Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 11, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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Enjoy Chicken and Waffle Supper
at the Monntain View
Miss Bella Lerew chaperoned a
party of young folks from the Kresge
Htore on a straw ride from this city to
Dlllsburg, where they had a chicken
and waffle supper given by Mr. and
Mrs. Dick, of the Mountain Valley
The party Included the Misses Bella
Lerew, Helen Hartman, Marie Mow
ery, Ruth Hoerner, Alma McCurdy,
Ruth Barr, Annie Barr, Ruth Webster,
Alma Gurdrlch, Claudia Keener, Edna
Dayhoff, Ethyl McCurdy and Lynn
Gingrich; Heister Culp, Walter Yost,
Thomas Lerew, Martin Hartman,
Ralph Gingrich, Fred Lerew, Ells
worth Spayd. John Lewis, Jack Mus
ser, Arthur McCafterty, Parker Haar,
George Bacon, Harry Zentmeyer,
Frank Graham.
Tea at the Country Club For Daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Etter
Miss Katharine Etter, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Etter, of 209
Pine street, will make her bow to
aoclety at a tea, Tuesday afternoon,
November 24 from 4 to 6 o'clock, at
the Country Club of Harrisburg.
As Mrs. Etter is In mourning her
daughter will be presented and chap
eroned this winter, by her aunt. Miss
Nancy E. Etter, who issued the invita
tions this morning.
Miss Katharine Etter, who has a
host of friends among the younger
net, finished her education at St. Mary'a
Episcopal School, Garden City, Long
Island, where she was cheer leader
and won a number of prizes In ath
letics and outdoor events.
Colonial Club Will Celebrate Friday
Evening With Special Dancing
The entertainment committee of the
Colonial Country Club has arranged
"Confetti Night" for Friday evening,
November 11. The Misses Westbrook
will be at the club and give an ex
position of the latest dances. They
havo recently returned from Castle
House. New York, and will conduct a
class this Fall and winter at the Co
lonial Club.
Miss Edna McKee, of Keota, Colo
rado, is making a little visit to her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abner McKee,
of Thirteenth street.
K is Just Natural
To Admire Babies
Our altrustle nature impels love for the
cooing infant. And at the same time
the subject of motherhood Is ever before
us. To know what to do that will add
to the physical comfort of expectant
motherhood is a subject that has inter
ested most women of all times. One of
the real helpful things is an external
abdominal application sold in most drug
atorea under the name of "Mother's
Friend." We have known so many grand
mothers, who in their younger days
relied upon this remedy, and who recom
mend it to their own daughters that it
certainly must be what Its name indi
cates. They have used It for its direct
influence upon the muscles, cords, liga
ments and tendons as it alms to afford
relief from tne strain and pain so often
unnecessarily severe during the period of
Every woman should mention "Mother's
Friend" when the stork Is the subject of
conversation. An interesting little book
Js mailed free upon application to Brad
(leld Regulator Co., 403 Lamar Bldg.,
Atlanta, Ga. It refers to many things
that women like to read about.
Get or recommend a bottle of "Mother*B
Friend" to-day and write for the book.
Nußone For Comfort
and Style
Proper fit of your corset is all im
portant. Utmost stylo and comfort
cannot be had without it. Beside a
slight Imperfection may tend to
eventually impair your health and
change your figure. Since no two
figures are alike It 1B easy to rea
lise the difficulty of buying a corset
that fits you exactly unless made
to your individual measurements.
Nußone stays are triple wire
Interwoven so that thoy are strong,
but not rigid; flexible, but not
flimsy, like single wire stays found
in other makes of corsets that have
been condemned. Nußone supports
the figure perfectly and gives com
plete freedom of the body in all po
sitions. The stays are guaranteed
not to rust or break witliln a year.
Nußone stays are the best by
test and found only in the Nußone
Corset, not sold In stores. Prices
$2.60 up. Fittings at your home by
Narses Corset Shop
Mlaaes Wolfe
Honrs i S.SO a. m. to 8.30 f, m.
*- r
M 3m W i Wi
nI F.HI .
