mmmMA 1 liavo sivorn upon the Altar of Goil, eternal hoftlllly to every form of Tyranny over tuo llnd of Man." Thomas Jefferson. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY JOHN S. INGHAM. Volume I. BSliOOMSBIJRGt, COLUMBIA COiUITY, PA, SATHXIMJ AY, XNBOEMRER 9, 133?. Number 33. OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT, Next door to IIoiuson's Staok Omen. The COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will be published every Saturday morning, at TfrO DOLLARS per annum, payable half yearly in udvancc, or Two Dollars Fi'flv Cents, if not paid within the year. No subscripfiore-will be. taken for a shorter period than six months; nor any discon tinuance permitted, until all arrearages arc discharged. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding a square will be conspicuously inserted at Une JJotiarjor inc jirsi uiree mscriivns, unit Vitrnhi.fmc cents for cveru subse quent tiserlwn. $7 A" liberal discount made to those tvho advertise by the year, LETTERS addressed on business, must be post paid. The Gentleman' Magazine The proprietors have much pleasure in announc ing to tho reading public, the complete success which has attended the establishment ol tins fllnga line a success far beyond their utmost expectations, and considerably exceeding the prosperity ofnuy publication in America. The daily increasing sub scription hst.-nnd the xuiciiiim i-o-wmexiiatuhy notices of tub, attest the merits nud the popularity of the Gentleman's Magazine, eachnum her of which contains more ORIGINAL, MATTER .1 .1.1 1 :.. .1.- linn any ouicr mommy puimcauuii m iuu Bttatcs'. United Oricinal Tales of Powerful Interest. Humorous and Graphic Delineations of .Men and Manners.- Novel Sketches of Foreign Lands; Poetry; Charac teristic Studies: Essays pn Popular Siubjccls, anil lliozronhical Notices of Celebrated or Eccentric Persons, with innnv Oricinal Anecdotes, The Lives of Paganini, with likenesses; Prince Pucklcr Muskau; Dickens, Iloz, thenuthor of the Pickwick Papers, with a likeness; Dr. John Faust, (he Sorcerer: The Duches3 of St. Albans, and Zincha. the Negro Queen, have, already been given. The new Publications arc reviewed in full; liberal ettracts made from rare and valuable work present ing a complete necount of the Popular Literature, of tho day. An Original Copy itight Cioiig, nototner wise to bo obtained, will bo given, with the music, in everv number. . Tho Gentleman's Magazino will contain seventy two extra sued octavo pases, of two columns each. forming, at the close of tho year, two largo handsome volumes of Ono Thousml beven Hundred ami Twenty-eight columns, each column containing more than an octavo page of average proportion and each monthly number has more reading matter than a volume ot a novel. 1 no worn is neatly printed on nood nancr.and stitched m n neat colored cover. Several engravings will bo given in the course of the year; and tho proprietors pledge them selves to produce an agreeable book an epitome of Life's adjunctives a Literary Melaugepossc-fsing variety to suit all palates, and sufficient to command a pU"0 upon lilo parlor lauio oi every Gentleinui in thf t 'nite 1 States. AN ENGRAVED TITLE PAG 13, of supcrioa production. Bmlmicms every po.-.s:b!o variety o PICTOKAL DfSPLAY. a-id ore-uted iu first stvlo of Art. bv J. Aiiams, of New York, accom panics tho NwJtnr.r.. Terms OS ier ansa sum To induce subscribers to forward their names immediately, tho publisher begs leave to offer the following extra inducement!! for Clubbing, tho advantages of which proposition can only remain jn force till Christmas next. Tho subscription to tho Gentleman's Mag.umo will, tor a tingle copy bo invariably Three Dollars per annum, payable i advance but a five dollar bill will produce twi copies to the same direction, or a club of Ten Dollars will command five copies. oct I l-3t INSURANCE AGAINST FIRE. . THE DELAWARE COUNTY Insurance Clompany. Capital authorised by Law, !Ji50,000. CHARTER PERPETUAL. rTlUE public aro respectfully informed, that this , 3 Company will muko insurance, cither per manent or limited, on property and effects of every description, against loss or damage by fire, on the rposl reasonable terms, at their ollieo