The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, April 14, 1847, Image 4

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. Pro* i tbc Ctiitliha Adtocai* >&d.Joumi.
iECTtJpR» ON CBIXA.\ - f
•*. . • • 'oLass. ;
Articles of foreign manufacture are
not much used by the Chinese; for W the demand for is suf
ficient U) justify it, they beam to make it
themselves. Glass was' formerly
ported iii'o China, but naw.tbey manu-
facture nearly' all thev use. They do
not commonly use . diamond to cut
glass. They mark' the line to be cut
with a piece of tallow a of in*
cense-snek is then run along the line of
tallow, add this being set on fire causer*
the tallow to melt, and cracks the glass;
Their gl:t-*es for spectacles arc made,
entirely of quartz Crystal. They are very
iiigemoun-iti uniting broken gla*> and
china, by' means ql rivets. Without '
using any- cement, [bey fit the broken
edges v.o closely together that wuter can ,
not penetrate, f
mf.£>icink sckojiry!
Of anatomy ami physiology the Chi
nese physiyuns are almost utterly tgno- r
rani; and their books on these subjec ts s
contain some strange notions. They «i
suppose that the human body has five
principal passaged, all meeting in the 1
centre; and that.'the food goes through ;
the heart into the stoinarh. _ln practice,
however, they are much more proficient
than in theory.
The people are generally pretty heal
thy, and there is no great call for pbysi- ,
cians. /When taken sick, they will stop
eating, and go to bed, and generally soon
recover; but if this plan does not suc
ceed, they call in a doctor, tell him the
symptoms, and long it will
take, and what it will cost, to cure them.
• A. bargain is the doctor, who
agrees to cure the patient vvithtn a cer
tain time—say ten da;s—for two dol
lars, or ,snmc other sum. The donor
administers as' much medicine as he
tlftjlks proper, the more of it the better
ttys patient likes it. If the cure be not
effected within the specified time, the
- sick man reproaches the physician ior
nut having lulfillcd ins contract ; and. he
on the other, hand will perhaps charge
•tho patient with deception, alllrumig that
he had half 3 dozen ailments more than
he had told him of, and that the medi
cines did net suit them all. The doc-
generally lake the precaution of sc
curing about two-thirds of the pay m ad
ranee. Of all medicines, ginseng is .the
moat approved, and people like to have
some of it in every dose they take
. The doctors may often be seen sell*
ing thelY ''medicines ami herbs in the
streets When one ol them can sue
. cued in getting two or three persons
around him to listen, he. becomes quite
eloquent ; *tid he . attracts ih«* more no
tice, if It’s !icr«-nt betokens hint n» be a
foreigner, or I ruin aumo.other province.
The surgicui skill of the-Chinese does
not extend •much fuither than cupptns
and drawing leedi. . A doetqr Will some*
times’ we»r • string ot tc th around his
neck as trophies of bis skill lif castes
of’outward pain ibey always apjp!\.lbe
actual cautery. Ititioi-ulaiiou tuts been
practiced among them lor ci-ntunjcs ; tht?
part operated upon being the nose -Vac
cination ii ii been bio lately introduced
Diseases of jbe ryes are very com
moo, and are caused in a great measure
by the practice ol having the eyps clean
ed bv the barbers. After rt mutt has
befeo shaved', he will ask the barber to
clean Ins eyes. Tjie barber turns tip
the ejeltds, and rub- the «>'*? with a
small insiiument.ron the end of winch i»
some down on a piece of f«-a< t»er
in the- shape of a ball 1 uthiminatloo
frequently ensues, and the person id
knowing the cause will sometimes seek*
relief in a repetition of the operation.
The general diseases ol China are
much' the same as in other countries.
Cotufnmpiibti is not so common as with
us. The cholera raged as much tit Chi
na as it did here. Leprosy is confined
to the southern parfeot the country ; it is
not known tri Chusan, but is very com
mon in Canton.
fc. The music of the Chiueso merits at-
on accnam of its antiquity.-*—
Their vocal music is very peculiar, and
to our ears not very pleasing ; it seems
to be formed by closing the glottis,
forcing the sound through the nose. —
Tbeir musical instruments are very nu
merous, amounting to. about seventy or
eighty. They luye the model of nearly
all ours., In a Chinese concert there is
unison, hut not harmony ; they' keep
pretty good time, hut make such a clatter
as though each performer
played non his own hook. Their tunes
have no semitones,, and consequently
cannot be played on our instruments.
Gonfitcius was a great lover of. music,
wllieh he regarded as one of the princi
pal aids to good government. It is said
that Irt once heard, a unto as he was
passing" the streets 4 .'which had such an
effect uporrhim that ho forgot to write, or
even speitk (hr^h reP weeks.
- e aeoGRAPHy. '
. Mr. Williams exhibited
maps, illustrating their knowledge of ge
ography. One was their.- map of the
world, in which China appears as a huge
continent, occupying nearly ftte whrilc
surface of the map while other coun
tries are represented as small islands on
each side and in the corners. 'England
19 in the north-west corner, and immedi
ately below it are the islands of France
and Spain. Amcrira is : shut out of the
maftaliojciher. The size of the map is
about three feet by four.
The other chart, which was one of
their,own*country, displayed much more
topoglophtcal knowledge ; tho position
of places being' given with considerable
accuracy, from data furnished by the
Jesuits. A .survey of the empire was
made in 1700, and fifteen Jesuits were
employed in the work. . This map is
verv large, covering hundred
square feel. The price of a map like
this is about fifteen or twenty dollars :
smaller ones are sold at from $1 to
$1 75.
Th** Chinese have a fabulous'chro
nology which extends’back about eight
een thousand years, but this is not be
lieved by themselves. Their true chro
nology is not discordant with the Bible
'Their firs*, line of kings commenced
about 450 years.after the deluge, accord
ing to Hales’ chronology. Tho present
ia the 26th dynasty. Each dynasty has
its peculiar namb'. The present is call
ed the pure dynasty ; the one preceding,
was the bngh\ dynasty; and the one be
fore that tho original dynasty. Of the
present dyuasty there hqvo been two
ltinge who reigrted ench sixty .yearjs.
Mr. Williams enumerated several con-
various mailers between the
Chinese and ourselves. Their compass
points to the south—They mount a
horse on the right side—lnstead of sha
king each other’s hands,.each man bows,
and shakes his own—They begia to read
at the end of a book*—Words arearrang-j
ediin tbeit dictionaries according to their
tcrVniuaiious—The left Itaqd side is the
seat of honor —White is the color for'
: mourning, but it is only worn at the fu
neral—The.greatest honor a.-son can pay
to his father is to present a hand
.jiomij coffin, which is put into the best
room, and shown to visitors as a mark of
the filial respect of tho son!
.■4* This is the practice of nearly all Astatic na-
-1 “ ©SSSCS il Y'''*! . . i ; ~ j d£L. SHKitajAN'S \ STAR COTTON-j MILL,
IQ4T. fSsSSi IWA : ,#W* fc ’IQ4T - ’ ijSfZfil , KEDIUATED fOZKNUES, AX D fOOH I.A.'* , iNtririhc Vi-pw-Brid;.-. A lltshtnj. City ]
eAMwSlfcwt;lyi m2* j lO'Ti* AgyffiStjSt !'».:» »TER., 'T 1 !! Klcrcipiieiarj oi' iheHiar Cauon Factory re*pect»
FKJfSSYT«T*A Kl.l *r.kJTAX * RAILUOAI) t .«. t . j ; . mII-RMaN'Ri ivay i. oil- it,*-. •-■■ i y.: j .;if,. u< the public mutihcy arebow ui »ncce*«-
t-Vpo-, J. »-V P\CKHT 1 IST 1 PITTS BCAIG 11 AM) CINCINNATI *X) pleasant. w.>liciteicidra «.1) •• .** n rmtilr ;.-.i cr> :...- li; i ■„,»* faring employed the lervier* oi (•. W.
"'■* fmuV ' ■ ■■'.• I. v MNkSjF - u,or*. .•xr'is.i: .. L. »<«•■. u.<: .-.L. .'imaerr. who ha*h*il-JuiiMpenenceoMa
WTrsi.UR.iM „ r «L„, a. ->=. F.ALTiMr.Rij SIcMFICE y T PUSKVGER FirSETS. Ef&if&SSZ?''
f>rf*Wy/t,r Pooftffn JHU.Uf It Cj.U I4»aui.. «-“■ n.u ui «• 'I *.*•)«. luM o» bend Oo>«m
■■•-■r •’•!•}y-; rr “-T. L --:>•*» ?•vvzxx** ...«-
‘iivor'rwnVnia ■u-i nrfiwo' krir.i tci Uti • ; , ' , f fr,, ' t <r ' r u, t- I . '* •’•• •■ r " ,'" t * a ’ tig-nur*. •/! .i.t iui-» ... • • • ! > ■ L <h, ,-.-r J» <'t> , {3- Lib* *) Mrre.l. will be prompt?}'-
* v 7 t pc v \ nr ‘ r, ‘ “•*' 1 now . ..I', ,s.v o| ill* •i.rc-‘ »‘i-.t mm tixwi. *i. ni.rr. u.. > o.e i.. . pi.* |«M« 11 r 1 ‘ * ’ vv* Co
n-a>l c»f. on 'hr n»a'C. w.l». r.X!rlUcroilim'Kl»l<W.* o,: ;! ir \\ .v.r., 0 r a..inu u... UK.I.J t«.»L. ru... (- i:i ...... »Uh.u i J - ;lu ' V* U»
: pitt'cotton mill.
■. ' /£?•'* \ i BLArKSTOCt BELL-& CO.,
<v * '*' ron-Vr iv-i’.Uiif "i > , lnvnlv p . rKk , T 1 - rc u,m •* ■r.-Fr.lnuiucu a vaiu-i'i. rt,« j r t M|! «i wry tfU'R in foil nnti coroplclf opetn
r«.r.lvV,V. ' 1 ' MphPAl PACKKT. u«j.« t «r w> J.n-,. «u.o arr u 8 Dianne wceivwl anil rrplacrd all iheii M»-
'‘ K r r M \ -j . l>A y< I ' T'i- Mf»\ON«J.vm:f,A Sm»iA will;.-#;-' I’iit*' c». r) L-..U5 ia u»c 1.. r i.. w » 1i..u.1r. -I. KtU- | fT , lV ,|„. ; a , P? , mipravt mPIIK.)'BTC QOW roukilic
I-',.f I. I'orina: Ir.nii «' il.- i.fiir* l ia ; ’‘ureN rvpf*. momnic at 1» r-'rlo-i *!*• «» -•rrrufna!.. laf ui.rr..| ,»1 r t lj. rlulv.r- j v „ f ' „n:rlß fl Brown Sheeting*, bar 3
...».• . \ a,~r *nX ■ ~r •,, UI A Cfl h> <> ‘ rv-ry M«inii»j •••jrt; n* a* KM* M »r.<l I'.ivnr.Tl .•? <u»», I. Mat. vK v. i... l*tiuj>i.|l Ir-.m ai. uu.m-l; rnn». , *,gtort*. [l‘ranrted U.,J Bod
. . i t.i'jlVrii .uenl ii ml <':»♦, jl rry ■| , l:or»i!.i) «’?!'*<» l'o.-* A'! »al r< -i-. red 'r |- rA‘l litalll. l.t ujmp •.!.*> n. • j i.\ :u:nf «.!'llie »amr *iv!e.: ill lb« country,
' i ' •I- ; I • \ t\ li. rr IMtr 1. in-.<i. J.ain u, ll» ..0i.W.-nir ..f »h«» r - '■ ~..1 lorlh* Wx*TE*S'nnd SoCTHKRN
VVKSTKIin! TIIA.\NWmTATIO\ CO. I Tt’ESDA V PACKKT. \ mau’. (f-nr. "ui> IJ; J ; ( v,*mng oor city *re invited tocali
i • £?«'■.. -The im:i:HNIo, AO 1 A/..1/Mre» n-'h 1 .yr il.t |««. »p.» mi r.<i«T.l, li a.irndeO ; fJ#||i >,r pfrvioua to making |»or*ihßae» Order*
—». fj. ...1,4 . , „ - |«*v*»ri Tij'- Jt... • «.( 'fine ■*' 1“ I «i:ti e. «iivrut-»., a it** ratt-ar-u* •>' laiatur :.u; , ptomntlj U.tended to. Bl»d COOtl* cure*
rg 7s~ j'V.-. /• tVj,*-r*i.i -* .-rrrti Tde-*lu» hi- --r.t ir l<‘ I* M -tb; \ ra.0.r,..-u. . « ..<ra.M, •*ST ,T » , u wt,. „ or.ierrat relil.'htlW.lfflF
Hfflsa* ■ 3CM T" ; everr KriJav- :»» L,, e ,-* k A. M ) tvoir-l \ i '
D. LEECH A CO’S. | ’ \ \ Th*v*'*ia 1../»n* i l.4*r * ■! .a r* ll.wi. i,U EAGLE COTTON WORKS.
nU> K>TAm.leHI-.l) TIaNM'OKTaIi,ON t.l.Vi'. . ,^V?; N 1 ir ;s , T > . A -V. l^» A ! KK v T /)«. _.\ ".!.!i;b!r;tl, l ...IJ .rrim -P 1 T TSB WBGH . .
