The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, January 18, 1849, Image 4

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Dont let yourselves be deceived, bought
or caught by fictitious prices, that are pub
lished in the papers. The undersigned sell
as low as our next neighbors, arid ifi fact as
low as any commission house in . Allentown.
We do not deem' it necessary to publish
prices, in order to inform the public that we
.sell at lower rates than others all we ask.
is, that such who purchase Iron, Hardware ,
&c. should give us a call, and they Will
find that “Saeger's Hardware Store" sells
Its low if not lower than any house in town.
0. & J. SAEGER,
Iron 4 , Hardware Store, hilentawn.
January 11. '
The .undersigned have just re
`turned from Philadelphia with a
large assortment of Hardware,
Cutlery and Saddlery, with Coach-trim,
ings and Shoe-findings, all of which will
be sold at reduced prices at the Store of
0. & J. SAEGER.
November H. 11-43 w
IRON.—A good lot of Hammered and
Rolled Iron, Sheet Irou„Atnerican and Eng
lith.Band Iron, Hoop Iron. Cast and Shear
'Steel, square, flat and round, just received
with Anvils and Vices, and for sale cheap
at the Store of 0. & J. SAEGER.
GLASS.-150 boxes Glass of all sizes,
for sale by 0. & J. SAEGER.
WHITE, LEAD.-1 ton of
just received, Pure and Extra, un
by O. & J. SAEG
NAILS.---200 Kegs of the best
Brads and Spikes, just received, an
sale by O. & J. SAEGE
)..'GS.—A good assort
ings just received. and
tr.. J. SAEGER.
ment ofCoac,h-Trinn ,
for sale by
SHOE r FINDINGS.—A large assortment
of Shoe-Findings, just receiv9d and for sale
by 0. _4„..K SAEGER.
TO BUILDERS.—A large assortment
of Hinges, Screws, Nails, Bolts with' Mine-
Knob Locks, German Locks and Latch
es, &c., just received and for sale by
LOOKING-GLASSES . .—A splendid lot
of Looking Glass Plates, and Frames of all
sizes for sale by 0. & J. SAEGER.
, OILS & VARNISH: Oils of all kinds,
boiled and raw, Turpentine, Newark Var
nish of all kinds, Glue, &c.,—will be sold
cheap by 0. it. J. SAEGER.
PLANES.—A full assortment of Planes
.John Bell's best make, also a large assort
ment of Carpenter's Tools, for sale cheap
by O. & J. SAEGER.
HOUSE KEEPERS.—A good supply
of articles for House keepers, such as ena
meled Boilers, oval and' round, Plates, &c.,
for salt_ by 0. & J. SAEGER. ,
Nov. 14... 411-6 w
Dissolution of Partnership.
The Partnership heretofore existing un
/he firm of Mertz 4- Weaver, in the
erc ntile business, in the Borough of Al
lentoti,n, was dissolved on the first of Octo
ber 1549, by mutual consent. All those
who may vet hold due bills, or other claims
against said firm, will please present them
for payment immediately. And all such
who are indebted in the books of the firm,
are hereby notified t to call at the old stand
where the books will remain for settlement,
until the first of January. We return our
sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage
extended to us, and hope it may be extend
•ed to the new firm. _ . _
Nove ber 9.
New Mercantile Firm.
411essrs..11ertz &Landis,
Respectfully inform their friends rind the
public in general, that they have opened
their new establishment, in the new brick
building, one door next to Dr. Danowsky's
Apothecary and Drug Store, in Hamilton
street, in the Borough of All ntown, where
they are now unpacking a ver large as
sortment of .
I ' .Q Groceries ;Mi . rgoer
Queens. Glasss
and Earthelyware, all of which they will dis
pose of at the very lowest prices or exchange
them for country produce.
They will s,Ol all kinds of woolen Clothes,
at least 81 cffeaper per yard, than before,
Satinetts, 25 cents, Calicoes 3 cents per
yard, white red and yellow Flannels, 121:
cents per yard, handsome fine Ginghams
and Muslin de Laines at 121 cents per
yard, other goods comparatively cheap. •
The have both been in the mercantile bu
siness for a number of years, and are fully
satisfied that they have seleined a stock of
goods as cheap if not cheaper than ever be
fore offered in Allentown, and are determin-
ed to sell them at a very small advance.
