RECEPTIONS, PARTIES, WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARIES HARRISBURG GIRLS IRE BUYING LIFE Progressive Club of St. Matthew's Lutheran Church Spending Week at Dauphin GO BOATING AND BATHING Many Visitors Summering at the Pleasant Mountain Cottages and Homes By Special Correspondence DanpHln. Pa., Aug. 22.—0n Mon day the Progressive Girls' Club of St. Matthew's Lutheran Churoli, of Har risburg, arrived to spend the week at the Killcare. The girls who are chaperoned by tho Rev. E. E. Snyder and Miss LaVene Grove, assisted by Miss Clarissa Stence and Miss Mabel Meckley, pass most of the time bath ing and boating. On Wednesday, vis itors' day, many of their relatives and friends came up to the cottage, in the evening they had a cornroast along the river. The girls are Florence Gal lagher, Mildred Bttrkholder, Margaret Good, Mildred Gallagher, Pauline Rife, Frances Biirkholder, Charlotte Grove, Margaret Martz, Kathryn Rife, Adelle Claster, Dorothy Martz, Mary Binkley, Jean Tlbbett, Marie Wag ner. Frances Forney, Mary Roberts, Minerva Buttorff and Esther Stence.— Mrs. R. Pent/, and Miss Rertha Pentz. of the Avalon. are spending a week in Pittsburgh.—Augustus Schutzenbach, of New York, returned home Wednes day after a visit with his brother. Hugo Schutzenbach. at his cottage, Fareeda.—William Stambaugh, Miss Minnie Stambaugh. Miss Edna Stam baugh, all of Harrisburg, and Charles B. Moss, of Pittsburgh, were guests of Miss Bertha Pentz OB Sunday.— Miss Mary Middleton, of Harrisburg. is visiting the Rev. and Mrs. Robert Fulton Stirling.—Mr. and Mrs. ("has. Shaffer returned Sunday from a two weeks' trip to Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Atlantic City.—Miss Kathryn Waddell, of Brooklyn, is vis iting her grandparents, Mr. ami Mrs. George Kline. — Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris and daughter. Edna, of Salem, Ohio; Mrs. Harry B. Beard and daugh ter, Marjory, of New Decatur, Ala bama. spent Tuesday with Mrs. H. B. Greenawalt. —Mr. and Mrs. William Williams spent Wednesday in- Phila delphia.—Mrs. E. G. Good and sons, Robert and Edmond, of White Hill; Miss Louise Hagenbuck and Miss Jean Hagenhuck. of Allentown. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Wal lis on Sunday.—Clinton Bickel, of Philadelphia, has returned home after a visit with his mother, Mrs. Ma.'ian Bickel.—Mrs. John Rine and daugh ter, Mary Elizabeth, of Duncannon, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Gerberich on Wednesday.—Miss Cor nelia E. Lark, of Shamokin, Is the guest of Mrs. Daniel Seiler.—Miss Henrietta Dewalt, of Penbrook, re turned home Tuesday after a visit with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Feaser. —Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Koons and daughter, Helen Lu cille, of Altoona. are spending several weeks with Mrs. Koons' parents, Mr. and Sirs. David Garman.—Mr. and Mrs. 1. T.ane Long spent the week end at Mt. Gretna.—Mrs. Annie Owens is spending several days at Mechanics burg.—Mrs. Adron and Mr. Hoffman and children, of Enterline, spent the week-end with her sister, Mr- H. E. Fleager. Samuel Maurey spent Thursday with his daughter, Sirs. Paul Harm, at Harrisburg.—Mrs. Florence Smith and daughters, Marian and Charlotte, of Berwin, 111., left for home on Tuesday after a visit with Mrs. William Bell Gross.—Miss Cora Coffrode is conlined to the house with an attack of malaria fever. —Raymond Long, of Newport, Pa., is the guest of his uncle, I. Lane Long. Never Mind How Strong You Are — What d' ye Know? That's the point—"What d'ye KNOW?" To-day it's a battle of wits—and brains zvin Muscle and brawn don't count so much as they used to. In the fight for good jobs and big salaries it's brains —not brawn—that win. "What d'ye KNOW?" is the one great question that draws the line between defeat and victory—between "wages" and "salary"—between you and the Boss. What do YOU know? Are YOU so expert in some line of work that you can "make good" as a foreman, superintendent, or manager? If not, why don't you mark and mail the attached coupon and permit the Interna tional Correspondence Schools to show you how you CAN "make good" on a big job? For 23 years the I. C. S. have been showing men how to do better work and earn bigger salaries. Every month over 400 students write of promotions or salary Increases through I C 6. training. What the L C. S. are doing for these men they can do for YOU. No matter where you live, how old you are, what hours you work, or how limited your education—if you can read and write and are ambitious to learn the I. C. S. "can train you in your own home, during your spare time, for a more important and better-paying position. Mark and mail the attached coupon—it won't obligate you in the least —and the I. C. S. will show you how you can acquire this salary-raising ability by their "simple and easy methods. It will cost you nothing to investigate—lt may cost a life time of remorse if you don't. Mark and Mail the Coupon NOW. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Box 1331, Scranton, Pa. Please explain without any obligation to me how I can Qual ify for the position before which I mark X. Electrical Engineer Mechnnlcal Draft* Show Curd WritlnK Elee. Lighting Supt. Refrigeration Engineer Arivertiiting Electric Wlremnn Civil Engineer SnlcNiiinn»hli> Tel. &■ Tel. Engineer Surveyor Teacher Architect I,oco. Fireman A Eng. Engllxh llrnnchea Architectural Draftsman Civil Service -Agriculture Structural Engineer Railway Mall Clerk Poultry Farming Dulidlng Contractor Bookkeeping I'luoib. A Steam Fit, Concrete Conutruction Steno. Typewriting < hemlxtr.v I Mechanical Engineer Window Trimming Automobile Running Name St. and No City State SATURDAY F.VENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH AUGUST 22, 1914. E. W. McElroy, War Veteran Celebrates 76th Birthday EDWARD W. McELROY By Special Correspondence Marietta, Pa., Aug. 22. Edward W. Me El rov, one of the best known men in this section, the oldest auctioneer in point of service, recently celebrated his "Hth birthday anniversary. For a num ber of years he served In the Civil War and was confined in prison as a captur ed I'nion soldier. He has been married over forty-four years, and two of his children reside at Harrisburg. Mr. Me- Elrov has a rare collection of antiques and Is daily working at his trade. Prof. Herbert Leban Takes Bride in Ohio Town By Special Correspondence Shipponsburg, Pa., Aug. 22. Dr. Clever and family are visiting relatives here. On Sunday Dr. Clever delivered a sermon at the union vesper services. —Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Porter an nounce the birth of a son.—Professor A. B. Wallize has moved to Johns town. His position at the normal school is vacant.—Misses Ruth and Esther Long have returned home after taking in the summer school session at State College. Professor E. R. Brunyate, former principal of the Shippensburg public schools, has ac cepted a position in New Jersey.— Professor Herbert Leban, professor of physical science at the normal school, was united in marriage last week to Miss Elsie Hosfeld, of Akron, Ohio, by the Rev. J. O. Reagle. Miss Hosfeld was a former resident of Shippens burg and a graduate of the normal school, class of 1913. Miss SPICIIKR ENTERTAINS By Special Correspondence Tlion) |»on town. Pa., Aug. 22.—Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Hibbs and daughter, of Ptttston, and Clyde Hibbs, of West Chester, are visiting Miss Maggie Hibbs. Misses Myrtle, Margaretta and Marion Dimtn are spending this week with Harrisburg friends. —Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Walbridge and daugh ter Katharine, of Toledo, Ohio, are guests of Mrs. Israel Tennic. —Misses Gertie Golton, Lena Straub and Mrs. Meade Hager and little daughter, of Harrisburg, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Carvell. Miss Erie M. Henkles was called to Harris burg on account of the illness and death of her sister, Mrs. Mary Zeld ers.—Mrs. David Ernst, of Philadel phia. is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Smith.—Mr. and Mrs. T. W. McNaight returned from Philips burg on Tuesday.—Miss Anna Rastress lias gone to Atlantic City.—Mrs. Seo [bold and Mrs. Stahlnecker, of Middle tibrg, are visiting their sister. Mrs. ('. |A. Melser.—Mr. and Mrs. James Ley dor and son pointer are on a five weeks' trip through Western States. ! including North Dakota. Miss Su- Isanna Spicher entertained her Sun- I day school class Thursday evening.— | Mrs. Josephine P. Zell and Mrs. Thomas Thursby and son Burd, and j Mrs. Charles M. Hallman, of Passaic, N. J., are in town for the Thompson ' reunion. J Personal News Items From Nearby Towns in Central Pennsylvania By Special Correspondence I.ewlsberry. Miss Martha J. Ton cel, of New Cumberland, Is spending ! several weeks with Mrs. Elizabeth Reiff, at her summer home here.— Chester Strominger was a guest of the I!ev. and Mrs. Gordon Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Jennings and daughter, of Lemoyne, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Erney. - Miss Anna itpdegraff, of York, is spending a va cation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Updegraff. Chester C. Byler, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday at the Foster home. Mrs. David R. Crumlie and Mrs. Anna Hammond, of New Cum berland, spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Stra.ver. Prank D. Brat ten and sisters, Mrs. Shettel and Miss I Alda Bratten, of llarrlsburg, were re- I cent guests of Miss Clarissa Bratten. [ -—Mrs. Lena Schadt and son, Ernest Schadt, of Middletown, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Erney. —Tho Rev. R. S. Stair, a Lutheran i minister of D'ickinson, Pa., was a guest at the home of his father-in-law, | Isaac Rudisill, of Meadowbrook farm. —Miss Fairle Ballets returned to her home In New Cumberland, after spend ing a week with her grandmother, Mrs. Sophia Erney. Miss Mary Ottmyer, of York, spent a few days with her grandmother. Sirs. Rebecca Franke berger. The Misses Anna and Edith Nebinger, of Lemoyne, are guests at the home of their