Your "Day Letter" Here Will Reach Ihe Parly You Seek at Small Cost DIED . FOX Dr. Thomas G. Fox, of Hura melstown, June 18, 1914, aged 87 Funeral Monday, June 22, 1914, at 2 P. M„ from his late residence, in Hum melstown, Pa. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend without further notice, liuriai in Hummelstown Ceme tery. % HEED Eliphas W. Reed, on June 20, 1914, at his home, 1528 Thompson street, of paralysis. Funeral on Monday afternoon, at J'. M., from his home. The relatives jind friends are invited to attend with out further notice. STEPHENSON On Friday afternoon, June 19, 1914, Palmer Stephenson, of 115 North Market street. Mechanics burg, Pa. . . Funeral on Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. LOST At Reservoir Park, Fnday, two tennis rackets, with initu-ls. M. I'- 11. and F. B. on handles. Reward if ie t urned to Telegraph Of flee. LOST On Friday, a purse, between Y W C A and third floor, north wing, Capitol Building', containing money and monthly railroad ticket be tween Lancaster and H a lisbmg. Finder keep cash and return ticket to Telegraph Offlce. IJOST Between Thirteenth and Market and Subway, a note wrapped in Gas Co. bill. Howard if retuined to 1319 State street. . LOST Bunch of keys, on chain, or. State Hoad between Oyster s Point and ,st. John's Church. Reward if returned to Philadelphia Quick Lunch. City. HELP WANTED —Male CARPENTERS WANTED. Apply 1221 North Front street. BOYS WANTED for cutting Harrishurg Leather Products Co., 1420 Wyeth avenue. WEAVERS wanted at once. Keystone Rug Co., 1115 Mont gomery St. Bell phone 2064. WANTED A good, reliable, sober man to run a huckster wagon. Call at 625 Mahantongo street. WANTED Men to sell seeds to farmers and ornamental stock in towns. Apply at once. Herrick Seed Companj, Rochester, N. Y. . LARGE INSURANCE COMPANY de sires ambitious men as resident agents to handle the most liberal Accident- Health Policies. Something new. Sold to men and women. $2,000 Policy, $5 00 vearlv. Pavs Death, Accident and Sick benefits. Liberal contract to producers. Future income assured. Address Agency Manager, Suite 49, Newark, N. J. GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS Thorough instruction. so. Returned it not appointed. Particulars free. American Civil Service School, Wash ington, D. C. WANTED High-class man to sell trees, shrubs, roses, vines, berry bushes, bulbs, etc. Good wages. Permanent. Exclusive territory. Brown Brothers Nurseries, Rochester, New York. SBO MONTHLY AND EXPENSES TO TRAVEL, distribute samples and take orders, or appoint agents; permanent. Jap-American Co.. Chicago. WANTED —July 1, chauffeur, "white preferred," to drive Cadillac automo bile on tour of New England States. Ptate experience and last employer. P. 11. Davis, P. O. Box S3, Harrisburg, Pa. HARRISBURG Mail Carrier and Pos tal Clerk examinations coming. Age 18 to 45. SBOO to $1,200 year. Sample ex amination questions free. Franklin In stitute, Dept. 362-N, Rochester. N. Y. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to get. My free booklet, Y-372, tells how. Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hop kins, Washington. D. C. , LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANT ED —-No canvassing or soliciting requir ed. Good income assured. Address Na tional Co-Operative Realty Co., V-910. Marden Building, Washington, D. C. WANTED Young man to assist in grocery store; give reference and ex perience. Address D., 1251, care of Telegraph. WANTED Men to handle quick- Belling article in any locality. Good proposition to right parties. Apply be tween 7 and S this evening, 326 South Thirteenth street. WANTED Lii.otype operators in our Book ""d Job printing Depart ment. The-Telegraph Printing Com pany Printing Binding Design ing Photo-Engraving, Harrisburg, I'a. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED for splendid household specialty. No experience necessary. Big profits. Booklet free. Write The Evoy Specialty Co., 7803 Iviverview avenue, Swissvale, Pa. BIG MONEY WEEKLY. New, prac tical household and office necessity. A live proposition. Particulars and sell ing plan free. Inland Sales Co., Desk F, Norwich. Pa. AGENTS WANTED Good, live men or ladies. Household article; a possible sale in every home; two to three dol lars a day. Call 6-9 P. M., 315 Broad street. SALESMEN WANTED for the Ilelp n-phone; almost every telephone user buys one to three; sells for $3; earn Sioß a week; send for complete set of instructions in salesmanship, free, Mer cer Specialty Company, 1706 Delancey street, Philadelphia. SALESMRN to sell our line of metal display fixtures, wax figures and forms from catalog; liberal commission paid. AVrite for information, "L. G.," 116 West Thirty-second, Room 1302, New York. