The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 13, 1847, Image 4

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    I r
" '" Mis
Imle l&ub, ,
■tv «bit« u wow,
Let where Mtry went
|vu tare to go.
M**r had a
lAndevery w
The lamb)
It followed her to echool one day,
It was against the rale; 1
It made the children laugh and play.
To see a iamb at school.
And so the teacher turned him ou\.
But atilt he lingered near, \
And waited, patiently about \
Till Mary did appear. j
And then be ran to her and laid . i
Hit head upon her arm, L
Aa if to aay, “I’m not afraid,
You’ll keep me from all harm.”
What make* the lamb Kwe Mary eo l
Tli? eager children cry ;
Mary lores the lamb, yon know,
}Tbe teacher did reply-
And yon each gentle animat
To you for life may bind,
And'they will follow at your call
If yon are always kind.
The Oregon Missionaries. ,
Some inrolligenco has been received
of though not from, the missionaries
(brothers Roberts and Wilbur) now on
their wav to Oregon, who sailed from
New York, near the close of November,
in the bark Whitten, Capl. Gelston. On
the fourteenth day of their voyage, they
wefe twenty-seven hundred miles from
New York, and the captain hoped to
make the passage in four and a half
mooths. The passengers were all very
sick for the first nine days. The latest
accouht of them was on Christmas Jay,
when the ship was in latitude 5 deg. 30
min. tnorib, and in longitude 22 deg
west '; or about 700 miles west of Lib®*
na. The temperature was a little differ
ent with them from what it was with us,
at that time; the thermometer standing
at 84 m tho shade, and rising to 100
when exposed to the sun ; while the
passengers were seeking for shady pla
ces on tbo' deck, in which to lie down.
They had prayers on board, morning and
evening, every day —a prayer-meettog
on Suiurday evenings, aod preaching
twice erery Lord’s day. The captain
(who is a Methodist) speaks of the mis
sionaries as being zealous to do goo ,
and at least one aearaan had found peace
m believing. Should the captain’s con
jecture, as to the length of the voyage,
prove correct, they must, by this time, be
pretty near their destination, and we may
hope, in the course of the summer, to
receive inmlligence of their safe arrival
— North. Ch Ado .
cnolibiPMkthuihsts —Thle Metho
dists in England are an active and be
nevolent people. The suns of money
which the Wesleyans faise anpually for
religious and benevolent purposes, are
immense. And the reason is, “they are
all at, and always at it.” We see they
are in the good work of for
nishing aid to the suffering Irish, at the
present time. Already’ they have made
large collections through their congrega
tions, and have transmitted to a central
committee in London, thirteen thousand
pounds sterling. This liberal sum has
been distributed among different associ
ations-,'on the truly Christian principles
set forth in the letter to the British As
sociation, accompanying the money, viz:
to secure to suPerers of every class and
denomination a fair share, in proportion
to tho amoont and urgeocy of their dis
tress, attention and relief. This shows
the trne spirit of Christian liberality, and
is worth a thousand times moro than
long and solemn prayers, which go no
farther than “Bo ye warmed and be ye
fed,” while the bowels of compassion are
' closed against the needy. The religion
of Christ is not only “to be good,” but
“to do good.”—-O/ice Branch. .
Glass.— U is difficult to foresee to
what perfection the manufacture of glass
may be brought, and to what purposes
tbo article may yet be applied. The
balance spring of a chronometer is now
made of glass, as a substitute for steel,
and possesses a greater degree of elasti
city and a greater power of resisting
the alternations of heat and cold. A
chronomoter with a glass balance spring
was sent to the North Sea, and exposed
to a competition with nine other chro
nometers, and the result of the experi
ment was a report in favor of the chro
nometer wiihtheglassspnng^^^^^
“ *«i HAVE FODHD IT.»*-so«*a.
Cincinnati, OVAlireb 3d; IST.
Dor Sir—Thia loiwtifj U. lk«.p*Mk, i»r ir.l.rlj »>
lhall AMnlh:l di««.«rtba Laaga,or Cmuaphoe.
Ihal in Ik. Spring of ISO 1 ™ *“• * “”"“ M
.kiohaonn baMntawaWd -poo mj l«t«. "ha™* •“. '*'•
~m pU xn. ot approving Counnnplion. Mr roogh «*
tiki aadtrookkaoine, *“• “P““>“C W ,w " l * ; 1
.3, up dailj a .onndaMkl. S*" I *'! « kto! ’ “ i *' J
dark nin ,Mr aimakon kwain. «noo. and
During Ihi. lint. I »aa -'“o' 1 ' 1 bj '»•'»« ■"“>
.Sful Pk,*to.-, <k.j lid ik. b»»l tt.J r»ld lor ma, »boi
U ISgth tk.l gut. up >ll "f "I mxntrji mi*™*
uoibiog ™.~kkk i.-lku "Iks"™ 1,
and lagoad mart, I^tkMjumSrfbT
. fcUd of mioa ui owk. a kiri. T Dr. Duru»'a &P«"
&«-» -kirk at, Pkj»cilu. P-h-d
Iktltbi. uiadiriu. >~M do uo gr»d>“d wadd kill add
am.*-, «*■»►
baiki kud that if 1 mmt dk of ike diuw, (wbidi >uu «»*-
Z, U mother, would k. uol nag hnt. So I wal 10 Ik.
-CkktoUOlfc »d okkiMdi book, of iii. U.l, Tku>
bU Morion., and .awuwuMd » mg -OTdug io ih.
•iou, whi.b, af addin, ■» «T «***.
•Si «. raliaf, at «« g ike irooUwwn. Cough
ILn, tk. pai. -d iigk»~ to Uj gi'»g ~ * "*
ilHld ttmgth, Wkkk .non “.bled m. .o be ahool .gum.
Tkk «dki» 'eoniiuued il. work, whari .1 » ~W>
—H uatill>.au»d.aaduudiaua. I ha.a k..a
„10l to nty ku.ia..., («p«arta of 3 pa") “d "
’ IlaßKdf hiaway afllurlp kß«kd
asd ft kaa tlwjji prerd aweewM w hr aa I ka.. wilawwd tkuarfi.ia.Upr~ut.fc. *
Ditottd Jaw. and a djTirii.»./«. kuog.,*ki.h .h.
had anSanat fits Ik. —. <i».| d” kat.ea.lj
Ut lb* bm of thii medicine, 1 •» lh * 6 boUk *
lUt I tike with me to-d»y wiUsnUrtlycurt btr. Imimtvj
»o kMW 1U» there w* thonWi of pnow wutnif
•war with ihi* dreedfuT Jr»Iroj«f—CONSUMPTION.
Wert U «lj pOMibU for ibo* w pnxur* thU »*<Jki*.e ta
time, be tort it U too Ule, n»j lire, might be prolonged uid
lh«r Omilie* and r«Ut*oo» tgaii) rendered happy. Thu
medkint will git. i»t»t reUef.Mdatthe mme time trm
the hard and painful Cough, remoie the tightaeeeia the Chert
riw ftresgth to the eafceUed and emaeiaUd frame, aad ta
Lu nxt, 1 am eertaia, will perlera a perfect cure.
* - ■ hlootfomery,HamilU»C«ualy, Ohio
, n —.ThoeewhomaT not beae^nainted wilhme I refer
ti'L'LliSgotd of Moolgooi.n, Uaaailu» took-
W >? *S!rwßl.l aat li«* .uWtaauale th. abort ataiemeuia
•T. r«“ *l “J , • Nea **, EaomttUk,
Carr J. Bn»aa.
-ws«»»«**■ -» wm - jAUha '?p', l c ,“s;°'
'^-ittKl»’«WOT“ p iiTe'
,. ,u 1„ Bt»T»tnC*. , . . .
* , r *rs:lL„ a-.,.o.u»nin>end eehttCJung
e ka pM the nwalh,and im
teetfi. * x Jf * * delieht fa 1 fragrance to the breath. Itatandi
part* a pt®* 1 si..«n* efficaciacu. coneeoieni. aitd
“ftdoUriSe. fta> warranted not 1» iniaro tko !“«>.
Mi» k"'“ r, ," t h '"'!, r i, it will remore the urtar and
BJ ‘ .rSiui'.Uon —prt.cnt the tootkadk.
l p.iSlaH «f
•aurniftkca rlrr.j rerouuurud. it a
“• thing at Ik. kind tn u..,-
Ctotnpnond °rril Tooth Fkaln, and
or a?, awnatnrola oltaehed to pneb pot.
obaerre kit "W? Bf caaii., Jill of
A dSSSmSm »n«i atomachorbow.!.-
cfltffrfr and ,ake;ato« 1 wheTU«' r
WM. JACKSON'S, Miner of W»d«d
isib*«T*» %
9 ■ 1
_ 1,
' D 'rkt'orineipkl put ot sil de hkbdeome
, be pnocip* l ttmimnent, and olher celebrated
executed it lift* manobetory. . •
P Tu*Pße Wircvßoom U connected with tho e*ub*
tern end Deeding he toe
Bome ofibe brat telenl in the whole
attention U ceeoled 10 tbe «•
getherooe ortho meet ‘ J
T “«aEKtfS£BU «-
UoTdLepinei, 'Jewelled. X“.
iSlrer Qußrtiere, fine qu.luy, ]“ 00
; Gold Wnirhea.plam, ,«
Silver Spectacle*, * „<>
Gold Pencil*, . qq
Gold Bracelets, rt'-iA A Hair
Also,on band, a larfe aMortmem of Cold and *«"
BieeeLrUtSnier riosmbreral I -M&,
pro., lilrer .p 001.., .eg»Mo»S^
curb and fob chain*. guard keys ,n “ J , .. _ cl ij
.l egokllr lo» pnee.. Alll weal i. ■ cell
10 conriaeo etutomcrs. ~„.l red «n<3 war*
All kindeor W.iebe. eodCl~k.rep.irM™
ranted to keep good time for one fear, ow X° lu
rerbouebior taken tn exchange. . pwk». at ‘
• For *ale, eight day and ,ki "£pte b LADOMUfj;'
W.leh, Clock, :
•treel,above Kierenth, **} ,g H cheaper
IP* 1 bare some Cold and »n«er m w)W rtm
than the above prices.
