The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 22, 1847, Image 3

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    Groceries— 169 bags ato Coffee; .C
;ipeg* YH-Gf* imp. Tew;
JOO bbUNQ |di>|a*»e»:
61 hkda prime ft O Sogart;
40 bx«se!6sand lb lamp totaled;
50 kgaftotfltwm do
JS bar* Pepper,
75 bids assorted No* I. Segar.
12 tierces Rice; wiUi a general as*
*c> <-m of groceries, for sale low by
i >l2 No 57 water it
O C MHilfcst—la scks Feather,
O 2 bbla Flaxseed;
2 do Lard;
t firkin do;
) bblTallosr,
h scks dry Peaches,
9 do do Apples;'
d do Caber Peas;
2 do sod skell Hickory Nats; now
l mi, ■‘.up com 'iMmn Rio Grands; for sale by
..,yIJ I PICKKV A Uo, waierfo front sis
O 130 hnds prime New Orleans ?uar;
1 45 box*-* b« »t Yellow llarana 00,
*:t ' rto fine White do do;
a bids Reltiied Brawn Louisiana Sugar, a supe
rior an cle lor Immily ase;
35 bbls Losl J'asif. Nos 4,"7,«0d 0; ,
40 rbb>‘*Lot-enngV’celebrated crusted andpni
vrnn-d eupsr»;
C«u bills Plantation Mola*ses; , ,
I "' u “**" a»i .niS^tco
Spanish cigaiis—
'4'l I t'x< Wifhfjißlon Rejfalia C.fa**»
31-1 bx* * i Minerva Jo “£•
UJ f tix* L»i’cle»raJ»Cn2-(lo«e«Cij*f»i
lit J bx» l.m Bjra'iCO
IS t bi» !.« I’rmsvtri
IS $ bx* Ju»ioi?«nx rniiPJr c
G" Lass—newi»»
W do Mu S dor
CP do Pjc « X do;
uo da 7iJ | ili>| Foraalebr
! W oftEKB
_ ropIS
S' ukbBIKB-.' >, '*'l' , »
•p 1.1 1*
15 bM* Pepper,
Cinnamon, Cloti s Mwt. nit other Spice* for «»!«
nr ) i W GRr.ER
TASKER’S IHL--Uwi« o»tk Urown Tainert
Oil landm* *ml'or»a!e tiv
• W)l9 BAO ALHY A * MTfH. IS and 20 wood «t_
POTASUEB, Ae.—‘JCca-k* I‘otatbes: ,
31 ea«fc* SrnrebMl miu;
- »A(lALeVfc»tjTll
FISH— 16< bbl» No I
bbls No 3 MacLrrtl. for «I«bir
LINBKKD Oil#—so Hbfi in order, rec’
and « It be m>W low to e!o»e a
B ACON-:OL,r C»J |
IM j.|y No 4 Commercial Row f _Lit>ertT ft J
L‘ *HD-< i.i.;* mt.l 1 mml, now leudinx from *imr '
wVomii.p. »>.•! mi *al« l.y I DICKEY fc Co
tovl 9 W wwcrend 107 from m ..
L" AED Oil*— U No l Lard Oil;
&i»M»Nn£ do;- for machinery.
No 17 LUtmy •»r»ct _
jutireccivcit by
WEHUISU AKP 811 AT>— Receirins thi* day
: (mm Canal, u.,u iot «»ie by _
tb yl7 __ J DALZELL, g* water at
of ibe ojl KINGUOLU formate. For term*.
Ac . B [.p >• ai mylfiif yOK>VTH A DUNCANS
.T EMON SYUHP-Very fine, jut received and
L fcr.aie by HAYS A BROCKWAY
myls Noncommercial Row,Libeny m
BACON— Ig «••>*•• HaconSidea in prime order, fertile
, ny irj ' No iS front »i
LOUISVILLE Ll»B-tf> bblaL While Lime
for talc t.y S F VON BONN HORBT * Co
, ny t3 - No3sfront at
ROCK POW ko Bock hwdrr.Minrl,
fS«.ely 1 DICKEY * Co
»nylS water A from t»
AnDOIL-lynbh Nol Lard and
ioi •slriiy F SELLERS
loyiu _ 17 liberty a»reet
i « Refined, tor aale tfety iow by
, U vls No *j Commercial Row, Liberty *t
M ACAROSr—1 eiue lor aale very low by
, o yj3 No a Commercial Row. Libenv at
SCORCIIINUB— I« ea«k« Fco*cbe«l Sal la, a prime
Jgg* **“ "
BACON— ‘J hU» Bacon llam*i
l do Shoulder*; recelred ut More and
tor «a!e l>y L 8 WATERMAN
PEA NUTS—U-iaeteil lor coitooen, at theMntUr
and Spice Factory *.7 K-nb atreet.
FIBH-5U b >'* N» •;! lantoa Mackerel;.
321 tibia. Nil l Herring*, ju»r received and lor
myl» NoT Commercial Row, Liberty meet
Bank STOCK - FOR SALE—One hundnrf an.l
fourieen Share* Su»ck, in -Exchange Bankof P«t»-
burgh.* l for «alc by MYERS, HUNTER A Co
my is _ No I=9 Liber yatrcgt_
eo.ce o( acv and de*.table «l)lci of apnag •»*
rummer figured and plain Bon. et and Cap tibbonr, jtui
■wood in ocuve. new «*!<* P'«" Forte, manafoc
lured by Chickrring.'of Boeton, will be openg lf °'
Sl ‘ r “ ,h
TOBACCO— ‘JSO bj» To'*»cco; ! _
ICO <ix* Pride A HanroodHS Lump,
100 biaOiber Choice
Fornlebr . »»•? .
FY.Vt«KKP— 4 bbU Fiaxwed;
l k t ,
Oia Butler; on enwgnaen vw
No 34 wood •met
for tale bjr
•»yl3 - - -•- . i.
T ESIOSB-I00br» fre»b Sicily Lemon*. lo*l roc J
L.,™,:,™™ mil'kr ».BICK f 7rSON_ _
TAV& CO^PfiE-Übag* Old Government Java
J Sfr
-.ttbitbliavaba sc< f A “-?' , ;>; y wlu
i" V^K^aVd^’ *■
nrr»7 corner wnter »nd wood
°“w b ?™i d Mcc”NDiES3
r vy" 1 0,1 s*l*o AN DLKSS
gUGAH-«u ;J< . | N.U (ro „
r I 'OBACCO—-3 bit Webwert ErtT * 4 * ; _.
1 30 krg* No J. • Twi»c» for **lc bf
.rarU /> B Fmvn.iMUU=ny >t
Horse radish, .mica uiliji “p D'T'
,omc<lin>o o*c, concmntly on b*«a “ lbc
C'”oPl'KB~Il-i.-ieJ nod Urannd, tor Mcnmnouc,
pun-**; N„- » SSS? L ■ ■
,*>•>•' ■"> ' ?k ’' J pLoyS
mnd for •* e b> j*o |M ÜbenyM
myll ... ; ■ •
Flgll— 100 bb:» Hcrrioci
an til. » NoU Souih Maelteiet,
an hi i.l»l«Trim»ned Shod;
ti luT vboVK.*U; jum recjiwdb'r
mTI W i.RKKIt . or. «•
__ w * c-n • 'i*(!4L_ii Tfcn» io-*rti**. for **l* by
r Wo 35 Front ftrtot
f JUID OIL -4 i'H*. ju«t received oDd for »i«e "
Ll ,1c lo*c, cl pns”',';' yg k brocrway
NagComiaere»*l tt<wr, ktbeny »t
»-jffl M * r rf*«nMS!g%ILSON A CO. wejerto.
▼ nriliVlliLE LIME-l*o b»rreJ» of the U*l
*"SfiMniSmffiilACO '
V. «--*-**
"'-ciciu, "K.ny,. „„ nER - ni o N -jcRERPERT
v ~ "4 * NoP Fifth «»eot
/NroUNI) toTAlc kepnna
-cl co,.OCRS »
J 4 ; No P Piftb «trcct
« il» Main.;
H II do Mboulder«: ,„
U I r.-.r*w-1 Ham.: for
clo»ecofl<i*nfn<"ti {?>!** ££ M ■-■ ——
OIfJ AUK-* 1 “J* um pn'cilXK J “* l ° B * n/:
■ ~ ' u^lS d ATck^s)n
for»Jel»y Nol?B_tit‘«Tty«t
OOSIS SO \P-**» bx» Cincinnati mannf«citire*l,
K-on hand «nl V>r«lo b^jy FR g t HUNTER* <*>
. x aTsiTiClt 11 iAN STOCK -A freak .bpp'T ®*
U*SSfr““ Morrill.* beat pUie* c
wa; ree'd and for -al* by F H eaTON
pAHI'CT u LBA I"„d l ‘JS A fcr , Sbr ,i "“
w d'?*»nd on band ■ n ? pf I BATON
t>l • M warbel n
rpEAS-fto(,*« frenh GreenTcM
X tie* end atvartoa* pncea I®** i»e<J »
by mria *W|CK * MeCANPLFgfI
/IOTTOX V A.aK»—^3,ooolb* eMorwl No*9®'*
\j to.t V*r«. candlt wtek carpet ehaio and b* n,B »
tot itmu manufacturer* b*««iprifea, . .
mT »< PBfKNP, WHEY t eg.
Po WDEti^ruTkf« Beam’* Hi'fie Powder,
100 do do Blasting do
for *«l*!•>'./ mvi3 FRIEND, WHEY & Co
BL.OCJJI9 —io ion» pore Jenia<a.tbr aeleby
water »t near redoalu alley
GUKfcIN rill \T.-v—l cue small Scare, fen color
ctceu opened and fer aala by
mj W Wo. W woo* n
RED OIL CHl.VfZ—Very trail! figure—biiJUum e*<-
on, jail ri>«M &Jid for Mluby .‘‘ j i'~
OIL ft CaNDI.FS*—L»rd _ Oil «nd Ster C«ndlr«,"{o
amvc-io-morionf, for tultf ty ..
Wr et-
riss—33o bit. «itini aiaea, Waaie by -
i wdter iiwi
myl3 _ _
&GH WANTlCU—Ooaatrjr Mixed Kut want
ed. (or wbieh the toirtin price Is Cub will be paid
-•Ulf Fim tifeet, below Mukei
(MtAH CIDKR—B bbl« »«ipenor Cr*b Cidertor aaJo
»ri* ■>' ' i vat >ltithagM ft»»t»«
23 Co In prime
ot ,W and far Mfabv g>v»a PC MARTIN
'VTUTS—Ai«k>i>4*« Walneia. and Pi Ibe n», fewrac'd
N«d for «~by WICK k. McCANburaS
■ cor water and wood ■
«. c. >tmiii
t i.cum.
BoTcntnit of tbc
gtetMti, UftMftiai. I.av* Liv»rp«J. Lra»e Amrf*ca.
Hibernia, Kyr.e, Way * }
Washington, Hewitt. *
Saturday Morning,May -i. \
{am of the weather pr»mi»ed rainjast even
iag—we only hope the promise tu not in rain, lor
moisture ii exceedingly needed by the parched earth
usd growing erop*.
The Rivers need some help badly—there was 3
feet 4 Inches at dash last evening by the metal
Floor—The market was languid daring the fore
j anon ofFriday,there being very little on sale at the
I wharves, and not mnch arriving in any other way.
lnquiry lor store lots, however, was active
j Safe* oo Thursday not before reported—3oo bbls at
! 56,40; 200 at 6,314; 400 ™ receipt at 50,3H&6,36
Yesterday a aale of 13)0 bbls, a round lot of one
prime brand, deliverable be»eJuly l»t, at 6,40; about
800 bbls in various lots, on receipt, at 6,31JnC,40,
!del at atore; 500 bbls in several lots instore at 6,374
. 06,40 Salea are also reported, rumored we tbooUl
•ay, of lots at 6,50, but we could trace none of them
to an authentic source. We found, however, seve
ral originating with person* hiving Flour to sell, at
a big figure. The sales yesterday, in all, are full
4000 bbl, including that to arrive. Freights stood
at 55, and lets refused. As to the aldck of Flour in
atore here to go is large. 40,000 bbls is a
low estimate or calculation, 50,000 wc consider a
fiir one. while some place it at 60,000. It is exceed
ingly difficult to gel a close estimate—we have indi
' cated tbit which we think about correct.
H is almost idle to speculate on prices lor even a
month to come it is very cerUin. however, that
every bbl of Floor it is possible to get to Tide-water
for some time to come, will be taken up b*“*upply
absolute wants in the New England States, seaboard
markets, and the export demand. A continuance bt
low freights and the Eutopean demand, Will do the
The receipts are now felling olf-rapidly, and the
daily shipments will soon reduce the amount in
store, if there should be no considerable rise in U<e
Rivera. A continuation of the dry weather we have
had tor several weeks, would soon lessen the menu-
I lecture in the country,, by stopping the numerous
| water-power mills on tbe email streams,
j For Wheat we have no present price.
| ' Rye bss advanced—a primehample or GUO bu re
j allied 47c, wt.
[ Barley offered on tbe spot is doll sale—a sample
I ol £OOO bu, rathei rough bat good grain, was taken ai
! 35e, to arrive, the seller to del in all the summer at
! buyer* option.
