The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, May 13, 1837, Image 3

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"iAnTn without feaA."
Saturday, May IS, 18187.
AVo have only room to give a condensed
"Vlfiw of the proceedings of the Conventions,
"which wo glean from our llnrrisburg ex
'chango papers. The address and resolu
tions of the "Integrity of the Unioii" con
vention arc given entire; and when the con
vention" td alter and amend the Constitu
tion" gets properly organized, and pro
ceeds to act upon the exciting topics which
have long been agitated, and which will
unquestionably bo Introduced into that body,
we shall endeavor to give the proceedings
more in detail, and occasionally present
'our readers with the speeches of the Dele
gates. So far as business lias progressed,
the party line has been drawn with the
blackest kind of ink; and with thffexccption
of Walter Forward, Esq. the delegates
seems determined to have each question
decided exclusively on party grounds.
This gentleman is untrammelled by politi
cal feelings he holds the balance of power
in his own hands and, although a whig,
seems determined to go for his country and
his whole country. His casting vote gave
the printing of the Debates, to the editors
of the "Keystone;" and his opposition to
life offices, and to the immense patronage
of the executive, may present a reform in
our constitution which we had but little rea
son to expect from the political caste of the
Delegates, since the dcatli of Dan Caldwell.
Wo can only now hope for the best; and
whilo so distinguished an individual in the
ranks of the opposition pursues a course so
honorable to himself and so subservient to
the interests of his country, our hopes have
a reasonable foundation. However little
party feeling has affected the interests of
!uPC'Pl- o much in
jury in preventing the promulgation of good
acts; and we sincerely wish those causes
for useless excitement may be entirely lost
in the anxious desire to promote the public
good, and that the same patriotism and love
of country which characterised the distin
guished framcrs of our present charter of
rights, may prompt them in suggesting a
mendments, which arc so seriously to af
fect the interests of those who sent them as
delegates to the convention. We say again
we can only hope for the best.
iCTWo thank our editorial brethren for
tlreirpromptncss in forwarding exchange
papers; and wo really feel grateful for the
undeserved compliments which have been
bestowed upon the matter and execution of
our first number. These complimentary
notices, we are proud to say, come from
both political parties; and in our intercourse
with cither, however much wo may vary in
.sentiment and action on public topic3, we
"shall endeavour to deserve their good wishes,
and;cnjoy their best feelings, by a tenacious
adherence to the course laid down in our
prospectus. Scarcely thirty winters have
frosted our tcrrcstial existence, and eight of
these at lp ast have been spent in catering
for the pnblic, as tho editor of a newspaper;
and although Ave have been an active parti
zan in almost every political strife since tho
memorable one of 1828, which happened on
the very day we were entitled to a vote, by
age, yct wo have learned, by experience,
that dfle friend is moro valuablo than any
number, of enemies; and that to preserve
friends, we must act honorably, live socia
bly, and never villify our brother.typos,
who are as spunky as any Tcxian soldiery,
and who have vowed on tho shooting-stick
that they will never suffer an insult to pass
withoilt inflicting their inky resentment.
Tolall, then, we extend our kindly feelings,
and promise, on honor, that we shall not, at
least, bo the first to handle the filthy weapons
which sometimes characterize tho personal
.abuse of one another.
C7A coronor's inquest was held on tho
body of Joseph C. Jones, on the 3d inst.
He was drowned in crossing Caltawissa
creek, near Paxton Si McKelvy's mill, on
tho 31st of March last, but his body was
not found until the date of Hie inquest above
There is a great fuss made by the City
papers about pressure-and ' failures, arid
really if a person know nothing of tho
worldjjhe would imagino that all the riches
arid honors of great men were scattered to
the four winds of Heaven because it would
be ludicrous to suppose that they should
fall to the lot of poor and humble citizens.