iu Chester, Delaware county, Pennsylvania. .. Tiw.;, rintnmliia county aro hereby in- hv tho nl)Ovo Company of (very description of property, can ha ellected by applying to tho imdcrsignod agent, in Cattawissn The; following are tho annual Hates of Insurance qn tlio S100, upon the most Common description of property, viz: Stone or Brick dwelling houses 30o-10cfi5 Frame or Log do. 00o75 " Brick or Stone barns, no to 02i " Urame or Log do. 75 o 100 " Brick or Stone Gmt 'Mills, Frame do. 02i to 100" 75 to 100 Merchandize and furniture contained in houteto ml' irraln anil utensils ill luills and barns, in pro. portion. Infoimalion can bo had hy applying ei ther personally, or by letter pwt paul, to EZRA H. HAYIIUUST, vl Cattawissa, BeptemberOO, 1837. CAT'S, just received, and for sale at the now ot cheap store ol J, T, Muitthnan, Co. 0u U, 1007. Etfew & Cheap og&s 3? AT THK RUPERT & BARTON, (Successors to U. II. IHgs,; RESPECTFULLY announr-o to their friends and the public, thattliey liuvc pur-1 chased from E. II. Higgs his interest in the store formerly kept hy him, anil that they have just received an extensive and splen did assortment of rail & Winter Creeds, which they are now opening for the exa mination and accommodation ol OuMomers, at the New Store House, just constructed hy Mr. Higgs, ami opposite to Mr. llobi eons stage oilice. Their assortment is not only very extensive, hut carefully selected to answer the demands ol Hie neigliiiotir hood: and although they wish not to adver tise their prices, yet they feel confident that they have better goods, and will sell cie- pe.r than any store in Hlooinshurg. J heir new stoeli lias neen purenascu at the manufacturers' establishments, at the very lowest prices, and consists of SUCH AS Blue, Black, Brown, Invisible Green, and Fancy coloured Cloths, ( asmncrcs and Saltinetts ; Silks, Merinos, Ginghams, and Calicoes ; Liuncns and Muslins ; Vcslings, Stocks, XiADIES' BONNETS W O In fine, thev have every thing which no cessilv or funev mav tlesire from a yard of tape to tho finest article in Dry Goods, and from a needle to a stove in Hardware. Their stock of HARDWARE, IRON, China, Cl-Iass. QJXEENSWARE : roceries &. laiauors. Oils, Salt and Fish, Hollow-ware, .y-c. 5-c. iS-c 5-c. is more extensive and better selected than the samo articles in any of the neigh bouring stores. Those who wisli new, cheap, and good articles of Merchandize, should call at the "IJloomsburg Arcade" cither before or af ter oxaming elsewhere, and make their pur chases. All kinds of Country Pn d-icr Irken in payment at the higher.L mni-lc-t p icec. Uloomsburg, Nov. IP, 18:17. TSi 2ciitQKyirataia Hvpoviav, AND STATE JOURNAL, Is publish d at Ilarritburg, twice a week during Hie srsdiqn- cj uic Legislature, and once a wcik during the recess. Tho Reporter lias been, and will continue to be a firm and unwavering laborer iu tho cbueo of De mocracy, an advocate of tho principles of the Ad ministration of tho General Gocrnmcnt nn uritir ngoppnent of the party which rules in tho Execu tive- Department ol ttio Estate, anil wlncli Has tramp led.uppn tho rights, mid wantonly disregarded tho will of tho I'coplo of Pennsylvania. As tho ensuing session will bo ono of moro than ordinary importance, tho proprietor has made such arrangements as will euablo him to givo full and satisfactory reports of tho proceedings of the Legis lature, and to realize tho expectations of those who may patronize the ucnortcr as a veluclo ol Legisla tive information. The terms of the Reporter and State Journal ate, J'er annum, iJ During tho sefsion, $2 Any agent or other person fonrnrding $10, or uecouung respoiisnuo iiunur, wm n i forwarded, as may bo direttod, during the anion of the Lighlatyre. Persons forwarding name of siibscril er aro rt nuostodtobo particular in stating whathcr the sub scription.) aro toconlinuo for the your or tho ecsaiou. WILLIAM D. IJOA&. Neatly areculed at (he "Denwctai" nftu) ..nin, .. 