• P.n.~'>"^?'“^ c t iTOWNK,
ncsici iirsici miuci |M
lUva jit published,— Friendship: or Scene, of other
Lc PetiteDanieuses Viennoises. by H KerU.
Klse Friend, W V Wallace.
Pasde Fleur, Maretzck.
Glendalongb, W J Leman.
Buena Vista March.
Rudolph Polka,CF Rudolph.
hum— - -
For furuicr
■“TEES'» V"”*’ ‘'l lu rE/iT , iScur"“SS
Violin BRring*,Tum«gt;orl«.arfdl Mueioao
-,c»l Meiehandixe l _atjlmJow*« pr>cea _. _ ...» • -
Manufacture r« ®£„_. _ MB
Ho. 38* float* Front Stre«t»
*■* of T. A.
TMPORTER of Watebe*. atehmaker •Tool*, and
1 Watch Material*, wholeiale and retail,and eon
•tantly on hand a large auortment of. Lunette, Patent, I
•S3.Alio Olm Moin.pnng. Voip., DuU., W otcl,
Hands. and a complete aMortrtentof aHTool* and Ma
lerialiW longing to the trade; with a large a**omner.t
of Gold and Silver Uvcr, Lepine, and Watekea
■lt of which be will guaranty to veil at the lowest New
■ York pncea. All-orter* from the eountry punctually
1 eX v Ctt Merchant* and other* are Invited 10
I J, 2*. OU *»d, No. 33
Philadelphia* ■ jansgoat-
>r«9y HARNESS V.IfZER, &0 CJ*«a“t •
Pkiladtifk ia, late of tb« fir» of OtU 4r
Wttxn. re»p«lfully lotbrnu hu fntod*
__J the public/Ihal be Ui mJ *iH k«F
eoMUaily cm hand and fer «k,a haad«w w"*®** 4 °[
made to order at d»* abort** jwwblr oottea, and »°
Ibe rrrybwt manftrr.ofaefcetrd «atrml febiMT
|'h SrniTK. WTia««tey. W H WoodwwA
oniTD. BAOALET * CO., wboletale deal-
S rr« in (irocrnta.Tea*. Indito 4e • ?*o»l
ajreeM-etawJ'ixth. Noilb »tdr- r>;lndelpbia^^f^l
r\ ALLKRY, Third *treet, adjoining P«m Office. Pm»-
U barxh. Pa-M«. PORTER {from Balumpie [_ «•
aoectfulTy invite* the ladi«»a»dgenilem.enof Puubgh,
Md the public generally, w caH aadexamtoe the aige
collection of Daguerreol pe Portrait* ax hi* Ga ery-
The •pecim'-n* produced by Mr. P.. for baaaty, brillian
cy diatineweva, and tone of coloring aranot »urra**«d
Ev any in tbi* country A number of the Portrait* of
Chuwn. can t* *een at ihe Gallery-. Call and exaonoo
for yoonelvea L>kene**e* wken ui ctear or cloudy
W l£ h ß.-ln*tnieuons apparatu* and aH mairnali for
ntshrd Term* moderate. ’’ 8 PORTER .
DaguerreotypUt: emranee Philo Hall Stairway. onW
iUeet,'adjoining Po*t Office. __ _ ■P* u
OTlCB—Application ha* been made for the re
ifewal of Certificate No ITB, dated January »*,
■ML for ihirty*»ii *harea of the capital moek ot the
'•zrri- {at /red,nr a Bridge over the River Mourn
, SXJp£*£ffiburgh-whieb Certificate ha*
LC^iE-p’roT * <1 bT ° f COCHRAN
“ another abjuvAL” at thk
"** . NOW OPKN
\notber >ot rich
' ‘njaerGoodt,
pricea .
2qr elk* treblegrape Port Winej
W 3 do of the celebrated Roneca brand
5 do London Port, very old;
to do different brand* and vintage*;
3 qrea*k*U*bonwtne;
3 do do dry Malaga;
3 hbda aup Claret wiae;
13 b*kw aop erown brand Cham win
3 or caka mp L M Madeira wine;
3 & do Palo Sherry;
5 do Madeira vintage, 164 ft;
13 do diflerert brandi and vintage*;
3 do eakaaweet Malara;
S -do do Red wine;
Pan dC the above winea hmrejart arrived from under
0..5?1K« Lock;. I. New Vo*
to porebaae, may rely on getting * i c u inTiN
.“MlLo« for &«.■•>»•«,■»*> W.II l» ““
3> > r«uil,«ni* liber.l Mkuoo nuJ=
wholcMle purebu«rt.
T« printers.
JUST Received end tor «*1«
• from ibe Foondrjrof Geo. Brace
& Co. New York, tho following
• ■#»* lbs Uoorfeol».
I7t lbs Minion Tide;
. ' ttl lb* Leads;
■ 271 lbs Minion; .
K 5 IbsTwo Line Mimon Cep*,
. Bpace niles. etc.
AI.SO-For •*!«. *l« a ,Y T "o‘
et Tof Second kind Type. ftomJWoapnrjnl to: ** I ft l6 .*,
FROM the Terr liberal eoMtW
meat the robtenberhas receirea ilnco
he has located himself in Allegheny,
vRj '■ (B* hM isdaeedbimto take a leMe,<ora
“■"■term of yean, on the property he new
occupies, In Besver street, immediately beside the
Presbyterian Church- From the long experience in the
■bare basinets end a desire to please, he hopes to mer*
it said receive a share of pablie pure nut.
Nowon band and finishing to orfer, Rocha way Bag*
fie*, open and top Buggies, and every description of
brrihns made to arder. from severity-fire dollars to
tvo-Tdin . JOHN SOUTH-
a" VlMftO BOSES, Monthly Koaea ud Ever*
rreen*..*e, tollable for piloting In Cemetry**
{ U | ie farnUhed on inplicttion it the teed store,
"»«»»*""»' J *’' W aft«SSiiAM
No l3i coi woodland Qth «• _
/T«OUND~ ALLSPICE, Cinnamon and Ckweo in
Kid for »»le »UM RHODES 4 AKCOBN
-iirtrfVlKTFlM BttfCK* '
t TT b«tEft.H«h “Bu»r
w b*dA.”~ ii » w r i ' k °*“
"***" l^* l MACLAIUOT
'a&BA 1847-SatSß^
, EXP uses FAST PACKET . ,
Pittsburgh ro piiilaha. aa» Baltimore,
i Sxdutk^ffiT?•***&**■
-the posim ™ZS£W*g£3£Bfi££l
X will commence nnuu on pn»i tetor*
and continue Packet! 2d Bail-
S2Sm W& wiU * eXCim W«*»» d « 5 “ - >
I to«p.bKW““ l “ f*" X?."*"
1 on* ®f the Packet* will leave the landing. toPP o **®
1 1 me United Statee “ ri ? CI Penn r '
' Cendl. eaerj " , fi I I S VIJ'S A VS.
' For information npptv «t me “Jv^kECHIsSo 16
' V *Y " J ~ l ’“ Ponn.V^a^fSai
-184- jSMHE-
X Line °* Tt* «ob»enber» araprepa- !
zri'sx&i >.*. ;;ao"<f^ u "' h '"‘ i '“ SSESd » nnv of*, nn
rh.„r fe,
,k g i ;;KS'wn-«'“ J “ d *"w*
"Tte'bmincaa of Ilia Une .a cnnducled■ ; " cUr
omKhait, keeDinx principle*- Addraaa, of *PP yto
Canal Batin, Pittsburgh
HARIUSALEECH.Propnrtara, ■
• No 13 South Third «we«. Philadelphia
No 114 North Howard itteet, Baltimore
\V » WILSON, Agent,
ratblS _No_7We« •tree»»N®w}.««.
tegm 1847. sasg
n,lio,lofF,c !s hl
' t 1 and me Atlantic Cine,, a.oidint: irßnthipioenl»°n
th. and the eonaeqoent r..k ofde.aj, damn,e,
bteakape and aepanmnn <tf e 00.1..
borbKduh A cash .
N “T2lSETsffi{iAoi ' ‘
Cor Penn and Wayne «t, PiUiburgh
O’CONNOR A Co, North atrcet, Bahnnore i A geoU
WA J T TAPSCOTT, 758outh .t, N- \. \
and .
