The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, July 13, 1871, Image 1

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By bk.?, • rrßixt - %. 1 17 11 ;iritSl I.ll A l riglibliniVlWAlN lv Aiirato o MEV olll o, ll "EinriaaltnErA 'zion4 AtrapitmeAL imam, ETC*
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' " s •ti• r
e ifi
e roo*ci„
A tinettste9ii f : ; •
SinjWis eold;lthe , Vever4Otri - ) 1.31 . -
iof thoslorly*ardng daityv 10.1.117 A • ..r-lis.2tl•
And the fragran.
ehestnn!, trees
In thinteadinv where the stinfideiblow - ;7IT -
111 • II • • f lone L I
• • • ••
Far Oar the dirk arid &ado* avobdat.-
Co,mes floatin - g.the,chnrch-lieleaeharte, b !
And I xyanclig k( lipd IPO • 414 1 .ns
AsT;cTregidi4 i1i4143 61116 n _
Till httaheikwas the tweettirdhs strain. .
And the ; shimmering: light Of, the ,atifflott 7
• i.Oiteritis4 . o•• ' „, ; pit r,• ,11 •
Bat never again 'shall I wait and,watelt,l
In the had:Lot theffiveet 0r4, 3 11 , 'jg4t,• 11.) t .t
For *stein the loPth OUP ' '4,°P l3 !?:
And the gleam b a'garment w , to._
And never again, 'neath IherlieW4eisined
flowers, .• vi - Lt;..ejt
Shall linger my love and I;
When thatremuleusstars through the flee
cy ' dr , ,
Yet ajoy<X lo hich is namelesqall• sly
Ihrablia#M*eart'erdli-• • - it = -•
As the d
hivtlet,tt- love 'si yr long
fle I_
Is thrilled into life once mor
0, dear watil tee 'thelheart that ie , e l oid,
And her love dershadowelMe still ; • • -
And the stars shine down vn her grave , to
night, t, • - , ;•-• •, :
In the lone churehyaril on ,the hill;he. ,
—Chamber?. Journat .•;• fl
8810 ,St ;•,
e-Ant--"Cih Let Me Dream." •
'Oh tell • me not that &bele love, - •
Noi end:mr,onlit dream of bliss:
biy Wettiealt - op° in • life above I
Is meeting faithfhl hearts from this: •
I cannot dunk - that trfitherists"l - c, 1•. •
- • 'Alone in realms beyond the blue;- -
hl7 heart so consttutt,
That other hearts are'constant too: •
i • = Then'tell •
-- WlthOutalWrilattispatlitoffelst
.If loving souls - could. notEOntide
In even those,they love, the best.
;Without the peace and Jeri that flow
From heaverolesCended loire and trust
A This World were but a funeral slufwc ,, •
Its propet;legend. 4 !Dtutt to dust?' •
. • ,• ' rl , Mt,
Believe 'nisi, love
Thorgh passiert. vellitsglowfrentsightil
As phineti still their: eciurseipunitie
. ; When.l4dAn flayre - PXcAed*, akisht. ,
Yes love no sinew*? orpaiswvfn Rani
And - while the c•easlesii
It btoonss, melding as the stsivilLi"' V" .
"hub: Whir Eddie t )
Then telltnezt4iyitsuc;
atwicE,),LOVEDI ,
It Ras a.mistn.Yetsweo34ten.4)er
.I (m i n see the Sky as, it is hung over Swan's
Nest, our sea-side home, starry- bide, with
here and there a' patch of white,fleating
gossamer • and the bnrvest taKa . corning
up And.ll,Oodingall the world with4folden
splendor. I remember' how the. crimson
roses hang about the deortiettvy . with their
own ;sweetness ; and whet suggestive col
ors diciatikkg-40 frointheltoWer beds in the
diM old gtuding I min mid rentember the
dress I wore—Pure-white, Ikons° that'was
the 'dress in which my= husband love me
test. 'Did helcrve Theittnall'ltOrlves it
any yellow gold that worrliim4 , I •
Immediatelyafter our • •ggee We mut,
on the Continent, where waram led about
for aparer- two, valartezin . g inalmnee and
spending onr aub{mere amid tdro d 1
Then we returned home: ' , ':4l3ut the roman
tic spirit • was still upon ,fis, . and we took
what our cOuutry afforded the may of
glossy . life. lice the Midst, oftltis. Wander
ing, m a cotintry ,town !amid. the Lakes,
my first troulde calmer, On the.secondday
of sojourn' at the hotel inthis place,
to' which. walled ticcOrdance, with
my husband's lAA. -I missed him;
was fishing for trout; onenf ourparty
suggested, and lathe afternoon we.strolled
down towards thestream. Passing asmall
cottage we heard 'voices, and something fit
/taller made mo• glanCe that way. There
they stocidi . iide inrhiniband ittd
a woman—a, young womtus:With glossy
rave n -h a i r 1 ! I swll, 7qn, in silence; but
that night, whenror, ,husband- refined'
and sought me e -;1" yas rekerved and Old.;
1 reibied to dani . g, and would
him. Ile followed me fret/6 to
- his eye! full ox solicitude. Matelot we;
were Our room-he t ,mt hatidinl
his. f,
( Iffdakling,"lie` 'tett las/Ves f
you?' 1
For tny t:4l4o4,ieghi l tt.-
amid' to 1et4.444, 1 i49004Ais
intrty- ,s 1 iu.o4 iii
arace,nA,:questioned "do
yonloVimizerl TA
fine eYS 3O I9PO4O with B .Stqating4t.
