4 Full Text of Selective Service Army Bill Adopted by Congress AN ACT to authorize the Pre sident to increase temporarily the military establishment of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that in view of the existing emergency, which demands the raising of troops in addition to those now available, the President be, and he is hereby, authorized — First. Immediate!}* to raise. organize. officer and equip ali or such number of increments of the regular army provided bv the national defense act ap proved June 3, 1916, or such parts thereoi' as he may deem necessary: to raise ali organiza tions of the regularly army, in cluding those added by such in crements to the maximum en iisted strength authorized by law. Vacancies in the regular army created or caused by the addition of increments as herein authorized which can not be fil led by promotion may be filled by temporary appointment for the period of the emergencv or until replaced by provisionai ap pointments made under the pro visions of section 23 of the na tional defense act, approved June 3, 1916, and hereafter provi sionai appointments under said section may be terminated when ever it is determined, in the man ner prescribed by the President, that the officer has not the Buitability and fitness requisite for permanent appointment. Second. To draft into the mili tar}" service of the United Sta tes, organize and officer, in ac cordarne with the provisions of section 111 of said national de fense act, so far as the provi sions of said section may be ap plicale and not inconsistent with the terms of this act, any or ali members of the National Guard and of the National Guard Reserve, and said members so drafted into the militar}- service of the United States shall serve therein for the period of the ex isting emergencv unless sooner discharged : Provided, That when so drafted the organiza tions or units of the National Guard shall, so far as practie able, retain the State designa tions of their respective organ izations. Provides for First 500.000 Third. To raise by draft as herein provided, organize and equip an additional force of 500.000 enlisted men. or such part or parts thereof as he may at any any time deem necessary, and to provide the necessary of ficers, line and staff, for said force and for organizations of the other forces hereby auth orized, or by combining organ izations of said other forces, by ordering members of the Offi cers Reserve Corps to temporary duty in accordance with the pro visions of section 38 of the na tional defense act approved June 3, 1916; by appointment from the regular army, the Officers' Reserve Corpts, from those duly qualified and registcred pur suant to section 23 oi' the act of Congress approved Januarv 21, 1903 (Thirty-second Statutes a' Large, page 775), from the mem bers of the National Guard drafted into service of the Uni ted States, from those who have been graduated from educational institutions at which militar}' in struction is compulsory, or from those who have had honorable service in the regular army, the National Guard, or in the volun teer forces, or from the country at large; by assigning retired of ficers of the regular army to active duty with such force with their rank on the retired list and the full pay and allowances of their grade; or by the appoint ment of retired officers and en listed men, active or retired, of the regular army as commis sioned officers in such forces : Provided, That the organization of sakl force shall be the game as that of the corresponding or ganizations of the regular army : Provided further, That the Pre sident is authorized to increase or decrease the number of orga nizations prescribed for the typical brigades, divisions or ar my corps of the regular army, ' and to preseribe such new and different organizations and per sonnel for army corps, divisions, brigades, regiments, batallions, squadrons, companies troops and batterie* as the efficiency of the service may require: Provided further, That the number of or ganizations in a regiment shall not be increased nor shall the number of regiments be decreas ied: Provided, further, That the President in his discretion may organize .officer and equip for each infantry and cavalry bri gade three machine-gun compa nies, and for each infantry and cavalry division four machine gun companies, ali in adidtion to the machine-gun companies com prised in organizations included in such brigades and divisions: Provided further. That the Pre sident in his discretion may or ganize for each division one ar mored motor-car machine-gun company. The machine-gun com pany organized under this sec tion -hall consist of such com missioned and enlisted personnel and be equipped in such manner as the President may preseribe : Provided further, That officers with rank not above that of colo nel shall be apopinted by the Président alone, and officers above that grade by the Presi dent by and with the advice and consent of the Senate: Provided further, That the President may in his discretion recommission in the coast guard persons who have heretofore held commis -ions in the Revenue Cutter Ser vice or the coast guard and have left the service