W./ Latest News from California. By the arrival at New York of the steam ship Empire City, from Chagres, via King ston, we have files of the Alta California to the' dof August inclusive. The intelli gence by this arrival is of much interest, apart from the mere business of gold gath ering, as to which the accounts do not vary essentially from those heretofore received. 'From the Palo Alio California, August 2d. Pioneer Companies arrived.—The ad 'Vance companies of the Rocky Mountain emigration are entering the country by the , horthern route. A few members of the first party are in this place. A letter from Sacramento City dated July 24th,,00ntains die following, intelligence. "Emigrants from Missouri, over the moun tains, are now arriving daily. The first party of packers has been here five or six days, and. reports four wagons in Pleasant Valley, about 100 miles above, and five or six thousand wagons on the way, and not far behind. Gold on Trinify Rivcr.—A party of , outrig men have returned from an explo lino,. expedition through the region intersec tedby the coast range of mountains, and re port having discovered gold on a river emp tying into Trinidad Bay, about 500 miles north of San Francisco, and near the boun dary line of the Territory. But very little its known respecting this portion of Califor nia, although there exists much reason to be lieve it equally rich in mineralsand precious metals. It is a gold region replete with interest, and the recent discovery of gold will un doubtedly tend to develope its mineral re sources. The Kelsey brothers, well known as energetic and experienced explorers and miners, conducted the expedition, and as re gards the productiveness of this new por tion of the placer, the accounts are highly encouraging. We trust shortly to learn still further of this discovery of gold on Trin ity river. Large piece of gold.—We were shown List week,at the store of Messrs. Cross, Hob son & Co, the largest specimen of gold we have yet seen. It is an irregular shaped boulder composed of quartz and gold, and measured 7 inches in length, by an aver age. thickness of 21 inches, and varies in width from 6i to 3 inches. About three fourth of its bulk is quartz, which we should think constitutes one quarter of its weight. The weight of the piece is 14 lbs. and 9.1 ounces Troy, which, at $l6 the ounce, would give s2,tl-10 as its intrinsic value, were it all gold. Deducting one quarter for the stone it contains, and its value is $2,130. The specimen has been purchased of Don Francisco Leon, of Mazatlan, for $3,560, and it is supposed to be interned for the cab inet of Queen Victoria. The End of a Revolution. A few weeks since we felt called up') to, vindicate in our columns the course ta ken by the citizens of San-Francisco, in creating a Legislative Assembly and at tempting to establish and put into operation a form of government for the general police of this district. We then narrated its rise and progress. We now record its down-fall, By the feat of the people—those who made it—it has died. The resignations which we published last week, and those which we flaw give, settle the question beyond doubt. When the Legislative Assembly became satisfied that the course of Gen. Riley to wards them, and the position they had as sumed, would tend only to discord, anarchy, violence, and perhaps blood-shed, if each party insisted upon its position, though they bad no doubt of the correctness of the prin ciple they had advanced, they were unwil ling to use the powers vested by the pec ple in them for the production or perpetu.t 7 tion of civil strife. They therefore resolved, and wisely, in our opinion to appoint a day when the ques tion should be taken I y ballot as to their further continuance in office. Monday, the oth inst., was the day fixed upon, and the election held on that day showed the follow ing result : For the Legislative Assembly, - Against do do Majority, The exliibitien on its face would seem to present an overwhelming majority in favor of the government estabiiShed in Febuary last, but an examination of the facts will prove what has, perhaps, never been prov ed before, 'that "figures will lie." . When