4 NOTE THE SPECIFICATIONS: Solid oak, dull finished. Sanitary construction. Seven wooden document files in top. Full 50 inches long. Easy working curtain roll. Quartered oak writing bed and top. Roomy drawer under writing bed. It's (he Best $25 Desk Y»u Have Ever Seen f COMPLETE OFFICE OUTFITTERS I We can take care of every want in outfitting an office.. Sup ply you with the furniture, Wagemaker filing devices and neces sary floor coverings. Our office man will be pleased to give you an estimate. Vi t * A Few Alaska Refrigerator Items Just to Show You They Are No Higher Priced Than Inferior Makes ALASKA REFRIGERATOR. Willi M ' lardwood case, metal lining, ttfgfl =b - ■••• S9OO ALASKA REFRIGERATOR. | Apartment house style. Ice is filled i\ /IB 1l | I from the front. Two shelves in ■ HI I $13.00 |l ALASKA REFRIGERATOR. icer. Wide shelves, metal lining, roomv provision Q AA « Jr chamber *pJLO*vJvf Burns & Company OFFICE OUTFITTERS—HOME 28-30-32 S. Second Street Vis 4 Which Kind Do You Burn? You save 50c per 2000 lbs. on all the coal bought this month. The price of Hard Coal this month and on September 1, are as follows: Broken, now $5.70; September 1 $6.20 Egg, now $5.95; September 1 $6.45 Stove, now $6.20; September 1 $6.70 Nut, now $6.35 September 1 $6,85 You cannot afford to let this opportunity go by to save money on your next year's sup ply- This reduction amounts to about 12 per cent, to 15 per cent, on the money spent. Telephone us your order to-day. United Ice & Coal Co. Foster nnil ( ovrilrn Third and Boas 15t}ojT MISS SWORE 11 SOUTH THIRD STREET in shopping is most desirable these warm davs The |tJJ quiet of a small shop enables you to make your selections with pleasure. You will find a line of fresh white dress materials embwilderles and laces—as well a* the accessories in lovely girdles new noted Vear ' ° nyX ery and the handkerchiefs for which tills shop is : «• m * tch "■« * MONDAY EVENING. HARRISBURG <669# TELEGRAPH " JUNE 22,1914. HARRISBURG GIRL MARRI r ""~ i ; : ~ ' I I] R ; mm * f ' mfK MRS. RUSH A. BOWMAN The marriage of Miss Helen Ferguson Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander S. Miller, of Eighteenth and State streets to Rush A. Bowman, formerly of this city, took place last week at Pine Lake cottage, near Laporte, Ind., with the bride's mother and a few intimate friends in at tendance. Mrs. Bowman is a graduate of Metzger College, musical and most popular. Mr. Bowman is connected with the Rumely Products Com- Mrs. Warren Wriser's Tea in Honor of Miss Creep Miss Ruth Creep, a bride-elect, was guest of honor at a pretty little after noon tea, given by Mrs. Warren Weis er, at her home, 1851 Regina street. Pink ramblers decorated the house and the tea table over which Mrs. Weiser presided. The guests were Miss Creep, Miss Sue Williamson, Miss Ethel Marks, Miss Ada Beaver, of Huntingdon; Miss Ethel Bratton, Mrs. Max . atthes, Mrs. Jack Witmer and Mrs. Charles Harris. ENJOY CARDS AM) DANCING WITH HELEN OENSLAGER Among the yong girls enjoying cards and dancing Saturday evening with Miss Helen Dull Oenslager at her home at Riverside were Miss Helen C. Strayer, Miss Elizabeth Hurlock, Miss Martha Ann Fletcher, Miss Sarah Mc- Culloch, Miss Isabel Shreiner, Miss Katherlne Dubbs, Miss Helen Vlckery, Miss Mary Elizabeth McCormick, Miss Anna Young, Miss Marion Hean and Miss Lillian Martin, of Jacksonville, Florida. Home Treatment For Sallow, Wrinkled Skin A. C. F asks; "What should Ido for my sallow complexion, and how can I get rid of my wrinkles?" Hallowness is best removed by remov ing the skin itself. This is effectually accomplished'by the use of ordinary meroolized wax, which causes the of fensive outer skin gradually to peel off, in line particles scarcely noticeable to the naked eye. Within a week or so you will have an enviable complexion, the new skin exhibiting a healthful, youthful tint incomparable with arti ficial coloring. Get an ounce of this wax at your drug store, apply at night like cold cream, only don't rub it in. Wash it off in the morning with warm water. For your wrinkles try a solution of powdered saxolite, 1 oz., dissolved In % pint witch hazel. Bathe your face 111 this every morning for a while The result will surprise you.—Beauty's Mir ror. \ LADIES' LINEN .SUITS We have a large, Well assorted line of high-grade linens. In all the latest styles and colors. Special price .......$12.50 From your own materlal,