*“ c , .iiPmomat Vananiv and convenience of the yV® |
and the great c p y , _ n woliarh cslcula* j
wlieUa eontinnaueeof that paironsg/Wbich they now
noai term" to the owner*. mir g
March t, IW*
1847. tfRiM
IbW£M" s S““ 0^
Addre»t,or»ppl> to A q 4jl#l puuburgfc
riCK.WORTH *• C °gg^^|
for ibe uantyifMiott of WAV
R FREIGHT between
Wuer »««, Pe«r.b.r*h *»4
"toil* 1>«l*l .cconmoJuioo
•oliciia liberal »b*w ofpiiirona*®-
JOHN MII.LER. MollKl.y.tarjh
R It CANAN, 1 Agents
C A McANGLTV ACo. F.mbufKb)
J J McDf’fH., Jolrn t‘«ikcr, ttob.nMoo.., »*r£f
‘nVs'rElE iSu aicuiiiis ME. -:
t Line being ecmf«o*edof S:eambcat*Lake Krie
1 S!d Michigan, running daily hu.tef S h
it»uver am) lrr*t«Ll and p«*-cn*rr Canal lloata,
™nn?n-between UeaVerand lire and connecting with
CM tteed'n Line of Steamboat Propeller* and Ve»seU
««7h* Laiea. will be prepared upon the ratlte*topeo
“e of Nation to farfy FreiK* and FM*c..ger. to
LtFnoinuon the River. Cnnal and Lake*. ,
l&tne every facility tor eoneeylnr freight and pa*--
Jteem sr*St promptneM and dUpaielt. the proprietor
reipecttollyaolieii from their friend* and
P~»lg P„ prlc »,
REEDS,PARKS ACo, Bearer.Agt*
JOHN A CAUCHEY, Pitl*b*gh do
Cot. Smilhfivld and Water *t». oppotiie the Mononga
gahela Monte.
* ftltrEß TO
• *■ Wheeler, Crocker A Co, New York j
v (jeo D**u, Buffalo t
y E N Park* A Co, Cleveland
ju A. Armstrong A Co. Detroit
McCJare it William*. Milwaakie
Briicol It Porter, Chicago .
WnkPower*, Powemowa, renoa I
Gee Maehelmyre, Evanihanb, Peon*
John MaAtthur, llonuiown, no 1
Wick A Aeker,Greenville, no
Craig A Frampton. Claikavtile, do
Hay* A piomb. *fo*n>*baigh, Pa.
W O Mulan, Sberon. .
_ _R New _ ■
lasHtt 1847. Liiaua^w
THE improvedhnetbod of MnylncMed by ««• »JJ#
E*a“uhod Late, i* now mmvcll known ib*i de
•etiptionl* onnecewary. Good* * rc . nW
~n IY ikot all transhipment or extra handling >••***<*-
The Boat* are of tixbt draught and perform their trip*
nay «o*i(punent* made ton*. Receiving,»mnng, and
n»n«rMallv solicit eoafixnment* of western Flour,
Bacon Lard. Butter, Chtew. Wool,Feather*, and other
•Rfole* forttle, on whleh liberal advance* will be
other «ou*e. Canal Ba»in, Pittal-urgb
mehltf BB> and 331 Market *l, PhHada_
eh 9prln<
lie bow; frtaa
and pruned
'iroi'rd Roses;
□eh k. Scotch
ia and printed
;s de Lusks;
•vr neb Drab
•tin Striped
lie new.* Also,
'nil assortment
ew York made
BtHKTS, kc
jwer*, cheaper
jal at wholesale
Beat Beaver Point and Bridgewater,
Proprietor and Ajrent of steamers ,
i> 7 pTiiir^
oaiit inwiu rmnvua i» ■**/**».
WILL be piepsred on eaTlieitopeniofofeanaJnn
laation to receive property et his ’•'fearf "s**°*
is warenoase, for all points oa Krie Extension, c, °
and Ooio Canal* for all ports on Lskobne«od
apper Lakes,as also to forward irodarffe, *n-l»T Penn a-
Applytoßlf iiTniCggy. Heater
1846. mmA
1i Clark e. If, Hoop*. T- fc chmond * Co.
ronrtrdlni It Cooralulon Merchant*,
THE Aronts and Proorletnrs ©f ihi» Line (ao few*
ably known, to the pablic), will be prepared on the
earliest opening of canal navtf attoo to n‘««Teprop
ertjrat Pittsburgh and lkarcr, and deliver tbe »«rae Bl
any point on toe Ohio danals, and alaoon Eric
and Michigan, with the greateit despatch and aliea*-
° B The B proprietor* of Ihi* lino aolicil the bnsine** of
their former easterners with confidence, knowing that
their facilities are second to none.
Apply to or Agl. pituborfh.
CLARKE k Co, Heaver. ,
THE Boaimeo 1 * Portable Boat Company bemj: dis
*olTed, iho Company again went into article* oJ to
oartnerahip under Iho name of iho * Coalmen » Line,
and likewiae a creed to refit the Slock *o a* to.bare a
nomber of Boat* for the purpose of carrying good*
*£ u gb in from oil to e.rtt .lay., with «?»«£-«*»
feel enconragrd by the liberality of laM year 1 * phiron
age, to make more eitenai’re arrangement! for the en
“wVwonld therefore reaped jully
anee of oar former pairona.and iefcr all new emtomcre
to tbow we bare done baaiuesa for. _ _ -
Por the trenrp of lotion of
0— ww ■>-'KEtftft WF*
SoXi Market street, Philadelphia.
_ Balunore, Mi
PITTSBUROII-J... McCally. Ceo. H°nul» go.
w MeCallvACo. B A Sampeon ACo, M Allen A Co.
PHU.aDELPHI A—MorrU Patter*on ACo, Reynold*
MePariaod A Co. Fleming A Bnaby. Peter WrtghlA
B ” l sEy’% h sEl^Si.. , i‘co.Tbro Perry AC.
SEffiSiSSSiVZ-*. W W Searbor-*
“ft PLEASANT, VA—P A Machlei.- - j
NASHVILLE—F Fleming. v il-**.
Not*—Allmerchandlae (tan IftflLwSSmS
consigned to A L Gerhart A 00, Philadelphia, will be
promptly forwarded .A—of eoamiamon.
Package Bnfeda to PhUadeli-hla. .
Canal being ntrtr open, tie,
Expreaa which baa beraea
uiiUUm ior ine cooreyaneeof rrmhiiblepaokage*of
1 merchandise, specie, bank note*, jewelry, Ae , eon*
menced running on Thnnday, March IS. 1
An Ikon Cgsn will be dhpetehed iaily tuUililjo erne*
of theeanalingeearon 1 I
Apply to D LEECH A Co
me fall cor Paan at aad CaraJ '
jg»./M847. :
moatpowenul boata on the Water* of |
fb^We.1 1 ETer7»e<Woodaiion that money will pro
«JhJl‘ bMB provided (or Paatcngor*. and no pain*
In retder them comfortable and the inp*
leavePutsbnrgh and Cincinnati daily
and positively at 10 o'clock* A- M.
voNONGAUELA.Capi. Soiu, willleave Pitta*
hu «h evMyMoadav montiorjit 10 o'clock; Wheeling
5# Momtay etenfn* at 10*. M i and Cincinnati ev
ery Thursday at 10o'clock. A.M.
tv. HIBERNIA. NO. ». Copt- J. KltnrftUtr, anil
Cincinnati ceery M -
TTie NEW ENGLAND, NO.B» Capt. S.ijkan, will
uJ«? PiUaborth every Wedne*day mooting at 10
o”ock; Wheeling eve7y Wedne*day evewng at 10 P.
M ; and Cincinnati every Satarday at 10 o clock, A- »•
.T) t J uwl»y*i»Oo , e ,ock '‘ A - «
f. ipni-ji. NO. *, Cant. Cf*afa,wiH leaje Pitta
. Frttw MMi»s >t lOo’ilock,- WhetUnf
Fr d7 r .. 10 fVI .ad C,«mn,.i
Monday allOo’clock* A.M- ___
i ■urtMl'NflEß' Pypt. Linford, will IcATC PlU*j
I ctetf Tuesday atlOrfcteck, A. M.
i«i&*c NFWTON* Capt. O. Mason, will
2SS "wrr Wcdhowiey at W ftl.
flr»-rhc«e Fackct* willbe atvheif berth* alPilUborgb
k «
S'wl!"\viire»° f Tid C Can»l Fmm Lint, to | *'
to MeadviHe an Cleveland and Wooeur. leave Be*»
Pmebargh Apply* haRTON A Co, PitUbargh I
“T CLABKE&Co. Beaver
*fcSn§47! n ‘&4M
i? w paRKS fc Co, Cleveland, O. I
E K PARKS, Ek.«>. P* | Proprioiol*.
lT rsSSfe
sS;;£«£" * <&.» -o"”
“'■ "”'° n ' Si
deip»ich rf-ED. PARKS k to. B«»»«. Agu
\V T MATHER. PilUbwgh. Ajt.
Cor Wuer and Srotth&old »trcct«
jaa -Wtmk
sfw33Jw« -••:•• y 4O **
' T lOalj <4 Mile* Supng.l ~
wfir ?3-> f/fir ;• I
‘■K'iSS.™ '>■'•’ST. I ,i £
of Si Ch»»le® Hold.
tjgj' iB47.caama>
IN a*<HOURA te .
t¥ A 'WtfjESST'r
i .sr y^'.--“--°'— ■' 3 ”' d “ k ''
*' nua ilute >■ lbß “*
"• “‘Sam *i.F.FFINCWELL. "'.rreu, 1-ropi'.
1847. USm£
THIS Uae eonwMtftKofJ" 1 ** 1 “4 P >U(n r tPi <«-
eu- will ron forolarlT innnc.ihe te»i« between
Be«« am! ¥*r b * w ,^ ch ****
Sger* between the two poinu, wtllfce earned prwnpil\ |
•nd el the t r J^ R gup / n > Or«iiTjHe, Api
CRAIO k FRAMPTON, Cletk»*ilie, do;
McFARi*ANDfc KINO. Bi* Bend, do;
HAYS* Fi.L’Mß.Fharp»buf*h. do,
W C MALAN, Sharon, do;
'\VM. MATIIEWS, Pb!m«i, co;
JOHN A ; CAfOUEY, cornerW«ter and SmiAaeld »U,
«i* fOppoeiia the Mf>non|«hete lloo»e, Pitubnruh
1 1847.
