Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 18, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    W-W-IF.W » VW V V * V + 9 +<m> w w wm w w <9 w w m
: About 30 Spring Coats-New Models
: For Misses & Women, $2.98 & $1.98 JSjOtVJ)iCMZ>C '■
5 " t """ UI " i ' 8 POPUI - AB DgPA " T " eWT 3TO " g - . Materials are all wool fabrics in brown ratine, tango ratine, checks, stripes and w * RR '»' IUWO » POPULAB PEPABTMENT BTOHE. <
mixtures. Coats that were formerly SIO.OO to $12.50. August Clearance prices, VVTI • <
;! Clean-Up Sale of Millinery can he worn up to real cold weather ' White Dresses
►' Untrimmed Hats in all colors; values $1.49 to Although prices are soaring on many lines of merchandise because of the Euro- _ __ . <
J $3.95. Clearance price 100 Pean War—we offer great values and great savings in our GENERAL gt JUSt Half li IC6 "
! price^!-!" 1 . I "^.!^^. 5 .'. a '. u . e . s . $7 '. 95 '. . c *!! r so c | August Clearance of All Women's Garments All the Season's New \ ' j
I Panamas, regular $4.95 value. Clearance price. All suits, skirts, waists, wraps, coats and all apparel for women marked down for Styles—Dresses For Every ~ - "!'.<> .1 1 <
•p •JW final clearance. Read Every Item and come to-morrow to share in this great value- ly^vH)
► Second FIoor—BOWMANS. giving event. WCCaSIOn. "
; A Carefnl Search Through Our Stocks Evening Dresses and Capes Dresses, $2.50 H~|F :
► Discovered the Following Articles to Be Yere $22.50 and $25.00. Wednesday Special ..$2.98 | ■' i
1 n rt «A/1 f\t*4- THEY WILL BE SOLD AS One Red Chiffon Dress—formerly $20.00. Wed- <t |() PWqw 00 i B '
y V/10S6CI UUt. WEDNESDAY SPECIALS nesday Special $4.98 I U LyiCSSeS, J. JU \\ VP* <
One Broadcloth Evening Cape—formerly $15.00. 1 r r\ t*t\ \\
\ TWO LONG CREAM SERGE COATS—Splendidly tailored _ Wednesday Special $1.98 $I J DreSSeS, $7.50 \\ I '
< and lined with Skinner peau de cygne. They were formerly tfO One Iridescent.Satin Evening Wrap—formerly Yv\
►' $25.00. Wednesday special $45.00. Wednesday Special $5.9& <fc?o
COATS—One all white; the other with collar and cuffs of contrast- JY /, \ UII6 xi 1111(1X60. ollK 3.11(1 Clld.rill6U.Se _ y"~i A <
;ins: colors. They were formerly $15.00. Wednesday <)g /J /A Evening DreSSeS, $5.98 .„ ° 'flK"™ j" That AO ,
' s P«' al " * (/U* j \ Solendidlv made brand new ire in Were $25.00, Wednesday Special «P *• fO •
5 , °N £ CREAM BASKET CLOTH GOAT—Lined with Copen- NfT/ \ cta K»SSto^toeve™ ciarmin g stylesTn Two Imported Lace Coats That frO AO |
, lagen peau e c}gnc,\e ve co ar an< ru s, sig i \ tCx / \ taffeta, crepe de chine, silk poplin, charmeuse and can- 1U r tfic nn Wo#ln««#law wZcllo
, soiled; $28.50 value Wednesday special |y/ \ ton silk . Former prices were $15.00, $17.50. $20.00 and Were Wednesday Special V
►' ONE CREAM DIAGONAL COAT—Long, plain Qfi If,/ \ $25.00. Wednesday special $5.98 Almost five hundred house dresses that i
j tailored, pure wool; $15.00 value. Wednesday special f | /// \ ! nn l 1 cn \ir l l
, ONE PURE WOOL COVERT BALMACAAN— no I /// \ were I .UU and 1.3U, Wednesday OQ