• But , he answevxL•,passimately, • ; , "Loiire
yof_m ? Aye L be*thadru , wll.l twerlmow let; s ;
- fr f,.11;e17
:"Dia L YIS"4 4 6 I I9 4,*ii l oved any
eliflPT 4 4tero; •
my lioncir."'
lam happy,: yet. not entirely satisfied.
I was a w6fnan. Eye ate the 'forbidden
•fruirwigi paradise all around her.
"Then who was it," I faltered, "that wo
- Lmen 4 .4 saw witlz-rou—this afternoon?"
started,. and flushed very red for a
`moment, then he laughed.
• illOhn he said, lealque are you ? Then
I am sure you love me.. But, seriously,
dear, I' ought to apologize for my long ab
sence. That woman was a friend, an old
friend of mine—she's in distrws,and I hnd
to help her. Are' you Patisfied,
nodded - mi . I ead in assent; yet' my
- heart was not quite at rest. , Atcer that
we went down to the Swan's Nest, our sea
sidtiluinte,' in Settled Into sober mum
iiiielfoieheriteinontbs'youriiliss 4 Naii"
1)641344nd thenthitalreadfalnightearae.
. ilieraeehaa.l**R4444 l nyi,, , gelled
not ivinehoine, to dryonr as,washia cits 7,
.tom.; ScrafterliaviitOirdeollea',Tdreeis , -'
.ed'OkYself mid doitifin-theliaded'
pokch to atveit Sinset,dpilqeihn-.!
Dumex,and - sultlerlito *filed •
iliiiiii-Weitili - My'hahlwereladinVarid
was Sick and lireftry.*ith .wtdtinig t s ind„sne.7:
so,A9Pg 91951:°F-Vt 3 .74r:': l o4 o ° i'dd
detain him so?. "Very s otTlythe:,
dingpedrbiltat sight, leaving me dark.
ness.;;: Anowl; hooted froix(*Vp. , ,of..*:
oldmi)low, Awl*4444"'Otkifl weary,' , • , • „ • ,
• 'worked, inpelf oft into . p erfect
Met tifaliiiin and ne'rveuirekeitement:and
by ilegreeir,:the :old:doubt, br'fear
eteritimas, itOlef.beekte-M
husband was emetic`, * l ee p me in enchOus
pease t
,ge did not lcive-mel iievqr ,
carted muthalle Might bedatitineda=
&net' i"Wheniut theeldeli•
was - On the Stroke Of three :caught. the
quick,tromp of his ;hope's *feet. „But ; it
Ate& WA • .ard.Will;'and kept my seat:
' e retie ed the pour - di-lur`sprim:
down flushed end-,eager:zi ,„ •
—ti• titthscriedrthenionumthetangla.
sigbt.3l 4. f79^s q lfßelfou . , 3 4.l:e : ul-4554? .&- r kun
so eurr7.'
4ePPMAPIed, hotly hands*extended.
BUtI turned froni hiin • and Walked 'into
the hall. • •
- :He stood for amoiniut, io silent aston
ishment, then- followed and took my hand,
though I kept, 414..pensistently aver
ted.,• ; ; ;.. • .r., - ,
!'Vielet,"he said,4(phat is it? 'Ale you.
ill, tired t I Was,sOrry 'to steep _ you `wai t..
ing, but these clreutastaims-c-N '• • ” •
"Never mind the circumstance now r
I evlaiiilesi,.ett! 41: -. .-"X am verytired,
and' how 'that you 'are safe, tWill - go — to
bed." . I ; •
He loosed his hold '-on
.my, hand, but
looked - aftei. me, -- ss - V - left - limith." a
glance 'I ithillineverfOrget. I can see him
now as he ,stoOdin, the moonlight, so hand
some and noble ; and .I level= so well !
'I Wonder Wkr tuined fromhiin that night.
Heaven knowe how it pained me, bit the
spoilEd WHIM tempeY, that has been •my
ruirfnrged me on. ! .
Did yOu, ever speak'a harsh word' to one
,yon loVe; and feel something within you
prompting you to' speak • another?,_,Then
you understand how , it, was thatl left my
'hushaiatakaiing therig weary and , stir
Ped 69 4 r. , - 1-• , :1
` . lriolet, dear,': he said 'softly, as - I paus
ed involunOrily althe bead of the stairs
"come haat' anililet to `explain; you
know I've not *it Flu waiting-willingly."
But I went te-without a word; .not. to
,oin; chainl!er.;- but to a 'dressing room ex
clusively my own, and closed and. locked
the door. I Jam otroihir Evil One Must
have had 'control Af and that night.
little While he:carao ujit stain;, and _triad
the lock of my door_; and then *3 called,
any name soft ly -but Idid not answer
and he'Went jaffray. ! -^ •
:A dozen tinteithat night I lifted7,
head:ft:Om mydear-Yet„pi low, to, go out
to him.. M. %Implore_ his forgiveness; but
pride.kept me totte`k: laYlEileepless
till mowing:' t was it wild morning, too; '
with drifting rain and:sobbing winds, and
the sea thundering outheistnuni c .