By the Britannia, (tbe eastern paper* have not
decided yet whether it was that steamer or the lie
bernia,) is justly considered of great Commercial
importance to the United States. The relations of
bade between tbe two eoeotries, are m a peculiar
and naprecedented position, and Tor that resron it is
difficult to lona sny satisfactory judgment as to the i PITTmi u H(* ha N u s*r util i> I'v KI!T
course trade will lake, whether to remain in oar i ts "’‘.(loNDOlllKlt,
ftvor, as st present,or eventually to turn against us | __ 'u
—whether prices of our staple* will be maintained, 1 ' lariy dunn'c ih.*' iin .ii .»
or decline. At present, when our political relation* i will lie »drniiM-l h» r.-si'rr rnTn
are so quiet, the question of demand and supply of ; «*•*♦*^'Tnc’nr^rsiv ami'n- run
Produce and price*,sre the absorbing topics ofdis- , miiß »i<-unu i i.iiuka
cnssion. . L-'nvrrn I’liunuxii I>n<l 1.».| .
We have our utusl supply Of circulars and papers , lic Mi<? w. 7;iu?m| i
hr this Steamer. The slate ol trade in the manu- i nine. Maj <>it> at 4 o’r.ork •
4 ! For frnelitor naiaasc upply on !>oi*rtl myi.
laeturing Districts, waa one of stagnation, and the [ FOR ZaNk>vlLl.iL
cause of aerioev alarm. Brown, Shipley &l Co, aay j n ,i n - «. The inht«(M>.ahi »■••! >“'■ /unu.ue
, _ _ . . lf _. i .M. . *S sirdtulioat CltlKf.
the Cottoe Spinner* are not consuming one-hairthe i j looff n; ,., rr . ~:v a > » r.- K -u'ar
usual amoontof thatitaple. Manufacturers, gene j ■SSiKSSBOi'a.-ti'i Mwrrnii..*ii:»rr»rly.«iir
! rally, were only working half-time. Cotton was j''J^ 4 For ff ' ' Khl t aVi__
I fully noticed in oor Telegraphic Despatches. In | / |<« Rutar piuslmrcl* and Zanesvtile
[ regard to Breadatulf*. the markets, both of rlogland j Tt^iv ai'ii ~r nuctjl
| and the Continent, have undergone important chan -J 3lfl coilKT
gea. In the former, the falling off in the receipts I f
of Wheat nt the pnntipal markets, notwithstanding |Vnfzan7?TiiV. jhJrinY i/uY t-i e.n.'m« i»::i~i u;. «r.<i
the high prices, had led to a well croutided belief I fumi*he.i i<» fuper-or.*i> ir. ihr i onim oiirr*
• r . _ ...... . _ , . , _ i nceuminodaooti* in p**<nni , f» hue 'i*" <> 1
Uut tbe attack of old Wheat in Growers hand* waa Tuesday. -May 4i». u; Uu'cmct, r .M
really far leas than had been calculated. Specula-j Foi fre e l >t or *ppl> on ••«•»•'*'°f J>>
4 ttiarUl l) WJI.KI!N>. Apt
tor* were doing nothing. Just befoie the Steamer | kfcTl \R riN*lS\vff rat'Kirr
sailed, veryheavy purchases of Flour and Grain w. r* j .. Tt'» vie im- - ■.<! -inn ; i -v
made in London,on Belgium account, and Klou r u-’iUoVir..-*-.«'w',! . 1 Jti 1-
went to 46*. The position ol all the market* on the Ihe »• fc-»n. .n-i. n- ir-i"
Continent waa wone than those in England, ao far , an.T>*on"l!oarrt '‘ rri ‘ f * * J ' ' !r ir*''
as supplies and prices were concerned, lt« R «lar P»ttsbnr*to and Zane.i llie.
Atallthose porta from whence supplies are usually Packet.
diawoforEngl’d.there waa not only a pasitive short- ti,e !l!;l,,lS jeE\V AUI£ f
ness of anpplies,but a high nnge of pnee*. The Hurd- Mwi.w - -’•«*< « --Cv :r. P .
conclusions drawn Irom an examination of the facts **^'y> 'H- m.f.v.- no: 1
in the case,are, that there i* a strong probability of ' r '
prices being pretty well maintained till ne it harvest.
Slitt, Day ie. their circular, ray, “t'.e pros
pects for oor growiag crop* are of a highly fivonblc
character, and ir fully realized, the ruing price of
Bresditsffa will be low, before the current year
‘terminates.'’ The quotations were: for Western
■ Canal and Richmond,' V)i: ll*. Fljiladelphu and
Bailimare,39ii4()*; New Orle.u»s jial C>!m.« ■’'.'*
. bbl—all in Liverpool.
It ia thought certain that the advance on Sterling
Exchange in the U S.will eUeetnally cheek expoiu
or Specie .to this country.. Aaloppxgenl this dram
would immediately reatore confidence io the money conaequcnce to trade generally, palate
;of thing* moat likely to enhance the valoe of oar
1 Prodace. It ia not improbable, therefore, that the
next Paeketwiil bring faiorabk new*.
la Provision, the change! bare been (ewer and.
less inpdrtant than in Breadstuff*. Bacon was large
sale,except Shoulders and Kotnp*. taril cheaper
—6ne Leaf in bbls and kegs, 48ft5is Cl V cwt. —
Ashes doll. Slocks of Cheese light, hot none of
fine quality, ord to fine, doty pd, 40H£»» cwt
Batter scarce—fine American sold at tS9s to ‘Ms CJ
peart. Tallow doll. No stocks of American Hemp.
Sales of Linseed Cake ttrr limited at £7fi£9 P
/on The a*rivals or Wool were small. The circu
Unsay''greater attention matt be paid to selection
in I condition of shipments, before they can prove
remunerative." Prices had not varied. No Imports
ol American; prices well supported, but sales lest
than eaaal at the season. Quoted at 40*550» p
cwt in bond—doty 45* p cwt. Sales ot Cloversced
od- speculation at 4to p cwt. Indian plea! was
worth SGs P I
LITCKPooL, May 3 —We have stUI-tb report a
foil demand for all descriptions of Iron. \ Pig being
more subject to floctoatioo than aay other, from its
being morn gensrally selected as in article for spec
ulation, has varied in price more than any other
description. Daring the last week this article has
bees sold as low as Css p ton, for prompt cash in
Glasgow, by needy parties; but the price may be
i considered to-day il7ost* ion, net cash on delivery,
and there seems a disposition in purchase, the
money market being considered easier. Perhaps st
no period within the last ten years Sas the stock ol
EU in the country, in proportion to the consumption,
een touller than at the present period; and. under
such circumstances, «ny considerable redaction id
price cannot reasonably be eipeeted. We quote the
□reseat correct prices in Liverpool:—No 1 Seo'ch
riff £4 6»; Merchant Bar £9 10«; best Rolled £|o
15*. Hoop £ll 10s; Sheet£lS; best Pistes £l2 10s;
I c Charcoal Tin 32s
Loitpoa, May s.—The iron market continoesde
pressed, owing to the scarcity of mosey, and where
Mies have been made,, lower prices are accepted.—
The (ait steamer for America, however, baa brought
large orders, so that sn improvement mba-inesa is
eipeeted Scotch Pigs, No I for cash can be had
it 71s to 71s Gd. sod mixed numbers at 09« to 70s.
Welsh and Staffordshire Pigs 05s to Iosf, and Rail* I
way Bus £9 to £9 ss. Lead and Steel are both dull |
of sale. In Copper, a fair amount of business has
bdendoneat late prices, and the market.still con
tinues seantilv supplied British Cake £9B, and Tile
£97 g* 100. British Tin baa met with a moderate
sale, the buyers purchasing for Immediate wants;
blocks and ingots 95i, and ears 975. Tin Pistes are
quiet and are rather cheaper; No 1C 26s to 51s, and
IX Sss to37s 6*.
•BROWNSVILLE PACKETS at 0 i. *. nod 3
•BEAVER PACKETS ntOaod 10* m and Spm
•D, LEECH fit Co's. PACKET, Philadetphiaand
Baltimore.9e. is.
•MESSENGER, Cincinnati, 10 *■ m.
AMERICA, Cineionati, 10 *. «.
•WILMINGTON. Steubenville. 2. r. m.
•These are regular Packets.
ZANESVlLLE—PerZanearille Paeket—soo bbl*
floor, 31 hbd* tobacco, 3 *eka feather*. 3 hbd* bacon
I bbl lard. 1 kej do, Btoghaa—l t»». H Graf!—l
- acrapf. B A rabnertock dcco—lßOpc* Qld iron.
co—l bbl butter. Bagalcydi
fir |lod*on—lOo bbU floor,
R “oS CO-005do, 10 hbd. lotacco, Dinghy
—23t10 J A Roc— 3do,R Daltell & eo.
CINCINNATI-!'.. R«iac-Kb»P«>k
9 hhdi tui, 15 do .boolder. *?7®r® "KSJJ,
diet. 10 do .0.0, Wra Dror-S. kb* !»»■■
dr 00-119 tale. collon. Al«ood. Jooc. S. co-J
bale, lloe.l-1 I bbl. hum. 15 Irald".
■r..le A. O’Connor—slW bile. bemR.D Leech fcco
—TO do. 5 >cbr le.tber., Hutelii.ofl 5t co —l,,
bacon. 93 balea hemp, Clarke 4 "0
whUker, H Mitchell—3o torn pig iron, M Alien &
e °i»er Colorado—loo,ooo Iba balk pork, IS eakl do,
UppeocoU te Sob. A
BROWNSVILLE- Per Comb!—AO keg* nail*,
iordss & Son—ft pesa.H O Vi- krey—l7o bbl* floor
M*Cl#rkaa dt co—77 do, H Mitchell—l 7 dc, Rob
ertwa & Reppert—74 do, owner*—32 bug* oaU, G
\V Snitb.
LOUISVILLE—Per Eureka—lo hhdatobacco, A
Oordoo—Sl do,6ecka leather*, O Leech it eo—l
Ib* G Wejmst—,l do, 8 hhd* bacon. Atwood, Jonea
t eo—l4oo, Wallingford dt e 0—6569 pea bulk pork,
H Oratf—l9 bbl* temp iron, Grair, Lmdaey 4c co.
firt 4 I*. WATER BT tt 4 L MIRK'
Hester Hoop*. Ucatrr.
Michigan. Adiin*. leaver ,
Consul, Hunman. BruwflsVtllr.
Ijkc Krie. Hemphill, Beater.
ILimblcr, Haughtno, McKec»p(-n,
Louts McLane. Bcnncti. Hru» itsvtlic
Ooeola. Way. Wdl**ille
Isaac Newton. Mj.«on.C»ncininii
Pacific, Campbell. Louisville
Kureka. Cruzier, l.i.uistillr
Beaver. Hoops, Beavir
Michigan. Adams. Beaver
I.Ae rlrin. Hemphill. Beaver.
Consul. Bowman. Br<.wr.»villc.
DcvpalrN, Nelson. Mnnongahnla < i ) t
New Kngland, Lbliert. VVhccim'j.
Hudson, Kbbcrt. Sunfi.h.
J J Crittenden, Israel, Si Louis.
American Star,Hanna.Cm
* The l-iriil dr.i'i^ l > -"i* elegant nn;
Forftcisthi or passage uppiv mi t i
The \ny lieht am! «uium ti parlfi
■ fiTTrUa facifio.
Cmtip!..-11, matin. will Iravf a- b) o' p
rvrti'iij;, May .«t I
For fru'shl nr ap|ilv onboard. W
o'clock r. u
-.-11,. , Tke elegant, light draught M.'ama
JSSafflftiSaturday evening. May nt 4 o'clock
f. m. For freight or p■■ «.«««• jifil> "it
bj'.rd iuv
1 lie elrguni, verv light Pnclct
Monday . May tOJ. at 111 o', to. 1. k u
For freight or paoage on tioanl
tn> 22
_ The elegant ard Hatmrh Pm kit
i]EES& „ , <;KKMAvrmy.v
ring the season’ rnrmr.i'iicirc Mm l
at 10'o'clnck, A. U F'« r trr: C ht or I app:.. on
ImanK n. MM
, . ' The new uml •pleiu'-d virauivr
, TiU.NTi»V
, , fretghtoi parage apply i-n Uwrtf
The hue and *i*unrh I’Cht draught
jMgp,k (trvtier TRIUMPH
G*tTr«y, ITintl" r. will !mvc H* .11icvr
kfIWPCT* nruUilT throughout Hie eea«nn For
■HHH freight or pa*«ngr a PP'' 0,1 l>"uxl
k The elegant n.ul utt Packet
Calhoun. ruasnei. will leave a«
■BBSSSHbregulnrly throughout thu -e-isoa. 4 .if
freight or pamngr apply tin board mylg
FOR ST I.Ol’lS—nißKt”r
- i '.d V
freight or parage n'pplv on hc»'d.
PltUbnrßh and Sun Cati Park*!.
/{Qtsi k iirnsos,
day m 3 o’clock, I* M. Tor lt< ,pi of
OB board. ___ _ o'-'-'
.it i..\ r\ i-
.leviay and Krnlny, Jl Hi o rs«»rk. A -'i . and Mnnrnj a
bela C.«y «*ery Tue«day.’Mhiim! tv and Sanirday v *
o'clo-k. A.M crr-.- i: oi j. u .«a a|> .nn-o-id
i jy'ii
Allegheny River Trade.
and Frank'm For 'rr?cht or pawnee apply '•<>»"'-
ociJii' _
UhriKMp Capl John F Hoy w.:. ««•"»»*-.•
regiilar trp* t -
Monday. il>- 2nh :;.» , ant al '»• t. < ■*
Ai< For freight i>r p»»*ncr #pi>ij l*ii'»d »i n>
ioch«7 ' J W HFTI.KH & HIM '-r
* FirrsBUKOH A.Mi wm.Ki.iM, »»a*. »*i.i
r !.<• •jiteiidnl amt i»« ri.i't' "flint
Tuesday.Thurad-ty'and Sai.riUyAi HUy Jork AM .
and leaving Wheeling everv Mnnda>. U.-lne-cay mm
Friday, ai 0 o*cluek. A M.