► -■„• 1/Clearance of Waists For .. • • •• • OUL
► EIGHT SI IEI HERD CHECK SKIRI S—Basket weave, pure [I J■ — i l en dozen Lawn Dressing Sacques that were 39c. <
j ► wool; early Spring models; were $6.00, $7.50 and $lO. QQ WaHti aXT QriPrifll Qolliricr Wednesday special 25<? ,
j ► Wednesday special .. t «pi.HO i ¥Y CUllCoUd J Opctldl This remarkable sale of Wash Dresses and Dress- <
I ► TWELVE BROCADE SILK PETTICOATS Lavender l|||i||k Pure Linen Waists—with low collars; were $1.50 ing Sacques at, in some instances, only cost of material *
*■ American Beauty; Copenhagen, tango and black; regular £Q/. and $2.00. Wednesday special 49c will bring early buyers. 1\
►, $1.50 value. \\ ednesdaj' special DSFC Scotch Wash Flannel Tailored Waists—neat H.COND "O"R BOW MAX S
y ' stripes; were made to sell at $1.50 and $2.00. Wednes- A 4
K /n. T 4. 4-u c • c 'a. davs i ,ecial RAINCOATS ;
; rile Last 01 tne Spring Suits $1 Waists, Wednesday Special, S9c tan on^ n, ived V L!;l^teciar.~ al '.'""'itoo '
Materials are crepes, voiles and lingerie; colors * second FIoor— BOWMAN'S
X A f - _l! /T\l 1 are pink, white, light blue and with dainty floral print- ____ - ~ ' r:
► JUSt 25 0l Them ft ing and an sizes. NEW FLOOR COVERINGS '
yh ~ $1 Middy Blouses, Wednes- CholCe ° f lar 8 e vanet y of designs;
WBttm D ffl /T\ da y s P ecial ' 39c good wearln s qualities ,
- <
► IU «pjJ*UU v m • '-W £ R • se l s —small allover patterns, large medallions , and two-tone i
► ■■ /\ $2.50 to $3.50 Lingerie greens. J
► Yflllt* riinirp -~r Waists, Wednesday Spe- Size 8.3! clo f .6'ff, I sn%B.
our viiwivv " c Size 6x9 ft-> A
► v" Low necks, short sleeves. Window Shades . *
v h • A J j ii °paque, cloth mounted on Hartshorn rollers, size 3b <
► f . . good assortment and all inches wide and 6 ft. long; dark green only. Complete with a
► a l ! sizes, but not all sizes of each fixtures and nails. Special ." [J?? <
► All the season s best styles. The skirts alone J W—Y style Some are slightly vestibule Mats
. _ J l JS. _ soiled Alade from the finest cocoa fiber, with red and black wool
► would be bargains at $5. Plenty or time yet to £rf*j ~ borders, #l..">(). C)tlier sizes and fancy colors up to ..
► wear them. None sent on approval. None C. O. D.
A ■** /v«. _ 1 T5 - I ze -7*54 inches. Floral and Oriental designs; an end- 4
►\[ Fvrhanoprl AllgUSt Ol less variety to select from. Special sl.i>B
y IN one HXCnangea. second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. j l-omtli Hour- BOWMAN S.
I CLOTH SUITS || Bowman Furniture j
y $3.98 Suits are now <tO rjri A
: Shorb Shoe Co. Sale of Shoes —— $3:"" ;
, y WVMV wA WUvvW $7.50 Suits are now QU t ' le urn iture offered is the best and that price reductions are
_ . _ , _ _ real. Special items for Wednesday. 4
[ Extraordinary Savings. Read Every Item ? 8 - 50 S « its are now $6.25 SIBOO Bedroom p' eces $11.95 '
► Women's oxfords, pumps, low shoes and M,en's and boys' low shoes at unheard of SIO.OO Suits are now $6.95 Dressers, Princess Dresser, and Chiffonier.
