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'. ~ aiii --f-!.k. -- - f.," =, --:--. t - A.. - -•- , , . . _____.. - . . • - . . . _.......,.. _ _._ ..., .... ._, - .. GEORGE BERG N ER. HARRISBURG, PA..,, Y E , ING, MAY 4, 1863. PRICE ONE CEN' r 1., TELEGRAPH. BEM= VORNING AND EVENING% 14y GEORGE BERGNER. egice Third Street, near Walnut R S OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION i i3e 1::::te TELEGAAPII . iH served to aubscri 7 . ber4 , n rity at 6 cents per week. Yearly bob- , will be charged $4 00 In advance. W BERM' TrascatAra TEM-ARAM ie also publiBl3B3 weekly and illtwoti-d to .: , tib. - cribera at the following cash I= a,1:3 weekly Ter, topica, to -.)ne , postoffitie. Tweuty " A I'VER moo 84T12. -- The fallowing are the ate 6 for advertising in the TE.LEGRAPH. Those taviu acivertizing to do will find it convenient for refer. , MCe t t4 r ` less constitute one-half aquare right !Ines or u:•rre than four consti tutes a ,vaare. 135 a 66.,5 814 g 0=s8 - - zae.o=...ve!rg&? m. TF: l 7:‘: : : G'KW— 37 C.Cn 0 • 000000000.0 ,- oco 7, O %:::“.00:-....-000. - too V, 0 cr.--.Noecitee' I ' o6ooooo , 0000 C.t", • I* al 5 eft g. en • . 0000m0 0000, C 7• 4 0 fA A i 000000 C, I:, D, 1i . ..1-' 2 •-• 4 .».. K. H • 4 NN La o - - -4 4,-4 4. 44, C....a. 0 'I•A-a 0 00 CR . U 4 j.• • I•D 0 0 10 0 01 000 0 0 0 taistratiou Notices, 1 lime a weelloga It 'age ...... ........ tur'a Funeral l'otioea ent:h Intertion sir Businezi notices inserted in the Local Column, or beim Marriages and Deaths, Elam Onus PEE Liss for each iniisairtion.. . : • . . As au advertising medium the TELI:GWEI has no equal, its large circulation, among business" men and families., in city and country, placing It beyond competition. ttti sulk:mom J 0 N 141 8 11 0U - .E; COSNER OF MARKET ST AND MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, PA. JOSEPH F. EcHbEL.AN, PROPRIETOR. (RECINTLY CONDITOTBD BY WELLS COVIIRLY.) This is a First Class Hotel, and located in the central part of the city. It is kept in the best manner, and itaglatrons will find every accom modation to be et with in the best houses in the country. se3o-titi triN ITED STATES HOTEL Refitted and Renovated. L. W. TEN EYCK, PROPRIETOR popular and commodious Hotel has been newly refitted and furn;shed through out it, parlors and chambers, and is now ready foi the reception of guests for the winter season. The traveling public will find the United Rata Hotel the most convenient in all particy tars, of any Hotel in the •State Capital ; ; u an went of its avess to the railroed, being immer. diately between the two great depots int.this city. ilanarsnuart, Dec. 29, 1862.-6 m - SIUITRI & EWING, AT T OR N E YS-AT-LA,W, OFFICE T MRD STREET, NEAR :,tARIKET, PENRA, tar ILL atteod to the Collection of Bounti VT Money, Pennsionz andarreare of Pay. f The widow or other heirs of any . soldier, who may die I 5 disease or be killed while in th United States service, is entitled to $lOO bc y money, pension, and all arrears of pay of d,cer.sed soldier. . jmylOprd-dlO FRESH GROCERIES I NTCHor-s & BOWMAN, (Corner of Front and liarket,Streets,) ARE constantly receiving from first hadds large stocks of choice family groceries, pur chased for cash, which they are thereby enabyttl to sell at very small advanut On city who/Peale prices. They would respectfully , inform the public that they do not deal in nor .keep any intoxicating liquors in any quantity, large or nnB HERMETICALLY SEALED. ;. PEACHES, TOMATCM, PINE APPLE, SALMON, • 'OYSTERS, SPICED OYSTERS,. # LOBSTER, SARDINES, For Blau by WTI. DOCK, Jr. ik CO. . . • FRESH SEEDS'! WE have received for this season more than v our OUT usual stock of FLOWER SEEDS:;. Some choice varieties on inutd...*Aisci,viri den and Vegetable seeds of, the beet quality. ;SELLER'S DRUG STORE,, ; mr27 91 Market street. • (3IBLES AND 'HYMN BOOLV .itl.A 1.