ALVILIV U TER AL. TIM ITSE OF FLOWERS God might hate ;node the earth bring forth Enough for great and iumall ; tbs. bat ime and the cedar tore, Without a flower at all. We tnigtt have had enough, enough For every want of ount. For luxury, medicine and toil. • " 'And ye. tont had no flowers. the on within the mountain mine Re•titire thnone to grow ; • Nor does it need the lotus flower make the river flow. And clouds might give abundant min, The nightly dews might fait, And the herb, that keepeth ilk in man, Might yet hare drunk them all. Thin' wherefore, wherefore were-they made, And dyed with rainbow light, All fashioned with supremest grace, Up-springing day and night- 7 - Springing in valleys green and low, And on the mountain 11gb, And* the silent wilderneirs, Where no man paseeiti by Our outward life 'reqoires them not; Then wherefore had they birth', To minister delight to man, To beautify the earth— To tiemfort man, to whisper hope, Whene'er his bath is dim ; For wham eareth for the dowers, Will much more rate for him. SALTING lloasss.—A curious fact is re lated in Parker's Treatise• on Sell :--“A person who kest sixteen farming binses, niadi the following experiment with seven of them which had been accustomed to eat sali•with their food. Lumps of rock salt were laid in their mangers, and those lumpa, previously weighed, were examin ed weekly to ascertain what quantity had been consumed, and it was repeatedly found that whenever these horses were fed do hay and corn, they consumed only a bout two and a half or three ounces per day, that when they were fed with new hay, they took six ounces per day." This should convince us of the expediency of permitting our cattle the free use of salt at all times; and it calm( t be given in so con venient a form as in rock salt, it being Much more palatable than the same article in a refined maw, and by far cheaper. A good lump should always be kept in a box by the aide of the animal, without fear that it will ever be taken in excess. PasszavE GREEN PEss.—The Peas should be fre;h shelled ; put them into Omni bottles, which should be carefully washed. Put the bottles into a kettlor to prevent their coming in contact fill up the kettle with cold water, and heat it; when the-water begins to boil take oft the kettle directly ; leave the bottles in the water un til it is quite cold for fear they should break by taking them out whilst the water is hot; stop down the bottles and keep them in a dry and cold place, not exposed to the in fluence of the sun. -.W00t,.--The 'history of the growth of Wool is veil , curious. Fifty years ago not a pound of fine Wool was raised in the U. States, in Great Britain, or any other country except Spain. In the latter countrythe docks were owned exclusively by,the.twiltilityor the crown. In 1794 a train dock was sent to the Elector of Sax onyoui a present front the King of Spain, whence the entire product of the Saxon Wool, now of such immense value. Be foie the breaking out of the last war be tween this country and Great Britain, Col. Humphreys succeeded in obtaining a few merino sheep brought out of Spain; then their exportation was prohibited under pen. ' altj of being sent to the galleys for life. In 1809, during the invasion of Spain by the French, some of the invaluable Crown - docks were sold to labia money. Our consul at Lisbon, Mr. Jarvis, purchas ed" 1400 head and sent them to this coun try. Mr. Livingston obtained a few sheep of the Spanish breed as a present in 1792. A portion of the pure .unmixed merino blood from these docks is to be found in Vermont at this time. Such was the ori gin ,olf the immense flocks of fine wooled sheep in the U. States and Great Britain. 'Maim; Brorran.—Mr. Merrifield, of Iderlind, who 'received a premium for butler from the N. York State Agricultu ral Society, in 1842, adepts the following mode for making butter winter the milk stand! in the cellar twelve hours thifit scalded over a slow fire to near boil ing heat; the thins removed to the cellar ; Ike cream only churned, which seldom re oulimsmore than five minutes to produce butter. ' lean testify to the superior qual -114, of, Mr. M's butter, having been using at MY table for several days a sample made ib Aiyi,,w.arliescri4ed, and which is as high ly 'colored and nearly as rich as the best °Chem butter s though the cows were only fad *tit hay. and no coloring substances unnit. 4 -..Ribauy Cuitivettur. ii TOUR Soar,evels.—There is scarce . Iy a plant that Wiwi benefitardhy watering aoap suds. It furnishes nutritive anatketate *ell as moisture; keeps Off ins wets, and promotes a rapid growth. The Gesslaser's 'Chronicle states, th a t while ifiki* hiss been a great failure in the cab- NAV eeti catiNower ganlens geuerally. -ilisatmliratittel - with soapsuds hare produced • YAW-wisely. .. %Imes mthelod by }s ect upon • . _ - - llot; ha aim* haw*. oow u al "Ile 000 do% 0114,1im 41111116 SCHOOL ACCOUNT OF TILE Borough Ibr 11849-7. JAMES MAJORS, Esq. Treasurer of the School litnds of the Borough of Gettysburg for the School year ending June, 1847. DR. To amount of State appropriation for 1847, . , • - ssaa 40. Tax assessed for do. 1327 60 Outstanding tax in hands of John Shultz fur 1840, ' ' 137 49 Do. in hands of John Jenkins for 1844, Do. in hands of James Majors, for 1846, 120 oo Do. in hands of Q. Arinstroagfoir 1846, TU 33 To Cash received tram ,j. Bloch er, for wition, To Cash received from- t3alioel Cobeao, for tuition, By amount due Traumatize. at Ipet setdement,_ $96'111 Amount paid L. Houpt, teaching, 112 0A•. H J. A. buck, 100 00 •• J. S. Hauke, 100 08" " iVm. Witittoress. " 140 00 to T. Daterline, . "• ' , 180 00 aslt. 8. raxson4 " 40 00 " Miss M'Cuntly, w 1241100 " Mrs. Keerh, to LSO 00 " Miss Oeselart, " at Jesse Bibb, " - i• Peter Weikert, for rent to April 'l. 1847, a Colored Congregation, real, 7 410 00 Sundry persona for Wood and sawing. . 