Iggio 2hatismints. AB ENTIRE NEW STOOK OF GOLD PENS ! rill:1E best and largest assortment of Gold Pens has just been opened at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOK STORE. These Pens are manufactured by Cl. F. Newton ' Ss Co., of New York, and warranted to give lull satisfaction. A trial will satisfy any one. If/asinine the prices below : Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 26. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 50. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 75. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 26. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 50. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 75. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $3 26. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $3 75. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $4 25. Gold Pen and Pencil, with Rubber Holder $5 00. Gold Pen and Pencil with Rubber Holder, $7 00. THE NEW EDITION PURDON'S DIGEST HAS JUST BEEN PUBLISHED, PRICE *5 00 AN 11211111 E new edition of this well knows Law Book has just been issued. It is now distinguished by the following superadded features The laws contained in the various annual Digests published since the date of the eighth edition (1863) have been incorporated In the body of the work. Many thousand new authorities have been cited ; the report of the revisory ut the Penal Code has been embodied in the notes to the various sections of it, and the appendix contains for the first time, the Acts of Congress for the Authentication of Records, and the Statute of Fraudulent Con veyances, with full and elaborate notes of the decisions explanatory of them. The work has been prepared by the learned editor, Mr. &dorm, and its freshness and permanent value will be preserved by the continuation of the annual Digests, which have given so much satisfaction. For sale at je2B BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. HARRISBURG COAL OIL DEPOT. iFoR the safety of u mourners, we have established a Cod Oil Depm ai the corner of iron and Market streets. All our oils are tested and we post lively sell none except such as prey. , to be non-explosive, clear and free from odor as far as practicable. We offer at present the following justly celebrated brands. Mag nolia, Rotihison, Flatworm and Louder, lower than can be purchased elsewhere in dm+ place, either wholesale or retail. Also en extensive assortment of Lamps, Chita neys, Shades, Hlans Cones, Burners, Ato. We will also ebange Mold or osalpheoe lamps, so as to be used for Goal oal. Call and satisfy yourselves, at NICHOLS BOWMAN, Corner of From and Market street aprll FBL.L■ o_l.' 'BB. KITSTONIC NURSERY, HARRISBURG. . IT should not be forgotten that this establishment is still in successful opareation, and can supply PIWIT AND SHADE TREES, EVERGREENS, SEHIUBBERY, GRAPE VINES, RASPBER RIES, STRAWBERRIES, GOOSE BERRIES, CURRANTS, BLACK RIES, &c., &c., &0., &c. of as good qualities and varieties, and at as reasonable prices as they are sold at distant nurseries. THE LOCATION of the nursery—adjoining the city—gives it advantages for transportation to all parts of the country, posseuend by but few others. Jar All articles, when desired, deliver ed free of charge,in.any part of the city. annOi JACOB WWI VOLUNTEERS, IF YOU WANT LETTER OR NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, WRITING OASES, POCKET INKSTANDS, PENS AND HOLDERS Of event description and quality, you will find the largest assortment at BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. CHARTER OAK FAMILY