The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 06, 1847, Image 1

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    rim n i mini turn
Al-fc. AA N u Kit uuuuoai, Commission and
t'*«r*• Mere baht. At Wa'cf arid JUS Front «l»,
!. mcfcll
A nvouu, JOSKS 4 Co., Cofftmiwion nod
I'V'H' ->i ..." .\ictc!iam.», bare returned totbeir.Old
. snn-il. :*i-m ar.d From street*. Pittsburgh. octtll
_ A ICIKH LKWIS, Attorney at Law. Fourth
_ A. m. i.-ow -munftekj. J
EAV I.V('IIKSTKR| dealer in’all kindsoflm
. |-or i. j aaJ Dmc».h- r-e.gHfsJ Spanish Leaf, and
he . i.n.c i «-, k.ri!*,*,! rlic vv.h* TouuccO, wholesale and
V. ji». T)|. fj Mrci-,,
»«kpkkth riu r\ osoaoK ICTtI.
BUAC.N 4. UCITRn, WholrraJc and Retail
ilruc - -t. , ,••»,,rr of Liberty and »l- Clan »treeu,
P.n-t.uu-n rv V roayU
Barrows a tuiaeUi Wholesale and Re*
toil d'iil-r. ... F.tiu-) mul Staple Dry Goods, No.
4«s«rk.i ad.^.sriom’nnrJ._[, : my*
BA. FA II .N km TOC K 4 CO., Wholesale tt
. n.-l.vl Lruei U <«d and Gth sts. jyt •
BA. tAMI'SOA A. Co., Grocers, Commission
. .Mm-nann »»<> Demcr- m Pittsburgh Mannfac*
luieil ari.i ie*. Ni- lb Liberty street, Pittsburgh) octtff
BA(sALKV.4 piMlTil, Wholesale Grocers, J 3
■Hl,| 'JO Woo i -irm, l’«:i*i.ur|;ti.
SMITH. DAdALF.Y do CO., Wholesale Gro*
rn, and Produri-uem>*r«. N>* Of I Market street be-
ii'iaiidi.ili. Noriii • ,!r. Philadelphia. no vs
CA. McA.N'l IiTV Ji CO., Forwarding and
, iVrtnm;»» on Vn un its, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh,
}' u mcliti
/-x ORLANDO LOOBIISt Attorney at Law, of
\y . fur on tih strre I air vr I*»nilLtie!»L up!7ly_
Win. Coletonn Jolin'V*. Jenning*. Jan. W. llailman.
CIOLEMAXi lIAILMAX A CO, Manufacturers
/ of Spring* uml Axles. A B. and Spring.
Btei-i. and dm ns n Coaeh Trimming* of every deo
*M ..oil. iiiauulavuny on at. Clair »u Warehouse 43
IVw d *i . Ft Charles Hotel. janSM
siauiurl Cion-: ~ J. Carothers.
Cm Vlicit CAUOTIIKRS, Wholesale Gro
i e. r». in.: ,Hn-i* in Produce, Mid in all articlrsof
I’lU-’.ufpJ; .V liuiiiii-mtvs, So. Ul Wutcr and 115 Front
/ U .VM.M-nAN 4 BOK9IKIL Wkotosalft Gro
I, .•••r* Loin’uisaaui »»d Forwarding Merchants,
oJaler* in prod-c- and Pittsburgh manufactures, No
144 Liber.) *l. FiU.lmigli .. ,J»»L
" ' ; ' ■- 1. MCXfflOflT.
/ »AIC<ON A. MrKNIOHT, H<wc«»«fi to 11.
, UU ',ri i.o j Wholesale Grocers, Commission
and Forwarding Mcrcliant*. Dealers in Produce and
PiU‘*'ur«li AU«tm.e.iui.fs. Sixth succi, between Wood
nud i.itn-riv. l‘ai»burgh, Pa. <**ll
C\ YKAUKII, lm|>onei and wholesale and retail
/ •draier m Finn.) an.l Sianlc Vunety Goods, tifDOf
the Gill C.,iiib, l«i Market ►‘reel, near Liberty. I itis
DU, KllALlCil, Dealer in i'roduce and Family
, R.'tm! 1 11 i*C' i. No4B Liberty at, next door topor
ner of M i' *i. •
Jcmer Diiimi J. Ilarnaon SewelL
f.\ I'NLOI* i. SEWELL, Atiorueya at Law,
XJ Uibre* on Btmdiheld, between dd and 4lli sta.
mntMy ,
h kwalt jous euuar.
WALT, 4 GKUIIART, Wholesale Uro
Li cera. .n-aler* m pwduee and Pittsburgh manufac
ture*. rot tier of Liberty and Hand st»., Pituborgh, Pa
fc1.17 ..
’ *•*' B -11. JASua I. aannaTT.
ENOLINM a BESSETT, Dale English, Gal
lasbi-r A Co 1 Wiiolc-sle Groce**, Commission and
Forwarding Merchants, and Dealers in Prodoee and
PiitHburch Alanumctures, No. 37 \\ ood street, between
Sc. .i..d and
111 A W 4. McKMOUT, Attorney* at
imo iruiuvid b i>:w iioot» nearer Gram ttreti,
■ ■>» lil.t. a'l'H't OI«i Home. apSdliP
ar „ vv- | ia re r<'in<>vrd tfceir office to tbe *ouih
r.ip u/ I\.-1.1 »»rrri. between Cherry Alley .and Grant
1* K Fni -.u ’ Kurv. Janifc* 'v«xl.
TMtlliND, fill KV <fc Ct>., Wholciale Grocery
X* nmj anJ At»eiiUJ'or tinshion
... n<i«o7 vv aiff 4i.<3103 Frontauceu Pm*-
iV UtA'-MIC, I'nnw F*«nr Muiiufacturcr und deal-
I I(<T ~j \| u ., ri |i iii'Uunicnt«, lli WooJ yrwi^iirti
•Fiiih ....
/*!..• r>tK*ITII JOBS A. fOMTTII.
17UltSVTU &. Co, Oi:r.mi“ian »nd Forwudinf
X* MrrciiuiiLv No. 00 Wnttr »t, Pituburxh. m»y!4
PKAXCJS' BKI,LRIIS, Orocer. Commi»»ton
H Mi-r'ri.iiiii and dealer'in Produce, Cordage, Oil*,
N<> i; l.i!u:riy «. uc»rCtnallia.'»n»i , i*l»liurgh t
N Nil ihLu:ii, IMfh, Manilla Rope, &c, alway* on
buiJ. __ _ H7*-
15 ■ 11. Kim, lraurr m IIWV*. llnuenr. rad
r . traey rad Supl« «a nrad,
Piu» 'unt.n. . •* ■' —'
cin7](aßois. viTHUi!* *iUi **
,-er, ami Coißini*M« .Merchunt*, U>s W ood street
r.tuuu'vu Pa *
GBO. a. BKKUY W'fcakwile Grocer and Com-
Mcrehaul. and Dealer iiv Produce and
Pittsburgh Manufacture* No 1® "
Geo, \V Sunn. M- U
GKO W SMITH a Co., Brewer*, Milner*,
and dealer* in Hop*, Pittsburgh and Point tow
crir*, Penn and Pitt streets. _ J_ an *
Gt IiORGB COCHRAN, Commission and For
f warding Merchant. No. !»W ©d »ueet,Fittsbargh.
U}!l " Geo. G. Browne*
TIILL * UHOWSE, (successor* to Holdship
XI X Drownr.] Importer* and manufacturer* of Wall
Patx-r nnJticU'-tai Paper Warehouse, No, W *»«*>
• ireeu Pittsburgh- l* 3o .
fj aY»‘ A BIIOCKWAY, Druggists, No. ’£ Com-
XI uirrcial Row, ncur the caua! bum, Pittsburgh
Hilary brunot, white a red lead
Manufacturer. Paint A Oil Merchant, come; of bjb
eny uue O’Hara nv, Pittsburgh. » gl>ts
ISAIAII DICKEY a Co, Wholesale Grocets,
Ccmm<s»ton Mcrchsuiu and dealers in Ptoduce, Nos
00 *tt*r and HIT Froul ureets, Pittsburgh. novS
J’ OSKPfI EXOI, Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh,
Hu., has resumed the practice of bis piolrssiofi in
bisotnee- N'ol, Uakcwell’s Buildings,Grant street,oe
cup.>d during hi> absence by T. J. Bigbum anai J.
Curi»i;e,E*qrs. _
JOflS n. MORGAN, Wholesale Druggist, and
denier m Dye StufTi, Patnw, Oil*, Varnishes, Ac,
No UJ* Wood street, oue doer South of Diamond Alley,
!■„. .»° l .
JASIKS KERR,Ju-ACo..Ducces»orsto Joseph
ti Davtsi Mnp Onau-Ilers, 36 Water su , . Qt’3l
JOHN WALKER, Agent for Jesrop; A Sons
Mecl No S 5 Wood street; ha* constantly on band
a large of Extra C*«t. Casr Don We tad Sio
g\t s'uear, German and English Blister Steel; .which he
will '-M e-n the ino«i accommodating terms nichlS
JOIIN H. ftIELLOR, Whniesaieand Retail deal
cr mi Mu«ieand Musical Instrument*,tschool Books.
Paper. Slater, Heel Pena Quills. Printer*' Cards, and
Stationery generally. No. hi Wood st, Pittsburgh.
{o*ltns« lajugtu or taken in uade. , • e P*?._
JSCHOONJIIAKBR * CO. w|j<jle»l« D|J*’
. Wood St. PlltabUlgh. |
J'OSEPH JORDAN A SON, Commission and
TorwanJ.nK Merchmts, No L- Liberty st,(opposite
Sinni lield «t i >nnii.iM>n’» _ .... j 1*55-
t’ouN L. GALLATIN, Attorney at L*w. Office
J till »t, between Grant and Southfield, south side,
Pittsburgh. Pa. Will also attend promptly to business
n the adjoming routines . ;2«*M7__
J oiin d. davis, auctioneer, corner Fifth
and Wood MTecUl, _ _ 1
JOllVc. BID WELL, Apsnt, Wholesale Gro
t, r and Commission Merchant Water street, Itnd
door :»t>qre the Mimongahela Bridge, Pittsburgh.
lron, Nails. Glass, Ac. at manufacturerV prices.
iiov-JK ‘
• Punier* and Paper manufacturer*, No. H. Marke
■t Pittsburgh. J**
J L. READ’S Book Store, 4lh, near Market It
• Classical, Tnroiogtcai. Historical,.School, Miscel
alaeou* and Mnlu>di*t Book* and ajd»_
J \V. ROBERTSON A CO., Bankers and Ex
• change Brokets, comer of Wood and Third streets,
(Merrbaul’s Hotel Building*,) Pittsburgh, Pa.
purchaacd at the iiaqal raiesi oetll
JOHN GRIER, Wholesale Grocer,dealer in Pro
doer, P'ii<bur;tb manufactures, Tin Plate, Ac. Ac,
No 'Sri Liberty »i Pittsburgh.
' John Floyd. Richarf Floyd.
JK R. FLOYD, (late J. Floyd A Co.] Wholesale
, Grocers. No. IW Liberty septs_
JAHIEB DALZBLL; WhdeialoGroeer.Conani*-
a,oh Mrrcham, and dealer in Prodaee and Pittsburgh
nianofacturrs. No' it Water *t. Pittsburgh. _J*nlO_
tS. WATERMAN, Wholesale Giocer, For
. and Commission Merchant Dealer in
Pittsburgh Manufactures and Produce, Nos. 31 Water
, . aud n-J From }'P.
LEWIS HUTCHISON ik Co., Wholesale
Grocer*, For.variug and Commission Merchant*.
' and dealer* mi Pittsburgh Maau&cinres, «
Water and i/I * mum*. l'__ »“S?V
Henry Lai then. 1 John Shipton.
LAMBERT a SHIPTON, Wholesale Grocers,
l'orwnnluii'and Coninus* ion' Dealers
• n Produce* nil Pittsburgh manufactures, Nos 13 and
* itfWmvl fi. .
John M &til. S- H. I»u*hfieid. Jas. D- >PGiH
a m 'GILLS A BUSH FIELD. Grocer* and Coro-
JVI fni»* «n Merchant*. No tM Liberty auaet,.Pitts
burgh- .