They - hope therefore that through strict at
jtention to their business, they will be able
to draw a large shareof public patronage
for which they will ever be thankful.
MEwrz & LANne.
Nov: 10
. , Look Mere
All kinds of country produce taken in
exchange for goods, such as Clover seed and'
Grain, Butter, Eggs, Lard, llow, Wax, tahvaila3 II L 1
7 .g.paPi Hams, dried Apples, Che , Flax, g
rags, carpets,. wood, yarn; peat , fowls, ATTORNEY AND CODNAELLOR.IT LAW,
corn, &c. &c., for - which we w pay the - May be consulted during` Court week,
highest market prices. • and a few 'days before,at the house of David
!Arlin NDIB. Stem, Innkeeper, in Allentown.
11-4 w August 5.
iNdrember 10.
o .T
auD ex i wthe ICIIII
• - •A• •••
. • •
1 - ; • "'
. , f.
Hiram B. Yeager,
Takes this method to inform his old friends
and the public in general, that he has taken
a room in the new three story brick building,
of Mr. Daniel Keiper, in Hamilton street,
in the Borough of Allentown, a few doors
west of Weiss's Watch and Jewelry Store,
where he has opened the new
He has just received, a very large assort
ment of
Beaver, Castor, and other Fur Hats,
ALSO, a beautiful assortment of fashionable
Silk Hats, Caps, &c., of all sizes, prices and
He flatters himself to say that he will
stand good for his Hats, that they will not
only retain the color but that they cannot
in point of daability be excelled.
Mr. Yaeger trusts that through punctual
attendance to his business, and reasonable
prices, he will be able to obtain a. liberal
share of patronage, for which he will ever
I be thankful
Dec. 7
California Gold.
nEmovaL OF THE
The subscribers respectfully announce to
the citizens of Allentown and the surround- 1
ing country, that they have again removed
to their "old stand" a few doors below Ha
genbuch's Hotel, in Hamilton street, Where
the will be happy to supply their old cus
tomers Tether with Thousands of new
ones, wit all that is good and cheap. It is
useless t. say that WAGNER & HUBER have
on hand, ! pods of every description, style
and quality,a so: .ceries,Queensware,&c.
In fact they have every rticle on hand that
apper • to the busi . ,all of which they
jir%ar r,,r.
will sell :2, e&.eitt lo L * than any other
Store in Allen)
Allentown, Dec. 21. *----lw
or sale.
L for
11V.4.7," TED
.8 Competitor in Selling CHEAP Goods
It is admitted by all, that we have out
stripped every house in "these dig ins" in
the way of selling cheap goods. We now
oiler a reward'of $ 1.000 for the person that
can be produced. within a scope of a days
journey, who is able to sell as chtltp as we do.
Wagner A* Haber,
Have the pleasure of exhibiting the first
arrival of Fall and Winter Goods, which
is much handsomer, larger and cheaper than
any stock ever before opened in this place.
' Owing to the great decline of Goods in the
, eastern cities, they are selling many articles
one fourth less than before.
Come from the East, the [hest, the North
and the South, to the Emporium
of great Betrgains ! ! !
"A penny saved is a pepny earned." We
are determined to sell more goods for the
same amount of money. than any other'es
tablishment in town. Should any doubt the
fact, we inv• them to call, and if they do
not find trigs, as stated, we will pay them
their lost time, and let them slope.
Their stock onsists of a general assortment of
Genik» en's, Ladies' and Children's
Dress Goo ls, of every descripton, among
which may be found all the latest styles of
Ladies' Dress Goods,
black, mode colored, stripped, plain, chame
leon and satin stripped dress Silks, brillian
tine, lustre, satin stripped modonna cloths,
figured delisle, brocades, gala plaids, tibbet
cloth, patomatas, black, brown and mode col
ored French morinoes,. mohair plaids, bar
rel!, corded, figured, satin stripped, mode
colored and black alpaccas, as low as 121
\ ti
cents a yard, cashmeres and ouslin de
laines, from 121 .to 621 cents a rd.
