Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 02, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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Chinchilla Overcoats at sls
For to-morrow we have more of the spe
cial Chinchilla Overcoats which we sell at
$ 1 5.00. These Overcoats are of very fine LaJgi.
qualities of Chinchilla; in blue, brown and
gray colors, with shawl collars
and belted back; sizes range *fl
from 33 to 42 chest.
We suggest that if you are |||r
interested in an overcoat that you come to
morrow, as there are only enough of these fmi H
coats for to-morrow's selling. AIII
Other Chinchilla Overcoats at S2O, $25, : ;f ,S'' ''M
S3O and $35. Genuine Sedan Mon- ;'fj JM mST
tagnac Overcoats, silk lined throughout, $4 5; S m I*4l I W
Persian Lamb Collar Overcoats of whole JE) Via I m
skin lamb collars; Overcoats made of genu- JjaPj
ine St.George Kersey with quilted lining,s3 5.
These Reduced Price
Boys' Suits and Overcoats
With this sale clearances begin in earnest. The
1 and special prices printed below show the sav
in S' s t° be had here to-morrow.
Boys ' Overcoats Boys' Suit*
yMJ,' Blue, gray and brown All-wool Norfolk Suits,
W.J, !y \ [wf Chinchillas, button-to-neck w^th extra Knickerbocker;
I 0 styles; regular $6.50 kinds a £ es 6 to 18, in neat gray
mpjfi r'cT at $5.00 and tan mixtures; the reg
•• • Sizes 2to 10 years. l, ' ar $6.50 kinds at $5.00
i. . f Long Convertible and I Boys ' and Sail ° r
j/§ M Shawl Collar Overcoats, i
// ;' <' 1 full or half belt styles, of * ll navy, gray and brown
I ■ i tan, gray and brown; $6.50 serges; regulation styles;
' ■II- ' - and §7.00 values, at $5.00 regular $5.00 styles at
/mt •I # sizes 6to 12 years. $3.95
Boys' Corduroy Knickers
~iW i ?? yS ' A11 " w ° o1 Chinchil- Of dark gray shades, cut
l/slf D)X Overcoat, in navy, gray peg top styles all seams
IM and blown shawl collar; taped just the thing for
(ft! model belted back: $12.50 school wear; $125 kinds
w qualities, at SIO.OO special at SI.OO
"The Globe." The Store for Father & Son
Trains to and From Harrisburg
Carried Few Passengers
Officials of the Pennsylvania Rail
road, as well as those of the Reading
Railway, report a big falling off in
passenger traffic yesterday, due mostly
to the fact that New Ye.ir l);iy travel
ers heretofore have been mostly pass
holders. Few Harrisburg folks went
to Philadelphia to see the Mummers'
display, and local trains carred a very
small number of passengers.
On a morning train, yesterday, on
wnicfi there have never been less than
100 passengers leaving Harrisburg for
Eastern points, there were but twenty
seven passengers out of this citv. A
< umberland Valley train south-bound,
had Its full quota and was the onlv
train leaving the Pennsylvania Railroad
Mation, which did not show a decrease
in travel. The train, east-bound, leav
ing Harrisburg at 3:25 a. m , had but
one full car.
From the West travel was verv
light. Conductors on five trains out of
Altoona reported that they had but one
passenger until they reached Tyrone.
Another train had two women out of
Altoona and a third had but six pas
fieng-erg all told until iluntii.grdon was i
The annual dinner of President Rea,
of the Pennsylvania Railroad, to divi
sion and department heads, was held
A Full Set d* C
of Teeth, r J
Come In the morning. Have
your teeth made the same day.
Plates repaired on short notice.
310 Market Street.
Open Days anil E\cuings.
Philadelphia to-day. Among those
iii attendance from Harrisburg were:
invasion Passenger Agent Buncatianan.
, e ,"r n f, dy ' P res 'dent of the Cum
birland Valley Railroad. and General
superintendent George W. Creighton.
rii^tr?J»°" s *i° takin , s their respective
c e , re srular monthly change
chanan, Superintendent W. B. McCaleb
e,i Colonel Hutchiscfh call-
Hio. nl> attention, °f I'ls Patrolmen to
for keeping a iMose Witch
tor pett> thieves. Instructions were
sidewalks" re * ardln * the cleaning of
Several Hundred Lose
Savings Through Failure
Several hundred people who lost their
savings in the Keystone Guard failure,
crowded into Towanda, on Monday, to
hi-%1? U"* Pf U lO au <lltors appointed
lh, ?i i aup \ n Cout >ty Court to adjust
the claims. Attorney Renjamin F X'm
torf 01 "' ° f th ' S city> is one' of the audi-
Sir. T mberger said this morning tliat
fnth 1 ! o '™* old peopl,; who lost money
'"the c° m p an >- appeared at th© sitting,
expecting to gpt it back, and many of
them were angry when they learned
they -would not receive it for a while
finish thefr\v d the. auditors wili
finish tlielr work in about sis months.