Mq.,husbau , in tiWbreakfait-room
when I went downs --'Heiurned and said
kindly:;"-"Ckbod niathing, dear. 'Are' . - yon
quite well' , „i .
...,„!Quite well, tfut4 reTPuded ,
crossing to, a : window on the opposite side
. Ofithe'room:'”' ' 1
He rose, and I 1104 he irtte Coming
to My' side; . but .he Andy looked_ at ~10
watch and said, "Be kind enough to jet
me have breakfast at once,. Violet, if you
can. lam in a-huriy, for .I bade impor
:: 4 matters to look after," z ,
I:xmig.*-14 1 * once, aixdilfiged my
sell atthei,fhe.table. wfLen the
Cheerful repait i as" siver, and hui
bind rose M go; I felt the heet.tears blind
ing me. 'l:could-not let: him 1: •ye me in
t7z. I had made a step towards him
wh he spoke . , and his words roused all
m old anger and. discontent
"Violet, hos , sai.d, I may not be here to
dinner. Don't wait for me •it is impossi
4 4; ace needed."
91i • ...?*d . reProachful eyes! But
- #,er•ed ne,retort.:'' * only said,
1 gc.. 1 . ye,
.and went out. .
watched *fom the windoi
, hid
dea4lafarY #4 l, as
4 - din
n f oit' at day - Cciaiesback to
.T.o , qattli even,
Ong ro,E l ayehydheeinne unendurable; and.
As the rain onmed, I determined to • 'drive
nipi,to.#y father's house:, in', the 'neigh
boring valiar., About'halfwai
cOnfiiliArtelrafiy and
gentlemieter.. -
"Why,,that"s,Mr.' Reader.exclaimed
my coachman, as' the vehicle dashed past
our Oaten. ' •
One glance Zonfirmq his words: It was
my husband ;and by his side was the same
woman that I had seen with him once be
fore. My resolution was taken on the in
stant. I ordered my servant to drive back
to Sian's West._ I would not await my
•husband'a, return ; and I sal. myself
could not - even charge him his infi
delity ; Iwould go, away at o and nev
er let Him see my face agai .
Ina short time I was yfo myde
parture.. I wrote a note for • ors ,
mg him that I believe our Marriage had
been an unwise one, and ,thatl should be
happier with my own 'friends; I begged
him not to hunt, me down as a fugitive ;
bat to leave me to follow the bent of My
thil;kote Zaith'e taw
wctit clause,. Wherie
my liferhad , btxlia&ilaippV ,than
a Week
RY.49A 0I 9R
t) •
-At` oeitautlSi retcheCyiis
' we:retinue& ;iind learned fram• °view
tsithatiltpluzshandliii sailed ftelttdia,
ratkmakinfinVer JO, nie*fee ample; all
lair* *ate. , He neVer,,, so the, lawyer
said, expected to return: I went 'be& to,
,San's EverytflingiviarAnclumg•-•
;! leftthein.
Ofyittislialtd*Oldd.ndletAieta be wash-
Aid the kohsekeepciatlid.
she t hrdlr4ahint e, • .
• ' l / 4 ;1'4, ono, 'she Mid:then - the
:Wier contained liritiiiterYintl 4 e Was
:Myahisling fabti??, • •
went for itmyself and read there in
my old roore.. ;; :.• , .
J‘Vii4et,' began ."you must, pardon
Ws' be the last, for in
all'hutniii`prolitifinityVthe diiease'' that'
now eanstuaes.'me will' soon glvai me; a
grave inn foreign haul. : But• there was' ,
a,fewlldngs Jonah tq say before I die.--
I9yes wrong not, • to:';‘ , eiplaint all to you,
framlthe fin3t. "...tilt I deslied to spare'
you What you might consideriwiikgrace.—
I thought' you - 7,could - and - would , trust
me. If w as
_my sister ou:saw. She was
. .
:RI I 1 - kiVW , p opu
&gate. ,".11143'e waelliega4 and Ethel
was disgraced.: " She etgrickto me for help.,
I could not refuse her. ,I was takingher.
to' a safe asylum ; when I "Was abseat 'that ,
night. You ''underitalid it'' all now.-
Don't be tronbledi. dear, but
,forget me;?
and be happy.: lay sister dead now ,,
a n d I havtnot Ifear long to live. ,
blesiyou,d&rl I>j heavenallthese.Wroogs
will be righted."'" • '•• " •
For two yeam , l Hied alone at 'Swan's
Nest—trict years of inexpresaiblk .agony;
then thenews came. , A ship homeward .
bound from CalcUtta,. was lost aid' Hor-,
ace Readesweinne of - the paz..Ytangers.—'
That wthile death otholiel ''•
Anoiher yeasAlraggetby.' One - sweet.
May eveningl strolled dewnthewshore.
