The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, August 14, 1872, Image 1

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'IVnns of I'ubUcation.j
Tb Scasrsst Herald
nn M-rnla at i .
I. !.:ii4i.-!"'-l
. r aunuix t1 1"'
''".' ' "" .ginned all ar;..,r.M,iJPTi(o ni lktwuhfir;
?'rjLlrT rv.c.vl.1 fr-m one Prt..ffl to an-.
' - - ' 4.
Herald. '
Sa-nerset Printing Company,
Ji H1X I. M.TLL.
I!nu- Xinm
; . li ijirw in laMar in that State, viz ;
six per cent per annum. He worked
; 'another year, clothed himself in neat
Kentucky jeans ami other cheap but
' " T rieat articles of '"apparel, and went to
! a country school the months in the
' winter of that year, anl learned the
' 'rudiment of Latin and something
! of the hijrher branches of mathemat
! lira, workin? for a prosperous and
; liberal farmer, evening and morn in 7.
to par Ms hoard; and at the end of
jtL second year, or woea he wa.
, eiirbtrr ti rears of aire, be had nlnety
.1 Ji4,ari rtmp. ; Hi character for
zr integrifyaad industry began to be
j better known in tne neighborhood, ana
NO. i). i rvi i were lought Lr.
i ir. worked on a farm and rode a.
r for trading men and the
met urroun.hiiif
ol.l plaer. a tew d.T rait
n..v. K. "71.
I. M klMMF.L will e .mfmle to pra.-tie
', .ml tender hi nnd' -mui1 ervl-
1 iii1 .-iriT.eii.. ol'r-.'t
, die .;!!' HuW.
a i - II l 1 H. K XT7 ATTI !KN FY AT
Viw M,m -ret. l'a i.I iive prompt atien-
" ' . . ...... . . l in. Mn in s.imiri4
tu.-in.-." r"l,u'' 7
Ml!1." roUniH.'. I'UilT 1U Hie .1.111
I.t 4-tL
l. 11 t'
:.,.( T i 1
1 il.tiin.'
nr H rn' K VKKK Im.lT lac .rif.-lim:U
'.n wtlM- :itm of NjomtmI and vn-in-c
.m. i' in K-.-uloii.-c f Aw "I tho lUr-!
;,:H-. "" , .'' ... j
1 ic. M11.LKK lia pcrmsn.-rl'y L.-alrd ;
I ) 111 iioriin t.-itio i-mofiu of hi prM'vwmn. i s." TJ :f.
Has n.i'iiitl hi ? a
I V Ill t. AH-X.1BH.T 11. ' mii'Hti H..
. n-amisi ili-i.n4-in-! .1 lnir la S. liwr-M-t ami
XuTU'K. Aloxan.lor II.
Hit. m tiio hio-tiriirr
Few Doors Above the Gld Stand,;
I I lav tiu Utile aB!ila waiiinu t.r 010
( tHi the Iwautiiul liaiiks .A the orj'Mal ioa ;
' ?' iiua:i. iiilv wait my ilarlliuc then-,
j F ?tt.i!ei likla up tlw-lr hrws Tair ;
j An.1 thir little harf rrnsf out o Hear.
: Su wtnthiairlj yvuet ta Faith's lirtminif ear.
I Ami tlicj lire la the mile at Che Savi-'t lure,
j Whu to early called nit- (Lu-tlaita above.
I hare two little anoeli waitina fr me
, 1 the heaatiful hack of the erj-iial ki ;
; F'Tevcr tree from irruw ami pain.
, N.Uc- aa.l pure frn all earthly rtain:
I rer tn errina path tu nv
; Sufe in the Ul of infinite lure.
! Evermitre. crerm.ire wajkinx in liif ht,
! Thiwo kvautifal an:U ruhej in vbite.
would have made Adam bear children
a.4 well a.3 Ere, and woul.l not Lave
allowed side paddles to be made.
.iiiina 'iinlii
l'lMMKL k. niLBoitN. ATTI I; VKYS AT
J LAW. Jiouiorw-t. fx. a:i-e in rertJenoa ut
t .1 ..i; aua. U -ly.
; Ainl .lior;' tn his iii'ti.mrr nn.l trienl a
l k.mI at the vry l.w-t jirii-B.
hill line '
aua a.-ali-r in rial eato. Nuiner-ot. Pa., will
hi to all lumnes entrupict i" hiere with ' , (.,
.r..iuptnv aa.1 n.lcuty. li-ly.
LAW. S-miorw-U I'a.. will pra.-tui- hi S..m- ,
. r-.-t an.l a.iVir.niir cuniu-s. Ad iino en
1 mruil t.i t h.iu w.U tv pr miptly iiu n.lo.l t". j
aai. l-J ly. i
1 U M t'OlJ-IN"1. ItKXTIST. Si ui.-rsi-t. ,
I I t h.-e in the lp.nt pan nl jaiL up stair.
oan all limes lie Muna preiwreu i.i
l.-ri; tie 1'
, .n.l t w
( ;viu. &r.
c i'i.l 1 1
i I have two little angels waitini; br me
hi the iNnuliful bank.4 of the crystal ea;
When my weary heart l. thn.Wiiuif with uun,
An.l I fain wi.uM elasp my larlinir aeaiu,
I'll bik away from thH earthly tran.t
. Tu the beautiful liel.!. of the -Boiler Lan..
Hardware of Every Description, 1 win thiut of the ar.iwaitun there.
J.n.1 o!l'-r to Gul a tlunkful prayer.
, I have two tittle antral to weleome me
j When I too elvall sun.l hy the cryatai sea; - :
Whim the Great Retiner Hi Imaite may trrv-e
' In the heart Ho ha w.m hy Hi Mviiin rraoe.
i AnJ In dIh- of Chrfct'ii own riiflrtenDnea lret.
i My iul hall seek tiie bnwe !' the Met
AXJ (! LASS, Otithebeaiuiiul bank of the eryrUl ea
j My .lading. ti!l waiting. !hall weleiimc me.
WtMxIen Ware of All
.rk. a tilliiiir. r.-iiu;a:iiiir. n-
Aninrial toeth . all kitKl. aud f :
tioA. li4iHfrt9U. All .wratiirtis war-
j lite 7, "7U.
Paw. will r.niily attent t all l-a-.nefi
;-n-:.i to line. I'itioy aU-.intl m ooleiti..n :
i .ni'-'1 in hie re.-ileuoe, Main !in-t.
jn. i. "7J.