’.MAN * Alex. Ninuck. Win. K Nimlck
M ALLEN A Co., Commission and Forwarding
. Mrn-hants, Water and Front sis,between Wood
ar.d Mnrkrt J* lfl
MVF.US. UWNTKR a Co, Wholesale Grocers
_ No i r rty st .-
cer* and Coimmsßiou Mrrcluuiia, No 170 liberty
•iteei. fm*i.«irrh. »•« ]aaH
MeCOUD ASKlNG,"wholesale and retail Hat
ami Ctp manufacturers, and dealers in Fancy
Fnr*. corner of Wood and Fifth sia. ' jin i
MA J. SLO AN, Wholesale Grocers, Dealers m
. Prodorr and Salt, and Forwarding and Commit
»,on Mrrehants, No*‘■a L.t.eny and aVI Wood streets,
Pittsburgh. _ • fB
XT HOLMES di. HON, No &5 Market «treeLwc
i> . ond door frrwn comer of Fourth, Dealers in For- and Ihuarsiic Bill* of Exchange, Certificates of
l)t-nn*rt. Buik Nole« and Specie. ; i
\£j“ CoUtfhony mnAt er» alt tA< prinaftltitiutktougk
pvr I«e rr.Mr.-r Swie. # deet7
MITRPIIY*, WILSON A ci>„ Wholer«Jt Dry
lioods Dealer* No. 9 Wood atteet Pittsburgn
K‘w pmnrirziet.' A Culbertson C 11 Grant
POINDEXTER A Co, Wholeaale Grocers
and Ctuma>»*U’ii end ForwardingMarehatus. Not;
Waierstirer. ___ _*
K|l. lIAWKINS, Atiomey at Law, Grant si,
, Uakevcell’* Building., nearly opposite th* New
Court Dmise. ap|od3ffl*
Robertson Produce Deal.
- rr* *nrt C*Mnnns*ion merchant*, No 109 Second st,
Putsbureb. _ - ' xpH
RICHARD T. LEECH, Jr., Importer and
Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Saddlary Hard
ware. and Carriage 7runnings,of all descriptions, No
)Xi Wwd sirrel. I'litshftrgh. G *ap96
a. aacca. jr. • a saki^u*.
RBRVCKI ,CO, Wholesale GtoeerTcimim.
s.on 'Merchant?, ana dealer* in Produce and
Pittsburgh Manufacture?, Liberty fL opposite Smith
field »t l _Pßtsborgh. Pa. ' m js
RICHARD BARD, Wholesale and retail dealer
in Leather, Morocco, shoemakers’ Tool* aud Find-
, llcr '£ nJ . Cunio,s Tools, and Tanner* Oil, No.
:l>il W ood st Pittsburgh. sepld
Robert dalzell a po», \vh<>ic«ak g«>-
cer*. Commltsion and Forwarding htercbanm, dea
lers in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufacture?, Liberty
street, Pittsburgh. Pa. u ’ f e b-.M
n ROBISON A Wholesale Grocert. Pro-
At. duee and Communion Merchants, und Dealer* in
.1 msburgh Manufactures, No. leO Liberty street, Pitts
burgh, Pa. • j al ,|o
’ ROBERT AIOOIUC, Wholesale Grocer, Rertify
AV mg'Distiller, deiUerm Produce. PiU4>urgh Maim
kinds of Foreign and Domestic Wiues
_ q £ of *‘ *' , J Liberty street Pittsburgh.
JfT.n. D- Ou hand. a very large slock of superior
Old .Monongahela Whiskey, which will be Mild low for
cash. ma>-ZJ-ly_
L. O. Reynolds. J. L. Shce.
REYNOLDS A BIIEE, Forwarding and iCom
mission Mricnwits, for the Allcglieity luver Trade,
dealers iu Grocerie*. Produce, Pittsburgh Manufactures
and Chloride'of Litm*.
The highest price*, in cash, paid at all times for {
Oonn’irjtftffi. Corner of I’cnn ami Irwin «t». jantll ,
U C Shacklett ~ "ThoaTß" White.
lets in Foreign and Domestic Dr)’ Good*, No V'J ,
Wood street, Pitwhurgb , fol.lTif
Si W. HAHBAUGH, - Wool ~Mer=him*.”deal
• ert in Flour and Produce generally and Forward
ing and Cosamisstoa .Merchants, No XI Wood «treet,
Pittsburgh. t -. jant
SAMUEL PALMEII, Attorn-;! at Low. UtLcc
in Ilreed’s buttJin;. No fc'J Fourth street. between
Wood and Sm.ihfield. nor3dAwlv
STEPHEN - B AiIhETT, Manufacturer of Fan
ey,Shaving and Toilet Soane. Winter mid Summer
pressed Laid Oil. Ac. • No 17 Fifth at, between Wood
mid Market »u. Piushargh. l*a.- oc3l
Si If VOH BONNIlOaST& Co./ WtoTeTal*
I.Utocers ’■’orwardinr and Commission Merchants.
Dealers m P.ltsburgh Manufactures and Western Pto
•lace, liavc removed to their new warehouse. told suiud)
No 03, comer of Front si and Chancer) Lime. nov7
QAUVBL M. ICIER, Forwarding ami Cointui*
U won Merchant. Dealer' in Salt,-Produce ami P m«
t'urgh manufactured articles, Cuuul linsm. nt-ai 7ib st.
d’Jl ~
S’.-N. WICK.KHSIIAM, Dealer .11 Seed*. Flow
• ers, Fluit Tree*,sail Agricultural Implement*,No
|;ci Wood street Pittsburgh. tcbtl
Kb>NNC-Dt, Jr , Looking t»u** Mhiiu:>u'iu
L rer, sail Dealer in Clock*, Comb*, nml Vesrty
• mod*, corner of Wood a ml Fourth street* jll>
T I* Forsyth- R J Forsyth.
P. FORSYTH t Co, Commission Merchant*.
I .dealer* in t*alt, Lwtiher, Groceries. Prt>Jtic.e amt
Pittsburgh Manufactured, Cuual Un«in, Liberty street.
Pmrhnrgh. _ febt*
A. IIILLIER, Gluts ami Picture
X •Freuto Manufacturer, ami Importer of l-ookin*
Gla*» Plate*,' dealer in House-furnishing Hardware,
and Fancy Good*, 104 Wood street, near Fifth.
JOHJT B. WICK. |i*Vll> N CiUtlLUl
WICK tb M'CAKDLESS, (successor* to [, A
3 D Wick,) Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and
Cotmoiisioo Merchant!, dealers in Iran, Nad*. Glass,
Cotton Vain* and Pittsburgh Manufacture* generally,
eorncrof Wood and Wat.-nts, Pittsburgh. mchls
WW» YyiLSOW, Watchmaker and Jeweller,
» cornerof 4ih and Market street*. apltl
WR. MURPHY invite* the to call and
■ cxamime hi* stock of Freneb Worked Collar*.
Mime a* low a* cent*. mch!3
lIT GREER, W||olc*alcGroeer.Forwarding and
T? » Commission Merchant, and Dealer'll Produce
md Pittsburgh Manufacture*, corner of Water and
Sruith6eld tta. Pittsburgh, Pa. an!6
14-IIITMORE ft. WOLFF, Importer. a.»d
F» Wholesale Dealer* iu Hardware, Cutler}. Sml
dlcry, Ac,corner Liberty and St. Clair street*, Pitts
burgh. _ a££
IX’BI. Gl*Elfßi, Bookbinder, ha* removed to Hie
—» » coruer ot Wood and Third it*, above C. II Kay,
where he is prepared to do every description of Ruling
nnd Binding. ap'da
Ww. WALLACS, Mill stone and mill furur'h
• ing No. tH4 Liberty iirt. near the
canal. marii
WPB, BFCUTCIIEON, Wholesale Grocer*.
• and Dealers in Pittsburgh Manufacture*, and
Western Produce generally, No. l&i Liberty strret.
Pittsburgh, Pa, _ tn.ll
W' ~4b M. BnTCRKLTREE, Whole*a!r Grr>-
• cer*. Rectifying Distiller*, and Wine and
Merchants, No. ICO Liberty stieeu {opposite' Sixth m .)
Pittsburgh. _ ranyliiily
\\ O, n. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law, ha*
M « removed hts osce to the Exebuncc UjifiLngs,
St Clair street, nextdoor to Aldcunan John*. ,
WH. GAKHAILD, Dealer in Pancy and Suple
• Dry Goods, No W Market street, Pittsburgh.
k - _ _
tiYILLIAMB X O^LWotiTll, (tram the burnt
;t District.) Wholesale Grocer*, are now located at
No. lid Wood *t, where they offer for .ale a large u**oit
inentofGroccties and Pittsburgh Manufacture*, at low
prices and.on favorable term*. may 11 .
WW. WILSON, Dealer in Watch**, Jewelry,
• Silver Ware, Military Goods, Ac. No. 5? Mar
ket street. . _ oov?
WrTmurphy , wholesale and retail dealer In
•Foreign and Domestic Dry Good*, north earn cor
nerof Marketanrf Founhjts. _ augtfl
Will- P, IllWlN, Jr., hav ng'purchased the
Drug Store oT Kdgar Thorn, corner of Pent ami
Hand street*, will seep a constant supply of -.he he-t
medicines, perfumery. Ac.
Physician's prescription* carefully compounded.—
Medicioes con be had at all hours of the night.
A hi U’allinffont. John F Singer.
WALLINGFORD A Co., Coinimscoji and For
warding Merchants, Second, near Wood street,
Pittsburgh. Pa. feuts
WH. Jii. DARLINGTON, Attorney at Law
Pittsburgh, Pa, v.ontmis*<ouer to take the ac
knowledgment and proo of Ileed*, leases. Contract*.
Depositions, or any oihe* wming funurr >eal or not.) to
recorded in the Smie of Oh,» Office on
Third street,aboveSmit held. p-11-if
WC. AUGIIINBA.UGU, Attornry at Law
• Fifth street, near Smnbfield. Colieeung, acen
cic* and other business attended to with punctuality.
liissells A Semple, Wn. Croghau. Esq.
0 A Fahnestock A Co, John Herron. E*q,
Grad! Lindsay A Co, John WngLi, K<q,
James AlcCully. Esq, Maj. William Lanrotr
Ao. 114 liberty and 53 Diamond ailey.
prrraßUßGii, pa.
WHOLESALE and Retail Dealer >n atl kind, of Se
gars, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco and SuutT:
Union street, eenr the Diamond. Piiuburgh myMt
Bankert, Dtaltrt m Exdmngs. Bank y«ut and Cain,
Comer of Third and Wood •irrti-,
n<rv|JMllv Pittsburgh, Pa.
fTv William*. ' Win. M Shuiii.
[Sticcrxun U Loirtit ir William* I
(ay-Office Norb side n( Fourth *l, above SmithtieW.-£3}
(cl*l7tl*wlyF <
H W William,
• WALIiiaOfORD & Co M .
Aourts roa Natloi k Co. 1 * Stlel
Have on band a lull assomneut of Cast, Sukae,
feblS Du«tu mm! Uuxis Stkl
ATTORNEY and Counsellor at Law, CINCINNATI.
OHIO. Collection* in Sonibetn Ohio and tn Indiana
and in Keuiucky, promptly ami carefully attended >o.
RRPEKTO—Hon. Richard Bnldle, WmlicllA Son.
C unu,.Wn M'Kuight.Church k Carothers, IFrailays,
Kaq., James P. Stuart. Wjiiock 4. Dim: jy^U
Oliver Blacklrarn. George B. Jones
WHOLESALE Grocers and-. Dealers in Oil*. Boat
•lores, and Pittsburgh Manufactured article*, have
on hand at all timet a full and general a>sortineni pf
goods ui their line. Water street, near Cherry Alley,
Viuthursh. iant:l
-ffisemn of tuk juwata wokks,
roa thx balx or
Having utkeo the Warehouse formerly occupied by
M. U Rhey & Co.
Water Street, near Evan's Steam Mill,
Will keep on hand u full ripply of all sues of Boiler
Iron and Heads. Flue and Ftmlled Iron, made from
htahot/unfato Uaems; which will be-aoldnt the lowr-i
market rates. Engine Builders and oth-r*, uVc invited
o call and examine his nock. Orders, pfomp'ly at
cßded to. jyJll ill v
JOHN 91. TOWNSEND, Druggist and Apothe
cary, No 43 Market si, three doors above Third *t..
Th:>burgh. will have constantly on hand u well ►elect
ed assortment of the best and freshen Mrdindr *. which
lie wilt sell on the mc»t reasonable term* Phy'cian*
sending orders will he prorupilv atteuded to, hiu! sup
plied with articles they may rely upon a* genuine
IP*Physicians’ Prescription* will he accurately and
neatly preparcmfiom the best materials, ut any hour ui
the day or nightT ’
Also for sate, a large stock of fresh arid good Perfu
mery. jni'l
Office 3d St, opposite St. Charles Hotel,
WILL ilsoattend promptly lol’-ollectioits,in Wash
inrion, Fayette and Green Counties, Pa.
Rxru to
Belli Co 1 ‘
Church A- Carothers 1 Pittshnrgh.
p.T. Morgan | _ ocUldly
c. w. arcrxTsoA
ANCFACrUREK of Tin. Copper, and Slie-t Iron
Ware, arid'dealer m Britannia and Japanned
Ware, No 17 Market street. The subscriber respect
fully calls-the ftlteaiion of the Western Merchant*.
Country dealers*and others, to his large swek of tnun
rfactnred Tin and Copper ware, wiih a large aa*oit
meat of imported Itoase Furiiisliiflg Hard ware
Wholesale buyers and the. public generally, are .nv.
ted to call. ' _ ... mJf !—
' OEO. W.' BdITH ACo.
Corner Barkers Alley and Penn 2*i, And fool of Fill St,
~ Pittsburgh. Pa.
JR UoiibnghL W. Bonbrighl.
