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'c: : . ... - . . . • .. , . t:• ';',.'l.`, ". :::: '' .'" - ' ', • * ' .'''.•• :, ~ ; , . •2.: : .,, , ..., ~:, 7, - .' , ',•,..,-- .; • ' ~..•:-/ ... , ,e;.;:' , ~ ' ••':••:: , 1,: ';'., :,,', :;...., ..L. , ~ . • . . ... BT vv; ;EXAilt. TOLITHE- 24. B3P.W. BLAIR. TERM-Two Dollars per Annum if paid within theyear; Two Dollars and Fifty cents after the expiration of the year. .ADVERTISEMENTS—One Square (10 ' lines) three insertions, 51,50 ; for 'each subseqttentinsertton, Thir ;• • nts - persquare. A-liberal discount made to yearly adver tisers.. - 'LOCALS. —Business Locals Ten Cents per liiie foi the first insertion, Seven Cents for subsequent insertions. Vrofessional J. B. ANDERSON, M. D., YHES'ICIAN AND SURGEON, WAYNESBORO , PA Office at t "'Store." e Hynes R. B. '3 l 12, A. N , - • ~ • • - 1 k f- e OFFICE—In the Walker Building—near the Bowden House. light calls should be . • . his residence on Main Street ad- joining the Western & July 20-tf JOHN A. 111111);iMtiNG, ATTOILNY AT LAW, lIAV/NG been admited to Practice Law at the several Courts in Franklin Coun ty,_all_business entrusted to his care will be promptly attended to. Post Office address AlercerAnirg, Pa. ET/ Iff, D.—VTR; G. H e , ATTORNEX---AT—LA WAYNSDO/to', PA, Will give prompt and close attention to all business entrusted to his care. Office next ..door to the 'Bowden House, in the Walker Building. [July JOSEPH IDOT_TG-T AR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, hpe4b l l PV MO anis 173 Practices in the several Courts of Franklin and adjacent Counties. N. B.—Real Estate leased and sold, and Tire Insurance - effected unreasonable terms. December 10, 1871. S",Li 3 DENTIST, - , GREENCASTLE, PA. Experienced in Dentistry, will insert you zets of Teeth at prices to suit the times. Feb. 16, 1871. A\... STRIORCLERI (FORKERLY OF MERCERSBURG, PA.,) ®FFERS his Professional services to the citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity. Da. STRICKLER has relinquished an exten sive practice at Mercersbur -, , where he has been . prominently engag9efor fora number of . years in the practice of his profession. Ire has opened an Office in Waynesboro', .at, the residence of (.leorge Besore, Esq., his Father-in-law, where he can be found at all 'times when not professionally engaged: July 20, 1871.-tf. A.•K. BRANISHOLTS, RESIDENT DENTIST, 7 . 7 17 r -' a 7 WAYNESBORO', PA., Can be found at all times at his office where he is : prepared to insert teeth on the best basis in use and at prices to suit the times. Teeth extracted, 'without pain by the use of chlnroform, eather, nitrous oxid egas or the freezing process, in a manner surpassed by none. We the undersigned being acquainted with A. IC. Branisholts for the past year, can rec ommend him to the public generally to be a Dentist well qualified to perform all ope rations belonging to Dentistry in the most skillful manner. Drs. J. B. AMBER.SON, I. N. SNIVELY, E. A. HERRING, J. M. RIPPLE, J. J. OELLIG, A. S. BOZ.iBRAKE, T. D. FRENCH. sept 29tf 3 CD_ _A. S. WOI,P, DEALER IN Wit VOICE'S AND 'JEWELRY, 883 WEST BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. 10 - Watches Repaired and Warranted.liia tlee'Jewelry Made and .Repairyl. - ea July 13, 187L-tf. SURVEYING AND CONVEYALCING, undersipbcrlaving had some ten 1 years experrience as a practical Surveyor is prepared to do all kinds of Surveying, 'laying out and dividing up lands, also all kinds of writing usually done by Scriveners. Parties wishing work done can call on, or address the undersigned at Waynesboro', Pa. feb 2—tf A. B. STOLER. THE subscriber informs the public that he .1 continues the Barbersmess in the room next door , to Mr. Re' 's Grocery Store, and is at all timesprepa ed to do hair cut ting, shavings hampooning etc. in the best style, 'The patronage of the public is respect fully solicited.. Aug 23 1871. W. A. PRICE. NELL PROPERTY FOR E subscriber offers at Private Sale a small Tract of Limestone Land contain ing-20i Acres, situated 3 miles Southwest of Waynesboro', Franklin, count3r, Pa. The improvements c onsist of ONE AND A HA LF STORY LOO HO USE and Log Barn, Wood and Wash TioSise. a never-failing well of water convenient to the house, with two cisterns to the buildings; also a good apple Orchard with a variety of choice fruit, such se pears, peachel, cherries, grapes, &c • ANTMF.W S.P.NnTqI oro •rn•r 11' [Jane 29---tf. oosagaa • y eau us, Soon again - their shadow wiltguard us, _Foornthe da -god's fiery rays. In silence mighty . things are wrought; I Silently builded, thoughton, thought, . Truth's temple greets the sky , - And like a citadel with towers, The_soul,witik_her_subservient.powers, Is strengthened silently. Soundless as chariots in the snow, -- The saplings of the forest grow To trees of mighty girth: ac • magi y s ar st ence 'urns, And every day in silence turns The axle of the earth. The silent frost, with mighty hand, Fetters the rivers of the land With universal chain ; And smitten by the silent sun, The chain is loosed, the rivers run, The lands are free again. From the New Harmony (Ind.) Register] The funeral was early on Sunday morn ing last, the weather being most beauti ful, and the ceremonies were conducted at the grave. They were opened by Mr. Owen himself. He said : "I think it a commendable custom that, as to funeral ceremonies, the.wishes of the departed subject should, so far as possible, be carried out, when those wishes are known "Mt Mrs. ,Owen's illness she said nothing regard to her funeral. But some two or three months ago it chanced, as men say—though there is no such a thing as chance—but it happened that my wife and I had a conversation on fu nerals. She said she would not wish to have any bell tolled on her funeral, espec ially if there was any sickness near. She thought sick persons sometimes suffered by hearing it, and she did not wish her death to be the occasion of gloom or suf fering of any kind. Music, she said, she thought fitting ; serious and appropriate indeed, but also hopeful and encouraging, with nothing of the desponding and sep ulchral about it, for gloom seemed to her most inappropriate. "And what about a funeral sermon ?" I asked. "No,' she re plied, "not an ordinary funeral sermon : for these usually contain unmeaning and often,unmerited praise But I should like," she added, that some one who has the same ideas of death that I have, would express them at the grave. All this was said incidentally, and I• think without the least idea iu her mind that I might soon have to recall it : for she was in perfect health at the time: and I, being more than ten years her senior, expected to go before her,but it was other wise ordered. "Then I sought to fulfill .her wishes, I requested that the bell should not be tol led, there being at the time a lady—a dear friend of hers—seriously ill at my house. Then I selected as suitable for mu sic on such an occasion as this, a F oam by Mrs: Stowe, entitled" The 0 ther World," and 'I had a few'copies printed for distri bution here." They were distributed accordingly, and Mr. Owen resumed.] "No article of belief, moral or religious, seemes to me so important es the assur ance of immortality. You remember the text : "If there is no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not arisen ; and if Christ be not arisen then your faith is vain." • "Few deny "this : but comparatively few feel any absolute certainly about it. Even the most earnest and devoted Chris tian sometimes admit how wavering faith often is." Mr. Owen then related conversations which he bad on the subject, at one time with a well known Presbyterian clew man of New York ; at another time with the Episcopal. Bishop. The former, a wealthy man, deleted to Mr. Owen—who hnd been cßrin g that h e (Mr. 1);‘,-. .LITEILEL LOCAL AND GENERAL 7 NEWS, ETC. - Gseitt.t pottrg. AUTUMN bEAVES Int SAM. J. SAVGF.It. Autumn leaves, Slowly •passing, Pas Sing from their life away . Autumn leates Now are fading, - - 'Fading,w:ith a-slow-deeay. They who long nut homeshave shaded And wh6 oft our pleasures aided ; They now are passing from•our view, Leaving scenes their, childhood knew. Autumn leaves.. • Gently falling, • • Autumn leaves, • Soon they'll quicken, _Quicken with_o,t3e_cond_b_ix_th, As thrpugh the, azure Vault he strays Autumn leaves! Silent warning, Wdrning of our life'S short day ; Autumn leaves Plainly tell us, TelLus_of_our_own_decay. E'en like them our forms will perish, And like them our bodies die; But a glorious hope we cherish, That we live again on high SILENCE. atlistdiallions AT THE GRAVE. A Singular Scene—Robert Dale Owen's Addree at the Funeral of hi' wife. ."~i.+ , ~s:"!6a7^tis.