j Lurried away with subdued rustling! by a well planm-d and ucceful eon-' riatreand denounced adultery. If he
f of sotubr draperies, while on the oth- spiraey. J Lad intended man and woman t. be
I er side of the door, tiie threateiiiiifr TLe can-er of Xcro was somew hat j etpial, and woman to ride like Mrs,
; sound jf footsteps paxstd by without; like that of Calijrula. In youth he "Spjattinjr Bear" be. would noi have
anvone entenntr. wan notawr clever, kinulv aiul aiuia-; enven hve a a helpmate to A Jam
"Thank poodnes. for that,'' said i ble, aud for the first Ore years of hi
Mr. Doekworthy to himself. "If that ! reijrn he ruled with clemency and
voun? rascal Fredv had kaiipened in justice. lie was at this time so bar-
just then. But what have I done ? ased by the attempt of Lis mother But great as thee defects and
Kn paired myself to marry that old : to wrest the seeptr front his hands, 1 vices are, Horace Greeley is Ptaincd
maid ? I, at fire ami fifty years of that Lis brain probably became dis-iby another, which is far more detes
ape ! I'd better iro into aluaatie as- ordered, that he was metamorphoHed ; table to me, which makes it as im
yluni at once. What will Ferdinand , into a tyrant He poisoned his own I possible for me to vott- for him as to
sar? I wonder if I couldn't 0 to brother at a feast to which he had in- j denounce mr wife and daughter. If
vitedbini. His mother, A crirpina, there ever lived on earth, in Sparta
murdered in Ler own bed. He re- or in Paradise, a race of pure, ot-
Laps it would be tatter to swear Ler ! lentlesslr persecuted the Christains 1 less, heroic women, the women of the
to keep the peace, or " ! on the plea that they bad set fire to : South are such. They jrave their
And Squire Dockworth smote Lis: Rome. He caused to be executed Lusbands and Hons, their Lonies and
itwo Lands despairinrlv on the bald Lucan, the poet, and heneca, the pbi- altars, and almost everv hope of
, spot on the top efhis head, as he re-j Isopher, and kicked his own wife to : earthly Lappiness, to tLeir country
j fleeted on the futility of any remedy 'death. Xor was bis own insauity and her cause, and because they did
ishort of matrimony for this ailment J manifested by acts of cruelty alone. I so this demon of the Tribune uttered
i of leap year. ' He had a silly rage for. music, and in : and published in bis paper, as I am
i Yes, as he mused on tLe past pres-' Lis morbid ambition to be tLoiurht, credibly informed, and the proof of it
lent and future, he could not help! the greatest singer of the world, he; will be exhibited, the followia false
I tliinilusr that many a man Lad found ; appeared on the stagv in the charac-l and infamous libel upon them :
j a worse helpmate after all than Miss jter of an operatic performer..! Do- i, "The women of the South, n ursed
j Armathea. Jenkyns. She was notimitian, Helkigabuius, and possibly j by blacks, filled with animal passion,
j yountr to be snre, but then neither j also some of the tyrants of Rome, i inibibc it from their nurses, and, on
was he. She was fair, fresh, and pret-, must hare been of unsound mind. arriving at the aye of puberty, immedi
: ty ; she was very bandy at a wedding j Donutian, like Caligula and Nero, ately manifest a desire to gratify sen-
CLarles Sum-
Cbina or California or Japan, or some vit
of those faraway places! Or, per-j he
i.iiK;n- in rolwl t.iirlince Davis is not the same
against 'centralization," and finally j ner they have hitherto jdlized, any
declaring that ' there sLall I no Fed-J mure than Horace (JreeL y, tL err.l
eral supervision of the internal policy j to the etLo ia Tammany Hall, is tLe
of the several States ami municipali-! same Horace Greeley whom the Re-ties,buttbfttcachshallbleftfr'etoen-
j puJilicans hare bitherto trusted. The
force the rights and promote the well- blaek man of tLis country will never
being of its inhabitants bv such means be ungrateful for what yon have done
as the jndirment of its "own people ! for tbem in the past, nor in the bitter
Khn!i m-P-wriii " Inessof their hcarts.wilkhey ever forget
rwi -It .1" ! -I ' !... t l.lln.l..,! f.r TU rl III III ' Ciil V.
xnemeauiug 01 ail iuis, ia pmin mat, urn'i ujj-i .. r- . . , . . . . rr
English, is that no matter how the col- hatred of one man. you ' turned yoor a n?, Le bad at th r ag of
ore!i ciiizens of the South maj U- Wk .Uie milli.-.ns to wboot ia 1- i iI k!-1:
years yoa bare stood as ii-LieM ana - -
....r..!i-, i.,..?;ent known for Lu activity of as a
servant 1 J xxl (M'.r Mt. young man of latf licence, virtue, and
.'Leriff of his cfjuntv, ami at the end
of Lis nineteenth year Le bad saved
one hundred and ten dollars more.
With the interest accumulated on Lis
other two Tears' wages, he had now
three hnmlred dollars, was eornforta
bly clothed, and had a good business
education, which ho improved from
one winter to another, till he became
a scholar, both literallv and scientifi-
iTTtr Tfla Inff upnf anil nfiilnpss
. i or a mneral ; she comprehended per-i besran to reiirn with trenerositv. and eualitv.
.1 v.,iiiit i. Pa., will atteli l to all rmtnes en-
i -ii in hi- eare in Somerset anil a'tioiiiiiiir i-..un-
ji :tli pr 'tiiptno an.l fi.ii-lity.
li u--.
U ee in '..urt
lel. Is. "7-lv.
1" "t. '
;.i li.-(i:-.-v an fen-i'-n .iz.-n:. ""ier-.-u
m in ourt H-iOH'. Jan. II u.
: rr ii- H- sn
. B!i.ieriane.l rptfn'lr Infonn the .ul- j
; 'i:i.- iea.-e-l tit Wtil Vnown hotel ill the
:.: ! ..iu,T-t. llt Ins to We!
1: !. niell he h- i-- will sire ti'.a-tiin to
iiiav tavir him tli their eii-i.nn.
1; ;j JtiUN HILL.
-...inorx-L. Pa., will itive iir.tnpt attention
cm mm: v.-
An-I ewn ihinu- lH'i.tit'in- to the Lamp lrale.
, r ire and nliy years, sanl ouire
I I. 1. v ulol-in.r
the a-iies out of hi piix1 "lire and fif-1 foctIJ exigencies of the needle ; under the pressures and worry ings of; Was erer before, by auy mortal or
tvvt tir V uiaa am t likelr to Is? ' aa puo wa:i J,1Kt tne e,llcnt that Le! government he developed into a mon-j immortal demon, snch a hateful
! married I "-ue when he has lired 1 net','l'' t0 brighten up the military old ster. Heliogobalus made his horse j thought expressed ; such concentrated
j satisfied 'with a"'in"!e lot all these fam hou.'M . . . . j Consul, appointed a Senate of wo- venom paired out ? In the recollec-
I '' . j "It ain't a Iwid idea." said tLe men, forced the Romans to worship I tion of the great deeds of our noble
'Strir-rer thill" bare been known i 1 wi.-uu tik nuur, uu prrjiareu piiui-u m-u, iu iui; p-M-uif ui tueir suriv
to happen, Unole
' 1 erdmand Aperlor,
less college bov of nineteen or there
a bouts.
e hatin t been the one to propose it. 1 swords and datrcrers. and cords 01 1 msr mothers, can thev. bv their votes.
Id have thought of it 1 silk and trold. in order to put an end isav to this monstrous slanderer. "Well
time. I to bis own life whenever he saw fit I done, thou pood and faithful citizen.
However, leap year is leap year, and 1 All these were the freaks of a mad-! rem re the reward prepared for you
T..l-, ry .:.!
1. , ....... ( ,;, , t 1 r,. , i,, k.
who wasajrraee-1 Su V .l""u""
, nirseii, 11 sue uau iriven me
1 "Not in these
opined the F.juire
r 1 1 don t suppose we ought to
' T i li Il' f..m Inlin . u-Iiitfai...
. 1 1 1. nuiui u lauu m uaic Tl
I 1
name man.
ad-, like a
Alexander the Great liehaved ; bv your suppliant victims since the
lunatic in the latter davs of LisjovcrtLrow oftLa hated Confederacv ?
;ineHi. enirustl to liii
: oinui-c ..untie!.. irh.-e
.c tile r-l.tenee .
of L.l. Sell 11.
euro 111 Noiiier-'l an.l
tltllHl l-in-'-l. OI'IHI-
euiiin-A tl, l.iiir alLtica tlmii T : i . l. . 1 -tt.I., I ci.:.. . t T . . .1 . 1
'yj.JJ J,(j I iicje tilings are dif- ' S" '"" " j uu rei.', aim llie !.iiuniivu n lUMUnuie, : rniua ui utuuiii:il.iuii, ii nua
' ' 'tr ti.tViin tk l-'eilir I'll Iml . 1 : t. .. L .1 . . I ... 1 e.m n...t ..-t.. ..-.nt.l 1... '
fi-rer f'rui whif llu-v iistil ti - ... uun tuai n ut; unit sunnru um; lunuiiuuvu nun uiuu uui i iuui i
' t r-i-ted Ferdin-ind "You see there ; u " n 1 course or uie : lonirer he might have iieeomc a most i last hours to be aronized. and your
never has lcn a iieriodlK-fore, when1 "'Tr't u , !ln,P,afWe ,nd caPrras tyrant final repose disturbed 1 by b.-holding
Women's Rights were iu the aseei- .-"r-l"M'kworthy was as good as ! From being very abstemious he gave i such an offering, nhen it is made
abused, wronged ami oppressed. Con
gress shall not interfero for their pro
tection, bnt leave them to tLe tender
mercies of tLe local self-government"
administered by tLe white rebels.