FLOUR. UNKX.OELLED BY ANY IN THE UNTIED STATES AND SUPERIOR TO ANY FANCY BRAND S OFF.RRED IN PENNSYLVANIA 12 1S MADE OF CHOICE MISSOURI WRITE WHEAT. _ Delivered any place in the city, free of eltarze! TIMMS, Cash on delivery. jyao WM. DOCK, Jr., ArClo, POCKET BIBLES. FULL assortment of Pocket Bibles Lk and Testaments for the soldiers, just re ceived at BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. POMADE HONGROISE wok NIXING TEN MOUSTACHES, le) KILLER'S • RIIGSTORE. EXTRA family flour, a superior brand,, which we warrant to give e nenitetian, Net re- Delved and Ow sale by NIOROLS & BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market streak THE general variety of goods for ad. lasting the TOILET, Hbe band at lakes, is unsureasseMin this city, Jea 91 Market street SUPERIOR Green and Black Lead, kir Bile by NICHOLS it 6O WMAN, 012 Corner Trout and Market streets. IORESII invoice of Lemons, Prunes, Pea Nut s be., for sale low by NICHOLS k BOWMAN, soptl7 Cor. Front and Marmot street. WO WALNUT TREES, frEUSIFTY and straight, from 5 to 8 feet MO, .11,. at $2 per dozen ; $lO per 100. Keystone Nursery, Oct. 18, 1862. • • POET. FOLIOti—WRITING DESKS. If entire new Desortineat of these useful A Mobs Ira opened at 11ERONFIWS Mesa Hoekaiora. filistsiiunsuum BOOKS - EOll FABM} RS. ri .lIE attention of agriculturists is directed to the following works, which will enable them to increase the quantity and , value 01 their crops by adding science and the expert meats of others to their experience : STEPHEN'S BOOK OF THE FARM, de tailing all the labors of husbandry and the beet way toperform them. Price.... 3 COLEMAN'S AGRICULTURE and Real ! Economy 4 'OO LANDSCAPE GARDENING, by A11en....1 00 THE FARMER'S COMPANION, by Rue'.. 76 LECTURES ON PRACTICAL AGRICUL TURE, by Johnston 60 THE AMERICAN FARMER'S new and uni-- versa' handbook, with 400 engravings.k.2 50 AN BABY METHOD OF MANAGING BEER, by . Weeks Phe Nature and Treatment of Diseases of Cattle, by . Dadd _±, 100 LEIBIG'S AGRICULTURAL CHEMI STRY 75 MILOH COWS AND DAIRY FARMING, and the production of milk, butter, cheese, by Flint • 1 60 GRASSES AND FORAGE PLANTS, by Lynch 1 50 SAXTON'S HANDBOOK, containing the Horse, the •cow, the pig, fowls, &c., &c:.l 00 THE FARMER'S DICTIONARY and Prat:- ; tical Farmer, by Dr. Gardner 1 too ALLEN'S DOMESTIC ANIMALs 76 THE FIELD BOOK OF. MANURES, or' American Mack Book. ..* 26 THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, by . I Jennings 1 00 YOUATT ON THE HORSE 1 go HIND'S FABBLERY and STUD BOOK .. .1 00 HORSEMANSHIP and the Breakinq and Training of Horses 76 Standard Books,,Sehool Books, and ,every thing in the stationery line, at lowest prices, let RERGNER'S CHEAP BOOK STORE I FOR THE SOLDIERS. A.Nat)THF,,,Lirw c CHEAP r o i rin i i i eltl i zst ?m a n g e! WRITING CASES. Expressly manufactured for the soldiers. PORT FOLIOS. POCKET INK STANDS' PENCILS, PENS AND WRITING MATERIALS OF EVERY VARIETY; SOLD AT REDUCED RATES, PURE , CALIFORNIA WINE'S FOR MEDICAL USE. CALIFORNIA HOCK WINE, CALIFORNIA PORT WINE, CALIFORNIA ANGELICA WINE, CALIFORNIA • MUSCATEL WINE, CALIFORNIA GRAPE BRANDY. The attention of Invalids is partioularly called (to these wines. They are' equal to tee best of European wines cud guaranteed pure. For sale at oct2s lrifflaft , .4 ;MUG Brox .., st Market INSURANCE. , Marine, Fire and . Inland Transporta..tiok Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH ADERRIOR OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794—Charter perpetual. Capital and Assets $1,200 010 Arthur G Coffin, Samuel W. Jones, John A. Brown, Samuel F. Smith, Charles Taylor, Ambrose While, John H. Nell, Richard D. Wood, William Welsh, W Adam H. Bowen, James N. Dickson, 8: Berrie Waln, John mason, George L. Harrison, Francis R. Hope, Edward B. Trotter, Edward S. Clarke. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, Presideett , 011AELffil PLATT, Searietary. As central agent for • the above name • company,. undersigned' Is prepared -to take Fire risks in any t of the State of Pannsyliania, either annually or papa on the most tavorab is terms. • . . Office Third street between Walnut. and Strawberly alley, Burke's row. WILLIAM BUEHLER, Jal4dly Harrisburg, Pa. i TO CONSUMPTIVES, VHE Advertieere having been reetor4l to health in.& few weeks, by a very simple romp dy, after having suffered ; several years with a wit lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to make known to his fellow•suifferers means of sure. . . • To all who desire it,. he will send &loopy of the scrlption used (free of charge,) with the directions • r preparing and using the same, which they will. Sn l dt: Bronchitis. Thecure for Consumption, Asthma, onchiUs The only object of the advertiser in sending the - scription is to benefit the afilliMed, and spread Wu Lion which he conoelves to be invaluable, and he h every sufferer will try his iemedy, as it will cost the nothing and may prove a blessing. Pardee wishing the perseription will please aadrehs REV. EDWARD B. WILSON, • Wilhameburgh, Kings County, New York. sept2o &swam , • PRESS BETTER AT MARKET P it tO Er WE, HAVING fitted up a large Hetrig orator, and having made contracts with ROOl4Ol our most reliable farmers to furnish us with fresh d wcet butter regularly, will be enabled to supply osier ustomers with sweet fresh ioe ond node at all din ei. my 29 mtg. DO r: Jr. & th) POCKET. ROOKS, RUC/MK= PUROBS JI , PORT MODilLtila And a general variety of Leather Goode, jt received at BKAGNER'S BOOK STORK FAMILY FLOUR. WE INVITE the attention of families who BAKE THEIR OWN BREADi to our atock of Flnur. ' We have just received SEVENTY-FIVE BARRELS 1 of the Choicest (White Wheat) at. Wail; flour 'O4 u the Western Markel &thirds. We guarantee every barrel or bag we sell to stritit ly superior. eat) WM. DOCK, JR., IIF GOODS: ' RUBBER . i t ubbe Balls, -. 1 . Rubber Watches, rhubber4lattlee, • • - lahber,Toys generell)l at . LIERGINEWS CHEAP BOOKSTORE: TPX.TRA FA.IIIU.LY FLOUR, a choice .1 ; L of it.tra, Family blear. sll warranted by bbl„. sank,l net received eedfer sale low by J._ _ NICHOLS BoWILH taSO earner I.ront and Market streets BOLOGNA A igifALL, but very euperior lot . 4 Ala. Bologna sausage wat renamed, by I wit. DOCK; Ir *C4 QIIGARS, white and brown, of all .g rodeo Itir sale low, by IMCH9LB & BOWMAN, septl2 Front itod Market *,res t, CALL and Examine our Superior Nen- Explosive Coal Jffy for aide low bp, _.. r , ; ' NICHOLS &BOWMAN, oct3 Corner Front and Market wee. :LEVINF,BI3, Picklee • s A t JOHN W 114104. . M 1 UTARDELL v v Catsnr.. for SIIIII T ABB for Oiierving; call Want NICHoLS & BO . Alf, 77 ' ".llPorMor Wont, and Matt& urea* 4004;0018tangy Ql.l etry oupodoe oyilopo of %MAoloo mos. wu./1:10a1t, 74.01) p ennout i aiiiiiWi FREIGHT REDUCED ! eow►an & HOPE MORT & OK ROUTE NEW YORK. Goods Ordered in the Morning Returned the same Night. Leave New York at 74 P. M., by the Fast Through Expreen Trlain, arriving in Harriahurg at 3 A. N. WITHOUT ORANGE OF OARS. Order Goods marked via HOPE EXPRESS CO., General Office, 162 Broadway, New York For further ti forination enquire,of r GEO. BERGNER, Agent Barrenness', Aug. 1861.