alj.aaljE. F-rrtr--n--fMTi--7wrwirinmr'r:ittmm"m t it ii-rn rm, hnftri'TWr','n www fflUl tyUs" plea,! IJIWfii, )liBr(frm('tlr aeHfr dries.",. jtlOW lU AlOltb UUUUIUUUr AUKS. In the elantnew8lor lloncp, fntimelOi) In liohe even aiicr me uiiii.iniirmini .puyti- .. , !,t,rii.,litIel.olwino1oi.nca,5l'" "'' f"'k'L r';l,lei1 AtaUlfi mcdimj of tliA Amorn Ia.U1a,..nj,.,?ce...l,,u.ntf .ft?,. xt tnta I'flfmpra Cluh nf Nnw York tho, Sl.tUlO iar,mcra t;IUq. 01 iOW XOnr. " nnntfinn Khw In iynit itt.tmnli.k l,n.ea rc.a . . & f LruUifUt Hp, John Oi liorfen Saul : I , i i, ... , .4 ('.L.' .. 1 . n !1U mama 1 J utuiuuuio niu (luiuab i;iu. iv ibii dvmiv ,-rll .y . "ii',, . . i I tif Itld market gafuCIlors Dear NeW ZOrK. I - i , t e Kll.lW inon WUO crOW ton acres cacu"t T t i i ' l t. 1 , CtlCUmueH on .Long Island, m3 UOtl t Uo snyt!ilng).Jo tilL'Off tho. vin6-huc3-tLcy.1 ffcJ tliemi Xlicyi put m 00 or 40 seeds in ono c5rncroTtbo hill ova week ml ns raahy uioro next week In another corner, alT . 1111 li,nr rnt tlirnn hr i"n,,e. snnin. -, -.-f- j b .:. i a,l.l:. ,i, . .,,t times five, plantings on tllO samo ground. IL La. il.t,1! --toe- rtn-lli. ,1,!.,. WliatilUO OUg-l ilqn .eat aro liually tlilU- no.l flntcn In firn bI-IIi in n l.ill It li tlia neU down to nvo SiaiKJ m a Ulll. HIJ mo tlnianpt-nnil mnst cfrnclual modo ofrrettinf , CUCapcsr, nnu most eilOCtuai moug Ol guiuij, rU'lintlia bus. I liivo tried to kill ilieiri with snuff, but I only siitcecd'ctl in killing tln'planfs, not the-bugs. It will keep tho pis off of cabbage; .No doubt cucumbqrs an a very profitably fcrop wheu cut right. Thorc is .one. large groyrcrnoir tho Nar rows who has sold S2.0C0 to 2,000 worth of cucumbers a day in tho best of tho son son, 'from a crop upon ten acres. Thcro aro' two or thrcd farmers who sell 810,000 to g20(000 worth a'yoar of market garden orcp? from 4i3 nr CO acres. Sotno make a good ilea! of money and somo none. Much of the sVilljis inelliDg as well aa grow- Prof. Mnple3. I used to grow melons, BBd'eptVoff' Ihej'bug by ibose3 covered with .miHennet, After rd, I found that tho.millcunet Jit,Lnio good -tho bos was just as good, without." Mako. Iho boxes of piao board, larger at bottom than top, so as to 'rest together, when piled away. They aro great safeguards from all bug andgrubs. It is' a good thing to let tho box on, and lot tho vines grow over the top. I never, raise the ground for hills of cucumbers or melons, .or, in fact anything else. Hdwto raiaoTurkeys. Will you allow mo In farmer style, through yourpapcr? to give ray experience in rais ing 'trJikoys, for tho benefit of your readers I commenced raisin;: turkeys about tnreo '41 . ... . i di terinineo to make hla liouaeone ol tho moateninrottn years ago, I never met wiln any succo33DieulVtirnriravcierttiiaiop at. be round in il. !-. raSn :.. ilhelntcriorof Pennaylvanfa Ilia lablc'vlirberunii.h. until thejast seaSOD, 1850. i I llO Winter Cd ,lally will, the belt IhoIIarkelcan niror.l. nrnriniK. I winlnro.l nnn trim nnd tnw liana. . EMyoldrriendaandirarelleri.-oneralty yeinvitod r . .. ' " , . anrl thnv.1.iiil CO no-os. from which I raised 45.turgsys from. 60 batched. 4 Until the last summer, I never could raisu over oao forjjl'thit wero hatobed. iilyjmode of raising them is as follows : I made each lien lay two settings, which they, will do without injuryNif they aro woll wintered. I set two settings under duug hill fowl3, and tho remainder under tur'oy' hens. As soon as they aro hatched, I Live crates proved amPImnicdiatcly shut them up, and. keep them bhut up for four weeks, and. then let-lhcm'rango rjiywlinto on tho farm.1' 1 feed, them on tndian meal, and kecp'butt'crmilk, constantly, beforp them. ( I puC.abbut, half an o'nfa'ca, of asafcotida in their jnilk each day, and thi3 keeps them lively, and lhoy'aroL never bothered with licc'J .When I ic.yhcm.out, they. seem, ta grow up without any more trouble. J thing there is notllng-tlilt will afford our farmers greaterpioiU thin turkeys if managed in this way. Ho-iTgdoop toJplantSeods. Experiment? .in Frjnoe with wheat show that it yaalds tha best, wkon planted 1 i irlcbBs deep. Flax nnd ruta bays turnips. h'ajf;,an inch. Dailoy and oats will do well pjtntipg tto inches deep, Oorn, half an itifhj and but few plants should by planted over li inches deep, Tho beit drilling machine in Franco was invented by a lawyer. It weighs 220 lb?., is.draijn by ono.korso,- and sows ten acres a day. i - 'Shallow planling of corn is generally, the mo.'t successful. No doubt some (Seeds nro'b'ettcr for .shallow planting, but as' a pnivcrsal jule it will not answer. Com ttock's great secret1 of -"terra culturo" is elmply to plant all seeds eha'low in f.ict no'de'op'eSr than nature would plant them. This is tho-seoret that ho wanted- tho Now York Lc'gislltnro'l ) g'ivo him 8100,000 for tlisclosipg. Thctlc'pih 6f planting depends very much upont'tbe' chatiifcter, of, tho sea son. 'Ncxb' Vcgttablis, now parsnip from tho Island of Jersey, is highly spoken 'of. U is shaped like a' fcirrot, 10 nr 20 inches wng, and 12 or 1-1 inches round. It is Very valuable for cattle and it is' also useil to tipuro pfom;h brandy." 'A new aad valuabla beet is also spoken of, but it is not stated whether that is any ether than thoouaid long used to make French Era'ndy. i Hes MaSijiip. A barrel of hen raanarq xed with'muck, or leaf mouldj will ma. jure a' half acreof oorn, and 13 as valuable is guano. How many of our farmers gather and preserve this valuable f.nili. & Plowing with Cows, A farmer io Oplifoyiia, states thai ho has plowed soven. acres (his year with yAte of oows- Jfcuiys (hey are faster walkeri than oxen I tht thay jiva milk, and 6yc the ? xpenst) '"of Keeping another team AND SUMMER Goods. rpnndinltiMtf tpottrullirliiluim hliftiendiane. a. in? ni-me in iiibb ana me ivsi ui n.aiiKiuu mm I beha, e,iat,1lsliirfh splendJil feTtTlSPrl kTr'tcf 'iSW lu'uSivlW l ri-il M'.Jfc-i 5 i3Mi JJ Ho t' Li j ufim uuu tiuiumci vswxa. Wh ch hli ili-lr-rliJric.l In ..II nn .iil.ld. .i,lll I mince all.t least in t his vicl nil v. u l.'o ate It. wa nt Of Merchandize, to extend him theircustoui. , llisalock haBt.euiiselcctedwlibiiMichcaro and will rtletenee lnino.aiiuolihlacomiiunliy anil wiihmit, .LaI. . i...,, .!... , ' . . I K'.ina ui.w ii itui.ici:iiiiii.erniinn oil up var.i'ua Kinds - he rHk nothing in nssurlni his Mends that I ev rylhitii? sually kept in'Coiililry Pteres.cnn htreae SPUING uau " 'in it cneapcr man I lie ciieniieFi I -".;"'., '.. i', ,m n. imp is irnrin; .e,5rJoimlry produce, includine drain, Lumber. c, ever