Standing of the Crews
Philadelphia Division— l2s crew first
to go after 3 p. m.: 106, 127. 119 lufi
JiS: i°o3. 120,118 ' U6 ' 114,105 -
| for 106, 111, 113, 114, 122,
Firemen for 108. 119.
Conductors for 106, 107, 127
Flagmen for 108, 116, 119.
Brakemen for 103. 106. 106, 107 108
110, 114, 119, 120, 125, 126, 127 '
Engineers up: Sellers, Sober, Kitch
McGowan, Maxwell. Baldwin, Kimes!
Albright, M. H. Gemmill, Martin, Aran
dale, Reisinger, Shocker, Hapersett
Firemen up: Spring, Coover, Welsh.
Peters, \V atson, Fisher, Vickers New
man, Winters, Filling, Sowers, Eck
rich, Johnson, Donache, Shultz, Leh
man, Jones.
Conductors up: Horning, Sellers,
Looker, Sloat.
Flagmen up: Swope, Martin, Bren
Brakemen up: Hubbard, Ranker.
Moore, Kerstetter, Feig, Carroll Pres
ton, Dowhower, Hill, Shope, C. H. Col
lins, Huston, Bogner, Simmons, Sh«rk
Hlvner, Huber, Dengler. Mumma. HOK
entogler. Shultzberger, Baltozer.
Middle Division —215 crew first to go
after 2 p. m.: 238, 244. 235, 242 247
„ up: Brl ffSles. Harris,
Shirk, Smith, Bowers, Havens.
Firemen up: Gunderman. Mumper
Henderson. Kline, Snyder, Grubb Bor
tel. E. E. Miller. Stober C. E. Miller.
S. S. PToffman. Reeder, Masterson, L,i-
Rapp DrslnKer " McAlicher, Kepner,
Brakemen up: Durr, Scherick, Bles*-
Putt, Foltz, Henry,
McNaight, Beers.
Vard < rrvtn—To go after 4 p. m.
I'.uglneers for 213, 707, 14. 136S
Kiromen for 2800, 707. 1171, 14," 145#
Engineers up: Crist. Saltzmnn, Kulin,
Pelton, Shaver. I Hindis. Heek, Hsrfer.
Biever, Blosser, Rodgers, J. R. Snyder,
fe Mea^ aS staw', d &wab OUSer ' Brcnne "
s heots, ni ßair' P Keeverj^ art ' B *rkey,
Ford. Ivfearner r ? n "PP. Haller,
Crow. Revie £• j U J Shipley
Raucli. We Il'lc t P°i?i dorf V, Schiefer
Maeyer, SholteV/ Sn^[ kCy ' Cool <erley:
! Philadelphia vision**'f
; °44: J 202, r 2M "o^
269! 242'. Hi °' - 6 -' 218 ' 258/ 204.' lU]
26f nßrl " eerS for 205 - 236 - 244, 247, 2o"
for 230, 24 4. 247, 234, 255^
i Conductors for 205 2"8 " r .K
1< lagmen for 242. 252 "
for °o-i ••in o<»
Flagman up: McCann ' "° 3, * 61 '
Blair? t Arment ,P ßren ( f>r he xi? U t r ' Ilcinsc h,
Mcllroy, Caaiipbell Ppt'er ' Bo >' d '
man, Casey Hutt.in vv-i i IyPrs ' Steh-
Middle ' «Bur
dafter 3:15 p.
eo after Tm l ° n - 1S crew «»t to
Eal?!h r ound eW aftef r 2 e 4 d r; ?° Uer '
56, 53, 62, C7,'60 P ' m " : 70 - 6 3,
Conductors up: Orris K*ifn A t
Engineers up- ForfnovHS® # Lem an.
Firemen up: Seller- r ( , (l W^ man '
Brakeinen up: Miles, a^aubfWenkf'
Must Be More Than One
Bidder in Department
of Safety, Says Bowman
Unless more one bid is sub .
the u r any - klnd 0f material for
the citj s Department of Public Safetv
the proposals will be readvertised tor
until more than one is received, ac
cording to Commissioner H. F. Bow
man to-day. The first application of
the new rule will be enforced on Jan
uary 12 when new bids for some
I piping will be opened. Bids for this
purpose had been opened some weeks
jago, but M. F. Saul was the only
bidder Commissioner Bowman con
sidered it too high and promptly re
A ' n 4 point™ What dlflferent vi«w
party Democratic..