Pink, blue, white and black bo et silks
and satins, with a large stock of b, utiful
French ginghams, English chintzes a ca
licoes. Calicoes as low as 4 cents, and such
as heretofoac sold for 121, for 6 and 8 cents,
and 183 cent calico at 12/, also a beautiful
4 quarter calico at 10.
200 Shawls of every style and quality,
black and mode colored tibbet, silk fringe,
terkerrian blanket, long shawls, black silk
crape, lac laines, black and mode colored
cloth, and other fancy shawls.
. , Cloths awl Casslmeres,
The cheapest in town, of every descrip
tion colorant] quality, 0 quarter brown cloth
from 9 1 to fit 3 per yard, Cassimeres, plain
and fancy, at reduced prices, Satinets and
Jeans, at any price asked for, Cloaking and
Cloak-linings, Tassels, &c. 10 dozen Um
brellas from 50 cents to S 2,00:
11-1 w
Dec. 21.
Groceries irQueensware.
:=. A reduction in
i'ilkit lint GROCERIES. N MI. 1
G o a' 1 , ,II Jriti.
--12'1:4.z:Z= Prime Rio Coffee=
at 10 cents a pound, and as low as 6/ cents.
Sugars, Teas, and all other kinds of Groce
ries they will sell cheaper than ever before
offered in this place.
Butter, Eggs, Lard, and all other kinds
of country produce, will be taken in exchange
or which the highest price will be paid.
. 11-4 w
Asiother Great arrival . .
20 Boxes Dry Goods,
Received at the PHILADELPHIA &roar..
Bargains! .Bargains! Bargains!
The third arrival of WINTER GOODS just
received and will be sold for cash ten per
cent: cheaper than any et brought to Allen
town. The goods bein purchased mostly at
Auction sales, gives
~ them t le advantage
of selling far below or roar pr es.
Remember the it elph a Stoic of
YEAGER & WEID It, they are deter
' Mined to sell goods at such reduced prices,
that it is impossible for any one to compete
with them. We say then, call at the Phil
adelphia Store and examine their fresh and
immense stock of goods, and you can con•
vince yourself of the fact. • •
Nov. 30.
Great Bargains to the Ladies.
We politely invite the Ladies of Allen
town and the surrounding country, to call
at the Philadelphia Store and examine their
splendid stock of Dress Goods. Cloakings,
Shawls, Gloves, Fringes, Collars, &c.
106 pieces fine prints at 61 fast colors
60 do: extra quality, from eight to ten
cents, worth from 10 to 12.
80 do. plain Mouslin de Loins, Modes
Drab and Fawn colors, at ISi.
80 do. saperfine Thibet Clothes for
6loaks, from 25 to 50 cents.
-I do. Black Modes, striped Alpacca
from 121 to 50 cents a yard.
Bargains in Shawls.
1 Box 2 dozen Terkere Shawls from 4 to
$ 7,50 measuring from 9 to 12 quarters.
1 Carton 2 dozen black Thibet Shawls,
with silk fringes, 9 quarters, at $4,25.
1 Carton, 2 dozen 12 quarter Shawls,
,$5,50 at $5,00.
2 dozen 16 quarter fancy Woolen Shawls,
extra cheap.
10 pieces fancy dress silks from 50 cents
$l,OO a yard.
10 pieces 5-8, 8-4 and 4-4, black and
blue black from 50 cts. to $ 1,50 a yard.
A great variety of bleached and brown
Muslin, 1 Bale 25 pieces 4-4 brown Mus
lin at 4 cents. 1 Bale 25 pieces 4-4 ditto
at 61. 1 Box bleached 7-8 at 4 cents. 1
Box ditto 7-8 superfine quality at 61 worth
10 cents a yard.
A splendid assortment of Carpets to wit :
Venitian stair carpet from 121 to 50 cents.
20 pieces Parlor carpet frOm 25 to $1,37.
A splendid assortment of Boys and Men'
caps from 10 to 75 cents.
1 1 Nov. 3Q.
Remember Ibe Bargain-.
5 pieces splerfiVld — rivality black Cloth at
$1,25 which was sold last spring at $2,00.
10 pieces, do. extra quality, $1 50 to 2 25.
10 do. do. fine, 250t0 $3 50.
consisting of American,French,English and
German cloths.
