The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, July 17, 1872, Image 1

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fjVrms of Publication.
.?. irrariat-ij he duiiyed.
V h--rTi.u(-c iB " "--" - f
T. " wlL iml - M tbrtr
.li r'" Mm' '' i"mrT"
.,-11 a the l ,,ft"r- AJ'h'r'-'
Somerset Printing Company,
Ji '12N L SCtXL,
Iiuir "Manager.
i v v ' JUL. MMJLl vy
Hard farr.
Ikt 11 tS KIMMIX wit! o.:iT.ut t. i-rar.-
I v-1iiiH-. ani U-n-irr lit 1 -.-m-1
V.rr. tMW the ,i 1r.
..i ibtiiladeHocfte. f. .1 ,
Til 111 H VKI.VT2. ""''"-'
- i
huapTKrt. 1
n J tle adiuituiut
at :
i'i irve r.rtn:i atttfi- ;
tu lu ran- in s- iHTrt
MCI). lini in w jii
jy fc-tl.
I I u- tit i: -ten .! S mrm-t and ki
wen: t Oie Bar-
jan. li. u.
1; v. tttttn ii n - - -
llt-t H.4i"f-
I.r I K MILLE1' haf ienuntiii!y l-.!,!
I In f t the JTM1K 'l hi .rtf.i .
..t.;i:e .l-rl Kru-Mttrt'
kjr. Tu-ti.
'Vx ijli't. Aii'JJiiiilT K. ('flrxth hhf
A rroinr.1 jli "1 lw In Snmrt 1
irli. 2a. Tu.
att'1;m:ys at
nc. 13-iy.
-1V!IX k txiLb'.'KN.
1 LA
. J. li!t.
; - ;i.i-Ui(.f uil tiJfh:y. tnr. 12-ly.
M . LAW. NttW. Ph.. Hi In -
irufTM ti ibn filii W i..y -ut.
1TE W yLLlNS. l.LNTlT. S.wu '
F ! in li" jmrt ! up ftirf- .
, Iw J :i '"" I ''UI'J I )"" Ui au !
, tiuf il .Tfc. fu. L f tiiiii:. n-euiiitc. .
,VJt Ac. Aniti -u.1 K-rtli---: nU kuii. "J "I
J:hn F. Blynyer
H rr-iiirtK-J liif Hire s
Few Doors Above the Old Stand,
And flit l nirfennm fHrihlf a full line '
ui tudfr nl tbr en icirt JK-ft, i
Hardware of Every Description, ;
jUUt ..
a i. rifiut'ucv. Ms mt- !
;U1. 1. "Tu. j
iKXn.Livsii att'I;m;t at law.
i l.i t'.IHJ lillf i-
tin; B jriit?. m ( tt('n
t iKN l t
I -mi-rm.
VmmIoii lVare of .411 Kind.
Rmfirpf .hf u3 estiBoof Tnr.
WLiL vkaTt tbv OitUT?
Wf( Uk- pod 44 t dcc ,
WttaX. Ll'f vbc mioter?
We nil riKiiHS the Inw aol tree
FreeJun'i lartle cry iwjk-w,
Horn fir Orsot ud Wflwm. tm,
Tat"i irlut'i the nutter ;
Uruli hkt't tie BaMet mum,
Onat'i Thu' Utt matter.
To riititry, we're huutLUic k.
ThjJ't ht" tic matter.
Lines to Ibe inj Ae't Tuloe,
What. tle nuau-rT
Grut and wam ir the eliuiec
That'f wiat Oie matter
On u KkliuKcJ kaf s.
Grant manliod aaJ laid 1U'1LU. kr,
A cvia to Waf Jimjnui be '11 pu,
That'f vLat'i the ma:u-r:
Grant 'f what' the- matter.
Grant' hat( Ue mxutr,
To rkitary ' marching vw.
That chat' the loatUT.
m the Incla. ttat the tram.
What. ha( the livatUT,
The yrt.r f juliiloe ha come,
That'f hat'f the matter:
Grant aoi TDw here e free.
AU fif tefii' them mast mreat.
Fur they're a team that eu't he heat.
That' what' the matter;
Grant ohat'f the matter Dow,
Grant' w hat! the matter.
To Tictnry we're marrhinr . , .
That' w-haf the matter.
l'jttkinff at it as I eiuoled mr iiiiK-: it 'rette, and to eutrcat von to take rare Lis tbaracter. lie was In tLe halit of studFe-il liook-twphiir
M-tmcJ to
tit il as a riu ia in j I'lj. in"! , w v - - . -. - i j
to fix it-j gTeat red eve Tijxini of her iffbr Fnrvires I hardly ilJnk ' risiUn the lake towns on Ontario, j fctor(
.seinatin? like the eve of a ! f-he M ill." ; both on the American and Canadian ; lead
Ontario, fctore as a clerk, 1 mi.
or eriH-n-d a
rht have Ihvii
1 the inot tborouirh thrat dovtur we
have, Hi rented v a etrueture of
. , .1-- -i . . a l
mjr a niuc-U easier ami iiiwrepk-a. iieniji rarni.H.- ij c-(.re uk -i.
It was red, wide, raw, star-1 ''All that is fair my pood fellow," I ;fiue, in the proseeutKjn of tlje tait , urawe uw. j t.iujiaic uirw u.u,i uu, Irn r
:iti..i -e. c.... ...,.! T ,..t rnn i.t T mn Hrrr l.uf trm i K.MriiT r!i.tinfl Bt tho nlKiri-i la ltift r-a-ii ritci Uf ufMl fa L (JHC HUIS Ml r cut itjj umiu i- iviii-
took mv preat eoat and hung it over baek to Franee, to her family. I will 'named port, then familiarly known as j dissatisfied wuh his K-leetion and plain or their thr -at a.trr tfe lir-t
clock and letter and went upon ! never leave her until the wishes to be j "Sacketts," and justly regarded a? j wi-binrrto eichanire plan - And the plication.
. . . . , t , , - , , - ,1 r .1 . .1 : . . i . i , . ..I.- a w n& . ... n -. . . . . ... .o riiiuir. u ,- nnin hit it:ii fji
' rid ol me, oui i qo BOi idiuk f-ne win i one ui tut iiiost uissij'aw'u piaei uHjuiuitiuit it uiiminrauiB iwi, mi iy-v.jii -..-v. ..
it" the frontier alwavs inferted with i how we hall decide for them ana the throat doctor.-, wiiose iuixturei, ai.-o,
I .J. . .:
. w ho have opi.vd us In the pa.-t, who
;clanr v tin: D uifKTatk- pany until
it ?iirer)d-r'-d it- id vSX irto th-p
' lifin l-' T 1lm !rr and V-rnvrn Thy
,,j.-. t i,ii''li.H'.;lit "r.-"ld without
tij' ir c.ii.- nt. Th'-y are th advari'-e
iri.ird -f th u-anl.-, wh will tak'
t Li. j ca.-i'ti t- leave a party that
; ln-r ntf it- h'!i"r V the det-d.
