Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, August 19, 1859, Image 2

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Jtar (L !)roniclc
Y MtHttttrmw Vgrm. The rrwis.ni Rl CifROSiei.e,
iuMiitil on the "hj.1i System, hrtn the lure-t aiij Wt
circulation of any Nrw; aper in I'uitu (' -ui.ty.
Freedom, national Slavery. seclioiul !
.tiitiliiTE r::iimiii in imeiihax imiimki.
M ..nthcr Ite. or v T.rrHor, EitrasiM,
l-arrkaor. wlrM.
T!,..i.,T,...nJiil l.-.!in- rrinri:-!
f.n-f tin cuiitry, until th-y are .et-iri..uc, mil
EftiJ llicm to our ni-t head, lle-re to fl'i.tt until tltr
war- ia trinrnj-h nti petite N.itiii:i,l C.1J..1.0I al Wnb-luiftbD-
i'ttttrilit "-' J-.-, it.
roll St ltVKVdR tlF.NEIt.W.,
WILLIAM 11. KKl.M of r.erks.
Union County Convention.
The Voters ot I niim county opposed to the
National Administration, are invited to men
Hi their respective Klection Disiriet.-;, ya
MTI Iill.tY. Ml.l-T is.-'.',
in the Townships frotn me hours ol" 2 la 5
in the Boroughs from the hours of 4 to 7
in the afternoon. The places of meeting to be
In New Ucrlin at M Klerliuer's ; in Mii'lin
bnri al Win.lnholl's; in West UuA'alor at th"
K, Til. nan school-house; in While Deer at T.
binders'; in I.'uion at T.l'ursel's ; and in llie
i;.,.i. .. .k. II...... .
rClllillllln ii-'iiiv-is tt. n. uiimiuu m.n-i...
Then and there to select Delegates in
pach District, to represent the District in the
County Convention to convene ai ihe
ttu;laloe Houe, Lewisburg, at II A.M. of
Monday, August 29,
to nominate one or two persons for A'fmbly,
one person for I'rothonotary t'" one person
lor Treasurer, one person tor t'onimissioiier,
cme iierson tor District Attorney, one person
for County Survevor.one perx.n lor Auditor,
and lo transact such other business as usually
devolves upon the County Convention.
JfeWm.TIial e exhort our frienis in this
county to be vizilant but moderate in ihe:r
canvass forcountvoll'tcers selecting llie I. est,
mosi suitable and most deserving men anl
Ihen unite upon ihetn like a baud of brothers,
and ensure llieir success by a handsome vote.
The Committee would aUo urge upon all
concerned the importance of openlm; and of
closing Ihe polls precisely at Ihe hours desig
nated, and of so conducting the elections that
every voter and candidate may have justice
done him and no ground appear for complain!.
O X.AVordeti, AreliiliaM Thomas.
(I. F. Miller, Abraham Freilerkk,
II. Iv. SanJer.--, Mkliaol Klerkuer,
J. 1. Forroy, t'oiiraj Slmcklur,
James lrwia. Hamucl vcnoo,
Win. I'.Dotiial. James Miti-.liall,
S. Sjiijreliiiyer, ('nmy ',mmitt,c.
AsstmUy Thomas Hayes.
lutlinnutay John Lilgcr.
John A. Mcrtz I D. D. Ci'.lin.
Wm. Itoshaiig. J James V. Sands.
Tieasnrcr Robert II. I.aird.
William Jones. I Josiali It.kcr
in . i I
jsiunn .tuornry .v.oeri . orse.
John i. I. inn.
cauiuei ii.urwi
James LS.llamiiu.
CuniiiiiWotitr Samuel MarsLall.
Archibald Thomas. I James K'.iir
li.V.Thomrun. William ilule
AVr inor Conrad S h eek ler.
Aiutitur Samuel C. Wilt.
C.We are as yet uninformed as to
whether Mr. Saudi will accept the nomi
nation for I'rothonotary, if cll.red Liui.
V.'c Lope he will satisfy the public on
that pulut, next week.
TUKN" OUT I The 1700 opponents of
Liuchauauism in Union county, we trust,
will make arrangements for a j n-ml ut-
tendance at the Ddejate Eleitwn. Do uot
leave it to half a dozen men at each poll, .
aud then complain that you Lave "fishy
Delegates" or "poor candidates.'' Turn
cut, all hands '. and select your nr.M men
fur Delegates and best meu fjr Candidates.
- !
tSThe Duchanan party in I m in C o.
has chosen Saturday, Sept. 10, f ir Dele
gate Elections, and Monday the 12ih
(Court Week) for County Convention. '
Thus far, Mr. 1'ucher, of New Merlin, is
the only candidate proposed on that side i
... ..... 1 11 i 1 1
for ihstrict Attorney, an i Mr. l.ousb (in .
prose and verse) for I'rothonotary. Root,
!wincford of New Herlin is tin applicant
for the Deputy Marshalship.
ta?"Col. John J. Patterson, of Juniata ,
county, has consented to become a candi-
date for the State Senate, tut would pre- ,
fer a re nomination to the Assembly.
... o ,. , ,
George . Strouse, lw, , and several
others arc proposed for Assembly, in that
,... V f,:.,n,l.
I.. s'ni.hrMiintv (M l'.i..!'r U
- ji- c
propoaed for re-ulection, and is opposed by '
Col. Jeremiah Klcckner of Centrevillc.
I-sTJoun Yolnu has become associated
in the publication cf the Middlclurg Tri
bune, and Jons li. Stoll in the Yulkcs-
reund. We judge both are practical!
printers, and wiil prove of essential service '.
to the party in Snyder county.
- - "
81. tue loiiowiug uemiuatious were,
made in Lycoming county, this week :
AsscmLly Robt. Crane
Sheriff Shale
I'rothonotary Rnnyan
list. Alt'y Emery
li. .Menan.'j
i ,
5-The Canon Democrat, and tl.e
Moomsburg Vniwcral, bitico liuebatian
f John C.
l5l0. It
Ims denned, raised tbe name ol JollM L.
HttkCKlNRiuuG for IVesideot in
la understood in pertain hi-.h onarters
Is UUUerStOOQ, in Certain Clga ri'ianers,
'bat Breckinridge is HucJunan't choice for 1
$ yZuiZX I
.,1a ran . mi w ,K ,.,tl
i ean not get at "liuck, they may do ;
the next thing to it au'miuitter upon I
!tpelr " :n - l . -. l!:
( ..her "Buck,") TyW did ti "Tip -
t.eanoa'" '
'it, win itn aoout as wen
I . canoe
JtarThe, I'ennle'a Stat. p. r chased J175,C0O of tbe bonds of the Com- i rrft manner.
9B auo X eopie S clale r.xecutive Com- 1 . ' . . . . ; an. The I'reM hj the .Imolest ami meet powerfnl. anil
u.itteetnet at the St Lwrne. II .1 I PnT PaJ,D(? them in money of a certain ,,.,, 0JlMl. ui. .,.., up ...h . .um-
Itutei, j wj;j.cat hank in Georgia, known as the : h-rorierew.nd.;r wl,eel, whieh create enouch fric
I Ulladelphla. on 1 barsdav Week mil mr. c- i u l t .1 . , tw to deitr tut nUaty. It is well made and avid at a
r 1 muuiwj ku, ug otji- iombern limk of Geotgn, the notes of , uir t.rie.
fciiod as follows : which are not worth a straw. The agents Ct?The Mill occupies about two-and-a-half
Chairman Hon. Levi Kline, of Lets- of he Company bsve now arrested Allen 1 y ihree feet, four feet high, weighs 370 lbs.
1.011 ; Secretaries J. lUTon Foster, of
1 ittsburg Dispatch, and K. II. Kauch bat diddled their unsophisticated Frcsi
.f the Mauch Chunk Cazttte ; Treasurer ' lf, "'d have bad Liui bound over in the
Watt. il. I'hoaiaa, of i'uil.d.iphia. a-iu o' $1 LiOjOO'J.
"Brilliant Democratic Victories."
" . , , .- i
Th. .bore .be caption of an article
tbe Bedford CWf, anoouucing the re-;
suit of the recent elections. These "vie-j
lories" cuusist in the los of four Dcnio-j
cratic Congressmen in Tennesiee, two in
North Carolina, five or .is in Kentucky,
and one in Orecon I A few more tucu :
"bniiiant J'ouiocra'ie victories, anu me
. . .- - . - it
! Prty, now nearly prostrated, will be en-
, , ,. ,: t
S IrontUJCr tOUUUCS. j ;;Vnt,Vs of Oalon, M.,H,n and sny ler.. ,,ulj
. I I'm lip liiiit aiic).lN WSiM.ivrux Km4.,Asso
'Jhe Democrat of Montour county w- cia,eJu(gesinl.iii..iicoai.iy.liaeissup.Ulieir .
noiiiiuatt'd U4kcs and Jackson for Assem- peppt, bearin" cliiie ihc -1st day of May,1
L!v. JoLn.-nn f. r Kt'ti.-tcr, Frederick lilue : IS.'js). and to me directed, lor the hoMiiis of an '
for Siicriff and William Seidd for Com- j
Lawrence an 1 Witman nre rc-nnmina-;
ted for Assi.tuLIy in Dauphin county.
