The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, August 30, 1849, Image 4

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Clocks and Watches.
Charles S. Massey,
''RESPECTFULLY informs his friends
that he has recieved at his establishment,
nearly opposite the German Reformed
church in Allentown, a large assortment of
a l ' WATCHES,
I v-g,e consisting of GOLD and
',.. ;; C0 SILVER Patent Levers,
CN- !) 5 44 ;/* ; ()murder and plain Eng 7
lisp and French. Watch
es sold by him are warranted, and as low as
the same quality can be-purchased at other
establishments in town or elsewhere.
His assortment of Clocks consists of Brass
eight day, thirty hours, and alarm, from 3
to 12 dollars.
His selection of Jewelry consists in part
of Gold rings, Bracelets. Breastpins, Broach
es, Gold and Silver Pencils, Watch-chains,
Keys, Gold Pens, of a superior quality, &c.
He has also on hand a variety of
Such as steel-beads for purses-and work bags,
Silver tea and table spoons, Gold and Silver
Spectacles, to suit all ages, Spectacle glasses,
Silver thimbles.
Every ankle sold by him, is warranted
to be such as represented, and should they
prove otherwise can be returned, and the
money will be refunded.
His stock has been purchased with a view
to supply the citizens of this county with
good and genuine . articles in his branch, and
which have been selected from the best and
most extensive houses in New-York and
Philadelphia. Ilellopes by due attention to
his business, and liberal prices, to have a
share of patronage.
Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, repair
ed in the bestmanner and at the shortest no
tice. Old Gold and Silver taken in ex
change for Goods. Call and see, then judge
for yourselves.
August 2, 1849
Amos Ettinffer
et 5
Ti,, and Copper Smith,
Takes this method to inform his old friends
and customers, that he still continues the
above business at his "old stand," where lie
has now on hand
100 C opi) Ycettles,
containing from two to thirty-seven gallons,
which in point of beauty and durability can
not be superceded, and which will be sold
at reduced prices. Ile also keeps on hand
an assortment of
tom a whistle to a still, a new kind of
Pumps for Cisterns or Wells, of different
Tin Roofing will be done in a workman
like manner, and at such prices that no one
will have reason to complain, who calls on
him: to execute this branch of business. Ile
has prepared himself in such a manner, that
he can contract to-day and
. finish to-morrow.
Whis/,•er/-S[i'//s are manufactured at the
shortest notice, and at the most reasonable
In short, all kinds of jobs, either in Cop
per or in Tin, will be done in a most perfect
manner, and will stand good for its durabili
ty in every respect.
To convince yourself of what is stated
above, it is only necessary to call at the first
of the three story brick buildings, on the
south side of Hamilton street, in the lawn
district, nearly opposite Ilagenbuch's Ilond,
two doors east of the "old stand."
Ur He keeps on hand an assortment of
Tin, which he will sell by the box or in
single sheets. He will also take in' ex
change for Copper or Tinware, all kinds of
old Copper, Brass, Pewter, and Lead, or
pay in Cash for dm same
May 17
Notice is hereby given that the route of
the telegraph line has been surveyed front
Philadelphia to Allentown. Operations have
been commenced, and the work contracted
for as far as Bethlehem. Timber is now
wanted for posts—either Chesnut White
Oak, Cedar or Locust-L-25 feet long, not less
than 6 inches in diameter at the top, reason
ably straight, perfectly sound, and free of
bark. For which the highest cash price
will be paid.
For further information apply to
Allentown, August 9. 1S•19.
P, S.-Stockholders are requested to pay
the first instalment on their shares Co Mr.
_ - -
Just received from New York 100 tkzen
best quality german slates and pencils, of all
sizes, which will be sold cheap, at wholesale
and retail, at the store of
August 2
A large lot of colored Wostred of all qual
ities, just received and for sale at the store of
Just received a great assortment of worst
ed and Crushea needles, at the Store of
C./14 ' IJ S P/11'E It%
A quantity of Canvass paper, just receiv
,ed and for sale at the store of
Aug. 2
Washington. Printing Press
FOR saLE. •
A Superior iron printing press, Washing
ton's patent, with a bed 22 by 34 inches, in
first me order, for sale at this office, on ac
commodating terms.—Address A. L. Ruhe,
post paid.