aunt. Mrs. Thaddeus Stra.ver. Miss Ruth Shirey, of Jersey Shore, Is a guest of her sister, Mrs. Harry Spangler. W. S. Hammond has returned home from a month's stay in Washington, where, he was a guest at the homo of his son, Edward Ham- i mond. Mr. and Mrs. Robert O.! Stoneslfer returned to their homo in | Steelton after a visit with Dr. and Mrs. Homer C. Hetrlck. The Rev. D. L. Dixon spent the week in GMtys burg and Mt. Olivet Camp at Dills burg. where he preached on Tuesday evening. New Rlnomfleld. Arthur B. Clark, ■ of Altoona, accompanied by Mr. and | Mrs. Charles O. Davis, came in his auto j 1 to this place on Thursday. The Rev. I 10. C. Keloch, of Warrior's Mark, are visiting J. J. Rice's family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Long, of Philadelphia, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James \V. Shull. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wright and daughter, are also their guests this week.-—Mr. and Mrs. Harry llartsock and daughter, Ruth. were guests of Mrs. W. M. Wallace, this week. Messrs. G. W. Garber and R. A. MeClure, of New Bloomtleld; Elmer 1 Garber, of Elliottsburg, and Oscar Garber, of Green Park, and their families autoed to Gettysburg, on Sun day. Miss Ernestein Rhinesmlth Is visiting friends at Bridgeport, Pa. Miss Laura M. Ard left on Wednesday lor Washington, D. C., where she has received an appointment in the Gov ernment printing office. Henry Reigel, after two weeks' vacation, left for Baltimore, on Tuesday. John A. Maigee left on Sunday for Now York where he enters the employ of a large tirm of real estate dealers. .Northumberland. Miss Edith Rice, of Gordon, Pa., is the guest of Mrs. J. M. Lloyd. Roy Long Is spending a week at a summer resort in Maine with Philadelphia friends. Miss Rose Teitelbaum went to. Shenandoah for a visit. Mr. and 'Mrs. Amas Mertz and daughter, of Williamsport, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Long, making the trip here by auto mobile. Paul Sampell, of Elmira, N. Y., is spending his vacation here. ' Mrs. Eunice Taylor and children, of ' Philadelphia, are guests of Mrs. H. H. ' Johnson. Miss Delia Faust is spend > ing several days at Atlantic City and i Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. * Welder and daughter, Frances, are guests of Mrs. Frank Shuman and Mrs. G. 10. Mertz. Miss lOdna Maker, of Lemisburg, has been a guest of Miss ; ICdith Geise. Mrs. L. B. Scott and ' Mrs. W. P. Chatham, of Renovo, were . guests on Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. R. f T. Kreider. Mr. Sineox, of Lock ! llaven, spent a day this week witli his . daughter, Mrs. Roy Baker. ' >lar; Jivllle. Miss Josephine Stees, 1 of Baltimore, has returned home after - spending some time with her aunt, - Mrs. J. S. M. Heck. Miss Helen Wal -1 lace, of Lykens, is visiting her uncle, 11. J. Varus. Mrs. J. O. Maxwell has returned to her home in Harrlsburg after spending some time with her par -3 ents. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Lick. Mrs. - Pearl Raver, of Baltimore, spent Sun - day with Mrs. L. M. Adams. Mrs. . Aggie Alp, of Red Lion, spent Sunday . with Mrs. A. M. Fisher. Miss Lizzie , Rodgers, of Middletown, was the guest ' of Mr. anil Mrs. A. M. Fisher. Miss ' Helen Wise, is spending some time at " Milton. The Rev. and Mrs. H. 1. - Crow, of Bethlehem, are Visiting Mrs. - Crow's father, C. F. Kass. Mrs. B. D. Hare, and daughter, Leona, and Mrs. j Elizabeth Marks, are at Cly. ' Plketown. Mrs. Catherine Shartzer 1 spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. John Aungst, near here.—Mrs. Charles Amey and son, Sherman, of Penbrook, f visited Mrs. Isaac Strohm, on Monday. —Mrs. James Feaser and child, of Philadelphia, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Stroh. Mr. and Mrs. William Pletz, of Rutherford, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. William Pletz, Sr. There will be preaching | services in the Mount Laurel Bethel on Sunday, August 30, morning and even ing, by the pastor, the Rev. Jonas Mar tin. Mr. anil Mrs. Emanuel Selger spent a few days this week with Mr. I and Mrs. Edward Pogue, at Parks | burg.—Mrs. Edward Rhoads spent sev eral days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Kennedy, at Rockvllle.—David Runkle visited John Ferber and family at Beaver Creek, on | Tuesday. Mrs. Rose Sanders, of Middletown. was the guest of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shive. on Sun | day. Mrs. C. M. Hughes spent Su.n --l day with friends in Penbrook. \\ leoiilHco. Dr. and Mrs. Hadyn i Proint, of Mauch Chunk, are visiting their parents here. Mrs. W. Barge man, of Millvale, is visiting Edward | Hunter. The cornerstone of the new iM. 10. Church was laid on Sunday, Au ! gust 16. The sermon was preached by the Rev. Powlck, of Philadelphia.— Joseph liatdorf, of Philadelphia, Is vis iting at his home. Mrs. John Ester line Is conlined to her home with rheu matism. Miss Ruth Stroup and Miss Esther Reed, of Harrisburg, are visit ing in town. Charles Rome and Clay ton Matter, spent from Friday to Mon day at Loyalton. I Beavertown. Born: To Mr. and I Mrs. G. L. Duffenbacher, a daughter. ! Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Martin Steese, a | girl. —• William H. Sales, who has been clerking at Cleveland, Ohio, came home ) to spend his vacation. Daniel Wetzel; lof Birdsboro, was visiting his father, | Professor E. E. Wetzel. John K. Wetzel, of Dayton, Ohio, who is going I to school at the University, came home I to spend his vacation with his mother. —Misses Florence and Edna Sales and Blanche Mark were guests of Henry Gross, at Middle Creek. Pa. C. L. Wetzel and son. William, who were surveying for the State in Clearfield county, came borne to spend a few days. —Mr. and Mrs. William Freed, of Lew istown. were guests of Alfred Smith.— I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clewell, of Wil ! liamsport. were guests of Mr. ami Mrs. ► Albert Mutchler. Mr. and Mrs. Sam f uel Wetzel and two children, of Sun- J bury, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. £ George Herhster, over Sunday. Mr. C and Mrs. Grant Zerb», of Renovo were c guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Bickel. c lllnin. Maurice Mlnnlcli, of Niagara i Falls, N. Y., spent a week with his £ uncle. R. H. Kelt. Miss Mae McVey, { after spending three months at the t home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. I David Boyd, returned to St. Peters ( burg, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Gar- C ber visited in Washington, D. C.—Miss J Elsie Shumaker, of Harrisburg. Is S spending a vacation with her parents, I Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shumaker. Mr. t and Mrß. Warren Rice and seven chil- S dren visited Mr. Rice's sister, Mrs. S Grace Sheaffer. They made the trip C from Brooklyn, N. Y„ In their auto. Ji Mrs. R. C. Davis, of Washington, D. C„ 5 and grandchildren, Miss Marie Drew, of 5 Alexandria, Va., and Burnette Jackson, j of Washington, D. C., visited Mr. and j Mrs. A. G. Gray. Friends in this J county of J. M. L. Wentzel, of Harris i burg, regret to learn of his serious i the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Lizzie FIFTEEN-YEAR-OLD BOY BUILDS AUTOMOBILE EARNEST C. BANGERT AND HIS MACHINE • Lewistown, Pa., Aug. 22.—1n the picture will he seen Ernest C. Ban gert, a 15-year-old boy of Dubois, Pa„ in a strong, speedy little automo bile that he constructed himself. This little machine carries a Ave horse power engine, and is of neat design. Earnest is now on a to friends in New York State and Is traveling in this machine. Moreland. Benjamin Outshall Is visit ing his mother in Philadelphia. —Born". To Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Miller, a son. Martin Stambaugh, of Striker, Ohio, visited his cousin, Mrs. Matilda Mor row. Mrs. Minnie Burrell and son, of Harrisburg, visited Ella B. Stum. —■ Miss Edythe larger returned to Green castle. Pa., after a visit with Miss Les lle Wentzel. Dalnin'tla. Mrs. John Wendt and daughter. Anna, of Shamokin Dam, spent several days here. Mrs. Henry spent Monday and Tuesday at Herndon. Estella Bubb, of Herndon, and Mark Rubb, of Clark's Ferry, are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mr. B. M. Bubb. Mrs. Sholly and Cora Stlever, of Sunbury, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bubb, recently. W. H. Secrist and family, of Washington. D. 0., are visiting relatives here. C. A. Sehnee, of Philadelphia, spent the week end at the home of Frank Byerly.—Dr. Emeriek and J. F Brosious transacted business at Harrisburg this week. Michael Wiest. of Harrisburg. spent several days here. —George Badel, of Mount Union, visited i>. S. Badel, this week. William Kerchner, of Read ing. is visiting Dr. B. L Kerchner. John Hasenplug, of Philadelphia, spent Sunday at the home of D. F. Batdorf.— Mrs. Wetzel, of Harrisburg, spent sev eral days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Zeigler. Ellrahcthvllle. Mrs. Fred P. Mar gerum is spending some time with relatives at Asbury Park, N. J. Miss Hermina Luuold, of Shamokin, spent the week with Editor Muter anu i.uniiy.— liugene Albright, of Athens, Ohio, is the guest of Ticket Agent Grove. Miss Florence Wehr is visiting at lied- | ford Springs. Paul K. Ruhl and Sam uel Hosterinan spent several days at Spring Mills. William F. Smeitaer is I acting teller in the First National Bank, in the absence of Lewis C. Bufiington, , who Is on a vacation. State Veteri- | narian A. W. Cawley, of kewisburg, transacted business here on Wednes day. Mrs. Charles Hoffman and daughter returned to Philadelphia on Wednesday. Mrs. Gertie James left for Philadelphia on Wednesday, where she will spend the winter. Mr. and | Mrs. Gordon I. Smith, of Philadelphia, j are the guests of Hiram Smith. The | Mattis Miling Company will enlarge their plant at this place and add more machinery. - Mrs. Jesse Sheetz spent the week in Philadelphia. Miss Hat tie Miller has been seriously ill for sev eral weeks. Miss Anna Schrefer, of Reading, is the guest of Miss Alice Schrefer. - Miss Olive Romig has gone to Klkhard, lnd. Harvey O. Miller, of Hummelstown, spent several days in town. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Uhler, of the Capital City, spent several days In town. Halifax. Harry Nace, of Harris burg, spent Sunday with bis family, who has been visiting in town. Mr. ami Mrs. W. H. Barron, Sr., of Philadel phia, spent Sunday at the home of J. C. Marsh. Mrs. G. F. Keim returned to her home, in Harrisburg, on Wednes day, after a week's visit to her pa rental home. Elmer E. Daugherty spent Saturday at Millersburg at the home of Joseph M. Umberger. lsaac Miller, of Lykens, spent Sunday visit ing friends in town. Miss Helen George, of Washington, I). C., and Miss Sue Wagner, of Matamoras, were guests of Mrs. H. S. Potter, on Monday. Mrs. M. W. Etter and Miss Elizabeth Etter returned home on Sunday even ing from a visit to Philadelphia. J. Herbert Pike, of Middletown, spent a few days at the home of his mother, Mrs. Sarah Pike. George Tobias, who Is employed at Hlghspire, spent Sunday at home with his family. C. A. Crat zer. of Atlantic City. N. J., and Mr. and Mrs. H. Brook Spahr, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday at the home of their father. John Cratzer. Mr. and Mrs. Spahr have just recently returned from a trip to Europe. Charles Bair, of Washington, I>. C„ visited his aunt, Mrs. G. W. Westfall, on Sunday. Mrs. Har vey Boyer and daughter, Grace, of Mid dletown. are visiting Mrs. Boyer's pa rents. Mr. and Mrs. John — Miss Fannie Smith, of Akron, Pa., is visiting at the home of the Rev. D. M. Bicksler. —Miss Miriam Dunkel, of Steelton, is the guest of Miss Charlotte Heisler. this week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert I.utz and daughter, Frances, Miss Mary Brunner and Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Lentz, of Harrisburg. and .dr. and Mrs. Wil liam MeKee, of Philadelphia, spent the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tra B. Zimmerman. Mrs. Charles Knouk entertained her Sunday school ( lass, of the United Brethren Church, at her home, on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Stailey and little daughter, visited Mr. Stailey's mother, at Liverpool. • ATTENDING REUNIONS By Special Correspondence Millersburg. Pa., Aug. 22. H. M. Eairchilds has purchased a Jackson touring car.—The Rev. Earl Bowman, of Phillipshurg, is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bowman, this week.—Sumner S. Bowman and family of New York were the guests of Mr. Bowman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Bowman, this week.—F. G. Bowman and family are spending a 15-day vacation at Stoves, Mo., the guests of Mrs. Bowman's brother, Dr. Wiest. —Messrs. Russel Novinger, Al len Gilbert, Roy Williamson and Ro ger L. Franke took in the West Point excursion Tuesday.—Misses May and Angelia Bassler and Mary Miller, of Chicago, are the guests of Ross Miller. —Eugene Leffler, of Brooklin, is visit ing at his old home.—Stephen Jury spent part of his vacation at Atlantic City.—A valuable horse of J. I. Sny der broke one of his legs in the stable one night recently and had to be shot.—The Noll family held a reunion In Hunters Grove Wednesday. There were many present from the surround ing counties. —L. R., I. E. and A. H. Ulsh and families attended the Ulsh reunion at Rolling Green Park on Wednesday. MINDSTEH ENTERTAINS CLASS By Special Correspondence Dauphin, Pa., Aug. 22. —The Rev. E. P. Robinson entertained bis Sun day school class of the Presbyterian Church on Thursday at Bayard's grove. The boys drove out In the morning and had dinner and supper In the grove. The members of the class are William and Donald Shaf fer, Wllmer Bochner, Millard and Perdie Garman. Wellington Deibler, David Novlnskl. James Malehorn, Paul Gilday and Daniel Seabold. Mrs. Anna Vernhoft and son Cecil, of Texas, are the guests of Mrs. Edith S. i Eby. . Harrisburg Sunday School Class Camping on Juniata' By Special Correspondence Millcrumn, Pa., Aug. 22.—Miss Florence Ulsh, of St. Samuel, spent j several days with her aitnt, Miss Min-| nie Beaver this week.—Mr. and Mrs. I Harry House and Mr. and Mrs. Leland' Rounsley automobiled from Altoona! Monday and are being entertained at] the home of James Rounsley, Sr.— Messrs. Nelson Rounsley and Leroy Gurley of Altoona, are the guests of Mrs. Samuel Rounsley.—Miss Sara; Ilickabaugh has returned home after I spending several months with her sis-I ter, Mrs. T. P. Cochran at Pittsburgh. —D. L. Earner entertained for several days this week, Mr. and Mrs. William Brown and daughter, Claire, of Cham hersburg. Walter McCormick, of Harrisburg. was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Ward Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor and daughter, of Greensburg, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor.—Ben Wit man's Sunday school class of the Pine Street Presbyterian Church of Harrisburg. are camping at Echo Grove.—Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Parson, of Port Royal, visited William Kipp over Sunday.—Mrs. J. A. Ulsh and daugh ter. Miss Delia Ulsh, of Lykens, were entertained by D. M. Rickabaugh this week.