, an! uhi h w.juld have n buried
! years aro, but f-r the vitality impar
ted to it corrupt furni, by '.he fw
h'ine-t nx-n Lo, hok:n at it? old
i tradition, win- Ukid to it fault.
: ll'irace (r--W ha- had infl(i''n'"e in
! ihv a.-t. Ijt his arm is powcrb s
! lo w. Like other prominent uez who
V( ) k I have traveled the ramc track, he will
J wsken to the truth that men are iafiu-
i-i-i-i-i-i-i-iii entia! and ixiwerfu! .-o fr as they are
. . , , , i . i . .i .
ri'Lt, aiil wlitri wy oe-rx ii.e nxui
their fjllt.wer- iil dvMrt th'm.
II-.ra.-e C?rt-e!ey carries no Ptrtarth
with bltn. In Use. renewal of the old
fijrht we -ball not taiss his pres- nce,
u r will the utruv rtrvn:-r f-r it.
deck to finish mv pile.
We were now in the
I ke Hianl.
vicinitv of survive
TT inr.r mr tifiml arwl nriuul li 'lnerinf vif-iou- tneiinatinns nnd tirofli- classes thev represent, so that are too laniuiar to
"Mnst kind eanfain: I we vou sut I irate habits be had occasion to ob-' wemin-r nii-takcs in selecti-ia may 1-e Cold water is the --af.
? .1 1 1 - 1..
Cape de V-crdc I?laud TLe
i- a - fMin-ntntF 1a.-f.iri a fiiTr l&'.n.? fit tlif ;
rate i,T ten rnHea n hour. It was a ' fer more in this business than I do. ! serve the knavi.-b devices of a -ran? remedied.
We acknowledge we ar
splendid tropical night, the stars lare ! but there isno help for it Itrustyou ;of snarpers who made it a point to 'unequal to titeiasK.
and rfdninf; the moon riinsr alove will preserve what little t.rouertv of plunder every misusiK-etiB? man! Food, tlothinr, took, machinery.
theLorizoa as larre as a sun of sil- mine is left, for her sake, and that you whom they could entiee into their ; house?, r-hips. and an almost endle
l . -a -a . I , -1 A . . -
will take care fene trets nat Ler poor , tons. .msnz mcir t icri
many "c'.-jue.
t thiiiL' f'-r the
thmat as an inward a-p!'"n.
I'epper doctors were uit-Jf-opula
ver the line of oe.-an Tiartinir it. and will take care the ante tat Ler poor ,
the lonar streams of bare, ehimmering old mother may leave Ler. I put her tin-peddler from had inveigled h:
i i IJ L 1-A-iilU Ujf'U lilt wl 4 I. " AJ, Aiav f a jw-ii A-BUU:. -"t. j
iliev 1.r.,L-e BnsrVled lite iewels. i-" fand how fondlv low his voice be- i cards known a:
I sat upon the deck, smokin-r mv pipe, came) "a dellicate" little creature, off;" that is, three cards constituted chant.-) is of necessity comparatively ,;
and looking at them. her chest is often affected ; she must band, and three points the game. i few i number, and, therefore, needs
All was still, except the footfall of keep it warm ; and if she could keep .They poon won all bis money, the 'but a small force of assistants. The,
the officer of the watch as he paced! the two diamond rings Ler mother contents of his peddler wagon, and, necessities of the millions of earth re-;
the deck, sraInr. as I was, upon the. gave her, I hould be tfsd ; but of.e trirse and wagon as well. The, quire by far the largest number of
shadow of the vessel t-tealin? over the , course if money is needed thev must j P00r poddlcr. utterly ruined, was in i rsons to 1 employed in aimcuhure
s-ilcnt water. " igo. My poor Laurette; how prettv; despair, and being a stranger in the : and manufactures. Whenever then, ; lenee and order I hate she looks :" neigiiixirtiooa, and destitute ot re-.tnrougn pnue or any oilit moute,
some years ago. 1 bey fl"n i jK,j.-r
us so much as thev did.thouh :uanv
doetors are t-i.irt rv enoti
Mustard doctors are in the armv f.-r
letinis was a vanetv t Utr Uiings are continuai-
Vcnuont. Tlaer lv ia demand, which reciuire the labor
She 'had inveigled him into a game at ! of farmers ami mechanics ; whilethat the mo-t part, nnle-s they are mu-ter-
three up and three i class whwh raaku esehanges (mer- fdout.
Lancer uocwra are almost as nu
merous as cancers themselves. Every
cancer doctor exhibits s- many can
cers he has taken out that I hare
sometimes wondered if th'-y didn't
take it out in cancers. I was one
shown a tumor so large 1 a.-ked the
It ir- Lard to renou'-r an old political
friend, one whom you have tru-td.
sou-Hit advjee from, ar.d in a certain
degree, r-rard-d as a ! alcr. It
awakens feelinr-' -f rent, not w
nifl'-h f-r th" lo-s if a fri-n.l. a- f-.r
the lo- of that confid. n'-e tvhi
made friend-hip j-o.-.-ibie. If
wa- one man in the Republican party
whom we de-ned more hones: ia h:
convictlotis than another, that man
was Horao. Greeley. We know he
was eccentric, on some questions un
reliable, but we never doubted his
hor.e-tv n.'iti! now. We have been
f re d to dert him. for wten a nian de-
serts fn-ru h:ms-If, how can he eyf-e- t
I will. -:vu.J
lid. la. Tu-ly.
ar.a H-ul T ano l'-n,ii. Atui- S ;ner--t.
i iii ti.t A --urt li jua. lj-.t.
H AE.M.T 11' 'I L
Tlie nrt '-r'i2w! r--
1;- that lit lift- liie-il t! i
1, 4-HIli. --t - fll--r-.-T 1
it :i a !:.-1 w MUi. t- li
a.. !i. u,i.v hit .ir hjii .
A;.ri: r-
vt!u'!v ;i.! -rn:? itie JiK ;
"tT'wu h ilei hi tlrf-
1 ti' KilTiTl,: tu kw'
:iiruf a:ir'.aru-i to
:h th-.-;r eu:-m.
John u u
A lid ereryil.uit' 1k-1ii Ui U- the L.m;- trade.
Willi t LLAH.
I had -served twenty-five year on
: board an East Indiaman, and for the
!at tea years had comuiaiidi-J the,
j IVlla. one of the finest craft that ev- j
ter floated. I was an old sea dog, and ,
TLi'Biideinfii.-.n Th eights f-hould 1 It was ieftlii-r too nmeh f..r me : sources, he knew not which wav to parents Uisretrard the law and enour-
. . . - , . ,
all Lave been extingukbed by this and I Ix-gan to knit my brows.
lime, but U hen I looked ujHjn the deck i '-One word U as good as a thou-
I thou sot . I - a lutie ml hue of , sand," I said. AVe understand each
light beneath nny feet. At another , other. Goto her."