-dtf EAGLE WORKS, Hariiotu.g, Pennsylvania. ILUMPACTUREIL Of 11001-111NDER3' RULING-MACHINES AND PENS SAWING; MADRIN ES, PRESS BOARDS AND MAORI:NW Volt GIIII4DING 9:111ING-MACHINE KNIVES. Partible Cider -Mills and Fodder Cutters, scatoor. FURNITURg, - , Geniral Blanc Work and Iron and Brass C AST !NCB, WOOD TURNING IN ALL VS BRANOIIIky SCROLL SAWING, PLANING, EX., E7C or Any Machine of Wood, Iron or Brass made to order.. Gear add Screw Cutting, &c. HICKOK'S PATENT WOODEN' SCREW CUTTING TOOLS ar op* paid fir oth Copper, Brace, Spotter, &c. STEAM BOILERS, &C. PENNS YL VAN IA RAILROAD ABOVE STATE STREET. CELLAR WINDOW GRATES, or various paining; both stationary and swinging. Saab Weights and variant , other building eataiaga b Ibr gals very cheap at Lhe Amy24-1y) NAGLE WORK. aosq move Confectionery & Fruit Store THIRD f3TRIfET, 'NEAR WALNUT, BarObtay, Pas CONFECTIONERY. OF ALL KINDS, ORANGES AND UERIO4B.. • • . . PINEAPPLES, BAN ANNAS, FRESH AND SALT FISH, And. vegetables .of all kinds, brought direct from f Eastern Markets, twice a week, and purchased under my personal supervision, thus ostblidg me to Bell a better and cheaper artlele tlniu any in the Market. • ' ipir Orders Irons &distance attended to promptly, and Reeds delivered •to any part of the city free of charge. FREull CANNED FRUITA constantly on baud Give me a call. ' Dm] JOHN WINK. SUGAR! f au ßVn i. ed t a r ad i Ra i wi wi be so d at: the lowert market prices. J 620 WM DUCK, JR., & OF various Una, at the Keystone Nursery, adjoining the city. Or Trees planted and warranted to grow, or, if failing, to be replaced, on reasonable terms. JACOB MELBA.; Oct. 13, 462. CHOICE Syrups, of all kinds, at old prices Call and Examine,at NICOLS & BOWMAN, nov6 Cor. Front and Market,Ste. HERMETICALLY SEALED. PEACHES, TOMATOES, PINE APPLE, SALMON, . . OYSTERS, SPICED OYSTERS LOBSTER, ,MIIDINES, For sale by WK. DOCK, Jr. & CO. HAMS, DRIED KNEE, # BOLOGNA. SAUSAGES,. 1 TONGUES,., For ode low; by ' WM. DOCK, Jr., & CO.' CAMP • - WAITING CAS.ESi / consume PAPER, ENVELOPES, - • : o • , . ' • , , PENSIAND lew, Just the thing ; to carr y in the knapeanlZ: Prilie plate, only 38 cone. 'tor sale at ' "• -' ' HERGNEE'S CHEAP BOOK aroaE , , gHEE% . trooi 'the celebrated' riaillbilt i g &tries, a email conihromeat just received and o - . ' .- NICHOLS & BOWMAIt seidl2 -" : Corner Front nod Martun'etreetar VANILLA BEANS. t,l . WE are offeri ng for sale a aplend d quality oC VinWa Beau at low Moss by e pound, ounce or 891 9 1 9.' KBLLIR'9 DRUG b'iOftg. 91 !forted stied ALT, Astoria, Dairy, and Ground Alum; f Q sale low, by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, : nov6 ‘• Oor. Front and Market:Sta.' CRANi3F;, Cocoanuts,` jug' t received arid for, sale, by • Mums & BOWMAN, s dertier Front and Market Fit. nov3 DETERSIVE , 80AP, something Iteittr than Harlan's Household Slap jait reetived d for sale by ; . NICHOLS as BowitiA l e 2 ; Front and it kekstobste ALMILY :WABRING BLUE,J-any lent =bal imixsrla y de for Indigo, for so le ail wof," & he apholisaile Entail oispreug NICHOLS : cower or Front ap4 Mork Ape TERBEY HAMLIs--Ten tierces of e juayieeletraltediiiiigar eured hassii„reedvo& or 01101 4msvAr. 11 q.aaRigliastities• .‘ e Li DOOk. eilighish, itlonttan duetting. lOttentber 1, 1862 New 2tbuttlistmtnts. EXPRESS CO.'S TO AND FROM ST.ANDIiqe PRESSES, SHADE TREES, Linea ot troth Pe,pnsylvama. Rail Road 1 WINTER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. ON AND ABM MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17th. 1862, THE Pasienger 'trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as fol lows EASTWARD THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harris burg daily at 2.45 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.45 a. m. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 9.05. .a. in., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 1. 00 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 5.20 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.20 p. in. This train runs via Columbia. . ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Mount Joy, leaves Harrisbuirg at 7.00 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia , at 12.25 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Cohuubia, leaves Harrisburg at 1.10 p. in., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.30 p. in. WBSTWARD. BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Har risburg daily (except Monday) at 2.15 a. in.; Altoona, 7.65 a. in., and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.65 noon. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.45 p. m.; Harrisburg at 3.15 a. in.; Altoona at 8.40 a. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.26 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 a. in.; Harrisburg at 1.40 p. in.; Altoona at 8.46 p. in., and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.40 a. in. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.30 a. in.; Harrisburg at 3.55 p. tn.; Altoona - at 8.45 p. in., and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.40 a. in. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2.30 p. in., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.00 p. m. _ _ MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Lancaster at 11.33 a. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 1.30 p. m. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. East. Div. Ferrara R. R. Harrisburg, Nov. 15, 1862.-dtf Northern Central Railway I WINTER TIME TABLE. THREE TRAINS DAILY TO AND MODE 13 _A_ L 'l' I AI 0 IR, 31) LIM Washiiigton City. Connections made with trains on Pennltlyva ilia Railroad, to and from Pittsburg and the West. TWO TRAMS,DAILY to and from the North and West Branch Susquehanna, Elmira, and all of Northern New York. ON and after MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17th, 1862, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will arrive at and depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows, viz : SOVTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday).. 1.45 P. M. •' leaves Harrisburg.. 6.20 P. M. " ; arrives at Baltimore 10.20 P. M. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sun day) 11.20 P. M leav es Harrisburg (except Monday), . 2.45 A. M. 14 arrives at Baltimore daily (except Mon day) HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Harrisburg 9.06 A. M. NORTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Sunday).. 8.30 A. M. 1. leaves Harrisburg... 1.45 P. M. • arrives at Sunbury.. 4.50 P. M. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily 8.40 P. M. Id arrives at Harrisburg 1.50 A. M. 6/ leaves Harrisburg daily (except Mon day) 3.20 A. M. " arrives at Sunbury.. 6.20 A. M. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION • leaves Baltimore daily (except Sun day) - - " arrivesat Harrisburg 8.00 P. M. For further inforthation apply at the Office, in Pennsylvania Railroad Depot. • I. N. DUBABRY, Supt. Harrisburg, Nov. 14, 1862.-dtf 1862. WINTER 1863 ARRANGEMENT! CUMBERLAND VALLEY AND FRANKLIN RAIL. ROADS. ("IHANGE (11 HOURS.—ton and a ft er Mon t..) day, November 17, 1862, Passenger Trains will run daily, as follows, (Sundays excepted) : For Chamberobnrg and Harrisburg : A. M. P. K. 7.00 2.451 7.37 3.35 i Arrive at.. 8.17 4.20' j Cbambersburg...". Leave at.. SB.BO In 12:66 . Leaves Shippensbnrg 19.00 1.28 " Newville . ... 