The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, August 30, 1849, Image 3

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_.. ~'~''
ly in movement. He will not be sick, and
he is not. Great are as his bodily infirmi-
; Of the. Canada. . ties and sufferings he is strong and indefati-
: TheSteamship Canada,Captain Judkins, gable. His spiritual resources, his will, his
enthusiasm, endow him with the powers of
arrived at Halifax on the 2.3 d instant, brings
the following intelligence : . gtant,although his physicial strength is not
more than that of a boy of six years. He
The harvest-operations ha , ie commenced bids defiance to death that threatens him in
under favorable auspices, and advices from
so many different maladies : his spirit keeps
different agricultural districts speak well of the body alive. That spirit is still yoeng
the crops as giving good promise of abun- and vigorous, and can only cease to be so
dant yield throughout the Kingdem.. The ' when the too great tension shall have irrita
grain'tharkets therefore, have been a good ted the nerves to such a degree that they re
deal depressed this week, and at the close of fuse to obey the will, and tiles the organism
business yesterday most descriptions exhib- destroys itself. I do not express myself ,
it a declining tendency. Indian Corn is in clearly, but words will servo me no further.
rather better demand, owing partly . to the
—But to our labors.
depressed prices, and partly to the reports ['had scarcely taken my place when he
during the last few days of the potaine rot. ben-an to dictate a letter to Beni, for me to
, The Iron market is steady. arid prices, write, and so we were employed fur some
anything, are rather ithproved. • 1 hours, during which I wrote two letters and
The quantity of gold and silver impotted each of my c olleagues three, all by his die-
during the last six months has not been less ! ra ti o n; h e hiruself had in the „,,,„„ti n es'
'than six millions pounds sterling. prepared two dispatches, one fur Perc4el, the '
HUNGARY AND A usTin A. , Other rot' Comorn.
As far as it is possible to trace the opera- After nine o'clock lie left us work in abun
`Lions and position of the contending' armies, dance Kite the whole day, and went with
from the confused and conflicting publishe the Msters SzEminit: and DusettEn, who
'accounte, itseems that the flungarians were d I
came (Orilla' to the I louse of Represeuta
•at the latest accounts occupying the line of fives, taking a long with him some papers,
the 'Theirs, and that they still maintained on which he had made several memoranda:.
their position at Szegeden. Georgey is sup- I Ile came back about o'clock in the' after
: posed to be • somewhere about Tokay, but I noon, accompanied by several Represents!-
' there is no authentic account of his precise dyes, with whom he had a 'conference of two
position. The same uncertain prevails re- ours answering their questions and
specting Beni. in Transylvania, of whose op- gestions,, this did not prevent him from ex
' erations there are a great variety of reports. aminin , the documents we had prepared du-
The London . Daily News gives currency ring his absence, or from dictating more let-,
'to the following, on the strength of a corres- tors. While, he was thus dictating to us
pendent, who says that a courier from On- three or four letters, with totally dill'erent
lutz brought the news. contents, being given oft together by the
The Austrian and Russian army, 50,000 same lips, we had to be exceedingly careful
strong, after occupying Hermanstadt and to taking them down.
Cronstadt, and other small places, advanced i At six o'clock came more ittfritches, and
to Sarteani. Bern collected 40;000 m en and verbal inquiries, allcf which were answered
charged against them. The battle ended in without any delay. My dinner consisted of
n complete defeat of the Imperialists. They a glass of Wine, a piece of 1111111, and seine
fled precipitately, leaving 10,000 dead and bread, which I had on the tattle besides me,
wounded, nearly all their artillery, and ti and disposed of with the best appetite as 1
thousand prisoners,,among whom is General was writing. The Representatives with one
Halemburg. Bern took possession of [ter- exception, went away ; the one remaining
manstadt and. Cronstadt. sni down at the side of Kossuth and began
Under the head of the “Latest Intelligence," to help us. This made five Secretaries, and
the European times says the Vienna Journals to give you some conception of the labor of
of the sth instant, supply us with news from the evening, 1 will tell you that from half-
Hungary, of great itnyortance if true. It past 7to half-past 8 lie dictated to its, at the
appears th a t on the Ith instant. the Hunga- I same time, five letters, all of different con
rians stole a march and surprised the garri- tents ! Out of them was for Dembinski, one
son of Raab. A sharp conflict ensued, which to Bern, the third to Paris, the fourth to Vi
ended in the fortress and city being occui.i- ehna, and the fifth to Gyongyos ; two were
ed by the Hungarians, where they found 80, in German, one in French, and one in Hun
-000 lothels of eats, 21,00 head of cattle, and gar i an
large stores of tniscellaneous• provisions, Is it a man who can do such things ! •
which they carried to the citadel of Comorn; After this he was for seine time•d
nor were these all the trophies of their vie- with '
figures which he reckoned and re-chon
tory, for they captured six guns, and took ed in a state of almost perfect abstraction.