-c0 E and splendid stock of Pocheeenci Faintly Bibles. . : • litethodiat,`Luthetati, Getman ReLet Leta, and other Hymn : 13ooks. ittat reoeivr efIALL BeatUNEWS CHEAP BuQIPTO.III3. rlali_L;olL, a further reduction. in, Coal 011, V superior article of non-explosite Coal 011, I for sate very low, by ; • I NICHOLS & BOWMAN, ' Cot. Front and Market Stn. .1 tal I 6 l Oltron and Oarranta, py NIOHOLB Sr, 'BOWMAN; Opruar Front and Market' 64_ DR. JOHNSON • 13.1!LI-ITINE 1 0)1 2 t.M LOCK HOSPITAL. T ;As discovered the most certain, speedy and 11 effectual remedies in the world for DISEXSES OF IMPRUDENCE EW ELT SIX TO "TWELVES )3.01JR11 NO .MERCURY OR NOXIOUS DRUGS. A Cure Warranted, or No Charge, in from One to Two Days Weakness of the Back, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary dis charges, Impotency, General Debility, Ner- VOnsnes3, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits,. Cmafusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the IL art, Timidity, Trembling!, Dimness of Sight cr Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, N l / 4 se or Skin. Affections of the Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels—thoie terrible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of YOuth— those secret and, solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their• most bril liant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, &c., impossible, $1 00 9.00 17.00 YOUNG MEN Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect who Might otherwise have entranced lister:ll4 Sen ates with the thunders of eloquence or Waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may aill - ivith full confidence. - • 52 2, I `' , ' Harried Persons, or Young Men contemplat ing marriage, being aware of physical:-weak ness, organic debiliq, deforinities, epeedily 213.- la X!`2 1° He who places himself ander the care of Dr. T. may religiously confide in his honor as a gen tleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a Physician. : • ORGAiIIO 10,ATC.NESS , 17E Immediately Cured, and full vigor restored. This distressing affection—which renders life Miserable andlnarriage imposeible—ie - the pen-, alty paid by the victims of improperindulgence. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being, aware of the dreadful come! , que,nces that may ensue. Now, who that nn= derstands the subject will pretend to deny that the Power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling hap iMproper habits than by the pru dent. Besides being deprived the pleasures healthy offispring, the, most serious and'deitiiihi 4114 symptoms to both body and mind arise:• The:system becomes deranged, the physical, and mental-luoctiorutweakened, loss of procreative power, nervous 'irritability, dyspepsist,lpitik: tion of the heart, indigestion, constitutional Aebility, a wasting of the frame, cough; con sumption, decay and • Ovnas, No. 7 Soma ihusuareoic Stiker, , Left-handidde going from Baltimore street, a' few doors .firbnithe corner. Fall not to observe name and number. Letters must be' pai' and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diploma hang in his otilce. • e5...52 26 75 1 50 DEL JOYENSON, Member of the Royal College of Sargeonsi Lon don, sradeate front one of the most eminent colleges in the United States, and the greater part of, whose life has been spent in the hosph tats of London, Paris, Philadelphia and el* where, hes effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears When asleep, great'nervousness, being, alarmed at sudden sounds,- bashfulness , with frequent blushing, attended iornettmeil with derangement of=mind were,ancod4nurikto/Y. ' ' 'TANI rAlindur4di NOTION. These a`iii some ofVtlie;•liail and 'melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, vik: weakness of the book and limbg, pains hiLtiie head, dimness of light, loss of mow* poweii: pollination of .tbelthelati, 4 4 13 PeP, nervous irritability, symptoms of consumption, Mosmorm.