~,:7 , ~ -,, rte ~. WAINEStO46 9 ,:.F'RAMWN CCTNW, PA. TISMISDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1871,: diden) , not , believe more firmly in the ex istence of the visible world than he did in that of the' invisible—that he (the clergy man) would- giyi half-what he was worth in the world to be able to say the same thing. . Thelatter- stated to Mr. Owen that. as sistingnt the death hed •of an aged cler- _gym n•-a_peifeet_examplar throughout a lon&life of usefulness, in faith and con tent—and She conv-trsation turning on the evidence of a future state, the dying man exclaimed : "Ali' Bishop, the proof, -the-proof! - lf we - only - had - itl" - Theif Owen resumed : • "I did not believe—and here I speak also for' her whose departure from among us we 'mourn to-day—l do not believe more firmly in these trees that. spread de - over - ns; - in - t which we see around tA here—than I do that human life once granted, perishes never more. A death change there is, 4ftea;tepilf dessolats. and forsaken, for a few yeaxs on earth, but no death. We'never go down —thr nfi) am-guive.---We-can-not- I—confiedl within the tomb. It is a cast off garment —Sacred, indeed, as are .sacred, all me mentoes, which, memory ', connects wit h those' e have loved and lost--but yet it is only a cast off garment, eneoffuted, ,to which are paid the rites of sepulture. "She baheypd. as_l-.believe,-that -the one life, succeeds the other without inter val, save a brief transition slumber, it may be of a few hours only. 'Neither of us could belieY6 in the old idea—almost di times expresred-i—n Awarded in mocin such lines as these: "That man, when lain-in lonesome grave; Shall sleep in death's dark gloom, Till the eternal morning wftlte The slumbers of the tomb." "Such is not Christ's doctrine. To-day," to_the repentint-thief-on 2 therer9ss "to-day thou shalt be with me para dise." "Again I believe, as she' did, in the meeting and recognition of friends in hea ven. While we mourn here below, there are 'ey_litl=reatryrkitions_above - Alet the next world is one of many mansions to be occupied by those who are fitted to enter, therein, and this because ',they, are fitted, not by any earning of heaven, for which of us is faultless' enough for that? Yet there , are the prepared and the un prepared, and that determines our lot in the next world. "I agree with her also in the belief that there are in heaven duties, avocations enjoyments even, as various as those on earth ; but far higher and nobler in scope and. purpose. "Finally, I believe, as she, believed— and it is so beautifully expressed through out the ode we have been singing—in guardian care by the inhabitant. of heav en exercised toward those of earth. "As to the virtues and the good deeds of her who has left us, if nearly forty years' life and conversation in our village suffice not in witness, any word from " me would be worse than worthless. "Better to imitate her example than to speak her praise. Well has a great poet and thinker reminded us : "He mourns the dead who lives as they desire." THE FIRE IN WISCONSIN. DESTRUCTION OF PESHTIGO. A correspondent, writing from Menasha, Wis, on the 11th inst., describes the des truction of Peshtigo The village was situated on Peshtigo river, seven miles from Green Bay. It was a nice little town of about 2,000 in habitants, quite regularly laid out ; had fine hotels, stores, churches, schools, &c., besides the large • factory owned by the Peshtigo Manufacturing Company, a sash, door and •blind factory, at° owned by the same company, who owned ntarly every building in the town. The factory was (Lintel to the manufacture of rails, tubs, broom.handels, &e., 'and gaVe employ ment to about 700 hands in the different branches, The town is - nearly surrounded by pine foyeets„the . suburban portion being bum "among the pines." The inhabitants have for the past ten days been fighting fire in the woods, trying to save the town, and had settled down into a feeling of cora parativesecurity, since the woods on all sides have been more or less burned over. On Sunday night they were awakened from this feeling of security by a noise like distant thunder, which increased in volume until ,the .crash of falling trees and the roar of the wind and fire could be plainly 'heard: Soon , after a tornado burst upon the town, ..unroofing as number of buildings, and quickly followed,by a solid sheet.of flame, extendinithawhole