Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, July 23, 1847, Image 1

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At- t 04-64,1
^C ,
"To all on the ,hetta-field fighting for my dear
ountry--thet wotkkt not be hard."—Tee Nrighbure.
0 no, no—let me lie
Not on s.tieli of battle when I die
Let not the Iron tread
Of the mad warhorse crush my helmed head
hk to'dkr reeking talks,
Thst I have drawn against a brother's
Be in my hand when Death
Thunders along, and tampion me beneath
His heavy squadrons' heels,
Or gory (Woes of his cannon's wheels.
From such a dying bed,
Though o'er it Nat the strips of white and red.
A hd . the . hold •etigleirrirdra
The elustorod stars upon his wide-spread twinge
To valide in my sight,
0, never lot my sPirit take her flight !
I know that Beauty's eye --,- ,a•
Is all the brighter where gay penanti fly,
And brazen helmets dance,
And sunshine flashes on the lifted lance ;
I know that barite have sung,
And people 'shouted WI the welkin rung,
In honor of the brava
Who on the battle-field have found a grave ;
I know that o'er their berms
Have grateful hands piled monumental stoura
Some of those piles I've seen :
The one at Lexington, upon the grow
Where the Brat blood was shed
That to m.y country's independence led ;
And others, on our shore, .
The "Battle Monument" at Baltimore,
And that on Bunker's hill.
Ay, and abroad, a few more famous still:
_Thry_.Tamh,” Thrunisiooles.
That looks out yet upon the Grecian sob,
And which tho waters kiwi
That issue frnm the gullet Makilibl.
Arid thine, too, have I acen,
Thy wound of eiuth, Pairochia, robed. in green
That, like a natural knoll,
ttbccp climb and nimble over, ac they stroll
Minium' by some urban',l boy,
l'imn tin! margin Of, the plain of "I'riy
Such honors grace the bed,
I know, wherron the warrior Isys his heed,
And hears, us ebbs out,
The conquered flying, and tho conqueror's shmtt
But tut his ryes sgrow dins,
What in *column or n mowed to hills
What, to the parting w6l, ,
1 lie mellow note of Wale.? Whet 010 roll
(H Bruins I 10 ; lat me die
Where the blue heavens bend o er me lovingly,
And the sort atlllUner
As Agnes hy me, stir,. my awl white hair.
And from my forehead dries
The death damp au it mithere, and the skies
Seem waiting to receive
My soul to their dear depth ! Or let me leave
The world when round my hid
Wife, children, weeping friends arc gathered,
And thti calm VlMit` or prayer
And holy hymning shall my soul prepare
To go and beet trot •
With kindred apiribs—siiirits that have blessed
Till' human brotherhood,
Dy labors, cares, and counsels for their good..
And in my dying hour,
When nches, finue, and honor have no power
To beer the spirit up,
Or from nilips to turn aside the cup
That ullinust.drink at lust;
0, h me draw ram . sitters% from the past
Then let my soul run hack,
With peace and joy . , along any earthly track,
And we thin ■ll the seeds
I hitve weltered there, in virtuous deeds,
Have ap`rung up, and have given.
Already, fruits of whicet to taste in brawn!
And though no gram), mound
Or gnuair pile six 'tie heroic ground
Where my romaine repose,
Null will I hope,—rairl hope, perhaps I—that those
Whom 1 have rumen to bless,
The wanderer mehtimed, the fatherleae,
May stand around my grave,
With the poor prieoner, and the poorer stare,
And brembe an humble prayer,
'Jut they may die like him whose booed alx, moo
daring there.
Flow**, Flowers! the poetry of earth,
Dupulaire, pure, and wild ;
With what a strange delight they fill
The wandering mirthful child.
How passing beautiful they arc
On youth's unclouded plain,
And yet we 'comely know their worth
Till life is on its wane.
Then grows their love a deeper thing,
As our lone pathway tends
Down 'mid the witlicrimi plants of hope,
And grave. of buried iriends.
(From'le Christian World
I haw • little step-son, the loveliest thing alive,
A noWo,„sturdy boy
,ishe f anti yet he's only Ace
Ills smooth cheek bath a bloomy glow, his eyes
so black as jet,
And his lips am like two rosabuds, all tremulous
and wet.
His days par oil in sunshine, in laughter and in
API careless as a summer rill that dings itself along ;
For like a pretty fairy-tale that'i all too quickly
Is the young life of a little one, that's only five
years old.
He's dreaming on his happy couch before the
day grows datk,
lie's up with morning'. my ray, a.singing with
the lark
Witeneer the downs are freshad, where'er the
anew is green,
With light . locks waving on the wind, 61i4eify
corm la seen.
Amid the wattling March-winds, amid the April
shaiiene, •, •
wadderwith-the ringing birds, arid blossoms
with the limners e - • '
He cares not for this stnuterheat, humus not for
the cold,
My sturdy littler step son, that`, only five years old.
How touching 'tie to sea him clasp hie dimpled
hands in prayer.
And raise his lit Is ro face with reverential air !
/low simple is his eloquence! how soft his accents
When pleading with the King of kings to love
And bites us all, '
And when from prayer he bounds "Way i
n unto
eence and joy, .