Do you, as a friend to the colored
man approve this position of Mr.
You cannot forget, Mr. Sumner
how often during tLe late session of
Congress yon conferred with me in
regard to the possibility of Laving
your eivil rights bill passed by the
House. It was introdneed by your
friend Mr. Hooper, and nothing pre
vented its passage by the House but the
rancorons and factious hostilitv of the
Democratic members. If I have cor
nsefufness. as wi-fl as f Tery attrac
tive manner and ways.
' Tf.i slaved to a Westers State.
The coyote is a long, slim, sick aatl VT land was cheap, and entered
sorry looking i-keleton. with a gray fon, bunelrvxi and sixty acres br a
wolf-skin stretched over it, a tolera-i jan(l warrantT which be purx-haseed
bly bushy tail that forever sags down j K-nh OM, aathed and fiftr dollars of
with a despairing exprejion of for-i hj4 mrmfr . e maae a good selec
sakenness and misery ; a furtive and i na Df aai . m a KZra 0f
evil eye, and a long, suara tuee, with . countrr . j.e a portion of the
slightly lifted lip and exposal teta. -i laa!lce 0f
a portion
moner in improving
He ha a general linkinj expr.ibii1 hl lzui rlnz a tittle stock, and a
lii ver. I he COyot. . ki llTHir, . ,-mnlpmenti farmmir mil the
breatLing allegory of want. He is .n,i rfa- raised a small croD.
inln.-av4 hnnoTif t Ue i aJwiiVS TViOr. i it - . v: v.. I
rectlyexiunlnedtLe Gil,, the Demo- luck d friendless. The 1'.
. ""-"'j,r' i ii f 'k ' mature despises hiin, and ercn -m ru..d used it cautiouIr,
neeaiinnn rei.tiil tho Tiassno f.r the .t a i i . i- e - ; i.i j m m , n u.. . v ,
process known as filibusterinar. Thev
thii nunc urn n i. I i' him fir A rp.t, . 1 i t r -
civil rights bill bvthe pariiamentarr1 ir7i:::-:R mK Vl
?, ;cr... .1. - tv. ' weipeue. lie is so spiritless anu cow-re:;r)onsibfe ciuzen and gwj pavmx-
would not even
Two intelligent colored
from South Carolina.
ardly tLat ereu while Lis exposed
allow it to come to a
mem'M-r . I. u, . K mi l xr , u .-ri w n c nnil
a . teeth are pretemling a threat, the rest fr hi;J annearance
: of his face is apologising for it And ; an,. K.atteri ney
f.lUOtl, ""'Irililir ami rari lull' red anil nitiful !
t..: t l r.u- i w . ...:- l . . ... . . f .
iwiu t , lA jiru vi uie ireuim.iiiii.-.-iui.- When he
of the House to merely aliuwthe civil ;
rights uia to lie voted oa. and tney
n-nrft 4Tin-,ierot re-T? t t-ji.iT -. al,..
lute that it amounted a scornful 1"J
jeer oiui ngnuottne oredinan.jtrot lUrUgh the uge Uuh, glanc
you tenn jur mux aan . inir over Lw sLouider from time to
and his influence rose grimly
among his new
and seattereii neijnoors.
Yuiar after year he raised a crop.
i coneinned tca ine oesi papers.
i turns
sees you iie Hits uis up nun, ,t:,i . ,n, rr.teh ari l
a flash of his teeth out, and then 5 farther improved Lis rkLj. till shet-o
a little out of the course he was ! Mt. , anil ,-,tw sr,,t Is
uing, depresses Lis head a bit j g.kannj him. more land adjoin
- - - inn i.irn r i fi tin rcr .i ir in riiriw r:
I' rvNfcl'PKK. Phr-irLin and I-ntisu I riin.
. Pa. Will irive I'lrrmiK aiTintMn r.- ail ra---
aif. ftit' one l- r w.-r -i tu
- l-.a.'.-T H'U.'f.
It P Mus?wt.
ill. A
G. MILLER, alter twelve
fc-tive Muruee in n:inuviiii. i.a
1 f T.-ar
I .M IK'TlllH Tll-Ull HlHl III .TIUIl-l -"I I'-l I r 1'l.n-
;, r .i ue- me.'an'l ton-h-rs hi prole-i.mal -r-......
t.. ilie citizen of S.iiu.-r-i't an.l vu-imty.
. .-n. .- it! 'tie On Kli.-p l"onnr!y oi-eupi.-il y '. A.
;v.mih'-I- tn-re ho irnn l leulT--! at all tiliie.s
u:i...-- i r-.tesii.nally eniraure.i.
tf-iiilit .-ail.- promptly an.-iwerwl.
li 71 ly.
1 ' ' H. I1 'STLKT1I W A ITF. A VT 'H " FY
U , ui Liw. N..,iierM't. I'a. l'rtesM,ial
u iilteitti ami j urn i uaily utteti.l-
A lare si.K-k .
Table Kiiit" unl Fork.
1 KtT K.M t-i.
spin iNS.
AN it St 'lSM n;s.
P-I:(.L1.V LINK1) KLTILKS. ite.. ke
(Inner as thev are now."
"I don't see as that affects my par-
' tieular ea-e,"said Squire Ioekwortby,
' "I ain't a wonian." j
' "Ah. yon don't coiiijircLend the ini- of tLe'dangi-r, said Ferdi-'
' nand. solemnlr.
"EL ?" r-aiii the .xjuire.
' ' With Miss Armathea Jenkrn.x liv
: ing next d'H.r, and leap year at tbat." j
add.-d young Apperly misi-Lieroiisly,
enjoying Lis relative's growing eon-'
stemation. '
1 ut. you don t s po.M
' "I supposi
Ferdinand. '
his word. Miss Armathea Jenkrns'
Lreakfa.-t dishes were hardly washed
up the next day when Le walked in.
How pretty so looked, like a full
blossomed cabbage-rose, or a daLIia,
or any other mature bloom, in tLe
great black gingham gown and white
apron she wore, standing in front of
the kitchen sink. Not a gray Lair ia Was natively kind-Learted andcou.-id
himseir up to debauchery. JU3 lust ; out one tning win remain to be uone
for fame liecame a disease, and he to complete the shame and disgraceof
strove for gigantic knpossibilities. ( the South, ami that will be to burst
Robesphrrc and some of the otLer tLe cerements of tLe graves in
leaders of the French Revolution j soutLcrn cemeteries and carrr tLe
were probably more or less insane by sacred ashes to tLe CLappapia farm,
tLe exciting events in wLich they took to manure its barren bill sides. o
oart It is certain that Robespierre t mea of the South forbid it . Women
i timt, liatil now he finds himself, when
' jyi T'ir ar tlif miilrfU. df !if & i7--n
Lime Till in' . antii i tiiir iir iii-.., i.t
T)m.u.erai;. meniLiF ivhn ..wwuin.. . ' . . . ,J K ! UemaO ttnt OI WBftiUl.
"- -i' toi ransre. ana men ne stons ami tates .
eiaiiil mill ou ill tutr. rukpiu tl.
Mr. Greeler. Do von
'fluence to the re-eleetioa of those ;,
not ; Irnrnr Mr , , . - - " ' , Ifi'iuvu u ua-izuwia 11
w t ar a Pi iu tnil urArw i ri a nnrniH nirT I . . - .
a . -" . .r and would receive tne s
with th. ! "V . -T- T- ituoee wiij kaoar Biiu v any
01 nis irutiin? ooiiv iiieno-j witn iiie 1 1 1 1 t.
t!, r-i-rfcf r,f s.. .- . . ,. men ne miui OU IOUJ
- JE-y t sago bu.ri, and disan-' t, . - ,,i;t;M
, W V V I'M, T r-"- - W
her abundant tresses not a crow
foot at the corners of he r eyes.