lepgth, of the village and far beyond each way. In an instant the whole exposed.side of the place was in flames. Men, women and children rushed into the, street; and, sur rounded by fire on all sides, were soon ei ther smothered or burned to death. • In• the less exposed portions tho_ people. fled to the river, and, jumping in, _manymere drowned: Some saved theirlives by keep ing their bodies well under water, and once in a-while putting their heads un der as the heat become insufferable. Oth ers took refuge in wells and Cisterns, and were saved. ,Quite a large portion of the inhabitanta ran to afield, t° tho leeward of the fire, and by. lying - On the ground -were saved, although . some. of these were badly burned. There is but one house left standing, and that is isolated, and lately built, of green lumber. As near ait can at present be ascertained, two hundred and fifty lives have been lost, mostly wo men and children. Although a good many men have, perished, there are seventy-five w h o a r e hnfily IntraNi """"• ~-arrs=. ^:,.'l_^zla;~,••-~'~;e-,'^1W::5 x.~Y'^ .-~T~ - 17 die, and nearly all are, more or Ices , burn ed. The distruction.has been. so complete that the streets cannot' be' traced, . all" be ing covered with sand, which - was swept in great clouds by the tornado. In some instances bodies have been found comple tely covered by sand. I could fill columns with heart rending incidents of this' 'conflagration, but ..will only give a feW as illustrative of the rest. In one instance a man took his family and fled to the bridge spaning the river. The bride was soon on fire and the ioor unfortunate f y were nearly roaste • a : . live, and then jumped 'into the lifer and were drowned. A' woinan, on seeing the fire approaching, put her little girl, a child of six years, in a well, which was nearly dry, and ran to the river herself for Woman was saved, and, as and her ts , , ,oy was so great at finding the lit tle onethe and well that she swooned, and on_reeov_ering_ .ed herthildin her_ =A -; : I % n-. i'cry rpor joy. Too few,-alas, were so fortunate. In many cases whole families have perished. Inither-eases-men-have ies. they being, ,at the' time of the fire, working to save the fictorie4.. In other places men perished in -their 'endevoring to save their- families. In one case to which my attention was called, a little boy of seven years is the only surviving mem -ber- a-numerous _ As-soon-as-the fire had sufficiently subsided, all that were able weirt to the relief ,of the sufferers. Blackened, charred Corpses were lying in eve • direction, with their clothing, as a genera thing, nearly or quite burned off: Many dead bodies were found in the river, and many more have since been recovered. A number have died from their bruiSes, while others are crip pled or—fearfully—disfigured. The most imaginative mind cannot begin to rea lize this fearful'calamit• much 'less m poor pen to describe it. • The shrieks and groans of the dying, -and of those who had lost near and clear friends ; the ghast ly aspect_ of_the_blackened—eorpses ;,-the shocking appearance of many who badly burned and almost destitute of clotliin? were running ts ey . new not where ; oth ers in the last agonies of death, made .a picture t. o horrid for contemplation. The snfferers have all been taken to Green Bay and other towns; where they will'be kindly cared for, as hospitality is one of the marked traits of the West. The loss ; to the Peshtigo Company, whoowned, the factories and most of the town, besides large pine lands, is estimated at three million dollars, besides the ,-loss of their extensive warehouses in Chicago. Meunekaunee, a town of seve or eight hundred inhabitants; is all dest oyed but three houses. Fortunately no ives were lost here.' Marinette is, also nearly all destroyed. Businoss in this section is partially suspended. All the saw mills and factories . at 'Oshkosh, Fon du Lac, and other neighboring towns are stopped. by an order of the authorities. A Model Love Letter. "My dear Mrs. X : Every time I think of you my , heart flops up and down like a churn dasher. sensations of unuttera ble joy caper-over it like yonng goats on a stable roof, and thrill through it like a pair of tow linen trowsers. As a gosling swimmeth with delight, in a mud puddle, so swim I in a sea of glory. Visions of ecstattic rapture thicker than the hairs of a blacking brush, and brighter than the hues of a humming bird's pinions, visit me in my slumbers ; and, borne on their invisible wings, your image stands before me, and I reach out to grasp it, like a pointer snapping at a blue bottle fly.