Jerry on the Job By Hoban Mvfirfr Davr SoipMocia. - I f Get aaltWt. -I^atV ™N F^T I v» uni£ fe W, ( V.TTH.S ***«« GOT A U>YO>M ) abound "rt> mi pipp I own loud v*- / UCk cr| ,We 14 "_ 0 D c OP 'I / -IsjMfwfcll WILLIAMSPORT HIGH READY FOR TECH TEAM Largest Crowd of Season Is Ex pected at the Game in Bill town Tomorrow Tech High will go up against a strong bunch of huskies at Williams port to-morrow. The local eleven with Athletic Director Percy L. Grubb and Coach D. Forrest Dunkle will leave to-morrow morning at 7:55 for Wil liamsport. The Tech band will not be able to make the trip unless the necessary subscriptions are forthcom ing to-day. Williamsport players in to-morrow's battle will win their right to letters, and there was much activity on the part of delinquents this week to get into form for this game. The Dil liamsport Sun says: "The Williamsport High School football team will play a "W" game on Saturday afternoon on the high school athletic field when the eleven meets the strong Harrisburg Tech nical team which has been heralded over the State as being one of the fast est and most machine-like teams of the lsnCer schools. Preparations for this game has been the last word in the high school football practice, iiilltnwn Men Hurt ('.') "Gloom has been cast over the team the past week because of the possible loss of two of the team's most consistent ground gainers be cause of minor injuries. The attend ance 011 Saturday's game will un doubtedly be large because Harris burg has been a rival for a number of years and many of the followers of the sport in this city know about the good teams which the capital city vurns out for football. There will be n band on hand and of course hun dreds of rooters for this*game. Cheer leader Cramer asks for an especially large attendance. The teams will line up as follows: Tech. s Williamsport. Stlteler, le Speaker, le itzpatrick, lg Bathurst, lg Cless, c Vanderlin, capt, c McKay, rg Gilbert, rg Kutz, rt Mayer, rt Emanuel, re Fraim, re Britsch, qh Whlteman, qb Harris, lhb Weishaar, lhb Beach, rhb Rothrock, rhb Beck, fb Cornwall, fb "IXGOM.VR" AT IRVING Mechanicsburg, Pa.. Nov. 13. —"In- Eomar," a Greek drama, will be pre sented in Columbian Hall, Irving Col lege, November 26. Thanksgiving even ing. at 8 o'clock, by the dramatic club of that institution. W? prefer to make a customer rather than |p| just a single sa^ I"" . j When you -j] here for a suit ■r clothes or an overcoat IF our object is to make you 111 I® a permanent customer of this store. BBlrajJ We know of no §£[;||| better way to do Mfcii it than by | ! selling you " § /|§\StylepSiJSsiy I yWtiJ Clothes -• The same price the world over." fj Big economies, caused by buying and manufac- I turing on a great scale, keep the price down to sl7. 1 The low price causes a large sale. While we make § less per suit and overcoat we make more customers. 1 We have other clothes, too, but we suggest that yoa begin by looking at STYLEPLUS la>s Michigan Aggies at ' State College to-day. East End first team is anxious to play Sycamore eleven, winners over the East End second team last sea- I son. j In the P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. bowling league series last night the Bisons won from the Giants, margin 65 pins. Basketball candidates have report ed at the P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. Prac tice will be in order every Wednesday and Saturday. The purchase of the Chicago Cubs is still hanging fire. There have been 72,832 applica tions for the 69,000 seats in the new bowl for the Yale-Harvard football game next week, according to an an nouncement to-day by the Yale ticket office. The Minors will meet at San Fran cisco next year. Lebanon Valley College plays Muh lenberg to-morrow. A mass meeting of students was held this afternoon. The Senators won from Colonials in the Casino League last night, margin j 173 pins. Gourley made a record of I 266. GOOD GAME AT PEN BROOK Penbrook All-Scholastics will play' the West Fairvlew A. C. at Penbrook