Philadelphia* Baltimore. BtwTori
■ad Boston.
THE encouragement line has received einee
iu commencement, hu induced the praprio*
lore to increase theatockby adding • somber ol firat
clan boat*} and inalead of giving reeoipUaa hereto
fore aa agents, we will give oer own receipU lor
freight shipped by thl* line. , , !
l*be bolt* are *ll consequently freight
la taken the whole distance without tnnahlpmeot.
thereby preventing damage from Ireqoent handling
on the roote, and aa each boat ia owned by the
Captain wbo runs them, which ia a aofficient guar
antee that there will be no delay on the route.
All Produce or Merchandise consigned to the
undersigned will be forwarded FREE OF COM
MISSION.for advancing and forwarding,and will
be ahipped without delay at the lowest rate* or
aolicita share «r pablic patro
* Canal Baam, Pittabargh.
Broad Sired, Philadelphia.
J F MILLER, Agent i
Bowley'a Wharf, Baltimore.
Pittsburgh, Feb. 18, 1847, I
1846 1847
fcggg MBlltt
fTiHE ondcraicned are now prepared to forward pi
i duce, Ac., to the Eastern Murkeu during the eni
in* Winter,on Ute «o»t favorable iertn«, l»" “- —'
diuoo* roote. . .... ,
AM property con*isned 10 ua willbo forwi
lowen rate* and with deapatch.
ftlerebandi«e received by thta lonto prorapl
fmn r e d J C IHDWELL, Ag'l.Pitl
O W CASS. Urowtur 1 "
THK.*ubwnbpr* will receipt forlhe delivery of Pro
duce to Baltimore by the Menongahela ttlaekwaler
Aahee, (Pot) Apple*.Cheese, Flax-Socd, Ola**, and
Leather—lo 9 cl* Per 100 lb«
OiU, Skina. Seed*, Wool—llo eu per IWIIU.
Breiwag,Feather*, Furs, Qm*eng, and Soako-Foot
—ltt ct» per JOOlb*. , . ...
All property consigned to cither of the undersigned
will be forwarded withont delay, free of Coomiasion,
W 11 CLARK. Brownsville,
at above raws*. H ANf| A A WATERMAN, PilUhargb.
- v- ifoTICB
PRRIOHTER9 and other* wishing
to have Tire Brick. Produce, *c M
brought to tbU place from Steubenville
intermediate landing*, eaa make
arrangement*, by calling on me, a* 1
k... « tfeal innnißX regularly between Pittsburgh and
f.S.iJSS' ■ -oA D.'uiltbnberoA,
®5Hi "■ Bicnmbo»l A.ciit, M W.tet«
' l . FOB Ml* ■
' THE Steamboat HARLEM ret aired
|| iad refitted in haodaome «yle- and
now at the Mooongaheiawhaxl A*
the i» improved ifae i* welladapredfor
p Ytii?troc»o»e.iolen*e J for one or more year* mj cm/
rlfto^aSrf KSatfSrVocrgy andbaainea* habit* they
ana w | e*n famtab the lea*ee,euher
rtSSSr tow boat “MINER.* Be can
ffJbmogßSrww •>* '“ri**' Ibree«.u,»ndiwo
f~ MED] CAL.
0 Valuable Medicine,thousand* have been reato
red to perfect health who bet by it* use would now
be in the silent grave.
A»oTasa Liviee wiT»rs«—Read with aston
ishment the wondeHnl cure performed .by doctor
Compound S>rop cIVILD CHERRY:
' FHltADELPBJAi'Jsnnary z>, IS4/.
Dr Swayoo—Dear Sir lo justice to.yourself arid
sdatv I owe to suffering humanity, lehecrfully
critelroT testimooy, and declare 16 the world the
JW astonishing eflecU, and the greatcure your
Compoond Syrup of Wild Cherry performed od me,
under we most unfavorable circumstances. .1 was
taken with a *iolenl Cough, SpitUng of Blood, se
vere Pams io the S»de|aod Breast,which seemed
to break down and enfeeble my constitution,tu that
physician thought mv ease beyond the power ol
medicine, and my friends all gate ;ine up to die} but
thinks to yoo and the effects or your great ducovc
rr \ I now feel mysell a - well man, and raised from a
mere skeleton to as fleshy and healthy a man as l
hike been lj>r yean, and shall be pleased to giro any
•information respecting my case, by calling at my
residence, Meebaoic street.lhird door below George
street. Northern Liberties. Jacob Faikter.
TeilimoflV is now received from all quarters oj
■the Globa
The following letters are presented with a yiew
of more fklly showing the opinions of Physicians in
S to the Medical value of Dr. SWAYNK’S
Pr Swayne—Dear Sir: Having used your Com-
nit Syrup of Wild Cherjy extensively in toy
SSetiee, i *»■ requested by your Agent, Doctor
Crutcher to express my opinion in writing of its
liropertics >■ a remedial agent, 1 moat cbeer(ull)
comply, aa I feel by so doing, I will discharge a
debt l owe the. community at large, and Physicians
in particular. As much as I detest Quack Rems'
dies and Patent Nostrums, I was induced froir
a lailure of the moat potent expectorants, rocom
dtended in onr malcna. medics in some cases,o
DiseaSed Lungs, to try your preparation ol Prunu
Viririt Uor Wud Cherry. It is sufficient to aay tht
I io much pleased with the reault of that ani
luhae ment trials; that I now prescribe it in preler
mce o all other Remedies where aa expectorant is
idic tod. In the much dre.ded Pnoumania or
Uses ie of the Lungs, io the alarming form in which
apt ears in Kentucky, 1 regard it as an invaluable
lemdyln the’ treatment ol that disease. To all
rho know me 1 have said enough, bul as this may
e m en by persons out of the vicinity of Krankfort,
will briefl* add, that l have been ecgagml in an
ctii e practice ol my profession ol IS years,and am
Re ruar Graduate or Tranaylvaniaj sod this la the
nt patent Medicine l ever thought enough ol to
,prs» .*> opinion in —riling.
v J. H. Ellud.v. M. D.
Ji noary 7tb, 1847. Franklin County. Ky.
Frankfort, Ky.,Ja<i’ry 7th, 1847.
T lie above certificate is No one of onr Physi
uat • living a few miles from here, he isdoingg very
tool praeSce,and is considered a good Physician,
iad stands fair, he ia, a* he says, a <eguiargradu«.te.
Dr. W. L. Crutcukr,
Druggist and Apothecary.
Testimonials will never cease.
From the Temperance Pledge.
I low that Winter ia upon us with its attendan
tra n of Pulmonic and Bronchial aflecuons,Coughs
Co dt &c &e , wo, would advise thoae afflicted in
tbi i way to make immediate trial of Dr. Swayne’a
Compound Syrup ol Wild Cherry. It will never
tai to perfinn a permanent cure. -The reputation
of ibis medicine baa caused many spurious article*
to be put torlh under its name} but the preparation
of Dr Swayne, besides being tbo tir«tever offered
to the public, is the only one lhat:can be relied on.
Tie other mixtures sold lor Wild Cherry Syrup,
B ,lsanu, Ate., are all spurious and worthless, and
c« ntaia uooe of (ho virtues of tbo original prepare*
Um, Dr. Swayne'* Compound Syrup ol Wild
From the Springfield Kiprc*i
Of the tbouianda or purported curative uoati
u ow before the public, but very-few are lounj
poaaeaatbe healing virtue* for which they are i
cotnmemled. Among tho laUer we are pleaacd
learo none aund a better teat than Dr. Swayn
Compound- Syrup of Wild Cherry. The afflicted
in thra vicinity are beginning to me it, and to their
ioy they find in itruae their hope* baaed upon iu
recommendation* more than rcaliicd. The affl.clcd
need not deapair. Whilo there ia life, there now it
rrrSineolbe introduction of my article to the
public, there have a uu&beror unprincipled indi
vidual! got op noatruma jahich they aaaerl contain
Wild Cherry, tome are called ** Balaama,” •'Bitter*,'
and even Syrup of Wild Cherry, bnt mine n lb«
original aod only genuine preparation evtr introdn
ceo to the public, which can be-proven by the pub
lie Iteconii ol the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
The only safeguard againit impoailion it to ace tha
m , iignalurc on cadi R SWAYNE.
Prepared only by Dr. «. Bw*irirs,-at hu I'rmei
pal Office, corner bl Kibut and llacr. Street*,
hnlKfetphi*. All Wild Cherry preparations being
fictitious and eounlerfeit without hi* sigralurcj
Kor salcjn Pittsburgh wholesale and retail hy
\VM. THOKN.M Market *tr?ei,
OODKN &. SNOWDLN,corner Zndi. l\ood»tn.
s JONES, ISO Dberty atreet. „ .
Sold also by J .Mitchell, Allegheny City; Boyd,
.Cernafc Co.,Butler; Weaver dt Hendenon, Mir
ccr, Norma* Calendar. MeadviUe; J M Burton 6l
(L. Erie; M'Kenwc 4. K..kdl, Ueee led; Denie
& Sou Columbus; Miller, Brownavillr; Marsh.