"Well, Armathea, said the squire ;
a little sheepisLly.
" ell, squire," said .uiss Jenkyns,
eratc, tor he began uie by endeavor-;
x'ure the abuhtion of capi-
kl K iS I K.
wtil tmji. IV
. . . 1 v 11 11 1,1 iiii iiaieiiii'. M
111 '1 11 11 i . hot 1 1 lll'llll
Toiieilier Willi nuinv ani.-le t-.. r.uiii-r-.i: to men-, T .T..V
ti.m In an a.lveri!H-i.,ei,t. He i .letenuim-l to " 1""' ll" ' 11 ' ' th
c-ii.-t ii.c.-i, w.t?i jiiiit:!.. vine mill i-xii. H tliililllilllltlllt , Jll-L to lUirt'e Oil
mtr to proi
tal punishment , . j Uuite to defend it against its vile
Louis XL f France was insane ; traducer ! Men of the North, have
Imth in his domestic cruelty and in j you no humanity, no brotLerly love,
of the North forbid it ! Sisters in
sorrow, sisters in fame, the virtue of if secured at all, bv the three
woman is vour common property I i constitutional amendments the thir
teenth, fourteenth and hfteenth.
Sumner, and will you
man acknowledge that
in power in Congress
. 1 a
r nu iiiroi 1 mi n ai po ti r wa i 11 rg r ajTr . - .
v. 'v tjcars. .nd this is when vouinase
fieed m .far as those rghts depend n ..mijnstratioa again,t Lim; but
federal legislation ? , ; if vou do, he develops a lirelv inter-
Still further : the ngiits of the col-' t,r. ;,..,rTWM- Qmi w;??;..-i.'
bv coxntbrt aud many luxuries, es-
acd near.
u3ra?e oX
office for
inaied irresr
so firm is
their confidence ia bcth his ability
and interritv.
ored men in this country are secured, y..i. fln.i . ..., ,t..i ,r ,r
she wrung out bis canriees. He sLut up Lis nobles tLat you would tLus tlegrade ns bv
Ler dishcloth and hung it on a nail at iu Catres or Lunir tLera on tLe trees of , selecting cur greatest reviler to rule
the forest He lived in constant fear ; over us ? If yoQ have any, do you
corner of the dressve.
1-" " " fife lM.ture.en Ii;m-oi-.f iu rmtr ear TB Mrct of nr. LilaK4a.wi'B r...
on thjt Iiv tL tmi tun ham r.i;..l ', Uaaea T.Iaatrj Exile,
I-1-' tKA j. riinia-P rnn tiw thnt lrr.11 ni.,..f .
give these amendments full scope and;mmnIe rifle aatI , the "tune vou' " 1 na.'1 to ve hlm (TT- Living
effect, legislation by Congress is iin--u,iv t:,,, : ' ;r stone) kve years' news to besria
. - i I Ip. Mini -a iu'j . vr. aav ui M a aUV 1 . j
peratively required, as you have so ' hr , h,r wuh Urropjndwe of tho ll'r-
Lead," vwu ce that not a-:
often and so eloquently demonstrateiL drawn
ia near'.
Flue Mantle ami Pl- r Luokuc 01ae n.l
Fiitnn- Frame a Spoi-iality.
M i. 1 !
For Business Men.
"The Ecisorve Fund Policy."
- I I li ITIl a T . !! IT TI14T I I T - I . I ,11-1,,...: F I . 1 I 1 ..... I.. . . . .. . .. I. . i .... . I I. I . I- 1 1 , . I . n ... .1 i . ' i. Tl- . 1 1 I .... I . i , nnn If na.l n . . w. . .
IT that VOU Cail't ln'ti Careful " I ... ".-ii.i oi lieaiU, kl"pi IU SC1USI0U. Ill uia mm smu im rt hi nnujjiuTii WIU iia mc lliur
i'.j-ki. i I- ..-I,. . . -" .. over with vou." . !.. wa m intimate terms with Lis i with us ? ! axrainst anv k-sri
vu, iiMiaw . .-.iui i:tv si m ire tin-' .i-t . r-.., .... 7 7. 7, . . .. . "! ' - ."' '
...;u- ,!e., ;n I....... . ..ii. t.:ii-i V hat little matter : . ban-rman. amused himself bv watch- Rut I must stop. My feelings run j It was onlv in
x....i uuii'.- llll" .-lll .1 ... . .. 1 .- 1..1. -. " , ' ! n. . ...- I. . .. . "
.in.It.T. hu-f -u-r.K j.u I .r.-.w " wuluUf lu marrieu. , ,n7 battles letween rats and cats, : away witn my ien. ine signtoi our nasi mat my d
' - I MK4ji'nL-rT)4nttlleil with lierqnrnii I I. it. . I 1 1 ..t.M.l.nn .1 I . u -.. I.Li.lrn.v ..ti rV..rinn SlL.ntri flTn.wl .
n t c-on. in., it- l . -...i- w.H. ...... .'""I '.:uiaUfcUllllUOUllllllill'il, ii un.u i-i, .m.i...u6fcr..uvi.., vui.icn a
aiiia,vi.iii.iiii;ii.i ... .. . . .. . . . . .
But the Democratic party are on rec-l jQT j, aa
A of Irr.
eonspicuous oannerfv of n-htain.
unusually lonf-windedj
aid Errfdititn
"General Grant is of the
nmiseusi', Fertlr. A man can't
married without saying 'I will,'
more than a woman."
Rut when he went to the -village
ball untieit, and stared at the squire
with wondering blue eyes.
"My sakes alive !" she ejaculated,
"who's talking alout beioir married ?
o M I. V. - ET PLAN IN C.-M I Lla
i!.-,t ...fWtwion r,.r.i;n.,i.i (.,,mI fK..t -'oy im askeu me yet, and it tney,t0 preside at the eu-eaits is a severer. J.
l.e t.M.k the wav down Hollow dam. a iT Vm, hy anJrnl4n!, rtaia j e.mmett Ht the tieietitifie ignoranee - P. S.In
lih.,1 eitrth of a mile out of hi wav. uuu ;mil. s - than on the political cruelty of the said of i.
-'; l lint tlipv ve n-kiol ujj. .a. tliu!. rr.,.-..a.i.. lr,....r.d,l
. - I- n r. .1 .T- . .. . .1 1 , ... J aire. AOif tHlirf?ll'l ..l"1 it-! nr. . w
I -
iii "! l-m.
ail kin-l .f j.hininit nn.l '
iu.iti.Ti.ila. -
! AnnatLea jenkyn'
denee, next Ins
"I've luade some
him at all events."
one storv
own, on the
impression on
said Ferdv to 1
I squire beaiuinfflr
"Who hasr" j
j "Why, you Larn't you ?"
j "Joshua Dockworthy, are you era-
zv : ' demanded Miss Jenkrns, with '
wl i T. 1 Fialr-K , im
lation on the subiect ! .v t,.. : . a ! t nited States."
tha nmnt Ii rf h phmjirr ! m
- - - - i itiiT r rati -T-irr i j.ibt i rrr. iiitib i ..t
Dllea.nie, 3Ir. Peters. ft. him .n, n - r , " For the last four years.
the House of,.t "it- t 77. .v". i "Indeed? Ami what else
. . i .ii.. I T . : . . . I . e .. . e t
raris aomMiaile eompounus iu or-, iie!t uer, ij iuir iue oi ui-r
der to lengthen his life. Jeffreys, the worst fee, begging for favors, is un
notorious English Judge;" was a rav-, enduniblu to mo.
ing maniac ; and that ke was allowed j Most respectfully, your ob't serv't,
roof of what I have
uroTx-aa opinion, 1 subjoin
Xrom Enarlish news-; wait adopted hv tii veas to 3?j nav;' ,7.,.. r.-t tie? and brlliant victories.
. . . - - - - I.U u . V. u 1 lull Vk t7UT.Oa lTT - -
: papers which I have cut from the New
ork world, just received.
lMer r mm IatalT Ill- Tlr i Letter
i. iT::i:r.-riM.i::.ixij,
S VH A N 1 Ih hjKS.