70 891, qundry incidental espenaea and , repairs, 511961 Additional release to John lank his, 50 Printing and Blanks, IV By Foes and Mertes to Amato idiqors,.Colimetot for 1840. _.109.86 Oototandint tar. in-heed! of J. • Rent, Do. J. Jookinbi 1644, Do. Q. Annistionsl4l94ll, lin 94 Do. Marl'Willi,. ASO. -347 96 Balance in hands of icessuier 610 73 We hereby certify that the forego fining ac count of Janie! Maim, girt., Treasure!, has been elatriineti tind'fatittd cOrrect. D. &POONA 1101IY, Preet. ll'. gutturtstaiti June 4; 1847,-111 NOTICE. rainy() ESTATE OF E BEIII4DECIIk INOTICE is hereby givea to the heirs and legal Representatives of Faint- Ilea SPIVLL, late of Tyrone townethip, Ad ams county, deceased, to wit: John 19h011, and Jacob Shall, (Petitioners,) PeterBhull, and Wm. Shull, of the county ofilichianti State of Ohio, Elizabeth-Shell, interinar rird with John Fidler, also of the siGtreilifid county of Richland, Ohio, and who is now deceased, leaving lame the folictwiug, to wit: tleorge, Elizabeth, Cathauine, Mar garet. Lydia Ann, Sarah, Divid,Jesgb,bed Sophia Fidler, (who are minors, and have for their guardian Henry Myers, of Stn ban township, Adams county ' ) fthlrgaret Shull, intermarried with Jacob Slagle, also of said county of Richland. Ohio, &manna Shull, intermarried with Casper Fotiht. also of Richland county aforesaid, also 1 1 al ly Shull and David Shull, of the county of Adams, and Hannah Shill, intermarried with John Stouffer, of the county of Fred erick, in the Stare'of Vitginis, who are the surviving children' and represent/dike or the said decessed---that • A N is (tit ES will be held on Saturday the 26th day of June nee, at 1$ o'clock, A. AI. at the late residence .of said deceased, in Tyrone township, Adams county, Pe. for_ the purpose of making a partition of the Estate of said deceased to and among she heirs and the legal representatires, if the same will admit of such partition with out prejudice to, ors polling the win:dalliers. of, but if the same will sot admit of such per. tition,then to part and divide the same to and among as many of them as the same will , conveniently accommodate, but if the same will not admit of division at all, without prejudice or spoiling the whole thereof, then to value and appraise the same, whole and iindivltled ; and further to enquire and ascertain whether the said Real Estate will conveniently accommodate more than one of the heirs of said intestate. and if so. how many of said heirs it will convenient ly arrornmodate. BENJAMIN scintivEß, "err - - Sherifili Office, Gettysburg, • June 4,1847. ITOTICE. ESTATE OF PHILIP SNYDER, DEO'D ' To ilecept• or Rquae, ite.' STAT• or P la, AT an Ott/tine Alums Corsivr. Court, held at Oat. 0 tystritg, in and is The County of Ad ams, on the 95th day of May, A. D. . . ..• 1847. Before Wit. ham N. frnne, Eaq. President, and him Amociatea, Judges, dm andgn nl, he. /IN MOTION, the Court grant a Rule ' ll -/' on all the Heirs and Legal Represen tatives of Philip Snyder, late of Franklin township, Adams county;deceased, to wit: Julia Ann, widow, Peter Snyder, Conrad Snyder, Barbara, who is intermarried with Geo. Rexroad, Catharine intermarried with Henry Switzer, Elizabeth. intermarried with George horn, Philip Snyder and E lizabeth Snyder, children of Rosannalt Snyder, deceased, who was intermarried with Philip Snyder, to be and appear at an orphans' Court to be held at Gettys burg in and for the county of Adams on the third Monday of August next, to accept or refuse to take the Real Estate of the said deceased at the valuation made thereof, a greeably to the intestate laws of this Com monwealth. By the Court, Wit. S. Ilmemmos, Clerk June 11, 1817.—at V ORXER 8 TOXi. ra"HIE Corner-stone of Saint Jolin'e j, Church, in Franklin tp., York co., being erected by the German Reformed and liutheian Congregations, will be la'd on Sunday the 20th of June next. En - Fmk and German preaching may be oxpe t ee" Services to commence 14, Aeci A. 11. COMMITTEE May 21, 1847.—td 1.11 AN DSOME Maltagany-frata'd Look tag Glasser can he had cheap at May 7. W. &C. ILIIIIIRAUFFtek EWER'S First Premium Writing Ink. From Dr. flare, the celebrated Proles ! isor of Chemistry in the University of Penn sylvania: Philadelphia, Oct. 11, 1843. ' , Dear Sir—Having tried your ink, I will thank you to send the anothec'botde, as I find it to be excellent. From Dr. Locke, of Cincinnati, distin guished fur his numerous scientifc• re searches: "Med. Col. of Ohio, Cinainnsg. Jan. 17,1844: . “Haring Mimi Mr. Hover's Wridng 1 ear satisfied that it is the but whialt has ever come to my knowledge, and especial ly it is excellent for ,the use of the Steel Poem. arid Will not Corrode them ( even in long Wm. " - JOHN 'LOCKE, Prof, of Chemistry." int4l 90 RioileePstAsimmaanstlnin ticantaL Avails Well known role - milk. gentleman. ' uPhiladelphin f • Feb. 27, 180. Jaentph E. Howtri.