1 Km B my OF THK FcnnsyJvazaia Farmer, And Common School Intelligencer : A semi-monthly publication devoted to Agriculture Uardciung, cud the ucucral Improvement of the Mind, published at IIarrisburg,l' Bksjamij' PUKE. Nothing- need be said as to tho importance of tho ice (j ugriculltire,y.hkh being the great busi ness, of our country, tho Bute rRid to competency and the main source of wealth, lies at the foundation of our national prosperity. The experience of every year, and especially of the Vl few years, has thown that agriculture lias beca entirely too much neglected for tho best good of our country. The great desire of tho present age Mr the accumulation of wealth, and tho prevailing spirit to seek for it in a new and shorter course, than taut pursued by our anccttors, had led many from the slow but certain means of agricultural labor, to tho more alluring employments- ol prolcssional life, and commercial enterprise, or the still moro hazardous fields of speculation and adventure, iu which a few have Miccccdcd even beyond their own expectations, The result of this unnatural blatc of things has been what might very well have been predicted; a great scarcity ot all tlio proUuct3 olthe son, with such an enormous increase in the price, ns to cause their importations fiom foreign countries, to the great impoverishing and discredit ot our own. this lolly and these c us have now become ap parent, and many of thotc, who, having been lured by the examples and success of others or tho prospect held out to their view, from the producing to the consuming ela-s, and being disappointed in their ex pectations, arc now disposed and are making arrange ments to return to the hone t, the healthful and the independent employment of tilling tlio soil wheic they arc sure of being amply recompensed for their labor. Pennsylvania is emphatically an agricultural state, and has thus sullered Ics3 from the late fluctua tions and changes, which have embarrassed our country, than any of her sister ttatcs. Her soil is not surpassed by any in the world, and her ticrman and other citizens arc justly celebrated as being among the firt farmers in the Union. It has there fore been considered peculiarly proper, that in the heart of this garden of our country, an agricultural paper should be established, to gather up the cxpci iencc of intelligent farmers from all quarters, and send it abroad, not only vcr our commonwealth but to every part of the United States. Por the purpose of doing this, and supplying wh-.'t has been considered a dctiderutum among tho periodicals of our states, the publisher has been induced and cn couraged by numerous friends of agriculture and general improvement, to establish Ihc Pennsylvania l armcr. lie has received assurances which lead him confidently to expect that its columns will be enriched with contributions from some ot the nios distinguished scientific and practical farmers an cardeners in our own, as well as some of our sister states, which with extracts and republications of standard and new works upon the science of agricul ture, w ill render it both interesting and useful to every farmcrwhodct.iresto excel in his most lauda ble cn ploymeut. . Pcnn-y lvnnia has established and is now maturing a system ol general education by common schools, which isintendedto carry the blessings ofknowledg to every man's home, and place within the reach of every child m the commonwealth, the means ol in etruction and improve mcni. This obiect is all im portant, and ouriiic.uis being ample, it is confidently hoped that tho plan will continue to bo improve it carried out, till Ihcmindscfour citizens shall 1; as highly cultivated as their fields, and the harv of intellect be as iHiaud abundant as that gathered from the soil. Then ehall Pennsylvania bo indeed the Jvevstonc of our Un on, bearing a polish not equalled by any state or kingdom iu hc world. . The events of the last few months have show that an increasing intercut is felt in this department and therefore it cannot bo doubted but that the Common School Intelligencer, will be welcomed as a co-laborer in so important a work, and being madi ho vehicle of communication l-ctwccn the friends of tduration, aid in tho proper arranging and develop eg of tho system, and be tho means ol doing inuci good. To tho advancement of tlieeo objects, and to the discemination of Ufdul scientific inlormation colcu. latcd to expand the mind and improve the heart. shall the eolunr s of the Pennsylvania Fanner and