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE AGENTS WANTED Accident, Health, Life In surance all In one policy. Monthly pay ment plan. Address Horace W. Corey, Manager, 150 Nassau street, New York. OUR Vacuum Washing Machine re tailing at $1.50 astonishes everybody. Cleans tub of clothes In three minutes; no wear; saves the clothes. Washday now a pleasure. Rushes hot water and suds back and forth through garments, driving the dirt right out; 200 per cent, profit. Mr. Marrick earned S9O first three weeks. A Kansas boy earned $05.40 last month outside school hours. Send for catalog "W" to-day; get your county right. Wendell Co., 324 Oak street, Leipsic, Ohio. f \ SEIDEL PARK BUNGALOW Now in course of construction— alterations to suit purchaser. Seidel Park Is the ideal spot for your summer home—lots are of generous size, providing ample space for lawns, truck and flower gardens. Ask for illustrated folder. Miller Bros. & Neefe REAL ESTATE Fire Insurance Surety Ronds Locust and Court Streets SATURDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH: JUNE 20, 191* AGENTS WANTED . AGENTS In every town. Best selling I household article. Start now. Large demand. Big money weekly. Success assured. Investigate. Grittner Speci alty Co., Dept. A, Turbotvllle, Pa. SALESMEN WANTED Electric Help-a-phonc. Mnke SIOB weekly. Tele phone users purchase on sight. Com plete Instructions salesmanship, free. Acme Specialty Co., 1 Wash street, Ipswich, Mass. AGENTS can make S2O to S3O weekly selling our household Specialties. Par ticulars free. Courtney Specialty Com pany, Cobalt, Ontario, Canada. AGENTS Snappiest Household Line On Earth. Red-hot sellers, steady repeaters. Over 150 different articles. Goods guaranteed. 100 per cent, profit. Write quick. Hurry. E. M. Feltman, Sales Manager, 8099, Sycamore street. Cincinnati, Ohio. AGENTS, you can make S3O to S4O weekly. Send for our catalog of Household Specialties. National Speci alties Co., 226 Woodward Building, Washington, D. C. SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Traveling salesman for our low-priced Blankets and Dress Fabrics. We sell retailers direct and pay good commission. Desirable side line. Schuylkill Mills, Box 1192, Phila delphia, Pa. SALESMEN WANTED Experience' unnecessary, easy work, big pay. Write for large list of openings offering op portunities to earn SIOO to SSOO a month while you learn. Address nearest offlce. Dept. 244, National Salesmen's Training Association, Chicago, New York, Kan- j sas City, San Francisco. HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Capable German girl for general housework; two in family; ref erence required. Apply 2149 North Sec- ' ond street. 1 WANTED Stenographer and type writer for permanent position. Rem- : Ington or Smith-Premier operator pre- , ferred. P. O. Box 193, City. i WANTED Lady fully understand- , Ing the running of a soda fountain. . One with experience only. Call any time. , except Saturday, 1223V4 North Sixth : street. LADY CANVASSERS Good pay, short hours and permanent position to those who qualify. Ask for Mr. Sho walter at Metropolitan Hotel, Monday, June 22, between 12 M. and 6 P. M. WOMEN CANVASSERS Perfumes, Soaps, Toilet and Household Necessi ties, $9.00 weekly salary, or commis sion. Credit. Sample case loaned. Rebscher, Dept. A-3, Rochester, N. Y. LADY AGENTS WANTED to sell our stylish, perfect fitting, well made SI.OO house dress. Our agents make from $3 to $5 per day. County right reserved. Perfection Dress Co., Melrose, Mass. WILL pay Reliable Woman $250.00 for distributing 2,000 FREE packages Perfumed Soap Powder In your town. No money required. Ward & Co., 216 Institute PI., Chicago. WANTED Middle-aged woman to help with housework. Only two in family. Liye out. Good position for the right party. Apply 1166 Mulberry street. LADY AGENTS WANTE- to handle quick-selling article. Good proposition to right parties. Apply between 7 and S this evening, 326 South Thirteenth street. FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. $25 to SSO per week. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 579, Omaha, Neb. WANTED Lady agents to canvass for an article that Is a good seller and needed in every home. Apply Rooms 308 and 309, Trustee Building, 8 North Market Square. WANTED A capable girl for gen eral housework; must cook; good place for right party. Call Bell telephone 3525 W. WANTED Capable. Protestant, middle-aged woman who prefers good home to high wages; right place for right party. Call evenings. Reference required. Apply 262 Forster street. WANTED Saleslady for store on Allison Hill; permanent position; good chance for advancement; must furnish A 1 reference. Address M., 1091, care of Harrisburg Telegraph. HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female AVANTED Young man and wife to make themselves generally useful In restaurant. Will pay $30.00 per month, room and board to right party. Address X., 1094, care of Telegraph. SI 1 CATIONS WANTED—MaIe PHOTOGRAPHER Thoroughly ex perienced in finishing, commercial and general work, would like position in Harrisburg. Address Charles 1. Held, Millersburg. Pa. WANTED —i Colored boy, 14 years of age, desires work of any kind. Call, or address, 659 Sayford avenue. WANTED Senior medical student desires a position for the summer whicli pertains to the medical profes sion. Address M„ 1246, care of Tele graph. WANTED Young college student wishes work during summer; experi enced in clerical work; reference fur nished. Address Clerk, care of Tele graph. WANTED Chauffeur, with eight years' experience, wishes position in private family; can do own repairing and give the best of references. Apply Box 0, 1096, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young man wants work of any kind. Address A. Shuey, 810 Cowden street. WANTED Young man wishes po