The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, July 20, 1871, Image 1

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YOLIM:E:,, 24; i•
• littilgetrg
, •
*hen thjnge dOrqg9, wit you.,
..And. the worldeeeiee upside. c,1T171-
..Des;t't wAst your time in fretting; ,
• .But drive away that : 4own; , ,
Since:life itoft, perplexing.
%.1 I;ainuelittleivieestpien
Alandle whenever you ean.„
y sho*. you ; dread to-rnorrow,
• And thus despoil to-slay? ~ boriow.ixouble..
You abms have to pay. • •
:it is agood-old maxiin t
-Which shouldlie often preached,
Don't crieethe bridge hefore you,
Before'the bridge ire're,l•4,ed.'
You mightbe spared much sighing,
if yott would•lteep. inznirui •
That thoUght that s gooffund evil
- Are always here combined. • •
There must be something wanting,
And though you roll in wealth,
You may, bias from your casket:
That precious jewel4-health.
And though you're strong and sturdy,
Xou may have an empty purse,; ;
(And earth has Mazy trials '
Which I consider worse!),
tut wetlier joy or sorrow '
Fill up your mortal span,
To smile .when'er you can
The world grows old, and men grow cold
To each, while seeking treasure,
And what with want, and care, and toil
We scarce have time for pleasure ;
But never mind, that is a. loss
Not much to be lamented;
Life rolls on,gaily, if ice will
But smile and be contented.
If we were poor, and would be rich,
It will not be by .
No, steady hearts and hopeful minds
Are life's bright sayer lining.
There's ne'er a man that dared to hope,
Hath of his choice repented;,
The happiest souls on earth are those
Who smile and are contented.
When grief doth come rack the heart
And fortune bids you sorrow,
From hope we may a.blesSing read,
And consolation borrow;
If thorns may come and . roses bloom,
It cannot be brevented;
So make the best, of life you can,,
And smile and-be contented.
gliscillantous Patting.
"And, for'your life,! don't tell Betsey
Jane !".
Mr: Nicodemus Harding, having utter
ed this caution in mow, , earnest tone of
voice, alig,hted from: . a Concord ' wagon in
front of his own farm-house 'door, and,
stood ; there a few minutes in ,a brown study,
watching the figure of his brother-in law
and the lawyer, as he drove back towards
the village of where the two men
had just come.
"Now, Betsey Jane was Mr. Nicodcmus
Harding's wife, a stirring. notable :soul,
who made, more butter - and cheese, and,
took more eggs and fowls to market in
:the course oft season; then any. other wo-'
:man for miles around. • Strong healthy,
:antl:hearty, she made the hous?work fly,
to useler own energetic expression ; and
if Nicodemus Harding owned hia farm
that day, and was well-to-do, in fact arid"'
man to boot, it was owing in no small men
, surto the skill and energy, and general
go-a-hmulativenesiref his Betsey Jane.—
What was it; 'then, that the ungrateful
man was not about,to tell her ?
"It would never do, never?" thought
Nicodemus to himsBlf, shaking his head.
"She'd be wanting anew carpet, or anew
silk gown, or the house,a.ll painted over,
or some such nonsense. 50, the woman
is the weaker vessel ;it won't do to trust
one too far. Their heads won't bear it."
So Mr. Nieodemus passed through the
house, and out toward - the barn, with the
pre-occupied air of a hen who 113 an egg
to lay, and don't know where to hide from
the eyes of mankind to the best advantage.
The kitchen was empty and silent as he
went through it,- : But oh, if he could
have seen the buxom, good-looking female
who stole silently, out of the pantry, and
as silently followed him on his way toward
the barn.
Mrs. Harding c t axn' e tack in about twen
ty minutes or so,mith a face,red with sup
pressed laughter;
"Don't tell. Betsy Jane," she said, gig
gling into hei. gingham apron., "You are
a very smart man, Nicodethus, and my
brother, Tim-Noyes, is another, Dada law
yer in.thallargam. Don't tell Betsy Jane,
indeed! Two wretches, you deserve all
you'll get, pretty . soon!"
Betsy Jane mid no more, but bided her
time. A week passed, and then brother
Min's wagon drove up again to the door,
and Nicodemus stepped into it, and was
off to the village once more. Betsy Jane
had asked in vain to go.
Nicodemus was bound on business—
"business which a woman could not un
derstand," he loftily exclaimed. He, lord
and master, well out of sight, Betsy Jane
went about that busincis a woman could
not understand with a merry twinkle in
her bright black eye's.