Joliu (irovc of L'anvillc, has made au
in:cuious imprjvcmciit in puddling, which
j works admirably.
A niau was committed to Jail in VTil
liauisport for picking the pocket of a woman.
' Ou W'eduesday. tid inst., the lare Iriek
Lirn of tbe limits 0 uu'y l'oor House,
aoout lij uiibs Ironi u ading, was uastroy-1
cd by lire,
i .
I he loss is estimated tg be '
000 and 10,000. !
lue man who was committci to Jail at c , ni,,irc
Suntmry on the charge of robbing a drover, Ctven under mv h ind and seal at the Mier
lias been bailed out, aud says be can prove ' ill's Otlice :n l.ewisbur, the 1 1 th day of An
that he was at home the lime the alleged Z ' the year of our Lord one thousand
robbery was Committed. j I"11"1"-'' nfty-nine. and ihe eighty-
, - ,. , . second year ol the Independence ot the I luted
-U UlW'XZU. Ou IhnrsJay nnnn, the , situtes of America. (iod save the Commou
lltu At.gust, the store of John M. Udine, i wealth ! JOHN CiiO-ssHKOVK.siiernl
luuated at the Canal at M'lveee Half ', . -
Falls; ,nd. r county. IV, was entered ' I'rothonolar, t. ..olire.
, , , , , . - ..-.i' , i Tlt'BI. I: notice is hereby eivcn that Jnti-
aud rolWd ol about f,.,0 in money and j I ' Wo, ... AsiK,.ee of. .', II ....
oue laroi warraut of ItiO acres. Jha laud , i,ewls,nrK. I nion county, lias tiled in Ihe
warrant was issued lo Mrs. iSusauuah Liar- , i'rothonotarr's,Uttice, to and for the county
man, of Snyder county. J of Union, at Lewislmru, his account as As-
n. i I is l 1 e. sii-iiee of the said Ji .ha lluuu'hton. and that
i'l. 11. Ji Jl'(l.1 II U I ILUIVIbVI II JIU
Middlcbuig to Miilliuluru;.
Iewis W. Ilall it the Opposition nomi
nee fr Seuntt r in the Li lair district. j
"Camp Centre" is to be held at Centre
IIall,Ccuticcuui.ry,comiueiiciijgi;ijth Sept. I
i Col. Alex ander K. M'Olore will pruba
' b'y be the (. position candidate for tiena- j
tor in the rriikiiu uutnet aud bu c.eu
: ted, too.
QilCK Wot:K. Wm. Nyfcart, a very
: energetic Citir.r, ComuiL'nccd to build a .
two story hutifc, some thirty feet lonjr,
; ai.d iu let thau three days he had it coiu
. pit ted, ready li.r business. lsjck Uaiat
1 lhmtjcrnt. j
The Cornet i;.u.d of ?unlury, last week, i
! gave cteauibuat exi ursioDs, charging I
tweutj-uve cents for liie trip. j
About i 10,000 worth of Guitars are j
turned out yearly iioui the mauulactory
of Mr. C. I. Martin, in the little
Njiuictu, Jtorthamptuu conn
All the dry poods mcrehauts of Harris-
hurt' have sioiotl
a TOumeat to tako I
-."..r..- " . " .T ".
, ,. e :
for hvc cents.
j The Greens! ur IlralJ comes cut in
i strong articls in favor of the lion. John
i Cjvodc, of Westmoreland couuty, as the
, l'eople's candidate for Governor iu 1800.
A Masonic Lodge, to be known a
r. ka I.D.Lre. X. :i:l.'i. , iu.tiluud at :
Moiitouirwlie, on Thursday last, accord- j
ing to the forms of the Order. I
A small frame dwelling, iu William
fport, owned by Mrs. Mary Liilis, was de
stroyed by lire, on ."-uuday morning. A
portion ot the household goods were saved.
The 6tcam plow of J. W. Fvwkes of
I iiristiaua, fa, was tried Ju(y "Tib, at
OifurJ l'aik, with entire success.
piuugbed oue acre in 11 minutes.
The Warren e.'-.-r says : "Agreeably
to the laws of Ibis ;atc, at the last sessiou
' our CoUbty Court, the tame of the
W-ftteu County l.jnwaa changed to the
4'N'-'rtUwte'cru 15a,,k"
Mr. Ranch, of the Maueh Chunk Ga-
rtl . I .. . ..t.l.oJ ..-III. LI... tn rirfnar
tte, La, a.-,.-c!a'ed with him in partner- ,
eilip SalllUel 1'. Wiggins, 1I-J , late editor ,
of the L.St on Daily T:tnes. 1 be Gazefe j
is to be conducted by lliggins & lUueb. :
.... , . ' ,r- , . )
11 lggltlS atol ItaUebj as editor.; Will Llake ,
quiie a '-team. I
Ti t le was a great Celebration at the
. . s
Dam,b settb ment. of Germanta, l'otter
county, on the ISth u!t. The occasion
WUi tUC laying Of tl.O COrOer t-tODC Of the
new LutLeian ehn.eh aUut to be ceded :
in tLat village.
The Treasurer of Lancaster cuntv has
paid into the State Tiuasury 07,.rt0 To,
'"e whole amount of the Slate tax for that
""J- Thi- is is au example well wor- ;
thy of emulation.
' ... ,.,
. . . , ...;.,,,.. j ,
j 11 , iniuui ij uih j n.i tJ 113 iriiiririj
i' ... .. ' i
appropriately uiarked the cveut by array- !
. . . J . J '.
If :.. 1. .:. II.. !
' .o.i;iiiifiv
ving its appearance.
llie J uscarora Academy was imured
bv fire on Sunday last, to the exteut of1
about 5;-:00. The lira ori"inated in the ,
, , j i i . i . I
cupalo, and was doublets the work of au !
Judge Maynsrd positively declined the '
nominaiicn of J udgc, at l'iitaburg. j
........... !
A returnsd Dike's l'eaker called at our i
' oiEce a few days ago. and ia addition to
ao interesting account of his trip to the ;
., ,, i , , . . .
"diggings be showed U a Sample Of the
I "dust." He worked iu the minis some
, , ,,j
lourteen uays ana rcaiiz.'a just i tco jjui-
l riblcy j larj a't i ha:. He very s.tisibly con
Dorrows elude d to leave, and did ao. lUounuhiirij
l'ulmer i lZ'pulHcan.
A colored woman, knewn as"01d Judy,"
receutl died iu Jersey Shore, at the ex-
treDJ8 0J 0(,0 f lo'J eears. She was for
I c - j - - - ,
: many years a resident in tie family of ,
a' at - 1 1 i,t' '
MlS. Jane JecMickeU, and WiS JUSl 2l ;
years old when the Revolutionary war!
?W -ombcred Uiat someweeks 1
"Si tu 1 resident of the Tyrone and Lock
Ulven luiho.dd went to New york t0
tlife niouey by 4he talc of bonds. This '
i.- e. 1...1
ceuiieman not oeini? oue oi toe surewuest
; financiers imaginable, fell among sharpers !
i r ,
i. i .. .1 l i,;... '....ifoll, ik..
Sebnrck, of New York, who was the man '
Oa the Nth uie., Patrick Laffcrty,
apj about 21. inurdered John Kecd.
Jj -Jo cb,tll am jB
coanlyt p,. Tbo West Chester
Tima ny "thia horrible murder is the
resut 0f indulging in iutnxiciling liq-
uurs." Reed a tuber, LaffcrtT, who
" drunk, met him on tbe road, end
. .:.. i.,i,Tr.il lum I lift
' ,
murderer was arrested.
r.. i o.mO Court l-ro. lamaUon
TirilKKKAS, the lion. AU M . M.f-ON.