sition in office; one year's experience. Box O, 1095, care of Telegraph. I .V' "TED By high school boy, po [ sition of any kind. Address G., 1250, care of Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Cook wants position. .Address 1414 New Fourth street. WANTED Colored woman wants work for last four days of week. Ad dres Davis, 16 Cowden street. WANTED Washing and ironing to do at home. Call, or address, 1533 Ful ton street. WANTED Young girl desires posi tion as child's nurse in the city. Ad drees P., 1252, care of Telegraph. WANTED Refined, young woman wishes sewing for infants and children. Infants' layettes a specialty. Address 8., 1253, care of Telegraph. WANTED Experienced dressmaker desires work by the day. Address Box J., 1254, care of Telegraph. WANTED Washing to do at home. Please call, or address, 638 Boyd street. WANTED Colored woman desires day s work. Call, or address, Nettie Ridout, 109 North Fifth street. WANTED Position as cook in hotel or mountain resort by middle aged woman, from country. Address 1417 New Fourth street. WANTED White woman wants washing to do at home, family or bundle wash. Call, or address, 2118 Turner avenue. WANTED Middle-aged lady desires a position as companion for an elderly or Invalid lady. Address T., 1088, care o^Telegraph^^^_^^_^^^^^^^^^^ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE Hotel Lynch, 140-acre farm, 40 T acre farm, and two sites for manufacture close to center of city. Not I a dollar down. Inquire of James J. Lynch, 1311 Fulton street. REAL, ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE —Two-story frame dwell ing in upper Duncannon; 6 rooms; porch on three sides; tin roof; water in kitchen; cement pavement; all in good condition. Inquire of Bo* 187, Dun cannon. Pa. FOR SALE lB2B Boas street; new 2-story corner brick house; 6 rooms; hall and bath; concrete walks and steps; grass plots. Price, $2,300. Lot, 20x110. Chas. Barnhart, 1821 Whitehall street. FOR SALE —Farm 10 miles east of Harrisburg, containing 90 acres, in good state of cultivation; buildings in good condition; 6 acres of heavy oak timber. For further information call on, or address, C. S. Cassel, R. F. U.. No. 2, Penbroolc, or J. C. Cassel, 29 South Thirteenth street, Harrisburg. - __ New Houses Ready New seml-bunguluw style houaea. Green and Woodbine Streeta. Only four left. Excellent location. Mod ern throughout. Individual porcliea Steam Heat Hardwood Floors Open Fireplace Tile Batlirsom Laundry In Cellar Combination Gaa and Elccetrlc Fix tures excellent llulab through out. Sarwple house open for Inspec tion. Representative always on ground. For prices and terms con sult C. L. I.OUK, Green and Wood bine streeta. FOR SALE 2460 North Sixth street, S-story brick house; 9 rooms; all mod ern conveniences; lot; terms reasonable. Apply at above address. FOR SALE Lot 30x160 feet, cost 1200.00 1911—worth *300.00 now for $150.00 cash, or $200.00 on terms to suit purchaser. G. W. Kehr, 204 Chestnut street. FARMS FOR SALE— -130 Acres —100 acres level, tillable soil —3O acres woodland—frame barn - room frame dwelling located 7 miles from Harrisburg Cumberland Co. Price, $5,000.00. 49 Acres 2% miles northwest of Goldsboro large stone mill stone house frame barn large dam with over one-half mile water right. 15 Acres 3% miles from Harris burg 2 miles north of Progress stone house—frame barn. Price, $3,- 500.00 BRINTON-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE 354 Crescent St. 3- story brick dwelling 7 rooms bath —lot, 15.3x84. Price reduced to $2,- fiOO.uO. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE—New frame bungalow lo cated at Cove Station—6 rooms—large porches range lot, 150x140 ft. For further particulars apply to Brlnton- Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. ItEAL. ESTATE FOB SALE Ueldel Turk Bungiilow —now in course of construction al terations to suit purchaser—Seidel Park is the ideal spot for your summer I home. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Harris- I burg, Pa. Bell phone 1590. j FOR SALE No 1222 Bailey street can be bought at reasonable price. Buy it before it is remodelled, as the price will advance. Inspect it. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. Offlce of the City Clerk,, Harrisburg, Pa., June 18, 1914. SUBURBAN HEAL ESTATE BARGAINS Cottage, 7 rooms and bath. Lot, 85x 191 New. Never occupied. On L. Trolley; 7%c fare. Terms easy. $2,- Trolley; 7 Vic fare. Terms easy. $2,950. 10% Acres—No buiidltig; 10 minutes, from L. Trolley. A beautiful, produc tive plot. Liberal terms. Only SIOO per acre. 3 Acres on L Trolley, beautiful, SI,OOO. 115 Lots opposite Colonial Country Club. Ground is going to be high out there. Some class to this. Look up the conditions. 17 "Dandy" Lots at Paxtonia. "Cheap." 94 Lots on Care's Addition, along L. Trolley, $25 to SSO each. Terms, $2 per month per lot. That's easy. Farm, 40 Acres. Ail good buildings. See the Spring. For Gentleman or Lady wanting a summer place, only $950. Please look these and other farms we have over. No trouble to show goods. Full description of these and other farms at 409 Market street, Harris burg, and Care's Grocery, Linglestown. Both telephones at our store. C. B. CARE. FOR SALE You can buy No. 1234 Walnut street at a bargain If you will see J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR SALE Will be vacated dur ing this week price very reasonable —three-story brick located at No. 1307 Wallace street. Other cheap prop erty for sale. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. HEAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR KENT Corner property, No. 521 North Sixteenth, $25; No. 2144 N. Fifth steam heat electric lights— was S2B, now $25; also No. 1913 North Sixth street. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. BUNGALOW FOR RENT Newly furnished and finished recently. Best location, between Accomac and Wild Cat. Particulars furnished. A. L Reach, Marietta; Pa. FOR RENT Three-story brick house, corner Green and Emerald streets, 10 rooms, bath and steam heat, largo concrete porch and cellar. Apply Urocery Store on corner. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT TO BUY 50 to 100 acres of clear mountain land, with buildings, in Dauphin or adjoining counties. MUST BE CHEAP. Rohrer & Son, Bergner Building, Harrisburg, Pa. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Modern apartment's near Thirteenth and Market streets. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR RENT Four-room apartment, with private bath, gas and electric light, gas range, opposite Capitol Park. 268 North street, inquire flrst floor. FOR RENT Vacant now, third iloor' front apartment, 3 rooms and bath, fac ing Capitol Park. Apply A. J. Beltzei, on premises, 311 Walnut street. FOR RENT An apartment five rooms and bath electric light gas and steel range vapor heat use of phone. Apply at 149 East Hummel avenue, Lemoyne, Pa. FOR RENT Lower floor apartment, Fourth and Peffer streets, llvingroom, dinlngroom, two bedrooms, kitchen and bath; front porch. Apply B. F. Um berger, 427 PtrSor street, or 108 North Second street. BOARDERS WANTED TABLE BOARDERS WANTED at a centrally located boardlnghouse. First class home cooking. Price per meal, 25c. Tickets for 21 meals, $4.00. 222 Chestnut street. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms, second floor, corner house; use of bath and balcony; suitable for mar ried couple; no children. Apply 1514 Susquehanna street. FOR RENT At 101G Market street, apartment, 5 rooms and bath, or rooms rented singly by the week. Apply D. O. Lehman, No. 1934 North Fourth street. Both phones. FOR RENT One large, furnished room, on third floor, and one furnished room on second Moor; suitable for man and wile or two men. Apply 1644 Mar ket street, City. FOR RENT Furnished rooms; also board by the meal, day or week. 1001 North Second street, corner Second and Boas streeta. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or en suite; all conveniences, in cluding phone; reference required. Ap ply 1015 North Front street. FOR RENT—By the night or month, the finest rooms in Harrisburg. single or en suite. Laßelle Apartments, 204 Locust street, next door to Orpheum. Steam heat, electricity, baths. Newly furnished throughout. Apply Mrs. E. L Morrell, 204 Locust street. UNFURNISHED suitable for light housekeeping. Stoves fur nished free. Laundry, phono and bath room privileges. Also Janltress service. Bishop Building. 429 Broad street. FOR RENT - Several vacant rooms, fronting on Capitol Park; electric lights, hot and cold running water -in each room; use of phone and bathroom. Apply Robinson Apartments, 410 North street. ROOMS WANTED WANTED Refined, young couple wish two or three furnished rooms for light housekeeping, between Market street and Maclay; references exchang ed. Address R„ 1092, care of Telegraph. WANTED Permanent man wants lodging, private family; pay in advance not over $1.25 week; no others need answer. Owners or others permanently located, please reply. Address 0., 1089, care of Telegraph. """"" "" " WANTED WANTED Rolltop offlce desk Im mediately. Give length, breadth, height and style, also quality of ma terial and present state of repair, to gether with lowest cash price by mall to Room 811, Kunlcel Building. WANTED To rent, house or cot tage, close to Harrisburg, also close to trolley line; quiet location preferred. Apply at Keystone Supply Co., 814 North Third street. United phone 19W. WANTED Second-hand bicycles, bought, sold and exchanged. Apply Ex celsior Cycle Co., 1607-09 North Third street. WANTED To buy 100 second-hand bicycles and motorcycles we are in great demand for them highest cash R rices paid. Keystone Supply Co.. 814 orth Third street. United phone 19W FOR SALE FOR SALE Automobile delivery top. Glass and panel sides. Price, $25. Apply in afternoon this week at 1428 Kegina street. FOR SALE Upright piano; good condition; cheap. P. O. Box 484, City. GLASS i window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad if paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. FOR SALE Two carriage horses, with 2 sets of double harness, 1 Brew ster Germantown wagon. Horses may be seen at Ober's livery stable; harness and wagon upon application to Com monwealth Trust Company, one of the executors of A. J. Dull, deceased. FOR SALE Cheap to quick buyer, two-cylinder Reo. New tires; A No. 1 condition; for light delivery purposes. Inquire 204 Walnut street. FOR SALE For want of use, Co lumuus second-hand 10 or 10-H.