The Sew Knglaml l»-.* I‘rm texighl «-*|.rr«- . nr Ifir
trade, and will leave regularly »«*"-<’»- *•» ircn^htor
-'“JOHN Ff.ArK 'cr ill
T*MI n.-vr, ..-.I <«•! l-.« kr|
(JlnkfeiMgt c C c,.>-I M,a-. r. I r i
JBgrSlw pr— :> f.»rli..»«ra.V ami w -'*»-
daily i« padur-aeii.r wa-.,.
Pitt«l>ur*U rvery fi.nri,.n«».
errry avenm* al .1 o ciivK lc- u i;< '
•-Faber'* Thlcml maenrt.r « C.unr,. «•>•>
*v.,< ...
icm-AR AX "
Thr lirw niutlißh' drnupiri 'inn
jMP*k •,
Itougg ?,«
1 mil F.-ii.y ai *.i. '1
Si.ub.nvi.k- ...ry Tu.-«J-*y. Cm.'.! > ■
Mboviock.a. m ';,v*i.r
lM>nrd - *
' ZlT2r^i A .-
rnmiin* *« a irc-ilir purl.- h-,o«>
d *y•'■•* Fof fre'iglil ot pa.».icr uppl>
SuK uK«>\V^ViU.K
TMK new ■ml fa»i running Meantei
er**** rw hahlkm, Tornlay. n«u..d..y -i“l «* «»'*' •’• •
AM ; «m) IWovcu«ville rv-ry Monuny. 1 *
ami Friday. »t "" vl ' ,rk
For or ?l»MH*t. apply mi >-ou»U Jcro
jilMediral Compan on.or Family I’hyicinn. 'r-ni..-f
on ibt di*r».r,of die tuned s-ain' »•»• *"p' #
tocn«,rauM *, r uiereml niri.i - " t'' 1 ™ ' ' !
eaaea in runny, a* frnrtutrt, d.«.Oc«iimi .*
Th= nianigroietti B’". 1 of 1 rh '
tircii. A lm pM-nueing f« '< f* '' " •
•nJ a *<o**ary. explaining t>*clrn r 1 * " ■
*ro added. a href anatomy and pa>*"l>'«> «>| 'U »**■• body -hawing. on rai.onal ~r.»r.ples tb-rau-e
and cure of disea-ejs nn ■*«•»> onHyaome, on n. •
of pre»eivinft health without the old ” f . ,n ' v <l ‘
American SlSteri* Medtr.. |«,„.,k 8 n«
doierol oor medicinal plnm . » > Tn Pi
«i C !.n in Wa*l.>nii«?n> inrn.e •> or ‘
•'“'’J w«i2-»» nkw l.i
mylP rnt "’‘ ' .
PELUKIU. VEBaiFBOK-' 1..... V 1..- tru ,
N_ n j,i to be the hem i» the w«t>d .
May I. I“>' » ’
Mr II !•: Seller*: I fee] 11 due l
to make mention of u moM r**lrar*r<l nHry f Bret o V h
worm medicine. Having lour children ijinir un
sS.rt ~.T I «IW' :
~io.Mr. ...i ..•> .™i>- u cid»■'y
; ft ynuSbUj jw
‘ it. Soiri.yllf (’.".1- '.'ll ' A x'J .oil "t Al1rel>o".
1 Ky 1). Si. fjirrv and /. . ..
wiioleiale Drag Warehonx Removed
HAVE erected an exten.ivc watehou»e on the corner
of Wooo and Ft#«r *treet»,to which they have
removed their Wboleaale bu»rnei*. where th.ty wi
Varava have on hand nn cxtenrive a«*ot!meiit of all
The aVimleVin their line, to which they the otten
rr.Ffof fithand Wood *t*-
niPBII JIOBMNS—I ca*-- Wane,
Pntur and "Slate «:o'ore-J Paper JV»u*i .»»- »«*• "P* l ’
“£$ '’’siIACKI.KIT l IVIIITK. m wo«l .1
ONE-FOURTH or ONK-ItALF or aitew, tFucr
Bt**l Furnace: that i« toj»aj. the Bellow* »be
propelled by w.uerjiOwer—now budding in Monongalia
County. Virg rt a within 8 mile* of Morgantown, the
Coutijv Sent. ond inly J wile* from *h .rrscr. Tber*-i«
no »ucl> ti.uation wri&m Ml toilet, or S.tubrugl). turn he
iiad for double the aum a Hud |There i» 20 Ore banka
of grod quaJity-and quanta? within from one fourth 01
a mile to twn n».lr*. und good road*, in a fine farming
ja mile hi invi* iwir-, *uu
«ountry—»upplier plenty andcheap. TheTunbrr tank,
<u>) bUt> acre* - . (and any ijunuiny more adjoining thij.]
will cut ton cunl» of wood per’ acre, c'o-r to the tjr
jiare. One |i>nr-hor*e team and a pair of cattle bid
• lock tht. 'uniaee Twenty acre* clear luud. meadow,
Ac., ir. Home*. Ot&ce. Smith Shop Stable. Ac , Ac.
Tnr lurnnce ran be ready lor filaM by the I‘i of Oco
her. licit if application tie made «oon—iwrvil.mJaot the
pure will be taken in AiMiilcd Hood*—one tjnrd m
A*ra«li. m the work progrc*»ri In one yenr.Jhe prn[ieit\
will pH) every cent expended, nnd irfirr.thal will yield
inuperccni profit—lliut w.llta- green by the pieagni
|..o|ir.t-ior« . Application* «oon mailc will tie nncu'*e<l
ny The ownei* liemg disappointed m fund?due them.
• 111.; read'll 'hi 'riling Firm'd 'fie perron buying any! or die win e w i»U t j «ei’. tfic prercut owir«!i*wid
iuli. ,i. and add filly per rent, to the ct»>. 11 "•with
reluctance dm ownri« would 'ell the whole, bill tf no
dung rme do, rather lhad rein d the linwhuig of
the rurnoce. they will do a«i, nnd, if,wanted. lh«T>' will
bn.lit and blow the furnace one year. a»lhey cah build
Her J chcn| rr tban am- b<«ly car. t'eing piof.ncni ni
,iii>- tnr iii«> for u longtime. An) ijuumily of die t>e-i
Sirnr Foul by o.i die prenn*r». A line directed
io \V A K S will tic immediately atiend> difo. Direct
in Morgauiiiwn. 1
INg Iron can be dr.i/rred at P.lUbunrh for from J?io
to 'tie per ton, when 11 <• worth from AJi* to
W.A K «
[ryStnucatid mutenai' to bund on die »pot
myl-dlm •
Jil ARHIS )ia> dui y nt>out. four band*, engaged in
• .preparing for ti<e new and im|«riam work on our
l wo ciiitfa —l‘iil*bnrgh and Altcghmy. nnd immediate
nnghl nrhiKid— and w. -Imig to' make tfit*. fii« fibh *<!••
tion and Dirermry. a- perlect, coiriplfle and u«ctut a*
poaaitdc wisfie? the ctuxen* togive m ihr'it pamc*. rc>-
dni<e», tniv.orj* and card*, nod {:f they have uoiyei]
in full'-nir for d.e work., either ibrougii In* ujent.or
by r-i.iinguit fii» otljce And. ai he ih ao old Koitot hon
•u-tf. and aßvuy* give* enen Editor of our city paimr* u
•ifonlsome topy and notice, he hope* they williavcr
him nod the putdre. bv copy ipg lhi» i.olicc, ro that all
may rend it.
He lipecl* ut'O. to have a euHuble and rerprciahle
Agent to call upon the Wfiotc»ulc M« rebant*. Manu
facturer*, Hot. I Keeper*. Ac.; anil l’nif«.**iouaJ Ucnile
mrn i t Butt.more, i’liiladclph a. New Yo«k, Ac ,Ac .
m -ul-MTibe fur. and puti'i.nre him and thenwelves, by
.gening a copy of the work and g' their card».
.name* and U(]v*rt!»riuetu* fur it.
N. R— All the JMoor* of the aliov., cilief.uud tbo»c
ot Lancaster. iljrr*huig Ctiamherihorg. Ontoutowu
Urown»vil:r. CumiM rland. Wheeling. Cincinnati. Lou-
I'Villc, Clcve'ar.d. Kne, Ac . that copy the above and
•end n puper w.ifi d to me, w.ll ti ivc a copy rent them
grJiuttou»ly. ISAAC HARRIS
my)s Agent nud Cornmir*ion Mritl nt l
Wiufiini'ton, D. C.
r/r.NASC KimntNS. Mechanical Eng'.ncrr^and.
/i Agentfor pioronn* Patent*, will prepare 'he tt*-
cc-*a<v t'inwing* and Paper* tor Applicant* 'or rat;
. iv* nnd ini>i».*ct nM other ‘ u«me*« m the line of hi»
iu.iirc«.(vn at lue I'.iirni Office lie can be co'ualted
nil telji.rig .0 the fu'ent l.u» * illd deci
«.Ull* .’n the I'm.ed >';U. « nr Furopr Pe ran* ai 0
d.oiance i!r«noii* of ha,. r i niinnnlioiu made at the
P iiein Oihc- pnor t.i .n ikmg .tpplieation for a patent,
may forward |po-i pa«t nirimnyti fee of five dollar*,
h cl-ar Muit mini nt i.if.ic.t-- v. pen immediate atten
i . n wilt t.e 7:v.->i io ii m.o a.fdi" 'iihiitnabon that
,nnipli) riiiiiiiiuno .tied
A:i letter* on Cl! t. |1.,-1 |niid. and contain
iuuaide fee. where a uiiin iinjiiinon i* required.
Office on F »treci.i piki'-t the Patent Office
It. lu* the honor by pcnni**‘ , 'n. m
Mon Edmund Durkr. C«.niin,*«ionri of Paient*:
Hon II I. Fti.worth lam .in do do:
II Knuwic*. Marli n *t. Patent OtEce:
Judge I'funch. W a»billglOll. Df-
Hon R Ilhoatn. Mii.-achu-rq*. I’ S Sninte,
Hon. \S Aileiw Ohio. do.
lion. J D liowt.ii. M C. Mi»<our.;
Tlon \\ ul.« Hath’New York.
Hon. Rolmn Smith. M t. rltumi*.
Hull s Rrre«e. I S benatr.
lina J H Hei r. M C. MiutiUt,.
I’aj.l. H M Smeve. Mi-*Ouri, '
h rn-tu- ltror>k«. K*u . I'maburgh. uiTl-
/ m\CKUMN(i SKI.U.US’ VKB.MIFrtiF..— A Mil
\ j ifi' v ■> tiru.jii'vis won lirrt —Kca<i ttic fo'lowmc
jr.r Krv > Wfti.-bt-M, I’a.inr of Liberty *l. M >•
I\lM>ufjfb. M.«rcli f t^47
r nK S. U * rrom U».-li*eiif ili»r, * |, l |
lur .>! u»ur Vcrmif’iET- I procured a
*,•«<» »:ul nrr it to ttirrr t>i tuy thlldtf n. wbo h«'l
; ,„ ri .ovt:. »rrk* Tlx- vru* *f*fn
~;0 i || ; e i\~l\ tout, ami (Ur )ounff«t eiflltccil
iiinmtt*. ; lh* fir»i pa«-mi ftrt> * vtunaf, ibe iMoni
luitv trrru. Hint Hie tnml a rutu.Jfntult number not
it.«iir.ciiv irrui rr;c«l Smrr tlirn iWy lisftf beendoi.H
•v f ; : m:.; arr rovr in ro«><! hraiili - £ -
y,, u( . r . »;.<< ■ r-j.'y J* Wmimu
|{rv S K UabrOi-k. II! thr MefooJ;-' Fp.*«l
I. .• ».!’■ gfral |>lca*urc I would
aarstfr.M* prudji cii my *nn *»l
w.ur justly celebrated Vermifuge
A"ri ii. . !■ t v,„g e« *e b «n tt.rrc dc»e«.
.rn - ...» *enei*i licßilii impioved
S K JU»ci»f i
Ftotli iur lirr I'l.orlt.« Conk.', of tile MelllO*li»l Epi«-
' I* n.bu-gh. [WerakrU frt>
Mr K r. 5.:.-ei* U<v f .1 iM*rrn
r:... ■." i f..«:■ ‘t.~
, . „.V II .« □!! 11l Su'd
rn. im, ’ji tontiiW ,» with
C I’ooak^
.in. m»i»n.e. wli'ii *iTm< ac">aH> ri:»nJ, patent*
-bOuuTs-ve >i m jire « frji.-r 10 *H nlli»T»
I'irgitKil »ud iiltl l>v K ISF.LLKRS between -»l
nul tin, on Wood -treet.