Tho blessing of a smiling God gcom with the sin
less bor.
A Ittlo lambkin of, the flock, !lithi ll the girior'd
Is Ite , my lovely step-eon, that's only five Aerial
fliairsi not told you of pur biota, that in the emu.
' - tncr hours,
Sten& In its simple modesty half hid Mori, the
I have not said tutu* word about. our mines of
Our treasures are this little boy, contentmeut, POnce
and health t •
For even a lordly r 411, totygatt
" : PlLem '
Without thc gush of his glad voice. the gleams of
his bright face
'And wily a courtly pair, I wean, would give
their gems „tend gold,
For a noble happy buy like ourM souse four or Oro
0 . • A. ID A N F f
MY Y. fr.. ARUM
give Mtn law to his heart's content,
the scoundrel !" said Singleton, walking
backward and forward, in an angry state of
"Don't call harsh names, Mr. Single
ron," said lawyer Trueman, looking up
from the mass of papers before him, and
smiling in a quiet, benevolent way that way
that was peculiar to him.
"Every man should be known by his
true name. Williams is a scoundrel, and
so he ought to be called !" responded the
client with increasing warmth.
"Did you ever do a reasonable thing in
your life when you were angry I" asked
Mr. Truman, whose ago and respectability
gave him the license to speak thus freely
to his young friend, for whom he was en
deavoring to arrange some -business diffi
culty with his former partner.
"I can't say that I ever did, Mr. True
man ; but now I have good reason for be
ing angry. and the language I use in refer-1
epee to Williams, is but the expression of
a sober and rational conviction," replied
,Singleton, a little more calmly.
"Did you pronounce him a scoundrel
before you received this reply to your,ikat
letter f f " asked Mr. Truman.
"No, I did not ; but that letter confirmed
my previously formed impressions of his
"But . I cannot find in that letter any ev
itlence proving your late partner to be a
dishonest man. lie will not agree to your
proposed mode of settlement because he
does notsee it to be the most proper way."
"Ile won't agree to it because it is nit
honest and equitable mode of settlement,
that is all d Ile wants to over-reach me,
and is determined to do so if he can 1" re
sponded Mr. Singleton, still excited.
There you arc decidedly wrong," said
the lawyer. "You have both allowed
yourselves to become angry, and arc both
unreasonable; and if I Must speak plainly,
I think you are the most unreasonable in
the present case. Two angry men can
never settle any business properly. You
have unnerssardy increased the difficulties
in the way of a speedy settlement, by wri- ,
ring Mr. Williams an angry letter, which I
he has responded to in the like unhappy
temper. Now, if lam to settle this busi
ness for you, I must write all letters that
in future pass to Mr. Williams."
"But how can you properly express my
views and feelings 'r'
- "That I do not wish to do, if ybui'vieerri
and feelings are to remain as they now are
—for anythieg like-an adjustment of the
difficulties, under such circumstances, I
shimld consider hopeless," replied Mr.
"Well, let me answer this letter, and af
ter that I promise that you shall have your
own way. "
1 shall consent to no such thing.
It is the reply to that letter that is to mod
ify the negotiation for a settlement in such
a way as to bring success or failure ; and
I have no idea of allowing you, in the pre
sent state of your mind, to write such an
one as will most assuredly defeat an ami
cable adjustment."
Singleton paused fol. some time before
making a reply. He had been forming in
his mind a must cutting and bittei-rejoin
der to the letter just alluded to, and he was
very desirous that Mr. Williams should
have the benefitof knowing that he thought
him a "tricky and deliberate scoundrel,"
with other opinions of a similar character.
Ile found it, therefore, impossible to make
up his mind to let the unimpassioned Mr.
Trueman write this most important letter.
"Indeed, I must write this letter, Mr.
Traction," he said. "There are some
things that I want to say to him, which I
know you won't write. You don't seem
to consider the position in which he has
placed me by that letter, nor what is oblig
atory upon me as a man of honor. 1 nev
er allow uliy man to reflect upon me, di
rectly or indirectly, without a prompt re
uThcre is in the Bible," said Mr. True-
man, "a passage that is peculiarly applica
ble in the present case. It is this—.A. soft
answer turned' away wrath, but grievous
words Stir up anger.' I have found this
precept, in a life that has numbered more
than double your years, to be one that may
be safely and honorably adopted in all ca
ses. You blame Mr. Williams for writing
yen an angry letter, and are indignant at
certain expressions contained therifin;—
Now is it any more right for you to write
an angry letter, with cutting epithets, than
it is for him I"
"liut, Mr. Truoinau"--..
"I do assure you, my young friend,"
said the lawyer, interrupting him, "that 1
am acting in this case for yourbenefit, and
not for my own; and, as your legal advi
ser, you must submit to my judgment, or
L cannot consent to go on."
"If I will premiss auj to use any .harsh
language, will you not consent to lot me
write the letter l" urged the client.
"You and 1, in the present state ot ydur
mind ; could not possibly come at the saint
conclusion in reference to what is harsh
and what is mild," said
~14Ir. Truentan ;
therefore I cannot consent that - ton shall
write one word of the itiroposed reply—l
mufti write it."