-P. en gines. Have both engines. Will sell either. A 1 stiape. Address C. A. Baugh man, Lebanon, Pa., R. No. 4. FOR SALE Several makes of used motorcycles in different models; all in first-class condition. West End Elec tric and Cycle Co., Green and Maclay streets. FOR SALE 5175.00 will buy a $300,00 Ivoliter & Campbell Piano. Terms SIO.OO cash and $7.00 per month. Stleff Piano Store, 24 North Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. # FOR SALE Player Piano in lirst class condition, nice mahogany case, stool, bench, cover and twelve rolls. A real bargain for $275.00. Easy pay ments. Stleff Piano Store, 24 North Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE 5275.00 will buy a splendid slightly used upright Stleff Piano, which was traded In on a Stleff Player Piano. Easy terms can be ar ranged. Stleff Piano Store, 24 North Second street. FOR SALE Parker Brothers* shot gun. $25; Hopkins & Allen revolver, never used, $4; Stevens rifle, 32-caliber, $3; Iver Johnson single-barrel shot gun, $2.50; three white, black and tan Beagle pups, from hunting stock, very cheap. Call evenings, 1044 South Cam eron street, City. FOR SALE Lion Roadster, 1912 model, with 4%x5 motor; tires equipped with speedometer and trunk. Has only been run about 274 miles. Regular $1,600 value, special for quick sale at $750. Address L.,' 1087, care of Telegraph, FOR SALE Or will exchange on city real estate, good, live mercantile business; will bear close investigation, as it is a money-maker. Address H„ care of Telegraph. FOxx S. .E On account of leaving city, will sell household furniture. 605 North Fifteenth street, City. No dealers. Apply between 10 and 12 A. M. FOR SALE —■ Am leaving town, so will sell my 1911 touring car, electric starter and lighting. Will consider cash and small car. No dealers need apply. Address M., 1099, care of Tele graph. FOR SALE A 1913 Michigan 33-H.- P„ 5-passenger, electric starter and lights. A good bargain. Car hardly ever used. Must be sold to settle es tate. Address Lawyer, 1100, care of Telegraph. $1,500 COLE 30, four-cylinder Road ster for sale for SSOO to quick buyer. In fine condition. A big bargain. Keeney & Simmons, New Cumberland. FOR SALE Back bar to soda foun tain. Cost SSOO. Will sell for SIOO. Ap ply 1015 North Third street. FOR SALE Five-passenger Buick, four-passenger Cadillac, two-passenger 1913 Hupmobile Rwadster. All In fine running order. Neighbors Motor Co., 120 Market street. FOR SALE One 7-passenger car with limousine body for winter. Would be splendid car for hack car. Also one three-wheel wagon haul. Splendid machine for light delivery. Will be sold at bargains. Apply 1808 Logan avenue. FOR SALE Hipped roof, water proof tent 10x20. Just right for camp life. Large enough for four persons. Desirable parties can have use of Camp Site free at Perdix. Apply to A. C: Young, 26 North Third street. Bell phone 713 L FOR SALE Sixty Victrola Plates, in good condition. Call at 29 South Eleventh street. Bell phone 1008 M. FOR SALE One $65.00 Eldridge Special ball-bearing sewing machine; In excellent condition; lias only been In use a short time. Will sell for $35.00 cash to quick buyer. Good reasons for selling. Address, or call. C. E. R„ Kil mer, Pa. USED ELECTRIC AUTO S3OO Cqlmmkus make, victoria type. New batteries recently installed and! just pa ? ntei. to excellent conclitieno Goodl reasons for seLing, app.y Mepl Goldsmith 206 Walnut Street FOR SALE FOR SALE Portable vacuum cleaner, in perfect condition. Will sell very reasonable. Reason for selling, have Just installed a Tuec stationary cleaner system. Apply A. u. Hall, 1727 State street. FOR SALE Cottage at Mt. Gretna —8 rooms and bath all conveniences, including six of ground—parted and in very desirable location, on Camp meeting Ground, corner of Fourth street and Kephart avenue; also auto garage, boat and boat house. Price reasonable. Apply Dr. .E. Clair Jones, 20 East Orange street, Lancaster, Pa. FOR SALE At Gable's, 113, 115 and 117 South Second street, 5,000 sets new Sash, Bxlo, 12 L., primed and glazed, at $1.15 per set. Also other sizes. BUY your traveling and leather goods from the wholesale and retail leather merchants. A large consignment on display. Specialties made to order and repaired. Harrisburg Harness and Sup- Co.i Second and Chestnut. FOR SALE At Gable's, 111 and I 117 South Second street, 5,000 gallons | New Era ready mixed Paint; Acme quality. Also the full line of the Acme make. * FOR SALE Used motorcycles and bicycles in flrst-class running order —- low prices. C. H. Uhler, 1317 Derry street. Agent for Thor and Yale mo torcycles; also full line of accessories. FOR SALE Hamilton, Elgin and Waltham Watches; 17-Jewel; 20-year gold-filled case, at $17.50; 50c a week, or $2.00 a mon h. National Watch and Diamond Co., Hergner Building. 1 USED motorcycles; all makes: over hauled and In fine condition; guaran teed to be as represented, call for dem onstration. Heagy Bros.. 1204 North Third street. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business . Office. FOR RENT ln the Telegraph Building, a suite of well located offices, inquire for Sup> ilntendent in Business - Office of Telegraph. • FOR RENT Store room 1200 North Third street; 33x100; 14-foot celling; one of the best rooms In the city. Ap ply J. S. Slble, 256 Herr street. FOR SALE OR FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE WELL LOCATED LOTS In the Tenth Word; some of tliem on paved street. Will exchange for Improved property. An exceptional opportunity for a builder. Call nud Inspect blue print. F. It.Oyster, Trustee, cure of Telegraph lliiMluess Office. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR RENT On percentage j basis, an up-to-date millinery j business in department store. ■ Estabished profitabe trade. Ad dress M 1098, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Good two-chair barber shop; best location; will sell cheap. , Must take up other business. Address 1 1093, care of Telegraph. I i $275 WILL purchase a business and i equipment therewith, Including two i pool tables', wall and floor tobacco . show cases and stock. Rent, sl6 per month. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing. WANTED, IDEAS Write for List of Inventions Wanted by manufactur ers and prizes offered for Inventions. Our four books sent free. Patent se cured or Fee Returned. Victor J. Evans & Co., 578-F, Washington, D. C. HOTEL LICENSE, good will and fix tures for sale located in Lancaster county. Complete information concern ing the proposition can be gotten from Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. I MADE $50,000 in five years in the mail order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock, 365 Lockport, N. Y. ANY Intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Snydicate. 798. Lock port, N. Y. BUBINESS PERSONALS ~WE BUY, SELL AND RENT all stan dard makes of Electric Motors and Dynamos. S. G. Sweetser Electric Co., 1002 Market street. R. H. PEFFER i LOCAL EXPRESS and Delivery. Piano I and Furniture moving a specialty. Stor- | age of household goods. Good, dry wood for sale, stove length. Bell phone 1684 J. 1119 Montgomery, Harrisburg. L. H. LACKEY. 642 Peffer street Furniture, china and piano packing. Shipments looked after at both ends. Also all kinds of hauling. Bell phone 2077 W. . WE BUY AND SELL new and sec ond-har.d Furniture, Carpets, etc. Drop | postal or call 3239 L, Bell phone. S. Klein, 1026 Market street. HAULING n. W. LATHE, Boarding and Xatloual Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H W. Lathe. Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2603 R. Harrisburg Paste Works 126 N. Cameron Street PAPERHANGERS', billposters', book binders' and all kinds of paste. Prcmpt shipment. All paste guaranteed. Bell phone 1186 L » PATANG AND HARRISBURG DRAT ING CO. Reasonable rates to all parts of the city and nearby towns. Call L. Garmon, Bell phone 3742. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street, • Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts Insure your satisfaction. S. N. Gluck, 320 Woodbine Btreet. STORAGE STORAGE 419 Broad street for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 75 cents per month. Apply 0. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Both phones. HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two large brick warsehouses, built ex pressly for Storage. Private rooms for household, goods and unexcelled fa cilities for Btoring all kinds of mer chandise. Low storage rates. South St. and Penna. R. R. IN MEMORIAM Harrisburg, Pa„ June 16th, 1914, Written by his futher, Chauncey D. Glenn and read at the funeral by his friend, Edwin W. Jackson, Esq. Good-By, Good-By my Son, Good-By, I always thought of you, worked for you and prayed lor you as my little boy. You were good to your mother and me, thoughtful, kind and affectionate. You always reminded me of your mother, who was one of the best wom en that ever lived. She may have loved you more than I, but I loved you enough to repeat the lamentation of King David, upon the death, of his son, Absolom. changing the name to Frank. "Frank, Frank, my son Frank, Would to God that I had died for thee." The relatives and friends and espe cially the pallbearers are requested to return to the house for lunch. I want to thank my friends and neighbors that came to my assistance In the hours of my trouble, and espe cially to thank my son'B friends who are my friends. "He who has done it unto him, has done it unto me." (Death occurred on June 14, 1914)* HEAVY FLOW OF GOLD TO EUROPE CONTINUES Mexican Affairs Weighed on the Market Occasionally Dar ing Week; Crop Reports Interesting By Associated Press New York, June 20. Speculators in stocks marked time this week. Trad ing was dull and movements of prices were small. Although the market showed symptoms of heaviness at times, the undertone In the main was good. Hesitancy was due largely to the ex pectation of an early decision in the freight rates case, pending which op erators feared to make heavy commit ments. The abnormally heavy flow of gold to Europe continued, the movement reach ing proportions that* Its Influence be gan to show itself more distinctly in the stock market. Demand sterling broke sharply from the recent high level, falling 100 points in three days, but exportation of gold continued. The political outlook abroad improv ed and the cheerful tone of foreign markets was reflected in buying here for European account. At home, the news was varied. Of chief interest was the crop reports, which were of the best. Business conditions were still unsatisfactory. President Wilson's in sistence on comprehensive trust legis lation at this session of Congress was expected by the Street. Mexican af fairs weighed on the market occasion ally, but the general inclination was to await definite indications of the out come of mediation proceedings. Fnrnlshehd by 11. W. SNAVELY Arcade Bullillng New York. June 20. Open. Clos. Alaska Gold Mines .28 28 Amal. Copper 70% 71% American Beet Sugar 26% 26% American Can 27% 28V4 American Can pfd.. 92 92 Am. C.