; time or place this would have made I squeezed his hand; ho looked
me ansrv, but knowins the Iirht came ' wistfullr at me, and added: star a
from the cabin of my little deporte?
1 1 determined to
Lis old friends to remain by him : If we
ever l--!ieve.j b his honesty we tike
it all bark. We look ia vain for some
y our past
faith; but we turn unwiliinrlv from
doctor, if spaee wa- valuable, tthy he
didn't stick Lis patient awav in a glass
turn, ijui rene: came wnony unex-ge tneir s.-ns in -seeking aner .-nua- jar uuu jei miuoi a.a uuu. . LToucds en which to u
rH-cted. Yonusr Richmond sefiii . tions. as ch-rks. ljo-jk-LeeiH-rs. ect.. Movement do tors are trvinir hard , '
the distress of the peddler, and pene-' rather than, to eagage in tho-e pur-, to get up a movement but. hl- you.
trating the tricks by which he had! suits for which there is always a na- the old-fa--hiomd piil doctors are
been defrauded, proposed to take Lis I tural demand, there must Ir- a corres- j t ears aUad of them. TLcy arc the
hand in the game. The sharpers de-! pouding amount of suff-ring as a o- orisinal movement doctor
the M-arch, aiid coife
We can accept cither
. d:ic :uii.i:.a. and the rc-u
see wnat tnev were aavice. ion t sav a
' easv ; that is mv busines
'ceived orders to put myself in readi
! ness to sail for Ca venne. I was toiraiis-
monu-nt. let me rive vou a word of lighted at the prospect of a fresh vie- ally, ilenco we find the so-cailed j Corn doctors should notbeovir-
word to her be llIU' ,at rl.v acccj'te'i trie proposition, respeciaoie occupaiions are giuaeu, ; i'wicj. -ouie oi miu an- ..
siness it shall 1-e ' aD sct ' "O'k in earnest at their ' while the mechanical branches are skillful in taking off a corn. A corn
I had onlv to look down; I could manajred in the best manner." scheme ot plunder. Hut they bad a suffering through tLe lack ol skilled , doctor took on a corn e.-r me once
twf into the "cabin from the skvlight ! "Ah !" Paid be, '"I did not under- j && PT?on to deal with from the , laborers. An a-lvertiM-nient for a and he took it off so fur it was neany
tter P-ec'ile- unsopnisiicateu venner or tinware. , clerk win quukiv Lnag to me omee a weea ueiorc it zoi nua ai:i.
tier. it siuc , , ... . i , 1 - , ,. , x- i i . i . ;. . t .
ine gamoiers lound themselves over-, u.-or a maii army oi appiicams 01 , .uuau uo ua.-u i uor?e sen-e un
matched, and the result of the game ' all .-Izes and ages, while the want ' any business trying to le a Lore d
was the recoverr of all the propertv ! column mav plead several davs for a tor, although he may get a diploma to
" - i . . . .... i . -. - . r
rood niechanie. and fail to meet with : aoetor men. tv-n tee ron.-tixuiion oi
If he was honest in th
s tnere are none.
horn cf the
U .Lc saie.
v-a-t. he i-
of which they had robled the peddler.
I v,i!-M In.. sU t-ve j-T-.-it:!,; alien: Kt.,
ji',i tu:nf eii:m;e to t.i?- t-art- it.
k: i..iiii-iff r-mnTirf.. :in- on I ui a Fixi-v
i,V tl riiorti(X' ,-l Lw. s-'-uJ.
TV. 1 . nr.wnn w.n T k "I W ATI?- a-llliriri luat-4.
"tt,(ttV' , v ,ift ,i T , 'knees, she wa savin-r her pravers. this leavMakine! this leave-taking!"
I felt almost a hatred for the land. , , . . , ' -,- , UW-...-JI i-n-. t v Tt
.i o,..i ,fn,v . iwai i 'A lamp swimrm? from the ceiling " l e," said I. '-Don t behave like
vu wit: .vm vi "uoi, ao, a iv- , , , - - . , rth !.! mnl. .tf V.. L..,
liJllvU 111 I I OOIU. UV II UI .l--li. ' ",. " uvu ' . 1 V 1 . ..will., l-lM-
V.Tte ntrrV An.s finr cmlden iti!' if Ton sr. Inst
i -t n i i .i n 1 1 i w . . i . .i n.icnmona then, m tLe nrecenee of & resoolise.
. ( ' - i- - uair, UA'aieu over liCr suouiue.s. uu- a vi-i 4u sa-ui, x ran mem aia- - i " ; , ; .. -
; port seventy-five Soldiers and a con-1 , .' 4 r " ' w i.w i, , .t.- a,.. r..J the gamblers, restored to the aston- "Sorrv he did
ivict. I Lad orders to treat this indi-, j h her ' about half an hour. j i islvd man LU anJ waon and ', Let apprentice and journeymen, who . physician f,r ourselves wc occa:onal-
! Ik I now called the mate to me," and t't0f gnod.lnntrg taken may b,. bewaJing their lot. at forget that. The Lor? d,t-r
(ceived Jix.iu tlie directory enclosed an ... ..,.- - u -i v, t v. j j .i . '-i. frurn him a solemn nrr.m never : rest, vo to tr.ns renme r.o longer, but sometsmes r'-ts more k:cks tnsn ci-
studv and close application : per. though he is one of ti e tew
ir trades, and bavin? d-ne jfivilei-ed in-rsons w ho is excu-el f.r
, a horse may be i.roken down i-y on
not learn a trade." ! skillful treatment, vet ia se-lettinsr a
ail his life,
i- convicted
He advoca
blaek raee :
freelmen :
f, -t.
bCli-l- ill
after t we.
SKm.kii , I'.ie. 1
1 lift titIfH 1i N'fflMTH-l Hli-i IfUiitJ.
i ifj Hi Mt till f'i i U(T- larrXIttwHi A.
K.u.ufi. Ik-TV ! r-n tr .u-ulu-v: liuit.
rir- 11 Tl l;.
1' KNEJ'Ptli. I'tiT-Pi-inr. a-I I n::u li-.-rliu. .
' m pit, M ' jttyt j'.-Ti.:t t- lU ch
: -."os.-tM u iut c-f. ICS-? i J 'r wt-tc ! .tc :
Table Knifes nnd Tori.