Allentown, July 10.
11 —3 in
J 21;
liolcsalc &Retail
Bou lig fiery,
Third door below the German Reformed
Church, south side of Hamilton street
Ur — Storekeepers, Pedlars and others, are
hereby informed, that they keep constantly
on 'hand a large assortment of the above ar
ticles, and can be accominodated at the short
est notice, and upon the most reasonable
teens, Wholesale or Retail
Aug. '2
. In pursuance of the Charter of Incorpor
ation, a Nleuting of the stockholders of the
Philadelphia, and Wilkesbarre, 'Telegraph
C'ompany will be held at the Public House
of Mr, Lewis .qpide, in the Borough of
/Joy/es/own, Bucks Co., Pa., on Tuesday,
the .Ith of September next, at 10 o'clock,
in the forenoon of that day, to choose a Pres
ident, Secretary, Treasurer, and ten Direc
tors for the said Company
August Iti
t-- lw
l'lnsr WEEK.
1. David Roth vs. George S. Xander.
2. Daniel Weiss vs. Godfrey Roth.
3. Morrison Lumber Co. vs. Yardley & Bach
4. Catharine Grim's use vs. Peter Schneider &
Terre Tenants. -
5. Same vs. Henry Schneider & Terre Tenants.
6. Stewart & Hopkins vs. Thomas Wickert.
7. Eve Licht vs. Henry Sellers.
B. Thomas Craig vs. The Lehigh Crane Iron
Co. & Sol. Butz.
9. James White vs. Eli Steckel and Edward
10. Benjamin Fogel vs. Jacob Hart & Leal)
I I. Fogel & Slough vs. Same.
12. Same vs. Same:
13. Same vs. Same.
14. William Fry vs. Amos Antrim.
15. Benjamin Grim vs. Elijah J. Gwen:
1. George S. Eisenhard's Executors vs. John
11. Helfrich Adm'r.&c.
2. Solo Mon Boyer vs. Gs' umer, Zerfass & Co.
:3. George Wassum vs. George Kern, George
Wassum and R. R. Levers.
4. Daniel Remcly vs. Same.
5. Jonathan Clase vs. Mathias Kerchner.
6. William Ply vs. Solomon Gangwcre.
7. Peter Ma uss and others vs. Herman &Ben
jamin Rupp.
8. Daniel & Benjamin Oswald vs. Adam Reitz.
9. John Kidd vs. James Puller.
10. A braham' Handwerlevs. Peter Wert.
11. Abraham Handwerk vs. Henry Peter A(1,
ministrator &e. •
12. Joseph Landenschlager vs. Isaac HAMS.
13. Michael Bastian & other's vs. Wanuemach
er & Fogel.
14. Charles S. Bush Executor vs. Henry Peter.
15. David Peter vs. Mut
16. Michael D Eberhard vs. William Edelman
17. John W. Patton vs. WriOt& Andress.
18. Keck & Stattler.vs..Contad Roeder.
19. Susan Able vs. GeorgO. Xander. .
20. Robert E. Wright vsnlenry Lorash.
21. William Walp vaAtephen Balliet Jr.
22. George Meitzler Vs. George Brienig.
29. Whaler & Erdman vs. Gorge Breinig.•
24. The Cominorphealth of . Pennsylvania vs..
Benjamin 4arrett.
From the Records, , Teste:
NATHAN MILLER, Prothonoteny.
Aug. 2. ¶-41.
r --4w
Great Bargains !
Another Arrival
Merl* & Land js,
Haying jtist returned from the city, are
now opening a handsome supply of fashion
able goods, which for beauty and neattiess
of style will compare with any in market,
and which will be sold at the very lowest
prices. Their customers and the public in
general are invited to give them an early
call, as goods will be shown with much plea
sure and without charge.
Just recived a lot of very fine Lawns,
Ginghams and.Bareges, also Alnpacas, Lin
en for Sacks, Linen drill, Mantilla and dress
fringe, with a good supply of Cloths, Cas
simers, all kinds of Vesting &c., for sale low
at the Store of
- - -
A general assortment of Coffee, Sugar,
Molasses, Honey, Tens, &c., for sale by
A quantity of gtound, fine and dairy Salt,
just received and for sale 'by
- e-
9/ifeen swam.