9.32 2.60. " Carlisle 10.10 2.42 Leave Rageketown " Greencastle " Meeh'anirebnrg 10:42 3.12 Arrive at Harrisburg 11.15 3.40 For Chunbersbarg and Hagerstown; A. 1G P. M. 8.05 1.35 8.47 2.16 9.27 2.55 10.02 8.29 Leave Harrisburg.... " Mechanicsburg " Carthde " Newville •' Shippenaburg , Arrive at, Chambereburg Leave Ch r amPersbarg " Greencastle 11.55 5.80 Arrive at RageAstown 12.35 6.10 Or Making close - connections at HarriebtOg with trains. for Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburg ; and with trains for all points West. 0. N. LULL, Sint, R. R. Office, Ohambersburg, N0v.17, 1862.-1 y CONDENSED MILK. lIST received and for sale by Jwm.. DOCK, Jr., & 00 B A.K.EftsAalaa and Sweet Oftocolate Pint Waluati - ID. I.D. s:.rose S Co., W . GROSS & CO., FlOl,/ 'ALM. Altin HINI VAIL D lt .U (-;-- 1 ST 9 MARKET STREET HARRISBURG, PENN'A DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORK- KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all ouch articles as are desirable, and would reepectfally call your atontion to the largest and best selected stock in Om city, of DRUGS OREMICALS & PAINTS 01112, varnishes nod Giulio, Dy•Stullb, Cilium and Putty, Artist Colors anal ToOls, Burning Fluid and Alenlbol, Lard, Sperms and. Pins 01Is, Salinas, Vials and Aunop Globes, PERFUMERY As TOILET ARTICLES. aoleoied from the beat ninnninetnrara and Pe miners of 'Rumps and this country. tieing very len. ( deafen In PAINTS. WHITE EMILE!, LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW OLAB3, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND AR'llBl."ti BIiDBEINS t N ALL TB El ft V AIIIETIES, We respoctftuly Invite a call, feeling, conti dent that we can supply the wants of all on tattoo to their sathilaction. JON ('M AND WRITES'S PORCELAIN TEETH, PATIIINT M.NDICINES ANli HAIR Of ell kinds, direct from the proprietors. Saponifier and Ooneentra' ted Lye Wholesale Agents for:Saponifier, which we se as low as it can be purchased In the cities. CHM( MR'S AINDICAL FLUID EX.TRAOTB 7.30 A. M Being large prirchasers In these 011 e, we can eller Inducements to close buyers. Coal Oil Lamps of the most Improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to bum Coal Oil. FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, Those of you who have not given our HORSE AND OA rms POWDERS a trial know no their superiority, and the , advantage they are in keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in g. )od condition. 2.45 P. M Thousands can testify to the profit they hive derived from the use of onr Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health arid ap pearance of their Cattle. Our long experience in the business gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities `4te such that we ear ins very short time funtitth anything appertignini to our huiineas, on the best of terms. • Thankful for the liberal patronage beetowe on our house, we hope by strict attention to busibt;ss, a carefulkeleAon of - PURE DRUGS at fair prices, and the desire to please all, to merit a continuance of the favor of a discrhn bating public., .;• rapl6-dly &CHINCH'S MORAL ('HIS INVALUABLE SYRUP, WHICH IS A. entirely vegetabln in its oonipoeition,las been nmployed with wonderful memo for many years in the'enFe of, amps for the AIR PASSAGES and LUNGS. For any form of the disease such as COUGH, TICKLING of the THROAT, SPITTING OF BLOOD, DIFFI CULT BREATHING, HINLESENEE3B, LOSS OF, VOICE, and HECTIC FEVER; its nse will be attended with. the 'nippiest regults. It is one of the 'best and; safest medidnes for all forms of BRONOMME" anif CONSUMPTION. Ro latignisin or pmpessotion of Opium in any shape in this siasp. PRICE $lOO PER BOMB. For sale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOS , STORE. 