Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 23, 1914, Image 1

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    Hope of Restoration of Pence in Mexico Is Renewed in. Official Circles
LXXXIII — No. 148
Signs of Open Breach Between
Factions Appear in
Both at Disposal of Palmer and
McCormick, but They Do
Not Avail
Special to The Telegraph
Philadelphia, June 23.—Signs of an
open breach between the factions of
the State Democracy were seen from
the housetops this morning and the
Palmer-McCormick machine leader
ship is facing condition as far re
moved from its hopes as could be pos
sible. The "Big Four" which domi
nates the Democratic party in the
Keystone State by dint of federal pat
ronage and cash is in conference seek
ing a way to prevent the President,
who has helped them so much, and
the nation from witnessing the Demo
cracy of Pennsylvania entering upon
a campaign split wide open. To-day
the situation presents a test of leader
ship which men who have been re
galed for months on stories of the
qualifications of the present bosses will
watch with the greatest interest.
Those close to the inner council real
ize that unless Palmer and McCormick
want to force an open tight with the
Philadelphia Democratic city commit
tee they let slip golden opportunities
last night when the city committee
met. They had it in their power to
take away the perfunctory character
of the city committee endorsement of
the State ticket by appearing at the
meeting, in which event, say observers
here, the committee would have had ;
to invite them to make a speech and j
the repudiation of the personally die- !
tated platform would not have occur-;
red. or if it had would have been over- :
looked. Instead, Palmer and McCor-1
mick are to-day very much in the po- j
sition of men who have had hats taken i
off to their face and who have then I
been kicked in the back.
McCormiek Miffed
McCormick, lacking the poise of the!
self-made Palmer, is said to he rather |
ruffled over the treatment handed out j
by the committee last night and hav
ing lost a chance to make a speech j
atjd to be in the limelight, is inclined j
to listen to the yawping of those mem
bers of his faction who were denied a j
seat in the city committee. These men
are demanding that the inside ring or,
executive committee be called and the !
Philadelphia city committee, elected
by the people, he thrown out.
Falmer and "Headsman Blakslee
are said to he against such arbitrary
action. Both have been on the roller
coasters of Carbon and Monroe county j
politics and know what it is to be i
down in the depths and also how fine;
Is the vision when they are up. Mc-1
Cormick and State Chairman Morris, i
neither of whom knows anything hut
his own sweet will, are thirsting for
To add to the troubles caused by
the howls of the men who were
ed down by the city committee, the;
bosses face more or less ruction in j
their own ranks over the portions of i
federal patronage pie cut in the last!
twenty-four hours. A number of up—
State leaders have been down here and I
are kicking over what has been hand
ed out and saying that they can not!
be sure of sending Democratic con-1
pressmen to help out the pale scholar!
who tries to bos 3 government, busi- j
ness and public opinion from the ;
White House.
Hyde M. Speece Appointed
Constable of 12th Ward
Kyde M. Speece. a former city pa- '
trolman. has been appointed a" con
stable for the Twelfth ward and con- 1
nected with the offices of Alderman
George V. Bolton.
Constable Speece was suggested for
the place bv Alderman Bolton because!
of his police knowledge and previous!
experience, the rapidly growing busi
ness of the Twelfth ward magistrate j
requiring a man of this caliber. Speece
succeeds Henry Sears who resigned
after having served for many years
I ,
Late News Bulletins
.. Y . o :! e " ns ' ' ,uno 23 -—Carranza will not accept tlx- Invitation of
the I mu d Mates government to send representatives to meet informally
with agents of Iluerta in an endeavor to select a provisional president
or Mexico according to a statement here to-day by Alfredo Breccda
private secretary of General Carranza and a mcmltcr or the latest com
mission (a r ran/.a is sending to Washington
Washington, June 23.— Brigadier General PUDS ton reported to-.lav
that the marine private whose disappearance from the \mcrl<an line's
at \ era Cruz has caused some alarm. Is Private Hcinriclis Thobe, who
lately had been under observation as to his mental condition. General
1 u.iston made no mention as to the possibility of the missing marine
having IK-CII taken prisoner by Mexican federals
New York. June 23— Nearly half a block or sidewalk and super
structure over a new lirookiyn subway caved In to-day, burying more
than twenty workmen, killing one and Imdly injuring six. A wagon and
a team ol horses were engulfed and one of the animals was killed
I Washington June 23.— That the distribution throughout the
countr> of the benefit* of the Panama canal will rest with the Inter
state Commerce Commission ami not with the transcontinental rail
roads Is one of the conclusions being drawn to-day from the Sunrcme I
Court's decision in the lutcrmoiintain rate cases, in which after nearly!
two years of consideration the court upheld the orders of the conimis-t i
sion by unanimous opinion. I
Niagara Falls, N Y.. June 23.—The body of a man was taken from'
the c upper rapids of the Niagara river early to-day. at a point known !
as Suicide Point. 2..0 feet above the brink of the American falls In the I
right temple was a bullet wound. His clothing bore the name of J M
I Hunist and of an Indianapolis tailoring company. '
Hoxie, Kan., June 23.—Hoxicis almost a deserted village The men I
went to the wheat fields to-day wthen a delegation of farmers came
into town lamenting that harvest hands Imported from the East had
quit because of the heat.