'A'lNla.W at J n U-FI.YM LS,
vknkti.vx sni rrtit.
UK 1! SETS. Hi
1 L 1 L 1 ' I ,1 111 I L III i . ti.
Lims4-If with a spark!? of morry dial-1.
In h- r. tin-'iiiT
d rk
nm!!y n! in hou.-c huil-l-
tiv l iT UC
; i ue squire was sitting in tne
ligiit tlut ereniny enjoying the sea-
I son betwn n daylight and dark technic;.!!;-
known as blind "man's Loli-
dignitr ; "I asked you ?"
"Yes ; last nigLt don't yuu
uiember ?"
"Lastnidit! Whv, widow Lercvn
i " nei ii
i.i a . . i
toon tea here, and spent the erening
and I nerer went across mv thresh-
t. .1 1 4 1 !f T L 1 ; ... 1:1 1 .1 . I
dav." when there sounded a soft tan Jf , " J
..n't!,,. i . r u .t t should go philandering orer to
..... I.T .11 lilt . I . .
rial GBflauiB. Tli C'koire Be-1
twrra A Reaawaed Warrior aad a
i Rraawacd rol. j
Riciimoxd, Va., Julv 2C IIon.
James Lvons, of this citv. Laving
invited bv a committee to ad-
Fraaa Raealur Blaiac t
akarle Saaaer.
resoiation m me nouse or ,,.!, ;r ;r ;7 i
Representatives,affirming the 'validity vaj , ,i ;;., r.t vinif .i transpired?"
of the constitutional amendments and nas irou,, np t0i think he' "Half of Chkago has been burmnl
of such reasonable legislation of Con-! kn0W:J 1 about speed Th'??'0'! tw hradre41 milIion
gressasmay Ie necessary to make j cojota; will ga.winirin? Jrentlv off on ;,iolIi,ri- 'ranee and Prussia have
them in their letter and spirit niostt), tjewitfal trot of hi-f and ererr na a devastating war. Prussia a
effeetual." Tbi resolution, veryj,:.. vhv v .J,, , r-.irj, terly vanquL?he.l France in aa unin
mild and guarded as you will see '-j,, hu ni.L.r that -,"ii fi'i terrupted series of tremendous bat-
that do? entirely full
"rl K III fc J.lN ls. t
; Every Policy Holder.!
ft--- jiri-'artl tu Dianu!oture all kin.1.?' of
ItrVill al p.oi.t!y ait?nl to
N-4irl.utttieEE.ST M ATL21AL will lie awl
V.l work done in the Uite.t an-1 m.t appp.reil
i . leu. at the
Tneief, Man-h 81h.
' Come in," said the squire ; and a
tall form entered, clad iu soler black,
with a lionnet of rusty lxvmbazine
trimmed with a huge black jet buckle.
j "Good evening to ye, Miss Arma-
For example: Su,., yon ar- -thirty -live yciir. i thea " Said the piire & little tremu
of an ami take a --Ke-vrve Fatid Policy'' at or-1 lotlsly, as Le recognized the llOnnet
I Cnn'iililpa'vnient will iafure t,.u i vcar aw! an' garb of his spinster neighlior.
3 'lav. ' "1 bat folt n'niine'ii Kjn lirenl-ino-
, through your pickets again ? I de-
I hare a mind" to
sk vou to marrv me. I
dress a Grant and Wilson ratification
meeting, to take place at Fredericks-
iiir? on the ifth of August, has writ-
' ten the following letter in reply :
! Richmoxd, Julr 2tl. 1872.
I To -V. J. Griffith, E.,
The Ent-
only 8 of the yeas were Democrats ; ! MPnt an j WOrdlv ambition, and make Pf ror Jn is an exile. The
all the nays were Democrats. . ! him ,ower his lower to the i S11? of ,b" dfiven from
The resolution ot Mr. Peu-rs was, gnui. and stretch his neck still far-l rhToae.: aad od her family
followed a week later by one offered , .her t. th front nn.ltieL- hi .n ( ! " Aa Italian Prince w
by Mr. Stevenson, of Ohio, a fol- ,r.,;rht b.diirv.1 ami m.,v hU fnrron' Krn?of ?PaIa-
li .irsTt Me Jnlv .11. 1873. !I0"': Ut tTl! n-;t,I.,T frrr .l uea1 two
Hon. Charles Sumner, United States Betolrrd. That we recognize as!leaPe , i)roajer and broader and ! ntJnibewd amon? the Senators
Senator Dear sir : Yonr letter pub- valid aad binding all existing laws ; iigher anil deni4,r clouJ of dert j of the L nited states. Jim. Fisk was
Iished in the papers this morning will j Pd hy Congress for the enforce-1 jrrn0tin? behind, and marking : shoVn TlUl Part J persJn nam-
anil reoTetjmeui m tue luirievutu, c utTui , v:. -at-. ,rnca tha n.l -u '- w"i set. oi u-JCiors
Charles Dickens has
year?. A ne?ro has
create profound pain
among your former political friends j an
throuirhout ew Enirland. lour
j power to Injure General Grant was
; exhausted in vour remarkable speech
Chairman, in the Senate. Your power to injure
yourself was not fully exercised until
Dear Sia : I hare the pleasure to; vou announced an open alliance with
acknowledge your letter of the 20th the southern secessionists in their ef-
Two annual tmrmenu will inrare yon 4 year
aai.l iiav.
Thrr annual payment
an-i 27 ilay.
Five annual payment
an. I jA .lay.
Su annual payment will innre yon LI year
anil 11 .lav..
will tamre yon fi year
rill Inrare you 10 years
FairMs Staniari
i c a l : s
This Prelection AppliestoanyAge.
An.l I cTprely fl-itel in every Poller.
thank you
!" said Mr.
what a cold
if all kin.l. Be earr.-!ul t,
. mly the ifnuine.
g pc vaie. r-pain.-,i pr'niy.' it.
4 ?Aif.. liai-'iraice iiarr,.. Ware
h,.ue l'ra.-k.. Imt,rov,l Monev .Inwer8- k'.
3Iar'7 lie seeond Avenue, Plttei.unc.
dare to gracious
sell Lim."
"Tisn't that, squire,
kindly," was the answer.
"Set down, set down
Dockworthy. "RIess me,
you re got you're horse as a crow.
"ALem!" said Miss Armathe
"TLis weather is trying to weak
lungs; but I called on business
I knew it was the colt." said the
squire, desperately,
"Rut it ain't the colt," said Miss
Jenkrns. ' It's myself, squire."
"Oh," said the gentleman.
"I Lave concluded," went on Lis
' -VH. J
Tht). stiuirt'a countenance fell ; he
V v I... T14Jm.
ii .j.i-l'.e St. I'harle Ho'ei.)
41 Wih.p StKI FT. Pi TTsEl U.l II, P.I.,
Iai.ir1i-rs of Quei'iivare and Manufac
turers a" (dasvware.
Thin i to eertifr that my la: hnhn.. Ianlel
11. 1 UoHHwn, wa inumi iu the Herk.liire Lile
Inyunni-e I 'ompHny. Pittfiel.l. Ma., I'orai.tMi,
iH-eeiuhrr lth. 1H7U. premium tkayanle uuarteriy.
That Two pavtneut were miule. "up to June luth,
Kl 111-, 1,-.:i.ul J k-.,l-. 1',. 1. II.... n. .1 l. II..
he tiiiwi to make hi tiavmeiit. j visitant, "to take advantage of
Theuulpr...tof .lemhwere forwanle-ltothe :rrt accorded to our wt bv the
Cimipany. ant the full amount"! the puliey. lea rIolJl uexormu to our StX tiy ICC
the two uuarteriy pavmentf ilue at the time of hi rear, and and in short, squire "
le.ith. wa ;wul to hie hv their' tencral Aj-"nt In " i n.i.. , 1 ,
... . .... .. ... i l! e I livlr wrrirt h tr iniM-ml K,d 1. ,
r-tuiaiieipiiiii. w . rt. ' irave. ar tueir auit. . v . -- -.,,,. i,. , . m.-? iuii i i y.t I 'hesluul. and tl.-rentT Street. ' ki.L- .,...t...- - yOUT ni ad .
