*\' y y '*T T** The Fifth mmmm B —■—B— II HI ■ I ■WMIIWIiI li■ win 111 1., m —I»LU««——I-- "™"'"""'*" The New Reo The Fifth —"The Four" jT| |P| 1 • |f| WM 1 WHAT NEED WE ADD to what you already know of this great car? For of course you do I V\ iPfTI f 11 gHOSIQI Fl O" SB I'liTi*!/ f&lf* IWISI O know. If you have not owned one, you have many friends who do. And they have doubt- A %J? Mm %■» J. JLBLAftjM M H j#. OWW B £¥ fl m. ■IT less told you in more extravagant terms than we would care to use. MORE THAN 40,000 of them are today in hands of users: 12,000 were sold last season. AND AS PROVING the popularity of this model we need only say that on November A m — * \f- J 10th the last Touring Car left the Reo factory. And that for thirty days at least there has JtjL w Bi fl 1 ElO jJf H Ifirt. I %¥ tr\ Q not been, so far as we know, a Reo the Fifth on any Dealer's sales-floor anywhere. V ¥ THE PROOF OF QUALITY in any product is "will it sell in the off-season?" Autumn is * 1 if~\ fl 1 IH| 1 9 | * ' ■ supposed to be the off-season for motor cars. Not for Reo cars though —we have never known f 1 f I~'i''! I O ■ I a time when, even with our splendid factory facilities, we were able to make enough Reos to * JL JL V w>Ll 2L \/ , supply the demand. ' I WE HAVE JUST INCREASED our plants nearly 50 per cent—necessary to produce the new -ixru DDnn/fD'TT ir j . • "Six." And we hope to be able to more nearly supply our dealers this year than formerly. w & 1 1 UUK, and are giving yOU — FOR EXAMPLE, While We knOW that SiJf AS WE HAVE NO AMBITION, however, to be maker of the most automobiles, but of the full advantage of it. dred IMillions of dollars 20 into American T best, we do not expect, ever, to supply all the demand for Reo cars. That would be our .i • i j , _ idea of —well the reverse of success. READ CAREFULLY—It's the Silver Lining to every thirt y days—a guarantee of pros® I TO MAKE THEM EVER BETTER—so much better that, always, the demand will beckon the War-Cloud. and of a market for automobiles in the CO the supply—that is our desire. VHTT ADU NUMXT months—at the same time you know tha FOUR YEARS AGO we announced that, after more than 23 years of experimenting—testing YOU ARE OF COURSE AW ARE that the ReO banks are most Conservative about loan l Sin fa V„d e „^id P » du " d ' chaßsis th " we beUeved flna ' ity in *" °" cntM ' °< Motor Car Company is financially the second out And that is as it should be. Safety I SOME FRIENDLY RIVALS laughed at that statement —said that changes would continue Strongest Automobile Concern in the WOrld. AND SO YOU KNOW if von qton tn to come with the seasons —as they always had. V ' ll >. OU sra P LO I NEVERTHELESS WE WERE CERTAIN in our own minds that, in the three-unit power plant WEREN T YOU. —We had supposed that about it—that many manufacturers, Of and in other features that have become known as peculiarly Reo, we had established principles knowledge Was Common property. Anyway, mobiles and Of Other Commodities, who that would not change so long at least as the principles of gas engines remained as they were. you eas jl v ascertain the truth nf thp financially SOUnd but who lacked a large I IMPROVEMENTS? REFINEMENTS? of course-but only in minor details. The world plus of Cash found it imOOSSible to be moves and of course we expect to move with it. Reo has from the first been in the van-we assertion. P lUs f OI abn , lOUna It impoSSlDie tO DC I■ ; mean to stay there. W£ WOU LDN'T MENTION IT HFRF dUnng th ® f6W m ° nthS ' TheSe I BUT IN THE FUNDAMENTALS of a self-propelled pleasure car, we were convinced we were , . t mmNiiuiN necessarily limited in their capacity to | right. Events have only served to confirm us in that belief. Reo the Fifth is today, in all never have before —but it IS necessary to State own frmd9 ■ essentials, the same as then-and it is still the leader in its price class. the feet in Order to explain Something that is FROM SEASON TO SEASON we have made such RADIATOR— New method of securing to frame- 4.U • I • ,F , °„ AND THAT WAS WHERE REO WIL improvements as the progress of the science has made more flexible— prevents strains on roughest roads. OTHERWISE UNEXPLAINABLE —THE WONDERFUL VALUES . , , „ . , .. . ' possible. And as our facilities have increased and our More cooling capacity. Cover, one-piece pressed ~ _ ~ ENVIABLE FINANCIAL pOSltlOn HAVING THE IT ■ purchasing ability become greater, we have from time steel—same distinctive and "classy" Reo design. We aT6 able tO gIV6 in the tWO ReO models I • , J X 11 j T. to time reduced the price of Reo cars at the same WHEEL BASE U J • J L AND IN CASH, AND CONTROLLED, NOT BY ABS time that we have increased the quality and the size. WHEEL BASE— increased three inches. SHOWN AND OHCED ABOVO T_ , , , ' , , I_ J-I J- I IN THE CASK OF THIS FOUR W, HNVE TN NOBBY TREAD TIRES on rear wheel » and shareholders but by men who daily direc I »'hFOR "WONDERFUL VALUES" is the only Reo destinies-was able to avail itself < have made a bigger, at the same time we have made _ ....... . .. . .. J .... • . I A stiii BETTER CAR. METHOD OF LUBRICATION FOR SPRING term that expresses it. Think of it! —The New condition that then existed. ST S AM cJ™U ß MtT7 a °d"?""r'? eor n' Reo the Fifth—that incomparable four, im- TO BUY WHEN OTHERS WERE EA' P roved at many points and a larger car than TO SELL-and when there was pract I LESSER PRICEI ANTI-RATTLER ON BRAKES, AND ANTI-RATTIING SUPPORT its immediate predecessor—and at $125.00 less no competition in the buying market:— I HOW WAS THAT POSSIBLE? you ask. Tell you:- iMPßfivirn , T APTTMr ~ • ' THE MOTOR PROVED to have more power than but doing away with SEASON. TO MAKE MORE CARS AT A TIME WHEN I r;»^ eth ß^ AND THE SENSATIONAL REO SIX-Asix makers must perforce curtail-and to POWcr :fr re - lt is perfection - designed and made the Reo wav with the Reo them read y for our dealers and customers SO WE FOUND we could add three and one-half very NEW HEADLIGHTS with hingeless, anti-rattling J ® X\.EO desirable inches to the length of the car, give the doors and outside focus attachment. guarantee at the amazinP" Drice of attachment mentioned above. dealer will be able to show you and to take your WONDERED. TY—STAGNATION FOR A TIME. WINDSHIELD —OvaI moulding and pressed steel order for this matchless car on or about that date. -r^-._ _,„ ___ construction throughout. New method of fastening WELL HERE'S THE ANSWER—and it's THEN IF IT BECAME KNOWN therM supported by windshield. I mightily interesting. an order for steel in sight we found, figuralß 1 V I Ix.m THE GREAT EUROPEAN WAR has created speaking, representatives of twenty steel two sets of conditions—contradictory in some campling on the a morning, waiti I REO MOTOR CAR COMPANY ■ Reo The Fifth Roadster SIOOO Reo The Fifth Coupe $1575 LANSING, MICHIGAN, U. S. A. . 11 - -