Wall Street Closing.—Chesapeake and Ohio, 51 %; Ix>liigh Valle'v'
130 W.: Northern Pacific, lioy,; Southern Pacific, SflH; Union Pacific
155%: C., M. & St. Paul, 100; P. It. It., 111V£; Reading. 1I4U; X v'
Central, 90%; Canadian Pacific, 193« i; U. S. Steel. ttUVf.
Breach Between Carranza and
Villa, However May Em
barrass Rebel Delegates
New Turn in Mediation Said to Be
Due Solely to Efforts of U. S.
By Associated rress
Washington. D. C.. June 2 3.—Hope
for the restoration of peace in Mexico
through diplomacy was rekindled in
administration circles here to-day by
th>> outlook that the Constitutionalists
would send delegates to confer with
members of the Huerta mission, from
whom they long have held aloof. Sec
retary Bryan declined to discuss de
tailed proposals l'or the meeting.
Nevertheless, there was a distinct air
of optimism apparent here over ex
pectations that the mediators might be
able to announce late to-day or to
morrow the personnel of the Consti
tutionalist delegation and the general
purposes of the informal conference.
One menace to the success of the
plan, it was pointed out. was the re
cent breach between Villa and Car
ranza. the Constitutionalist chiefs.
Whether their differences had been
sufficiently composed so that a Con
stitutionalist delegation could work
without embarrassment was a question
that the Washington government was
said to be seeking to determine to-day.
Villa is Determined
Villa was reported to be determined
to fight his way through to Mexico
City. However, plans for the meeting
of the Carranza and Huerta repre
sentatives do not contemplate an
armistice at this time. Not until they
had reached some definite agreement
over the establishment of a provisional
government would there be an at
tempt to call a halt on hostilities.
Hope was expressed that if such a
stage of understanding were reachei'
[Continued on Page 10]
Mother of City School Teacher
Dragged Beneath Knives by
Runaway Mules
Mrs. Joseph Williams, aged 45, a
former resident of this city, at one
time living in Muench street near
Fourth, was horribly cut about the
[Continued on Page 8]
Will Not Put Camp
For Tubercular Sufferers
on McCormick's Island
Where will Harrisburg's summer
camp for tuberculosis sufferers be lo
cated? This question Is .iust now be
ing threshed out by the committee re
cently named at the joint meeting of
the Associated Charities and the Socie
ty for the Prevention of Tuberculosis,
but so far, although several sites have
been viewed, no selection has been
made. The committee consists of Dr.
J. W. Eilenberger, Dr. C. R. Phillips
and Dr. J. M. J. Raunick.
A site suggested was the upper end
of McCormick Island about opposite
Division street, but it was found that
the ground was too low, and subject
too much to the mists of the river as
well as being a breeding place for
mosquitos. High ground will doubt
less be selected. The committee will
probably recommend the selection of
a site either on or contiguous to the
municipal property, with a view to its
permanent acquisition at some future
Explains That Proposed Area Has
Been Considered as Second
ary Park
Offer to Use "Fill" in West End
Still Under Con
In a comprehensive letter to-day to
Stucker Brothers Construction Com
pany, City Commissioner M. Harvey
Taylor, superintendent of parks and
public property, refused the offer of
tho contractors to till up the river
bank from Mulberry to Market street
to a level with the present depressed
Stucker Brothers a few days ago
asked permission to dump the 15,000
to 30,000 cubic yards of earth ex
cavated from the Front and Second
street subways between these two
The contractors stated the offer
would be without cost to the city and
that their only compensation would he
the privilege of placing the thousands
of tons of excavated earth at the
shortest possible haul.
In his letter to-day Commissioner
Taylor explains that the proposed area
has been considered as a secondary
park and that it is necessary for future
consideration as possible playground,
boathouse and boat wharf sites .
Makes Proposition
Reference is also made to the dump
ing of earth below Paxton street with
the suggestion that the city will pay
half the cost of dumping provided it
has charge of the dumping.
