The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, November 22, 1849, Image 4

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    The Largest, Most Fashionable And
• Cheapest Stock of
✓ltd Caps,
The undersigned would respectfully call
the attention of the public, to their ,very ex
tensive and fashionuble stock of
Mens and Boys,
Kip, Calf and Mo
ALSO.—A gen
eral assortment of all kinds of
HATS AND caps,
which they are determined to sell cheaper
than any other establishment in Lehigh
Their stock consists of every variety of
Women's Kid, Morocco, and Calf Skin
Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers, Boys • and
Men's fine and coarse Boots and
Shoes. Children shoes of every
description, Gum Boots and
Shoes, &c.
Call and see at the old stand, one door
west of Saeger's Hardware Store.
Oct. 25. t-4w
Cheap Hat and Cap Store.
Hamilton Street nearly opposite Weiss
Hotel, .12lIentown.
Jacob D. Boas, -
Takes this method to inform friends
and customers, that he still continues the
Hatmaking and Cap business, and keeps
constantly on hand, a large assortment of
the most fashionable,
Beaver, Nutre, Brush, Buena,i Silk and
Napped Hats, which he will sell at
the lowest prices. .91so—a large
assortment of Miens, Boys
and Childrens Caps, at
very reduced prices, •
He is likewise prepared to manufacture
to order Hats at the shortest possible notice.
Thankful for past favors he hopes to en
joy a continuance of patronage, as he feels
confident that his Hats, fully recommend
M'Such who are indebted to him for
some length of time, will please recollect,
that their accounts should be promptly sett
led, and it is expected will not be neglected.
Nov. 9. —ly
Revolutionary Soldiers
The subscriber offers to the public in gen
ral, his services for the prosecution of all
ernmeni, and in particular in the following
cases. Viz :--,
Suspended and subjected claims under all
Pension laws. Applications for increase of
pension, under any of the Pension laws,
where the pensioners are dissatisfied with
their present allowance. For all those wid
ows who received, or who arc entitled to re
ceive, the ten years pension due on the 4th
of March, 1848, under the acts of July 7th
1838, March 3d 1843, and June 17th 1844,
being those who were married before the Ist
of January 1794; he will undertake to estab
lish, under the act of Febuary 2d, 1848,
their claims to a pension for life, commen
cing on the 4th of March, 1848, when their
pensions under the foregoing acts termina
ted. For all those widows of Revolutionary,
officers or soldiers, who were married after
1793, but before January 2d 1800, he will
undertake to establish their claims to pension
for life, commencing on the 4th• of March,
1848, under the act of July 29th 1848.
For all those widows of Revolutionary pen
sioners, whose claims have been rejected or
suspended for want of proof of service : or
those who arc in the receipt of a pension
less than that received by their hus
bands under the acts of . May 15th 1828, or
June 7th 1832, ,he will insure the same
amount per annum, that their husbands re
ceived; from the time the pension is made
to commence by the law under which they
claimed or have been pensioned.
All pensioners having claims against the
General Government, groing out of our re
cent difficulties with Mexico, will find . the
subscriber a prompt, experienced and atten
tive. tigent.
Terms moderate, where the claim is es
tablished, otherwise no charge. All com
munications must be post paid, and directed
to the subscriber, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Office South Queen St. with Jac. B. A tn wake, esq.
Sdptember 13; 1849. IT-3m
---- -
podia Book Itiont;factorn
No. 521 Chestnut St, above Seventh,
The subscriber respectfully solicits public
attention to his superior and tasteful stock of
Pocket Books, Pocket Knives, and
Ranker's Cases, other fine Caller'',
Bill Books, Gold Pens 4. Pencils,
Dressing Cases, Segar Bases,
Card Cases, Chess Men,
Port Monales, Back Gammon Boards,
Purses, • Dominos tke., 4•e.,
His assortment consists of the most fashion
able and modern styles, of the finest quality
and excellent workmanship, embracing eve
ry desirable fancy pattern, which he will at
all times be prepared to exhibit and fufnish.
wholesale or retail on the most pleasing ternia.
rirPurchasers whodesire to supply the ta . -.
selves with articles of the best 9uality
consult their own interest by calling,alethis
establishment. F. H. smtuk,.•. --
Pocket Book Manufacturer, 54 Chesnut Street,
Phil'n, August 30, 1840. 11--6m-4i
'SHAD, •
Housekeepers ! Look Here !