► high shoes. Shorb Shoe Company prices prices. Shorb Shoe Company prices *7Q C Wash Suits in Oliver Twist and Russian Sailor styles all s2ao ° Continuous Post Brass Hed $12.95 <(
► $2.50 to $3.50. . 7Q C $2.50 to $3.50. Bowman's price greatly reduced. ' $9.00 Layer Felt Mattress <£C/IC
Bowman S price , A . ~. . , ._ , . . Third FIoor— BOWMAN'S. u)o.^ro
, Women's line shoes, oxfords and slippers: thc wor|d S h o rl, Shoe" Company prices * ,o ° Woven Wire Ued S P rin « $2.95 '
► irKS; Shorb Shoe Company $1.98 Exquisitely Fashioned White $32.00 <
colt and gun 'Zs
► metal oxfords and Colonials. Shorb Shoe Company prices $2.00 to $3.00. QO _ A midsummer event of extraordinary value importance to $28.i.00 Sheraton Mahogany Dining Suite—lo <£22B 00 <
► Company prices $3.50 to $5.00. d»l A(\ Bowman's price SJOC every wom an in quest of dainty underwear. pieces
Bowman's price Men's tan and black double soles Strewsburg One of the makers o( fine undergarments from whom we buy ■"»» "I-"--BOWMAN-».
Women's house slippers and tan call pumps grain bluchers; a very durable shoe (or hard f, lars f l >r "l'" rtlon ! Ins samples when C7TPTQ
I and black low shoes. Shorb Shoe Company wear. Short. Shoe Company prices <CI 7Q the salesmen were finished wttb them 1 hey came last week- OJULKIO
: P r ' ces $2.00 to $3.00. 49c $2.50 and $3.00. BowJnVprice .. $ 1 .79 over
► " OWNIAN S price THIRD PI„OR BOWMAN'S. $2.50. More than half of them would sell at $1.50 to $2.50. Linen Skirts. Wednesday Special and
► _ mr f _ 1 " "" They will all be sold at one price One hundred plain tailored all-wool skirts that
! ► Our Mail Order Dept. Offers Advantages to Out-of-town Customers None on approv £'JTfL?' Sw2an-s were $5.00, $6.00 and $7.50. Wednesday Special, .$1.98 '
* O aeconn r inor— WIVVMANS. Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. 1
Comedy Is the Keynote of the
Week; Rose Royal Makes
a Big Hit
The bard somewhere has a line
about winter lingering in the lap of
Spring, and It is up to someone to
say something about summer toying
with Old Boreas' whiskers. This
happened last night at the Orphemn,
whore vaudeville reopened with mid
winter enthusiasm, while three or four
fireflies flitting about between gallery
and balcony were reminders that sum
mer still remained.
It was a splendid array of talent
that graced the premier and from the
time Professor Yeager sprung his
graceful composition, the "Orpheum,"
to the fall of the curtain on Rose I
I Royal's trained doves, tfeere was I
scarcely a dull minute in the program. !
(Honors were divided between Miss!
j Loyal, Fred Ardath & Co. and Signor |
1-Ibonitl and his xylophone. The t
I show opened with a clever acrobatic I
pantomime by Fern, Blgelow and I
.Mehan. Liboniti followed on the!
xylophone and responded to three I
! encores. Harry Holman & Co.'s
sketch, "The Merchant Prince," gets
away well, but breaks at the half
mile post. It needs considerable
' more pep to make it a winner. Helen
Vincent, a living tooth-powder adver
tisement, and her partner, Edward
| Miller, filled the gap until the appear
jance of Ardath's "Hiram on the
i Farm," which is a mirth-provoker
; from start to finish. There may be
i.iust a little too much horseplay about
three-quarters way around, but taken
!as a whole the piece could hardly be
j improved, and, of course, Ardath as
I Hiram Green, the chore boy, is In a
I class by himself. His company of six
iare all graceful and finished perform
jers, and the vehicle they use Is clever
both in action and in setting.
Of course, there is nothing new, since
jthe "Old Homstead" and "Way Down
I East" In farm scenes on the stage,
but Ardath has given things a new 1
turn by introducing a couple of
stranded ssoubrettcs and a village con
stable, „ who help to make things
lively. The piece gets away well and
i linlshcs strong. Harry Cooper fol
| lows in a Hebrew character sketch,
"The Jewish Mail Carrier," which is
; unsurpassed for clean, straight coni-
I edy entirely away from the slapstick
variety. Harry has a nice little voice,
too, and his partner helps out the
act by some clever work.
One of the prettiest settings of the
evening is usd for Miss Loyal's num
ber. The curtain discovers her re
clining in a swing. She is discovered
by Periotte and descends to move
about the stage with a consummate
grace. Besides being extremely beau
tiful, Miss Loyal is a clever wire
walker. But she has had discretion
enough to eliminate much of the old
time wire-walking stunts, and instead
introduces some clever juggling and
also a flock of trained pigeons and a
trained dog that add to the novelty
and make the number a star one.