In closing tho commissioner says
that the Stuckers rßothers' offer of
some weeks ago to dump the excavated
fill along the river front in the western
end of the city is still tinder consid
eration. with a possibility of early
solution. Stucker Brothers at the time
asked TO cents per load for the earth,
delivered on the river front, or to pay
[Continued on Page 9]
Passengers on Board Vessels Which
i Went Together Are Landed in
Safety; Both Ships Damaged
By .Associated Press
Knmburg, June 23.—The North Ger
man Lloyd steamer Koenigin Luise
and the German passenger steamer
Coba were in collision to-day. Both
were damaged. The passengers were
landed safely.
Lands End, England, June 23.—The
Belgian steamer Gothland from Mont
real and Rotterdam, went ashore to
iday on the rocks two miles to i the
I northeast of the Bishop Bock, Scillv
Two steamers went at once to the
| assistance of the Gothland which be
j longs to the Bed Star line but Is lin
ger charter to the Canadian line. She
left Montreal June 12 with thirty-four
third class passengers on board. She
I does not carry cabin passengers.
24 Families Are
Homeless as Result
of Oil Tank Blaze
By Associated Press
Washington, Pa., June 23.—After a
night of terror, the people of Meadow
lands, a little town near here, to-day
returned to the homes they had yes
terday forsaken when it seemed the
village would be engulfed by a torrent
of burning oil.
Twenty-four families, rendered
homeless by the fire or the dynamite
used to check its progress, were camp
ed on the hills until officers of the
United Coal Company could find them
i more comfortable shelter. Doctors and
(constables mingled with the crowds
j in search of those who had been hurt
in the panic last night, but no sertous
-Ily injured were found. The oil in the
| tank, struck by lightning Sunday
j night, has burned itself out.
! The tank containing 25,000 barrels
resisted all efforts of firemen yester
-1 day and last night when an explosion
; scattered the oil, other tanks in the
| vicinity were threatened.
Sweating? Ah! Well
It's Good For the Corn
Although Harrisburg is now enjoy
ing only normal summer weather, the
heat is more appreciable because of
the recent period of cool weather. But
the humidity makes the day far from
I comfortable. It had reached 92 this
, morning, which is considerably above
' the normal of 65. So far as the actual
number of degrees of heat go, to-day
was far from "a scorcher," the mer
| cury registering 71 at 8 o'clock this
morning. Yesterday morning at 8 the
' thermometer stood at 64.
The sort of weather that now pre
-1 vails Is likely to continue during the
entire week, according to information
It that Forecaster Demain possesses.
While the city may suffer there Is no
i complaint from the country, for this
is typical corn weather, and the corn
grows overnight under the warm and
moist air.
Washinton. June 23.—John H. Lan
riis. superintendent of the mint at
' Philadelphia resigned to-day. He had
held the position since 1902.
###ss##* * ir #
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Harrisburg Murderer
May Be in Hands of
the Norristown Police
Chief of Police Gets Word That Man Arrested There Ans
wers Description of Negro Wanted For Slaying of
Charles Jenkins in Crap Game.
Sfecial to The Telegraph
Norrtstoini, June 23.—A negro who Is suspected of knowing something
about the murder of Charles Jenkins, colored, In Harrisburg on the night or
June ti, was arrested early (his morning by officers Carrigan and Parvin at
l>err s stone ertisher near Ivy Rock. The man gave his name as James Carter.
He was committed by Magistrate Clark for a further hearing. The negro re
sembles a picture of David Alvin, alias Allie Reed.
Colonel Joseph Hutchison, Chief of Police, said he had received word
troin >orristown regarding the arrest of a colored man, supposed to lie Reed,
and that lie was waiting for a further description of tho man. Detective
Joseph Ibach likely will be sent to Xorrlstown to-night.
Allie Reed murdered Jenkins during a fight over a crap game.
Insist Also on Extension of River
Parks From Calder Street
No more hopeful sign of the inter
est of the people of Harrisburg in the
improvement of the city has been seen
recently than the widespread interest
of the citizens of West Harrisburg—
all that important territory north of
Broad street —in the location of a pub
lic playground up town and the ex
tension of the river parks from Calder
[Continued on Page 10]
Mayor's Son Speaker
at Williams College
Special to The Telegraph
Wllllamstown, Mass., June 23.
Among the six Williams College se
niors who delivered original speeches
in the Graves prize speaking contest
in Grace Hall yesterday morning was
John Douglas Royal, son of John K.
Royal, Mayor of Harrisburg, Pa.