.fl eVelv Cabinet
In Allentown.
The undersigned respectfully informs his
friends and the public in general, that he
has established himself on the south side of
Hamilton street, opposite the "New York
Store," where he continues to manufacture
all kinds of
Sofas, Secretaries, Bureaus of all kinds,
Footstools, Sideboards, Wardrobes, Pi
ano stools, Sofa tables,Card; Pier,
Side, End, Centre,Dining,
Work and Breakast ta
bles, French Rock
• table desks,
Book Cases, &c., &c.
French Mahogany' Bedsteads, High, real
and French post Bedsteads of different kinds,
Washstands of different kinds, Cupboards,
Sinks, ec., with a variety of other Furniture.
Every article kept in such establishments,
or that may be required by the community,
are kept or made to order, at the shortest
notice and on the most reasonable terms.
Having had considerable experience in
the business, he trusts that by assiduous at
tention and moderate prices, he merits a lib
eral share of public patronage.
House-keepers and others, in want of
any thing in his line, are respectfully invit
ed to give him a friendly call.
Oct. 4
The undersigned has just received a kr_
and splendid assortment of
to which he most respectfully calls the at
tention of the fashionable public—his varie
ty consists in part of the following vides
to wit : •
rebto's Parisian Curling Fluid, Jules
Hand's Hair Restorative, Pomade, Phil
osome and Maccasser Oil, Ox-mar
row, Mc' Curdy's Cryslaline, Med
icated, Sand, Palmyrine, Hatters
Comic and other Soaps, Ex
tract of Cologne, Briggs'
• Russian Cosmetic, Patch
on y, Rose, Musk 4-c.,
Steel Beads, Rings,
Tassels, Dressing,
Side, and Back
Combs, Toil
et Powder,
Flair and
A 1 7. . ,/, . v ßrushea.
ALSO:—.tt l arge uticty LPL. , "
to numerous too mention, all of which will
be sold at the most reduced prices.
UP - Please call and see
Sept. 20
Has constantly on hand and offers for sale,
at his Family Grocery Store,a complete as
sortment of fresh groceries, which he will
sell cheap for Cash or in exchange for Coun
try Produce. .
Molasses, Chocolate, Cocoa and Starch, for
sale at Dcpev's Grocery Store.
Brooms, Buckets,
Brushes, Ropes, Baskets, &c., for sole cheap
by C. I. DEPE W.
Brandy, Gin, Rum,
Wines of all kinds, Whiskey, &c., for sale
at Depew's Grocery and Liquor Store.
No. 1 Pickled Salmon, just received and
for sale by C. I. DEPEW.
Mackerel, Ham, Oil,
Salt, Herring,Tobacco, Segurs, Snuff, Prime
Roasted Coffe warranted fresh, Perfumery,
&c., &c '
, for sale at Depew's grocery and
Variety Store.
.September 6
Ground Nuts, &c.
23 Bags Best Ground Nuts,
10 " " Almonds,
5 " Cream Nuts, ,
5 English Walnuts,
on hand and for sale cheap by
C. 1. DEPEW.
Philadelphia Mourning Store,
No. 52. South 2d Street, near Chesnut,
Beeson 4- Son pay exclusive attention to
Mourning Goods, and would invite the at
tention of - all buyers, visiting the city to an
examination of their stock.
As the utmost care is taken in the import
ing.:.and selection of their goods, keeping a
large assortment at all seasons ; offering for
sale only what is good and oflthe proper
shade of black, no deception off to make or
Lupin's Bombazines,'Bombazine.iinisiCAl
paccas, Plain Cashmeres, Silk Ca*tures: .