Hut how ridiculous is all this palaver and
excitement, when we know the cause in
most instances. For example, many of
these "unfortunate" busincss-mcnwcrc not
worjth a red cent three years since; but they
commenced speculating in stocks, and buy
ing lands in the West and Texas, upon a
credit that had nothing to loss and all to
gain; and when payment is demanded, and
tllo Banks refuse to discount their paper,
why they faill "Old what a fail was there,
my countrymen!" Then they buy in their
debts they compound with creditors, and
pay 20, or 25, or 30 cents in tho dollar
which i3 a new era in business; and they
commence operations on a larger scale
than ever! Those arc city failures. Now,
in the country, poor people are always
scarce of cash, and rich people know how
to keep what they got; but there is no such
system of speculation no such credit no
such mode of paying old debts. When a
man fails here, there is no fun about the
matter there is no compounding for a less
amount than the property will bring under
the hammer of the Sheriff and after all his
property and credit arc gone, he will be
monstrous lucky, and fcclmonstrous happy
if he gets employment to supply him with
comfortables in the wav of livinir- We
never knew a man fail for 50,000 in Phil
adclphia, who did not seem richer, in all
Ills adversity, than a Countryman with
three or four farms, all well stocked, and
all paid for. We consequently never no
tice those sham alamrs of distress. They
arc like tho Bank panics of 1831 nothing
but smoke arising from the burnt rags that
never were of any real value.
Iron Ore. We have been shown a spe
cimcn of Iron ore dug from the farm of Mr,
William Robinson of this place, which is
about one mile from town, on Fishine- crrrk-
r , , . . imiu uiui ouciit
It IS In'1 f" " 1
miti must yield from 75 to 80 per cent.
The vein runs from 5 to 9 feet below the
surface of the earth is from 12 to 18 inch
es thick; and must be inexhaustible in ex
tent. About 100 tons have been excavated,
and are lying on the bank; and while they
promise a great source of wealth to our
friend Robinson, they add a little to the fu
ture prosperity of Bloomsburg. We again
congratulate Columbia county on account of
her mineral resources.
ICT'John Covexiiove.v, Esq. of Orange
villo. has been appointed a Justice of tho
Peace for the townships of Bloom, Briar
Creek, and Mount Pleasant.
Dividends. The Bank of Middletown
lias declared a dividend of six per cent,
from tho profits of that institution for the
last half year, ending 30th of April; and the
Ilarrisburg Savings Institution a dividend of
seven per cent. Gen. Cameron is at the
tho head of the Middletown Bank, than
whom, as Mr. Bieknell says, "a better
cashier is not within the U. States;" and
from its regular semi-annual dividends wo
should really suppose that Mr. B. was a
good judge of Banking officers.
Advertising. Those of our friends
through whose representations we were in
duced to mako "our habitation and our
home" in Bloomsburg, and to whoso exer
tions wo are indebted in a great measure for
our present subscription, should also bear
in nrind that advertisements arc tho life of a
paper, and the main support of an editor on
commencing business. Wo believo tho
"Democrat" circulates as extensively as any
paper in Columbia county; and as Admin
istrators, Guardians, Agents, Sic. have a
controlling power in the disposition of theso
favours, wo particularly look for them as
duo us from thoso friends who seem, at
least, to feel such an interest in tho prosperi
ty of this establishment. A gentlo hint will
certainly givo'no offence; and as we givo it
from purely interested motives, we .hope it
may havo the effect which we unquestiona
bly intend.
Tho Supcrintendant of tho W. Branch
division of tho Pennsylvania canal will re
ceive proposals atMcEwonsvillo, Northum
berland county, on Thursday next, for re
pairing tho Muney Dam and Scliutc, which
sustained considerable damage during the
freshets this spring,
The Commissioners of Columbia county
lave advertised for receiving proposals at
tho house of John McReynolds, E3q. at
the Buckhorn. on Friday next, for the con
struction of two Bridges across Little Fish
ing Creek.4 One is to be built near Paxton
and McKelvy's mill, with stone abutments,
ten feet above low wntcr-marki surmounted
by a circular arch, on Burr's plan, and to
bo 75 feet long and 10 feet wide. The
other to be built at Kinncys fording, with
stone abutments, eight feet above low wa
ter mark, to be surmounted witlt a common
trussel superstructure, and to be GO feet in
length and 10 feet wide. Plans and speci
fications will bo exhibited at the letting.
