TO A GRIOULTURISZKS'. Inl‘on'uxcn or SALT 1x Aomcrmtmz.—lf we should ask why so enormous :1 quantity of this inestimable gift. of salt is distributed throughout. the earth: why three—fourths of the surface of the planet designed for the home of man is con-red with it: the answer Would be ~in order to preserve the Work of nature, to enable man the more readily to sustain himself, and to make him wealthier and better. It has become an indispensable condition for tin- ex~ istence of man, and his civilization. In all Organic beings we meet with two processes” that of life ‘and that of decomposition—tile latter beginning its full activily after "10 former has achieved its end, at the moment when organic beings are dissolved into those constituents from which the plant was formed find nourished. 3 If, however, we intend to elmck, m- :d {gash ' delay decomposition, we must employ acids, for We know that we Creator formed 9! the am salt a mighty barrier against she immeasurable mass of water becoming pun'i'ji we know that our stocks of fleSh, gre‘abc, :;-;.. are preserved by the application ui‘salt : that cabbage-water, acids in general, and kitchen-salt, are tlzc means cmpio3'ed by the agrieuimrist against, septic diseases in (m:- domcgic animals: and againsi diseases 0f the mom}: and fem. The separation of milk and deposim of meat. will be increased by the application of salt, thus forminggn essenfial means for the promotion of came-raising. By the application of salt, the frzziis, especially wine, will become much better: and even the ancients were in the habit u; throwing salt on their graunds, their vineyards, and fruit. trees. Agricultural chem {Strg informs us that the simplest combinations tifi' ugh which nourishment. is conveyed to plants consists in acids, alkalica, and alkaline substances. Animal chemistry shows that free muriatic acid and kitchen-salt form the princi pal constituen!s of the contents of the stomach. In a French prize paper, by Dr. Desaive, on the manifold advantages of the use of salt in agriculture, the following realms have been laid down by the celebrated French veterinary surgeon, Grogniez : Common salt sgrves as :1 preventive. of the fermentation and heating of hay, which has been heaped up in large stacks during the Wet Weather. Forty quintals of hay require fifteen pounds of salt, to be strewn among it. in alter nate layers. This efi'ect is much better shown in straw, which, intended to be used as-fodiler, by being moistend with salt. water may be preserved for a. long time, whey: it can be given to cattle in stead of buy, a met-110:1 in use among the an “icicnts. ‘ Leaves of tyres, when put in ditches with salt, may be prevented far a. long time from putrefactive fermentation: and will even make good forage. Intelligent farmers of the Mom. d’Orlyonais are in {he habit. of thus preserving their vine leaves as fosidc-r for goats. Fodder ofmferior quality, i’m-instancc straw, or other kind, soaked and bleached by rain and sun, cure-'1 too fate, er bee-Limo woe-(1y, may be rendereti more palatable and easy of di gestion by being salted. A peuud of salt in three (1112215 of water is required for a- quinml of bad bay. The sharp taste whit}: i'm-miil: ofcows usu -311;: ssczmscs is: ('(inSf'i‘ilt‘hL‘Q of beets, turnips, 2113 $(., 03$:th being continually fed to them, t-m Lt remote} i-v s.-.‘;xiug {host vegeta bk: 1 Hindus, cun:‘:.:‘;:a sail is sin-v.ll rm new 9.3.} wet outs, to be ind m i:~:-1':.~-;-s,;mdthus pre pare?“ will not hr: duugcrcus :0 the animals.— ‘Ule SL111: ayp‘.ic:a.aic-n 1153:: zit-. 0 be made :9 bay newly harvesi.:-"i, i-J; in‘ewm injuries when ix may bees-me :u—eesa‘arg to iced such hay, the moisture of which has. mat been fully evapora— iczé. Though the bad quaiities cf dusty, muddy, or moulaiy fodder, after having been washed and {fix-what]: are not entirely removed, yet, by giv ing a sprinkling of salt water. they will be di minishezi m a censidemble degree. This tact. will 1):: of advantage: to the farmer wheneverhe m 3.“ be in Fant- (‘sf appropriate rudder. By means of sat, and: yum:- as otherwise. camel 1101. bc Hard far (traffic for drinking, “iii the vandal-ed proper. The great aémmuga; to be derived from cum men $111! 1721: regard t 9 :11:- iwaizh of mule, have been cic—mly 51mm: by many experiments made by that learned and celebrmed agricul uzris: of [53:1 :u, li. BL‘HSthlgfi-uh. Battle, by bcing fed wizh 53h, raceive :1 soft. and glossy shirsfihcir Gigraf‘len and :q-{setite are in good order, and {2.2-3 Emu-ease in flesh and strength. Cows thub 7w}. )iz-hl much milk. while those treated mi {'l'l‘ii‘b have (an?! :kius. “am mug!) hairs, czhibit less spy-Jim. produce :1 smaller amount cf flesh, fmu‘ git-Ed not only inferior Lu; 515.) {fix-.1135, ci‘ milk. 3111. Manx;- f'::.:u cattle {ed with mixed {udder i.~ aka (.i' 9. better qualiéy. ‘ i'inffily, Elf-XHEYilig s'. Ll; Szdt will banish mu:- ases and hm‘tful parasitic“ plants arc-m mm :vanEu—v L". S. I’m‘mt 619505 Report. , ’ Tm: SitiliCTlOX Axn IIAXAGEZBit-lht‘ ut' DAISY , I STOCK—We copy the following from the report of the. Comniitzen of the Massachusetts Beard ' vf Agriculture on Cattle Husbandry: ‘g The general aspect of the dairy animal is . hiuzzc-r, sharper, and more angular than a fccd- l "fig animal- When selecaing dairy cows we. "liould look for a wide chest, small head, wide f“ _tween the horns and nyes, small muzzle, thin, " . in: unit, sweeping smoothly into the shoul " tiers, the shoulders at the withers thin, hat-l; straight, hi ps wide, and wide in the pelvis, and deep in the flank, ribs 9. little flat, belly some what largo, udder lax-gm, extending Well up bc~ bind and forward, her general appearance deli cate and feminine; but, afterall signs, the best I ' recommendation :1 dairy cow can present. is 3 list of a long line of ancestors that. have been famous for milk. Heifers may come in at. two years old, but. are cnfecblc-l in health and com stitmion by the practice, and will not hold out in the dairy to so great an age its those that 602110 in a year older. The best dairy hull shoal-l have a broad. short head, horns spread— ing from the side a little in front, and turning upwards, back straight, a little sharp at the withers, widening backwards to the hips, filigltl‘sy :xlol-iug rump, belly large and legs short and fine, mil long and tapexing, with a. heat; brush of hair at the end, Much of the prnflt of a dairy cow depends “1703 :1 9161113111 supply at all times of rich food. The variation in the quantin' of milk they yield is principally owing to thc~di§crencc in the nutritive quality of the food they re ceive. ans receiving food poor in alimenml i matterfallaway in milk. Add to tllenutritive properties of their food, and they imtnediuu-h; increase theirfiow. -The quantity of milk 11er does not depend on giving a. particular kind of \food, but on giving a quantity equal to die . Import of the natural wasze of the body, said F ving a remainder to be converted into milk. - tarmers err very much when they undertake to eep more cattle than they have means to 8118 in in the best condition, especially in the will r. The result is, their cows come out of the stable in the spring weak and feeble, and struggle through half the summer before they are in a condition to yield milk in quantity more . than equal to paying ex 1:112:25. Dair .. should at. all times be in gym] condition. y gig; should receive their food at regular intervals - , atheir milk. should be drawn at. slated hours: .2. ad by qulet, gentle milkmeu; and they Should be treated at all times with the utmost kindness ' In short, every means in the power of the dairy farmer shouldbe used to insure their tranquilitv. Harsh treatment exerts a. very injurious actién .on their milk, rendering it less buttery, and more liable to acidity. \ Respiration is a. species of combustion. At 'evgry breath we inhale oxygen of the atmos ' phere, which unites with and consumer the “‘5 urban or fatty matter of the food. - When Leona are'worried or driven too rapidly, they breathe more frequently, inhale more oxygen, 3' md more of the buttery portion of their food ' is consumed, leaving less to be converted into buttyraceous milk. Warmth is a substitute. to a. certain extent, for food. Cows, when warm and comfortable, will consume proportionately less food, and it. is well known to all experi. enced dairymen, that. their cows yield more milk in warm. pleasant days, or when they have the run of awarm, well sheltered pasture, than on cold rainy days. or when they run in cold, bleak pastures. When cold they inhale more oxygen; the result is a combustion of more of the carbon or oily port of the food and less remains iv supply the lacteal vessels with ink milk. Elm (Miler. THE ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD T 111‘: 1‘ HM 0 F I'}: ms, AND GROWS MORE AN MORE POPULAR EVERY DAY! And testimonials, new, and almost Without number, might be given from ladies and, gentlemen in all grades nf society, whose united testimony none could resist, that Prof. Wood’s Hair Restorative will rest-ore the bald and gray, and preserve the hair of the youth to old age, in all its youthful beauty. . Burn-2 CREEK, Mich, Dec. 21g1858. Pnor . Woon : Thee wilt please accept a line to inform thee that the hair on my head full ofl' over twenty years ago, caused by a- complicated chronic disease, attended with an eruption on the head. A continual course of suffering through life having reduced me to a state of dependence, I have not been able to obtain stufl‘ for caps, neither have I been able to do them up, in consequence of which my head has sufiered extremely from cold. This induced me to pay Briggs &. Hodges almost the last cant I had on earth for a. two dollar bottle of thy Hair Restorative about the first of August last. I have faith; fully followed the directions. and the bald spot is now covered with hair thick and block, though short; it is also coming in all over my head. Feeling confident that another large bottle would restore it entirely and per manently, I feel anxious to persevere in its use, and be ing destitute of means to purchase any more, I would ask thee if then wouldst not be. willing to send me an order on thine agents for a. bottle, and receive to thy-self the scripture declumiion—“ the reward is to those who are kind m the widow and fathcrless.” Thy friend, SUSA‘SNAH KIRBY. Liuoxum, Noble Co , Indiana, Fob. 5, 1859. PROF. 0. J. Wooo: Dear Sin—ln the latter part of the year 1552. while attending the State and National Law School of the State of New York, my hair, from a cause unknown to me, commenced falling on” very rapidly, so that in the short space of six months, the whole op pet Part of my scalp was almost entirelyfhorclt of :18 covering, and much of the nrmlunlng portion upon the side and back part of my head shortly after became gray, so that you will not be surprised when I tell you that upon my return to the State of Indiana, my more casual ncqnuintancns were not so much at :1. loss to discover the cause ofthc change in my nypearance, as my more inti mate acquaintances win-c lo recognize me zit-all. . I at once made application to the most bkilll’ul physi cians in the country, but, receiving no assurance from them that my hair could again be. restored, I was forced to become reconciled to my fat-3., until. fortunately, in the latter part of the year 1857, your Restorative was recommended to me bya. druggist, as bcing the most rc liablc Hair Restorative in use. I tried one bottle, and found 10 my great satisfaction that it was producing the dCfiirfd ea‘ect. Since that time, I have used seven dol lurs‘ worth uf your Rmtumtivc, and as a. rcsult? have a. rich coat of vcry soft, black hair, which no money can buy. As a mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill in the production of so wonderful an article, I have recom mended its uze tomany of my friends mnlacquuintauces, wlm, I run happy to inform you, ure using it with like efi‘ect. Very respectfully, yours, A. 31. LATTA, - Attixrfiey and Counsellor at Law. 109th 44-4. Brum‘nvay, and sold by all dealers through out the world. 0. J. WOOD & C‘O., Pmprictors, 444 Broadway, Kew York. and 114 Mal-Lot street. St. Louis, Mo. And sold by all good Druggists mid Fancy Goods Dealers. 