HKTVVKKN I’nT'liL'Rf/H Tl " '• U ■••V'I.AM* > (> ' • ,un '- • mrrtlrr.. . T,r .r. .i *r,M. I.u*. »v.rtu« | M.tM i- <U «• BK ‘ tfl TON % ARN.
rilll.A DBf PHI A; It.Vl.Ti 'MiKK a.n 1j NKW A «IKK l 'envr >' "‘»urKi We,. i.vjuiMij: I,jlj ..Itf.ei, r, CamTle-Wlck, BNtt4ns, Twine, Coverlet
Vwt ‘.l n{ ,L. , lP OI n . I Wnre..»r W, " r*.,.,-. *vrn ; „,. 10 f *c ;g, »rr, .A;. ! VAKN, CAKI-Kf CHAIN, WARPS. &C. te., '
/Z »2\ i-y !urZ y r- I’-' 1 ’-' h.r. lit ..yi.aA 1 - K! NO, PCNN'OCk 4Co
winrti are in 'b«d*r ’I f.*'.'«>.< rtr r. vr* \ TIiimSDAV PACKET. ‘ ' L^. 3 *» nou»\i of A,buckle* fc A«JT.)
r,.l fj la*?" oi llcirtuiiJi/t and | r . .. , *r'<l«; ™- m-m. I )en.» .I.roPr_'!i?Ll
„ i i >enn cotton mill.
1 rod.,rrur Vi.n-Jw..«1..r .un»i<:.e<l to nn\ oi i:i|. M • .. ...\ m„,,Jr' U ',l’ •' 1 UTsßyttCH, Pa.
t]er,i<iird Hrrvi any . tmifit- .or e«.i.,in«.- | '"O J , \' M ' I'wV." ...'.I. 1C i<t e-tahlohutcnl ben.* now <n Bucceufol
► ./II or ..nrni;r. , , .. ~ , ,'n ,v,r n„ (, -i , ~r .') ~ \; I f,;.r ruuoit, we nte IlLiriutucioring. very cXtctikivcivT
‘ !-■«anuul .i.«;nics>i‘ii» ptmn ny , FHI t>A PACKI.T. ' Lt a U «-,„, dr.-*..,■>*.., x-.:’.J-rivr, '.li.««rLcJ\! -.n .i- ••••”' l.ravy She, .mcr, well hda,»trd to the retail
T t,7 1,.",-- , 0 r . i, ap PO , , Uie .„. „ n ~r V-Ti-.e CI.IIT) K, NO -.v -.ive P U «idd*o .tartm? «.-*tre,L «m.- | r. s l.i 4.,e wrr-4mt»f:\ • « i„. l. (nr i-euu« J .mil .juahtt cannot be r ic.-iied
Hi I J .r.e «o. it, !« coudiic.cL on » r.. I , ( . _ v ir , u:*Jr—i ;:n ,■l VV ft■»• It, , , oai . r<JU -r*' n„ r ,i 1 • -o.v o'lirr n.a.e n. tt.e country. The attention ol
?aobaUi.krep.tit; A.'tn -., or 'Y‘‘ Vvrr. r,i<: r. .v ( :• i- S M» 'I ••' i. '-v.-ry hl , ,„ a u>; , 1n .. 4 ,;,, joiVolt [uiaju .. U -r>a*er« i* •(.‘•cite,l ;n hh rrnminavon
1| 1.Kt.1,11 A „ „•*;,**. A . *.?• ! u /...^ rh .r t, | .Hn'iVwll V KKXNKI) ■ riUl.nS &r n
M ,\R'RI A LHK' 'i I, I’ropr.* tor-, i S.VTI'RDA V ('At'KKT. cu.u. k?; n.. I. a.r.r... t-1.-ort
rvoUSooth Ih *rt • tri-u Ir, ml.- ,»!> .» mou-Vr t «; r •..
, JIH I'A V Lull .*.• MJ\S \ ,'J,V,'. -
' No 11A Slorih *trr. t. llu.Mnorc l»ur« . .* r • n
. W)t Afi.-ot. • r V ';’ :, I,r '
er*4ils l J No TV\ •■»!•.•!, New V ork | r '" ’ ’ 1
PlTTs|ftUllUi( ! DDltTAlll.h; U. GINK.
gsassa 1547.
1' OK 111*- tf*n«ror al. fiii O! Frr Cl., l/.ttt :i urv!
' juiJ m*- AUai't.c v.| «-« iivmi'.M :;a: -li I'liii-m* ci
itir v» ay. ll.i cr.:i«r.;ii-n' i.-a of il •!. >lau>:t|;i*
l.iraMif arfl ** j-s*itn.on n: cm-..).
i:oiiUKii» «: .v
<?( N.* «)■ \Uim-: • trr\ ;i. J. .j.U-a
TAll'H-A "MINMll:
r>.» i’-l.ii Ui.<! U. 11.1 -Iv 1* .fi-MUffli *
'OVOVNOR A C„. \l.nli«"-irl 15a ••
WAJTTAI'V()#:S!»..u..v! > N \
m-fit. ilur-nc in.- aid ~i. row nr. .I :n for
iiity oilier !.;:r ’l*:.*: r Imre ilj- i • c i.cii
:-piiin- ii’i-I'. I A *» iV ‘<l
U llil Torn-MCf-:! M.'.Ll!l' - :...11 c tor;.-. ■•_.'
[.mlmC 1 ran-im!*. ri tier ol <t;*. tiiartf u>r
'jiivanv.iii! ‘if rim.. •; i.o it: »«.*
Hi *• >?: «<.!-. Ih.- n -il.. il.
nu*'. ir rsi-.r
I'll.* *nr,! lo IS-til I'.r-inp':
C-i.a. ii* n£pio ilm i 1 .Viii' r».
Muft-li IS-IT
BOAT line
I x l 7. i
(■oil Ciik ckavsri'UTA il*>s or riioni o
nM) MKtt<!llA.M)l>K ro AMI FIMTi I*l IT:
IiCKUII. (MIi.aDM.I’hJA AM) HAl.Ti.MilitK
117-A,Tr-n.Mt1 ./jl
1.00 - cnu*ici:»-.l in nor •• •-» ~ :** in- itn !iVi| »• i
•fintinivr.i. «Kii «;i ..i.-fMci.-n* !•'> mpi. • s*;j»-pb» *• ■■
.11-. iruin *n> rilr.i <M..iir- .o' *•"•1 -e - , ; |l. ri' A-um
A'|.|.-'* "If AI'I- ll> *•• A '!> A I»* •
*in|'!i;e*-i j j-mfiT'' « mourn 01 l*r<>ilur r, Ai- f>» Mu: >.!• o'.
k>tr r4i«-f ■ ) l* ' MnA\l ILT\ -S l'<>
J' l7 '
PK> i.l Iff ine UHtnjVii " A»
Hj'J'lO IUI.Y It' Bern lila.r-vl':.-. Jui.nv
ii>vrn. Mol.iObt *'\% ii'rr Mi cot. !‘c?c r»t.etiiii **m'
Our H..«i IV,u i,-.v-r sit- *ar»li >u«e nt-O A Mr Any
u t'.ii-l'Uitti r'-rfV {• rcei'l Samlin'
•jviit! m. itTlnt ’lir r ntxvi-
• h.ppi-rinin 4i*«
it linin' wi hi*u| Mini in lair
n: j|i«- uu V and L*r |'to|ir.rlOl*
•0.. t .1 i rn: Hiure oi pnr«»ii«i;e
JOHN IMOK'VOIUJI JOHN Mill.Kß x n i;onjj;i vvont.>
\\ ii.i.iam m.n. - 'I
jim\ vt «> i-.ia-.-bavii !J
1; !l I'.WAS I Ajrciit.* -
OAMcA'I'U' A. Co. lV.'.sbLfßh 1 ,
lit » k *.N< HI. \ i
UrU vm, iJi.tiii I'aikr.r RoJ.*-ri Mo.'tie.
* uLt"' i
■ »*’ . 1 : !
j’lll.-* I .IK* !■ - rip <-.>n!po*«- liv > r-u.,Lit' Kr «• :
J <J IJr .vrr. -»* r 1 •« ■“ _ -i
C M iteod'a Lmr til fin I .... I. Vr— - .
omiirlLukei*. Will iii I>r- p.»r o ’Jir mrlir*.open; .
it;S o[\.NuV’S4liOi> lo run. HfuJ I*.i»»e:is'd ' io
lit.*«ir. ibt- U.wr. auO L.»lt< «
!»•••! ) “»•’ I'KllVl*. I||j rroidit Hill) f..1-•engri■/
•engri■/ will flrwpW** aid tln-ps-eii m. pr.-jo
a.»J j/tm. -e-petTa 0 “«*a <-V I It.rr.A~ ar. ’
he pi/ul.c Uieir i.niot.ajjtJ.
i C M ukKI». Prwpr.err
ki:kd>. I’.mo;»ft r„. iu.wr a>-.
Jo.iN a I'ALtiik'V. '
CVji.£ni*ihS?lJ and Waitr <:». oii;'o»\'r t;i- M -it.
piilJ« , lB Huu»r. \
I ft»F£ll TO |' l
Wheeler. Cromer A Co Nc* V>lri
' 4»eo Ihivi», UutTa.o
K \Tiurk* .V Co, CU'Vrlaui!
J«.» 'A VAnaHicuij A Co. f*» t<«> :
Mr''lure A W
11-unjli I'oricf. Ch.ruKO
Win HoWem I'owpP'iiwii I'enr.a
Miu-r.elinyie. Kvim*- urgli. i'rjiir-i
John MeAnhui. Muai-iuni), ■
v.'ir« * ACkc'. (irrenveiie, «*
L'raig A Kriunpioi.. < larV*v.] t vlti .
51„y• A I’.oiuli *.aarp»t»ui
W 0 Mu n;i, Mmimi. iln >
R \V l\ii,(oNttnm \ea'\-i«l ' i ninij
RtiLTiAScii. PlHl'l ABLE U(V.\T I.IAK,
mil .-k > .-rosriMi iji -
r I) ll£ improved m«tcod of rarr. ii.ij ti»Vl nv t!i;» lons
ijA’.ikl.n.hcd l«n«. >■ now ‘O wen known tm.t .5,.
•cijptioh i« («or>d* uir ioar!i»d <> i th••
r.ofliv. ii\m ail tranvli'pmrni or <*xt ra hand'ir g i« «j‘> t
Tar float* *ie of fi*STUraug}ii nail perform ilr.vr :r p»
.a Irt-in »n w* »rvrn da\» **
Tue ••upaeiiy of our Wuieliouac* i.-
aay rou».*i:me«!W ica-te ou«. Itrce.v.m.,»i.
advance# fmr o! clinrcr*
IteJiß f'llly pp'pared 'o «•*’<-< of I'fodunr.
rcaprcmili) «: we-.era Ki i:r
Huron- Uo-tpr. | :t»fWool, Fvkmcr- n.iul'T
iirticlti lor *aie,Wn» jwlia-n .nirni «oV.kic-» w.. 1 :<
m -idoaiid otlor u*u»i flies Ui«» aIT->ril*:il f pi- -Itf'i)* <mr
vcivr? Hint any liu-ine*' cr.tfu.ln: 10 i-r -
nrompUj c-ir.-aied and upon a» '»>» !rrn- n* ••> -
olderL..u*« . JN'i
Canal Hu*n >• ;:a: u>,
’ JA> M I>A VJS & Cr,
•,*4y ami ill Marks.
niiaUKUISC i IMSISSIIU JIERCiIiST. Dearer Puint and Bridifcivatafr
usaTjai tOfjrTt, n.,
I'roptic-inr and Axcut o! «:cnn:rT»
OAILT BtTWII* P|-|-r«tru«» *M> rttAACU,
UMLI. tiepiepafrd on eari.e*t openmßO' pa<mt iiav
-10 rc£P- |n'>[irrty ai lt.» wtiari tint.; <./
U searchmiee, forlttl point* on Kr:o Kx:«*n*nm. Cm**'
•Jlit mid "Onto Caunl*; tor *l* ponton»: lltir anil
tfprr Lake«.am»t*o toiorward produce. Ac.!<> I’enn'a
Improvement* Apply '.<> or nddr» *»
JA“ '”£«*£_•
' i84(5.
II t’infkc H lltxp* .T K pfcrmrrl .*e <*<.
v . CLARKE &. CO.,
Korirlsinlln|t L CommUtlnn Mrrclianu,
'I ’HK •*.J rroorictom o! ifi:» (.!«»■ (>o uv..r
-i al.l) kno«rn u> the public i. lie prepare*! m tin
**if;;r *1 opening o''p>»nal nampaum v> r-r,.. r prop .
tnj ai I’ili'l'urxli unJ Ucava *. itml driver (hr »«ntc m
(,vi> p »L| on t:*r Oh o cam.!*. ami .ilwon I.nJcca I'.r c
x'nii Michigan.* the despatch and »*r t- ***-
oaa.4e rales. “1
The proprietor* of Out Itri** *g!.<m Un- 01
ihoir iVrraer. cu*tonier» with confidence. knowing tbn
-.i-1 r I'acil.tict apr second tea nouc.
Apply tp or «drire«*
li M IMKTON. -m.t;
CI.aRK"K ft Co.