Specie. Bicknclls "Reporter" of Wed
ncsday last says, "we believe it is an ad
mittcd fact that the amount of specie in the
vaults fof the City Banks at this time, is
larger than at any former peiiod for a num
ber of years." And yet the Philadelphia
papers prate about tho Banks being com
pelled to stop specie payments, notwith
standing their solvency in every respect.
The reason is obvious: they wish their
stock thrown into market, so that they can
purchase it themselves at a discount then
sell again at an advance of 10 or 20 per
cent. and continue this course of specula'
ting policy until widows, and orphans, and
soap-sticks, arc completely rifled of the
small change which industrious and ccon
omical husbands and ancestors had intend'
cd for their honest and liberal support.
Every day but the more and more convin
ces us of the abominations attending almost
every species of speculation especially
We cannot rcsisfthc temptation of giv
ing publicity to the following letter Irom an
old friend and subscriber. It comes from one
who has always stood in the front ranks o
democracy, and who justly appreciates the
services of an humble, but vigilant editor,
His acquaintance with the pecuniary affairs
of a printing office are well expressed in
words, and ably exhibited in the eloquence
".MAY 3, 1837.
Dsin Sin: I havo received and read the first
number of tho "Columbia Democrat;" and while I
am pleased with its neat execution, I cannot avoid
my expression in favor of tho pith and principles
which characterise both your original and selected
matter. If you pursue your present course, you
will not only assist in sustaining freedom and spread
ing intelligence but you will secure tho confidence
and support of the people, and your paper be looked
upon as tho one through which correct principles
alono arc promulgated.
By tho bearer I send you $2, as advance payment
for one year's subscription. I am awaro that in
most instances a young man uses all his capital in
starting business; and as I wish to support the free
dom of the press, as the surest palladium of our rights,
1 employ my cllorts in tins way to attain the obicct,
Wishing you success in your present undertaking,
T -r ii !t -
i uui i uur wen wisucr, txc.
C5Our latest Ilarrisburg paper is the
"Keystone" of Wednesday, from which wo
glean our notice of tho proceedings of the
convention the latest reports being up to
Tho following gentlemen have been invited by
tho Secretary of War, to attend tho examination of
tho Uadcts of the Military Academy, to commence
on tho first Monday in June next:
Nathaniel Dowditch, Esq. of Massachusetts.
Hon. A. Vandcrpool, of New York.
Col. James McCown, do.
R. D. Miller, Esq. do,
A. M. Dod, Esq. of New Jersey.
Capt. John Miles, of Pennsylvania.
Ellis Lewis, Esq. do.
James Rogers, Esq. do.
Hon. Jacob Wagner, do.
James McDowell, Esq. of Virginia.
Alexander Rives, Esq. do.
Alfred Moore, Esq. of North Carolina.
Gen. James Rodgcrs, of South Carolina.
Thomas Dennett, Esq. do.
James S. Bullock, Esq. of Georgia.
John C. Mullay, Esq. of Tennessee.
Thomas P. Moore, Esq. of Kentucky,
, Owen, Esq. of Alabama,
Gen. Georgo W. Tcrrill, of Mississippi.
William M. Dunn, Esq, of Indiana.
Gen. M. Arbucklc, United States Army.
The New Orleans American of a lato date states
that an intelligent gentleman from Washington,
(Texas) informed the editor that tho feeling is dai
ly growing in favor of driving tho Spaniards from
Matamoras. Ho says "The army is in fino order,
and if peace bo not made with Mexico before tho 1st
of June, wo may bo certain that it will move upon
tho above city. Tho Texian congress meets in a
few days, and they will doubtless adopt measures
for tho benefit of tho country. Nothing would be
more popular than to carry lho war into the enemy's
Washington, May 2.