The sun was•settingnf geld Mid the pup
plef and mOon came-up,--flooding
the great seOnd the long stretch or glito
tering samV,with ,, misty splendor. '-The
tide relies - 4.0 With a law, musical mar
sakclouvon a,r o Ck. , •
Pit; Out:upon the''bar a stately, vessel
swung at'ancher; and a' little boat 'from
it was arignicirtAtehed thetiny craft
witlknkind of :fascination. "Presently it
,tbelgual c tutd,a um, sprang IL
A Witiniunelein hape took 'shapein my
heart ansbandtcittered fOrward,-blind
and half unecitminin" n =The instant after
a strong arnsclaspixtrae, 1..;
I looked up in the, ilea above ine. It
Was wan and, orn' and !flanged.. by', i 3 uf
fe kfrig; but, kne* it in *an, instant. •
"Oh Horiteel my .husbandl" • I Cried;
"forgive me." .
Then I felt I'lE+4ou:2,llpm my cheek,
14 -0 6 *1 Pa r.liPsi and sank into his
e. • ,
. It is allover—the remorse; the lonely=
ness And the aching heard , We' Hit at
Swan's Nest=-' my.dearforgiving 'husband
and myself.: .;1°:•*:, • .31 -
"I had gaged my passage," she said
-"in. the steamer that was lost, But I fell
ill 'and could not come them and that sick
.niss hureitored rne'te y ; thank God!"
I thank him also daily and hourly, for
this tuidefierv4 this perfect bliss.:
TnouasxLESSNESa - Joungman, in the
flush of early strength, stop and - think ere
yra take a downward step. Many a pre
mus:life is wrecked through thOughtless
ness alone.' If you find yourself low
company, do not sit carelessly you
.grailually,but surely drawn into the
whirlpool and chasm, but.titink of the con
sequences of such a course. A rational
thought will lead you to seek the society
of-your superlotak and ,you:anuatritupsove
by the association., ?enevolent use of
yoqr example and; influteit4 for the'eleva
don. of :your biferiors;' 'noble twig
even the Most' depraved are not beyond
such help. But the young man of im
pressible Outman; must; at least, think,
and beware '-lest hii , fall.lrbnself. a victim.
Think before you touch- the:wine; 'see the
effects upon thousands, aml.know that you
are no stronger than dig, Ittere in. their;
youth. • Think before„,* . clerk hour of
temptation, you boqb, ,without leave, lest
you become Okla: Thiplimiell ere a lie
or an oath ixtsses your . k, 41 4: a
. man of
pure spe ech ol Intrespec
u 2 ent„,.: Alt!
think ou'thing3 ' rue', s and of
good repoFt,tiuti there *The het* men
andh4pter women I#. 4:ke . 1M14... -
PAT:Ia:ND LEAN Mmr.— : -.llost, persomi
wantto weigh more thtui they doy and mea
sure tlmir health by their *tight,. as if. a
manwere as a pig, 1;21w/bleb proportion
to 11131dt. The ,racer levrtotfat o , has butiainotlerate,funourit
-efilcsb,L., , lleavy men are not those :which
expeAenced-contraeters =piny :tonuild
railroads and, clirditchts.:r. Tlunnien, the
world over, are the for endurance,
are the wiry and hatdy; ' ' ple live
.the longest. The truth fittas a disease,
and as a proof, fat people are never well a
day at a time. For mere leak moderate
rotundity is most desirable, to have enough
flesh to cover all irregularitim. 'To ac
complish ...this in the shortest tithe a man
.should work but little, sleep a great part
of the time, allow nothing, to worry him,
keep always in a joyous kluging: mood,
and live chiefly on albuminates, such as
boiled cracked wheat, and rye, and Oak,
'and corn, and barley, with. sweet "milk,
and buttermilk, and meats. Such 'is the
best fattener known.
A negro once gave the following toast:
"De Gubernor ob our State. He come in
Avid very, little opposition, he go out
wid none at all."
" • I
, ,>-1", ,• 4 ' l4
;MtiveiSitirgice.` 7-
• io ( ' • , ; , 111,*: ") " ""; •,
SOth , e Years ilgwAßuas4 l 4, no bleman
; was traveling on,epecial 'businefs in-the
t interior of RUN* , • It .was the •bagirwhig
His uarnage, • rolled up te,the a n - he
, demanded wrelayofiroises,to carry 'lan
'to the neatstation, where he intended to
: pass. the night.. The inkeeper entreated
him not to proeeed,fOr he said th.ere was
'danger in traveling So late—the' wolves.
were out. 'lnt the nobleman ' thought the
man merely wanted to keep him as a
Sued ; he said:it was too earlyfor wolves,
And ordered the horses' to be put to. Se
then drove of, with his wife and , his tin" ,
daughter inside the carriage with him.—
'On the bog of the carriage was a serf,who
had been born on the; nobleman's estate,
to 'whom he . was much attached, and who
loved his master as he loved his own life.
They rolled over the hardened snow and
there seemed no sign ofdanger. Themoon
shed' her pale 'light and brought-`-out into
burnished silver , the road on which they
were going. .4t length the little.girl said
tt! her &tiler „ , , . ,
,"What Wili3 that Strangei,howlingnaise
that I just heard?" • .
"011; - nothing - but - the `wind - sighing
through the tree,',T' the father replied.. .
hild - shut - herquict,
But she said again?
"Listen, father ; it is not like the Wind,
I think," '
The lhther listened, and far, far away
in the distance behind him, through the
clear,,cold,, -frosty
.air, he heard a noise
which he ,too well kttew the meaning of.—
He then put' down the windoW and spoke
to 'Servant : •
"The wolves, I fear, are aftgi us; make
haste,' gerell the man todrive fester, And
getgur Pleas ready."
