r C " I 4U 1 I 'IV 5 r. lit ovwt gvcpuMifua. it runusnuD every tuehday, b, W, R, DUIIN, XTloe In llnox's Ruildingi Streat. TEUMS, 82.00 A YEAR. JTo Snbaerlpllnns received for a shorter period Uiim lliroo itioin list. Corresuondcnen solicited from nil parts of tho country. No nflttce will bo taken of timmymmm communications. Marriages and Death notices Inserted gratis. business directory. TIONKSTALODGE.NO. 477, I. O. Of. T. Teett every Wednesday evening, at 8 IU o clock. W. It. DUNN, W. C. T. M. W. TATK, W. H. a. wwtom rarria. milks w. tat. PETTIS & TATK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, JtMSlrtrt, TIONESTA, FA. Isaac Ash, TTOTtNEY AT LAW. Oil City, Pa. 11 will practice in the various Courts of f orest i:onniv. All nusiness enirumuu hi lali car will receive prompt attention, , ia ly W. K. Latlvy, TTOTtNEY AT LAW AND SOLICI- n. TOll IN DAW K II I I TUT, Mloneste, forest Co., Pa., will practice In Clarion, Vcnaniro and Warren Counties. Olllce on Elm Street, two doora above lwrence's grocery store. . W. W. Mason, A TTORNEY AT LAW. omee on Elm I X. Street, above Walnut, Tionoata, ra. C. W. Glinilan, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Kranklln, Ve- A nango Co., l a, ir. N. B. Smiley, A TTORNEY aT LAW. Petroleum Cen- XV. tre. Pa. Will practice iu the several Courts or Forest Oounty. .ta-iy Holmes House, HMONESTA. PA., opposite tlie Depot. x C. I). Mahlo. Proprietor, uooa nta- blinR connected with tho houae. tf. Jos. Y. Saul, riRACTIf'AL Harness Maker and Sad- i dler. Three doors north of Holmes House, Tionenta, Pa. All work ia war ranted. tf. Syracuse House, rniDIOUTr.PA.. J. A D Maokk. Pronle- X tors. The houso has been thoroughly retlttetl and Is now in the first-class ordor, with -the best of accommodations. Any formation concerning Oil Territory at this nolnt will be cheerrullv nirnlNfied. -ly J. AD. MAUKE, Exchange Hotel, LOWER TIDIOUTE, Pa., D.'S. Rams liEist. A Ho Prop's. Thin houae having lmen mil ted is now tho mostdosirablestop- ring place in Tidiouto. A good Billiard loom attuchod. 4-ly National Hotel, TRVINETON. PA. W. A. TIallenback. Propriotor. This hotel is Nkw, and Is .ow open aa a first class house, situate at re Junction of tho Oil Creek A Allegheny Hivcrand Philadelphia Erin Kail roads, DiKtsite the Depot. Parties having to lay ver traina will lind this tho most conven er t hotel in town, with first-class aeeonv todstions and reasonable charges, u. TifTt Sons & Co.'s TVTEW ENGINES. The undersigned have 1 1 for sale and will reecivo orders for the altnve Kiieinc. Messrs. Ti 111 Sons & to. are now sending to this market their 13 Hoine Power Engine with 14-Horse Power Holler peculiarly adapted to deep wells. OpricKH at Duncan A Chulfunt'a, dealers In Well Fixtures. Hardware. Ac. Main St. next door to Chase House, Pleasantvillo, and at Mansion House, Titusville. tf. K. DUETT fc SON, Agents. Joh.r K- Hallock, A TTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor of A PatentH.No. hiU ) rench etrcetinpponlle Ueod House) Erie, Pa. Will pnvtico in thesiverul SUtto Courts and the United titatts Courts. tSpeciul attention rivcn to aolicitirs patents for Inventors ; inlrinsro- mcnt ro-issue and extension of patents .,urnill v uUoMilcl to. ltolerenccs: Hon cuvefullv attended to. ltolerenccs: Hon. James Camubell. Clarion: Hon. John Vct'almont, Franklin: II. L. A A. H Itichmoud. Mcadville: W. E. Lath-. Ti oiiAta. 2 7 Dr. J. L. Aconb, DHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, who lias I had fifteen years' experience in a larpe I ana micceasiui prm-tico, win anenn un Professional Culls. Oil ice in his Drupe and Grocery Htore, located in Tidiouto, near Tidioute Houso. IN HIS STORE WILL BE FOUND A full asuortment of Medicinoa, I.innors Tobacco. Ciirura. Stationery. Glass, Paints, Oile; Cutlery, and tine Groceries, all of the beat quality, and will be sold at reasonable rated. II. R. BURGESS, an experienced Di-ntr- aiNtfroiii New "York, has charge of the 'Store. All proscriptions pui up accurately. ti. W. P. Mercilliott, Attorney at I., aw. AND JIKAI ESTATK AGEXT. -TIONESTA, PA. S7-tf s . . . JOHN A. DALE, fHLI T. ,w SNA. PROPER, VICE RRkT. A. H. STEELE, CASUi. TIOHESTA SAVINGS BANK, y. Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa. , Thin Bank tranaaiUi a General Banking, Collcctinj; and Exchange Business. Diutta on tliu Principal Cities of the UniU'd Slates and EuroH! bought and sold. Gold and Silytr tiiin and Government (Securities non-U and anld. 7-30 Bonds innvortod on tho iuot favorablo terms. Interest allowed ou liuiu deposits. Mar. 4, tf. DR. J. N. BO LARD, of Tidiouto, lias returiiKd to his practica aitur uu ab sence of four mouths, spent in tho Hospi tals of New York, where will uiUmd alls in his profession. Ullici in Eureka Drug Store, M door tVwe Die hauk, Tidioute, Pa. 4ltf j 'Vuinetliiiif; ttrpontly needed by evctybody " - and examine, ' or sail. pies (sent postage p.iid v.." ! ' i 'hiit ro'jiil nusily lor fin. It. L- W-..l'co ii chytirut V, Y. Forest " Let ua have Faith VOL. III. NO. 4G. GREAT EXCI TFMENT ! at thC3tore of D. S. KNOX, & CO., Elm St., ionesta Ta. VT are in dally receipt o the aiftart and Mt)ST COMPLKTE atock and rnovjsioH, EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET BOOTS & SHOES ! TOR TUB MILLIONS! which we are determined to sell regardless of prices. AND Ilonse Furnishing Goods, Iron, Nails, Machine tools, Agricultural ImpleinenU, Ac, Ac,, Ac, which we offer at greatly re duced prlcee. FURNITURE! FURNITURE ! I of all kinds, TARLORSCITS, CHAMBER SETS, LOUNGES, WUATNOTS, BPRINS BEUS, MATRESSES, LOOKING GLASS ES, Ac, Ac, Ac, In ENDLESS VARIETY. Call and see, 7-tf D. S. KNOX, A CO. GENTS WANfKD Eolt THE X LIBRARY OK POETRY AND K()(i, The handsomest and cheapest work extent. It has so. jotliin in it of the best for overv one, for tho old, the mid ille-nired and theyouni; and must become universally popular. Execptiiiirtho Bible this will bo the book most loved nnd the n,ost f,-t1U0nti v relorred'to in the liimilv. i;v(,rv .!lgft ,, pBssed under the critical ..v . ....... I eye of tho .Tout iioet. WM.tULWSS UKVAM'. Itiire chance lor best au'ents. The only book of its Kind ever sold by subscription. Send at once for circulars, Ac, to Cil'.O. AlACLKA-N, 1'ulilislicr, 30-4t 71'J Suuboiu St., Phllarlelphia, Pa. SEASON OF 18T0-71. MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS. Important Improvements. Tatent June 21st and August 23d, 1870. REDUCTION OF PRICES. The Mason A Hamlin Orpan Co., have tho pleasure of iiniiouncimt important im provements in their Cabinet Organs for w hich Patents were planted them in June and AiiKuat last, Tbese are not merely meretricious attachments, but enhance the substantial exeellonee of the iustruniunts. T hey are also enabled by Increasod facil ities a largo new manufactory, they hope hereafter tosuply all orders promptly. The Cabinet Organs made bv this Com pany aro of such universal reputation, not j only inrougnoui America, mil aiso in i.u ropn, that few w ill ueod asuraueo of their suieriority. They now offer Four Octavo Cabinet Or gans, In quite plain cnses.but equal accord ing to thei r capacity to unj thing they make tor t-'A) CB4-li. The same, Dotib'e Ried, tiW, Five Oc tave HuaMe Keel Organs, Five Stops, with fltune swell and Tremulant, in elegant ease Willi- several of tho Mason and Hamlin improvements, $123. The same Extra with new Vox Humana, Automatic Swell etc., (loO. Five Octavos, tliree seta Iteeils, seven stops with Euphono; asplundid in struiuents, &'1X A new illustrated catalogue with full information, and repuced prices, is now ready, and wil bo sent free, With a testi monial circular, presenting a great mass of evidence as to tlia superiority of these in struments, to any one sending his address to MASON A HAMLIN OKU AN CO., 154 Treinont Street, Boston, os UM Broadway, N. Y. aot 4.00 P. M. Freight and Accommodation daily. Bv 1!kv. T. Db Witt Talmauk, The most Popular Preacher in Ainerlra. Agents wai.ted everywhere, male or le male, to wll tins great work, is better than Mark Twain, and no trouble to sell. Big I'n.iits. Send for