MEDICAL. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP, D COMPOSED OF lODIDE POTASSIUM, With the Compound Concentrated Fluid Extract of VALrADLE MEDICINAL ROOTS AND HERBS, PREELRED BY WM. H. GREGG, M. D., . Graduate College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y., for merly AssLstant Physician Blackwell's Island Hos pitals, late Medical Inspector New York State Volunteer Depots, under Gov. Edward D. Morgan. CONVITTMOINT LIFE MET kis PRODUCED A REVOLUTION IN MEDICINE. What may seem almost incredible, is, that many dis eases hitherto considered hopelessly incurable are fre quently cured in a•few days or _weeks, and we cheerfully invite the Investigations-of the liberal minded and scien tific to cures which have no parallel at the present day. Our medicine is peculiar ; by it the scat of any disease is directly reached, and the equilibrium restored: Those who have suffered long from' painful and obsti nate diseases, those who have vainly sought relief from advertised medicines, those who cannot be cured by other physicians— ARE TN. VITED TO USE COMTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. During the past live years wo have contended with ob stacles and overcome opposition as herculean as were ever encountered bymiy Reforbiers. RAPIDITY OF CURE' Some say, "Your cures are too quick," while others doubt their permanence, and think that disease can only be cured by the "slow recuperative, process' f Nature." This is our reply! In health, the body, like a well-balanced scale, is in a state of Equilibrium. But when from any cause down goes one side of the scale, we have the effects of disease. What is requisite is, to restore the normal balance of the scale. - - • -. CONSTITIITIM LIFE SYRUP, A positive and specific remedy for all diseases originating from an IMPURE STATE OF THE BLOOD, and for all (hereditary) DISEASES transmitted from PARENT TO r PARALYSIS. Hemiplegia. Paresis. ' Paraplegia. Paralysis Agitas. It is so universally admitted that Constitution Life Syrup is the only ellettive: means of restoration in the various TOME of Paralysis, that we need not reiterate that it is emphatically the Great Life Giving Power. DYSPEPSIA. Indigestion. Liver Complaint. Constipation Weight at Stomach. Biliousness Want of Appetite. Flatulence. Bad Breath. SCROFULA. Strums. . Glandular swellings. Ulceration. King's Evil. Erysipelas. Salt Rheum This taint (ixasziorrAzar and Acamitan,) filling life with untold misery, is by all nsnal medical remedies incurable. RHEUMATISM. . • [Arthritis] Veurair,ia. Gout Lumbago. Sciatica. Tic Douloureux. If there is any disease in which the Constitution Life Syrup is a sovereign, it is in Rheumatism and its kindred affections. Tho most intense pains are almost instantly alleviated—enormous swellings ere reduced. Cases, chronic or vicarious, of 20 or 30 years' shinding, have been cured by us. NERVOUSNESS. Nervous Debility. Shattered Nerves. St. Vitus' Dance. Loss of Power. Confusion of Thoughts. Epilepsy. Thousands who have suffered for years will bless the day on which they read these lines. Pzuticulatly to weak, suffering woman will this medicine prove an inestimable blesSing--directing their footsteps to a Hepc which 'Addis • more than it promises. MERCURIAL DISEASES. Salivation. Rotting of Bones. Bad Complexion. Aches in Bones. Feeling or Weariness. Depression of Spirits. ' CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP purges the system .en , tireTy froth all the evil effects of Mercury, removing the 2il.lad Breath, and curing.the Break Joints and Rheumatic Pains which the use of Calomel is sure to product. It haidens Spongy Gums, and secures - the Teeth as firmly. as ever. COWSVITOYIO2V LIPS SYRUP Eradicates, Root and Branch, all Eruptive Diseases of ate Skin, like Ulcers, Pimples, Blotches and all other Milieu], which so much diaOgure-the outward ap- Pomace - ' 0 1 outtr...dng and females, often making them a dlsgustins object to tbemgorvft their friend , • - CONSTITUTION Lim-stay: ." - - CURES ALL SWELLING OF THE GLANDS Either of the face, Neck-, or Female Breast, and should be taken aS soon as the swelling is detected_ thus preventing tlulr breakieg,, and producing the tronbicaocav Disntows ing'Scints; which disilgure - so - many of the younger por-: tion of