A splendid assortment of Queens, Glass,
and Earthenware, for sale by
t • .
• Looking Glasses.
A good assortment of Mahogany frame
Looking Glasses, for sale by
• -
1000 bushels Flaxseed, for which the
highest market price in cash or trade will
be paid by MERTZ & LANDIS. •
The inhabitants of Allentown can besup
plied with white or black oak wood, in any
quantity, if orders are left at the Store ac
companied with the CASE].
Window Blinds.
A lot of handsotne plain and. figured win
dow blinds and ‘vindow paper, for sale cheap
An ze3sortment of Ingrain and Rag Car
pets and Carpet chains, for sale by
1.1 Pi 1e• an 11,
-‘ • "••141;: '
The undersigned oilers at private sale his
very valuable
Y E. ill X.
IA a situated in the thriving
village of Catasauqua,
Hanover township, Lehigh county, (now in
the occupancy of Air. Nathan Fegrly,) .to
gether tor
er with another two story
0_ _ •
BR Wk.
I~avd a
ling House,
" with back kitchen, also a large sta
ble thereto belonging, sufficient to place 14
horses, with carriage house. A Lumber : lard
is likewise offered for sale, together with two
building lots, adjoining the Houses. -
Possession cun be given on the first of
April next.
Twenty to Thirty building hits are offer
ed for sale in the most thriving part of the
village, which for beauty of location cannot
be surpassed any where.
For further particulars apply to the un
dersigned. who resides near by and will give
all the required information.
Respectfully informs his friends and the
public in general, that he has just returned
from New York and Philadelphia, and is
now'prepa red to offer for sale the cheapest
and best assortment of Goods, at his old stand
in Hamilton street, five doors above 0. Sr, J.
Saeger's Hardware Store. His Stock con
sistsa mong, other things, of Brass Clocks. of
every description, at the lowest possible
nd other . flinches.
atm lea Spoons, Gold, Silver
and Plated Spectacles, to suit all ages, and
are warranted to be made of the best mate
Ilis stock of Jewelry is large and splendid
and comprises all the most fashionable arti
cles, such as Gold, Silver and other Breast
Pins, Ear and Finger Rings, Gold Watch
Chains, Keys, &c. Gold and Silver Pencil
Cases, Gold Pens of a superior quality, Sil
ver Combs, Musical Boxes, and a variety of
other limey articles. He feels confident
that the above goods are the best in market
and offers them to the public at the lowest
Ile would particularly call your attention
to his large stock of
and urge you to call on him before purchas
ing elsewhere, as he feels confident he can
not fail to suit you, not only with his articles
but what is more important, with his prices,
and would also inform the public that all his
goods are warranted.
17--3 m
- Clocks, Watches and .Jivrfiq, repaired
in the neatest and best manner and at the
shortest notice.
He feels grateful for the patronage already
extended to him and hopes that a strict at,
tension to his business, and a desire to satis
fy all who-may favor hint Nvith a call, will
secure for him a liberal support
July 12
11-1 w
WHEREAS, the lion. J. Pringle Jones.
President of the several Courts of Common
Pleas of the Third Judicial District, compo
sed of the counties . of Northampton and Le
high, state of Pennsylvania, and Justices
of the several Courts of Oycr and Terminer
and general Jail delivery, and Peter Haas,
and John F. Ru he, Esqrs., Judges of the
Courts of Oyer and 'Permitter and general
Jail delivery, for the trial of all capital of
fenders in the said county of Lehigh. By
their precepts to me directed, have ordered
the Court of Oyer and Terminer and gene
ral Jail Delivery, to be holden at Allentown,
county of Lehigh, on the
First illomby itt September 1819,
which is the third day of said month, and
will continue one week.
NOTICE is therefore hereby given to the
Justices of the Peace and Constables of the
county of Lehigh, that they are by the said
precepts commanded to be there at 10 o'clock
in the forenoon, of said day, with thsurjolls.
records, inquisitions, examinationC and all
other remembranceso.p, i 4e.these things
which to their offices appertain to be done,
and all those whoareibound by recognizan
ces to prosecute : . tigainst the prisoners that
are or then shall be in the jail of said coun
ty of Lehigh, are to be then and there to
prosecute them as shall be just.