terms and Illustrated M page circular, Kvun, Sto.Mart A Co., Pub- i.shers, No. 740 Ransom bt., Philadelphia. that Right makes Might ; and TIONESTA, PA., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1871. Subscription to M. E. Church. We published last week the names of tlioso who subscribed at dedication, money for the use of the new M. E. Church. A list of all who have sub sribed has been handed us, which wo publish below : G. S. Hunter A. Dewoody J. Winans M. W. Tate C. D. Mabie J. S. Shad duck T. F. Simmons D. O. Hunter O. J Philley J. P. Siggins Mary and Addie Roberts $250 100 100 100 50 20 60 25 10 50 100 5 5 25 20 20 W. W. Dimond S. D. Irwin Mrs. S. S. Rulings O. W. Sawyer J. Fiuhcr VV. J. Roberts 10 D. S. Knox . L. Davis 100 10 15 50 25 50 100 A. II. Tartridge Polly Hunter W. Dawson V. P. Mercilliott James McKay T. B. Maze 5 Jacob Zents . 5 Jacob Mazo 6 J. Y. Saul 5 J. B. Wyant 10 J. S. Hood 1 50 V. B. Ilarland 10 David Hays 10 W. II. Butler 5 J. B.Agnew 25 A. II. Steele 25 Jacob Weuk 8 W. E. Lathy 15 William Hood 20 William Lawrence 15 James Savage 5 J. D. Rulings 5 J. W. Strotip 5 Benj. May 20 J. B. Meehling 5 E. W. Smiley 40 J. N. Teitsworth 25 Morris Rathburu 10 Charles Hiutou 10 P. O. Convcr 10 G. Jamison 25 Nancy Dawson 10 Isaac Dawson 10 I. C. Siggins 50 William Hunter, Sr. 100 Sarah Hunter 50 H. II. May 150 A D. Weller 5 W. W. Thomas 10 John A. Dale 10 P. D. Thomas 25 Jacob Shriver 10 Daniel Black 5 J. R. Strotip 10 Catharine E. Gillespie 25 L. L. Hackett 25 J. McElhaney, Sr. 15 J. McElhauey, Jr. 10 J. G Gear 10 C. Campbell 3 J. Martin 3 L. Iliggans 3 J. Pool 5 Willis Butler 5 L. II. Davis 25 N. H. Siggins 10 F. Monday 5 S. Whiten 1 Seldon Whitman 1 George Ke, r 1 S.J.Wolcolt 10 Total, $2,2G5. All those knowing themselves in debted on the above subscription are requested to jy in the money to Ij. S. Knox, at his Htore, as it is now duv. There being sumo mistakes and omissions in the list of thoso who sub scribed during the dedication, we re publish the list,' corrected. The money unpaid in the following list ia due ou or before the first of Juue: John Pat ton, Rev. R. R. Roberts, Mrs. M. W. Tate, Mrs. J. G. Dale, S. J. Wolcott, J. G. Dale, for grading, Joseph Grove, Mrs. J. Wintins, Samuel Clark, Mrs. R. R. Roberts, Dr. J. Wiuaos, J.P. Sigyqs, i E.L. Davia, j Mrs. S. S. Burton, $50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 20 20 10 10 10 J0lm A. Dale, ?UB in that Faith lot us to tho end, daro do our duty aS we understand Thos. McGill, 10 Wat ts B. Lloyd 10 A. C. Torter, 10 Peter Lovcl, 10 Mrs. T. B. Cobb, T 10 Mr. & Mrs. II. II. Stow, 10 Mrs. S. J. Wolcott, 10 S. J. Setley. 10 Mrs. John A. Dale, 5 O. P. Alsbach, . A Mrs. J. N. Teitsworth, 5 E. M. McMichael 5 Jas. II. Fonef, 5 P.M.Clark, 2 N. G. Ball, 2 J. R. Stroup, 0 Mrs. Geo. Haslett, 1 Mrs. Neal, 5 Mrs. G. S. Hnnter, fi Mrs. Wm. White, 5 Mrs. J. R. Stroup, 2 Mrs. S. Lewis, 2 Mrs. llilands, 5 Mrs. D. Robb, 5 Mrs. Jaue GilGilao, 5 D. Rays, " 2 Ella Rays, 3 A. Weber, 2 M. Carpenter, 3 N. II. Siggiul, - 2 M. Reese, 2 Capt. Ferry, 1 John Siggins, 1 Wm. Y. Siggins, 5 Mrs. A. B. Kelley, 2 Mrs. A. II. Partridge, 5 Mrs. C. D. Mabic, 5 Mrs. G. W. Sawyer, 1 Mrs. S. S. Hulings, 5 Mrs. R. R. Roberts, 2 Mrs. N. G. Ball, 5 Miss Mary Dawson, 1 Mrs. Harriet Dimond, 3 Miss Julia Noble, 2 Rachael 11. Gilfillan, 5 Mrs. Thcs. McGill, 2 Alex. Dale, 2cc Total, $578.25 A Sailor's Description of a Dance Haven't had any fun with the land lubbers till Thursday night.at a dance. When I arrived in the cabin found 'em uuder way on a Spanish dance. Took my station in line with Susan Tucker Jell back and tilled, then shot ahead two fathoms hauled up on tho star board tack to let another crait pass and came stern on another sail, spoke her, nnd bore round against the sun, and fell in with another sail in full clmse. Passed twenty sail on same course, aud when half across to the shore, drop astern fell back couldnt fill, so let po anchor and hauled up for repairs. Next tinio 1 was drawn into the current by a cowtillion, but didn't make much