the' comeamilty,frotn six to twenty years of age. Young children. are very, subject to Discharges from the' Ears, which depends upon a icrofalous constitution:— Thatt cases soon recover by taking a 'few doses of the Life Syrup. All scrofulous persons suffering from general Debility, Emaciation, Diapepsia and Dropsy of the limbs, abdomen, and to the female, Dropsy of the ovaries and womb, gen erally accompanied with Intlaiamation and Ulceration of the Uterus, are permanently cured by Constitution Life Syrup. The disease known as Goitre or Swelled Neck, 'the Life Syrup will remove entifely. The remedy should. be taken for some time, as the disease is exceedingly chronic and stubborn, and will not be removed without extra effort, Tumors of the Ovaries, Tumors of the Breast, and swelling of other glands of the body will be completely reduced without resorting to tho knife or oporations .of any kind, _ Epileptic Fits, Sympathetic or Organic Diseases of the Heart, as palpitation, Diseases of the Valves, producing a gratHig or filing sound, Dropsy of the Heart Oise, and all the erections of this important organ, (poisons suffering filp any acute pain in the ragion of the heart,) will be - greatly relieved by Constitution LifiSyrup. BROKEN-DOWN DELICATE 'CONSTITUTIOES Suffering from indisposition to Exertion, Pain In the Back, Lode of Memory, Forebodings, Horror ot Culatuttr, Fear of Disease, Dimues.s of "Vision, TAT;Ft.ot Skin' and Ex trentitle% _Want -of -Sleep, Restlessness, Pale. Haggard Rautitenance, and Lassitude of the Muscular System. all require the aid of the Constitution Life Syrup. FOR ALL FORMS OF ULCERATIVE DISEASES; Either of the Nose, Throat, Tongtuk Spine, Forehead or Scalp, no, remedy has ever proved lit equal. MOTH PATCHES upon the female face, depending upon a diseased action of the Liver, are very unpleasant to the yodiat - vrifiand mother. A few bottles of Constitution Life Syrup will correct the secretlen, and remove the de posit which is directly under the-skin. If Diseases of the Liver, giving rise to Languor, Diazi nont, Indigestion, Weak Stomach, or an ulcerated or can cerous condition of that qrgan, accompanied with burning or other unpleasant symptomsovill bo relieved by the use of CONSTITITTION LIFE SYRUP. . . sa As A. GENERAL "BLObD-PERIPiLNO AGENT, THE LIFE SYRUP STANDS UNRIVALLED ST ANY PREPARA TINT IZ THE WORLD. Diseases of the Spine, as usually developed iu the youiag Hip Disease, Neuralgia, and all Nervous Diseases, and La dies who are suffering from Diseases for which they are at a loss what to do, we would advise the use of CONSTI TUTION LIFE SYRUP. It will restore their pallid court tonanee, strengthen their weak back and side, give them new energy, new life and happiness_ THE RICH AND POOR Are liable to the same diseases. Nature and science has made the Constitution Life Syrup for the benefit of aIL . PURE BLOOD Producus healthy men and women; and if the constitution is neglected in youth, disease and early death is the re- • sult. Do not delay when the means arc so near at hand, and within the reach of all. TO 'MOTORS AHD MARRIED LADIES. It is the safest and most effectual medicine ever discov ered for purifying the system, and relieving the suffering attendant upon childbirth. It strengthens both the mother and the child, prevents pain and disease, and in creases and enriches the food—thwe who: have used it think it indispensable. It is 'highly useful both before and after confinement. as it prevents disease _attendant nowt childbirth. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP IS ME POOR MAN'S PRIEAD AND THE RICE 4 AN'S BLESSING BUT IT, TAKE IT, ABB BE CURED. IT IS UNIVERSAL IN ITS EFFECT. WM. H. GREGG, .M.JI)., BOLE PROPRIETOR, SEW TORE. Laborglory, ,Stoolayn . , L. I. PRICE SI . TER:BO7I , E; BEC BOTTLES PO V.. Alikeent by expressto zll parts of the country'. 'AIORGLINT & ALLtN, Whalevle Dn AOß4 i,ggist . s, • - TS, 46 Gliff. street„Nalf :York. SOLD BY . , Jaa26-eadivr6m-,, JOHNSON, ROJJ!owAY,&e(NDThI, PRILADZEPPLIA, &ND ALL DILIJGG-'ISTS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Steam Weekly to Liverpool. rpOtiCHING at QUEENSTOWN. (Cork Har bor.) The well known Steamers of the Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steamship Company, are hi tended to sail as follows: ETNA, Saturday, (March 12,• CITY OF N 11.14 YORK, Saturday, March IS; YDINBURO, Saturday, March 26, and every succeeding Saturday, at Noon. Prom Pier 44, North River. RATES OF PASSAGE, PALLS= IN GOLD, OR rra matiyamarr IS OIMREEM FIRST CABER 'sBo 00 STEERAGE $3O 00 do to London 86 00 do to L0nd0n...... 34 00 do to Parts 95 00 do to Paris.