Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 13, 1914, Page 18, Image 18

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Beautiful New Velvet Dress Fall's Most Important Clearance of
Shapes - Attractive Values at Suits in Styles for Misses Women
Q CT Regular $18.50 Suits , sls; $25 Suits, S2O
Every suit that has been entered in this —*t~ ~m- m ; rf
.... ~ . t special clearance is from regular stock, and is » Ok ii ; •
A manutacturer s clean-up brings these hue untnmmed hats in all the latest shapes at $2.95. i,niv.«,frnli.»kl#. tl.o ; U •*. l l V „L» I
They are made of the best quality of velvet and are genuine 54.95 to 56.50 values. The lot is made V T 1 , , \ - MT lIIiWIF
up of the new large hats with round crowns and slightly rolled brims, smart new turban effects in- Joweied. 1 here are hundieds ot garments to —ir^^'l
eluding styles that copy the rakish hats worn by some of England's Highlanders and popular new choose from and scores of styles from which to ;
sailors. , make selections. 1 11188^^^1
Colored hats are the latest in the millinery realm an Jwe have the new shapes in red Early buyers to-lUOITOW will find rich sav- \\
velvet and cloth in colors to match women s "spats. illgS awaiting thein. j\yO |
§ r T A * ITT an 1 i i $18.50 suits in redingote style: halt" lined with line quality {jijofcliwi, &■ <:*•%">
1 rimmed Hats Keduced in the suli " a "-' tri ." iim ' d uitll ham|s i>raid and a c..m bono inn- a.c
I v tons; collar is of velvet and the skirt is of yoke style. Reduced
Annual Fall Millinery Clearance ' slip a ,„iSqSnJHmi • fe
vet and velvet covered buttons—a garment that is suitable S' ! i l\ r^B
We are hurrying out all trimmed hats that have been in stock o." large size. Reduced to l«|gflft /lh\ IH
J- /j longer than a month. This policy keeps onr display „p. t „-da,e. In m TJ2L"&S%? S?". f ®P
V. \ the clearance are: belted Itnck; the front is made with vet and velvet buttons. The skirt !: «%•' fir '
fiKiy , Jl j. ito -tn f r . *lO XA I I.jfc u f "n broad revers and military collar in Is maile will, yoke front and back, t \ / (I ll T
A \* IV Aj <fO. ,)U to $1 „.«>() lidts at - - - $6.50 Russian tfreen. trie <le nc«re. navy hi green. brown, navy blue, plum V 1
mi T ■ ,'R *12.00 to $15.00 Hats at -- - $8.95 s "" ta " v "4S'U.„ WA /MP,'. 1 i J 1
P $6.50 to $ 8.95 Hats at • - - $4.95 x i ."!T " r"" "«- ' " ;j J ~
» . , tIT ..." .rr . . f niatohable in «piali(> ot material* buttoned in trout. Hedueed to A —* *"■ J" U-fffS.
• I 7 —1 rimmed Hats m dress stvles tor skirls reduced to 49f"» "nd individuality combined: some $30.00 '< >AA-'.' - '"^VJ \\V : S#'i
I ' i of the .-oats are made with pleat- Suits of Imported velvet with '\ , I . 4. >' '» \V . • I
TttiTrmilrfr -• O .1 - \ ed Imeks elalMtrately trimmed \rith iTiishctl plusli triimninu and bamlx 0 ! ■ ' Jnr»'Aa» .• • ■ m Sl&i-W
m Wr--mEMam iL Christmas Floral Display ' W W
Corsage Bouquets Boutonnieres Novelties '«• 1 rot'-*" >ouna , '« l "m;„/ V ui!o ," \
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Millinerj—Second Floor Front Pimm (t r «'n, wim*. brown and demands faslilon's latest fancy, in.
' ' I black. sixes 11, 16 and 18, $25.00 to $35.00 ' */>
14 Styles Nainsook Gowns Queen Quality Shoes Gloves of Genuine Quality Grocery Attractions for There'll Be a Big Sale on
In Holly Boxes at SI.OO Express True Elegance From Europe's Best Makers To-morrow Eagle Shirts To-morrow
The early selection of gifts is encouraged Women of discriminating tastes who fol- slarr5 larr . isbl,r -> ca " - VOU fi " d Free samples of our well established Ban- shirts need no introduction among
by this collection of neatly boxed dainty un- low Fashions trend are enthusiastic devotees renr^entatK"/^^ S ,oves ' nOT quet coffee will be distributed at the special I ' men accu - to pay $1.50 to s2.oo—so to
derwear at SI.OO. We show 14 stvles Nain- of Queen Quality shoes, because in Queen J e li ' " qU p Uy 3S , y °} ! coffee booth in the r, r i ? speda! m orro\v's sale of $1.50 and $1.«»8 patterns at
~ ... xvll ' see at our erlove section Prime lamh oootn in t lie urocerv department to- t i*> • i i . i i ■
sook gowns with trimmings of lace embroid- Quality footwear they lind the marks of ex- grades are priced as low as S.Ve—and In easv morrow. V . bolllul to be a big event.
ery insertion, medallions and ribbon—every cellence that go to make up the superior points stages the prices rise to the best in 2-clas'p With each purchase amountin-to 50c weiatHl'\ C ,n-ciu U 1R " ma<lraS
garment in holly box ready for giving at oi custom footwear. >t\lesat will offer 5 pounds of granulated su-ar for 27? »'«■». Pomeroy & stewart. Men- H store.
