illiMEMBUANCES. 'Oft M tho hour when evening throws Its gathering shades o'er vale and hill, While half the scene In .twilight glow, And half in sun-light glories still Tho thought of all thotYre have been, And hoped and feared in life's long way Remembrances of joy and pain, Come mingling with tho Close of day. The distant scene of youth's bright dream, The smiling green, the rustling tree; Tho murmur ofthe grass-fringed stream, The "bounding of the torrent free The friend, whose tender voice no moro Shall sweetly thrill tho listening car, The glow that Love's firei vision wore, And disappointment's pangs are here. "lut soft o'er each reviving sccno Tho chastening hues of memory spread; Aud smiling each dark thought between, Hope softens every tear we shed O thus, when Death's long night comes en, Atri its dark shades around me lie, May parting beams from Memory's sun Blend softly in my evening sky! ECCENTRIC HOSPITALITY. During the late American war a soldier who had been wounded and honorably discharged, (but perhaps not paid) being destitute, knocked at the door of an Irish farmer, when the following dialogue ensu ed: Patrick. And who are you nowT Soldier. My name is John Wilson. Pat. And where are you going from, John Wilson. Soldier. From the American army at Eric, Sir. TPat. And what do you want here? Soldier. I want shelter to night, will "you permit me to spread my blanket on your floor and sleep to night? Pat. D 1 take if I do. John Wilson that's flat. Soldier. On the kitchen floor, Sir? Pat. Not I, by the Hill o' Howth that's flat. Af Soldier. Jh your stable then? Pat. I will hot do that eithei that's flat. Soldier. I am dying with hunger; give me but a bone and a crust, I ask no more. Pat. I will not that's flat. Soldier Give mo some water to quench my thirst, I beg of you. Pat. Beg and be hanged, 111 do no such thing that's flat. Soldier. Sir, 1 have been fighting to sc cure the blessings you enjoy; I have con tributed to tho glory and welfare of the country which has so hospitably received .your and can you so inhospitably reject me from your house? Pat. Reject you? Who talked a word about rejectingyou? May be I am not the scurvy spalpeen you take me to be, John Wilson. You asked me to let you lid on my floor, my kitchen floor, or in my sta ble; now, by the powers, do you think I'd let a perfect stranger do that when I have half a doien soft feather beds all empty? No, by the Hill o'Howth, John that's flat. In the second place you were dying tvith hungcr and wanted a bone and a crust to eat. Now, honey, do you think I'd feed a hungry man with bones and crust, when my yard is full of fat pullets and pigs? No, by tho powers, not Ithat's flat. In the third place, you asked me for some simple water to quench your thirst. Now, as my water is none of the best, I never give it to a poor traveller without mixing it with plenty of wine, brandy, whiskey or something else wholesoirie or cooling. Come into the ouse, my honey; you shall have tho best supper and break fast that my farm can supply, which thank the Lord, is none of the worst; you shall drink as much water as you please, provi--ded you mix it with plenty of wine or spir its, and provided you prefer it. Come in my hearty, come in, and feel yourself at heme. It shall never be said that Patrick O'Flaherty treated a man scurvily who has been fighting for the dear country which gave him protection that's flat? Sympathies. No fact displays in more striking manner the wonderful mechanism of the human frame, than tho sympathies manifested in the involuntary affections of persons situated near each other. The act of groping is diffused round a company as if by an invisible electric chain connecting their breasts and jaws. Sighing equally infections and one no sooner draws his broath, for a time suspended by deep medi tation on .some object of interest, or atten tion to some profoundly absorbing1 tale, than all the other listeners dr meditators are' thrown into simultaneous exhibitions of the eapacity of their lungs. "Yawning and sometimes vomiting are propagated by sym pathy, and