Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 03, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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Additional Buyers' Sale News on Page 5
Buyer of Silks Buyer of Millinery Buyer of Buyer of
5$ fln 11 Notions and Jewelry Laces and Neckwear I
K, \ Buyer-of Gloves V " m _*?_— l i " —— m of Linens
>, p d There is always one sales, event in the life of every store that stands out with greater prominence than any other. But that occasion ■ .
I I | mus t be one in which every department head is anxious to put on trial all of the mental and physical equipment which he possesses. £
® IMT me I The August Buyers' Sale is the one event in this store's life that carries a message of rare importance. It marks the winding up of M w "
0 I pF*" <flSl ie Summer season, and the complete disposal of all Summer merchandise. Consequently, several hundred thousand dollars' worth of J 8,
u I Pte m I g°°ds will be sold at a mere fraction of former prices. I|%- 1 to
* I ><■ sif' v»l Relieve each one of our buyers will have your unqualified endorsement in the good things they will offer, beginning to- Hfp Jk °
W ' ~ I morrow, in their Annual August Buyers' Sale. V *
[ Can You Be on Hand Early To-morrow for Summer's Lowest Price on Cotton Waists
These Exceptional White Goods Savings? Brings These SI.OO to $1.50 Kinds Down to 25c I
When these fresh, good-looking white dress things came into the store it seemed There are many styles to choose from, and while the quantity is of good size it will
almost incredible that they could he sold for so little, but the white goods man explained be profitable to make early selection. The sale embraces SI.OO to $1.50 cotton blouses of
that they were the last of this or that mills' stock, so they came to him at "last lot" colored and white crepe and voile, with three-quarter or full length sleeves. The little
's H prices. ness of the price makes necessary the restriction of one to a customer and no exchanges. 1
§ So unusual a list of attractions demands an early visit to-morrow. Choose to-morrow at the opening of the August f~% p*
10c lawn, checks; 27 Indies wide, in four (rood I 1214'' India I.inon; 30 Inches wide, made of line I>tiyers Sale
m /J| 1 \ designs. Buyers' Sale price, yard 5c combed yarns. Buyers' sale price, yard 9c O'll 1/" " ITi X <• t-\ • *-* ! *<3
g B \ 10c dolled Swiss. 24 inches wide; s:ood assort- 25c cliet'k Llnaire; 32 inches wide. Buyers' Sale I K IvllTlOnOS Ivl ftSßfl 11 fl 11 r* N wßr Pj
a *m\ nient of designs. Buyers' Sale price, yard 5c price, yard lviuiuuuj aiIU
U - 11 10c Knglisli nainsook, 36 inches wide. Buyers' j 25c brocade pique in floral designs, suitable for The kimonos are of crepe de chine and pussy INFANTS" WK\Il |i H n 2,
*S I W%m 111 U * nle prtw. yard 7c bureau covers, carriage robes, etc. Buyers' Sale willow, in white, pink, light blue rose anrieot and ... mm m I
»* M. «■£'. fSm 1 12 check and plain white lawns; 28 inches price, yard. 15c w« now. ui wiim, pi ngm nine, row apt not and Counter soiled long flannel skirts: i HfeX. jM II O
« » u wide. Buyers' Sale price, yard 10c 39c brocade crepe, rep and pique, in floral and lavender. Ine usual price is SO.OO. In the August $1.50 to $2.50 kinds, reduced to. 95c \ wPfflr 11 o
>-, ~ JE@X J 12 %c line twisted yarn voile, for dresses, waists moire designs. Buyers' Sale price, yard 19e Buyers' Sale at $5.00 $2.95 to $4.98 kinds, reduced to $1.95 \
3 \vk ~ J and also curtains; 28 inches wlrle. Buyers' Sale 17c j>lisse crepe; needs no ironing. Buyers' Sale Infants' 50c nainsook gowns with hemstitched \ ? '/ 2.
price, yard 8e price. yard 12'/4c Messalinc and Jersey top petticoats with tailored ruffle. In the Buyers' Sale price 25e \ "" y f
' 19c line grade Persian lawn; 32 inches wide. 25c chilfou voile, for dresses and blouses. Buy- or pleated flounce; In emerald, purple, brown, Infants' 50c lawn caps, reduced to 25c
Buyers' Sale price, yard 9c ers" Sale price, yard 12 4e taimc and other good shades Reirularlv sol.l >» Infants' $1.50 to $2.50 lawn caps, reduced to 95c
15c to I7c fancy white goods. Including lawns in 39c imported crepe voile; -14 inches wide. Buy- ... ' . ... „ .' ' Children s SI.M white madras rompers, with
many difTerent stripe and check designs. Buyers* ers' Sale price, yard 25c »•>.»« ana in ine August Buyers Sale at colored braid trimming. Buyers Sale price . . ,50c
Sale price, yard 12'/£c Dives. Pomcroy & Stewart—Street P'loor. $2.95 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor.