Wheeling, Vi.; E 0 Hinmao. Cincinnati, Ohio;.Dr
1 T Easterly 6c Co.. St. Lou-*; J S Morris A: t 0.,
life, hr i Andrew Oliver *V Co.. New Or
IS now aaiverviiJv acknowledged to be **»b IN*
FALLIBLE iitkMEDY for lUicumaiiatn, Spi
-,l Affection*, Contraction* of the Muscle*. Sore
Throat and Qoinay, l»me«, Old Ulcer*, Tam. 10 the
Hack and Cheat, Ague In the Breaat and face
Tooth Ache, Sprain*, Brmic*,Salt Rheum, Buroa,
Croup; floated feet and all Nervous Diac-aae*.
tended the application of this noil WONDER> UL
MEUIUNEin curing the moat acvcraea.ea.ifthe
diflereot Uiaea-e* above named, —and the HIOH
ENCOMIUMS that bare been upon it,
I wherever tl ha* been introduced, give* me the nghl
to call on the AFFLICTED to reaort at once to
o rrTheficulty unite in recommending the cele*
altd External Remedy, Huni'a Liniment.
The following letter from tho-highly eminert
phvaicun* who' have been attached to the Mount
Pleaiant State Pnsoo for many year*, is the beat
evidence of the value of ibid celebrated Liniment.
Siao Sino,; December 2b, 1315.
Mf Dear Sir—l received your note of jeaterday,
aakins my opinion in relation to Hunt'* Liniment,
aa prepared by Mr George E Stanton. Knowtnc
ila composition, and having Ircqocotly used it. 1
can recommead it to you a* a aafo External Reroe
dr and in my opinion, thb beat Liniment now m
-■ v ' rjm " ,, ” d "‘^a'k'mSman.
Col Pierro Van Cbrllandt, Croton Manor.
, full, concur ,o U» *»..
Yoaa'row »,Jan. 14, 1816. •
Sir—ln reply to your letter, 1 would aay that I
have nvfA your External Remedy, called Hunt'*
Linimeat, in my practice since yoo made me ae
quainted with it* composition, and unhesitatingly
•ay that 1 believe it to be the beat External Reme
dy now in oae lor ibo enmplatnU f->r which you rc
commend il. Yoora reapectlully,
commend i BENJ D MILLER. M D.
From ihe N Y bon.
ITAmong the nw of. worthless articles and
humbug* that are poured forth at the present da;
upon & country, it is really refreshing u> find
something of real practical utility, aomething aim
t,]e apewJl and effectual in iU operation, and cl
the same-lime free from : thote injurious eftecta
which general!; attend powerful remedies. Hunt a
Liniment, prepated by Geo. E bunion,a 1 Sing;
Sins though it hei been but* abort time oefore
the public, hualrcady obUioed the confidence,noi
oolj of our rooet wealthy and inlluential citiaena,
but our moat eminent pbyeieiah*. All acknowj.
-edce it to be ■ aovereign balm for many of the ilia
that fleahia heir to, aoothing the aching limb, and
by itrgenuine stimulating influence, baniibing dii
eaie from the *yBteifl. <=w
Mr Stanton—Sir— S»emg your advertisement
of Hunt’s Liniment, 1 was induced to try it* effects
on raj eon,-who bod been crippled with a lame
bock from an infant} *pd it ia with graiitudo 1 bear
tealimony to iU wonderful healing properties. My
child, who is now five years ot ago, u ilow in a fair
way of recovery, NICKERSON.
Post Omci,Tow.v« lie, Putnam Co. '
1 certify that I am pcraonallt 'acquainti d wilb
the above named child, and think the father would
to ule m to»i«g ■>» w"dVkSlaN,
: jSov 5. 1843. Dcpnty Foal Master.
I'. S. I would also stale that I nave been fur a
number ofycais aubject lb frequent attack* ol the
Rheumatism, which in many instance* prevented
my attending to my businera. . Two or three appli
cation* of the Liniment invariably remove all a!-
fectiona of the kind. In'casca of bruises, sprains
and sores, too numerous to mention, it has in this
vicinity proved a certain remedv. It* value ran
only lie estimated hy those who have given it a lair
U Thia Liniment is sold at 25 and 50 cents per hot
tie, by all the Principal Druggist* ami Merchants
throughnuttho country. , ,
Wholesale Agents in Aew lork.
HOADLEY. PHELPS & Co, 142 Watci
RUSHTON fit Co, 110 t roadway.
A B At D SANDS, corner Fulton and William
ASPINWALL, 8G William itrcel.
Orders addressed to me at Sing Slag, N Y,wu
be attended to. GEORGE h STANTON,
For male in Pittsburgh by L WILCOX, Jr.endJ
KIDD dt Co. AlleghenyCity,JOH!f SARGENT
Birmingham,JOHN SMITH. W»Jiy
IHIS medicine la last taking the place of every
preparation heretofore used forciseases arising
o Weakness or other causes. All thuja.neces
try to secure this medicine a place in tbcDotner
icFractice or every latniW, when such a medicine [
i needl'd, is a trial. \
.It speaks far itself—i* innocent in its operation
nd no injury/Can arise iiom its use at any time.
Wholesale and Retail by ROWAND A. WAL»
PON. Proprietors 376 Market Stieet, Pbilad’a.
For safe ii Pittsburgh by R E Seller*, Wood
•±rr»L xiU Wax. Thorn. A Market sU ocfidw T
rfUE - BT(>OBlB&
1 nenily dyeing Light, Bed or'Gray Hair a D*r»
Brown or Dlaek color, witbonidyeing or injuring ihe
•kidi Bold with fall dlrectiftaC Price SO cenw, or f l
* rrrlold hr WH. JACKSON, at bis Patent Medicine
warehouse, W Llbetry:street, heed of \\ ood, el.toe
•i X o of the Bit BsoL ; >
BAk»AH— l»*j*Wli!»r'iß<di>morWlWa>c ,, y
jD«rec«lrta ad W
t ■ ato.? bbi» be« fitni'»n;
a 4* ’ A«tieun
No tt *OO4 sum;
-, -ftftsWb'
| ttf6 -
■ conoNMas-^
[Nearthe Upper Bridge, Allegheny City j
proprietor!' of tbeSur Cotton Factory rerpeei-
I full} kniono ibe public tbatihey arc now m we***
nEopcito". JlmiMcnploy'.llhe
Barse» a* Manager, who has bad an expenenoe « «*
veara in the principal baetottea of Allegheny City,
they would inform Merchant* and Dealer* in ?e rural
th.l ib,y mil »l»*!» hme o«
Yanwof *ll N0.,-BMi.W. «an™.
° f iTbSSS.'irfl .. .ha hXill, .ha «... of «f;
cr* lluoier A Co, 1W Libjj.F Mma. mil ho P™?"?
•uoojcdio. N.V*co
r* MUS Manufactory being in compklc opera.
1 tion. (having received ans replneed all their RU
m 3, hVnY-iroe good*, [branded Allegheny £L| *nd
norpoßK-d by Hone, of the ramc sivle, m
intended exclwively for the \\ »nd BoCTH*n
trade. Mcrchanta viamng our eiiy arc invited tocoi
and examine previous to making fvtirchaats. OrdcTTi
from a dmanee promptly attended to.
filly shipped when ordered- febl3d*w3raT
pnTsuuaaii.. „„
Candle-Wick, Batting, Twine, CoirerUt
(Succeawr* of Aibuckle* A Avery-)
janS • Proprietor
PiTfant'ttaM, Pb.
THE above Mtabhthntent being] now in *acee*»fm
nneration.wc are manofaeturin|. very extcn»lvcly.
an article of heavy Sheeting*, well adapted to the retail
trade, which for beamy and quality] cannot be excelled
bv any other make w Ibe country. ;Tue attention of
porebater* l« wlicted »
frMliMmftwlt KV.NMtrLL_iiliLi!L*.ll2—
rheumatism _
“Wb» sthough the causa may not be explains,
Since Uirir *ff«& are l| uly ascertained,
I*t not deinstall. prejudice, or pride,
Induce mankind to act the mcaneiuide.
Mean* which, iho' are by llearen design u
To ■HrviateJhe ill» of human kind-
rrmis remarkabte tnaention. which haarereiwJt^*
1 universal approbation of the medical prereaaion 01
Great Britain.comprises an entirely new apphcatioßO
Galvanism, a* a remedial agent, hymean. orwhreh tha
ordinary oiiranie
ch.nea, AcTlu- enlireiyd< ( lpea*ed'W.tb.a d ihe n '«J
riou* power of Galvanism applied withou. nny oirne
objection which are inseparable from the
now in use. 'Die sirongtipre*, and irroKuiar imerTaia
?n which Galvanism tfappUed hy the Machine*, ha»
been pronounced, after a foirand impartial mat, to be
'tUeidZuy irvamut. and >t was to remedy this radical d*
new application was
■usurer nil the purport of the roost expensive Ma
rhinra. and in rr.any other re.pecu are more taft and
arutin in accomplishing the deatred effect.
The Volcanic ffinp uied m connection
nw Fluid , are confidently recommended toon***
dm vkuk arutfnm on enftsUtdo* u*WtAy rmt« q/
cAa «m»«u or tiialtystm, and these eompU‘iU» ore ,
among the mom painml-aud umveraal to wtuch we are
iutdeft They arise, without exception, fromolie *.m- I
pie cause—a derangement of the Nervous i
and it waa in there eaaea that other, ‘remedies bar ng •
»o often failed, a new agent waa greatly needed,
1t it confidently believed, haa been found in the proper
and judicious application of Galvanism.
The Galvanic Ring* have been uaed
ecwtn mil eaaea of Rbwjutim;. * c J? w . o, *s r iffi2L
pi) mg to the head, face or limb*; o# "*vsf'j|£sS?