this goiernment was first elected, the high. est number of votes polled for any one can didate was 590. Taking this as the actual vote in favor of the government, and at that time there was no opposition to it, shows that 410 voters did not come up to the polls. If we keep in view also, the fact, that the number of legal voters resident in the town must have increased at least two hundred, we then have the fact, that at least 600 of the resident voters of San Francisco 'have failed to be at the polls. Now, although by all the ordinary rules of elections, the result shown by the . ballot box is the law, yet'in this case the public and the Legislative As sembly seemed to have adopted a different construction. The Legislative Assembly,. and the government established by it, hat therefore ceased to exist. From tho Panama Star, !►ugust, . 25th. The Steamer California arrived this morn ing, 21 days from San Francisco, 51 passen gers. and near $700,000 in gold; Also, the British Steamer Chile, 11 days from Callao, 13 passengers, and $615,000 in bullion and coin. English barque John Hutchins, arriv ed Wednesday, 22d, 160 days from liar tlefield, England,. with coal for Amercan Oteamen. American barque A nahuas, from New ;York : , coal and provisions for Ameri can Steamers, and • f 0 passengers for Cali fornia. ilhafol in lowa.—New discoveries of lead ore have been made about two miles west of Dubu que, towi—it is said that there is between 70,000 pnd 100,000 lbs. of mineral in sight, With good frospect fur more. - On Sunday last by the Rev% Mr. Yeager, Mr. Charles Folk, to Miss Rosalinda &fancier, both of Macungy. On the same day, by the same, Mr George Hutroth, to Miss Fanny Weiss, both of Up per Saucon, On . the 4th of September, by the R Mr. Dubs, Mr. Mcrwine Newhard, tWiss Matilda Huber, both of South Whitehall. On the 9th September, by the same, Mr. Solomon Bear, to Miss Lovina D. Long, both of North Whitehall. HIED. On last Fridayevening, John. Keilier, son of Peter Keiper, of Easton, in the 39th year of his age. In Philadelphia. on Sunday last, Mr. George Heckman, formerly of Easton, aged about 60 years. - On the 7th of-September, in South-White hall, of I)ysentary, Daniel 31exander, son of Benjamin and Susan Beisel, aged 6 months. On the 12th of September, in fleidelbitrg . of Consumption, Benjamin Schnabel, aged 11 months. On the 12th of September. in Whitemarsh, Montgomery county, Of inflamr.tion of the brain, John Jacob, son of Dr. Franklin and Anna Maria Martin, aged 3 years. On the 14th of September, in North Whitehall, of intermitting fever, Mary don, daughter of Philip and Maria Strauss, aged 19 years. On the 14th, of September, in Hanover. of Dysenta ry,.llexander, son of Simon and Abigal Schneider aged 9 years. • DIYkaYK4 TIDIIII 4 I 4,111, By virtue and in pursuance of an order issued out of the Orphans Court of the coun ty of Lehigh, there will big exposed to pub lic sale, on Saturday the twentieth day of October, 1849, at 10 o'clock in the fore-noon, upon the premises, a certain, Message and Tract of Land. ‘vith the appurtenances, situated in North ampton township, in the county of Lehigh aforesaid, bounded by lands of the North ampton Water Company, Solomon Grriese mer, Simon Schweitzer, Jacob Troxell, and others, containing eighty six acres and six teen perches, strict measure. The improve . tnents thereon area . one and a half story stone dwelling P4-kr il i . Li OUS E 9 a large Swiss barn, Press House, and other out buildings, Tenant House and frame Sta ble ; a good Apple Orchard and other fruit trees are on the premises. The little Le high Creek passes through the whole breath thereof; the whole being under good fences and in a high state of cultivation. . ALSO.