for Men's 25c Half Hose Of Special Interest to Men! Men's and Women's Underwear
I * In the August Buyers' Sale 1,000 "Eagle Shirts," the Best Brand Made, at Lowered Prices
1 II price"'? soamless t,otton ha,f hosc: nssor,C(l ~olops - n,1 > p rs- sale a t Less Than the Usual Wholesale Cost \ p, " raxvcrM . : . ". s ?" rto<l q " a "";u ( : . 81l c
I Men's i((c cotton half liosc; seam less i/lack and colors'. Buyers' . >T . ~., ■ . . f „„, . ' „ cf tI ,„ H,,,p,s nml 'hawers; shirts short sleeves. H" «
V I Sale price. 7c; I for 25c Laglc shirts are known from coast to coast for the hmjcw sale prlw, each 2 „,. | i
1 Men's 25c silk lisle hair hose; black and colors. Buyers' Sale price, quality they boost. We do not believe they arc equaled for M - 00u " ,lrtl, w " ,, l>le shirts and drawers. ~ Iflf S.
s t *— -I- linr -nlf >mni infill ImiinrirlUM their quality of materials and exclusiveness of patterns, so ,viiiic aihWle u^oi,wills; ail {Ke,. C
0 I IkJ " is Wi,h kCe " that WC a "" ou " ce « his extraordinary Men-..., „„i„„ S 9E| ■ J |
. I I sale price, 35c; 3 for st.oo occasion. 1 ••••• «9c BP M
I l . cotton liair lios«>; black and tan with white feet; large \ luckv moment recently brought 1.000 shirts to us— each \ .°. "'T" " M " 1 " 1 r,s MIM ' "«wers. Buyers Sale price,
« I"™ J The Best Grades 'of Women's Hosiery Reduced "" C, ° thS W ° VC " Hght " Women's Underwear Close' to Half ° L |
tai^'whlte 8 ani'l 'emerald: sMg'hi I ?£* We'll not characterize this sale as "a chance of life- 1
lin perfect ions. Buyers' Sale Women's 10c and 12!ic liosc. time," bllt WC believe you 11 have the thought ill milld to- Buyers' Sale price 6c
I •«»""» WHO. yon come to tlie Men's Wear Store. ...ST*",'" """" M
I »•« a** • "* «ME»«ieSkirt., . su» "^LSr&'^SSr^SSi
1 ts,-■■ii-iv*,- uas !?L Sh^Vnn 9 F ioi'i' «sr^ i6 s^r l .r ! vr«scssttsr'sii
u I|4 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Street Floor. $4.00 anc. $5.00 Ea.gle Silk SHirtS, $2.95 ' ' titling knee.. Buyers' Sale
1 Actual $1.98 Values at $1.25 Down in Pnce ft I
'o B TWl' * Ml One of the prettiest models we have shown during the summer. nuyers'snie Au »"«t Bujers sale will be $ 250 o
I mM I M , | • • . .... 1 J J 1 Cf, Prlee .. At «he <'ors«-t counter on the street floor there will be a sale of «i n i» jb. ■■V* IHI h
IPP" HI Made with long tunic and finished with buttons, lhree hundred and fifty 7 - c j ia j r j jrus i, cs j s. corsets at 1 "• 5W A- Jfc'tf o
m W/ of them go in the Buyers' Sale at Carylopsis and Carna- AI V t \T • c , "95c g <
! y SIO.OO Figured Silk Dresses, $2.98 tion talcum j A LylttlO IN OtlOfl l" 1 lUrry I 5
In tanco, and grppn. finished with taffeta hands; the neck and pound call ,V. 00< ' nnality dress shields, 3 prs., 25c 5c dress fasteners black and ul<lt>w
sleeves are trimmed with lace. Reduced In the August Buyers' Sale to 52.98 Baby talcum powder .. . lid iii ya ,' H w '"" p , 'i|M» 7c card ..'
$12.50 taffeta and messaline silk dresses; in preen, brown, Copenhagen and o " 0,,, ;j , 1„ sanitary aprons 10c 4-4 rubber sheeting vard
navy. Buyers' Sale price $5.00 « ozs. 1 eroxide N? 19c stork drawers 12 Sl.oo plush bags K ' '
$4.95 Black and White Stripe Dresses, $2.95 face Wio^.l9? » ~ ~ -™ | .