-4ir kitse of Cetllttit; - inf some practical tests of lisitnpeilotitA. haw induced me io .tecorn nseite It to others'ali an invaluable article for ineedlng Chins, Glass; or Cabinet Wire. CAMPBELL MORFIT. Analytic Chemist." For Sale-, Wholesale Mul Bean; !tithe MatinfactOry, No. 87 North Third . Street, .opposite Cherry Street, Philadelphia. -by JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturei. Kr• For pale in Gettysburg at the store of 8. H. BUEHLER. May 14, 1847, • . TO THE AFFLICTED ! 'Compound Medicated Candy. yblOH the Care of Colds, Coughs, Spit ting of Blood, Dronchetis, Asthma, _ _ioinng Cough, Pains and Oppressions of tho breast, and all other Pulmonary Complaints, and other diseases which have a tendency to produce Consumption - . It serves also as an effectual clearer of the voice. ' ' 01414.114: 127 49 This Candy is entirely a vegetable pre. partition, the principal ingredients being, Horb-hound, Wild . Cherry, Sarsaparilla, Botimet, Elecampsne, Liquorice, • Flax. , seed, Ireland Moss, Prickly Ash, &c. and will, if taken in time, relieve the system from those distressing afflictions that tend to ConatiuftSilt. One great advantage in this valuable medicine is its cheapness, the_ public not being imposed upon by - the enormously high pcieras which • are generally exacted for Patent and other medical Preparations. Etch package contains directions. Call and try it ! nut go Prepared and sold at the Collection and Variety store ,of the Subscriber in West York street, one square from the Court house, end next door to Thompson's Ho tel. heat) also be had at the Drug ores of S. H. BUEHLER, and S. FUER . .KrThe subscriber as continues his Bakery, and is prepare to Supply parties at the shortest notic , with choice pekes, Ate., C. 'WEAVER. DIAMOND TONSOR S. B. TIPTON. Lit ABHIONABLE Barber and Hair Dresser, has removed his "Temple' to the Diamond, adjoining the County Buil dings, where he can at all times be found prepared to attend to the calls of the public. From long experience he flatters himself that he can go through all the ramifications of thinTonsorical departments, with ouch an infinite degree of skill as will meet the en tire satisfaction of all who may submit their atlas to the keen ordeal of his razor. He hopes, therefore, that by attention to busi ness and a desire to please, he will merit as well as receive a liberal share of public patronage. - The sick will be attended to at their private dwellings. Oct. 10. • tf National Dagterrian Gallery and Pk: tographers Itrnishing Depot: WARDED, the Melia!, Four First ill Premiums, and Two Highest Hon ors by the Institutes of Massachusetts, New York, and Pennsylvania, for the nsostbeautiful colored Daguerreotypes and best Ap_p aratus ever exhibited.. 6:7•Portraits taken in exquisite style, without regard to weather. Instructions given in the. art. A largd assortment of Apparatus and Stock always on hand, at the lowest cash prices. - New -York, 261 Broadway; -Philadel phia, 136 Chestnut at.. Boston, 75 Court, and 68. Hanover Streets -; Washington, Penni/Iraqis Avenue; Petersburg, Va. Mechanics' Hall Cincinnati, Fount; and Walnut, and 176 Main Street; Sara toga Springs, Broadway. - • June 15.1846..--ly When the body is subject to many changes, it reqUires Afedicine.—Suddon changes from very hot to chilly weather, are unfavorajileAo health, aial universally admitted; that heat and inoist urn are powerful agents in producing dis ease, and that constant dry and constant wet weather are both favorable to its gen eration it does not signify what we call it, it may be ague, it may be billions Lever, it may be yellow firer, it may be dysentery. it may be rheumatism, it may be bronchi tis, it may be cholic, it maybe constipation of the bowels, it may be intimation of the bowels, it may be inflamation of the sto mach, it may be a nervous allliction, but still it is a disease, and a disease curable by the BRANDRETII PILLS, because they re move all impurities from the body, all that can in a maener feed the further progress of the malady, no matter how called, thus these pills are not only the most proper medicine, but generally the only medicine that need or ought to be used. 117 - The genuine Brandreth's Pillscan be had o the following Agents:— J. M. Sieventron 4. Co.,—Gettysburg. Jno. B. McCreary,—Petersburg. .Ibrahorn Eing,—Hunterstown. illeFarland,—Aliboastown. • David M. C. /r7iite,---11autplon McSherry 4 nok,—Littlestown. Mary Duncan,—Casiltown. John Yoke,—Fairfield. • May 14, 1847. - • - - TVIY Son, BENJAMIN JACOBS, having a. .bantloneiLltichtnelalece by given to all persons interested not to trust him on my account. u I will not be responsible for any debts of his contract ing while absent from home. GEORGE JACOBS. Mountjoy tp., May 21.