—The one moiety or undivided fiff hall part of a tract of WOODLAND; situated on the Lehigh Mountain, in Sali.slCurg township. bounded by lands of John Bower, late. Owen Rice and others, containing. twenty eight acres and seventy. nine perches, strict measure, being good tim ber land. 13eing the Real Estate of David Lriben verger, deceased, late of the township and county aforesaid. Terms on the day and place of sale, and due attendance given by JONATIIAN Bir:BER, SAMUEL BUTZ, Sdnistrs By Order of the Court. Sept. 20 PuBLIC S. , ILE Of Valuable Real Estate. Will be sold at Public Sale,• on Friday the 12th day of October next, at I o'clock in the afternoon, on the premises, the fol lowing valuable real estate, to wit : That Noted Beautiful Farm, situate in Lower Milford township, Bucks county, on the public road. leading from Bethlehem to Charlestown, 10 miles dis tant from the former and 5 miles from the latter, bounded by lands of Jacob Bach, Ja cob Weiss, George ,Steinman, John Miller, David Eberhard, and others, containing 44 acres, more or less, 4 acres thereof are of the best Meadow land, through phich a never failing stream of water runs, suffi ciently strong, to drive any kind of machin ery with ease, 0 acres are of the best Wood land-.that can be found in the neighborhood. The improvements thereon are a durable 4 v.. „,.,. two story - "FI . 1. , m. Stone Dwelling ...House, with a one story kitchen attached, a large log Barn, new Wagon house, and all other necessary outbuildings. Two large .t . t . APPLE ORCHARDS, grafted with the best fruit that could be ob tained. The whole tract is.enclosed „with the best fences, and is in a high mate of cul tivation. A more convenient farm can not be found in the county. . , • id - 160 The canditions will be made, known et . , the day •or sale and due attendance given by A. K. WITTMAN. Sept. 20. t-4w Polunteer.Caudidate Sot the Legislature. To the Free and Independent Voters of Le-. high and Carbon Counties. FELLOW CITIZENS! I take this method to inform the voters of the Representative dis trict composed of the Counties of Lehigh and Carbon, that I offer myself to their sufrages as a Volunteer Candidate, for the State Legislature, at the ensuing election, should I be so fortu nate as to receive a majority of your votes, I pledge myself to discharge the duties s with fidelity and to the best of my abilities. JAMES ANTHONY. if —to Sept. 20, 1819, MARRIED. J. D. LAWALL Clerk. 11-4 w U' 310 MILL By virtue and in . ptirauance•of an order issued out of the Orphan's Court of Lehigh county, there will be exposed-to public Sale, on Wednesday the 17th day ofOctober next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the houSe of Jacob Ochs, in Upper Saucon township, Lehigh county, •. Two Valuable Tracts of Land, Situated in said Upper Saticon township, bounded by lands of John Mohr, Jacob Al,gardi David Fry and others, con taining 7 acres and 92 perches. The inn proveinents thereon consist in a one and a half Story .. viii, Stone illevelliaag Ao • • • 'q•-cift'! HOUSE, ..- . -7- 44., -- Log Tenant [louse, Frame barn, and other Outbuildings, a well with a pump in it near the house. The• land is all en closed-in good- fences, and is of the very best quality farm land. There is on the i t t tract a very large variety of • Fruit Trees. No. 2. . R Tract of Woodland, 4 , situate also in said Upper Saucon . township,. bounded by lands of Jacob ICeck, Nathan Grim, Andreas Wind and others, containing 2 acres and 139 perches. It is the real estate of Charles Ochs, de ceased. The conditions will be made known on the day of Sale, and due attendance given by A. K. WITTMAN, Agent for Jacob Ochs, the Administrator. By Order of the Court, J. D. LA WALL, Clerk. Sept. 20 --- Public Sale Of Valuable Real Estate. Will be sold at public sale, on Tuesday the 2d of October next, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, on the premises, THAT SPLENDID FARM, situate in Upper Saucon township, Lehigh county, on the street leading from Allen t iwn to Coopersburg, about one mile above Heller's Tavern, bounded by lands . of Jo seph Molirey, Andreas Wind, Abraham Blank, and others, containing 151 acres, more or less. The improvements consist in a double two story STONE DWELLING IV 2 • HOUSE, two Stone barns, Wagon house, Spring house, and other necessary outbuildings, a never failing spring near the House and Barn. The Farm is of the best quality lime stone land, and is at present in the highest state of cultivation and in good and substancial fenc ing. A proportionable Fart of it is good meadow land, about 65 acres is heavy timber land, the balance farm