In tho caso of Richard II, White, indicted in our
circuit court, upon a charge of burning tho treasury
building in March, 1633, and now tried on that in
dictment for the third time, the jury, after being shut
up three days and nights, camo into court yesterday
morning, again without a verdict, declaring that they
should never bo able to agree upon one. The jurow
were, of courso, discharged by Uie court.
Tailoring Business.
The Subscriber
RETURNS his acknowledgments to his nume
, rous friends and customers fof their past favors,
and wouiu now respccuuuy announce 10 incra, inai
he has received tho latest
From Philadelphia, and as there arc material chan
ges, invites persons desirous of having their gar
ments made in the neatest and best stylo, to give him
a call. Ho will endeavour to please all who favour
him with their patronage, by executing his work
in a neat and fashionablo manner, and at the short
est notice. I'ETEH R. IIEIGHMAN.
Orangcvillc, May 13, 1837.
A Journeyman Tailor,
Who will find constant employment. None need
apply except a good workman. ALSU :
Is wanted. A lad between tho ago of H and 17
years, of industrious habits, who wishes to learn the
Tailoring business, will find a good situation, by
applying immediately to
Orangcville, May 13, 1637,
Benjamin Scrr,
ESPECTFULLY informs tho public that he
, carries on the above business in Mifilinville,
and that he keeps constantly on hand an assortment
Whirli be will warrant of tho best materials, and
well manufactur d. His shop is on Main Street;
and lie will feel grateful for a share ol patronage
May 13, 1837.
ILL be sold, at public vendue, on Saturday
the 10th day of Juno next, at the public
house of Kobcrt Haclicnbuch, at ftl'Dowclls Mills,
in Dloom township, Columbia county, tho following
property, viz: The one undivided sixth part of a
Tract of Land,
Situate in said township of Bloom, adjoining land:
oi juiin uuriuii, ana Dorucnngon risnuig irccn.
late the property of Joseph Stcttlcr.
Sale will commence at 10 o'clock in the forenoon
of said day, when attendance will bo given and
terms ol sale made known, by
PHILIP STRICT Tin, -umigncc,
.... j.cuna ua.iug tmuns acainst sam Joseph
Stcttlcr, are requested to present them at same tunc
and place for settlement; and all persons indebted
are solicited to bo in attendance and mako prompt
payment.' SI'ETTLEK, Assignee.
May 13, 1837.
To the Electors of Columbia county :
KTGLLOW CITIZENS: At the urgent solicita.
' tions ol numerous friends, I oiler myself as
candidate for the office of
Should I be so fortunate as to rcccivo a majority of
votes, and procuro my commission, I pledge myself
to execute the autics ol the ollicc with fidelity and
impartiality. EUAS McIIENKY
May 13, 1837.
The Subscriber
ETURNS his thanks to customers for tho
.patronage w hich ho has received from them
suico he has commenced business in Dloomsburg.
He hopes they will still continuo their usual sup
port; and ho has now tho pleasure of offering them
a large and fashionable assortment of SEASONA
BLE GOODS, which havo been carefully selected,
embracing tho latest style of French, English and
Cloths, Cassimeres and Sallinetts, of dif
ferent styles and colours; Silks; Figur
ed Lawns and Jackonetts, European S,-
Jlmerican Calicoes S,- Ginghams, Vest-
tags, JJamask J able Cloths, Hosiery,
Gloves, Bonnet Trimmings, $c. 5'C.
ALSO, Ladies' Morocco, Seal, Pru
nelle Shoes J- Slippers, Men's Shoes
and Hoots.
China; Glass
Hffctliciiicg and Dyc-StulRj ;
All of which will bo sold on tha most reasonable
terms. Persons wishing to purchase, are requested
to call and cxamino his stock of Goods, and judge
for themselves.
CCj All kinds of country produce will bo taken
in exchange for goods.
Bloomsrpg, May 6, 1837.