French Merinos, Wide Black S' is, LIT
.. in's Mousselines Mournin ungart
ans,Mourningehintm, ugShmyls
BlaOk Thibet,Sirk. nal Patent •
'English Crapes, Mourning Veils,'
Collars, Fleecy Sillilfuie,Nous •
4loves •Stc f.r.c.ogoc. They open
daily; new black and hail 'mourning mate•
rialsfrom , luur priced tu,,thu most costly.
11110 4 liuYitilvi4 find , it to
their advantßi:tolco.j: •
Philgidelph*Papt• _
Constantly on hand
and for sale by
Market St, Wharf,
Inn WI mosaa
S Amon.
September 6.
Netu. gpiblorbsl
Alattsch - Chunk Motel.
i The subicribers take
• this method - to inform
, ,
.. \ ' the citizens of Mauch
ii " Chunk,and the public
,4. 1 , in general, that they t'
ugigli(Mi__ . _ I,_ ; have rented and now
= --'-------' ' 2 - -•••••••=. occupy the well known
tavern stand of Mr. Alexander Stedman, in
Mauch Chunk, so extensively known as the
Manch' Chunk lbo te ,
which has been refited in the most comfort
able and fashionable manner. They have
occupied the same. from the first of Au
gust last, and they will make it their busi
ness to add many other improvements, to the
convenience of those who may favor' them
with their custom, and make it equal if not
superior to any public house in the place.,
Their liar will be supplied with the choic
est of liquors, there Table set with all the
season affords, and their Beds are all new
and clean; in short, neither trouble or ex
pense will be saved, to accommodate their
customers in the very best manner.
Their stabling is large and convenient.
with the hydrant water in the yard', and an
attentive ostler to attend to customers.
They trust their streneous exertions to ac
cornodate those who may favor them with
their calls, will be the means of bringing
them numerous new customers.
September 13,1849.
(Successor to Solis (S• Brothers.)
Importer and Manufacturer of every description of
. , FURS,
Having just returned from Europe with a
Is now manufacturing them in a very su
perior style, and trimming them in the most
elegant manner, and would invite the. atten
tion of Merchants and others, to his superior
and extensive assortment, which, as he man
ufactures as well as imports, he is enable
to oli'r at such prices as few houses in the
United States can compete with.
re'Store always closed on Saturdays.
highest Cash price paid for Ship
ping Furs,
riWilemember the place, next to Louden
& Co's Family Medicine Store.
86 Arch (Mulberry) Street, 6 doors below 3d st
August 10.
61.11 0111111
No. Ibs NorihS'trcei, corne~~
Has been replenished by the subscriber,
with an entirely fresh and well selected as
sortment of-every description of
includingprime coffee, choice flavored Teas,
genuine 11 - ines and Liquors, Spices&c. &c.
Every article is strictly good of its kind and
will be supplied to consumers and dealers
at a small profit for cash.
(late Wm. Stoover & Sons, Phil.)
['Country produce bought and taken in
exchange for groceries.
September 27.
Pure Fresh Cod Liver Oil.
This new and valuable Medicine, now
used by the Medical profession ,with such
astonishing efficacy in the - cure ofptdmona
ry consumption, scrofula, chronic rheuma
tism, gout, general debility, complaints of
the kindeys &c., is prepared from the
liver of the cod fish for medicinal use, ex
pressly for our sales.
(Eziradfromla London Medical Journal.)