land, there is also a first rate APPLE ORCHARD on the premises. Persons wishing to examine the proper ty will please call upon Mt. George Weber, who resides on the farm, or upon the under signed owner, near Hellertown. The conditions will be made known on the day of Sale and due .attendance given by GEORGE A. WEBER. Sept. 20 Philadelphia & Wilkesbarre Telegraph Company. A meeting of the Stockholders of the Philadelphia and Wilkesbarre Telegraph Company will be held at the dinericao Ho tel in the Borough of Easton, on Thursday the 4th day of October next, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. G. H. HART, President C. H. SAMSON, Secretary. Sept. 20, Dissolution of Partnership. The partnership between the subscribers, under the firm of Dillinger 4. Craig, was dissolved on the 6th day of March last, by mutual consent. AU persons indebted to the said firm, are requested to make pay ment to either of the said partners, before the first day of September next, after which day the Books of the firm will be placed in to the hands of a Magistrate for collection. Those having claims against the said firm will present theth immediately for settle ment. . JACOB DILLINGER, WILLIAM R. CRAIG. August 16 rtcoulacom. Notice is hereby given, that the under signed have taken out letters of Administra tion, of the estate of Scheir, dec'd., late of Salsburg township, Lehigh county. Therefore all those who are indebted to said estate, wpll see tha.rtecessity of settlingtheir accounts from the date hereof, and such who may have any de mands against said estate, will present their claims well authenticated within the above specified time. HENRY SCHAFFER, t Sdm'ors. DANIEL RITTER, • Sept. 6. 11-6 w XICOTPLUMIOQ The Court of Common Pleas of Lehigh county, (sitting as a Court of Equity) having appointed the undersigned a Receiver for the late firm of Wagner & Huber, of the Bor. ough 'of Allentown. All persons who are in debted to the said firm, are therefore requir ed to make payment to the subscriber, his agent , or attorney, and to any one else—and also all persons having in their posession property belonging to said firm, are reques ted to deliver the same to the said subscri ber. Those having claims are requested to exhibit their' at as early day. fidelity and to the best of my ability. . H. C. LONGNECKER, Receiver. Allentown Aug, W. • ¶-6w PUBLIC SALE Of batuable Real estate. Pursuant to the last Will and Testament bf Marlin Lazarus, deceased, late of Salts burg township, Lehigh county, will be ex posed to- Public Sale, on Wednesday the 10th of October next, at 12 o'clock at noon, on the premises, the following Valuable Real Estate, Consisting ofa beautiful Farm, situated in Salsburg township, Lehigh county, about 5 miles south of Allentown, adjoining the Lit tle Lehigh Creek, containing 105 acres and 59 perches, strict aneasu re, of which- 10 acres are woodland, a porportionate shere.nf good meadow land, and the balance amble land, bounded by lands of David Kemmerer, Na than Mink, John Reinhard, and others.— IL. The improvements thereon consist ( 44..41 1 pm in a good two story • Dwellin g ; Meuse, • part Stone and part Log, with a never-fail ing Spring in the celler. A large Swiss Barn, besides other necessary Out- !:447. 2 buildings, a thriving Orchard with 4 70 1 CHOICE FRUIT UREA ALSO—A Forge is t heron erected, with a never failing water power of 8 feet head and fall, sufficient to carry on any similar works. Iron ore being in abundance in the neighborhood. The Conditions will be made known on the day of sale and due attendance given by JACOB STERNER, Tv • rs. STEPHEN KIECUEL, September 13, New Canblorbf.s! Mauch Chunk hotel. T-5w , 1 The subscribers take rte- this method to inform _i-7' . 