Awninp stripe voile dresses with white organdy collor and cuffs and black latin - . . «»r„
Kirdle; regularly $4.95. Buyers' Sale price 52.95 -'"C I' 3" tonics ....... iGttlj I—'1 —' t • 1 .
$H.5n black and white awning stripe dresses; embroidery collar and cuffs and 50c pke;. freckle cream, I nrtnnrninprv Rorrfoirtr.
silk girdle; long tunic style.. Buyers' Sale price Sl.oo Quart bottles Ammbnia Of I 111 CC UlUGry DargaillS
1 Bathin « Suta, $4.50 to $5.50 50c Palm Olive cream, JM, ...... »M.
-t; \W 1 Navy and Klack mohair bathing suits with Roman stripe and solid color silk 25c tooth powder .... lO? Price, yard 5c wide; values to 8300- buvci^'J.b. ■'.. i .
2 ■h'mm trimming 54.50 and 54.95 D ~ »' s street Ploor Cambric corset cover embroidery, 17 yard ' ' 1 „«• I td
c Black silk batliinß suits with colorod silk trimming ... Inches w ide; values to 25c; buyers l sale Dlvea, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor
% 1 Summer's Best Colored Dress Cottons Many Advantages to Linen Buyers f ~
I|T 1 Are Down to the Year's Lowest Price Mark And to Persons Who Use Turkish Towels Ilk- ji |
W ' ' 25c Colored \ oileS, 11c Silk Organdies,
The buyers of colored Dress Weaves returned from the Eastern mill agents last Sale price, yard ' H
week with what lie considers the best values he has been able to pick up this year. "For 69c Crochet Bed Spreads, slight mill imperfections bring the price in the Buyers' Sale
instance," he said, "take these 39c silk organdies which go into the sale at 12]/ 2^ —an ex- down to " ' in*
traordinary price when you consider that the actual cost at the mill was formerly 32c a 25c Rleached Cotton Table Damask; 58 inches wide; in good size remnant length
• I yard." Quite a saving awaits you to-morrow. Buyers' Sale price, yard ....! j
#«4c challls, for comfort coverings. Buyers' 15c to 25c crepes: solid shades and neat figures. 29c bleached cotton damask; 58 inches wide. TURKISH BATH TflWiric
Sale price, yard Ic Buyers' Sale price 10c Buyers Sale price, yard I9c 17c and 19c Individual Turkish bath »„„„i
39c Silk Organdies; one-half silk, in white 15,. Pinkie seersucker In neat colored Pekin 35c bleached mercerized damask; 58 Inches white, solid colors and colors! borders- slight
ji grounds with colored floral designs. \ cry special stripes; docs not require Ironing. Buyers Sale wide. Buyers' Sale price 25c hn perfect ions. In the August BuversKaln „1,,
✓fS. '" !ic*voUc Irt whi^e*OTtiunds with a wlored snlalh ~rkr' vartl A ,0c 50c mercerl/ed damask; 64 inches wide. Buy- , IT
"""J! cr "' »•<""* «• 11 rl!.'' . W ™ < " r " .we* B,„„V s,„. g
H WW***- V Hi 12 V-,c voile In woven colored stripes on white woven figures. Buyers' Sale price, yard 25c 75c all-linen bleached table dnmask; 70 Inches 25c fancv check"hnth <n»^'iL"' • ,5 ° ll HI
« ?Mm I grounds. Buyers' Sale price H'4«' '- s «' white ground voile, 30 inches wide. Buy- wide. Buyers Sale price (15c quality; slight mill V» ra wlzo nn<l I RHrI 1 O
I WSKF II 39c Bice cloth in u Idle and tinted groumls and ers' Sale price He 51.00 all-linen heavy quality duniask Tor general price .. ctions. "uyers Sale n I
I "SBKi neat floral designs; 38 Inches wide. Buyers' Sale 15c Wonderland cloth. In check, stripe and solid use. Buyers Sale price 79c 25c and 29c iieavv T..ri/i c i. i.;.'.' .' ,7 ° II 1 lQjggSil JBfcM II <<
fa \ // price 15c color weaves, for children's wear. Buyers' Sale Hl't'K TOWKI.S RI'DtTET) and colcred borders'- sll»llt 1.. i' ,ouelfi - white U HRiMh H <!
>, 25c to 39c crepes in solid shades and stripes ot price lie fbc red border cotton huck towels. Buyers' Sale Sale price ' "imperfection. Buyers' ft WII JJ.