W I'reNidtfiil JuJre for Hie illili Judicial
Orphans' I'ourt.Coiir! of t.'ominon Pleas, Oyer
and Terininer. and (icneial li'iartcr Sessions
at I.KW l.MSi:i;;, for the couiitv of CNION,
on the second MoNDAV of MCI'T. (.Lemjr llie '
li'h day) lMj'J.nnd lo continue one week,
.Nonce is tiieief.re hereby piven to the t;.ir- j
oner. Justices of the I'eace and Constables in
and for llie county of I nion.to appear in llieir ;
own proper persons with their records, impii-
Mlioiis.cxaininaiions and other remembrances !
lo do those things which ot' iheir olliees and in
their behalf appertain lo be done ; and all Wit
nesses and other persons prosecauus in behalf
of the Commonwealth as'iust any person or
persons, are required to be ilien and ihere
attendin", and not depart wiinom leave ai ineir
Per'l. Jurors are requested lo l.e punctual in
Ihe same will be presented lo ihe Court ol
Common Pleas of said county, for confirma
tion and allowance, ou Khiiiav the llilh day
of September next, at lh Court House at
I.ewisourg in the emintv aforesaid.
SAMl tL KOt.'MI, Proth'y.
August lfi. 1H.VJ pd
l'i-utliau!ai)s oit c.
1'iI HI.IC notice is heiebv piven that Johx
I 11.... ..C . I,." f '........it!.. r.f ll.e
a 1 , a. i.iv, out ni - "luuni.. .
! person and estates of JUn lli.litr and i,Wr
i,'i.vr, n! lliifl'.ilo township, I'mon county, has
filed in Ihe rioihonotary s Oince in and lor
tne county of I'liici), al l.ewisburg, his ac
count as Committee of the said John Itakcr
and Hester n..ker, and lhat the same will be
presented to the Court of Common Picas of,
said county fur contirmalion and allowance j
on I'mtnY, ihe Kith day of September next,
at the Court House at I.ewishut:: in the coun
ty aforesaid. S.Wl'EL RDL'tfll, l'rolh'y j
August tfi. IS.'iU pd '
.Tile town o'fiYOTIt'K is hereby given to all con-
ty 1'a I ci rned.that the following named persons
' have settled Iheir accounts in llie Kegister's i
O.lice at l.ewisburg. Union county, and lhat
'"e said accounts will be preseiueu lorconnr-
malion and allowance at ihe Orphans' Court.
to be held at J.EWilil'lili, for llie county of
Union, on thethird Friday of .SEPTE.MUl-K
next.being the Kith day of said moiiih, viz:
I. The Account of Agnes Wilson, Exccu
IrixofJohn K.Wilson, who was one ot liie
Administrators of Jhn Kilt, late of the Bur-1
uutth of Harilclon, dc d.
- The Account of John B. I. inn, Adniin-
istrator of fVcc It.ttvr, lale of the l!or
tiiigh of M filinburg, de'd. i
:i. The Account of Thomas Hayes, (iuar- I
diau ot liivre I, anil .Vutirv U..oi, minor
children of tannic! Wilson, de'd.
4. The Account of Maria Zimmerman. I
Administratrix ef Jumin A,tnmrtnuny late ot j
Limestone Tp , dc.'d. j
5 The Account of Israel Reaver, Admin- '
istrator of .Inch Hum I;, la'e of Lewis Tp.,dc'd.
. The Account of llmh 1'. Shelier, Ad- i
mtii-ir.itor of Kii(tm Wilton, Jr., late of,
Ke.ly Tp , dc d. I
..i;iu:f;n merrii.i.. Register.
er's (Mice, l.ewisburg. Aug. Ki, ls''3
llitkok K I'aU nt I'orlablc
1 1I.EA?!C taki particular nonce that this is
an enhrelv ntiv Mill. o expanse hrs ;
' been spared in its matmlacture; the materials i
tl.e V.-ry I -ft, MH1 nr USil Ullfl-HrillL-l V. 1 l.e eyl- ;
ia,,.t, .-.,.,.., ,,. ,.t n... i .,.t.u i n
unclli liu; lln .. .tliieler.naJe .f iron. The screw iii j
. T. ti. ,.',, i roi irl.,. oofa.i of noi 1
l w. , the ihre..i ..i He- nut .-ot w -r
ni.-li.-s llir..n-li II. 1 lie .'iw.t -t llie .r.- 1.- Very liOirh
ii,erea.-,-l.Hli.e.ni n"t tiv hr.-ken bv any l.or Dieann. 'liie
fc..tl rl,l ,,,.; ",', i..':. m
t.Mi.r; thej.Miriuil.rMu , t.a.4 tein.: at.d. la-t-
iv.u.e aoruliiMiiMiiti .10.0 n. i l.e esivn.-i i.y any ma-
.1, n.. ..jti.e kiru i,i..r-l,rr..e.,n 1.. i.. tu aim, .
:o.au;e. i,,hi d.-,..rtn,.t. .
ih- in. n.f un-ul- .H,- y.r; li, ttnim nre 'itt
''t ' 'tX.r-lZilX
(t the f-cth ba U-i-n rh;iii-J, - to trak.t tht-m
gntnl fnirr atiij trt--r. Knlin-ly ttt-w irfitrinj; linn
.'in.lru-t-cj. niid tin ui ,' r c lncirr lnn . .-n ,r.'ar-J
i'-.M ti, m. ihut in cmuiu tii.n .tit tli- t.-- Hi it eyitnitT it
ii:ii! ?rinJ iiiut h ftirr. Wil'i ulltl: .-ti mi' riftt irtt iit.
il i- Itflu-.f'l tliof tlii't- in no milt id ti: in:irt.( :I.;tt ill
t'nii'i an Ta-t or with no lit lit' wir. nor i iin; uli) oue
that if uiai- in a bctit-r or ntor- j.crf' . t tuun r.
All jwri-oni" who bfiTi' kren fllit!i1 to Hf tli oM-fh-
i- Dt-el uiit mill, urp ftwarr how im-.m fiiit-nt it ts. aiiJr--
i..-im thipmni . ir rtatt.u. vrfana. y..ue.m
Iv thoMe wli.i haw mil hrir- ti;iiil if of m i i 1 1
we. cni.r f -r r.re.-ent r v.iuei,n (rvexi.iiti-.ui-
I. ...... ... . e . I......I. xi.."-.i...i ...Ow,..L.a
at any lime, m a lew uoiiulea, uike a 1. w talloi,. ,.t
'" "P a f. w barrel,. The Mi,. Line. . II wi rke.l. i
eaeat.l-el utak.s li ti 1 l.arri lf ot ei.ler a l:,y. itli
It it. iiM.ie to run bv Ii-tm-, ste:.tn i.r hi.ii-iwer.
j i, whi n tiie a. is are ruuiel. a br.y ..f fi.urleeu yearn
i'se ihe i.omai-
The following may be adduced as ihe deci.
Aei a'lva'"-1? 1,1 1"s "M-
Yr.l It will tnke mere ria.T lhan arr o
,ti,K..n U.mttty .r i i.i.s m a kivlo
other rTf-n". i
o tuair, ana
flllll UlU.ll like IliblT aUll --I't-tl"e.
tlV. eiu
.t a..u ..uui,
li.ro Is"
It will uiake cleauer and sweeter ciOl-t than
make the ei.ler as you want it, and
ana iu uiianlilies Iioui ear caiion tu
piwiM.-vnth it yon ran pre., your rnrrants, Cher-
, rica r-rn a. i lieese, llullrr. Ijtrl. anj Ta'l.iw.
I'hU. W it h ita UfH .ou eau at all lilitef Lare rrech
an.i ,e.tu.ier.
W uli all the a lvsntaif... reultin.x rroin Hie posiiefiorj
.n.l u,r (,,, ..larhmeat a prim nle that it i
''bu. tiireieiioraii-rn thatauy luteiinsent
e."ir wuuM du without it
The annexed lii:( OMMEM)ATliX U a
' specimen ol Ihe many scores received : j
Durinz ther! wintt r. I had iM Teral boat loafti. orap-
JI, lo make int.. ri ler, afol ii, urril ou. ot iliriioit
. I1. ETo.ee e'll'SR tn e.-, ' ar.il 1. .un.l that, with Ino han.l., I
! 1 ruuil make eitit and nine t.arrel.. ot ri.i.-r ailay 1
in. men only workinu' by d.iyliulit iu the short iliiyn t
.t winter. Th iniil not only perliirmeil iti Ihe aioat .er- I
te'-t an l s:it elaeo.ry maDner. I.nt worked wilu r. marka
hie eoie aud wuh a small amount ol'tniwer. 1 triel i.th-
oie eie aud wun a small amount
er"i.iemiii, but noiwuiat .
ease or .-J ee.l i f yi,.7...fc t AVri. f.m
sa.ey reromm-n i it ininlerei
workeil with hall Itia '
.me (Wrr Mill;" and 1
lereuw lo all other.
ii"ni,.irfi. June lo. iv... ciiAiin.a iini..