7. :.' ' n • i4V-.." .:':-• a;•'' . the citizens of Mauch -5- 111.4 r tll-.Chunk, and the public in general, that they OPoty: 1,4 ~ have rented and now ------- ' - '"; -- - 7 -" .occupy the well known tavern-stand of Mr. Alexander Stedman, in Mauch Chunk, so extensively known as the &Manch Clmnk Hotel, which has been refited in the most comfort able and - fashionable manner. They have occupied the same from the first of Au gust last, and they will make it their busi ness to add many other improvements, to the convenience of those who may favor them with their custom, and make it equal if not superior to any putilic house in the place. Their Bar will be supplied with the choic est of- liquors, there Table set with all the season affords, and their Beds are all !ley/ and clean ; in short, neither trouble or ex pense will be saved, to accommodate their customers in the very best manner. Their stabling is large and convenient. with the hydrant water in the yard, and an attentive ostler to attend to customers. They trust their streneous exertions to ac comodate those who may favor them with their calls, will be the means of bringing them numerous new customers. PETERS & ESSER. September 13; 1849. ¶-4m Fall Millinery Goods. JOHN STONE & SONS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN SILKS, RIBBONS, AND MILLINER GOODS, No. 45 South Second Street, Philadelphia. ml Are now opening• for the Fall Trade, a very handsome assortment of /1//7.LLVER Y GOODS, chiefly of their own importations—to which they trill constantly b.• making additions. 'l'hey have now in store: Figured Satins—new designs. Figured and corded Bonnet Goods. Corded and Plain Velvets, of all colors. Bonnet Satins. Fancy Bonnet and Cap 'Ribbons, in great ¶-4w variety. French and American Flowers. . French Fancy Feathers. Laces—Quillings—Tabs. Bonnet Crowns, Buckrams, &c. &c. Together with every article used in the Millinery trade ; all of which gll6 offered at the lowest market prices . Sept. 20. The Great China Store OF PHILADELPHIA. Thankful to the citizens of Allentown and its vicinity, for their increased custom, we again request their company to view our large and splendid assortment of CHINA, GLASS & QUEENSWARE. Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, and single pieces, either of Glass, China or Stone Ware, sold in quantities to suit purchasers, for less than they can be had elsewhere. In fact at less than Wholesale Prices. -- American and English Britannia Metal Goods, In giiiter.skriety than ever before offered in the city. EliKor CHINA in a great tin rid!, very cheap. • 13r We would invite any person visiting the city to call and ace us—the'y will at least be pleased to walk around our beautiful store and to view the finest China and the cheap est the world produces. Very respectfully, TYNDALr. & MITCHELL, No. 219 Chesnut Street. Philadelphia, Sept. 20, 11-Iy-8 " • la CO 1 2 a S CO I The friends ofEducation will assemble in County meeting, on Saturday the 29th day of September next, at one o'clock in the.af ternoon, in the Court House, in the borough of Allentown, for the purpose of appointing Delegates to the National Common School Convention, to be holden at Philadelphia on the 17th of October next, and to adopt such other measures to further the cause of general education. MANY. - September 13. 11.-3 w LOOK NERO The undersigned has just received a large and splendid assortment of • PERFUMERY, to which he most respectfully calls .the at tention of the fashionable public—his varie ty consists in part of the following articles to wit : Velno's Parisian Ctirling Fluid, Jules Hauer a Hair Restorative, Pomade, Phil osome and Maccasser Oil, Ox-mar row, Mc' Curdy's Crystaline, Med icated, Sand, Patniyrine, Hauer, • Comic and other Soaps, Ex tract of Cologne, Briggs' Russian Cosmetic, Patch- ony, Rose, Musk 4.c., Steel Beads, Rings, Tassels; Dressing, - Side, and Back \..) combs, Toil et Powder, Hair and Tooth 11 rushee. ALSO.—A large variety of other articles, to numerous too mention, an of which will be sold at the most reduced prices. ta'"Please call and see Sept. 20 Election Proclamation. PURSUANT to an act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, entitled "An act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth," approved the second day of July, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, I Charles Buie, Sheriff of the county of Le high, Pennsylvania, do hereby make known and give notice to the electors of the county aforesaid, that a General Election • will be held in said county of Lehigh, on the Second Tuesday, (9th) of October, 1849, at which time State