— When I first beheld your angelic perfec tions, I was bewildered, and my brain whirled around like a bumble bee under a glass tumbler. My eyes stood open like cellar doors in a country town, and I lif ted up my ears to catch the silvery accent of your voice. My tongue refused to wag, and in th e silent adoration I drank in the sweet infe?.tion of love as a thirsty man swalloweth, a tuunbler of hot whiskypunch. * * * * * * * * "I am dying to fly to thy presence, and pour out the burning eloquence of my love, as thrifty housewives pour out hot coffee. Away from you I am as melan choly as a sick rat. Some times I can hear the June bug of despondence buz zing in my ears, and feel the Gold lizards of despair running down my .back. Un couth fears, like a thousand minnows, nib ble at my spirits, and my soul is pierced with doubts like an old cheese is bored with, skippers. ,"My love for you is stronger than the smell Of Coffei's 'patent butter, or the kick of a young cow, and more unselfish than a kitten's first caterwaul.. As the song bird.hankers for the light of day, the cau tious monk for the fresh bacon in the trap, as a mean pup hankers for new milk, so I long for thee. "You are fairer than a speckeled pullet, sweeter than a Yankee doughnut friend in sorghwii molasses, brighter than a top knot.plumage on the head of a Muscovy duck: You • are candy, kisses, raisins, • poundcake, and sweetened toddy altogeth er.. "If these few remarks will enable you to see the inside of my soul, and me to win your affections, I shall be as happy as a woodpecker on a chary tree, or a stage horse in a green pasture. If you cannot reciprocate - my thrilling passions, I will pine away ,like a poisoned bed-bng, and fall away from a flourishing vine of life, an .untimely branch ; and in the corning years, where shadows grow from-the hills, and the . philosophical frog sings his even= in& hymns, you, happy in , another's love, can come to drop a tear Ad catch ,a cold upon the last resting place. of yours, affec tionately." Many delight more in giving of pres ent.= than paying their dc-bt..3., Truttlfut an-cl Obedient. Charlie ! "Cheilie !" Clear. and "sweet as a note struck from a 'silvery bell, the voice rippled over the common. "That's mother,". cried one of the boys, and.he instantly threw 'down his bat, and picked up his •jacket and cap. "Don't go yet I" "Have it out !', Fin ish the game !" Try. it again !" cried the players in a noisy chorus. "I. must go—right, off—this minute.. I told her I'd come whenever she called. "Make-her-believe -you-didet-hear them all exclaimed. ' "But I did' hear:" "She wont know you did." • - "But I. know it, and—" "Let him go" said a bystander. "You -can'-t-do-anything-with,•hirm—He's-tied tii his mother's a on stria! -." - t s so, sap rey ; "Ip it s to what every boy ought to be tied ; and in a hard knot, too." run the minute she called,". said one - "I don't call it babyish -to keep one's -word-to his moitter "-ruiSivered the obedi ent boy, a beautiful light , glowing ha his blue eyes. "I call that manly ; _and the boy who don't keel his word to her, will never keep it to any one else—you see if he does 1" and he hurried away to his cottage home. Thirty years have passed since those boys played on' the common. Charles Gray is now a prosperous business man in a great city, and his mercantile friends say of him that "his word is as good as his bond." We asked him once how he had acquired such a reputation. "I never broke my word when a boy no matter how great the temptation, and the' habit formed then, has clung to me throu • h life."