some people of delicate fibres at the presence of a spectacle of misery, have felt pain in tlib same parts of their own bodies that were diseased or mangled in the other." So saya Darwin, the man who prophecicd the era of steamboat and rail roads, The case is related in which a lady be came gibbous on gazing intensely at a humbasked man, and the like on which a student caught the smallpox from turning over the leaves of a book which treated of it, are scarcely ideal. Who has not known instances where a female of delicate frame has been thown into convulsion on witness ing the agonies of a person suffering under some severe bodily injury? Where the spectacle of a woman in hystbrics has pro duced a corresponding affection in one that merely looked on? Persons faint at wit nessing the operation of blooding in anoth er, as if the blood were drawing from their own veins. The sight of one on tin point of falling from a height, receiving a wound, or in danger of being crushed by a vehicle, will draw an exclamation from every breast. Even wit and silence arceoritacious. Tears certainly are. No one can behold the eyes ofa person wet with tears, without finding his own filling irresistibly with the sym pathetic dew. We have observed this frequently in a hall where something par ticularly moveitig was uttered by the orator. Some apparently insensible to the eloquence or the speaker, on turningthir looks towards their neighbors, would instantly become affected with the prevailing laziness and obscurity of vision, until by propagation it became universal. There is no infection less to be shunned than this. It is a spark of childhood left in the human breast, which evinces our adaption to a higher and purer state of existance. Vomiting sympathetically affects the sto machs of the beholders, and each one by imperceptible degrees finds his ribs to be drawn in as if even devils were engaged in pulling at the diaphram. Fear is obviously infectious, and when a single individual in a regiment of an army becomes seized with a the inclination in the whole corps to make the best Use of thei legs in aretrogiate direc tion is irresistibly overcoming; arms and ammunition aro unanimously lumped and each one takes to his lendo achillis, as if its well trained vigour was his only reli ance. Ready Wit. As this is the season when toasts, as plenty as blackberries,' we ate reminded of a story, very well told by a military friend of ours. During the last war with England, a young officer belong ing to the Northern army was sent with a flag of truce to the nearest British post, and while there was invited to dine with the officers of the Regiment. After the wine had circulated freely, a young British officer requested permission to propose a toast, which the Colonel granted, and forth with gave "The President of the United States, dead or alive." The Company drank their wine in si lence, which was broken by the Ameri can's request to return the compliment, when he offered 'The Prince Regent, drunk or sober!" The British cockerel was inclined to quarrel but received a seveic reproof from his Colonel for having offered the first toast, and the young American was treated with politeness during his visit. Brunswick (Ga.) Adv ESS OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT, Next door to Robison's Staoe Office. The COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will be published eiiety Saturday morning, at TlVO DOLLARS per annum, payable half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars Fifty Cents, if not vaid within the veart No subscription toill he taken for a shorter period than six months ; nor any discon tinuance permitted, until all arrearages are discharged. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding a square will be conspicuously inserted at One Dollar for the first three insertions, and Twenty-five cents for every subse quent nserlion. OZPA liberal discount made to those who advertise by theniear. LETTERS addressed on business, must be post paid. JOHN S. INGRAM, THENDER8 his professional services to tho citi- zensof Columbia county. He will feel grate- ful for business fintnictvl In ii for. ni)! In same building with the 'Columbia Democrat.'