and County Officers, as follows, are to be elected. to wit : One Person for Canal Commissioner of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Two person to represent the district, com posed of the counties of Lehigh and Carbon in the House of Representatives of Pennsyl vania. T--4w One person for County Treasurer of the county of Lehigh. One person for Commissioner of the coun ty of Lehigh. One person for Director of the Poor of the county of Lehigh. Three persons for Trustees of the Acade my in Allentown. And that the Electors of the county of Lehigh aforesaid, on the said second Tues day of October next, will meet at the sever al districts, composed of the Borough and the several townships following, to wit : The electors of the borough of Allentown and Northampton township, at the Court house in said borough. The electors of Salsburg township, at the house of John Yost, in said township. The electors of South Whitehall township, at the house of .dlaxander W: Lotter, in said township. The electors of Hanover township, at the house of Charles RittPr, in Rittersville. The electors of Upper Saucon, at the house of Edward Seider, in said township. The electors of Weisenburg township, at the house of Isaac Left, in said township. The electors of Heidelberg township, at the house of Peter Miller, in Saegersville. The electors oLNorth Whitehall township at the house of Charles Stapp, !n said tsp. T e electors of Lowhill township, at the house l3 ) of - L 4P. Buchman, in said tsp. The elector of Upper Ilacungy township, at the house of Nathan lf. - eiler, in Fogels ville. The electors of Lower Macungy town ship, at the house of Peter Haas, in said township. The electors of Upper Milford township, at the house of Henry Dillinger, in said township. The electors of Lynn township, at the house of James Seiberling, in said town ship. The electors of Washington township, at the house of Mr. Dennis Hunsleker, in said township. In pursuance of an Act of General As sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, entitled, "An act relating to the elec tors of the Commonwealth," passed the sec ond day ofJuly, A. D. 1839: "That every person• except Justices of the peace, who shall hold any office or ap pointment of profit or trust under the gov ernment of the United States, or of this State, or of any city, or incorporated district, whether commissioned or otherwise ; a sub ordinate officer or agent: who is or shall be employed under the Legisfative, execu tive or judiciary department of this State, or of the United States, or of any city or in corporated districts, and also that every member of Congress, and of the State Leg islature, and of the select and common coun cil of any city, or commissioners of any in corporated district is by law incapable of holding or exercising at the same time, the office or appointment of Judge, inspector ro clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no inspector, judge or officer of any such election, shall be eligible to any office to be then voted for. I -5w -1 4 Agreeable to the provisions of the sixty _first section_of_said act, every-General-and- Special Election, shall be opened between the hours of eight and ten o'clock in the forenoon, and shall continue without inter mission or adjournment until seven o'clock in the evening, At which the polls will be closed. And the Judges of the respective dirtricts aforesaid, are by the, same act required to meet at the Court lintise in the Borough of Allentownon the third'daf after the said Election. being Friday thi , fifteenth dhy of October, then and there 'to• perform the things required of them by laW. CHARLES THRIE shell" Sheriff's Office, Borough ofZ Allentown, Sept, 20 1749 S. ILitilbalta a C. I. DEPE W. /-4w pricto entrat ARTICLI4.." . I Per AllentErut:OnPhilda. • Flour Barrel 600 6 . .15 00 Wheat .. . . Bush. 100 9 1 05' Rye ~ . . 00 - 58. Corn 60' Oats 28 So as.. Buckwheat . . -- 40 40 50- Flaxseed. . . 1 25 1 80 1 26 , Chverset.d . . 3 00 4 4 00' imothyteed . -- 200 2.00 2 00 . Potatoes .. . 60 85 05. Salt 40 45 40' Butter .. . . Pound 12 12 15 Lard 8 10 0 Tallow . . . . 9 9 8. Beeswax .. . 25 25 29' Ham 0 8 17' Flitch .. • • 6 0 8' Tow-yarn. . . 