—Child's Deliiht. Some Things. =-Have-ideas-of—your-ow Be sure your own doctrines are sound before pitching into'other people's - Ride and belabor your own hobby to your hearts content but for heaven's sake do not quarrel with friends and neighbors eeauseAhey-refuse-to-naount-witlryo . '"' If it hurts your feelings to be snubbed and' bluffed off, remember that others may not like it any better than you do. Conceal. the weak points in your na ture with an honest mantle of self-poise and independence; and then many an in tended sting will not wound or give you pain. •' • Earn your own self respect and then you will not imagine people intend to you. • e sureyou meirit respect and then do not lay ,awake nights worying about oth er people's opinion of yon. ' the louder your enemies raiie their voices against . you, the,more may you justly believe in your importance. Be . good to your friends and let your enemies take care of themselvw. It is useless to try to please e ybody . so if you please yourself, and believe you are right, you will be happy, and make others believe in you. AboVe all things be kind to - the,, poor, the sick, the old, ,the young, and tg your wife, if you have one; and . go slow when attempting to revenge as injury, for oft times that which seems an injury proves a benefit. In short, be kind and considerate to your friends, keep your enemies at a prop er distance, in thought and every' other way,.and be as good. to yonrself as you possibly can without wronging anybody else.—Elm Orlon: A Wonderful City is London. It is four times more ' ,populous'than New York and St. Petersburg, twice as populous as Constantinople, hastwolhirds more people in it than Paris, and one:. fourth more than Pekin. It contains as many people as Scotland, .vice es many ' as DentNark, and three times the number of Greece. Every eight rOtuter, night and day, one person dies • every five Min utes I:orie is bone; BOO,OOO have been ailed to the population sincelBsl. - Only half a million of all this popula tion attend public worship; and there are a million of absentees who, if inclined- to attend would require to have SOO new places of worship built. 100,000 people work on Sundays. ;,..* There are 140,000 habitual gin drink ers. 4.90,000 intoxicated people ,every year taken off the streets. 100,000 - fallen women. 10;000 Professional gamblers.- 50,000 children trained to crime.. 30,000 thieve and receivers, of stolen.- goodri.— There are 10,000 public houses And beer shops,. frequented r • egularly by; 50,000iier-_, sons. In every' 890 of the 'population, one is insane. Theresa one baker for„eversr_ 1207 'persons: one butcher for every 1563 ; one grocer for every . lsoo; and one police man for every 608 inhabitants. On the other hand out of 60,000 street Arabs 30,000 are at ragged schools. There are 400 Bible women:3Bo . city missionaries; and 20,000 persons attending public wor: : ship in the theatres every Sunday eve ning. It is a world in itself. They have horse-flies out in Arkansas; some of them are as big as ostriches, and. worry horses terribly. But the farmers out there have lately come a game on them that is likely to discdurage father emigra tion of this kind. They patiently watch the varmint, sae wrestles with their an imals, and after the hiuse' has -become so disabled by loss of blood and layi down in the -furrow, they just tarnesa the "fly" up in the horse's toggery 'and keep right along with theplowing. There 'are peo ple so incredulous' as to -doubt the truth of this statement, no doubt. There is no pleasure in writing for such people • any way. Prefer loss before unjust gain, for that grid Lilt uacc:, 6'll fucker. ,A Speech on the Smith "Gentlemen," said a candidate for Con gress, "my name is Smith, and I am proud ,to say lam not ashamed' of it. It may be that no person in this crowd' owns that very uncommon: 'name. If, ' however, there be no such; let him hold up his head, pull up his dickey, turn out his toes take courage and, thank his stars that they itfe,,a few more left of the same sort. ' gentlemen, 'is an illustrious name, . , And stands ever high in the annals of fame, Let White, Brown and Jones increase as they will, • Believe me that Smith, will out number 'them still. "Gentlemen, I aria proud of being an -nriginal-Smith r amd-not_a—Suryth,...nor....a_ Smythe, but a regular, natural S-m-i-t 7 b, Puttinr --' the - addle. g a "y• m . _ ...le;W an `e' at the end, won't do, gentleni* Who ever heard tell of a great' man by theaugna-..44-.-anothz;_or2LtFanythe-?—.P.pho. answers, who ? And everybo_dy says -no body._ _But for_Smith, _why_ the _pillars of fame are covered with : the honored and reverend name. Wi o were the most ra cy, -witty and ' popular authors of this country ? Horace and Albert Smith.— Who the most origiital, - 0 u= morons ; preacher ? Rev. Sidney Smith. 