....... - * • —• —r- —• Wilson Confident DiUiculiy Wilh Turkey Diplomatic HARRISBURG gfSg&l TELEGRAPH LXXXIII— No. 273 STOUGH CIMPMGN . WILL COST 119.01 Closed "Strategy" Meeting Held by Managers and Evangelist at Market Square Church SESSION LASTS FOUR HOURS Ministers Unload "Things on Their Minds"; Plan Union Thanks Service Dr. Henry \V. Stough, the evangelist, this morning conferred with the ex ecutive committee of the campaign and the co-operating ministerium at a special sesion in the Market Square 'Presbyterian Church. Just what the meeting was for and what measures were discussed could f not be definitely learned, as newspaper men were barred from the session. It is understood, however, that ways i and means were discussed toward cre mating greater interest and increased activity among tbe campaign workers throughout the city, as the results thus far have not been quite as en couraging as expected, according to the campaign managers. The budget was discussed during tbe meeting and a sreat union Thanksgiv ing service at the tabernacle was con sidered. Following the meeting a committee composed of the Rev. K. K. I'urtis, secretary, the Rev. W. X. Tates. president, and the Rev. F. T. Cart wright. associate to Dr. Stough, met the press representatives. Expenses to Be $19,000 The only facts given for publication are that the expenses ot' the campaign will amount to about $19,000 and that there will be union Thanksgiving Day services at the tabernacle for the co operating churches at 2.30 o'clock, No vember 26. The expenses for the campaign are the largest in any city that Dr. Stough has visited. The reason for this is that the tabernacle in this city at State and Cowden streets is the best and the sec ond largest that has ever been built in the country. The cost of erecting the tabernacle alone was annonuced by E. Z. Wal lower. chairman of the finance com mittee. as $11,378. The session was called at 10.15 o'clock this morning and did not ad journ until shortly before 1. Dr. Cart wright said that the meeting was called to decide the question of union evangelistic and Thanksgiving Day services. He also said that each min ister that came was supposed to un load "anything that was on his mind" and open the suhject for discussion. Mr. Cartwright says the session was "* strategy meeting." « * After almost three hours of it the ministers and executive committee left and Dr. Cartwright said that he thinks that all of them went away without any antagonistic feeling toward each other and that the ministers are pleased with the work that is being done. Ten Couples Reunited Ten married couples were among the ninety-odd trailhltters who re sponded to Dr. Stough's call of "Who soever Will, Come," at the tabernacle last night. Each pair stood up to gether as the evangelist gave his con gratulations for reunited Christian love, and declared their promise to es tablish family altars and work sin cerely for the "harvest of the Lord that is just beginning in Harrlsburg." Dr. Stough said of them, "It Is like falling in love again for these couples to me together. I don't believe mar ried people know how to love each other properly until they are united in Christ." Some of ttie Trailers Other notables among the confess ors who hit the sawdust trail last night were W. S. Roebuck, the builder of the tabernacle, and chairman of the committee in charge; William Ziegler, subquarterback of the Central high school football team; A. W. Holman f-nil wife, manager of the Doutrich and Company store. Elderly men in fine clothes and boys in rough blue shirts sat side by side, and tender girls cuddled close to stout matrons o the mourners' benches as Dr. Stough rushed up and down his platform in a frenzy of enthusiasm to win souls, with the perspiration streaming down his cheeks, his collar wilted and his voice choked with emo t" jn. The converts confessed aloud to Dr. Stough as he grasped each by the hand. They told of their willingness to endure persecution, to surrender their lives and give up everything to the cause of Christ, and to exert every effort to bring others to the front. "Prepare to meet thy God." was the [Continued on Page 12] THE WEATHER for Ilarrlahiirc and vicinity: la ■ettled weather to-night and Fri day, probably rain: colder Krlday. For Kaatera I'ennaylvanla: Haln to night and Friday, mow In north portion! eolder Friday: frrah northeast wind* Increasing to night. River The main river will rlae alonly to night and Friday. A ataffe of about S-H feet la Indicated for llarrlabnrg Friday morning. Cieneral Conditions Tbe dlaturhani-e from Western < anada la noit central over the Ijike Keglon and In connection with n disturbance that has ap peared off the South Atlantic coast, is causing unsettled neather over 'the greater part of ■ the Kaatern half of the country, P with some snoiv nlong the north ern border of tbe I.akea and light ralna along the Mouth Atlnntle const. Tno areas of high pres sure cover the greater part of the Western half of the I'nlted Mates, one central over the Missouri Valley- and the other over the Middle Pacific alope. Temperature: H a. in.. 26. Mm: Klses, Hi.%4 a. m.; sets, 4:4