"C. J. B.' Williams, Mr, p., F. R. S.,
Professor of Medicine in University College,
London, Consulting Physicians to the Hos
pital for. consumption, &c., says ; I have
prescribed the ,Oil in the above four hun
dred 'cases of tuberculous disease of the
Lungs, in different stages, which have been
under my care the last two years and a
half. In the large. number of cases, 206,
out of 234, its use was followed . by marked
and unequivocal improvement, varying in
degree m different cases froth a temporary
retardation . of the progress of the disease
and a mitigation of distressing symptons, up
to a more or less complete restoration to ap
parent health. r , •
"The.effeet of Cod Livei Oil most of
these cases was very remarkabfe. Even in
a few days the cough was mitigated; tbe
expectoration dimunshe t in quantity and
opadity, the night sweats ceased;tlie pulse
became slower, and of, better.volume, and
the appetite, flesh andatierigth were gradu
ally ••• • . ! : • •
• "In concluded; repeat, that the pure
fresh oillfom the Liver: of the Cod is more
bepeticiall in ..the treatment --of Pulmonary
Consumption •;tban 'any :agent, medicinal,
dietetic or regimonal, that -has . yet been
- . • • r•
Jls We have, made arrangements to pro
cure the Cod Oil, fresh' poni head;
quarters; it can now be had.cliemically pure
by the single luittle, or in boxes . of one doz
entach..— . •
Its wonderful efficacyhas induced numer
apuriousitnitations: As its
pend.s4ntirelY on' its purity, too much care
cartnot;be used .procuring it genuine.
''.verb/ bottle :haying-an • -it our vritten
S l ig•niilui•ei'may be depended upon,as genu
. .
Par4hletir containing an analysis of the
Oil, with notice of it from Medical Journals,
will be sent to those who address use free of
postage. _ _
~4--2m-2 ,
-Wholesale ruggists and chemists, N 0.109
of Wood Street,
Hallo BIM Where' aro'iOu bound to ?
%Rr 11 LEW
. .
Nancy Dry Goods Store.
What's going on there Bill.? Why hay
'ent you heard, you are really behind the
times. I tell you, that 'ere .Billy Weil, is
the darnationest little fellow to sell cheap
goods I ever seed, he lives right between
that 'ere eaten house of Wines and the New-
York store. Now, recollect ! Be sure you
are right, then go ahead. But, hold on!
1-Icild on Bill, I tell you! I'll go ahead now, I
want to buy my weddin suit, and this I find
Bill, is just the place—so here goes it, and
off they went to Weil's Cheap Fancy Dry
Goods Store.
WILLIAM S. WETL has just unpacked
the largest Fall and Winter Stock of goods
ever brought to Allentown among which are
20 ps. super!. blue black French Cloths..
20 do. do. beaver Cloths of all colors.
20 do. do. black and fancy Cassemeres
20 do. do. French Merinoes of all qual.
20 do. do. English do. do.
10 do. do. Coburg Cloths do.
25 do. do. Alpaccas of all prices.
30 do. do. Mouse de Laines do.
30 do. do. Flannels of all colors.
A large variety of fashionable shawls from
25 cts. to $5, but none as high as twenty.
All kinds of Bleached and Unbleached •
Mouslins, Linens, &c.
The above articles will be sold wholesale
and retail at Philadelphia and New York
prices. Call and examine his stock, as it
will bear inspection with any in town
October 25.
Al.iisical Instruments.
The undersigned has again laid in a very
large assortment of Musical Instruments,
among which are comprised Violins, Flutes,
Accordians. &c. &c., in the Accordian line
he challenges any other establishment in
the country, to come up to him in beauty va
riety and prices. He keeps Sanderson's of
Paris, best make, Violin strings, &c. &c. all
of which he will sell of the lowest cash pri
ces W. S. WEIL
October 25
Steel Ilea& Bags.
A very elegant assortment of Steel Bead
Bags r Beads of the latest styles, for sale
cheap at tho Store of
agent for the sale of Southwortlf Man-
YracilirimeSsn'A r n
100 cases of the above superior Papers
now in store, and for sale•to the trade at the
lowest market prices, consisting in part of—
Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, 14, 15, and 16
lbs., blue and white.
Superfine Mediurri,and Demi Writings,
blue and white.
Extra super and superfine Folio Posts,
blue and white, plain and ruled.
Superfine Commercial Posts, blue and
white, plain and ruled.
Extra super Linen Note Papers, plain
and gilt.