"Well, I suppose, then, I shall have to
‘Vheri will it be ready ?"
"Come this afternoon, and I will give
yO.O the draft, which you can copy and
sign. •
In the afternoon' Mr. Singleton-tame
and received the letter prepared by Mr.
Truemen. It ran thus, after thedate and
formal edthests-
441 'regref Mint my proposition did not
Meat your approbationi.= The mode ofB6l
- I suggested was the result
of tt careful,considuration of our mutual in,
thiSts. , lie kind .
.enough to suggest to
Mr. Truentan; my lawyer, any plan which
you•think . Will lead to an early and arnica.
We *status:mitt, "• You may rely upon my
• . At' 4 o Meets his 'approbation."
"Ts it Pussthle,.Mr. Trucmai, that you
ex poet me to sign such a cringing letter as
Unit 1" said Mr. Singleton., throwing it
down, and walking backward and forward
with great irritation of manner. ,
what in uur uttiectiuit to it?"
replied Mr. Trueman, mildly, fur he was
prepared far ouch an exhibition-tor feeling.
"Objection ! How can you, iikisnch a
question'? Am I to go onmy kitees to
hint, and beg him to do me justice. No!
I'll sacrifice every cent I've got in the
world first, the scoundrel!"
"You wish to have your business set
tled, do you not?" asked Mr. Trueman,
looking him stead4„.in the face.
"Of course I thi:-:honorably settled I"
"Well, let me hear what you mean by
an honorable settlement."
"Why, I mean"—
The young man hesitated a moment and
Mr. 'freeman said,
"You mean a settlement in which your
interest shall be equally considered with
that of Mr. Williams."
"YesAfertainly, and that"—
"And that," continued Mr. 'freeman,
"Mr. Williams, in the settlement, shall
consider and treat you as a gentleman ?"
"Certainly I do; but that is more than
he has done."
"Well, never mind. Jtet - What - 4 past
go for as mach as it is worth. The prin
cipal point of action is the present."
"But I'll never send that mean, cringing
letter, though."
"You mistake its whole tenor, I do as
sure you, Mr. Singleton. You have allow
ed your angry feelings to blind you. You
certainly carefullx,,, considered before you
adopted it, the pro:posed basis of a settle
ment, did you not 1"
"Of course I did."
"So the letter I have prepared for you
states. Now, as an honest and honorable
man, you are, 1 am sure, willing to grant
to hint the same privilege which you ask
ed for yourself, viz : Mato!' proposing
plau 'of settlement. Your proposition does
not seem to please him ; now it is but fair
that he should be invited to stale how he
wishes the settlement to be made--and in
giving such an invitation, a gentleman
should use gentlemanly language."
"But he don't deserve to be treated
like a gentleman. In fact, he has no claim
to the title," said the , young man.
"If he has none, as you say, you profess
to be a gentleman, and all gentlemen should.
prove by their actions and words that they
"I can't say that I am convinced by
what you say; but as you seem tuliebent
on having it your own way, why, here, let
me copy die thiug-ana sign it,' said the
young man suddenly changing his manner.
- it.There,„uoty," he added, passing across
the table the brief letter he had copied, "I
suppose he'll think me a low spirited fel
low,-iifier he geti that: but he's mistaken.
After it's all over, PR take good care to tell
him that it dant contain my sentiments."
Mr. Trueman smiled, as he took the
letter, and went on to fold and direct it.
"Come to-morrow siternoom and I think
we'll have things in a pretty fair way," he
said, looking up with his usual pleasant
smile, as he finished the diwction of the
"Good afternoon,Mr.Singicton," hcsaid,
as that gentleman entered his,odice on the
succeeding day.
"Good afterncion," respondeddie young
man. "Well, have you heard from that
milk-and-water letter of yours ? I can't
call it mine."
"Yes, here is the answer. Take a sea
and I will read it to you," said the old gen
"Nell let's hear it."
"D . RAR Eooox :—I have your kind and
gentlemanly note of yesterday, in reply to
my harsh, unreasonable, and ungentleman
ly one of the day before. We have both
been playing the fool; but irou are ahead of
me in becoming sane. I have examined,
since I got your note, more carefully the
tenor of your proposition for a settlement,
and it meets my views precisely. My
foolish anger kept me from seeing it be
fore. Let our mutual friend, Mr. True
mau, arrange the matter according to the
plan mentioned, and l s.lwl most heartily
acquiesce. Yours, &e.,
THOM AR , W 1LL1A,11:4."
"Ile never wrote that letter in the
world !" exclaimed Singleton, starting to
his fee k
"You know his writing, I presume,"
said Mr. Truman, handing him the letter.
"It's Thomas William's own hand, as I
live I" ejaculated Singleton, °menacing at
the letter. "My old friend, Thomas W il
liams, the best natured fellow in the world!"
he continued, his feelings undergoing a
sudden and entire revolution. ”IYhat a
fool I have been!" .....
"And what a foCkl I have . been !" said
Thomas Williams, advancing from an ad
joining' room, at the same time extending
his hand towards Singleton.