32117413: “-3111 Hffi'b"3'63"}:—“fifi'fii—E‘Ni TO THE LADIES HUNT'S "BLOOM OF RPSES,” a rich and delicate color for the cheeks and lips, WILL NOT WASH OR RUB OFF, and when once. applied remains durable for years. mailed free in bottles for $l.OO. HUNT’S “COURT TOILET POWDER,” imparts a. dazzling whiteness to the cumplexiun, and is unlike any thing also used for this purpose. mailed l‘rc-e forso cent-s. lIUET‘S “BRITISH BALM,” removes tan, freckles, sunburn and all eruptions of the skin, mailed free for 50 cents. HUNT’S “IMPERIAL POMA DR,” for the hair, strengthens and improves its growth . keeps it from (all ing 011‘. 8.551 warraututl TO MAKE THE HAIR CURL, mailed free for $l.OO. .HUNT’S ‘~ PEARL BEAUTIFIER,” fur the teeth and gums, cleunses and whiteus the teeth, hardens the gums, purifies the breath effectually, 1' RESE R V ES THE 13331:;ng AND PRBVEXTS TOOTH-ACRE, mailed free 01' ~ . . BBSTTS “ BRIDAL WREATII PERFUME,” adnuble gitggct of orange bleasoxus and cologne, mailed free for This exquisiteperfume was first used by the PRINCESS ROYAL, OF ENGLAND. on her marriage. MESSRS. HUN T &- 00. presented the PRINCESS with an elegant came of Perfumery, (in which all of the above articles were included.) in handsome cut glass with gold stoppers, valued at $l5OO, particulars of which appeared in the public prints. All the above articles sent FREE by ex pref: for $51.00. Cash can either accompany the order or be paid to the express agent uu delivery of goods. BUST E; 00., l’eqfiunrrs to the Queen, Mum":- S'uzzm'. Luxuux, mm 707- 8535031 STREET, The Trade supplied. I’munnwnu. Si-pJ-dly fictitia‘z. ‘BUEHLER HOUSE, MARKET SQL‘ARE, HARRISBURG. PA. GEO. J . BOLTON, Pmpmmams CARI} The übovv Well known and long established Hotel is now undergoing a. thorough renorution, and being in a great degree newly furnished, under the proprietorship of Mr. GEORGE J. B-‘JLTDN, who has been an inmate of the house for the last. three years: and is well known to its guests. Thankful for the liberal patronage which it has en joycd, I cheerfully commend Mr. Bultou to the public favor. ' jeT-dnkwy WILLIAM BUEHLEB. 51 NICHOLAS HOTEL; i- 7 ‘ , . BRO ADW AY, NEW YORK Whun camplutedg six years ago, the St. Nicholas; was universally pronounced the most magnificent, conve nient, and thoroughly organized establishment of the kind on this continent. What it was then, it remains today—without a 9’5 ml in sizc, in sumptuous-new, and in the general elements of comfort and enjoyment. The Hotel has accommodations for ONE TIIOUSAN D 51351 HUNDRE D GUESTS, including ONE HUNDRED COBIPLETE S-L’ITES OF APA R TM'ENTS for families. SIX HUNDRED PERSONS. can be comfortablyseated at the tables of its three public dining rooms, and nothing that modei-n urt‘hns devised for the convenience and so cial gratification of the traveling public has been omitted in its plan, of is neglected in its practical details. The early reputation of the house- at. home and abroad, derived from its magnitude, its superb appointments, and its home-lilac comforts and luxuries, has been en— hanced every year by the umvcaried. exertions of the Proprietors. [mm-dam TREADWELL. WHITCOMB a: CO. BO C L AMATlON.—Whereas, the Honorable JOHN J. PEARSON, President or the Court of Common Pleas in the Twelfth J udiciul District, con sisting of the counties of Lebanon and Duuphiu‘ and the 11011. A. 0. HIESTER and Hon. FELIX NISSLEY‘ Associ— ate Judges in Dauphin county, having issued thcir pre cept, boating date the 15th day of October, 1860, to me directed. for holding a. Court of Oyer and Tel-miner and Goneml J ail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Ponce at Harrisburg, for the county of Dauphin, and to com mence on the 3:1 Immday (f Nauenzber, being the 191]: any of Nat-ember, 1860, and to_continue two weeks. _ Notice is therefore hereby given to thu Corongr, Jus~ tices of the Peace, and Constables of the said county of Dauphin, that they be then and them in their proper persons, in 10 o’clock in the foreman of said day, with their records, inquisitions, examinations, and theirown rememhmncés, to do those things which to their oflice appegtams to he done, and those Who are bound in re cogluzauces; ‘0 prosecute against the prisoners that are 01‘ 5‘1““ be In the Jail of Dauphin county, he then and ““2!“ to prosecute against them as shall be just. We“ under my hand at Harrisburg the 15th day of 0.02:)?!" in the S'euz' of our Lord. 1860., and in 12‘10 gang-third year of the indeyen‘ience of the United ‘ J . M. EYSTERJ ‘ SHERIFF’S Omen, Sherlll'. Harrisburg, October 15, 1860. € JUST RECEIVED INK FOUNTAIN! INK FOUNTAIN! A very ingenious attachmentfo any metallic pen, by which one dip of ink is sumcxent to write a. foolscap page. For sale at SGHEFI-‘ER’S yooxsronfl, ap9 I\o. 18 Market st QCHEFFER'S Bookstore is the place to kl buy Gold Pena—warranted JONES’ STORE, AS USUAL! Just received, and receiving, at JONES’ STORE, Mar. ket- Street, Harrisburg, amost bea‘utiful Stock of all kinds of DRY GOODS from Philadelphm and New York, which will be sold Cheap for Cash. Ffuyera will do themulvea justice by calling. Cam-paysl Oil-cloth, Blankets, Rugs, Matting, ace. Just recemng, monks, Arabian Style Tainan, a: c. 0019411191“. Bugimgs (llama. DENTI S T R Y . THE UNDERSIGNED, DOCTOR 0F DENTAL SURGERY. Respectfully tenders his professional services to the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity. OFFICE IN STATE STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRADY HOUSE. sep2s—a&wtr 3.31 GILDEA,D.D.S. J B. HUTGI—IISON, I ALDERMAN. THIRD STREET, FOURTH DOOR ABOVE XORTH, .yl7 HARRISBURG, PA. «mm? W W . H.A Y s , . . _ ATToRNnY-Arn-LAW. o FF I can, WALNU STREET, BETWEEN SECOND Jr. THIRD, 35L”... ~ .F‘"‘§E¥§‘3L£é' ~ _,..7 . (db; THEO. F. SGHEFFER, BOOK; CARD AZVCD JOB PRINTEE. inns No. 18 Market Street, Harrisburg. JAS.F.SHUNK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE IN nu: BUILDING OPPOSITE PROTHONOTARY'S OFFICE, 58117] - Harrisburg, Pa. [dly - “I MT_’II‘”LWETTL"IT E‘li , ATTORNEY AT LA W . Office corner of MARKET STREET and the SQUARE, (Wyeth’s,) second floor from. :1? Entrance on Market Square. ~ 321:1 _vd‘xyw DR. 0. WEIGI—IEL, _ “___. 5111}} 1! 