Lancaster Man Wins One of the
City's Most Attractive
The marriage of Miss Fannie Ken
nedy Dlehl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Clark E. Dlehl, of 225 Briggs street,
to William Shultz Raul), of Lancaster,
will be one of the brilliant social
events of the winter, taking place this
evening In Graco Methodist Church.
The .pastor, the Rev. Dr. John E.
Fox will perform the double ring cere
mony anil Richard Stockton, of Lan
caster, will play the wedding marches
and give a recital prior to the ser
vice. The church decorations are of
autumn foliage and white chrysan
themums, and each pew is marked
with a cluster of autumn leaves.
The bride, who will be given in
marriage by her father, will wear an
exquisite costume of white satin, en
traine, with garnitures of beaded pas
samenterie. Her duchesse lace veil
will be caught with orange blossoms
and she will carry a shower of lilies
of the valley. She will wear the bride
groom's gift, a pin comprising three
circles of Oriental pearls, with dia
mond pendant.
Mrs. James Garfield Hatz will be
matron of honor for her sister, wear
ing white chiffon and lace otfer satin
and carrying a shower of pink roses.
The other attendants are Mrs. George
Porter Hammond, of this city; Miss
Esther Goll, of Lancaster; Mrs. Hay
den Geyer, of Lancaster, and Mrs.
Theodore Fletcher Mead, of New York
city. Mrs. Hammond and Miss Goll
will wear white lace frocks with a
touch of color given by shell pink
chiffon and satin and their bouquets
will be of Madame Taft roses. Mrs.
Geyer and Mrs. Mead will wear white
lace frocks also, with apricot-colored
girdles and bandings and carry shower
bouqets of the Madame Taft roses.
Mrs. Dlehl, the bride's mother, will
appear In a costume of black satin,
lace trimmed, with touches of silver
and pale blue. The bridegroom's
What We Say It Is, IT IS
Diamonds Are
Cut in Belgium
Antwerp is the center of
the Diamond cutting indus
try. There is no business in
Antwerp now. Many of the
cutters of that and other Bel
gian cities are with the col
What effect this will hava
on the future of Diamond cut
ting we are not prepared to
say. It Is hardly likely to
bring about an Improvement
in the quality of the work
when peace comes—or In
crease the number of skilled
workers. Very likely the
New York diamond-cutting
industry will be stimulated—
but it costs more to cut dia
monds In New York than in
If you desire a diamond,
now is the advantageous time
to purchase it, for Dlener's
stock offers flawless stones of
all sizes, perfectly cut, at
prices that prevailed before
Belgium became again a bat
Diamonds and other gifts
selected now will be laid
away until Christmas on
pay ment of a small deposit.
P. G. Diener
408 Market Street
■ i
mother, Mrs. H. L. Raub, will wear
black satin with lace garnitures.
Harry Lyman Raub, Jr., of Lancas
ter, will be best man for his brother,
and the ushers include James O. Hatz,
of this city; William Lenhart, of Read
ing; George Porter Hammond, Wil
liam Granville Childs, of this city;
Hayden Geyer and Stewart Raub, of
A small reception will follow the
ceremony, held at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Hatz, 110 West
State street, where Southern smilax,
autumn foliage and chrysanthemums
will prevail in the decorations. The
Southern wedding trip will include
Havana and other pleasure resorts,
and after December 1, Mr. and Mrs.
Raub will occupy their apartments in
The Salisbury, at Lancaster.
The bride, one of the most attrac
tive of the younger girls of the city,
is a graduate of the Central High
School, class of 1910, and a member of
the D. V. V. Sorority. Mr. Raub, who
is secretary of the Sheet Metal And
Supply Company of Lancaster, is a
graduate of Franklin and Marshall
College and a Phi Kappa Phi man.
Gifts have been lavishly bestowed on
the young couple by their many
There will be a meeting of the Par
ent-Teachers Association fit the Camp
Curtin school Thursday evening, No
vember 12 at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Manbeck,
the president, will preside, and Dr. R.
M. McNeal will make the address of
the evening: Refreshments will be
served during the social hour.