The postilion . drove faster.. 'But the
sank mournful mind which the child Tad
heard approached nearer and nearer.".*
was clear that a pack of 'wolves had scent
cal eh - i — no - d - The - 4oblemantried - to - calor
the ('ears of 'the wife and child, At lust
the Tof, the Pack - was-distinctly
hard.' So he said to his servant:
' "When 'they come up with ns,' do you
single out onennd fireduld.l. will single
out Another, and while the rest are devour. :
nag thena. we shall get on." 1 " , . -
As 1309 D, as he put - down the window he
'BIIW the pack in Kill er.behind, the large
dog•Wellat dear head, TWashotiaiere fired
and two of the. Wolves fell, •: The: others
instantly set upon. and devoured them, and
meanwhile the. carriage Oiled ground.—
But. the taste:af blood only made them
more ferocious, andthey were seen up with
the'carriage again. Again two more shots .
were fired, and twafell and-were devoured
But tlaa eartiagnwas aeon overttalen, and
the Peet"lrlute, was , yet far dilatant. ; The
nobl then'indered the postillieit-to
loose on oft hie lindens that they • might
gain=s fi e tinte.l• Thiir was :done; and
the , poor. s orse frantically plunged into the
forest and, the wives after i him, , and was
soon torn to pieces. Then .fituither horse
was sent off, and shared the same fate.—
The carriage labored on as fast as it•could
with -the two remaining horses. But the
post-house was still distant.:
At length the servant paid to th'eVnister
,".1 have, served you ever sine I was a
child ; 'love you as Myown self. Noth
ing can Save you but one - thing. Let me
save yOu. I ask you only to look after
my wife and little ones," .
Thenoblemanremonstrated,butin vain.
When the wolves next came up, the faith
ful fellow threw himself among them. The
panting horses galloped on, with the ear
riagelandilie gates of the post-honseitiat
closed in upon at as the fearful pack were
on the point 'of making the last , fatal, at
tack.. But the travelers were
,safe. , •
, The next retuning, they went out and
saw the place Where the faithful servant
had been pulled down by the- wolves.
His bones -only were there and on the
spot . the nobleman erected a pillar, , on
which was,written; 79tepter loy6 hath no
man than this, that a man lay : dowp his life
fora, friend." "But God comitendeth his
love toward 'us, in that, While 'we wereyet
sinners, Christ -died ferns.",
NOT BE Sitersi.--A ;New Hamp
shire man arid. a Jiaan'trom Ohio chanced
torneetat a public dinnerinNewYork-
The man from Ohio suggested to him of
the granite State that it might be 'advan
tageous to' him to'rernovelo the west, es
pwially lab proposedta:follow the pur,
suit of a .farmer. The_ Yanke 'could not
see it ; there was no State in the Union e
nual to Neiv Hampshire..of the,Buck-,
eye State Could not auto this. - Ohio .
was inferior toffeWT-Tonipshire ao re
spect, while& many respects she was su
permrelhe Yankee demanded to know
afiniierior feature. The Bucke •
enced to enumerate; but as, fast as he
presented his claim ofsuperiority h - an=
tagonist unhesitatingly swept Them away
by bold and vigerous declarations to the
contrary At length, when another sour'
ces of argument ; had been exhausted; the
Buckeye confidently observed ;
"You will at halst alio*. that Ohiojust
1Y claims superiority over Now Hemp
shirein point of the extent of the torrito
rV?" •
gNo, sir!" prOmptly and emphatically
said_ t t he Yankee. "Your State emends
otitbecausis it is flat. Lookat the moun
tains, of' New Hampshire! Goodness Mercy!
JUst'roll !eta out flat and they'd cover up
the whole of Ohio and ftll'up a big slice
.of Lake 'Eric!"
An old lady who was never in the cars
resolved last week to .visit Boston. She
had no sooner alighted from the car than
a man took her arni with theusual"Have
a hack?" Looking him full in the face,
she drawled nut, hesitatingly, "Wal, I
dunno.; he they good to eat?"
SDAY, - 41:ILY .13, 1871.
California furnis hes . a, story of dig,
Merle and . mysteribus which it would be
difficult to surpass outside the 'legends and
the traditions oj'the age of ogres, 'ants,_
magiChlini - a — i inhe — r evil things„, .Accord
ing to this tale of the grotesque it would .
appear that some-time agoa man named
GregorySummerfield, a personsaid to have
been of extraordinary attainments, liter
ary andscientific,-was niurdered.b being
thrownfrom the o n the
Union Pacific Railroad at Cape Horn.—
A San Francisco lawyer of excellent rep
ute,named Leonidas Parker, being the
only person on the, platform with him at
the twit., suspicion was directed aga inst
him, aid he was arrested as being the
perpetrator-of the crime. , , Twice triefthe
was both times mysteriously acquited, This
Parker has recently died, and, as is said,'
, has left a written statement in which, while'
acknowledging that he did kill Simmer
field, he explains wherefore. He.saysthat
a short time before the. death of Summer
field, that; person; who wisknoin as "The
Man with a Secret," came into' is . office
in San Francisco and told him,-with -Ake
fire of the discoverer in his eye, that he had
fathomed the great seciet_otmudEitig_wa
1 ter bum. He had discovered a prepara
, ion_ofpotassinia-Whichi , ,would_aeparate
the particles, and ignite the liberated ox
ygen, thus - creating and recreating its own
force, and so consuming 'until all the par
ticles were destroyed.'• For the possession
of this secret he demanded the:stun of $l,
000.000, to be raised. in ,San. Francisco,
under the penalty, otherwise, of „the des
truction oldie world by his setting fire to
the Pacific ocean. Parker at first thought a lunatic; but on the trial of one
of his potassium.pills in a basin of water in
his (ghee, he saw, to Ats surprise that by
its influence the WatOras.changedinto a
liquid that. blazed4Othe. ceiling.nntil it
was consumed. imparted his discove
ry of this, '
,CompoUnd to,, several
anker, a bishop, a chemist, - two &ate II
and tivar Protesi.