effected,, a majririly or llie. cases (all.'liil'i 111 J la;en Ineichauit ftir '.ooJa , T ' or incouiii-lnil pemuru. wlm nut only lall lo , t . . WII-SOV ADCn,, icarelhn milatlybai ruin IhB.Bviialltiitlun villi tnrru. tlififiiio? J, v'areh S3, tFi7,--y. VI Spring and Summer GOODS. -r , V p.p.iHn ' , . . ...... w,,,,, ...'vn u. - BuliMiii,,Hn i,i..vna ..a ii inn i iiii ii iiiimriy crnap , ' f lliprcnaniiraerorprlii(ialp, which inmptlieetlie,(iietivcen tln.asef ni alt inonihs nna tlility.nve jpnra, ;i(Anoi:T.t:ilErr.HT, nnj IIANIisoMLST naort.1!olfao... l Sn.nhcr r.irmlilaVn enemy' to henliii it men I now oifi4 In thli TOW N I llaylne paldpreal deifrpyaihn n-iriroue ayatem rapidly Watliiic nw.iy tho Unention to thf iclrcllon of li.ilr entire alork. aa to .enerfiea oriire.eaiiiiunnienl.M dor.'inie'neni, prevent. , r'lee and qiialily, t hey flalter lliemaelvea that mey In. ,u proper iieveiopinonlr the -yataiu, ami dlaa.lati. icnil compete wiihlhepl, and alltho.o wlihlnj fylne It vlcllr.1 for ..arrlnse. aoc.fty. I.tisirif-fi. o nuy cneap, can eave morrev pv civinsuiocn.i. iva Hn n, k(ml. n( 0oo(, JI() Ware, ,0 iuhpy the People. A vry lame lot of i I.ATllPI' Tin l SH (lOOllS .la' ' ... i i rrencr. ,Merrnnet.U'aolPlaid, Alpacae,, dnbaiae I'onllna. Paramelta flolha. Mohair Ln.uei, Muilln He Lnlnei, I'crslan clolhatllnghania.Ualicoea, WlilTU OofiDS-OI'.ALt'KlNha.Revei, Collared llandkcrcblela, lloiinclnne, banda and trimming, i.areaandcu?injra, nnnnei r.ou ons, in inrRi. variety , velvet rll.bonV.nnd braidf. kid. cotlon.and hale thread I.are and cd?in?8, bonnet ribb oha, in large variety glnvna, Mokiiir nlltlaa&e. . j We invitpoitrfrlondi nnd llie nutillc ttencraltv to lv( us acttllbertirefuitltofinR eliewlicru. Wcliavn linit gli i our ffornUnt l.ctwenl Oaila.rrlcri.o ml will nut boUH jriold by nnybody nrtlieristo4'manl(in(i. McKKLVy, NKAL & 00. Dlonm burg March 31, 1P57. J. S. & E. Li 1't.ltUT, P ro d ii o o and 0 o n o V a 1 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No 18 Worth W'narvia. I'lllLADHLrlHA. RlfCRlKCll! JohnF .renliton.Cn. rblladclphia. Meaira Hacker, it Co. ' Siter. I'ricn Co. ' iiticknor. MrCaininon at Co. i Char lea 131 lis b Co. " " H. Jlorrli Wjiin & Co. Onterbri Ige, Arvnv-& Co, " Ciarle fa Joaepii Perot, ' Tlio'i.aa i Maswell. New Vork., . . ) O.'M. McCHiiu k Co., ?l l.nnia. Mo. 1. 9. Morrnt Sun, l.ouiiville, Ky March 15, lfi.i'1-vr , MUKJL'Iiy & KOONS, OllNMAIi COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and wnOtxsAU: dc a i, nas IN FH, cnuEsn H ftiovisro.-vs. So. 47 Nort'i tVnre l(belov l.-a Sltcel) I'll I LADE L l'u I A. Have constantlvon hand a larie aa. tkawCSBercw oilmrntor FISII i OUISC.'. fc ruo &Z3i322 VmiON?, whlrhlliey nre preparedtuiollul tbu.oweal posaildi. ratea. rryoKDCRS promptly alien led to, i'ebuiryai, 1837. DYEK'S HOTEL. Cattawissa, Pa. ri IllSol.lanil wclUnnwn Hotel, lnth"town JrVl J ift:atiuw.isa,HHiiii kept J) v fiR iiiiacr' iaiicil, artdlii ipapof all Itcrnse laws, lie InJliLfii 10 rnili javuu Ulll. Mav 21.1S35.-y . Esyptowu Coach awl Wagou Fctory( TIlHunderaigneit having ruccecded Jacob H. Cva in 1 lie Wag-maud Coach making bual neaa.nt In a atnnd, in llspytown reapeetlully Inform their frienc and the nuhllc, t lint they eontinuewlll the Wagon Making Business, III nll;lie depntme.ila, where they will lie hippy tnro reive orders andpronipllyexeruteull buaiueaa in theii line, Willi neat neaan nd ilcpalch. irj- Wheel l.arrowa made to order, and all kinds ol repalrlngdouc on ehorlnntice. KVASS It HACns'IlUCII, Kipytown,Junc7, 1850 y M0XT0UR HOUSi:, cunNr.u op amrki:t and mim; tR13ct8, (liamtdtntvlu oppotitt Iht Court Hovtt.) UArtVlLU.. PA. TTAVSf0 fcften'rccputly rtnovatol nnd rerqrin.,rd Lxtn aJi"Tiftr nyictnis elegant Hotel in now reopn t'-r the rectfiti"n of vtraPtETind viaiion.wlioae pa ranase U rjapcctiully rc.utittd. S.A.BItADV, ly5, 1830. ALIiX. G. OAT TELL & CO. oUCCUSSORStq-JaineaM Dolton,decea.e,l,Comml, j O iionAntir orwaruingKrtna.iiB.lortneaaieoi u iln rniir,9eeda,lron,Luoiber icc-.No. ISN'orth Walei it..l l')iiladel.liia Cooilaforwariled wiih sare.'o allp nir on tho Schuylkill. Union, Huiuebanna .and Jur iiu Caiiala.! , rrfdalt Planer ,(lrindiione,foriale atthef eil ieea MirrhlP. 1333. WKSTESIX EBOJ'KiTi, Nos.9, 11, 13 and Ifi Oourtland strcot NEW YORK, U. D.WINCI1ESTCR. 1'IIO.i.I). WIN'CIlESTCn, iic.vj. r.wiNXiinaTER. M-.V 31,1850 J m LEAF TOBACCO & CIGARS. - ai, tsoutu i'ront btreet, I'liiiiAnci.riirA. Sept. C.lRSO. y FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. T-an.-railO. M, IIACEVIIUCII ha Juat received, and 1 3 hn. fur b.i le. :i. lila llinn Hinrw. .,li. .n... Wient of nil kind ol Oardtn yrfi, fresh from Mr, jjuisrf gceu uouau-iu t iniadijuhia May 0. JP47.. . ! JOHN O. YEAGER, &Cap Store NO, 103 NOKTlt T1I1KD 8TRCET, PHILADKtafHIA. trv Merchanta nnd viiitora from N'urthem Pen nay ynnia,arerea.eclfullylirltcdto give hlin aeail, wlun viailing rniiaiieiptito. w June i:e,ibu. y, Di.J. V. Stutter, II o m ce o p a t li 1 c I li y s 1 c I .i n, T-lCSFCCTFULLVtendorahla 1'rofeailonal Sereea Ivto the citizenaom loo nniburir and vicinity, gene rally OrHco on lb.. corner of Main and Iron rltreeli uii,T.iiiaui.T, svMjuiit.iig si .(.ruivgi aoiore. Bepi. wi, leji. .COAL ! COAL! ! - P rOLtltltscCo, . would retnecfullv Inform Ih M . peopln of I'lttalon and the public In general, tha hey uave opaned i Cjal Van), pf ample uluienalona tiq rrerareu at ineir omce, eorneroi iam onu unn diareit to li f ull order' for coal for domcilic and emu Tf ?ee. JUST RECEIVED AT OUR NEW STORE, TO. I MAUKHRCI. for $131 per barrel, and other, li In proportion. Alaa, a freah atipaly of Hugar. oluaaei, IU:K,tc. Alio, a new tupnly of Wall l'a. r. of ditfjrent atyleaiwhich will he gold low. ll. Li at i. w. llAUT,il.lili, May2.iei7. CENTliE STORE. SrniWG Ai SUMMER 'GOODS' rPHE undorsicned tain nlcasurr of in- X forraing the cilizena u( Cenlre andvlcieily. that he haa ju.t received a large and aeltct aaaortmenl Ol BPUtNn ir RiTtrup.n nnnnu. Compriiingti.eheavleal stock and mo si varied a aaort. mentol fashionable, useful and suustantialMerclinn. diie thai havebeeuoSried in the put lie o'e ery kind andauality.wlilcliihey wlllaellforfeady' very reasonable prices. j y . e3-CountfyiirodiifitaVenineieliange for Goods, Including drain and Lull tr and the public custom fespectfulliiolcited. SAMUEL LAMBACK. rowlersvll'e. March 1E37. TONB COAI. lor soie by O II W. 4. W. N. onnABV. 