—John Rrijnton, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with J. C. Kipp.—Mrs. Edith Snyder and daughter, Evallne, iof New York, are visiting Mr. and | Mrs. Orie Wagner.—G. D. Taylor en tertained at dinner Tuesday, Mr. and | Mrs. John Adams, of Mlilersburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fiokes, of New port.—Martin Noll anil family at tended the Noll reunion at Crow's Ferry on Wednesday.—Addison Ulsh 'and family attended the Ulsh reunion [at Rolling Green Park on Wednes day.—A reunion of the Martin family was held at Echo Grove above town on Thursday.—Messrs. Lloyd Dimm, of Springfield, Mass.; Ross Dimm and Ray Dimm, of Newark, N. J., are visiting their father, Lewis Dimm. — Mrs. Justus, of Altoona, and Mr. and Mrs. William Rowe, of Camden, N. J.. are spending some time at the Ward House.—Aubrey Patterson, of New York, spent Monday night with his aunt, Miss Lillie Patterson. Young Folks Guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Happle By Special Correspondence Waynesboro, Pa., Aug. 22. Dr. Walter S. Balmer, of New York city, spent a day with his father, the Rev. F. F. Balmer. D. D. Miss Mabel Needy entertained at a lawn party Tuesday evening in honor of Miss Elizabeth McKown. The lawn was beautifully decorated with Japanese lanterns. Delicious refreshments were served. —Roy Deleplaine, a teacher in the summer school at the University of Pennsylvania, is here visiting home people.—Dr. H. S. Neidenthall, of Bal timore, Is spending two weeks in the home of his parents, Professor and Mrs. H. A. Neidenthall, North Grant street. —Rabbi Charles J. Freund, of Harrisburg, who held services in the auditorium last Saturday morning at Pen-Mar, will hold services again Sat urday next at 11 a. m. The Rev. Mr. Freund will preach on "Our Twentieth Century Religion." Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Johnston, Pittsburgh, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wolfinger.—A very enjoyable party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1.. C. Happel last evening. Among those present were Misses Lucy Marks, Rello Oiler, Ruth Wolf. Edith Snow berger, Jessie Miller. Julia Snyder, Lula Snowberger. Elsie Happel, Marie Towler. Lottie Smith. Maude Mann, Ethel McLaughlin, Amy Snowberger, Mae Harbaugh, Clemenß Benchoff, Myrtle Currens, Margaret Bowman, Helen Heffner, Elizabeth Heffner, Annie Middour, Roda Midour, Kath erine White, Grace Hess, Annie Rice, Myra Bohn, Ruth Happle, Grace Hap ple, Mary Bonebrake, Mildred Bone brake, Mary Kauffman, Linnle Bone brake, Meda Shockey and Beulah Happle, Karl Murphy, Milo Bohn, Wilbur Bohn, Reid Lenherr, Paul Weagley, Engler Royer, Roy Smith, Earl Snader, Ralph Miller, Guy Sna der. Baker Wiles. Mr. Fox, Ernest Oiler, Roy Middour, Gilson Keagy, William Martin. Huber Bock, Edward Gingrich, George Keagy, Harry Hile, Arthur Geagy, Lester Hess, Paul Har baugh, Merle Brown, John Buhrman, Jesse Koontz, Herman Oiler, Snaveiy Mann, Quinten Baumgardner, Lloyd Hess, Arbie Stouffer, Mark Shuly, Maurice Hlpe and Edward Miller.— Mrs. Eugene Wheeler has returned home after a visit with Mrs. Emma Wheeler, of Harrisburg.—Ed. S. My ers. Horace Kepner, William Boone and R. W. C. Evans returned yester day from a three days' fishing trip along the Potomac. —Miss Mabel Ar nold. of Harrisburg. is visiting the Misses Benedict. —Miss Helen Wenzel, of Carlisle, has returned to her home after spending some time as the guest of Miss Esther Spahr.—The Rev. A. A. Kelly has gone to Gettysburg for a two weeks' visit with Mrs. Kelly's parents.—Miss Elizabeth Gordon left yesterday for Harrisburg. where she will visit Miss Ruth Deardorff.—W. L. Mlnnick and family have returned from a visit to Atlantic City and Phila delphia.—Gordon Vlnk, of the Lan dls Tool Company, was a business vis itor to Harrisburg yesterday. Miss Reeney, of Washington, D. C., is visit ing in the home of A. R. Warner. CIIICKEN CORN SOUP SUPPER By Special Correspondence Shephertlstown, Pa., Aug. 22.—Miss Margaret Rodes of Mt. Wolf, Is the guest of Miss Ruth Mower.—Miss Lizzie Banker and George Glnter of Lancaster visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Glnter.—Miss Myrtle Hoke, of Plaln ! field, is spending the week with her uncle, Joseph Felix.—The Mite Society of the United Brethren Church will serve a chicken corn soup supper Sat urday evening at the home of Prof. IG. A. Berkheimer« MOUNT JOY PEOPLE ME SAFE IN EUROPE Clr.rencc StoH Cables Pr.rents That ] Wife Was in Switzerland When War Lroke Out OLD TEACHER RETURNS HOME j Harrisburg Printer Visits Old Em-i ployer of Iwenty-five Years Ago Mount Joy. Pa., Aug. 22.