Xr l,all. or llr.a.me..unt. New York, write that ,
or.eiuud. w.ut inn farm to farm with m.n.t
ty More lhan nw nrsnar.n (silver Medals
an d Dlvlumas nave be(.n glven lo lnls Ml
within the last four years.
Tk. ninn.er in ih. line ire rtaim thnl lni
i - - -s - -
ac.h;?e is ,he BST one ,n ,he Market !
Ihe following points :
every way portable and convenient. I'rice
iRJO. Address W. O. HICKOK. Agt.
1 7tim2 Eagle Works. Harnsbiirg. Pa
pr.RONS waniin- rhrnce of rliniete rorbealth. eee ad-J-
eitiuiul ol ilauUK.alou Lattda, aulhni ...'luntn. I
To Builders. ...
TO HE subpribpr wishes to iotct for
I TWOUAUNS.onilielowestCaNh rerms.
One lo be built immediately, in Lewisburg, SS
by 20 Icet. The other, a Hank liarn. Ml by
40, l.i be built next SprinfT.near Wawontown s
the Timber lo be got on llie Pr'in"".
1 . F. l L I. l
..eivishi-nr, Atij. 3, 1859 w-J
'Oli sale lv
j, -
rpiIE undersigned wants Itiir Tlioil
1 Kami Ifullar out of his Hook Ac
counts ki pay oil his debts. He owes. and is
unpleasantly nrped for payment. Those,
therefore, who are in arrears lo him lor
sit months and over, will please settle
accounts immediately ; and those in arrears,
under six months, will receive a reasonable
discount on their accounts for payment made
within that lime. tV" Keller seille whilst you
mini, and before being omiptlliil.jl', Also
N. It AU persons, herealier, enip'.oving
Ihe professional services of the subscriber.
will be called upon lo seine ineir uins .um.
luallv al six months alter attendance aiven.
CHAIitiKS MODKKA I'K, and a reasonable
amount of charity piaclice expected to be piv
en where persons have the disposition, but
not the means, lo pay. Others, in Iheir prac
tice, may extend or. unlimited credit ; but. lor
hiinseif, he has, tor ihe future, lixed on Ihesn
iiosiiis tih, which will be strictly adhered
to in all cases. !
(restrict attention piven tobn-iness as for
merly. WM. I.KlfUK, M. D.
I.ewisbiirp. July IH.r;m j
m:.iiii:k ion sii-i:,
Cash paid for Hides !
TIIIIE subscriber wi uld respei tfully inform
I Ihe pill lie thai be has now on hand a
select ass.. rl met. t of ihe best Mil.K I.KATHKU
for ihe supply of his customers, tocether wnh
a superior lot of I'PPK.KS. which he will sell ,
upon accommodating terms.
He solicits Ihe .mention of the Farmers to
bis prices for 111 U Kb.
All havinE Holes lo dispose of will do better
to call upon him lhan to place Ihem in Ihe
hands of Asenls. as he is determineil in give
satisfaction in tins particular branch id" pur
chases. E.J. HL'LL
l.ewisburg, June I, 18.'i9
Jonathan Nesbit's Estate.
N'OTICK is hereby given that Letters rf
Administration on the Estate of Jonath
an Nesbit, late of I-ewisbur- borough. I nion
county, deceased. Iin ve been granted by the
Register of I'r.ion county to the subscriber.
All persons indebted to x.i:.l e-iale will mate
immediate pavnient; and those having claims
will present them properly authenticate I tor
setib inent. III tiH P. SHEl.l.Ki'J,
l.ewisburg. June 2, ts.V.ij Adiiiinislrator
We'll jump Into the Wug.o, ai.d all Uke ride."
1 I.ARfiE, handsome
and very comforta
ble W tf.OV has been
fitted up for liie especial accommodation of
Pic-.N'ic and other similar excursions. Terms
moderate. Apply to J.lri. M. HOL'SEL.
Lewisburg, June 3, lSfitf.
A New Business in Central Fenn. 1
To the public in gintral Jf Millintrn in particular.
mju The undersigned would respectfully .
inform the dwellers in l.ewisburg and
W-zC' surrounding country, lhat Ihey have
opened a
Straw Knt K Hound Ill a Iin
and I'RESI(! establisliinenl in ihis town,
where we are prepared to execute all work
entrusted lo our care. Having had M years'
constant experience in Ihe business in Pbilad. ;
City, and being ncqna'nlcd with the most ,
approved process of lileachins, we are confi-
dent of ioir ability lo sun those who give us '
iheir custom. By devoting lime and attention
to our business, performing work neady and
delivering n promptly, we hope to succeed.
We also Sruiir and A't-7''imA FELT aud
Our work i dene in City style and at tbe
lowest City prices. We make the usual liberal :
deduction lo the Trade and hence Millmeis
wiil find it lo their advantage tu deal with us. 1
We intend lo make it a rule to finish and
deliver all work during the week it is received,
provided we get n on or before Tuesday 1
fct..!!in St.. !.w,Hn 4th and iltl, n-ar .1. W. Shrim r'-S !
March 11, lKoll l.ewisburg !
nAVIN! resumed ihc practice of MKT'I- 1
1.E, tendfrs his prtf .-ionaE rvices
In ihe cilizens of Leii!'uri ami viriniiv j
Oilire ant! rcsiJencp at the u ci eiitl pf Market
Mrret.oppoMle Frick's Fonirlry. luue l.',9
'PMK n.lMMo.xr'KX lAKVURu n wurnr-r-iPTot.-.l
to I It. r:. tin- aT.l Acri-u;(iiii. :il-o ttiiift forth lull
'-v unu of tlx n.-w M-ulrtiii ill tl II.iiitUK'Dte'U, in NVw
Jer-t-y r:m I-- soil -hi -if ! dr at only ..ctiiL' yr annum.
Ii'iow Jioslnk' Ktamr f,iT Hi ftiiir.utit. A'l'lrtvx to
K'litor of ih I'tirni'T. Hmnnif iiton, I'. Athmtic I'o.,
Ni w Jr-rai-y. Th'-'-tt i.-t.ii it -.np IntiJ. i f th Ifft
M'lality. in on rf the in-iil.ii-t mol mst .'..-lilttful rli- 1
inati'f in tht L'ni-n, an-t wh- rn cri. arv i:Ts-r cut
ih wii t.y front., th lTritilf t-ure ol tho Doriti, St fcil- I
T"-rtifinfnl of llainmonti'n ltu!i.
I'lpmiiim & js mum
i:sTiiti.iMin: r
HAS been removed lo Beaver's Criek
lllock, on North Third street, 3.! door
Irom Market, where they are prepared lo do
all kinds of work in their line on ihe shortest
Orders and inquiries from neighboring
towns promptly attended to.
Please rail and examine our large assort
ment of Fixtures of the most approved Myles
and finish.
All wotk warranted. Also Meant I II
I ifli done to order. Lewisbutg, April I, '.ill
William VanGezer,
il LenMiarrT, I nion Co., Pa.
II? I llhce opposite Kline's Hotel Ail
John B. Linn,
ATTOKi:i' AT I.4W OtTire at
his house ou X. Market Si. bet. 1st & 2d
rMIEY are the Rest Calicoes yt'tof-
J. ii-rt'd to tht) 1'ubiic fur the nnniey.
VuoLetiLB Ar.tiNTS,
fimTtsa Sew lurk.
Attorney at taw.
OFFICE on South Secnnrf nrnr Market Si.'
riTAl! Professional Business entrnsted to
h,B Me. w.ll t. fVaitkr..!!.. r.rn.nr.11,. flt.n !
ded lo 8ept. H, 1857
A DE.SIKABKE nullding I.ot, feet
X leel lront by deep. Enquire of
Beaver, Kremer & MClurr.
TIio l"atiihlct Laui for 18.S9 are I
received and ready for itistribmion to tliose I
persons in I'mon county entitled to them.
l$AU'L BOtJMI. Troth y.
Real Estate.
TT)Y virtup of ufidry writs of Ki. Fa. and !