Christmas. A complete showing of Queen Quality shoes . . ... "Waldorf Pork and, sugar cured Bacon l ;
nu . n ju i-N- . , i». . .. c . .«.«%■■ « ill of prime lambskins, in tan. white, Beans, a regular 10c cans. , sliced, lb •jsv i r
15 Stvles Corset Covers Tt 100 ' e> - ' omerox iS: Stewart » .>„e I ."iV > .. n< Special sr„> a.v- choice mVie pu-nu l Chocolate CanHIPS of
• vUI
#S£T£Sa«S Pure Omiity
__ . j ll f el ~T a Infect sl»°e for women who seek relief frtim 1 l u W t .j.: '*.; ,*, * 51.50 tins. 2 for «r K - New * juicv' Florida 1 25c chocolate bonbons in oound boves
Daintv Stvlf in - anKes. Speeial, doz.. 170 <.• i ' '
l-7411111\ Ot > leS 111 I cITICO&TS Patent ix>lt gaiter top shoes, ulth black, grey or| fr *- a(, k $1.75 to $2.25 ritles. ('an, se: dozen. r»r»«- New white Grapes 11)0
jr k ,;:c" * •■-«*«• «—»
Wn." tSOTl°°iSd'ilik ™" w '" ,on *- P °L:'Z, *■ ,"H """ ■" unclij. alov™. :in lo.tWr. irc. ""'.'.t Kr>->h .'.'.'.'.'.'.* .*.*.'.*.'.'.'.'.'. -jr.,'
uiue, emerald and black S.YOO ! lasts with blind eyelets and low hoels. pair ..1t4.n0 nivo . „ t „ s»<- V "pa'c'kiies S.v I Detatonr iliowlatS, lb Ssc
3!cssa!inc and jersey petticoats, pleated flounce! irun metal <-alf and patent tx>lt button ! omero> a- Stewart—Street Floor. Flag: Maine Corn, 'the . IM < HEI2SL 50e elwolate mannierites in ponnct boxes. Snecial.
emerald, Russian preen, brown, plum nan- and slu>os w<th whole quarter-back cloth tops of < rav- finest packed. Can. I.V: ~ Roquefort" Cheese, the ; » r , w I
l,lack $2.95. 53.50 and $3.95 011 P ,ain vamp lasts with lYtmch heels. iV» I * O .• do *S n • *l7O, n> - • ««© Fro/en minis the new ehewing gu 111, 2 packs.. scfc
, pair >1 ka OpCCJuIS IFI TIIO LiinPn SppTinn Hftß Tomatoes; whole, J'dam Cheese larg'e j Dives Pomerov A.- Stew«i*t, ibwrnAnt ,
Black cotton petticoats. tailored and pleated; Women's gun metal ealf. patent colt skiu anci \"iol t s olid, packed in large SlZ pi n i Vr-i 11 ——— J '
.M.. MM. Md « : ™.™.~'",JS * * «»««. !»* M „,» »». "« .sc, 0...,, BSSg/SS'&«£! M •I T J . „ .
Beautiful Blouse Styles at SI.OO F, " r JF b lßs !"s|" TrSiV 'MX \V"f CrW T ,T' ' T
\ oile lingerie blouses, embroidered fronts, trim- 1 Cl fr| r> fr\r Mercerized napkins. 18 and 20 inches square, hem- ''""ia'fj extra sifted *~r\y i P°t; n, l ••• • • -8c I ()(Il I tltc 1\ L riCCtl
mcd with tilet lace insertion, turn-over collar. $l.OO - Can > \ s ' : - cake Heavy wool mixed liair hose hi black and oxford
Trepe blouses, pique collar, lonr sleeves with pique \ \ 7"' . TOWELS AND TOWELING ' Tuna'' Fish;'" dellcloSJ D Brook' Creamery ,
cuffs A, FTN V'V IFL |pr I<»F„ . , , substitute for rhlrtln i« Butter, lb 37,. Heavy fast black AV(H>I hall hose 25c
Voilf MnllM • V: , ,100 VV lllier 4 for" 0 red border huck towels, hemmed. Special. saRSi; 1%.rg0 can "siil COFFEE AXD TEA Hlack ««SL, mere l.all hone 25e and R>o.