— 40 go do to Haralawg.... 90.00 do to Hamburg.... 97 00 Passengers also forwarded to' Have; Bremenftotter dam, Antwerp, /to. at equally low rates. Fares from I.lyeipool or Queenstownilat Cabin. $75, $B5, $lO3. Steerage, $3O. Those who IVISh to send for their friends can buy tickets here at these rates. For.fmther information apply at the Company's Offices JOAN G. DALE, Agent,ls Broadway, N. t".f23-, ZIALHERHAN, Harrisburg. ifdly Taratnnty DEPARTMENT, - OFFICII OF Compracniza or SHE CURRENCY, WASELIGTO; Jan. 16, 1664. WEEEREA 6 S , by satisfactory evidence, pre sented to the undersigned, it has been made to ap pear that the First National Bank of Harrisburg, In the county of Dauphin and State of Pennsylvania, has been duly organized, under and according to the requirements of the act of Congress, entitled "An act to provide a Na. tional currency, secured by a pledge of United States stocks, and to provide for themerculation' and redemption thereof," approved February h, 1863; and has complied with all theprovisions of said act, required to be complied with before commenclpg the business of banking: Now, therefore; I, Hugh ICCulloch, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that the-First National Bank of Harrisburg } county of Dauphin and State of Pennsylva nia, is autbortzed to commence the business of banking under the act aforesaid. [L. a] In testimony whereof; witness my hand and seal of office, this 17th day of January 1664. HUGH wcuuoco., Jan 19-2 m ' Compfigler of the Currency. IVOTIOE TO s BUILDERS AND • CON TRACTORS. The mideridaned committee of the Parton Fire Company, invite proposals for the erection and completion of an Engine House, two-story brick, to be locatedin Second street near Vine. For plans and specifications call upon DANIEL E. WILT, at his Lumber office, foot of Second street. Bids will be received up to 10th day of March, 1864. DANIEL E.. WILT, GEORGE F. WEAVER. , DAVID CRA.WFORD. ALEX. K,. JOHN A:OBER H.A.UER, mar:l4W Building Committee. HAVAPPS lITAGNOLIA. BATA', FOR beautifying the complexion, eradicat ing freckles, eraptiotta i sunburn and tan. It is the most'extraonlinary sad delightful toilet article over dis. covered. It changes the sunburnt taco and hands to a pearly, like, satin tasters and ravishing beauty, leaving the complexion fresh; transparent and mooth. It re moves pimples, tettor, tan and roughness. It is what every 14r shohld have, and none will dispense with when °monied. Sole agents for this city. Formic by the bottle or dozen. S. A.. KUNKEL & BRO., Apothecaries, US Market street, Harrisburg: febll-dtf* .BILAS WARD 3 PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SHEET MUSIC, XTIOLINS, Flutes, Guiters,,Baujos, Strings, v • Drams, Fifes, and all kinds of Mutlad .2dorchandiso. Picture Frames, Looking Glables, Photograph - Cards and Albums, Antbrotypo Penn; .agrarings, Pictures, &c., Sa Remembei the place, Na L Third arpid, the largos Music Store this side ofthe'great cities. Jan2B-dtf Important to Truckers Gardenesr. *O.EEDS by thoIIUSHEL or :POUND, of all V.. 3 'the le.ading and beet early valiance. Peas, Beans, Itadtsh,- Cabbage,' "Whiningstadt" & Co., Beet, Carrot Par: Itootabaga, Onion, &e., &c.• The above seed offered forest° are raised in New York State, by one of the mo responsible seed gm - Ore In the bountcy. I have pu - chased from them for a number of soars and always found thorn true to name and much earlier than aced raked farther South. I. MISR, Keystone Farm and Nursery liarrieburg. P. S.—Orders wanting ladnediste attention. drop %Am Post. Mee. No ordors bo taken for any kinds of seed toss than by tho pound, or one-fourth pound of tour varieties. tfub2.s] , J. trissu • DR. B. M. GILDE,A,, __ 1 0 1 KITS T NO. 119 ISTAIitET ST,WE - E i i I Teeth positively extracted without pain by the use of nitrous omide. , oat7-dtf 'JUST OPENED. AN ASS O'R TIER KM OP ROSEWOO•D AND MAHOGANY WRITING DESKS, Of different sizes, for sale at • n 01.9 SCREFFER'S BOOKSTORE. A PATRIOTIC OUT BOOK:- '. OUR CONnTri. unON, GOVERNMENT AND , UNION. ' "Ow' Government," an exposition of;the Constitution, &0., for popular use: By X M'Knorsr: Price $L ..For sale at . . del4 BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. MOBA.CCO AND CIGARS. • 100• BOXES CONGRESS AND NAVYTORACCO. 