Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 14, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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GiftClioosing Easxoißi
\r ■ V \ / (<TIMT» ' The Story of the —' ■■ ■ 1 -*—
I ■} t\ K'. + **<[ *V/U»|pffOT 4ZII | a M iprr Other Wise Man. by « "A DIAMOND, •• u shimmering, glimmer- (
i \ * , i •-*■>./P- EASCy- A I IL I Henry Van Dyke..!WK- A l„g i fl ery stone with Iridescent brilliance
S 1 r>vk«' iu£ — the moat beautiful of all earths
f i Henry \an Dyke, tvw »*•« A vm . .... " !
Finding His Soul, by DrAflTICfTf I Jewels."
mi n . Norman Duncan ...Me OCAU lIrUL
anri Slal*. r ' 1 hat Krinvc „. The^ An ,? e , l , a " d the c OUNDS good In Websterlan superlative expression, <
The Gift of 1 onnjs star, by Ralph Connor. RUG S but a perfect diamond Is even more beautiful than
u i W» j ' r i l( , Hands of Ksau. words can describe. Therefore a diamond ring, a dla-
I • C • 1 Comtort b> MarKuret Dela »ioo " Glvp me • mond tie pin, or a diamond studded La VaJllere, cuff
Lasting |JeFVICC come in and «rr out J ?ven T though Tlvere links, or locket. Is most highly prized by those so for- j
f y 9 11 j complete stock. II very few pieces of fur- tunate as to receive them.
I B Slippers, of course! j r* 1* 1 II niture, the room will I ,
i \ .IF* f The gift that lasts for years 1 , \ . They always bring [ LVSngCllCftl jfi jMractlve appearance." _
\ and " roves of greatest utility is comfort and satisfac- \ j R nn L Qf nrpi i fkquentTTear from I—l J f _ ' i
,, usually the one appreciated the ft DOOK OIOIC H ladies who realize I 1 T m* £*\ m. T "V* n T"! 7
r enjoy the tlon. therefore, classed I o io. $ that the I HOW ttl VJIUW
•' comforts and conveniences made "» the first rank JJI * WI W * ° etona *• (jl home may be enhanced
possible by modern appliances. among the most popu- *■ ■ " in~V any other one piece of ■ •
Electrical devices of various lar gifts for man, ' 9 'ru"?s A a "re O IJI Q TY"I AH H
V jtX <a\ li kinds lighten the burden of woman or child. The i i V»CVy always acceptable as CL ACl»11X JL.JLVJI
i TIL// housekeeping, and electric domes feet must bear the
'=l eFT and portables beautify as js-ell burden of carrying ua WQ3 lIMF M>icl3 them. .
iSg W j, a , .. . (^\WK=_^3V IJBI Buv a diamond ring here as modest in price as your
V--- r' as radiate cheer throughout the around all day, Our assortment of „ _ i
- home. Hundreds of gifts that therefore thev are en- T/& rugs and floor cover- judgment suggests.
iM- , .. ■ ■ Ings of various kinds
J arc useful as well as attractive , titled to rest and ■ l \ li 1" the equal of any in £r .„ - „ . wv dirt" i\iv
hero at modest price*. comfort «t home In « | f; » ~|J H Sti'te.
-"■SS3" camf pi rrTRirAT 1 1 1 ' Ift'llilf' I $35.00 *50.00 5H60.00 *BO.OO
i"L-.—r SOML LLLC 1 KICAL We have them In 'I ff-i« '>oi.. the small mat to
SUGGESTIONS: shS to'lTt' #nd I jV-JT 4 ' we ais^hVye" 8 made - $125.00 $150.00 $:550.00
Klcctrlr Iron*. taste. jpV Carpet Sweepers We w m a iii w you the full amount for your diamond
1 ifm \\ anhiuK Machini-ii. CHILDREN'S, Ikj\ Cocoa Mats J* oll l,uy here in exchange for a larger one.
Mui Warming I'aila,
I l Vr" LADIFS* When ill Doubt HaSSOcks " you bought a $lO diamond ring Q
1 /iHM c urling iron iie.trr, l . ' , „ M „„ about a year ago and wish to buy a f N
mmvh- ro«.«er-. I to $1.50 - on wfiat "to glvt? atep The Best Vacuum m diamond ring, you give us sls
ffllllt'tull i>l«/<in in to the Golden Seal . and your ritiK* T HT R
|r .H,e ........ • M.OVS. BK&."SE Zr, Cle.Ber W.th Brush „ m arUr ,„ v „ LOT 26 " 8 -IE
IE ■ 50<* to sl.i>B d»f AA rlety. such us the leading slnn.lard » U .SO.