headway shoti head with Betsy Stark, and sailed over to the other coast. Took a turn opposite ran abreast twice towards other oralis, and back astern again moved round to starboard past ucar partner's lights, and made sail to berth. Third time ran into port with the tin no of the tempest, the Yankee tar's faveritc. Proceeding along up coast nccording to the regular order of sailing bore ahead again rounded to then pass ing adversary yard arm by ynrd arm, lucked astern with tho whole squadron, in circular order of sailing. Sally, Jones all the time maneuvering and making signals when under full saiby Filially a n chord after a heavy squall. Armstrong RuN.-From a gentleman who paid the Armstrong Run oil ter ritory a recent v'uh we learn the following iu regard to the wells in that vicinity: James well No. l.iapuping 25 barrels per day; James well No 2 is claimed to bo yielding CO barrels, our reporter thinks it is not yielding near that amount; the old Jenning well, 80 barrels; Meldeu lieservewell flowing 150 barrels per day. This well has been terpedoed tw ice. Tho lirst Ume it flmvr ed between three and four hundred Lu.- rels ot oil and then eased producing ; (U,r.lone of casiigation '"Liel, I've entirely. A second torpedo, hirgerC(, t0 brin .. u., ft d,.eell, nnd than the lust, was then expioovii. una the well again vominonced to flow, it iuim .. ....... a..u uiijr are goring ctuj,bounU on holiday I - barrels daily. Our informant counted T,,e ,.Jum.e f ,ie interview was of 38 derricks up or tu V4n.i4 fctages I a stri(,,fy private and domestic charuc of completion. At icustof these, wells ter uot U) e .iroraiied by publication, drilling has commenced and several But to this day 'Liel U no good singU. aro nearly finished. All the oil pro-1 . . : duced is stored iu wooden tanks at the An Egyptian editoa, proposes a euro wells, as fast as ono tank is filled an- for the curuivcrous pr -pciisitiea of the other one being put up. This is made terrible "nian-eatcr" tiger. lie tcll.s uecessarv us there is no in. nns of com- a story of a tiger cub, which is in tho mimical ion with the A.V. R. R. across the river, the pipe lines only running down to the river edgn. Oil operators in that vicinity anticiimto s lively times the coming spring. I'd. Ceetdte lUc-ord. Clara Louise Kellogg rode through M-homet Ali, who, he siiys, used to Pennsylvania, on a locomotive, and have a t:inio tiger, to which he regular rung t'l.ehcll ut the ciossiiig just like ly hauiWI over his hookah after enjoy a man. The engineer says whenever i"g his mm after diiiuersedalive. The she gets nut of a job i'lging, all she has uniinal wait.-l patiently for lib turn, to do is to come to hi.n and s ie cuu und then pufl'eJ away with great gusto have a job firing ou the engine. He And he assures ut ihut smoking tigers like the way th a be-ll rin. I do not devour humni being. f in a Humorous. We take tho following from the Ed itor's Drawer in Harper's Magaz!ne,fur March : Humors of tiie Scaffold. An Irishman had been convicted of a rob bery of the Old Bailey sessions, for which ho was brought up, with others, to receive judgment of death. The rloiicT, on being called on by tho officer of the court in tho usual way to declare hat he had to say why sentence of death should not be passed upon him, advanced to the front of the dock, w ith a Vncaht stare, and inquired,' "What was the question; "You have been convicted of rob. bcry. What have you to say why sen tence of death should not bo passed upon )ou according to law? "Faith," answered the prisoner, "I have nothing much to say, except that do not think 1 am sale in your hands." The court laughed ; sentence was pasted, and the prisoner was about to retire, when the otneer oi tue court called him back and demanded to know his age. Is it my age ye mane I "What is your age?" "I believe I am pretty well as ould as ever I'll be." A train the whole court was "convuls ed with laughter;" but the wretched man, whose mirth-movmg powers were quite involuntary, was loomed even at the scaffold to "set the