Common School Tuiclligcnicr. be exclusively devot id, and it is tonfidoi.tU exprctcd that a generous public will awaril to it a liberal support. Tho Parmer and Intelligencer will be printed ur on fino white paper and with new type, in royal quarto from, each number containing eight pages o matter. It will bo commenced in tho month of November, or as soon as a sufficient number of sub rcribers aro obtained to justify tho expense, and re gularly issued during the first and third weeks of every month, at ONE DOLLAR PEU ANNUM payable before tho issuing of tho sixth number. Any person who will procure and lorward ten res ponsible subscribers shall receive a copy, or eleven papcrswill ho sent to any one olhco lor 10. Postmasters and others friendly to tho objects aro requested to act as agents in obtaining subscri bers, and forward tho names to the publisher on or bctorcthc first ot November next. Harrisburg, October 21, 1837. WANTED. LL kinds of GRAIN wanted, for which th highest market price will bo paid, at tho now and cheap storo of tho subscribers. J. T. IWUSSELMAN, & Co DIoomsburg, Sept. 2, 1837. SUGAR & COFFEE, T RIME COITEE, ot Twelve and a halt Cents per louud, and a superior quality oi Ml (JAliS at lSlght and Ten Cents, for sato at tho new and cheap store of J. T. MUS8ELMAN, & Co. STOItE GOODS AT COST! THE subscriber is going to remove to tho West on tho first of January next, and would re spectfully inform tho public that ho is now selling oil his stock of .Merchandize, contesting ot Bry C-l-oods, Hardware, Groceries, Queens- Ware, &c. At cost, for cash or country Produce, or Lumber UARNHART BARHE. Cattawissa, Oct. H, 1837i LL persons indebted to the subscriber are so hcited to call and settle immediately, other c their accounts will be placed in the hands of magistrate lor collection. UAItXHART UAItDE Cattawissa, Oct. 14, 1837. IT'EVr GOODS. The SuSiscrslicr f TTAS just received from Philadelphia, a fresh B assortment of GOODS, which have been purchas-cd very low, and are now offered to custom crs at reduced prices. An excellent article of Cor ns is now offered at twelve and a half cent per pound first quality of New Orleans Suzar at ten eeuf, and Et-cond quality at eight cents jicr pound. lie has alsoa large and lull assortment ot Iron & Hollow-Ware, Which he offers at the lowest prices. The public arc rcspccttully invited to call and examine his as sortmcnt. (TT All kinds of country produce will be taken n exchange for goods. C. B. FISHER DIoomsburg, Aug. 19, 1S37. F a superior quality, iust received and for sale by the subscriber. C. if. 1-tSHUH. DIoomsburg, Ang. 0, 1837. UST received, and now opening at the new Sc cheap store r38 Yards 0-1 Merinos; 3 GO Yards 3-1 do. 5EOOO do. Bleached Muslin; tSGOO do. Ilrown do. 4.-GOO Yards New Style of Prints, from 0 to 28 cents per vard ; 30 Pieces 900 yards of Sattinetts ; AliOU Ulue. Ilrown, Olive, Mnek, Steel-mixed Drab, Claret and Invisible Clolhs. AH which they are determined to dispose of very cheap lor cash or country produce. . T. Musselman, Co. DIoomsburg, Sept. 30. very extensive assortment of Cedar Ware, just received, and lor sale at the new storo of J. T. MUSSELMAN, & Co. DIoomsburg, August 20,1837. V a very superior quality, neatly bound, an printed on gold-edged paper, with coloured designs, lor sale at tho cheap store of J. T Musselman, $ Co, September 10, 1837. Steam-syrup Molasses V a very superior quality, for salc'at the new and cheap btoro of MUSSELMAN, Si Co. Sept. 5, 1837. UEENSWARE, of every variety of figure and price, just received V lor salo !y J. T. Musselman. $ Co. Sept. 30, 1837. FLAX-SEED ; fferjJTk Rushclsof Flax-Seed wanted, and .'IpVSi thchighofct price paid, by J. T. Musselman, S Co. Scplembcr 2. hjIkqtojbbo TnffTINE, Drandy, Gin, Cordial, ecc. just rc reived, and ready for delivery to customers, at very reduced prices, by .. T. Musselman, $ Co. Sept. 30, 1837. N assortment of HARD WARE, just opened and lor sole at tho new & cheap store of J. T Musselman, Co. Sept 30, 1837. ADIES' FUR CAPES, just received, and for I . .1 I ' . C ' uiu m uiu iiuw ciieup Biuru ui J. T. Musselman, Co. Oct. 14, 1837. LEIGH WHIPS & DELLS, just received, and 3 fr f3'0 ' tne new & cheap store of J. T. Musselman, $ Co. Oct. 14, 1837. 