Given under my hand in Allentown, the
9th day of August; in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred iind forty-nine.
• God save the commonwealth.
Sheriff's Office, Allentown, ? .
August 9, IS4 g—tc9. S
N. B. Magistrates are desired to forward
their,retUrns in cruninalcasesto the Deputy
Attorney General at once, and to request
prosecutors to cull at his office before court,
and thus afford sufficient time to prepare the
indictments, and othermatters necessary for
trial. The amount of unsettled ,business
renders this at present absolutely necessary.
August 5, 05.19. 111wLz
Capitaitits Look Here!
Tavern and Store Stand
For Sale.
July 19.'
The Cheapest and Best
Clocks, IPa Iches,
Clock, Watchmaker aud Jeweler
Allentown, Penn
His Ivatches consist in
art of
Gold and Silver Patent
never, Lupine, Quarlier
Owen Iloffm" an,
Clock, Matchmaker and Jeweler,
Next door to the New York Store, of Kern
and Samson, in Hamilton Street,
.dllentonm Pa.
The undersigned respectfully informs his
friends and the public. in general, that he has
just returned from New York and Philadel
phia, with a. very large and well selected
stock of
,';1--- 8 dny and 24 hour
-I ( , ) 3
8 4, ,f.L 6 ,
k ri.. 1; 6 1 f ront two to fifteen dollirs,
' . :,:-•:- --i- . ; and a full assortment of
~,f."! Jewelry. ' Among others it
b oat.
k:310111111111011011=1 comprises the following ar
ticles : Gold and Silver Levers, Anker Le
vers, Lapines, English, French and Swiss
watches, Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles,
for all ages; Silver Combs, Gold Breast pins,
Ear-rings and Finger rings, Gold pens,
Gold and Silver pencils, Silver Tea and Ta
ble-spoons, and a large variety of articles in
his line of business. He has also on hand a
large assortment Accordians, &c.
. The above stock is entirely new, and se
lected with the greatest care, and of the lat
est fashions and styles.
He invites the public to give him a call,
particulaily the Ladies, and to examine his
beautiful stock of Jewelry ; and he feels con
fident that he can satisfy them that his
goods are not only as cheap as can be found
in town, but will bear the strictest examina
tion for their purity.
He is thankful for past favors and trusts
that his prices and his beautiful assortment
will bring him ninny •new customers, to
whom he Will ever feel grateful.
E:irßepairing done at the shortest no
tice, all of which he warrants to be done
well, at the usual prices.
Daguerreotype Likenesses.
C. L. LOCLIMAN, returns his sincere
thanks for the very liberal patronage he re
ceived in this beautiful art, and would an
nounce to his numerous friends and public
generally, that he has lately received a new
Apparatus and ig now enabled to take iarg
er pictures than heretofore, and in the most
elemint manner. Ile will assure the
that his pictures shall beam with every
charm the original possesses, and that he is
enabled to adorn them with
"A grace beyond theseach of art,"
Every Young Man
shOU Id get his portrait taken, before the win
ter of a7e nips the fair blossom of youth and
leaves a rugged and care worn brow. And
11l IV 110 Se younger days this art was un
known, should not fail to procure their like
nesses fur their children or relatives—and
who so much charm and gladden the hearts
of all, excepting misanthropists, on whose
smilin laces sits joy and innocence in their
heavenly purity, should also have their pret
ty faces taken, which will e'er be looked
upon by parents as inestimable gems.
Ladies should wear black or dark figured,
and avoid pink or light blue dresses.
For children, figured or. plaid dresses.
For Gentlemen - , Dark vests and coat,
I-Us rooms will be found in the bou,,e for
merly occupied by Mr. Lewis Schmidt us
Drug Store
July 12
Lamps, Lamps, Lamps.
Just received a splendid lot of Candlebra,
Laid, Camphine and Fluid Lamps, which
will be sold cheap by
it, -4w
January 11
fLarge and Rich Stock of Carpets,
For Fall Trade.