&F 52 52% Anaconda 31 31 Atchison 99% 99% Baltimore & Ohio .. 91 % 91 % Bethlehem Steel ... 42% 43 Brooklyn R. T 91% 91% Canadian Pacific ... 194% 194% Central Leather ... 36% 36% Chesapeake & Ohio. 51% 51% C., M. & St. P lOOVb 100% Chino Con. Copper . 41% 41% Col. F. & I 27% 27% Corn Products 8% 8% Erie 29 29% General Electric Co. 148 148 Great Northern, pfd. 123% 123% Interboro-Met 62% 62% Lehigh Valley 138% 138% Louis. & Nashville .139 139 Missouri Pacific .... 16% 17 Nev. Con. Copper 14 14 New York Central .. 91 91% N. Y„ N. H. & H. .. 66 66% Norfolk & Western. 105 105 Northern Pacific ... Ill' 4 111% Pressed Steel Car . 43% 43% Ray Con. Copper ..21% 21 Reading 164% 164% Rep. Iron & Steel . 23% 23% Southern Pacific ... 94 94% Southern Ry. pfd... 79 79 Union Pacific 155% 156% U. S. Steel 62 62% Utah Copper 58% 52% Western Union Tel.. 59% 59% Westinghouse Mfg.. 76 76 NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT By Associated Press New York, June 20. The statement of the actual condition of Clearing House Banks and Trust Companies for the week shows that they hold $38,839,- 250 reserve in excess of legal require* ments. This is a decrease of $3,471,950 from last week. The statement follows: Actual Condition Loans, $2,126,201,000; decrease, $5,- 204,000. Specie, $423,334,000; decrease, $12,- 784,000.' Legal-tenders, $79,552,000; increase, $4,967,000. Net depsits, $2,046,393,000; decrease, $20,417,000. Circulation, $41,163,000; in crease, $63,000. Banks' cash reserve in vault, $429,- 863,000. Trust Companies' cash reserve in vault, $73,023,000. Aggregate cash reserve, $502,886,000. Excess lawful reserve, $38,839,250; decrease, $3,471,950. Trust Companies' reserve with Clear ing House members carrying 25 per cent, cash reserve, $87,512,000. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRAIIIO Furnished by H. W. SNAVELY Arcade Building Chicago. 111., June 20. Open, tiign. Low. Clos. Wheat— July 83% 82% Sept 81% 81% I Dec 84% 83% Corn— July 69% 69% Sept 67% 67% I Oats — July 39% 39% Sept 38% 38% PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated Press Philadelphia, June 20. - Wheat Steady; No. 2. red, export, 97@97%c; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export, sl.ol® Corn Firm; new. No. 2, yellow, natural, local, 80%@81c; do., kiln dried, local, 82@8 2% c. Oats Steady; No. 2, white, 47® 47 %c. Bran Market weak; winter, per ton, $26.00@26.50; spring, per ton, $24.50@25.00. Refined Sugars Market firm; powdered, 4.40 c; tine granulated, 4.30 c; confectioners' A, 4.20 c; Keystone A, 4.10 c. Butter The market is ' weak; western, creamery, extras, 27 %c; near by prints, fancy, 31c. Eggs The market is Arm; Pennsylvanln iind other nearby firsts, free cases. $6.45 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $6.15 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $6.46 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $6.15 per case Llvee Poultry Steady; fowls, 16% @l7%c; young chickens, ll@20c; spring chickens. 27(&32c, hrolt n* chickens. 25@32c; old roosters, ll@12c; ducks, old, 12@14c; ducks, young, 16® 18c; geese, 15®17c; turkeys. 19@20c. Dressed Poultry Firm; fowls, western, fancy, heavy, 17® 18c; do., fair to good. heavy, 14®16V&c; do., unattractive, 10® 13c; old roosters. 12c: ronstlnw chick- ROOMS FOR RENT — j FOR RENT .Furnished room, with conveniences, for one or two ladles; rent reasonable. Campmeeting side Mt. Gretna. Address 8., 1255, care of Tele graph. PERSONAL LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA lf you or any friends afflicted wishes to learn of a successful treatment address Room 402, 92 Broadway, Detroit, Mich. LEGAL NOTICE ' NoTICi- is hereby given that appli cation will bp made to the Court of Quarter Sessions, of Dauphin County, on Monday, July 6. A. D. 1914, at 10 o'clock A. M.. or as soon thereafter as said Court may be in session, for the transfer of the retail liquor license now held for the Fort Hunter Hotel, Rock vllle, Susquehanna Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, from Harry B. Gladfelter to Walter C. Baskln; said application being now on file in the office of the Clerk of said Court. CHARLES C. BTROH, Attorney for the transferee. NOTICB I HEREBY wish to Inform the publlo I have purchased the store of Harry Krieger. 670 Calder street 8 M. J. KATZ, , No. 649 Cumberland Street. ens, fancy, 16©18o; broiling chickens, fancy, 24036 c: do., fair, 18© 10c; capons, large, 23025 c: da, small. 