8---8 o' Eggs .. . Doz. 12 'l2 10 Rye Whiskey Gall. 22 25 28 Apple Whiskey 25 25 25. Linseed Oil . . 05 05 _6B. Hickory Wood Cord 4 50 4 50 6 08" Oak Wood . . -- 3503 50 5 05. Egg Coal . . . Ton 375 400 450 Nut Coal .. . -- 2503 00 350 Lump Coal . . 350 350 3 60. Plaster . . . 4 50 4 50 2 50' arMERTZ & LANDIS have just received a. large and splendid assortment of cheap and' fashionable Fall and Winter Goods which they will sell at the cheapest prices. Call and examine their mech. September 20. 11--1 w ASSIGNEE SALE OF V aluable Real Y_Asate. The subscriber, assignee of .tindrew' Klotz, will sell at public sale, on the prem— ises, in the Borough of Allentown, in the• county of Lehigh, Pa., on Thursday the 27th , day of September, inst., at 10 o'clock A. M., the following described Real Estate, former- • ly the property of the said Andrew Klotz. No. 1—.9 101 of /and with the appurtenances, situate in the said borough of Allentown, on the west side of Allen street, at its intersec- • tion with the public road leading from Read-• ing to Easton, 30 feet front on said Allen street and 230 feet deep. The improve-- ments on this lot consist of a TWO STORY ROUSE, you 27 feet front and 53 feet deep, part '' ly frame and partly brick, with Store room and cellar in the lower story. The store room has been newly fitted up with shelving, and furnished with counter, &c. for mercantile business. The other part of the house is conveniently divided in kitchen, dining room, parlor and bed rooms. There is also a large and excellent Garden on the lot—a number of excellent fruit trees, grape vines, shrubbery, &c.—and Hydrant at the door—and also a good frame Barn. As there are no stores in that immediate vi cinity, the location is one of the best in Al-. lentown for the mercantile business. -No. lot of land in said borough, 30 feet front on Allen street and 230 feet deep, and adjoining the lot above describ ed, without improvements. No. lot of land in said borough, 36 feet more or less on Ann street on the west, on the south 263 feet more or less on a public road, on the east 133 feet more or less on a public alley, and on the north 240 feet, also on a public alley, numbered in the plan of said borough 601. No. 4—Three contiguous lots of land, situate in said borough, on the south side of Turner street, numbered in plan of said bo rough 604, 678 and 602—the two first ex tending in front on said Turner street 60 feet, and the third 40 feet, and each extend ing in depth 230 feet. it t No. 5-:—.l lot or tract of Woodland, in Salsburg township, in the county of Le igh aforesaid, containing 8 acres and 20 perches of land. ALSO-31 the same time and place: an Won safe, one horse wagon with body, fanning mill, and other articles of personal property. The condition will be made known on tho day of sale, and duo attendance given by, GEORGE FIN, .gssignee. 11--Sw Sept. 6 Farmers Wad T For Sale. A good and well cultivated Farm, con taining 92 acres, situated on the Philade! , phia and Allentown Turnpike Road, on' which it fronts near one half mile. It is two miles above Line Lexington, in Hatfield , , , township, Montgomery county.• Twelve acres of it is good WOODLA.NIP 2 twelve acres of superior good Meadow, well' watered with a small stream running through it. The remainder is in as high a state' of cultivation as any farm in Montgomery or adjoining counties. There are several' never failing springs of water upon the pram-' isea, and a good well with a pump, near the door of the dwelling. Tho buildings con sist of a good two story . Stone DwellingMousey, • good Barn, and other outbuild- • ings. There is a variety of fruit trees, such • as Apple, Pear, Plum, Cherry and Grape. It is convenient to Churches, Schools, Stores' and Mills. This Farm will be sold reasonable and on accommodating terms. Twenty-five hun-• dred dollars may remain on Mortgage upon the property. The undersigned, owner of it, is determined tasel4 as being faradvane-• ed in years, is anxious m relieve his mind' as much ae possible from the mires and Woe- . bles ofland pioperty. For further particu? - ... laid call on. • HENRY LEIPY,, :. (Hatter) Line Leitingtohy is ! ! !