelphia, Ao. 72 iSaintal
' WM. DAVID2C. IN, 1:8'4,.
• EmoDcs Fume, Ree'y..
y nolo/ an cam eiennions eh ulcer., asainerrosens
damage by fae..
Appliellinne for insurance a in rietboesh
n,igeberbooe, will be reeeived.. and risks eta tiehey , `, , : :
pc rpetlainy Of for limited pericel.i, on favorable tenne by
No 1111
..... .. . .
' NO 77 C OJAI. sTREr.r; NIF.W ORLE.Pankl4e
• GEALS4nr J At ll w t i rrn .. a . n i t: . a , Ze i n . niitttt , z'er o irsaa_
pnaniamd, emsbed, Chained and Collard Snare, 31
!tete. and Barrels.
S 4
Masa Nolsoae:7
,Prices liberal and a fair allowance, nude on all ralep
°Con &bombe , barrel*. •• • , • nielill :',
UNE new et ireond hand 1:10imr, woh 10 yrtah evy
'oder and feriotlokr; and c•ne du. 7or e Oda rile' •
indef. end, or 0100n0 botirs• Apply . ifo
21140 • UM ISVAID,O4 turd U) .