.ant divines—who, with'
,witnetia. the experiment on a
grand scale in a mountain lake ten miles
from Safi Frandseo, the waters; of:which,
in. fifteen. minutes, were entirely consumed.
Summerfield growing importunate, the
committee became alarmed. He demand
ed the money, and finally, as a last resort;
it vvas determfnedto destroy the man.who.
held the fate of the world in his
Parker, who knew the gorgesandthe wind=
ings of the Pacifier was , .chosen
as his 'executioner. Summerfield was • de
'434o by Parker to the, spot, and. hence
'the tragedy. In thi conclusion of hiti doe=
anent he says : "I se*W . :Capeatern as
the best adapted to the purpose. and et t?P.
the public knows.* rest., Having :been
fully acquitted by two tribunals of the law,
I. make this final appeal tomy fellow men
throughout , to reverse - the' jude4ent al
ready pronounced.", To - this
dramatic affair but one fact remainsto be
addett:ltßeef himself Iliecl" insane just
after ArriUng his 'statement, a victim to
newspaper comments' upon his connection
With the. extraordinary case of Summer
field. - ; ' .
ur mouth shut and your eyes
The absent feel end fear every ill.
Self•praisa depreciates. ,
The. dead; to the bief, and the living to
good cheer.
All women, let them be ever so homely
are pleased hear themselvps celebrat
ed for beauty. 1 - ,
Squires and knighkerrants are subject
to much It and ill-luck.
Liberalit mayle earned too far in
those who e children Winlaerit from
Virtue is always more :pursecuted by
thewicked than beloved' by the righteous.
Every one is the son of own works.
Padlock's, bolts or bars can secure
a maiden so well as her own reserve. ,
Wit and humor belong to genius alone.
There is no book so bad but something
good may be found in it. , . •
We are all as God made us, and often
times a great deal worse.
• WO'cannot all be .frinrs, and various
4 0 1: - Paths by which God ecaidacts the
good to heaven._ • ' : ,
Covetousness Thirsts the bag.
It is easy to undertake, but more difft
cult to finish a thing. • c-•
TIO, term is appilly applicable to, all
ranks---Whiiever 'a-ignorant is vulgar.
#s: the streets of, "by-and-br one orb
rives it thehonse efiletiert • ' '
-- --Between the yes and no ofda Iforann 'I
would'uotAndertnke to thrust the. , point
of a pin. --,‘„
A soldier had better ; smell _ gunpowder
than musk.
her: men's'pains are eciily borne.
When thing is once be ttik it •is al
most half finished.. • ‘l'
La' br' Silver for a ilYnn
oridge o)
: en
The jat. that gives 'Shin is ni)
randpa, where o - the people ge
fashions from!"
"From PhiladelPh*7
"Well, where do the Thiladelphia peo
ple get them. • •
"From England." . •
"Ahl and where do the English get them
from?" :,,,
"From France." .."'%;.
"But where 00 die 'French get them
from'?" ' . ._ ..
"Why, right strai?ht 'from the ,devi.l--
now stop your noise! • •
A man named Aron beAlbug, 'of ' Mont
gomery county, intends petitioning the
Legislature -to clatnp his , name. He
says that his sweetheart, whose. na e is
Olivia, is- unwilling that he shoul
called a bedbug; herself, 0! 'lleciSteg, and
the little ones, littk bcditge.
el! (," r
.tivr - t• • • /, •,/
. .
Here is a Datehikaa's`idea.of his boy in , •
by, which - will do , to read if you can get the
right twist ocyour maath:
Yon didn'd hearthe:newia. Veil, veil,
_Dot's • *niiprA frintky_doo-- ' '
Vy; eferybodyknows id'yet—
Don'd you dinkid's drue?
Yes, yes, dot's so- 7 ve got a son-- ' • '
My olt woman and me-of . •
Und he's der smardesd leetle tddld
You ever yet kin see. ' ' '
He earned der very last night in March,
-Der, sassy= leOle
_Of he'd voided a leedle vile
He'd been it Aprirfool;
But dot baby he know,d a ding'Or dwo
Dey say so he looks like me,,
Dot'so cause I'm been he's fader, ,
Dot corned for chit, you, see; '
• •
He's got the nicest leedle shneod,
Und leedle. hands and feet,
Und he can virak mit both he's eyes—
Oh 1 he's. •
gont snuff to eat; '
Vat's dot? I• bet Yon dot Pm•broud, •
I teel like of Pm gild!