TbottrwJu. Bronckitit, Mgo. Am-ow or
i lnd. S rUum, Paralysis, Palsy. Spdcpe JjKu
Palpitation of I*4 Htdru Apoplccy, ,^»ff < WTW
I Spin**/ Complaints. Lumbago, JWaifrm w |
I D-ir.nrta of the H*ad r vatn m boCkat i
General Dibituy. Dtficuney oj Nsrecnu ond Physical An
confirmed Dyspepsia, wh.cli uatnipiy a nerrouade.
rangemeniol the dige»tive organs,they have^cafound
coually successful. Their extraordinary efTcrta npoa
me system must be witnessed to be believed, and aa a
certain preventive for the preceding J l '
are coually recommended, fhc Ring* are of differen
gneei be ng made of all kite*, and of various orna
mciitai pattern*, and can be worn by the moil delmaw
female without the st.gbteM inconvenience. In iUX,
tjhe relation n rather agreeable than otherwise,
She Ctilrnnlc Belt*, Bracelet*, Band*,
barters Necklaces «c.
In wine ra>r< ofa verc revere clmraciei.and oflong
Handing, the power a* applied Ofvanic^mg.
,* not mfficicnt to arrc»l the progress of di»ea»c «n
i.lnmaielv te.tnre health The improved modification
. r. iTaivninc |!v'f Pin-T-ln*. &r.. e.nrely teinr
i ' Hi . o'.if'.on any d. gr.-v «'t t-t-wer that ;» reyui-
T«. .U». wn!i, tab., oorto-. •>W P""
oAh- l-'.lj w.lh pcrfcri r.nvcn,.rce. IT., |
NVeklaee. are need w ith greater benefit CM ** f
itronchit • 01 aIT-ction* of the throat gsnernlly, »l«in
rare* of Nervou* DeafneM; and with almost umfoim
noere** a* a preventive for Apoplexy, EpilcpHC Fiu.
““ Il '"’"'c'b°wic"» JlicncUc Fluid
.a used .n conucct on with Hie Galvanic King-, wm all!
iheir modification*. 1 hi* vemjiositioii lia> b*ro
uouuced by the French Chcm.ri* u. be one of l*«
eitrnordinary dneovcne* of modem rcicneo, lU*h«-
liived«op.*ieM ine rema/kablcp over ofrenJenog »
n/rro iu.,ihr,l» f ah *uU ad,on by Uti* mean* eM*m»
, coneeniraiion of tie mfloeu,-.-ai the real <*£»«£»
thu* nvmr tauid 'find peimanent ttlief. No other
composition in chemisir i* ]
effect or 10 imparts similar property u the nervosa
artieiic Fluid contain* nothing capable of ihe »i»gh_ !
«• appl.camm is agreanlr. and it .. .» |
harmlr*. i i iwacuon u* it i» beneficial ,
Full eiplajation* and duecuon* necompan) u Iho i
1 combined invention, are in evrty way perfectly harm- I
tea*, they are sold at price* wiiqin the reach oi all and ,
the 'direoverer only retjue*!* a fair trial a*aieiiofl
their efficacy andjicrmanem bcaefitu ,
Christie’* Galvanic Strengthening Pin**
There article* form another valuatlc aDPlieaUon of
the m)*tcnou* influence ol Galvanium Ihey are on
important adjunct to the genuine Galvanic Ring* and
i the.r modification*, act ng uj*o« the same pitnciplc. but
havinv the advaniage of more local application. Tbe>
are confidently recommended a» a valuable add.uon Ju
the •needy cur** of Rheumatism, acute or chrome; in all
nervouacomplaitn*, and a* a noamve retneoy in care*
Ol rZ“n.«< «< l»al Vpo?,, *>*
SUt in Asthmaiit Affections, and m Weakness or Opprn
,ionofthr Pulmonary Orgoor In Spinal ComplamU
the,r ed* cl* are oflheinosi decided characicrjusd tbey
have often been ured with complete »uecerX. They are
aim of the greatest advantage in Pain* and Weaftte**
of the Ureaai.%nd.nns highly recommended for many of
ihnre cotnnlatnuio which female* are especially.liable.
A. an iffertual wean* for * Urn system
whm debilitated with disease or other causes; as a eer
lam aid in Constitutional Weakness, as I reventlve
for Cold*, and all in affections of the Chest, generally,
ihe Galvanic StTtuglheniog Plaster will bo found ol
ereat and permanent advantage. In a few words, tl
embraces all the virtue* of the bc*l tonic preparation,
wah the important addition of the galvanle inflttenee,
I which i* neither impaired nor exhausted, while :nc ac
t,on couUnue*. These articles will be found entirely
1 free from those objection* which are a constant source
of complaint with the ordinary plaster* in common o*.
The great celefinty a«d*cces«of thete articles
ha* cured them to be counterfeited by unprincipled
persons. To provide again*! imposition. Dr_ Cntiam
Lm but one .o,honied .son, in of to Union.
The rnlv agent in Pittsburgh, 'V ,
Of the highest and most re*reclame character, are eon
stnntly received, regarding the extraordinary value ;
8 ,,.t tucress of the anove articles. Ins believed that
“w ofNei Vork .lone, o,».rd. of EIOIIT
THOUSAND PERSONS.durragm penodof less lhah
a rear, have been entirely tetuved of the most painful
chronic disorders, some of which have completely baf
fled air former efforts of medical an. Indeed many of
the fir*l phy sician* of this ok*, who disapprove of the
Galvanic and Magnetic Machines, constantly recom
mend this application in their practice, and with the ex
eemion of tho« ho are too prejudiced to give it a tri
al the Invention has received unanimous favor w«b
this most intelligent among the American Faculty. Dt
Christie i* at all times ready and mo*i happv to give
every facility to physicians, and alt interested, for tesl
mg the truth of nis assertions and the efficacy of his
d, *Only r aßency in Pittsburgh.cornerrih andjilarket si
»ep'iiny_ . _
medical and surgical office.
\ LEY, a few door* below
\ Wood street, towards tb«
Having been regularly «*•
iicatedio tli»;niedreal pio
fcrsion, anil been for some
-Time in gencial piaelice,
now confine* his attention
10 the treairoent of thoee
1 private .rfnd delicate coin:
\plaints for which hi* opper
tunitica and experience
peeuliatly oualit'y him.—
Eleven yearr assiduous t devoted to the atody and
rrs™ cf irs
dav that their complaints can l>c radically and thor
oughly havmggiven hi* careful atir.ntionto
Ihf Vre.uncnl of ..chow., “SoS” fhi »«i
Z ’,h“ o“i*... h.™ «»”•>«- “
hopeless despair. lie paiticularly invites such as have
nn.oece-.fally trotted l.y » <
■nit him when every satisfaction will be them and
their cases treated in a careful, thorough and miclligenl
pointed out by Innß experience, "t-idywid in
vestiration,’which it is impossible for those engagt d if*
.effi|£«ice of medicine to give any cue claw o
‘“Srileriia or Rupture-Dr. Brown also tnvttea
peHons afflicted with ‘Hernia to call, as he has paid
particular attention this disease.
P Skin Disease*; also Piles, Palsy, etc., speedily cured
ittf-Knu of either MX living at a.distance
bv ■'■■ms their diMase m writing, giving all the syrnrp,
tomsTcan obtain medicine* with direction* far aw.
addressing T. BROWN, M. D. post pa l and enclo
“<fffloo?imM Diamond alley, oppoiiie the Wavem
tlonao/; ; _ ( , UlO
"irr 1B 1
: BURNS AND"hcXl,bt4
EFFECTUALLY end apeedilyscured by the o»eo
iht Great Remedy of Nature, AMERICAN OIL
It eimoat miraculoualy reduce* Inflammation, and con*
Mqafntty I* warranted in all care* u> leave no aeatn cr
" C Sold wholctale and retail by WM. JACKSON, at hi»
Boot and Shoe Store and Patent Medicine W nfeliou*c.
Si Ltberty'iireet, head o' Wood, Pitwburgh- Price ».
eent* and SI, per bottle. ,
W Jack»okbeingtbe Exclude A*ent for Weitem
pennylvama, none la genuine but what !• mH “j i»
or Ills appointed Agenu. ‘ , jj--iiana. fce.
a . AaHjLIA HtCAJtH-P! 1
» and ,for rate by
myfl •
V u&9»££3*&s
XrypnM* Wg £LfnWtr»rm ar Jtor,se*ii
StaUam -x
TTS timely administrationht« bn 1!
1 happiest result* in many between
it i. clwfly intended tnfiU the «*4 wj^f'**^J*“
cathartic and aperient medicine*» J*£
randi i« that of an alterative direcliy— indirectly,
vine a laaiing tonic*>tfu»*VMera. • •
It is highly concentrated tor convenience and po
biltiT, contimfnß noth*! bar*««*"«**> «£*£
and is the rcp.esentanve •( lie SarsspenlU *****
the *anic manner a. UwniM u.Pf.fSFELWa£
Morphine of Opura. It nan effabltabed feet, «*»•
few grain# of either Quinine or (Mqrpbtae,eonw«»*“
the medicinal value of a lane qnmnuty °£.i*?«£7£
.abstauees; beace the •ot>er»nfy«f>ho«d P*?*™™*
—and no mvalid would de»t« todnnknfiUoeimxwe
when a half pint contained the damcr medicinal
1 The Sarsaparilla can be dilated when t*ken aireeabte
‘ to the directions, and mado to eott the tute. o€ tho pa*
“no following eenificnle iHM’to*• AfOnlt'.l
CanSgo, futnioheo eonclooiTCi proof of lu pool troloc
in eases of Fever Sores. Ill.SepC li, 18W. 1
sicbtiins A Rood—ffonu- In Mot, 1H5.1 cfc
,. 10111 store o boule of^lond^&uoaporillo.ond
Vonro, moat re,p '■ IT jfiMES MILLER
■no followingnertiScate link In tie
«"•' '“S'K April 18,Ifdd.