I'ufolf ln> t'rt*: I".nil Wur.l myl
piaso .nr.sic
\ ,\ .• i e : .••• U»i:- I I- ’
Whnr atr :h- Htr- 1
;r>» ibc H-iij. >ll 11. e A f
-Hr duelh O’, 'ftT*l
u.«* pi-r
T..<- i- .4 ..o-.uni
M,, o’ .« fi-.I be ilotb’
n^f-rr 1 - 0 Fit-i' Tl.r ll’tl Chore ti
tv.'l, -, r ...I Wa'.-/e*
J It MCM’OK. I*l wood »*
UK 'T>»'A’S'-r'.V |*ou.,il Fxtioct of !•*«'*•
I’AH 11 I, A Wc.nJ.-r ».•' V,\ - *«ri(C <-f >he Ap
In.* Kx.rm-t .pm »p uunri 1-oUle.- >• «*
pii«-n i. . /••a«mirr. »nJ. warmr,'. 1 •«-). ror lo any
*o It w.input vi>m:;.ng. purser. • ' ir» '-e.«r
<!-• ’l-rat m< l|: p palirnl. n"a
..v'flT/VnVr rVmt.N*v «!,” !l trai/.i-Jn * .!••» n»r
t !„r U.'.ily ll -» *u.-fc»vnfy m tt.r
, —ov u and orrm.nrn- .-Ufc of »!| Jnrj.r. »■ >mc
’T»:.k mi’ for Im t
1,. l r , pr.neip’ed per-mi' bar.
r..|. .ci o- i *ml ,>ot up medic ire in it.* «« ♦b l
J ‘p.-t .1. -fo- -|, «i rart. U> ;i- ha* the #'( Um “K' l “
lure of J* JMow.i»eml . .
Formic I y K K SKt.LF.H*. it: for Abeabeit)
.county,] i: Wood *trcc-. I.m.vrcmTi-uJ mod »«n*
“ ACaIID. , ,
HAVING l.e.r-t ** a ■; «•! «»«
Kit.t VV irdifle f ir> of P-H-’ «i»ch fo »?" wine*
an-i ~..r.X.u» "for Ht-H#nwi mJ -rerninentiil*
and’ll I.C u«rd in't*-' 1 hereby m-uiy
4 ,, !, rr »oj„ appi) .og lor lilt .•! uvr. that they w* ll |,r ,c '
U in i.ainp, IM.itiHt.imd »|.-cdf lilt put-
Jr.i.i'i of miieim, •, n'.’ ■ b*d at fair
‘ « „i,,ilf„...ioK„[ 1.. . U i..cilitr. NoS* Wi'Ori
r r -r, -,Vi r .K.«Ky •£•*:*—
/ 'OLD PkNS a ui*.t var oiv of (iota i J w»f« of
l I c, n -,-u .v'J I•ri. im I * The*. are cruefulty
teirei»-.« mid 4i''tfvir.l !*i M'iy vor-tly of band The
' i mi i - it (kir-.ti .* u-i i.-rul And commercial
!r i '•-* ■i t td Tntir r'A.i'iiiyaml fine poinw
l •u 4 - .1 i :t* hi* . and m»hi»!C either a
.... j Milk ..I 4 I.t.iut fu< h» r I'll.-. lit Il»n plta-urr of
•if «t -'-r 'n,r>t iu-n« #i-u'l waffbiititl, tntd *cn*ng
'll til- U.-tf.t unit., (.oU IVn Di-pot. rot net Of 4lh*od
Mmn-r*! ' my::: vv \V WIIMIIt
fU*T lIRCBI VIWU-I.OtlKlVi; ft
,) lift! M‘ yi HNiSlllM: iI.vKIIN'AKK I lit »üb
»i-,j I><-r ((-•!>' iful'v mioiin* l.- fidt ami im- pnMic.
ll’ ! 11.- .. now tree vni; liu- (pfnig -nrnii'-td Co<”J*-
i;/*Mtrr..nriuv.yp , .iMi n« u-.n' w-U, n.l ilit'iirion
...l. „i l.noL lie «• mul p i'-kirtr. ' nrrfuily m
't A 11i'1.1.1l u. I.«>*»k.(i* Mniiofncturcr
, -j MU I.' lin t •Ifftt. r-tat-v' l
BtMIKk, »»APKli'ftie-lu*t reo’u. •'!«*« IJH I.:
Ilikik*. Pap.-r nnd Stationary. n>it»:»ln!){ of all tn«
,1 (Went kunJ.of fmoktuacil m fuldu- fr’eltool*; Ha*ai
ml l,ooiii of all kind.; « an«' v-nvyoftap wrmrg
„r.;u , an-i uiiar.o po«i tulrd m.-l plain- wrapp-ni piper
nf ml »;jr ■ wall piprr. I>fintii*i Imnnl*.lilnnli t>ooii«. he.
. M-irh4iit« ir.ntr* wi.iiiiiß to pUfrliaw v ' I lll . r,r '' l
V i imipl. •• H**oiuiifi.i«.' .-vf-ry ntt.elt neutrally kepi
'.i, n.fik *.oir-.i. wn.i'iiivr will f.-ll low f.if CB‘b, or on
'VV-'n.'"'.l"'.-,|..,-.| lkml.l
Soool I ~.Jil.rilii..r.-i.»'|-'"«|i ^;'“>-.* | t”i'
~ """' " liJ *! rLi'jiVi'-f'a Viniii.isii
,1 maun itrcti
. llardWare Ktore Utmortil.
\ 1 'ill I'MOKK A wm.l-T tihviiijt iniio+r.l Irom int
\\ rfifi'rf 1.1 1.i1,. in 4ml St fld.r 4tretn. lu ><» 00
ii- i , lrr .,i ||,| lr iiii.-if* above si Clntrlt. Ilmel, woo'd
‘a.k ill" hlltii.m,, ol buyer* til-heir arock
„f (|AIU)\VaKK. CUTLKKV and SAUPLKKS .re.--!
per *hip* Saramtk Jlonongali*’'-* **nd Rua*u, J * r
frornihe nitoufactoitr* of Hugl-ini! u‘.'d Ocrniajit
AI'O iiii'iii' t*rf AMitnean Hardware, from ibepnn
ripal in»iiuf*« iwrer4 ef tb<-lta*terit .State-
W I w« «i""'i
I.I-.I irftn- Ilirt It?! r-cnnfidrnrr m l.tlin: »".r
,ue..f**lully n» un-el: •••niij.i-tit.nil ftuiu any ipianer,
l>u»iht»» w >■! Hr continued aiilteolcJ
0<»MBHIIJNO IW HKASON-Wr learn <lm
S Dr JayciA mMlmur. tor tlm n.rr of Hi- MHO.
THROAT. )•»« been .Imriß ,*!“/,|il* *<I**Vu
L’-'cl.TtilidViri l int, nml to |ito<-urt tins.rrmnlr applied
iron. «kiittil itlivi.-iun., tlinri fimn unknown nml irre
. |, (( . ~o a, .ti. Dr Jayne im* e«tal>li»hef a repuin
ii.iii lone «mee mr proft.ruiiinl »kiU, and In*
inr eoutlr* and eold. have l.ecn nrnvrd effi'eanou* l>»
in- elnefienee of tliaiwmd*-ifol. Ke <’"’l
K..r «ale,n I’niultoreli at tbr PEKIN r.W STORt.
7> I'nui'h .met, niMf Wood, ami at il.. Dim? Store
1’ Arbwnni. Federal Mreet. Ali«i?lh'iV Fitv _
11-ehldJAw .
Or. WcLane'a Liver PIU*.
MFSSRS. J KIDD 4. CO f»*?nt«: pleateleimo have
■J Loir* of Dr. MeLane’s Liver I’ill*. My w»fp
hn« u*eil two boxee of tlie Docior*' l’i'l* I a*««re jou
th'V have done her mote pood than mv family phy»«*nn
i.n-liv ivm yea»» mtentlanee Tw«» additional hose*, I
,h„,k win,V«t, cure • JAMFS JUNKS
\> ilkiii> l«>wii«lrp
Tlic*«- valoalile. I'illt for »ale by J KIDD A Co No.
Gn Wcmhl -irert IMi.burah
i lOUklftit CHVALttY ortim Auvetuure# nt
M Catiuin P'arrata and Ti-ngne O’Reaan: by II II
Hrackertridte -eeoml edition *iiiee the author’* death,
w-th • biormphieal notice, a rritiral di*qui*ltton on the
work and ciplnitatotv tiote* K wlih illuairatton* from
* _J B I iicricni by Parley, bound rn cloth and paper,
original ilcrißn. o, j^j| NSroN & STO ’KYON
cor of Market«. 3d *l»
VtKD BOOK- Place* In »mrv». warehouie
W Ac for aeverai good hook keeper’e, ittlßUnen
warehouse me.., I tl-ter* and Imy. of different am.-
A' ,1 wm.ied-for »everal readable privaie familie*
lirisci'*, Ae tcveral good cook*, borne R.rl‘, chamber
”AiV,?i’‘~VllciW*Wfjf A |4j |I |jf^
ir . l# • No 3t)6Ah»l
V. S. Jdail lint to CVtra, AoiitAainpWn and Bnm/r,
THE »plet>d.d newvteamvhip H'AI'III.VG
fWpj TON l TSOion* burthen. Frederick Hcwnt.
eom'uni.dei. will ►taiu'rom New Voifcot? iHr
I «t June next.carry n*g the L'juifd Stale* inn.)
*iiewili touch kl Cowe* and Soathampnm to land
pa**cncci« and freight, and deliver the mail* dor Eng
land. Fiance nnd Belgium. and will then proceed to
Keliiruina will leave Uretncrhaven on the 33th of
June, and Southampton tyi the l»t of July. where >be
will embark pn»*cngor* and freight from Englnt-d.
France, and Belgium. Arrangements have been made
td forward good* from Havre op to the la»t moment, for
wb'Cii. if desired, bill* of lading will ho ringed by the
ugem at Havre.
Southampton connect* by Railroad* with all part* ot
England. and by steamboat* with all the Continent
From Bremen accci* mayibe hail toall Geiuany, An<-
tna. Ku<—iu Italy. Switzerland. 4e.
The Wa«blogion i* bont in il.eitrongcai manner, wit 1 1
a view of being converted into h »htj)-of-W3r. and *ub
jert at any tune to nupecjion by officer* appointed by
tb<- Pic<iiiciit,.boih during: and after construction. She
li.ak twovngineaol 11)00 horse powrr each, mul accom
modation? for 140 Jir»i elm-. and 41 recoin* ela»» par
P*»iagi! from New York to Southampton or Bremen,
First cla*» #rJi
Second ela*« *hi
Pauagr trom Bremen or Southampton to New York.
Firm clam RISO
• Second clu**. G*>
Sim will carry about 3blt ton* freight, which will be
charged according to the nature, of the good* olfcnuc.
Ad Idler* must pa** 'Urougb ‘lie Pott Office. I’iwcel*,
for which bill* of hiding will he signed, will he taken
at S 3 each.
-For p*a*ngc or freigh l upply nithe office of the Ocean
Steam Navigation Cotupony. 41 William *treet. New
York, or to itir Agent* at Soutnumpinn.
Bremen C A lIHINKKKN h CO,
The \Y jsbinvion i* intended to leave New \ork on
second trip on the Cr*t oi Augtsi ttext
• The second »tc*amer of the line i» in due cop.rkc of
rnn*inicuon. and will he in readme** in ibe ensuing
fan nivldlm
IMPORTER and Mannfaciurer of Cutlery. Surgical
und Deniallnitrumeui*. Saddler*andTiunera’hand
tool*, Ta>lor*’Patcoi Sbi'iir*. Ac Air. AI»o munufae
lure* Tru**c», Supporter*. 4c , jit great variety.
J, C. Manufacturer and Importer of Pen. Pocket and
Table Cutlery; Razor* Sctsoou.'Fiic*, Saw*, Tool*,4c;
ha» removed to
«3 WOOD STRKKP. P,ii*burgli, recond door be-
low Diamond Alley,
And hn* lute, y ri rnvrd a largea**orireeiuof
Pen 4 Pocket Knlvea, Knlvta * Forks.
AI-o Rodem' and Wbostenbhlm*’
Klliotii, 4 iJuiehet’* Katof»,Sci»*or»,
Ra/vr Simp*. Ac. Ihnumi and WireTwi»l
ti v .*r. iiirur. . a..u i i.’» .'i»* . _ t
Allcu’tfCol!'* and Blunt'* Revolver*, Powder Fiavk*
Shot Ueh* tiiimr Bag*, Walker 1 * 4 Cox’* Hum Pcr
cu**ion Cap*. Bowie. Dirk and Hunting Knive*.
Tool*. *ccti u* Calhpei*, Divider*, Flyer*. Nipper*.
Hand Vice*. Square*, Rule*, Brace*, Bui*.
Shave*, Stock* and D Wife and Iron Ouage*. Math
amaticn’ hi*ifcmeni*. 4c. m veiy great variety
09“ Jobbing, and repairing neatly and pauctoally
' HAS Removed to the bonre on Penn
street, three door* above Hand *ueet,
(n’KßMflh wheie he may be found from 9 o'clock
A M , until 3 pm.
A* lie i*‘desirou* of being employed by none but
thiwr who will make immediate payment without the
iir,-ej-ity on hn part of collecting he would invite par
ncu'ur attention to the following trrtnr: All bill* left
unpaid nt the rspna'ion ol thirty day*, will be charged
h( the following rate*—
For FxlrariiKgTeeth.
For Filling irom »«to *1 per cavity.
All othrroperat on* m the *aine propomatt.