I vood'nd shwab him for a farm, • '••
No, he's doo nice a shild, . .
Come in 'dethouse; and saw him vonce,
Hush now! Don't wake him up..
He's god a 'awful hair, of lungs; .
'Hein shgiveela bisened pup. • '
See, dare, he It 3 now aind he nice? •
' Hee fixin' his mood to gry ;
77 11 e VoiiiFs to suck on somediri - gTrg -- uess .
•He's leedle droat ish dry, , ,
' , • For the "Village Record."
- Our Future. "
As every man is the architect of his own
fortune, soeiery community is'
for its awn' Attu*. We beast of our lilt i
erty and independence yet are of necessity-,
all dependent on-our neighbor. It is but
the manifestation 'of a narrow mind when'
we find that selfish.. penuriousness ; that
will discourage everything that will not
yield a handsome profit to the 'individual
instead of his fellow. ' is not for us to(
sip of all the Sweets of life, and if we, by
our influence, era helpingliankcan cause
some goo 11 fortune4o, come upan. our fel
lolv_riLan,we_thus.far lighten his burden,
ld , othi; fror-
etract nothing
'Yes-'we aro .de)
another, and that community in wine is
exchanged the most synapathy and eniliour
ogementos the most prosperous, the most
happy; and the inostnicirai. What Of the
future of our village?. - Shall it be prosper
ous, happy, and moral, orshall avarice and
selfishness be the ruling :elenients in our
,society? This is a critical time in our his
tory, and it hecoMei all to act well their
part- 7 to •be up End deing, that we may
secure all the advantages that nre in store
for us. .Be itetive; , energetic, wide-awake
now, and we shall -derive lasting benefits
not only for ourselves, but for our, poster
ity. Words of encouragemenCiost noth
ing; so let - m . ll l / 4 , i them if nothing more-.
We are in a manner isOlateefrom ' the
world ofprogra-es,;let therejeaniong us
, a. spirit that demands.release from the fet:
tars of the past. It well :becomes the`
worthy editor of our village paperii) bo
the first to join with those whose wateh•
word is onward and upward, and on.whose
banner is inscribed Excelsior!. Ye croakers'
hold thy peace, let no weird sound be ut
tered' by : yciu to dampen the zealot* this
unde: king, Wit subscribe at once for the
- i7. 7-1 and so encourage the cause and
do your own soul an everlisting good. .
Railroading is now the theme every.
where: Our people are aware of• the ad
vantages that 'are to be derived froinn
railroad connection. Whenever any eeri
poration makes any,Troposal to build a
road, every one is anxious *know the re
sult. We have on two occasions, at least;
raised the amount of money asked of us to
build a Madibut owing to the defection of
others, tve have thus far failed. The com
mit* appointed at, the recent railroad
meeting having learned wisdom 'from the
past; want to know 'whether the corpora- ,
don can give good guanustees to track up
what they propose.. This is a right :step
and will save us frowmaking a useless•
subscription, or from being swindledniit
of one when we have made it. We hope
the . consmitteis will, as soon as consistent
with their proceedings, lay the whole mat-.
&ter before the public: in such a manner as
shall make all enthusiasticrailroiders.—
What we desire, ilk ,tolnge our people to
fail into line, so that when the time comes
to issue the order "Forward—March," all
will be ready to do: their part. , 'Do this,
and the railroad is a reality.
.Xliere, are
no less than three companies ail] . 4ing to
make our Places, point, and if we do not
secure one of then the fault is Our own. A
home market is always beet for the farm
er: To make Chem dirket" we must
encourage anddevelope our ' merinfactim
ing interests.' Nothing is more needed
her to
_accomplish this developement• than
raid facilities., Don; be toe .avari
cioas,tooLselish. give, at ktast; the similes
of your bounteninces ciauSci, not
for your oAim sake, for the-sake 4 your
neighbor:. • •• • -,•• &Emmons.
'"icinah painting the &rake Of a house.
in Hartford, fell frOin a ladder; and .it.was'
sappesed that' he was ha* hint Imme-,
diatelyafter,the-fidl a y6Fng man ram to;
the store to, info the painter .of,the,nas-f
'fortune that haa,tiv.eitalmii, his Workman.
dower the - . iind 'with the; ruling pas.
sion still Strong withinlim; "asked- anxi
ouslz, "Da he spill his paint ?". • •
A Frencli priest, who: had "usually a
small congregation, was one daypreach
ing at the church in Ids village, when the
doors being Open, a gander and"several
geese cantalleng lip the middle' -aisle.
'the preacher;: availing himself et-the
circumstance, observed that he uld ,no
longer find faulewith thepeo for' non
sittendance, because l : though • ey . did not
come themselves, they sent their repre
Why is the letter D like a sailor.? , Be.
cause it followS the a
/,‘ •
Artimati!at Twen ty-One.