K i.N'S
. , , iitit TA.naw v c n til i nm uti iiiti mlh- lit-ii in- i.uu r'Hri t n-p ujtt tr i mm a - - - - .
other mud a nuge reau seiu, iih n i . ' - , . , , .t.-v.n ?' . v.j'jram to ulav cards for'moner. or bv hard
wsnottoop,nunulU-twen 27 and;- gamble In anv manner whatso- ma-ter the
ueg. lougiiuuc , mui is ju-i ; . .. , , - . . 1 : , ,1 i. a. .i . ever. . . so demau
i . i i- ;tt n t ni r. l n tii i r'i i i hi i ui ii i ri'i inr nriiiT- imi ri'in m 111 iti i ic m ,
U-lore we are aoout tocrosi the line. r- i . ..r.- ouni- nf ,,f Then l.v
. . . nr,,X l..-l-;- tt,i im intil it mir" ' ' - - -ri iiuitr.eT- oi a -e-ni jarv ui- i nt H
wtS dnv S d I "-How" do' yoti wish the thing doneards -d ia' the s punctuality
;!Set Zltht uo:n tbat her eyes were filled he asked in a nonchalant manner. jff f " weH-t-do . tures there
im; . '-Til;, dim ;-, a J-,. r,f -!. Htranger, who represented ba!l be cot
ot its contents, l am not natural v su- . - - - r . - - - ... - ..v., v, . , , . . !i.;..
. - ... dulenn S cbo rose be SAld : dO It a? OUK'k as TK.sSlble : don't Sav " iiu-l-trumet e-
IKrstr.iou.-..,ulere-asso.ue uuigu.--- - - - Ai . ,.. .-rtt,:' ,.,:, . .t. who wasextrieated fromruin throu-h - davs U-a
the lo...k of the letter that I did not . , ? lT "y . .ur ,mr, . . nrmneas .n, -nero-tv ' Mbl rS J0
altoLfU-crUke, though I eould give approach America I cannot helpA-el-; Gar ev fire mm looking at
ni. r.-Hiii w-liv llnwerer I earrie,! iul- uuah'u: a "u- ' .. . . , . , . A . , , -..
. al L:... s- -1-jiTMt l'a. l'r-i i-miil li-
lin tLAlX LI.XLP k tTTLLs. kf kf,
1 a fa;r eomt-en.-atiou.
adding to skill, Lonestv,
and economy ia experidi
need 1-e no fear that they
it-elled at anv time to beg
ut t-mplovmeiit to pav f or a
rd aad JAdjing. o
looking a gift horse in the mouth.
The healthiest town I ever knew
was out La Illiaoia. one sumtner, w Lt a "
a r rial.
vovarre has l-een ; a J-trange f.-llow. I
i what to make of Lim.
ii;,lr.-e l n.-.- Hiiorturu ui- BsivBtsneu listener
it.A- ,l. : r. i.c.t. "
He then went f " r , :'Bikt " s. t
oiaiea. that ne naa
I. ,i,t.tU M.l."n stin-L it nnil.-r.liHtl led that till
... . , , ? . . . r t:,....
the glass ot a iiitie ehaooy tngiish ' ' IZ Z A ' .Za f .C Li-" Zz." " " . I had never l-een t
cl.K-k which was fastened al-ovemvj .-o u seems to iue, n.. u, a
head. I was bust fixing the letter! ;I only wish it might last forever." i wom
nnder tin- clcH-k. when who should ; Suddenly clawing his hands in a Night eame at last "Man a boat ;
Veaeral Kilnlriek.
General Kilpatrick was a dashing
mam rAiTt i.rr.s a i lali.j.s ix
I'i ne MK:'ie itiJ 1 Vr L. -kiia: G'.ai-ef anJ
I'icture I mm.-, a S;-i!i:y.
Mar IS
lUUV ailV
the convict transjort of love and affection, he
soldier durin-r the war, and
like Horace iiret-iev. he
1 1
J-IAA J-l 111UUi.Va.HWJU ' ":"- - .- 1 .1. . T ... A C.-T
all.l lual a enuiioi .n-inu --i i uvn
' what causes it. and then I fear vou - f.-re bis Laurette ; kiss her feet ! her
For BllSineSS Men.a--d-WMl-irto , knees! her gown! I med a
band wasan inu-IUwnt. ina-rnifie-ntlv i -Repnt, she said, m a sad rebut; madman.
j formed man. on w hose features nature insr tone. Rej-ent of having eore 'Tart them ! Part them this in-in.,,-
with vou Io vou think ecaus I , stant ! Tart them curse the) repub-
i His cririe to le plain wa the have been yours onlv such a rerrjlhs -ew tne. flirectory th direc
! misfortune of iH-in? a hundred vears ! short time, thai I should not love you ? j tors! I quit the service; curse the
He and others Lad Was I not your wile : now can you , lawyers: you may veil tnein i: you
rvn tbrifW and erinatantli- t.t-.-wi ...r- .
ous. and that be was then of .'mid! !" t!mov? fair Rrpubliean.
go a quarter of a mile ; be cjuk k. '
To oljev afclin of miner! f,ir it wa
. . . . - .. 1 , 1 . 'in. tn nwrit
mv little angei, i see ; uui a win alter an. "methinfrin thei , , . . , 'tirm y,P tbint
i una. ,
;,, . Greeley
stnu-ntious epigrammatic ioIe cf ! f'. V' confident huni,
sayingthinirs, which gave them great ' ilpatnck once held a fat fSH n-.n-jok(.t
isier 10 "l iiiii , uren u.s 'ui 11 ,.iu.
the d'M-tors went Ea.-t to attend a
medical conventi' n, ceglectin? to re
turn for several luotth-. The doc
tors found when they did get back
that their patients had' all recovered,
the drug stores had ba.-strd, nur-es
had'opened dancing the cem
etery was cut up into building lots,
the undertaker had 'rone to makin
0T1CC I fiddles, andthe villa-re hearse had been
i'Ut, ; rnudilr Ttainted and sfild f -r a eireti-
. . i
di-hoECst now. If he :- honest now.
he ha l.-en uisho-nc.-t
Out of hi- own m -u:ii L
of political dishose-ty.
t-d the elevativ-n of the
the -rrantlnz of lauds to
the nece.-sitv of passing law- jot
protection c f southern loyaiists : the
absolute riirht of th Federal Govera
laeiit to enforce tle-e laws, and the
vitiil inip..rtanee of def.-atinir IV-mo-craev.