Young Royal's topic was "Respect for
Mayor Royal was among the promi
nent commencement week visitors
John Douglas Royal is a graduate
of the Central High School, this city.
He was an honor man of his class and
took prizes in oratorical contests at
the High School.
By Associated I'rcts
On Hoard U. 8. S. California, Ma
zatlan, Mex., June 22 —(By Wireless
to San Diego, Cal., June 23). —The
cruiser California will sail to-morrow
for La Paz, Lower California, to coal.
Rear Admiral Howard plans to permit
the crew to go ashore at the United
States coal station there. The sailors
are In need of recreation as they have
not been granted shore leaves here
f or fear of disturbances. ,
Negro Murderer Makes Request
For His Favorite Dish and
It Is Granted
Pascal Hail to-night will have a big
Juicy slice of watermelon for his last
At 10 o'clock to-morrow morning
Hall will be hanged in the county jail
[Continued oil Page 10]
Suggest J. R. Kinsloe,
Now at Winona, as
Commerce Secretary
Friends of James R. Kinsloe, secre
tary and manager of Winona Chamber
of Commerce, of Winona, 111., have
suggested the former Harrisburger as
the person to succeed Kobert Robert
M. Wadsworth, secretary of the Har
risburg Chamber of Commerce.
Secretary Wadsworth tendered his
resignation yesterday afternoon, and
it is not in effect until September 1.
It is probable the question of a suc
cessor will not be taken up by the
Hoard of Directors of the Harrisburs
Chamber during the hot weather. ■ Tn
the meantime frier.-»s of Mr. Kinsloe
will boost him for the place.
Corner Loafing in
Harrisburg Must Stop
| In line with his recommendations
made to the International Chiefs of
Police Association at Grand Rapids.
Mich.. last week. Colonel Joseph R.
Hutchison last gave out some in
structions to his patrolmen.
In his paper on "A Clean City,"
corner loafing is referred to as a men
ace to a clean city. Colonel Hutchi
son last night ordered his patrolmen
to stop all such loafing throughout
Harrisburg. Colonel Hutchison also
requests citizens to watch the traffic
officers and aid In 'the enforcement
,o/ the traffic laws.
Council Puts Matter in Hands of
Commissioner Bowman; Ap
points Sewer Inspector
Council anthorlzen preparation of
ordinance permitting coiiNtruct lon of
front porchea liryonil hon.se line In
Mreefpt where condition already ei
iHtM anal providing for repenl of 11)04
CJeorge J. (Inner elionen gcnernl
newer inwpccfor for department of
afreet* nnil pnhllp ImprovementH.
Salary, M per day.
Ordinance offered plncini; Orange
street, from Kmerald to Seneca
atreet, on elty mnp; ordinance for
grading for Nimie highway.
Ordinance authorizing curbing of
timber utreet, when paved, panned
Profile for opening Market ntreet
from Twenty-Uriel ntreet to olty line
Contracts for grading, no worn, let
aeveral dayn ago, approved.
Ordlnanee for new Newer* In
7,arker and Chentnut ntreetn, from
Nineteenth to Twentieth.
Mayor John K. Royal ahncnt. Cttni
mlnnloncr of Finance and Account*
W. L, (> organ in ehalr.
City Council this afternoon turned
the front porch problem over to City
Commissioner H. F. Bowman and City
Solicitor D. S. Seitz for final solution
following a general discussion in com
inittee with City Engineer M. B. Cow
den, Building Inspector James H.
Grove and Mr. Seitz.
The commissioner and solicitor will
prepare an ordinance which will per
mit the construction of front porches
on streets where porches already exist
iri the same block. The new measure
will also repeal the regulation of 1904
which prohibited the building of
porches beyond the house line.
The question was brought to Coun
cil's attention by the request of James
C. Costello, a Crescent street property
owner, who asked that the projecting
porches of houses adjacent to his,
erected since 1904, be removed, be
cause he considered it a permanent
nuisance to his own property.
Council went into committee fol
lowing a brief session. Mayor John
K. Royal did not attend, as 'he hasn't
returned from Williams College com
mencement. and the chair was filled
by Commissioner W. 1,. Gorgas.
Without comment George J. Buser
was unanimously elected "general in
spector" for the department of streets
and public improvements. His salary
will be $3 daily and he will inspect
paving, sewers, curbs, etc. No action
on the filling of the police vacancy
created by the dismissal of Clifford J
Palmer was taken. Commissioners
Taylor. Lynch and Bowman said they
had nothing to say on the subject.
Knights of Malta Will
Attend Services Tomorrow
in Ridge Avenue Church
The Rev. John H. Daugherty will
deliver the annual sermon to the
Knights of Malta to-morrow night In
the Ridge Avenue Methodist Church.