Samuel Fishman has gone to New-
York and Philadelphia to buy furni
ture for the Christmas holidays.
Miss Anna Nissley, Miss Helen Rlnk
enbach and Miss Elinor Copeltn are
going to State College for the Penn
sylvania day festivities.
Mrs. Charles S. Rebuck, of North
Third street, is home after a pleasure
trip to parts of Ohio.
Miss Ruth Brown, of Columbus,
Ohio, is visiting Mrs. William Zelders,
of 40 North Thirteenth street.
Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery Entertain
/ For Padgetts of China
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Montgomery
of Trindle Road, Camp Hill, entertain
ed at dinner last evening in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. A. Maxwell Padgett, of
Shameen, Canton, China, who were
recently married. Mrs. Padgett was
formerly Miss Mary Baum, of Worm
Mr. and Mrs. Padgett expect to
return to China the later part of this
month where Mr. Padgett Is ongaged
in the contracting business.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. W.
Eugene Hake, Mr. and Mrs. John S.
Spicer, Mr. and Mrs. A. Maxwell Pad
gett, Miss Mary Wills, Benjamin Whit
man, Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Mont
Mrs. J. P. Keller and family have
returned to the old homestead at the
corner of Walnut and Second streets,
after spending the summer at their
country place near Progress.
How About Your Eyes?*
Our special offers of glasses
have brought us hundreds of per
sons who have heretofore been
unable to ret glasses on account
of the high prices. .
Glasses M
Fitted in Gold !■'
Filled Frames |
with First Quality JHH
Spherical Lenses ;]■
for Reading and !
Sewing, as low as •
Children's '
sight given ■
careful atten
320 Market Street
SMtii Floor. Bell Pfcoae 2020W
Ope> Bvealnga
Pennsylvania Couples Avoid Fuss and '
Flurry by Quiet Weddings
Special to The Telegraph
Hagerstown, Md., Nov. 11. Miss;
Elizabeth B. Wissler and Frederick
Neuke, both of Harrisburg, were
married here Monday afternoon at the
parsonage of the First Baptist Church
by tho Rev. E. K. Thomas.
Miss Esther M. Kyle, of Chambers
burg, Pa., aijd Edward C. Strieker, of 1
New Bloomfleld, Pa., were married on i
Monday at the parsonage of Christ's
Reformed Church by the Rev. Dr.
Conrad Clever.
Alias Nellie O. Ketterman and David
K. Reese, both of Fairfield, Pa., were
married on Monday at the parsonage
of Christ's Reformed Church here by
the Rev. Dr. Conrad Clever.
Miss Margaret K. Snapp, of Win
chester, Va., and M. A. Spangler, of
Hanover, Pa., weer united in mar
riage at the parsonage of the First!
Christian Church here by the Rev. G. !
13. Townsend.
Invitations have been issued by the
Elm Canoe Club for a dance to be
held at Wlnterdale Wednesday even
ing, November 18. The dancing will
begin at 8.30 o'clock. The committee
of arrangements consists of William
Hoover, Jonas Bless and Harry Mc-
v Mrs. Edward Bennett, of 230 Wood
bine street, is home aifter a little visit
to Honesdale and other towns in the
northern part of the State.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Bradley, of
Cameron and Maclay streets, gave a ■
dinner of eight covers last evening, In 1
compliment to George Ralston, of At- j
lantic City.
Mrs. Frank Oenslager, of Riverside, |
has been removed to her home from j
the Harrisburg Hospital, where she
was treated for a broken ankle.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Martin and i
small daughter. Hazel Martin, left fori
their home in Brooklyn to-day after I
a short stay with their relatives, Mr. I
and Mrs. Joseph Black Martin, of |
State street.
Among the out-of-town people here
for the Raub-Diehl wedding this even- 1
Ing are Mrs. William E. Fahnestock, j
of Ithaca, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. John j
A. Goll, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Herr,'
T..eii?h Helm, John Levan, Mrs. H. b. j
Raub, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Ruub. Miss!
Ethel Raub, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Raub,!