100,000.FINEVIGARS. 100,000 COMMON CIGARS. • . tor sale by jfeb29-115 4 ) • — EI3I - . lk KUNKLE. ALL Persona having Grape Vines of choice ttuietiftz, which they wish to have pruned, can him' It dope in the best mariner and fie of charge by addres; sing" a note Well& the Post Office to JACOB IIISIL N: B —Thomnsent season and weather are most favors: his for the =Rose. feblB OYSTEES--Real Salts, under the Jones Holm York River Oysters, a fine article, under the Jones House. ' Also, 'Terrapins, whlch'will be served up In fine style at short notice under tho Jones Hopso by • no SO JOSEPH SHIVELY. ORANGES! ORANGES! !-20 boxes in prime order. Just received wholeiale and retail feta WM. DOCK, JR., 14 CO FRENCH BEANS--A rare article, just re ceived at [feb.3] W. DOCK. Ja.,.& 00. FINE ROMANO SHERRY, imported in 1848. 'Warranted the Finest Shetry .IVine in this country. For sato at 'WM. DOCK., Ja. , , dr. CO. fob 2 rfIEDE CELEBRATED VIIIGINTIA OTh OF 11 MX, and Day & Martin's London Slaoking, just re coived and for gale by [[el] Int DOCK,.Ja., & CLOVER SEED.—One hundred-and Fifty I,_/ Bushels prime Ohio Clever Seed Cur ade by rebea-iw* Kty & Kgmug. C°l'S SPARKLING GELATIN, the beat anumfacturKjust received and for sale by - fa WOK, JA,„ & CO fIATSITS AND..SAUCES; of plo most &L -iu lierior and choice brands, Not received and for sale by [tobl] ' WM_ DOCIC.,TE. & CO. n BOXES ORANGES, selected from late Aim importations,:and Oen:Lost superior ever brought to this market at this season, just received and for sale by • jfebl] WM. DOCK, Jo , & CO. A PPLES. . We have just received a Due selection of APPLES, in prime order. For salo by the barrel, bushel or email qualitAty at gobaj W. DOCIC., Sx kca SMOKED SALMON:- FINE - SMOKED SALMON, just, received at fob) ^ W. DOCK, Ja., & CO. APPLES!, APPLES ! !:-150 bbba. "of York State Apples- of- every .voriety. Also, York Slate Butter, fur sale at juZli BOYER At KOERPER. LEA. & PERINLi O SWORCEStER SAUCES— the most•popular and the purest ever offered to the public, just received acrd _ for eale by fd>x WK. DOCK, Ja. a. Ca ALARGE lot of best quality 0f,.. Mercer Potatoosititt received rad for sale•by BOYER & KOERIVR, decl2-dtf Na 3 Market Square. 40 B P X I . , gß al ‘tnglCE%'Wrotl e o r al 161a5 JOHN WISE Fruit Store. TIURHAII MUSTARD, tho best imported, 1..." Just reeelv . ed_gel.forfiale by febl vac Dom, & CO. OBAINTGEBI 'ORANGES I—A large lot of superior Oninges, and Sicily.Havazut, Tor sale in any quantityal • jaa2P.) BOYER & KOERPER 107.0rEENER'S oxcelsiok"hums, of thifi sea .l.llL Berea caring. Jaat received and, for wit py dem Ja., DINE APPLE CHEESE—Notton s We l:, • inged, at [nom t WM. m0c5 4 , 11., do ca • FMB 01tANGFS and TiFNIONS for sale at JOHN WI;SIWS, wholesale and retail. dtt D' W; GROSS D. W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RE.T.AE, DRU:O-4P-IST-S, NO. - 19 MARKET STR,BET, HA8815131786 , , PA DRUGGISTS; -PHYSICIANS, STORE- KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS. We are dal* addiikt to onritraortment of goods all snob articles as are desirable, and wind& esspeottally, "call yore attention to, the tstritest .and *let selected stocky In tide olty, or._ . DRUAS, CMINALS PAINTS, Offs, Vairniahes att.9lties, Gbiss sad Tattypi Artlid'sColors and Tools, Burning Fluid itildAlixthul, • Lard, Sperm and Pine Sib, e„, Bottles; This Lamp' Globes, Castile Soap,. 11likoages and Corks, . &C, &l, & Will/ a general variety of • selected from the beet manulhetnrers and Perfumers of Euroie and tads country. being very large dealers in WHH 4 E .LEAD PAINTS ustwarnevA nuummum WINDOW arassr.AßTrars viiioLon's PA jNl' 41W ARTIST'S / 'BRUSHES - IN ALL_ THElE copoig 40-szioNz_xs 'We respeotrallY Invite a call, eding aorifident :that can' supply the wants - otrill on tines to their Whew- Wu, TEETH ! TEETS 1! JONES :AND WHITIPS PORCELAIN TEETH, PATENT MEDIC7I74, AND . 