two companies of Austrian Infantry prtso- While he was thus occupied, his friend and
ners,• Klapha commanded the Hungarian family physician, the Doctor and Professor
troops, who afterwards left the city of Raab I Begat Pal came in and interupted him. Ile
imd took up their abode in the fortress, where
Erreeted the Doctor, kindly pointed him to
they seized the Vienna mails. , a chair, and returned to his occupation as be
fore. The Doctor took his hand. which he
Kassnih—A day in his Cabinet.
yielded to him willinoly, as if it did not be
• As you are already aware, at the very be- long to him, and held it for some fifteen min
ginning of the Hungarian Revolution, seve- toes, feeling the beat of the pulse, after which
sal Secretaries were appointed in Kossuth's lie withdrew without any father notice from
Cabinet, one of them understanding Bohemi- i Kossuth.
an language, another Croatian, another Ind- lAt 11 o'clock the head of one of my col
inn, another French and German, and all of I leagues was alyeady__ nodding and both nay
them understanding Magyar. Among them self and the One opposite me could hardly
1 had the place of Translator from the French i keep our eyes open.
into Ma!-ryar. While,we were still in Pt sill The clock struck 12, and the noise of the
. 1 worked in the Chancery at Buda, and had departure of the coo'ists from the neighbor
only now and theta the opportunity of seeing. ing room roused hint from his reflections,
Our Kossrru. But since the Chancery has "what time is it gentlemen t" he asked us,
• been removed to Debrectin 1. have been al- and when we told him it was just after 12,
most every day et his side—or rather I I he became unquiet and a cloud suddenly
might say day and night, for hardly a might spread over his brow. He rose from his seat
in the week passes away in which we are satiog,.llas no express arrived from Pesth I'
not compelled to be busy. I say we, for the t -No," leas the answer, and he began' to
great man always employs more than' one at j walk up and 'down the room. He did not
a time. I will accordingly endeavor, as far seem to think that it was high time to seek
as words will allow me, to introduce you in- rest, and .as if to prevent US fr 011)
to our workroom and let you behold with an idea, he said : ..There is work to be done
yoUr own eye'S, as an *observer, the Libera-• yet."
for of whom in America there is no just con- Finally, after waiting vainly for another
ception, who is even unknown in neigh- hour, he said to : "Let us take a little
boring countries, and whom k "
,v of your rest. gentlemen, while we are waiting ;
correspondents can describe, for there are will call coil when I need your help." He
I not many who have had the opportunity of went into his bed room, and we arranged our
carefully studying n Kossuth. selves on the benches and slept with our fa-
I hardly know how to begin as there is tigue as soundly as in the softest bed, But
hardly ever a pause in the course of his ac- our rest was not of long duration. • Between
tivity to start from, but for example, I will 3 and 4 o'clock the expected dispatches ar
write down for you the doingS of yesterday. rived. Still half asleep, we took our places,
Yesterday morning, after I had breakfas- and Kossuth, that NVatchumn of his country,
ted, I hastened to the Chancery—that is to dictated to us as before. At 0 o'clock in the
say. to Kos.suth's house, which contains four morning we received permission to to away
apartments, his sleeping-chamber, a parlor, i while lie went for a bath, though with a re
the Chancery were we four correspondents quest:to be Owne again by ti o'clock. We
have our places, and a small room for Copy- are young and strong, and such a night's
ists. Three couriers with dispatches were watching now and then ivili out injure us ;
in the room as I-entered, an 4 Kossuth sat but it 'is not so with him. How long can
at his usual place, with a pen in his right this Hero of the Nineteenth Century this
hand, and in the left the dispatches just guide of our fatherland amid the foes that
.brourrht him. I had 011ie too fate, for it was surround- it—how long can his spirit sustain
already past 5 o'clock, and another Secrets- the contest that it ever carries on with the
ry had prepared in my place two dispatch- little physical nature that is attached to it?