J) Vend. Kx. issued nut of the Court ot Com-
moil Tleaa of Union counly. and to inedirerl
ed, wiil be expo5ed to Public ale or Outrry.
on the date: and al the places followmir.io u t :
On Satunlay. tlic :il day of Scptr-m-;
tember next, on Uie premises, at I" o cIock,
A. M., a ct-rtain tract of Land situate in the
ttiwtnh.p ol White Peer, and c.v.tnty of
Union, bo ti tided io'i ih I v land of the Shftfield
Iron Company, west iy l.m l la!; of Ilmy
Iltirh. drcV, and others. nuth hj land of IM
vid .leiintni'T, and eat by lamN ol Ci nieiri
Bucher and nilie-rs. coiitaintn Ttteiity .rs
more or w her-Mn are rrpcfd a ruiir-li
rry VtM)LK. FACTuK V, a two-o-ifv
huclliup ii ue, liaioe Matde and olluT Out
Uuildintis, iVc, wnh ilo appurtei ancis. as
the pn pfrtv o! Iaac Si;ni' ii, Pavid Miirr,
John N. Finney, bu-annah MesMnger &. iani
utl llendersuu. I
Ao, oil TtHvtlay, iitli nuy of Sqi-
trniber next at the l'libnc lluue i f U liliittn
Wolfe, mi ihe BnrouL'h of llartieton, at 10 o'
clock, A. ,M.,a ceiiam l"t and a Half of
l.rotiitd. morp or le-s, Mtuate in the Buroi!i;ii
id ll.irilclt n, and c. tinly ot I'mon, bounded
on the east bv lot of Mis-t-s I.uca, outh ly
iMinpirie, west by lot ol K- btcca UVe, atol
north bv an aMv, wbr-r-' n ai eiected a
lianie Kl.l.l.(. IIOli:. TOlii: BOOM,
Ware Boom and name Stable, Arc., with the
anpurienatiri, as ib properiv ot K. II. K-rr.
John ck(ss(;iiovk. sh-mf.
ShrriirsOflire, Lewi -biir. Auj. 3. IK.VJ.
1 V virtue of sundry writs of Vend Kx. and
Lev. Fa. i-sut d out of the Court ol Coin
loon Pleas ol I nioit county and to me directed,
wiil be exposed!" public u or outcry, on
thed.ites and ;ii iIip place. folloxin, to wit:
On FniJay. ihtr J-lli thy of Aniru.-t
l!r'J, at the piudic hou-e of M::iii-t Kieclner
in ihe iiorouuh ,lf -New Derhn, at 10 u'cb.cK, A
M, a et i lain tra't of l.i"d itu.ite in Lime-tone
lowntitp and county i t L'umu. Containing Ten
Acres mure or Ic, bounded noiiii by lands .
ot Absaban bwirifiordtpat by lands i t J'ti.l p
(Iross. Sotnii by Peun Cret-k and we-t by laud
of Jihn Miicht'l. whereon are erected a two
storey j HIST MU.l.y:i frame Dveili.:x houe.
a frame Tenant hnue, a Irauie Mable, wah
other out-builtlintf". and ill appurtenance
as the property ol .Michael Wa iter. with mm c
to aS-wiiiiel l.oit;' and Chariot e Lon. terre
leiiaritsand ol'Charlo!" L- i. and Sam I i-ong.
.A No. at the srt.no linio ami pluco. a
Lot and a hall of crouitd more or !(, siiuate
in the boron 2I1 ol Srx B-'rlin, I tui-n county,
nutrked on the town 1 lot . I.") and halt lot
1;"7. bounded ouih I v Af w Market street. wei
by lot l.'j, noi;h by au altty, at.d eat by ha f
lot 1 57. wheieon are circled a two-storey
Frame iloii-e. a well of pood waier w:ih a
pump. and o'her nut-buildit)?s,wiui tbe apjuii
ienaitec a the- property ot Adam M.i-ze.
Also, on tin; ratnc tiny, at li nVlork
P M, at the public house of Win Inholl in tbe '
boro-jh of Miilliiiburi, Union county, a rer
ta;u lot of ground situate in said borough and
county, bounded south by Front street, west
v Jot of John Klcckner, north t v an alley.
east by lot of Joshua BnMinc, n hereon are
erected a two-storey double Dwelling Kail
House, a 1'2 liable, a well of gol water v u.i
a pump, and oiberoutbu1!dinL"'.with the appur
leiiances as the pn periy ol (co.W.Fai'U k.
ANoT on attmlay, the l.ith day of
August, K'.t, at the pubii ' house of L. L).
Brewer in the borough of Leu isburp. t'iiii.n
County, at ten o'clock A V, the following des
cribed building and lot of ground ot t.eortze A
Fnck and John Lillv. to u it : a Oweilmpilouse
ot two storeys baviiij a tiont of ihirty-two feel
and a depth of mirty-two feet, w:;h a Frame
Kitchen attached, ami is siiuate on a ceriain
lot or piece of ground on S"Utb :.xlh 'reel in
the borouvh ! Levvisbur. I nioii countv, ad
joinin lot i f Win Beitmycr on the north and .
lot of Wm Moore on the si.uih.
A No. on tlio panto day. at '2 o'clock
P M, at ihe public house of Win L Bitter, in
the town of iew Co.imibia..Whi;e Deer town- .
ship. Union countv, a certain tract of hind
sittiaie in paid township an ! countv, bounded
east bv the WeM Braneh ft the tu-iinehaima
Btver, north by lands of John Vert;, J.-hn Ktni
ple and othprs, we-t bv lands ot Jacob Trvxel
and south by lands of Jacob K.stenbnt!er.con
tainingTwent One acre, more or less, whereon
are erected a onc-an-l-a-lialf storey Frame
Dwellinr House, a Ler; Baru.Wapon Shed Arc.
with the acpurteiiauces a the property vi
David S. Vt-itz. I
JomX CBOSsfiROVE, Shersft '
SheriiTs Oillce, Leui-bur?, July 18.
Xew 4ui f i:LU mal ScUU iiM ait.
TiUM.n ANTiMi V. I.MS, n nre P ortunify tu n.
(le:ut:tffll Hit l to altliy !iiiitttr ... lit i -.'Haln nt if
Pliil;i.o'lj iiiii,ou Ltiu LaiUelt U aLii Aluutir l.uilrou'i .Nt w
Au el! rtnt'-c n-i-tiri-. f -i-Tprat t!v nan!! cf arrr-a
ol 1 r durti v.- .-oil lia- lw. n di i-li tl inO- rHrni - ef Tnriou
r t-- ! -tilt tin i'ur litifp-r. A nitu n 1 1 mm
li tin Kruiii- j'lirl- f-1 ' In miil'ilt- tatn and .Nt-w Kitw:i;o- l
lt;ic (it-ttli'd tl.crc the j:i.-t JchT. P Ti 1 I li-.r iH.f,
Ki ll r;iicil r-.ici-li. iit iTii.. 1 tr f" n'p tlic Uni'l i at
tin low film 'l Irtin jil.i tnj:y p.r irrr, the .-oil m i-f the
1-cM 'iutili:jr Iir tiie j i.ftin tio cf . licit, t'lTcr. t'ern,
l'citcli. ji. (.raj cr and .tal-: s. It i- c. v.ni If rci) thv
I't pt tr 11 it pxil in tli t'uicii. I hc uiint is ir..ot:Y w
rtin tr.iin t'ri sis tin? d,'-:rtnti. . nciuy i t the f:n ui--r.
rrcj'f ol iirinn. lira- un i trnil arcb-w urOwiiij tti'di:tii-Ih-
."(u. Il cKaniiniti.' ti.t- fjl.-ic- i:--.r, riricet ju lj.
tii"ut ritn t' formed ol tjic -ifdU''tiT(-ni,.-s el' tin- Un.i
'llic tcruir-ttrc luitl to ( urc tin ri( id intirmre
nir-nt t Ihc iarid,liirli is t'Tily .'lil for a. '; I wtj rw.
mrut. Tin result liti-i itcfn. tli;t witbiu tin ast y r,
-IUC Ihrrt inn-liti l-u?rt hat t-t-rll To'ti l, tv.f niiils
one ttnnj, tour nt'inn. m mc forty i n ;ir !-i and IVurli
orchard - !i.nu-d. und a iwrirc nnuihcr ( f other iiiii-rn.ti-DiriatA,
EuakiD il a dt r-iral Icatid m luc -id ol ImsiUt-BS.
the miei;i:p.
mr the rentier may p rccivt-tnoi i(.t Incut ,-.., in tin bent
in the 1 ii j- it. I'r- (u--e hritiL.ii.: doul-le Id i,.ri e than
in hica.ioti-' awav in-iu the cit-i, and more tlmo d--til-lc
tlic price lhan tbeWt-ct, It i- known that the carlio't
ntid le ii Iruitft mid t (-ctitltle- in tho latnudecmjif horn
New .lert-ry, aud are uunua.O tipuru d in Uie kxU ut ot
In hTatinj: here, the ettlrr lias mary Jrantajrc.