T RICHMOND ft ; -^’a r.
rpllK Ho* mpn'« Pounie UiNu rwnprtiy Umi; <}:!>•
1, u>ivrd. ihe Company ayum welli iiro *,«■»•!»» of l«-
pHr.nerrlnp under t‘ie name or thr ••Hoa , m*n'» l.inr;"
and hkew'io agrenl 11 rr6t Uie ?*tock *«» « 4 to hnve o
noniber of Item for th-- purpose of carrying pood*
ihit»i:j»n in *i* U> curb- Ca,« with rrrn*'?iiy>-«tt'l:
<»<•; rneoura** d liy.'hp or • \ ear'* p itti>u-»
agr, to ta.ike more cziruovr arrangements tor lar rti
«uiu« year
Wo wnu!il therefore respectfully » continu
ance of ourrfointer patron*. and refer all new customers
to iljok we harp dine l»u*inr»« for. J
Forthe transportation of
PaiLEtii.Lniu. JLtJmioEK. New Yoke. ami UoaroN.
Corner l.ibeny street End Canal lSa*in. PinrOurgli.
4 A I. (iKKIIART A Co.
No iJAI Market »trr'l, I’tiiJarl-.i-liiS.
llallininrr, Md.
IMTTSRUKGH-ia*. .MeCullj. «srn Morgan A Co.
tV MeCulty A.Co. n A SEinp»OU A Co. M Alim A Co.
PHILADELPHIA-Mowi* Puitrr*ou V C., H-yi-oM*
McFarland* Co, Flcmrirj; * Lijti y. PateV Wrsjjnt A
Sou. J liirpham. Joseph* Hratr. 1
NKVV YORK—Gr/xHtU** A Co, Iftro IVrry A Co. i
BftSTON—freed, Hurd A Co / j
CINCINNATI—Adam* * CrrEglt, Hi U Scsrbor
“ft PEASANT. VA—P A MbplucJ. /
NASIIVILLB-F fteto'"* ' . '*
Note—AH mcrchandiee from New >ofk and He« on,
>CODii«D,<l u it L On ban fc c>, I’h.MUph.rf wJl [lx
prytfptly (rewarded romnt!**-'Qn A ._!_! _ .
C LEECH fe CO’fc 1
Package Erprtii to P«ii«d*lj.bji«. ,
ten mm! fHK Canal Dtinff now open, q»e
JHMB 8S ihffrt Ejf.fßEe winch Jin* blen r.v
caut.abeil uimae eonveynnea of vafuAMe.imctßße* of
uJercbandirc,' tpecie. bank iu>lt», Jewelry'* Ac, coin
ftifneedrann«njoiiTbor«lß)\.MarTh IS. • .
? .An ItoJtCHTETwHI dwpEichedJailY.oniUUiaele*e
jbf the canal lnnieuoii. _
Apply to P I.EECH A Co
nehif .
■,. . ~i in ;• .. v
'i; lUuc’i'-K. A . M. 1
i T:.p ISK'.r M'W I'IN, Ci,.i .1 <;
I \\ ht-'-iu..; • .• r. >ni " !’ a
r.- Wi-I>| A M
; •>»i !i :lit' ir'
'i'J''"" ' '
j sniMKR ARUA>«K. l ih.Vi , f' ’
t - ~*n
lii;ii\*> v*vi: i ) a\;> . . '.:i:i \N'» ’I" u». r.
•ti'HUSK .WU r'lM.Ai’Ki.l'nl \
IVTIItI J ‘''l ‘ r ‘ ' M '"'f'''' *'*‘^* f
•t.:!* or f- *.v ; !,.• i,n
I'V.- iiVu •in
li.uwi. 11 I j , (cr»oi.*
-•lV.’r.-I’<• 1 ’<• • •-'•-* ; ":*! r
Of f»i<•ant' o:il.(.rl\yvr. vm.
-IM- S(>u> !•« I •:!* -i- P»«- fill' (• Ml»no:t»salfii» »iou*c j j ,ia 14 ., a4 1j (uf M.rrui-m V I'.-.
n,-s,Hr,U, J mW>M;A i tln.’t'tt U- ««••• -
(• c|f* lux' k. ,I klr.>Ut Ullil lor (»♦*• I'®.
TO rI.KVE|AAU via. WAfiltliS. ' y W ,
I’ . ...... 5,....... I g r .CCUEVS IMII.IS\SDBnBLh MIKE!
ti, . ~rr yr \V aift'ii nJ (j SIIISO.V*' ..llliclwl >rn.tol.i, km-*-
’ -'Viji J "j f ' r ' “ i j'.rruirfint, 0!il‘-f.rr-., I Jvrrr., TfU'.r,
! Mf-rf-tirinMitypascy. or 3nv .oilier nri'ijik
r-i ;>■'.! ..... -o'liK.rii*; •<• ’ r .Ll iJiijuinUcs ”1 ti>< liloi «l. nr.• ffijiir'lid t«. rr. C
I I l if Ic.lo'vii|o [, u... in ol :|,t vvi.iidcr
,jl \V:uf. n l,r- pr * | tal |>r*ij(«Tlir-> ui llu- i>. i.jrd mruiciiir*.
" r * T 'C- - ' \ • • • lijKM.! 1 lit- i'-
.. .. :<a PV-I.
’l 1... n.ui:: .«
i . KKi' i». r.viu> a <*.' A kf.Mj: iik-M-: 1 hkai* '.
I JOHN A l a L- * 11 - 1 ■ J ' rl u '" ' J- *’ v'*’ I.US • liio n m « .M'fi: NJr. l*-nnt
tV|. .-,IC in-: L..~uash gw, kl . j. .• thl. • flier .if Mr-ir.- K>n«i,iu ano
PITTSBfI<CiH A>D OIIKK.N VlbUti > I'Hvlit-i.. ;r- ' ,'-k..r
* ■ m TO l4r * p*“ *5. I imlesso U.e «->t rrn.a:1..1:«.««. w« i-.u: ,v« r * it
feSg&s&r 104/. WifiSfesaEk ! eeV-dor
l‘A‘ K»-V Hpa<.l!T !.|V|: j «t*«n*io»- MU)i! -nil I-Tni.." ism«l
r t Hs !..ri- c-' —*' (!« - r I'«c« ; '"‘'r nn h iwt.iv*- \r < r»' omlfn :tv Mi «>
1 t, ■ | ••. .r* K M > .!f l : v .«,• fO.;"' .•ry.-n Ctr.k,-!
I li.-ewf i’l ' . if r=*' . « .• hMe rt.,.| ~f 5, . \o*:.i:p.
— "• ■ ! r:'*-' f 'fo::i|r j }l ,. r (1 i:.t- U..-iu 1 y Ur-,-
i Jc-lr"U'>‘. lif i .ri' '•.)»■» jih, l jut
• , • Jaw ii'iuc r.jrriLi) . .WtK jtl ki- rui l'iv': m.
■ «ict>cri]>'inii '>l in* r . j'.
’» Wll-K \ A «. rr i; V: * i
1 <*H \H. .* KH \ l-C. *N o ,r.
- H » % > \ i-l.t %.l! Sin:;,.: .l .
, \\ I* .’.A \N ■'ti-.r.v - ,l;i:
- - • U'\' V\ ! lIK'V«, iY.a- < r •i. .
, KKKI* ’■ \t\fc~ A 11--.-.- i. :
! J'MiN A *'.\t liliK'. CViYI-r Wf.-r iir.l Sm U.:-X£l
Ja;li y l Vrar.r j. He. 1 .-. 1' • l-nr •lj
Al.’ KiNii' <‘: M' K' -V i-'l 'H‘ .'.Mi I'll"'
l'hll«iSrj|iliin, Rnin.:i»rr AfivYork
mil lioxAn.
rpll K
imliip<r»l l' - »* pn-pp
■ t.ii'ii'jcf i I fu
r • it-'; <l <J u
ft.V nic!i, r,.
|iU> :• ty(* !m
!<• <rt.iljl- . r ir.?p-.;u»-r 11. f C’C-H
• ! inrc wtth<*ii: ti
!t 1 Ulitfo; ivri
1' t :r«i «nl fat- lur.v .r.
-C »' tj:rti w;ttn*ot ilv, *\ r.l l>■: 1 ''v
\VA I.! 1 . J-' >i;. * ‘
«• .-* .1. h •. r •
KM.I. A •
.1 M’W- . I'll!' .
.1T... A.:-:-.:
A h'f!. IJ- ilijn.iK-
■ Vl_\ llKt-WNSVU.I.i: A liFili.
i ii j .**r 1 A** r t 'v- ' ! ;-J
K f.flFft I t»N -
**«® I
o(!|ll KAII, RU A i>. S
'1 ’ Hi' «t: <>*<*' •••oi • w !t :‘"*r **:- <*••' •
1 ’rliir* - jn Itultirori** l»y i‘i- ijcv.."’-
■ I ilk Yoiiow.nt J".
liu",,. Cu
Wh.(•„«.-.«>. .<•
A.h-» 4|;’*J. a'i.;.;.*
fSuit—r. I.'m:. I r.-t i'mk
>Ti.: w i- ,■ - '•! ci- n-t :; «
u-.-. i\.,» -T- •. .)
UaMier-H*'.*-:. Ibi.
0,,*. pkm. F- * Wc,,’-Jlo 'S'I
, Drcwul . IV.Cf.ej • Fur*. «. n-';is. ,
J-. 11 cl* per Wh*
All property i-i.ii* qrc.! in :b T<»
!■<• iji n-.;
i: nijov- r-n.-* W H Fl.Uth' 1t..,-.
E.\ V\A .•* V. A . I K.\J
I.’OH sAl.y..
£ ; - It,
,|J. (fl -■!■ ..11 l.f r ■'
rial ImiMius. ear* iv.ih rp,*.--. !.j(i,re>. .*
*tf!c-i. r.ti-uurjra, or Li M-tii-W .« %!oi-., •’
aug'-fU Tiin-i u i.,\ !i(!)
J.- --•- “ \ ; I*f\ (if/.
line 't.-v i-r
r” U‘L
Zu, a :rc K a
r sim
imu >. lie fuiunl nt the Ne\v VorV Stnr-.
'.V II HAK!!-\im,
IP<«] ?.l Mnr4»l «l
rf'llF grt-ntcM and bed rutin y everetT-jed inti;.*. »ty
J before—mad* on iht* rn’»d upprovod F-bftern
ami m.»«t fat Ivon* tile Faitem nittem* anrtroicr*. / i*o
Till-: CllKAl' Bdl.U o? BOSTON BUND, on h?md
ot made to order 01' all tii-*. and al all price*
Coiunry Merchant* anil other* ore tnviieil -tn cn'l and
examine the above for tbemietre*. n» nir will to* r o!tl
wboleialc or retail, and a liberal deduction nude to
wholesale purchaser*.
.‘IIK'i! • A N\« »>
; 1..,; I.'
V. *! I .r ».j wi
wj-'.u. I* ~:i .rU'rrliri n af. •.
.urn st (!.»■
:shu ln«*!>**ilr* nil*!'
cilirii -a IK. NHrii
Mr. B i'<li>rii)» iij »tr;l iu .1.: •: i—. li»i S’-It
ml«rV v ' inu; l , i- - . ' i ,!*• uj .i- ;• «
Oil'll'.- ! ,t\ "I j _r.< . U
Ur. L1.1..'. > IM-I.Vs \U.Ki \ t-I.K M\-\
,<>•; »!. :i • t:
skill,*., i; ■.<
i It: rri L. fuv„ M> ,
J V. i::if .'i h 'imt::
! ji.-M-.i.-i
. ..
;t ;.t ?
'.;aU. rlrv-. I 1.11
LA l\ .*
• iretl. *- ‘
K l; i.u.i*. .1
• \V \r . '
!'■ •) Keli.-ii. i
i-r.rr "..i-r. .
J-f i B«> :.r f.
I'f.. •; 'iui i; „V 1.-iC
V.,;o.’h. 'i ; lb > 'T'/'IC'l. A IVH'kli. m. i.-. U.-. M
*t< • \ ‘I ■: 1 Nrv. i, !n
1 1-t
.1 ■•.'■>“■ y■ >■ oiid ci-.r j
(5 1. I - - t.:‘> Il » :f • f -tuia l“f. wn.-it
.■'i - 1 Trim -- .. Jlf JllUUln
it- I- I", a "T.-uxilMble till >• .• •
.- <• I.r re ■ .1 . ...1 ••>.{« .
it...- ■ ■ li. ■ imi. I,
vrit.n, M. i*i-i
i>jm .v-*.i.s <yt' * i-JK f; i J
4 |V (; U.-H.ib * ...M .It. «... I.ine-n' I.- .
a J ' *
I 11. r -• .■ . •• tr. Mi:* i ■>■>■■■ r t!,n:u!
A- ; - Jj. I- « • • -rfn.irt.: Mi- ' I'.OOu- ui.l f.
x,r No
Y»t!'iof s sctMWpui:i.•
U/ ilO-j: • >t.ut- ' l.rfoL at j-i.. 1
I.lrf 1 Oil: ' ‘VO - - "lit '111.11) t 1...,1»
til .our pJ:?Tv-irl* muj.-.oim umi |if u i,•!..•. • v..i
>- <i un: 100 i.iran '<> f ••• < * ’• ■ -
: «'i.-««. >wr. w1,..-1 1 -.v0u..l
f \... .'i.iin in. n. u.itl imkr. >imr yeltuw *k!n<'i.-nt i,.hl
h-u'Hiy. (.o nt »n»e to Jjck'.m - ' S-erc. L-ln-ny -t
T • rirl*.ui-.l »:*•! :* i-oWv.
N il J.u-Lmn - piun- <, t I'.'istj.i’K l ) -,vln:rc
tli- (*KN 1.l N K .« lo (.it uMuilic.l. Bt-vvni r ui v.ouul^.
V'i. i (.<• B>»n *U-uiK in ti.r i ( t.