,Si,ertl N V-TTIK THIlVPSIiV l ", " .uuiawra 4UIIII-1"
paieu me movement or sinking the-
atrienllr- .n i.n.. ln,i,i L.f...n I l,i, i SIplire,
.. in - i i . eyes, which
A . H. Oroene. late nl Xew Y.irk. inaumt a lew
year mih In the lierk.'hire Lle luuraee -in-liany
hraa.juo: hut owin t. miturtnne ia hui-!
ni". ii Nunijie ?u make airy paTuent to the
'oiiipanT ilurinir oue year uai.i live montli prior to
hi .tmanr. j n:lTe" till l:iy liil (at the Xew
Yrk ..ltt-o( the Cmmny. i71 Kria.lway. rn.-r
"I l, nrrei . iliree th.niHan.1 two humlml '
an.l ninery-nine it.,liar. this lsm the mil awwnt
iue in hi wi.i,.w. fitter i!eli.tiiit theoreraue jaiy
ment ami ititere-i I
' .. .1. H. FT? AXCISI'I S.
New York. Marrh nth. -711. up.TTBten.tetit. 1
! that his nncle had detecteil Lis trick.
X stable Laaatira.
f "1 V V
R'l I lie- Folling
I.Ut of
Tue lm.ler-iifTii jg
..i,.j 4
aisrwit to maoula.ture all
will vou lie mine." she
murmured, with what niiirht hare
Ijeen eitLT a sob or a hysteric laugh, j
"I I'd rather not." said the squire i
LitcLing Lis chair a little further still.! Much of the tyranny and despot
"JosJiua, w ould you break my j ism of the world hare been the result
heart ?" j of cerebral disease, and if justice had
"I guess tain't sobrittle as all that , been done, not a few of the rulers of
s.aidt be squire uneasily. j history would bare Wen coufined in
"I love you, Joshua Dockworthy j asylums for tLe insane. Caligula, I
I Lave loved vou tLese teu rears ": tLe beast Iv Roman Emperor, was
' pelted to decline the invitation, as I
! ka i'A rlAnn friofj ttltPtiinnph r? iy I r iian.
1 - - 1 . I aiBc U"U. uiuvif uiiuvu va uui
' 1 -. . 1 1 of the honor done me. I have a
i V ', , . , . , , ' business enaraartment in Richmond on
1 Lokhere, Armathea," said that dav which will prevent me from
4..v- -iTr- t 1 , , ! accepting, if there was no other im
V eS - said Miss Jenkyns, laugh-, limen But nothinjf wouhl tempt
ing and colonn?. "I do suppose iL.....i...i...i
.1 . - 1 . ., i me 10 take int: stump 1111s summer 11-
! w 'ii T n It.T.ery niBh- . ! eept the conviction that bvthat means
Sir n ' lh fe1,lire"' onlv, can Horace Greeley lie beaten.
I yr 4whatTWe CVen ! and ks that cannot be, lcausc be will
1 "L " .i'i1 1 - - ! ' beaten certainlv without it, and if
i -iiiu iieii iue ouiiir coiieirian . , e 11 1 t
, - - " ""'-f?'" n0f aDV speech from me would bo of
, beard that his chances for an inherit- i.--iV - - r . u v i
, ' iittitr a ail, 41 uiust lit-ir to ov rauuseu.
To lie candid as well as serious, how-
iar-! T , t - -....!
; v. rr, 1 must, saj a am uoi iiirjiuieii a
E A.. . - 1- . 1. .. r. r . f . -
..,! , 1'ieseiu 10 vuc jiuuiii 101 iin.
tared in dismav. . . .
,.v- "ii, ; ,,1- , (Grant I am a Democrat (by which
lou arc really going to be married. T . n.:....:..i t..vk
uncle," (rasped he. : 1 ,ma." ? """-' '"T-p
"Reallv and trulv." " i 'I K ' " -n A
M ,1 ...I. . .-,1 I . . . . lllill IUC 1.UUI.1I1UC V.UUIVUUUU IT 111
"And what on earth has put it into . r
1 w i anminnt ctrniTTht-niit I li'mmTHL in
i tJ..i i HCj I, 1 ..- .j
Leap vcar, I th nk, said the , .' . . -. , -
1 .-. . ' . . . i ln itv tn fill the nio-h oflim of IVpsi-
souire. with a solier twintti in hi 7 - ' . . c. .. . ..
revealeil to Ferdinand
i - - . .
i anee irom nis ru n bachelor
! were to be diminished by the
jriage of that elderly relative
uncle ;
he J
dent If it does, I shall vote for him.
If it does not I shall vote for Gen.
Grant, and will thea do anything
which. I eaa with .honor to promote
his election, because I think him a far
better man in all respects than Hor
ace Greeley, and far more fit to be
President of the nation.
One is a renouned warrior of whom
the South may well say: "Great let
me call him, for be conquered me;"j
who eniovs the respect of the ciruiz-
llis accession to! ed nations of the world, except the
nation of Baltimore
I'- Irmt
n hanl a ui.ply of ropper anil hrara
.-nil!, ati.1 ail Llu.l ol
I stammered the lady .still on her knees. ; certainly a lunatic.
i jam. j.4ee. New York city. ii.jv. payment i "Sar, oh, sa v vou will le all mv own, j the throne was greeted with jov bv ' eonservative
orenliie 4 UHVith. 1 IV t.-..k.. f. : . t. r - -...l l "i I . v - - m. .i t.
1 F. K. Himna Kra Yurk f Itr. U ma , ,i in asiiuu iwia, evfuu 1 111 a llltt. , uie ikUUiau ueuilie ilUU UH llillTBiril WnOW STeat error OCen lUat f!0
i me,ir "v-riiue 4 -nth ifM ' t''rbnl at men's shirts, and ev- became so popular by the generous! followed oo much the devices and do-
ev?ruue7muiitiuaiiiua. lerybody kuows that a place am t a: and conciliatory acts of his reien. I sires of such men as Greeler and
iooo, iymnt j i,!aW withoot a woman toslick itup.", that when he was taken with sick-! Sumner and Trumbull and Schnrz
11. F. Miairr. tioetun. Ma.,
oveniue 2 moni Ii anil 14 ,1a r.
House Fiirnixliins oMlt
n-nllr k. m hi line. Sh. .ie d..r nt ..f
n i.,.r , .e. .Uaia mwt. S.nervt. Pa.
1- ly. NOAH e AS U1LFH.
COLE, RRO)Ks"ic7i.,"'
Produce Commission Merchants.
Ourliu.inenriii, i-oTnmiwi.m. m SrenU-'
'. Sieia attention riven t
iteler u,
Jiuuaa H. Aaaae. N.w tarltle. In.U '
pavufut i.vertie t amfitha una: 7 ilava. ;
ih-rruinl o Iietnilt. Mi. h n.oon, pay.
ment overlue t Tear. Iu month ami 11 dava.
Joaec I). FtaJiruuk. ilehUirK. Mum!. 1.000. j
pa vuii nt oveniue 3 yeura, 1 month and 1 day. j
OOOTK'HILTj k M AKSH ALf Ajjent. '
June Li- 7X ISaieret, Pa. j
I know," said thesquire,"but-
camc a
changed man.
The Improved
New Draw Feed,
There are Home putm in a Sewmtr Marhine thai
' yea "
J lucre was a rattling at the door ing four years of Iris reign were dis
lateh of the room beyond. The squire 1 graced by some of the most unnatu
grew scarlet as the possibility of . ral and capricious tvrannies recorded
! Ferdi Hand A PINT, V lirnlin.r m iin..n ' tn Klatiirv lfa. nnt tn .K.utK 1n..A
a - Q umm. i a a ai" V' J 'p V aV- a I aa t 14l K,
tins unc.pi.-eieu n ie-a-i,-t ocurrel to nunilier of Lis
his mind.
