Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 11, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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CALL 1991-ANY "PHONE.—BBa—WFi CALL 1991-ANY "PHONE. ~tfr~i)r
Mxnvm&iu hm ;*• .
Shop now. Open only Monday; Every where 1 All Christmas Fund Checks may
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings E?Yi And a Gift For Every- be cashed at the Transfer Depart
preceding Christmas. Close at 6 «./1 7. s wH Ji jj ment, Main floor, with no obliga-
L p - M - Xmas Eve - J one Here <|pp tions to purchase. j
Lib— J . I „
For His"
For Little Brother »-> d-d 7
Toe skates Mechanical toys tOT JJIQ DTOther SI.OO, $1.50, $1.98, $2.50 and $3.00 V W? oPIuA *
Skating shoes Rocking: hwse Boys' dress shirts, in percales and mad- '
Toysailbolt 8 Raincoat Dresser set White silk suspenders ras; coat style, attached cuffs, at Mlf
Train of cars Rubber boots Mackinaw T?avX| bag W and *I.OO 1 ftP*A|
Football Tool chest Evening shirts bru,hea Hoys' blouse waists, in percales and
Row and arrow School pennant White vest Bedroom sllnners madras, attached collars, at 2o* and 50* f/fiFvl W I
Express cart Building block suk socks gSSSSttiST" Men's and boys' pajamas, in percales t k ? -
Electric battery Aeroplane Bathrobe s nookraclf 88 UC * and madras, plain and fancy, at SI.OO \W
Small desk £ el * Easy chair and $1.50; outing flannel at '
Books Bath slippers Umbrella , Book case 4121 iwt «, w l u* i c/\ \
Bat for do*? Ti e holder Writing table , . SI.OO and $l«o0 \ ,*\. BE I
Baseball Printing press Hatband Gloves Muslin night shirts, at \ '■ Jr.'
Horn leather belt ' - 30*, 75* and &t .00 V a\.
Drum sweater Outing flannel night shirts, at t 4&»'- * '• Jfi .V
mJr™" "* With An Inward Passion of 50», 75» and SI.OO \
ellrr:"r:: I " d, * n " so,a '" JwA-6 - w ' Gift Suggestions \
—TTi 5 lu He Accepts a Com- v From the V i
r the fortable Bath Robe F"™shing's Dept. ! S
( tITT I TIVPV Adlers dress gloves foe men and ; rjoj' / / I ,fl•' \J £;>'.( ti•»
vJIIL VJTIVCI T jo boys, lined and unlined, at i /• JKf v //' V;.• V ft wiffr
From the Upholstery Dept., I~IOUSO
. _,,, _ Wool gloves for men and boys, at ;, ffffje f 9 friJ\ -Jki^h C. */«'*- ) 'sfVKfZa
i4nrf Practical Gifts, Too Any one desiring to give "him" a gift 25*, 50* and SI.OO BM/jj //l I VIBBWbL\ m l£*' t.A.' /) V»A^
Shirtwaist Boxes, at to W B.,H,- that wU. add to his co rat or, can h„d „oth- W/flfll^WiwP
matting covered; bamboo trimmings, ing more suitable. + $3 10 \'V / /syNSv*
handles and castors; with and .without Bright, cheery patterns in bath robes- Men's plain white hemstitched ' tgffißf All ftS*/J /? ' VVT
tr T >S '.T, ID . . . ir* cotton and wool—some with slippers to handkerchiefs, at \ Wfi'Vli| tW/;'"' M/yviV'r' y /
Leather Pennants at .».»* and 4.3* match—all handsomely boxed—priced at 10e IS I f ' /f-f'
with Indians and Dutch Kids painted and sa.9B, $3.50, $3.T.l and up to"$10.00 Menus' pfai^'whit \\
burned on in pretty colors; regular 7oc H ouse Coats-a size and style to fit initial handkerchiefs, at —A V IfILM f
p ; l D ' 4. uiiTiwk and suit every male member of the Christ- 10*, and 25* \ tffillM •• *v
Cedar Boxes at SO.OO to $1 7.00 mas family. Priced at .. $3.98 to $8.50 Men's and boys' neckwear, 4-in- ffltfltt.. ]r .. ni , %%M
with and without trays; plain finish and Third Fioor-BOWMANS. hands in attractive patterns, at XJB
])rass trimmings. OK , l;;L'g.'«X-v *-» v * v.Mt
Fancv scrims with hemstitched hem and w f
1 ancy scrims v\itli Hemstitched hem Combination sets, including gar- MtV
and open work borders; also pain voiles f \ . , . . ~ h V r ffl a >WITO
i t . • vr J ters and arm bands; belts a nil ear- Arc,->i Myy ■*• . »iftM
and marquisettes for curtains. Yard,- . , o j , . i •'• •• '■ S
18« to 50<6 D f A >1 f ters; suspenders and garters; tie and WVM)A
, , , All* u « Kpfld \ JllT Afl suspenders; tie, hose and handker- v '<£, ftfif J|
White bed spread and bolster roll to Ilcuu J~±U. chiefs at 2X+ to «1 OO J
match; with and without ruffles, with col- vLufi' ''' * * 9fhtrl JPF f
ored hands and finished edges of lace, at A D • Q *' u \<w . Mn V gl