All ca»r» :n which citgogcinent* are not continued,
lull* will he coittidernl due according to the above reg
ufa'ionS- I -
X U —There are tho*e indebted to him wbo*e ac
couiii* if not paid immediately, will Im placed m the
hand* of a proper offirer for collect tan. lylMkitaifr
Sneecßsors to Holdihtp 4 Drowse.
Manufacturers and importer* of paper*
HANGINGS, No h? Wood vtreet. Pittsburgh.
Tlic :urrea«ing demand for American Paper ha* induced
thnn to enlarge and improve their Factory, and their fa
cilities for manufacturing arc now equal to any In the
ra.tern cnie*. Having adopted the ea*tcm *cale ol
price*, they take pleasure in inviting their friend* and
dealer* u» ciamme their •toclk. which i* now larger
vlian at any former period, and may' be found a* follow*:
Traarparent Window Shade*.
French. American. Snun, (Hazed and Common Pa
per Hang ng*;
Hold, Velv t and Imitation Border*;
l.andtcapcf. Statuie* and F>re-board Print*;
Curtain Paper. v»rd wide plain green, and fig’d;
Writing. Printing,and Wrapping Paper.
Bonnet Board*, 4c
To Traveller*.
I t'ldujtTtljr fm PautnftTM )
rfiHK Canal and Kailruud being :nnw in excellent
1 order. tlif Packet* of Jaw Line will lea re with ps#-
N-ncit o» lollow*. every night at tf o'clock :
Packet Indiana Ca'pt llerkey. Monday, May 10
ilo Louisiana, Capt Tbompaoti. Tuesday, May II
.!o Kentucky. Cajn. Truliy. Wednesday, May IX
Jo Oliio.Capl. Cr«i«. Thuraday. M«« II
Jo Indiana, Capt. lirrkey; Ftiday May U
Jo |,ou.iiann, Capu Tnompron. Saturday. May 15
Jo Kentucky rapt 'J'ruSy, Sunday, Mnv U
i!n Ohm, Cra'fi Monday. May 17.
• Jo In.itun* i.vikc%. Tiiffcluy, Mav !*■
do laiu j u». t upt' I '< inwniwou. K'r dne*da>, May
do Kcni.icky, C«;jr. I'lu'iy, I hurtday, May an.
Jo Oho. Cta>R, Fiutar. May *-'>• -
do India:*, H.-rkcy Saturday. May 83. '
da Louisiana, Oapt Thompson. Sunday, May ‘.3.
If you desire cheap travelling and cotnfimaUc acrpn
(Roda’ioiu. secure jour tickets at die Packet Office,
Mottonnliela House. Water street,Qr of
mj tO I) I.F.KCII A CO. Cana, lUsm
Attorney, lomisrllor and litncral ternt.
!»▼ L. PRALL. inform* h-» l.icnd* a»J -lie puU-
V* , |.c that he h-** commenced Hie t>u-;R«-.» of
; Agent for I uyms and aclling real e«;atr.m th.scnj.aiid
Will devote a Urge poaiou ot hi» t.rue and attention io
i the leasing, lettm* and hiung of bou*c*,wi«rca and olU
| cr haiMing*, in aoilectmg and dndiurswg lenti.aiui oih
-Irr claim* and demand*,and k~i atteudrng to Agency L/C
-, «;nr»/ cccetal’j’. He will algo engaee m the uegolta
j lien ot loan*. ei»nlr*rl», etc. and will furntsii authentic
; information in relation to the- payme iju«l*t:e* and rr
-1 »poa."t”lit;c« oi i.:naut». Ac. lor«h.ih In* extensive
{ jr |-'I» Uli.lur.-• tr-r.'iii'i liln'« h in llrmav l.c.iound
4 ~» ,1 . N-> llt Ai rti -ir--> > i!* t •Jo.'liH-k
floor irtmi room NKW tOUK " ' j
RKI'KRKNt'KS—FoiI K -V -Talltnadge,* ll<>n John ll i
9ron. Hou John MeK«*m. Hou Ojdm Hodman Al- 1
derrnan Kg'-eit Hen*o»t, Aid. Win V Brady, David ,
(rralm'i, tbfj. "’ia J Hoome, Fwj. _ ««> t:M:im*
IN the Orphan* Cotm of Allrftberty County.
#lii the matter of the Adminr»traticii
AcLOutn of lVM.HttOilKju and John
MeClarru. F.lecutor*ortbc IC*>a'e ol
Robert McClaren, 4. eCMed. No •.**.
March Te.fu IM7
motion of >V. o*t< > . RobiUMJti, Attor
ney for F.reeptani*. the Court appoint
C DarragU, tv*q • Anditor. to .eule the Acconniof the
B » ‘^•■ Co “7onN YOI-SO, Jr, n-.k. s
tl7»Penon» interested in ihaabove wt» lake notice,
that the undersigned will attend on Friday, the tppb ol
May. lasiant, at to o’clock a. m , at hi* office. SmuhCetd
•trect. for the purpose of bi» ap|«oiniment.
mylMlOt C DARRAHH. Auditor^
E\V STEPHENS of Wheelii-g. E. F. Sboenber*
• err of Jumata and J A Stockton of Pittsburgh,
have ui* day entered intxv co-pßrtuer*Uip under *tylr
and firm ol Stephen*. Baoenhergcr 4 Fo. at the
Anchor Iron Work*, Wheeling Va , for the pu'po*e of
tnnnufoi luring iron and na‘t|« ol every Jcicnpnoii.
K W>n«- K F SnoHanr.aoka. J. A SnicaTos.
ANCUOR IRON works. i
Whrtlmg, I’u. j
Maoufaeture all kind* of boiler. •In-et, bar iron and j
nail«. A B »terl eliptn- »p«iut» -*nd u»le« Hem" eon .
ncctcd wiih SU.ienhrfgfi'i Old Juitinia Wo'ks We can
offer an Article of Juniata 'inn [branded SJioenbeicer)
•ajtial lo soy made m the retail try. All of which will he
t./id nt the Pilt>'-urgl. price*: Warehouse of the Work*
corner »i Monnw mid Wairr meet* myll
IBrt. 133 Wood itreeifc Plltihnrfhi
SEVEN Dnora above *b. and 1 ••.»? aooee 11
Child* 4 Co’* Shoe Watehou*e. Nour opening and
for *ale l.y RICHARD T-LEECH Jr. Importer and
dealer in Foreigd.nnd Dome*tic Poddlrry Hardware 4
Carnage Tfimniinga. of all'ascription*, a v.rr cheap
amt well «»ieced •tnrk of Good* t r b'" line, till fre»h.
of thr ncui-'t *tyie* r purt-lia«ed for ca*h, from the besD
vnuree*. ami will be Jupoerd op wholcaale and retail,
i at a entail advance on the fOM. Pureha«erv t»rete*RPet
| folly invited to rail and *ati*fy tacin-elvc*
I Al.SU—saddler*’ tool*. w*'TJH'ed. Deer and Curled
Ha.r. Whip*; Glu*»: Paper. Ac. alwnyaon hand, and
».« cheap n* cl*ewbere. _ *£!?L_
Worm*' Worms' Waroti!
ArarL K, INT.
Me»«r* J Kidd 4 On, Gum*:-Tin* .« to cenifv thai
a Hi. dni wnt nlllietod with Woxjm. I procured
vnnou* kind* of Vermifuge, nml ndmimstered ibem,
t.iit with no effect I then pjrc-t.a4.-d .t vial of Dr Me
I tine’* r-let.tated Vermifuge and atier giving a frw
Mote* in ch.ld Uncharged about a cjoan of larg-
Wo,in*! The health of the child improved-immedi
iitoly 1 wo'ihl rrrommetnl Dr McLanc** Vermifuge to
,i^,. u i,i,i-........"iii.*'
jy mr worm*, now in u»e. *'* l * K,t
S>!d whole 4 *!? and retarl by J KIDD 4 CO. comer
wood A fourth -I* .
v«r W. WILSON, Waih'Maker 4 Jeweller.
VV , corner tilt and Market mV A forge and well
.Scmed nock nt watcher, Jewelry. Silver ware ami
MVliurNioode. Alwayvon bund and at regular ea»-
terniprie^a,<>o : d Patent llever, (u'l Jewelled watrbe.,
•j, liiw ir Silver do watehe»,a» low n*SIK
(imuine Coi.p.-r, I’obia*. Jobn*on and other approved
iiiuk-- <>f wan lie* may be hud «t « *moil advance and
watch work done m the very be»t tnannar.
*•“' ap‘J7
Pronnaala for Pittsburgh Coal.
PROI’O'AI.B wilt !.«• toor.ived 1»y the undernljned, I
until the lift day of jlime, for (tie delivery of IS
ouObu«nrl»o.‘ l’liiHliurglilCoal.of the beat anility tot
ilir f.ibricai.rnofdaa. to* be furnirlied otvor before the
fir.tUi) oi 0< uil.rr ilie »L l>om*(Ja* 'Not**,
■m-ment to be male upon delivery. •.
f"nr furthri pirtieul-ir. opiil) m the undertyjnert
mVfthlw Chairman of th«* !«’»ht Contmiltea
IRE KSGINeVoU HALK-A£«»t rate il
r'n-« Fire Engine luiil will throw.two aide and one
gallery rircnmt. with pipi*i and every thing ready for
aervcr HlirAv.ll be .old low—fnr.furiliei particular •
m«|uireof tiORMAN.
m>»l • __ _ . _
t V —JOO tetmt Cap ruing Paper;
50 do l.eiier do do;
WM do 8. C.Araw Wrapping do;
'jun do Medium <l<> do do,
100 do DO. do do do;
100 do TcafUr do. do;
(hi hand and for .He by REYNOLDS* SI lEh
mri"! « , or l > »m> nnd lr*in «t»
I’lrrcnuiiuii steel works ANUai’RiNo
JONES & Q,riGa,
Manufacturers of spring and Blister steel.
Vlo-tgh 5 teel, Plough Wing*, Coach and
Eiiptlc Spring*. Hammered Iron Axle*. and-dealer* in
Malleable Catiln**, arid Coach Trimming* generally
comrr of Rom and Frdm itreet*, Pituburgh, ra -
febU . •
COACH TR.IBIPIINGS —The lutrtcriber* arc
now receiving a Urge and cile.nnre assortment of
Coach Trimming* of jhe laiest siylcs—among which
arc vtro'J* article* ibtt have never been kept* ere—
' which ihey porchmcd for cash from rhe Eastern Manu*
fariuici#, and are able 10 »ell a* low a* any House in
New YurkorPtiiUric'jihia. They would respectfully
invite the attention u< dealer*.
myHd<m JONES* qUIG'i coi Ross A 111 »ls
ami dealers in foreign and
lourii -i. marly 0pp0»..«- lb** Batik u: P .ll sburgli.
CURRENT MONEY received on Depo*de—Sight
Cheeks for tml roi’eritons .made on nearly all
the principal ,x>iiil»in the Untied State*.
The !i ph»«iprptitintn pa J for Foreign and American
Gold . j
Advances madron cur.*:gmnent» of Produce, shipped
East. on liberal term*. _ iacbl3 _
Banker* and Dealer* in Exchange. Coin
and Bank Note*,
Selling Rate* Exchange. Buying Rate*.
New Fork, 1 pr. Cincinnati. I die
Pmiadelphia. Ido l«ui«ville, . |do
Baltimore. i do St ldo
Baying Rates BANK NOTES. Buying Rales.
Ohio, idle Co. A Sci.p Order*. | dia.
Inuiana, ido Relief Note*, ido
Kentucky, iJo Pennsylvania Cy (do
ViTKiina, ido NewHork do. ido
uo Wheeling. Ido New Orleans. Ido
Trmiesree, • ‘J do Manrl» n,| t l rt °
oj.-tf _ •’
'CoiHsrcneratilp* , '
JOSI2PII U. HILL, (laic of the firm of « in- A A Co.) and W.M C.CURRY..Ifttcof trie, l •• )
have entered mtn Copartnership, undi r the name ol
. ll.t. A CURRY, tor ti c purpose of carryingon the
Wanking aud Exctiaiig** businra* io all tM branches «*'
No (A Wood »tre*L itirce door* l>eh>w rourlli, we»j
••dc-whetc they soln .tthe c ustom of their friends and
the pul.lie gcneially. JOSEPH H lUI.L
metilS \VM. C f.LRK*
No «J 5 Wood street ilurd door he lor Fourth, we# l side-
PAR Foods and Currency received on Deposiic nnd
collections made on all the principal Citiis m the
United State*. ...... u
Sight Exchange on Baltimore, Philadelphia, New
You. Boston and Cincinnati constantly fur sale
Ohio, lud.aua. Kentucky. Virginia and Pennsylvania
Bank Notes,bought and sold on favorable terms
Exchange on England, Ireland, Germany and France
procured, Ae ■ Ac. _ B,ch
A.ID DlAUta* lIS _
iYu 04 800./ Stmt, out door abort Fourth. Foil xult.
mehl*j PlttmbnrKh. Pa. _ JdA"_i
OHIO, Indiana, Kentucky, and Penna. fund*; aus
Count* and City Onlerspurchased at reduced !•*■«
m d..cooni, by » N HOLMES A SON
Exebangc Rtoker. SS Market >t
Ciollcetlona on Cincinnati. Louuviilc, M U>i»t*
> and all oece»*ililej>oi>«t» in the United s*iQ'r» mace
pnxnntlv. and upon the lowed term*, by
' N UOLMKS4 SON, K*. haii*e Hrokcr*
No 55 Market «l
Collections oil Cincinnati. Louiiviiie. ®t Loin* «r.d
all oibcr accci«it>le poinuin Uie
made on accommodating term*- MILL h. CURR»
apA Wood »L nm doot ioJ->*!e Salooa_
Ptcbanc* on New York, I'hitndelpUia, ami Ruin
Ijj ranic eonMunilv fur sale by HILL II CURR\
ai>o Worn! iineii dooi in Eagle &aloor»
Currency of the Ohio Indinitti end Kentucky
[tank* wanted at very 'ew rote* of iJi«count.