2 mce ancy cassimeres, 75 to $1 50.
10 - a o. A rican, English and French
cassimeres, from 75 cts. to $1 75.
Gentlemen remember the change in the
prices at the Philadelphia store,and you will
find that it will give you bargains in cloths
and cassimers/ 0 per cent. below the regu
la ' ea. •
They e, also, 30 pieces Sattinets, from
37 to 75 cents
Nov. 30,
Groceries! Groceries!
Just received at the Philadelphia store,
5 hhds. Porto Rico Sugar, beautiful quali
ty, at 64 cents per lb.
5 bbls Ground Loaf Sugar, Bto 10 cts.
2 hhds. New Orleans Molasses, at 64
cents per quart.
10 bags Rio Coffee, at S cents per lb.
10 bags Java and Laguira.
It is said that Sugars have advanced 11
cents. also coffee the same; but call at the
Philadelphia store and you will find them
all at the old prices and some a little lower
than at the former prices.
. Buyers, remember the Philadelphia store
when you want to purchase Gooda, call be
fore purchasing elsewhere ; your advantage
will be cat) in a $lOO by calling at the Phila
delphia store of YEAGER & WEIDNER.
To FAR:amts.—All kinds of country pro
duce taken in exchange, for which the high
est market 'Ake will be paid.
Nov. 30.
Take Malice!'
Important to Country Merehants—reeeiv
ed and for sale at the Philadelphia store,
20 hhds. New Orleans Sugar.
20 barrels splendid quality Sugar,
which will be sold by the hogshead or barre
at Philadelphia prices. •
Nov. 30. 111-4 w
Southeast corner of Second and Market Strs
Gentlemen visiting the city, and wishing
to supply themselves with Cheap and Fash
ionable Winter Clothing, will find a large,
cotnpleteand•choice assortment of
Bapgup Coats, Cloaks. Bitsiness Coals,
Dress and Frock Coats, Boys Coats
in great variety, made of .9meri•
can English French Cloths.
ALSO—Pantaloons for men and Boys
made Of
) IS s\l
assimeres, Doe Skins. SatMetts,
&c., &e., Vests for men and Bays of Silk.
Satin, Velv t, Cloth and Cashmere. Also,
Shirts, Stoc s, Handkerchiefs, &el, at thr
lowest possible prices for CASH. Remem
ber, we will sell as cheap as any Clothing
Establishment in the United States.
Southeast corner of Second and Market
Streets Philadelphia.
Sept. 21
Winter Clothing
IlEalo Psi L.
Lumber lierchiittown.
RespectfaWnforms his friends and the
public in general, that he has .lately remo
1 3
ed his--h r.Yard to the : south side of
Hamilton stre t, near Weaver's Hotel. He
has lately received a Very large supply of
all kinds of oards and building timber,
comprising over _
600,000 reet,
P ' •
Such es Yellow and White Pine, Floring
boards, Poplar boards; Scrintling, Joists and
Planks, Mapel boards and Planks, Rafters,
Ash Planks, Laths, Ladder trees, besides
all kinds of other Bonrds, Scantling, Posts,
Lath and Shindies, all of which he will sell
at very reduced prices.
Farmers, Carpenters and Builders, who
ave occasion to use the different sorts of
t ber
has for sale, will do well to give
him a 'ea I before they purchase elsewhere,
I as he is t illing to have his stock examined .
without charge.
He returns his sincere thanks for the
many favours he has heretofore received,
an eels confident that his extreme low
p ces will be the means of receiving many
w ustomers.
No ember 1G: 11-4 m
„_\---'__....__ _
ill 1211101141 1 Y201 , 4
Itcorporatcd 1814,
R. C. CIIA?iDLER, A. B. Principal.
Mr.F.Foote A ssociate, Malc Dep. and Prof. of French.
Mrs, 1.0. 11. Blydenburg, Female Dcp.
The next term (of 11 weeks) of this in
stitution commences on Monday November
the 27th.
The branches taught include all those of
a good English education together with the
modern and ancient Languages; Vocal and
Instrumental music, Surveying, Book-keep
ing, &c. Particular attention is paid to the
study of the English Language, as a Lan,
guage, as well as to Vocal music and Dacia=
coati n, branches, too often overlooked in
most chools.