. es, which were sent offbeforms. As'l enter- —My frierid,if beyond. the ocean, in the
• -ed lie was employed in several ways : his I free and happy America, there are men who
hand was writing,lMs mouth was dictating, feel sympathy for our good cause, who de
his eye glanced at and read the opened dis- sire the success of our efforts, do not nekTilretr
patches, and his mind directed and followed prayer's so much for the triumph of.tie Mtig.
the whole. years as for the life of Kossuth, for'Hurigary
-He looked paler and mormsuffering than cannot be,contttleredio long as this incom
usual. A. glass of medicine stood at his side, I prehensible being, whose name is Kossuth,
(rout which he tasted from time to titnavas is spared, thought Russians and Austrians
if it were the means of keeping up his phy- enter the country by myriads, and though
• sical existence--Indeed though I haVu . of- thousands of our brethern fall as sacri fi ces of
ten worked at his side from early - in the Freedom. He is the image of Liberty,
• morning till late at .night, Ido not remember Equality and Fraternity ;he is the incarnate
having seep him stop -to take any nourish- spirit of justice ; he is the: Washington. of
meet except this mixture, and thought he i Hungary, and so Eljuit Kossuth !
does 'sometimes eat, I can assure you that
the 'amount of food which lie consumes is
hardly enough to keep a young' child' from
Orin Might almost say that the physical
part of hint has no longer an existence of its
oty`ri . i . .The than is nothing but spiritual en
, ..
ergy; for; if it were not so the perishing,
Sickly hull would-long since have been dis
solved in spite of all the' wisdom of the phy
sicians. But he is perhaps the only living
being whose mighty Will is alone sufficient
by its own force to urge forward the wheels
of physicial nature, and . keep theta co !slant
The sul scriber respectfully.solicits public
attention to his superior and tasteful stock of
Pocket Books, Pocket Knives, and
• Banker's Cases, • other fine Cutlery,
BM Books, Gold Pens li' Pencils, !
Dressing Cases, &gar Gases,
('art! Cases, . Chess Men,
Port /Jimmies, Back Gammon Boards,
- , Purses, Dominos 4-c., Ike.,
i His assortment consists of the most fashion
-6 Jonicinnot Zcciannalicro. i able and modern stylesi,of the finest quality
- and excellent worliniarighip, embracing eve-
The undersigned, residing in Wescoes- 1 ry desirable fancy pattern, , s which• be will at
vile, Lower Macungy township, Lehigh 1 •
all times be preParecl i to , exhibit ayid , furnish
county, wishes to emploY. 6 Journeymen Be
!.iirholesalein,retail-oinlieMokif.Pletising terms..
garmakers, to work on Spanish, Half Span- , 4:e Turchaserswhodeslie to supply them- ,
ish, and' CommOn, to whom he will pay thl''''s'elves with articles MI6 '.best quality will.
highest wages, and give permanent employ
,' I consult their own intermit:* calling at this
I "tent. if application be immediate l Y .mane ' Vestablishment. • F. SMITH, .
• ' WILLIAM D. RITTER, 1 Pucket Book Manufacturer, 52 Chesnut street,
Wescoeiville, August 20. — ll-4w 1 • PhiPa, August 30; 1849. If —6m- , 44
. - -
On . the 19th of August, by the Rev. Mr
Yaeger, Mr. Henry li. F. Degring, to Miss
Louisa Keller, both of Allentown. •
On the With of August, by the same,Mr.
Joe/ Roth, to Miss Catharine Schafer, both of
Upper Simeon.
On the same day, and by the same, Mr.
Eli Osman, to Mitisotelia Schneider, both
of Hanover.
On the same (lay, by the same. Mr. John
Burgrr,of North Whitehall, to Miss Olinda
Lerch, of Allen township.
On the same day, and by the same, Mr.
Charles Keiser, to Miss Clara Shifter, both
of Amur Ty.