. JJloomaVurg, May, 1007, NEW GOODS The Subscriber HAS just received from Philadelphia, a fresh assortment of GtfODS, Which have been purchased very low, and aro now offered to custom er at reduced prices. An excellent article of Cor ... i. (rr.4 t,, imA a half cents per IM IB llUt. Wlt.lV4 " " ....... J - pound first quality of New Orleans Sugar at ten cenr.r, ana seconu quuy i ngm ...,... v. r- He has also a large and full assortment of Iron & Hollow-Ware, Which he ofTers at the lowest prices. Tho public are respectfully invited to call and examine his as sortmcnt. (fj- All Kinds of country produce Will bo taken in exchange for goddB. ., CD. FISHER. Dloomsburg, Aug. 19, 1837. ' WANTED. A tfoiirrieyfrnan Potter WILL meet with employment and liberal wa ges by malting immediate application "to the subscriber, at Espjtown. HUGH THOMPSON. Aug. 19, 1837. Purdy, Welch, Macomber Co'. Zoological Exhibition. PMHE citizens of Bloombbctio, & vicinity, are 1 respectfully informed that the splendid collec tion of LIVING ANIMALS AND BIRDS, from the Zoological institute, NcV-York, will be exhibit ed in this village, on SATURDAY, the SECOND OP SEPTEMBER NEXT, for one day only. This magnificent collection of rare Beasts and Birds from Europe, Asia, Africa, and North and South America, embracing the most valuable and extensive variety of Animals ever offered to the American public. The Exhibition is accompanied by the celebrated Boston Brass Band, which will announce the arrival of the Grand Cavalcade; and the whole will be arranged in a splendid Pavilion) prepared cxprcsly for the accommodation of G,000, visiters at one tUme. Scats will be provided for La dies and Children. The living specimens of Natu ral History contained in this paragon of Menageries, in part consist of tho following, viz: the Unicorn, or one horned Rhinoceros; Polar or White Bear, Eland, from Central Africa, Black Ostrich; Kanga roos; Gnu, or Horned Horse; Hindostan, or Great Sloth Bear; Grisly Bears from tho Rocky Moun tains; Helicans, Vultures, Hyenas, Zebra, Lama, Camel, Dromedary, Elephant, Buffalo, Leopards, Timers, Lions, and numerous other rare and inter esting Animals, which will be exhibited at - ON &ATUI1DAY, The 2d of September Next, FOR ONE DAY ONLY) On entering the village, the Boston Brats Band, mounted on the splendid stud oft rained horses, will play the most lively and spirit stirring airsi At half past 2 o'clock P. M Mr. Van Amburgh enters a large cage, the inmates of which are a Lion and Lioness, a pair of Asiatic Leopards, and African Leopardess, and a Royal Asiatic Tigress forming them in most astonishing and terrific groupes. He then enters a cage containing a Lion and Lioness and a Royal Tigress, accompanied by an Infant, bearing in its arms a Lamb, thus exhibiting the astonithing power of man over the Brute creation, and exemplifying tho Scriptural annunciation, that "the lion and the lamb shall lie down together, and a little child shall lead them." ffjFor further particulars see bills at principal hotels. tC7Admittance only 25 cents Children under 10 years of age half price. Aug. 1U, 1837. NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE. On the first of July. 1837, will be published, beau- ujuuy prxmca, on gooa paper, ana stitched m a wrapper, extra large royal octavt), tub rirtST sBMsrn of anew I'eriodical Work, entitled The Gcnileanan's Magazine. r BlHE announcement of a new periodical, in tho ing of Burpnsc; but having contemplated an altera- tion in thn nature nf a vorw nnmtU mnnil.1.. im iiri-.KiiiiL KLnri ni nri.iira mnv rrnata enma utauun, -iiYi-ry uouy s Aioum, tne proprietors deem It bCfit tO TirnrPPil in Ihit nirrii.Ul ArrBni..-n. . 