Si, L nsta P ce ' clv » service
On which point it's most erratic.
Down in Washington employes
Put there by the G. O P
Jlust get out because they're not what
Well, because they're not, you see.
Bl He r Jr ht ' lere dea r old Harrisburg
Royal Pee " puls Mayor John
Urge the civil service doctrine
Tor "My" appointees most loyal. \
Getting down to fine deductions
. Thin wouldseem to be their plaint
',V, ,1! !. n r d you - you're a pippin,
Jf i didn t, well, you ain't."
Big Changes in Capitalization An
nounced in Papers Filed
at the Capitol
Arranging to Clear Desk; Forestry
Commission Regrets Roth
rock Retirement
Local companies
increase of stock ]
was tho biggest;
4yiflnnnw pers in man y |
creases aggregat
ins millions were
entered on the record*.
The Morton Truck and Tractor
Company, of this city, filed notice of
Increase of stock from $2 50,000 to
$300,000; Big Hun Water Companv,
Harrisburg, stock, $5,000 to $50,000,
and debt, $250,000; Four Consolidated
Electric Company, Tower City, debt,
$50,000; Suburban Gas and Fuel Com
pany, of York county, Dallastown,
debt. SBO,OOO to $125,000; Lancaster
Sanitary Milk Company. Lancaster,
stock, $40,000 to $60,000; Watson
town Throwing Company, Watson
town, debt, $20,000.
The Harrisburg Railways Company
filed notice of increase of bonded debt
from $3,000,000 to $3,169,900.
Homer Shoemaker. G. R. Barnett
and E. E. Barnitz figure in the con
solidation of the Ludlow Natural Gas
and the Ludlow Electric Company,
forming the Ludlow Ga-s and Electric
Company, capital SIO,OOO.
Big Charter Fees, —Business of the
corporation bureau of tho State De
partment to-day netted the State
$2 2,000. It was one of the banner
days and Corporation Clerk B. B. Mil
ler was working his endorsing hand
Governor at Work.—Governor Tenet
was busy to-day clearing up work on
commission appointments. They were
left by the Legislature and he has
been studying people qualified for the
Hush for Tag*.—The rush for auto
mobile tags kept up at the Highway
Department and the force will work
nights indefinitely. Tags to tho num
ber of 25,000 will make the week's
record. The department turned in
$31,000 to the Treasury to-day.
Retirement Xote<l.—Tho retirement
of Forestry Commissioner J. T. Roth
rock, the father of Pennsylvania for
estry, was appropriately noted by the
Forestry Commission to-day. It adopt
ed resolutions regretting his resigna
tion and expressing the appreciation
of his work by the commission and
the people. Dr. Rothrock was an
original member of the commission
and a great factor. The commission
acted on twenty-five applications for
camp sites on State reserves to-day. -
State Charters.—The following State
charters have been issued: People's
ißank, Boswell, capital $30,000; Edin
boro Light and Power Company, Edin
boro, capital $5,000; Slovak Building
and Loan Association, Tarentum, capi
tal $500,000; Co-operative Coal Com
pany, Strattanville, capital $5,000;
Commercial Electric Company, Oly
phant, capital $5,000; Republican
Electric Company, Blakely, capital
$5,000; Glen Mawr Oil Company, Os
born. capital $15,000; J. C. Donges
Co., lumber, Pittsburgh, capital $5,000;
Overton Oil and Gas Companv, Over
ton, captial $5,000; E. F. James Sales
Company, Hazleton, capital $10,000;
Short Line Land Company, Pittsburgh,
capital $5,000; Marathon Tire Sales
Company, Pittsburgh, capital $5,000;
Connery & Co.. iron and steel, Phila
delphia, capital $50,000; Xisbet &
Werry Audit Company, Pittsburgh
capital $5,000.
Ready for Tax.—On receipt of the
tonnage declarations by anthracite
coal uperators the Auditor General
will send the bills for the new tax.
Although no steps have been taken to
test the constitutionality of the now
tax law, it is expected that this will be
done. If the tax is declared uncon
stitutional the Philadelphia and Read
ing Coal and Iron Company will make
a refund of the extra charge it is
placing on its coal. The Reading and
all other operators added 10 cents to
the cost per ton on account of tho tax-
Here and there in the retail trade the
10 cents additional has been passed
along to the consumer, but the mer
chants have not stood together, and so
most of them are paying the tax with
out any expectation of having it re
funded than that offered by probable
It cost $1,450 to secure dissolution
01 the West Chester Normal School
Commissioner Dixon sent a Now
Year's greeting card to every one of
the 4,000 persons connected with his
The Public Service Commission will
meet Tuesday to take up the com
plaints about rates and other things
which have been piling up.