Messrs" Sands-Gemleineo: I
Ho nlinck.of disease, "$
i} e u»<- of Band’* S*r*aparill»- Pie**e aeeept
turftJtcr of gniUJttde and ..
BeingperaouaHy aeq«»mied.wuli.U»e jbovt aute
mom, f fotoliV oenify .tot*. ■»» 'JSr.HAN
eia, »’«entirely cared by Ue uae o a q^IUSHA
- noi
ASTHMA . ■ .
«bst \m relied him in »oeh a »h»rt U» ha*■*
"K, cfbmliiar, Coorb sad 4l«- ■ .
uU Ofammoo,* A»r
Hrtlin/Wua.”' A*k Oh( eoMwipUte ..
• Xt ha* »««,ed hU CooA, f«««d
. the pain in hi* 814* sod Chert,
* • checked hi* d%hi.w«tM«l * ’ •
placed'the «•* of beaiUx
i upon hi* cheek? and'-.
he will tell you ..L
w«. b««», 3£s
1 Olomuu,' b U » t *<» ■«■«■?.
s sasjajtffs^iTpiss-
I ibout ouc half of ooeboUU. '
I CottittißpUok M Aba .i
Mr. ««U, ™
*££ tk, info ofWii H- AHrm,J.oaHkrmU.,
Mr*. TBOCTOITO aa ta*»J3
■ «s-«assfsM3rsT?giS
! ss«=»art*s£=S-3
i S^WSKSe^g^l
botilrt of the remedy enabled hi* to return to ** ““I ,
formrrljof K.rruk, A, J-.
rim l, id. suurrour olk.r per««.Tmrr s*" ‘£““7,
p.rii.r»Ur mirrd of Ik. mo. uai*folkr tkorjmrfj.
jjlTSXkmd.f Wood rlrml, A"**-. ftgff'
/oiTJanriu. CoWvArtltfWrWw
oader toe mediate wptrißttntf
- *-.***
Slm b P ISSS fc?'Ss!nJMuS‘w&^^
nnrfirt-tn Italwua of Uft. ■?. «gg. »_
S “ 5*3
s2^,X" [ Ju ! ■*«*,»£.
SgftffiSSfe, EdSn**°<“» UMftJfSgfil'
rrUeaee, ■l“ irta f ***..“£ .
2L321?51S at toie Qrut|BHMh ; MMlr ; PVßl.
R«.UHCortk.ieo«d«*n«*« pwta4 • ’ | ; ' '\!
Ko- tale by B a! FAHNESTOCK ACo.eotoerof
wood and front atrceu my*
TADIBS Who Vie Common Prepared tbsllr* are
Ij often not aware how frightfully injuriooi it U to
the ikin’, how.eoane; bow tough, how latto*, yeltowj
andhnbeahhy the ikro appear*'after own* prepared
chalk! Beiide*, it i.injnrwai, eontaifitnealaige quart*
tity of- lead.- We hav»pr*pawfrWtßflf(rWwc«pK
■niele, .which we cal»7 JONES'S
WHITE It ii perfectly.mooedta, bein*puri6«d »>•
deleterious qnalitlei; anditlmbani 10 the ikirt h
ral, healthy, alabaitpr, dear, firing while, a»»h«“JS
time acting u a coamctic on‘the tkln, waking j
Jame» Anaerton, TracticaJ LHlf
chaietii. mti: “After «* «*<»•
White, 1 find it pooe**ei the i *,«, uv> ;i
ral, at the .awe time innofniwbiM^c^ w>u
cenainlycancon«MentKio»»y. i«« B,OCB8 , ' “
whole »*in require! beautifying* j . • f
JP“PHce 23 cent* „ Wi Boot and Shoe
ITT*Sold by tVM.JAt-a -/wood, at thesign of
Sti&.W liberty street, head of weoc, « „ ™
the Big Boot. ' '• . ... ---4 '
T> nEMEDY—tVimoted tocore,ortho moo.
TMi medicine »
df,Bß obuined frojeoee ol Ihemra thei«r
,i pc»t oipoMO. Tho« ottohifo.beeo
familier with tbo ledieoa, kabwdhst the, can and
do euro Venereal withootlheiuiowledfe ol Moo
cun, Balaam, or anything of the,hin£ Tho.aA
dieted bare now an oppartcnlUof being cored
withott 'the oae o| Balqp. Thi* medicine t*
pleasant to the latte, and leaves no .e®eU. on the
Paired bj.ROYYXfIb *■ WAtToN^iiJ-ijoW
wholesale and retail, by Jo T. Rowattd, 376Jj»erkel
street, Philad'a. . ;J <—.*• .■* .
.for sale in Pittabarnb by IV B Sellers,
street, and by Wa, Uaiket »t. eeW^T
"end frerh; )o« rreM
* CTwoodV.
f D».HHMliira
: poor man’s
,{ • '' '■ '
Dft. BlUtfHAjl toltoiiwml» nj to nki Bnlkit
ikMtti t«kr ad err f
aaefßtatwltirjfeerfMßi &' ftraudsadh tut of Ln
ra, aFttefTaokknm oa the baek of taeh Muter. aud
V 3» BffidttXmtMaa.-
i'Tkm Isattgaa'afalha matt nr* aad «flhetoal <vt
«dr fcrwagha, citoicaawguaMf shonpiej iu%lu, mJh
| w, tight*** of tea tonp Tfc* {■uprtcior :
i S* wwkMwmailMtt whera they 4M*otrn« perfect .
Btnnl-«lMm* ftamken tea mU «übn
\b«lMt]W.m(sraCtabc*UkpmiMuteaMercr7Mn ,
ofctßMunpUOßfUKl tbeaa bbortur adtr the sod diitrcwte
voids asdemigha; They do hot check hhd dtj ap thecoagh,- :
t »D«ydwtfeu«i-«ih -
IrritHidßf «■& flte -te proaiaala or Mriiiag
I%traroaad»froo>t eoetMaatiaa oraaHrtralaafciccspfc
tmLor egatß a*didaw, tad are uadoabtaUy tuMrwMo .
'tierythißdhm**fc»-tW*«eoßipibloi», - Hoadrcdtupdu'iion- ;
ilredfbfeerfifie*l«aba»fb«tottr*dofibcuwoed«cfulrir- '
tik>. frcteihdea »bo hm tet* land fan u ulnae)} gmc.
naS Poor Mu’* riater* (pri« «ab 1% ccstaj »hou&tr
'•spited oacr the fart* aad.wota bll (aimed* 1/attended'
, a Jew. cathartic or tatalm kacafce, or aa>
m n-1 tboold te Bad m oectfioa itapim
TbrnateatoacapaharebeeaproeedlameyathpaLlM .
000 euea to be ia&Utbk; Ute only certaia %ora destroying
nailhiimnri 1 lid Maaydwa»e*ari»ee&oina®r»t
•ad occasion kag aad iaUnse •uttering, end crea draib.oith ?
"odttheirirterbeug npoeled;jgtowapmea* aroTeryofoo
attwtedwith thca.asdare doctored farorieu coo plain v ,
ecltfroatotr beacfltt.vhn otttetof the* Lo*ugt» ««U .
1* tardily cure the®. ■ •••*'!'
Worn.- Painaia tiel jointa or
*ite brteih.biekfrc at tb« BOt* y of tbo uetb «note£
tf«p,«dMti®ei aWeae*aboutthelipe,wUhStatedebe»k«, '
' Weeding® tbeboec.agaawtflg seaatioaat the eioaach, fraeh
c* of heal oetr Iharurihca ojibft bode, /flight ehilb opdtrit
•Hag*,, headache!ydjrbwsiMa,) rerugo, torpor. disturbed' ,
dmap, hodden itvtjßf'ta sleep, with fright ana Kranuag l
cciomatw a troablceotee coon, freemhac, Uurst,
btt| Alt, had M* ia tho aatlh, diflealrbrtoihfa(y fala'Ut .
the attenaeh or bovd*, bligae, asosca, njfiihniai rora, ;
Ucadad Momach or limbe, griping*,
ehootiM pel* in nriouspartsoftbe h)dj, .*m>* t>r»**-
tHngrmng ia th« thread, nchbg of tha anns toward* night, a
frhdont detirt to pass toaMtUag from the bowel*; and aamr- , .
time* dbditrgta of dime ndaoeea.
They pn ima»dafa niii[ a mttmu or sick hcwfaebt,
wlniutioa dftfa* bmrl low»m of tb« wiritt, dtmmJtncy, '
a&mmalMj-at-fttrid ten thmst, tow*! *r mamn- com..
jJkioi, fainting,-pppmaQo cw tmawef ifakfag *f ib« cb»t,
clulie, f—«, crimp of th» itaMeh or kprtk
BWTWIt jiwiw% ifapWlfan UfMgh ibr
(Uj, tad wckrfdao* through Uw tbokn of rhoj,
cmßorbot, diarritftt, tunturfror amamoffaiigtir. l ?*r-. . ,
•obi mnUuf or mending brg* pcrtirt, will find it* Loud- '
w r*«Uy micfaf, mwiimWlisg the fawysuty of youth; wit
liter dknt>a|Uf«ilirManlkt tooceftbeßyncagca]
t r»lit| wJro—ro oil the wytout symptom* onym im
too w liihfa ftnooi who hnt km too kirt Inert, ml
tbrir d hohito, WtD fi»4 !kmWß|ati
.Binkk MBpoNNortk Mtia. '
The bctfatrenfUfaufaghfaiUftath* world, madam* ran
raocdy far paias, or vokkro fa Ike bark, low*, tide, sack,
timb*,joiaU,rfa«utwtin, lumbago, Be. lie. Om miHiow »-_
rearwiUaotropplytbcScma&d. .They r*q«ir**Ut<l* warm- •'
tag bcfaceafpucauom. Warrutyl Mpertar lo ell oth«r*,*nJ
i far iba stoat M aaty tbe beet, but.