1?. .9 EK'JLEI , RESIDENCE mum) NEAR nomn STREET He nwo fluly prepared 0 attend promptly to the. duties of profession in all its branches. A 1030 AND VERY suuonssvm. mama“. nxmnmscu justifies him in promising full and ample! satiufactiou to all who may favor him with a. call, be the disease Chronic or any other nature. mlß—dkwly T H 0 MAS G. MACDOWELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office in Third Street, one Door West of His Residence, « HARRISBURG, PA., Will attend to applications for Pensions and Patents in Washington Citr, D. 0., and will practice in the Court of Claims in said city. By an arrangement wlth responsibln partiea in Washington City, he is enabled to assure all wins may entrust their applications, eithe: for Pensions or Patents, to him, that they will be faithfully and properly attended to. on the most resonnhle turms. S P.AUOHMUTY, G ATTORNEY AT LAW, MILLERSBURG. Ingram pawn, PA Will practice before the Dauphin, Northumberluud and Perry County Courts. Prompt “Mention given to the collection of claims Allkinds of conveyancing executed with dispatch. Land surveys made at, shortest notice. (led-(11y J OHN PTAbZYK Respectfully informs the citizens nl‘ Harrisburg and vicinity that he is ready at an times to TUNE AND REPAIR PIANO FORTES, ORGANS, and Musical In struments of all descriptions. Mr. Ptaszyk is recom mended by the leading Musical Manufacturies of New York, as well as other cities of the United States. All orders left at Mr. WM. KN OCHE’S Music Store Market street, or Kerr’s Hotel, will be promptly mi faithfully attended to. no4—dly VJM. I’ARKHILL, 5300355503 TD 1L 8. LUTZ, PLUMBER AND 7 mass“ lOUNDER, 108 MARKET $13., HARRISBURG BRASS CASTINGS, of every description, made to order. American manufactured Lead and Iron Pipes or all sizes. Hydrante of every description made and repaired. Hot and Cold Water Baths, Shower Baths, Water Closets, Giatern Pumps, Lead Genius and Lead work or ovary descripuon done at the shortest notice, on the most reasonable terms. Factory and Engine work in general. All orders thank- Enily received and punctueny attended to. The highest price in cash given for old Copper, Brass, Lead and Spelter. mflS-dt‘r‘ J G. MOL T z, ENGINEER, MACHINIST AND STEAM FITTER, No. 6, Nanh Sixth st.) between Walnut and Mark“, Harnsburg, Pa. Machinery of every assumption made and repaired. Brass Cocks of all sizes, and a large assortment of Gas Fittings constantly on hand. All work done in this establishment will be under his own Fixaporvisinu, and warranted to give. satisfactian. oc‘ . - RELIGIOUS BOOK STORE, TRACT AND SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPOSITORY, E. S. GERNEAN, 2'5 SOUTH SECOND STREET, ABOVE UHESNUT, nasmsnvae, p 5. Depot for the sale of Stereoscopos,Stereoscnpicvmws, Music and Musical Instruuwntzi. Also: subscriptions taken for religious publications: A,,____ uoEO—dy J AOOl3 P. BARRINGEB, SIGN, ORNAMENTAL AN]! HOUSE PAINTER. No. 47 SOUTH THIRD STREET, > , _ _ ’ (AT BUYER’S .5111qu FACTORY” Hurrrisbnrg, Pa. LC? Plain and Ornamentu! Signs, in Giitaml Silvangot up with neatnsss and despatch. Expu- Vanished, and all orders promptly attended tn. Give me a call. septT-dtf FRANKLIN HOUSE, This pleasant and commodious Hotel has been tho roughly re-fitted and tea-furnished. It is pleasantly situated on North-West corner of Howard and Franklin streets, a few doors west of the Northern Central Rail way Depot. Every attention paid to the comfort of his ot‘uests . ° jelS—U’ ißmtk flpplicutious. B A N K NOT I C 19.—Notice IS hereby given, that the undersigned have formed an Asso ciation, and prepared and executed a. Certificate, for the purpose of establishing a Bank of Issue, Discount and Deposite, under the provisions of the am: entitled “An act to establish a. system of Free Banking in Pennsyl vania, and to secure the public against loss from Ensol. vent Banks, ’7 approved the Slat day of March. A D. 1660, said Bank to be called 'I‘IIE DOWNINGTUWN BANK. to be located in Downingtuwu, to consist of a Capital Stock 0' Fifty Thousand Dollars 7 in shares of Fifty Dol lars each, with the privilege of increasing the same to any amount not exceeding in all Three Hundred Thou. sand Dollars. . - Charles Downing, E David Ehclmlrc. Juhn Webster, William Edge, ! J. K. Eshelman, Richard 1). Wells, , ‘ Samuel Ringwult’; J . P. Baugh, Stephen Blatchford September 3, 1860 —sepl’.'-alfim B ANK N OTI C 13.—Notice. ls hereby given that an Association has been Formed and a. certificate prepared for the purpose of establishing a Bank of Issue, Discount and Deposits under the provi sions of the net entitled “An act to establish a system of Free Banking in Pennsylvania, and to secure the pub lic against loss from Insolvent Banks,” appruved the 3151; day of March, 1860. The said Bank to be called “ The Bethlehem Bank,” and to be locAted in the borough of Bethlehem. in the county of Northampton, with n Capi. m 1 stock of Fifty Thousand Dollars. in shares of Fifty Dollars each, with the. privilege of increasing the said Stock to Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. uu2s-d6m B A NK N 0 TI C 13.—Notice IS hereby given, that an association has been formed and a certificute prepared, for the purpose of establishing L Bank of issue, discqunt and deposit, unulerthe provigiuns of the act, entitled “An Act- to eslsbllsh a. system of free banking in Pennsylvania, and to secure the public aggli nst loss by insolvent banks," approved the thirty-first dnyol March, 1860. The said Bank to be 'called the ‘= FREE BANK," and to be located in the cit; of Philadelphia, and to consist of a. capital stock 0 ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, in'shares of fifty dollars each, with the privilege of increasing the same to any amount not exceeding in all one million of dollars. 3 53-115“; XTENSION OF BANK CHARTER Notice is hereby given that “ The Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bnnk of Easton,” 3 Bnnk of Discount and Deposite, located in the borough ol Enston, Northamp ton county. Pennsylvania, lnwmga capztal of Four llun dred Thousand Dullnrs, will :Ipr]; tlo the next LBgißXul’ure of Penusylvnnia for a renewnl'of its chm-tar for fifteen years, from the expiration of 1175 present qhnrter, With its present capital stock, ppwers and privileges’ and without any alteration in or mcreasn of the same. P. S. MlCHLER,}‘resident. M’E. FORMAN, Cashier. ‘4)930416". octlhiacwtd AN K Nl) T [0 E.