—Clarence Stoll, of Mount Joy, who is located in Brussels. Belgium, cabled to his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Stoll. that he and his family are safe. Mrs. Stoll, who was Miss Carrie Bowman, daugh ter of Martin S. Bowman, of Mount Joy, was in Switzerland when the war broke out. but has gone to London. — Mr. and Mrs. John Stehman and daughter and Mrs. Anna Hikes, of Chicago, were guests of the family of j Dr. Winlield M. Thome on Monday. Mr. Stehman taught school in Mount Joy forty-two years ago and Is now I principal of the Avondale school in j Chicago. Mrs. Hikes, who is a sister lot' Mr. StShman, formerly lived near J Bainbridge and was a neighbor of I Mrs. Thome. Mr. and Mrs. Harry I Brooks announce the arrival of a (daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin i Hawthorne, of a son, and H. E. Sager the appearance of a son. —Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knouse, after spending a week with the family of J. R. Misse mer. returned to their home in Pax i tang last Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. Ed , ward Myers, of Harrisburg, called to see J. R. Missemer on Monday while on their way to Lancaster and New Holland in the interest of the his torical society. Twenty-five years ago Mr. Myers was a compositor for Mr. Missemer when he published the Steelton Advocate. Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Stoll. of Bethlehem, are spending a two weeks' vacation with Mr. and Mrs. John H. Stoll.—C. M. Wallace, of Media, spent a few days with Burgess George H. Brown.—Mrs. Philip S. Pyle, of Pittsburgh, is the guest of Mrs. Belle Harry. Miss Wynne Cassel, of Harrishurg, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William W. Cassel. Mrs. Sarah Belle McCrory Celebrates 88th Birthday By Special Correspondence (iroencastle. Pa., Aug. 22.—An nouncement has been made of the Re>-. Leslie K. Young, a former resi dent of this community, a son of Hi i ram Young, to Miss Effle Hellena Fox, of Friendsville, Md. The wedding took place in Keyser, W. Va., on Monday, and the ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Baughman, son of the Rev. George Baughman, a former resl ' dent of Shady Grove. The Rev. T. O. Keister, Pittsburgh, former pastor of : the local Lutheran Church, spent part . of the week with his former parish , ioners. The Lily of the Valley Sunday , School Class of the First United Breth . ren Church, will hold a Japanese lawn - fete this evening at the home of the i teacher Miss Esther Flinchbaugh, South Washington street.—Mrs. J. Funk, Jacksonville, Fla., entertained a number of her friends at a masquer ade party recently at the home of her father, L. H. Fletcher.—Miss Marv i j Patton has returned from Columbia University.—Mrs. E. M. McLaughlin and the Misses McLaughlin entertain ed at a large reception in honor of Mrs. Perry McLaughlin, of Newville. — Miss Martha Fletcher was a Harris burg visitor to Greencastle this week. —Mrs. Sarah Belle McCrory, one of Greencastle's best known residents,, 'I celebrated her 88th birthday yesterday Mrs. McCrory is still very active, and ; has the appearance of a woman manv years her junior.—Miss Mary Nill has ; returned from Port Jefferson. L. 1., where she spent the Summer studying art.—Miss Bess Henneberger enter tained at dinner at her country home Tuesday in honor of her guest, Miss : Edna Gelbaugh, of Lewistown.—Miss ; Katharine Omwake has returned from i a visit with her brother in CollegevillS. —Miss Elizabeth Eby has returned to ' Enfield, N. C., after a visit with her sister.—Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hackett | have returned to Harrisburg, after a week's sojourn in Greencastle. Aire Yqe3 Sasvfefeg Auto-lntoxiceta I is ffs '' '" 1 l| '" ''W' ll ® "poisoning, or the state of being poisoned, from toxic, rubstances produced within the body." This is a condition due to the stomach, bowels, kidneys, liver, or pores of the body failing to throw off imc pci'ons. Moi. than 50% of adults are suffering from this trouble. This is probably why you are suffering from nervousness, headaches, loss of appeii'c, lack of ambition, and many other • symptoms produced by Auto-Intoxication. Y our whole system needs stirring up. DR. PIERCE"® mL&EN MEDICAL DISC&WERr (In Tablet or Ugirftf Form) will remedy the trouble. It first aids the system to i'ssa assFSßs expel accumulated poisons. It acts as a tonic and finally ycu'ihovlS enables the body to eliminate its own poi?r>ns without be without ft whenT^wiij any outside aid. Obey Nature's warnings. Your dealer wwS- In medicines will supply you, or you rr.r.y send s)c t~r r f mplo plng»nrt moillrn—81OT«- package oi tablets by mall. Address Dr.V.M.Plcrcc, Eu":'.c,J'.Y. §5Jj£ u fißaio? n!t. 7W1?57 Sister: Read My Free Offer! ®l am a woman. I know a woman'* trial*. If you, my sister, are unhappy because of (11-nealth. if you feel unht for household duties, social pleasures, or daily employment, write and tell me just how you suffer, and ask for my freo ton day*' trial of a home treatment suited to your needs. Men cannot understand women's sufferings. What we women know from experience, we know better than any man. I want to tell you how to cure yourself at home at a cost of about 12 cents a week. If you suffer from women's peculiar ailments caus ing pain in the bead, back, or bowels* feeling of weight and dragging down sensation, falling or displacement of pehric'organs, causing kidney and bladder weakness or constipation and piles, painful or