to-morrow. The game will be called 1 at 3 o'clock. The following players will be in the line-up for Penbrook: Novinger, 1. e.; Nagle, 1. t.; Koomes, I 1. g.; Gumpher, c.; Flory, r. g.; Gar-! man, r. t.: Garverich, r. e.; Cooper, 1. h. b.; Bobbs, r. h. b.j Shields, f. b„ , and Zeigler, q. b. As Penbrook has only been defeated but once this sea son a strong game is looked for. BASKETBALL GAME AT ARMORY As the second basketball attraction ! at the Armory to-morrow night, Har-1 rlsburg has scheduled a game with 1 York A. C. York comes to Harris-1 burg with an excellent reputation. The : Harrisburg lineup will be the same as! last Saturday. The game starts at 8 ] o'clock and will be followed with a j dance. LEO HOUCK PLAYS FOOTBALL | Leo Houek who will meet Kid Wag-! ner at Lancaster Monday night in ai six-round bout, is using football and. basketball to get Into form, llouck takes regular training every day. He 1 plays basketball with the St. Joseph | five, and every day has been In scrim mages with the college teams in Lan-1 , caster. i VIVID WAR PICTURES OF PERMANENT INTEREST Superb Illustrations in tlio Hooka, Which We Are Distributing I One of the many valuable features of I \ "The Story of Europe and the Nations Is at War," which we are distributing to j our readers, is comprised in the mag- |' nificent collection of historical pictures i ( of current and permanent interest j 1 which the book contains. In this col-!*' lection are photographs of the rulers,!' great statesmen and great military I and naval leaders of all Europe, in- < eluding both those who have made their impress upon world events of| the last century leading up to the ' present conflict, and those who arej e foremost in the public eye to-day. r They show also the scenes of great |s battles of history described in the; v book, and trace the wonderful devel- t opments of modern instruments of' warfare from the comporatlvely crude] [implements with which the groat Na- I ! poleon fought his battles and achieved | I his victories. No similar collection of|, vivid photographs has ever before l f been brought together in a single volume. These full-page half-tone j< engravings are printed on specially !> finished paper which brings out ail j 1 the beauty of their execution and de tails. The illustrations also include a , large map in colors. Be sure to clip the coupon on an- i other page and obtain your copy of this remarkable book containing the history of Europe and the causes and Issues of the present war. I EMBARGO ON* HAY SHIPMENT Special to The Telegraph Dillsburg. Pa., Nox. 13.—Embargo 1 oil ths shipment of hay and straw on , account of the foot and mouth disease , | among cattle is causing a loss and in i convenience for Dillsburg dealers. The ' Cook Grain, Feed and Supply Com pany has several carloads of hay standing on the siding, but is not al lowed to move It. LEBANON PRINTER DIES Lebanon, Pa., Nov. 13. Richard Weigley, proprietor of a local printery, and one of the foremost Democrats of Lebanon county, died at his homo here on Thursday, aged 4 7 years. He was employed for a number of years in the Government Printing Office at Washington, D.*C. DEATH OF JAMES IIOWE Gettysburg. Pa.. Nov. 13. James i Howe, a highly respected citizen of Hamilton township, Adams county, died at his home at the toll gate, along the East Berlin and Hanover turnpike. He was 7*! years old. STATE CHARTER GRANTED Gettysburg, Pa., Nov. 13. A charter was granted Wednesday by Governor John K. Tener to the Oxford Township Light, Heat and Power Company. The directors are: Norman S. Heindel, .1. Ponald Swope and Raymond F. Topper, of Gettysburg. BALMACAANS I of Exceptional Style Merit *ls THE man or young man who figures on spending sls for one of these popular topcoat-raincoats will find here a variety of styles, models and weaves which from a standpoint of style and quality are unequalled values for the money. McFALL'S OPEN EVENING THIRD AND MARKET HARRISBVRG ACADEMY READY After a long scrimmage practice yes terday afternoon, llarrisburg