—Notxce 15 hereby given that an Assofiatinn has been formed and a Certificate prepared for the purpoge of establishing a Bank of Issue, WNW"t and anomte, “Dd 31' the provi lions of the act entitled “ Aufict to establish a System of free bankiugin Pennsylvanm. and to secure the public against loss from insolvent hanks,” approved the 3151 day of March. 1860. The sand {Bank to. be called the n State Bank,” and to be loqated In the cxty of Philadel. phin, and to consist of a Cnpxtnl Stock of Fifty Thousand Dollars, in shares of Fifty ”o“an each, with the privi lege of increafling theaamo to unfamountuot exam-ling in all One Million of Dollm. jam-dom: OFFICE BALTIMORE, MD G. LEISENRING. Proprietor, (Late of Selins Grove, Pa.) i William Rogers ‘ (Ibo finusekcepcm. fife: ,%&5\ %/-¢lme :.. 6¢\ /C~° 41¢". QQR '3' S.?BGONOMY! '5l» \B. w :13. o '1 1 ‘l‘: g £46]; prmmmx $33511 . 9‘7 Save the Pieces! wk As accidents will happen. even in well—ngulatedfami pigs, it is very desigaple to have some cheap and conve nient way for repmnng Furniture, Toys, Crockery, ace. SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, and no household can afford to be without it. I}, is always ready and up to the stick— ing point. There 18 no langcr n necensity for limping chairs, spunlered VBDUBIQ. headless dolls, and broken cradles It in just the article fqr cone. shell, and other ornamental work, so popular thh ladies of refinement and taste. This mlmlrabln preparation is used cold, being cheml (rally hold in sulnliun, and possessing all the valuable qunlltius of mu best cahinat—lnukers’ uluo. It may be used in tha place of ordinary mucilage, being vastly more adhesivn. “ USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE ” N. Ba—A Blush accompanies each buotle. Price, 25 cents. Wmnmflm Dizl’u'r, No. 43 CEDAR s'rumm, Nuw Yum: HENRY C. BPALDING k 00.; Box No. 3,600. New York Aibiro s Put. up for Deniers in Case» enntnining Four, Eight, nud 'l‘wulm Dozen—u beautiful Lithographic Show-Gard accompanying each package) . 11:? A singln hottlu of SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE will Suva tun times its cwt annually to every household .5“ Sold by all prominent Stationersfihuggists, Hardware aml Furniture Dealers, (lrouers, and Fancy stares. Cuunm‘y mnrclmntn should n'mko u. now of SPALD ING’S PREPARED GLU E, when making up their list: It will ntund any climate. fcbl4~d&,wly 3111311 mum. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN SURANUE COMPANY. OFFICE, S. Econ. 71mm AND 14241. NUT 31‘s- PHI LA DELPJIIA Incorporated 1535. Marina Emmanu- on vessels, cargo and freight, to 31’ parts of the movid. Inland [nut-ran“ on goods by rivers, canals, lakes and land carriage to all parts of the. Union. Fin [Manama on merchandize generally, am! on stores, iwelfing houses, kc. Alssvta of the Company, Norembefl, 1863, 3693,80420-100 do lam. The Baum! of Directors have this any declamd a. Dividens of ‘ Six Per Cent. in Cash, on the Original Capital Stock, and Six Per Cent. on the Scrip of the Company, payable on md after Isl pmximo. They have also declared a. Scrip Dividend ofTwenty—Five Per Cent. on the Original Stock,and on the Earned Pm miums fax- the year ending October 31, 1858, Oemficutes rm which will be issues to the ,xarties entitled to the name, on Ind after the first of December next. Pranmizi‘s‘umg, stolmiuqt adopted by (he Balm! Ithre-ns, Thu increased méans of the Company arising from Profile, and which win be derived from the Increased capital Stock under the late amendments to the Act of In corporation, render the further continuance of the Guam]: tee Capital unnecessary therefore h? it— Resolved, That the dual-antes Capital be disconfinnea, and the Notes representing the same be delivered up to the makers thereof. as anon as the Risks taken during the period embraced in said Notes shall have determinant. l) I R E G 'l‘ O R B : William Martin, Edmund A. Sander, Theo. Paulding, Jon B. Penrose, John 0 Davis, James 'l‘raqnair, William Eyre, Jr. James 0. Hand, Wm. C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, Dr. R. M. Huston, Geofi. Leiper, Hugh Craig, Charles Kelly, Sam’l. E. Stokes. J. F. Peniston, Hem-y Sloan, Ed. Darlington, B. Jones Brooke, Spencer M’llvaine, Thomasc. Hand, Robert Burton, J scab P . 'Jonea, Jaa. B. M’Farl’d, loshuai’. Eyre, Jno. B. Sample, D. 'l‘. Morgan, J. 'l‘ Logan. WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOMAS 0. HAND, Won Pruidim. HENRY LYLBURN , Secretary. , The undersigned, an Agent for the nbova Company, is prepared to make Insurances on all descriptions of proper ty, on the most liberal terms. octl -lyd&.w WM. BUEHLER. ifiifiteiiaxtcous. prgidflm 1"?" I). ' R .’ j > «a: (£57 ”415’s; E 3&3. .5;- ‘LVD 1, I: ;‘,“x“. *\ fifikéfi-ggr gsi 341.57: I" Jay/1‘ .. 43:55” 5-5 Wu [:4 " :5 \‘xfl“ ‘25 Him] PER ’41.: a $135613» P 3 . ”PM, ’ flii ' “ “MAINE"; “0. 9 u ”(103 ‘fm ,~_:-; :. .... "Mfl “’“mrsqb’_ “$5: ‘-' fiki‘Jfigffi‘E—ffi? .133);- ”.11: RIS ”UP 41.1,»: {fa-i, . E“‘s;‘:‘§§§s «a x. I!” ‘W " Wm- 54.55: ‘2‘. T 5; 1 "j sW‘Sg‘“ 1‘ ivfiérgi 1;: “Pi. , a ‘ nggfia .. ‘5 55% 5., - N 0 VE-‘L I‘IE S. RECEIVED AT SCHEFFER’S‘ BOOKSTORE Chinese Tumbler, -) Deceptive Tumblers, ‘ Watch Boxes-Imita-tion Packet“ Cards, Whistling Balloons, Moveable Animals, Do. Men, Magnetic Fishes, Do. Ducks, Do. Turtles! Do. Ships, Magnets, Compassoss of all sizesfi; tamps for marking Linen, &c., at 38 cents. Cards Cases, Needle Threaders, a very useful article for Ladies at 20 cents. Porcelain Slates and Pencils. Heir Brushes, Lead Pencils in Boxes, Gum Balls of every size and quality and prices. Paint Boxes, Brushes, Lead Pencil Sharpeners. Finger Rings, Globes, Key Rings, Pocket Pieces, Pen Knives China. Ornamentf, with Ink Stands, &c., attached. ’ Parallel Rulers, l'eu Wipers, Sand Boxes, Pun Racks. Microscopes of different sizes. ' Magneto-Electric Machine. China. Marbles of all sizes and prices. - Glass L‘ H 5‘ Common “ . Spalding’s Prepared. Glue, .1 useful article in every family, Upton's ;: u H I; '¢ Mathematical Instruments of different styles. Violin, (i uitur and Banjo Strings Magic Wafers, or Electricity Illustrated, price 75 cents a box. Magic Duplicating and Impresslon Paper. Kuleidiscopes and Multiplying Glasses. ' Dominoes of all sizes, qualities and prices. Pocket Ink Stands “ “ “ Cork Screws, suitable for carrying in Vest Pocket. Puzzles, Mirrors, Dice, Perfumery. Colored Crayons. Chalk do. Poplar Macho Work Boxes. u. “ Writing Desk and Portfolio. ijj’ For sale at SGBEFFER’S BOOKSTORE, marSO NO. 18 Market Street. EXTRACTS! EXTRAGTSH WOODSWORTH &: BUNNKL’S S UPERIOR ELA VORING' EXTRACTS BITTER ALMOND, HECTARINE. PINE APPLE: STRAWBERRY, ROSE. LEMON AND VANILLA, Just received and for me by je29 WM. DQGK. 12., a; CO THE Annual Meet-511g of' the Stockhoidcrs of the Tuckahne and Mt. Pleaysant P. R. 00. Will be hold at Brant’s cify Hall Monday, I\ov. sth, at Oo’clnck, A. M. [oc29-dlw*] W,” ”WEE.