_ , „ ' S. *. W. BONBRIGIIT,
ARRANTED equal, if not superior, m any made
Tt in tne. United I*l ite,. and which they wiH dispose
of allow Prices and on good Term*
Beaver. Pa
11. r. i*XMioa. sxeuoa. *L«‘m.Ttx».
H. P. k S. NELSON k CO.,
Manufacturers of Hammered nnd
Spade*, Hoes, Hay and Manure Forks, Ac ke.
Warehouse, No ll Wood street, Pittsburgh marl 3
A. .M. Wal ingiord.
IITAKKMOUSIiS Sccn.-id Mf.i'i, in-ar Wood, and
* » Canal Ilium -I..t>eriy «tr«-ci. have on hand and for
•ale 100,000 lira aborted s;rel. vit
Naylor It ifo ? » Ca*t« Shear, UlMrr and German te**l
Jooc« k (Kelt'* Am bli»i<r and Fork
iiuu doi Muvt i*. and Fur**,
Carriuge and Ai'es
i Anvil*, (inoii«e liote;) Vice*. Ipa:cm and common.)
Sledge*. Siedjjt? .Mould*. Crowbars
| Furnace Binder*.(Juniata Iron.;
t Mattock*.Ola) and Coa: l\ck*:
! Axr«, Scythes Sictlr*. L t>g Cham*, Ac.. Ac.:
ID“>alamauder Fite From Sate*, him. N a u«. Gln*»
■and other Pittsburgh Manufacture* .old ai ilm !owr*i
: ; Icl.tS
i C R Ortllcr.lioiV'.T, JKc iT.lidll ''Hlllt
.COMMISSfoa 111'K iTll AX T 15,
No. &> South Whurve*. and No U?*«uih Water »l
hO to inform ue trude and di-akr* generally ol
* iU»l»ursU. tital they liav.- made far h jrrurigciurnu
uMli the \irgtma tuaimtWturcr* and the Grower, ol
llie West. V\ cot Jndie*. and other places u-* insure
a large and con.uni supply of the follow,ng dntcrtji
lJ>n* of Totiucco which l»Ji -old u|kjii a* nrcom
modaang term* o. any other house 1.1 tin* city or rltuv
; w « R re, and ,all goods ordered trout them will he war
| rattled to representation:—
Havana; St. Duntmgo; Conn.. )
\;.ia. Porto lli.o: Peiin'a.. J SeeJLeaf To
Culm; Igium; and Florida.) hacco,
• Al.SO—llrnnch’a cclchrated Aromatic Slug Cavcn
dish, with a large assortment ol other popular Proud-.
and ijiiuliiii-i ol pound* 5. *■» rj». tti« and dtis latmn,
o* fi* r-* and lh« Plug; Isil«' Twnt; Virginia Twin.
Ac. -wen and p1a,.,. in whole and halt hole*. wood
mid tm, together witk every variety o<‘ article helong
mg to ihe_triidi-. jelO-dly
J D Ljtujtax, C \V AnosKsO*,'
Pnt.hnrgU, Pu. Latent Nashville,Tenn.
1. EliaiKU <fc ANURHSON. I>a!rr« in Cotton,
XJ Forwarding uTnl Commission Mrichsru*, .No b
Front street,above Ilroadwiij-.Cmcinnn'.-. t'h’o.
Exru to—
M Allen A to, )
.Bagalcy K South, } I* ifl.ureti
* \Njn. Ilmgliurn )
Seay A Ni-pherd.
.Mamii A .McAli.ut
.‘YrulninnA Armi'i'-ml J
W F l.anrA C<. . la.u -vKy.
Spnuper A Wlninirui, ) , '
Jnrm-s Jo|m«ion A *o. J 1 1,1 °
1 Icwell, llrran A l\» , N. vv
- Mappreppor h Mure-. Nr* irk
I Duvuli Ke;pli>r A «’o.. D.ilt.niorr.
| !*toi>b. Uagaicy A i«j . Pui.ailn.pltiu.
! _ Daniel Dr»l;on. Do.ion janß
' ' J. tJ. W. ' \V. I' Wilmhi
: J. G. W. LEFTWtCH & Co.,
KKl'Fl VI V». Full W A KDl\(«. 1
And Commission Merchants,
PAU'I'ICUf.AIt alii niio’i to oan«iguti,ent« o;
Supsr MiSl*. Hupne*. or uil*rt an.c.c* I'or Opclo J»a*
! ami Atmlapa*.
, RKFKKTO—SLriIieId A l..gliUow, Mi Tim
-1 nun Limerick; Neve Orient*.
i Mr»srr. Lur:on&UeuerKin. Mr 7. M Sherlcy. Lou
! laville.
; >.Mc*«rv Hull A. Speer. .Mr Wm!
■ WieUminu. Anm-irone A JWimlvcu. I'm.lmrs:i.
, Jlfim. Hcvao, Totld A C.*'. lime...not.
i Mrryv Hyuc* A. CrAigncud, .Me«.r» IMward* A.
! Wliit&H. Hun. Zoiicm l.iti.auvc, lion John Duiinn,
1. CRAIG, BELLAS <*. ( 0..
lini'RAL «• <«!■ sdvanee* made on tempi of n)n
-u t'gniuonu Thom* • mppritg to our nd<iie«» will lie
] paid ihree-tourilns mine i:i uiiv.rnce ui Cash. j»y apply
:-mg 10 our
j .Menu*. Wallingford A Taj Piiwhurgli
| Mr»«rv Tho». Mrjl A. Co . Uralsrjiorv, Ohm
Pli.lndt'lpiiiH. May 5. I*>lo m
N-'B. All produce to n>* .« inrur,’/i wlirn
in liie wnrrhou»e o{ WaiUheiord A Taylor,
or in our »iommu I’tniadrlpn.a. i: 11. \ Co
! FKKSU JMJ.'Ol'.'J’A'nit.NS OK h\i:i>\vakk.
j LI)U3I Jc K K N N Em,
| IMIMKTFHS <)K AM) WiiolXsALK UKAl.lifls
John M'firew
Robert Fainunn
J nmr» U liarr
Jn« l.«wty A Sofli
Riddle Sc Drennan
Hugh H W B ||^ C
Ramsey X M’OeHaad
More* HuHuek
David Lufcey
For Rights to mat** -md sell the above Bedsteads
apply 10 ' EDKNKZKR F OA/./.AWr,
dee 111 Pa!eBJ«C
1 I e subscriber-navinc olna.tied a patent. M<i>'l® j
l '•SO.i r j |*ie»* llnvk Mjrliai.'. ami having iine«then !
inm.i gbly irsird i!» ability, an- now prepared 10 sell ]
t ehi* an.) romrari m driver i:im hints to any |u(rt of |
tin- t .nt’l filalr* Tie m»< hni- ;» designed to sake ,
lif.ek from mu! ••, and will make 30,1(10' fcood {
.nmr firm brick per da). si)®, cully hard W *l#cl up |
ui thr kiln, thus a vo. ding ihr expense anj labor ofpre
panti ; the clay .drying and bundling lha l.tirk after
l.piug unuldcd. It i* •ißip'o. •Irung. nol liable'.o
out or rcpa.r. am! n constructed that it can be taxfn to
p eee> and put together jrtUi great facility,thus retder
>ng ,t enable We are now building uuutbiitnw*nd
can tor in »h them on -turn Fora full iletcnpiion
wr w jbl rri’.-t o •. machine now in .uece-*«fut opera
t:mt * .i Mdl »-rc» > Umoni, near the VVrtt rnd of I'.lgiilh
fir* it, where we -huii be hiqipy to explain cverypuitg
cciniie.cted with it in all who may rail. Wc hare a;
pre-rut i:o naihor.zi-d Agent Ail letters luoursdurcM
Atwood,Jooe‘A Co Rnnvn. H«..ry A (\> DOI.IVAU FIKK UIIICKS.
l-orenz. Sbeti.i.g A ('<> 11-.-nr; tiraff . XTENSIVKLY tested and appioved during the paM
Oraff, LmdVey A Co |> 1,, rt h A Co 1 j two year* by the prirteitui iron uiaiiufnciorirsiii,
l.ynn priori'A Co Clark" A Thaw -nr western country, and inroiiglwut the interior ofi
_ 1.1 .Nav Ihe iunic*.u! un w tilth their durability
1 ALEXANDER LEVY & BROS. '■ tuir-.r.l an.) n.wpacilv pressed by machinery, and m>-
I C «!&S '£B*7L tILJ-SiilK : wsaM ;
i the lowest rate* ‘>t i cimn.i>-'on« and ■ iip| rr s i.y mt'l -r nilierw:»<*, w.p be promptly rxrru- ■
, are a.wu.)'. prepaied to urase lidruurr. Hie , r .; 1>( t ap.Mfat.ou t.» JMli W M ACI.ARKN !
[ re.rrciiee* g|v C ri, t: i>-<|U.ti-ii. , " llr! ‘ a-ldi' «*■•.. n» > nur i, Krna ngtnn Iron Work* j
either llou«e w.ll t.e promptly uur-nded to. p, .;tk!ly - I
‘ ' Itill U « ». .. it .t.ti V XI KW KOI'UTII STIIKKT, I
JUII .\ 31.. RIIIIA R D S , -it co.NFF.cnoNAttv and fruit stoke, w.u \
•NO sio WATER ST. ni’rO<lTK Oil E A l*>l UK . A .picnd,.l a>-ortiiie»i of Funcy C*kr, ConiVeimaurt. '
BALTIMORE, 1 Fruit. Ac , t'ir»n on the counter every day; among winch i
,11 WINDOW (ilasrn, «.ln« VVare. Dried I ru.t. It. e- j the following
i VV' wax. and Country i’rotlure .; Macu/oniis; I'ounJ Ca'.c; lbseuit, . I
Advance* made on ron»ignin»nt» S-u *:';tt lory tef- Fnatry. Spong” <!c, I'epper Nuts; 1
crenre to iho-o addre«*iiig by mail JeilyCnk«, Ain.ond.lo. Molasses F. Cake;
1 if.nrrt Nut*; Wafer Juinb cs. Sponge H scut. i
"“’tHOMPSOS ACA 31 POKLIT, 1 (1 TV^\r C ' (>e-!mV Jrllv ('ate "f mv !
l.\ HARDWARE, cmkliv, Ac,
No. lt!i Wood Street.
AKK now 111 Hie coatee of fT'ceiv,,,,. .rirge 11 hbt nn«
811,1 ir . vim h huTrtic hern purcna*r«l Oil the
ino l ailvnuiMgrou* !• rm* .;i England. «>i.| d net Iron,
the Manufacturer? n .i:r» I-Ojnrry. enable* u„.m l<> of
| ler .xal* on term* »urpH-*cl by ucmr km! equalled t>)
. few Purchasci * are t<-»pe'-;i u >:y ,n * Til to i■*!..
! an
(iKl)it(iK CDrHUA.N,
uo.M'ission a. fohvvuu im; muh hut,
I No ili WriOII <T»« I ET . I’l I I w.
('I<>NTIMIKS l KS to tramcl a t ‘<•111101 >M»n
J Business. r'prcn’ih in the purrin'-- -nH *«k*
of Ar.'ftricjn Munut.mtu'c* and Produce. and in
receiving and forwarding Goo.l* consigned 10 In*
earn. As Avcr.t lor the Manntaclurrri. ha will be
constantly supplied with the principal article* of
Pittsburgh Manufacture at the lowest wholesale
prierfl. Orders ami co.tnpian nis n sp-ci'iFlr
II F |.'l. lomi/n-on -
PORTSMOUTH, < linn comm ■•:cn and
Merchant*, and Puklo-t lie i.i r*-~a!«o alter'd ;.i the
J Purchase. SaJoandWrpTTM of Ptg Iron. Coa’. Ac
And Manufacturers of Linseed Oil,
! Xu. 20 Columbia Street,
I’INtTW ATI nmn 1 tr "* ll »«■•«»• Twin. Ilusk. Ac . manufactured *u!rly
L-li> Ll.i .'All, lllil'l. from White When I Flour, and iree iroinall drugn.rve'y
(Jj*CASH PAID nm ' m,irain?« ap!l ANUHEWB
. WOT WATTEItSOS, Let all Uio*c now Phuvc who never Shaved before,
’ FORWARDING AMIi’"MM l**SH l.\ MERCHANT, And tho*e who alwav. Hiovr now Shave Urn more.