"God bless you, my dear friend !" ex
claimed Singleton gasping his had. "Why,
whatitas been the matter with us both r'.
"My . young friends," said Mr. True.
man; one or the kindest hearted man in
the world, rising and adianeing towards
them, "1 have known you long, and have
always esteemed you both. - This . pleas
ant meeting and reconciliation, you per-
Calve, is of my arrangement. Now, let
give you a precept - that. will make friends
and keep friends. It has been my motto
through life, and I don't know that I have
au enemy in the world . . Iris,
"II soil answer turneth away wrath,
butgrievous tords 'stir up_anger."
\YEAR A Sitt.s.—lVhielt will you
smile, and make others happy, or be crab
bed and make every ono around you raise-.
ruble? The amount of happiness you Can
produce is incalculable, if you shoW a smi
ling facc—a kind heart,--and speak pleas.
am words. Wear asmilincenuatunace--
lot joy beam in your eyes, anti !ern grow
on your fOrelicad. Tbore no . joy.liko
theta/4440rings from p.kiral act ur pleas ,
ant decd—liud you may feel it al. night
when you rest, ,Itt morning when yoi l t rue.,
and through all the day, when about your
"A smile; who will raftwe a smile,
The sorrowing brearit - to cheer I
And turn to love the heart of guile s
And cheek the falling tear
A pleasant wade for every Giro,
0, 'tie a bleared thing
Itwill Thee of rare erase,
And sputa of beauty bring."
In the month of October, 1833, I was
on my return from a trapslng tour on .
_River, the gland Colorado of the
iVest, in eonipany with three companions,
one named Alexander, a half-breed—Ver
boneour, a Frenchman, and an Americdn,
named Worthington. After a long day's
tramp, we halted in a neck of timber, up
on a tributary of the Colorado, immediate
ly bordering upon a wide-spreading prai
rie ;• and having here pitched our tent and
tied the animbls, we started out to recon
noitre the neighborhood surrounding the
camp ground. The country we had been
travelling over all day lay immediately in
the path of the roving bands of dirapalto
and Crow Indians, and the former tribe
was the white mates in v etetate foe. Cau
tion, therafore, counselled us to examine
the tracks imprinted around us before we
' esigned ourselves to security and repose.
Having mounted a willow-covered ridge,
near the eneami Nient",l desecnitEriiitii a
small valley on our right, and had not pro
ceeded far before 1 descried smoke issuing
front the covert. Carefully approaching
the spot I soon discovered a numerous war
party encampment of the Crows, and as
they were friendly to the Company I be
longed to, without hesitation 1 entered-the
circle seated :wound the lire. ' All seized
their weapons with a general exclamation
of "June! when, informing them in the'
' own language that I was "Little it olt—:
a named cold'erred upon me by ;twat chief
' of their tribe when I sojourned at their vib
Inge—they immediately remembered me,
and all signs of hostility were stayed be
tween us. After a friendly shaking of
handy and a ifrort smoke of the calumet, I
obtained all the information I needed rela- ,
tivo to the Arapahos, and with pleasure
learned that the war parties of the Crows
had driven them far beyond the southern
hunting grounds. The chief of the party,
and a number of his braves accompanied
me a shortdistance on my !thin], and when
we parted, it was with mutual expressions
of friendship. On arriving at camp, I
found my companions awaiting my.coming.
Each reported their observations, and the
information Vhich 1, imparted was receiv
ed 'with general satisfaction. It also con
firmed their several reports, all declaring
their search yielded no sign of hostile foot
Every preparation was now made for a
night of uninterrupted repose, and every
thing promised the luxury. Our wearied
march, with the unecagintr watchfulness
necessary ro - e us down,
until a night of unbroken sleep was look
ed forward to its the greatest boon cir
cumstances could (antler upon us. A foe
would not approach us in the position we
occupied, with our friendii:thi•erows post,
ed in such close proximity. They were
nearly within hail—certainly within sound
of our guns. A final examination was
made of the lariat ropes which confined
our animals, and then a short smoko—the
trappers' greatest luxury—was indulged
in ; after which, spreading the buffalo
robes, we dropped off into a slumber that
needed no artificial aids to prolong Wits
How long we had lain in sleep I know
not ; but, all at once, with a suddenness
which started repose into Hight, I telt my
self jerked from the robe on which I was
resting. My first thought was that lndi
ans had attacked us, but the light of the
fire discovered my antagonist to be a wolf,
who had seized and still held me fast by
the left hand. I had ho weapon within
my reach, so, without hesitation, I struck
hint with my shut fist, and delivering the
blow upon his grinning muzzle with all
my force; broke his hold, but, in cluing so,
lacerated my thumb against his tusk. The
whole wati'but the work of a moment.—
Alexander, who lay nearest to me, aroused
himself, and, no sooner was 1 released
front the infuriated beast, than it seized
him by the cheek. lie choked it off, when
by this dine, Verbancour and Worthing
ton, having secured their knives, rushed
upon the animal. Each inflicted wounds
upon him, but both were bitten. With a,
howl which curdled the heart's blood, our
' assailant tied, and disappeared in the dark
ness. This sudden and violent intorrup- .