people ill a roar. In the press-room his irons were removed, and his arms confined with cords. This beins done, ho seat ed himself, nnd in spite of the calls of Jack Ketch aud ot the slierilla to ac company them in tne procession to the ftcaltold, he remained sullenly on the bench where he had taken up his post iton. "Come," at lust urged the hangman, "the time is arrived. But the Irishman would not move "The officers are waiting for you,' said the sheriff. "Can any thing be done for you before you quit this world ?" No answer was returned. Jack Ketch grew surly. "If von won't go, I must carry you,' he eaid "Then you mar," said the prisoner, "for 1 11 not walk." "Why not?" inquired a sheriff. "I'll not be instrumental to my own death, answered the prisoner. "What do you mean?" asked the or dinarv. "W'hat do I mane?" retorted the hapless man ; "I tiitiue that I'll not walk to my own destruction. And in this determination he persist ed, nnd was carried to the scafibld where he was turned off, refusing to do any thing which might be construed into "his being a party to his own death." HOW IT SOUNDF-U IN THE GARRF.T. "As true ns the first ot John,"vri.tes an Ohio correspondent, U tho follow ing : Eliel Calkins . lives in the villaea of , 'Liel ia no singist, for 'Liel's musical ellorts were discouraged iu their first timid ventures. Besides, he had tocommenco farther back than most folks. His first essay resulted in breaking up a Sunday-school "in a row;" and this resulted in tho "old man"pereniptorily ordering the abash ed 'Liel to attend singing-school. 'Liel went, but on tho first night discreetly kept silent, wholly absorbed in obser ving how others surmoun'ed the diffi culties which environ "Days of Ab sence," and in endeavoring to note, for future use, "tho lick it waa done with." On the following Sabbath 'Liel tooV bio "Missouri Harmony," aud re paired to the attic to practice. He had about arrived at the conclusion that ho was worrying no little melody out of that "hyiiie," when he heard a stealthy atep on the stairs. Looking nervously around, he beheld the failing cw of the "old mail" looking "hick ory withe"' at him. lie likewise heard ; i. .!.. i .1 i : . a Vinn in mm less iiiumuui mail ins own di.tt"roaking. V'Lii-h" excluiined the "old nuijj," In m . v nnut n I ii t inn Willi un nil. . mrul ,,t . ftml W,1C V()U otljj,, , t() )v jres!ij fr meeting,' hero W habit ot smoking up nil his muslr s cigar stumps. He secures them as they aro thrown away, and alter Ins master l as retired to lieu -gets a ngia iioin the kitchen, ami enjoys a quiet smoke I every night. In buck this story, tho I Al'riciin , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 i : f . fells iiliiittier ,it it."--LINCOLN. $2 PER ANNUM. How She Did It. The Lawrence A mcrican tells the fol lowing ktory : A gentleman passing down Magazine etreet a few days fcince, was astonished ns he went by a window to see ft nair of rosv lins suddenly pressed against the glass nnd a pair of flasiiinp; blew eyes looking unmis takable love at him through the window. It was not in the nnture of man to resist such an appeal as' this, and lifting his hat courteously, ho inquired: "I beg your pardon, but do von wish to kiss me." The lady had evidently been mistaken. She mistook huu for somebody else, and fled incontinently from the room. The centlemnn went on his way; but that same night was introduced to the lady at a ball. It is needless to say that they recogniled each other. After the usual courteous expressions of a first acquaintance, the gentleman in quired if the lady was fond of kissing. Oh, not at all, he said, "but my lips aro very fevership, and of cold mornings I sometimes press thrm against the window panes to chill them." an -i Franklin's Loan. The following letter was written bv Dr. Franklin white at Paris, and was communicated by the person who re ceived it to the person by whom it wus originally published : April TI, 1(84. I rend you herewith a bill for ten Louisd'or; I do not pretend to give such a sum, 1 only lend it to you When you" shall return to your coun try you cannot fail of getting into some business that will in time enable you to pay all your debts. In that case when you-meet with another hon est man in similar distress, you ruiibt pay me by lending this sum to hi in, en joining him to discharge the debt by a like operation w hen he Bhall be able, and shall meet with such another op portunity. I hope it may thus go through many hands before it meets with a knave to stop its progress. This is a trick of mine for doing a deal of good with a little money. 