• Superfine and fine Bill Papers, long and
Superfine and fine Counting-House Caps
and .Posts, blue and white.
Extra super Congreps Caps and Letters,
plain and ruled, blue and white.
Extra super Congress Caps and Letters,
Superfine Sermon Caps and Pests.
Superfine blue linen thin Letters.
Extra super Bath Posts, blue and white,
plain and ruled.
Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes.
“Lawyer's" Brief Papers.
Superfine and fine Caps and Posts, ruled
and plain, blue and white, various qualities
and prices.
Also, 1000 reams white and assailed Shoe
Papers, Bonnet Boards, white and assorted
Tissue, Tea, Wrapping. Envelope, assorted
and blue Mediums, Cap Wrappers, Hard
ware Papers, die.
July 5.
Sign of Me . Golden Eagle, No. 139 4-143
South Second Street, below Dock St,
Keeps always on hand . a large . and fash
ionable assortment , of Hide: and Narrow
Slat' Window Blinds, manuktctured in the
best 'Manner, the,be;t. baleen Is, and At t he
lowest cash prices. -- , ll•Titt
Hadiegfefitted-and unlaiged hirk establish
'tent, lie fit' prepared to totriplete orders to ,
anOuriinint at the shortest nottie: Constant'.
ly on hand an assortment'of.. , • '• 1 •
• 11.1.4H0G.12NY FORNITURE
. .
of every variety, . , truuutfactured . eipreisly,
for his own sales ' and purchasers tn'itYlbere
fore rely. on a gooci. article.,, : • „ •
• rirDpen , in the evening. • ,
Orders froth a distance packed carefully
end sent free cif porterage:to.any part of the
cityy:• • • ; .; El. uLARK,
August.Bo 1840. 11.1-Iy-7.
GUMS :,G,,VOfI),SI I: •
: The lundersigned have just:receiyed
- .101X)
riairvof ,Men's Ladies!, : arid Misses Gum,
Shoes; A fine article .ipfl; . Gum
Boots; which theymill. . .
• .t. t. , ;-LOCEIM.AII',§s.,I4IO.
Oct: , , • . „,,
GIPS,! C.lPS'd
Lochman & Bro. are manufacturing eve
ry 'style cloth and glazed Caps, which they
• el • low wh. e.• le ,nd ye-
Clocks and Watches.
Charles S.. Hassey,
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends
that he. has recieved at his, establishment,
nearly opposite the German Reformed
church in Allentown, a large assortment of
, a consisting of GOLD and
SILVER Patent Levers,
Quartier and plain Eng.
lish and French. Watch
es sold by him are. warranted, and as low as
the same quality can be purchased at other
establishments in town or elsewhere.
'His assortment of Clocks consists of Brass ' '
eight day, thirty hours, and alarm, from 3
to 12 dollars.
-His selection of Jewelry consists in part
of Gold ringS, Bracelets, Breastpin's, Broach
es, Gold and Silver Pencils; Watch-chains,
Keye, Gold Pens, of a superior quality, &c.
He has also on hand a variety of
Such as steel-beads for purses and work bags,
Silver tea and table spoons, Gold and Silver
Spectacles, to suit all ages, Spectacle glasses,
Silver thimbles.
Every article sold by him, is warranted
to be such as represented, and should they
prove otherwise can be returned, and the
money will be refunded.
His stock has been purchased with a view
to supply the citizens of this county with
good and genuine articles in his branch, and
which have been selected from the best and
most extensive houses in New-York and
Philadelphia. He hopes by due attention to
his business, and 'liberal prices, to have a
share of patronage.
Li7Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, repair
ed in the best manner and at the shortest no
tice. Old Gold and Silver taken in ex
change for Goods. Call and see, then judge
for yourselves.
August 2, 1849
Sartain's Union Magazine,
The Acknowledged Blackwood Of America.
To Subscribe for the Volume of 1850.