IteilbnnU, Ph. T N ottering thi* *upenqr Shaving Compound !o the no
j 'I' 1 HE *dv-rt;l*rr would re-p-< ifuity form I, *f r »nd» J ire of the public. I can with confidence. «»y thai the
1 nnd <nr pul-! v ii.ul hr in,* M!,i 11 11.- \Vjr-l,cii.„, 1 opinion of all who have tried i< pronounce li the must
i formerly occupied hi J E Gould, where hr. w,!. trim- : piea».,nl rotn|>o»iiioii tliat they Imre ever.otedi sud in
• sad u K-nr fu! Agency. I'.>r .* a riling and Comm ■•mil 1 order to place it within the rrnch of all, I have reduced
; buMiietiv Parl'i-uUr aUeiii.un given in ail consign ifo: price low-cough to nlTnrl “n opportunity to evrry
Intent*. Charge* j«-a«ou.iMe. umillii p-nmii togve it a trial and juiige 101 tlivtn.cTvrs. 80,
Hedbank. March 1. 1-17 : Grntlrnien. ,t you wish fni a rich, luxurious *ha*r. on
J.. .. . ivp.,,,1,1, . ' '».rh >our*havimjcup'. <lon’i be »«•. red' n woulrom
ALLIAGI-Oil!) A CO., mucli lo filtilihu, and.if von are not «aii.«Ce<l, tbe moit
i;o.\!MJ*>|oN A FOKWaKDIN<» 'IKHOIIAVI\*\ ; n Wi\)lr rriumeiJ. STKI’HKN DARKKTr
DL-.t^ci. 81 ”' I,’ 1 ,’ ut»r Wood. Jro.nMj Lard 0,1 Factory and Fancy SAmp Work*,
KALI-.US I it;*t.uT K ii Muuu'uuurt- I Heavv sth *l. opposite Iren Cnv Hotel
llaroware—w>l! k«>.-n oun‘iiiin;y un<l a •tn>-k t ... _ ,r _ ,r, ..
of ram.** ham-Vy-thr, .ml ...k- ; H.rdw*r«, CttiUo-, B.ddU'y, *e^-
l^dßct l Ar f A^ ,:^0 ‘ ,r ' 1 '‘ V '‘ C * olaCkMn ' h " H.tlrjT'' fMPORTKR AND DEALER in Forc'pn ami Dorue.e
— K . - ;cl tie Hardwate, would rrnpecifully inform hi» t'ririul*
Malcolm LiF.rx. jotEPii ■ i.elcii I aml the public generally, that he :« now receiving Li»
MALCOLM LEECH A SON', j *pr og »upplv of Hardware, at the old Hand of Walker
LATE M, LKKCu a CO., Wbolr*n!e Lrocer*. Com- 1 * Wnodwrelf. No 5a Wood »trret, which he will dirpo*e
KUMioiLmid Flour Merchant*. denier* in nI! kntdi ,o' ihr most reawiinble term*.
Country Produce, Copper, Tin, Tin Plate*. T.ini'ef*’ 1 He will be continually receiving frc*h «anplie»dneci
Took, Iron ;nml Zinc, Whim J.c.ud. Dye Suilf*. ff"in >Ue Manufacturer* in Europe and Hu* couniry.
Ru««ia --heel Iron, Lead, Crmon Vain-, Salt, Ac., Iml ' will enable him to compete with any
Piit-burgli Matin': • lure- ip-imfndy N«>* Wl.Ud, and &J I inrnt. either Ka»t or Writ, \
Liberty -tree t,one door atjovc the lica d ot Wood *tree/.. WeMern Merchant* ate itiviirdio rail and examine
Pittsburgh. Pa ’ [ b » «K»ek before purcba«ing cUewlirte. tnars
I.iberal advance*, in rn*h of good*. mvle on con i '!») AATKU SOON—Piucr* in wart-liou-cm ictuil
•ignmein* of produce. Ac . Ac. meltlG i V\ amt wholesale itore*, on Mcaiut*oai», or wane u*c
-1" ~j ", \LLKN' ~ • ful cmploymentm our cities, town*, nr country around,•
..'ll - ; (>r several good book-kerpcri, »alu»nicn, agent*, ware-
COMMISSION mERCHANT| i hnu*emcn, •choolmailer*. mechanical, farming and
,\l» O Mll.'TII WaTKK Sl\ IMIII.ADA. ’ ! laboring men,
HAS on hand and tor Sale—Hlcaclied W.ntcr Al«. for a number of boy* of different age*. Also.
•and Sptma Sperm (Li, Hle.irh-d Wm'ri and for u number of rolorrd mert and women, bora and
Spring Sea Elcp lim ru (LI. 15‘eiii-hi-d W inter and Spi ,ng cn !* jrT* Wan led, »everal com] cook*, homeketpei*
Whaie Oil. fucked W tmle Oil. light color and Irer tn.m ; and girt* for all work •
All kiii'li i'( Agencies attanded In promptly for mod •
, rriir charge*. Pien»e apply ul IfARKIS’S I
MEIICKK, UUOTUKKK A Co., . Grncrol Agency and Iniellißeiice Olfice ]
_ * ' t|>, I ilih *l. near hicbange Rank .
For ue »yt'- or Faunri:* geucralr., tlir umlrr«igncil. have cntetcd into Conuiincr* !
1’ II 11. \D K I'II lA . V » »h:p tor ihf j iup<>«r nf trail* acting :t rrnducf. :
]p-|.ibchil ailv jm nmilr tin %ly *' '
Plillada, w.ilflm , ORUM, MoUIIBW fc CO.,
- 1 nml have laken Ihe warehr>u«r. No 0 Commercial Bow,
11. w. SITIUWS. w. r. patch. I.ibrny Mrcri, li.rincm-occupied by Mr. W U Fusey—
MATHEWS A. PATCH, , wh. re all bu«mrM minuted in our charge will Ik?
No. te Water Street. Titos R MrfJRKW, •• SinnhGcld, Oh o
W.ll S I>.T -HU in Ihr M-liu.g of Fro- I' n«burgh. March «. 1-47. ; tneli-.’J
1' UP .i, P- Ter., Grocery. F™it and ProvUlou More."
Ku-ra Th-«. -*>-< Ato l . 1 1«. u rgli, Fa. WHwLKSaI.K AND UKTAII.
John M c.illuugli. J\l Kri’hun. i: • IJKNJAMIN IIOWN would rf»prcilullyinform hi*
JOHN M'Cl'LLOroil &, CO. O old fnrml« ami the public generally, that he ha»
Cumini.'svin and Farivurdiiif' Mtrchatits, , ugmn conmubcrd bimne>* m the aboverbrunrhe*, uejt
V/i«r no t. tir wif-i-ti wo ; d‘*«r to bi» old »l;iml, whrrr lie hope*. by keeping a
!M &. US bULIH hi, ! .apply of good <iri..-lm. ir|.m l ’love for ro'lVand pay
>an’J?l vf ItllW I IMi ft W H.\ID Uall I more i lne utirntiou to li.a puiion*, uj-merit ft »hnrc of
TILOS. J. CARSON, A Co* t' u,,; ' r patronage. wirM< -
will be made on cniinigiiinrui to i j’ undrilnkr tbr above butiticM in all it* vnrtou*
j branches, am) warrant* in give »ut:»faetion in every
re*pert Military Stumlartl lianner*, Flag*. Ac - Mint
ed to order OdJ Fellow and Masonic A|- ''<•* ;.»•«)«
on hand. Imitaiiun* of wood* and inurb.c.* dune in a
fortmg, nn'l'Tiiiiiii'io' O'l A l*o, pure Alm-un l.uuno ,
li« «!•<»»* ndtln »«. i>)'
jhiiS ly‘ «:AHSO.V ft. MrKN'Hi HT. K.r:h «t_
«!r.o. n. 3iii/nimiKi!<;Kit,
:s TK A M IMtAT At.KNT, ; superior uiiinmrr
PRODUCE ft MKRCHANDIxK lIKOKKR. »l"-um «4 s*t u..r-i. ij»i*r.ur R o.
mull) ;OiLrr. No 30 Water Sirr.-i, Pittsburgh Pa. ! RAGS WANTED.
- - . .... ; I.B» COUNTRY MIXED RAfiS wanted,
J. SEWrOJi JO.NKS , ]()(),()()|| foT winch the lushest price tn CASH will be
' . . .T/... , Alw»y« nn hr ml, every description of Writing and
i.MONOMJ A UK I. A IHH >K. Wiuppmg Paper and Chloride him*
r - | Corner Penn anil Irwin *i*
U* Lb.V I) W OitKS.— 1 lie undersigned have ■ t t:sT Received, a splendid assortment of English and
completed their new works, located on the b.tnk nl j ,J Preneh Engravings. colored and plain, ol a peat
thn nvtjr above the Aqueduct, in Allegheny city, ’ variety of subject*, suitable for Framing. Portfolio*, or
opposite Pittsburgh, tor tin? inunulsictiire ol a mac- ‘ s 'T»i» Hook. T A HILLIKR
rior quality of white lead, both dry and (pound ini i 101 wood st, near sth_
oil; -also. mil lead and liihernge Having availed i PEKIN TEA STORK,
themselves of all the rccc'nl improvements m it! ' fctXsjl 7A Feurt\ tviti, ntar Vro«*
tnamififcture, »nd erected the-brings very | fes in
extensive scale. and with otp-icily to make lead in from 50 c per pound to «t,iO A JAYM&4
|arge_qaantities, they will be able to supply orders I jyso Ag’t for PekmTea Co
to aimttst-sioy-efH^^— a|>,6 ._ ‘ mackerel., hERRiNa/sALKon, *c.
*»l*nd». , rftilK subscribers keep an assortment of Pickled Fish
I HAVE Received irom 1 lutadejphin a large nssmt* . I „f Massachusetts and Halifax Inspection, for taje
meat of i*pbt >’i t haul 111. nils oj super.or make 1 j„ ] o (* os wanted at their warehouse, No 40 North,
and Bnilh amt lor *alr Inw ; Wharves, Philadelphia.
Opposite bank of Pitt'burgli j
Jno y Singer.
ncALCKf it
Waihingtcri} D. C.
ZKNAS 0. ROBBINS. Mechanical Engineer and
Ageift for procuring Paluot*, will prepare the ne
ce»»ar> Drawing? and Paper* for Applicants for fat
ents. and transact all other ‘.usuics* in the hoe of.his
piotf >»ioii at tue Patent Odice. -lie caa t>e consuiietl
un ail que*non? relatiug to the ratem 1 Laws and deci
sion? .n the United States or Europe. Pe soas-Qt a
ilisiunre desirous of having examinations made'ol Che
Patent Office. prior to making application tor a fiatem,
may forward [po.i paid, encostag a fre of five dolln*,
n clear smiement of their case. wb-n immediate atten
tion will be given 10 it. and all the information that
could be obtained by a visit of the applicant in person}
promptly coininunic.iteii.
Ail letters ou businc** tnust 6» post paid, and contain
u Mi-table fee. where a written opinion is required.
Otfice on F street, opposite the Patent Otfiee.
He ha. ihe honor of referring, by pernui«;«h, to
Hon. Edmund Burke, Comm ariouci of Patents;
Hnn HI. Ellsworth, late do do dot
H Knowles. Machinist. Paient Office;
Judge Crunch, Washington, D C; !
Hon R Choate, Mu*cuchu»etis, U S Senate?!
• Hon. vv Allen. Ohm. do:
Hon. J II Bowlin, M C, Missouri:
Hon W.lli* Hall. New York;
Hon. Robert Smith, M C, illinoi?,
Hon. S llrcere, U Senate;
Hon. J II Rel’e, M C. Missouri; *
('apt. II M Shreve. Missouri; *!
Entsim Urooks, K*q., Pittsburgh. __ apl
prrTsnußnii ruastmt wiri boom*,
Hotel*. and private Dire}-
hue*. constantly on hund anti made 10 order.
Hie present Mock on hand cannot be excelled by any
manufactory m the western country. Per*on* wishing
to purchase would do well by giving mo a call, aa I did
determined my prices shall please. Part of me Stock
consists in—
Wi JSofa* with Plush and Hair-cloth covers;
2doz Mahogany Nurse Chair*;
14 puir Divans;
>2 dor fine mahogany Chairs;
12 mahogany VV orh Irand*,-
J do/ mahogany Rocking Chair*;
13 marhle top Drc*smg Uureim*;
(r pair Ottomans;
p marble top Work Stand*:
I“chcrrv Wurl Snmd*,
Mahogany. Maple Cherry and Bedsteads of
all de»<.ription<; and u isrse a*»oitiiir-ui of Common
Fmuiture and Chairs, too nuiti'-rmi- 10 mention.
N F. \V "If aK l» VV \h i: iT(J Ub K .
Corner of Wrtod and lid »«*, Plftsbnrffh,
HAVING withdrnwn miinihcrblfi'inoi Walker t
Woodweli, on 11>«• I<>l J.iu.mi), 1p47, I lake
p>n*urc in unnouncing lo mv i>.. iid* in the city and
counir), that 1 have, opened ni) new store ot the above
named place. Having! my goods for cash,
nnd made a>ranjetnent* wi.h manu/aciurers 111 lhi»
cimiury and in Kuropc to be ronsiantly supplied, J am
lull) prepared in furm-h Hardware ot all Binds, on as
cui«l terms and n« low a* mi) liou-c East or West
Metrhauts and oihrr* arc respectfully invited 10 cal
and examine my <ioek, before purchasing elsewhere.