1 am not rich enough' to afTord much in good work, and so am obliged to be earning and make the most of a little. Pretty girls, unless they have wise mothers, are more educated by the op posite sex than their own. Put them where you will, there is always some mail busying themselves in tlicir in struction ; and the burden of niascu liue teaching is gencmlly about the eame, and might be stereotyped as fol lows: "You don't need to be or do anything. Your business in l.fe is to look pretty aud amuse us. You dou't need to study , you knew all by na ture that a woman Deeds to know. The only sense you need is lovely nonsense. You urc, by virtue of being a pretty woman, superior to anything we can teach you ; aud we wouldn't, for 'the world, have you anything but whut you are. A Western editor, on entering his oflieo and seeing his apprentice boy cutting 8om queer capcrs.called out to him : "Jim, what are you doing on the floor?" "Whv, sir, I have had a shock." "A shook ?" "Yes," "What kind of a shock?" "Why, sir," said the bid, gasping, "one of your subscribers came in dur ing your absence said he owed for two year's subscription paid' it and also paid another year in advance." A little fellow, some four or five years old, aud who had never seen a negro, was greatly pcrr'lexed ono day v hen one came to where he and his father WffgjeKTtie youngster eyed the stronger "suspiciously til. he .had pass ed, nnd "lEiiS.Sce'd his father : "l',-ho painted that mau all black so?" ' "God diil", my son," replied the fath er?" "Well," sa.l tho little one. still looking nt b Iicl Jo,"I shouldn't tho't he'd a hAJ still- A ('Jcrj yi:iiiioeting a little boy of his 'arj-.KiaJJ-e aid : "This is quite tlnrmf'Ciay, my son ?" "Yes, sir," in -a the boy, "fins is quire a wet rum. iho clergyman, thinking to rebuke such hyperbole, asked it he knew of any other thau wet rain. "I nevir knew personally of any other," said the boy. "but I have rend in certa'm book of a time uhen it rained fire and brimstone, and I guess that was not a wet rain." A woman went to a circus in Terra Haute Indiana, accompanied by eleven children, and wl en ashed w here the old niuii was, said he wus tit home taking care id' the children. Another neighbor called at the house, and seeing tho obi man trying to amuse nine young ones, asked i hero tho old liiov was. Ho said he let her go to ihe circus with tho children. A iniMintaineer with two thousand aud five dollar.-, coiul ailed tho l...i:sc of la i a iu Kansas City till he had eiily five dollars left, lie lit a cigar with that uu t coolly walked back to V-nTor. . natc3 of Aclvcrti.Vi-'. Our .Square (1 inch,) one inser'.ior. f Ore S,,,!!rC " In '1l''i One S iiiitra -"- i!""- ti'M!'i . One S-1 -.tare " "lie ;" ar - J' Two Sqo-" -cs, en"1 yir '.: rU:t C"U " V' Unit- " " OlIO 11 .100 Bnsinc!' Cfirils, rtM exceeding one In - i In length, t? 10 per year. l.c,;al notk-osntcsiablislivd rates, These rates aro low, and no dovlnti n, vill bo liulde, or discrimiTiatinn r-ivn: I ntrons. 'J lie rales ottered are such, in wiil uiiike it to tim ndvauMgoof in.-uu a & business in the limits of tlm circulation t tne 1'iiper to advertise liberally. i imwimiii.iiiii.1 iiiwuiilfifr , ' Miscellaneous. Wasting Time Hugging the girlf ! None but the brave dispute the far.. - When is a penny like a hermit! When it's a loan (.alone). When is a black dog not a black dog? When it's a greyhound. A chime of bells in Milwaukee is in scribed: "Iu memory of Minnie J Hodge weight 724 pounds." Briny. Young women often keep their lovers by tears. "Ye8," saysi Grumwig, "love, like beef, is preserved by brine, A Califoria jury in a suicide ca.e lately found the following verdict: "We, the jury find that the deceased was a tool. Rapped Up. Physicians are pro verbially absent-minded, and the rea son is obvious they are often rapped up in their profession. To-morrow.