*, w .«.ooaod f .w Un rage d—
quisctte "°»na7ns and Tyarl" ZZTelling of complete Holiday "«* «=""• P'"- «»a
• tn Ittl* *Tkll t)"/v and tpl.tlfl
Cretonnes, reps, taffetas. Gratters cloth ; St ° cks and assortments; and C f '
for windows and door draperies; yard, of helpful suggestions to the Silk lisle, at' 25* pah. "xhreadSilk TITI XT I
Velours, plain and figured tapestry for gitt-gtvcr. Men's' 'half ' 'hose', * \\/ H V Ol
furniture coverings, yard. 39* to { black medium and hpavv wpify P ;l , V V II V lllV/L WjCiCL L
White andl ecru lace curtains; only one 10*, 12/ 2 * and 25* pair; cash- J ■
p air °f
and f ings" * f anc? 2®* 25*, 39* and 50* pair Xt T. | ii 1
Seasonable Weights in VV 111 101 r\DDdl(^l
brown and green; yard, 40* to $1.25 T Tt-* A r\v\ A v 1
Sunfast curtains, with and without \ LJ HQciVV\3d.l
valance; pair ......... $3.75 to $7.75 . '• v A Men's heavy natural wool mixed under- Where you have unlimited selection at your command-; enjoy
I 11 - u ; llte ' pi / '■ [- • • ?/A wcar - at <»9* privacy and comfort while making selection; and feel satisfied that
lows ........ . e ', W !.. . S . CC .!°"!.. ,°51.25 n * S l?W Ur sll V so l sifllTand $2 50 y ° U haVC received full value for the P ltrchase amount ?
F "" rth * '""r— HOWMAN s. ' 'fcjv Men's heavy cotton fleece lined under- "\r D»\v4-5/iiiKv Qi tl l A
CI J-Jf tv wear, plain and ribbed, at 50* Y OUr OtVUi 01
oplenata Line Ot r oar-in- . -NA. Pi / ■ Munsing union suits, heavy cotton, _ t
Hand Ties at 50c \I HZ' and $3.(^ 01 ' at ' Balmacaan Is Here
,iefair t o?va'r y rsTS" s e
as well as plain shades our present as- .w [j2 at .• 89* variety. Patterns include green, tan and gray overplaids. Sizes to
sortment has few rivals. Wide open-end * ,s Men's $2.50 natural wool ribbed union fit you. Priced at #7.50. Heavier weights in Balmacaans come at
styles. Boxed if desired. su '^'. a * $1.98 SIO.OO, $12.50, and $16.50.
HTL D ' Wright health underwear for men at
'» Any Time Is ) . - M .,„ s '- <k> Undeniable Smartness In the
Linoleum Time Clothing Department Men's Shoes New Form Fitting Overcoats
We are offering very special in- Makes Suggestions For the T ' (° ease p or smart dressers who desire something new and different. Cut
ducements in linoleums this week. _ , Winter Weather k length; velvet collars. Chinchillas and diagonal cloths, lined
•Nothing that will brighten and tSOV S VJllt Mens fine vici kid, gun metal calf, . , 8 . \r in i~* 4ilfk <Uk 4il*> XA <4il \
freshen the home more than a fresh, V patent colt and tan Russia calf button Venetian cloth - Pnced a t .>IO.OO, SIJ.oO, >lo.o<i
new piece of linoleum. The following list represents new and and lace oak soles; Goodyear welt shoes. and SIB.OO.
Perhaps its the bathroom, vestir stylish garments. The best in the land for $3.00 x - 0 *IX7 >
bule dining room or kitchen tha Boys' Overcoats, at $2.50 to $9.50 M pn >< Tnrhiih Rnih 1 hat N C W OUlt YOU Ve '
needs a new piece, we have a full B - Mackinaws, at $3.95 to $0.95 Men S I urkish I OWeting Bath IACIL
assortment to choose from. Boys' Balmacaans, at $2.98 to $8.50 Slippers PrnmiCoH VmirColf
New J tocess Linoleum at 33* Boys' Raincoats, at .. $2.95 to $7.50 Just the thing for comfort inside. All Jl jrOirilSeCl I (JUlov^ll
square yard; regularly 3c. Boys' Knickers, at 39* to $1.75 sizes. (Also for women). Priced at 25* , . . , . „ ~ , ,
txtra heavy linoleum at J<* Boys'N T ovelty Suits, at $2.98 to $5.00 Thir.i FIoor— BOWMAN'S. Is here.in a choice variety of smart suits for men. English and
square yard; regularly 50c. • B oys > Norfolk Suits, at Sfnrm UAM Fnr fi A «. conservative styles. Prominent in the showing are tartan checks,
through to"t'heTck, Boys . c at ... f. 2 '. to °7s2 Bo >' s ' '»'o-b„ckle tan storm s hoe S , full gray checks andblack amiwhite stripes Alsodressy blue serges,
nor look shabby. Square yard, Bovs' Hats at tn u».» na vamps and full double soles—an ideal Priced at $.).. M), and up to s—«>.oo.
Fourth Floor, $1.15 and $1.30 Bo £ s . Play Suit's, at V. 98* and $1 50 winter shoe ; sizes 11 to 13/ 2 , at $2.00 Third Floor-BOWMAN'B.
J r . gizes j tQ at ||2 5o j r