1 i ... ..." w t tnwi to, uim prdducc a periodical embodying the most wholesome points of the old work, but conducted with sufficient energy and talent to ensure the success of their new nrrflnirnmonla Tlia va.nnAur1- -h J . .... . ... scnpUon list of the Album, to which this work isdt siirncd as a unrrpucnr will at nnrAnl... Wirt ci rv .......... .tnuiMttiHi auu cAienmve SUD' TLEMAN'S MAGAZINE in a circulation equal to uimui any inner monujiy wont in the United States, and guarantee the contintianri. nf its nnMiat;.n ...:i. the certainty of payment to the enterprise of the pro- The contents of the Gentleman' HToo-,: :n , - win, in every respect, be answerable to the meaning ofthe till. w j. . .1 ... " ....v. o uu uui, jncieiiu, in our mcrary pursuits, to fly as "eagles soar, above the ken of man," nor onaii uc comeiii wim merely slamming the sur face ofthe ground; our pages will not be filled with abtruso predictions, nor shall we display the brilliancy of our critical acumen in matters "caviare to the mil lion." In short, wodonotmcan to be profoundly learned, nor nhilosoDhicallv dull. w.i.i, . : duce a gentlemanly agreeable book-an epitome of ...v. a merarj melange, possessing variety to suit all palates, and sufficient interest to command a j bee upon the parlour table of every een. tleman in the United States. B In thevariod and amplopage of contents attached to each number ofthe Gentleman's Magazine, oriel, nail article will be found, from somo of the most 25 to? ?rIt2 'hV'-ays, Humorous and DidacUc Graphic Delineations of Men and Manners.-.Freo and Spirited Translations of tho lighter portions of tho Literature of continental Eu- repc-A Denes ol Uriginal Biographical Notices of m.u r.,..wj.u iuu m uie dramatic hemisphere. The Current Litcraturo will be reviewed in full, and lib- a 5?l-ra!Cb, mado from me and valuable works. An Original copy Right gong, not otherwise to b obtained, will be given, with the music, In every num. The Gentleman's Magazine will contain seventy- fZI?tnT1 ?ctavo P,a8e. oftwocolumns each, forming, at the close of the year, two large hand.oma tSA?M1 Th0U8T Sc" ""ndrcJ and IT1ynnS,hlC0Umn Cach columncontainmgono hird more than an octavo page of average proper lion.. Several , engiavlng. will be given in the course ofthe ycariand the proprietors pledge themTelve. foat lhe Gentleman's Magazine shall bo the iS & the cheapest monthly work in the United Bute,- vimruiKB AUKXANDER AND WlXiKJESBARRE OF MAIL STAGES I observed a notice in tho "Keystone," (under one which I published,) signed by Mr. P. C. Gil christ, Agent, stating that the Susquchannah Boat Line would carry passengers In less time than the Mail Stage which is not the fact. It will be un derstood that the Boat leaves Harrisburg one day before the Stage; yet we have taken Passengers through to Wilkcsbarre in timo for the Montrose Btages, notwithstanding the tardy manner in which the mail is brought from Harrisburg to us at Nor thumberland. If any other persons had the convey ance of the mails from Harrisburg to Northumber land than those connected with the floats, I would engage to start at the same hour with the Boat at Harrisburg, and deliver the mail and the parscngers TWELVE HOURS sooner than the Boat Line possibly can do it. When the Company runs a stage from Northum berland to Wilkcsbarre, the mail can arrive at Nor thumberland from Harrisburg by 1 1 o'clock, A. M.; but when the Boat runs above, they then keep back tho stage at Northumberland Until 4 o'clock P. M. and sometimes as late as 7 o'clock, P. M. These are facts, which, if the Post Master General is not aware of, it is time he was mado acquainted with them. (Cjvlny passengers wishing to take the stage at Northumberland, to go through to Montrose, will be tuken on in time to secure seats in the Montrose stage, notwithstanding the delay of the Opposition in arriving at Northumberland provided they fix upon a regular time for starting. WILLIAM ROBIS'ON. Dloomsburg, June 10, 1837. SUSQUEHANNAH LINE OP TACKET AND FREIGHT BOATS. From Philadelphia, by Rail Road Canal to Harrisburg, Northumberland, Dan ville, Cattawissa, Dloomsburg, Berwick, Wilkcsbarre, Mil ton, Williamsportt and intermediate places. PASSENGERS can leave the West Chester Hotel, Broad street, Philadelphia, daily, at 6 o'clock, A. M. reach Harrisburg at 4 o'clock, P. M. of the same day, Northumberland at 10 o'clock