._--Bt?arding Sckolars. -
The Principal would like lb,!_eceive five
pupils, into his family to whose comfort and
improvement, his undivided attention will
be directed.
WR) per t will meet every necessary
expense exce ing Books and Tuition : The
price of the la ter in the English studies va
ries from three to five dollars per session,
with an extra charge of $1 when classical
sttnlies are added.
The most satisfactory references will be
given upon application although the Princi
pal relies rather upon that recommendation
which always attends capability and fideli
ty, than upon that of others.
¶ —4W
Nov. 16
Boot, Shoe and Hat Store.
The undersigned have just opened a New
Boot, Shoe, Hat and Variety Store, in the
well known stand, formerly occupied by
Ludwig Schmidt's Drug Store, Allentown.
Their stock comprises every variety of Boots
and Shoes for the present and approaching
season, viz :. I
Men"s and oys' Pilch, Kiii' and Calf
Boots oots
viz I
Shoes, Ladieo Mo
rocto, Kul and Leather boots and shoes of
every variety, superior Gaiter and half Gai
ters, together with an extensive assortment
of Gum shoes for men, women and children ;
children's shoes and gaiters of every varie
ty, Trunks, &c. Also a larger and more
fashionable stock of Hats and Caps than
was ever exhibited in - Allentown. Extra
MoleskiSilk and Beaver hats of Fall and le, got up in the most exquisite
mann , also Fur, Brush and Wool hats.
of e ery description. Ala ge and beautiful
assn fluent of Cloth, Plus Glazed and Vel
vet Caps, Umbrellas, Cam hine, Fluid . and
Lard Lamps, Stockings, Glo es, &c. &c., all
of which will be sold at th very lowest
prices, for cash. Come and
CM. L. Lochman has ' oved his'Dn
. uerreotype Gallery to the same tuldift,
econd floor.) where he will continue to take
kenesses in his well known beautiful style.
November 9. . ¶--Ow
11-4 w
r Tailor in Allentown.
Most respectfully informs his friendkand
his old customers in general, that he has es
tablished himself on the south side of Hamil
ton street, a few doors below Pretz, Kern &
Co's store, and will ,at all times be ready 'to
make gentlemen's garments after the latest
London, Paris, New York and Philadelphia
He pledies himself to give entire satisfac
tion to thoSe who may favor him with their
patronage, and at the same time desires to
present his acknowledgments for past favors
and solicits a continuance of the same.
November 2. 11-I:3w
Is hereby given, that the undersigned
have been appointed Executors in the last
Will and Testament of George Bick, dec'd.
late of the township of Upper Milford, Le
high county. 'Therefore all those persons
who are indebted to said estate, be it in bonds,
notes or other Wise, will see the necessity of
settling their accounts within Iwo months
and such, who have any demands against
said estate will present their claims well au
thenticated to either of the undersigned with
in' the above specified time.
FRED. SIGMUND. Berks co.
' GEO. W. WEIKEL, U. Min.
November 30. ¶-6w
.1 - I°E
New Goods! .New Goods !
Pretz, Kern Co,
, •
e just returned from Philadelphia and
Ne York with a large and splendid assort-.
to tof Dry. Goods, suitable for the season
consisting in part of
Cloths, Cassimers, Sattinel,s,
Vestings, Velvets, Checks, Mous de Loins,
Bombazines, Alpacas, plain and Satin striped
Cashmeres,'Brocha, Terkire, Thibit Merino
and other Shawls.
ALso—Laces, Ribbons, Gloves, Carpets,
Hose, &c. &c.
A fresh supply'
p l iffris,t,la i . of Groceries, such 1 , 1 ';i1:.,,„^T.,,„ 1
as Rio, Java, and
other Coffees, Su- ,
gars,Teas,Chocolate,Spices, Alolasses, corn
mon and refined Sperm Oil, Indigo, Madder,
Alum, Dye-stuffs, &c., all of. which will be
sold in large and small quantities to suit pur-
ntention to change the firm
Ping, they mean to reduce
in order to do so they will
at very red,ao prices.
Stone coal, Pla and Salt.