250Q0 biiinulus, run ham: low uy II, W. It W. N. (JBlSASY. SUtlllBU yiUWLrJand Hjollllss. for sale rat UAltTMAN'J, ll.y t, IMT lifTEitlioTr WHEN A'i'nilMANBNTUI.IHR irf flUAlfANTEnn IntlllitatesofBliL'llljr IHSKArtEH,: et.lf. Ahmet .cirous iieoiiuy, titriciurcs,iiieois,uravci. nierrunai Uhciiiiiatlain,crofiila. rains in the Ankles and llanos. itisensea 01 I thp Thfnnl . Hml mill Kvps. Hirers linn. line ueiiy. reniai urriUJariiie.a'iii improper dig lf,''S. " low Ion .land ng or oiisllnate Muecase, recovery Is rnrialn and In a shotirrtimo than j a, permanent cure cuuld be effected l any other Ileal mercury or naisam h.ivn ri.lorpil lei I tlents v ho vv ere Bun tho nbovu mentioned dleiascs I'roiniiinj a pet roc I am 'a-etate Iliectealfilj ttalhnunifl.nnp.l .... flionlil ln ylieilneaia l alva eiibllinatp-rA ilnngermif iiniaon.a preparalii.n of niercuty-whlfli, wiih iho rein.Unt at iIImb-o In lio t"lem. pro liicue manynr thoabovn naini'ilairi.ctiona, uliicli finally term inau In cirilui.i)iinij,aalrrtqiiurilly a raplil one; hut ilinulii it not c-lnad ilentU apieililv. anil tho vicl 111 1,1 il arsae Innrnea. the iliaeaae la th.'n con vpyg'l from Iho iront to thpc nil lion can liiif; Ihetii In eouie Jntollie worlil with acrnruia. ail.'clloiia of tho i 1 a) k I ii . cyei tiu.o-it. ,tfc and atain tjmiimtpa in com e;n.iiy ..ay i.ue..,. rp,i eirreauioriiieiaii.i nil ntiicr d;e.-i.fafl'U-inalei Ifralffdin tliemuu aallfnl and cl- online manner. Meiflrlnea. with direction, nent to '"""ii"" uiiiieupiaiinniii;anaiiaa,bypi lenli conimunicailnj their aymptoiiiabt inter j. HUMtlCltVIl.t.n, M 11, , 53l p0H o,Hs ! Tilatar at., below l'.Hi, I'lilladcV phla, Pa., ' ''rcl'-1'""'37' . UNIT DOM,Alt A YUAU. . .. . . ,lnn . .r Circulation OVcr 100,000 topics Wcckll, 5 Witnesses, OR, TDK FORGER CONVICTED. JOIlNa.DYC is Uio Auttinr. who lint hid ten yeurnoiiierlenci' nan PanVf-r nnd Publlhfr, nnd Au.UoTxfateiticfLtUrtt altU Droeittay Tebtrnatli when, for ten turcsive,over ll-ao.mfOl'c'onleTi . Grpcted htm with round or arplnusc, whUo ho ex. hitiltctl l no manner to wincnuoitnterieitnr recuic their inu!8. and theiureviftad tmt.tett lu'rans of tletiriinf (he ml The JJank Stole Egra?tr$ all tay thai Ac is th grcattit Judg Paptr Jllontf tiring Greatest Discovery of the Present Century , for Dctccting'ConnUrfcit Mank Notes. Ir ic rltil ri g rvcry (Icnnlne Hill In nlticncr, nnd eihlbitirg at a clance every CoiiMwfcU In rircu a lion I Arrarifff'' tnndinlraMy.lhnt UcTcrenca Is Eaiy and Detection Inktntitunrou. KSr No ludrx to examine No imgc to t.unlitpl Butjto viiup lified nnu arran ged, iho MoreJianl, lljukcr and Alnn can tcucll eta glance. Hnglhk, French end German. Thin each may read tho tame In hla'ow n Native Tongue. J.loU perfect Dank Note List Published Also, n liM nf all Hip rniVATu-iiAwKiiitii in A.MnrtiCA. A complulp Bunuuiry oftlie Finance or Cranrs akd America will bo imbUtihf u m prhIi pihtlnii, t gellipr with all the Important NDWri or TIH. UAV, Alio, A SKIMES OP TAMH Prom an oM Mitnuecript round In tho Cast. It lir ' itibhea the moat compute history of O'hlENTAIi LIFC; ' And 'describing "the P'ovl pprplrxln position Jn win It ihrf latlfci nfii!so..tlchi(ti. ol'thit cnuntrv have been so ollen Atund. Thee iiori-' will continue tiirouihput Iho wtiiup year and wti prove Hie inoki cntvrt ahimg e ver olfernl to ihi public. HJ Furuiilied we kty to Bubscribprs oniyi at t & year. Allluteri muit bo mid" bm1 to JOII.V H VYr ITrtUr rubliehcT and Proprietor, 70 Va)l St., N'uw V'ork. 1857, SPUING AND SUUMFR, GEO. ltULPIN & 00. IMrOllTKRX AVD JMftUFJtCTUItKKS. 171 OHEsNUT STKEET, Arc ii') w pre pdrpd'toni lull t their N'tw Styles FOR SPRING TRADE, INCI.UIIIKO nialark and colorrdSilk Miintillaa Chantlv Man M.ieliltae, French Lnre Malilllln, embroidered M.uuillna, Hiiglcd Lareand Net .Mantillua, Mourning Al a III. line, nuaup'., i n i.iioa, o.c , cii., Allofwhicu wlllbe olfered nt the r.oweat I'rteci. UCO IIULI'IV i:t). 1174 ClieniJl Elrctt, abuvojtb, rhila dilna. March 7th, li57. SPRING AND SU3IMEU GOODS. THE undnrsiiriicil tike clonsure in an nouuclur to thelreuilmiiere anil Iho jiubliigenir S'ore.u choice o.eorim.iit if any, mai nn'y navo ju.ii ccciveu, ai ii,u i.iiiie iuu, Spring and Summer Good.", Comprising every ariicle usually kept in country More, unieii naveneen (elected whii care, and win uesoiu at very low prices for read) pay. DRY -GOODS. onsl ttlnjr of a lftrcinriijiy of Icths, tasjjmera, cluines llrazcs.Uaiicups, &c. XZIr Country produce taken in cxclinnpcfor eoods. uivo us a can. oito nucu go nay uishJuuen. O. & G. LOW. Lmio Ridge, March SSj 1837. Mount Vernon House. Second street, above Jireh. VhileCda Til P. undersigned having purchaspd Iho intprejt n Mr U. Ulalriti iheabnveoldcslabhshed Hotel, wil now have tho solo supervision ol' the pstahlisrnnen and 4?oJ islt4 thP patronatfe oTlho public. He (pels con 11 den I tint a trial i lloune, Hon in a, Table, tirrvanu Ice., will prove thebesl rtcoiuinpiidatlon;ive PIIRBNOLOGIAL CABINET. 1WLKUS, WELLS & CO,, PIUENOLOGlSTfl AND I'UDLlBniIItP. 231 Arch Street, below Seventh; PhilaM Biurnun a 1 1 wnrKs.on rare noiogv,l'liysio logy i. WaiterUuro Magnetism, nnd I'honogropliy, whdleialenndrelail at Vew York prices. Professional paininilions,- with charts, and iuu written uescriDiion 01 ciiaracier. davand eveninr- t-Jipiuii i rce. Ma. in. ick NE W SPRING AND SUMMER s, To be Sold Vern C'utan. JUSr IIECG1V C AT TIIU B'lOltll OP J. J. 11K0WER, Illoonnburg, April 23, 1857-3 NEiW GOODS. SPRING AND SUMMER OF 185 f 'ho uudprrigned, praiclul for fnrm ti liberal patronage, reapetfu ly inferma Ih friends and customers In general, that e has eu u.e.icen Dusmessi n nis s nacious new tioru iinna nvltdoor to Iselah tihiimnn'a Hotel where hp lia juat receiveui aiunauppiy Ol Sl'iilM; AMD .ui.M?:n G od. comprising -very variety of fashion, iualitv and atyle usually kept In the best su.ret, (Irofeiies.aiiinccware n&ruware. 1'isu. ,iis, 11 us, rap, ll,...ts, flioea, ate., w tiici. win no roiif on ecroi.i moiui ng 'jerms. CI" Ural n and p-oduro kmJs iinird. A & S. ANDHEWS. Manyille, March 33, 18.7, y.l BLINDS AND SIIADES1 OF ffF.W STYLES. 13. J. WILLIAMS, KO. 13 HOKT1I blXTIl STREET. ruiLAorifuiA. "J Ol' VliNITIAN Ilt-INDH, Vel I'l vit. Gold Uordered and I1..! ..ia.,1 plilviii.'a nr beaunrvili'epien,. iluir, and all mher colors of llol. land used rnr slndes. liiiu.ii.Tiiniiiiiiij,, jtc., ttc Wliule.n le a ml It. to. I. n. ll,. Imuu., . Wholesale and littatl, at the lowest cash prices . uiul.Rll.Ul. 14IIIICU lUUIUCI, U. J. V. lhanklul for past pjtrnnsee, resaectfully solicits ibo jiublic 10 call and eiamiu hi, new and large assortn.ei.!,1,eforo purchasing elsewhtre, IT H' ttud) Is 'icais.JCl March 51, 1857.