At 4 p. m. Nicodemus returned horle
. , ,
. ,
- - ,
. . ,
b - •• ' ' ' —... '.— IYAMSIIO 0' c AMCLIN COUNTY,- . P.AtItiIIIIRSDAYi , , JULY 20, 1871.
. _
again, looking snite as Importagt as be;
fore. ThithAoedliZehrough the kitch
en, tei* Jane'. 'le, hun t ' frein'the
Corner of her - eye-an the-while: 'HO:pass
ed .out.intothe shed., A 'fragrant smell
.of smoke came forward to greet him--an
odor of bintintgetweobsgrucluillly cur
ing htun. Onus tinned 'deathly pale,
and ranfriStlennito ai lone fire
smouldering*the:wilithouse, and Alarge;
ham •or two.,;'Cov.ert# over Munk*
7 . ping ;e ane rom ouse in
stanter, 'to find , Nifxkleniuii OroVeling,,be
fore the ash-house daar,-weepmg and'wailft;
ing and tearing hishair, and uttering yell
afterl-ell in' despair.' - ' • .
-Why, bless me! what's• the tmattert
Are punt 4:fit? Let me, run , for the,
camphor,", shrieked Bet# Jane. ,
"Camphor Bring :arsenic! Bring;
poison Oftsomekindr-poisp l o" yelled Nied,
odemus frantic ally. -' •
"Woman, you've. ruinei '
mel; "Twelve!
.thousand dollars in government bopds,
did I putin that ash,holalor safety just ,
a week ago, and now. you've gone nnd
burned them to cook that anssedbacon.--
Pison I Pison,! Bison! i
ltud let me get
out of the.dreary . world
"Oh 1.-4zi that awes whet you were not
oinglotell_33etny4enel . r'n'tlyou ar
shamed of rinrseKNicoderaus Harding?"
Nicodemus could not answer. He laid
prostrate in the ashes a
_nd hollowed.
Get up anitdon't he a fool !" -said Bet-
BY Jane; =ably. •"I heard youand broth
er Tim conspiring' at the 'door that day,
and I watched you go to the ash-hole, and
soon found out what you had hid away
there. Woman is the weaker vessel, -no
doubt, but she don't put twelve thousand
dollars where the Arst match that comes
handy' can burn it up! Here are the
bonds, Nicodemui3—for ten thousand.—
I've• kept' two for my honesty."
Poor Nicodemus ! He . gathered him
self up out of the ashes, and took his
bonds—what was left of them. He rath
er thinks it pays best, on 'the whole now
to tell Betty Jane -
Spltting the Differefice.
It is astonishing how 'much the business
of the worldis facilitated and made agree-,
able 'by the practice of splitting differen
ces. The more it prevails among men the
more even is the tenor of their way, the
more smooth and tranquil the current of
their life. In all Oeir relations with Rach
other the wise dealing with differences:is of
vital import., The poet says, "Getting and
spending, we lay waste our powers ;" and
so we do if we,.only get and spend; bat we
Cannot do without spending, and -we must
get in order to spend: The mischief is
that men will get all they can possibly
grasp, and are apt to spend even faster
than they get, and so sacrifice life for 'the
means of living lusurieusly. This is the
vice of our . time, 'springing out of the. so
cial rivalries which are itecharacteris tic.
Brown must keep his 'brougham, for no
other earthly reason than because Jones
has set up his;,atid both go galloping to
ward' insolvency beciase neither. will al
low the 'other to outshine him; if they
would split the 'difference between parsi
mony and extravagance, they would'get
at the"golden mean.
In splitting the difference care must be
taken to do it fairly and honestly. Noth
ing is more common than the violation of
this rule, and with all of us there is too
great a tendency to split differences in
conformity with our, own pet notions, pred-•
ilections, or creeds.' Hence we are but
unreliable judges in matters in which we
are personally interested, and in all such
cases; when a differenbe is to be split, we
should commit'the process to another.—.