500 Tons of Stone Cot Mi t i rvarious kinds.
50 Tons of Plaster.
I 000 Bushels Liverpool ground Salt.
7 :00 Sacks do. - do. do.
50 do. do. fine do.
Just received and for sale by
October 26
Joseph Weiss
Clock, Watchmaker and Jeweler,
Nest door to the Store, of Messrs. Yeager
and Weidner, in Hamilton street, in
the Borough of .41lentown.
The undersigned respectfully informs his
oldCusionners and the public in general, that
he has lately moved into his new house, and
has just returned from New York, with a
very large and well selected stock of
8 day and 24 hour •
--- CLOCK,
and a full' assortment o
Jewelry. It comprises
among other the follow.
ing articles : Gold and Silver Levers, Anker
Levers, Lapines, English, French and Swiss
watches, Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles,
for all ages, Silver Combs, Gold Breast-pins,
Ear -rings and Finger rings, Gold pens, Gold
and Silver pencils, Silver Tea and Table
spoons, and a large varieiy of articles in his
line of business. He has also on hand a
large assortment of
Clocks,. Violins and Boles, also, Violin
Strings,&c. &c.
The above stock is entirely new, and e
lected with the greatst carp, and of the 1 est
fashions and styles.
He invites the public to giy.o-41-i a call,
particular y-the Ladies, a dlo ex unine his
beautiful tock of Jew y ; and he feels con
fident th the can tisfy them that his o.
are no only as cheap as can be mind in
Town, but will bear the strictest examina
tion for their purity.
' He is thankful for past favors and trusts
that his prices and his beautiful assortment
will bring him many new customers, to
whom he will ever feel grateful.
LW'Repairing of Clocks, Watches, Jew
elry. &c. will be done at the shortest notice,
all of Which he warrants to be done well, nt
the usual prices.
7211. .
1 1 111
October 19.
Hiram Brobst,
Dentist in alleatown..
Respectfully informs his friends
and the public in general, that he
still continues the practice of his profest.ion
in all its various branches, such as filing,
cleaning, pluggingand inserting from a sin
gle tooth to a full set, on moderate terms..
His office is in the second story, above
the Store of Grim & Reninger, on the North
west corner of Market Square, entrance on
Allen street.
. Mr. Fitattm BROBST has practiced as Den
tist in this place for the last three months,
end in consequence of his superior abilities
in the profession, we recommend him to the
N. C. llnt.scv, M. D.
Nesquehoning, Pa., August 30,1818.
November 9.
Cure tor the TootlAaelle,.
Persons who are troubled with this pain
ful disease, cnn procure .a positive remedy
from the undersigned, at a very moderate
price. It also possesses the quality of pre
serving the teeth from further decay. Such
therefore who are troubled with the tooth
ache, will'lfnow where to find a cure for it.
The undersigned citizens of Allentown,
have used the Tooth Ache Drops of Daniel
Keiper, and can recommend them as an of
fectual remedy for the painful disease.'
J. W .'M lady, I
William Burger,
Gee. Kerber, 'Jeremiah Schnobel
Sarah Massey, 1 Henry Hardner,
Dan. Zacharias, Hirain Beers,
Robert Kramer, Peter Diehl,
Henry Schwartz, 1 E. Gangwere,
W. T. Derr, i G. A. Gangwere,
November 9. , ir —3 ID
Office East of theCourt,House'and nearly
opposite, at the corner of Margaret and
Hamilton streets.
M a 2;l'
New-Apotlie'cary .Store
11 . 11SOIVS
Takes this method to inform his friends;
and the public in general, that 46 now oc. ,
copies his new building, a feW dOors'east pf
liagenbuch's Hotel i and has again opened
a very large and Splendid
Apothecary lind Drug Store.
His building the public will remember itt
one door east of, Mertz's Store, in Hamilton
street' in the Borough of Allentown.
As the whole of his stock of Drugs, Medi
cines and Pixtures,,.hesides House and Purr
niture, hav,a, been 'destroyed by the devour
itig on the Ist of June last—made
it,pecessaty for him to lay in an entire new
stoc, • •
All of which he cari warrant to be
s . genuine, and of the best quality.