“ 2‘23““- .‘ P A R‘AFFINE CANDLES ! 1 !-—Made of PURE PARAFFINE. a material obtained from GOAL, combining the ILLUMIN ATING Properties and chemical conntnuents of Gas. Tihey WI" stand all cli mates, give a clem- and brilliant light and burn Tn: pan CENT . longer than Wax, Sperm or any other candle in the market. For sale by WM. DOCK, 13,, max-11 Sole Agent for Harrisburg. FINE CONDIMENTS ! l—E X T R A FRENOH mus'rAlu), a choice variety of SALAD OILS, SAUOES and KETOHUPS of every description. my“ wu, DOOK, In, Us 00. IIELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for the Biadder, HELMBQDLD’S BUCHU For the Kidneys. HELMBDLU’S BUCHU [or the Grand. HELMBOLD’B BUGHU for the Dropa’. HELM HOLD’S BUCBU for Nenounneaa, HFLMBOIJYS BUCHU (or Lgss of Memory. HELM BOLD’S BUUHU lot Dlmnena of Via'ion, HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Dlfllcult BPeAthint'. HELMBOLD’S event: for Weak (serves. ’ HELM BOLD’S BUGHU for general nobility. HmLMBuLD‘s BUflHU for Lnivers:allm'uitude_ HELMBOLD’S BUGHU for Humor of Emma EELMBOLD’S BUGHU for NiahtSwelts. BELMBOLD’s BUGhU or W keiulners. . HELMBOLD’S BUCWU («r Drynuss of the Skin- HELMBULD’S HUCHU for Eruptions. HELMBOI.D’S BUCHU for Pain in the Back.‘ _ . HELMBt tLD’S BUUBU for Heavim-ss of the Eyelids, With Temporary aufl‘mion -nd Loss of Sight. . BELMBOLD‘S BUUHU for Mobility and Reatlessncssgthh Want of Attention and Horror of Socifly. HELMROLD’S BUCHU for Obstructions. . HELMBOLD’S BUGHU for Excuses arising from India oration, and all Difleues of FEMALE‘, FEMALES, FEMALES, ‘ _ FEMALES, FEMALES, FEMALES. TAKE NO MORE I ILLS, TAKE NO MORE PILLS, THEY ARE OF NO AVAIL, THEY ARE OF NO AVAIL. Use HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU for all com plaints incident to the uwx. M) FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT! TAKE NO MORE BA LSA H or Injurimla and Unpleasant Medicim- or Unplensmtuml Dal-gr runs Diseases. Usu MELMBOLD‘S I-XI‘RAUI! BECHU for Excesses arising from [ml-its indu‘gbd in BY YJJNG AND OLD, And fu: dist-uses -ris:n,~: tram Habits of D saipufion. It re mom all imprnp- r discbu-ges, and will restore the patient in a short timv ton state m" Ilvalth and Purity. Use HELVIBOLD‘S EXTRACT BUCHU for Diseases and A flactxons of the most Dmtr- «sing Character. Use lIJ'JLMBULD S EXTRACT BEGHU for all Affect-- Lions and Diacusas or the URINARY ORGA'SS7 Whether existing in MALE on FEMALE: Fl‘Um ulnituvcr (Mme originating, and no matter of H' I‘IV LUNG STANDING. MI sf the share dimmers and symptmm ahnit of the same n'cntmunt, and I:\#)’ original-4 from the same cause. > hEAD! READ! READ! READ! HELMJmLms BEGIN] is smfe, and pleasant in taste and odor. but immudiah- m 118 act-nu. , Persomllv appear. (1 Infants me, an Ndcmmn of the City of Philaidphia, )L T HELMBOLU, Chemist, who, being duly swmn, does any, that his preparation contains no Nab cutieJ Mezuury. or injurious mug, but is purely Vegetable -11 I‘. “In,“ 1501.9, 50k: Mnuufuc‘urorv Sworn and sub cribcd bafure me, this 233:1 day ox‘Novcm— her, 1854 WM. 1' h IBBARD= Alderman. drpcfiee $1 per bot-Hm or six for $5, deiivefed to any ad 0-5. And be cowiucud of iis eflicacv. And it is acrompmnied by reliablw and responsilve cvrtificatcs from Professors of Birdicnl Colleges, ulurgymcn and oihers. Prepared by H. T HELMROLD, Pmcfica! and Ana‘yz'xca! Ghemgst: IG4 9mm. vpmg}, Street below and nut, Philmejpfiin. NEG: SEAR" CAUTION ——shan’d unprmcipb (1 Dealers try topa'm off unclhcr article, which pays a better pmflt and is wuth r 53, Its-R EUR I—IELM HOLES EXTRACT BUCHL‘. TAKE Nu OTHER CUR E“ GUARANTEED. November 10, _l’3_f)3 Suki by JOHN WYETH, Drugist, corner 01' Market a»! Second. Siru—lS, Harris! mg. 7 7 AN" ALL 1: R nr; ($1515 7:. YER YWHEHE CUT mus OUT—SFND 0}: CALL 1901: 11‘, AND AVOID Exx’ozmua AND IMPOSITION, Hlll3 thWSm Ax aperient and Stnmnchic preparation of IRON puri‘ fivd of Oxygen and Carbon by combustion in Hydrogen. Sanctioned by the highest Medina] Authoritiea, both in Europe and the United S‘mtes, and prescribed in “mi: practice. The experience of thousands daily proves that no pre— paration of Iron can be compared will: it. Impurities of the blood, depression of vital energy, pale and other Wise siekl y complexions, indicate its necessity in almost every conceivable uase. _ Innoxious in all maladies in which it has been tried, it has proved absolutely curative in each of the following complaims, viz: IN Dream-Iv. Nnnvons Airwoman, Emmumn, DYS PEPSIA. Cons'flnrmn. humans“, Dvsnx'rsnv, Isomxnxr CossmlP‘l'xON. Sane rcwts Tunsncnnosxs. SALT Runlm, nllsunnsmmrmx. Wan-as, CHLOROSIS. LIVER Convmmrs, Cnxoxxo HnAoAcm-‘s, RHEUMATISM, INTERNHTENTFEYEBS, Pumas on THE FACE, 850. In cases of GENERAL Dnemin’, whether the result of acute direlse, or of the continued diminution of nervous and muscular en« x-gy l‘n om chronic can plaims, one trial of this restorative luvs proved succesznl to an extent which to descrip ion or wnttl-n attestation would rendorcredible. Invu lids so 101-]; bed ridden as to have be come forgotten in their (m u no igliho hoodsl have suddenly re-uppeared in the busy world as i= just rrturned from protracted travel in a. distan? land. Son-e wry signal instnnres of this kind are attested of female Sufi‘erers. emaciated victims of apparent maiasmus. sanguineous exhaustion. critical changes, and that com: licv-tiun ol netwous and dyspeptic aversion to air and exercise for which the physician has no name. In vanns AFFEC-Tloms of all kinds, and for reasons familiar to medical men. the operation of this preparation oi iron must necessarily be salutarv, for, unlike the old oxides, it is vigorously tonic, without being exciting and overheating; and gently. rvguluxly upvrient, own in the most obrtinate cases of costiveness. without ever beinga. gastric