Services will begin at 7.30 o'clock.
The four commanderles of the
Knights of Malta will meet at the
G. A. R. Hall, 26 North Third street,
and will march In a body to the
church. The uniform rank will ap
pear In full regalia.
GET szs.no IN USE
Union Trust Company Savings Fund
Checks Will Be Mailed Out to
the Fortunate Thrifty
Under Plan Folk Need No Longer
Mortgage the Fall Suit to Take
a Little Outing /
More than 1,200 Harrisburgjers are
Koing to receive over $25,000 to-mor
row to he spent in vacations in the
mountains, at the seaside or wherever
the call of recreation lures them.
The Union Trust company an
nounced to-day that checks are al
ready for the members of the vacation
savings clubs and that they will be
mailed to-morrow.
The Union Trust Company, follow
ing the great success of Its Christ
mas Savings Club, last year organized
a vacation club. More than 1,200
members contributed twenty-five cents,
flfry cents or one dollar weekly for
forty weeks and the accumulated $25.-
000 which will be divided among the
fortunate ones to-morrow Is the re-
Fi.lt. Many a man will this year be
enabled through the club to enjoy a
well-earned vacation without the perU
of mortgaging his Fall suit or winter o
coal supply.
The Union Trust Company an
nounced to-day that for the benefit of
those who desire to enter next year's
club at this time a special account will
be cpened starting this week. Tho
regular vacation club will start Sep
tember 14,
Wisconsin Republicans
Nominate State Ticket
By Associated Press
Madison, Wis., June 23.—"Conser
vative" Republicans from throughout
Wisconsin gathered in Madison to-day
to nominate a State ticket and adopt
a platform with which to go before
the primaries In September.
Political conventions In Wisconsin
not being legal, it will be necessary
for these named at to-day's gathering
to get the necessary number of sig
natures to petitions in order to Insure
their names being placed on the pri
mary ballot.
Up to date there are five candidates
for governor on the Republican ticket.
By Associated Press
New Haven, Conn., June 23.—Ear
llss P. Arvine, a prominent lawyer of
this city, for several years president
of the New Haven Bar Association and
a long time active In the American
Bar Association, died at his home here
to-day, of apoplexy, aged 68 years.
For Ilarrlsliurg and vicinity: Gen
erally fnlr nml continued warm
to-night <>»<> Wednesday.
For Eastern Pennsylvania: Unset
tled to-night and Wednesday,
probably occasional nhonerii
gentle to moderate shifting wind*.
The Susiiuchnnnn river and Its prin
cipal branches will remain nearly
stationary 'to-night and Wednes
day. A utagir of 1.4 feet in indl
cated for Ilarrlsburg on Wednci
tlay morning.
(General Conditions
I.lglit showers have fallen li the
last twenty-four hours In the
Upper Mississippi Valley and the
I.like region and thence eastward
to the Atlantic coast and along
the const as far south as North
Carolina. Showers occurred also
In the Gulf States, Colorado,
.South Dakota and Oregon.
A further rise of 2 to 12 de-rrees In
temperature has occurred over
nearly all the territory east of
the Mississippi river and tempera
tures have risen over a consider
able portion of the West,
Temperature: 8 a. m., 72) 2 p. n„ NH.
nuns Klses, 4:37 a. m.f sets, 7:37
p. m.
Moon: New moon, to-day, 10:33
a, m.
River Stage: 1.5 feet above low
water mark.
Yesterday's Weather
Highest temperature, 82.
lowest temperuture, 61.
Mean temperature, 72.
Normal temperature, 72,
Willison Miller and Bessie Keva city
James F. Ross and Viola S. Woodson,
Henry M. Booth, New Haven, Conn.,
and Genevieve Russ, city.
Don't forget to have the Telegraph
sent you while you are away.
You will have plenty of time to
digest Its happenings.
The cost is just the same as when
you are home. Six cents a week,
A Postal addressed to the Circula
tion Department will bring you the
next issue.
/" ' 1
The Vital Link In
The Chain
Many advertising campaigns
have failed In adequate results
because of lack of connection
between the advertising and tho
The newspaper Is the link that
binds the manufacturer 'and the
distributer together.
The local dealer knows the
newspaper as a definite force.
He knows that advertising in
newspapers brings results that
ho can see and feel.
He cannot overlook what the
manfacturer Is doing to make a
mar let at his doorstep.
Aianufacturers anxious ta learn
more of the co-operative way
of pushing their products are la
vlted to address the Bureau of
Advertising, 8041 World Building,
New Vork.