114nt RESTORAI737B, Of all kinds, direct from the .Proprtetors. SAFOIUMI AND CONCENTRATED LYE. ii r holeaaJo Agents for Saponifier, which we sell at low as It can be purchased in the cities TRAYNR'S MZ'DICAL FLUlli EXTRACTS. COAL OIL! CARBON OIL Being large parehasera•in-theae OOe,we.eati-offer dimements to Oise buyers. ' Coal Oil Lamps of the meat improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds . or Lamps changed to burn Coale 011 PANWERS .0 . 170 G&W= Those of you who have not given one HORSE AND CAT- TLE POWDERS a trial know not their superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping tones and Cattle trait* and in a good condition. Thousands can testify to the profit; they have. detivei from,thnnse of our Cattle Powders, by the indrsamd ottan i ty and giuhlty of milk, besides improving 4 1,1ip: gmend health and appearance ot Mete cattle. Oar long experience in the businexi gives nn the advan- tage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our ar- tenements in the elites ere such that'we any in a vary sliart time runtish anything apperteininglo our : besieges, on the hen of torms. • Thankful for the liberal . ixdronage bestowed on our house, we hope by strict attention to business, 'a careful tiolection of • PURE DR a9B" at fair prices, and the desire to all, to merit a con: tinuanoo of the favor of a dizorimpuiting public. aP 16 •4 1 7 . e , A C. SMITH; Attorney-at-Law, MIA" street, Harrisburg, Pa. All business entrusted to be.promptly attended to • . Tummies, random and Bug XI of orCers collected. . . A FINE ABSOE,TALENT OF PORT EOLIOS :PORT FOLIOS! OBBSSMEN 1 BACKGAMMON BOARDS ! Received at SCIGIFFEWS .BOFIKSTORE; Kimagt DAIRY aid NEW YORK STATE Ma i u. et [no* . Dock, Jam , & co. P ICBTMS! itICKLESI! n ay the barrel, half barFel, arAaaatt. at BcioEftstEn. ,t FRESH suL ts ply of fdiehealer's Calebrated 11 sugar ' Cured and Dried Beef, id DOM B P YE k t A gc!IMMEL IMOKED REEF,' _ - A C H OI C E QT • Xt WU) tY . Dqtx..*. 4 & oct, -r‘o.ltOU erk Il P visit a gqod Gold o 20 -7 -.- f -- / 1.../ an at Mignin 100 Wextaaarg. pad 1863 • WINTER 1864 ARRANGEMENT CUMBERLAND VALLEY AND FRANKLIN RAIL ROADS. CHANGE OF HOURS.—On and after Mon day, November 17, 1863, Passenger trains will rift daily, as follows, (Sundays excepted* Pak CHAMBERSBFRG AND HARRISBUG: 1 IL P. . - 7.00 2461 .37 3.35 ,8.17 4.20 have Begerntown (I Greencastle s Arrive at Chamberaburg t Leave at 8.20 12.65 Leaves BhippenOuts 900 1.28 " liewville 9.32 2.00 " Garb*: 10.10 2.42 " litechanlcsburg 10.42 3.1.2 Arrive at. Harrisburg 11.1 b &40 FOR OHANDERSBURG AND HAGERSTOWN: • A.lll Y. Leave Harrisburg ' 0.05 1.36 " Mechanicsburg 837 2.13 . u Carlish).' . 1.27 2.55 " Newville .10.02 3.29 " Shippensburs . 10.33 4.00 Arrive at Mamberaburg . . 111.00 4.30 Leave Oluunbetaburg 11.10 4.40 " Greencastle .11.55 5.30 Arrive at. HagorStown - -- .12.85 6.10 ..ifir Making close connections at Harrisburg with trains for 'PhiladeVhia, New York and Pittsburg ; and iiith trains for altpoints West. 0. N. LULL„ 'Hap& R. N. IXIIce, Obtunberaburg, Nov. 17, 11302-1.3, READING RAILROAD. ARRANGED ENT. 'WINTER KIBEAT TRUNK , LINE FROM THE Ail NORTH and Northwest forPhilad,elphin , New York, .Reading, Pottoville i lebanon, Allentown, Fastota,kc._,ko. Trains leave Harrisburg , for Phibutelphla, New York, Reading, Pottsville and all intermediate stations, at B.MI x., and 100 P. . • . New York Express leaven Harrisburg at 8.80 a. x., arriving at New York at 1.45 the MUM day. Hares from Hairisburg: To New York, $5 15; to Phila delphia IS - 85 and $3 00. Baggage checked through. Returrdsig, leave New York at 0 ,-12 noon, and 7 p. m., (Pittsburg &press.) Leave Philadelphtt at 8 154 and 3.30 . Seeping cart in the New York Is.presiTrains;through to told Prom Pittsburg without change. Peagengers by the Catawissa jtailrood leave .Tarnaqua at 8.50 a..x., and 115 R ar., for Philadelphia, New York, Auld all way points. Trains leave Pedtsvillo at 9.15 - 1. , and IPA Pe li ., fo r Philadelphia; Harrisburg and New York. An Aommmodation Passenger train leaves Reading at .11.001. x., and. returns from Philadelphia at 5,00 r. a. *y -All the above trains run "daily, Sunday excepted. A Sunday train leaves Pottsville at 7.80 a. x., and Phil. wielphia at 3.15 P. Commutation, Mileage, Seam and Excursion tickets at reduced rates tar and front