Still we shall have cases always recurring
in which we must deal with differences '
from our own single'point of view; simply
because we estmet bring ourselves to cons
fide' o ethera the opposing motives that
have weight in our secret hearts. -In no
case, scarcely, is the decision so difficult,
or the difference so hard to split to our
own satitiffeetiati,:as 'hi-judging of the claims
of 9therii to enttplmiration, regard ,, or es
teeth.' Itia'nat - Vetcreditable to us that
estimating, the merits nf - .otheni-WO
most- invariably, compare-Ahern , with,-a
standard -far. hiftieriluin that we Could
fairly claim for ourselves; if there is any
reason for" our doing so, other than our
vanity and' conceit, we confess we are - un
able to discover it ; and if 'such be the
reasons, then the sooner we descend from
our fancied - exaltation the. better. There is
a verso of soine German poet, whose name
has escaped us, which affords a Very'good •
rule - for judging of our,fellow,men, and_
which pradtically splits the difference bo
twixt that undue laudation on the -one
hand, and detraotion on the other; to iriach
all of us areliotie at times. - The verse
may be thus, 'done ;into '
. . . ,
If foes my character inipeach, . •
And, warn.thee what my, failingsbe,.
Suffer my,friends in turn to teach
That virtue bath . some part lame.
If slander held sue Up to ,wrath, • •
-Or Fame-Weave laurels for my brow.,
I'd have thee choose the middle path.
And deem I am a man—as thoii."
in matters of morality there must be
no splitting of dare- renew,: The sense of
right and wrong is engraved on every
heart, and the obligation to do the right,
and shun the wrong, if it be not identical
with this moral sense, is yet inseparable;
from it. In matters of religion, also, there'
must be no splitting of differences. Ev- .
ery man must be fully pursuaded in his:
own mind, and no Mali can refer his de
cisions to the control of another without
treason against his own "co'nscierice and
unfaithfulness to the revealed standard of
On some countenances is written a his
tory, on others merely adate.---1: P. Rielt
A Mpuse can drink more than' its fill
from . the mightiest river.—Chinese Pro
fir ~t7IiI~b';I4IISTAKE.
A, Prst.:loicioUs *dstalcnoccured at, a
church in a small Eastern, City, during
14t summer. 'lt his alltkeelerexita of a
fare incident; Ana must hav# been -e-,
qtuilVistenishing to - the scars and .tke
audience : , • . - • • .1,
- . The **moan service had ended, and
the cottaniation were arranging them-.
selves foetlie", "etion 2. when to the
o t e wo
_pens,. the
. parson,. wen,
ed from the pulpit to the desk below, and
said in 'wealth, 'clear 'Lvoide; "Those wishl
ink to he united the. holy bands ofinat.
trithony will noiso'pleaSe to Come forwaid.,
A deep salmis heitaritly, fell' over the
congregation, broken only. by the rustling'
of silk as some pretty girl Or excited'inaz
troll' changed ! her position:to Catch the
- first view of the 'couple to' , be • married.:—!
No - one however. arose, or seemed in the
least inclined to arise. Wherenpon the'
- worthy clergyman, deemed his first no.
tice unheard or misunderstOod, repeated'
the - invitation :
"let those wishing to be.unitcd in the
holy. bends of matrimony now come, for
.• , "•
Still no one stired. The silence became
awkwardness of the position was gradual
ly spreading among those present, when a
young gentlenmn who had t,ccupied a ye,-
cant slip in the broad aisle during the
service slowly arose, and deliberately
walked: to the .foot of the altar. He was
good looking and well dressed, but no one
present knew him, and' no female •aceom-,
panied his travels: When. arrived Within
a respectable distance of the clergyman he
paused : and with a reverent bow stepped
to one side of the' niale;but neither said
anything, or seemed at all disconcerted
at the idea of being married. alone. The
clergyman looked anxiously around for
the bride who he supposed was yet to ar
rive, and at length remarkedto the young
?entleman, in an under tone :
"The lady, sir," is,dilatory."
"Very, sir."
"Had we not better defer the ceremo-
ny ?" • , _
".1 think not. Do you suppose she
- will be here soon?" '".
"Me, sir !" \ said: the astonished shep
herd, "how should know of your ladies
movements ?" This is a matter belong
ing to yourself."
A. very few ' moments more were suf;
fered to elapse is thise' unpleasant state
of expectancy; - wham-the clergyman re
newed ,his interrogatories :
"Did the lady .promise to attend at, the
prosenthimr,sir ?"
"What lady?" . • •
"Why, thelady, to be, sure, that you
are waiting here for?"
"I-did not hear her 'say Anything a - -
bout it," was the unsatisfactory response.
"Then sir, may I ask why you are
here, and for what purpose you trifle in
this' house ?" said the somewhat enraged
came, sir, simply because• you invit
ed all those wishing to be united in the
.hol bands of matrimony to step forward
ha pened to entertain such a wish.