10.33 4.04 11.00 4.30 11.10 4.40 PORT FOLIOS 1 wurn:NG 'M S S, TRAVELING BAGS, MIMS, PORTNONLIES, And a genersisseortment of FARM( GOODS have Jost beak iieeived BERONNRIS OHX&P BOOiitho" NO. 19 Pure Ground Spiess COMM Soap, Sponges and Corks. (se., &e., &a., dG , doe., doe. , Ake With a general variety of (MGRS AND BRONZES i.W ALL KINDS, TEETH 1 TEETH!! RESTORATIVES COAL OIL I CARBON OIL I illisullcmtons FIRE INSURANOE• THE DELAWARE MUTUAL linfATlr INNUILANCK COMPANY. iNooltpoßA Th:11 1836 Capital and A55et5.......... $868.126 37 DIBECIORIS. Win Martin, Edmund A. :louder, Th.,optulus Paulding, Jno It. Penrose, Jno 0. DarisJas. jraquair, , Wm. Eyre, jr James C. Hand, William,O. Ludwig Joseph B. Heal, Dr H. N. Huston, George G. helper, Hugh Craig, Charles Kelly, Samuel R. Stokes, J. F Lou, Henry :dean, Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, Spencer Wilvaine, Thomas C. Hand, Robert Burton, Jacob Jones, James B. M'Farland, Joshua P. Eyre,John B. Semple. Pitts burg, D. T. Morgan, Pittsburg A. B. Berger, Pittsburg. WILLIAM kARTIIH, President. THOMAS 0. HAND, Vice President. HENRY LYLBURN, Secretory. The undersigned as agent tor the above named com pany , continues to take Fire Risks in Harrisburg and vicinity. WILLIAM BUEHL.ER. ielO•dlt A LECTURE FOR YOUNG MEN. TINT published, price 6 cents, a new eil edition of the late Dr. CCLVERWELL'B CELE BRATeXi LECTURE. on the abuse of till Reproductive powers, inducing IDbUGy , Ner eourie s, Consumption, Epilepsy, Wail and Physical Incapacity, to The rad ical mode of irextment, without medicine, is fully ex plained, so as to enable every one to be his own physi cian at the least posrliblee xpeuse. A Boon to Thousands of SuiXerers. Sent under meal, in a plain envelope, to any address, poet paid, on recopt of six eon's, or two postage stamps. Address the publshers, Ch. J. C. KLINE, & CO.. 127 Bower]r t. fiew York, nov3-3mddcw Post Othce, box, 4586. LIFE INSURANCE. The Girard Life Insurance, Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia. OFFICE NO. 408 CIIRS7NU7 'MEET. (CHARTER PERPETUAL.) CAPITAL AND ASSETS THOMAS RIDGWAY, President JOHN E. JAMES, Actuary, cIONTIN U b to make INSURANCE ON LIVES on tho most reams. able terms. 'hey tat as Executors, Trustees and Guardians under Last Wills. and to Receivers sad Assignees. The capital being paid up and invested, together with a large and constantly increteing reserved Wed, offers a perfect security 10 the wears& The premiums may be paid yearly, halt yearly or guar. The company add a BONUS periodically to the. Inen. renew for life. The FIRST BON US appropriated le De cember, 1844, the SECOND B 'NUS in December, till the THIRD BONUS in December, 18b1, and the FOURTH BONUS in 1869. These odditious are mode without re. quiring any inereese n tho premium+ to be po id to the company • The following are a few example: from w., He4isier I AMouut of Policy nue Sum some or bootie to be inereared Policy. 'unwed addeloo by i olio re additions 1 No. 89 s2lklo $ 387 5u . 134 3000 1,050 10 .` 199 1000 400 00 ~ 838 5000 1,875 00 Agent at arrieburg end ',loud =7 Muringer's Patent Beef Tea• SOLID Concentrated Extract al 800 11. and Vegetables, convertible immediately Into nourishing and delicious Soup or Beef Tea. tiaghly approved by s numuer of oar ehysicisha who use it in our hosphala for the &tetanal:me for oar wounded. Dnutonoss Pas Utis.