• pti Wood «t, next door to Ka*le S-tlo?"
OHIO, Indiana, end Kentucky Bank
Note* purchased »t low rite* by •
No yi Market *t
V adnininf tit tom ofSunlxnrilU. The tgli.cnlior
offer* mr aale the property well known a* SLACK’S
«iAßUPNS,con*i<Jing of about aeven acre* of Laud
of exec'lcM quality, with Dwelling Home. Bath Hou-c.
Ureen llouae, Ac. thereon- The dwelling i« a commo
diou* brick hgildmg. with •nimble oul bou«e* anachrd.
On the premwea i* a never failing .pring. yielding a
ndiiiful vipply oftno'tejrellrni water, from which the
(■ardent are irrigated by nr-an* of |vpea Near the
• nrtns i* a large and eonnuodiou* Uatning Houae, ieo
• lone* high. withporcbe*, and containing »everal apart
menu m addition to the bath room* JThc Laiden i*
altogether auperior to any m ih.» the country
M j abound* with the choice*! Fruit tree* of atmoM all
kind*, a* welt a* with beautiful amt tare Shrubbery and
Plant*. The elevated petition of tbe garden* overlook
inc and at.l;guou» to tlie-cny and the Obn> river, whilat
at the i»rac time, they are'to eaaily accrmble. render
them peculiarly de»trablc a* a »e»idence for a private
family, or for auppl) mg the c.ty with fruit* and vegeta
The trnu*of »alc of all the above property, ar to price.
in- Pcr*on*in Pittvburgh inclining m purchase cm
have a more full deacripnon of thi# location.and or ihe
I above property, on applira-icn to Mr Jolts A " il«oji.
I of ihe bi n*« of .Murphv. Wi!«on & Lo.
j Steubenville. April«t,.tS47
mTIIK ariveniaer offer* foreale a iplendid Bnck
.Iwelbtlg IJou-i* F.lua'P on the Nanii Kurt cornc
of ibe I’obl r Squaie m Yi>utig*inwn. Maliounn,
county. Ohio It i* Ivtgr. roinnn.diou*. huijhed in ex
cellent *tyle. and la the t.e«t location in koongvtowtt
ei>her for- Jwetlmgor public bonce; attached to it i* a
yanl, with water, Vubling, and all other convenience
■ l hand, . „ ,
Thi* town improving very rmp.dly. n aunated im
mediately on the CariaUnd when the var.ou* Fum.tcc •
Rolling foil- Ac., now being (mitt are pomplned. wil
be the moat fiounahing place in thi* *ection of Ohm
It will t»e *obl low for ca«h. or on time, or exi-h.ittae,
for nroj’r-r'V in PilUburgh. Fnr p-irl.cohir- .m;.. --- n
L A J l» 'Vli'K toruer of U 0.-1 at.d Wtrf* '
burgh, who will give all :uf‘ifin->t,an ocihlAwti
Real estate IN THE OOLNTI«V-I>C .U..
icnbei* offer ibr a bn«*e »"<l i'-t in •'
<lle*ex. Mercer county. Th* hoo*a m wit.*"'*!''-w"'*
nrs wore mod dwtlbng, 'mnicd:»'rl> "n 'fp lf<- Hr
t»n*ionCaiiab In « viHoc* n*-ur '•>•• «r*
w «rrnl forr.ace* and in tb- in *t » n •« rt “
met. ..
. Al*o.» hou»e amt Ini m iln* v huge 01 «»,
ang-v.tti-. Mrrrvr rnui.*> Tie- bou.fH well «-*ir U l«t< •!
water ami fioul el*
rooimotlanng irtro*
OBIOL.VXDS TOR HALB—4t3 acre* of fixe
Land* int *a‘e, lyingon Big Raccoon liver. m Co
kml.iu 'o«n*bip Men* co, Ohio. !3« cleared unu un-
Uer rnhiraiion. There are on the prrrn *e« 4 dwelling
htmeev 2 large barn*, with Rood fencing Mini nrver.taiJ.
ins vraii r. The whole together will lietulJ for Unr-)
live hundred doll *r» or d.v.ded to »u'l Piircaascrt. ‘I t
ile suaiMiiicrd; payment* may fw made to *uil, and
poitpMion river, immediately tor further mfotma'ioo
liij !:»• " wood street _
FOB SALK—Good laud übom two mile* from the
City, and adjoining Manchester, *uitah!c for gar
den* or nri**ie.-re*idencea. con»i*t n* of—
Two I«o - * of !l Acte* each;
One * of 4 Acre*;
Two ” of 5 Acre* each;
Three * of d Acre* ea**b; - ,
One “ of 111 “ “ I
Wnl be ro:d o-t favorable term*. Apply to ,
S CUTUIBERT, Real Eatale Office
m yj4 ~ No SO grwiihfleld street^
' Valnablt Real BlltU ftrflaU.
Ilf: under* ened twins about to remnvfe-bi* Tannery
1 io the country, offers fdf'aale SIX BUILDING
I (>TS on Second Mfeet,: between Ferry *'feet and Re*
doubt Alley. Etch lot will l.e iwriity feel front on 2d
Mtn i and e.sbty feet U depth The lot* will be told
oj.2oif .
FOR SAl.K—Two Rood building loi», situated on
Congrt •• »i. eneii 2M by 1W 0.
Alro-l lot 20 It by 12*. corner of Congre** »t nnn
l‘enna> ivam* avenue. 1 lot 22 by 112 aon IVnnayl*
vnnia avenue t loi S 3 t»T I3l> l\ oa liOeaM *l. Term*
favorable, -&0U fIIRKRT
In> n Real F.»taieOffice, WriarntyM *i -
PERSONS desire***of purchasing LMi in tin* Cemo
l-rr ary referred for inforraatioa to the Superintend
ant, on the ground*, nr io R. Thorn, comer o
Penn and Hand •tre.t*. PiUsbargh.
Byoidcrnf the Hoard. J. CIHSLETf,
deell-d&wtf Super»ntendnnt.
Hourk and LOT FOR HALB-I w-II .ell
a very haciilvmro line a Collage llou»r. fini.hpd m
moib ni rule, wife about one acre of ground. *it*iaied
on the road lo’ibe Ar*enal m ihe borough of Lawrence
fille. Tenu* mode ate. HENRY HAUL
invlWlw ‘ No*i7 Alarkrt Mrret
V of vaiuabU land, jurt above
liriween the turnpike etal ihe Mononguliria nvtfj «uu
uble for eoantiy te*i<lener*. For "’^V^THUr.RT
iujl2' No Sll mnilhfield <1 ,
r" OTS FOR SALE— I wo lots on m street, hear
j StnilbbelJ «t. directly oMwaite Lynn, tfborh A Co.
4u ft front by »ft in depth The*e lot* arc well rustled
lor dwcHii * hou*e* or loundrw* .
Thev wllbe offered at public rale on Tbnr*tl«y,B7ih
“ “°' c, “ k| “hknrv wmo,.
HAVING removed to the cn>\ for ennvcmrnrr
to proic«*<oual bu*iuc*s l "'ib rent ibe Mansion
House and miiunicJ ate enclosure, rauuie on the bluff
"rj .t.tear*'"* ° ng m " g *'‘jAMKs*'s , nBAFT
111 V Rll LUTS.
FOR PALE—Some valuable Loir ofGround. moated
on the bank of lb* Allegheny. RTver. uontigaoua to
the ci'y These lot* are mo*t advanta(rrou»iy ntuated
(tit Iron Work* and oiher large manufacturing e«al».
Khmenu. /hARMAR 81-*NNY._
tfert. *itu*ied on Franklin ST«n. Abegheny t-i'y.
pree *2Oll. Term* *2O In h?nd. l.nb.nee in 6vey.*;>r*
Also n corn-r Lot 23 liy li• fe> i • luaird near ibg
■tuive Price S.K«. Term*.' mm' »• above
, n) S ta'THBERT.fASm ibfield «’
. )| VNDSOMK FOK'j-n
A mg property of V\ in C.ogt.nn, E*.j. conairling
a convenient llriek Dwelling Houae, «rnh svnablc c
building* garden Ae., m aU s ncrea.
A!>o Bc rr» adm an« the above.
’ " s CUTHLKRT.ResI K»uueOfß<e.
m¥ l7 No6oSmnhBeW*ireei
IN MANCIIESIKK for SALE—I have f«r ‘ate a
beaut fol Building iaM*-jche«ter,neai■ me F*»ry.
«:i fel front by l*> fret deep. It Will t-e sold low, and
on areommodaiinp term*. Term* itnexrepiionablo
ill U«W BLAKELY. Real Ertale Agent
NO IT JffarVel *lreet, 1* now receiving W »pn«g
•inck of |IOB**-Fan»i*Ulng Hardware, |Jriu»nm».
com-liting in pari a* follow*,
Hbx* JapnnncdAVarc,Lnsli*h and American, j
. 4 bx* Bnisnma do «o
2ca»k* Kngli*h'Tmne4 Saneepan*; .
I do Oval Pou; l ca»e Ti »> * and Waiter*,
1 do Enamelled Wure; r . tU - .
I do l‘rc»»ed Waret^Q» cask Blight \N arc,
. ,sxii.,... K , n ™\ron'f': iS£?s:T i asl. c *«* K
ism lb* Juniata Wire: 30hx*Tui
jinjww J(mN nt ) N | jA p. 17 Maikcn.^
SECOND II AN li'i’l A NOB—A n" exerllenl *e
eond band Piano Forte, made by Dubor* A Bacon,
York; with octave*, :ron pHne : and in good or
joun r. Qoioa.
4e i ,Ii roconJ **"»• P* 4 ' b F cl '"" m
J,Co .l-podon. For ul' low “•‘ft, HBLIjOR
—ILS-BCO gallon* Bleached Sneim Oil,
i obi do Natural Cnlorad Sperm Oil;
rtO do Uleached Winter Whale Oil:
b liM» Lard Oil; to*t ree d and for tale by
myl® _
ICR CREAM FBF.KZEIW-Jo.l l•*••*<«-
L ncnl df JoUn~n’« eieelletH Pdlenl Ice Creero Frer-
Mtabi. HW. *«»!«» .jrf
'£3 lI*A TB-T-fl ATBtJ’- UXTBXI PS’
JHLtiil? being the day ibo.tfpruw; p:JSfc
Ittiis will be inirvdadetd, by tbctnost fata* _
looable esiobliibmeais in New. York und Philtdij ipu ia
the undersign'd ukCgreat pleasure *»* being enabled
in announce u> tl*eir numerous friends and the puMle
gmerSL". that «ciae prepared in < > up(itx.all who may
luvor u.« with a rat l with the lasiiiutiable IJalfcr the
>'i*ou. comprising Beaver*, Neutrias, and extra Coe
Aloteaki;t >i:t» Hnis.eiiher wholesale or retail.
ruaiTiif cor wood and Sib *t»_
jSSk A IWORE. Hnt and. Cap Manotaeiurer
a» removed to No 75 Wood street. three door* ui»>re
Fonrtb street. His stock consist* of every variety cf
Hat* and Caps. made in the Intrst style:-also. Panama,
l.eebom and I’edai Straw Haw, wnolr*ale«i;d mail-,
at uie lowest price 5? ,\ll)OK E .
Bp|C 7.1 Wood *t. third door above rouiih
& ~ WlLtllASrilOVGLAtt'i
COM IMJt-JS/io and kcepggn
cnu*inni*y on hand, every vitrcn 6l‘ Hat*
and Cap* of the latest rlyle. ana pricer very low niNo
76 Wotid street. Kart tide ;
FallFashlon, 1846,
WHEREA COSTA IPS Style Leijlinn-’n’sHsts
JO will introduced at KFEVIL'Sron Thur«dny
AegtiM d7th. Gentlemen wishmfc* cheap. fa«h*
•lonoble Hatot Puisbargb manuia<{iarr ahead of
fashionable ,ll«:s imported tid-advriuacd by route of
the trade. p!co.«o call at KEKVII. &. Co'*
nug'jStf [ IK, head of W 000
Spring Fashion for 1847* /fIKfV
WOULD inform bi*fncnd»andpatron* _• 7*
ibul he. has now on hand a large stock of Uie
Spring Ka*lnon of Hut* and Cap* u hicli will be. intro
ducedon Saturday next Those m want of a superior
article will call -l ):
nich'd No 7> Wood Kan side
Fall Fashion for IlHt*.
THE subscriber has just rceciied by Kxpres*
Ins uevr Fall fashion tor Hals. 'lito*ct *it nec 101
nn extra hue Hut will pU sue coll and examine
lbis splendid article. • S MOOItE
»ej>3 No. tet wodn > .
R. |J. PaLMER offers forwloon os favor-
terms as any bouse in Philadelphia, a
complete axsonment a/ Svaw, Florence. Rut
load,and a great variety of faucy Irani and
gimp' the spring style. >
ALSO—Talm Leaf, Straw and Leghorn Hal>; Arti
ficial Flowers. Ac- Ac - __ j melis
X* a mperiot article o Iseneh Moleskin Hats. ra.
fashion, and for laic low I > - s MOOlth
wfv l NoUft wood sir- 1
Carpel auti Dry tioods Wa^elioase.