I am ver to. have misunderstood
you, sir, and wish you a very goal-day."
Odds and Ends.
Nature never makes enny blunders.—
When she makes a phool she means it. .
I hay finally . cupa to the konklusion
that the majority' of mankind kan be bet-.
ter educated on the back. than in the
brain for good Clothes wi ll often Make a.
phool respectable, while edukashun only
serves tew show -his' weak pints.
. As a general thing, an individual who
is neat in his person is neat in his mor
Min is my brother, and I know 'dud
I am nearer related to him thru his vices
than I am thru his virteWs.
There is nothing about which the world
makes a few blunders, and'the individual
so naenny, as a inataielituarimportium
among lus,fellow critters. .
A. man with a. very :phial head is like a
pin - without erin't, - ;veiy ; apt to;:git into
things beyond his dopth. '
pashifinfov. an old ltan.are :often
like:his teeth,' they cease -to trouble him,
simply bekinse - the n e rve is detid,
The duly pedidree worth tranimitting
is viitewl and that is the'ye4:thir . that
kan't be transmitted.
Affectasliiin 110 grade moreilea; than
the:Lord has. . '
, hay alwuri noticed one.thing,- when a
person bekums disgturted with this - world,
konkludes to withdraw from , 4, the world
very . kindly - lets the mien went.
Woman has no friendehips, - ishe either
I loves, despizes, or hates. ."
A day in the life of an old man is like
.one ov the last days in the fall of the
year, every hour brings a change in the
I like _taw see an oold person joyful,
shut not kickuptheheelsful.
Human happiness is like the Hotten
tott - language, enny . body can talk it well
enough, but there ain't but phew kan un,4
derstand it.
Gravity is no more evidence of wisdom
than a paper collar is of a shirt.
Whatever Providence has given tis the
fakalty tew do, he has given us the power
tew do.
There is a great menny folks in this
world who arelike little flies ; great bores
without meaning or knowing it.
Show me a people Ithose trade is dis
honest, and I will show you a people
whose religion is a sham.—Fraude.
The chains of habit aro generally too
small to be felt till they are too strong to
be broken.—. Dr. Johnson.
Points ,d,Etiquctte.
Don'tveak of.rpota Atli whom you
'are slightly appointed by theit first name.
Irritability is a breeeli-,Of good morals
as Well as good manners:: • Gentle courte
sy we owe to all. • . 4 "
Be punctual: It is;always annoyingto
be kept waiting, and often a serious 0:6
triment•to one's business. •
Answer a Civil question pleasantly pnol .
kindl • even. if • u are in hur
like gunpowder, with extreme caution.
- If pespible, always be at the station at
a few minutes befomthe cars start— Get
ting al:4min' after the train is in motion
is-not favorable to . bodily 'safety; nor to'
that calmness of mind which leads us to
act , wisely. • , . •
Don't lie, disturbed if you find the beat
Seats token. As no one knew you were
coming, or course they didnot reserve one.
— Hive your ticket in your .
.ductors haien't always the time to wait
till the portmoneau,. pocket and traveling
bag are searched before receiving it..
once saw. a lady, when , the cxmditetor de,
ntailded het ticket, dive to . thelOwerinest
depths of her traveling. bag.' where elar
clutched something -frantically, and in.
blind haste banded the waiting officer a
ticket, - which she afterwards found in' the
folds of her garments.
When a car is crowded, don't fill aseat
with your -bundles:
True politeness is not amiss, even amid
the confusion and bustle of a public con
veyance.--If-an open-window provse -un
comfortable to another, you will close it
'Don't fidget with the hands or feet.—
Let alone the watch chain and ineek-tie.
Quiet ease, without stiffness, indicates gen
tle breeding.