The publishers of Sartains Magazine Lit
erature and Art, announce to the reading
public, that whilst their Magazine for 18.40
is acknowledged to be superior in every res
pect to any other published in this country,
they have made arrangements. whereby the
Magazine for the next year will excel all
its former issues. The Literary Department
will remain under its control of its present
able Editors. Prof. John S. Hart of Phila.
own pens every month, have 'secured con
tributions from the best Authors in Europe
and America.
These contributions, including some of
the most brilliant Magazine articles any
where to be found, are entirely original, be
ing written expressly for our Magazine,
and not selected from other publications.
If we cannot attract distinguished names
of our list of contributors .by the liberality
to our prices, or the respectability of our
Magazine, we assuredly shall not try to gain
the appearance of it, by taking extracts from
authors of great name, and so mixing them
alp in our table of contents, and they shall
seem to be original.
Mr. Sartain, has entire controle of the pic
torial department,and besideembellishmen -
from his own burin, he will be assisted b
some of the best artist of this country.
Worn-out Lonoonsteel engravings, whi
are used by some periodicals, will 'not fi
their way Into the pages of ..Sartain,'? un r
any circumstances. There - would be a st
saving to the Publishers in using such pl
as they can be purchased at almost ny
price, from $25 down to the price of the , et
al. We aim to gii.e the best, both in Li bra-
lure and Art.
Single copies 25 cents, One Copy lip per
Annum, and a premium of either a portrait
of the late ex-Presidents James K. Polk,
William H. Harrison,Group of the Washing
ton Family;General Taylor, Benjamin West
or Henry Clay. Either of these Engrav
ings is worth alone *3. Two Copies 85 per
Annum, and either of the above premiums
is each subscriber. Five Copies $lO per
Annum, and an extra Magazine and one of
the premiums to the agent or person getting
up the Club. Having made an arrangement
with the publishers for copies of the celebra
ted mezzotint° Picture,..The death-bed of
John Wesley ," we mak the following liber
al offer: , One copy.,of the Magazine one
year, end the Wesley Print, *3, or 20 cop.:
ies Of the'Weiddy Print, and Nine copies of
Sartain's' Union Milkitzine for Thirty. Do
llars. Renidinblir;rthe i impriissions are, not
On° emprn-tit' English plate, :but,from a
; I ne.iii plat4Pilipitied , lit'Lthe.highieSt.Ataqe of
'the art :' i:eddinetheir :money : early.
will get PrOofimpiessione. .',Ofiei-glitlPPr'f.'
dinary 1 Any new subscriber, sendAug . ps,
`Five 'Dollars', prior to the lot ..oli, Felkr u a ry,,
1850, hall receive in return full senio(Sar:- i
laiti's Magazine; for 1810 and OA land; 2,
volumesiiof !Campbell's ~ Foreign ,Monthly,
Magazine, ifethe Washington 01.44 y lef, printl
thus securing upwards of 130(10 pm of
erary matter, and • Upwards ,ol',4o9,siengra,-;
rings for 0511 , ; , .1 : ,1 l,;-,.1 , -.1.-: A
Thd post town•aending. the, largestl Winn
ber of mail subscriber • for the, yeer,,1050 4
priorlo theist of April next, tog,ether with
the advance payment, will be entitled, gratis i
to the Sanienumbcir of Sartainls Magazine,
for the.yeiii 1851. ~, For the second, jargestl
each subscriber Ishall., CU i Ye+ OPP , 0 f0.41' Pr 6 ' ,.
in itifii 'Plated:. Reinember, ,th'eae, pletes are.
.of a large size, and suit ble, for a parlorcirna l ,
ment. $ - . ~ ;7t::; . 0; •:.1 . -.r.i , , ( .
' Persons, wishingtto et-rip a ei,nb,Aol ha I
supplied with a speei en number, ,by.lvri
ting for it, and paying the postage. Terms
invariably in Advanc -
Anse lama . C0.,-Pisifaileiphia.