sdipoints. Pare 9rsouhd Spices, • • - , G. A. NIC.YOLLS, , . ' 'General Superintendent s • Novemi*.r 14,i883—d&wtt HOTELS. THE UNITED, STATES HOTEL, 007trinstiilr_ 8c lIIIITCHISON, Proprietors. alms well known Hotel is now in a condi non to Wrikerituodate the traveling zpubno, affording the most ample cenvenlencetralike for the transient guest, arid the ppecrrmnoaanaent boarder. • - -sus UNITED.. STATES HOTE . I. has been entirely rent ted throughoutoind now has accommodations equal in extent, comfort and luxury to any hotel between Philadel phia and ritiaburg. ,Ile location la the beet in, the State Capital, being la easy access to en the ranroad depots, and in close proximity to all The public office§ end baldness calinea orthedty.., It has novnin tbereeircentences of .1 0 Z CLASS HO TEL., and the Propriatoreare determined to spare neither ea pensktAme.orlebor to - eseere the. contfotkof the guests -ree - vAkeniggepest... - , :..u.rameette.te_ . :eveettir sou . . . @MATE CAPITAL HOTEL coarmasolimiump:ANT) WA/AUT MMUS, FABli 107110,4411VDP.A... - - ffatulderaigliesi having*wehased this well T {mown house hut enlarged andtharoughlyrenoiated it.: "The morns have. Ifeeh - re-painted mid pipered, RIICt entire' eStallehment:"elegantly re-furnfsbed, • Being plea. sonny and ellgiblylocated, and.proeided with 4averyeen venieneni itMrers, to the public all the comforts and 111 E n allrst class hotel. Trusty and obliging, servants 'alwayb din attendance. I,t bar welt stocked with choice liquors is attachedto the establishment. de26.dly W. G. THOMPRON, Proprietor. OF ALL HUMS. `JONES' 110ITSE-, Corner of Market street and MarketSquaft HARRISBURG, PENNA. - CHAS. H . . ,MANN, • - Propsietor. nob-dtf NEW. BAKERY Broad Street; bitween. Second and Third Fr . AArlrrsgra.G. ' rtEundersigned , has opened a new BA iKERY, in the Sixth ward, where he is prepared to supply BREAD AND CAKES at a reasonable rate. He warrants satisfaetion tD all *he will give him • a call: •• Be will sell his brauldaV the rate of .Ir/ T P IFR rb if If,ll ant full weight guaranteed . JOHN ALCORN. Jane-air „ . LILLIE'S-. SAFES. CHILLED. AND IVROUGIIt IRON CUT--Siiow in.-% the Piet Wort • of Wronliiii Iron Barn "trOIV., attention 'of busut ess.' `men 4eneraily LL is Invited toLthe se' parte? advantages o 'this Safe over all others, in The and Burglar Proof qualities. They aro all secured by qry Contbination Lock, without key or -kOhole, and able wholeAntaide of the Sart is CHILLED _IRON, (from I.X inches t 0.2 Inches thick,) and is nrobr -against the punch' or drill - and the use or powder; MON*, quently employeghY Inirglata in their operatunts. scriptlve circulars furnished by' • • 110 Market street, Harrisbur Agent for Central Penna. HOWE'S SHAMED SCALES. Every description of Dormant and Pei-table. Platform . Scales, Hay, Coal, mitt Steck -Scales, Railroad Depot and Track Scales, Furnace Charging Scales, Army Scales and Counter ea These Scales have sever,aIIRPORTANT,CDVANTAGES. They receive the wear and friotion'always on dialed bails under the platform, instead of receit4 upon the knife ; ivots and dulling them. _No jarring , 4.)1' the plat- Coral areas the working of. the scale. Rave no check rode to confine the platform„ Will weigh when out of level Large scales deep pit and cost:.less .for foundation, ke.,.thiuf any-other scales - Full Information furnished by the subscriber, who ts agent for Central Pennsylvania, and sells at - raimufac , buses prices. GEO. W. J'ARSONB' . 110 Market street, Harrisbu rg. VISrIDTG. WEDDING, • INMATIGN, arm AT HOME CARDS.—By a special arrangement With one of the best engravers in the - country; -cards of any description will be executed in the highest., style of art, conformable with the latest fashion, and suppiied promptly, at lower prices than are charged by the on. ern in New York or Philadelphia. For samples and prient call at BERGNERIS BOOK STORK • tach6-dtf t V ga:v , AN m au sizes. mr. ibT • ' OO ,- Eat_ T =A 4 , 1161 lot j . ust ioeerr . ed avittormietb3L.4 Tdog orrawitinummEt. DIVAN* ORANGES, just received at JUL . no2o ICIL,DOCK, Mi., W RAILROADS. 'IIARRISBIMG, PA. MEDICAL. • I: o a. r .roHN LYON'S • Mgr =PERIODICAL DROPS FEMALE REOULATOR, Are the oily- lainian remedy thaLwlll ancoesinuiy and invarlabl7 rtatara sad ragulaintbeibosidenatem, remov all Irregaliirtitei,' pr.:4ooln haM;Viger and atrength.. - , LYON% PRRIODIOAT.4 DROPS .