'M Dv*k Lights. . 'roaCT SETS, ' L flf i watches, silverware, cut glass and
ulil Flash i.lKhtk, . j, FREM'II IVt»HY, Bill jewelry trinkets of the modest or more
f '": r T tniM * * ' 20tk Century : IK, '» r ■««». W- 1 elaborate sort. t
Vibrators. 1 c , _ | I CANDIES |', • ' J ~ " , , , ... . / j
1 /»\V ... ... s VL _ _ f 1 _ » jj * * • 1 ' , "The store where standard quality is s„ secret '
I J Metric pp , jnte Lo. Fosl'ttnaUtr an!| o pre > " II Harfisburfif j modestly priced In plain tlgures." Method »f
J Daupki. Electrical Supplies Co. | !| Bar** - Carpet || |j TU P u PAP, AN" 7n 'I I
john s. musser. President 1 ?s. M.A.t s, oil r. | GOLDE N SEAL li d Company i The • , P '
I 434 Market Street I II |j DRUGSTORE J j32 N. Second Street I MT 18 North Fourth Street [j
HI I ' ( hrlMnian. || H 11 S. MARKET K it II OU CCI
■ Of Course we do firing. ||J 111 (L . IB »■ Jii I*- V
m i arn . - j
ay Everybody-Works" Fatker
Til/ 3 Tnr»nmnat*aKl/» I.)ad, the source from which all finances usually conic that ro to \
11< " **-V, V./ llljJct X aUlw make a Merry Christmas for the entire family, is generally an indulgent
sort of a chap who gives liberally, at Christmas time in order that others
1 * . T\ * '"ay he happy. With the possible exception of mother, he is the most
i v_<nristmas riano unselfish being in the world when it comes to denying hinisell desired II | | _. _ §ll ——.
comforts and luxuries for the sake of others. X/ 'II I I
. But, show him that you are not unmindful of the service and many JL OUL ll I 12LVC
Ihe hteinway has been termed the favors he has extended. But surprise him with that big, comfortable arm
"aristocrat" of the piano world And chair or other appropriate piece of house furnishing for his convenience, T_T
justly so, for it has been the choice of £">,«« ' tfn^U 35 "" ,Ch " " woman wouW * cl,ina tO JTlUrry
all of the great artists for many years. In addition to our regular line of furniture, rugs and carpets, we - -
quote a number of the many things in stock especially annronriate -m when you have photographs made you want the
. t " heat that it is possible to produce. Nothing else will
In your home ,the Steinway would not SOME GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR MEN 111 answer when it comes to giving them to your most
i t 1 „ t n ' ' » . intimate friends. And yet, twelve pnotographic por
alone bespeak the aristocracy of Itoyai 8 Kasy C Ch r Couches 1 ".::::::: <" *-[• traits cost no more than one average Christmas gift
11111 mr WOlllrl lirilio* out - tn tliA nrl » Macey Hook Cases in all woods and dents Wardrobe w of other kinds. Hut we must lia\e time to make
IllUhlt, IJUL WOUIU Ullllg OUT lO Uie aci- n „ ~ , Smoking Stands Ihwi io |M them right If you want the best. Therefore, arrange j
vantage all that is desired in piano 88?V® """" •» U'ffiS.»• <•»« '<" *
, • „ Telephone Stands In mission and fumed Gas and Electric Reading lirnp» „ „ . . Ait _ „
Playing. ° ak • » 5 to j Wi 9 o„ !t .oo studio Open From 7:00 to 6:00 P. M.
Steinways may be purchased in Cen- 13 11 T * /t»i —, | I Light as Sunshine the Darkest Day
tral Pennsylvania at this store only. —l3ut JJad Dhould Join 1 his Club Kaln or shine, light or dark, we can make good II II
And in the several styles of Grands , , A " d - I'Dad really wants to show his appreciation to wife, mother or mar- negatives of you with our superior lighting effects.
. Tl . . ~ * . f l ®?, daughter, he should join the McDougall Kitchen Cabinet Club The A appakable llkcnesK in a pliotograph is the rule,
and Pianolas you Will at prices rang- . initiation fee is only one dollar down, ana dues one dollar a week. Total not the exception. In our work. All that money can
mg from *-.00.00 in mahogany, a „,| *f W VZZSr'V, . ■PP"™'™-»" •"»'
, . /' | membership for a limited time only. These, in themselvea will mk," '.™ I can do Is here, and make it possible for us to guar- ,
higher, secure a piano which will N „ de j" red i other , s d^ ,r, £r. d i of the 'amily- If Dad had' to I • antee absolute aatlsfaitlon.
| the cooking and walking around the kitchen floor he would really, ill! ! i
meet your greatest expectations in U J every woman is so desirous of having a McDougall cabinet. I
S durability and tonal production. ||j v ' ■ . J j _
9 M. A. HOFF i Musser Studio j
Pianos ° Victrolas V || M * *■ 1 I fij n TL . j c ,
||^4t^^^g e Sts. |J 11 N - StrMt
DECEMBER 14,1914. 1