-3m "WA LL PAPER I WALL PA lER ! TT7E hiva lust received. by railroad, a splendid as VV nrl nonlof WAf.l. 1'APEIt, wtich wo intend tosellat t'Jilladelphiiuiticei from H ceui. tu 3:1 cuts apiece. Caljaudsee, 11.0. u I; w. IIARTMAN. ApriU, lS7. SIUIMO JOige, BOAKD8 AV1 MUANTLINU. tfifcr U W U W, V PKArTY. imrnid iwenijr rara'nract cu, I hnticaiiinirniiiiiiiitii.i-.v..."!. ... . ... ami tn.rnfiaiaainrjfiwn ....... . .ir TataE3Vi5TOi-- irnn Ii over evuniien il.,'.,.::,,,! S. I'lierearcfonriuii of.IIiira liilliia Ml prnpeleilby ... ,,.,(, .. ion , 1 1 Hit llicliahgclln. ,.:, ' . .rrr...... ,. .. rm. unncr me wnrairnrttn ii n I ainani'iinn er ni i pranii iiuhb . i . n..-" i- p lei. un excciic u ..... ...... . imni. Nn . nr n,d . ittatra. which minrurila me In .kniilllililvliiia heliofiirnln per hour. The Hon r maile ri X r Ar t T! TfM . 1.1X17. - I n.n i. . ii.iml,,, !;.'. ,. .1 . .V.". .. ' ' . "i-"liW' o 'ami nilrilnnliimireij'oii'iuiecuniiiiioiia Vi- lien i I AfivVvi hi lihrnV. In MiUflini Ca'lon the Accnt, ami .rt a Or 1 STEAM rlKIST MILL. THE undordtgnetl lake plcaturo (n nu iciuncln (t uihat t Vttcnil nil J lIlcpiiMlcut Intje .llialtlioy . lue-iiiuiccicn anu putinVvpS THE ESl'Y TOWN MM mm s'fEM oiiiai ppSSM ko tv isu Aa o it r, v n i,i o Ftnvloufn. Jnlr 43. 1RA3 l.'HIIAt' W.U'Ullt'.S AU ' I . .mi Lu I . l A VII II 1'. 1' 1 1, at llm I'll it A. V V iielnti'la WatHi and Jewelry eturiVKo. Vis tkitjtl V....I. o.l at rnpl iiiilltteet corner ol unary. .i niuncii'iJia. Ualil I, ever Wiitclu'a.'fuUJewoleJ, Id carat. It o till fintil r.pnlna. m carat . . p'rHt'l fr uv silver 1 pnliio lew ela. S,ip,iVaiipttiera. nMrleciiele. .!,.. .,.'. j N , 5 ii,afcpi i,ip., e in 1 .1 ronclta, i'.lL,T.i : Snni.ll. - ' l POO 7 op ; no .10 3 OO i 00 1 ()6i s no hnldPcn Willi nenfllnnda vrr holder. "nViifl fineer rlnja 9?ieei-llo td Wat rt,.l,. n..r ritwa 971 epiala lo ft0.' Watch 'irlnaaee, plain I5 ccnu.i.atenili'I . imnei so ; inner nrnrieain plain aan";""7J";"" prnnrtlon . All goods w'""1""" bJ. "tv,vft r 1L? hawianfiAt.! nV.t ti,.Vfr I nn Ar i Avise's 3 CIICAT WA'i'lJIIkJnWr.I.RV STOr.n, No. 72, Nortn Mcooud Sircel, OProanT.TM HAinUNT VURNONMlOUBD.rllll.A Goldl'everW.itel.eal'iilWewelled 18R,Cuaea , Silver .In do latiy ,lo Lenlne do u auartieri, sooto 7 uo ColdSpccteflta, 4 Soto 10 00 silver do I 50 SlIverTableHpoone pereell. MOOtolBOD do tieaert oo uo m'ioiuu do Tea do do 4 7Sto 7 30 ColdVenaandOoldOaaoa. 3Stb500 " do Bllver do 4 I 00 Tofteilierwltl. a variety of fine Cold Jewelry, Ool fin r.ttnnrdund Pub Chain a. Allcooda warrant! .Hob a prevented, walcnea anujeweiryrepaireuintn. bpaiimmncr N n. Allonleraaenibyyinallorolhcrwlae,wllllio piinftually-ilteniledtov noveniHcri. io...,. .e ; DOOTOU UOOFLAaND'S ciliniiiiATrji) rmaii 55 i t tc r s. Go LI VCR CoMl'J.Al.N 1,. Uyopepttla, Juuntlicc.UIironl nr Nervoui Pebility, Uinracf uf I lie Kidnci g. add alt diseases ari-ing Itmu a divordi rt-d Isivtr t ift(iiiiailis 6uch an Consti pnlioi-iImm am l'j lev, jV tillne sp or Itlood In the Head, nritiity uf thn SU'inaili, NauiiM, Heart ijuril.I'ln'uMfi r Pt'ud, Pnllni'ffcur Wright n Hit! Mo mac h, four llruttntlunt. linking or Pluiier'nu at the 1'it of tho fitumachi ywhnmiiiK ol 'he Mean. Hurried ana Uilliiuli tiiutliiiit;. Piltrring nt tho Ilcar'hok ing or Siitroc.allhg spiisatiotip when in n lying pof-tnrc. had l)u 1 1 r 1 n 1 n the Head, Deficiency cf Perspiration. yollowiipes oi ine cKin an di.yu, me eiue,. l!.icU,'Clissl.l-lntl,sic Sudden P,utfluB ufllf Jit.turn ing iri the Plceh Constantly be iiiings uf Kvllauk cr-'nl Deprpninn oi Jripiiith c.r Um' tirnnri' tur in calling iiho atteniirr) ot tho pnhlj , ' ltl.a.a M..I I 111 II fri.ilili II I 1 1118 p nil""' '"hiiiiisi'-. iiiij.uiinriminj,u torptwled In its virltips nnd adaptation lot lit distant or which it is . ft ts no new and untried, arlicle.lbut onrtb tahat Horn I thptcsl of a ten yiari1 trial before the AmpriCJii ttt'opie and lis reputation anu fnieouninmifn i-jany itm Hi r preparations rxinnt i iijirr lutii'iiy in hp ui ir PiVfii bvilip rtioi-t nroiiiinriit Slid welt-known I liv ilci-TiiFinrt inillviihihirt in all pfMs of tin- countri ii uimfciipe.and a enrprul prrufeni nt uio imaiiac,pnMi6U a I an mini I y by tin proprietor, nnd to bo had praim ol dny nfhlfl A?'itH,cannni but salif fy the monUkepiirnl i this remedy is really det.ervins lliecreatcclebrih outlier e rilVNflVIiVAMA ITHHTIMONY. Ctrttfieatt of Jl, HVbMVjilili, J iy' tht icrd-knoton 1 vciltrjitr we jjvncanvon iron nor, t trry in., i a. Di'iitAMfON, January 11. lfii. Dr.Ci M. Jarkfon Dtat Bir "1 waior tlvfc vear severely sitllictfd with Uhionic llilimis Dcntrry fit v inch I wan aiicuiipii uy several ui iiieuturnj sitiaii' in Hie couuttynbut all it' no avail. 1 also umuu t uriout rviupiituri, but cuolii li ml nullill'g to b lie H L lite, until I wi inUured to try your Herman ililters, uud after tak mil' I'i'ir h.mkb oi which, 1 vs u entirely cured, an dam enjoying iheupM of l.ealih " .tiuiit i.rrLiiib ur i uii i i it ti a(i ii mi iisi.s irv DVfPCPSlA AND l.lVi.K UUAII'I.AINP. CeitilhulM ul J (J t,UlU'IB. i.f the llvrning Chronicle, fitlehurjt, Pa . who, Pehruury 'Jl, IH.5,i.aH, Pur iuitie wtfks pai-t my wiiu Ii ik bPin unotyur (tprtiiiiii Uittei sf with aliapl j ellctt tJl.o li i bteii aCticieil more or less, for sev ml ft, w lib tiiiCJic ol the tit'r and DjfjM 'iii.nt.d until itr com iiu need i. filial tho lliUerh, itoil'll p had qiu tt her ntnrt relief. Hei htalili i now iDpidiyitnprovn.g appi itf gu.d, and we have evry reason t bt hevp tie w HI bt pe'iecuy restoreu. cue ajtt u i uiv uv, luuuicint she has ever u.ed." NUtlVOUa HCIlil.lTY. J. U. UL'i-cni4-fi, I oyleetiiwn, la. June SO, 1?.',3 his! v. v u ili! bitu beei, afflicted v Itii a nervcui tie Lility, niuctt Scflemtii r, lr5,iloce w huh time 1 have neen uiwtiio io nu ao piijbitiui or innticjuu in;ti would beiicfl I her in Hip I' an, iintiUne day 1 1 filled at tin. luro of pr. llaney.ol this town, for sump itirmrc of iron, and di'purjbed lo hlin thu aflUctinn fit n'y in iiu men uanueo uio a ui o papeiHtu r 9u,nmoi'; v. met; I found out describing your binuon PiiHw. I t:tmo ilbtcl v urocured a lew tolileHtromhlm.nndaiM nlt-atr to bl.tto that the life of thn Utitirs liat-t'nne her mr ft good than all H e medicine Im I aa I crrlo.ore tuken . ujii you to e tii time n nan ioii-ii ooincs . L1VHR COMPLAINT. J. P. WirK, Martinofurg, Pn., Slay 'ii, 1H54, snyi; With much pleaburu I lettlTv to the virtues of yotti Oi'Mii'iu, Hitlers t'ometime clncc.l was severely of tlicted with a difeage of the Ltver.for whrh I usrr vsriifilit rcmedms, but with no bent Pcial eflcd. uitilt 1 wan mducedio try your UitUrs, w hich 1 am now happy in btate havo enirely cured inc. Thevaro eiitirt ly vff elnble free from all alcoholic stimulant, and pleasant in taito and siaell- Price 75 cents per,iHiiu(; . Sold bv Drueiilsts and tnrtkrcncrs in cvrrv town and village in the United Htnls and Canane and by ,H. n. nt) W.MAN iz CO,,itprwUk. I. WItT.MAN, Itnhrbnr. I. II. lUMiniNH, Llnhtxlrect. H. A. WORMAN. K'ty. Mt:LIt'K&. CKUAHV, Ughtstrccl June 7. 