10 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Bttablithtd ilji PUBLISHED BY THE TELKQRAPH PRIXTINO CO. ®. J. STACK POLE, Pres't and Treaa'r. T. R. OYSTER, Secretary. OU6 M. BTEINMETZ, Managing Editor. Published every evening (except Sun day) at the Telegraph Building, 216 Federal Square. Both plio.ne*. Member American Newspaper Publish ers' Association. Audit Bureau of CWeeolation and Pennsylvania Associ ated Dallies. Eastern Office, Fifth Avenue Building. New York City, Hasbrook. Story & Brooks. Western Office, Advertising Building, Chicago, 111., Allen « Am g/-/c mtt-r ,rom//~ Enthusiasm for the new Hupmobila unanimous, it hardly exceeds the enthusiasm of those who have seen the detachable sedan and the 11% °° upe tol>B ' "Just the thing for winter!" every one says—and these tops, Incident- F. O. B. Detroit ally, are selling not a few Hupmo- Tourinpr Car with Sedan Top; hll»H Roadster with Coupe Top, $1325 —F. O. B. Detroit People know that now they can drivo all winter in comfort. This fine receyUon is justified, for tho I-lupmobilefatcory.in supplying these /V>» J" "m special tops, gives every Hup buyer | \ 1 two cars at practically the price of U SlVflfTWVtfa JJ o nu the Amman fcmkJ/ These tops are easily fitted to the touring car or roadster In place of Af 1 V " le extension top. They are designed and built especially for the Hupmobile—strong, staunch and proof against the severest storms of wind, rain or snow. fciNoMllNlsbK Finished inside in a way to delight the MOTOR COMPANY heart of any woman. Cor. 3rd and Cumberland Sts. If you're holding off buying a new car H PA. until spring, better see how corn- Hell Phone »:?1J ' ' fortably you can drive this winter in the 1915 Hup with the new top. | pVERY Man Should | I L- Read the Message • | That Is Given in • I Doutrichs i % 9 §• Advertisement On Page 9 J o • card catalogue with over 30,000 re ferences on every conceivable sub ject of interest in connection with the war. As a result of liia forethought he is now besieged by magazines and newspapers for special articles on the more obscure phases of the conflict. Mr. Stoddard's latest book "The French Revolution in San Domingo" will bo published on Nov. 18th by; Houghton Mifflin Company.