-en-u. its triumph wonld de
feat th-s- wi.-e measares. Now L--.-wallows
his past -.. r-ord and deLoUi
ees th- rtry act- be first su-T sted
and advocated. The (La.T.j-i a if
rott ctlvn. a bitter, unrt!.."tia?f-r to
free tra. he Las left on record trr-re
good reasons f r makin-r "i-rcteetion"
a i.iaiiik in the partv i.Iat'-.nii of ea-
graftinz the p...i:'cy ou the adiz.ia'stra
tion than anv otlcr j-.Ktieal writer
of our times. In Lis estimation n-
STeafrealan.ltycouM lx fall the tat if n
than the triumph of the I'emoiTati'
party, U-cause the weisLt of its ad
ministrative and legislative inSuf-uce
would 1-e in favor i.f free trade. Now
he :-n
-re. th
the past, abandon.- the p-;
,-r t tu- - ifw-t w lien wi slum hi . .-uuumii i'-.""s ""--- - . u .il , , , r . .- like Jiora-e iireeiev. lie a sore . t
T'-lier i;h tum:T anirl-t tji, nugir-f to men. i
11, in lti bti julifrtoa-ininit- He 11, tlrlenullinl Lo l COllie
-U at ilierer; iocrt ynyrK Give him a call. ; and L's wife" This Was the first ' Said I
'line is-7-. i
time I had seen either Of them, and 1 , --na yei, my mu. ..(.., . ,..i, oomeiumf: ,u uie , . n , ... tion, he thinks (Jrant a tyrant and , hsiirt. a l,. er.n-truetl
tbM -wore, wnen you sa or ui-wubwml bam.v in rt-tort with "rceley the only hone.-t man. except , nooa them at-?,. Thev are -r.-od-
w I am n-ni -i Tt it T i r I L ni ITT XV T ri TfiTl - Vtia n fatAAl f1Al-n rvn I I T T r ' - s I - ft a .
couple i never met. me woman was; '" - "". r:i " Z kT;. " " . sententious eoitrrammatie motle cf fenny oi puwic conn.icn e. : hunjured cJ can. thert-f.-re. take a
mean-., and proffered anv rx-cuniarv ae jiorat-e -.n-ejey, u- iiu-
aid that his benefactor mi-rht be wifl-, -T0 V thinks he Las U-e-n nerlecte.1 ; ; Although I Lave metapLoriIly
ana wcau-e ne is oui oi a iai i.m- Mn. ror doetors Jet noth:n 1
a re5ectinr
iey of protection, shakes hand? in tr
feet ieiiow-Ltp with free traders, and
is wiiiinz to be all thinsrs to ail men.
he is out oi a lat posi-
('rant a tvrant and ,
just to
Jen: of the United
"The Reserve Fund Policy.'
force. When Mr. Lincoln
w av to
and slashed awav
t!t nnd i'mi?iTir I Kir 1 . . " . '" '
tlironrb tbn State on Y:
Washii!rton, in the winter of lkl, , hZ?'A at V'c
Mr nti-hn i i.r.,.;.i.-.i Mm wot. -"s-beTTuan
sne-ciiil train st Ttuffiilo n,1 n.,....'iuM march to the sea
at l'emocracV S I minv frici-U m,in ll iliWi'-i vet
Rebels, w hile lcadii-; ithey'arv ltn- Tcry last m-n I want to
tinnamers in inai la-. f.a:i
Rut he came ;
that he is st the f et of Iea;-e-ririn?
f-:-r political aid in his
I w.'rk t-f rule or ra'a. doic-r his V-st
t life has l.c-en a
ham, a career of deceit
i-r-i i
Oat Bathia-e.
Are h-ah-ail kin iurf f-iaUt an-i ,
liuiLkL.-:br.ii: al u.l lit-s loiiiiTl--
S ASH AN It I-or.S.
v. is 11 itrkiji e ri; am i.
UEAt'KLTS. ke-
16 ,'u.rn. anjtl inc rene-a'ly tsw-J in lun-e t-niU-int.
All a.a'f "! 'I J in 1- orjer.
. tr-ier tr- iuil-l-i L.n
Scare-. eeUl I'rwtn tiwa ta
1 ol.ttrl i.t 1 . . .,
! ... 1 . . .V.. 1 .l...,lil li n iik run in i -T11 '"
attempted pometuinr wnicn our gov.' w i-on m it-u x--.. , -.
ernment called treason, and which it ' live with you if you live, and to dtet M-e was dragged into Ler berth,
punished with death. It therefore. ! with you if yon are to die ! j and the boat rowed away in the
that he should 1-e placed under m v ' striking the floor impatiently with Lis!
Mr. Lincoln, w ho had a keen appre
ciation of original a
was mneb .nnied b
i.i . t . t - , , em n n-mnstr,-i, ir.fimrrrnn.t hi.
st.-n.-ifl ,r,e. . ..ll ,.11. . piensaui passages oeiween i.icnmona ; " "V: .
. -waiaK "lll- "ilVI aaa liHIl "I'I 1 t 4. S U1L . r-t
1 ti. v .re-J v mwulM".urt liDJt uf
He wii; ai irjn-rn!; av.etid V-N--
tat :!.e I: EST MATERIAL wiU V uM.
All w.rk d oe in thp In:.--: tn! ro w a;-;i--e-t.i
h . at tl
S n-jf-rw-t. Kan t Cth.
Every Policy Holder.;
charge, bnt more of this afterward. b-et while he kissea repeateaiy uie , over ue rea to me veest-L it was
He had. as I said, his wife ban?- little- band anlrm which she was all over.
. . - " !l.AU:.i ' Ttki'il MaOilaamt Knit T ,a V
ingon ins arm. She was as- merrv m-miu uul . ' , , H mc ,,jacej .v. diTosnl
.. lllL T .n.Hn I .i,,nH ' tn.1.11. "sl-l- anA Miru' lf ill : . i l"a-ru Bl 'nr UISIOsai
jasa i.ird; she loo-u like a turtle . ""'i',. 7" r?.r . .?rr. . " dent elect TLe sunerb palace ear
eooirir and f ondlv nertlinr be-neath : l thins 11 our marriage nao wen oe-- loop i paeeu oaca ami lonn. ana an f L , i . , -
. il.n.'nnV fir. orc onlv firo dara , me it lonw I l,.r.1 tlx., r.f 11 lli Prt M ul ua.T Xiu n01 wCn in
nis great wir.g 'IMv.-'-t i " ."v7 -T J ' Rented, but this comfortable coach
lM-torea month naa passea over i lUBl luu """"" ",r -..ic-.-,.-. t-..
our beads I looked upon them as mv I d and transported alone, I cannot Often I halted and was tempted to
own rtdim. - JirrrT mornin? I ued ' forgif myself. (throw myself into the sea, and so
to call then into mr taMn. The ' At this the little one stretched out end this horrible torture of brain and
voun-fellow would sit writing at mv ' her Tund white arms, clapped his heart
t'd.le tbt is t., Rv n,r ehesL which 'head, pressed his forehead, his hair, ; Days passed; 'I nrr notbinar of
, I-!