; "Take
Senators. Ererr ten
davs he delivered human victims to
your arms awav. said , be devoured bv wild beasts an.l
the squire nervouslv. "Please eoselv ternieil this bnrriil net 'Vloarv.
that's a
girL" "Not till you
p-ak the word that is to seal my fu-
i'i!" iii.-., iiviiaii i jiim atiiavus.
J M. n.4.1eH,a,im
JJewni. M. b. Miller k Merer Mill
Merer. Mever k Anawalv rh-rlin.
Uun,, hn.a... ptTMiiifc-ct u CHtern X-
U, -u" " aiOnK-
i t":"""' l" J 1, ttin? " ra? t,onn('t mp on his pose, and under the superintendence ! Maker of us all bad intended tbat
Tl new F..r M1U built on tli. lie of the
piete,' ' m' r""1" X" Somemet la em.
. aiui V2-if a" th " lmnrove-
Jan 7s 7 P"" rl all kind. . r-ato.
La -e ol Maiiateemmt.
aiMaty to.lo tne Work Rmialred.
r remlrai from Xae. and
j Noo LUl.ihly to ret out ef Orler.
! We-elalm thatthe IHPRDTF.n ELLIPTIC
I pneaeMra all tker4 pointa. ami that It a
Now Manufactured.
Ami we ali-it an examination of tL A rent want
"1 in erery eoonty. to wnuni wa wiU give the mutt
liberal term.
EATON bKUS., FUk Artttatwrb, Pa.
'Yes," gasped the squire, breaking
into a clammy perspiration all over
"yes, yes. Only go."
Miss Armathea Jenkyns only
paused for a parting pressure of her
lips to her Jucient lover's brow, and
vour house to a:
"Well, then," said the squire,
here, it s a trick or that young ras-;
cal Ferdinand one of his college
..tu.- . , . , ' on behalf of tLe Republican Commit- j forts to destrov tLe Republican partv
TLat s probable enougL," said j of Fredericksburg, inviting me to of the nation. "
Miss Jenkyns who looked prettier a,1(lres9 ft Kerui)Hca; meptiriir at that I have but recentlv read with much
than ever, with reddened cheeks and ftn tv lth x ftm - ( :ntM.Mt thp 0;rP..mstantiaI and minute
account given by you in the forth vol
ume of your works of the manner in
which vou were struck down in the
Senate chamber in 1856, for de
fending the rights of the negro. The
Democratic party throughout the
south, and according to your own
showing to some extent in the north
also, approved that assault upon you.
Mr. Toombs, of Georgia, openly an
nounced his approval of it in the Sen
ate, and Jefferson Davis, lour niounths
after its occurrence, wrote a letter to
South Carolina in fulsome eulogy of
firooks for having so nearly taken
your life. It is safe to say that ev
ery man in the south who rejoiced
over the attempt to murder you was
afterward found in the rebel conspir
acv to murder the nation,
It is safe to say that every one of
them who survives is today your fellow
bilWer in support of Horace Greeley.
In lSoti he would indeed have been a
a rash prophet who predicted your
fast alliance sixteen years after with
Messrs. Toombs and Davis in their i
efforts to reinstate their own party in
power. In all the startling mutations
of American politics nothing so mar
velous has ever occured as the fellow
ship of Robert Toombs, Jefferson Da
vis and Charles Sumner in a joint ef
fort to drive the Republican party
from power and hand over the gov
ernment to the practical control of
those who so recently sought to de
stroy it
It is of no avail for you totak re
fuge behind the public record of Hor
ace Greeley. Conceding for the sake
of argument (as I do not in fact be
lieve) that Horace Greeley would re
main firm in his Republican princi
ples, he would be powerless against
the Congress that would come into
power with him in the event of his
election. We have had a recent and
striking illustration, in the case of
Andrew Johnson, of the inability of
the President to enforce a policy, or
even a measure, against the will of
Congress. What more power would
there lie in ITorace Greeley to enforce
a Republican policy against a Demo
cratic Congress than there was la
avndrew Johnson to enforce a Demo
cratic policy against a Republican
Congress ? And besides, Horace
Greeler has already, ia his letter of
acceptance, taken ground practieally
against the Republican doctrine so
otten enforced by yourself, of the du
ty of the national government to se
cure the rights of every citizen to
protection of life, person and proper
ty. In Mr. Greeley's letter accepting
the Cincinnati nomination ho pleases
every Ku Klux rilliaa in the South
by repeating the Democratic cant
about 'local self-gavernment," and ia-
,d rifteenth Amendments of the all this time the do? is onlv a siiort prove,t to the "n of j'T
i i nirp.i tatp anii mr inp nruippiinfl k tl i a i inn anoinprL ,:i iifM'Tnr en... rn
1 , , :ict'niT rcei oenma me corote, aaa ; .; - -
t Af a taiw a 1 11 thnt wm ht j 1 1 ri. !.. ha9i. ..... - I TTY T vrit n A T"i. rvaa an-1 A3 thn n- .a t
- i. u ... iu.ii wsuio i.u. tn nave trip s.m rr him ho nn- " P'" m s
! derstand
1 peree
Constitution as amended.
On the vote upon this resolution
it i , . . - . ail.
mere were iui veas in no uiu. -vu
the veas were llepublicans, aud ther!. ,.t,i'
are unanimous in support of rresi-f.t,-, .:., . 0 from the public treasurr for their
, . . , . . , . , t " - V inula UlVU,, 1. T. I , . .. , -
dent Grant All the nays were Deni-; pant, or sveaU 0I ce t n j private use, and live to-day unwhip-
ocrats, who are now equally unaru-, Ani htk ... Btni nil mn - , ped ot ju.-uce.
whv it is that he cannet ret tuy .egiumate, noaody was hang-
ptibl v closer ; and he begins to ' othciat roaans raa the
' . -t. - icitv of New York m debt $1 2.000 -
.n, Tn,.M..e , riv.- ,e,ti ! 000 ia four years, and stole $20,000,-
Womea vote now ia
censed to see how shamcfullv he haj ! one of thc Territories and a notori-
a candidate for I resi-
is a Republic, and
mous in support of Mr. Greeley
It is idle to affirm, as some lK-mo-i ukea 5n br cntire 8-trM r j ous woman
, n , ,v v , i v v 'nd what an ignoble swindle that
Mr. Brooks of New lork. 'that these ., nllQf wft:footclJ foot is; anJ
amendments are valid parts of the; nt hc notfces he u uifl
Constitution so long as the same ; j and that the COTote
men on the same day vote that the td sIackc et, a .f t0 kcep-fn)m
provisions of these amendments ; naalnr awaT from him aad then
should not be enforced by Congress-; .v., ' ;. in arT, ,n,i
ional IegiMaUon. The amendments he to strain and sweaVand e" created by the sword, and is ber
. i 1-T" r... i i . it,. . i .
v;..v... . - wuiuu
..1 . ?u.l 11 1 UTTL luUU CVtt, ailU
j dent France
Henrr Rochefort aa exile. Mazzini
is dead. China has sent a great em
bassy abroad into the world to make
commercial treaties with the natives.
Japan has undergone a bloodless rev
olution more marvelous than anv
are but "sounding bras and tinkling :
colored man until j rea(.h for tLe covoje witll
cvmbals" to the
Conirress makes them effective and :
practicaL Nav, more." If the rights
of the colored man are to be left
ed and desperate ener?v. This
i "spurt " finds him six feet behind his
1 trliilmr ni.nir -inil tve-n milu from
-t i t..?. -r .t . ' - , . "
xne legisiauoa oi uie cousnern states, i njs fritirnl. q1
without t ongressionai
tliiin a r a n infj nt
i aa at i u.a.-?. a. LaV a laak. aa. aaa mu. AAA .t V AAA
intervention, tWa.u.ILL n.a..l,iii,i i ImhHno. rm
v .,ii Ti .:.!.: " i - "'"- "f
at; n uuiu, iiuuvri a j.tuiot latii. jiiuiiu.
hia rriimtpnrTTp tup nivntp tnm
istration, be deprired of thc right of,and smilts WaadJT upuB' hiu, ace
suffrage in less than two years, and , more an(1 with mething about it
he would lie very luckly if he cscap- ; whica gcem3 t() ga T
ed some form of chattel slavery or, ,!ave totc&r mxu awav from T0Ut
peonage. And in proof of this dan-i kk v,....--,- f,ntl:n ' ;,V;n
get 1 might quote volumes of wisdom, not do f;r me to aIong.
and warning from the speeches of . waJ alI d forthw-kh th;re fa
Utti It 3 kJ U-UAAAt- i .