Miss Sue Rly, Mr. and Mrs. Hayes G. j
Shimp, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McCul- i
man. Mr. and Mrs. James Watt, Mr.
and Mrs. S. R. Zimmerman, all of Lan
caster; Mrs. B. E. Shultz, of Moore,
Pa.; William Lenhart, of Reading;
Mrs. Charles I. Monaghan, of Wil
mington, Del.
College Club und Guests Hear About
City Work In Bacteriology
Dr. George Reily Moffltt, State bac
teriologist, made a most Interesting
address before the College Club yes
terday afternoon at the Country Club
of Harrisburg, giving a history of bac
teria, and telling what the city Is do
ing at its own expense to purify its
water and milk supplies and finding
the causes for contagious diseases. Dr.
Moffltt showed test tubes with various
disease cultures.
After the lecture, members and
guests to whom Mrs. John C. Stine
was hostess, adjourned to the recep
tion room where a huge fire blazed
on the hearth, and enjoyed tea and
friendly chat. Mrs. Lewis Johnston
presided over the tea cups..
The club appropriated $lO for Miss
May Lemeraid on the hospital work
at Paris. Those present were Mrs.
George B. Kunkel, Miss Martha Flem
ing, Miss Sara Jacobs. Miss Helen Mc-
Farland, Miss Helen Armor, Mrs. Hor
ace M. Witman, Mrs. Frederick C.
Martin, Mrs. Paul Johnston, Mrs.
John B. McAllister, Mrs. Philip T.
Meredith, Mrs. Solomon Heiney, Miss
Shearer, of Carlisle; Miss Sharpe, of
Newvllle; Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Samuel
C. Todd, Mrs. Harold Lewars, Mrs.
Lewis Palmer, Mrs. Harvey Smith,
Miss Dale, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Hoy Da
vis, Mrs. Carl W. Davis, Mrs. John
Wallis, Miss Anne McCormick, Mrs.
Thomas Earle and Mrs. Itobert H.
Miss Nancy Shunk presided at a
working inusicale of the Wednesday
Club this morning, in the absence of
the president, Mrs. E. J. Decevee. A
most Interesting program illustrating
syncopation in its various forms was
presented. Dr. Deeter, Mrs. Cumbler
and Miss Worley substituted for mem
bers unable to participate. Musical
current event were given by Miss
Martha Snavely and Mrs. Mabel Cron
ise Jones gave an Impromptu talk on
"Tipperary," American ragtime song
now sung by the allies on European
The ladies of the Trinity. Lutheran
Church of Camp Hill will hold their
annual bazar on Friday, November 13,
at the residence of Mrs. Carl K. Deen.
The sale will open at 2 o'clock, and
supper will be served from 5 to 8
Mira Jean Mooro Receives Shower or
Gifts From Her Friends
Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong, of 1841
Fulton street, announce the engage
ment of their daughter, Miss Jean
Moore to Herbert Parthemore, of this
city, at an informal little party last
The guests, who participated in the
announcement provided themselves
with many lovely household gifts for
the bride to be, who was both surpris
ed and delighted with her shower.
Refreshments were served to the
Misses Mae Groce, Clare Hibsman,
Cora M. Springer, Margaret Miller,
Tillie Williams, Katherine Reindel, A.
B. Matthews, Lena Beck, Maude R.
Groce, Nelle M. Myers and Maude
Hostetter, Mrs. Mary Wertz, Mr. and
Mrs. Ranker, Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong
Mrs. J. Burd, Herbert Parthemore
Mrs. J. Moore and Miss Laura Hostet
Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Caplun, of
800 North Sixth street, announce the
birth of a son, Stanley Howard Cap
lan, Tuesday, November to, 1914. Mrs.
Caplan was formerly Miss Ida M. Co
hen of this city. /
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Conrad Leib,
of 1206 Walnut street, announce the
birth of a son, Sunday, November 8
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Zelders of
1814 Boas street, announce the birth
of a son, tester Eugene Zelders, Mon
day, November 2, 1914. Mrs. Zelders
was Mies Neda Mullen of this city,
prior to her marriage.