The foliowing comprises a part of raj stock.
trteambom and Saddlery Hardware. Gun Trimmings,*. Naylor’s Steel. Cutlery. Edge Tools, Anvila, Vi
res. I.ocks. Latches, Sicklle*. fx'ytbes. Butt Hinge*,
Screwa. Uninulnrinry. Plaiiet.Saws Mahoganv l>oards
uu<i veneer*, and all nthcr articles conntcted wnh die
Hardware business mehlltf
»u inunauJ opposition 10 ihil inyer.J
lion of a Piittliurgh Mechanic, n ma
jority of the Cnh.riel makers Qt liiii
n:t<! Allegheny cuy. «nd tbeir dum«r
ou» cu*u«uf r» ha»e»hown iliem*clvc*
nt-ovr the vu'gnr a(pun*l kamt invtMiotu. *J)«I
: they five <iin*am’» lledeicnd the preference, limply
! |i?ran»r u tinrmi it. tif bol. itrongist, an 4 wwtt
[ nmt-entenr ligcUtead ln,u»r. Ttie following letlimonial
• penW • for it*elh—
Wt ihe Mibrentier*. praniL-ai cabin, i ranker*of the
fiiic* of I'Kuliuigh anil Allegheny. Pa . do hereby Ccr
, t'i> ilitii we have wniehi ill** right u> manufacture bed*
i wnh i’aieii! and consider
ihr »am' - «upcrior iq any fattening* w.tbiwiueh. vre. are
JattiT* l.rmon
T H \ nuiiß A Co
J R llanlry
, John hijißrll. Jr
Uwt .<• A nib n
7t«,m-1- Farley
David Lukrr
Hugh Wallace
i.uaiU'il m '|uj!i y unJ beamy l»y any oilier e»taliii»!>-
m*>ni ■« thi* city. **
THIS. liuntuuon, under of Rev. J. M
GosiioßA xrrn Last, in Winch sit the «oI.J and 01
nainrntal branches of a finished education- arc tanghl
18 now open for the reception ui pupil* al
No. 53, Irwtns Row, Liberty Street,
between:**! and Lb streets. The Seequtl Se»*:Oit _will
commence on.Morday ihe Sta of Fci'imry. and A i*
imporinni that any who may design cr'cring should
he present a*Tar as piaclioable either before or al that
um«. > i
Th*y have secured ihe *ervices of Professor RHO
ROCK us teacher of Music on the i’lano and Guitar,,
who it too well known to.nerd recommendation Also .
the server, of Alone CAPIMIR LA DR BYT. authoror
~Chrc»totuiiUL.c dc la l.mtature Francm*.'' and otlirr
vuluable school hooks In his native Untjuuge. Mon*.
L-i* a graduate oiTlm University and Normal Stiiool.
of Purr, an j stand* high a* a teacher, Tho«c who de
sire tb obtain an accurate and' thorough knowledge of
the French l.aiigußce would do well to ylucc themselves
unilcr his instruction ;
For tcnr.s, see Cirrclar or apply to the Pnnripal.
_ji7if / _. .
Till? ln«:iiQtion has but recently been opened under J
the tuition of Mr N. W. Meicalf, atihr
Corner nf Sauduiky and Strawberry at*.
The *uccc*fr winch hn» thus tar Hltended this School,
in us establishment and .progress, has folly equalled the.
expeuialions of it* Instructor and I’loprictor. and war
rant* the hope timt lie will be.sustained in hn efforts to
render it a desirable li.uiiuiton-for the education of
Young Ladies in Allegheny and vicinity.
The First Session of the nut Academic yeur, wdl
commence ou Monday, Feb rth.
There are yet a few vacancies to be filled!' hut as the
number of pupi's is limned ao early application i* dc
“irable. Fur particular*, relative to term*, Ac., consult
t’renbir* or npnly in th'* Instructor. fel^tf
VALUABLE Books— Published by J A
St U P James, Walnut street, between Fourth
and Fifih.'CjDCinnnli. ' f
(•uitoi'a G|bbon—The history ol die decline and/
tailor Lite Roman Respire By Edward Gibboh,
E*rj. A new Edition, revised and corrected through
out,preceded by a preface, and accompanied by
notes critical and ht.lorical, relating principally to
the propagation of Christianity: by M. F. Cnnot,
Minister of Public Instruction'for the kingdom of
France. The prelaco. notea nndeorrociioos, trans
lated from the French expressly tor this edition.
With a noticc.ol. the Lite and character of Gibbon,
and Watson’s Reply to Gibbon.' In‘J vols. imp.
Bvo. 1013 pages. •
Napior"s Peninsula War—Complete.' I vol. imp.
Bvo, lino pages. **
llallam's Middle Ages, Chamber's Rebellion in
Scotland. Robertson's Virginia and New England,
Russell's French and English War in America, and
Ramsay's American Revolution, t vol 410.
Lnraryol American History-Containing selec
tions from tlio best authors on American History,
Biography, Travels. t 'omnWirco Matistics. Indians,
Kerolutiunary Battles, St c. dec. &e. Alsu,'Anec
dotes. Poetry and Miscellaneous arudr-s. lllustra
ted with more than 500 engravings. 1 vol, imp Bvo
WO pages.
Universal Pictorial Library—fnotaimng valuable
papers on various subjects, comprising Natural
History, Natural Sciences, Agriculture, Rural Econ
omy, Biography. Fine Arts, tbo Orientals, Travels,
Geography, (lotany, Miscellaneous reading, Ate.
Ac. IvolTtupCvo &10 pp, fall sheep.
The Family Medical Library—A Treatise on the
Prevention and t.’urro! Diseases, by regimen and
simple medicine*. New edition,revised and enlar
ged with the addition ol a Vegetable Materia Med*
icj. pointing out tb* virtues, preparations and. doses
of*our most valuable native medical plants, and au
outline of Anatumv and Physiology. Illustrated
with ouc bundrrd Eogravjngs, su of which are
colored. ByJ G Norwood,M D—Qd-t pages Bvo.
American Flower Garden Companion—Adapted
to the United Slate*; by Edward Saver*. Landscape
and Ornamental Uantenur. Id mo, third edition.
revucA, enlarged and illustrated. i
(.’aimer's Oregon. Rocky Mountains,Ac. Ac.
Family ‘ > p£sumer.t, octavo, with and without
I’dlyglot notds.aiid Psalms in metre. '
‘■-Rice and I’ibgroe’* Debate Burn's Works Lady
ofj the I.ake. RookH. —More’s Private Devo
titftl. JuvrnUf Bosk*. I‘heap editions of various
woiji* in paif/pblel lorni. rochi)
MAGAZINES FOR 51 AT—Receivedat M A
Ml.NKK'rt—Lraiiain’t .Magaiinc.
Nal.oiml Mngnrme
G.-dry's Lad}'* Hook
j Tsfiered. or the nr w Crurcdr; by H D‘l*r»»li,M. I’,.
( cheap «• iliiiort.
; Hi leaks of Squatter Life, n.-.d Far Wr«! Scenes—a
■ *er:e* o» humbmur *i»«trh<*. i!e»<-rip-rti* of in-Men*
i :i,•<) ••ltjr;ifirr m i!;e \V, d UV*t. Ly ••>o-' , .jife " vvuli
; e oriental Urn-yu* j.y I.'ar^y.
j Ibe Wonder* ol Noiuir an-J Art, or iruili »iiuni:'T
| than fie ion —'|'u*!':«ii-d wih MXiy-onr engravings i,y
«he aiuhorof “The I'aiioral Life and Manafactures o(
Father I!drfon««i,or ihe Pr.r«i*of St Omcr*. bv J U.
Ilo»i*on. K><)
Cbsmtier - * of Fttgi:*h Literature: a
Icciion of ihe dioic- vt pro-luci.onfr fl Ei.gU»h Aullvr*.
from the cart!r«t :■> the pr*»ent time—r-onnedc-il bv o
«-ru cal and II binoiy elrgyii-ty nlj.trHi-d
HOW bring rr pu >it*fir..l > y tiouM, Krudnil A. Liucoai.
Hovion. We.lUv- on band No lio S inclusive.
Wfiieli c»mnlr|r» :he hr»t volutnr. We can t'urnnh llir
.whole wor* a. l»*i a* te pubii»brd.
Oar ttfrforufleiil of L.ici*:dre i< now ihe be»[
snJ of t:,e inort valuable selection* lor geurral >»«iruc
t.on. For rail* at M A MINER'S
ap'dl Smuhfirid *irret,.'t<l'iloor from tM
New and valuable BooKs-rhe
Ooß*tiiuiionnl Mikiorv m Knglund. from the acces--
non or 11.-nni VII to 1 ihr ib-aib of UrorKe It. By Hen
ry iliiilaiii From n.c fii'ui IxKidon r-.1n..,n
• •real t»enl» .J. hi'lh-U by d.M.uguivln-d Sf*wr'.nn«.
rhromrler*. and other wrinrt*. Collected, aful in pan
b) Krituci* Lubcr.
.The Juvcu.le eprairr eonipriaiiig eieinciusry rulri*
1 and exercise* ui Dcclanuit.oiiyWiili a selection of pie
ce* lor practice. By I‘rum-i* P. Ru*»ci. instructor In
; KlocuUon ai Trioi-clon and Rutger*’ Colleges. Ar.
i Thing* iiy lli-.r Right Name*, and other suir.e*, fn
! hie* anil moral p'tce* in profe verse. seleL-ted am)
I arrnug-il fmnithe writings of Mis Harbauld. With a
j swcichol' herjiir U> Mi». S. J. Hale. . • .
Thr Juvenile Hoc'gi-l Opened: ben.g selection* £roui
I the wrrt.gsof Dr.Jno- Aisin By Mr* Hale
D.jrciion* lor luvogorating and i'roloucing Life, or
the Invalids oracle- Ity '\ in K.tckmrr, il, l». Ac.
No do I’ldoria! Kiigiant.
Zompu' l.utw Grnnmtor. abridged. For «aleliy '
ap-ti J L BEAD . 4:li mar market at
POETICAL WORKS— Poet' a.uTTwuy - oi
America: (Ml dee
I’iwii mill Poetry ot Europe, do do
do Jj oi England, do do
ilo do r>r Ancient*. do do
{took of* llrin*lt Poei*: do do
Howm. Milman and Keat«; do do
t’o'rcdgr.. ijhelley and Beat* do do
M.lton, Voung, Gray. Ikmt.e,Colima; do do
Crabb Hebcr nud Pollack; do do
topper and TlioiupMin, do do
CuinjibcllV Poetical Work*, nclilv bound in wu;tc
Calf, . Gilt
.Milton'* Ppclir-ai Woika, do
ilrltiuns ! do do do
l.aiKlon. Mnotr; Daunn. Uarn>; lloff, Mood. &e
The oliuvc, » large ar*o(tmc'ui of L»f>oL» in all
d' i> inmrru* of liiermufc. jum received anil for *u|e
very low. KlJ.lOrr & ENGLISH
market *t bet.3d ft 4th *U
1> MENTS AND MUSIC— tnhn H. Mrllor. No ?l
Wood street. between Diamond Alley and Fourth at.
t* now <>|>ery>iß l *aii(l lor isle at very low pni-et. an
elegant •••oiunpsn of MuMr.ii Instruments, selected
iiom *aie importations. consisting of—
French, Itolun and German V,o!jus;
Very superior Guitars, m cun;
English and Italian Violin String*;
French Aeeordeont.
Vuilm:e|lo», with plain and patent Screws;
Our veiy superior Double Has* Vtolincello;
Clarionett*. Flute*. Fife* and Flageolet*;'
. Trctnbacellut, Trombones, and Trumpets;
French ilom*, CorneitM Opbiclide«;.
Drums, Tucnlrofities, Uanjos Ac., Ac.;
Every arnel-m the Mu. e I.cin**s. np|d
VfKDICAX* WOUiiS— A Treatise -.7 d.-en»’r.
«.VJ. oi ihe air passages, comprising an iitqoiiy' into
the History, pathoiogy, Causes, and Treatment of those
aifecVon* of the I'lirual called Bronchitis, Chrome Lu-
Clergyman's s>ort Throat, etc.., cio ; t.v Hor
ace Oreen, M It.
Pinne's Institutes of Medicine;
Treatment oliln«anay— bv Galt;
DNrarernf Children—by Stewart;
Majcndie’s Phy*olo<y;
Cooper l * Surgical Dicuontm;
Hooper’* Menus! do.
Copland'* l)>< Cy of Medicine;
Ifc-wei.’* on Obildien;
Kiicrlc's Practice;
Websiet'* Dictionary. \i vo!«.. Vvo.
For *ale i.y upltl JI. KKAI). 4lit. n»i»r Market *t
fVT EW 1 WORK—la- Press— History of Men
1* co, hcrt’ivit Want mid Colonial and Huvolo
tioinr, Anhalt, from the period oi the Spanish
Conquest, IjJI). to the proem tune, |C47; including
an account <•! the Kmliog War with ihn Ujiiuxl
State'll, it* Causes and Military Achievement*. By
Philip Yousg, M D. J A A II PJAMKS.
'»chyll Publishers, Cincinnuti.
NEW music iIOOK-Pumphlni Form.
—The MeloJoon; a cliotcc selection of >ong*,
Oaetts, Quirietts. Bounds, Waluea, and Marche*;
with a lliktury of Music. Illustrated with numcr
nit* engravings. Imperial octavo. Price docent*.
Pobluhed dtxl for tale by J A & U P JAM rS,
Walnut street. hot. Fourth and Kil’t’i.
Cincinnati. March 1817.