irregular periods, catarrhal cohditions and discharges, extreme nervous- Bess, depressed spirits, melancholy, desire to cry, fear of something aril about to happen, creeping feeling along tbe spine, palpitation, hot flashes, weariness, sallow com* plexion witb dark circles under the eyes,pain in tbe left breast or a general feeliag that life is not worth living, I INVITE YOU TO SEND TODAY FOR MY FREE TEN DAYS' TREATMENT and learn how these ailments can be easily and aurely conquered at home without the dangers and expense of an operation. When you are cured, and able to enjoy life again, you can pasa the good word alongr to some other sufferer. My home treatment is for young or old. To Mother* of Daugb. tera.l will explain how to overcome green sickness (chlorosis), irregularities, headaches, and lassi tude In young women and restore them to plumpness and health. Tell me If you are worried about your daughter. Remember it ce*t* yon Bathing to give my home treatment a ten days' trial, and does not interfere with daily work. If health ia worth aaking for. then accept my generous offer and write lor the free treatment, including my illustrated booklet. Women'* Own Medieal Adriter I will send all In plain wrappers postpaid. To save time, you can cut out this offer, mark your feel ings. and return to me. Send today, as you may not see this offer again. Address, MRS. M. SUMMERS. ..... Box H, SOUTH BEND, IND. EPHRATi Mil WILL BE BIG EVENT Music by Two Bands and Or chestra Feature of Three Days' Entertainment BOOTHS FOR SALE OF ARTICLES Exhibit of Farm Products on Large Scale Will Be Made at Park By Special Correspondence Kpliratn. Pa., Aug. 22.—The carni val which will lip hold in Ephrata Park fin Thursday and Friday evenings and Saturday afternoon and evening, Au gust 27, 28 and 2!), promises to he a hig event. A twenty-piece orchestra under the direction of Professor Clar ence W. Cox, of Kphrata,, a member of the faculty of the Combs Conserva tory of Music, Philadelphia, has been engaged to furnish the music for the opening evening: the Citizens' Band, of Kphrata, has been engaged for Fri day evening and the Mt. Airy Rand for Saturday afternoon and evening. A number of booths will he erected in the park from which fancy work, can dies, ice cream and many other articles will be disposed of. An ex hibit of farm products will be a fea ture, and many other attractive fea tures will furnish entertainment.— The Wenger family reunion was held on Wednesday afternoon in the Eph rata Park with about 150 people in attendance, from Heading, Lancaster, Ephrata, Bird-in-Hand, Smoketown, Beidenbachs, Mohnton, Kutztown, Oak brook and other places. John HJ Wenger, of Weaverland, who is bllndj delivered an Interesting address, inij which ho told of the Wengers who came across the Atlantic almost two hundred years ago, An organization was effected by the election of the following oiticers: President, John H. Wenger, of Lancaster; secretary, Miss Florence Steffy, of Kutztown; treas urer, Samuel Wenger, of Reading.— The thirty-first annual convention of the Lancaster county W. C. T. U. will be held in the First United Brethren Church, Ephrata. on Wednesday and Thursday, August 2K and 27.—Miss E. Gertrude Klinger is home from a six weeks' visit to Philadelphia, Wash ington, Atlantic City, South Amboy, Asbury Park and New York city.— John Wise attended the grand lodge otf the Knights of Pythias at Rradford, Pa., as the delegate from Cocatino Castle. Mount Union Evangelical Campaign Well Started Mount Union, Pa., AUK. 22. —Miss Angellne Parehey has returned home after spending: two weeks at Altoona. —Charles McKelvey is spending some tima with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McKelvey.—Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Faust, of New York city, are guests of R. J. Faust. —Mrs. O. I. Mar tin, with her three small daughters, of Boston, are guests in the home of Jack Witherall. —-.Miss Mary Norris left a few days ago for a two weeks' stay at New York.—The evangelistic campaign has been started in real earnest. Wednesday evening the Evan gelical churches held a union prayer meeting in the I.uthcran Church and much enthusiasm was shown. The Rev. Mr. Johnson and his party will arrive next. week. The meetings will start August 28. No regular church services will be held during the cam paign. The Mount Union concert band will give a concert on the New ton Hamilton camp ground Saturday evening, August 22, also Sunday, Au gust 23.—Master Paul Gross has been visiting his aunt, Mrs. John Miller, at Altoona.—Miss Helen Houser, of Al toona, is spending the week Tyith her cousin, Miss Angoline Parehey.—Paul Rice, accompanied by his son Harry, is at Philadelphia,—Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hiney, of Altoona, are spending the week at Peer's Hotel.—The new build ing of the Stahler Machine Company's foundry and machine shops is nearing completion and it is thought they will be ready for business by September 1. —Miss Genevieve Shaver, of Newton Hamilton, was a Mount Union visitor Wednesday. 5