—Out up oue.flith part of a calm of the extract, pour on boiling water, a uout a pint, more less, according to the strength desired In a few minutee it will be entirely dissoived. This admirable article condenses into a crimped t dm, all the substantial and nutritive pr.perties of a large bulk et meat and vegetables. The rea guess with which it dissolves into a rich and palatable 800., or tea, which would require homers of prepsuadon, ax.c to the tutus' method, le an advantage is many si/uuti SSUbs alit. to obvious to need urging. For sale by WM. DUOS, Jr., & Co FIFT-77 - 417=7.T7'41 FOR A BUSINESS MAN. TlLcanal grocery store and Rockville se,•known as the Updegrove Lock Property, situated five miles above Harrisburg, fronting east on the Pennsylvania Dana and west On the &isquehanua river road, will be sold If applies fur soon. The grocery store, If not the very best stand on the line 01 the only equaled by one other. A large new barn argretable has recently been built, o that each boatrteant own be locked op separately. Also plenty of sheds, hay houses , corn crib, two store houses for grain, lee house, hay aciales, and indeed every convenience that is necessary for carrying on the business. The place Is within three hundred yards of the Rockville depot,on the Pennsylvania railroad, and Dauphin and Solmylkili [spread also. Persons wishing to purchase, please apply on the premises, to anlB-wtjanlatlB63 STEAM BOILERS, 'LAVING made e ffi cient and permament arnumgentanta for the purpose, we are now pre- Erepto make STEAM BOILBRS of every kind, prompt and at reasonable rates. We shall use iron made by ey & Brother, the reputation of which is second to woe in the market. None but the best hands employed. Repairing prompt ly attended to. Address NAOLS WORKS, my22ly . Ilarrisbarg, Pa. DIARIES FOR 1863• THE largest assortment of Diaries for 1863 just received, at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. BASKETS, TUBS, and all kinds of Willow and Cedar Ware, for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, nl4 Cor. Front and Market Streets. POTATOES. 300 BUSHEL S of a Superior quality pat received and for sale low, by oct23-tf WM. DOCK, Jr., & CO. BOSTON CRACKERS. A LARGE supply of these delicious crackers justreceived and for sale by WM. DOCK, Jr., & CO, RIO, Dandelion, and Barley Coffee, just re ceived and for sale low by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, nolB Cor. Front and Market Streets. Superior brands of extra family flour which we warrant to giro satheactiort,rar kY NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market street& .all COEN MEAL just received and for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Cor. Front and Market Streets. nl4 DEBT PENS in the world, for 75e, $1 25 it 6e, $2, $3, and $4, for sale at tabl6-y SCHKFFEEN Boolcatora. QIIPEBIOR non-aspic/Ave Coal Oil for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, L. 3 Cor. Front and Market Streets. nl4 rIHOICE lot of Tobacco, for sale at rearona kible prices, by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, nov3 Corner Front and Market t4ta. LUBRICATING Oil for all kinds of ma china', in convenient packages, for sale very low NICHOLS A BOWMAN, Oorocw Front and Market street, FINE YORK STATE APPLES FOR SALE, wholesale and retail, at JOHN WISE'S, 3d and Walnut. noB 4ltf APPLE TREES, OF choice varieties, at Keystone Nursery, Harrisburg. Oct. 18, 1862. .BUCKWHEAT FLOUR 1 I I -W in" FINE just received. DOCK, Jr., & 00. 81,643,388 $3,367 Jto 4,050 00 1,400 00 6,875 00 BIIERLFS W. P. HENRY