Word has been received from Beirut,
Syria, of tlie birth of a son, to Mr. and
Mrs. George Black Stewart, Jr., for
mer residents of this city. The little
boy has been named George Black
Stewart, 111. Mrs. Stewart was for
merly Miss Janet Wilson.
28-30-32 N. Second St
That VERY piece of furniture which you want may be offered in the Novem
ber Sale at a greatly reduced price. It will pay you to come see.
Furniture for every room In (he lioune la offered at little prleea to move
tliem quickly.
Two Attractions th f e November Sale
This Library Table, large 42-inch top, roomy drawer, fly *| f\
well finished. November Sale Price v I
Two-inch post metal bed, htavy corner mounts, either single T AC?
or full size. November Sale Price / e J/
West Fairview Couple Start on
Early Train For Eastern
Honeymoon \
Miss Florence Phillips and Sylvan
H. Neidig, both of West Fairview,
were quietly married this morning at
8.30 o'clock at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Phil
lips, with the Rev. S. B. Bidlack, pas
tor of the West Fairview Methodist
Church, officiating.
The bride wore a traveling suit of
brown chiffon broadcloth with hat to
match. Her corsage bouquet was of
lilies of the valley and orchids. There
were no bridal attendants and only
members of the Immediate families
witnessed the ceremony.
The bride, a talented vocalist, has
been in the employ of the Troup Music
House, and has a wide circle of
friends. Mr. Neidig, who is connected
in business with his father, Howard
W. Neidig, is a Mason of Robert Burns
Lodge 464; a member of the Harris
burg Consistory, Ancient Accepted
Scottish Rites and of the Zembo Tem
ple and Patrol.
I-'ollowlng a wedding journey to
Philadelphia, Albany and New York
city, Mr. and Mrs. Neidig will be "at
home" to their friends after Novem
ber 23, at West Fairview, in their
newly-furnished house.
Lady Gives Simple Homo Recipe That
Slio Used to Darken Hep Gray
For years X 1 tried to restore my gray
hair to its natural color with the pre
[ pared dyes and stains, but none of
them gave satisfaction and they were
all expensive. I finally ran onto a
simple recipe which I mixed at home
that gives wonderful results. I gave
! the recipe, which is as follows, to a
number of my friends, and they are
all delighted with it. To 7 oz. of
water add a small box of Barbo Com
pound, 1 oz. of bay rum and 1-4 oz.
of glycerine. Use every other day un
til the hair becomes the required
shade, then every two weeks. It will
not only darken the gray hair, but
removes dandruff and scalp humors,
and acts as a tonic to the hair. It is
not sticky or greasy, does not rub off
and does not color the scalp. You
can prepare it at home at very little
: expense.—Advertisement
NOVEMBER 11,1914. '
Mrs. John Black and daughter, Miss
Bessie Black, of Seventeenth and Mul
berry streets; Miss Mary Enright, of
1344 Vernon street, and Robert Owen,
of 508 South Thirteenth street, have
returned from New York wrere they
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John
Carroll Denny, of 427 Hummel Ter
race, and Earl Owen, of 508 South
Thirteenth street, have returned from
New York after spending a few days
at Coney Island and Brighten Beach
and places of interest in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles ICendig, of 24
North Fifth street, were called to
Lansdale, Pa., on Sunday on account
of the sudden death of a little daugh
ter of Mr. Kendig's brother, S. Homer
Kendig. The funeral services were
held at Lansdale yesterday and Mr.
Kendig returned home this morning.
l|iyfejr>§AßE SHOWING
A cold November morning becomes
as cheerful as Spring when breakfast
Is eaten in a bright cozy breakfast
room, and If we realized the import
ance of environment, we would make
a persistent effort to have our rooms
beautifully papered, saving rather on
less essential things in order to give
the home the best possible appear
ance. For instance any small room
on the first floor may become a cheery
breakfast room by using a paper with
light ground brightly decorated with
flowers and birds in summer-like pro
fusion, which is shown at the A. 8.,
Tack Wall Paper Shop, 1216 North
Third street, and the same treatment
would convert a dingy sitting-room
into a most delightful morning room.