When yourig,girl reaches the age of
15 0r.16 :yam, ihe•beginalithitile of the
mysteriOns liiibjeorolvalitiiitionyl a State '
the delights of which her youthffil -bnag
inationLahadoinsforthinibemostf-CaPt •
ing forms. It is made the topic •of light
and incidental discOurse among her corn
panicles,' and it is recurred to - with int:rear-
mg inte rest' every time it is brought upoir
the tapir. When she grows a little older;
she ceases to smatter about matrininny,
and thinks moreintently onthe al-impor
tant subject. It ou
hy . day, her dreams by night, and she pie
"tures to herself the felicity of being wed
ded to the youth of Whom she cherishes a
secret, but consuming llime: 5h, 681 /2 3
herself in the mirrer,and; as it gene 7
"tells a flattyrinitide," she tarns from it
with a pleasing conviction,tbat her beauty
will enable her to. complex the , heart ofthe
mostabdUrate and , that whoever else may
die in a state of "single blessedness," she
isfdestined to become,•ere many years roll
by, a happy bride.
From the age of ld to 20 is "the ,very
witching time" of female life. During that ,
period the female heart is more suscepti- ,
ble to the soft and tender influences oflove
fair readers to say, whether, if inclination
_wasalone,tonsultAidinthehusiiiesst, more -
marriages would not take place during the
ticklish season, than in any by which it is
preceded or followed.. It is the grand
climax oflOve; and she who passes it,
without entering into the state matrimony,
may chance to pass several 'years of her
life ere she is caught in the meshes of gy
men. The truth 14 that the majority of
women begin to be more thoughtful when
they,have turned the age of twenty. The
giddiness of the girl gives place to the so
briety of the woman. Frivolityis succe,ed
ed by reflection ; and reason reigns where
passion previously held undisputed sway..
The care and Are anxieties of life press
themselvesmory palpably ? they tend to
en-the-effect orthe_sasglime_autic"-
ration of• led fecility in • the mar- ,
riagestate,_whi e-o irmiliad formed in
its youthful day-dreaMS: ` In short, to use
a common phrase, let worm after 20, look
before they leap. _ ,
in our own hap ii:
pendent one ,upon
It is a universal statement universally ,
disbelieied. I have searched the graves
of twenty graveyards, and not a marble'
slab or shaft, plainly wrought, or. 'chisel
ed in costly : design, bore this immortal..
assertion. I hays prayed above a ,hun-,
.dred coffins, and watched the.thent of • the'
mourners anxiously; not one betrayed a
knowledge of this sentence.' I have:nar
ried a bright face to the funeral chamber
'and spolmn-the*OrdS oreheerful faith ;
and men'havelnarveled, revealing their
scepticism then. surp •I. have •
found it latopersuade men that death ,
-is sunrise ;'•:but when' I compare the con-.
'ditions of this' liferwith those of the next;.
when I.set the body sensual over againSt;
the beitY.spiritual, the. mind in bondage
;over against the mind emlincipated`,4m
nave hewed' yself over the white face
:beautiful as it lay in deep, unruffiedrieiee
and remembered how passionate : and pain-,
fa vaii,the stoeid beside -the
dying„hearCtlieir- murtaured„ wurds
wonder, their , exclamation of rapture, and'
seen a, light, unt4:thiti world, fall apon'
their faces as theftnuched.the margin of,
the great change, ivluive. said, "Death,
thou•artia: H. H. idur-
FORTY YEARS AGor—Forty years ago
literaturemeaat learning; and was support-.
noby commonsense., nonsense had
no advocates, and was - tirett.y generally°
kickednut of doors.
Forty years ago young of the first
reSpeetabilitk learned musica4ifit - 3iii
the music of the spiiinirigwh'eelmid-learn4
ed the necessary: steps of dancing in
lowing it..;. Their piano forte was Eti
their parasol a bre . om . . handle, and their
novels • -
Forty years ago-the' young 'gentlemen
hoed. coin, chopped wood at the, dnor,-and
,went , ton school m the.winter. to learn read- -
ing„writirig_and arithmetic . .. .
Forty years ago there were such thuko
as balls in the summer,. and ..few in - ' the
Winter exo-9ptsonwballs. ' - ;T.
Forty *la tigo if a mechanic prOpoSecl ti
do you , mrk, you might_depen4 on' hia
word; it would be don& :.
Forty years ago, whenii .-ineeharikerrin
ished his work he was paid farit:•-;-....
Forty years-ago printoni . wore-taid, and
were therefore enabled to , pay their;debti.
What a falling _off!' . " -
Some.gentlemen called upon an old wo-
Man, and:inquired if she' bad "a• bibte..ear
She Otta very angry at being asked aucba
qttestion, and replied— • , - .. •
`!Do you think, gentlemen, that I
a heathen, that you sak me such
:" `• Then, calling to The little girl, she-tard
.z.—" Run and fetch the Bible out of. the
drawer, that I may show pit to the *Ellie
—They desired abe I would :art tako,,tho
trotible, but - she insisted that they should
- Nee she was not a heathen," *Metalling
ly the Bible was brought; hieelyleoliered';
on, openiatit, the . old womaaexelaimed:
."Well, how glad ' I tuiCthat you caned
and asked . ' me, about the Bible 1 - 'li/ere
are my 'spectacles I I luiyo gooking
for them these' three' yell, and did not
know where to find
"John," said a poverty:stricken - num to
his son, "I've made all my will to-day."
replied John. ." . You*ere liber
al to me,
no doh t ." •
' "Yeq,John,l. .eitne'r'dibvin handsome.
I've willed you the whble-ate of
to make a living in, with the prnil
edge of going elsewhere if you cant
~,.; ;..
0,0) oat TEAR
EniMß 3.
"To Die is Gain. 7