Lion to our slumbers was not endured with
Christian meekness, nor commented on in I
those choice epithets which bespeak a de-'
lightful surprise. On the contrary, we all
indulged in a few bitter expletives against
this nocturnal visitor, and, having thus in I
a measure appeased- the wrath within us,
wiilittstily bound up the wounds we had
received, and once more forgot our dan
gers in the oblivion of sleep.
When morning broke, all sallied forth,
in different. ;Erections, filled with revenge
ful purposes against the wolf, believing lie
would lurk in our neighborhood. But, al
loran extensivesearch, we had to forego the
promised revenge, and vent our anger iu
declarations.of what we would have done
if chance had only, placed Itiin . witlint gun
4ops $p my sawn I again encountered
1114 Crow party, the chief of Which inform:
ed me that a mad wolf bad visited their I
camp the night previous. Ile had been
driven off, however, beforo lie
,Itad bitten
any of the party.,. This intelligence chill
ed my blood with,a horrid apprehension;
and when he added that the animal fled in
the direetiiMcf our camp, I felt meted ho
had been our fierce vaitor. With gloomy
forebodings Of coming ill t returned to my .
companions, tultp were peparing for a start.
EvOry tiling being in readinesthwe
doped the cam ping ground, and, holding Our
way down the valley, came upon .the great
Cow trace, , where, diseoveriis the tyacks.
of a !urge party of white wont We followed
Amp altct,tall in with trapping itartrof
the, pi orth.Amicrica u Fur fitiuminty. Frain*
them I pbtatotel some whiskey and snit,
Which 1 applied woundi, and WO.
sissmi companions to use 'the entine,pre
caution' litititnated that the animal which
; bit - tiOnight be rabid. They laughed at
my fears, but after, as I thought) sufficient
'bamusing themselves about my woman
it ' , dream of a wolf-bite, 11 Checked their
mirth by imparting to them the informs
don I had gained front the Crows. Hav
ing, however, runiutenecti amusing diens-
. .
selves at the etpense °tiny %min a noir
it of bravdo they_ colnittued, . J was . _ toyed
byaliteseniinient of coming evil, and rig.
hibited it no doubt in niy• countentatec.—
Moreover, between dread of the **lda
I hadived,and chagrin at their ill-timed
merri t . I was influenced to drink free--
ly of t e liquor. My stolid air of intlitter
enee, together With my cottlinnedlibations,
ithanied them, for I was habitually tempe
rate as regarded drink—but the reverse in
passion. An outburst of anger on my tinri
would have bean perfectly- natural, and
have ahttised them—but my troubled coun
tenance; with the quiet despair of my no
tions, made them uneasy, and they Watch
ed., with. interest. The liquor first
made, sensibility. then imparted a
reckless indifference, which was followed
by the stupor of deep intoxieation ;. and
wrapt in its attendant robe of deep obliv
ion, I - fovot the previous night's etteoun
ter. The songs and adventure related a
round the camp fire on that night were un
heard by tneand both _companies .were
prepared to separate in the morning before
they aroused me from mydeep sleep.. All
the painful feelings of intoxication awaked
with me, and, stnpittand sick, F made my
way to a brook beside the halting ground
and laviarmy fevered head in its cold wa
ters. Ileni 'Worthington, one of my eom
panions,separnted from us and joined the
other eaten:my. Bidding him and the mit
er party ndiett, we turned our horses' hen&
and again took up ner line tit march teethe
Laramie river. IVs were in a region
where danger lurked in every' bush, and
where the footsteps of human beings
brought hostility almost as safely as the
clouds betoken rain. Thus far, through
the whole season of trapping, we hail es
caped unhurt, and wore returning richly.
laden with the spoils.
But while successfully avoiding the sav
age foe, a hidden one was at work in our
midst more terrible than the Named war
riors of the western desert—morn appall
ing in its promised fatality than the tortur
ing knife of the ruthless red man. Ily
dtophobia, in all its panoply of terrera,
looked out from the eyes" that surrounded
inc, nit& I.thotiglit the madness was relleC.
ted back front ins , own.
On the day we crossed the ffache-a-la-
Poudie river, a colt, on which we hail
strapped some lightartieles;betrayedsymp
toms of the malady, and for the first time
wo had finite! out that lie had been bitten.
Alexander and Verboneeer had fastened
their guns upon his back, to relieve them
selves of the burden while climbing the riv
er banks, and now • with , disimry they- ob
served him break loose from the. "untie to
which he was attached, and with a yell of
terror fly front the stream we had just eras
sed, the foam gathering around his mouth:
lindicating with certainty the cause of his'
frantic actions. The arms he bore away
were necessary for our protection. 1,
therefore started in pursuit—but the mad
animal being lightly laden, soon left my
jaded mule far behind, and, dashing over a
hedge to our left, ire I reached the print-'
ontory was far out of sight. Misfortune
appeared to have thrown her mantle over
us, and, to a dread of the disease which
threatened Cis, was now added the loss of
weapons. Confirming our course down
the borders of the Laramie, which became
frozen over by the continued cold weather,
we approached the North Perk of the .