-' e Are a fluldprepsuation, the only trit ono of the kind ever discovered in this counter, and sal directly are the parts affected, whilst pills and powders can only reach them as they work through sympathy, but not at all direct and positive: Are yon suffering from & constant anxiety for the regu lara return of nature's reseribed Wei f ' ' obrirpoursaltrio = for Lys 's *Nprkiiilal Drops, tf taken a day, or two beibrm e expected period, will posi tliely and Inveriabitrilgalette Its aiming-as see as effect follows cause, as crib* as daylight Ibliows darkness. Are you sick, satiable& tr, disease, ortMabfata bear the labor and danger of Increase ? LYON'S Pb3IODICIAL blioN Come to you as a blessliut, for is uorprevention better than OUZO 4 4110 - • • Irregularly taken, and n certakt pierventice, and wM. save you much pern =my hams of indhuli& ;Have you lama afiptacd for coany,yearalstUt complaints incident to the sax, th at have baffled the' stlil of physi cians, and are harrying yon on to an eady grave? LYON'S PERIODIOALDROPg Are the mestrellable regulator efer kmoirn, and cure, like those;t6eindinitteslhat Inteedened the doctor's ' Will you waste away 'eft intilbrhag from Leatorrhaes, Pmlapsne,. lbmnenorrhcon„ , ande thousand other difilcul ties,Mlenmmed np under the name of anpprmied and obstmeted nature, when an inieetimmt Of one dollar in • LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS will surely nave you. - "Do-not use the drops when forbidden In the directions, for although a positive our; and harmless at an other UMW., they are so powerful and finely ealealated to adjust and preentehe Venetians of the sexual organism that, if takep et Improper times, they would produce results con tear tro`au . ituriOgidnat, which oil" particul those who wouldiwproduce, should carefully guard: IN -LYON'S PERIODIOAL DROPS Cannot harm the most delicate constitution at any time; C l r ig r proprlefone'whdi to guard sweet its mime, that a thormand bottles will be naedfor agood pur pose *bete one Is used for an Illegitimate one. LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, the never-failing Female Regulator, is for sale by every Malik tallieslty.and country, and do not,if you Value your ealth and miab for a reliable medicine, buy any . Other. Take no oldter;hut if the Druggist to whom you apply_hns not goy it, make him Bend and Jo t it for yon. _ C. G CLARK & (DO" At.Wholmale, by 40)EWS,TON, ROLLOWAY & COWDEIO7, 23 Worth Milk street; PVladelphlii, Pa - El cz. p* 1. 4 4=) X I= l 1•••• en( • co pow THE GREAT • PZONUErCIELit ffewlifaven, Conn. FE - MISCELLANEOUS. NEW GOODS - A JUST OPENED! BERGNER'S Book and Statione- btoate Embracin g every new and improTed ;3 4 4 - 1.• Dr POCKET nOelliS) MAGIC CURRENCY HOLDERS, CALF SKIN POCKET ROOKS. RUCKSKOZ PI7RSE3. at prices to Nit all POCKET CUTLERY ; Cawlsting of a fine assortment of Westeatio'7:, Pocket Knives. GOLD PENS, Frora Newton's celebrated manufactory. FA- 7 ; p,- unVe a guarantee. PORT FOLIOS., WRITING CASES, ROSEWOOD DERICA, PAPEFRI'.iF.i. rr Together with every article usually found in a flnr. Book and Stationery establishment, at myi2] BERGNER'S, 51 Market strirL PEIPHER'S DAILY LIIVE BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, Lock MITER, Jersey Shore, Williamsport, yui ey, Uniontown, Watsontown, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun bury, Treverton, Georgetown Lykenstown, Millersburg. Halifax, Dauphin, AND HARRISBITItii. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally locale ... drayage will be at the lowest mat The COtalflC . E through with each train to attend to the safe e all goods Intrusted to the line. Goods delivered at t::= pot of FREED, WARD & FREED, 511 11.17..0. fttladelphia, by 5 o'clock r. x , will be del rpr, debug the next morning. Freight Always as Low as by Any Ott.ti Line. JOS. MONTGOMERY .tiz Co., Philadelphia and Reading Der,.:. Foot of Market street, Harr.:,bur. octn4f - RAGS! BAGS! BAGS! nW AND SECOND-IIAINI) SEAMIESS", BURLAP AND GUNNY BAGS' , FLOUR AYE SALT BAGS', ALL SIZES. • PRINTED TO ORDER, BY JOHN T. BAILEY & CO., No. 113, North Front St., Phi/adevi.:,, feb2643m PURE CONCENTRATED COFFEE; SUGAR. AND