It was a Joyous army of vaudeville
[overs who welcomed the Orpheum'B
eighth season yesterday. And while I
the afternoon program was marred to {
the extent that the headliner suffered |
the embarrassment of having: Its bag- i
gage delayed and therefore was un-1
able to appear, the remainder of the;
bill pleased immensely and none but I
pleasing remarks could be heard on I
every hand. In fact the attractions
supporting the headliner combined to!
form a regulation vaudeville bill and j
It didn't seem to be missed much.'
[However, Manager Hopkins said thej
baggage would be here In time fori
last evening's performance and he I
thought the presence of this comedy j
gem would undoubtedly strengthen j
the offering considerably. This fea
ture attraction is a comedy vehicle
called "Hiram on the Farm," disport
ing Fred Ardath & Co. A full stage
scenic equipment is carried by the
production, depicting a realistic rural I
scene, and It was this part of the
production that failed to arrive Ui
Harrlsburg yesterday in time for a
matinee showing. Fred Ardath Is a
comedian of musical comedy fame
and he is said to have excellent sup
port in presenting one of the most |
laughable "rube" playlets vaudeville
has seen. Music is well represented
lln the bill and beauty—probably the!
most popular of all —occupies as!
prominent a position as any. Pretty
Helen Vincent is one of 'em. She
sings and dances and acts out real
cute with a neat and natty partner
in one of those pleasing vocal skits.
There's another pretty girl with Harry
Holman & Co., a mighty clever little
company In a good comedy playlet.
Variety and merit run rampant
throughout the bill and that It will
start the season right is a foregone
If the entertainment provided at
the Colonial these adys sin't varied, It
isn't anything. For instance, there is
"David Copperfleld," the story that is
dear to every admirer of Charles
Dickens' works, presented In a mov
ing picture feature In seven reels that
Is artistically staged, cleverly enacted
and realistically produced. This fea
ture appears at the Busy Corner for
the first half of the week and Is worth
several times the prices In vogue
there. "The Fountain Nymphs" In a
splendid aquatic production, a fine
musical feature, and a comedy duo
irundo out the roster.—Advertisement.
I The vaudeville bill at the Paxtang
Park theater this week Is certainly
AUGUST 18, 1914.
made up of the sort of show material
that pleases the park patrons. Every
act was the recipient of much hearty
applause from an enthusiastic audi
ence. Fredo and Primrose, who head
the hill In an offering composed of bits
of mtisical comedy and character
studies of familiar types are artists
of ability who present an altogether
pleasing- entertainment. The Three
Keloes, a team of comedy arobats suc
ceeded in putting the audience in a
decidedly humorous mood with their
grotesque antics and rough and tum
ble comedy. This act was the big
laugh producer of the hill. Ed Win
chester told humorous stories and sang
parodies on the popular song hits of
the day in a wholly delightful manner.
Annitta and her jesting juggler, Wil
lish, presented a remarkably good
comedy juggling stunt while Fields
and Brown were well received in a
singing, dancing and talking act.
Sousa and his band will occupy the
park theater for to-day. The vaude
ville show will be the attraction for
the balance of the week.—Advertise
A four part Apex Film Company
production is the big attraction at the
Victoria for to-day. In this film "The
Devil's Eye," there is featured D<-
testlve Hayes. The film it Is promised
is full of genuine thrills and unusual
spectacular feats. The remainder of
the program comprises "A Coat's Tale,"
a Keystone comedy, "The Gunmen,"
a Western drama made by the Reli
ance. To-morrow Helen Hesperia
will be featured in a three part drama,
"Her 1-asJ Hope."—Advertisement.
Good music is not always available,
see and hear the New Edison Dia
mond Disc. It will make it so. J. H.
Troup Music House, 15 South Market
Business I.ocals
That's what a man !s looking for
when he is in need of a pair of shoes.
The M. A. Packard shoes for men at
$3.50 and $4.00 are known for their
pefect It and splendid wearing quali
ties. There !« none- better to be had
at the price than the Packard, and
none neater in style. Delchler. Thir
teenth and Market streets.