--The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded—loss of memory, cA * fu: ion of ideas, depression of spirits, evil fore- bodings, aversion to society, self cilstrust, Jcive of solitude, timidity, Arc., are stone of the evibi produced Who have. injured themselves . by a certain practice indulged. in. when alone, a habit fre• quentlY _learned • from . evil companions, or at school, the_ieffects of which are„nightly .. felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage impossible, and . destroys both mind and .body, should apply and.. What a: pity that a you)* man, pr.' of hie country, the darling of his pans uld be snatched from all prospects and ear' to of life, by, the consequence of deviating • .m the path of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such personinrosx, beige contain platlng MARRIAGE ? .' . 'erect that a sound mind and , Jody are the roost necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, w# llo o .Pbegit,the journ ey .. through life•becomes a weary pilgriinagit : ,the prospect hourly darkens to'the view • thAtakid becomes: shadowed with despair and !filled with the meloncholy reflection that:the, hominess o another becomes blighted with our own. • I DISEASELON IMPRUDENCE..:i When the mbignided and imprudent votary', Of pleasure - findedie" has imbibed the seeds ofl this•painful disease,':.it too. often- happens the an illthried sense of shame or the dread of dis 4 every deters him from applying to thew who 4 from veducation and reepootability, can , &loner befriend him. , , He falls into the hands+of igno4 rant and designing pretenders, who,. int:apatite' of curing, filch his pecuniary substance, keep him triflinq month after month, or 48 long as the smallest fee , can Ate obtained, andiu despola leave him with ruined health to: sigh over; hi galling disappointment, or, by the nut , of th deadly poison, Mercury, -hasten the constitur tional , symptoms of this teriible disease,'enoh aft affections•of the Head, Throat, Nose, Skin,tettli plogressing with - frightful rapidity till death puts' a period to.hiLdreadful sufferings by:sea N ing' , him. to that undiscovered .country ..froth Whence no trivellerreturnsz! :, 3 , , i INDORSEMENT og , THE , PRESB. 1! ' " The many thotulandtt ctiredAttitidinalitdtioC year ider , jeary and the numerous luipartant" surgical operations performed by Dr. Jobnior, 'lnessed•bykthe - lreporters of the - Bars,aOppai, and m anvoithiF papers, notices of Which hatr appeared:again' and again Wore:the publie,lbe sides' his standing as a gentleman' of ''ulutnucittir and responsibility; is a stdikient gamut:dee lib ihd afflicted. •`• - '''' '' • ' ' ' ' '' s • AlpN DIZEO,BBS"- READILY CURER -# ' OPFICE, No. 7. 3011711 FREDRiiIOK. ill. Iflebical. liIABRIAGE. YOUNG MEN New 20vertioements LIFE INSURANCE The Girard Life Insurance, Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia. OFFICE .NO. 408 CRESINITI MEET. (CHARTER PERPETUAL.) CAPITAL AND ABM'S THOMAS RIDGWAY, President JOHN F. JAMES, Setretary. CONTINUE to make INSURANCE ON LIVES on the moat reasonable terms. Theyact tui Executors, Trusteea and Guardians under last Wills, and as Receivers and Assignees. • The 'capital being paid up and invested, together with a large and constantly increasing reserved lund, offers a perfect security to the insured. The premiums may be paid yearly, half year ly or quarterly. The company add a' BONUS periodically to the insurances for life. The FIRST BONUS appropriated in December, 1844, the SEWN. BONUS in December, 1849, the THIRD BONUS in December, 18E4, and the FOURTH BONUS in 1859. 'These additions are made withbui requiring any increase in the premiums to be paid ;to the company. The folloVring .are a few examplec.frora the Register : I - Amount of policy . olicY' -1 , , Sum !Bonus of and bonus to be I W- Insured.tuldition. creased by future iidditions. - No. 89. $2600 $ 887 60 $BBB7 60 182.8000 1 1060'00 - 4060 00 0 , 199.1 ! 