Whispering in church is impolite. Be
sides showing disrespect to the speaker, it
is extremely annoying to, these who wish
to hear. Coughing should be avoided as
much as possible. Sleeping with US fre
quent accompaniment, snoring, had better
be, done at home.—Exchange.
years ago a Mr. Nelson married a respect
able young girl of Lawrence, Mass. . Two
months ago he ran away with another wo
man, and as a natural consequence went
to Chicago. The wife sold out what little
furniture she had, • and with her t infant
started for this mode , Babylon. She
was, however,just too late, he had,gone to
Detroit. ,To Detroit she went, .and. there
she learned the trtuatitScainp had went to
Jackson, Miss. Her money haying been
expended, she set out• on foot, and arrived
at Jacks= only to find - that he had gone
to Missouri. - Mrs. Nelson set out on foot,
carrying the child on her , arms,' and did
not pause for:even a day's rest until reach
ing Livingston county, 10.. always a few
days behind the pair, who were making
for a relative of Nelson's, near Downs, in
the above-named county. Mrs. Nelson ar
rived to find that the two had departed
the day before for Kansas, and at this
point her courage gave out. She had been
without money for a week, her • clothing
soiled and torn, her food and lodgings the
gift of farmers, and she made up her mind
not to follow the husband any fufther.—
Failing, to be provided for otherwise, she
took the child on her arm and Started for
Jackson, walking every mile of, the way,
and begging food and a place to sleep.—
At Jackson she was forwarded to' Chica
go by the poor-inaster, and the same °lry
cial in Chicago forwarded the pair to De
troit again, where she told her sad 'story,
and was kindly furnished with means to
take her back to Massachusetts. This
poor woman, with a heart worthy the af
lection of an angel, said it was nether in
tention to prosecute her husband, but try
to redeem him if she could. She traveled
over 2,000 miles alone and without money
to regain his love, and unable to pour her
heart into his, she returns to the town of
her former happinesawith ler young life
blasted by the villainy of a man and , the
perfidy, of a woman. ,
Wonders, of the United States. •
The greatest' cataract in the world Lithe
falls of Niagara; where the _waterfront the
great upper lake forms a river of three
fourths of a mile'in width; and then being
suddenly contracted, plunges citer the rocks
in two columns, to, the.depth Of 1751 feet:
The greatest cave in theworld bathe Mam
moth Cave of Sentucki, where any one
can make on the watersof a sub: ,
terraineanriver, and catch fish without
eyes:. • ' •
The greatest river lathe known world
is the Mississippi, 4,000 miles long..
The largest valley in the world is the
valley of the Mississippi. • It contains five
hundred thousand 'square miles, and is one
of the most fertile regions of the globe.
-The greatest grain port in the world is
M The largest lake in the world is Lake
Superior, which is truly an inland sea,ba•
Mg 430 miles long, and. 1,000 feet deep.
The longest railroad in the world is the
Pacific Raiboad,over 3,000 miles in length.
The greatest natural bridge in the world
is the Natural Bridge over Cedar Creek,
in Virginia. It.extends across a chasm
80 feet in width, and 250 feet in depth,
and at the bottom' of which the creek flows.
The greatest Mass of solid iron in the
world is the Iron Mountain of Missouri.
It is•3so feet high and- two miles in cir
The largest 'nequeduct in. the world is
the Croton acqueduce in NeW York. Its
length' is 40/ niiles, and it eost $15,500,-
The largest deposits of anthracite coal
in the world are in Pennsylvania; the
mines of which supply, the market with
millions of tons annually and appear to be
;Not a Miis—A pretty widow.
No Hbusehold dod.
A little boy lliree years 'old, whose ' fa
ther was irreligiow,. Spent several months
in the dwelling of a godly fainily whei: -
was taught the 'aimple,elemente of divine
. The good seed fell into go •
od and tender
sail, and. thn child learned to note the dif
ference between a prayerless and a chtls
tian dwelling One da • as some one was
con • . s • • • , : r r •
h,+ e vett% got,any God at Fay papa's
ouse.' .
",Ahus thaw- many-such houses there are
in our world and land—louseswhere there
is no prayer, no praise, no womhip,no God!
And what homes are they for children;
ay, and for men and women, to. How
much better is the pure atmosphere 'of a
christian love than the cold, selfish world
liness of a godlearitomert
' Said an ungodly taan,ll - never ' was so
near heaven, and probably never shall be
again; as when-1431MA a day in the house
of Ebenezer godly Scotebman,
who guided his houiehol& in the fear of
the Lord. '
Would that there were more such homes,
I the memory of which might shed a, holy
savor over many a wanderer's heart, and
-lead-the sad-and and
of tears to look forward to the ghichme Of
the eternal gathering beyond the toils and'
tears and trials of this weary pilgrimage.
To such homes the weary come for rest,
and the troubledfor consolation. The Son
Of Peace is there. Blessed be such homes!
ani:Umay o'urs ever be of this- number
British Workman.
Take.Enonh Sleep.