On the 15th of August,hy the Rev. Mr.
German, Mr. Geo. Ileinbold, to Miss Mum
lwer, both of Upper Milford.
On the same day, by the same. Mr. Tril
lium Schantz, to Miss Sarah Arno Milker,
both of 'Upper Milford.
On the 23d of August, by the Rev. Mr.
Shindell, Mr. Cri,slopho: Lichlenwallneri to
Miss Susan Lowell, both of this borough.
On the With of August, by the Elev. Mr.
Dubs, Mr. fl ilson ,Viciy,le, to Mks, Eliza
✓Data Gall:, both of South Whitehall.
On Monday morning, the 27th of August,
of Consumption, in Millerstown, Susanna,
consort of John Maddern„ aged 18 years.
On the 15th of August, iu Catasimua,
Charles Henry, son of Dr. Willliain J. Ro
mig, aged 16 Months. •
On the 20th of August, in Lowhill, of
Dysentery, Elizabeth, daughter of George
and Maria Hash, aged 11 years. •
On the 19th of August, in North White
hall, or Dysentary, .111/red Peter, son of
ruel, and Ester Oswald, aged 6 years.
On the 2101 of August, in the Lehigh
County L'oor house, Elizabeth Brang, aged
about 41 years.
'41111T,11 OMB
FALL TERM 1849 )
Commences Monday Sept.:3(43.
The punctual attendance of all who pro
pose entering cannot be too strongly recom
The principles upon which the affairs of
the Institution are condutted, are too well
known to need extended remark. The pri
ces of tuition in view of .the ad vanta , es af
forded, it is thought are extremely moderate,
and it will always be the primary object to
afford the best facilities for what is common
ly termed a good Educa/ion, and in order
to do this, on the part of the pupil, punctual
and unbroken attendance is highly import
ant: One years continuous tuition is worth
times the amount in detached portions.
Further particulars as to Terms, Studies,
Text-books &c. can he obtained upon refer
to the annual Catalogue of the Institu
tion, copies of which will be cheerfully fur
nished upon application either by mail or
R. C. CHANDLER, Principal.
An. 30.
tEountij CErcagitar.
the rolers of Lchigh Coma!, !
At the solicitation of 1111-
merous friends, I have been induced to offer
myself as a candidate fur the otliee of
C eastut
and if nominated by the Democratic Comity
Con vyntion, would respectfully roiliest your
suflrng,e3 at the coming election. Should
you by your decision promote me to the of
fice; 1 pledge myself to discharge its duties
to your entire satisfaction,
Respectfully your fellow citizen,
' 1 Aug. 30. 111—.1.e
Sign of the Golden Eagle, No. 139 t• 143
South. Second Street, Wore Dock St.,
Keeps :diva ys on hand a large and fash
ionable assorunent of /fide and .Yrirfirry
SW Window Blinds, manufactured in the
best manlier, of the best materials, and at the
lowest cash prices.
!laving refitted and etilapred his establish
ment, he is prepared to complete orders to
any amount at the shortest notice. Constant
ly on hand an assortment of.
I •
:11 .4110 G ./1 :I'l FURNITURE
of every variety, manufactured expressly ,
I • •
for his own sales, and purchasers may there
] fore rely ow a good article,
J I liMJlpen in the evening.
Orders from a distance packed carefully
and sent free-of porterage. to nny part of the
city.' H. CLARK,
1 htl August 30 1819.
Pocket Bac* indittitaitori,
No. 524 Chestnut: St; above Seventh,
Another Gold Nine !
Lumps a GoAA
r. I to , he I=o
Purchasing Goods
New York Store,
where you will hind every variety and the
latest stylts, just received from New York
and Philadelphia. Every body wonders
how they can
Among this tremendous assortment of
goods may he found a rich selection of •
Alpines, Alpaccas and Bombazines,
also a. large variety of the most beautiful
colors of new style .
De Lains and Silk Goods,
10 pieces of French and German Mari
noes.. .
5 Cases Prints and 0 inghtuns, of all styles,
colors and qualities.
4 Cases di (grass bleached) Cambrics,
Shirtings and Sheeting's. •
50 Dozen Gloves of every
,color and de
.75 Doz. Silk and Cotton Hose, from 0 cts.
to $2 per pair.