1000 400 00 1400 00 "" 838: 6000 1876 00 8876 00 Agent at Harrisburg and vicinity WILILLIA BI:I3HLER jelo-diy . COFFEE ! COFFEE t COFFEE ! . WANTED, ev.erY OrO9er kind the Public to L'S'-NONPAREIL WORRELL'S' NONPAREIL PRERARED. COF FEE. Warranted to l givaeatiefaction, the money refunded. It Is universally aCknowledged the BEST EVER USED. Prepared and for eke at the Eagle Steam Spice and Coffee Worke, No. 244, North Front, (cor ner of Neivat.,) Philadelptda Pa. melanin*': HOWARD WORRELL. rr. J. McGU'I . GA , N, • Importer and ; wholesale dialer in 1111READi • ,•T AVMS, < 'HOSIER Y, No i & o-, m4 . ToRRS i :ire. 2 Strawberry S V trk t7(441a,: C RIME! - • ' Ertgliith Pine-pie, INT folesaie`l4 . Ja., Sc CO. apl4 GARDEN S E EDS; Shaker's,. Mt Lebelion, N. Y., and i~riggeBi:Bro., licic4t*ter, idetor l i a p l tt e r i t r , A lti o rreggi r l i =s ; TP:Zie a l r :P Y and al> l4 WIL , ppoK, ht., lc CO. . DRIED rTRIED. Peaches; ; &Fed) I LI I Dried I"eaolies, (tinpared.l Dried Apples. ..3 Dried PPcims. : .Dried Cherries.. Dried.l3lackberries. For sale by- tap - AO) Wt Jr., Br., CO WRITING FLUIDS = Bess' American Writ- Fluid, a pplendid luk, at 62 cents . Or karat; HARRISON'S Oolumnbum Writing Fluid, LAUGHLIN & BUS D'S Ink, Copying 14,)Oarmin,,e anclih44ka of the z beatquality, Blue Ink, Bliklagi3, W 0.7 at ap6 SCUEFFER'S BOOKSTORE. . . M, OF A.l&. , O.This celebrated Salad Oil, pith several other.ohoice brands,-In large and. small bottles, I iustoreceived and for, sale by, epl4 , ,WM. DOCK; Ja 4, CO. • OIL• ,LANTERNS, that - do: not neat V any ciihnneY; and: no wind will put• tY light out. Call and examine; at NICHOLS & BOWMAN, 118`' Cor: Frontand Market Sta. . . , MT , PENB 'in I tlzeilltohkd;• fol -7,4 1 . $1. 2 41 JL$ t $1.50, , $2, $B, and ss, for satiatt - ` 43 b1 5 -0 SQLWORIVB Noaggviii. MABMAIA.A. AND - CAL& WOA G 4. " PE - VINES, strong and-: thrifty, two years' Old, at reduced: prices, at Keystone Nursery. • novl-dtf BROWN STOUT ; • . 1:1 and hand ALE, of the best. brands, 'alwayeon mad iind for sale by_ .[apl4], WM. DOCK, Ja., Si CO. GIN ) • " ' WinsloiValttedi 'Green bcin. j*it received by jamatf ' W. DOCK,IpIr&OO. • ' ' 1 rin spasms Merdor 'and '1! eiiith Blow Stittoe4 for inde'vetylnw;bt NIOB.OI,gIr, BOWMAN, f2B Cornor'leroid. ind i Markni Sts. j - MORTON% CELURRAXED -PINE AWLA OHEESE, , direot from phe,mukulaotarer, and fcir . side by Virtt. DOOlt, & COI DD BRO . AND BQLOONA.,:a very, choice t, just received andier role by parBo W.M. PO. A ~OHOICE of superior liaoop,: i juu t re , Cefre4 anal for 8a1e10414 • ‘. NICHOLS*: BOWMAN ' ; apl Cor. Front andiarliot streets. SALTpground, ulabtour Amit dairy, in large. ox tumill.qpisfatiee, by tuagsus AciivjldAs, - An cottliiffOtreet. Shpiipo Hd 11311 1 1 ( . ' and int eatit by . test fi;. arit*: • E4t Celegrapil. Later from New Orleans. Continued Suooeas of General Banks CAPTURE OF ALEXANDRIA, LOUISIANA $1,543,886 Nebel Supplies at: Port lindson and Vicks burg Cut-Off, Naw Yowl, May 3. The steamer George Cromwell, from New Or leans on the 26th, arrived here. The Captain of the Cromwell re news re received on the 26th that Gene enks has taken Alexandria near the head of thi Red rivet. 411 Kerashear city dispatch of the 24th to the NOVi Orleans Era , states that a rbel so tiler from the Red river country reported three gun boats had eap s turAlexandrla several days previous, probahlrby Farragut's , fleet. The same soldier reports that our occupation of the ' - emintry and Admiral Farragut's blockade of Red-river. have seriously interfered with sup plies for the rebels at Vicksburg and PortAud sou. The Era of the 25th, states that a reconnoi aance of Sabine fan, was made on the 18th, by two boats-4pm the gunboats Cayuga and New London. On lauding near the light house, they were fired'On`by concealed rebels. Capt. ki'Dermot of the Cayuga was killed and his crew of five men captured. Capt. Reed of the New -London escaped, but received a wound over: itlfekeyififigont a,rifle ball and four Of his; ent•Wele • The body of Captain M'Dermott was given up by the rebels and buried at New Orleans on the 26th. t The Adams' Express treasure safe from the Wreck of the steamer Marion, has heehrecover ell and received at New Orleans: Qalea-La-Rose was captured on the 20th by the gunboats Estelle, Clifton, Arizona and Cal- Oneseaman was killed, another wound ed, and engineer Weld was also wounded. The rebel flag which floated over the Fort +as presented- to the commander of • the Clifton. doThe mass of the people are loyal and-the urdry well supplied with necessaries. , ieston , dates to the 7th ult.