purgativo, or inflicting a disagreeable sensation It is this latter property. among others, which makes it so remarkuhly elTectual and permanentn remedy for Piles, upon which it also appears to exert a distinct and specific action. by dispersing the local tendency which forms them. In Drsmpsu, innumernbte as are its causes, a. single box of these Chalyllcatc Pills has ofven sufficed for the most hubitu-l case-q, including the attendant Comic-emu. 1n unehucked DIARBBCEA, even when advanced to DYSEN ”my, confirmed, emauiating, an! apparently malignant the editors have been equally decisive and astonishing. In the local pains, loss of flesh and strength, debilitating cough, and remittcnt hectic, which generally indicate Ix emu“ Consonrrmn. this remedy has allayed the alarm ol‘ (hands and physicians, in several very gratifying and interesting instances. In Sononvmns Tnnnncnnosrs, this medicated iron has had far more than the good eli‘ect of the most cautiously balanced preparations of iodine, wilhunt any of their well knOWn liabilities. :‘i F; The attention of females cannot be (m confidently invited to this remedy and s'estolatil=e,in the cases peculiarly a!" fleeting them. In Razmunsx, both chronic and inflammatory—in the latter, however, moredec:dedly——it has been invariably well reported, bulb as alleviating pain and reducing the swel lsngs and stifi’ness of the joints and muscles. In INTERMITTRNT Ravens it mast necessarily be a. great remedy and eno-rgetic rastorative, and its progress in the new settlements of the West, win probably be one of high renown and uaefulness. No remedy has ever been disccvered inflate whole history of medicine,which exerts such prompt, happy, and fully restorative effecis. Good appei its, complete digestion, rapid acquisition of strength, With an nuusuai disposnzion for active and cheerful exm'c‘se, immediately follow its use. Put up in neat flat metal boxes containing 50 pills, price 50 cents per box; lor sale by druggists and dealers. Will be sent free to any address on receipt of the price. All letters, orders, etc., should be addressed to B. B. LOCKE S; 00., Geaeral Agents. nzy'ZE-d&wly 20 Cedar Street, New York. M ANHOOD, A LECTURE ON THE NATURE. TREATMENT AND RADICAL CURE OF SPERMATORRHOEA, or Seminal Weakness, vaual Dehility, Nervousnesa and Involuntary Emias‘ous, producing Impotency , Consumption and. Mental and Physical Inability. BY ROB. J. CULVERWELL. M. D. Theimponant fact that the awful consequences of self abusc may be effecmally removed withoutmternalmcdicines or the dangerous applications of caustics,- instruments, medicated Images, and other amniricul drviccs, is here clearly demonstrated. and the entirely new and highly auc'u‘ssful treatment, as adopted by the calebrated author, fully explained, by means of wllivh every one is enabled to cure himself perfectly, and at the least posai nle coat, there— by avoiding all the advertiSrd nostrnms of the day The Lecture will prove a. boon to thousands and thousands. Bent under seal to any address, post paid, on the receipt of two unstage stamps, by addressing Dr. CHAS. J. C. KEANE. 480 First Avenue, New York, Post Box 4,586. ale-dfi'wlv ‘ LATE ST NEW Si!.! TONIC FOR. FEVER AND AGUE, Will cure the most. obstinate caso “ IN TWENT FOUR HOURS,” It is also a. preventative far such}; are liable to this disease. 'l‘hiH celebrated TONIC re moves all Flutulcncy, regulates the Buwels7 Pin-mes the Blood, gives an tone to the Digestive Organs, and. creates an appetite. Sole Agent for the town and Dauphin county is WM. LOEFFLEB, appointed by me. mxS-dßm DR. SWOPE, CHESNUT GROVE WHISKEY.—Tbe purest Spirit ever altered the American public, pm. lensing none of the poisoning qualities inherent in the Whiskey in common use. All persons desirous of using this Whiskey may [egg ‘5. sm'ed of its purity PHILADELPHIA Janeen: 1 Dim. Sun—Wo ham carefully exumilxed. the aim???“ “Odhgagut Grove Williskey,” lan: with us a few days since u: n i Mounts. nlittle or none of the o‘ ’ stance known as mgn oil ___ ’ mm“ “'l‘” I'o Gnu.“ Winn-ox, In For sale by the only Agent in Harrisburg "a! 20-! WK. boom». fllchitul. A TRIAL COSTS BUT A DOLLAR—TRY I’l‘ HOW LOST, HOW RESTORE D _ _ .TnstPubliJolat, in salad “ml'ape, .. DR. SWOI’E’S Y ura respectfully °noom, o.sinan a; omm, Analytical Chemists ,ittebical. LOEFFLER W ' PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTIST AND CHEMISj 0012. 4:). AND MARKET sm. fining purchmd the Drug Store of Mean. HOLMAN «t 00., I beg luvs a all me attention or the public to my well stocked Drug Stars. My goods will alway- be found ‘0 be genuine, relinble, and or {he first quality. My “Fenence in the Drug business, acquired principally by “mung through the European Continent, will at m to give sltiafaetion to every one MY STOCK CONSISTS 0F Drngu, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soapl, Sagan, Tobacco, Burning Fluid, Alcohol and Camphene, Fresh Ground Spices, Corks, Spengea, Brushes, Pommea, Toilet Paints Combs, L'ort Menzies and Purses, Horse and Catfle Powderg, PATENT MEDICINES which will be sold but not recommended as I cant: guarantee a. cure in any case Besides the atom: named amides, 1 have a very large u- :ortment or other miscellaneous ”moles: which the pnin is invited to come and examine The attention of l nvalids, Physicians, Clergymen, scientific men, and the public generally, is respectfully solicited to the merits of this chemical preparation, con taining IRON, SULPHUR, AND l’IlO:1’LlOll0US, and which is identical in its composition with the Hematio Glubute, or red blood. In all diseases accompanied with DEBILITY, pale countenance and nervous derangement. analyses of the blood show a. deficiency of the red globules. Buddy complexion and a rosy tin: of the skin, is always indica tive of health; while u pale, wax-like skin and counte nance,—-whieh evinces a deficiency of the red globules -- accompanies udiseasml organism. l’l‘Bpflrntions of IRON have been given for the pul'pOFL‘ of supplying lhe red 5310- hules, bntwo contend that IRON alone, SULPHUR alone, or PHOSPHOROUS alone, will not. moot the deficiem'y in every case, but that a judicious combination of all these elements is necessary to restore the blood.» to its normal standard. This point, never