honorably, after ascertaining that they are qua lified for service physically, morally, and as to age and mili- I tary fitness. Authorizes Recruit Forces Fourth. The President is fur ther authorized, in his discretion and at such time as he may de termine, to raise and begin the training of an additional force of 500,000 men organized, officered and equipped, as provided for the force first mentioned in the preceding paragraph of this sec tion. Fifth. To raise by draft. or ganize, equip and officer, as provided in the third paragraph of this section, in addition to and for each of the above forces, such recruit training units as he may deem necessary for the maintenance of such forces at the maximum strength. Sixth. To raise, organize, of ficer and maintain during the emergency such number of am munition batteries and batta lions, depot batteries and batta lions, and such artillery parks, with such numbers and grades of personnel as he may deem necessary. Such organizations shall be officered in the manner provided in the third paragraph of this section, and enlisted men may be assigned to said organ izations from any of the forces herein provided for or raised by selective draft as by this act provided. ' Sec. 2. That the enlisted men 1 required to raise and maintain l the organizations of the regular LA RASSEGNA PHILADELPHIA. PA.. SABATO, 12 MAGGIO 191- ì army and to complete and main tain the organizations embody ing the members of the National Guard drafted into the service of the United States, at the maxi mum legai strength as by this j act provided. shall be raised by i voluntarv enlistmnt, or if and whenever the President decide that they cannot effectually be ! o raised or maintained, then hy •;elective draft: and ali other for ces hereby authorized. shall be raised and maintained by select ive draft exclusively, but this provision shall not prevent the transfer to any force of train ing cadres from other forces. Such draft as herein shall be based upon liability to military service of ali male oitizens, or male persons not alien enemies who have declared their inten tion to l>ecome citizens, between the a?es of twenty-one and thirtv years, both inclusive, and hall take place and be main tained under such regulations as the President may preseribe not inconsistent with the terms of " is act. Quotas for the several States, Territories, and the Dis fr'ct of Columbia, or suddivi ion- thereof. shall be determin ed in projwtion to the popula tion thereof, and credit shall be given to any State, Territorv. Pistrict, or subdivision thereof, for the number of men who were n the military service of the T *nited States under the provi ions of this act from any such State. Territorv, District or sub division, as members of any Fe crai force hereby authorized a: .] mbers of the National Guard I ;>n Aprii 1, 1917, or who have - ice said date entered the mili tary service of the United States : -ni any such State, Territory. Ibtrict or subdivision either as mbers of the regular army or • he National Guard. Ali persons, drafted into the service of the United States and ali officers ac ce] ting commissions in the for ; 1 erein provided for shall, from the date of said draft or acceptance, be subject to the lr.vs and regulations gpverning the regular army, except as to promotions, so far as such law? nd regulations are applicable to persons whose permanent reten tion in the military service on the active or retired list is not contemplated by existing law, and those drafted shall be re 'luired to serve for the period cf the existing emergency unless j sooner discharged : Provided, That the President is authorized to raise and maintain by volunt arv enlistment or draft, as here in provided, special and technical troops as he may deem necess ary, and to embody them into organizations and to officer them as provided in the third paragraph of section 1 and sec tion 9 of this act. To Keep State Forces Intact Organizations of the forces herein provided for, except the regular army, shall, as far as the interests of the service permit, be composed of men who come and of officers who are appoint ed from the same State or local ity. Sec. 3. No bounty shall be paid to induce any person to enlist in the military service of the Uni ted States and no person liable to military service shall here after be permitted or allowed to furaish a substitute for such ;ervice ; nor shall any substitute be received, enlisted or enrolled in the military service of the United States; and no such per son shall be permitted to escape such service or to be discharged therefrom prior to the expira tion of his term of service by the payment of money or any other valuable thing whatsoever as consideration for his release from military service or liabitlty thereto. Sec. 4. That the Vice Presi dent of the United States, the officers, legislative, executive and judical, of the United States and of the several States, Terri tories and the District of (o lumbia, regular or duly ordained ìini-ters of religion, students v ho ut the time of the approvai of this act are preparine for the ininistiy in recojjnized theologi cal or divinity schools, and ali persons in the military