—at• I am yours, truly, ROUT. HARE." P-L-U ft-1M ' NOTICE. NEW CLOCK ANI) WATCH ESTABLISII3IEN'r. ALEX. FA.B,74_Elt. RESPECTFU 1.1. Y informs his friends and the public generally, that he has removed his Clock and Watch Establish ment from Taneytown, Md., to Gettys burg, at the mad lately occupied by Jo guru Marmasoleceased, where he will be pleased to wait upon all• who may favor hint with their custom. He will keep on hand a .general assort- ; lc . meat of gr.. OZIOCIESI WATCHES, , w. 7, AND ItEWFARTI v . %Am will be sold on the moat reasonable tennis. Cloaks, Watches, &a., will "be re paired at the most reasonable prices, and warranted to give en tire satisfac doe. Hav ing been engaged in the business for a num ber of years he hopes, by industry and par ticular attention to bit customers, to merit lIIINTO of public patronage. tilettyaburg, Out. 9, 1840.--tf ILHE undersigned has connected with ' his Coachmaking Establishnient lame,iiilmith shop, and is prepared to do all kinds of . . NLACZersIITICING, including ironing Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, 4-c. Ile would say to those who have Horses to shoe, that he has in his em ploy 'first-rate hands, which, with his per sonal attentions will enable him to give en tire,satisiltction to all those who may, favor hitti with a call.• Carriage ir Burr?, NPirlyg B (warranted) will be promptly made to or der at all times. lICPAII kinds of REP. I IIRING done, both ht Woo(' and Iron, at the most redu ed prints. • Thankful for ,part encouragement, the aubeariber solicits a continuance of patro nage, and invites his friends to call at his Establishment in la' west Chninhersburg street, a few , doors below 'Thompson's Hotel. C. W. HOFFMAN. Gettysburg, Feb. 0, 1846. la attention of the Ladies is directed 111- to the very handsome assortment of White Goods, (plain, plaid and striped,) unusualy large, at the Cheap tSore of W, dr, C. RUTIIRAUFF. _1149.V7D HEADY; Jit U. 2 1134 R E: n r e tzi o s , t his e v g 9 r r a y te l r a a c i kpnaotrwolneadgge which has heretofore been extended to him, and takes this method of informing his friends and customers, and the public generally, that he still continues the CAB INET-MAKING in Chambersburg street, at his old stand, where those wishing first rate Furniture can be supplied on the shortest notice. CHAIRS ! CHAIRS ! 'lle has also, in connection with the Ca binet-making, commenced the CHAIR MAKING, and is prepared to furnish those wishing Chairs at as reasonable rates as at any other establishment in the place, and of as good quality, made of the best materials and by. one who understands his his business. (aAll kinds of produce, and lumber, will be taken in exchange for Furniture, and ►he highest market price given. KrVOFFINS will be made at the shortest notice, anti *I orders promptly at tended to, as usual. DAVID HEAGY Gettysbu :, March 19, 1847.—tf. 0. E. BUEHLER ESPECTPULLY family his friends 1.111, and the poJje generally' that he has now on hand it""* - assortment of TIN WARE of every description, which he wilt sell atmoderate prices—all warranted. Persons wishing to purchase at low rates will do well to.eall before purchasing else where. HOUSE SPOUTING will be made • • d put-up at-1,240en1.8 a Knit. IK/ 4 Ln Appreatibe to - tbe Tinning business will be taken, if application, with good recommendations;, be made soon. One betvicea *and 17 years of age will be preferred. OettysbUrg.lfarch 12, 1847. r, Dr. Csale*'p Idi nan Pr Beta. -bre speciae, FX . Female Ceraplairot t --is one of the. Most valuable medicines in, diseases common'to Feint'lei, 'Over offered to 'the public. Diseases ariting from weakness or other causes, are ;removed in a few days. We have heard numbers of fe males say they w ould not be without this medicine, if it could not be had, for any price. Certifiestes..of cures. in pamphlet form, had of tbo agents gratis. Dr. Cullen's Milian Vegetable Remedy. Do. do. Panacea - 7Do. do. Pile Remedy. Dr. dppleton's Remedy for Deafness. Rotoand'd Magic Lotion. These Medicines are prepared end sold by the proprietors, Rowan & Walton, 370 Market street, Philadelphia, and can be had in Gettysburg at the J)rug Store of S. IL. BUEHLER. Jan. 15, 1840.—tf SECOND-HAND COACHES, BUG GIES, &c., of good and-substantial' make, can be had at the Coach . ,gstablish. went of the subicriber. itt Gettysturg. C. W. HOFFMAN. isray 2%184&- RAND BILLS, AND JOB. ERRING OVEVERLDESCRIPTION Neatly &expeditiously executed AT. THE "STAR" OFFICE 111 t . AILA,AT'Si VERMIFUGE.,,___: Promptly expels Worms to an almost incredible number ' Pligo sabstantiste the above fact many hundreds O.& of testimonials could be adduced, out of which the following are selected, from individuals of Thindint end veracity. - Indeed,lt ii confident: ly affirmed that each new . trial 01 the powers of this remedy will have an additionattendeney to widen; and confirm its fame, and that if it were universally known_anediffna ' al over the U.Stanes,_ it would save not less than many hundreds", if not theusands'ol lives annpslly. - • ' _ CERTIFICATES. I do certify that a vial of Dr. Al'Lancis Ameri can Worm Specific expelled five, hundred and two whole worms, and pieces that would have made sixty More, from a boy 'of John Lewelling, which, if laid In t straight line, would have most probe `blyineastned the enormous length of one.hunilred yard.. JOSIAH JACKSON, Owner of Water Fogg°, and other works, blouon• galia county, Va. This is to certify that I purchased from Holmes & Kidd a vial of Dr: StLane's American Worm Specific. and gave two doses to a boy of mine about three lets of ago.. He passed fully half a pint of worms. 