'And who, I say,• is that man, and . what is his name,• who has fought the most bales in his Lfe, madthe most speech es, preached the most sermons, held the ' Most offices, sung the most songs, 'written the most poems, courted the most women, kissed the most girls and married the most, widows ? History says—l say— • you say-and everybody says-John Smith. A Boy's Faith. - One of the most biautiful illustrations of beliexing prayer which I have ever known,"wakfuinished the_otherda • little boy some four years ohL — Hirf grandparents were talking about the drought. • ‘Yes," said_the . flo*ers will all burg up, an , have no strawberries," •i e Bossy listened withdW - ) 111 -r -est, but said nothing. A few minutes af terward he was seen kneeling in one cor ner of the room, with hands to 'his face, and was over-heard praying thus: "0 Lord! send down rain. so that grandma's flowers shan't be burnt up, and so we shall have plenty of strawberries." He then arose . and came te, his grand mother, saying • '"Your flowers won't burn up, grandma. We are going to have rain." "How do you know?" "Oh !" said little Bossy, "I have been praying . for it, and it will come." ,He seemed to have no doubt of it. • The next morning the first thing the little feilowdidovhen he came down stairs was to go to the back door and' open it to see if it 'bad - rained -according to his prediction, and the rain was falling upon the thirsty flowers and the perishing--ber ries. As soon as he saw it, he joyously shouted ! "It's come it's come. I knew it would ! I prayed for it? How Stupid. To walk along the street with an • um brella or cane under your arm, the point sticking out for everybody to runlie,-4ce into. How stupid for three ladies to walk abreast, and move so slowly that persons in a hurry Must either go bee :them ..., or get into the gutter.- . - How stupid to puff and blow; and - Well nigh faint upon ,ascending a stairway, with forty pounds of fashionable cloait,on your back. - How stupid to go late to church, and annoy the minister and, congregation by .yourfussy entrance. . • How stupid to wear a dress tour feet too long, and then look daggers .if any . one stops on it. . How stupid to walk for exercise . whey you need rest. . • How stupid not to know what you want when you get into a dry goods store. How stupid to eat. when you'renct hung Ho w. ry stupid to smother the smell of, your unwashed person in musk or other disagreeable perfumes. How stupid to think that people's opin ion of you increases in proportion to the cost of your clothes. • How stupid to refuse to sing or play when urged; or to-bore people to distrac tion by_ doing so when not askoi. . A Story of General Thomai. Among' the stories told of the late Gen. Thomas, is one of an incident which cc 'tuned when he and his chief of staff; Gen. Garfield, were inspecting the • forti fications of Chattanooga in 1864. They beard a slioni;"Hello, Misterl You! I want to.. speak to •you-;" and General Thomas found .that-he was the person addreied, by an Uncouth, backwoods, East T'ennesseein. • He stopped, and .the dialogue. whieh ensued was , as-follows: "Mister; I want to -get'a fiirlough." • • "On whattrounds do you want a fur lough, my man • - "I" want to go-home and see my wife." "How long since you saw your wife ?" "Ever since I enlisted, nigh on to three months." ' "Three months !" - good-nitaredly ex. claimed General Thomas. "Why, my gook man, t s harft seed -my wife—for, th.ree years." - - .• ' - The East Tea nesarinstopped whittling for a'moinent, and stared incredulously ; at length:he said "Well, ''yeaf see; ate and my wife_ain't.that liven General Thontik grittiness was not proof against the laughter which he rode away to consent, leaving the &sten; ished soldier without an 'anima-. 's"irk it 1.12- 101 4 bC , i n. ClArf Pigs are doctored the wrong way— killed first and then cured. It is all•very , well to say, "Take things as they come," but suppose they don't come? . A. Jew, on s ham, remarked : me to , 4lhritt. Of alt icts of cowardice, the meanest is that which leads us to _abandon a good cause because it is weak, and join—a—bad cause becauselt-is strong, •ne who -wis .es •e worl -.ow I • ! ! ! e! t.; ": the best way to raise strawberries is' with ; Eti npoon. • -ome • o• e _ng-an _IC! . I - at -- I semebedy had eaten ten saucers of ice cream; • whereupon Pat shook hiS head. "So ) . you don't believe it. With a shrewd nod Pat answered, "I belave in the creme, but not in the sae.