and naval sen'iee of the United States shall be exempt from the selettive draft herein prescribed, and nothing in this act contained >hall be construed to require or ■ompel any person to sen e in •d for "A' ho is found to lie a mem ber of any well reeognized re ligious sect or oreanization at nresent oreranized and existinp °nd whose existinp creed or r : nt nles forbid it- mernbers to participate in war in any forni whose religious convictions ave against war or pallicipation therein in accordance with the creeaid reli gious organizations, but no per son s? exempted shall he exempt ed from sen'iee in any capacity that the President shall declare to be noncombatant ; and the Pres'dent is hereby authorized j to exclude or discharge from said j selective draft and from the dr;ift under the second para-, erraph of section one hereof. or to draft for partial military sen'iee only from those liable to draft as in this act provided, persons of the followin? classes : County and municipal officials, custom house clarks, persons em ploved bv the United States in the trasmission of the mails, ar tificers and workmen employed in the armories, arsenal and navv yards of the United States and stich other persons employed in the service of the United Sta tes as the President may desi gnate, pilots, mariners actually °mnloyed in the sea sen'iee of any citizen or merchant within the United State-, persons enga i l S iUDIO NOTARILE E DI REAL ESTATE $ ■?! I 5 !| VÌ7 Walnut Street Philadelphia, Pa. j| )' li ' !* Atti Notarili in Italiano ed in Inglese ]| jj Speciale attenzione per gli atti inerenti alla jj i; compra-vendita di case e di terreni ]! Assicurazioni di ogni genere: Fuoco, Vetri, j; "Surety Bonds" ecc. Traduzioni di Documenti Legali .jj Prestiti su Beni Stabili in l.a e 2.a Ipoteca | || Riscossioni di crediti, Pigioni, Interessi ecc. i Building & Loan Associations | |j Compra, Vendita ed Affitto di Beni Stabili « in qualsiasi punto della città e fuori or the maintenance ol nationai interest during the emergency : ti ose in a status with respect to ,x>rsons dependent upon them for support which rendere theii clusion or discharge advisable, •ind those found to be physically or morall.v deficient. No exemp tion or exclusion shall continue vhen a cause therefor longer exists: Provided, that notwith tanding the exemptions enume ri, ted herein, each State, Terri tory and the District of Colum bi-i -hall be required to supply its quota in the proportion that its P pulation bears to the total po pulation of the United States. To Rule the Exemptions I he Pro ident is hereby auth rized, in his discretion, to create and establish throughout the se ■ nal States and subdivisions t .creof and in the Territories nd the District of Columbia locai boards, and where, in his iscretion. practicable and desir- AVVERTENZA ! " j A tutti i sofferenti di cancre i.e o piaghe cancrenose. II più grande e meraviglioso ì imedio è quello dello specialista Vincenzo Cipolla. Rimedio infal libile e sicuro per la guarigione ci esse. eL/lto specialista col suo nuovo riti ovato, a cui diede il no i le di "Balsamo Manus Dei", fa ('.ei veri miracoli. Questo .movo benefattore dcl- I umanità, richiama l'attenzione c-i tutti coloro che sono affetti di detto male a voler ricorrere a lui se bram(ano una sicura e pronta guarigione. Dirigersi al Numero 1 431 Morris St.. I'hila delphia. Non si riceve pagamento se ' on a guarigione completa. Tutti quelli poi che sono lon tani, possono scrivere indicando la loro malattia ed ih suddetto si assumerà la responsabilità della loro guarigione. Both Phones FARMACIA ITALIANA DR. V. DE VIRGILIIS 9th & Catharine Sts. Philadelphia, Pa Socialità Farmaceutiche - Servizio inappun tabile - Ufficio Dentistico I Antica Farmacia [Teramana SILVIO CIANCARELLI, Farmacista 71 So. 7th Street Philadelphia, Pa. ♦j» Servizio speciale Vaglia Telegrafici | *:• •> $ Banca D'Ambrosio * ♦ y P/ima Banca Italiana in Philadelphia, Pa. X *l* A ♦% Stabilita nel ISB6 ❖ _ ❖ ❖ v ❖ i Banca D'Ambrosio ha perfezio- V v -, • v ♦♦♦ ii ,uo sistema speciale diretto e ♦♦♦ V ' ìtr ì per le rimesse di denaro in V ♦♦♦ V ♦> T i: n p ■ mezzo li Vaglia telegrafici. ♦♦♦ X paesi dove esistono uffici tele- % ♦> - V iai o viene pagato entro ♦♦♦ egli altri entro due giorni me pese extra. ♦♦♦ ❖ ♦ *** ♦♦♦ , " ■ >: Fitzwater Sts., Phila., Pa. | ❖ ❖ l i Z (Quando Volete Bere, Bevete il Migliore \ I « rinomato Vino SANGIOVESE della nota i; | ditta Isaia Sancisi di Sant'Arcangelo di !; i | Romagna, èil miglior vino che sia stato ! : | mai importato dall'ltalia. Manifatturato ! i 2 scrupolosamente ha un sapore eccellente, j ; | ! ; | !•. >n dovrebbe mai mancare in nessuna buo- | ; | na tavola. Chiedetelo sempre al Bar che ! ; $ siete solito frequentare il I Raffaele D'Abruzzo ! Z | ! | AGENTE GENERALE PER GLI STATI U. I » ! I * lOth & Bainbridge Sts - Philadelphia, Pa. ! il 1 [ ; | SAULINO BAR I N. E. Cor. Bth & Wharton Streets Il Bar Italiano più grande, più fornito di bassa città APERTO NOTTE E GIORNO l Lunch abbondante e di prima qualità in 1 qualunque ora del giorno | Vi si trovano le migliori qualità di birre, vini e liquori domestici ed importati Specialità in Vini Cotti Abruzzesi