1B5G, IIAUNlidS KSTAKLISIIMENT. Th K Sia.YOF TUK WHITE HORSE . rpHD undersigned respectiuiiyf n forms ,r- jl on trienas ana tue nuDiic tnut no v. cuutiiiueH i ii o SAULERING BUSINESS, hialllts various branches, at his old stand on corner nfMaiuand .Markelstrrs. Where he will kifo constantly on hard a lull sunnlv and will manufacture to order , altklndtand styleso a 1 1 nr very loweii price ,nuu r iu uo nappy to serve llioso who may favor him with a call In lii,lne, US" Ordersfrom a listance IneltUerbranchof the a hovcbusineis.wllttielliar.kfullvreccivedandproniptly WM. J. HEIDLEMAN. nioomsburp Aug. in, v, states Union Ilotel. POPM(iKULY UUD LION HOTEL.) No. '200 Market street, Philadelphia, riCOUGi: W, inNKLUPronrictor.forinerUofrn IT luiitbia, Pa., would inform his friends and thpf ub ic that he continues tu keep the above named Hotel which ii wetland favorably known throughouilhe biu (- unvuf mo iii(ieninuii most convenient not j i rt hpclty. Ho mostrcspecifullysolicfti'ashnrenf rub c pationa go, April 7, 1655. CIDER MILLS. y 500 KiiAusi.ii'a, patent impmoved 'T!;ai'ui(TAiii.i; Cllluir Mll,L!i. Wit are nnw '.rtisa.maiiuriiclur'ii!! theso unrivalld CI, lor Mills. &e,reatl) unproved and slrenelhened since laal r.-nr, unn ranaupiuy nriiers ai vvnoiesule uud Uetail. Mills shipped to any part f.l llie Union. l'ASOIIAM. MUKItIS It CO.. Wholesale and Uetail Healers in Aerlcullurnllniple. luentaand Alarliines, m 7lli and Marketslreets, 1', St'IiliVIG AND SD.IlilllJU.CLOTIIUVtJ, THC umirsigned eraleful for Vat .atroiin$e, r spertrully iHfimi his cuatoners , and thrpubl lenornlly. that lie has Just received from the Has rn Cities, u.e largest and most select stock of Fashionable. Spring , Summer Clothing fliatliasyet been opeiiedlnnioouisbure, lo wbirli li invites the atlentiun nf his, friends, and assures Iheio that iheyaroofTeredfora.ilc.ntcreat harcal.'s. Iii. 8iockconipriaolareeandselce,'nssortuieiit ,nf Gontlemcn's Wearing Apprels, 1 Consistiue of faiilouabU I), a, Cat', of every de stription'; rants. Vests. Hln a, Cravats Block, , ."..ii , ,,n it . .,!....... i.e. ,3.. ... ... Gold Watches and Jitcclry, ' t every description, fine and cheap, N. II..-Remember Loictnttrg't Cheap F.n.ailan " Call and saa, Nocbarxe for oiaininiiin Cooda DAVID LOWENBERO. 'niooinsburs, Ma'chSl. 1PS7. 0 Dr. Francis C. Harrison, . tTroUUr) resneelfnlly Inform Iho citlrens of llloom. uMtti?,l public palrouare. lieeanjlwaysb. foundsttheEiehanj.Hoteloppoill, t purl Untise, DWc-BiBlmrf, Feb 5, 18 J - aMHi.--.-TW "'I I i..., j .r. (nV ii 1 he vMvbcitrnr rlaur ,1 hliio "' ... i.. ill.. -I . l,iV. I nH,r narcu l" in i "iiirnon loje fii . c ui.iu,in... -.. 1 r rk lie ipillll. II -".i-ii . '.., ... .itn. ha. iFtnitin . 11 i m'i,!."".v""" "rvji'i an u ... "Z" r :: - .-..:"..-- tint nrnoion i no nrnvnionnn v. ah. yHi i ....7 .v, -,v imnrmf nun I .1 . U. 1.IIB tl I 1 1- H i. R. R. Omnibus Line rpiIE arirlerKisnsU rqsriectfuUy StJforn(s J Jilifrienilaanil the putiic Ihaf In ta.likjn tlio 'KlthvgdfidUH nion,iirbilrr. lurnlit lih Mil n Pl'cot, rt?iyoppolir llto umii iinuac. nii. - -i-mi eIiIj rcpnltcil and Imrrovcil, y.ln tr lie l "' m.i:i. .... r., ...... i I' lilLiu.'n.i I.". rrasridD'i nl-ionnhuri! .April .',3fj-y. STKAM EaVUlNHS .AND, HO.UjEH, IMIIIa ibJcrlberl" nnW prpnreil( will, new -tiarnine rv. in liiill4l.lii1lviji.aUo.r.niii filn llllllioriu toiier.upoA ttifi l.itt-ktiiiifrnvril)lnna,aail will build lo ,l..l.l..n..,l alunl.. ..... i.ii.lfto. .ffnill 111 lO JO ' loreopowi y.RlflJe.f uhf.n'c r riaftfa wi(li boiler (tear' I'lf tpuniia Biiioninicte ni.'. re my ior hiimhi. ...a"- I -cylinder iliic'nnd tubnliirbbiiera can IMP co.i! breaair I imiairiitcd In tp:n,fnr IhreHliluR eram nnd craeklnr i 'orn anl now made on n'largo r.iie'. fur ereckin o dlMMriR foal Heavy mlfillij pufnpi and fire enslni-l risceo cuiiipifuivuii lunmiu .ntiuiK ...ti'ja inwin'- i hi klndi or rliinBearlnsiii'l liniWe'c'iilna nude ti. order) MncaliatuUK w lin nny uerlril illea ol pit l icy a nnmie Will, h.itieer" Ironplnning done savV-IJIeet lonilln. kiniUnr Iron Inrniri; heavy preaa and other ecrew'ihh'n.l. j l hvbrl Knugb Iron tfircM.lnn .MirhlneV, that pvnr . coiiiBhcrore t ic ptiiihe.caft Iron nnd woden machines conic before the i.uhhe.cafl Iron nnd wooden machines mail? in order, Jjivcr iowr, ttnin or trrail rown tAnrie l a enter. Also In tees orders for thefiHowinemi chinery. Harrison's latent pit mi tnraln mill, IO0U of fered by tho Patentee (or It'riual. It wilt prinl In yod lln(m'alsi5 buhrltm ono hour. Also bolts nnd eleva tofsall in orJpr,nlBo"t title's Patent lll.ttvor. manufiictur rd by ti. D Harris fc Co., tho moM p6wirful lltciw r now I ii use witht tie tcaiiiniouiit ofpnwer, rtftonf "hich willnc pittln iinpatthe FoUndrv for uiliibitf firtt- rt'lol tin' above works willbe warranted tobA what they u i sold tor. lo Tak orders for Scoit'a Patent niackmilth Birittr, anilrilitstonstl theirf ) nthechiititjesofCnhiiii bin. Moif,n'n',Nnrlh,iim,ierland,Lcomtff(r,Siiinrnu and Clinton i bti of which can be seen fit my nftrtp. i.iiiv m ii , niAiia, Afar.ti.I65C, nionmsbiliColiimlifR rc , HOH'AKU ASOaVriOfl, I!IIILilllILmiIA Jmportatit A7inouncemcnt. To all persons ntliictcd with Sexcul dlseat seurli SCMIN'AL LAK.E.3. I.M POl tNCli.GONNOI IlUiA,(iLl2KTlYPinLIH ici.ic.. K in HOWARD ApSUIIIA'I IflN of I'll adc 1 1- a. If vfeWof the awful deslructimi nt Immsit life ami lieahii caused by Be iuu I disentcs. nnd the iltctptinn m hid a praciicf'u iipr.n ino unioriuntite icuuik oi rucii u itf-a tywnnsi, nave iiirecieii iii" ir Li nstuunp cuigton, ft tlllAUITAltLn ACTwnrlby olthcir nsinO tup MUtilOAIADVHJi: HIlATlSrtoall peiions li ra a ted.f.M.ile It female, who apply by Ictltr. Mtb a enptiou of ihelrrnudiiioii ngei()crupaiin hAbitv of tf:c nnd iri rosi n of run n.e t (-eriv tiiid nnfli riiig 'I FURNISH MHDICINLH rHLI OP CHAHOU. TIip lloword AsFoctntion is n hriicvniriilliisifinUor, eflnMisheil by rperldlPtiiiowmt'tit lor tliejolii'f os tht. stick nnd dlitrPS'ed. nflllctrd nith Viruleni and pfdm In DifeafPF.i, and its funds ran le fur olherpurpon, It