He it- within a few huiir ri,Jc of )n- -.-r.-iit ritie ot New
I'll- land and Middle itte-(. h it mar hi eld friend
ai.d a.-MiciHtK.n", he t in ;(''" country, v hrr tirrtt
miff tfttfiit ut vmmt um oi.mi it ut h'tud. lie
ran Lut t-Terv rtir! he want at the -ht'M,'-'"t price,
an.! pel i ht prtnluce ler the hifhe-t. iin llie Wet th s
i reTerd : ' he ha5 M-honU for lni rhudreu, iMtimo i-r-Vice.
Slid Will elij .y MU OfCII inter, fell I tie! till ul t-ii-ntntc.
h re fcveri ate uMcrly unKi:n u. The refiilt of
the chanite upon tlioe from th North, lian (teo rally
bt en to n-st re tie ui toau ceil. nt htate ot health.
In the t iii" 1 uiitiiiii; and ini r liimticr ran be
pt.ti.itied at the null- at th- rate "I $to to 1.'. pT th-u-ttaitd;
hrickr-frMtn the trick yard oj-vned lutliepiaiv;
cTt-ry artii-le can W pp -ured in the place. ytK"! irt -en-tern
are at hand, and there in ho pla-'e ia the L'uu u
where Luihl.tit!! and improTetnent-c.in t made cheaper.
1 tie n-inler will ut once he p truck with th advanta-:eA
here pn nt d, t.d n-k himx-If why the property hits
m"t I .fu taken up hefore. The reriMn in.it wan r
thrown in the market ; and iitilct tin e ftateraent
wire correct, no one would l-e Invited lo examine- the
'and Ix-tor' iir-.-hasinir. Th'f all are ex per ted to do.
1 hey will nee i.ind tinder rultiratin : f-urh if I he extent
ot Ihe ttlt-mutt tint ih-y iii. no i!oult. nicer perrons
from their own tiei-fhhorh'-od: that they wiil witnesf-the
iuiprovemetiti. arid ran .bidjfc the rharacter ot the popn
IiOir U. it they rotne with a i-W In fettle, th'-y i-tiiiiltl
rome prepare. I to -lay a day or two. blI -e reudy to'pur
chaw, ax ion, t ion- r.in not tie hei.l rn rrfu-al.
There are two daily trains to I'hiUdelphia, and tn nil
net tier w ho improve, the Railroad 4 onii auv ir-f a free
ticket tor iii uiouthi, mid a half ptuv Xukt-t for tiiree
In eonrtection with ttie airriiulctiltur:tl f ttl' Tncnt, a
new and thr.TiiiiE ton n ha.1 naTiirally ai i,en, whe h pie
tu utf iudiiccrci tits f r any Und cf ipUhii:en. part ien hirly
tti-re an-l m iniifactcriri. The ho tuilt. ' ei-u'd l e
Cwl tieil n in tiiin placo and market to (fttod advunOtve.
'do cotton l-il-inew. and manufactorie of acr ienilural
implement-- or r ooii'lrle forra-tm - muall article. The
improvement ha-n Itecn no rapid an to insurr n constant
and permanent inrten-e of businen. Tiwii lets of a
:od ize, t. we do net Pell rmail oues, un it would eff--rt
the improveint-Dt of thep.acr,)(aa te had at f rym j) 100
and upwards.
The Jiummtmttm Frrmrr, monthly literary and aprl.
eulturul fh-et mntainiec full informal ion'of Uamiaun
t-rn. ran be ohtaineil :it 'lit ceri Is per annum.
The indisputable warrantee tlerd" nivvn. rtear of all
Ineumhrance when m tiey i' paid. Houte f the, land:
have Vina s-treft wharf. I'liiiadelpbia for liammonton
by Kail road, at Vaj A. M , or 4.J P. M , Fare ifi erntd.
Vi hen then niuire i.r Mr. Ilvrne. Itardinir ronveni
enceaon hand, l'a r tie had iH-ttert-top with Mr. Hvruea,
a principal, until they have decided a I purcbA.-int, as
be will chow them over tbe land in bin carriage free, of
expanse. I.ettcra aud applicatitna ran W ad.lrvnn.l to
Larxlia A Bymex, liammonton P.O.. Atlantic Co., New
Jerw-y, or l. B. Con?hlin.20J Sonth Fifth street. IMiila
delphia. Mapn and iniormation cheerfully furnipht-d.
A Business Stand on Harket Street
IOR R:T none better for a Milliner,
for a Grocer, Trimtninr, Ac. Aprfv to
Julv 11
A. B. DUNc BMAN lll.
Assignees1 Sale.
Ui ii , l.ith of Mlm-
Icr itfi. 'B he eiposeri li public
ale, a certain Lot of (Jruuud on which t
creeled 8 valuaide
and the appurtenances, known a the property
of Nesbtl, Hay s V Fn h'hofn, sitn.ile on
Water street, tinh d Market, in the borough
of Lewi-l-mv; m I i.ion ri :v.
Said Mill I- Lmii of br.t k. four and a half
storeys hiuh. bavins an Lni'ine of Imty h -re
poer attached, a line brick stack. run of
rtone. a ''otible set if Boltm Cloths, iwn
f, 1 1 1 u i Mai hmes. ar.-l all o'hef (Jearii'if n"ci s
taiy to mine .and ha-, mad ) a umi Flwiir
as any otti-r MiH in 'l.e St.i'e.
The location of ihii MiP.n r.MiVrP? tbe
produettVrl.es. ol tiie coilitti y Miiiotiii Im;' i.
is not surj'ase!. (.rain cliii l e buiuhl !s
elienp at ihis pl.ice, as a'.v o'.hT ;oint in tli
Nate; and :h- r r i.. more ,'ia n raided in tr.is
section ot country lhan i in'Cf-arv To sufl-'v
all the M;iis ; ami for Merchant W'ui tins
niul is especlii.lv recotniiiended.
Any person desir..tis of et.jav;rr sat 1
business will d.i weil lo call aud examine be
fore pan ti.-!snt elsewhere.
I is AN". b -tw e-i '"ti and .t;0 new Flour
Barrels w.W be mien
S.ile to be at th" pti'tiir h"U-e of A J. Weld
en-aul, tn sa.J b-roi'h, couiiiiei.ciii ai I
oVI-.rk I'. M.
C. n l.tit fi ma-'e ',;nri n rn t'tv f
IC H. Lli:l W M J'M.
Asi"t,ee- of h i r, ff tm A F: iirii".n.
Levi-b ir.-. .I'll, I--"-
Real Est-Ue at PuqKc Sale!
TTILI. 1 v i :i'. r. ! at p-i! , sale on v.-,;r-
tutf, .t'j'.' -7. 1 1" a'., at ! .'rl 'Ck, A
M, a tract ol Laio! Mtua'e n. ii .iil'i-. Tp near
Farno'r.s':!!e.ru t avw7 "It 4f I 'S more or
Ics?, atnin: VZ acres cleatt'l, an 1 tiie balance
wll tun. here. I.
It will be offered in lots, or tope'ber, b
suit p:irc!ia-t rs.
There i on tl, pi-p.iii--e; a SAW MILL, a
CLOVLI; MILL, a y I War F-.wer 1 a
to.-d spm..;. iMAAo WALKKK.
Buai. e, Jj'y tJ. 1
fpiri: T O IUIOlS occti:'ttd at pre-
sent bv W ;hi;ii'n Hu'i h hs n a- a
Saloon. They are -ui.a! !e lor S I ( )i 'S.
For Terms apVv tu
Jan 1- S JOHN 15. L!..
r. V.: r-1" si- i.ie
',lH-.,w.!lii r B:! k Foundry
z";'i2end of Market Mr-ei
Foundry ar the we-t
lliclll ')ti l
i t. rc, ar.d the
Macluuriv it!!,ir!i
I'aUerns ft r
M;o'b inerj ,Mov-
of the !.--. biPaH.
i a,M a i ;?'. attM-ur! t
il KiL'fi's lor AL'ricoliiiia,
A. r. ft is it-c.T 'e! a- one
f r a so !. s.ife biisinev-..
'I he Proprietor's time is irh- iv ci,-;r
another ea.p.vm cut, w h;ch is ilo rejSfii
i!iviv t t!i-pi.-e ot this Fount: t; . i". r .
lurther part", to.trs. a''iiress
WILLIAM FKlCK. Leu-is! nr;
Feb. I tiiou Co
rjHF! reiierice of rh" subscrii r. on AV
I Maike: stren in the Borooirh otJti.i
Leuisbur;. Tin !u ii.f is ot Lid K. ucll
bni-hed in every respirt.
'i'eru: One t be paid ie'veen thX
and tiie fr-t tav ot April next; the b;tfanre
to be paid in u. threv (.r five year-, as may
SHU the buvrr. I'osC-!' fi E;Vf ft P. I; v tune.