• 1141512
A new Howie and a new Landfaris
- he subscriber re•
spectfully infornis his
, friends the publid
ftenerally, that he hat '-'
-- t a ken thdeeidy 'erec ,
, •-•
1111111110111,— -,- ted three story brick'
- - tavern of Jess Grim,
at the northwest corner of Market Square,
in the borough of Allentown, called
The House is known as one of the most
spacious and convenient in the - State—.nene'
more so out of Philadelphia—and contain
44 rooms. He therefore feels assured that
he can accommodate satisfactorily all who'
may favor him with a call.
His TABLE shall mall times be supplied
with the best the season and the markets'
afford, and the BAR with ,the choicest Wines
and Liquors.
The Beds and Bedding, together With a llt
his furniture being entirely new, the putt ,
rons of this house may rely upon finding'
those two, great essentials—cleanliness and
The Stabling is large and commodious, and ,
as he will have none but kind and 'attentive'
Ostlers, a due regard will be had to the pro--
per entertainment of the House as welt a
his master.
In short, the subscriber intends to spare
neither pains nor expense to ke6p his house
in the beet man ner, and he therefore re
spectfully invites the public togive him a call.
LV - BOARDERS ‘vill. be' taken ,on rea
sonable terms, and us the rooms tare spaci
ous and well adapted to their wants, they
can be accommodated in a satisfactofy man
ner. Families from town or country ac
commodated with Boarding.
Allentown, May 3, 1849. . 111-.-tb
The Great China Store'
Thankful to the citizens of Allentown and
its vicinity for their increased .custom, we
again request their company to view our
large and splendid assortment of
Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, and'
single pieces, either of Glass, China or Stone•
Ware, sold in quantities to suit purebasers,
for less than they can be had elseWliere, In
fact at less than : Wholesale Prices. •
American and English Britannia Metal . Goods,
In greater variety than ever before offered'
in the city. FANCY ChINA in a great va—
riety very cheap.. .
We would invite any personl•visiting
the tglAilcallliesacte&MAhrliawiAktniell
esl the world produces.
Very respectfully, . ,•;• ••• .
No. 219 Chesnut Street..
Philatielphia, Sept. 20,
ißank Note Clot,
Weekly from Bicknell's, Courl's and`
Thompson'a Detcdor t ) • .
Bk of N America par,
Bic of P nusylv. .par
Bank of Commerce
late Ma •Inensing par;
Bk of N Liberties par 1
Bk of Penn Towns.par
• Farmers &Meehan.par
Kensington par
Manuf. &Mephart par
Mechanics par
Girard ' Par
Philadelphia , i par
Schuylkill • pal
Southwark • par
Western par
Commercial Ba,nl: ..
of Perinsylv. par
Bk of the I; States 25
Covsrity BANKII:
Dk of Chambersburg '1
Bk of Gettysburg 3
Bk of Pittsburg ,
Bk of ,t3usq. County
Bk of Chester Co. par
Bk of Germantown par
Bk Of` Lewistown faikd
Bk of Delaware Co. par
Bk of Middletown .1
Bk of Montg. po. par
Columbia Bank:dr,' '
Britte'rrip.; par
Carlisle Bank. •-• • -
Doylestown Bank par
Easton Bank par,
Exchange. Bank f
Erie Bank 2
Farmem & Drovers .
Danko!. ! • • I
Franklin Bank ,
Farmers Bank of •
Bunks, pbritity "War
Farmers Barik'of,
LancaStar: . - , ~ ,par
Farmers Bank a .i, ..
~ Reading ! ~ ; , ; par .
'Farmers' Bank of
i . Behnylkiil co.- ''phi='
Harriiburgtßaikw Ist 1 ,
'Honesdale Bailkt, of It• 1
Latictuiterrllagk .1 r rPfIV
Latioaltter Pop Batik par
, Lehaeon,Bank .