■\ |OKf. \N H I 'IU’IJU '•Xit.Vl* i ”..» !!
‘ I'M I'pin.; II .(•«•!,( u:»rv i 1-17 '
.Mi. Mt.rciur—Till* lu'-.y et-nrlv th:it t.i i..,; llili;fc|
-:*i .i irniilile»oitie'C{Hir!i #otr»'i uni«, I btnu'ln ti t-u-t,.
•ill Murrun’* Foi.ffli >\i i./i iln.J urn to My. ,i!vr
I. .-:s ... nr: »ru?n viit te’V vi'f-'l I p/tincmn. r
U»-i;li > r•■(* t’i>- l>"'" iik.'h >nc 1 1 'U’« c/’ i u-ci. .N u
fui ii 'j »iidi*:.l l.>- > vjluh'-Iq mrijicint.
' ‘ fl.\Vin - M-Btt/UTrjV, Al'^brnyrty
tnci! utir .i prepan il W>-*;i:c lui.l fCi.Vj
•it -lie I?r*iir Srr.f.- ol JOUV I> .’iJJjfvOAN
WuikJ • ■< nU one ii..ei !.••! Aliev
I‘nVc t Jel.i
» via- Ity■!**<• rpul>i Siaius.of from '• .’ln>liuc.
Woollens-Carpi tj, Ac-Ac- and rautlenni* tlm >pois
tf«l:rrc it is ntijilied clrar.btiaiiM.ew. aiul upoiie.y.
Sold with ml' ilircct.-onj* I’nce '44crnu n cuki.
SCTSoId by WM JA< ?9 Inbeny Mrcci,)|caJ
ol vV'otnl. nt in* Boo: and Mud ?:orc, sign of tL<: Ili(:
Boot "i .^7:
~ comiums,.-..
• * ''4'
r ' ITedk’AL
r'.viii ..i >n;« i.iiiJaeiir.
••'•Vim th*" cnutn may mil he explained.
■n it .e tii-- t tjfttU an-- <1 uJ> awcrl.iincd,
noi ilriii-t»»n i prrjinlcir, or pride,
I'. luci' mankind to eri the rutirn* s«u!f ;
Mmii* wli-rh. iW »imple. are l»y Heaven design'd
To atirvioiß tbr ,11* cn tinman kind.”
i>H iMitisriK’s (■ ai.vamu hinus and mau-
» 'ill> n'liiurLni'lr mvrut .m, which liai received she
a appruhuhrtu of (tto medical professional
i ,i, _• |;tj:;t• n c."u|in«r> in ennirly new application of
‘i i v in-m. n imm .i-eiii. 1«v mcHii« Ol which the
- niii- Haiirries Klecrnc and Magnetic Ma
■ t .t--/ . j. an* mutely di»prii*ril wish, and ihr myslrv
i... , oi (lot vim, .in applied without any oi she
t> ■ .-I-oj: which ni't ni*<-|ljrHlre imhii she general mode n; n-e. t\.e suuiij: dovis ami irregular intervafa.
..i -v i ri. i» appheil h\ ih-j .Machine*, ha*
i. . alter n inir Uml impainot trial. l» he
■Li-' '• iivtuu'ut inn] it vena lo remedy tin"indiraldc
; :■ ui ■ : iu:i- in w application war projected, which, af.
r inn ii-t; imi iunt |.tr»cvcrance. m«» hern brought
' n.i- t *'nii m p< iie<su>n The Waieattle Hutgt
i ii- -w r ill -hr purposes ,n' ihe mo«i expensive ,Ma
' ini! :i ti any oi'icf [•••peel-* are moro»q/* a,, d
-f il-i • nrr iimiil>)niii; the desired tiled
I l,'ilt'tin' King' iiM'il in i-unnecitoii wish the Alag
; r y:.n t. mr i-oiilnlriitly recommended in aUditor
irAic/i .mu /runt an tnfttbled or unktakk) tlaU oj
. v* nm-r.ui or ribil tostrm. uml these complaints are
urn ;!_• ,nr mo*: p.nn'ul uml universal to winch we air
- • •: I an-. . wiihoin exception, from one snn
j ,>• • :■ ,i- • - i of thr Nervous Syatent—’
mi i w i-.n i!ie-e e.i*<-“ thttl other •retnedie*’ liavin* j
i • ■ , t-u la*” d. a new agent wiw greally needed, wlncr I
| .. . I'. nliil.-ni'y hi-l.evr j. has hern ibuud m the proper
j. • . ■■■r mi* oi Galvanism.
; 'i».v;u,;i liii.g* have Leen u»ed with ennre me
i i—•« n u.. ru*r»|of utSsxxsTUM, nettle oi chronic, ap
• p . n- <i> ill,- heiid. fate "r limiii, Giiur, Tk-Dototna,
j 7i-iJ.'nir.M. liii/neiiliiy Vrrligo, AVrrour or h'leit HmJacMt,
| Pardlyui. fairy. EptUjiiy, Fit *. Ciamy,
I’a't ‘!’U’“n n f tA« /Iran. ApcpUxj. Stijfnta of Joint'.
sfi< ii.’ Coiuf.lainti. Lumhago. Neuralgia, A’rrtoto 7>r-
IhzoiriM tf thi Hr ad. fiatn in ut Chat and Stilt,
im iifrxii tfctiiit*. Li-fttitncyof jYrrrou. und PkgtUal En
trgtf ■trid ali S LU Vt lL ,*i UISOHDKKS In ra»e* of
i-o ifarinc!l liy«pc p«u. wli.rh i« *itnp!y a nervous de
lanctmi nt oi the diip-otiTeortpiii*, they have hern Sound
eiji.niy »iKTf»«fiii. I'tinr rXtinnrdmqrv efleet* u}*on
i r:. - - \ -1,-tii imi.i i,e wniie.vrd to he hr lie veil, am) a* a
eenii ri prevent - v* lur the pteceilinj* riimplamts they
uri;-r i ( !i:i'i' rrcomisi'itiiei!. 'H»e Kint,* are or ditfWeni
p;i-e-. made i*l uli *.iv.. amt of various ortia
iivji'iii p.itiern.. and can !••• worn hy'.hr mon detirair
•. •..<,■ v i'ioui iiie *1 chtr*t Li lat u
th* 'm n.atir.ii .t r than olherwlkr.
Thr <;nlvuitic Belt*, Bracelet*, Banda,
(iarlcr*| Aecklnctfs drc<
,f:i vrre revi-re clnuaetrJ.and Ol itnit
■hed hy the (iatv.itiic Bitijt*
ic proper,* or di*-ra*o and
The improved modification
A i- co'in:, I vine
. 'MI t* inv(«irKia'< y*u »h..u't
•• u!.i> It upJ. mU moctnnp'i/iii wnTfi
•r.ou» uyeru'm tiuJvjiin«m cmi rued will fail
•ii 'irni'y iili?v-il. 'l'lip«o nrurlc»i»»e
,\ .1 M.DtlD* liino*. am-io*- of «•»>’ pan
•i , m ,ii> |■ • ii-oi cotiveif.eiict*. Ihe
i * *l* d-«"i iv jaiiicairr I'enrhl us jov-« oi
• m i.:!n i.on.v ol ilio ihrocl centrally; «l»o in
I’i.i l nnii w in minima
a- 4 prv«.oiiiiTr for .\|>opicxy. Kpiicpur Hifv
L'Jniitic’* .’llu;:neUc Fluid
i» it a* ii i r-.miff i i/ii w. ;i • i.i* (»a. van ic King' an<l.*ll
iimsmii*. I:b« i-*-n f*n>-
no •nt-ril . ;iw «t« !.i lie oitf of <h«
il •••-ovrfi(*» oi modern arirnce
i. l/i pnilAil il** r#in»r*i* l **rn vwri «if Ttadt*ins lA
... . ffuumloga ttnii acrion bj- Uii» mean* cuu*i-/
, ,ti. j.;i.. . ,n<- »rai oi ilia»a*e,
... ~ v.t-t uip-l »ftit jit 1 tu«iicn! m. lict No otbrr
....1,,...* .mil .1 . !;.-in 1 tii .» Xiio-.vnio jiro.lui ctbc ram"
or u> iinparto ».m.iur pro|---rt> 10 ilie m-rvou*
: iii'4ti*o!'an oulcrarij local .ipjihrrlioii The
it.-. i'oim I- 1.0 ■')!•{; rapntiic t-i .in- •
i -t I'f
ClirtHiiu> Gu!winic strengthening Plan-
I' •' ' I'-' l * •»
in n„r ri I'l.nti amulicr v -ilonfc ic ujiphcat.on of ■
n: •t; li'-t* tit (!.ilv.ini-m. They n rt Btl !
ij--r:m .tti.iiiK t to u.c grtiu-.rie t»aJ7anic Kmjja aod 1
1 f. .'. :-r n: tin*, iirl 11 <u) nil 1I hr »umr jii mcijile. tint
1. . > in*- jJvmnaf • piiuure local •i>p .ca:j<i» 'Hie)
-r • > i.-> .•niiurii.lca n* a I' addition in 1
r -j.. ..I, >tii- hi |{iirtii:ia;i*iii, acute orchroitx-. >n ad
i",. .-'t.iii,i -t.i..*, a-.J *«< jio«iiivc reaieuy mnvi
1 in.l •-. .liViin.At »i int f.i««r or Bads, Paw in IKI
, 1, . . jiiK'/.t.'i-' Ajf’rti*' and 111 irraAnru or Opprts
.... / I.l* Fiiftn.-.iurj t/.„-iiu In rijiiniil
■ 1' .tt. 01’Hi.-iiK.t. •:-< dt tl riiaruricr. mid in. v
.t - .... I ""'ll ared Willi C Olil i>if 111 nicer-** T he) Ufi
•. ..I "... j-.t •: .n!> -in'ape 111 Fa.n* and
.'.id »r> bmiiiy fccon»an-n.irtJ fur man) of
-- .- nry.:n;i.» •* -lull lcfn»lc*nre copetiaJly noble.
. -it ri.. 1 in. " ,r »i«ciißlh"ii>i:p ibe »y»lrin
• kV ' h >f •>•*;. or ti h.-r .-uu** *. u* a c"r
-1 1».#il \Vrokne**. u* it i’rc v> uitvr
.1 -inti n.I .11 rtUrct.on* 01 ihc Chr»t. jfeßcralljr,
, 1.,i .n I- -•'if.-i::ll'.-i>i;ljj i*iu«l"r will he' found ol
.... t c.imi;. n: iMtvaiKaee In m few «rord»4 H
1*" .* «i* c • ... i:».- v.r.ur. ol ilir I'f.i ionic preparation,
.ii.ii-,.mm iilil i:on of Hi.- patvanir inßuenre.
. 1.. hr-r iinpaircd nor cilimi»ifd. white the a.-.
~.. . t-i.ii.ivj-.». 1 lice ait if "* will hr found entirely
.. . «.,t. i.i.i*t i.'.ic.-i-nii* whn-1 an- u consiant *«iurt’c
- i-t-iii-Mi in -.vii:i tin- tinlinary planter* in common urc.
?f>“Tii- jjrrnt e«det.n>y and »ct*e»« of ihcee article*
... . o--»1 thrift ir.-hc fiumetfc.trd by unprinciplcii
-hi... ‘I.» piovnle tipa.ii*! impoim.i.t!, I>r Curiitik
.1. iui one. umlu’tilcd Mpcnt ia each city ot the Ifnioa.
nsrtit -i 1 *lll *burjjti. W. \V WI|.*»ON
1 • :l>c!>iiiii>ltn“*:tc*si'«fcco
n.. |i.t .1 irsarilinp the ellranrdtntiry value
.1.1 *m • ol the at.ovr art.elea lII* bel.eved thai
.Joi i.:i »'• ipiJ -vt > ' u.-rt.
. A
.V. 4,.
ik- t ,i\ ol N*-'v York alnnr, upwanla of KltillT
r,nil '-AND I‘KKSONS 'lutinr * period of let* than
1 nnve o"en eni.rely relieved ot the moil painful
, r.n-ic d-*ot.?er» sntnc nf wli-ebjiaye eonlplelely baf
d.-il ni: innm-r elj.irt* n: medical art ' Indeed many of
Un- L*-: i'*>* i-..nn» of Hu* city, of the
rm'vitiif mid Machine*, cixtatuntiy rrc<>a>-
11:.:u.t i.'t. i nppl cat on in their practice, and with the ex
••tic, ni nf 1(10*6 wh'iurc too prejudiced u> pive 11 a tri
al. the Mvnmnn has received unsnunon* favur-with
tlir mo-i 'iitciliseni among ihc American Kacalty. Ui
• '!it *t'e -« ui nil tittle* ready and mod happy ta B-VC
>-v.-';v >t>" m phi ‘ emu*, .uui nil interested, mr leaf
in- ; t.i.Ki n:' imi ii-'eHi-u* a!td the efficacy of hi*
o.v> ttf-m')' m Fitisiiutgli,corner 4th and Market d
No. 64 DIAMOND Ale
Edjr’~- LIT, a lew door* below
*A *%'on«l aired, loward» th«
*•*&s <%>?“ B market.
dr. BHowrs,
—jvJß~JFavnig been regularly ed-
QpMvi;ucuted 10 the medical pni
fv}?.V i'ljfe*»iott, and been tor *o(tie
Kw! N\ bdie m «eiiMral ptacuee.