100 pieces English, French.' Swiss and
German Linen. IVratight and Cotton - Lace,
Inserting and Edging.
Broad Cloth, Cassimeres and reslings,
that can not be beat for quality and cheap
ness, together with almost every other arti
cle now consumed or used in a family.
Aug. 30
(Ilvtwe,v . ws.
A large stock of all kinds and the best
qualities, now in store for those who• will
give us a call. KERN & SAMSON.
Aug. 30.
m .m.
P. Illids. of winter Min, cured in the best
possible manner, just unpacked at the New
York Store by KERN & SAMSON.
Aug. :10. - t—lf
. . _
•1 crates of superior style and quality of
Crockery and Glass Ware, opened for in
spection at the New York Store.
2000 bushels ground and fine Salt, which
will be sold very cheap for cash, at the N..
York Store, KERN & SANISON,.
Aug. 30. t—tf
110 OD.
1000 cords of good Wood, wanted in ex
change fur goods at the New York Store.
A wr. :(0. • • t—tf
Prod :ice.
The highest market price will be paid in
voods, for all kinds or product., ut. the New
lurk Store. KERN & SAAIS( IN.
Aug. 30
V Au.a, 1 4,1valk I:state,
At Public Sale.
will I. ,01.1 ;it public sal, on Sawnlrly
the 1,4 (.1' September next, at O . CIOCii, M.
:yen the preeliseS :
A Valuable Farm,
situated in Sa'bur!! township,Lehigh coun
ty, bounded by Inads of George Kemmerer,
intuit Keck, lleury Sterner and others, con
taining 51; acres more or less, 15 acres of
which are first quality Woodland, and the
balance good arable land, in a high state of
cuhivation and under good fences. The im
provements thereon are a good
_DOubte Dwelling
1 " • swiss barn, Wagon house, Cat
tinge house, ,and other necessary outbnild
-44.ing3. A large variety of
tr.k.; FRUIT. TREES, •
are on the tract, and a good Well of water
near the house. A stream of water runs
through the Farm. To say more, is dee
ed unnecessary as purchasers will examine
the property before the day of sale.
It is the real estate of the late Akan fable,
and %well worthy the attention of capitalists.
The condition will be wade knot 4 on the
day of sale, and due attendance given by,
Aug. 16. t.--3w
_ .
11.110 L .4- 11117:41/,
No. 238 Markel St., abooc . 7lh, south side,
Altliaglan scarcely estimate the val
ue of Tule nalin>z r ial tby calling at
the above Establidith t, at es larber will
furnish his friands,a 'ditg - Av he includes
all who duly apprec to italleetn s, with a
beautiful and perfect harfeicJor,ma ing its
progress, of whose value they can judge.
I lis extensive stock oa. hand, constantly
changing in conformity to the improvements
in taste and style of pattern and workman
ship, consist ofEight-day and Thirty-hour
Brasss Counting . House, Parlor, Hall,
Church and Marin Clocks, reneh,
end other fancy styles, as
. well as plain,
which .from his extensivo connection and'
correspondence with the manufactures he
finds he can put at the lowest cash figure
in any quantity from one to , a• thousand, of
which he will warrant the accuracy.
IV'Clocks repaired. and warranted. Clock
trimmings on bench
Call and see me among them.
JAMES BARBER, 238 Market St.
Philad'a, August 30 1849. ¶—IY-S
~ f ~K~4 y~_
;tw:~( -
?i~`Lc~'., .
Farm for Sale.
To be sold at'Public Vendue, on Satur
day the Bth day of SepteMber next, at 1
o'clock . in the afternoon, on the premises:
All that 'Valuable Farm,
lying partly* in Upper Macungy township,
Lehigh county and partly in Maxatawny
township, Berks county, on the public road
leading from Allentown to Kutztown and
Reading, where it crosses, another public
road, leading front Zieg,le Church to Long
swamp, adjoining lands of Sem Grim, Mi
chael Reichard, Seth K. Grim and others,
containing 118 acres and 146 perches of
land, the improvements area substantial two
.t.--41-4, story.
Brick Dwelling House,
I 4'i .
large stone Swiss Barn and oth
er outbuildings. There is also on the prom
ises a one story
" " and log barn.