'The quantity was so large I was really alanned,and called in several of my neigli hOrl to sea them. Hail this story been related to tne, I could not have credited it. without being an eye-witness to the same. My child's health Un proved much' atter. - SA M'L MORRISON, Merchant Tailor, Wood it., Pittsburg. Hear Medical Testimony.. • From a regular Physician, Dr. G. S. Smith, Sun- fish, Ohio Mr. .1. Kidd—Dear Sir : 1 have used in my practice Dr. Wtaine's American Worm Specific, and have often witnessed its efficacy ip expelling worms from the system. A patient of mine. a short tinie ago, gave a vial of the Worm Specific to a child and in a short time upwards of 65 worms were expelled. Dr. A. P. ors ell certifies that he has frequent. ly used the Specific in his practice, and with un varying success, it never failing to expel from 25 to ISO worms. A chili" of mini:Sussed one-third bf a pint of worms with one vial of Dr.l4l.ane's Worm Spe cific. It is truly a surprising medicine. T. Markham*, Peebles township. Surprising Tech of Dr. 111' Lane' a I Uorrn Specific. - - On Retuning Feb 7, LNiti, Mr, James Richaril sae called at the office of J. Kidd & Co. and made the following statement : A child of mine had been very sick for some ten days; we hail given her purgative ... medicine, but it had done no gooil. One of our neighbors came in and suid that it was worms that was de stroying the child, and at the same time spoke of the wonderful effects she bad witnessed from using Dr. M . Lane's Worm Specific in that neighborhood. We procured a vial, save one teaspoonful, when the child discharged 42 large worms. -I gave a nother teaspoonful. which brought; away 46 more, in all 88 worms. As a duty I owe to you and the commuAjty 1 freely make known these facts. My child is now well. What is very lemarktblir, the Worm Specific expelled the worms alive% about four hours after I gave the medicine. N. B. Be particular to inquire for Dr. M'Lane's American , Wcom :-pecilic, or Patent Vet mifuse. Prepared for the Proprietor by J. KIDD &.(70. Wholesale& Retail Druggists, Wood at. Pittabors. CITTlie above medicine can be had of the fol lowing agents: S. H. Buehler, Gettysburg ; J. Lower, .Irendtsville ; J. & C. NrKtright, liar dersville; J. S. Hollinger, Heidlerslntrg ; Holtzinger & Ferree, Petersburg ; Jacob Aulehaugh, Hampton; J. 'l'. Hildebrand, E. Berlin ; Peter Mickly,./trummasbur e tr; Wm. Bntinger, .Abottsioten ; Coulson & Co. Wholesale Agents, Libirrty et. Balti more, 111x1. - Feb. 45, ROSS' rxpLicroniviT, A REMEDYT -- For Consumption, Coughs, C'olds, Bron .ftsthma, Croup, Whooping Coug,h, Spitting of Blood, Sore Throat, Pains and Opprei sions of the Breast, Dif ficulty of Breathing, and all other di seases of the PULMONARY ORGANS! Read the following Certificate of Cure performed by the use of limes Erprrtorant and say if you will longer neglect your g.ougb, or doubt its eine- Raiment, Muth 12, 1847 Mr. he. F. Roes Dear Sir—About three weeks ago my wife caught a severe cold, which troubled her a good deal and gave her great uneasiness: she prepared a great many articles which were recommended to her by her friends, but without receiving the benefit from any of them ; her sough was getting worse every dry ; bet appetite was fast failing. and to sleep was impossitee. the pates in her breast and side became so severe that Ifierishe had to go to bed, and my friends advised me to CAB in a Physician. I thought 1 would call in the store where you were engaged and see if I could not get something that would r e li e v e b ier , when you gave me a bottle of your Expectorant. assuring me tkat it would cure her, she commen ced taking it that night, not, however, without great opposition on the part of some of her friends, who said It wax only some "Quack Medicine," and would do her more harm than good. --But 1 determined to take your advice, and now let all know tire Res u lt 1 From Inking the first none she felt easier. though unable to sleep on account of the quantity of phlegm that loosen. ed and would almost choke her, but which she could spit up with but little difficulty; the follow ing day she continued it aeconling to the dim none, and that time, for the first time for nearly twe weeks, she enjoyed a good night's rest and by the time she had riniehed the first bottle, she was entirely cured. Make what use of this you think proffer, for such an invaluable medicine should be made known to the afflicted everywhere. With best wishes for your success, remain yours fiec., CHARLES PASSWAY CAUTION! II Beware of Counterfeits and Spurious Imitations. See that the initials''J. F. R" are on the seal: also my Writtm.Signarere on the wrapper of each bottle, wit - h - out which none is gen. nine. Prepared only by James F Ross, Druggist. Baltimore Md. itFor sale in Grtfysberg by SAMUEL I.I:"BUELILER, and in Mil:crawls by G. W. HEAGY. May 28, 1847.