110 vv cmifiije* hi* iitirmion
to the irealmeni of tho»r itfivnte nnd delicate min
MviaL/ yi plnini* (or which inaoppoi
je ’uttii c* and experience
r ur pvculmly uualify bun
l-“c-..-u -, e 1 r• u»*iduou* •• devoted 10 the stud) end
-n( tbiwe compl i,t*. which mue be
H. I ~.,,re j.incticc and ti* cured ttwre paiienU than
-.. . •• 1 nil in (he Ini of n y pnvate.prtirtitinner) biii-
P ; i i-u 'iifn * him to ulf.-i a* i.mnec* ol .pcedy. perron
1 »vii.<l'-'.-inry eurn wl! itlJln-ird with frliret#
d,.e-. ..-1 and *U rii-en-e* atbyriK iherefrotn.
I), lir.nvn wou'd mltimHhuK: allbcted with pn'tale
a,**-.. c* wli'k ii hiivi: In-.min nlirunioby Ilmeoraj'Brava
led |,y li.c H*.- of ai.y ui thd enmmon notirum* of the
d tt. thiii ihi ir rtinipininis rnji be radically and Ihnr
, .-.reil.h*- iluvmß given; hi* carefutailamion in
i>~ ...., ~j,'h. ;i*ej,a>Jd -I'cccedcd m hundred*
If-, .. ,kh ns I'ei’On- “f niDnmatiim nf he neck
~1 .. .- .I.;-r. nnd k-mhed di*eU*c* whicli oficn reeub
.>....1 1i1t... Cl,*.-, wln-rr ollid* h:«ve notJn-Uj.|lieut lo
iik|.< ic.. de.pnir lie putiicularly tnvite* *uch n» have
1 i.n'";iiid un *i'ccee»fuiiy (rented by other* to i*ia
atilt b in w'neit every «ni«fnrtimi wjlJ be given them and
irenttMi >ll a r .refill. tlioroußh and intelligent
nnnrt-r (.001 am by .Inui* experience, aiudy and m
v.11,,ni ..-Inch il i* nnpnasible for tbote rngaecd ir
c- ncnil |>n«.-i;i e ol inedicnir to g.vo any one cla*» p
di VUi *e.
■ ■ I'/.Jie r.(li*vl
•r. .-i. i’t: ,:trplj : r»i ni :!i
•vj-i nv ,• •
J 1< M'iU.IS. l>
I; >' ilcrum or Jliifitor*—Dr. Brown also invite*
priMin* .litlictml \yiili >l'.rni-i to cnll, M lio tiu paid
aU'*nunn lhi*\din*n*e
Di-rttmcxitiUj i'lfy*, Pals)*, etc. speedily cured
L'lmrs.r.'vrry low.
i; • -Batcm* of either set
t.-talkie tiitir di*«HAV'>t) wntjfe^* 1 ’
tt.Mr,. l-" 1 "T ° » UO\V N '
Ollif.' Nn 05 Diniittiiitl
jr>“ cine. ii r»V‘ ilirlft \
L' IVKIi COMPLAINT— Another cure perform
ed by u*ing the original, only true ami genuine
I L.vcr IMb '
r 1 Aiisiuieev. Drown county, Ohio; J
1 ’ ibirrii tin, ls>J7 {
i .M,,n 11 Sejier*: In April last my wjfe wax aitackfld
will Livi r Complaint, ami hot} thr advice of iwo pbj
* cims wlio tried various remedies with producing si))
I ip.-o»l etb-rt. Hiving heard of your celcbratod Twvf t
IMI-, 1 coßcnidfi) to gijre them a fair trial.. I purcba*?d
ore box of Mr. Scott. Aberdeen, ami save them accord
ing to the dir* ciinnt, b) which »lic wa« greatly relieved.
- 1 procured o •ncond t/ox. wt.ieh entirely cured her. and
»lie n*w enjoys excellent health. I have used theln
ur, M-if, and pronounce them the bent family mediemtj I
‘ hare ever tried- Your*, respectfully. _.J
f 'o7*ThMn? Pills Hand unequnllcd by any medicine
known for tho cure of Liver Complaint • • > ■ •
Prepared and told by it K- SELLERS
tt pj • N 057 wiwJyutet
PAR better is it to care theTooii* pv f»"raov“it saJ'r emitiitiiVcure' oi'a'! di teases CALLKIi f
ache inonemiautß,byu*icf Wheeler's.i . an-iti'! --3: cr irabiM mh:« of the blood ‘ HUNT'S LINIMPhIT i '
QVMMfc Teaberry T«o* tfaih. than to puffer - v»rf •••-** HUN I 5 LINIMENT,
~ the nch'iifc, tlf© 10 carp of.-he ! Fi -jSt JV... *H. mn'iLvu. o>. r>»<ut Cui-t*** « r> ur.iverwlly acknowledged to be. t J;«i lk
gum*, •ofmeAAbf the gums, Mop bjerdir.g «f the gums. | Fi'mf-iin.i, “r~ *,;!}} e r fat?, I'-ixehtt, A- b A t.LI BL.K_ l> (I.M EDI lur Kiicumalirni, Sp»*
and always keep the te«.Ut. cum# and raouih pleasant, L , s ( v.'—v, r - Htng KV>n or Ttxer Atfectinns. (ronmtcirou* of the Muscitj., St*M
aiidinthebesi wateofbeotjV 0 [ : W-j<, fan. li. Beat* andJ.'ini*, Throat and Quinsy. Unties,Old Ulcere* l‘»as j» the
" ThABF.KRA ! i«.66*r„ CW Lu* ; Ua ,. k am , Chest, Ague tn the Brcut and Face
TOOTH W AMI to the poboc. .11« the painful riuiv 0: . ban ■in-! £llOOO irtt,tx(/rzman or/udicivu.' mm c/ ... , . . Ur..; .« w.i. i>k aHO rac *
the proprietor to state that tins ertiMr. which •• , Mrrury. .isnmcr Zbu/.y. towurt c' hnfTuJfnum u Ach ,, halt Rheum. Burns,
rmg.nsfandonly genuine Traberry Too V. . .1. .. ufu /.•&. C&ronit Vow.u:Lnnl Dtxffdm. I fo»led reel and an ihertpua |)j»ea*e*.
been imitated by numerous Traberrv 'l«» I. Wat- *J* ' ITS wm u.iniinutr.i. . n ii-s* i.»cit *.untied the The I’HILMI HA& 1 MJCCESS which has at..
Teaberry Tooth Paste*. and a rur.e.v f-Jmt e-eatTUt. 1 bappi«-*t ip.j.i* ;u taui.) anoo.ohtut /ilJecLone. but . lei.deo the application of this most WOM>KKF IT.
thr unme Tmfcerry annexed to them- -ekes, ta fact, lb:- a,#, t b.ed.! 10 b . die w.d »b;Mi eaist*. bn ween MKDIt.IiSKiu Curing the most severe can* <d the
article is the first that ever bore the name ofTeaherry cathimic and ’<• n’-*. ur,:- u* ,i >t 3«. rcn t l»rrea es above named,—and the HILiH
*“ d 1. the O.lrodrwtohih.-rial ..!««« W. ..-M... «■■!*.«-. p> KNCO.MII .MS toe toil b..t,»id ui,i>„ „
the plant, ami e«tatih*hed all the celet.r.n tor n. aim b v .jiV 1, o.iu.k nii.c u> me »> *;ctu. * ... v n _ . 7* v .*••
induceil othtr* to make u»eof us name, though tne) >«cv- h.-t.-gIH, n.irur-.i ~.r .-ntiv.-n m.-e ar.J jtu.-m- '■ *»herescMt has been inir HuiCLd, ft trc« me UiengUt
n did present its inirin»ie virtue* to the puOlte. A* b.i.iy. prut;* n.ns noth'wc t'Ot tne exp»c»*:(l e*»ence. ■" call <»n Ar t I.IC I r.ll to resort at once to
evidence that ini* 1* the first preparation of Teab.\rr> ana i* tiie rvp e«.*i.u,i»v«- tne eju .p*i jii -n ; the O.M.V RKAiKUk 1 HAT CAA BE RELIEU
toj the Tceih. the copy of the certified.record* Of the ibc ‘nine n..«iiner a* Qj ini:'.- i» ..1 t e r-v. n 1 , (j 4 \.
foiled State* District Court :s palilisfaed.- v 1 t»p-urfi l: i*Ttn •sim.l-hvi! i3ft*t!-ta [TTThc ftCiilK Blritetn rccommcndino the celo.
©Eastern District of PennsTtrnn.a. ,w- g«.ne..f v-m-e --- or .M»n.b=«.e tom-m-.ah K Rcirtedv. Hunt*. Lament.
to wn: Be it remembered, Thai on ibe in-d.e n;.! vu.ujri'. i inter ...n .t\ o; mr crti-.v ... ,• .. k . .
the second da; of February. Anno »m!.»< «•*. hrtce toe «.jper-.,.,- s> „• .hn.V prep .r.iu.c iie '••llotv tig idler tm-r tl.o b.ghls emineri
Dommuone ihoaund. eight haudred —suid in> mt atid vsotdu ue»-i«- ■•> ur nk « uuitrn; rn'iiute I bjsicnn* who hate been attached to the Mount
and forty-two. when ;» ba(i j. -1 0..ui;,l , li:i . , u. v : J'l.-utid State I'ftaon Jor many jears, is the best
\V. XVHKKLKR, \ The Sar*aparsiu run *— Jilm-.l when m«e.. ujn-. . rvalence, bf the valnc of this celebrated Liniu.ent.
of the sn.d -District. deposited hr- ;<> iiir jirrrt.i>n« v miJ-iuudc n> ►uii the w*te ui itr jia SISG SISQ, Decctnbcr thj. i‘TA.
. , . this Office the Title of a iT ucitt. «... . , , . -Mv Pear Sir—l rocciscd your note ol vestirtdav
lie of which is in the words iollowibr to win Tbe followiuerertifirat' adilreor.l to die Acr;.;. , v t , » IJ ~«*»- '1 */
TEAUKRRV TOOTH WASH 1 Ch;r* e o, funi .ni-.s coiic umvc r , w r or »:* gresi v.dur <i>to.oß in relation to Huni a L.mmttf,
The right whereof he Manns a« in rnn- • Pa -.-. 01 T-cvrr 5.,r,« at prepared by Air (itorge b Manlop. Knowiuy
fnmmy with on Aa 0/Congruj, entitled -An-Ac u* I (hiu-Ai.o til ' its roatp«>sitiun r and haring Irctpientl) o»ed it. I
atnenaibe several Acts ri-*peet;iig Copy Right*.” Mrl.u.u» A Ret*.—isentf.: in ,tm. 1 .ib can rccoßHUcndll In you as a sale Externa! Heme.
FRA'S Hdi'KINSON. lame.i «i >..u .:uf-.ii.''Vni MiH'iMi.-;;ai..s.ri.i ii-.,ai.<l m utv opinion, the beat Liniment rum in
, Clerk of L S. Disl Court »j« »!.*■ 11 ronfiur.t re *»y err w :h,n:. n.r a -.ep.-k. u ; t . Vcrv trulr and respectfully xnnr*,
l« s ,F.b.M,Copy^po,to- A 9 ,». v'r ] A K HOKi-VAN.
, The above Copy Right for the wrapper of the tiotUe. me m have the limb ampifeie.t. taynrg r. iv»> die wn'y ! ‘ “ l ‘ lcrro * anCoitiandt, i.roion Manor,
showing the Tilly of tiie Article ui legal language, and means l.kety to preserve my <*tc .Viter u* ban the •lui Iv concur in the above opinion. •,
grained m tire li*gal form, will prove lb *to bn the ong boillf ;he p.u:i .irsi;' !'> *ul.«.Jc. nn.n.v t:-.* tme h bad , . •. • _Vr A BEl.l.'H hit.
mal Teat crrv Tooth Wn»h. and all other* are bui mu- u nearly ihrt-e >oti!e* I whs >!de !Hr my reg- , Vor.KTOW.s, Jan. 14. l!Mj.
Tnion*. which have gone out 01 .i«e wbeieVertheOei;- u :arbuhme>». i.nd l.eium I bed fini»nc.t .be t-u.iu« Wt ( Sir—ln reulv U. your later, I would bus ilui I Tenberry Tooth * ciTt .*«dd. Tlkii, remember. , ,| e . J «•». a* we : and .veil r . h;iV(l W(i ou * r Kxternal Remedy,, called Hunt’s
r fe“.° s. -t- j « y «».. .. .. * .. r b„. K.. r »,
I have ever known, and hereby wanuty recommend ! '»ouM,mo*t rs-petsiu... dy now in nselor,the complaint* fur which yea rc
its use to the public in general ft* a plearant and ciW _ , .. , , JM h -. •"| commend 11. lours rospectlully,
ciou* article hrr prrservmgUn Teeth and Uuins The ftM.jw ng vniM.-n’e en > .■!!<• .11. .. BKNJ D MILt.KK ,M. 1).
ROBERT E. JOHNSTON, j K^* 1 ' *‘ cln.a.'a \j r. t' 1.-«
‘ For a number of year* ray J>nh nnd Gum» were v. i ( Me««r‘ Si:id»—Oenilemrii;
much oat ot order a* to prevent me from eating wub t » >■« a ‘ 1,1 LUW > Ol “ ' <_ , ‘ .• l |*
plearuie. and c«u»«U me mueh p.un Having heard o- •:n jsriv.-ire-n-.. 1... . ' ‘
Wheelrr’a Teaberry Tooih Wasli. Ido eenuy that I of *ucfe*st:i t ftaciuamer* w .ih nuir»l • Cf -J •
i tried-one »toall tionle of ;t. anil m le*» llinn two Wrr.- ! • U ; * 1 • 0,11 ‘ t . •’ “
! ray Teeth and tium* were sound and good. I believe ! .'ar.a;*ar ... I '■ 'V’l", ' . ’ n‘'"i
I that ihe Q»e of 1 would be nit advantage 10 many rth- 1 Wl, b « d‘«eu-e afoul n*-- ci * . I*. .m - *no
| gra. . ' J miAZCR. . ~. -!m .rji!