Lehigh Co. Bani " ''i•tto
Lehighrfi;e,ig,fttion7l, ,
io):'Bchli)t.' ,, ! 6 (1 . 10%1
iMige*Bankiof yid i f , 1
71 iltottayMe, , , I,,ait,T .
l i,
41e lproy / Ti if f ittl
irlitiaii 'hi Ifil , - i
ltioviss intopoiN 111
Tayl Iraville Betirl, 1 t i ~.._ '
.-: Bridge Compeay t q 9.,
wea,o,l!r A nch,iii fi l i ., n i
. WY 1 :1318. 4.a,ii . ?, ~„' l 1
.Yerit, o uartir, ', ' 'I ,
i' ' ' ,A# j.ii .- it r .
.Belvidere, any ..
, ii,
Iluilingtotitoaii . Y'
' Baelt - 1 ' ' ', Pk . r
' COillillereitl•Ba ' n ki r• 1 fr
•tioniberlandißtink ~ par .
k`ttrtnerti Hanky 7; b r/a'
irtr.Wiers4V O u'llY, " 6
RP7. ,•.•
Ica Bank • O
.Farmers &Merchants
Bank, Mid. Point, i
Morris County bask $
(ante Dotes on alTift
Idechamcs bank of
Newark., • h•
Mechanics bank at
Burlington' pa r -
Mechaniqkjk Man.
ufactuffl's bank., par:
Newark banking ik
Ins. Company ht.,„
New Hope 4k'Dela
ware Br.Cornp; failed I
Orange bank . • h ,
Peoples bank: V
Plainfield bank . 50
Princeton bank , par
Salem banking Co. pat -
State bank' at Eliza
Camded,N4 Bruns! ,
wick, ~ ;, • ••,,. .par
1 Stiseit bank , ' 1
• Union bank ' •' ' ' ~" ft'
Trenton' bank. C:. , par
Yarilleyville•bridge , .
company ~,!
~. .25.
1 The Bank's of the state ,
i of Delaware, are.. all at
.pia,r.,„ ,
:I ,:NE W • :
New York Oilybk,s, fi
' iateiseq bftali,f „
s' , 60
Ctiatmi•kmili ' 40
C°iiimira9i l i.o lll lk 'lO
Lafayettetheakt • 'ErOl.
Mrashing,Voit bank 70b,
'Alldghany county I f
banktp.,,i; .-:••: kJ 701
Bank; of America i , 35.
do . , „of Pommerce 40 ,
; do , ortiockport ,' 35,
'do ''qr Loal , - . ' 25,
`do: •of Olean , .. 35.
!'d'ol ,of Tonawanda 50'
, filo•r of,/..yqns: ,• ; 2h.
i dq pf• Western f
',_ New,,York „ 30 ,
Binghatnitton bank' 40.
Canal:l4W .' ',' ' 5.
Oattarankus county
`"bank' , •. '.l; .1 .r•• .. . 35 '
Btie. connty,bank, • 50'
' 4 B.r.inersDitit i leli
b an k! t • . • ~.. 1. , . 5 .,
Piiriiii.fliattk`of Se
4, Veen/ Orlun'tym , '" " MP
• ' Hamilton; ban kit r,s• 30'
Lewis.eountx,bank 60*
• Mecliattifil l bmls at i 46.
,‘ p u gla o ,r• 45.
'{ • Blitfttlii- 4 • • • ' l ' , '• .: 40' ,
Milletabankliflteir •
...;roik .f . In . .' •2 : ,I: 101
0 slirr.o !bar ~,- „ , . 20'
lihenix,ban f 35.
Stant] hap Bank i 50'
Stlite 4:12014MY 7 5 SO ,
St;Lit'irel'fiellatiki ' 75'
• t alcqb . „ ~ ;1 t I 25 ,
N. •Y l l i',# , le. 7 °
T.Mth t.i fir i tits':
r ,Vlrtiii4 l iii %Mk= 5.
' o/0041111t di aliffisotit ~
mentidned in the atiove :.
list are from 1 Ito 2 per .:,,f'
cant disputant.. . .. , •..,
• ,
mks Marked yrithadasJW'.