, Ibecttasett jiMtorfatW World. It aflbrd* relief fa a Urn -
boat*, im fata earn.
I la bibrcamplamlmul dyfanafa. it«houtd bewura oree
tbatefitodftbe Ueerlor itiMir,w,«ad h aid aferd pest tad.:
1 Hl<aiu|i( rabcC la cough*, catdt, uikat, diweuhy oT*
| bwlkift opfaaioo ’of tbe tktti or ttoataria, UtrywiDfm
| addoMy 'im bad greatly biearflttbe Baikal. rrncat of .
i ndtafalj ksKtij orlnwa rhtiftrt 1a Wiui tonrh, tillimht ..
from om of fans truly Mrcagtbmfag Pfc*i *
'let, Bbytteaat generally mmaead them, faprcfrccuf to
a'f o(brtt.bccaoa they grat
er ictKl.lntbch'OpmiioeJ IlNyar* itixaalcat, to**e,~ta>|. ,
atsdniL Tluyan
caka Wataay other, and knownfrpm the capcrknee of mil- -1
fami who km weethw, m w*B as the atutrdtoiimouy of
alltb«ctkhnlcdaßddiemeaiahcd ckigy mad phyiieito*, lu
at theikmoytaiiracsfam caret tbetr
r> Db4ioafarn < «'»A. : pU*.r, with >
fad uma* of I?r. Bbpmnm a nama. • 1l it imporaat yoo ihtmld
.alvsya’aak'farAcrinik Poar Alaa’a Ptaiter. tad ire that .
yen cel lha remain*, a* then tru maay worthier* imitation*
UwEedabeatvCaoU fat tbs tam ShsraaSV Phatdrtj by
HSoldwtelmJaaod retail by W, JACKSON at hUPaleni
i fatadicina Warehoon, No. 89, Liberty atreet, dipt of the
l Dr.qDUEN’S^OUlftlfifTULKFtlicSt!.
: OE&SONS afflicted with Scrotal*. Kidg’a E*il;
JtT|C*accr r £ry*lpei*a r 'Okl Seres, Ulcers, Tetter.
Mercarisl Diseases, or any other complaint* arising ,
front' impunUe*.orsbe Wood, ere requested to rc-q.\
: the jioliewifirtH&Kratals, in proof of the wonder* 1 i
, Tel orooerlieset the abase trained medieide.
! Wo the. tndenigujed, hiVink suited Mr.- ’
1 Brooks. Jr. *l thh effiew ot Mean. Rowaud end
Walton,-STSMnkßtjstreet, coeatdet •
hfa caae the Bdtat renadcahlefaoe we wit.- -.
nesdedor heai'iof.* | ; y. -s \
Hu dueaie wss SUROFUbA, and terrible moat
have been b • tsrelse Jeart’ eonflictwijb the de
■ e entire robrdf hia month. Noae, Up- .3
per[Lip,and lower Lid oi the Right Kje haee been -
ddstresed, bts Feee nearly eaten up, and port oT the ,
Jow Booe carried away. And yet we eon give na / [
deaenpnofi of his cue. ; . :
Mr.B.infoneanaftbat ieJantiarjlastlthrwbolo .
interior of his-tnoath, na well aa raoat ol' his face
deep andpainfol ulcera!’ J ‘
On uie l4th orJasaary last, he commenced taking
CEAv which ebeiked.lbe disease in a lew days, an. *
rent that,lime the core -has progressed without lo|
Mew fleah has eapdied tbe place of the deep'nlj
cert, asd'thooghi badly disfigured;hia (ace i«.sound,
kaslnta general t)ealtfa is restored. ; / i
PtVe: are. assured!that in.ibe treatment of Mr'. ■ •.
Brooks’ ease,no Mbreurials,Ointments, orC’auatic
| itfahe*tionr'n*Te been u*ed,—in fact, ihdJ’AftA
CEA ALONE, has wroogbt this wonderful change
id Smith. Buckd coasts, Pa. f
■lts L. Ro**an£ Meaesille. Cnsriord copa..
Jonee.iM D~Soath Seeonddtreet, Phita ' '■
>bLee,Pdmbe»idniN*J.‘ v ' i '
' Carr,44o N Fdtuth, above Poplar at, N. L. -
’CoHotighf Lancsrter,Pt.'- <: / . u.
I Maddock, S 3 North fiterenth st. Fhila.. -
7 Appletoa, MD 46 South it do
idtbj Caldwell, Marion eo. Missouri. •; '
iel ¥cakei,Chessut Rill,Philadelphia eo. ps. ■
a HarMd,S9o High street, Phils. >
WitllamHale,S7BHigbatreet,Phila..j,.. •
; i H Potter,Manufacturer ol MioeraJ Teeth, H>J H.
‘ I liinlh street, Phila.
L A''WOllfcßweber,'Hid.' PhUa. Democrat 277 NAt
•! street,'. do • •» * . • - : ' ‘
George W Meats, Brash Maker, 317 Market St.
EyreCbrr, 159Chesnutstreet, Phila;! ,'
A! D Gillette, .Pastor ol Eletenth -BapthtChurer, i
.•Phila. -•••-
John Bellt.Ene Street,Philadelphia.(North Amar^
.. 'eaboffice.} ■■■
Aaron Sands, 164 Catharine .Street, Phila; : “ -
jfawielMeGmloy,KesslePs Alley, do ( :
Andrew Swaston,. Camden,Ji JI- . [•;: c.
RH Eirans, West v.. o-..-.L ;• j- .
RichsTd R;.ViMBg, Gikd«r, 409 Market si., Phila
Jdhn.W Aabmcad, 60. South Sixth strpet, /i ?; do
T S LithogTapber, IIS Cbesnat cUeet,' do *
H J itensil, r tZ3:ElevesUi street, "do
PefaTSKUI Smith, Editor.Natire Eagle, . da -
Joel Bodinej Glajfa.
: lUm Steel J. Wrmingtoß, Van Suren cn. Inw> “
UBOoIo;M Di 1 /
Huael Canfield, Fhisiologut. Philadelphia.
pwteTWxi&tisa Market AtieeVPhila. "
JamesAV Nsw&d, 103 Filbert ht. do
JohlGuud,HA^pmceat-~7r^~v. do . L, t;-:
Wiiirim'Une,'Pastarbt«Paol>M- &. Ch-Laibarioe <
, f*-» 31 - „ j .„ .
JbhnCkamber», g Pastor Ist lndep^Church, Bread
PabiUher of Ftodfe 3 »4 Standard, !
;/Phila.. •
F Pr, SeQera, Editor Oiu* ‘B icch, Dojlwtown;
I ißhcks co» r?"
: Wholesales
‘ket st do.; f
-3o H ,r
-To co’
?Wii utc
•on inporn
'by Anton'
h)D *vi
i-tyoluh f
: Proprietor,
tor. 4,1 HO
’ hare dirul
of New York.
..eiaricj, tofeiher
hi, . ... .... eompwin* toy ltd- i
ffiySrur. JaCKSC M. M hi* Patent Med'due
■ , ihSo»lr iEff Pil'd" t|k «mlic OESI/INB
oWafnfd- A Alf othei ■ ere Counterfeit.
Wnv poiit.iAjntWoc»tcooaDßKi. i:
WHOSlSauanßOseaiietitiilycrifi? Lookatyoar'
fait yooDf wife,'»Slit ionny (aec! . look
■t ymir^wii T |imed..wilh-fcntpuofle and htoichea ? Yet
yoo ate®* niwui to lled My eent* tor a eakeof the
ereatliaban Chetniear&oep,whjch would entirely free,
yoa froa thka/ajid nakelyoor yellow ikinclrar and •
healthy*, Go at oqea to JacLecn'i Sis re, HB LiLertyat. •
: teSloaniy pl&ee in Plitaborfh’arhcre
the GBNVlNßiitob* obtained. Beware of Counter*,
Bbot stands in the doorway.
-cotf <ni~»YiPßj^ s ir»hottld'lie >
I iVL publUbdd andmadeknown» the pnblie n Thi«
4raa theojrpmaiotiof akold man who tried the Syrup.
I - Prcrurao*, February I, IMT %
t Mr. Moreau."—This mayeenify that beinraflWd .
with • umabkafma »t|h.a«m* time. 1 bonyht a bouio.
df Morna’aOoaabflyniP. and am happy toaay,alter
Liu it, my eougliia entirely eared. •• I pronounce-yoor
Serb iyrapAo beat medlcine-I haVa eeer naed. - No
hmUr .hiald be wfahgat diia ralnnble medieme. •
J - DAYID MoBOBEBTS* Allegheny City
. «yeet,eße dobTbelow Diamond Alley t
{ Priea*tteentaper botda~- - * - - fob*
UASIT3 90hP~*orn*»-. -
from .
«o* reoienn* \U tpo\t
wfc*T*«tl»«pfli«*cl*m«rbii»hu new. «od*p«t*** < .
- SoiivtlkmttfiTCetiDi*' irries Ceeirur£«ka
1 njihtiii iwm fmrrinn mm r--; 'wr;
onvgwi |<%? f * e £ l f ;
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Mos, Rm
£ teller*,
»U, Mo.
* St John.;
>f ibetffcin,
i of France
Cned almo*t
U»e hand* of
•bn claimed
j. *f»*!‘rotny
ime now.] at
> XJeOieaißo*
Jiao Cbeaieal
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