Certificate* of Member* vf the Philadelphia U<ir
Uaviiu; u-cd Wheeler's Ttuberry T*>otli V. n-h am;
powder. ! li.ivc iound them to posse*. cliuusiiig uml r*><
rifyinp properties, njid while they whiten am! b-autut
iiic Teeth. they hive a beneficial --iren uj-un the gum*.
b - Irnpjri'tis 10. Uiein to;«
1 havit u*ed Wheeler'* Tcahcrry Tooth Wash. umi
n» ilTi-n< upon mv Tppili kii'l («.nu> imvc KiVcji lo me
a high njhiuou of <u imr.l* i rlir-n'uJy *rcroinme:.d
iiu> ilic jLnerttl a*r. U K KNiKASt*
My dmmhtrr hat u»t*l Win-eler'* Tealicny TW'l’
Wash, land ami hu* found its> be
cleansing] and purification of ih- gums and a Sweden
diR of-thefmouih. J have no hesitation m rrcoihini tic •
me n as the mo.M beneficial preparation for lh>- teeth i
have ever seen. CJJACK.
Certificates of Ladies and Co tlemm of
ll i* with granude thai I send Hie mil. wi*t cemfi- |
caie. honing liiut many wbo suffer will be fed oy a pc* :
ru-al of it to niiiuin W lieeVt’s Teubcrr) I • oth »
which urtielr I n«ed. and it has effectual. > ured Vioih ;
ache, forme-' of the gums. removed »eu i from in) I
teeth, and I fully believe na. cm.ri'ly arte- - d all de hi il.rtn. t trust that ail who suffer. Im ngoitutr !
o' he >aiiK specie* of complauil. will as nvi’ a»po«*‘-;
Id* u»r Wheeler's Teaberry footh Wash, halthey j
may. bn relieved. J ULIA S’A .CU Tl.RAla.
Owing to having taken cold, but tfoatly in conse
quence of the'acid of a phint usd} in coloring, toy
teeth became very much injured. giving excruciating
nnin at intervals, for between two ami life y<-ar«
Wheeler’s Teaherry Tooth W««h tv a- u««il and ha
entirely tailed them, which, m f-ert ficui*- loim. 1 mill,
that those who wish a perfect rein-«ly lot pumiul teeth,
and ulsujrsire a pleasant Tooth Wuxli, may- with Con
fidence try Wheeler'a'l'eaberry Tooih VVa»h-
“Wheeler'sTeXberry Tool/) Wash” uvme removed 1
neurf npj cured soreness of the gums. which had irou
bled me ten two years."’ It p< my l-ehenWat ii i« n b.ithi , .
useful nrtjrlc. and that it :» advisable u> tht*.* who *ui i
let with the teeth and sums tomuke u«r ot :i. <
(‘Your TcaWriy Tooth Wa«h cured the '.noth ache I
artj nl«o son hen of the gum* in my fanply, ami I wud 1
ymi this certificate that tlioir. who suffer wiili locnh
ache or serenes* ol the gutus may know thai »ti* a
remedy for them. and n very pleasant Tooth " a*h.
\VV Wheeler. Hb Catharine street
■•Wheeelr’s Tcalwrry Tooth Wasli” hnv ns cured •
*oreuc*» of the gum*, aiiiiedectuatty stopped bleedme f
01 lilt Rliinv. I deem II a debt ot grnditudr :<-r the rel.ei j
which'.i utlordcit ire, mid * duly owed to my be
met. io*ay, Dial it t* tny firm conviction, thai tho*« wlm *
wilt use Whn icr’.Tenlwrrt Tooth '' a»ii Inr the tet-ib |
•ikl Eum»,wtilfind that ilis'ait imfonaiunrticto !
| THOM.\> J MeCLKDY, |
i No. Cdllowbillsl |
’.<*(• tlifecl'On* Heroitipuliy ii 'i tie
.•n:>uV.« »rc .a r vi-ty way |>cifeetiy harm- •
f.>io -ri w,tifii ihc teach t>, «JJ
u.,!; ifi.urni. # i« nxairitof
:g rifi.'ui > und permanent benehi.
'i?’S *' a •Intuncu
—<4»iviii({ nil t)ic »ynip’,
fuf u*e, Uj
•> pon |>a I mill
»lley. o|)|ir»iif i]i*t ’W*vfr»i
•‘Frsm much severe sufiering of myself, andother*
htz my laindy. wnb decay ed Teeth and 'ore Oum». ami
the mar? resperta iltf ,e<.itmonial» highiv :n favor ot
Wheeler's Tomli H‘a-h l •uduced to
ev« ,i a iri-T .itier wlueft ini •apidy b—.l .t. and 1 n
jiM-ciu say ii.m .I d.d j'crorni u’lltorouKh imJ clleeiujl
cun for ail and is the I-* ti nrt.r'n- tint I ever knew t»i
l would icromrnend ;t* U*e to those who may be *»tflur
n c JRSJ«>: MOOllh^
W Wheeh-r. No Market *t.
Many more lestiniottials .it", matin'; approving of
•'* Tenberrv Tooth W ash ” *
Su d ji! WM JACKSON'S store. No. s# Liberty *t
Pittsburgh, bend Wood*:,
i i’r'iieipul No 3 Pli ' «■'. I|>l. i
I'U‘er.e ih-» uit-rin shoe!: ' - ■’ in cd. the i:irji:»
bniile* make a < t unrt ;»r v. a .a, ui.d the smallcai :i
P. S . For the toothache it should be n»~d Ihthevird:
: g IONsISTINU of his I’rophyljctic Syrup,a err |
lam remedy lor all f"',f.MrTivr aud ScTOfu
. loua affections; l.*< ugh Syrup. Croup Syrup. Con
r,centrale*l estrael of >.irssparil|j. ded.'cflty
! superior to alt other e\trnct», liavitii! given relict
i?w|icn all other* hive failed, being through a new
* process more concentrated than any other ever j
* olFered t» the public. ASTHMA'IpC ELIXIR. i
! naving cfircied permanent cure, ot that stubborn 1
i disease, when' of more tljan 12 years s auding.
. | facncc it BUnda without a rival in that muen dreadcc
| d^cas*.
, Dr. Rose’* LINIMENT. fi.r all cases of weak
: oois ur pam, and a coinpioui vuostiiute for blister*,
i Dr Rose’s TONIC. .MIXTI RK. an inlatltln.i
curd Tor chit s and fr vrrc, and indeed is more uf a
specific for fevers of all hmdsth-ju b»rk or .Qui
nine. » -
where known, is used in preference It* any other
Vermifuge preparation.
Dr. Hose's TUNIC ANTI-DISPKFTIC, lor ill
1 ' diseases ol the Stomach and bowels, Ch- lera in,-
1 ] fcctioi*. Ac Totfdngh an encomium cannot be
! passed «n the menu oi tin* medicine, tu cure ot
M Di<pcpvia, and sil diseases that revolt Irnm weak
| ness of stomicn u bad i|igcstion.
. i Dr. Roso’s FKMAI.E til IS. a most valuable
l | remedy (or those general to which fo
i ! males are subject. “ '
i No pill ever before offered the public so happily
’ S combines the qualities ol ( n vatuaoln medicine,ns an
• ’ anti!-dispcptir, LIVER or Momachse pill, bortcc.l*
ing these diseases, tmd' thereby prtrenlingctinx
sumption.' A young La<lyyears of age, iwiving
i adiseaieil liver lor some ti-oc, her strength pros-
I Dated ?nd appetite gunu, wra* completely restored
i tn si* weeks oy the use ol the Anti-dispcptic mil
* tureand thesepills alone
KNENG PLASTER, lor w eakness oi the bad.side,
1 breast, A.C.
Dr, Hum’* SPECIFIC EPlLEl>Y,the roost cer
lam remedy for all cates of fits or convulsions,
whether in infanta or adults. So certaio a specilic
is it tor this formidable disease that the moat ob*
■tinste cotes, and those 100 of long standing, hare
yielded at oocc.
!)r. Rose’s RHEUMATIC MIXTURE—After-many
years of diligent research ili.» compound was discov
ered, and it* iteVef failing efficacy places a* efficiency
above. all other* fur thecurr of RheurnatiMrf
Dr.-Role’* ASTRINGENT COM POUND, mtertam
remedy for spilling i>lood, united ror discharges of
blood whetherfrom l.uug*, tmwri* orolher part* of the
body. . _
Dr. Rose’s SYRUP for Cho'.er* and Dowel complaints
—This mixture will effectually cate bowel complaint*,,
Dysentery,CbolnraMorbus,and Cholera. Aidieume
the Asiatic Cholera was raging ut Philadelphia it was
found jo be the most successful in arresting it, curing
nine tenth* of all those whs used it-
What may bs Mid of oun of Uieso remedies may bv
said of'all; their value will only be appreciated be
those who try them. Letters from those wuo have been
cured of thr vinous maladies that adiici the human
body might be given, but wr arc wdling to rest the
matter on the meni» ot iho compounds. Wr have a
panacea for scrofula, m its various form*, kj coiuUnvi!
and efficacious that n* healing powc.r ha» a»iom*l*<‘d
A case of Cunrer,occurring in the wile of the
iamUavcfiior of Delaware. was completely cured m a
(fw months The cancer had been twite cut out by
prominejitSutgcon*. and renewed itself with increased
malignity, yet notwithstanding die debility of Com-titn
non and removal of the sort parts, the u“e of ilte Pro
phylttcite completely removed every vestige of the
Oases innumerable of cures lhat burr
followed the use of llievt rrrariltc* ere 1 on: posses
sion, but it is not deemed necessary to enumerate
as the use of them will recommend them to all.
J. 9CHOONMAKKK. A Co.. No-dl Wood Street
Agents for Pittsburgh sttffSdlf
" . NO CtiUE NO IMTyT *
REMEDY—Warranted Ur cure, or tlm .tuoh.
cy returned. This medicine is prepared from an In
dinn Rrccjpt, obtained from'imc i.f tncin in the Far.
West, ul great expense. Those who have been
I.uitilur with the ledinus, bi>o.w liiat they cun nod
do cure Venereal without the knowlr :j*e'id .Mer
cury. Bnlsatn, or anything of the ktnd. 'The at
flirted have now an opportunity of being cured
tvitkou the use of Balsam. 'This medicine is
Elexsaut to 4,1 te taste, and leaves no smell on the
rcalii. . I
Prepared by ROWAND At. WALTON, and sold
wholesale ;*nd retail, by J. T. Howand, 37C Market
street, Philad'a.
Eur'salc in Pittsburgh by R E Sellers, 57 ; wood
utrrot vrtd bv Wm Thorn.M Market *t. ocfi.twT
Lvo.UKTiIINU IJi SKASU^i—Wc learn ilia:
iO Ur Juyne's iiicdicmr, for the cure of the SO ft 15
THROAT, has been doing wonders during the Isle titi
p!en»anTwr.nthrr under foot. It is better, in attend to
slight colds in time, and to procure the remedy applied
from skilful phjriciam, than from unknown aud irre.
ipnns.tilc i|uarks. v Dr. Jayne has established a reputa
iron lone since IoV profeseinnsl skill, and his remedies
•nr cough* and cold* hove beeu proved efficacious bv
j ihe experience df thousands— sat.Ec. Put
For sale in Piitwburgh. at the PEKIN TEA STORE
~i Fourth stnct, near Wood; and ai ihc Drug Store
P Schwaru, Federal street, Allegheny Ouv.
Ur, Bleljaiie’i Worm Specific.
rjtHIS is to certify that, by taking one vui of Doctor
X Mcl.ane’s Worm Specine, a child of Jaine* Mmw *
passed upwards of 7t» worms, and by the use of said
medicine a child of my own passed 14 large worm*. —
h is truly tho most surprising worm medicine 1 ever
seen. I roost have two more vial*.
‘ < Wilkins Township
For ca'e by J KIDD A Co, No or. U ood street, Pitts _
burgh. ~ntrWP~~
I. New
V York quick drying Varnish. id<j , lrown Japan do>
l do Couch do; lor sal* by J sJCiIOONMAKKR A Co
opS Norwood stree
UI.Y T .V UKltltlJil.-.N
I'Air.iKK ■«. <•
irm;t u!i r n I’*’"' y~' • «• ■ .•'in •
iiriJAf >/!:*>. \ l .l><
mrdit'iiit. -ud ihof.-ngl.iy 'lie J“-tr m sipuf ' ■’ v. ’• fit
I «n; recoirtmtii'! 'n trtitliiind stneeri'y to all iho'* who
of .n any wav T.tliiMeit »,ilt no. *r‘-c *’f «cn>liib>uv
c-tinipin-ii 1 ». ’Tiirte have been fnitr. teaiarkatile eure*
ctTeilied l- *•/
rhehmM-'' vsl ’
r!m>. wy/t-AM'SHA '
Fof mrthrr inir.n'u-ur* s m >—i•«• 'U*' - .-' evidence r.i iS
• value and eibi aey. «•:«. |>ampiTri>. whici. may
be obia.ncdol AReiil- «ralir.