ha nnw a'Furptiii nffluds, which thd Directors. hate voteff inndvertise thP.ulff e notice H is needle 11 ar ihHt the AsFrtclallon cMntnfinds tin- li(('I iri Medi cal skill of the ape, nnd will ftmiith lie irmsl npptovt i iiiodflrn treat me nt V.ilnnlite ml t ire also civen to sick and iiPMi.o female afflir led w it Ji abdominal weak ncs Woinhi;impiainl CohIivpiipp n Iw-iitprhof n, . r Address. thnst-nn dl nr i:o. II. CALHOt'N. con sutHncuEPon , Howard Association, No, S South Oil) Sirel rhilailplphia Pn. ' V Hy order oft up DirrrftDrs . J.7.HA D HRARTWCLL. frrs OHO. rAinUllILD 4rrrmy. August 'J, lt?50 -y. BUSINESS NOTICE. nnRRIN'flfriUnPHOOP AFC -Another Victory MourIIaYnotf.Jiii A. 135. Ft j LondontCt it'.,nenlfor IttrriAff a. 1 Da i Sir: I am sorrv to inform rou that in-store with the w holtnfiheriitenis, fur nfturp, clothing, A.C., was destroyed by fire laef nip lit. I saved not hint?. Von will feiuciiihej I boo bet one of Herri nc's Sales from vou last.M.ircli.'and I have murh pi en "tire In Infnriiilupynii u ii mi u iiu nre wen, ii war pi rivet iy reu not i-y r hurpr us hours; the hand It and brnrn pinto both meltediiir il il nfter hauling it ou tof the Lti rning phi be i s we bad alnpnur water on ii for nerrly hnlf an hour before it rouiu u" oiniMi. inn mny lanry my sfttisiactinn ai n mting my bonk, mortgage dee its, notes and rah i i ' rinlil Iliad a mrge nmnnnt nt vatunbie papers in il w hich. had I lout, would h tve completely ruined mu Von will picitso send mi another uafe dlivclly, and 1 will send yon the old one t hit you may tthow it to all wim wish to niv n,periecuy nru prnoisaie. i remain , ccsrmr .yourireipcciiuny, J.W nMiPsni. rrj" The n'nbsr riber haveon hati.lfor dale. one f rhe argpfla'iortrit-inlM Finn and IJcikii.aR Pnonr Sir if in I wnri.i guarrantcpti io nt oqunt iiunn above a no mi .erlolto a u other now turer ed to the public. fMKKULS c lir.URIN'n 31 Waluit dtreet, rhll.idelnhU. USUPtll 135 y Vlliui AND ItKAO-lNCi It ML UOAD ti'intt Jrrar.zenentt fjr P.xttenger 7ainj, January IS57. UP Trains, goi)M North", leave I'liil. idol, bin- si;i A ana S( P. M. Duwii Trnhii'goingScuHi, UavcPctt3iHeat 71 A.M ire nnd 4 l . M (Jir.iinsp.t4H llcadingatltl.23, A. M.andG.'JIp M. Jjwii Trains ' 5.1 3, A. M, '5.43 P.M. The ntprcsaTnin is discontinued until further no tic!. Close ejn'iectioiii tre made by the Ki.'J A. M Hid Tr.uu from Pott Clinton to I.I mi r. land all inter-iiu ilinte points: and by the o,-i! P. ,M Up 1 rain from Tort Clinton toCiiiiiri.Uiiiaiiilftiia. Ii'iili-'o. Niagnra, De not. Chicaco, nt, J-nun, Davenport, nnd Iowa Litv Making this mute tljcshortest and chcuputt to iAi Lake i.ruts (wmjaiiaaa. OnSun.t.-lvs.tha Down A. M. Train from Poltsvllla. anu up i. .ii. i rain iroiu riiiiaueipuia, HiRitiim'BoCof.iKTiofis, by Dauphin Hairoad stAu bin ri A fp. cinl AccniiimoiTaHnn' Pftsfciiger Trnin leaver Reading dallly (except Sunday ,jnti A.M., reti ruing from Au'iarn ati-i P. M., on arrivai of 3,10 P. M. Traniitnm iiarittiirg. WAY KAKKS From Iti:ADiNGTo Philjdiijhi-I,91.75andl,45t PotttvUle 91,05 and 0,65; Auburn, 0 75. THROUGH FAR 13. to Harrisburg, 82,55; Tamanua 81,35; Wihsnifport 34,10; Hlmira $0,:t5; Cannndai euaSi.UO. Htiiriii orMagra$lU.00; CieavelandSIU, 70; TniVdo$U.7i ; Cinciltunll 1b',(IU , ChiCtiLTO SJU 0 Ruck liHlid 3'J5,bU. (j ALL I'asHongerswUi procure tickets before e net It am: 10 cents exlru on Farei paid In !he car iyl.s. ,0 f persenuninggatie a'owed earh Pareciv jcrthit wcig htcIiargedasUxtrn lliigpnt?' O A, NIUOLLS, run 3d. I65t-tf. UenW Hupt LANDUETIPS ICXOELSIOIt GO HN SUULLUUS, FOR HAND OR POWi:it. Ve iii ilm four fituH of the .ibov Corn snei cis. ami warrant them ii civo tat sfne tiou, or the money returned. , Tliey are far sup-rior to any now in the market. Will Ii II fireeu tjjrn u- well ns Drv. AHbuini dismini it fHr,. iii'iuin 4 I'atcnt rower Com miners annoiiiiirs any mmuiaciufcdaiidfor tale Yi liuimuio II IIU (..,11, S.J D LANDRHT1I U SON.e, Imi-iPinent nnd Seed Worehoutkc Tin-T.91 and 31 H. dIX I'll St, .below M.irl,.h. NovcmlM'r, 15, IMC. PhilQdpCn)ia,th S. L. Pai-coast t& Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ANII IICALE0S IX FISH, PROVISIONS, SALT, ifc (v'o. 17 North Wharvc,, Philadelphia. ' Franklin J Oousc. .PARKER (i LAIlO), Pronrlctors. Cliesnut St., bcti7con Tlnrtl anil Koui tli, BepleniberlJ, IPSO, PHILADELPHIA -CARPET S I'ORK CAUPETINCH.OIICInlhs.Willdow Shades, Mai. an Mall iiL'si-Jdsl rPep,ie,l on urn m... ' ." n,,rae.,,r.i".-in,i 1,., ,7..,h ":?.' I.!.. Merchants ami llomekctpers wlirniM. ;-.,. Nqs. Hand 80 Nbrth Second Sirrei.f.i d. 1.. ...... A a. 1 a ? In. r e I, . March !!J, IP10, J. SIDNEY JOM'S. jryiisnjitJxii oiituoriiFits, WIIOLKPALE TOBACCO UK A JTsIfiRS. M-U.lOS.SIO.nTII THIllD STUISET Flvedoorsbelowliact, Janrursv lo,l3S,i . " rii(i,.s,pELPlllA, C. C .AD.LER .J- CO., NO. 0. NorlirwltTeTstrnet Philadel. phla COMMIH310N MUgcHANTS, and ditlar. In Lnrd.Bhoiilders Che... Hints', llu. kits roika . Flour Ut. ..ii ,vi., 1 Api j ir-ji-ir iDr. J. S. Houglitoii . QUE AT CU1UJ VOn lYHl'j;i'9-A. fiillP. Tfifc nlpfellve im.iiouonT07rs .j' . niuiivor uinitir , Jiilco Tri'liKtril rrpin, Jtpuncl, or the rmillh HltiMntn oriliillt.nrtcr illriftinitt)! n.iton lilmltieUK-litriiyalnlorj lent I'licmlM, li i H Tmnhlnn .11 II , rm In - nbenllli FII r nraili r poivi;ra. .... ... ....... laxte.nnil trto rnniifii cni u nipt.rilriitgvd rcrlpllte f.'lrmln I irleiillllr tlile.ire' "'a A rtm.- 1 1, lir.nOl l y 1 1. r l.'oinbp'iriiMolney lllsetinn; llr I'trplrnmi Tootl nniMllel.llr: J. 'tin Ttaprr. nfNrW ,Vn(k Unlvrrillyl Prof, iliinellnp'e rtlnln(iy Prof, Volrl.'i.llri'rniDr Carpen tei'UMivioloByi &r..loeelher Willi KpbVtifif Curei frnmnll paitnlthe IJiuipd Sinn. rioiiiny ii, r, i.ntr ann J. u.aioyrr. iutinmiiitre El . II. Ilowman llemlck. ,Oct3, IMS, iy'. LANDUETIPS WaIHWNTED QAU- DEN SEHDS. Gs ins pkrds I'lKi.n senns, ami rLownit BI1UII3, for salo by i D. tiAMlRBTII & PON. Kos. 51 n nd 21 foil III tlllh sl l'hiliidelrhiai March . I.W. ' WEST BRANCH INSURANCE, .CO. w laOi'iniAVEX. pa. ,' iNUnl'S Uclachoit nullillu,., r-lore,, Merchaniilie, 1 rami Properly, iimWiiher Uulldinea.nnd Hiitr Icnla otmoderato ruins. Uapitti gn.iinu.uuu. r-uittrxTon? Ilon.Jplin J.rcaice, lion O. C. ilarrej, II. Hull, T. T. Ahranis, Uhnties A .Mayer, u. n. jnenson, ChiKleallhrial, W, Whito Tiler Dickinson, . Thumas Kitchen, , nu. u u. ii.uvi;y. rrpeiiieni. '. T. Abb.. y,, Vtre Ties. Titos. Kitchen, Sce'y. I H, Oi Uui an, Ren Agt. urirKitrj-suusi Haniunltl.Moyri, Tlios..llnwin-(n,n. 1). A. A. tvinetaruer, 1. 