Said one of the oldest and most success
ful farmer in the State: !'.l do not care
to have my men'get up before five or half
past five in the morning, and if they go to
bed early and can sleep soundly, they will
do more work than if they get up at four
or half-past." We do not believe in •the
eight .hour law, but nevertheless, are in
clined to think as a general rule, we work
too many honrs on the farms Thehest
man we ever had to dig ditches, seldom
worked, when digging by the rod, more
than nine hours a day. And it is so by
chopping wood by the cord; the men who
accomplish themost, work the fewest hours.
They.bring all their brain mid muscle in
to exercise, and make every blow tell. A
slow, plodding Dutchman may turn a
grindstone or a fanning mill better than
an energetic Yankee, Init this kind' of
'work is now mtetly done .by horse power,
and the fanner needs, above all else, a
clear head, with all his faculties of mind
and muscle light; active and under tem
perament; but, as a rule, such men need
sound sleep and plenty of it. When a
boy on a farm, we were teld that Napoleon
needed only four hiairs sleep, and the old,
nonsense of "five for a man, sis, for a wo
man and seven for a fool. But the truth
is, that Napoleon was enabled, in a great
measure, to accomplish what he did from
the faculty of sleeping soundly—or sleep
ing when he slept and working when he
worked. We have sat in one of his fh
vorite traveling carriages, and ,t. was so
arranged that he could lie down • at full
length; and'when dashing throigh the
country as fast as eight homes, freqimutl
changed, could carry him, he slept sound
and when he arrived at his destination,
was as fresh as if he had risen from a bed
of down. Let flamers, and especially
farmer's boys, have plenty to ea,t, nothing
to "drink,"' and all the sleep they can
take.—American Agriculturist.
Bar-room. Time—Mid-nignt.
.Wife—"l wish that man would gohome
if he has any one to go to."
Landlord—Thish! MIA I , He'll call for
something else directly." •
Wife—"l wish he would make haste
about it then, •foi it's One every honest
man was in bed."
Landlord—L"kle's taking theshingles off
his own house and p,uttingthem_ott-ours."
'At this time James began to come to
his senses, and commenced rubbi4 his
eyes, and stretching limself, as if he had
just awoke, saying, "I believe I will go
"Don' in a hurry, games," said the,
landlord. ' . •
must go," .saidlames, and he
After an absence of some time the land-
lord met and accosted , him with, "Hallo,
Jim,- why ain't you been down to see us."
"WbY," said James, "I had taken so
many shingles oft' •my house it began to
leak, so I thought it time to stop the leak,
and ,I have done it" •
Young_ man, whose house are you sting
ling! How many bricks have you got in
some of the heuses in, town ?
aPROVED RanmsG.—The Cambridge
Chronicle says of . the recent attempt's of
the farmers of Dorchester, at market gar
The result is astonishing. One man
sells the apricots' from a single tree in his
yard realizes $46. Another puts down
two acres of comparative poor land in
strawberries, and clearssBoo the fast sea,
son- Another picks the blackberries grow
ing wild en his farm, and realizes a little
over sloo—enough 'to pay his entire tax
for the year. In conversation with one of
the-most intelligent and enterprising far
mers of New Market district a few days
ago, he told us that a neighbor of his in
stiff clay ground had, from the saleof small
fruits and vegetables ; cleared more this
season up to this time than his entire par.
eel Oland - would have brought in mrrket
five years ago.
An exchange says, editors and chickens
have to scratch for a living; and pretty
lively scratehing most 'of them make of it
in order to keep square with the world.
The folloydrig stanzas written by
Thomas Hood on his:death ed': • • -
- arewell, life ! my senses swim,
And the world is growing dim; .
Thronging shadows cloud the light
Like the advent of the night , -
Colder, colder, colder still,
Upward's steals a vapor at.lll—
• 2 . • e-earthly-udoi
• the-mold:abuve
Welcome, life ! the spirit striveil.
Strength returns and hope revive!
Cloudy fears and shapes forlorn ,
Fly like.shadows at the roortr.— .
O'er the earth there.comeaa bloom—
Sunny light for sullen gloom,
*Warm perfume for vapors cold—
I smell the.roae above the mould! •
Smut En Ts A Coltaan.—Dear, generous
summer is at hand, of all seasons mostlav--
ish and loving. •
Her full lap holds the blossoms. of a
world : her prodigal fingers scatter flowers'
on • every stde,by dusty highways, on
mountain tops, itrdeepAeludto
The daisy's snow she piliiinthe meadows,
and time a million_fleldkatonesivithth
gold of buttercup and red clover. But
none the less does she find time for • bum
ble nooks, unnoticed spots of earth. .And
to us who have but a tiny corner, a nar
row back yard in which todo her homage,
she comes as truly and as affluently as , to'
Palace,_garden, or wide
Do we drop a few seeds- a , twig?