-A French barber'n sign reads thus, "To-morrow the pub lie will be shaved gratuitously." Of course it is always "to-morrow." jot likely. A Southern editor has had his 'pistol stolen. lie advertises to give the thief the coutents, and no questions asked, if he will return ii. An old lady heard about the strike of the wire drawers in Worcester. Mass., and said that of all new fangh d things, wire drawers must be the queer CBt. A Chicago merchant caught some body getting in his window, and chopped oirsomo fingers that ho saw on the sill. Tho burgling ceased, soouly. Sawdust pills, says an old physician, would effectually cure many of tho diseases with which mankind is alllict cd, if every patient would make his ow n sawdust. RulofT, the murderer, condemned to be hung at Binghamtou, is employ ing his time in writing essnys to a pa per in that eity on the subject of an cient and modern languages. "What aro you doing there?" in quired Jack, of Tom, as he caught him peering through the keyhole. "What's that to you?" said Tom, "I don't like to eee a person prying into- other people 8 business. A lady who has been rending law is in the most fearful and agonizing doubts regarding tho legality of her married condition. She says, "Lotte ries are illegal, and marriage is the greatest lottery in life!" A baristcr blind of ono eye, plead ing with his spectacles on, said : "Gen tlemen, in my argument I shall uso nothing but what is necessary." "Then," w hispered a wag, "take one of your glasses out of your spectacles." A physician being asktd by a pa tient if he thought spiaits now and then would hurt him much, replied, "I do not kuow that a little occasionally would hurt you much ; but if you don't take any, it won't hurt you at all." A part of the roof of the Rail road bridgc.at this place.was blown off last week. A heavy wind was blow ing at the time, but not so strong as it had previously blown. It was a whirl wind thut did tho mischief. Warren Ledger. Jones, says the Boston Journal. whoveara his pocket-book on the left, not 'only lets not right hand know what his left hand doetii, but goes fur ther he dot not let his left hand do any thing for fear his right hand msyr know it, Mr. Scrauton, proprietor of the Scranton liepullican, was sued for libel by John Jess up, lor saying that the latter' house was none of the best.. The case was tried at Wilkesberrc last week, aud resulted in a verdict of ac quittal, tho State bearing the costs. A young rrjarried lady being applied to for a situation by a servaut-giil,she asked : "Why did you'leave your last placo,?" Why, you see, ma'am," re plied the girl, "1 was too good-looking; and wheu 1 opeued the door the gen tlemen always took me fjr the missis." The life of an editor is not always free from care. They have to stand this up in Newnan, Gu.: "Come and look, mother," said a little boy, "there goes an editor." "My sou, you should not make sport of the poor man ; you cannot tell to w hat extremity you may come." Vharlfituit t'oihicr. The New York Tribune says: "Ono hears ofcxtrvugant prices paid by the iniignzjfle lor literary articles, but the prices are usallv exaggerated or imaginary. The best rate giveu by thrt 'A3nij fvi n to such eminent and lavorito eunti iiiiitors as I loin. ... croon and Lowell, is 52;. t'. general price fi r nitigaziuo unifies U rarely mure thau SlUU." f Aini'hrl ad his neighbor arrested under the char;: nf stealing wheat from his mill, but being tumble to sub stantiate the charge by pnu.f.the court ndjUilcid that the niilier should i; al o acknowledgement to tho accused. 'Well," says l.e, "I hand you arrcsL'd far stealing my wheat. I can't prove if, and I am orry for i' "