There are also two apple orchards
i on the premises, there is about 10
acres of heavily timbered Woodland,
awl about 5 acres of Meadow, the rest nra
, hie laud in a high, state of cuhivation, and
as it is presumed that no person will pur
chase the property before first examining the
saute, a further description is deemed unne
The whole will be sold together, or in
parts, as will best suit purchasers. The title
on-exeeptionable, and possession given on
the first of April next.
Attendance given and terms of sale made
known on the day of sale by the owners
3u g.
, Fanners 'Read r his !.! !
ror Sale.
A good and well cultivated Farm, con
taining 92 acres, situated on the Philadel
phia and Allentown Turnpike Road, on
which it fronts near one half mile. It is twe
miles above Line Lexington, in Hatfield
township, Montgomery county.
=',,` Twelve acres of it is good
twelve acres of superior good Meadow, well
watered with a small stream running through
it. The remainder is in as high a state
of cultivation as any farm in Montgomery
or adjoining counties. There are several
never failing springs of water upon the prem
ises, and a good well with a pump, near the
door of the dwelling. The buildings con
sist of a good two story
.;? Dwelling House,
54 , c , 6
good Barn, and other outbuild
ings. There is a variety of fruit trees, such
as Apple, Pear, Plum, Cherry and Grape.
It is convenient to Churches, Schools, Stores
and Mills.
This Farm will be sold reasonable and on
accommodating terms. Twenty-five hun
dred dollars may remain on Mortgage upon
the property. The undersigned, owner of
it, is determined to sell; as being far advanc
ed in years, is anxious to relieve his mind
as much as possible from the cares and trou
bles of land property. For further particu
lars call on REN UV LEIDY,
( Hatter ) Line Lexington.
July 19
Public Sale
of Valuable Real Estate.
Will he sold at public sale, on Sauirday
lie lath day of September, at 1 o'clock in
he afternoon, at the house of Mr. Jarrel
Sheetz, deceased, in Springfield township,
Bucks county.
All that certain messuage, tene
ment and tract of land, situated in Spring
field township, Bucks county, adjoining
lands of Daniel Landis, Samuel Moyer, J.
Arnold and Abraham. Sasseman, containing
fifteen acres of laud, two acres of which are
good meadow, taio acres woodland, and the
residue is good farming land, under good
fences, and in a high stvto of cultivation.
The improvements are a new two story
•""- 51 1- - ii new frame barn, and other neces
sary outbuildings,a well with a pump of ex
cellent water near the - door, all kinds of fruit
trees•with choice fruit.
Le"At the sane time and place will be
sold the following personal property :
One Cow, Wheelbarrow, Clock and case,
Barrels, Shoemakers Tools, Stpve and pipe,
Copper kettle, Bedstead, Kitchen dresser,
Drubbing hoe, Shovel, Crowbar, and a va
iety of other Household and Kitchen rural-
Aire too numerous to mention.
The conditions will be made known on
he day of sale, and due attendance given by
Widow of said deceased.
1-4 w
August 23
50 whole, half and quarter, No. 1 2 and
3 Mackerel, just arrived'and for sale cheap
at the New York Store. •
Aug. 30
The Court of Common. Pleas of Lehigh
county, (sitting as a Court of Equity) having
appointed the undersigned 'a Receiver for the
late firrn of Wagner . 6r. Huber, of the Bor
ough of Motown: All persons who are in
debted to thdhsaid km, are therefore requir
ed•to matte pinnent, to the subscriber, his
agent or attorney& and to any one else—and
also•all persons Having in' their possession
property belonging to;said fiinr, are reques
todeliver the smile to- the said'subscri•
ber. Those having Aims are requested 'Co
exhibit' them at an earlyAlky.
H. C. LONGNECVS, Receiver.
Allentown Aug, 23.
prices aurae.
ARTICLES. I Per :. Allent.Eastonnikla
- •
Flour Barrel ' 0 00 6.00 .