The subst•riber, in addition to his former
stock, has just received, and has now in
store, a larfze and rich aszqirtinent of New
Styles English and American ,
manufactured to order, and decidedly the
handsomest goods in the market, all of which
are offi:red for sale, on the most favorable
Country Merchants and Strangers 'visit-
Philadelphia, who may be in want of Car
pets, are requested 'to look in and examine
this stock of desirable goods preyious to pur
chasing elsewhere, as they will find all goods
sold to be as represented, and at the lowest
market prices.
The assortment, in part, consists of:
English Tapestry,
English and. American Brussels,
" • •',' 4 •;0! 7 . Three-ply Imperial,
• Super. Ingrains,
with low priced Carpetings of all descrip
tions, Oil Cloth, Window Shades, Rugs,
Piano and Table Covers, Shecp Skins, Stair
Rods, Bindings, kc.
Also, a large assortment of. Rag, List and
Cotton Carpets, from 121 to 50 cents per
yard, at the Cheap Carpet Ware-Rooms, of
No. 25 North Second Street,
Directly opposite Christ Church, Philadel
phia. . . .
June 29
liViliow SC, *bOve. Ele*enth St.
HIDES taken in, with, great care, s 're
gards cuts and flaps.
ER'Country Tanners supplied on the
most liberal
April 10
4 m
11-2 m
11161 1 1 EDVII.I
I new 'House and a now Landlord.
The subscriber re
spectfully informs his
friends and the public
j generally, Unit he has
taken the newly erec
ted three story brick
tavern of cssc Grim,
at the northwest corner of Market Square,
in the borough of Allentown, called
The House is known as one of the most
spacious and cd l iivenieht in the State—none
inure so out of Philadelphia—and contains
41 rooms. He therefore feels assured that
he can accommodate satisfactorily all who
may favor him with a call.
Ills TA ISLE shall at all times be supplied
with the hest the season and the markets
allited, and the BAR with the choicest Wines
and Liquors.
The Beds and Beddihg, together with all
his furniture being entirely new, the pat
rons of this house may rely ,upon finding
those two great essentials—cleanliness and
The Stabling is large and commodious, and
us he will have none but kind and attentive
Ostlers, a due regard will be had to the pro
per entertaintnent of the House as well as
his master.
In short', the subscriber intends to-spare
neither pains nor expense to keep his house
in the best mariner, and he therefore re
spectfully invites the public to give him a call.
ErBOARDEIIS be taken on rea
sonable terms, and as the rooms are spaci
ous and well adapted to their wants, they
can be accommodated in a satisfactory man
ner. Families from town or country ac
commodated with Boarding,
Allentown, May 3, 18.19. ¶—tb
11 ay I(X 'Ralik CU
No. 73, Chestnut St., corner of Bank St
Has for sale the followino TEAS, to which
he invites the attention of the trade :
200 half chests Young Hyson Tea.
100 do. Gunpowder do
100 do Imperial do
20 •do finest Company Hyson do
20 cases, each containing 4 13 lb boxes,
finest Curious Young Hyson.
20 cases finest Currious Gunpowder.
10 do do Imperial.
200 half chests finest Chulan Powchong,
100 do Nino-yong Powchong.
30 do very finest (
100 do • second quality.
100 do Ninovong do.
50 chests English • Con .
. -
100 la. do do do. I Ilk of N America par Mechanics bank of
25 chests Padre Souchong. ' Bk of Pennsyl v. pa rl Newark
25 do fine Molwa do. Bank of Commerce Mechanics bank at
late Moyamensinw par Burlington par
1509 pounds prime Company Nutmegs. Ilk of N Liberties ° par ' Mechanics & Man-
These Teas have been selected by D. R. Bk of I'enn Towns. par ufficturers bank par
with great care frone the various late cargoes, i Farmers & Mecliampar , Newark banking &
and will be found to fully sustain the high ' ~IC,e"si",,.", par ; Ins. Company 4
:..anu, ,"gl '...s. ~.eehan
p p a a r r , New Hope & Dela
and unrivalled reputation which this estab
ware Br. Comp. failed
lisliment has enjoyed for the last forty years, Girard par Orange bank i
and his prices, as heretofore, will he loam! Philadelphia par i Peoples bank
as low as at any house in the United States. I Schuylkill par , Plainfield bank 150
A ugust 10. - T_:1, 11 Southwark par i Princeton bank par
Western par i Salem banking Co. par
- _
N. S. LAWRENCE Commercial Bank State bank 1 ' iv -
, t El.a
of Pennsrlv. par i bethlown, Newark, .