lOile blouses, fronts trimmed with bunch tucks . .. . .• . , id, m -•><" riod Alaska Salmon in Rnnmi. t Cofiv.. ih -in.. Children's fast black cotton liose Isi'/io
and organdy panels, organdy collar and cuffs, 51.9.-, 1 6 Panel portable reading: lamp lor gas or Sniflal Turkish Towels, lartce size, hemmed, tall tins, can, !»<•; dozen. Kxcelsior Coffee lb" ir«- Ho > s ' »l»ek lieavv cotton rihlxnl hose .. *2sc
"7\ s
Voile blouses, fronts trimmed with organdy panels! sreen or amber; finished in brushed brass, BEDSPREADS cured: lb, ..... .."toe bounds lb ' ca v! l »»<•
' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. I Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. Rear Jlinced Hain, lb. .. uoe Basket fired Japan Tea.! Heavy natural wool union snits $2.50 to $3.50
——— ' Boiled Ham, lb. .. 3t>e ! pound tith-1 Hoys' heavy eotton fleece lined union suits ...,50c
Our Men's Clothing Section Is Readv For i $9.75 Duntley Vacuum | Women's Ribbed
A +U D D 1 rp Cleaners Reduced to $5.98 Underwear
/\notner ivun on ijfllnicic3.(ins I o-morrow n.nu'"cs v . vacuu, ". uiih . ~rusha!t s "'!,' B mS'^r 0 " ru,bcdresw:#ret * un<,i:d,awer »iSp
yd X"\ -G W V- " ll't-' 00 ar< ' " o< "' n, °P 8 Willi 2,»«: iKittle of |K>llsli, White and peeler cotton ribbed vest:.: regular and
40 Stvles—sß.so to $15.00
««i t „ r ' )l ' ' "' ,sor, ''"K mop ulth detachable handle with Hlcached cotton ribbed union stilts; lleece lined.
About every style you can think of" is the way one of the clothing sales- S *!". ,? H^ar oU po, ! sl, Sl 0 °- Kxl ™ sl "'
ff- ,llen e ->'P ressed himself over the showing of new Balmacaans for the week-end i.n,"„J"u W '" tc < ' oU,m nnion "" ,s: flocce " ne<l -" 75c
1 Utfitting". IS-incli dialing dish trays, nickel-plated with satin
Here are the best Balmacaans made for the monev. We buv them for less ••••■ •• *1.25 VYUllieilb VV lruer VV eigm
~ a " d them for less. The popular styles of high-grade materials and Hosiery
_ workmanship at popular prices. ' asc aiuminuni corret> naska io c
/ \ t *l.l» lipped saucejians; «-quart sl/e Special 75c Heavy eotton fleece lined hose 12^c
L/Vl And for men who don't care how much money they pu, in a Balmacaan 1 ' ""S '
/'](. Nf Pf IjJ weVe 3 fine lot of S arments made of beautiful imported fabrics at S2 SS 'i~ JSTJEZTT.!"?. """S
V W \ frv\l l\m $30.00 to $40.00 •2.75 aluminum water palls, 12 quurt size. Spei lal, Fast b,ack heavy fleece lined hose 25c
J /] ( \ I
\ | 1 mlxture^clm'icrt^^i s° $1 h f ( J? j , include . En^'«h f I'liß''' 7
\ Overcoats, $15.00 to $50.00 j
Handsome Tartan Check Rovs' Suite «L for Christmas Malelt Dispose
|r- —Suits, $12.50 to SIB.OO h, of Half Our Furniture Stock: Big ReductionsTomorrowi
Mm Cassimere and worsted fanrv tircn vjvorcoats .Christmas toys and games are clamoring for their holiday position on the furniture floor,
ill Wm l A u i and i UOrSted | ; anC y tartan Boy« bl ack and blue mixed cheviot fancv g rey ' d °; der ° . acc ° r mmodatc them it will be necessary for us to dispose of at least one-half of
Wd P ia,tls ,n bllJ e and green, blue and pur- mixed, ligrht grey diagonal cheviot, fancy brown T,r^ ulat , stock - Consequently we announce for to-morrow a flat reduction of 10 per cent, on
4m\ll pie. brown and black blue black and Kn ßiißii mixed and dark K rcy cheviot Norfolk , "^ s exccpt secllonal l)ook cases, Crex goods and such other furniture as we have already
BfewM "*• p-rppn hhip „i , suits, serge lined English style sacks with patch rc "» c ed.
Jjfjj fraft ' 'ue and grey, purple and Wkets 5.1.75 to 57.50 *55.00 mahogany buffet s'*<>oo » 16 °0 mahogany dresser
H, l reen > black and purple swagger B °y ß ' Balmacaans in fancy grey mixtures, light 136.00 mahogany china closet tl* fin i . $11.90
V} } • English close-fitting sacks—lined R rey. diagonal chevioU. fancy brown mixtures, !««„ !, '
,1-,'tl, c 1 " t dark grey worsteds, blue and brown chinchllles, go den oak dressei $19.50 Slo.oo golden oak dresser Oil | q »
Wlth VeSt ' ,>i 1. ' $5.00 *25.00 mahogany Dresser il Q V »1« 30 golden oak dresser S3 I'll?
$12.50. $15.00 and SIB.OO p ome«>y & sumart Men's Clotlilng—Second .>1 golden oak dresser $13.95
* Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Third Floor.