A. M. of the next day ; and Wilkcsbsrrc on the suc ceeding morning at 6 o'clock ; when Coaches will immediately start for Caibondalc, Tunkhannock and Montrose, and thence to the Western part of New York state. RETURNING The Boats leave Wilkcsbarre daily, at 10 o'clock, A. M and arrive at Blooms burg at 4 o'clock, P. M. It arrives at Harrisburg al 5 o'clock on the following morning, and reaches Columbia in time to take the morning Cars for Philadelphia. The Boats also arrive at Williamsport, on the West Branch, at about 0 o'clock, P. M. of the same day on which they reach Northumberland and re urn daily. The Boats on the above lines have been repaired, and arc now confidently recommended to the PUB LIC as a pleasant, comfortable, and convenient mode of travelling. SEATS may be taken in Philadelphia at the north-east cornerof Fourth & Chcsnut streets, at No. 800 Market street, and at the West-Chester Hotel, Broad street. FREIGHT msv h r,imr;jv,R.:i n.-j e Orrich & Nobles and J.J. Lewis & Co, Broad street. u vu.u mcwaues liinc ol Union Uanal Uoats to HarriHtnirrr. whom riv win v : i t .1 Susquehanna Line from Jabcz Harrasdin, Vine street ,. , , P. Me. C. GILCHRIST, Wilkcsbarre, June 10, 1837. Agent, "rVdinniririTO To Travellers up the North Branch ofthe TTSA8SENGEHS isiniirn 'VAr.1 cnanu' arvcat Wilkcsbarre MGHT liOUHS sooner than by i he Mail Line H I .Vll... nnj . 1- 1( . ......... ..6M, .UU men .nomrose i wen l r-f OUR hours imnnnr T lr. r, -itt June 10, 1837. e', BY REQUEST, my Dier Elizabeth t . i i... . . . J l" "ie mar. i am not permitted to come and see you openly, but my mind and my heart is with you every day, yes every hour 0 1 hope the time will arrive, when wo my join hands and hearts and nass nn in nn -i, .:.. L erloour far-joumcys cnt untill the gates of ever lasting life shall be opened and admit us tn the RlOrlOUS nrOSCncc of our f o,!IT - . ... I -x wuutmuu Willi a few waymca o let my name in graven stand both onyourheart,and on your hand seal me upon your arm and ware "that plcdgo of love for ever there K B do not be unesy about the bearer of this letter for nothing will bo said and I will remain your lover till death J German Answer to the Prose, sir your hart I never felt for your hope is gon a stray by joining hands andharU two Copper for Dros will Never Dtf Answer to waymes I let your namo ingravin stand your oath you took and Lye. have tokl you scaled it upon your hart and ware that pledge of theDovili. ever there Elizabeth CATJTI01T. W1 Ted atei'f.f hft my rw . WLLIAM SHOEMAKER. Greenwood, August 18, 1887, OATTAWiSSAHoSi r V" ouiiouHiunii returns uii iclr. , J menu to his friends for tlteirlibcral m and would respectfully Inform tbr that he has fitted up his establishment, Int.1!," sa, near the bridge, anil ,5 SIGN OF Tin cm s3 4 n a very superior style, which will renaW and convenience to all who may favor liimui.1? custom. His TABLE is Mip'ptied , ft ries ofa bountiful market; his BAR well Zt the choicest Liquors; and his STAHIING tains plenty of provender, and isattendfj L ' ful hostler. Ho solicits all to give him a c,5 eels confident that he will render satisfacticn r. . , . S.BH0DW Cattawissa, June 17,1837. Literature, Science, & General ''l, the'philadelpiiia SATURDAY.CIIRONICLE fr A FAMILY NEWSPAPER. ' 7 PROSPECTUS OF SECOND VOLDit Sr commencing may xu, 1837. . . Mr The SATtlimAV Riinnrcini.p 1& newspaper, published on a sheet ofthe larget utlW oui sue, auu issucu regularly Irom I'liiladeliiA-aSw crv Saturday. It in cntirrtv i,nn,.....i . party politics, and sectarianism, and is zealouriiifijffla' voted to the cause of Literature, Science and ftTSfcC cral Intelligence, as calculated to entcttain tm4'f. J "'""w iuiiiiij tuue. lLe7fJHf sign oi me puuiisncrs u, to lurniiti a newspawr shall instruct as well as amuse, and cnliglittitf miuuic-agcu, as wcu as entertain, and direct to cr objects of study, tho mind of youth. Their a prcccdcntcd success during the part year (him obtained a very extensive circulation not onl, . f'liiladclnhia and Pennsylvania, lint ill rvprv .i. ofthe Union) induces them to believe thn