June i;,s IsAC UAll K IL
For Sile,
rpHAT desirable r''T-,;
-. ct rner of Sr.
John ;t fid at--r S:s .( m, ris;j, - ree
lticr I.OlH. n which a re Tr . a M-,
H.'i.-c. she i. and W Larf. 'J Lis i - a:. ;
lent b-Ciio ii ,'aal.iva residence, oi .-.e
jl i'llSUl
t ut tcriii- A c. a: -' v in
L( wi-biiri:. June II,. ;!
I:2.iLSaiid Lots, each smiai le l iLliiL
two ianiiiies one on North Fourth sirret an i
one on Si. J din -tree. Ii r S.r. H all vf eat h
of the above ium - ;ue , r Be t.
T 'Als.i, ,,r sa.e, hmr Bmi iins f.ot: on
-N.-rrh Fifth v.f.et. JtH Hi l. (.1 1 TON,
Levi-bur-. Jaii. 20. I v , Ami
lllK alll.s.-rill. r .
rs :: r sa'e several A-.Jk
-i:n. an I ...I., r Buil-jui
ImT. n.-ii I I I-' W st i.t y.
lo r ui ii.ise. v. i.l p:ea-e
II if I ( ' K Hot
lln?sT MHliltP 111 ihr
I'crsi'iis w ! s ! t : ti
call i. n .Mr. J--:i ari.riri (
ihi rn such infuiuiaiKin as :
li. who i-. i.l c:ve
;i. v m.iv lir-TlH.
ri'HE siiUrri!.rr L.vrs M ..i the latp ip-iJ-I
ilrnre of .1 .i nn Mm i 7. ilcr'.l. mhiji r ue
mile n-csi r f l.t a,s: ur- i n llie Turn ike Ira
dim (mm I.ptt i-l ur m MM'i;iil'iirp,rin;iun;ii!;
f IS lli trri'ii ami 4 1 i.r. lii's.wii'n a tw.i
JjJLs'irf v llrirk House, I'.iru. ami oilier
Otiiljiiil.lii.s ihrrron.aii.l wnh a .fi! ppritie
of uarer in ihe i-rllir. TSe ulioie is uatiir
a sr. .oil Mule of rnlitv.'iiion.
There is also f, r sa'e a tract ,-fT.mlifr
I.aii.l in Cast Hmr.iVe 'i'p,c..utaiiiiBg -1 j . "- -aercs
more or les..
Anv person .It siro'is of purchasing anv of
ihe above orojierties. w ill p'ease s i call on
J. A. ' tii 1 Z, titouior
I.purislmrj. July 5,
ON South Fifth streef. a property f
convLsiins tif a s.md Frame HouseiLi 2
on a half Lot of ! round. Terms eay. Apply
to May 17 A. B. VOl.sl.
rpHR well known TaTli Stain!
1 at the east end of liie Lewi.sbursi'j
Undjre, in Chillistinaque township, Noith d
Co. It will be sedd on reasonable terms.
Inquire of WILLIA.M FKICK.
Lewisbur-r. Pec. 17, is:,--.
Important to Farmers tk Gardeners.
flMIE subscriber Invintr recently traveled
much in thrs am! at'joinm Sta'i--. and
seen the sreat failures mliiaiu ami Caiden
Vegetable-;, has concluded lhat a t U.i A(i K
Ob" SEt'.hS 1- tfi-o.n'y iKfr-dn . this also
is the opmt.'ii of the bet Ancuitnrists jfene
rally. I have tVrefoie imp ri,d (or made
arrangements for) -quite a vaneiv tl
Seeds, riicli as ha' ' be n fouiui bol muh d to
our stil and chmair at this time. The iollo
winjf are specimens of ptw varieties, and
tlieir yield pi r acre, tn-tr n knntl for sa' at
my residence in Mnl!iabur'j, Cnion Co., Fa.:
'f i ' .t V -,, e
'r. m. y
-Ir (. Hufift
Wl ire Fre tcditerranean Wheat,
very ettrif
Tt'v Inni-h rvVcro-in Pctatoe-i
It if-pia
o in
White K'yo rpriT.r Ke, fen tarly TV' ft ..
l: man or Wino r Kve h'--:a 4.
N 'I anl or IVa rd !. l.nrleV Jtaly .'
bile ot. nei :h 4." lift I r u-l,e d' T
Imp. Corn, lonceart-, rlj-e in lad.iin Kus.sia lot
4 :.-
5 (!
ir I'af tr
Jir'tp't M'' make- pic like p-recu appV, tury
hnnly. (fn m J;njif J.' rU.
&'rnni rry lu(rm-l-it, very rire ;.-
t urn tt-at, mlf like preen corn, ropy pr dnctitp 15
t.mntifl Atiifn-i. eat like phetliiit, yield larce
II utr or lYhitt C 'urrjf, Iriu lieruiatiy, auaia pie
like p achea !'.'
JtuhUmt Ktin;h. at "wret p.'tatrie '1$
ip-.ix. Turnip, wetirh li to lli il earh, kerp the
whoii- year, very baidy
iT?'All orders for Wheat must be in bv the
1st of AntjuM. and for an of the other ser tls
by the 1st of October, to secure a snpply. The
pay must arroiupany the ordt r. hieh should
be carefully addressed h A s KLINCL
Til MiflLitbnrir. t'nion Co, V
1 It KSN-a n i -tiifial to -laMLh M .nulaetor.eii in l
-1 ii-d thriving pi. -w rr fru-ir - i- g'-L tv ai
v.-i iKHKnt A tr.r Mfntu at' u tr Hi mrut.
irn ia,t2& e. at pr wfc s-r card ot ltt llaa or itrt )
rv.w-1-a i..V,i7i. A'frh'.ru featunlaj, Anf. 27.
, nliwiti.-j I arai.l-wl.lfurx. Monday. An. U.
I ir Piensp annonncp thai M ILtlAM
KI'LE. ol !:iflal"! toBhip, will Lp a taniii
daip for tp-eieciion bpfote thp Count. I,n.
vemirm of iKih Aoi;tist. LIMESTONE.
frX.it havii ! apen any EPnileir.an a. jt
proposed fi r t'-H .tt A i-MTU, evpral of o,
have hi) up. n iiA.ML'EL C. Wlf.T Kvj. 0f
II irtl-ion as ore pverv way ijna! fiej ,,r tnM
import. ml post. Old liarilry has presrntM
no liiiuli i iie this tear, ami r ihet:ore ask
to brmj out Mr. Wilt. fi r ahhoush no pari,2sn
he is a piihliir spinirit cni7rn ai.d uit lUsl.
oess rnai who voiiht a'M s-rrnih q ihat
li. ar !. Siii-nnttpJ to tl.p I'eople'a Conpn:oa
i l li Ati-'isl. VOX.
i:i,I.HU' Citizens: 1 ,f,r ir.y-elf arj-r,;..
il.i e !. rtiie oll f ol e.ur. C(,.,iw-Wn,
sol jioi t i ihe tlepiaion of ihe I'ntoa .-,onr
c, la. fi-ii.u ol -l;h A:i2. llavins tp.n nrer j
hy u.ri'iv fneri.ls. I lii.pe In receive a lilra
Mij f '.r', ami if iii.n..r.a:ed ai,d piprted I
per I. i ri tiie duli-s ol Ihe i tiirp lo il.p ,rsr cf
u.v .il , :iv. II V THOMPSO.N.
V, lil. nl urc. July. 1-'.VJ
(tAIT.JAMrs CI.AIR or ..-.i ,.
J rat-di.latp f-r 'l.e t-t!i--- . t ..w.i
t'iimnti"i:iliT, Mlt;-.fl to Ihe lie r . rj (jf ,e
fin. ti lleptii.io an Convei.Eiorj m Au. tfi-
J:im' I!. Ilamllii u. resp.riru"7
a in utice li.i.t he I 1 1- n rat.ilirf.ne ii r'i'
iiiioei ! I'IM'KK 'I AITHKMIV f..r I ni, s
C- "Il-V at 'he ftl-uin- ..ptinau jef , ,,.
choice ol the Kepiihliiin e. nveiitu n Munp f
CM!) At the .oiipitatii.n of tone
Iriefuf-. I am ii..!.ir-J lo offer myself 15
Uie V.. ten of I i.ion cinty. al ihp ensti.r
un. Kiertion. for ihe 1 ifu e ot 1 fa-tarer,
u' J-vi 1" a lo ininar:. n ty ihe Coui.ty (.1 u
vi in a tt ihe iJ.ll An'-'lst.