-represent the rebels, fortifying the point from the, city to the fort. FROM WABHINOTON. ARRIVAL 01' RIMEL PRISONERS „,WAIIIIINGTON, May 2. ',Wother, detachment ofrprhkosters, 144 hi number, has reached here,' includlitg several tommandlng officers. Others are expected in hiantirieof the day. They:iterit settttp the Ohl Capitol Prison. They were all comfortably lad, though their garment; were coarse. Tisi-lparty socoinpanyliig tthe'Secretary of State and Assistant Secretary of State, were Ptinakiohleisien, , mblister l from -the .Efauseatio cities,” Mann Geialt; 'the - littiNtiari Count Pifer, Swedish nilillster, Baron Grabew, cCietary.of the Blissianijegation, ;with wham; Mow have returned from their vraft to the "lappahannock anoll'ofti4s Monroe. FROM'MIBBISBIPPI, inebel:Fears of thC,-FederiL Cavalry ,• ! • Maw You, Misty 2.' The Tribune hew -received the folli*rng die :patch dated, Makeths, April '3oth =Tire Jackson Appeal :of the 24th says, a fiat the Yankee Cavelry ex pedliton int o Mississippi threatening 'Oolnnibns and -Grenade excels in daring all :the former Yankeelaide. • ! The Appeal has intelligence from Arkansas ' lthat the rebels are rapidly strengthenisk undi r jKirby Smith and Staling Price, and will soon gke the Unionists trouble in Missouri: Gan:. 'Mt Maury has been trausfered to the rebel army in Tennessee. , • ' From Western Virgirlia THE itORCIikitTOWN RAID. ATM FROM THE ENE' OF OPERATIONS , -The'_ Guerillas Endeavor to iltitreat. Showalter'i: titian Forte at lihgantown Mulligan Fightilig. , at Ff.imont. -.- 9P,E*ALTTONp I AT WHEELING . . , The .Pl *wick contains Mil following newt relative to the rebel raid into Wmtern Virginia:, Captain Wright,with the Onard,.re-; tmlied to the city, ftorntiniontevrn, by special' train, on Thuniday night, about one o'clock, bringing' thh•latest infointation from Morgan , ' town. Our special correspondent came on the thin, arid 'furnishes M 3 with the following: T,lxacetrowir; ' April 30.—One 'of our scouts , came'into town' about three o'clock this morn- lng, bringing aletter frOm'Mr. John Oliphant: Seim Hui' roar:Ask April 29.--Qtuarter of 10 e'clock. Sir. •'I am requested to in forth' you as 'fiillows : The 'rebels have left Morgantown and gone up the west side of the river;towarda Filial/Doti.. They left, sometime last night.. There has been firing he a rd 'in the direction'of Fairmont since one o'Clock' to-day; A lnievy feat' is going on;.apparentlyi , in that direction: - Th& rebels did not burn the bridge at Morgantoin; evidently leaving it as a means of retreat, shonid . they be forced to fall back. The'. 6th' Virginia (Union) regiment, , 1,.200 • itrong, with; `a • • battery , of 'artillery; came mite Morgantown this L evening. This is reliable. The fear is, however, that they will notbe able' to successfully resist the fOreie of rebels/ - should ithey he defeated, -especially as they have no %Fairy. They expected to have beedreinforc• 1 ed by some 'cavalry 'from' this direbtion. Mr. Wilson came' from Morgantown , this , evening eV i, dark. The citizens of 'MorgaiitOstn, ,, he. say;t4 - 'iieeliiect! to' be anxious to hate as rnany Men: 'Cade hp as ti . Cieible. •- If the enemy Tare ,deforit- ed at Fairmont, and there is force sufficient to prevent them from crossing the Monongahela river, the whole force may be captured. Respectfully, JNO. OLIPHANT. To Captain Wright, Uniontown. Later information fixes Maj. Showalter's force at 500, with six pieces of artillery. A vidette has arrivtd, who states that he communicated with Maj. Showalter about three o'clock this morning. He had planted his ar tillery, commanding the bridge, and expressed his determination to hold the place at all hazards. Mr. James Wilson, a citizen of this. place, arrived this morning, direct from Morgantown, where