6g Pieces of assorted Calico, jus.t recclvod, and for solo at tho cheap storo of jS3 J. T, MussdmcM, If Cb, Dbocinburg, Ortobw 3r 93T. Legislative Keystone. During the ensuing session of the legislature, the Koystono will be published twice a week, and con tuin full reports of the proceedings in both houses It will also contain an account of the proceedings of the reform convention, which, f Judging from similar bodies in other states ond tho convention that formed our present constitution J, will hardly closo Its session rclorc spring. 1 he political complexion of the legislature and the important subject which will necessarily come before it, will render the next session pcouliarly in teresting. All eyes aro turned this way for speedy form in our present defective currency. Decided action relativ c to the improvement system is ardently desired in many quarters. These two matters of themselves, form subjects of intense interest to the people at large. Un the 4th ot .March, a democratic convention ill assemble here and nominato a candidate for governor. An account ot tins, together with tho rcparatory movements of the party m all quarters, willbefailiifully detailed. From these circumstan ces, there never was a time when a a paper from the seatof govclmentwill be of such indispensable value to all the citizens of the commonwealth, as for the ensuing six months. The terms of tho Keystone arc the same as here tofore. During the session semi weekly $2,00 For the year 3,00 Any person forwarding us $2,00 shall receive tbi Keystone from the time of subscribing to theclotc of thoscssioii or six copies sent to any oneofiicefor 10. PACKER, DAK RET &. PARKE. Harrisburg, Oct. 21, 1837. FTjnilE subscriber would respectfully inform the H public, that he has taken the store recently occupied by Mr. McDowell, in Orangcville, and is now opening and receiving trom Ncwiiorli and Philadelphia, a splendid assortment ot all kinds o MERCHANDIZE, which he will dispoepofat the most reduced prices for cash or country produce. The public are invi ted to call and examine for themselves. WILLIAM TAUX. Orangcville, Oct. 7, 1837 OLLOW VVARE.just received, and for sale at the store of J. T. MUSBELMAN, & Co. November 4, 1837. Salt ! Salt ! gSl "HTJ ARRELS ofl.akc Salt, and a Urge j3$lW J09 quantity of Ground Alum Salt, just received, and for sale ot tho cheap blorc of . T. Musselman, Co. Nov. II, 1837. STOVES; EST received' and for sale at the store of ths subscriber, splendid assortment of WOOD STOVES, both "lam and with Boilers. Also an ussortmeut of round and square Coal Stoves; of different sizes. , .' C. D. FISHElt. Hloom.burg, Sept . 30, 1837. ' E23Sl&H5yS8 ' g5 Pieces of Assorted" Merinos, double wedllv C and an assortment of Black Merinos, of ave rv superior quality, just opened and for sale at die New and Cheap Store of the subscribers in DIooms burg. J. T. MI'SSELMAN, & Co. October 21, 1837. LOOK IME!I! PEJHE subscribers thankful for past favors, have the pleasure of announcing to their custo mers, and the public in general, that they have just received and arc now opening a fresh supply of cheap and SEASONABLE GOODS carefully selcctod for tho season, at their new and cheap storo in DIoomsburg. C'imc friends and patrons, one and all, And see our purchase for tho fall; If you'll but call and tako a peep, Surely you'll say, they're very clieap. J. T. MUSSELMAN, & Co. Bloomsburg, Sept. 30, 1837. STCHSTB COAIi. HI fikfih 'V0 0F A s,;rERIOfl QUALITY 3 WfirOy just received, and for sale at the new iml cheap store of J.T. MUSSELMAN, & Co. Oct. 28, 1837. CAMLET, for Cloaks, for sale very cheap at the new et cheap storo of . T. Musselman, Co. Sept. 30, 1837. ETER81IAM and Dcarskin cloths, for Over- coats, just received and for sale by J. T. Musselman, Co. Sept. 30, 1837. LANKET Shawls, and Ladiea Capes and Tippets, inst orcnod at tho new & cheap storo of J. T. Musselman, $ Oo. Sopt. 30, 1637. Pocket-Booit Siost. A LARGE CALF-SKIN pocket hook, contain ing about jilOin Shinplastcrs, and sundry pa pers, was lostbctwoen Cattawissa and DIoomsburg on the 1st inst. Tho finder will bo liberally rowardn by loaviog the samo at this oluce, ornttlia nVwof T, Mussulman. Co. Hot. ii, my