18©20 c; turkeys, fancy, 240><0; do., fair, 20023 c; ducks, 11018 c; geese, 11016 c. Potatoes Weaker; old, per buhsel, 9Oc0$l.OO; new, per barrel, 76c054.00. Flour The market is dull; winter, clear, $3.85M4.1v: straights. Penn sylvania, $4.15©4.30 ; western, *4.25® 4.40; patents, $4.60@4.76; Kansas straight. Jute sacks, 84.1504.30; spring, flrsts, clear, $4.0004.20; straights, $4.20 04.40; patents. $4.5004.75. Hay The market is steady; tim othy, Mo. 1, large bales, $18.00018.60; No. 1, medium bales, $17.60018.00; No. 2, do., $16.60016.50; No. 3, do., $14,000 16.00. Clover mixed: Light, mixed, $16,500 17.00; No. 1, do., $16.00016.50; No. 2. do., $14.00016.00. CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., June -20. Hogs Re ceipts, 11,000; strong. Bulk of sales, $8.3508.40; light, $8.1008.40: mixed, $8.1008.45; heavy, $8.0008.42%; rough, $8.0008.15; pigs. $7.2508.00. Cattle Receipts, 200; steady. Beeves, $7.3509.35; steers, $6.8008.15; stockers and feeders, $0.1008.10; cows and heifers, $3.6008.80; calves, $7,000 10.25. Sheep Reecipts, 4,000; steady. Sheep, $5.3006.40; yearlings, $6,400 kSO; lambs, $6.5008.50; springs, $7,000 PAXTANG PARK During the coming week Manager Davis will present his park patrons wltti the most expensive free attraction that has ever been seen at Paxtang Park. Mr. Davis has succeeded in engaging J. S. Burger to give an exhibition of fancy aeroplane driving at the park on Tues day, Wednesday and Thursday of next week. The work of the aviator will be confined to the area directly over the park and will consist of glides, dips, voeplaning. looping the loop and all the daredevil stunts known to aviation. This will be the highest-priced frea attraction ever put on at Paxtang. as well as the most interesting. While aeroplanes have been exhibited In the city before, the events have not been frequent enough to detract from the novelty of the thing It is doubtful if the park management could have se cured an attraction so well calculated draw the people to Paxtang. No admission fee of any kind will be charged for the exhibitions. The flights w ill be conducted in the same manner as the balloon ascensions wore in the past; one at 4 o'clock in the afternoon and one at 7.30 o'clock in the evening, ro make this a gala week for Paxtang the management has booked a big girl act for the headline attraction at the park theater. The act will be the Perry Mmstrelß, ten young ladles who made a big hit at the park playhouse last sum mer In a female minstrel first part. The minstrel girls will be remembered as one of the best girl acts that has ever appeared at Paxtang, and the an nouncement of their return to the park will be welcome news to all theater goers. The balance of the coming: week's show will be made up of material cal- £ u ill furnish strong support to the headline.—Adv. GIRL HAS TUBERCULOSIS Special to The Telegraph Duncannon, Pa., June 20. Elsie, the 12-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bowman, is confined to bed at the home of her parents with tu berculosis of the hip. BOY'S ARM BROKEN Special to The Telegraph Duncannon, Pa., June 20.—Arty, the little 7-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Miller, of Enola, came hare yesterday with his parents to spend the day with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Johnston, at Juniata Bridge. In the evening coming down Market street Master Arty climbed to the top of a board pile at the Standard Novelty Works, fell to the ground a distance of fifteen feet and fractured his left arm. MORE ECONOMY TESTS In a number of economy tests re cently made by motorcyclists in vari ous parts of the country unusual re sults were obtained by some of the rider. At Stockton. Cal., Will Rundel rode his motorcycle 109 miles on a gallon of gkeollne, while Ed Perkins got 162 miles out of his machine, using the same amount of fuel. Girton & Hofer, of Los Angeles, present affida vits showing that they made 117 miles on a seven-horsepower chain-drive motorcycle. And O. E. Evans and J. Roy Hosklnson, of Dayton, Ohio, made a gallon of gasoline carry them 108 and 109 miles, respectively. BLAME IT ON THE TIRE He didn't pump it full enough Though all the air is free; He left it soft and spongy like, And scooted on with glee. He skidded, then he gilded, and He whooped through dust and mire; And when it burst, he cussed and • cussed And blamed it on the tire. He drove it on the street car tracks With confidence superb, He bumped against the lamp posts, And he scraped it on the- curb. He slammed it and he jammed It, To fill his heart's desire, And when It popped right out he hopped And blamed It on the tire. He cut It on some broken glass. But thought, "that didn't hurt," He kept right on through sand and mud. And filled the cut with dirt. It potted here and rotted there, And soon he howled in ire, When It blew up, he blew up too And blamed it on the tire. , He put on chains that ground and chewedf Ai . gouged into the tread; He knew his wheels were out of true, "But what of that," he said. He wizzed along and stzzed along, He picked up nails and wire, And when they banged his fist he whanged. And blamed it on the tire. Who is this man? Go ask the boya Who meet him every day, Go ask the boys who have to hear The things he has to say. He bores in and roars In, With words of angry fire, Though he's to blame it's all the same He blames it on the tire. -^|ontributed ß Jb2^he ii J£illei^Rubb i er niiBBER STAMQA >lll SEALS «. STENCILS lf\ jfl V MFG.BYHBG.STENCILWORKS ■ |1 II 130 LOCUST ST. HBG, PA. II THB HarrUburg Polyclinic Dispen sary will be open dally except Sunday at I P. M., at its new location, mi North Second street, for the free treat ment of the worthy poor. 15