RESPECTFULLY informs hi# fi lends and the pubhc
generally, that he is now receiving a l.xge and
splendid assortment ol Nxw Strut CarpeiAig. Or-
Cloihs, 4o . direct from the Imporieis and Muhiufacto
rer*. composed iit pa 11 of
Superfine Brussels Carpets; |
Extraor Tapestrj' Brussels Carpeting; 1
Super Imperial 3 ply and Extra *te;
Superfine IngTain, Fine and Common Caryetniß:
5-S, 3 4 and 4-1 Plain Vewnnn Oar|»*mie
-5 S. 3-4 and *-1 Damask do «lo;
and 4 4 Topi’stiydo ' do,
slfsfftbmr TYunmingi.
Brown Drillings; 4 4.5 4 and li 4 SU-eimgs, 6 4 7 i
S-4 Tuhle Linen*; Linen Napkins; Crtsh and Diaper;
Hockabuck Toweling; Cuipel Sirijn-s. New Style ru
ble Covers; Oil Cloths from t!7 incite* to Ut feet wide,
cal ttxany.size;
Rich Embroidered and Primed Tabletud Piunn rover*
Figured Floor Clothe* ,
Chenielle, Bruwx-le. Tufted, and Rug»:.
Tufted, Cheniclle, and Shecpilin Door Multr J
Manilla and Grow do do;,
JJr»M Stair Rod* Flat and Oval;
Damaik and Striped Stair l.itwiii
Carpet liindtiiß*;
4 4 i-t unil C 4 Plain and figured Indian Mulling;
Colored Spanish Matting. 4c..4c.
Hereon* fining up'Bieanjbr>ut».uolel»,«>r Private Hou
»e», ore requested to calb'as he feel*confident they ayill
find it 10 tneir advantage to do before purchasing
He would also in vile attention to hi* cxteniive stock
of NKW SPRING DRY GOODS, [eml.ri.riig «v<p
thing in Hint line.] now opening ut the above stand.
marlOlAwfrnF J£rNo_» Ly_‘V i r J» r -
the attentionof buyer* to thechoicestylcsofabove
good* opened ihi» moniingra* wcllas— .
Silk Loi re linen Ginghams;
Failed do;
French lenient, at reduced precs;
Gingham Lawns;
Nem style Unite*.
Crape Shawls;
Nerole work Collars;
.Bonnet Kibbon*;
Kmbroider«*d Muslins, for Dres*e*. etc.
New.goods will be opening nearly every day. (or a
week to come, including many styles of *cnrce oud do
•..ruble goods. , , .
ITT-Tne wholesale looms up stairs, air nl*> .being
replenished with a large supply of liew mil desirable.
goods, at low ensh prices m J''r
PRICKS KKDLCKD—Thotun* l'nimer, No 4... Ma
rket street,.between 3tl and 4 h Mifct*. reM.rctluliJ'
announce* to the public that his preset sioik of *> all
p.. per and Borders of hi* ctrn mauefacture is very «•
tciisivr. and daily addition* are tiring msde tou.u*
th'V arc finished—oi uew and splemi <1 jiai-eni* Also,
n well t> »*,ncd «toc* ul Frmeh Pay* ond bordin.
lluv-iK r.tctitly reduerd tr.L pier* Oi llie.»'ov<
article ». I and others, in insnne, not« notiinaied.j hr n
prepared to -ell for ca»h, cniurwt than any e.iabUh
meni of the kind. Kan or West of the mountains •
apl3d3m .
TAILOKS—Ju»i received a lull assortment of iho«e
; Tr.-> ipadc shin*, both white.and striped, from very
due to medium qualities.
Bosom* and Collars. fine on-’ rt -mum qualitm
i Cravat*-a splendid n noth black and Tan
sy. all •}jt«.i*i«*. *.
• 'fUiu k ttT.J/aacy Sat
• Hind and do do lAj.» su;
•jl«i rro«sof Nona & * )'cr;
tiutn j>o»pender». 4c Ac; tor • aie nt the matiu-ncin*
,„yH * Atfettl for Eaatetre V.tauiActuicri
\ 'ARJKTV AND FANCV GOOI.'M— We huvV .t ve
\ rv 'u!l a»*onmem'«mttll •varrsmuJ variety poods.
,i- Graduated Silk Uutlous, for LaJ ir»
Ki’ncv «'o do ..• do
I ojicv »i mid f. tot;*-'-.
ilooka.VKyr* pm*. ihfcnd*, l.unone nndtapf.
Collars and coliarrtls ’ \ '
G:*,ve*in great variei}..
lioMcry oi &U kind* \ . r
OoUjii aud Silk ve»l». Jrc Ar.. allof which
will be told low. 'v JiHACKLETT A WlliTE
ntfis '— * . H> word «t
1.1 NISHING WORKROOM—No t» Wood street,
(up stairs.) Just received, and now opening a full *•-
eoriioeri: of thoic very fit* and medium qualities Tray
manufactured Shut*; tioeom* and Collars, Satis adjust*
i«g Sn>ck<; Bombazine dodo I'lara; tfatin How stocks,
plains Clack Italian Cravats; Yancy do do; Gum Sus
pender*. A. Ac. Ac.
»Ju«t received from the manufacturer, uml 'or *«!e at
manuiactorer's price. KDWAKD TODD
it,y| Manuiactum’s Agt- .
SnOI!LZ>ER BUACES-Wrcureor P»"i inihcj
Hre4»i. tnnile after pattern* approved l»j the New
York Baudage luMitite.
duipeu-irr*. B?a«pe niter Knd» and AVebtnng; &;!<
arfjutCiiig riavouvplain ami fancy «ann »inck«; finr
■him in y«*ai varuty; »hin*. anil thin cular*; oi'ed
«ilk>: droll moreen: tea irra*?, ic Ac, on iiond and for
■ate hjr my 6 • , __ *' 11-KAION^
C~l LOVES A lIOSIEUY—A freehand well as-
T sorted ilock of wlmc nud colored count Hosiery,
for men women and children, constantly on hand
AUo—l.i«le Thread m treat variety; Silk imd l.meii
Jo. spun tfilk for children
ID-lKhck and colored Paris K*d Gloves. of l.r*t
quality. * • Fll KATON
' NoM market »t
.Murphy invite* Hie intention of tlic Ludtr* lo ! :►
rrry full as rrnttent uf white Bond* for ura-sea, c cit*i»-
UiigurSwiM and Seouh Molls, Nau«*ok and Jurku
net mu-fm barred Jnckroft,'.super Sat.n Inured and
striped, soft finub do. Ac Ac.
these goods are p-nchased immediately Com the
manufacturer*’ agents or importers, they can ue sold
at the lowe«t price* nlI'^ 1 '^
StI\CK!.KITA Willi K No S'J Wood street.
Pitt*-.«»»«h. “ft *'«w receivu $ large addition* m
late and iWinrtde s.> le* of freah Spring Dry Good* .oi
recent Jmpotui'ons and manufacture, unit are prepar
ed to offer grew m-tuesmem- tn < rs*lt or prcmpt pay
Our itock i* now eery full, and comprise* ntany^&iy
carce and ehretp •‘‘T’
O nhv invVtcs the utteu'mti ■ f ltmi*e keeper* to on
a**ortinem of-lt-.l -redl’M entered • non*. rpanr«, A
new rind l.aßutifut-artinle. of differ* »t C"'*» T «- Alro. an
assortment of white coun.rrpmc#. [mot l..wc»t io hne
qualty. Al*o, Lirert UomasK |»l.!c r
vmmeniof uc'vm p.tier..**AD<S ioAc-and rowel
ine Dijpcr-a: tlic t.or h a narnin*. -lilt and market
street*. !_ 'f?.;-
M'oilK NEW GOODS—At w K .Nfiirpbj’.
Dry Good* House, north ra*l comer of 4th and
Market street*. Keener d >‘c terduy, an ai-ormtut ol
t.incn Table n.ufcra ftmn f-4 t.» -4, including *yuic
very snper.or Dnm.rek. Also, IDenched and treble ch
ed Linen t»W- cloth*, very low tor quality . • Al*o. Al
paca* and Alpaea l.u-tre*. a full a**oiim«U. fmm «>««•
roon to very superior, including sonic or »er> *M?J
l.utire*. *
Ac—Trait«pnrrn' WindowShadc-, of noth ■•ln** noil
Oil nrrprirttiion. in grew variety of <iyle a l "*
size.*; Venetian Uliiid*. of u*-ui»«»l a»*«-s and eoJ»>r». <
tale on CrinntilssHiu,'e t.xiore*, recl.idreg Koller*. pAT?)?f , 4
DKALKR in Trimming* “'“1«.Totloi'c
Thell. Ivory and Horn combs. Woollen ,\ uni* oi.o
Wooded*, r.uiton*. Needle*. I‘.n»- Tupe*.- l.rnidv Ac
No B 3 Market 8t between D amonn nnd 4th Mreel*
Piu.t>uncl).. . J'Sr.
rpWEBOS—A vrfV l»m<! n-f.or!m:ni of 3< tml
J « 4 Woollen n.t.l mixed 1 oi « mi v»nrty
of »iyle« »iiJ i
ihe cllv trade. tcreired amt for ea’e by
mVIS ‘j ifjjlACKliKXr i \VHITOUw«*4 »t
,i;ilLAPS~ni>ftlr« cx NI lienvy,_4i> mcti Ilurlapt,
/ <t>t \Voot fncVnif-]u*v rrce«v.*H nml lor *a'e t>f • I
my j,v shaoh t.KTr & wnnr. po «<*>u h
0 J gS-VBUIIU»*-l Hale very hc*wy Vi Otna- I
ii U n«, I in rtv i H e r uml for *nl* by !
niy t» i«rrr fc w»»rrK,«»wf>od »t_
C'IURTAnS BIUStiINS, ol ti great varrty of
j inrludiofi Huff French CmiiU /or W ndo*
Curtain*. to-L-e funml at dry cootl* home of
N B ror-ltli and Market »U
New style springphwts-ii »k<
of l»eaa'i-ul devr utyle Spring Prim*—among
which are rich Orange, Canary, Hod. I’ink*. Furniture
and lute rtyle fanetca, Jury rereived and for **le by
mva siiACin.hrrr *. wiiuk.mwi^^
-j pfliiot, be»»y Rqwtan Canvu* and Padd/ng#. juft
Termed tint! for »*ltt T»v
roylS l SHACKLETTA: WIHTK. Mwo* tft
good Ultuj Jrtuif, Ju*l received and for wle tnlow
mfiiufacturcrj’prlcx*. by * '
raylS aHACKLKTTA WHITE. M noad «f
Black and Colored GnoluaiedsUk llut»ou»,Cro
ck;l Ban, SHU>"
by itiyW ! r-tl r.ATUN
LiSISS BOBBIN IIDGINOB. fjtputn kit' e*.
m>3J J. , i :
w«AQ.PITO NKTTS—3W>,.P-I Barred Moicjuiio
JVHfeiu. • go®* l article and long p!«et—junreceived
•w/st” 1 * " r 3HACKLETri Wlirre.mwoo.a.i.
D a certain and rtdkalcur*, whether laUrnal,
tteedjn; or blind. sluo. for irritation of tba ImlatJ* *** .****> •
der, pamt in _lhe back aid ride, habitual cwSrr«c«». ***f^.^
♦ i j • j': ■ . . ~,
FM&ates’bc&ra and afler confim'ineat anr'ofttn tPBM*"®
with constipation of the bowel* or co*trv*am*» *» w*u
riles. In ui such cun (he Specific can b*| takn *•» P**“
. feet safety, eiad ua • terrain remedy, The | Specific •» put • ,
purgative, and ti'an eatirslytrgerabU remedy, without a|Vd. .
''klrofgambjge, colucyooe t»r aloe*—pleamnt I o lake >■* P*l
ia the moet deb'eato eaec*. | ! ,
This t* that t Intow lAi lagoUeby** Fila Sfutiff •■•
tube a ctrUin.cuifvarxl safe remedy. Hiring men Id sfiael, 1
ia several caw*. ainrJtv—y connnican, in several eon
firmed and kwk tt»i >Tpc. pik*.- when it made an entira
care iu every caw.'.. j :*H£RY WHITEHEAD.
New York, May, fWi
' I cheerfully five tny tekusooy u —rtaio and astoa
i>hing effeeuof Dr. Ihgsjdsby’s Ptl** I fknew it
from my own etperimccmd oh»erraticio,OSwj%&liflSt»
haras xrn it uwj with siecti* in •* r *™ f u *' ?T??tWiaaU
andfSna)*; I GEO. MU-LEW.
New Ycirk. Mar, \**l 3M Sixth sirs*. "N*--
Mr. Beal*—Dear Sin-i-l Hate the pl««rc to «T 1 »M*
your medicine, Dr. lam]Jiby’s Pile*Specific,basxnade• p**'*
lecl cure in the raw'of mri sister, and i oowpteyotttny .weed
that 1 hate-been surprised at it, a* it was w ray 0?“** !*'
possible to’cure her. Iluvretir, I can now testify] to
u:iae a* bring infallible, and do advise all other* yhaare at
flietrd in the like manner: to pmeurt die article,a* th«y-J»*y
depttid otii certain curt.: • * :
i Yours with respect.' 5
l W. t Cliestrr, Y., May 15,1M5.