Ji mile)). the sale of Southworth ~llan- Bk of the U States 25 I Chnlen,N. Bruns
'fire/Wring Co's Writing Papers. Conyrity BANNS. ! wick, Morristown,par
Bk of Cliamberqbur, 1 'Sussex batik 1
Warehsr N
ouo. 3 ininor St. ' , . Union bank i
Ilk of Gettysburg 1 !
PHILADELPHIA. Bk of Pittsburg i , Trenton bank. co. par
100 cases of the above superior Papers Bk of Susq. County 5 Yardleyville bridge
company 25
now in store, and fo,i sale to the trade at the Ilk of Chester Co. par
Bk of Germantown par: DELAWARE.
lowest market price s,' consisting in part of-...
Fine thick Flat Cars, 12, 1.1, 15, and Hi I B I T ol: Lewistownfailed' The Banks of the state
• el Delaware Co.(A Par i of Delaware are all at
lbs., blue and white. • Bk of Middletown 1 p
Superfine Medium- and Demi Writings, ' Ilk olMontg. Co. par •
blue and white. Ilk of Nortlminher. car 1
I Ne ' Y •
mbia Bank u ork i
Extra super and superfine Folio Posts, ; I
Colußr idge Comp. &
panj Chelsea banC k ity bks
blue and white, plain and ruled.
Carlisle Bank I Clinton bank - 50
Superfine Commercial Posts, blue and I
i Doylestown Bank par Commercial bank 10
white, plain and ruled. - lEaston' Bank par: Lafayette bank 50
Extra super Linen Note Papers, plain I Exchange Bank i : Washington bank 70
and gilt. Erie Bank to ' COUNTRY DANKO.
Farmers & Drovers 1 .
Superfine and fi ne Bill Papers, long. and ' Alleghany county
Bank bank 70
broad. • ---- • I Franklin Bank 1. Bank of America 36
Superfine and fine Counting-Hotise Caps Farmers Bank of . •
do of Commerce 40
and Posts, blue and white. Bucks Comity par do of Brockport 35
Extra super Congress Caps' and Letters, Farmers Bank of
do of Lodi 25
plain and ruled, blue and whiv. Par do of Olean 25
Farmers Bank of .
Extra super Congress Ca p s and Letters, Reading par do of Tonawanda 50
gilt. Farmers' Bank of do of Lyons 24
Superfine Sermon Caps and Posts. Schuylkill co, •
par do of Western
New York 30
Superfine blue linen thin Letters. Harrisburo'lllnk 1
'•. ' n
Extra super Bath Posts, blue and white, Honesdale Bank 1
- Canal bank bank 40
Bank par c . . 2
plain and ruled.attaraugus county ,
Lancaster Co.4ank par
Embroidered Note Paper:, and Envelopes. Lebanon Bank • bank -ds
"Lawyer's" Brief Papers. Lehigh- Co. Bank 50
i Erie county bank, 50.
• Farmers & Drovers
SOperfine and fine Caps and Posts, ruled Lehigh Navigation bank 6.
and plain, blue and white, various qualities Co. Script. •10
Farmers bank of Se-
P Miners Bank of I
and prices. neca county 301
Also, 1000 reams white and assorted Sho ottsville
Shoe. ' p ar
Merchants & Manaf.
Papers, 13onnet Boards, white and assorted Bank, Pittsburg. i . Lewis county bank 110 ,
Tissue, Tea,' Wrapping. Envelope, assorted Monongahela Bank, I Mechanics bank at 46:
and blue Mediums, Cup Wrappers, Hard- Brownsville, I Buffalo 45.
Merchants bank at
ware Papers, &c. Taylorsvilte Del. i
5t.d.} , 5. . . . 11— Buffalo 400
6m Bridge Company, 50 Millets bank of New
t ,
York Mt
. ' :,. , 1 West Branch Bank, 1
Wyoming Bank, 1
York Bank, Oswego bank 20,
11 1Phenix bank 351
NEW JERSEY. IStaten Island bank MP
Beliidere Bank i State bank ofN Y 801
Burlington CountySt.Lawrence bank 75:
Bank par t Union bank . 110 i
Commercial Bank 11 United States bank 30
Ctimberland Bank ' par N. York bank. Ch. 70 ,
Farmers Bank par Tenth War4t bank, 2fr,
Farmers & Meehan- White Mains bank tr.
ics Bank, Rah way i 0:"All Other banks not.