: .v i-.o:jkrt h. i..n:n
.. mll. "fes rs. IT.) 1 1. rs : I'err.;:
1; ' iiii '. ' iir 1 0 p- r To r-e. n nier.rf t-j
'.i. s.-o n r fes TliOVAS IIAVKsKsq. it
u iv.'J..: -e 1 . 1 repres. i.t na m ti.e i.mt I.rs
Iu..ite. Jl,. s.-rve 1 us i,.tie se-si.it,. hi;h!v cre-
:'..! v t- ' - :f at..; 1.1 his r.,t - .ments, .,..,)
tiie i..-ji' y ar.a ih. nth he was ri e ut.ai.noi j,
ell iiy , , :;r ei iiioy. he u 3s s i. pe rce-'eit f 7
liie ar::- 11 ' !he I "1 re;ee. oi l.';e ollll r CI tll.-
!' ..1 I':-ti i t. II s claims are Mroiis.a.-.i
1 1 n: s : hh, ih pn pel :y iippreciat .i.
Jj'l I I. Is." :t ' Ht ltunt.
John !!. I.iltn vouM respectfully a,i
it. too e 1 1, r.- u .i l.e a caiidt'late f. r ti.e
r"ce of l is ; - a Ti I;m;y r IMl rl
.;i0-. i . 1 1 'o ti.? ctii 11. e or the corver.-
11.10 1 1 t:.e . :i Ai;--. i nt. Mar It, lSt
i - . -i ! n hns forte wiirn --'J'i.e
' s... t Mat . ;;i..i n.l il.e M.in
.-. ' S:. J.iii..s V. i.,, s c..r ti t a'
-.-.'" 1 r ieil.;.;s .l.sire me fioihorictarv'.
in: 1 : , - 1.. t urn i.i. .. 1 iie u . u.ii rt lu-
liie y orr-red i.:m vithon' liriratii.ti m
Tir. Ar. i to-ei:.? inm .l.':tie(l tu ilrf
.1:1: n. si 1 li e if-t iiua;ii"-d of any rf
-"i.i.enien r arret Messrs. I.M.j.. rs aie i-
. ur.ee h: 111 ::o.' w,. In . j T his m.u ipj i f C)
s .1 cat. f: l
Jti'v l:t:h.
1 1 :. re tiie pe r'le's coriventioo.
M.t.W riilE.NLS.
COM: II t-ft i: KI.i:;t hereby informi
ri.e . 0 1 1 I i. . ti p. .11 11 it that he wiil be a
o n .'i '..'.. o r C 'in-' if nrrii.iir, anl jecl lr tbe
1. in i.;;ii. 11 of ti. e r, nvtniion of ihe 29th of
Annus! nut. .K. iesi Hil.July i;t, I.-.5S
. K.iit. r Ai'ow me liin tilth vnnr
to I ir 1 to tile pu! c JOSIAII
1 ' I !.(..ij, p.s rt soi.1jie person
(:'.:-. e . 1 ' ..o,' .- Tr ,'urtr sulject
11. i' a;, ti ol in. I.Yui.lr e. pvertlon c-t
;.f-r.v YA t FAI.OE
II VK 111;
:h- 1.
ii A
- : Il K HMlAI.I) '1 li' MAS. l:.q.. wiit
c iisi'ht 1.1 ih" n-e oi his nan.', -.here are
ro.ii.v uli 1 tto-.il I vote ti r h m I. r Ci uniy
Ciiiin ss:...pr. t hat II. n 1 ! fit. u'd te con
niiualiv li.led t v 1 nr vtronie-t and bc.t qtial-iti-
ii ineti. t. r tlr'v spe'i-t ail our countv laics.
11-.' ii Hell hio-u it, h( r.est. and ci n.peteni.
MtA.MOKiN k;i;;e.
'S'o ii,e Vt.trrs 1.1 I'mon cciinty : One era
I er.'tioii hns passtd attar mi-f ihe !iite
l.'Mnshtp i.f lure t-ver has been repre?f ri
le i .11 in-I; ar.i ol County Con. n.isMi tt rs. I
tio-t. -:..... !au-.. tins meilic il of pri posiri: Mr.
sM KI. .MAliSllAI.I. before ihe S9;l; An;.
1 pvei.iion, as Olitlil i-aini(-r. He u
a i;a:;ve (. ( ur 0 iitity, a ci noleiable lax
r.iyei. at:.! a pacy loan ciery way St. c rrpe-
teiii Ito! ', r;liv. KLI.I.Y
'il th? Vi ! rs i f I'mon county I offer
t'-vst-lf as a caiiifi.tate li-r ihe f:!ice of
11 olhontilai v surject to ihe tit-craioo cf
me Ki it! !ti'?n roi.vention. .siionld I bp so
I. tl'ina-e a. lo lie tioiu inared and p.'pcled. I
i:l eit-teaei r to ptrlorm the duties nf aaij
. line vi;h file!. IV. WM ROMiOMi
Mew lleriin, June I, I."!
I'-i:!. I.oW fit 7er,s ; I oner mvsplf , a
1 raiu'idaip I . r ihe Oir.ce of I,iolltw
loliiry if l iui 11 countv sphjeei to tne
i!-ci-:i.n 1 f ihe I'mon crnvennoti. llavirj
t.-eii urt'cd Iv numerous friends. I hoje t.
r- eeiv e a lit eial support. If 1 ai.t noirnra'i I
an. I pieced. I iil perform Ihe dunes o! the
iliiff to the test i f n;v abiliiv.
l.tMi-l urj. June li.'li'J. d r i;r!.r:N
1 TI.I.OW ClTIZi:.S-I otTtr tt ysel: .is a
1 fiiiidi late lor ihe otlice i f I'l ollllill
lt:tir' ot I nion county, (subject lo :re j?
cisiuii t.f ihe I'r.i. n Conveniu n. Itav :z
i'eeu urtfed bv numerous friends. I h. pe t.'
reive a liberal support. If I am r.i ui ".-'''
and elecied, I :!! perform ihc d.it .0 i e
dunes id" the 1 nice wiih ihp beM ol n v it
J01l. A. VIKiZ
Lett is'.iuri. Mav 1. 1"5!.
Willhllll JOIK-N would h-rr:v :rl . -n
the pin. uc mal he w iil he .1 rut ' t'e '. r bc
1 lii. e 1 1 col .VI Y TKEAM l.l i. -'i- " ' ':
liip iiotiiina'ion ot Ihe I'cun ;. I 1 el
the ''.'.ii ot Aii'.'lisi next. ' 1 ' :
i ij-us. i:i-iron.s. . r-. '''
At I voiir rr In mns. to prrst tit '." : '' i ': '
s-AMI'M. ll.OIJW Ki. ts.j ..1-.1 -I'1-son
lo rill ihe otlice ol Lv-ri i-t Ao. i" He
1-abundantly qnaidi-.I I.r ihc .ia'e- ' M
i llice. and a'leiots purietiMilv an-t I.' 1
business. The C iiveiition 1! t!.o '.. a Au
pUsl could place no beltrr ir.un i r. 'all
and trp iv 1 1 1 uive him a luartv sup.fi i"
West Itutialoe, May irt, 7s. .VA.
ri'O the Cifzens of Vinon ccmti - 1 '''.
I this muh, d of into! mir 'he 1 'r ' '''
llie rotiiilv lhai 1 mil l e a rai ri t' .1 e
ir 0.1-
oirice of iiilhuitntatv al tr- '
etii n si.) i.. the .1. n.i. n , I It e fi
.rn... 1. ... 11. c v .,'uiuo i-i -
Jl.It.N I il-t.t K
i.l 1 o 1
J. MaT tfi, is:
tV. II. I01.P resptctuiily ann " r
lhat he will he a canrfniaie li r ihe oiir "
tils'l'lill T .VITOUXEV for l ui. n ' C" '
Mil'jecl to liie tiecisioii of lite fi'll'" :' 11 0
the saih ot Aniriist next. May I. I'5
I-'OIMH-A small. Lady's IUIT-'"'
1 at the Chronicle otlice f. r the . aner-
r.t'.xl 'ti ''V 'SJrlts'J,''
'AVtlll.lK l . I'l 'I I AV ,,,
-ue.tis .i ton nea jitrtl i''n' 1
sb -jaunt, a?(Bi astrid i. iiibojj I'-"'13'
-un 3uivri( asiii v t.'n. n Uu jji"ii'li
ls aii jiiun'iiiJuidiws jo) s.tmn aiJ",l I
jjv ju suutij js1 u! s1'H'll lu s-'K-HT'tl.tt
: 1.) 1. i.o;
.tiM, tttim ia w.i-ili.-iO.' i-t 1 llau.' 0
tl U l.-li-l".