'A. Vnrkev. tvin. vat.dcrbelt, Win. Fearon, Dr. J. 3. CraXvlord, A. Updeuraff,' James Amstninic, r lion William Illglcr, W. WIRT, Agent. Illoniijgriii'rf , A. 'While, James autcele. John IV Maniar.l. IlonBltn9nl'aiueron, JuncW, li!6 CAMIIRV CORNERS HOTKIi' TtlH'JMHiitau.r.ii, inrorms ij t r riciuii and Jit traBeli4 public. Hint heha- purcti.'.sed the a'iov,i ;alunlileproieriyanu luorouguiyimproveu uie Lamiiio Hotel, located lfluiilcuNui thof Hlooinubur, in Cuuitiri, Hirer ne county, nnd is well prepared, to unte.tam itrnngiri and ciiftoinrri. Personrgoingand returning rrom thcCily. will of coursetraelI) the Uamtira lUati uoach. andwIllnlnAysflndthis till most conveuient psrta Thuiubscriber.niMikPfps ft Livery Kitablis binent, Inconnectinn with M tint lan.l Mnil Itoute, bv which hcean ntall ttmesc'irry viiitori. Ilunlera or Nubliitr the any other ditinniionl on ohorinollcc and wiihgoodtravelliut? facility, , IILprtKY J VAPLU. Cambra.July I. I85G. illoomsUinrg Tinvarc and S.ovc Store. ..n I, i i u.. . . liiicrrstliilhea'javcistibl.U.jnent.nn.ltliecoticrn.wll Inrcaiierna comiucieu ny ninneit pj.i iuively. Ho has , just leceivM and Milertt fur snl1 the Inreesi nnd jw? i insteittii.'.lvi' atnrlm'nt of FANCY STOVllH cvcriniro'incen iniouns mar pi. His tockeomits nfa cotiinli leasinrimpnt nl entiieit t.nokii'and ptrmr stoves tit Hie market. In ren lnti if it.iinl.nn thnr t tinl !(. Th prlrn.a?enf olJffipridtinJ new customers re- ipcolfulty aolicilrd. A. M. RUPP.UT. loonubnr", Jn.i 9. Ifl54. tf N') All DlSCAHLa OF T.IL LfNfiR A Nil Tlllt'lW a piuitiVLty r'lrable bv iiihalaiinn. which' coiivy the rei.ieJi.-s to th- cuttles in the luiies through lM nir li-isiages, ami co.uiu in ilirnt! riMiUHt witu the ilni'aie. Iieillrjlii;-, tile li.l.eitular , ,i, it... .nil iva flu, eii'teh. eilia, a n fr, ,' no, I v ,., ..... tiirntloa, ii.-;.ls the lunea, purifies the blood, imparts ,,..,,, ... .,,u, kjkiiu urn ....,u ... w ... ixuir,,,,,,,,,,, .u, , - , c. vu.uii.'ii r. iii'.iiiu. . i. ii" it u in ciiiiniieuii) urn tvoni.iiiiii. tion Isrurable by inhalilllnii, lain mu h enure. i,r .lir.l. loyed ple..fiir'. it is as murli tho r.mtrnl ( iiiedltul Irpnlmei.t ns tiny iitlur foriii'nlile di,-,iae ; ninety nnt'nf eu. ry liui.dr.d enverrun be currd in Ibe tirstilai!.'!, and lllty percent in llicm cond ; but in the Ihird bUsi ll is mipi ssible to save more thap live tier cunt., lor tlio lutiitHarit so em up by the itiapae us lo bid dellanco to 'ui"ilifalskill i.veli, lir.wc ver in the hlnyes, Inlinlaluii ullorila cxtr.urui.i.ny relief tu the .nip-nil ntleudi'le thin t'ealfiil scourt.e, ivlijili iiu nually iilueij five'ind per.ors in the United Htatrs alone; ur.,1 a correct e,ilcur.itieu slmu, Ihat ul the prevt-lil population of tin' earur", ef,ht n j . linlisuru .'u.lii.ed I, 'fill till censumpllve'seraie iheimlv. r'ef dealh lias no iiin.w n. fjtal a, CoT.KUiuptioii . In nil ages il lu, been t,e erral i m my ot hie. l'.rfll pplren neither age nor rex. but , eer., otrnlike tb" inv, i)i, Veaiiliful, theeracefuLaihl the firtcd. IH the help orihiit fuprenie Helnir fn m wliom rninetli every irood and nefficl ell I. I .,. .. 1 nlTer In the aCicuil a pcruianeiit and iperdy cure in Ci.iisuu..tion. "I he lint nf tiiberrl. ,1, fr. . pure blood, and the Immediate elfect, produced by their ofnir Into thcairrells.whichciuaesu urakened viia ll.lythreu.h the Inlira ajatem Tlicn ur. ly Ills rai re ratioiia toeJt.ect ine.licliii. enlerii'e the ctvlt le. of the I tin,. tl, f,, ,. a,,,,,,,,"',' liroiinhthoatomaclii llie pHloni willnlwaji ri ," luucs fiaeand the breathing ea,y aller mliamis rei ic. dies. True, nil uai,,,,. Is a local remedy, neverll l ess II act.ronlltutlonally,andttilh nioro powe, "na re," tunlv than remeilicsaJinlnii,tere,lb,.tiii ,innti, i prnveih- poivirrul and dircciii,n,.cnce ol tin, ',( n.liiiininriilinn, clilurnlorm inhniid will i miri'lv ,1,. itroysinslblliiyina f,nv minute,, pnalnlne llie en lire iirrviiuiBtBlein sc ilinta limb may be amputated wlthoUuho.liaittstpiliiilnhniinl!ii1,n,,Jiaiybutn iu-tas will destroy lilu In a few h.iurs """! The Inhalalion of amnioiiia will rouse the sislrm when Mini ne or npparenllv dead. Tu lo" of ',,,,,, of Ibn ined.ciites is perceptible in llie skin a few mm. leclnl in the blood A ennv iicltispmnr or ihu enn.ii alvvajs p,.,.l,ie,.,l by breathii,,. foul ,a , . , ,",' , vo evidence lint proper reiiiiille.,rnrrh III ,, pired nnd Jiidlr "iislyndminlMe,,,,! Ihrnush he unes should proi ncothe moil happy re.uli.i ,11 teen years' praelire, many tbou, and, aiinerina rlfim diseases of the luiiss and thron, Inve been under Z rare, and I havo efl.'clei mnn. ' m' after lli- sulferer. had been p,nn;unce,l.,V.V:'l looser a f,,ta ansa . My iiu nent of I !" T n0 .. nrjulnal. and Inunded "ZWf 'Z ro4i, investi.atien. My peifee, aeqaitni U w n tha i.atureofiubrclec,.Vc-. enable, moio d,. reauiiy, uie various fnrnis of disease that simu aie eotiBi.tiiet bin. am a,,ni ,h. . 111 ,l. "'muiaie belnn ui siakenVve '. ;.i.','""r ir,r',r":.."1:p In ronnectlo.. with certain patnolimical mid ia." "."0. pic diar overica, eualdes me to relieve ,l, i,.,,.. V. tlie-eflrj.1. of contracted cL.i, . ,0 .Zl,V in'. Ph. ? purify III. l,lnn. ,inlto H renewed IvYtan Vlv?V enery and tone In fie entire sv.tem y 8 c iJ.PaS.r'.? Marcul 4.1657. ...laoeipnia, ra. NKW DUUG STORE, EXCHANGE BLOCK. .MAIN STREET. liloonisbiirir. . - Tlsii'I's k.i i, .11, 1 ri,., ..1. ', 'i .:.. " P ircliisid Dr fromthec.tyw.tbal.,,;; . Fresh and Pure JDru ? Q Alediflnes.tJhPinicals.grouiidnndwhni-?, . ..,u.,,c.,.onacco,Seta,,Jaaoa- Pur? winPH .nri r-i,. . . iiu ll'H. fumeV; """"nieriean Per.M rallv - ' ' """"'Pioyllrur.i.l, .... i,,T"f,.f.linn,ea,,.6'l,l,,i"ml1,,u'"l'd. ' usual in HloTuib'iri, aid "'iSxel, """"""l ; . AH.,11 idiiaHortuient or .i, i..' . . . " """'"'J' ""n leel". firn si ... Uiin.'otrf.rM'.riiry 1.1817"' ",n -fBCH. National Hotel. , ( LATE WniTE fiWATJ, ) sides Sloiwr. 1 iinVAtaU. n. ,i,V,.ll f'liii, 1 . a. -ryo... wCi. Inj,y mpinon i.mct coniplatnl, n. Ms non fc atovepltppandTit.wp.ioi.iunilyonhrtndandhni.. ritilo, lj; iicisnchi. Irritsbthtr, iUious .Hedhr t,rn.-M..i tr, nnin. am bin, I. f Hiliotit J cur. I'cuT flt'd A tin-'. 1 un ill Iho Sift I AW.IC-, )J ' 1 ' op I'ltr! ! ALNUT Street, fti(i West corner H Tinnti. riiiij.leii.hia, r, Incorpurated ly dir. rfinie nf Pennsylvania. aiAn.v .a rereiilpil'i nr liiivfili'iili Mareo 61 small ... li tereat unld f-oin ihpd.y of deposit" to the da, i I ulthrtn.wl. In . ' h , , The cilice Is open every day irnm u o cieex in is monilnc till 7 b clock In ih, rrrnln.