he arrived,. .In, company, with another person, on Wednesday evening about five o'clock. He remained about half an hour, and jest before he left two Union soldiers, mounted, came dashing into' the town, reporting that Maj. Showalter was eight miles distant with a Union force, and hurrying forward with all pos- Bible speed. The rebels left Morgantown on Tuesday, en camping about six miles out, in the direction Of Kingwood. About three o'clock Wednesday morning they again 'startle, going, towards Fairmont. About nine o'clock in the ftrienoon cannonading was distinctly harctil the Civet river and also in Morgantown,' and continued at intervals until between Jhree and fear o'clock in'the; afternoon. The impression wag general that a heavy fight, was going on in the direction of Fairmont. _One o'clock e'. sr.—rofortiation deerned relia ble, has been received that Major Shimalteris at Morgantown, and that C6l. Mulligan enconn' 7 tared the rebels a mile and a half belew Fair mount on. Wednesday morning, and - repulsed tbeni. They are said to, have retreated in the directionie Aitortant,own, their only Wi'y of escape, encamping six miles from the plaee on Wednesday night In case they Were hard pressed, it was believed they Would Ir 'forces. ' Capt. Wright, in , vier"' of the non;arilval of reinforcements from Pittsburg,. :-concluded to return with . .his Provost Cipard, and R l : special train was placed at biA di . posal. Prior to his departure - a pablio mu was held at the cod house; and; resolutions pal; /denting' Capt. Wright. and. his emu —.1.! fort their services., I I have conversed with several *eons . from Morgantown; and listened to variety 'of'stete. Monts concerning the: conduct 'of the raiders. Mr. Lloyd 1:41, a prominent citizen and most devout Unionist, is stated to .have been killed, also J. J. Jenkins and Andrew Johnston. " Twd citizens, Lieutenant Henri/ 'Bell and it man named Morrison, were-taken-prisoners, and it Was given out by their' captor's that therWorild lie shot for bushwhacking. • The residence of Win. Leasure,' Esq., Deputy Marshal, a short dist/Mee - ourtUf 'roam, on his farm. audburned, and the - only bouts/ destroy ed.as far ea We Can, lean. Mr. Leantan'e • Mega,. dn. the town; was pillaged ., also the jewelry store Of LeWisS. Hays,,the dry goods and drug store of tarr 'Harvest& NytS,lthe boot Andshoe steed of Charles Wattd,••the babstore.of Mr..Eftokmanv tindeverrgrocery.dorelulho place, 1 - • iTtinPffitore, WAtt, one exce on, appeared to show a disposition td.rest their men, and *Aide were pleeisT On some Of the 'dorm,' with Imitructienito•lhe men. to takeminly such anti , 4leawsitherstood,nrest in need of.. The 'Ace?' Lion Was a poi, giaruni t n, Who, permitted .. iris tarsi to 'do Jima they phteW: Seine Of the officers "hid silver &Milli/it/41361W tretti: Silty notes,: but meat 'of , then; lads •MI supply of,',,blwelaqks,7.re•rieoceahle. "six. months after a treaty of place bet Ween this bentederiste and Federal Stated." trid Union men; named Pot ter and Hickman, wiie'vittrinded, !having fired it bp. the rebels upon Abefog discovered with arms in theirlisods.. . The citizens of Uniontown ba d a Most grafi; tying exhibition' Vt . :the - loyalty of one BASAL of Fayette ' county B.Bt Elibbe, of pie First Pennsylvania ..Cavelry,.-appeared :: in town.on.We,dnueday afternoon, at the head of forty ferment, all wenn:minted, and each with lie squirrel rifle Upon his shoulder. The Ber geent reported lo Copt Wright,- and was ordered to prooced tolObeat river, at once: , . ; Gen.- llowe has resolved information, by way e t Washington, ?a., that the enemy were oc. espying Fairmont In forci3, thee contradicting ;the repirt from Uniontown That Col. Mulligan imd defeated the rebele. • A leth3r haealso been :received from Major Showalter, dated: at Mor , gantowe SO, announcing his arrival there Auk ieking ler 'reinforcements. THE VERY LATEST'. Sergeant 13oaten arrived. on'Friday afternoon, :on the train . from thaicintown, and reportg that Major Shenralter; had fallen back from Morgan town and carpased Cheat river. my - imam AT VITISITLING 'TO VITBILT TEI WO. Gon.'Wbeat wee ordered on'ltionday to out the I.6th brigade, State militia, by ithi. Schenck. The .brigade is not.ienife,rnied,ot equipped, but the officers werq immediately summoned, and afttir consultation' bidets were iseued Mr the assembling, of'the . 