All-kinds. Of Medicinal preparations such
as Balsam 'de Ma)ta,„ Gold Tincture, Pills,
Horse-powders ptit up in suitable
Aims for the 'conv'e - iifence : of his customers.
He also keeps an assortment of Surgical
Insfruments, Trusses; Pait4 Oil, 4.3 . a1l of
which he will sell lower than ever before
offered in this place. • ;•: • ! :
He also keeps an assortment otbanging
and counter Lamps, LaniP*glasses, all kinds
of fashionable Perfumeries, such tIS Oil. of
Bose, Millfleuer, •Bu rgamot, &c.; Hair oil 4
of d dercnt kinds; Fancy and Shaving Soap;
Letter Soap ; 1-lair and Tooth Brushes ;
Tooth Powder, and a large assortment of
Fancy Articles, all of which will be sold at
the very lowest cash prices.
He invites Physicians, Country rAerch
ants and others, to give him a call at his new
estabdshment, and examine his stock of
Drum , and Medicines, and he can assn!
' them that they are' not only all fresh and
newly seleCted with' the greatest care, but
that he is also able to sell them at least 30 per
cent cheaper than ever before offerdd in Al-
entown. .
- l'hankful for the many favors he has re
ceived before the fire, he trusts that a gen
erous public will not forffet to continue their
patronage freely, in order that •he may be
able to make up the heavy 100, that he has
sustained by the fire on the N . . of June.
Nov ber 9, •
i erp vi ¶-2w
- -- _ ... ___ ___.
Di 't , 11lam F . Da no~wsky,
Returns his thanks to his friends for the
Confidence reposed in him, and at the same
time oilbrs his professional services by y
?i lia
or night. In chronic diseases, he relies t on.
his 'fame. In Midwifery he pride,s—lnnself
to say, that he never attended alcase with
fatal results. He treats without mercury.
and can say, that no case of salivation catt,
he proven, in a practice of twelve years in
Lehigh county.
Notice is hereby given, that the under
signed have taken out letters of Administra
tion of the estate of John Brong, dec'd, late
ofSalsburg township, Lehigh county. There. ,
fore all those who are indebted to said es
, te, will see the necessity of settling their
accounts within 6 weeks, and such who
have any demands against said estate, will
present their claims well authenticated with-.
n the above specified time.
JOHN APPEL, Salsburg.
ildministrators de bonia non.
November 9
Nov. 30
North West corner of Callowhill Street, /-
The Likenesses taken and beautifully col-:
ored at this well known establishment, for
One Dollar, are universally conceded to b
equal in every respect to any in the city.
Pictures taken equally well in cloudy and
clear weather. A large assortment of Me
dallions and Lockets on hand, at from $2
tar". including the picture.
The subscribers respectfully invite the
citizens of Lehigh county, to call and exam
ine specimens of the latest improvements
in the nrt of Daguerreotyping, which will
be exhibited cheerfully and without charge.
T. &. J. C. TENNENT.
July 4
Informs his old friends and the public in
general, that he has moved into his new
'building, - at the "old stand," and that he
is again ready at all times to attend to pro
fessional duties.
Nov. 10. 411-4 w
C. GM. 11 U.irK,
Has taken the Office . of the late Samuel
Runk, Esq., and will promptly attend to all
business entrusted to his care in this and'
the adjoining counties.
Mr:'Resit may be consulted in the Ger-
man, usi well as gn g lish.
l'irjer to Hon. J. M. Porter, Easton, Pa.
Prof. S. Greenleaf, Cambridge, Mass.
Hob. W. Kent, New York City.
June 13.
Daguerreotype Establishment,
&allow, Third tltory P6ll.
The Hon. , HENRY CLAY visiting this'
Establishm?nt for the purpose of having a
Daguerre'citYpe taken, expressed flattering,
opinions on this favorite place of the "beau
ty and fashion" of Philadelphia, tind;:ifast
numbers 'cif strangers' resart to it to' plocure
a really good Daguerreotype. Tke,Propri;
etors wilt make every exertion to extend the
long established fame of this well known'
Establishment. Fainily Groom, Gtroupes:
of Children, and single Poitraith - of all inns
are 'executed equally 'well.
' Philadelphia A FM, 25.
IR -6mr