I ret'urrd and sod uv A 15 A D ».s K<o
Tulto*, ,i. comer of YY' New Yolk.
Sold aim by li WILCOX. Jr. P.ttihurfi'.!: 11. Mm
wood. Beaver Wm. \Vnt»on. New Castle: l». N. Rob
ison. Brownsville: A LV i*h. Waslimpion: nntl t»y
Drucur*!* Rr-i.craliv ibra.iitlnuit th- I-mtcii Stat-*.
Pure SI per tumie—nx ooMif* for -Jd.
The aic rt.ptt-.fu..> n <,uc»:ed to rmiternber
that it is Sand'nS.vr.Hj-arjt:* l!m; H h eon-mmL .-elm v
iiiß such remarkable cure-of the inr.'t difficult c.r.s* of
; rttsea-e* )o tvliic'i the liomau friunc i« rut-jeci; bierr
! fore n-k for SandN S.VT«.ip iClln nndlulce no other.
IshermaN'.s olosaonian,
rtliM.J him m * .fieri lime fi»m;«ii. dif
jl.-ujrv ~f brrkllof'i;, alid IHlhicat lull.' llr •
mil ic 11 yon it wix. ‘-lie Uloauruwx, «ir All
Healing Ask. Ilic cux..ujixpti»e
wbst tun albyril bi> <>ugh, rriaoteO _ _
lUt P*iti -ia t.» sWr and Choi, 1.-JOItGAN’S CELEBRATED INDIAN LIVER,
| IVI FILLS, forthc cure of Liver Comnlolnt, am!
*' .uij' ! n *' 'lisoases arising- from the Liver. Jn »ick Lead.
I, e „,j| tdi j uu • | achc > and at> a purgative at>d AntUßilnnii. Fill, *ur-
SnKKMAN’n OHiSAOIVI.VN, J pJMed fcy none. . •
he Symptoms or a Diseased I.iylkl—Chioho.
uAI.SAM. : inflamatiun ot the Liver, when not the conuqurrice
A«k yvnr iWetc!< if itirj' kumr. f mytbu.g-tliat will w «pre ol un acute attack of til 9 disease, begins generally
djljeufv a lone ami tedious Omgti, liaising of 4Jlood, Bren with symptoms of a functional disorder ol the diges*
Chiiu, Djjjwcih- Cou.uniptK-u. ILaw-rpcM, liulnroc. mud tIV „ a" ni j biliarv organs, and dyspepsia Jrtqur-nllv
v.r Susa ~<™ ■■ «•>■/ •**•. twyewux.
Luir'noiio »1,..h 1... li.n P . -I mud, K '»J » or imj*l,r uppetiOMd i ■ pa.nal poiven.
U.b.'.n, o riiinr. K. jd (li. f.illu'i ir.i; acuiity, llaiultncr. Blight cholic pain,,
~ A.tonUliiiiff i'nrrH. occasional nausea and vomiting, and a ilighl dul!
Wm. Bnvo. tl.r cvUbraini Bo»i<mi rrtf krrlaWrr, 'M Nas- |, 3 ,n nni j weight arc 'elt in the right cideff cccompa
sail Mrret,.iiu«;al)ii, »u'i • tint iiu «itr iu, Wtn «nl*ctrJ ,„ e ,i j 0 iome c.ncj tvrih a dragging ill the right
mill A.iiiiiu shoulder. .Must cumir.only, hunever: on dutioct
> M Ut',OTU »a.i»H.,r„! i'~iW'i>... gnai "lit- l"‘" h napc.icnccil in the region ni.llic Uvcr,
d) She I» BOW urarly »rtl Hu dm-tiurwho .offer- except when turn pressure is mpdo on this 'pan.—
uf s Snjg in* oar iiftiM, tried it, oad'wai cured bjr it. bowels .ire always very irlegular.- coitivencbt
Mr. iksni u mo* >o writ dun .he h abU xk juiiao !-«r being eiriGm'.n in some iDStanccdi with diarrhoea,'Aliii
t»*-j • yly in ibr m-ruiopiuiJ siirnU LMiddciiei Uiroucu discharges scanty, daric colored, offensive, slimy,
: Ihr d.) wiiiiool aa) tuapv'p: Iren. i.«r greenish o t muddy. One ol Uio.inosl conUnf ami
nmr .UirrV.’f (hr purrs Sf of oblainier a botfie of the I Ch TJClcrinic srmptoms of Clironic Liver Coill-
OluKaoiau,,,. i*. u «|nirtrd wiii. tl.r Aoiinu for m.ire j. plm-t is a dry, coiuincteil fciale Of tmrskin,
ihm ;a» ytar*.ana wi.fc-rUi.n*(rd cu l.n wti«i ibht Wi a shortdry cough, wiin slight dijicßity in breathirig,
j could uni ijWak. lie purrlissal * toltle s.3il roue ' j is a lreq'J#nl*aUendaa'. OD tl&s. disease. IntliQ
! F..*ir J»y. sdrrward t.r wallet J-frv*n hi» rr.iiiciici in * ! -e ct . chruniq as iu tilt* acute furtu of tills disease, Ukj i»a>
I fic- wiilioat ijuuiire -f‘’‘'r 1 ..,.0., i-^utt «. llcnl can widoiu real as easy oa the left as'.»rt iho
"i'l-t ■ 1 ““M ngnt.idc. A* the disenne anVancc., .light fevorn
Consumption of the Luii<s. ! eumc on lowards evening, atteriJed with a Burniog
Mr. C«MM>sr, Hjwhiu rincti, wu *o low in tU uxocilx ( '“.-m in the palms df.ihe hands andaolcs oi.ihe rcetj - *
! ofDtcrtulwr L»i he surnri. ujx by hivj.lij'rici»n Hit j UiH oigbtj are rcstlrss, and wi.-ijn the inflammation
i friemiieiilrruiiird oq h<>i>* <ii’hi* reovery. lit »m terminates in suppuration, hectic and rapid emicta.
] tied t.l try the Ohnaoman, hi>d in txxi lurpriw it has ss Ur . tlon comume the Vital powers. •
renorrd liim t. 1.r.1.1, .1.0 hr o no. .Hr .» win >luit tin, | ,M„ nur „, ured a „,, .Jj „. h „,„ i|e b
* Mri Amutr.,thc «.r« of Wax H. Atlrtr.Jsmff llsrsxau, - JOJiiN L). l>ug‘'!it.
twj u»d U»o IV. tLyi, Ks.|. aux all be»r frt,Sa j nu-l).»l Wood street, I’ll L-burgh.
lsr , i:^^‘" r ‘ 3 '* “ f u ‘“ ! ; ".nsiJxii/diS *o*^l*^
1 sptiliu- lUomt. t f taKMtcat D>sT«mcE.
Mr». TnucsoutKt, liH Mimmc tirert/who had brm j I Mb heitarjcie known tor clcuung autd VvLiieainj
! tronhW torHcrvai Uni-th of tiror bv » «vrrt cou>lx. »«d •* the Teeth, stosagtheiunff the eums. sweeieaing the
1 raxM-l qiuatiiic* of bl.xM, mu rrlietcd by ooe hoitlc ofihs *icath. Ac. It should be used every night \viih a slid
‘ 01.1...-UXAU. »iul drcUrr. 11 ilir i;rt»iL.t rraxedy in tlir world, brush, and the teeth and womh willoniy reqoirca.Unu
I)| SMI Krt.LT, ‘id W.jur »:rr'i, was alp» relined ir u m wa.liinjf in'the momins. Wet the t.rus 1 ! «vub wvrm
1 site rifflf eiirhpUhit, atth-m-h hr was very murh r<due«xl wa;rT - or c»W. will aarwrer. amt rub it a x«*w tunes on
wlxrxi hr rmnißineMl tsViitf o, lisvini h~n under ih« e»r* of [ the ru«tf. When eiloogh will adii'eru fot e.-emußg ths
lii»phynci*axtcri:>c die twit winter. Although l.eeoogbnl Ufci.x. It leaves a delicious in the moutti, and im
ctniiiaadv suit six »err rma-.h iroublrJ with pight sweats, d P a rt‘ a iiK>*t delia.uiul to die breath. listantiA
boiil .or ihs reouxly ruabled Lim t.i rttueu tu.liis unuvaJlrd as a, elFicacious, convenient.' and
w.'rk Ht wa.ruiir»]r rrlHT.d. * ; »«te dciitriGce It is »nrnuitcd upt to injure the teeth,
• D.vto Kaspim.xxs, GO Laivlti .treet, Cxio W-Bunxelt, ' I'tt'UvprfenreJhcm. ' S ,
ftirmerly of NrwirV, N. J., ttrnrr LiiU n; l*« Kixingt.iu i l! >' u n regularly, it will remove the tartar nnd
xtrrxl, and nuaxrnni.Axlhtr ptruiiLj'lxa'e bet u .p.,tciily arid ;• I' its accumulation— ; prevcnt the tooihacbt
rurcxautotlv cur'd of the nuxe eoxaplxuii by ilxismtexf), gums, and prevent ail disease. -« jncui.
> '1 tie Array of IVumek < -I'-iDisiK-physician., auU ttio cienry. rceomnicul. it as
which cmikllt prvdurcil of iwrious who !■»'«’ u««l ijixxgrrat • xtieiuetlly tupcrior io every ibrng of ihe kiml m use.—,
remrdv wmd.t more thsn Ell sToixitnn Amitxc thr number . A»k fi.r.Mirrnian’i Coinpouud Orris Tooth Paste, anil
* r tonler lo A. M. llihnv,-»rJ lOj Bittliv d , ■ observe tn» sienniurc ts attached to each pot.
Mr WiltouAof ilnboktiii Mrs tcil of Alctriiiuvia, f* J ; , Kecorutmioiitd by J)r. Castle, d-it Itroauway. one es
Dc.oc, tOJUcadsn.ridrv M-Ca(frce,so Atturuci '.out best .Deunsts.ami by mort.tif the old r.ubtUhed
rt ; V Mmiiti, !M Third Aiequt-, Mrs Wn. tl AUrre x'f »hs» one. in ibe Lniu-il Male, uud even *'en*ively used
cite, and Mrs Archlbatd.lK Wtiilr :i ' - by the NoSilay of Kirkland anti Frv*
ftokl whidtulr and rrtvil bj Wm J»i-U»cn,at ht« Tatcnt A laige proportion of the disease. I hit afflict mankind
Medicine Wiu-chotiw and Boot amfSlif* Su>re. N*Vt» LiWr- from some deiaiigenmnt of tin i tonxixch or bowels.
Tv street,hr*.) of Wood ttrttt. ruisbogh. t’rjre 81 pctl ot 'Vjnch n timelv u*c of Ilic C.ithli .ic would
(k. • d*eU>>lr r culirely otiv.alc. Perrons of bilicns habits should aU
-- u.r. " *. wajs_havd a bor ut hand. u:iJ lake a Oom; whenever
Sellers T.lvev Pills. ; they Ice! ibe least derangement m their health. Ajudx
ff'tlK iir>gicni. only ttuc **ciJitnnu Liver i ill* n»c cm>u* u»o of iliese lozenges would prevent ihousands
X tiilcrt-d io -Oil. r- lie Iti.x-I Llc upon . t ,I cases. ’
| ihe n-rni* nf '-•* f nx> r<n 1 Ri.aU ih<- io'iovmus It i- j Porsuien:' WM. JACKSfON'S, corner of Wood and
tci. I I.ilwuy vts x. dectO
ItLM.Ka, I'll . Sept -.1, le4(i. I ' -- —■ I ■»
.Mr tt KSx-iVm— Dear s-i.. 1 fccAimt n ,e a dot, I) CJ ( *HOKI LA AND • SCROFULOUS SWELL
owe to lhr pub!-*- r« well i* lothr. e edi' of yonr L.ver jV? LNOS.—Scrofula in all its multiplied forms,
Fill*, ro state the frtml < thri proxluc -t l.y ilieux i:i tny | wlicihcr to that of King’s Evil, enlargements o ithe
own rase Dunn? the mx-nih of Jur ,InljV :I u»< very , e i ailt | s or t.onu, Goitre, White Swellings, Cr.romc
“‘tc”, ilto-TraS'.’ fit... Icvct,' |S,„ h, ,ni ..d. ,n,l tli.c-i.c, of the Skin or Spine,
.|uiuldei» I wn» told t*y medical a'in tlia: my *-’ r bf l ulmonary ConautDplion, emanate frutn one
ws- a .avercattiKL of l.ver cntip.iuui. I look 't vtral .mdthc same cause, which is a poisonou* principle
boie* of MrlM»r‘i i'iut an J muii«<: syrup»'yhii;ts l \vu« more or less inherent in the hummsyslem. There*
told wrtc good for that d.?e:x»'-, Id; afi.-r »xl I tvus gel* fxrre. unlqu litis principle can he destroyed, no radf*
lingwoMr. I concluded to pii>ee uiy»rH ni"Jer the care _cal wire can bo cflcclcd, hut 11' the prmciple upon
Ih.s place lha- a friend bi hi*, hail sent him* t-oxof necessity lollow, no matter unoer whatlorm
>rilrr»' Liv't-r Fill* from F-ii'inirgii. wha-h ht<d i i-ut hi- t"0 disease should manliest itself. This, therefore,
•.rd hxra very much. 1 ih'iiiwhfi »t-n> f«ra hoi sf y«.iir ia the reason why Jayhi’s ALT£RAT|VE uni-
Liver Fills,and !•> tliotlxue u wn» done. 1 was sai.siicd- vnrsilly suecesslul in removing so man) malignant
that ;i wa> juM il>« inexlicnir ihai suited my cn‘o., ; l diseases., ,U destroys the virus or pmcip'e. from
'i’uclli ! wh,c * lht ** c haTC lll? ‘ r by cnleriog
' wh'eh y ii‘<vxiihi t.neW the t!.-.ea'*>-: nrtd hi n thesyrculaliun, and with the blood is conveyed
was uM a« or«-r I .ige:n 1.h.1 rrcoarseio your i.iv- l->'the minutest fibre, removing every p-ilicieuf
cr Fill* and root il»cn»m-ty other uigt-i for sti weeks, disease from the system ."""Prepared and sold
■ nil occasionally x-v. t»i ncr; ami ! nmv can say ihavl ijoulli I'hirtl is tree t, Philadelphia.