-.and urr Monoit onilTliuii,,iycr,nlntl, llll Un'tlntk, INTEREST MVE PER CENT. ,' All siifiialarit' or small; nfo paid lack.ln (JOLll os drmaud wiilinnt any omnnnr. I'MSl.lCPt Hot. HIINItY I.. IIKNNEB. VieePresldent, ItnnllUT 8ni.t'I!lDUK Decretory WIM.IAM J KCEU. Jlrtetorti Henry I,. Ilenner, O f.andreth Hfnhbi r.dnaidl. i;nncr, F. Carroll llrewsur I'.oberiSelfrl.if e, Joseph D. Harry, Samuel K, A, uton llbury l. ChurchmrB Jftiner II. Smith. rroncaLee ' rrhlsclfuinonycmillno, na busin es! anlirelr. i., ... rtcelvlnenf incneyou Interifst, Tlio invtstincm i mnnniihe in nrarlv, tiNr: mil i. kin .ten. a iiAi,r or uvi.r.Arta i ts er nubllshedrenorl of AHrtiri'3 are nulrie ! ..1 . ormlly.wlth 'he prnvlOon. nf the charier in RHll F8 I'aVk, MtmTflAOK-'.llKOU.ND HIlNTUandsiieh flrat etnas securities .'as w il I alwnva toBUrn nerr.ei .. citriiy io the depositor, nnd which cannot Cui to siv, pernnnencyanii n.uiiy io iiusoij oni,we eiuh, lished Inal.tutinn. ' (Fetr, 1 , 1553 ,1 March7th, ll57. - 'S f IIiIS. ron ah, rac tueposes oi a FAMILY PHASIC. TitPitB, lis long cxistetl ft puMia demand fur sa ciTectn'r pdrftalnc pill which cottld We relied on 11 sute nnd piroeMy jafc in Jit opatioij. 'lhishii been prepared to meet Ihat demr-tid, and ah exten elo trial .of ju .irturs hfia coriehiiitely aVfltTnwith whit'eucrtss it noeonjplKhn t"hg tmipote dpsij;ticd. It li easy to innVoa phvpirtil jnihwt nht easy ta r.Hirto the W-jt pf nl( ;'3y-onu which f hutild hate norn of iltt bMf etxnn- hue nil 'iho pdvhntK", of ciery othrr, t'hU lmi lcciAtfrniptr.1 litre, ai.d with w)M Micer-s wo oiHd reipcclfully Mih.nit to th? pultlic tl-i-jnion. It Kqm been unfirrtlriinta for the hilhcito tlnt nlmoit rery purnathe inrdif.ii" 11 oernn'miitn and irntfithia to the bow tl, 'Ihi.i is n'L Many of them produrp sq much piinimrTaln mid tevi.Mon In thcfcVRtpm at to mora I t!,m (";;vln,)-,lii,li(,c ll5c m1 10 !e 'JcrUetifn.u. . tliuii. J'hne Villi prountp no irnlnttmi cr pa.n. I uo'1 r. l m i"0 nowcii. j.nX pittif , t" .,, 1 . ', , . , , 'i " i. . J. i t,Htitj I hut it i bcller that an) incdirinc MiO'iM i be taken jmlieioutlr. Minnie direetioni for tlifir in the seurnllinenr. to which they tie sp tilicnlile nre dun 0:1 tho. bo.r. Amomr the crm- i'laints'wliiih have brr 11 MieMNv curtd bv them, n rru( r..l f.rilfii ; fur, hi trnthiiil ihrso ftre bitt the cyn- ! Hncijce uf tk.cflri act.' a j;i tie liter. , f nYctieiit thf j' alTord prompt and mite lel'ef in C tirncr. Vile. Ci lie. thunierv. Iliiiiif,r.. Sndfiiln and Stun v, Colds wjHt orenen;, of the 1-r-dv, Vlrcr r.ijil imtntnty of the 'I'rtod, Irrcptlarili,; ni chnrt, ativ And ucry.t.Ttf wl.ori- a purKal(e 9 trquhrd, JIipv hae ftKo piodnced snne siriilariv t,ue reetful ttire in Ultcumatlsni, (iotit, Droniv.tSratd, r.ry-.'prUii. ralpitation cf the II cut, I'-tlnn in tig Hack, HtGjT.nV'n.'ftKl Side. They nl-oitld be hp:? taken in the smUta t-fl )'pir to putify the hh"'i aim incpirc mc ijti'ni tor 111c cnune 01 tesiHni, i An nccv'siopal dose stimulntcs tlio Momarh and ,,,,i., a in,,, i.vuiin, iiri.iii!, nnu rer.i'iir ine pppe. Uio an'd .U(.r. 'lhr nmiiv the b!ofJ.r.d. bv tl.eir fljinu'iT't action t-n the cirmlatory tiitcnt, reno vate V.rtimth of tlio hrrty, mid restore ths iif.icd nr dise:Mtl enemies uf the whole oiganit,m, Ilimc an cviivitmal dfe 11 itdtiintncouf, eicn thom-h mi rerimin He mnen.ent exit,!; .hut ut" licce.iry rinrtjj; fhmiid tteicr lp enrried too ur, ns ci.r purnntKo u.ttlli inp thUfcen the- fctrnmtlt, hen takVu to exrej- 'I h-y lhoti.Mud yHes in which a phytic it reo.umj cannot bo enitntrntrd hue, but they nigjiivt theinsi'Ucs to tho roahon of e.ery tody; and it n (''nLdeiiiH beiletd IbN pill will answer a 1 etler primot lh"nii anv ihinir nMch hat )il tho; to been aiailaUe to inunkind, Vhin their tirlues nto once kiiOM rt. thu pnWic will no loinjer doubt what rniicdy to einploj whit ill need of a calhurlic nudh me. lli-ttii; si'gar-vtiipped, they srt pleasant to tuV.p, arid bung purely vegetable, no harm can inK- from tlie.r ip.c in any.quuiitit. I'm miiAite dilt-ctior.-, sec wrttpper on tlie"Efx. ritr.rAi.M) uy mi. JAMES 0. AYEK, Piacilcict unci Atialjiii iilCliciiilH, I.OWi:i,L, MAhtf. Trlce 23 Cento per Eor. live Eosoa for GL A Y F li S CHEREY PECTOEAL, Ioi- Hit) initltt Cure uf COIT.HS, COLDS, IIOARSEXKSSr liiioxnniisj'wiioopiMj-coitiii, CROUP, AS'I'H.IIA, AM) COXSliMl'TIOX. Tins terac-ly ha won for ltelf suth notorjetj from its cMieinf ewry variety of pulir.oiir.ry disease, that it is nilircl) uunrrtkvuy lecouiit tlie evl denres or lis virlnci in any coMnninlly wliere' it haa Irfen cmplo) ell. 6a wide js.'lho ficM of it. use fulmsH, and m numerous, tl.o cine, of ita cures, that almost cviry kcclion" ( f Uie country ahounrls lin person, publicly UiOwn, who l.ten-rretorrd fiom al.nniing nnd ticu'drspcrata iliicases'of the 1 Iuhrs by ils nae. Vhen owe. tried ita lurcrioritj au cviry oilier njeiliiine pf lis kln.l i, too appi rent to eirnpe i.likerint!on,aiidiliir,itsirtufsjr Knoi,,tho puUic no lunger lieMtntc wbt antidote lo employ for the ditlrrkhlng nml dui'gerriun' nrlee ttoua of tlio pulmonary orRapk tehich mo incident to our rlnoalc. Hut only in funniJlllo attacka upim tho ltniR,, lmt ,IS.r the Wildoi varieties of Coins, Cot mi,, JlD.uiusrs, ,te..; and for Oiiir. nSKMIt Is the jilcasantcat amlvsiife.t lticUicine ttat can be oljtnJn?d. As jt has long been in constant use' tlirouehout thit uection, wo need not do inure than assvrc tha people it quality is kcp( up to tlieUat Ibatltetcr has been, and that the genuine article is told by . t?T,'J; '' IiUTZ.nnd all I)r,lit. in illoinitburi, aim Dealers In medlclues everywhtre, i.Mny 10. itS7.-' - m.fw jt xvii.aopi's. WHOLESALE AND. ILE'IAIL Id" A rrV.a-.j; t il I JLi i.. & FRUIT STOLE. WjhllT .mil l.aUl.g-BalQOtlS. JSh..r.:::i,iV'..!'v'rfi'''' !' I ST.'-. " yi uiuiiu)uuril Oltll I if DIM. V ntr 'J . ,':;'lp''??. '"''V"-''''''' l F'.,V,. .'i.!.'- "V """ 1' ine alsve 'nRoodoriluniid on,l,.i.'. . Jlielr Bloeken,,.e.i...'.: ., . '"v" 'U'.lili,;!''i,'!''S?lon'1 dlstonnecter'from tnesbe,; wii r' ..! "1".1' ''.l",n I'ieppred, In iced ofiUri" Tlirit, i .':,u r.nioeireoiiiuinnd .''OilAS-l; EI.PH, OLIVEltT. W1LEOV, 'limsbiirij.lVb I, ?J7, n ......, V, , ''i.i'.i l.ieoil'l nurc a on Biro ",,k!ty. 1'f iillh neryr and lliii- r Efin liid fir, via if.,,. J. , " "' B I U'ee seep a ful I set I i. c,i si rnii -' rles t'. i. . .. . . . i i.i.v tupuiy Ol vinir.i;i. 0 bu.i'ne..a ,?"'7''l''Karilellli.ll.iIil'M ' "'"""'ssuiiiiliedat n'l lin,,-. will. Ilrea.l. Cakes ir.. Tl1' n".ht Iron Ji.aUft,u,;,Elcr ,B Mi 8lftet beiv Kufert's Hrr.