11 Shepherd, bring a complete history of Sheep, with breeds, tnuuaceineni. and di*rti"C*; by I. a Mor
rell—il.uMtulfd wnh drawing* of tbe dilfcrent breeds,
Ae. ilti an appendil, rmtirnr.iiig upwards of twenty
!«"ier» from ennoem wool grower* uutl sheep frtitenm
ol *ll(Ft*rent sfSle*. detailing llieir rcspeetjve mode* ol
management. For sale by “
meli'JQ llool«r|lerv cor market and 3d *l*
HENRY KI.KUKH, Rraler’in eastern Piano Fortes,
at J W W'Dodwetr»,No. 85 Third Street. The
Pianos may be examined at all bourn, arid the subscri
ber will be there from It to Hi. A. M., ami from A to A.
P. M., each day. P/ttrb’g, October -Ji, M 6
W«,ibe ander’igncd, would mtorm the ciuzeus ol
Pittsburgh and Vicinity that we have appointed Mr. H.
Richer sole-Agent for Western Pennsylvania, for the
sale of our Piano Fortes, from whom Ibey may bo ob
tained at our own (New York] prices.
tow York. Sep. I,JMG-oeiWdlf
Nw Plano's.
One cw
One cm
Also, If
Ixtod A (
iteeeiv'd and opened by ibe ■ubscriher, ih
ring new Piano*
:g«m Roacwood,6 octave Piano Forte, [Frenc Roiewood,C) octave I’inno Foite } wilh
i(jjc Tablet*—a tplcudid inattumcnt
nio'Veiy food veeoml—bond -PiiiioißTratle by
'-o,'i > bi!iidi«. lIHNKV KI.KOKR
UJ W Woodwcll’*. 63 'fimd st
A LARGE anil aplendid asoortment
taabogsayand rosewood grand ac
11*1 I ■ lion I’ianoi, with metallic franr* and
with all toe taien improvement*. which for durability,
ton* ud loach ore warranted to be equal to any made
in die Forage iow {or cuq.^
No 112 wood it. M 4oor above stlt
O U Q.U e s N E
COLEMAN, lIAILMAN, k Co., having- completed
their New wotkv are sow prvpared-to laanafbc- ,
tute every description of Coaeh «ad. Eaptic springs
I run axlc*<_Ainerican Blister, spripg nn<l plough
and all plies of *mafl aqaaremd round Iron,' 1
they offer for sale on liboraliera*, at thnr'Hftsrahesu**
N 0.43 Wood stiyoli. where they oiao keep on hand •
complete and handsome assortment of Cooeb trim*
mings, Carriage hardware,'malfeable'eattingr, Mkib
and Iron,-
C. li. A- Co., have made arrangements with Messrs
Day k Crbtiz, manufacturer* of Shovels, Spader
JAnkv, ke., and will' keep constantly on hand even
article mode by theta,. Dealers are respectfully sol .
citrd-td i-ull.oj prices 4nd term* w ill be made liberal.
- tveSnlTw* '
THR Pahm-rahip heretofore exisiing onder<he£nn;
of Marshall, Bradley, A Co, was dissolved aa the
s;h msiant by mutual .consent* Hie bilaiflea* ofthe
•late Grin wilt he rented by Marshall. Wallace 4Hc-
THE business of ibe above Foundry will be contin
rd by tlit* subscribers under the brm%af Marshall l
Wallace A Co., in all us various branches, viz:
Hollow Ware Mill (leafing
Stoves and Stove Plates Light A Heavy Maeh’ry •
Wagon Uoxr* Engines
(■rnu-sApad Irons Engine Castings
Ploughs | ' Plough Castings, Ac Ac.
Madcof the best materials, ami at the lowest price*.—
Purchaser* arkinvited to call amlcxaaune our Stock
at the Warehouse m Liberty street No. bl.neartho
head of Wood street. JAMES* TIIARSH ALL
Pirrsavßiiu. l“a.
ARE prepared to build Cotton and Woollen Machin
ery of every description, sued as—Carding Ata-
Yhute», Spuming Frames Speeders, Druw : ng Frames,
-Railway Heads; Warpers, jWvillers,Spool • «. Dressing
Fr*ffi**vLoom« t Card Grinder*;- Ac . Wrought Iron
Shafung tuned all sizes of Cast Iron, J’ullics and
iiaugrrvoi the latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes,
and tools of sll kinds.
Castings of every description furnished on short no
tice. Patient* made to order Cot Mill Ciranng, Iron
ruling. Ac. Steam Pipe lor heating Factories. Cast
■lron Window Farit, and fancy Casting*'generally.—
Orders led at the Warehouse of J. Palmer A Co., Lib
erty street, will have prompt attention.
Ravza to
Blackstock, Bell A Co, J K Moorhead A Co., G E
Warner, John Irwin A Sunn Pittsburgh.
(i Ci J t) Warner, Steubenville. jan!9
l Furnishing Ware)iou»e, No IfH Wood street, near
ib. Pittsburgh. Wholesale and Retail:
English and French Engravings;
Japanned Wahers arid Trays;
I.ookingGl&sfPlates, by the box or single light;
Table Cot'ery;! ~
Picture olass af ail sizer;
Britanoin Tep in setts or single pieces;
Portrait and Picture Frame*;
Firr Irons and Fenders;
Mahogany Toilet Glasses, with 1.3, and 3 draw*;
German Silver and Britannia Tea A Table Spoon*;
Hand Magnifying Mirrors,
Candleaucka, t*llut!en and Trays,
Gill, Pier, and Mantel Glasses;
Grnt'etnen’s Shaving Cases;
Combs. Hair Brushes, Ac
.Merchant*. Hotel*, and Steamboats supplied on
liberal terms, ana packing carefully, auendrd to. Usu
al discount for cash f ' • fe1.17
this method, to inform his friend*
*fr" B * And the, public ut targe thut hi* Factor/
'•"now m fuUoperatinn. on the Hast <ide
of Use Diamond, AIW-gheny. where a conj
VL—fi of Blind*. of* colors
i andqnafitie*, are constantly kepi on hand,
e£|=3l also at No 5 Wood »(. Pittsburgh,at J A
H. Phillips’ oil cloth waieroom.
Vcninaii Shatters irtade to order m the best style.
Blinds repaired at the shortest notice.
N. 0 Ilia Bliuds will be pat up, without any addi
uonal t-xepuse so that they ran be removed m a mo
uieni in case of fire or for washing, and without the aid
of_a crew dr e ocHdlyAwlamly
” A.‘FULTON7T3VIt and'Bpi*Vl-\)uiul
- 4a’ er, has rebuilt and commenced business at
CJ3 his old stand, where ho will be pleased to
£”29 see his old eurtomers and fricnas.
■S3 Church, Steamboat. and Belts of every
sire. from 10 to IU.tUU pounds.-east from
of tab must approved models, and
warranted id be of ibc-l>est materials.
Mineral Water Pumm. Counters. Railing, Ac. Ae.
ogether with every vurjgty of Bras* Castings, if requir
ed, turned and finished m the nvatcsuuanncr- ,
f£j“A F is ibe ‘ole propridor of Bau&it’s.Atrri-
Anarniiv Mrr*l.. «o jn-tly celebrated for the reduc
tion of feicuoa m machinery. Tt-e Boxes and Compo
sition can be iiadof him uiall times. jxnt-ly
Warehouse turner of , Wood and Front stredt
r pilK subscribers having purchased the Franklin Iron
A, Works, formerly owned by Messrs. J. A. J-tm-Vton
A Co. and made extensive additions totberu, ere now
prepared in furuisti to oi Jer Iron A Nalls ofall sues.
teartanUd equal u any ui lius inurket.
We jlso keep on hand Spring and Amrritan Blister
gteel oi tlie lies! qualitim.
Our fnends visiting thisrhnrkci w,H fm-t n- ;«.rri' * r. -I
o supply them 'Witoa fi/*{ rule nnielr. «mt m, i- ton.'
erius aa can beobtoincd iti (the city
myil L _ ‘I C? u ii TKR *
WJltlltcCVJibY * Co.
HAVING recently maild .vcry’ important nnprove
mem« in the manufacture of the aliovc ariiele, and
adopie S*latest improTrd easiem wheeloveu for ttai-
. we aie how prepared to furnish anurtu-leof Win
dow Glass. equal, if m‘»r any Cylinder Glow
made m the L'mieil Suits, and bat little infcribrlo lh<‘
Fuielish Crown.
We are also very ezieaxivelyeugaged in the manu
facture oft’omnion Wuulutv Glass and Druggists' riuh
and BoOla of every description. Dealers generally are
invited to call and examine for them»rlve«.aiour ware
house. So. 139 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
octal • ’
•Vs*. ‘Jit ami "1G Liberty, street, natr the Canal.
\I-W.\ YS on hand and.made loorder, a large varie
ty of Marble Mantels. iPicr,Centre Tablet, ud
Ituirau Top*. loitilj S onea, Monuments, Ac ; all winch,
being made of thn choicest rAsrble. and rasnnOtetured
pnncmally bv machinery, jyifi be sold low for cash.
N. H. Person* wishing lb 'purchase Mantels. are
informed that it is henceforth unnco***rry for them to
go East, os I eftn furnish them with an article in all
respects a* good, and (freight, insurance,Ac, consider
ed.) at cheap at they cap purchase ithem for m the
East Call and tee ,J (et?o
No 8 Market tired, Plu*burf&, Penes:
'rMIE subscriber* having made great Improvements
.1 in the ronsirucfnfl of ihr\r COOKING STOVES,
respectfully itvue persons building Steamboat* to call
and exatone hr fore pureha»uig,a* wa can tnpply them
w,th I>erk Moves, Forget, and every other kind o!
Copper.'Tin and Sheet Iron work uccenary in fornlth-
ina a Steamboat. t
'Vt alto innkc to order, on .the shortest notice Sal
Tubes mid Cbiuoi.rr; Copper work for Steam Engine*
and every variety’of work in ©Ur line.
Birmingham, [near PLtabarfth,| Pa.
Warehouse, Iso . 137, Wood street, Pittsburgh.
keep on hand a good aa*on-
of Ware, of our own'manufacture,
auperiorqualny: —Wholetaleand coantry Mer
ehauta are respectfully invited to call and ex
amine for,themselvet, as we are. determined to sell
cheaper than has ever before beetf offered to the pub*
Q7* Orders tent by mail, accompanied by the cash or
city reference- will lie promptly ni'cnded to: feb •£>
Mew Shovel, Spade and Pork jlanufir*
HAVING eommriired the manufacture of Spade*,
Shovels. Hay and Manure Fork*. Ac,en an extcit-
live stale, are prepared to fill all orders for ■>uch aru
;ie* at Eastern prices.
For ibe cahvenieneeofibeir customers anddealersin
such articles, rhey have appointed George Cochran,
Commission MeAhunt, Nu Sil VV'ood street, their Agent
foi the rale of their manufactures. All order* address
ed to him will receive prompt attention, on the most ad
vaniagmusterm*. GRIFFITHS A HIXON.
Pittsburgh, July 9—dly
No 70 Wood Street.
MANUFACTURERS of Gilt and Mahogany Looking
(ilsmai, Importer* and Dealer* in Ixrokiag Glass
Plate*. Aceonlroits, Percussion Cap*, Clocks, C*mibs,
Jewelry and Fancy (food* venerally.
"1 be advertiser* -ire mYking some itnprovenienis in
their biMini **, witu increased facilities in the purchase
oi Domestic, nml the iinpurtaiion pf many Fuieign
Goods, thry witf be able lo sell utKaibm priert. They
respectfully * ilieillhe attention of purchaser*.
janHUlif ,
THE subscriber* ute now enlarging Ibcir establish
ment', and ate prepared to make ail kinds of Cotton
and Woollen Machinery, on the nV>«i icaronuhle inmt
Orders addressed to us will meet with prompt intention
Lacock street. All- gheny Cilv
N R.—H Wightman, who ha* a patent for a very
tmportanTimprovement on the Card, and who ha* been
engugetEfor the itu fifteen year* in mute of the molt
extensive anil successful Cotton of the west,
will give hi* personal attention to polling up, to the rat
isfacuonoi those concerned, ail machines made at this
e*inbli*htnenL , nnWU
Co., No*. (Eland 94 Front sts,
, Han* FouxDKas and Gaa Fix
ixas.Uiuj of alt sues, cast
from the latest improved liai-
II terns and warranted e«|u*l to
JJ any Also, Bras* Casting*,
.finished if ordered, Gas Fit
pul up promptly and.on
mrsßuium steel work* andsprinu
i»*4C joxu. Jiiux r. ocico.
MANUFACTURERS of Spring and Hliwt Steel,
Pioigh Sled, Steel Plough Wings, Coath and
Klipiic Springs. Hammered Iron Ailra. and dealers la
Matlentiic Ca»Un<« l ond Coach Ttimftting* jjenfcrally
corner of Row and Fft>nr nrei'
Lu*pincott iron woiu&a.
IRON ami Naila, HbovcU, 4c. for a&ic at our neu
Warehouse, No. 59 Water street,, near Wood, run
ninrtoFronu ‘ • ‘
AIM, an a»*onn»ent at Ujc old aland, McMawer'
Roar, Ltbetiy street.