Academy eleven was pronounced as ready for the game with Lebanon \ alley re serves to-morrow morning. This game is one of the hardest of the season and Harrisburg Academy is anxious to win. Coach Tatem this afternoon will put the team through light practice. The game starts at 10.30 to-morrow morn ing. CENTRAL PLAYS AT LANCASTER With Bingham out of the lineup the Central high eleven will meet Stev- I ens Trade school at Lancaster to-mor row. Coach Paul Smith had his entire squad out yesterday afternoon. He | will take with him a bunch of substi- I tutes. [ ADAMS COVVI'Y QUARANTINED Special to The Telegraph Gettysburg, Pa., Nov. 13. Adams county is now under quarantine on account of the appearance of the foot ! and mouth disease. The principal effect of the restriction Is to prohibit ship- I ments from Adams to other counties j not quarantined, unless by special per mit and for immediate slaughter. The action followed the discovery of nnother diseased herd, making three in the county, fifty-six head oof cattle being in the last herd. WEDDING AT GETTYSBURG Special to The Telegraph Gettysburg. Pa., Nov. 13. Henry B. Stewart, son of Dr. and Mrs. Henry Stewart, of Baltimore street, and Miss Joanna E. Izer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Izer .of Fairfield. were married on Wednesday evening at tho i Presbyterian manse by the Rev. F. E. Taylor, In the presence of some of the couple's immediate friends. LAKE Id® j SIDES & SIDES Harrisburg Has Big Game OH Tomorrow's Schedule Many Annual Battles Will Be Fought; Gettysburg Will Meet Bucknell at Island Park Some hard football games are on the schedule to-morrow. Yale will meet Princeton in annual battle and Cornell goes up against Michigan. An important college battle will also he fought at Island Park to-morrow afternoon when Bucknell meets Get tysburg. While Bucknell has not been rolling up large scores the Lewlsburg eleven has been winning victorias. Gettysburg has shown remarkaole Quality ! Not Premiums The cost of the tobaccos in Camel Cigarettes §|ij prohibits the use of premiums and coupons. Camels are a blend of choice quality Turkish ||| and domestic tobaccos. Smoke smooth and even and leave you scot-free of any cigaretty aftertaste. Camels are 20 for 10 cents, and you can't buy a more satisfying cigarette at any price. Stake a dime against a package to-day. If your dealer can't aupply you, send 10c for one pachagm or $ 1.00 for a carton of ten packagea (200 cigarette*), poet age prepaid. After amohing one package, if yoa don't find CAMELS aa repreeented, return the other ipa nine pachagma and we will refund your money. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Winston-Salem, N. C. j|||i QQ/oJibeents Mil-dressed Man 1 Mil Find His J4J ParticularSfijle In L— -Mm M JF you want a shoe | stylish and aristocratic- 1 looking as to excite g mMsf everyone's admiration M /wf ~ dearly for LjlfllAiiliMdliril I NEW*ARK Shoe, or you y that $2.50 is an ample price |P^ffjji to pay for shoes. Realize |j that you are buying of the MAKERS when you buy The f ' ~ 1 I NEWARK Shoe at $2.50, and J 4e ®// 1 that the dollar you SAVE by / e 1 H your enterprise is the RE- / \ TAILER'S profit. Over two / %/ \ I million men in the United y \ 1 States have learned this / . S^,: v 1\ H NEWARK SHOE STORES CO. I I(HARRISBURG BRANCH) 315 MARKET STREET, Near Dewberry Other Newark Store* uearbyi York, lieadlug, Altooua, Baltimore, Lancaster. Mall orders filled by Parcel Pout. "Open Snlurdny evening until 10.30 o'clock to accoinino late our \ ' 1 411 V Stores 111 97 Cities." Try Telegraph Want Ads. Try Telegraph Want Ads form. The teams will probably lineup as follows: Bucknell—Aleshouckas, 1. e.; Hern, 1. t.; Snyder, 1. Merrott, c.; Danow ski. r. (?.; Archer, r. t.; Banks, r. e.; McDermott, q. b.; Keiser, 1. h. b.; Odanlec, r. h. l>.: Vopham, f. b. Oettyshurg—Welßel. 1. e.: Mark, 1. t.; Webner, 1. r. : McCullough, c.; Folk, r. B. ; Baker, r. t.; Buehler, r. e.; Hoar, q. b.; Stoney, 1. h. b.; Weimar, r. h. b.: Stratton, f, 1). 15