before attained, has been reached in the BLOOD E 001), and in; discovery ranks as one of the most scientific and important of the ago. Its ellccts in CONSUMPTION‘ are to soften the cough, brace the nerves, strengthen the system, alloy the prostrating night swt‘nts, increase the physical and mental energy, enrich the blood by restoring the lacking red globules, increase the appetite, restore the color, and clothe the skeleton frame. with flesh. The BLOOD FOOD will be found a specific in all CHRONIC DISEASES of the THROAT or LUNGS, suchus Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, &c. Public Speakers and singers will find it of great utilityin clearing and strengthening the vocal organs. In Dyspepsia, Liter Complaints, Dropsy, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Scrqfulo. Gravel, St. Vi tus’ Dance, chr and Agile, &c., its efliciencyis marked and instantaneous. In no class of diseases, however, are the beneficial cll‘ects of this remedy so conspicuous 3543 those harrassing FEMALE COMPLAINTS to which the gentler sex are liable, and which tend to wards Consumption, such as suppressed or difficult flim slrmzlirm, (from Sirkmzss, Wlu'trs, &c., especially when these complaints are accompanied will! puleness, a. dingy ‘ hue or pullor of the skin, depression of spirits, debility, palpitaLlen, want of appetite, and nervous prostrafion. We have. the utmost confidence in recommending the I BLOOD F 001) to all who may be conscious of a. loss of 1 vitality or energy; and to those whose mental or bodily powers are prostrated through owl-due, either of the mind or body, and we deem it our duty to say that in all noses of lVeulcness and Emacianon, and in all diseases 01: the Kidneys or Bladder, this preparation has a. claim upon the attention of sufl'erers which cannot be over— estimated. A faithful trial will be found the most con vmcing proof in regard to its efli'cacy thnt could be asked for. With the above remarks, and with the numerous testimonials we have in its favor. we offer the “BLOOD E 001)” to the consideration of the afflicted, knowing that itwiii he acknowledged as pro-eminent over all other preparations, patent or ufiicinal, in point of usefulness. lQu-culurs giving the Theory upon which this remedy is ioundcd, also cerlificales of remarkable cures, will be sent free when desired. \Ve forward the BLOOD FOOD to any part of the United Stan's or Canaries upon receipt oi price—sl per bottle, $5 for six hottlea. Be careful in all cases to take none but. that having our fac-simile sig naturcv upon the wrapper. None other is genuine. Prepared only by UfiUllLll an DUPONT, No. Ili 9 Broadway New York, And sold by them, and by all respectable bruggists. _I or sale by 0. A, BANKVABI, c. 1:. KELLER and 1). \l . GKOD‘S it CO., liarrirburg. ion6~eowd£zwly PURIFY'THE BLOOD! MOFFAT’S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS A N l) VI’HfliIVIX BITTERS. The high and envied celebrity which these pre-eml neut Medicines have acquired for their invaluable effi cacy in all the Diseases which they profess to cure, has rendered the usual practice of pulling not only unneces— sary, but unworthy of them. IN ALL CASES _ 0f Asthma, Acute and Chronic llhemuatimu, Affection s of the Bladder and Kidneys. . BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER COMPLAIDITS, _ In the South and West, where these diseases prevail, they will be found invalnalple. Planters, farmers and others, who once use these Medicines, will never after wards be without them. muons cnouc . SEROUS LOOSENESS,PILES, GOS TIVEXESS, COLDS ANDEODGHS, UHOLIG, CORRUPT HUMOR , DROPSIEB. DYSPRPSIA.—NO person with this distressing disease, should delay using these Medicines immediately. Eruptions of the Skin, Erysipelus, Flntulency. ansn no Acne—lnt this scourge of the Western country these Medicines will be found a safe, speedy and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system sub ject to a. return of the disease; a. cure by these medi cines is permanent. Try them. 130 satisfied, and be cured. Foumsss or Gommxmn— GENERAL DEBILITY, GOUT, G-IDDINESS, GRAVEL, Headaches of every kind, Inward Beyer, Inflammatory Rheumatism, Impure Blood, Jaundice, Loss of Appetite. Mnncmmu. Dissnses.~cher fails to eradicate en tirely all the elfects of Mercury infinitely sooner than the most powerful preparation of 2 Sarsapurilla. NIGHT SWEATS. NERVOUS DEBILI'I'Y, NERVOUS COMPLAIATS OF ALL KINDS. BEGANIO AFFECTIONS. Puss—The original proprietor of these Medicine was cured of Piles, of thirty-five years’ standing, bythe the use of these Life Medicines alone. PAINS in the Head, Side, Buck, Limbs, Joints and Organs. linumurxshl.— Those affected with this terrible dis ease, will he sure of relief by the Lite Medicines. Rush of Blood to the Head, Scurvy, Salt Rheum Swelliugs. Scnoruns, or Kim’s EVIL, in its worst forms. Ulcer of every description. Worms of all kinds are effectually expelled by these Medicines. Parents will do well to administer them whenever their existence is suspected. Relief will be certain. THE LIFE PILLS AND PHCENIX BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD, And thus remove all disease from the system. PREPARED AND sou) BY 3DR.dWILLIAIIi B. MOFFAT, 3 :3 “ma way, corner of Anthon street New York. {Flier sale by all Druggists. y ’jyl‘t-dawly HU M PHREY’S “—fi‘ SPECIFIC HOME GPA THI 0 REMEDIES, for sale at KELLER’S Drug Store, nO2? ,7 _ 91 Market Street “E ‘. ‘ “fix $356M? 93 FOUNDED 1852 L 0 T CHARTERED 1854» O A E D ORNER OFI§ALEIMORE AND CHfiRDLESSTREETS, A T I 1111 OR E - The Largest, Most Elegantly Fu’mished, and 1’09““; ' ' 'tcd States. Dengue lommercml College In the Um t,n a Tnonouox Izpressly for Young Men desiring to abstorteatpoaaible PBAGTIOAI. Busmwss Enuoumxm t 9 time and. at the least expense. _ A Large and Beautifully omfimilnfid giiglggggénggnx taming upward: of SIX SQUARE F ’ls]: fl 1: f"1 or anumsnm and nurse Engr‘mngg. ° “ea ° ° k'ud e er made fn this country) represen mgthe Interior Vli Vf the College with Catalogue atatingterma, £50., wiflwbg sént to Ever} 70““3 M“ °n “Ppuumn: 3"" nr£;::f;filcdifltelfi and you will receive the package ' d was I; return mall- A ’ ’ngxfl- Mn. ER’S DRUG ST E ' K 1113?! Balm of Thousand Elgar-I.]: 15 the Place Chamois and Sheap Skin! am