-1 y D.4GiJERAEOTYPIST, Q._ ILVER MEDAL awarded for the beet L. .Strati ir ,- -_, pictures over exhibited. Stra s visiting die city should call and exam ' the various specimens of colored Dag reotypcs, at. M. P. 8111101)8' Gallery ;, d . those vitshlpg likenesees, may -rely ripn, receiving pparfecj tunisfaction in every res pect." Whole families can be grouped to. kther, which !brine a most invaluable epsake. Miniatures het hi . brieeleti; Mertalions, Dreastpios, "dre. An assort- went of the above Jewelry, selected far the purpose, lilways on hand. Examine and then decide. Materials , used' in' the Art fur, sale, at the lowest rates.. Iniittuc.. tiont given by 'letter or personally. All communications must be post paid. M. E. 81MQNP, No. 179 Chestnut Street, 1 Opposite the State House, 'Phila. April 30, 1847.-3 m Perhimery, Soap, 0e ; PERPUMERY, SOAPS, FANCY ARTICLES, TOYS, Ate,' for sale by C WEAVER. April--10, 1840. DRY GOODSI DRY GOODS! DRY GOODS of every description can be had unusually low, in Chambers burg street, immediately opposite fleagy's Cabinet Ware House. May 7. W. & U. RUTIMAUFF. THE AMERICAN REMEDY. THOMSON'S COMPOUND SYRUP 07 TAR AND WOOD NAPTHA. /AV all the remethes recommended, in late 7.. W years, for the cure of CONSUMPTION, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Liver Corm plaint. Spitting Blood, Difficulty of Breathing, Pain in the bide and Breast, Palpitation of • the Heart, InOutn a, Crom Brolipt. _ • Giridittition, Sore nroat, Ner- eons Debility, and all dlyea as of the i f bran, Breed and Limp:. • None bus been foetid more 01111T1IN and rearrA•• in its curative power over these. so general and often fatal' diseases, thin' the above prepare tion. The Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Naptba is en unparalleled remedy. In addition to the heeling power of Tar—the virtues of which. in affections-of_the lungs, is univerielly icknowl edged—there is combined with it in this prepare. titre the active principles of 'Gornto( the most cer tain- Tonic Vegetable Pectorals, which unite to make it the most valuable medicine ever offered to the public for the cure of the diseases for which it is employed, so that it Herer foils, if taken in time, to proddce the intended edict. Among the testimonials to the value of the a bove medicine, are several from dhsthiguithed phy. sicians of Philadelphia. Read the fp' lowing from, Dr. YoUng, the eminent oculist Philadelphia, Jan. 18, 1847. Haying used in my practice, as well as in my own Rimily."Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Naptha," I have no liesitatirr in saying that it is the best preparation of the kind in use for persons suffering from Consumption, Coughs, Golds, and all affections of the Throat, Breast,Sic. so prevalent at this season of the year. • W5l. YOUNG, M. D. 152 Spruce street. Read also the following from a man who will at any time corroborate its statements. MOST WONDERFUL CURE. Philadelphia, Dec. 4, 1847. Penetrated with deer earn* of gratitude for the benefit•extterienced by the use of Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar, and that others who, like me, have languished through years of affliction and suffering, without being able to find a remedy may. know where it can he obtained, 1 voluntarily make the following statement. About four years since, after being affected with a violent cold, it left upon me a troublesome and severe cough. Whilst the cough continued, which was with scarcely an intermission during this long period, language fails to tell what I have suf- fered front debility, pains in the breast and aide, night sweats, difficult expectoration, oppressed breathing. jam) in feet all those symptoms which mark a severe pulmtinary affection, The' relief occasionally obtained by the discharge of the mat ter which obstructed the healthy action of my system, but increased my fears, as the purulent waiter discharged was frequently streaked with blood. During this time f was under the treatment of several physirians, and took many ofthose prepa rations recommended as serviceable an the cases of others, but without relief : and I at length con• eluded that a cure in my case was hopeless. But how agreeably changed is now my opinion! I have used for about three weeks Thomvon's Com. pound Syrup of Tar. By the use of one bottle my cough has been relieved anti my system reinvigo rated, and by continuing the use of it up to this time, I am satisfied that nay complaint is entirely removed and eradicated. KRA 'INF Y. 212 S. Seventh st. iTY - This invaluable remedy is prepared only by Angnev & Dickson, N. H. Corner of Firth and Spruce streets, Philadelphia, and can be had (Attie lollowing Agents : S. S. Forney, Gettysburg. R. Angney: Carlisle. D. P. ',wise, Jlunover. p r i ce 01 large b.tiles;lmo. Beware or imita tioasl (April 30, 14 Stanton's ExtCrrna Remedy, MEM Ars _LINEVIENT, Tr i .l6w universally acknowledged to be the INFALLIBLF. It ENIEDY for Itheurnati,m, spinal affections, contraction* of the muscles, bore throat and quinsy, issues, old ulcers, pains to the back and chest, ague in the breast and lace, tooth ache, sprains, 'noises, salt rheum. burns, croup, frosted lent, and all nervous diseases. The &tan, pliant success which has attended the application 01 this most wonderful medurna in curing the most severe cases .31 the different diseases above named, and the high eaconiurns that have been bestowed upon it, wherever it has been