4th . and sth' regiments on' Tuesday Morning/ Simon dred accordingly amend:Jed nt.tlie , :appeinted hoar, and were supplied with noir and better Runs. Hundreds who bad oeglectedlio'contplY with the order to parade were "brought up by squads before three d!cloCk.- and all' Want stip plied.with ammunition. On WednesdaY Morn ing the 4.tiCrezitnent,' (Col. Logan's) . left fdr the east at two o'clOck, and when last'. heard 'from was at "Littleton; where the Stet occurred. Volunteers froth StenbenVillii, Welliviile and Washington were on bend in hundreds on Wednesday morning, but were not sent' out. The prevision train'sent out to supply the 4th regiment collided, near Mounds-, ville, witha constniction train, and'severtal of the road employees waif severely injured.l, Troops arrived franiOhici, and were sent for ward on Wednesday, but being detained by the accident, came back to Benwood, whence. they.', were ordered to "Parkersburg. Meantime' ewS of the attack ' on Fairmount reached Wheeling, and the troope were again sent for Ward. airy Were lreyit eontinutdly scouting in all - direbi Lions from thehlty, end on Wednesday merni lug a party brought tea' SOU of Jeff Martini formerly U. S. Marshall; but now in Dixie, sus! pected of being a spy. Rev. B. V. Dodge, 'of Wheeling was captured by the rebels at Oak- jaud. He arrived at Wheeling on-Wfshiesdavi h come around throtigh 'Though,logelr examined-: was. onll;tetit treated by ; the guerillas, who informed"it that they had eight hundred at (*lira; and that fifteen bandied had gone to itand.esbisig; 'They clairned Mutt their forix.wast-,three „thou. ma d, s ta t , i3m; im ojt. may therefotc be_Wely ,ee , timated atone thousand. They statedthat they had encountered eighty 'of Col. Ildrilligthethenin at : Greenland, who -had taken refuge- in !a . ohnnsh,birt were capturtdafter wiliggtVithivia the. church burned, Some of, tiro iaavalry.secip,t N iho heti pressed out beyondW.4'l6l o 11611* -re 1..; •-it PIiTaBIIRG, May S 1.118 LATEST turned with the following "reliableatattment which is worth praserviog : "Four companies of militia sere at Meagan town, when the enemy came in, and undertook to • defend the place. They tack refuge in houses and fired from them, but the rebels shell ed them out and set the houses on fire, and they were then gobbled up. Seven of them were killed. The rest were taken off in the direction of Dixie, as prisoners. The estimate of the force put it at four thousand which is without doubt a great exaggeration. The rebels prooted ed from Morgantown to Uniontown, where they co&mitted some depredations, and return d by the way of Blecirsville towards Fairmount, pass ing thirteen miles'off Waynettburg. There was a good deal of alarm at Waynesburg, and the alibi& of the bank there destroyed $60,000 of the bank's issue for fear of its failing into their hands." On Wednesday iafonnation ImerreceWed of another guerilla movement, threatening Wet ton from the direction of Sutton. The Wheeling ktelligencer, from which we have condensed the foregoing, says: ''There is one lesson we cannot fail ixo learn from the success ofthis raid of the enemy, that there is in onr midst a foe no lees prejudicial to our safety, than the one ill our front. It is not tete supposed for a moment that an invasion of such magnitude, reaching far into an ene rnk'a nOnntry. within lines of railway and, tele gnph, would , be undertaken: by.even the most foolhardy and daring without accurate knowl edge of the numbers and disposition of the op - posing' ',forces. There is not an o ffi cer in the rebel army' who would have risked h adiag eva a cavalry force to the Pennsylvania tine in — the Monongahela Valley, if