A Treat
November mornings have certain
distinct advantages, for buckwheat
cakes with rich maple syrup are a
breakfast treat which rivals Indeed
the rarest delights of Spring. The
Studebaker Grocery Store, Second
street at State, are selling the delicious
pure Vermont maple syrup for which
they are so Justly famous, and their
special buckwheat flour makes those
old-fashioned dark buckwheat cakes
with the flavor of thoso that "mother
used to make." Buckwheat cakes,
fresh from the griddle, covered with
delicious maple syrup are equally good
for luncheon or supper and are always
enjoyed. .
A Red Nose
Does your nose get red when the
days get cold? If so, you will want a
good powder for winter use—one
which hides redness and roughness of
the skin, without any hint of artifi
ciality. The French powders are un
surpassed for giving a youthful and
natural beauty to the complexion, and
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Slentz, of 1206
Bartine street, gave a birthday sur
prise in honor of their niece. Miss
Frances Meek.
A pleasant evening-, ending with re.
freshinents, was spent by the follow,
ing guests:
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Smith, Mra
J. A. Winters and son Francis, Miss
Margaret Shaffer, Miss Augusta Hart/.,
Miss Carrie Oren, Miss Frances Meek.
William Piatt, Fred Goodyear, James
Kelley, Fred Simons, William Ed
wards, Lester Slentz, J. A. Shentz.
Mrs. Sue McNeal, of 825 North
Sixth street, is spending the wlntef
with relatives in San Antonio, Texas.
That's (lie Way You Use llyomci,
the Simple, Safe and Effective
Catarrh Remedy
The most pleasant, easiest, safe, ef
fective, and the really sensible method
for the treatment and cure of catarrli
is Hyomei, which can be had from anj
drug store. Just put twenty drops oi
the liquid In the small inhaler thai
comes with every complete outtit, then
breathe it a few minutes four times a
day. It almost instantly clears tha
head and stops that annoying sniff
When using Hyomei every particle
of air that enters the breathing: organs
is charged with an antiseptic, healing,
health-restoring balsam that destroys
the catarrh germs, stops the unclean
discharges from the nose, relieves tha
irritation, and quickly heals the, sore,
raw and inflamed tissues.
The first day's use of Hyomei will
show a decided improvement, no
matter how distressing the trouble.-
Its action is not only rapid but lasting.
There is no more common yet dan
gerous disease than catarrh, which
usually begins with a neglected cold.
Do not endanger your health by letting
'your catarrhal trouble become chro
nic. Begin the Hyomei treatment to
day—it is inexpensive, safe and re
liable. H. C. Kennedy always sells II
with agreement to refund the money
if it does not give complete satis
Goedet's Sous Bois powder at Jus!
$1.50 a box is one of the most delight
ful of the many excellent face powdera
on sale at the Gorgas Drug Store.
They are also showing very line pow
ders at GO and 75 'cents a box which
may be obtained in any desired tint.
When carefully applied these powders
will do wonders in Improving even the
most unlovely complexion.
Pretty Feet
Short skirts have made footwear tha
most noticeable part of a woman's cos
tume, and those whose feet are a trills
larger than they would like can still
mako them look well by wearing well
made and well-fltting shoes, while the
woman with small feet'will delight in
this season's opportunity to show them
to advantage by wearing pretty shoes.
The Walk-Over Boot Shop, 226 Mar
ket street, among their many new and
attractive models, is showing a smart
buttoned shoe, of very fine dull
leather, with the new short vamp ef
fect, and medium heel—a model which
is both sensible and stylish for walk
ing and street wear. The price is $4.50.
Warm Afghans
At the Woman's Exchange, Third
street at Herr, where the interesting
yarn demonstration under the per
sonal direction of Miss McC'leary, la
now in progress, some beautiful couch
afghans are shown, and the customer
who buys her yarns there Is given frea
instruction and assistance in beginning
this or any other article. Charming
color combinations may be selected
and the warm tones shading Into
lighter tintu in harmonious design,
make beautiful couch afghans, which
would add immeasurably to the cozy
appearance of the living room. The
difficulties in making borders or in
combining colors are simplified bj
praotical demonstration.