, ana ni ;to.r.-v. ia Tiie iii-. rest
free-trade friends, h t us permit II -.rae.
ip --j--ak f-.r himself. ... fTjr .,T.
miriit do hita injustke. So aklDz :
the Ieti,--craLc ranv an d it- r.-ll.-v
a.i he not Ijt.z ago paid it tl-- f ie -rinj
is ot e'rrjt.onieLt :
Point wherever vou r-leas.- t s-
. . . , ., ... - -
aU-r-ium ancient record, i ne pnvsicai ei.-ction uistnct w Lieh vou -ri'i in
lor lis last creat raid, a-rauist eis c-ia . ""o""1 - n-u-winuu i-i , uoum-e luoraiiy rotten, riven up m
nied the party to Albany. At Syra-' fconie on vL"-t a51 t,K) 1,"1-- wa"
CUse Mr. (Jre-elev joined the company. . oruereu uaea. pomaii oia
'swore in a dozen languages, threw up! The benefit to Lc- derived br
nd i-eculiar men, ; Lif! commission and his Republicanism
v the occasional ailt- to-day we find Lim at the Iem
classes trom wrsonal aouti'-n
universal intere-t. and hii-Llv esteem-'
knew sb-epin- coach of elecan:' leader. Poor fellow! he ou-ht to I w ureeks ana jiomaiis are jasuy at- great part to dehaucherv and vie
atrpointments and high finish wa . know better, but be don't, so be must ped as much to tLeo- habits of . .nd that dl-trict will l found at
of tf, Pri ' u-arn tv extKTience now it ieeis io oe j "--"" " --r - .n . eieei.- a t tnve a
s on the wrong side, it the lr.ouiie,- "--11 '"""- emiu.i;, m i-- ia.--e ma.-'Tiiy i..r inai whuh stvies
philosopher had offered to take com- krence to cold bathing, that the lead itself the IViuoeratic partv.
but this comfortable coach ' ulaD 11 of herman s nowe array at -- a.e i iiit-niunwoi -jet.auchery
with tj i-Lr.tI r.f miMnn. n.i Atlanta. Kiii-atric-K wou:a nave oc.-k-; vvr " ' , ia:l ou i.i tau a. at
, i..T.. , M?,.n l.tu-,..) in .1-simst ret War he i the body wticL first comes in con
i-i.iijieu; aectHiiiuotiauous, and j. r-""
fort ventilation, was a great improve-: vaijl!? to l'ct L'!nr ia 1 com
ment urwn the dose, low--roofed..n'an3,--r-'a-cn:tfofthe American array
eheaT.1r-fiirn'I.e,l and iiinn-v , to face even srreattT uanKr than evt r
lo mv bed" He would often ! his eves smilimr like a cherub, and t Laurette. I would not see her. She
me at reckoning and soon leara-, murmuring all sons of woman s fond . avoided me, and 1 was glad of it I
ed to do it 1 totter than I could. I wa
ihincs. I
affected, and , could not bear the sieht of that woe-
F vu -U- Soi.e y. a-e thirty-fire yean
f ain- atx) lake a atint onJ i-uik-y" at ur
tluianr lite rat.
im annual joi; luect will iucre yi X year aad
Iu ansnal pa rural will mire yuo year
aril U da.
Tiin-e annual jiaymetn will re-ure yi t yemrf
an "T tlayii.
l":i e ai jiual nwi.:t will lnrttre ti lcyear
and if daya.
s-:x aiiiiual joyinetit will iB"Bre t.ib 12 year
' and 11 dayf.
4 - - - - '
prettiest i stricken face.
was quite
amazed at his aliilitv. His vounif consiik red it one of
wife would sit upon one of the round j scenes I bad ever witnessed.
stools in mv enlen n orLino- at ber ! "And besides. We are SO n
n(H.d0. said she, Lursnng out laujrLiDff. j eernea as tnoegn ne bad no remem
tact with the cold, lhe water, on
' touching the surface of the body,
! irives a shock to the whole svstem.
T ic mate, Garlev, Low I
, Lim! He was as cool and
This Protection AppIiestoanyAge,
a r
r'.r ,aa4 )wrrT I'vui.-t.
.V L
f Lin-!-. Ik cfert.u! L l-cy
j'.t Ut rt!; in-.
m axi 7fjr n ji.irt-. irnii,i i .
T"- M... Jaau-swrf lim. '1 Vnre-
rAlKiUXK S 2Kt
l'.5i s-rt-wud Art-cut. a-'
' ciS'nTniTham. "
N.-v li. Tl m.
StKCTT, PlTTsEl E n. L"A.
One dav we were all throe sitting "Look at my purse, one gold louis j brance of fhooting the poor wretch.
in this way w hen I said : j d'or all my worldly wealth." i At Cayenne I resigned mr ship.
I in vou know, mv voun? on.-s. as ! He began to laugh too. t Going to the city I made all my ar-
it seems to me, we make a very pret-i ' Yes, dear, I Lave spent my last ; rangement and took the Weamer for
tvfam'Jv.icture? Mind, I don't mean ! ua'f crown. I gave it to the fellow; New York. I placed ample funds
to ask questions, but mav be you have earned our trunks on board." j in the Lands of trusty friend, and
not pot muc L money to spare, and i "Ah. poor !" cried she, 'w hat mat- j told Lim to semi Lauren o me at
rou are, both of voii. as I think, too ! tersit ? Nobody so merry as those the end of six months. I eonld not
"handsome to dig in the burning sun! WD have nothing at all : lx-sides I. see her until her grief had List its
of Cavenne. like manv a p-or wretch ' Lave my two diamond rings that my edge.
before vou. It's a bad eountrv a ' mother gave me ; they are good for- Weary, sick and careless of my
bad country take my word for it I, ! something all the world over ; we , life. I wandered off in New York
who have roughed it throu"h v-ui-1 fan them if you like ; and besides j State, and finally bought a little place
i T-Ct and SUnShiae till 1 V the -kin OI ' 1 u -u rill t mr ij-ii. 11 ill, am . m-l. , I . uvp . i. , ii. uvu nil 'I
! I .. . . i - it . i i '
a rhmoeert, might get along th-re : ' y . nu i suspcci ut.- know s tcry i uw.
ImX vou I am afraid of vou. So, if I well what is in the letter. It is a: I sent for Lauren. Poor bird, I
rcu should chance to have a bit of recommendation to the Governor of must see Ler. I could wait no longer,
foolish friendship for vour poor old ; Cayenne." ! One summer night I sat in 'the
captain. I'll get rid of "the old brig ; I Perhaps so ; w ho knows !"' ' porc'i of my home, smoking my pipe,
, , . . l i . i Vr 1 i tn,. ?t t ntinnnil i.k ant) rsfiTintr tlritrn tin. rukA Siinn
njav. ainl the fuU aaxrnnt the j.Jk-t. Ie. I SIK-S liOl muen 1K1UT IIIOB an Old TUO, t rl"- ' , , , "
:u- twc'iaaner"! iyiumt-one a the time t hi i .-i . i-ti .,,1 mr-f Anm-n chainiinr little wife. " l ou are so ; the rumble of wheels was beard, and
P?,arw!iL"r.T j tber with rou. if rou like." You see food. I am wire the government Las I the rtage Lalted. - - -
iw cttie thoxpsox i I hare not "a living foul in the world , ham-hod you only a short time. I. The next moment a pair of soft
w. h. orreite. late of New y -a. tnwmi a tew ! l0 care for (r tjat Cws for rue I know thev have no f.-cling against amis was round at neck, and the
i r.fotL" ' Ibeatlof my soobinrLaurett was on
ome with' 11 was high time that The light i my dosodjl
"Kia: yon dear excellent eapuin."