Immediately her warm hands descend in
blessing. Flowers have no airs, no pride,
rank or plied to .keep up, Mignonette
will bloom, and violets nestle, roses Open
their perfumed hearts,. morning
. glorms
climb and twme, and Mies rear thetratate
ly heads as gladly in one place as another.
Give them but earth, sun, and their beau
tiful opportunity, and nothing will they
care that the family wash flaps on the lines
over their headS, or that but spoor , beard
fence separates from them_the_next_door.
ash heap.
ustake courage-we who pantin cities '
and narrow lives, ti)el sometimes that the
summer is not ferns. The universal Moth
er knows no distinctions. We are all a-.
like hers, and forevery spuille3t eats her
loving mission ahois ready ;to give tenfold
recompense, and
• "Make the world more sweet."
A QUAKER PitmEß's PROVE RBS Never sandeit thou in an article for
publication without giving the editors
your name, for the name often' secures
publication to worthless articles. , °
Thou shouldst not rap at the door of
A printing office, for he that answereth the
rapsneereth in his sleeve and loseth time.
Neither do thou loaf about, ask ques
tions, or knock down type, or the boys wil'
love thee they do shade trees—when
thou leaveth
Thou uldst not read the copy on the
printer's case or n the sharped and hook
ed 'Container eof, orhe may knock thee
down. •
Never inquire thou of the editor for
news, for behold it. is his business, at the
at the appointed time td give it too thee
without .askirig.
It is not right that- thou shouldst ask
him who is the author of an article,' for
his duty required). him: too keep such things
,: • .
When thou dost enter into his office,
take heed• unto 'thyself that thon dost not
look at what may be laying .open and
ecrncerneth thee for this is in
the sight. of good . bceeding. . •,_
Neither extuaine _ thou the- proof sheet
for it is not ready to meet thine eye, that
thou =Test understand it. , _ •
Prefer thine own town paper to any
other and subscribe for it immediately.
Pay for it in advance and it shall be
well with, thee and thine.
CamEs..—The fact was not long ago
noticed that a diplomatic agent of the
"United States had brought to the atten
tion of the State Department the suppos
ed value of the cuuderango plant, which
grows in Ecuador,' in the cure of cancer,
In referring to the fact at the time, we
expressed ic hope that the anticipations
rased by the reported remedy would not,
as in so many other instances of alleged
cure of cancer, proved illusory. • °
The doubt 'thus intimated has been con
firmed by the result of a very thorough in
vestigationnt Washington as'to the vir
tues of a few specimens of theplant which
has been received, The report or the ar
my surgeons is againstefficacy ofthat sub
stance. Thus far cancer seems to be in
curable, and few have any idea of its pre
valence. Dr. Bliss, • under whose charge
the examina t i ons at Washington have
chiefly been, has startled the whole coun
try by a statement deduced from inqui
ries made that there are one hundred thou
sand Conn
try, t) hun
day reai
from every day a sol-.
itary conversation with yoursel£ This is
the way in which to attain thehighest rel
ish of existence; and, if we may say so, to
cast an anchor in the rive; of life.
ZxAmmaxios.—.A. clergyman wishing
to know whether the children of his par
fshioners understood their Bible, he staled
a lad yr hops he found one day reading the
014 Tegument, who was the vAckedest man.
"Moses, to be sure, " said the boy.
"Moses !" ekelailall the parson,
can that be F'
"Why," said the lad, "he broke all the
commandment at once." • . •
$2,00 PER YEAR ,-
Uit anti griner.
Good country butter—an old rain.
Why melt carpenters believe there is
no such eong .its stone? Because they
never saw it. • , ,
Irishman,A . ousily-,eugaged,ftt one of V=
cherry trees, "by what right you take
these cherries'?" "Ifi' faith my
, friend,"
4 aia he, "by my right hand sure.' ' -
In reply, to a young friend leaving a
town because some things in it were not
exactly to her taste or content, an old la
dy of experience said dear, when
you have found a place where everybody
and everything are always pleasant, and
nothing whatever disagreeable, then-let ma
know, • d I'll move there too."