introduced, gives me the right 'to call on the *fined to mean at once to the only remedy that can be relied Gm. CERTIFICATE EU( Berlin, Pu., May 28, 1847. GEO. R. STAUNTON, Dear Sir,—l consider it my duty to express my sentiments, in behalf of your invaluable med icine called Hanes Liniment. I have for some time past used the Liniment in my practice, for various diseases, and feel sat jellied, from the careen attending its application. that it merits all that can be‘aid in its behalf. I consider it one of the best external remedies I have ever used in cases of Tatter, Ringworm, Salt Rheum, pains, bruises, cuts, swellings, The cheap rate at which the articles is to he had, places it within the reach at all. It should farm the principal external remedy of every family. DANIEL RAKER, M. D. Hampton, dfdtrina Co., Pa. Slay 2t Gao. E. ST m tria: Dear Sir—l feel be dto the afflicted to give publicity to the eitraordinary effects of your in valuable External Remedy, called Hunt's Lini ment. My daughter, a girl of twelve years old, had been afflicted with 1/'bite Swellings, in one of her legs, directly below the knee joint, for several months, during which time her sufferings hair been excruciating and deplorable. I called on a - Physician, who, during frequent visits, made use of every means in his power to (wrest the fell de stroyer, but all without effect . The - leg-continuer) swelling, until it opened, forming various disa greeable ulcers, rendering amputation necessary unless immediate relief be had. Fortunately, how ever, on the first day of December last, your agent having been'in our village, and hearing of the suf ferings of my daughter, he sent me one bottle of your Liniment, the use of which alone, thank God, has not only arrested the further progress of the disease, but liaacured the leg perfectly, removing• all pains and swellings; and restored the leg to its proper use. I am under many obligations to your kind agent, who thus, by one bottle of your invaluable medi cine, eased Alia leg of mydaughter from amputa tion. Your Liniment should find its way inlo ev ery. family. MOSES PHILLIPS. May 29, 1847. 4, We, the urelersigned, citizens of Hampton, are acquainted with Moses Phillips, and know him to be a man of truth. and that the ,ficts as set forth in hisaertiflcate 2 are correct." _ GEORnE FORROR, JACOB DEARDOIiFF, JACOB AULABAUGH,,,II9M. A. ALBERT, SOLOMON ALBERT, .10E1. OOCRENOUR. This Liniment is sold at 24. - and AO cents per bottle by alt the principal Dritggists and Merch chants. °Were tuldreuild to me at Sing Sing, N Y, will lascranded to. OF. STANTON, Proprietor. Walesa,' Igents—Hoadly, & Co 1 42 Water'street, Rusliton`& Co 110 Broadway, A B & Sands, corner Fulton and William, Aspinwall 'BO William street, New York; Cuthbert & Wadi 'trill 70 South Peiond. Pkadelphin. AGENTS Samuel' 11. Buehler &'S. S. Forney, Gettysburg; Abraham- Kingg, Hunterstown E, Zuck, Pineloton; Ja cob Hollinger, Heider:burg ; Hollinger 6t; Ferree, Petersburg, (Y. S.); Jacob Aula baughtliomplan; Geo. S.Hentzel, and, J. S. Hildebrand lit Co., East.llerlin. June 11, 1847. illcc. 2-Iy] - - _ BIItDSELL'S PATENT STEEL Shovel Cultivators VAN be had for Cumberland township at C. W. Ilorcintes Coach-Shop, Gettyiburg, Pa. Please call and see them and judge for yourself, Gettysburg, May 29, 1040. HAWLS of every description can be had very cheap at W. & C:l2tithrtiefre Cheap Stope in Chamberibut street. ~May 7. VARIOIIB KINDS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. CULLEVN! INDIAN VgGETADLE • miERSONS afflicted yid) Scrota Kings Evil iff" Cancer. Elysipelna, Old hems, Ulcers, Tel ler, Mercurial Diseases, or any other complaints arising.froni impurities' et tte_Winalotse ad to read tho following:testimonials, in proof of the wonderful properties of the above espied 034 0, Icine, READ I EAP 0,1 HEREDITARY TIITTEIL GENTe.—It is now silt monthi since my youngest child, a daughter, had , a .entant... one affection,which made its appearance over its entire body. It was Ceske of Hereditary 'Fetter, and ao virulent was the dietneve,..that we wisheg, in case r ,it eduld not be speedily relieved, that it might' he: soon laid in its grave. At this etagerof thop, disease my sister-in-law called upon you, to advise as to the best preparation °Oar saparilla that could be procured, as an al terative ; whenyou recommended the use, of Dr. Cullen's Indian Vegetable Panacea. and I am pletteed to say that the good ef fectf of the medicine were perceptible when it hnd taken but a few doses ; and by the time we had used one single bottle, the disease had entirely. disappeared, and from that time Were has been no re-ap pearance. I really feel thankful to you for having recommended the Panacea in this case, for I feel confident that had not the disease been arrested, my child would, ere this, have been the tenant of , the cold and silent tomb. Respectfully yours, ltovyAlill& ' WALTON. John P. Rees, Phila. Dec. 9 1845. 85 N. Seventh St. WHITE SWELLING. Philadelphia December 19,1845. Mr. J. T. ROWAND. Dear Sir,—At your request I cheerful ly give you an account of the wonderful cure effected upon me by Dr: Wien's In dian Vegetable Panacea. At the age of fourteen years I had upon my right knee a White Swelling, which stiffened the joint, and caused some seventy or more pieces of the hone to conic aivitY . in' the sores, and which was temporarily relieved by the usual remedies, but not entirely col red. 