"Heavens! who is tbat man behind
V !j I WT.ift ttkat r late ha-haud. IiaKiel
R Tbui -r--u wa rti-wf? In II Merk-hire Lite
ltinnmnr "-.ti!Biiir. Pufitield. Ma., turll.twu.
l.nmtT Ima l.Tu. penman ntaiM juarVTly.
Tat tw- tuitne?.- aent- lit up W Jntie Iw.k,
VI. t hat he tid -.-tc-r fur aaatiUt afser
h. faiiej w-iuake hi-Mifjiea.
- Ttie w-mal im..: f ieara wt-Tf -Hrwarded tn the
TEEN U CO.. a nnatae t. make any irm-nt to the 1 1 1 1o MutVo, mr b
.TOTnyduntirieyeaTa-tveiu.:hJTjt.!,wu'- ,,kt5 lw "
11 W.-T'
laifirien. .f (uee-u-wnre an4 Mauufac
tnrer (.lawarr.
l it cm-ut I have Ui:f Cut jk1 (at the N
1 n t.xe or tiie -otnjty. rrl hnMfiy etrtaer 1
' 'Immocr-trret i. ti.rtn- thiinwid la-- tca-lrrd 1 Say
at.: ariT-iiM o, nut, tlj wua- tk tali hmui 1
due to. k: w-tw ml:m 4mm(LUM lue MWnJue IttT- !
tuitij alij iDiereS.
mv prettv
voung ones
! What should be stricken out and I rapped I
! on the deck and called them to do so. i
New Y rfc. Maivh lv.b. '
J H.
Ther said nothing at all. but sat They instantly obeyed, and J) your" .
r..- ...t. -,t .1 1 beard them lantrhintr like two rnno.; There Stood the manlr form nf An-
, I'l'l i:., in i c i t o- n viuri .11 -1 tueil, 1 .
I at me. as if thev doubted whether schoolfellows. i toine Hindsdear, the convict
j ther understood what I said. On morning when 1 awoke I was hat doea this mean, I demand-
At last mv little bird thi-vw-Ler pnrPn not t-3 'd the slightest mo-;ed, naroiy knowing whether I was
Read lb 1'ollo-a inc
Claim. Paid.
i it ar' arms arenind mr ueck and cried and i tion of the vcsseL Hurrying on deck , dreaming or not
sobVd like a babr.
I found that we were becalmed. Lat-1
ti. maj clur cri all
The oi.T-Tied i. irt jams!
w - Jime j-4i-e. ff l iir rr.j, p,-Wi. avmxt
ANI SHEET IRON WAoE.;wu;. v.. x., "
i Bientwrerdne mtniii aaJ a day. '
I .Mit O. U. Han. la-aiK 111 i.lMi. larnect
-.ti: ,, hat a ra,,litf iv. iux.t '--rrnJTOM?"-1'"'.-
:it,. rrai: eJ.Br aad arl ajui. ui
. atiut.
teaaJy ht.;
alK li ir.
IE V ilmm. btrntm. AUsa- ttuu. toy
i m i-l-tll. a tadillrf Atti M dlTL
J Jane H. Adair. e AIyviUe, Xud
- )t-nieut rt-erOoe t KKaitu aua , aaya.
te-nmrd O'OradT. I hi rial. Mrh. aaOMi. pay.
nx-rit wrriv 1 Teaira. Ml rwe:h aad 11 aaya.
June It. LcUhrw. EuriihoiT. Maa ai-frJa.
t : :kie S:-r. ur-e --r wet ol ;-vnii'. pvesUor S year. 1 ntitb and 2 data
Mail- r.-t. sVuwwr. .fa. t OatPCHILb k MAKSUALL. A-ret.
NOAH t AEfcEEIL , jaae 12 Tt tsumrraut. fa.
IIti4' rurnUltiujE; Good
Produce Commission Merchants.!
fcHerh, J M. H.'derlaiww. sVTwt
t-t-T. M p JttiiW k (tn.. Mr-rm JSilla.
Xt-yer k Anawah. Kthb.
t kawany Pn.s,. f-ren-JeW W eetera Na
aa u. -rXl aiTr.
Are vou glad to s-e me? "
4.. a w.v. l . T- 1 J 1 .1 j-a a
"Rnt" said she suddenlr t.auwmo- itude, one degree nortn ; longitude 'mac uom tnaak Ood:
rou haven looked at th letter w ith 1 between twenty-seven and twenty- all I could ejaculate,
the big fed seal." j eight degrees west I understood it alL The mate Gar-
'Ilanr it!" I exclaimed, "it had ' waited until night when I de-; ley Lad read my heart better than I
slipped mr mind enti-elv " 1 scended to mr cabin and opened the ( did myself. After leaving the bn
With a cold, dreadful sensation. I ! letter, witn a auii awii.i leenng. . iiui uit
went to hit chest to see where we i fceld my breath while I broke th big- asair.
were. I found that w bad fevera! red seal, and read : The volley was fired but no bullet
davs rcmainining !cf.e we should j "Cajttin Fontainblcau : The con-j touched Antoine Hindsck-ar. He
reach theprojtcr longitude for mi o- v5ct Antoine Hindsclear, stands con-f was smuggled into Lis berth ajjain,
ing the letter. i fined of LigL treason against the Re- j aud took care to avoid my sight TL
Well, there we ft ood, all three- of ! public The directory order tbat he j whole crew were in -the plot, and,
us, looking up at the letter as if h 1 be f-hot in mid ocean, and you are thank God, I was duped,
could Lave spoken to us. As it hap-i hereby instructed to soe thai these or-; I sent Garlcy a thousand dollars as
Opened the sun was slinin full upon i lu"e earned into effi-ct" . a reward. ; ,
- . . . - i J . 1 . 1 . . l. ,.l 1 If ' T .... .11... 1 . T
... , the lace ol the r-Wiet . inafillnn.1 . i re. tue R-iuer wmumiiu iw- i nu au wu mmi uui i am iiappv.
i p r si-wing mi h Nr i . :. .7. . r r'i ri a.:.i. ti. t v..i,n.i a j.tnj
. w - - . - . ... i,n 1 1,, in. erarirtir r.,i . I .f n ,. i . . m 2ltu. a wriiitiuuiii. iia-ic ii- i m luuuituauumt lmuiiriiiiuren 1 1
ter 1 could not k n funrrln. it ' were, ehe looking upon ine oceaa,ana can tnem notnuig eisei seem to think
Moot) atmpthiny irtc L.Z,,,- he gazing upon Ler with an expres-; old Captain Fontainbleau is not such
an ogre's face grinning out from the ' of untterable fondness. Catch- : a wretch after all.
middle of the lire ; it ltoked horrid. ' j 'mS I signed for Lim to come " . "
"Could not one faacv," said 1 to I in-0 tto cabin, and bidding Ler good ! A-c-ui r IV-m BiekawsaxL -
' make" tiremlaugl "'Its great big eves J"b he came dowa, his face all
i w ere ilirwjjr out tf Its bead " jtmiles. , Richmond lost Lis father when but
. i .
tenths oi their master-siunts active
participants of that sanae'Ptnioerac-y.