Farmers & Merchants • mentioned in the above.
Bank, Mid. Point,- 4 list.are from No 2gpert
Morris County bank e• cent dlsoonnk
oc?The notes.omaltßanks mapked. wi 01 athiliks
(.....) are not pupchaaed by tile broker& •' ' .
Printers and Publishers
Of Newspapers are informed that the sub
scribers are extensively engaged in the man
ufacture of Printing Ink of every color and
quality, which they know to be equal to any
manufactured and which they will sell at the
very lowest prices for Cash. As they are
determined that their Ink shall recommend
itself, they only solicit one trial of it, relying
upon merits for future patronage. Their
Colored Inks are warranted superior to any
manufactured. A circular containing pri
ces, &c., will be sent to those who desire it.
Orders for Cash on City Agents accepted.
Stearn Printing Ink Worlcs, Philadelphia.
rirAgents for the sale of new and second
hand Printing Materials
August 16.
Joie pßir.7ler — z.,.7rG,
Neatly executed at die 412egister" Office
COMPANY of Philadelphia.
near Fifth street,
Chat les N. Bancker, Geo: W.. Richards,
Thomas Hart, Mord. D. Lewis,
Tobias Wagner, Adotp. E
Samuel Grant, David. S. Brown.
Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson.
CONTINUE to make Insurance, permanent
and limited, on every description of property, tn•
town and country; at rates as low as are Gnash:.
tent with security.
The Company have reserved a large Cimnn•
gent Fund, which with their Capital and'Piemi.
urns, safely invested, afford ample protection. La'
the assured.
The assets of the company, on January Ist,.
1848, as published agreeably to an Act of As , "
sembly, were as follows, viz:
Mortgages, $1390,558 6.'
Real. Estate, ' 108,358 90 1
Temporary 'Loans, 125,459 00)
Stocks, 51,563 2&
Cash, &c., . 46,158 87 •
$1,220,097 67
Since their incorporation, a period of eighteeril
years, they have paid upwards of one mil ion,.
two hundred thousand dollars, losses by fire, there••
by fainting evidence of the advantages of insu••
ranee, as well as the ability and disposition to•
meet with promptness, all liabilities.
The Subscribers are the appointed Agents of
the above mentioned Institution, and are now
prepared to make insurances on every descrip
tion of property, at the loWest rates.
Al KHISTUS 1.. RIME, Allentown.
C. F. BLECK, Bethlehem.
Allentown, June 13, 1848.
That application will be made to the next
Legislature of Pennsylvania, to incorporate a
Bank, with general Discount and other Bunk
ing privileges, to be located in the Borough
of Allentown, Lehigh comay, to be called
"The Farmers and Mechanics' Bank," with
a capital of one hundred thousand dollars;
with the privilege of increasing the same to
one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and
further providing to commence the usual
Banking privileges when fifty thousansidol
lars are paid in.
Christian Pretz,
Carlos Samson,
Amos Ettinger,
William Kern,
Nathan Dresher,
Jonathan Cook;
Jesse Schaffer,
A. C. lie ninge r,
Joshua Manse,
Tilly 5
(Officeled 11 - cekly pun theleneire,l'an Goitre., mid
• Thfintront's Delethor.)
Brandreth and Wrights Pills:
Country merchants and others, ate here—
by notified, that the far famous PjllB of
Doctors William A. Wright, and Benjamin i
Brandreth, are constantly kept for sale al
the office of the "Lehigh Register'. by the ,
DoNn boxes; at IVltolesule prices„, : .
. . .
April, 17,
5-771 w.
11-4 w
(E) V. 4)112
Peter Wyckoff:
Win. H. Newhard,
J. D. ',await,
J. D. Stiles,
J. Saeger, jr.
Janie:: H. Bush,
'l'. B. Wentper, -
Joseph BHA.,
Jonathan Kolb,
Bank Note tic.q.