Platte, and while in its immediate neigh
borhood, fancied we observed the colt qui.
etly grazing in a plain before us. Leav
ing Alexander who complained of being ill;
in the tentr'Verbonceur and Myself started
in the pursuit. A flicker of hope stole
about our hearts, that this indeed might be
the runaway animal, free from hydropho
bia, which hadfled, by the close
proximity of a boast of prey, or' had
been only stung to momentary madness by
some venomous insect. AsAve neared-the
animal, all hopes th,ql-41istance and our ar
dent wishes had converted the - hump of a
buffalo into the senablani-e of a pack. w filch
on nearer approach resolved itself into its
real diameter, and east us hack again into
' a state of despondency. At this moment ;
a cry froth my companion who was point
ing toward camp. directed my attention
thitherward, and the next moment I beheld
our tent on fire, and the half-breed flourigh
inrf around his kead a burning faggot.---!
We instantly- turned our horses' heads, and
hastened with all speed toward
we approached he started off the pack mules
with his brand, and when we 'reached the!
spot all our worst fears Were confirmed—
he was a howling mad-mart.
After a violent struggle, in which . he in
!liked several blows upon tie both, we suc
ceeded in securing his amis, and having
bound him upong pallet or skins, we droilit
stakes into the frozen ground and there tied
him. 'While ho raved and howled, ill the
savage in his nature made predominant by I
his milady, Verboneeur and myself sat
Weighed down- with horrid dread, and were
contemplating each other with rear,'
Clueled Y htflield it Wild - eitpreadion Mel
eyes, and no doubt he'Observed thegarge
in mine. Alexander, in the mean tithe, re
covered from his cormulslori, and in tones
of earnest supplication besought us t o end
his torture by sending a .bullet through big
His supplications but echoed MU'
thoughts which Wore entitling throtighMy
inied-1 was meditating suicide with'
the conhiess of a wretch whose cup of des.
pair W tilledto the firl4 and the tide of which !
but lingers on the brim. Another, and an.
other convulsion followed!the progress ofl ,
the disease upon potty - Alexander; .in Itigt
terrible paroxysm' he tore one arm look.,
from the chords, and with g howl began to!
rend it with his teeth ; when we secured!
the limb he_tried to seizehia*boulder ; this I
we prevented by placing a *trap aerosi his
fore head, and fastermig it-on Oath:gide with'
stakes—he now bit his lips with.fury.and
the foam 114 'dyed gathered about them itt
his agony, whiltilhe pupil of his dark eve
shottreiand:the' talL - Which a few gays
previous was white as the snow upon the
hills. assumed a hire as red - as blood. 'All
other dangers vanished before this one
the savage foe'no longer inspired fear, and
he Would have been welcomed to a cotillikl*
which promised for us certain death. As
the sort of that day of sorrow went down,
the half-breed's paroxysm becalm' more vi-
olent; and. seatifig"outtelvea bettideiiig rude
rimuentin_gotichoytuetwelied him .. through
the gloom of night. Morning, - at...length
dawned, and we were rejoiced thin with
its drat blush the spirit of our ?comrade I
fled, leaving his tortured body to its long
- Alexander's knife had been carded oft
by the colt with the 'qua, and the amount
of arms between -us Was one rifle, two
knives, and a pistol; of these my compel) ,
ion bad but a knife for his share, and I felt
8016111 y glad; for-ho was-an athletic man,
who, atmet, in madness would slay me in
a moment. I therefore clutched the Wee.
pone.. I possegkell'Oitr an eager gripe;
and watched my. comradets motions with
painful vigilance. -We rebid not bury Al
wonder's body, the earth being so-frozen
that we could not dig itwith our knivegove
therefore, started-down the riverwith the
intention . of cutting. a hole through the ice
.and depositing it in the ettenun out of the
reach of wolves. , Verboneenr first corn.
making a crevice before he snapped his
blade oft about- midway. Thin_ aceklent
at any time while in the ofokintairis, Would
have been looked upon , as a great misfor
tune—in our situation it was viewed as a
frightful calamity—a loss which rendered
us weak and helpless in - defence and which
it .was impossible to replace ; • and yet par
adox writ may seemEwhilktgrievetlil re
joiced, for while it diminished the number
of-our- trestiions, it rokthini .my _companion i
of the only. dangerous One he had. left, and
one I had looked uponwitli dread. I rep
resented to him the'neeeselity of carefully
preaervintthe other knife,' and he silent-.
et]; we therefore cencleded not to risk it
on the ice, but folding- Op tint remains of
our dead companion -In a - buffalo - robe, left
it upon the prairie without sere:dusk with' ,
the winds alone to murmur his dirge. So
perished - the first victim of the mad wolf.-
When we again started mycompanion
asked me for the pistolin my bolt and the
knife in mv - sheath; Whieliltd argued Would
he a fair envision of the weapons,-and I
had no good reason for refiteing- hint, nth
or than my wakeful finks; b ut tptitlitint
Off with efanteithaft wkihont ,plane
them in proper order before I r_egigned
them. He funded and we jetirtioyed . On.