P lERSONS making up boxes to send to th ;;it Mends in he army, will find this an elegant art,':. one box making lbrty cups of coffee, equal ang coffee, and with little labor. For aide at no 24 WIL DOCK, Ja, OPMETOCIPS - PECTORAL SYRUP. rigINVALITAI3LE. SYRUP, which is gy Vegetal its composition has been Moped with Wen al suMMIS fbr many 3ears is ttec== of diseases for the AIR PASSAGE 3 and LUNGS. tbrea of the disease, each es COUGH, TICKLING ef THEtOAT, SPITTING OF BLOOD, DIFFICULT BRFATFIN - i, HOARKENTESEI, LOESS OF VOICE and HECTIC FEVERS. use will be attended wtth the happiest results. of the best and safest medicines for all form; CIION CalTlB and CONSUMPTION. No laudanum or user OmQfOpismsa any :nape-in ans . syrup. PRICE $l.OO PER BOTTLE For sale at BERGNER'S Cheap Book Store. DANIEL A. MUENCH AGENT OF the Old Wallower Line, respectfully in forma the public that this Old Daily TranspOrtat...: Line gfia only Wallower Line now in existence in city, r i t a in euemsful operation and prepared to carry its low as any Other individual line between PL... delphla, Sh ore , Loc k Lewisburg, Willia.mspert Jitney Stare, Lock Haven and all other points cs the Northern dentrat, Ildladelphla and Erie and Wilharorp-r: and Madre Railroads. DANIEL A. UM:CH, Agent Harrisburg, Penc'a Goods sent to the Warehouse of Messrs. Peacock, 7.: is HlSlehmast, Nos. 808 and 810 Nariret street, above ha.- Phibutelpbla, by 4 o'clock, P. Y. will arrive at firr burg, ready for delivery, neat morning. rap;,-o-rdmyi 140 K. Here SOLDERS, - YOU WILL DO WELL BY CAHN AT SCHEFFER;'S BOOKSTORE. SIGN OF THE AMERICAN FLAG." And purchase your • HOTS ranitterrp.Ktomorss, porrporlos, FP :. 1 0M. ROOKS, POCKST INKSTANDS, • VAIMITRNTES, PHOTOGRAPH ALM. TO G PRORAPS. Made of the very beat material, an for sale at ver y prism Remember the place, WHF-FFER'S BOOKSTORE, jan29 Sign o of the American Flag, Harrisburg, MUST BE SOLD! • WALL PAPER, BORDERS. SCIDIFFEITS BOOKSTORE, was to bo rumored on the first of April next. His of Wall Paper Inuit be reduced, and will, therefore. L , add at very low prices - although price of Wall Papers still going up, Persons d esirouss of Papering their th,z , "-- wfil do well to examine his assortment and pricer. December 1,1888. THEO. F. SCIIFITER 1!3" Pace cents cash paid for clear mixed Itag - - pound. Old Books wanted for—casb. [4,5' Clint PECTORALS are useful to soothe F cough, allay Tickling in the Throat, to rehat , Mosrae.neim Catarrh, Sore Throat, kc. They coa•a:.. Colterom, Horehound, Ipecacuanlia, Senega and St:::. mianyeliable expectorants known,) axe the thiet liivvee constituents, so blended with Gum Arabic and Supt that each lozenge (*Maine a mild and very pleasant do , .' iflUlafaCtarodBolely by S. A. KUNKEL k 550., • ja3 . 311 apqthecaries, lis Market street, Harrisbur4 MORTON'S GOLD PRIM. • • Another lot of Morton's UNRIVALLED GOLD PE .s Jut received at Schaffer's Bookstore. All pens warranted for one year. FOR SALE.—A good small IRON 64.1 E. nearly new, can be purchased cheap by calling W. SIIIRGEON, F. ALMEYNOLD.S. R C. A. SCHEFFER, .Truateee. of Dauphin Ledge No. 160, L 0. 0. r Harrisburg, February 23, 186L—dtf p lIBLIC SCHOOLS. SCHOOL SLUMS or diderent sizes, Willson , o excelia.l series of Spellers and Readers, published by Harper &- Rashers, together with all other School Books and Wnt • big Haterlids are altered, wholesale and retail at dad' SCffirmat'S toxiirsroßE MORTON:S GOLD PENS - Another lot of Morton's lharbralled Gold Pens fOr at 'SGREETEEtt BOQK'tORE £ll pens nrarrantod for one year. ( des Exedasu DAIR:r Ana • Inarw YORK STATE CREFSP BOYER & ROMPER A [nas] PBOORS, BUCKSKIN PURSES POBTENONNAIKS, and a genera variety of LEA THilt -Goens, , Jut reined at KRONKR'S BOOK STO RE. •- Alaug ACS! ALMANACS!! azairozAlfreAsrsirAz..vtAxiAes Jett nscalved and for ale at non SCHEFFERS BOOKSTORE. AVANA 01:UNGZ, just omklved at zwr, BOYERAE.KOERriza 11.000 LBS . CODFISH, - ,of Ifie Cele brated Sb. Geerga - tirai4 pa receive. and Item& br ICJ - WIC DOOR, Ja-L- CO- • t BLAGIMELL'S - ENGLISH PICHIJMoi rare article for table nee. ILA received and for saki by [febn- -WEL Doc; JR, er CO D UCKWARATtlitiCitt*B7A' snnail lot but superior quality of gaol-140A direct from Pa, for sale by the sack or quart, et joie • BOYEE & KO EIRPEK