thr !ail of miblication is a pnm nni. ami ,1,,.;,. . . . . t j i succeeding year, tlicy will continue to purtui i zeaiuusiy, wnn sucn improvcmeuU and irwdiia uuns iu may irom lime w ume bo sutgcslcd. J; General Contents ofthe Chronich. TnleS And Rmn nn T.ilnrn... Q.r.i.t.. .. IvXi ! J ..... .UIJ I ItllutH, U V'l Moral subjecU Sketches of History and Iltopjjl p itcvicna oj new puuueauons atones iron tt or Classic writers Popular StatisticK of the WmM- IB; Ladies' Department Original ConmurjtiSa ifpi, from aome of the lrit writers of l'liiladclphia is-'cto elsewhere Medical Lectures Science and An- wh Arrriculture snd Itnrsl Ei-nnnmi. lnrtttl.. c . . gZ . - v ' y wii stitions Curious Customs and Mannert Eon sto pean and DomcsUc Correspondence Articlei t Tul Alusir. tlm Drnmjt. nriil ntttr V -Ui f F 1 - uittu.vuil.liw tu UUJ tics, amusing htcidcnls, &c. and a can fullr prtpw lof ojnuiu oi uic current icw. oi me my, wtn M Ai eirrn unit lnmfifi tX. attractions of the first Volume. A r'ccular con-cimnnilrnri" from Fnrnruv fumWj. by an able and eloquent writer, now on a w f through Europe, and engaged cjprcttly fori St Clirnnirlx. nftlii. itn...l.,... a..., f 'V " w. fe(f.u vviit.uvim7ukG IIIUIC lll-il I. RJ1 letters have been furhished. A scries of articles on Medical subjects, etnbracai" lectures on Anatomy, in familiar language, from- S pen of a distinguished Physician of Philadelphia n The republication, in a supplementary sheet, I 8'1 he choicest and best articles ofthe srverel Lonis ?t Annuals, fnfr lfin7 ml,niinrr frnm .lit. .1. prominent English writers of the present day. TV j ito oi racst Annuals at retail is about au ue j principal contents have been furnished the reaie U' of the Chronicle gratis. 1 he republication ofthe inimitable Pickwick h ?' ners. from dm Tn nTilm Kl rnmii ultiIpv fiv. fn cgc, Charles Dickens, Esq. bl original contributions on Literature, Bciem b Law, Education, Poetry, Political Economy, it ,f; from a number of the very best writers in Ameria -jjj Extra Attractions for the second Volum m,. . ... . . - . . . iiie puDiicationor the original articles, wnia . for the Premiums of $250, embracing a great nia ber tif rnmnn, ;tl r : . mu. : ..: i . , . --"l'"""iio ui uiL'lll. I ilu uiiiuai win which will be awarded the prize of 1 00, w ill prol bly be published in the first number of the kcosi volume. The nnrnn.nn C 1 !tl 1 1 i ; t wyut;niuiut;jCO will uc ictu.'. COntlnitrl no .1 .l c. . r . .l . rtt.... j . , ,lu ttlso incoioncs irom ma iwm and indeed all the attractive features of the firtU v uuic. i ne nows and observations of a literary tleman, now on a tour throtgh the Western d v0U1,l.crn Sl4tcs' Bre aIso promised for publicauoaa i the Chronicle. Choice literary selections will be furnished tee the London Monthly, Bentley's Miscellany, DW , wood s, and other' European Magazines, care liq -f taken to select the very best articles, "winnow! ' the wheat from tho ehalf," from the great rowd f bnglish Literature, and not to allow their numierS i interfere with our usual variety. Advantage!l taken of every circumstance calculated to add i ,1 tcrcst to the columns of the Chronicle. The pA lishers being determined to allow none to outiB! ' them in tho "March of Improvement." During tin ? past year the publishers have paid, for original cc 1 tnbutions, premiums, concspondencc, cVc, mo than iodo nnd a Still Inrrr. ei,iy. ...Ill i.j7 -t'Hir purposes, during the publication of the second t . ume. TERMS OF THE CHRONICLE. For Q RinMA copies for $10; or thrco copies for 5. For mi - mAnth- .1-11 fTrSmall nntMr nn nit Tt.f .Itr1 ll ! DVlfltlK JUBIIsDt ll.H" par, in payment of .ubscriptions. Address (pd ' paid.) MATTHIA8 ic TAYLOR,-Publishers. Philadelphia. AN APPRENTICE to the Illacksmithln? to; ' smcas. A Boy between 16 and I8yer "ge, ofgood character and sicady habiU, will find Situation hv .r,r,l..: .t. f...!il.. . . l.t- ..a'k denco near Espytown. JOHN IIAZLET, it. July B, 1837. ,F a auperior quality, juat received and for! ' bv thn mWritu., n ll VISITER. 'V. .'t - loorastmrg, Ang. 0, 1687. JOB PRINTING, Executed nt this Qjfic