Dr. J. George Becht, secretary of
the Board of Education, has been
spending the week at the educational
meeting in Pittsburgh.
Director Martin will attend Butler
institutes next week.
The Dairy and Food Division force
is laboring with 1.200 applications for
olco licenses. The rush breaks all
Secretary Wharton, of the Board of
Charities, was at the Capitol.
Governor Tener will spend to-mor
row in Philadelphia,
Chief Engineer Fostr saw the New
Year parade In Philadelphia yester
Commissioner Dixon's visit, to* Pitts
burgh bids fair to lead to. important
developments in clearing up of west
ern streams.
William M. Hargest, Deputy Attor
ney General, will argue State cases In
the Supreme Court at Philadelphia
next week.
The commission for Judge Irwin, of
Washington, was made out to-day
State Treasurer Young has received
the money the State had on deposit in
the two western banks which closed
up recently. In both cases the surety
companies paid and the State got
every penny, with interest. Inciden.
tally It did not cost the Common
wealth anything.
John Sushlnskl, condemned to be
hanged In Pottsville January 15, to
day applied for commutation and the
case will be considered on the 21st
A respite will be Issued.
EHe, Pa., Jan. 2.—Held up and
robbed on board the steamer Dunham
as she lay at her dock here last night
three men were locked in fhe ship's
refrigerator and remained there un
til" almost noon to-day when they es
rnped. They were almost frozen to
Suit and Overcoat I
Reductions I
tTHE time has arrived I
for us to make our usual I
January reductions on Men's i
and Young Men's Suits and I
Overcoats. This event is of I
prime importance in the I
retail business of this city. Known at I
all times as Harrisburg's leading value I
givers. The occasion of this sale in- I
variably brings lower prices and greater I
values than are any where else at- I
tempted. Every garment in the store, I
staple blacks and blues included, I
honestly reduced. All the new I
Copyright 1913 The Hou* of Kuppenheicar creations in j ■
MONEY BACK, as always, alterations if necessary, made |f
as carefully as ever. Straight methods and straight mer- ||
chandise sale time and all times— II
that's the live store's policy. J|
$1 C Suits and $10.50 1
Overcoats LLi= I
$lO Suits and $1 A .50 uHjS/fr I
1 Overcoats MTOHI I
I s 9f| Suits and $1 £*. so ||li I
I Overcoats *o= ||® I
I*9 C Suits and $01.50 tm J§ 1 I
I LLO Overcoats jf? I
■8 Copyright 1913 The Houn of Kuppenhamef'
I i i
Citj" Officials Make Addresses
at Dedication of New
As a closing- feature of a dedication
liamiuet,. M. Harvey Taylor, Commis
sioner of Public Hafety, last night of-
Ikially turned over to the Shamrock
Hose Company, No. 11. for their earn
and keeping, the new combination
JANUARY 2,1914.
chemical arjd hose wagon, and It was
received by A. A. Krebs, president of
the company.
City officials, Councllmen and repre
sentatives from other companies at
tended the .banquet. Speeches were
made by O. M. Copelln, City Treasurer;
Mayor Royal. ex-Mayor E. Z. Gross,
John C. Klndler, chief of the fire de
partment; Arthur D. Bacon, ex-Select
Council president; Ashton D. Peace,
William Daum, of Lancaster, a former
president of the Shamrock Company;
Harvey Taylor, the Rev. John Worden,
pastor pf the Bethany Presbyterian
Church, and chaplain of the Shamrock
Company; Wellington G. Jones, A. A
Krebs and Christian Whistler, the new
president of the company.
"What's tlin matter with this doll'"
asked the salesman.
"It couldn't possibly isilurc.it niv
children, ' replied Mrs. Plitwtiii "it
doesn't wear a slashed skirt."—Wash- I
Inutun Star.
Mother of Murderer
Throws Herself 2n
Font of Fast Train
By Associated Press
Pittsburgh, Jan. 2.—Brooding" over
the acts of her son, Henry Rokowskl,
who last Sunday at West Homestead
shot oner man dead and wounded two
other persona so they have Btnce died,
Mrs. Katrina Rokowskl to-day threw
herself In front of a trafrn at Hays, a
suburban town. She was almost in
stantly killed. Posses of county de
tectives and deputy sheriffs continue
to search for Rokowskl who has been
reported a number of times as having,
been seen in the vicinity of the siioot