3 J silk and cotton. Buyers' Sale price 15c 12)4c white and colored ground batiste, in llornl I price 5c 50c bleached' Turkish luiYh i ;• " ,9 ° WF / Ji
CQ (:> S 15c Dress Ginghams, in a wide range of styles; patterns. Buyers' Sale price BVic lic red border huck towels. Buyers Sale price, borders. Buyers' Sale nrlcn C,H; •'"cquard \ »gW J 5)
32 inches wide. Buyers' Sale price »c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. 4 for 25c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—-Street Floor ""
OQp a Yard for Regular 59c Silks Summer Footwear at Radical Price Changes Pillow Cases and Muslins: Tempting Savings
th© August Buyers' Sftle Men's $4.00 tan calf and gun metal calf oxfords; buttton or lace; Goodyear oak leather * R U , rr *'
One of the best wash silk values we have ever offered is this a " S ' Z( : S - Bu>ers Sale price.......... $!..)() bleaclied Pillow Cases; 45x36 inches. Special 10#
59c quality,scheduled to enter the Buyers' Sale at 29f. There are Me , n * f 3 calf ' S un meta1 ' P atent colt and black kldskm oxfords; all new this summer 15c 51cached p iUow C ases; 45x36 inches. Special 155
Kn distinct stripe design, .all 27 inches wide. Equally important an'd'gun'metki four'-butl Boys'' $2.00' tan calf' and gtin'' metal calf ISc Bleached hematitched Pillow Casfa; 45x36 inches. Special i 2 <M
"ti sl 1 .rep. n<- rhln lor M.oo ai.is w.rk i.ira. u ' on Goodyear welted soles. Buyers' blucher oxfords; sizes to Buyers' 18c Wcached lhllow (_ases, 45x36 inches.' Special t. r >*
street and cvenfiiK:-to'iiiciu>s wide, in inches wide. Buyers'sale price, yard, Sale price #1.75 c-i„ «ci « k -2c bleached Pillow Cases, 45x36 inches. Special JJO
the Buyers' Sale, reduced to »Se 6»c R nv «;' tan ralf crnn metal anrl natent price fltl.OO
$1.25 silk serge, for early F'all wear; 51.50 Mack messaline; 36 inches - U tan can, metal and patent , ( . - n . ~ ~ , , , Muslin and Sheets
3* inches wide; navy and black. Buy- wide. Buyers' Sale price si.o» colt oxfords; sizes 2 1 /t to a 1 Buyers' Sale Boys $1.50 gun metal calf blucher oxfords; ,
Mack Hai.iitai ami Bu^'LTp^k^." 1 20 inChen P rice #2.00 sizes 9to Buyers' Sale price ... #l.l. r » unbleached muslin; short lengths, 39 inches wide. Special,
China silk, for Summer frocks: 30 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street WT * 1 "1 J * O CL yard • ' i?*
inches Buyers' Sale price . .6»c # Floor. WOmeil S and Children S OUmilier bhoes 71/ c t.nhlearhed muslin -10 inches wiHe 9 n *iai •'«,/!
Colored Weaves End LinillCS Women's S4. SO white buck skin Knicllsh oxfords; Girl's $2.00 gun metal calf, tan calf and black suede " ' . '
" white rubber Goodyear welted soles. Buyers' Sale pumps. Buyers' Sale price $1.30 8c bleached muslin; 36 inches wide.. Special 7#
59c suitings. 54 Inches wide 25e $1.25 navy serge, 52 inches wide, 8»c price $2.95 Girls' $1.50 white canvas two-strap pumps; slies eg- hlearhed sheets' welrleH tennis •81 vf)fl inches Snecial '
50c navy serge, 30 inches wide. 35c 25c satine. 36 inches wide 10c Women's $3.50 gun metal and tan Russia calf four 2% to 4. Ruyers' Sale price 95c Dicauietl sneetS, welded seams , HIxAJ Indies. Special ..
50c granite cloth. 36 Inches wide, 35c 35c white satine, 36 Inches wide. 2»e eyelet ties. Buyers' Sale price $2.65 Children's $1.25 gun metal and patent colt Mary ,l9c bleached sheets; welded seams ; 76x90 inches.-- Special .. r 50<^
SI.OO silk and wool crepe, 40 Inches 35c black heather bloom, 36 Inches Women's $3.00 patent colt skin live-eyelet ties. Jane ankle strap pumps; sizes 84 to 11. Buyers' Divp« Pnnmrnv x, ai.«,,n tj>i oor
wide jj.. 30c, wide 25c Buyers' Sale price '.ft.. $2.19 Sole price 85c
- ~ " " * • - - • - '"" ~ y— — - ~ ..... . SiJiii...,.! ..7
C•r N , i
, 0 » '