- cers. -- - . . —lfere-is-a-good-thing-on-thetater-bugs Three men comparing notes : One says, "there-are-two-bugs-to-every talk" A second says,, "they have cut down my early crop, and are sitting on the fence• waiting for the late crop to come up."— Pshaw 1" said the-third, "You don't know anything about it: I-passed a seed store the other day, and, the bugs were in there looking over the, books to. See who had, 13urchased seed potatoei." of Peter Cartwright's eampmeet hip ho was much annoyed by a noisy els -ter who "took part" more frequently than le. — HeTliad — Ctilled• on allto waa accep kneel while same one should leadin pray er. She struck out at once with much .feeli%and power Cartwright_ not re con,g her voice, shouted out "Amen!" brotheriiileding close by, whispered : It's lu - liiT‘TOrdsat - praying.' • awr g looking round and seeing that it was - so, cried out : "I take that amen back 19 a,ndmother,_ "my TURKEYS ON DE PmccE;---A story is told of Dick, a darkey, in:Kentucky r who was a notorious thief, so vicious- in, this re spect that all the thefts in the neighbor hood were charged, o him. On one occa sion Mr. Jones, a neighbor. of Dick"s.mas ter, called and said that dick- dust be sold out of that country, he MS - Stolen all his (Jones') turkeys. m este r could not think- so. The two, -however, went into the field where Dick . •was at work and accused him for the theft. "No, I didn't massa,".responded Dick. - The mister persisted. "Well," at length Said Dick; "I'll tell you passe, I didn't. steal- 'them: :varkeys. but last night.l - went across Mr. Jones' pasture, and saw one of your rails on de fence; so I brought home ,the rail, and confound it, whoa I come to look, dare was nine taker on de rail: The old Charlestown good livers boast ed of their wines,. and some of.,their cel lars were stared ,witb..the oldest and. the .best. One of them, the well-known J. L. said that' he had $70;000 worth of wine in his cellar •:when his - house' was burned..daring -the =war:- thought himself, and .was.thought to. be the best judge of wine in the State. At a dinner party .were he was a Ipiest it was secretly arranged to brinci. - him into disgrace in the-nuittne of judgment, and . .the host sent to a corner grocery, and for a dollar bought a. bottle of wine and put . it ea the table as tspeeinten rare and.extraordina ry. Mr: L:- pronounced the' best they had, and said he ; - "I' recognize • the vintage ;it 44784. There is:not:a ;thing better than this inAmer/de. The shout audlanghterrthat . followed assured. him 'diet was sold , the host explained that he had procured it around the cor ner. "Send fox the man," said Mr. L "and let me see if this is so." The man soon appeared, and Mr. L. ' said to him : "Now I will hold you harmless if you tell me frankly where yougot that bottle of wine." "Well," answered the grocer, if you will, know, I bought it of one of your mg gen'!" - - So Mr. L. had them all, and the laugh was now.on..thnother side.' - . • 11 neWspaper in New. York State tells the following • - "Mr: Beatle, now an en ginee:r on the kontgomery Branch Rail roaksays that he was once driving the engine of the cincinnatißxpress min No. 8, up the mountain, it aemed to him .Is 3 ho rounded the'rocka just before entering the great cut at Otisville, - that some one said to him as plain as words could speak it, "Shut off." He looked around to see if his fireman had spoken to him, but as that individual was leaning with his head out of the cab, it was evident that he had not. • Mr. Beatle prepared to dismiss it, when a second time us plainly and dis tinctly as before, ho heard the warning voice; "Shut off:" without further delay he pushed the throttle-valVe clear in, and shut the steam entirely off. Of course. as the train was going up a rising ground it at once slacked. its speed, not a Enc mukt tocfpoea for .around the rock was the rearm:id - of a freight train slowly toil irigup' he grade . it was the Vain.; 'struck each other, but so slightly as to cans° no damage, and hut little delay. The same . thing induced another =glo om, familiarly known as "Old Butter milk:' to stop No. 2 tu Grey Court just in time to avoid .i , naninginto a wreek, one ,a4a Z . 4;:i, a, 4, 4 , , ,a . 44 a 02,00 PER YEAR NllllOllll 3 3T: Mit and ,guntor. a prodigiously fine on almost persuad &judge of Wines. "Shut Off.