Having made addition* to the Rollmg-Mill, ai
orders can be filled promptly. . .
novSO , NDS A Y k Co.
Iron and Copper Taelu# • , i ,
'*4so i !
Pattern Makers' Point*, tfettery deieriptim.
« Sl. Charlep Hotel, Thipllstrgef
* 'Plttlburgh*^
Cnhjer of Third and Smilhfeld find J,
B. Weaver, Proprietor,
>TIHIB Jrew and- spacious HOTEL, erected since the
I GREAT FIRE, and ftontmg on two of the most
public 'streets, i* unsurpassed In the country, whether
oj, regXTds us architectarob aftaj|gemeoi»,or jhe ele
gance. taste and etuefort r f its furrn-hingv Situated in
tueinmedioie vlclniiv cj Ac ; STKAMUOAT LAND
ING. OFFICER, and principal
and BUSINESS AIEN-desirablacaaveir.cuces, whilst
io FAMILIES and GENTLEMEN of leisure, it* in
ternal arrangemeau afford every aceornmndation the
mo»i (astiuious can desire. The Parlor* and
Chamber* nrr-nll furnished io modern *tyle. with
riiUrqly uew and elegant Furniture; an officicmcorp*
of attentive actf obliging servant*!* maiiitaiued.and ibe
T*bl* will ahvaya abouud with the choicest de-'iea
cir* the markets afford.
The Proprietor, who has bail long czpi'ricnee in thi*
lincof bc.‘ine.<f, assure* the public that no elTunon hi*
pan will ho vparrd to satiriurtorily accommodate those
who. may favor him with their custom.
Ah Omnibus and Baggage Car will always be in
readiness for 'he guests Of the house.
febl9 U! WEAVER, Proprietor. ‘
OHIO—IW subscribers having purclias-d the en
tire lilteren of Col. G 4* Willituason. laic of this well
knovu csiablislim-m.lirs leave io siate to their rfiends
anlF3he public generally. tba> they have taken thf#
couiuodiouf Hotel fur a term of yean and will exert
their best energies io make it n Je*imlde home forTrav
ell'CTi and Cily Boarders,
The. Hotel i* »par,ou« anil admirably planned for con
veniehoe,:ltgbt ami atr, having a ‘number of pailors
adjoining chufaberi, prcrealing unusual atlractious to
Tlre.present proprietor* having had the expencnceof
yeors in this city and will be able
to give general saiiMuetinn being determined to give
.undivided’ utiennon in Ae -liou«u aUnie. •
ThcloCation'ofthe Pearl isuucommonly
chgihl*. having frori's on Peart, Walnut and Third sis,
so that it i* equally desirable in,view of the con veni
ence of bu»in«s*imei>orrctircin<*ni for private boarder*.
It i» near by ihe'j Baukr. the Post Otfire. ibe Masonic
Hall,Odd Fellows;U»ll.aud butonesquuredi’lam from
Main street and two square* from the City WHa’if, tha»
offering Ae greatest induecincms, especially to country
merchants and geneially to all persoua visiting Cincin
nati. > : • ’ JOHNi NOBLE
So. 03 .VortA StcoAd Strut. Pklladdphia.
rLE subseribm respectfully .nafcna the cilixni* of Pitts
burgh snd SYe»tero Pcnnulraoia, Alt] Ary h>re Ukra
the above house, where they are prepared Uo aecommodate.
pertoas visiliog Ae City of Philadelphia lolhebeit style, nod
oo Ae most reasonable terms The house, is wiAln one
square of Vlarket rUvet,and has undergone a Aorougb reno
ratiou and rejoin, and is well calculated to accommodate
person* who may favor us with a eall
Oise as a call, Slid we feel euufideat you willbemisfieiL
February 33, 1547-3 m (JLIVEE H P PARKER.
Corner Main and Sixth ate, Cincinnati.
*TMI!S eMiblishntent Is now in the best order for the
X reception of Ae Traveling Public. Having under
gone It thorough repair,during the past winter, and
having Aa most experienced men ui die west, A Ae.
rations department*. I flutirr mysrlf that all will be
plea tod who call. The locahon Uronlrul, commcxlioun
and p!ra*ant. Fare SI per day.
Cincinnati. March'l3, IMT. WV. MARH
. N. B.—Although not exactly u new Broaut, it 3* the
•nine—a new Whist on the old handle. apiltf
H. F.JXCKBOS. 9 11. CR*.VtTll?«.
Late of tho Asto/Hoiise Of Puvilmn. Bockawhy
rhopn i r.ToRs. • '
lius t<» convey l‘n«*riiger« t ./rrf of' rhrjrgt, to
jytSJ-dly tin* Hou«e.
Indemnity -against Lois or Damage by
With the, additional security of a Suw-k Capital.
The Reliance Mutual Insurance Cv., of Phi Ca.
. . , lIIItECTOQS.
George W Tolar.d, Joint M. Atwood,
Thomas C. Kockhdl, - Lewis K. AsidiiiMt.
Wm. R Thotop-on, George N Baker,
George M Stroud, John J Vauderkemp,'
George W. Carpemcr.
WILI. make insurance against Loss or Damage
by Fire, in FiTTspwnfiH and vicinity, on
Houses, Mures and t/llicr liuiidinps. and on furni
ture, (iou ii Wares and Merchaiiiiiscnn the most
favorable icrnit. ,
The Mutual Principle, combined with a Stock
Capital, and the other provisions ol the Charter or
lilts t,'ompany. bold out aflasual inducements, both
of profit and safety, to those desirous ol effecting
-insurance, towhich Uic Company ask the attention
ami examination of those interested.
Those effecting insurance with this Company
hate.besides the usual p • i against loia, by
toe oriirmy method r' . . the additional
advantaged’ a direct p . i--,. in the pio/f/a of
the Compunv. tml/ioutu:.,. -,/y.
IiEOP.i;IOLAND, President.-
B’.M. HlNCH3llN^ecrct3r^.
Thesobscrber. who is the duly authortted Agent
or the above named Company, is prepared to mate
insurance, at the Office of the Agency, in the
Sl Cha.-les Hole", Third third door fruin Wood
streeL and will give all further inJVrnmtinn desired
myii-iUj. ' THUS. J. CAMPUELL.
auknt at hmssman rns yne
< Safety Insurance Company of Phllade'la.
FIRR RISKS upon buildings and merchandize
of every description, and MARINE RISKS
upon bulls orcargncs of vessels, taken upon tbc
•nosllavnrablu terras.
O* Office in.the Warehouse ol W. U. Holmes
3z Bro., No. 37 Water, uear Market street.Hitts
• _,N? B The success of this CompanJ since theesmb
liiliraeoio' the Agency in this city. *7th the pnxtptnat
andiibrraiitif *itn which every claim upon Uicm lor
loss ha« hren ndju«!ed, fully warrannh.: ngtm in rn
vtling ihe confidence and-puronage of la* incmls and
the community ui Urge lo the Delaware M. S. insu
rance Company, while it has tbc additional advantages
as an institution among tnc fnost tiourielnng in
Phißdha—a* havtngan ample paid in capi'al.Wiich
by the operationofilscbartenicouatantly increasing
as yielding to ..uch person insured hi* cue share ol
tfi» profits of the. company Iwthout .involving film
in any responsibility whatever; and therrloro os
(Kiticsing tlie Mutual principle divested of every
obnnxtnus feature, an I in its most attractive form.
New York.
THIS well known and respectable company is pre
pared, through then PITTSBURGH AGENCY, lo
muke insurance of cvrry kind couneiMfhi with risk* of
transportation and inland navigation ; to insure against
low or damage by lire*,'Dwelling House*. Warehouse*,
Building* in general. Goods. XV arcs, itmi .Merchandise,
and eveiy description of personal property on the most
favorable term*.
Applications for Insurance attended to without dtlar
t the office, No XI Wood street.
AT an Flection held nt the office in N. Y.. May 12th,
ihe following immi d ecniiitipcn were chosen Diicciors
of this Uotnpnav, £4r tie ensuing year, tax: •' »* '
Joseph W. Savage, ' Slrphcn Roll.
John Brouwer. -John .MrChniii. «*■
William U. Ward, Wilnaiii \Y (<jinph.-U,
John Nea'tiouic. J.o nh Miller. .
William A'Moi-uiu. Marcus Spring,
John F. .Xlaclur., Jo-opi, S. J.afcr,
John J ll.rrirW.
And at a subsequent nn rung of uic Board. JOSEPH
XV SAVAGK, K*i|., wu» un.tli>in<,usl) ir-clrrted Pres
ident for the eusinng j.rur. XX’ru. J AMK3 RoGGS,
iyv K J PoviA Journal copy ' Setrciary. _
fIXHK Insurance 'Compaity of North America,
• A through its duly authorized Agent, the subscri
ber, oflera to-make permanent unit limited Insur
ance on property, iu this city mid it* vicinity, and
on shipments by the ('anal and Rivers.
John C. South I’rcs'l., Sunucl Brooks,
Charles Taylor,
Alex. Henry,
Sami. W. Jones.
Sami. F. Smith,
Edward Smith, Ambrose While,
John A. Brown, Jacob .\J. Thomas, ‘
John White, John It. Nell,
Thos. P. Cope, • Kiclhrd Wood,
XVm. XVeUh, . AriliurtJ. Coffin,See.
Thu is the oldest Insurance Company in the
United States, having been chartered tn 1794. Its
Charter is perpetual, and Jrom it* high standing,
long experience, ample means, and avoiding all
nsks of an extra hazardou* character, it may bn
Considered os tillering ample security lo the public.
At Counting Kourp of Atwood, Jones:A Co.,
Water aud Front streets, Pittsburgh. apJO-lf
Ag linstLosa by Eire—-The FRANK 1-1 N Eire Imu
ranee Company of Philadelphia,
WILL make Insurance, permanent ami limited, I
on every description of property, in I‘ITTS-1
on favorable terms. T' lls company lias a perpetual
:Al *!T.^. L !r::,v.‘;.v,i; * S-w®,ooo paid-in.
Office corner nl Third aiul Market sU,. c illtb'ch
ap 2S—tf WAHRICK MARTIN, Agent, *
American Plre Endurance Comnanv
. Cuaktkr L’suto/l. Cafttai. Sot*>.ooo raid m.
Ojfict in Philadelphia,' No.' 72 Ha/nur&mf
‘ „ v ' - c WM.DAVIDSON, Fresh.
niuit* old amt w**ll-«-#tal>l.*lipd Company continues m
1 insure Buildings, Maachandtse, Furniture and prop,
eny wnof an mint hazardous character. ajraju»U»»> or
damage by are. * ; :
Apnliconona tot mnantnces in Pittsburgh and-it*
.neighbotbood. will be received, and ri»k« mkeii <*i|h«t
I'perpetafellyor for limilcd periods, on favorable terra* by
(»KO. COCIHtAN. Ageat
-I.a , . \|> art U’«.j3 «.;
W AV. \yiLSOS, \Vmch Maker k. Jeweller.
k ctorner 4th and Market »w.—A large and well
•elected nock of watcher. Jewelry. Pilfer ware .and
Military Goods. Always on baodnnd at regular can.
tern}tnee< Gold Fateiff Lever, full Jewelled witches,
&%lov u*4o, Silver do woiche*, os low m SJB.
Genuine tiy.per.Tobiai, Johnson and oihrr approved
make of watches may be had. it s 'small advance. and
warranted. . r • <
lE7"Fine watch worl? Jone in the very best ipnnner.
. ■ ■ -iangy
T AIM BY A Oroeeta .V
Cbmmi* Merchants. and dealers in Produce
No MAVoedstieet, I'itfiburjh.- apW
VOL. XIV;-—NO. 231
X VOliK adyertfsehrnts
'TiAVE now ym 3isad,of A*ir own Bssufictni-t, • com
II phtr auortmrol of Ledgers, Jounuls, Day Mu L,.
voice- Book*, Cosh, Order on if Sill Books, be, o/vorioui tfaH
and *ijlc» ofbiudiog, from which kU of dccoasi Books can
be tclrctcd at very lour price*; alto mads border, raM and
bound u> *ny patiere, at Aortoouc*. ".
Foreign and . Douttlic Stationery, ,
(tuills, 'Y*fr>*, Sealing Was, I’eas, Black sad Ridlok,
Writiog Fluid, Lead Pencils, Slate*, InkaUada, 3oad Ban*
roriCuio, rockct-booka, Gold »ad Silver caeil Cases, fea*-
koires. F«, Racks, Pu- Holder*, Gum Ticket*, flaw**-
Cards, Backgammon Based*, Cbeataea, Dicv, irory FohW*,
Tablris, ttawr Strops/ l ink Tape, Twine Reel*, Twine, In
dia Ink, lndia Rubber EraMn.Seimort, Shears.
Matkmg lok. biles,-Radta. Diaries forl-U, Jdriuca Books,
Iritrrest INblre, tr»A Boob, Tanffk,Eahurt Tabk*.rf
ul other arttclc* sold by ststionen. •
Cheap Account Bookt.
A large stock constantly on band, suitable lor retail tnde
and country merchant* at very cheap nit*.
A Large Assortment uf Writing Papers.