Fulling, Dyeing,
THE Subscribers respectfully inform the public
PJH VIlUb VUVJ llill KtAt,! O Ul . Utility VBLUU
hshmcht, recently occupied by 'Solomon Nimox and
uuun juiusnaii, on jiemiocK crccK, in iicmiock
townsnlp, lCumbiacQuty, between Ulnomtburg &
the Buckhorn, where they are p'rep'ared to accom-
modAta rnnlnmrrn Sn t!irir linn lincinMi prliA..
will attend at the following places every two weeks
cloth, Viz!
M Stacy Mar gcrim'js Inn, 'in Caltawis
sa; 'at JPidotu Lrumhelkr''s, in Caltawis'
sa township; at John reagers Inn, Hoar
insville; and at Peter Kline's Inrt, New
(Tr The r.istomnrv hVWa rhnrrrM. All 1nSi.l nf
" i j i ty " - w.
country produc. received by them for their work.
Uj" iney respccuuuy solicit patronage trom the
May C. 1837.
BY virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Expo
nas, issued out or tho court of Commdri pleas
of Columbia county, and to me directed, will be 'cx-
J, A 1-1! I - .1- .1 ; , V. .
jwbuu vo puunc aie, at ido counnouse in llanville,
on Saturday, the 27M day of May ritxt, at 2 o'clock
Un c. rii...:t. . . .
.i. uiv uiuiuun, luiiuwiug jirujH.'riy, 10 wit! V
Tract of Land.
Situate in Bloom Lnwnfthtn. nnlnYnhifi nnniv
joining lands of William Clark, John. Conner, John
ui,g, vumuu nuuiuH, ucuuiuru, cunuuning liiuil
TY ACRES, more or less, whereon is creeled a Log
Seventy acres are cleared land, and on tho premises
is an APPLE ORCHARD. Seized, taken in exe
cution, and to be sold as tho property of Frederick.
Rantz and Peter Rantz, Executors of the estate of
Frederick Rantz, dee'd, ALSO, a certain
Situate in Roaring Creek township, Columbia coun
ty, adjoining lands of John Cooper, J. Hurly, Adam
Starks, Leonard Roup, George Stinc, and others, con
taining SEVENTY-SEVEN ACRES, more or less1
whereon is erected ono
About forty-six acres arc cleared land. Seized, takci)1
,.wuuuii, aim w uusuiu as uie property oi jacou
Roup. By
Sheriff's office, Danville,
Anril tear. $
Valuable Real Property
TJROPOSALS will bo received by the subscri-
fimrttllay1 JSVBlBSg; firfSieor
more years, the following property, to wit
A Good Farm,
situate in Bloom township, about two and a half
miles from Bloomsburg. Also, a
situate on said farm, together with a FULLING
MILL AND FACTORY, on the same premUcs.
Also, a
flllllf STORE HOUSE,
with necessary out-buildings, in Bloomsburg, now
in tho occupancy of Mr. C. B. Fisher.
CEj-Thc preference will be given to those who will
rent the whole property. Possession given on tho
first day of April next.
Espytown, April 59, 1837.
The Subscriber
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends, and
the public generally, that he continues to ma-'
Chairs, Bedsteads,
His shop is near Mr. McKelvy's store-house, at the
Basin, on the Pennsylvania Canal. He will bo 1
thankful for favors, and uso his endeavors to pleaso
April, 29, 1837.
THE Subscriber is about loavingtrus part of the
country, & would therefore respectfully invite
thoso in arrears to him on 6ubcription lists, &c, to
call on or before tho 1st day of Juno next, and sfltfc
with him without further notice.
Bloomsburg, May C, 1837.
iOkFFERS his professional services to the citizens
of Columbia county. He will also attend to
business in tho several courts of this Judicial district.
Law office in the same room with the printing office
of ths "Columbia Democrat."
Bloomsburg, April 59, 1837.
Revised Code & Acts
Passed by the Legislature between the 15tb?
day of April, 183G, and the 10th day of
Juno,fl836; forming with Purdon'i Di
gest of 1830, and Parke Si Johnson's di
gest, vol. l.a complete digest of the laws
of Pennsylvania, to tho present time.
tr-7jf? few copies of the above Digest for
sale at this Office.