'AI times sores - Would again break out, and become so distressing and painful that I could get no rest night nor day. In this way it continued till last spring, when, having witnessed the.extraordinary e ff ects of your Panacea, as an alterative, upon a a daughter of mint who was using it for a chronic disease, I concluded to make a tri al of it in my own case; the result has been an chore cure. lam now sixty-sev en years of age, and have suffered fifty three years with gores. I cheerfully add my testimonial to the many others that I have heard, of the cures performed by your celebrated Panacea. Thomas Walton, 490 N. Third Street, Alderman Seventh Ward, N. L. Ye learned ones of the "Healing Art," if ye can so far overcome professional pride as wise ■ med icine which ye know not how to compound, ye may perceive many valuable lives winch will o therwise be sccrificed. Will ye not prescribrit 1 If it shall not accomplish all we claim for it after a fair trial, according to directions, we will pub hsh an account of its failure is any three papeis iiittr U. States at our own expense. And here we say, without the fear of contra diction, that we have not found a case N Sciotula or other disease for which we recommend the l'a nucea, which the medicine hew nut speedily ar rested We have nt this time a multitude l of patients un clef treatment. all of whom are doing well. A mong them is one of CANCER, which was pro nounced by physicians beyond the reach of Surgi cal assistance, but from all appearances will be cured in a law months. ELTThe above valuable medicine is for sale wholmale and retail, by Messrs. Rowan and Wal ton, Proprietors, :176 market street, Philadelphia and by the following agents: Samuel 11. Buehler, Gettysburg, Pa. a—ll—Norris, York, Pa. N. .V Robinson, Baltimore, Md. Aprll23, 1847.—tf Protection against Leas by "Cumberland Valley Mutual Protection Qin Company," being incorporated by an Act of the Legislature, and fully organized and in opera tion under the direction of the following Board of Managers, viz : T C Miller, James Weakly, D W M'Cullough, A G Miller. T A M'Kinley, Philip spangle,. iamnel Galbraith, Samuel Tritt, AbMi King, (Adams,) John Zug, t'smuel Hinton, J T Green, J Bear—call the attention of the inhabit ants of Cumberland and Adams counties to the cheapness of the rates, and the many advantages which this kind of insurance has over any other. Ist. Every person insured become' a member ofthe compasy and takes part in the selection of officers and tile direction of its concerns. ttil. For insurance no more is demanded than is necessary to meet the expense* of the Company, and indemnity against losses which may happen. 3d. The inconvenience of frequent renewals la avoided .by insuring fora term of five years. 4th. Any penson applying for insurance must give his premium dote for the cheapest class at the rate of five per cent., which will be $5O on the 1000, for which he will have to pay 50 for lise years and gt 50 for survey and policy. and no morn unless loss be sustained to lk greater amount than the funds on hand will cover, and then no more than a pro rata share. These rates are much cheaper than those of other companies, elt" cept such as are incorporated on the same princi ples. T. C. MILLER, President. A. G., Secretary. Mr The following named versant bare limners pointed .dgruis for Adams County W Petf ton, Esq. General Agent for Adams county ;'J A Thompson and 1) Ziegler, Gettysburg; Dr. Wm 4fitewart, Petersburg; Henry Myers...Now_ Chea ter; Henry Mayer. A bbottstown ; ptfirsi Coin. fort, Straban township; Abraham Ring, Hunters town ; David Blythe, Fairfield; T T Mennen, Arendtsville; Wm Morrison and Abel T Wright Bendersville ; Dr. 1) Mellinger, Emit Berlin ; Ab'sn Scott, Cashion n. Sept. 13, 1810.--tf . , ILTER AND VERNA N gn:v R 1.7.1 PENCILS, VIOLIN STRfNGI4, Arc., of best quality, can always be bad at the Fancy Store of . C. WEAVER. April 10, 1840. WE have just received a taiiiiicane , assortment of plain antl.,fril PARASOLS, which we will be plima4° chow to all who favor us with a lb 11,1r,7. NY 0, RtinigAllr F. THE STAR AND BANNER h published every Iliday.tvening, in the County Building, above th'e Reeder • and Recorder'sVeri -- DAVID A'. BiIEHLEIL TBlltrtf‘ it paid in advance or within the year, 19 per .- annum if not paid within the year, $2 O. paper discontinued until all arrearagea are paid. Z... except at the option of the Rditor. Single caplet' ni cents. A failure to notify a discontinuance will be regarded as a new engagement Advertisements not exceeding a square insetted three times for $1 —every subsequent insertion 25 cents. Longer ones in the same proportion, All advertisements not specially ordered for a i n time, will be continued until forbid. A liberal reduction will be made tothose ho advertise - 6 the year. Job Printing of all kindielgecuted.aeatly -asmi promptly, and on reasonable terms. Dam and Communications to the FAitor, it*• cepttng such as contain Money or the nathei of new subscribers,) molt be roe? PA ‘lO, itt /Met 1111 secure attention.