Somi'One sends to the Washington Cap
ital a fairly vrittenpoem,really containing
a bright-idet -- ----- irrepresents a° mean old
man marketing, vho reflises to pay more
than half price for eggs, because they are
the product of female labor. Eggsaetly so.
teachers are generaly paid.
A nolorel man was arraigned before
one of the Camden courts, a short time
time tlince,charged with the larceny of
some woad.. When called on to plead to
the indictment he said : , "I bought de
wood, and dat I knows I did ; but to save
my.soul from thegallus,'caunot tall the
man I bought it of, kase I bought it in
the dark. I guess I'll plead guilty."
If a cat (loth meet a cat upon a garden
wall," and if a eat loth gweet, a cat, oh I need
they both to rival'-? Every • Tommy has
his Tabby waiting on the wall ; and yet
he welcomes her approach by an unwel
come yawl. And if a , kitten wish to court
upon the garden wall, why don't he sit
Andimeedy_snaile mid not stand up and
bawl, and lift his precious back up high
and show his teeth and moan, as iftwere
colic more than love that made the feller
groan ?
Counrmo.—ltore is a specimen of the
good old-fashioned mode Of courting as it
was done in Connecticut: _Deacon Mar
vin, a large hunOolder and most mem
p!ary man, sectonAlhealhis ina business
like way ;
Having one...4ay mounted his horse,
with a sheep, skin for a tiaddleOie -rode' in
front of the house where Bettie Lee lived,
and without dismounting, requested Bettie
to . come to him. On coming, he told her
the Lord had sent him to marry her:—
Bettie replied:
. "The Lord's will be done."
"After Gar 'Exl"—Three of the dir
tiest, most ragged littlo.-Tagamulfins in
this city.en:tired one of 'the ,magnificent
drug stores in our place.. Marching up
to the counter, one said: '
"I want a cent's worth of rock candy,"
"Get out You ragamuffin I we don't sell
a cent's worth. of rock - candy."
Slowly and sadly they filed out of the
store. On the sidewalk a =consultation
took place. They the door.
"Mister do you sell three cent's worth
of rock candy . •4 . •
- •
"Well, we ain't got em;" and the pro
cession moved out again.
A good joke is told of a little .fel ow
four years old, who, basing disobeyed his
father, was about to incur the penalty—a
switching. The father deliberately prop
pared a rod, while the sonstood a sad and,
silent spectator. AS the parent approach
ed to the unpleasant duty, the boy started
at 'a brisk run to a neighboring hill. The
father pursued, and fora short time the
youngster increased the distance between
them; but gradually hie strength began
to fail, -and when ho reached the lull and
began to ascend he lest his vantage ground.
Nearer and nearer the irate father ap
proached, and just na the top of the hill
was reached, and as he came within as
arm's-length of the fagitive, who was ready
to fall from exhaustion, the boy quickly
faced about,thopped upon the ground,
and with an indeeeribable ,couateuarico
exclaimed: "Papa, that—makes a fellow
—blow--don't it?" This "changing of
the subject" • was so extremely ludicrous,
that the father laughed heartily over the
strategy what his hopeful son exhibited,
and the ma was not used..
The trials of a young . Ividower up .in
Windham county, Vt., n trying to get
"help," are racily told by an exchange:
• At last, ahnost discouraged, he drew up
in front of a -small dwelhng among the •
hills, and asked the customary question :
"Can you tell me where I can got a wo
man to do the work in a farm house?"
"Where are . you from 2" ,asked the old
man, viewing thehandsome horse and laug
gy with a critical air.
"My 1111116 sir, isp- 7 —, and I am from
"Oh t yes I I'veleard of you ; you Most
your wife quite a spell ago. Wall, I have
got six galst—goed gals, too—and you may
take your . pickwatorig '_eta for a wife ; but
they wouldn'tnone of'eni think of going,
out 'ter work. I ShoiAtial liesca,you
should take Ilatirudi, • "lanusialisrs' the
oldest, and her chance skit quite's° good. •
seein' as she's nigh•sighted, and can't hear.,
very well ; but if you don% want her, you,
can take your pick of the 'others."
Our, friend went .in, selected the bet
looking one, drove to the Justice'sand waa
married, and carried his bridoliomelb-1. •
very night, having liecuredpermaner,#,
and efficient housekeeper, who provcsthua
far in every way satisfactory, with no ques
tion of wages, and no limit to the work
she is, expected to do. .
It flow