Foobfip, ptiin and ruled Ltiltf Paper, plain sad rulad
Not* paper, Wrapping j-a>Jr, Bonnet bo*is»7Lor, CCA,
Hosiery, Envelope and Blotting Pape? Colored Paper*. Thi*
hceocb t apers, l acket Post, extra sited Bask Post, Tlnua
and Cojiying Paper, Muaic t at>er, Gold, Traeior, EfubomO,
and every ©tber dcscnpikn of paper at »e»y low prieva.
Gold Pens ,. Diamond Puint.— -'
Rich x Loatr«l\ Begaley**, Brows’*, and all other cele
brated maker*, in to quit pure hue ft, at thararr
lowot manufacturer'* price*. •
1 - Letter Copying Presses. -
n Twmty-ut differenFprefTVod 'itykn-ihe Iren Copyiay
Prr**, with le**r amt *n«w, the moct erpedilioui, ecoamu*
cal, and limpt* mod* of taking a copy of any teUxrcr M>
witboui wnung it over again —r
bnpnmd Manifold Letter. Writers.
_By which the letter and copy j« written at the ease ttae'.
Ths Urgeit awortment ejrer offered, and at thelowat price*.
rut)]icoOce*,Qanlu, lUHinecc Compnnirt, Merchant* and
other*, furnidied with ati* of .mount Book*, ruled asd
bound to an) pattern, at thort notice. with nationery
of the bett quality. ; •
Notarial Presses,
u » lh t u “ anil Corporation*, to tv* *aal of
inch Bank er Corporation to their doeumahta Thi* opers
tiou irpcrformed by any one, area at ftrat trial
Pint 'Premiums \
to ut by the American l#itituU,at the Ute FaiV,
October, l&i>— , ’
F»r the bett Ruled Blank Books-4 Silrer Medal
Kor the be»t lltwifold LeUrr Writer* -a Diploma «,
for beautifal finiihcdCopying Pr«*K*-d Diploma *
Pitatt (\ali\and bufar Y<rti*w.'wr
fcj’The Tradeond Country iHrrchauts Supplied.
importer* of French and Engluh Stationery,
nndtnacs6cturertor Account Book*,,
Manifild Writer*. Cxcebior, Blank
and Carmine Ink*, £c,£e, 61 Williaim -
one door belo w Cedar (treat, H T.
fthH-’hwlp _
JaMcs V Ricn, X
btust proof iron
T’liE *>ib«cilber* beg to call the aitcmion ofallthoa*
_4 interested In roofing, to their GALVANIZED TIN.
PLATED, ond to the many advantages 'which they
poiMPMorer all metalic and othersobstancr* hitherto
used foi this purpose.possessing at they do, the strength
and lightness of .iron'without its rust.'havtor
now been tested tcveral jeais. both In this.cotmiry w»
in Europe Tliey nrc also less subject to expansion
and contraction from sudden changes of tho atmosphere,
than common Tin Date, lron,2iitc Ac,oi anyothsr
lortalooiv used for roofing, and consequently torm a
much better and tighter roof, requiring far lets frequent
repair, whilst thr cost is but a trifle more.
' fhe subscriber!, would also catf the attention of all
dealers and workers in metals, to the many Olherpta
nosesto which Iron tbns protected, can be applied.—
litgncral terms it is applicable to allartielcs of iron
which ii is desirable 'll) ptoteri from tbe aetion of the
atmosphere. And they would especially call the at*
trillion of those interested in TELEGRAPHIC LINES,
to then Galvanized Wire, which is nowalooirennra*
ly u«rdin Europe,and which answer* every purpose
as n conductor of electricity, costing only about ois
half as much as copper, and possessing equal durabUi
ty with that metal. ■
Having lately erected works in this city for tho par
po*c of galvanizing nails, spikes, boll*- wire- Ac., ibev
will be able to farmsttany article which may be d«u
red. A supply nf.i’fcftea (manafactureil in EurapeJ
constantly on hand, from J# to 82 wire guare.
GEO. B. WORKWUODfo<V ' - «
Nos. 14 and 16 Beaver it, NEW YORK.
The Patent Rifht for this tmole has been secured
for the United States ns weUasG&at Britain, and other
European countries, and 421 legal measures will be ta>
ken to prevent any infringement by imponatso i oroth*
erwise'* ■ - * iw*s7tv
Gruilemeti* Kurul«htt>c Kkinbii»iiu,cn(
/IHAIILES B HaTCII, 07*\v jlUam street, New York
U •oliciu'attention to his assortment of Goods la the Osa
llrmen’s Furnishing Lice, imported and ouaideclund (X
prrnly for the Spnog and Summer seasons. Particular ti
teutiou is called tu the following smelts.
STACKS— Silk, Satin sod Bombazine,slTsljUs ttdqcal
OPERA T/ES—^Plain and Fancy, light sod dir ■ colors.
l I'ASH TlES —Faery Linen and Jaconet, a new article
for summer wear. '. V ._
CRAVATSAXD SCARFS-ltial styles t full assort-
SUSPEKDERS— Silk sad Cotton, very elastic. Whits
and Fancy Linen do, to wash, as entire new article
SHIRTS, BOSOMS, AXD COLi-iftS-ln zrrtj vari
ety of style and otafityT* .
Lisle Thread, Merino. Woollen,foe
GLOFES-BLek, white, and colored- Kid, of ths best
manufacture, Silk, Cotton, Linen, Lisle Thread, Ac. •
JfOSTERY- silk, Cottcs, Linen, verino, *c •
OILED blLK’i—t lain white, of OisTcry best quality;
Mack glazed do, Japanned Muslins,dre '
GO fFA'S—Printed Calico, Mousssllna da
H-'f.VDA'£J?CN££FS Plain and twilled SpilalfitU, la
dizSinchew, Pongee,(fc; plain and fancy i inth Cambric,
* L’flllßEU-iSAKD PARASOLS -Xjfidlifossortiaent..
, C HA I 'A_T STIEFKERS— Various kinds'
! He would slate that be is now using, in his S£XF--4i>-
JUSTJSG STOCKS, au entire different Soring from the
one formerly used, which renders them much mure comfor
table and easy to the neck than formerly fotrU-Sm
SILKS OIIAWL&, bKKe»»i>Oi»bft *e . -
ALFRED EDU AOS CO, No. 133 Pearl Stmt, •<
ii New Vorh.wotHOßhpfCtfullT oil th« atte'niluo of bar '
rr* totheir KOF-SPRINGGOODY,
consisting of rich figured stripe and plaid Drtu Silk* of efrj
lirrjv new designs and mutl tlturable styles; blsck ud blue
black figured, watered and Stripe Silk*; logelherwith a foil
assortment ofbtsck and blue black plaid do a rery extra
i*e and desirable asenrtment of Silk, Thibet, Burge, Her*
nam and Gauge Shawl* and Scarf* Their assortment of
Drea* Good* ha* been selected with the greatest care,con*i»-
ting of French Printed Barejrp, satin j<laid and strip* do, Co
balllaes, Brilliantes,'French rintrij Muslim and Gingham
in great .sanely and.of most desirable patients, Eng lira and
Scotch Lawn*and Gingham*, every largetlock. Aim,Bob*
net and Cap Ribbon* of very choice telectioo*, Gloves. Fancy
Hdkf«. Linen ambric and Linen Cambric Hdk&, SwiM «n 3
Aitulin Edging*, Thread Lace*, Liale Edging* black and
while figured Lace* of every description; together with* fall
i *toek ol every description of good* in their Tin J — ;
STft.dß GOODS • a eery large aooi'm hi of Foreign
at>d Domietiie Straw Bonnet*, fine; al*o, a j{y ttitnm _
•loch of t aney BonncU and Flower* of their o*9 mimi&f
-| turr, well adapted to the Southern and dstern Jobbing
Trade. Alio, Umbrella*, t *fa*oU,Para*oUt* ( Sun Shades,
j 4-C 4-C. I p- ;
| l[ r Merchant* tinting thn markrt are respectfully IsvlUd
: to cal! and examine our »tock; a* retry poaieU Induct mast
j will l>« offered to make it for their iuterest to trad* with n».
1 Kett York. .Vfireh 5, 144.-Cm • • , ■
HR AN CIS A LOUT KK1.,77 Maiden I sne-tnknufacio
1 ren of every description of Blank Hooka, AlnrofWV.
•lorn. Copy und Pa»» Hooke. Crmon Ink, MaiuK>*el toiler
Wnirr. Diamond Point (sold t’en*. Ac.. Ag-,»nd in*
porter* of Hugliah and Frrncli Stationer} and Paper.'
A targe assortment constantly an hand of the moil
improved stylce— Ink *t<n d*. W ax. Wafers, Hlaiea,
Pencil*. Steel Petit, twine*, motto aeala, ivory tablet*,
ivory folder*, card*, gum label*, pr» rack*, card rack*,
ink powder. hUrk, blue ami carmine ink. rulers, gold
and stiver pencil cate*, quills, portfolios, copying pre*-
KN VHI.OI’E.*? for Letters Cards, Notes, Ac., in great
Letter and Cap Papers, ruled and plain, at Manofac
lute*'* prices; note paper*; tissue paper, perforated
l>oard. hrietnl boards, bonnet board, colored papers,
wrapping p*pet».-Ae.
Deed, KecoiJ. Docket, and other books for Coaniy
I'lrrkß.C’oun*,Banks, Insurance Cotnpanici, Mer*
riatii*, and others constantly nit band, or famished to
pattrrn m short notice Warranted to be in
ijuality nnd very low in price.
t'ountiy Merchant*. dealer* will bo tap*
tilird ut lUr very lowest price* Wc shall constantly
have or hand a large stock or Plank Books. Paper and
■Stationery; and ieijur*t the favor of a cntl from tbos*
who require articles in nur Ime. .
Manufacturing Stationer*, 77 Maiden l.ana
fUld'hn 'Nww York
prints only—spring styles.
No. 44 Cedor.street, Kiw Tork.
BEG bate to inform Dealer* m Dry Good*, thkt they have
received, and are now exhibitor,»t the WAREHOUSE
EXCLUSIVELY for Printed I aUe «», 800 OAKES
r..mpri»ing all the Nen Spring British,
French Slid American Maoulaeture; which, in ADDITION
to their u»ual »tock, render* their wortrneutoo* of the aoet
brauuful and attractive in theeiiy; tndlaring tut been
clawit fur CASH AND ~HORT CREDIIT are ofler.S *r
the piece et package on the nme terms, at Bad btbw “ J
lacturer* price*. tuauu-
Catalogues of pr’irre {corrected daily,) a* rlaesd «*"**•
hand* ofbuyer*. + '
Purchasers will inform themtelrei of J the ttaU of UtetniT'
Let, and be well repaid tor an examination, e»«n if Utsy do
not purchase. f : .
L. A B. hare peculiar adrtoUtu for exeetitiag order* Cv
prints, whirh are respectfully solicited;
.. 4t iVir
H. . LAMPS, Gllt.tNUOGe. *, ■ '
tfprmg Trade DIETZ, BROTHER 4 CO., l»
wtllnat sutti, New York, in the Waihiugioa Bkek, are
manufacturing and hate always oa hand a comjdtr* assort
mem of ankle, „ their line, of the foliowiug descrtptiou,
which they will *el2al.wholr*al( and Low I'nc**,
furriih: -,
Improved Chemical Oil and Caaphtne Lamp*.' ;
Solar Lamps, Gilt and Droned’, in great variety.
Girandole*, (sriout paltryni.gilt, .ilrtred oTbrvutti.
Siujendinc Solars, * Doric Campheae Lamp*.
Uiacket hJW», . Side bj
Sular Chaitdthrn, Bracket do
i'ateui Lard Hand Lamp*, Stand do
Brilaoiallasd l amps, Camphcn* Cbaodchers,
Superior Chemical Oil, I’ure Sj'eno Oil,
do • Cimphene, Solar and Lard Oil,
do Darning Fluid, R*£n*d V\ kale Oil,
febautm . ■
A*w Wsrehouc for Print* Only. r
O at the ipaciuiti fit* ilory tVtrehon* , Jfd .<fl Cedar atj
New York, (tht a whole of which » di«ot*d-to the exhibition
and tale of this riuele article,) offer lor ule by the man or
jwflugt,looo CASES of iRINTED C WCOES.wm*
prising all the desirable new stylet, a lane pro[ort>oft, of
which having bees contracted C>r btfare - he ‘ata ri** in the
market) at Jess than msrinfKturArt* present pei
Printed lists oft»ricei»rfpgl into the hxodeof bvyeri!^
N B—B.F LEE. Ute senior lh* original firm of
L« k Brewster, (from whieh h« • retired In) WSJ'hu jobod
Urn firm of Lee sad Jndsoo,ahd*olirit* the pttroaagii of bia
old fneuli. The btutoeu It eotidnrt*d under the firm of
1 F«hetakyB3,lS<7-ao3p • LEE, JCDBON>LEE
i’An’ISON, NU£ k CO,
till Dtlanetf-Slrtet, A’eio Yurfw, •
BATH RnstAlSaocrinrOricit ,
lor sale by apH f SCHOOffJIA^II«