he had not known absolutely and exactly that we had no force within reach to resist this advance, our that he could have destroyed our communism ten so no force could be thrown in to intercept 0 0E 1 in their retreat. How could th's be so wircurately, known to them? Only through the symPathisers in our 'midst who acted as spies and informers. They it were who burned the bridges between hen and Grafton to prevent the passage of troops, just as they did two ypats ago- They are just as ranch our enemies a* these marauders. They ad in concert with them; kno"then they are coming, and whiit tO.do.to.assist them.; atd they, o it." A !ulna ral Tan VaLtsr.—A few days since tt ight engagement occurred near Strasburg, *twee° the'Sd Virginia cavalry, with portions t oilloviland's,:titt's and White'scompanies,and . three or four hundred rebels, who were driven limly with, a Ifig‘pf five killed, nine wounded, twenty-'five prisoners and forty horses. Union l&s oneloMed and one wounded. firr Analailln.—On Sunday .a spy was found .:.ncealed on the oars of the Baltimore and Ohio ~ phCwas found to rams a commission 1; _` . eit lik Mn• Lateber and'a map of all the , . ". a leading to '.Fairiatint, together• with the men of prominent rebils,on the road. When i e t , .10he Government deal/es/At with the scorin gs, and ' award them their just portion of mp ? The felleivs name was Martin, former ly a resident of Fetterman, on the Northwest ern. pike. 3 ....I. ! i Esokun,—Ool. Latham managed to escape thei :rebel trap at beierly, and in his' retreat kla' uprtirentyLtlee rebel prisoners. t ei • Mo Fatuhthamo s— -Brig. -ltrig. G pub. .es pu. es nesider ha West. Virginia tlxrpeAening se . Grp pnnishtnent to any ,person connected with army . whci Shall spread a filae alarm, or tiplettera communicating with the' enemy, From San rranclipeo. SAN FRAncusc,o, 141. y. 2 • T he steamship Constitution sailed this tura 'l ing for Panama, with 700 passengers and $730,- 000 in treasure for England and $20,000 for New York. Flea Newberg; N. C. Gen. Poster bee been arranging, his devat plpt. . The 44th and 27thifinsachusetts amnia bave arrived at Newbern front Wash ington. The stein is an extract from Newborn ietter , Of tho.29th nit The Steamer Peterhoff. • Blew YORK, May 2 The cargo ofthe•steamer. Peterhoff wee par liplly to-day but nothing that is con traband of war ha 4 yet been discovered. Arrival of Cotton. - ' Now Yearn, May 2. z . The ship Theodore Sump arrived to-day-frets *stapierern with 1,580 bales of cotton. BA.RRINGVON. - - A Novel, by Cassias Lavas, A 13THOR" of "Charles O'Malley,!' k m , one . ;.(1. vol., paper, price 60 mote.. For sale at • :61 BEIRNAII'S CE(EAP ,1300lifsWEE. ri ViraI:MFRS TREE, ..V.A And ahnnba of all leading, kinds, and of all sizes, from one to fifteen feet high, for sale low at Keystone Namely. J. MISS. LL kinds ofdlarden s Seeds, just received, and for sale by . maims & BOWMAN, Comer Front arid Market lata i2O POTATOES. A P e a ch ZOW. ' A large 'eaPPII ffsfien . j a g r e IV.I. of the above e telyed and for sale by, M ' aprla. W DOGS, Jr., sr co. CREME, the very . Nit ''ever offered in ATRY far sale by m ' r e ao this rnalira , Wits . . JR.. Go. • ATHIEAS, Diftecerkt colored double varieties; White ,Fringe, ; Purple Fringe, or Mist Tree, amid other shrubbery, at Keys tone Nursery. J. Dried Boa t .Fish, Salt, in page or .L.L small quantitieilln suit purchaaers, for ears low;by NICHOLS & BOWMAN! s oo , -.' =Cori Front sad Idarketatrake. rillißE &TX, - • English — and Irish :Yew; , and . Mahwah Aividiolla t fine ornamental evergreen shrub!, „at Keystone Naraerv. 16161 J. MISR 910, BACCO—Congreao, Navy, ,Pittaburg, &0 , together with a large dock of RV* for ...le by NICHOLtI& 'BOWMAN, - • ap2o • Front and. Market street& O ED AB W HE. --Tuba, all suet, Eton 'Buckets, Sigar "%les, dhuree, Steads, Lame Cedar Backete;Rainted FsiLs 16 - ' - WM- 0 0 4 1 .;. CO 1611ENOH and ENGLISH? • ted not only X ye to Preeerss the leather Itself. jfor fthi e by ffl, & lEI Naw Yoßx, May 3 war al In[