Dr. lugoldsby—Deai Sir—Tliat-jou may benefit other*
who may he mflrriug,: i Well a» laexprtssmy gratilod«_fc>r
the benefil‘l Itate deritr Jifrum the me pf your valuable Bps
eiffe. 1 comply with y<ji rj request, and now do pr* ray t“ tk *
many in finer oTil, hi ieg’been cured of a severe attack el,
die Pile* alter baring bird other mm die* without iwcem.
: Your* with' respect. .
Sold whotemle and retail by WM. JACKSON, at hh Pat
ent Medicine WartltoimL and Bo*u and Shoe Stow,
Liberty strtrt. head of Wood, Pittsburgh. Pnee, M e«tti
per boy t . t •
; afflicted with Dlitatt* ofiton
—Thi* ie to cciiit'p to those afflicted with the firtl pre*
monhciy symptoms of Con?»u jitiaririltaiJ have b*ea
laboring for; several year*with n bronchi, *oreßM*of
tbc’ibtoatand hoanencso. 1 used manjj medicine*, but .
fotmd no relief in any prrparannn ol‘ medipine,. ttulll I
KKMEDY. I have been u»atg tbia valuable medicine';
for eevrral year*, and alwaye find it to relieve when* ]
ever 1 make me of it- My occupation d* an Anctron* -
eer, which keeps me alruoii constantly engaged, caniea
ray disease, ut limes, to hccomc_ycr>' alarming, when l
at once procure tins medicine. I iliercfore-take plea* T
»are tu nuking th>w public M.ucmcnt, that others affeck
with . dist-asc of the expectorant organa ' '
may know the virtues of this “all healing retnedy,*' l
and may be cured. 1 have recommended Dr. Duncan 1 *
'Kxpcctoratit Remedy to many ol my .friend*, *ome'of
whom owe their lives to this medicine. '■
Somerset,Ohio,Oct 13. IMS JAMES lIEWIT
The proprietor of the above medicine would, also
roter toibe.ondcrsigned.pcrsonii, wbc reside ih Perry
county, on whom any peraon may call upon and be
convinced that there are virtues found hrthf- abors
medicine that cannot he excelled :
• David Cult>crt**n. SonierM.-'; Dr B. Stone, do; Fr*a-;
cis Goliher. Jackson tp; Mr. Larimer, do; Geo. Pol ben,
.-altl ck tp; Jcrtotl Davisen, Hopewell tp '
more sum, Cincinnati, Ohio. •
Sold in l’utsliuigh by WM. JAtJKSON, 10 t«lbertir ;
• head of Wood street. apl&d&WT
DXI. WOOD'S Sarsaparilla »Bd Wild
Cherry Bitters, fur U.c cure'of the following
di«pt>«e»:. Jaundice, Liver CofOpMini. all.B‘lliou*Cuni*
plaint*, nek Headache, Heart llurn,Jildigestioo, habit*:
unt ro»;ivenc‘«, Piles, Palpitations of the Heart. Loss'
or-An|»*iiie. Dyspepsia Nervonslrriiaiion«,DebilUaic4|
Siomach. Languor. Dept caion of >puiu, Chronic Rheu-l
. mau.m, Cu'nncoQ* Disease*. Canker, Syphiloid Diasa
.*>» Scrofula liupurines of the Blood. Pimples and
Punule* on the Fade, Hereditary Humors, Cold Sores,;
ami all diseases prising from an injudicious use of Mef-;
CU 'rVr'sueniion of the invnlid public, and of all theser
afflicted by any of life above diseases. is tetpeci/alljr
called to the merit* cfa new and invaluable prepara
tion-front an original reeipe of a distinguished physician,
combining in itself the most active remedial,p,r©peniei
o<* iwo oi the very first articles in the Maiena Mediea.
The Sarsaparilla aud Wild Cherry Bitters were In*;
traduced to the public about twelve months ago,.and
duriug that period their success has been to great as to
induce the proprietor ts offer them with Mill mote eonfi*'
dence, in the lull belief that by entering into ptore.ez-;
teustve use. they will prove a blessing lo alt those
suffering from the disestes above enumerated. . • ;
• :*o!d wholesale and retail, by WYATT It KETCH*;
A M, criietnl ngenis, till Fulton street. New York; Wtt
Thor*. Market streot, and P. R. Bawtem. Bmithfield
vireel, Pittsburgh, Pu. Price 81—large bottlea. ;
mcb23d*Jtn _ ______
Consumptive'* Consokattoa,
Doe* sicktte** weigh upon ypur hemi?
Or pain* aflhctryour breast?
Try Dr. Du'nean’t Htaling Art,
Ami it will *ire you rc»u
It clean away the ntiatv cloud
Di*Cjuc spread* o’er the soul,
Ami whisper* through the gloomy ahrood,
-Votir health may yet be whole *
See. yonder rose of lovely hue!
Tt* withering wiihUecay;
It scarcely atp* the morning dew,
Before it fade* away.
The Worm of Death *•»« in 'he stem.
And strengthened n* 11 crew—-
And' when it bloomed, t« lovely gem,)
It uippud through uud through.
That Worn: of Death mighVbe.defieJ,. .. ..
If Dr. Duncan’s art were tried;' * 1
Aud many lovely damsels saved
The fate of an umi-nely grave _ . .
Sycamore street,'Cniciunau.Ohio; where his valuable^-'
m Sold n m'Pittsburgh, by W.U, JACKSON, canter, of '
Wrxvl and Liberty sts. apUMAwT
A I aSMICM DK-TMltnCE.' -• •.
lijlE jm»i article known lor cleaning and whitening
Uic Teeth, strengthening tire tyima, sweetening the
breath. Ac. it *-hould be used cvet-ytilghl ■ withja'SUfl
brush, and the teeth and month willontyrcquireasUgh .
washing (it the morning. Wet the bnrth'WlUfwvnu
water, or cold will answer, and rub it a tear lime* on
the paste, when enough will adhere for e-tsnutg the .
teri'i Itlcavcsadelieiou* tn«ir in the mutMb l aad un *
I..tru Jf inb-t delishtful froqtance to the breath. I island*
unrivalled a* a pleasant,' clhcaoious, convenient, ami
•aft- drnirifice it is warranted not to injure the teeth,
bdtto preserve them.
Hr using it regularly, it will remove the tartar Kid
prevent its accumulation —prevent the toothache
strengthen the gum*, »ntf prevent all diseases of Hum
Ch-mi»i*. physician*- and the clergy recommend. it a
decidedly •nperior ib every thing or the kind In use.—
A*k for Sherman’s Compound Orris Tooth Paste, anq
observe hi* signature is ulutchcd to each pot.
Recommended byO'- Castle, 3*l Urosdwty.ooe of
onr best Dentists, and by most of the old eiubhued
ones in the United States, and ever Xienstveiy uaed
bv the Nobility-of England and Frr’f* • , J
A Urge proportion of the disease, t >atafflt ctmankind
arise from tome derangement ol th» stomach or bowels,
vrhieh a ilmelv ure of the Imxeugcj would,
entirely obviate. Persons of bilicus habits should al
ways have a box ni hand, and take a dose.whenevcr
they feel the least derangement mlhetr health.' Ajudf
cions nse of these Lozenges wouliprevent thousands .
ta ,WM. JACKSON’S, cornet of \Voodand
Libcity «» _ * jdyca
y ouTwhoseTeeth is foal and yelbiw— ; l ■
You, who*e skirt is dark ami sallow— 5
Yoa, whoso harsh aud wirey,
Busty,dirty red or fiery—
‘ You. wbo«< vile offensive breath ,
Unpleasant is ns putrid death— ~
You could liuve— bay, man or girl— !'
vTrvtu ns white an snow or peart. ;
llreath a spicy sweet, and carticle [
I'urc and white nndsmooth and beautifnl, ..
. And hair*oft. *>lky, daik as site,
By rending whgt is aaid below. ~ 1
REAPERS*. any of you can h-tve the .tloye l.yjimad
1 1,is i. nothing but truiL) u«ing« 3* l otilcoT Jones’s Co
■al Hair Resiorative—a ?s boi nf Jones's Amber tooth
I’asic—and 4s -cake of the genuine Jones's Italian
Chemical Buan. The unifies cn»t hut little, anti you
are assured that the fallowing are ihnr real qualities!
The loo'h rnMe eives the bteuili a sweet
teeth, and preserves the AC- The listr stuff all
know to both* most exquisite thing ever made tor
jMiie- Lcßuitlyinp and earning the growth o* hatriiana
the «osp, (get the genuine Jones’s Soap, mind) will tut*
ult eruption*, freckles, Ac. and mike dark-T&low
white, clear ami fntr. All ihcnctlirog* ate sold (duly)
utW JACKSON'S Boot acd Shoe More and I’steßt
v'eilicitic Warehouse r 9 Liberty M. '
t ’ausos. Prevention anijt-me of t'odsumpt.on
- Asilmi t, and Uiso.vo* of ihn Mean. On the Uwa
of Longevity, and mud A nl preservingUtsln and fe
male health] symmetry nnd beau)*; exposing rauae*
and euro «r those dlscan* "that )»ro<Jue«.C-op*utnp*_
hna or shorten life,as Allectnms of theSkin.Sptno,
Stoutaeh, Bowels. Kidneys, Liver. ScrojoU, Piles,
(Jravel. and Female CoiupMmw. It* role*, easy,
nractiraUnd pure.tnrma to pertect'health
V n ,i , un „ I,l*. -a Knaravlng*. 321 pages.. « t|*w
' Any person remitting Gfty cents, free.wtllreedfo
one copy, bv mail, to any psrt. The trade supplied.
10,13-17-dfini. I • ,
Dlt. 15AIK7KU informs nil persons afflicted with ibis
distressing rompluint, ilia:: bavin? become the pot*
coa*ci of Dr. Re«wwJ^e» ,,
for ii« cure, w-ifanui wearing Trns*e«, be isnowprepa*
■fit in cure all such u* may oifei in a very few oops
under ihi* treatment. Tbe Pate.-deo. by article of
agree mem ‘ warrant* lhai these remedies when-rightly
nppbrd.'w.U we;i am permanently corn J>c«»e*«ulof
10, oi old niul voting as they nnv apply, in 30 day# time
to each I*4»e.*’ He*i being enjoinrif. I‘articalnragiven
on uppiicmiou 10 tbe *o'»«cr.h«r. ami certificaiea Of
cure* shim'ii. Office. Dr. 1. V. BaH’aDiuf &»re,Pmtth
field street, near l.iWny .. . il ,
for*ale the right of use in f sb« following Oohntie*,
vi*: Ueaver, Washington, iireene,' Elk, Sctnemt,
Cambrnt. Muniingdou Indiana, Clearfield, Armstrong,
I'otter, Clintou, Centre, mid Bcd'oid' . • J
Attention given inal! c**c* of d.eease «£a
imlSJtlw*. - ’ ; '1
(to Corel No >ly! pn«l
DU. Jackton's Rmbmration is tbepnly trcdtcgic fUy
will cure this so. very <ommnn and irouttesosfie
disease. It not only immediately allay* pain »ad \ a »*"
mation, atop* all bleedii:*i«ui>due# that.ntolei able itch
'mg. but rffectnabv cures. [ in a very E*"? B*' 8 *'
wi.o»c live* havsf been tendered miserable lot year*.
It* application produces mi pam. but '*' he /nf^£s*trill
blr nnd plrniant sewai-on. If
call hi id near of the nu " ,t, T r ° (
been cu'ed. they vci.t b« astonished. Agenl cram oC
ihi* dtr who hud bren rni/cr tbe km-e onUe sutgeoit
fortwoor t.mek without be mg cured, ha* l>y«'-
inr'* bottlwof the Kmbmeauon bee# eraditaliy cured.
K ..'ll. I*> oml proc-J.i.l 11-Ifhil cuart.y
«v>. For tale in I’iinbargi. at the PhKIJi TBA
?• Fourth stmt, neof wood, and also atiho
Drue Store of It P SiUwnrii Federal st AUnhentC 1 *
TAVNI'/S KXI'RCTOSIAN'T—W« invite attention l*
iht-» admirable remedy tor I’ulmotiary affretion*.—
Thf principle there announced of the morbtd character
of oba>nie»on»— iu tendency to originate infliomton
of the Bronchia, andconroiuetit Yiauation of the nat**
r*l huroota—i». beyond di»pj»e. the troth rt*eir- Tbe
only practicable mode of remdvirjj tcch ohatrociwn, l *
b» mean* of etpectoralion, a retail wh-ch we
▼ need can alwaya ht obtained by a judtoioot eJliibK
: ’on of the remedy of Dr Jiyuo.-IPWa. Bp<m of *•
I T *Kr aale m Pitwborah at the PeJt'« ofll* P
rireet, near wood, andalwat the Dfo *
j gehwartt. Federal *1 Allegheny e'»T« _wtll<i*wF
Ijulic*.U<|ic».l'm**»oiu»beiJ. | i |-
When yoi know iu*iyoa »repro*J*efl •
A natural, life like, eitowy w * n, Y ti. ‘ '
Thai\oa will common <**»*»; |
And look ■ deathly yellow f'ijk l ; ‘ : ! '' '
The lUero* of laughter 000 m-Wlk- '•' . • •
If v»b would mo aha* of £ ic
woald rirc yosr iktn as alaSaturyei; nararaiwhite,
am) at the ume time clear aad Improve it- Sold si
JACKSONS,» Liberty it- I’frceMestnaperboi-.
; ®n
riU '