After obserilni his - eatiniehattio for-some
One' 4 begim to ktreonetirede.4l looked.,
calm and undisturbed, and'his step display
ed a firmness grud - deeilskin width I believ
ed could only belong to health lii hotly and
mind . . While thus growing ht hope and
co.nlidenett, and when on the very eve, of
yielding. up a weapon to- hitn i e /wolf
ed -in our immeiliate-ntieborhoOdrehd+
could see him shudder.,,the rimseletrof*his
lace edntract,.and, his eye marmite en natl•
stud lustre, whiles low groan broke from
hie heaving chest. I hugged the weapons
in my possession with `increased eager% .
nets, and clung to them with a tenncity
founded upon absolute fear, for I conjec
tured, that the seeds of the dread malady
which carried eft' our half-breed rompan..
ion *ere making themserves manifest in
Verbonceur. In crossing a 'small branch
which emptied into the Lartnnie, tagain
watched his features, and all the syrnp.
tome of hydrophobia 'burst forth in , it,par.:
oxyam, unmistakable iq ita dltatact. lie
instantly rushinl 'upon me,.Whett with the
heavy %Mr' Pf. MY.igg ifelkt4 Wald:Met)
less--ttiy rears hail' made me - Hereulei
in strength—and then leaping upon hie
'senseless body . l hound him with a ktrial
rope so tightly that in‘ Vent he' atrugglid
for freedom. I ant down beihre him *iith
my teeth clenched, and listened unmoved
to his ratings and prayers for death-4.1.
like Aldiiiider, besought - me to despatch
him—bat finding that his supplications.
[did not move tee; - he broke Into horrid lin.
precatioda and threats, swore
that he Would kilt me--that he would tear
one with his teeth, and, bound as he was,
rolled his body towards me. I hold hint
down to the earth, and he again reliii - Sied
,into dreadful convulsions. My despair
had now no lower depth, I looked upon
my remaining comrade and shared in 'his
agony, for I expected that inevitablems fate
my turn would.fome next: and yet,,witit .
this holierineymg dt my heart some Un
known power of the human will held back
my hand when I would have-yielded to
my comrade's entreaties for death. • •
At times the resolution to despateh him
and follow it up with my own death, was
on the very eve of being continuity:tied,
when a whisper of hope would Ind me to
firmly Stiffer on. Worn' Out nature eetild
anti se bear up no lohger without reprise, and se
wearied 4 7 08 I in mind and body, that al.'
moat uneonacionaly I Sunk into sib mho'.
While the fire at my feet grow "More and
mareilinc r -my-veicses Wandered away in
a delightful &elm to the Amide of my Ati
hence, anti the' Wikimatit of tifti trapper's
lire f its ninny perils tind'hardaliiris t incited
away in the soil-sunlight of an auttimn sky,
which , seemed - to throw its golden beams
twee my far off home. There the settler
atnoked hirpipsinleetteirrAthrhohifehold
slumbered in peace, and the morning sun
awoke him'td enjoyment instead Of fear.
My dream had taken the hue or tug impel
and wishes.
While , my itenses Were thug Wrapped,
the report of fire-arms (Repelled thu
and net knowing,for a moment Whether-it
was a dreatn ot reality, I sprettg to iny
- feet - Mill felt for was gene
I 'stood for • motneut canceling ;my
thoughts. and' p:nttly Waiting' lb feel the
egret's of the wound, bat Ym inmsationt of
pain ntaitifestitot •itself i a" brand
tront4htfinitniltleting fire and held it over
mrcorttitaition t all was tolved et'a glance
—he had his straggles yeleasetl one arm,
and a lueitl lit interieniitg, Vorboneeur had
&avid the pistol ' front my belt, while
slept, slut hir egoey by his etre
1 vio:is now ularte—:fat In thei Wildernesii
—a d/eadful apprehension of the poison
being hi my veins ever present to my
thoughts—and tints seated in darkness by
my dead oompanine, my heart bowed down
and my mind cheerless an 'did gloom'stir.
otind ing roc, I yieldedio the feelings which
Nbere preying upon my manhood, and wept
ke a child. Morning at length (hit fled,
and Wow lily dead rump:mum up, as we
together had pleviuthdy bestowed the lint
tititim; I mounted n'mnle, and With the
pachianitnals permed my solitary
My march was one of indifference; and
I with a kind of kellsli daring, I plunged
through every stream inipeding toy prof
gresi, and drank freely of their waters, in.
siting as it were the madness I was Sure
would come. My progress was tedious,
difficult, laborious and fall of hardships,
but at length, almost worn down,t arrived
at our trading post on the North Pork Of
the. Platte. When I presented litytelf to
the commander of the post, he dirt noire
cognise my gaunt form and seared visage,
thifferhig, both of body and mind, had so
stamped my featutes, that I looked like
Rome escaped maniac, and the uneasy
pearance of my sunken eye made old
friends look upon me with stispicionthet ,
thought I was crwd. Whop I told In:) ,
story and showed the tvotmns upon - My
hands inficted by the rabid tvolf, and relate.