Wheat . . . . Bush. 1' 00 • '
Rye : 100 Ito
Col n 60 50
Oats •• gt, . 30
Buckwheat . . 40 , 40
Flaxseed ~ . —• 125 130
Chverseed .•' • 3.00 4 ;IN
limothpeed . I 2 001 2 01/
Potatoes .. . ' 50 1 35
Salt 1 40 45
Butter .. . . !Pound 10 1 12
Lard j 8 10 .0
'Fallow . . . . I 0 9 8
Beeswax ... ! 25 25 29
[lam , - 9 8 17
Flitch . ' 01 0 8
Tow-yarn. .., 81 8 0
Eggs ... . . t Dot. 101 It) .10
Rye Whiskey IGall. i 22 25 28
AppleWhiskeyl 1 181 .25 25
Linseed Oil .. ! 1 051 65 6
Hickory Wood Cord ' 4 50' 4 50 0 08
flak Wood . . ; 1 3 50! 3 50 5 05
Egg Coal . . .1 Ton 375 400 450
Nut Coal .. . ' 2 50! 300 350
Lump Coal . . 3 501 350 3 . 00
Plaster :.. . 1— 4 50. 450 2 rio
11'014 Valuable Plantation
Par sale
At Public Vendue.
Will be sold at public sale, on Saturday
the Bth of September next, on the premises,
at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the following
valuable tracts of land.
No. 1.-3 beautiful Farm,
situated in Upper Milford township, Lehigh
county, adjoining lands of • Elias Wieant,
George Kemmerer, Francis Schwartz and
others, containing 175 acres, more or less, 15
acres of which are good meadow land, the
balanee_ is good farm land.
The improvements thereon con
sist in a large two story stone
Dwelling Douse,
Swiss Barn, Wagon-house, Springhouse,
and other _outbuildings necessary to a well
regulated farm. A handsome stream of wa
ter runs past the house and through the land,
besides an orchard with the best of fruit is
on the place. It is in fact a farm, worthy
the attention of capitalists.
No. Tract of Woodland.
Situated in said Upper Milford township,
bounded by land of Christopher Musselman,
Peter Diehl and others, containing 22 acres,
more or less. This tract is covered with
heavy Oak timber, and is really a valuable
No. Tract•of Woodland,
situated in aforesaid township, bounded by
lands of Elias Wieant, Anthony Stahler, and
others, containing about 2-acres.
No. 4.—.4 Lot of Woodland.
Situated in aforesaid township, bounded
by lands of Peter Diehl and others, contain
ing 1 acre and 144 perches.
No. 5.-3 Lot of Woodland.
Situated in aforesaid township, bounded
by lands of Henry Jordan, William Schmoy
cr and others, containing 19 acres and 90
It is a part of the real estate of Reuben
'fru;ler, deceased, late of Upper Milford
township, Lehigh county.
Persons wishing to examine the respective
tracts, will please call upon Mr. Ritter, who
is the present occupant of the Farm, and
who will give any. information required res
pecting the same.
I, ..Sliould the farm not be sold on the
above (lay, it will be rented for one year from
the first of April next.
The conditions will be made known on
the day of sale and due attendance given by
July 5. 11—tf
Dissolution of Partnership.
The partnership between the subscribers,
under the firm of Di(linger S. Craig, was
dissolved on the 6th day of March last, by
mutual consent. All persons indebted to
the said, firm, are requested to make pay
ment to either of the said partners, before
the first day of September next, after which
day the. Books of the firm will be placed in
to the hands of a Magistrate of collection.
Those having claims against the said firm
will [present them inunediately for settle
August 16
Bridge Election ,
The annual election fur a President, four
Managers and.a Treasurer of tho company;
styled, ""The President. Managers and Com
pany, for erecting a Bridge over the River
Lehigh, at or near Siegfried's Ferry," will
be held nt the toll House, near said Bridge,'
on Monday the 3d day of September next,
between the hours of two and four P. M.
• Treasurer;
Aug. 10. • ¶-2w
Tintotley Seed. . •
A quantity of fresh Timothy seed of a
superior quality, just received and for sale
very low at the store oP
August 13
Look here !. A Trotting Mateli
In Ilrein4srilfe:.
A trotting miitch will. take place on Sat
urday the Bth of September nextt. in Mei--
nigsville,. Upper Macungy township, 'Le- -
high county, at 10 o'clock in the' forenoon.
Lovent of: sport and speed' of , horses Will finds
it interesting to.attend. • .
A. numlierof other races will be outdo up'
through the day.
August 23.
• - 58
1 25
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