T. ! iiiliTii T(i!imt.rilv raniliiiial t Kaamav! irtao
eoneentrat- . r'J -7 "
io tiie conuuioa oi private citizens ;
they have disbanded their armies of
retainers and yielded up their vast
revenues to the government; rail
roails and telegraphs are beini? built,
colleges established, and Western
dress and customs introduced. The
Tyeoon is dethronvd, acJ the MikaiL)
ness, sacrifices were offered in the
and Rrown. until thev have nearlv
Miss Armathea rose to ber feet and I temnle for his recoverv. His brain nn,l,ini him and now 1 trs v Lint fur
flungber arms about the squire's neck, i undoubtedly liecame diseased during ; a riee.
"Jotdoia! - Jr-lntti ! will vou sav Ibis sickness, for from that time he be- i The other is a renowned lunatic.
remain-: famous for nothing bnt bis follies, his
farming and wooihopping. bis pol
itical venom and rices, and his total
want of principle. A Fourierite, a
free-lover of the MeFarland order,
and a woman's rights man, must be
either fool or knave. If he sincerelv
Ijelrerrs tn those rlogmas in a state of
organized . society, to Is a fool. If he
ing Lis account" He caused divine does not, then he pretends to believe
hoaors to lie paid to himself, in a tem-j (for a consideration) what he does
pie erected expressly for that pur- not, and is a knave. If the Almightr
priests of Lis own annointment i this world should be without imvern-
... 1. ' .1. I.T . 1 I . 4i.t. . Ilf . . . C
, iiuck. gajieu our iicro ; mere s lie invited his favorite horse, Incita-1 ment aad man without property, he
some one coming." tus, to dine at the royal table, where ! would not have inculcated obedience
I "Say yes, tben, dearest Joshua." .hewasfed on gilded oats and drank j to "the powers that be," or denounced
J "The footsteps drew near. They j wine from jeweled goblets, and but the man who fails to provide for his
paused almost at the door. i lor his premature death this animal ! own family as worse than an infidel :
reigns nntranimeiied. lie has coma
out from his ancient seclusion, and
exhibits himself to all the world in
the public streets with hardly an at
tendant He is going to France.
1 . en-Mr,.. i...,n.! .n.i .1,., ....Li..,, "orace ureeiey is tne uemocraac
When, therefore, you point out to -tin? of a Ion? crack throu-h the at-' candldate for President of the United
tip roKirpd meo that their rie-hts will " n..-,-T,ne0 .n.t 11,1.1 ft .i..- ..i Mates, and ail reiieldom hurrahs for
I safe ia the hands of the Democrat- i harv and alone in the midstof that f
kj party, von ueiuaie ana mislead rxst Bolitude. It makes bis head
them, I do not say wilfully, but none ; swinL He stops and looks all around;
.am it rvral ii 1 . 1 o a a '
the less reany. Ane smaii nandtui oi climbs thc nearest sandmound, and
Republicans, compared with the
whole mass, who unite with yourself
and Mr. Greeler ia going over to the
Democratic party, cannot leaven the
whole lump of politieal unsoundness
even if you preserve your owa oriiri
nal principles in the contact The
administration of Air. Greeley, there-' mast for a week.
fore, should he be elected, would t !
in the whole and in detail a Demo- Umm m y
cratie administration, and you would i
be compelled to go with the current ieveral years ago, a youth
or retieut and tura back when . too i sixteen rears, of good sense, and
late to mend the evil vou have done. fair. English education
him. He
"Hold on ! You have told me stu
pendous things, and with a confiding
simplicity bora of contact with these
.... "l -.:? 1 r 9 . r .
gazes mto the distance; shakes his 1 . " , , ,
head reflectivelv, and then without a ' 9winff them peactablv down ;
word, be turn's and jogs along back 1 but thrre " toJ?U.Ul.u,s' 1
to his train, and takes a humble po- j 8M simP Christian man.
.i-v.v: i.,. r j ! and unacfinainted with intemperate
cifiiafl Kirnl I fia r T rial miYkit ta.iriYn final
ta kauu wuav. a kjva vt iuuuiia a w i(iu? muia ; j - . All L
feels unspeakablv- mean, and looks 1 ynwaei nen you teu uie tuat
ashame.1 and hanjs his tail at half i fll, brwme Dem.
f.Ik tall1 A Ai Il7t...T J'" kka- A Aa a IV
and whoop for him. I cast the tradi
j tions of my education to the winds
f ami say, " I'll be damned to all .etern
0f ' ity if I believe it After a pause.)
a I " My trunk is paced to go home, but
I snail rcniaou in -rrica. tor these
a-at a Faraa.
would have been raised to the con
sulship. In a more enlightened and
liberal age Caligula would have been
deposed and sent to an insane retreat
The Romans endured his cruelty for
four years, and then put him to death
would have said charity besrins
abroad and not at home, and would
not hare said, "Thou shalt not steal,"
as man can steal property only. If
he had intended to tolerate free-love,
he would not have instituted mar-
tw. I,.,.: snail rviuam
" . .t . . 1. - a n t - .
Your argument that Horace Urw! profitable cmplovment at his father's """f, . mie V 11 ine-T
v v . v u.iie ai u ui t
civilization. . -
InterpreUT to the Expedition.
ley does not become a Democrat by home in Kentucky, sought for employ
receivin'T Democratic votes illustrat-l ment anion? his enterprisinir neigh
ing it by the analogy of your own borsa few miles distant ; and although I
election to the Senate is hardly per-! wages were low in those days or gold
tineat The point is not what Mr. I and silver eurency, be saved from his
Greeley will become personally, but' first year's wages eighty dollars,
what will become the. complexion of Htrwa then seventeen yean old.
the great lvgsilative branch of the i healthy, lively-looking, aspiring, and
government, with all its vast control-1 ambitious to become useful, noble and
line power. You know very well ! perhaps jrreat He had always learo-
yir. Sumner, that if Mr. Greeley is ed that money loaned at high rates of, gisms of this world's arimnations,
elected President, Conarress is hand-f interest was oppressive to the bor-land when he get- to de cold drv
ed over to the control of the partv rower, and reacted on the loaner, ia streem of de River Jordin the Kero-
A colored preacher ia Sparta, Ga ,
some time ago, was heard to say in a
funeral sermon of a deceased brother:
" Ue ruminates no longer among us;
he have exonerated from the s.vIlo-
persistently denied the the falling of prices of nearly all ar-
the black man. What, tides in the commercial world; that
will pursue toward the men sought justification for their
bankruptcy and delinquency in tne
who have
rights of
course you
colored man is of small consequence
after you haTe transferred the power
of gorcrnment te his enemy.
The colored men of this country
are not, as a class, enlightened ; but
they hare wonderful instinct, and
when they read your letter they will
know that at a great crisis in their
fate you deserted then. Charles
Sumner co-operatinj" with Jeffersoa
fact that they had paid large rates of
Feeling, therefore, tbat liberality as
well aa justice waa necessary
to every man's dealing with his fellow
men, he loaned his eighty dollars to
an exemplary, enterprising, and pros
perous trading man in his neighbor
hood, at the lowest rate of interest
sines and Periphenes will meet him
dare to row him over on dry land
to the sylvcrsteringcity.'
Josh Billings says he will never
patronize a lottery so long as he can
hire anybody else to rob him at rea
sonable wages.
I eaught her gently by the arm.
my gentle, blue-eyed Kate. She cri
ed, Let go, yoa fool, you hurt my