tett the death of my eolurades, they shook
their fiends with doubt, and I could heat it
whispered among them that some - dreadful
'affray had occurred between us resulting
in their death. Others suggested that the
savages had slain my me minions, SIM that
through suffering alohe in the wilderness,
I had become insane. All these doubts
worked ttpon my troubled mind until rea
iton• did,indeed totter upon its 1110)0. A
few days after my arrival at the North
Pork post, an express rider arrited, who
Ittal passed n night in thenamp of the A
merican trapping pant', our companion,
Worthington had joined, and he not only
heard per encounter with the mad wolf
I relatet4hut the fact of his having the mat
udy -dreadfully confirmed in the death. of
Worthington, who perished in their camp
Wider all the certain syniptoms of hydropli:
hie,' My story being thus confirtned and'
painful 'suspicions removed, I lilt a change
in the tone of'my mind; fears which had
harbored there began to diminish in julep ! .
sity. and no symptom pf the much dread
ed malady appearing, hope grew strong
Within too. - This preduced a correspond- ,
ing improvement in health, until gradually
the marks of my dreadful march disap:
meed from bath form and (eaten,
~.J.ltaye.ofteanium nitileavorqd to Assign'
a cause for my escape, anti have int fre
quently been led to attribttle it to thy free
use of liquor and salt, at tint meeting with .
the north-western trappers—tombinett t
they nullified the poison. Pitmen years
have passed since the adventure, and witlig .
thankful heart! chronicle the fact that no
vestige of its effects remains, except the vi
vid recollection of our night encounter with
.the-Aftt L. Fqf of the Prairies! . •
We had an opportunity on the last Slib:
ballt i or learning some interesting facts lit
refatiort to the'EmaneiLtated Slaves of the
Glint' 1 of Jamaica, front a discourse
ered in one of our Ow churches by the
Rev. Mr. Ittorsitsw, who for maity,years
.has been among these sons of Africa as rt.
The present colored population of Ja
maica is about 400,00‘1 1 / 4 --the *bite reek
dents ttf the island numbering only about
50,000, The colOied population for the
Most part consists of the slaves Who were
emancipated by the llfitish act of August,
18381 the remainder--the browns as they
are calletibeing the offspring of the eonn .
eubinage which' s() universally existed pre
vious to emancipation.
Mri Renshaw captained, sntisfitetorily,
ono or-two factstonnected with the hose..
ness of Jamaica, front which inferences
have been drawn unfavorable to the change
whieli,has taken place in the condition of
the working population: There had been
a Wink off7for instance, of about 33,000
hogsheads of sugar, in theexports trout the
island, The inference, drawn from this
fact, that the negroes had become more in ,
dolent tender a state of freedom s was nut
fonntied in truth!. The degrees had now
many more wants than *hen they 'very
in their degraded condition as slaves.--
TlTcy now used sugar themselves largely.
Allbwing them , 15 pounds a heml annually ,
Wore than they formerly used, it Would
more . than make good the delicincy in the
exports. The decrease in the valtte
Plantation property, too, bed been adduced'
as no argußtent against the tenditibiriif
freedom in a pecuniary point of view,—
Tina decritase,. however, was .clearly Re
counted for by the exchange in the policy
of England in reference to the products of
its colenies s .frOM that protection which
amounted to 11 prohibition, to free trade,.
which • gave the augur of Jamaica no pre.
forenee - in the English market,
Since emancipation, the legislation'of
the coldrif bad entirely changed, as regards
the,colored population. Many ol ' the same
gentlemen were still in the governments it
was true, but they were now as kind and
cottaiderate towards the negates, as they
once were necessarily cruel. An itapre: ,
ved System of prison disCiPlire had *lt
adopted;a lunatic assylnat had been es +
tablistreil, at an expense of .100,000; a
bundant provision had horn made for en.
lightened medical attendance upon the 10+
boring people ; public schools hail boon es.
tahlished ; a general interest, in litte,.was
manifested in the welfare of the laboringg.
population, and alt public measures.luoked
io the amelioration of their condition,
A great change', :mil att entirely aponta ,
ueaus One, had idsu taken place in the mu
rals and manners of the white population.
'riot to emancipation. marriage was vir,
wally prohibited by the etiations ot sock,
ty, and, eoneubionge NHS uniteraal. Ind
temperance and other vices generally pre.
voiletl. Now public sentiment regarded
marriage ati honorable ; ctowtsbinago had.
to a great extent, disappeared. and the pito
ciples and practice of temperance *aro
commonly 'cherished. The prejudice lo
gainst color had been almost tottiirely re
moved, The brown elassi once prowilmak
uow took a position in .society. 'hot
*aro found in all publio stations, kWh is
the-legislative tra i l-judieisl branches 01 .
golerament. There was in fact nu disc•A•
tinctimi as to cempletion, and no bid: u 4
that account to die bowl reciptueiiies $O4
amenities of life:
The change in the condition of the 4.4
grin," had been ♦ei/ great—no much so
that it hail ni.eraltt/ a' , a hhitliminis lo
A ••%4 • 7
ig#l o 4 4o ±q , '
f 4-4 '
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