V ferl tii'le-xl any-yiniU..m?o! ihr Liver oxuiipla.m. xin.i ]■ Sold at the Pekin I’ca Store, A0.“72 Fourth street
my ijencttLlßeu.-Ut irood n* it nns IxOiUi for dxe iun .putsburgh. | • •
. im years. My u<-ghim n n-k tun who wuv niy Doctor 1 — -2 S l. .
I lell lliriti that S<-ilx r«' f.--. rr I'ili-x w.i - my iJ-wtot, ami
by ihr !•;. nf l*r,lV.i[ :t . xn.-ii.i«.of rnr.iic
tup 1 ixin roiilid'-xii. a-* ihe pt>t><xc liecomes aequajrexl
rvitli the value iif your jx!JI«, il"i ik-.n-ixul for f'l'Tri wjli
ineu-ise Mapy of my nrsvbboo*. h» vyltpin | iiavo ic
rnl'i'iiemli'il i!u- ]i li*. t : lixcxr value and to
• th-turi. above tiafd. Y.w-, ir .
A» 'li.-ix- .xtc oxliri ruluJ lav. r p«pxnn<
win wntii :ln* l >"r.\Fl NI- ariu-i-.- ‘bou’-l u»h :tjr,,i<pd
. take no o'.lk t. ihmi liio*c pr“p'ax«->< 1--
57 \vi7U’l Miecl
The most astounding .niti'cov.
KllY-.\ D'Yv-hi.i: ‘ A V\ (i‘td;*i 11
-To cure Etupno.i* -lid nf ih* flirt,
Pur plea. Freckiea, Sr.u tiurtl , Mali Hherrm.'tsettrvy, S*ofe*
llcxd', ,«•>. ■ _•*
Four years ago ln»t Aiignst, the; C "|. ;a: of rru jee
w»» a4iom<hrtfin enn<rqtieitre nf u r. ! ?cw»*rj'bj
.Alt Italian ClienoM. Many douM'-d —:t «rem:*d alums*
ah uii|'vs*iMltiy that anything m&i’r. hr pc hand-of
man coulibhave *ueb n* d.nietu-nW
by Antonia Vc-juui. Sir h>« iiiveni.on. Mimy
him and hi* inven io.t o» n humbug, [h.ul. als»l m:in>
foolish pei*i«i,» iviiboiit .tryiitg -io ;)i>r nun- now.] at
lengm. ini«*r tc-iing it in lin- the Mr.licu: Si
eteiv of Parts iih*- l*e«l cbeiriisi* ,n tin* worldJdcll erred
tin■ liiitowmg report lo Mganr V"*;.r’in:
"VVr havr li.nv ;ul«i».l*i:rl r.iri'Ulty «*r3nHTi?d flu
• 'Kijumr iiivi-uii.iH t>i Vc*pr:ii:. Wf imv« it*'
cC‘i:|ifi?i- nt p.<r:«-vvc jiavvH’i'd il in X'-vrrs'l cun mi.l
» ( lir*n:ni- not !•> j»nm»mi»w >1 [the I-.-ilian I'liem <
S>.<pl a« 4 «rr»( nut a Mj!.v o:f*3«rrful
ih K.r up) c'llriuri.ij* ••fjjii on nr ,1, -tie
»*:«. h» irtvt'morw* oi«n?'i!>T t!:<* i<njimsih
ol ‘utlVriiic injukuul.
/ iti'AD tui?:
I’rWihe inventor himself to Prcjinnor
. • T a r.«, Nov. J. IMO
In convidvntisiu oi' th* «nm of STGOf. I tairr. d vu!
inl toMr. T Jom-*. tt- tl.Ti-:iii til- my of .New \ w.
«N- A.’, iin- cvlm.i* oi’ inmiui'iiriiiil.’iji *o»fc'ili'-r
with a>t.MLiti«-ut oi iii<! ntpuu uul* ioni;-o-.ii.' in; !|:u
iart Chrmu-al x.u|. »K* i-n.iua.iu-icuifu UUi *i!.- in
Hi.- I'mtrd -mi'- oiii-. - , m.J iD.lia>*aibr of |..v
Uhrtnirn] '
Wiinrn- llrnivJ lloliWwon'i. i
- - -'AM fU.NIA YVjl’KtK!
Qr>N.M 1., NV JACUjiuN, <l| ill* r*tmt Medicine
U iifriii.u**'. Hi I->:>ert>* i licet, .head cf;A\jooil r Rl Hie «>f ti«<- Hu» *:<<•». . * ,
, 11,.- .nnr I.iicf "I I’lWjl.'urgh.wJiara
] j- HII iHi'.l.' A'l o-tirr*-irr.Uciiiinr'r/rfrij •
! i No Cure,'.No Pqj-1 "*
1 lb /.ifAu><»\f’*T{i E'liyrjoeulkn Snfr
| riiilKHK uio few diii«a«e« more cottuimn or trou.
I, Jl bicsiim*- Hun tl»« t'ilfls, nfttf/yeV, n.iiwJtKllHiil
i i«jj treat e«orwritw^e«flnttd« , T?rWre-Bf : fH6'tiW
I uf.pilK/JecUJjrtei.ltwntCßtv 4ijc.» pll ‘rcre (ui)!«
j ami ill liUlb beuehl. : ;how jgis Embrocation If -the
, only mpiic me paojl, . A person who has been suffer
; ing.aiiUi the i*Uc» of lbcj£or»t kiml came Irom -Sa-
almosUm puqiosc to exprciS'bi*
gratitude forlhe speedy cure that this medicine had.
effected in hwca e.—J’hda, S»t. Post.
’ Ml© in Pittsburgh at tho J'EIvKN TEA
STORE,72 Fourth »taud.aiioai the Drug store
H. P.Scbjrarti, Federal at. Allegheny City..
' feblST r ‘
lcopold Dup'nttV
Geo E Stanton. Keq.
From the Y Sun.
[U’Among the ma>B «f worthless articles and
humbugs that ore poured forth at the prentit day '
upon the country,# is really refreshing to find
something of real practical utility, Fotnething aim
pic, speedy and btlcciual in its operation, and ,ct
the same time free froiii tlio*e injunm*. uflcct*-
\* hieli generally attend powerful remedies. Htuil’e
Limmotit', prepared by Geo. E Stanton,*oj Sinj*
Meg, though it has been but a short tunc before
the pjiblie,liacalready obtained the coiiiiPcnri*, nut
ot our must wealthy and inllucnttal (illzoes,
lut our mast eminent phyaiciaus. All ncki.utd
c igc it lube a sovereign balm Tor many oi - the ilia
ih ii I'lckh u heir to, vuLlhing the aching limb, ai-d
by iti gciiuuio stimulating inllucuce,baniif:iitg dis
t ;••• from the bVctirm.
.Mi. Minton —Sir—F-cing your aih< ni-cmrnl
I ol Hunt’* l.iniinout, I was induced to try ctlecis
i on m» son. who bad licon crippled with a Ijii.c
| iinek tr«m sn infant] and u is w ith gruiftkl;*' l Lear
j u stunony to its wonderful healing propcitu j. M v
| rt.ii.i, v.ho is now live ycar'ii! age. is now is: a fair
’ wav of recovery, Yours, »Vc .
I'ii‘T Ohjcv.Tuivm (id) t utnam Co.
I ccrt 1 am pcnonalli actpiamtLd with
Ihe above named ch:ld, and think the lather would
be mlc in raying that Jus sun i» almost utH. .
• , - J AS W DYKMAN,
• iSuTi. 11)15. Deputy I’ost Muster.
i'. S l would also sisito that I ha*o been fur a
! number ofjear* subject to frequent alticls o( tlio
| Khcbiiulivm, which many ins'Unccs prevented
; my attending toniy business' Two or three ippli
i cations of the f.inimtini invariably rcinnvu all al-t
| lections of the bind. Wncavc# oi bruises, sprains
1 ami sores, ton numerous to mention, a has in this
vicinity proved.a certain reuicdv. its value can
only ba cstiinatcd by those who have given it a ftir
trial.' •
This Liniment is sold at 25 and 50 cent? per but-'
lie, by all the Principal Druggists and Merchants
tiiruughoul ihc couutry. ,
Wholesale Agents in New A or A - .
RUSHTOM & Co, 110 . roadwav.
A B <t D SANDS, enrow- Fullouand Wilhan.
■ ASPINWALL, S!C William street.
Orders aitdressed to me at Sing Si ig, y.vtm
j be attended to. GEORGE E STANTON,
1 . Proprietor, i
Fnrwlein Pittsburgh by L WILCOX, Jr.-nnd i
KIDD dt Co. Allegheny City, JOHN SARGENT
jliiriningliain, JOHN SMITH. ftbly
is Dblldngcqual to it.
; Pittsbcrgu,.March 27.1847.
r Mr K K Sol’era—ln justicejto you and your lo
ron»})arablc.C?»i!fh Syrup.l beg leave to Hate forth*
benefit of the cwnmuuiiy, thpt mv wile Las been
, rovcr-tl timo» alflicted with a njiost distressing cnogb.
iLpurclirtrcJ m January last niboltle oi your Syrup,
* which cured a cough uftnoiuouilts Handing. About
ont! month < (tie and was to se
vere thatsho timid hardly more, from weakness in
bread; I rent Tor two botiles of ycur Cough
Syrup, and 3 part of one buttle cured the cough. 1
gave the othor bottle to a journeyman who w. a *e*
vercly aiTl'ctcd. who had? to use bi» own word*,
•■eitwn enough <£otigh:C- n*ly lu cure all the people
.in Pittsburgh, (f the yandy bud been aagood u fop
resented. Ilcspcctfullv yours,-
). AtrnFD B. Kcivtt.
' (KT'Xiiiciy-iiioc out of every l.utulrci that fife
* this Cough Sirup, sty that it it the best Cough
• Medicine itr'uttc Prepared and sold i.t 26 cent! per
! boulo. by K K Sf.LLhRS 57 WooJ at. inchSl
irriHlS medicine fs last faking,the place ol every
: i preparation herviofom used foriJi-ea*** antin'
lirom'Weaknc** or other caut-oa. : All that i< iiecis*
•sanr to secure tbw midicnu a place in Um Domes*
I. iic rractico uf every lamily, when such s medicin*
j.'i» iiccdrd, i« 1
It Speak® for itkell—u ioaoconv in its operation,
i; and no injury can arise Lorn its use-it any lime;
i Wholesale and Retail by ROWAN!) &. IVAU
iTON.i’roprietenr 576 Market Street, I’liitad’a '*
' Koi'salo tn, Pittsburgh bt li E Sellers,'£* Wood'
if-'-;, a-ii tVci. Market «t. oefidw T
BcLan*'rLlv*r Pills. •
) \TESStISi. J KltJi) .VCO !»cpK-atclct me base
U»X*c4.of l Dr.,McLane*< Liver Pills. .My wile
jhM utca (brb J-oxei'of the Doctor-’ I'ilj* I.assure you
.they have dene her more poem than my family pbys-Ciln
jhssby.uvo jeaisaiiendancc. Two additional boxes, f
Jdiidk* Wilt effect a cure.' • . JaMKS JONKS
: ”• • Wilkins Township
I These vtdoal.Te Pills Ibr title by J KIDUACo No.
ifiOAVood strcecTiiuburgh. ' ‘' lucUfl .
j IAT.V£’3 if AIR TO Jf IC. —Alter gniorthis article Vftir
.1 trial w< uatiesjtauuply pnmouiice I*. tote jtpr*k»*'.
Je*—ill* best article, without any ct'eVptiou, iV use. fvt dm
irrsUraliuo aiui prucnallua of. tbe huraau h;ir.
'of numerous instances where hair has bets restored' to heads
which have beeu bald lor jean; and wr chink weranwt do a
criater Cieor than to recommend to all our wader* who are
‘Lsisfitheir hair, to stake a trial of this Tonic
jB.wi5.AWl. •' „• M
j IWtalc in Piti,huf»li at thr PeaVio-'Pea Store, «2
• , mafJdkwT
JrpiiK aiooiusn xmft.ssi B-lyptma
} i,nentfy dyeing Lignt/Red; or Cray. *jmr a Dark;
; Hrotrn or black color, .withoutdycing or liljarisg the
:«kin., SoWyehlt fall directions. Price 50 cectk, orifl
!a bott’e; "
{ lErrrotd by WM. JACKSON, •Util PntentMedicins
;U‘arrhoo»r.6o I.ibCiry itrectjhesd 01* Wood, at fh«
jugnof the Uigßooi. . rJ*- =