"May it 1-e written on mr grave I never was its follower, and
lived and died ia nothing its debtor."
Was he honest then ? If he was.
he is ilishonest now. The Iemo.--ati..
inr in a free um tr manner "TKU ' firmness, and courage, and executive ; .u..4ac . pan us- nci cnaEgect tor the sae
is something like Iean " said Gree-ditr on the part of a leader, to pre-; time, a reaction takes place trom tL -element rules it to-ay that rel-d it
ler. "hat w-bv on't vo., have .11 ' for Gr ler to Grant : the broken reed. ' -ntre to the surface ; this kind of when Greeley wrote the above. Rut
vonr K 5n tv. I to the stron? oak. wLose tough fibre : circulation is vt ry healthy, ahd in it IU-rac is not Liaise!.'
v a a n aaa bvi-i la u i r- w w , 1 i-r , o ' - . 1
common miserable tl.l
that were in general use at that time, threatened the nation before. hat ; " - -
a farce : for a man who has smeiieu r'";"" , -1--- -
who knows the value of . ad on leaving tne water, j.rorided
Lincoln. Greeley and Richmond were
seated in the handsome eoach chat- i gunpowder,
things are ' withstc-od the storms of the pasL and
nothing but a nuisance." "We adopt i now defies the tempests of the future,
improvement as they are invented," i Shades of past glory! can this 1-e
was th reply, "but the changes have ' Kilpatrick or the shadow of his naiiie ?
to be gradual; we cannot afford to!
throw aside substantial ears that
have cost a great deal of money, aad !
stock the road with those that are'
more expensive roerelv for the com-
ion oi passengers, n nenever we
Aa Eaaay the Drtr.
ft. ,,-..r. j... fi. n,i.,ri
r.r... n , . .Tl -...1,. I . , l r. . . , . , t . r Hii 1 f l " ii-nn
v ' ii " . wt: muii mil lie a.J a ... vixi - ....... . ..... - - - . . , . , . .
.r.:ii.t : . , ' ' i-.' a ....... . t.. exciting the circu.atioa oi tae
iift"ir iiuproti exueui?. t aeuiiir iv iui me u-i .--us
Oh, that s bo excuse." was Gree-, time; so here goes. i
He has caught
that terrible malady which has carried
so many hading mea to uatime'r
grav.s the -presidential fever. He
has a very severe attack, it has t ;r.e J
brain, and out of tharitv wo i;re
get the wron? he
temf-erature. They are not in any ; J.,ne Lis partv, and k-ve to L;s ow n
.1 l ,. . I -....t :, A., i . .. .
,, uta utu u unn-iti.vii, ui-- c.iiisi.cac? the lutur rea.:;ati
t tJiiitatmg ; out. on the contrarr. are 'the jrreater wror-. b. s .1
t ' attended with health andvigor. TLe 'self.
. a -a 1 w
1 warm bath has a l-owertui en-e't izx 1
consists the great benefit of the cold
bath. Warm baths are of greater im
portance than is generally ?UTp."ised. 1
Ther mar be taken w ith great advan
tage summer and winter, and, his
w hile the l-odv is at anv degree ol ,
n tf
done t:i;!-
W-3t.d, ,
and in promoting ix-rspiration and '
1de lltaw PaT.
1 , - j ..r.i , . 1 rr-i . t 1 . r other natural secretions, tneret.v et- ' nas. a w as ires-
ley's rejoinder. "The jteop e confert There are a great many kinds of, ;L";1 j"--UI" - y-'- . . ; K(.,rti....i.t, x.
on you corporations apJdJ and ex-! doctorsl,ig doctors and small .r S 7 'pient dtntah
traordLnarr privilege and I tell vouors, old sch-xtl d-x-tors doctors of the Ia connection with the uVtlfT
they wCl not be latent unless you' new'sehool, and doctors without any ! f''fD-T 'n'n;
- .ir. , - J 1 v t . - ti,.. ' niuii salt hianv In; aivantareou.-iv turned her (u a- d.i ot. r credit-
gne tLem tbe Wrt weemmodatwn-s to ; sc-boolmg wLatsoe, c-r. There are- - , or, SL(. fisalr
be Lai A by don t you put on this, doctors of laws, and doctor- of .ns-, i? . dent with her eompiatnt. and asted
-In rTi ! 7,1 1 Car tlT:; ( ,.a?v ?hT" : a!.i a poVerful tonic, and general in- i hint if he could hot compel tLe clerk
hr don t we, sure enough! ; difficult to get the ear of ; tooth doc-; . . t,..t-,t i.rt
The- mmr Ol FIsktL.
WLr didn't rou start vour Infernal ' tors, nail doctors, and doctors w ho go
old Tribune, with three hundred at you tooth aad nail ; eye doctors
thousand subscribers! and I. O. U., dot tors; eclectic doctors
"Horace, I think Richmond has electric doctors, and doctors not ol
rather got you there," remarked Mr. j the elect, w ho go it mostly on ticL
Lux-oln. Galaxy. ! Thus we have cold-water doctors,
. .. . . ! and doctors who "straw" it a good
-swy lit Dial jca-t ira Trade.- deal ; root-doctors, and doctors whos
! mono is "Roc't, hog. or die !"
A. young man, well dressed and of j Spiritual doctors, and doctors very , nothing. Its men and principles are
j.ivtwsser uip pi'-u-ance, caned at "'"tu "i ." T"lt ---s1 , too well known to misleaU the pi o-
I'isguise the opposition under what
ever name you please, the impending
confii atiiti. Las . luuTuwed down to
the two parties that have confronted
each other for the past sixteen years.
The mere title of the opposition is
He offers his note." she .-aid. -but
Lis note is good for nothing."
Said the Presiderit, "Get Li- note
and bring it to me."
TLe clerk gave Ler the note, with
the jeering retfiiest.
Lim know when she
ui it.
Taking it t the President Lew rote
"Andrew Jaek--.n" on the bark wf it
and b-ld lx-r .-he would get the monev
"she Would let the moner
our omce recenuy and inquired in -ors, nu uociors uo uatfu i any if,jt. Greelev, Trumbull, Sehurz, and at the bank
great earnestness if we had employ- j magnetism in them or much else ; olLt.r diaVcted Hiticians. Lave left . AVL n it becatn due tLe clerk 1 e
mentof any kind to give him for but j Lajmg on cf hands doctors and doc- our camp. but the masses of the poo-'fa.-ej to pav the note but when he
a few days, if no longer, as he was a 'tors who will take any thtng ther can Tlt ... intelWnt enough to detect Tei-r.e.l -. ,1 1 .
tfif monv
t lar their hands on, except, iK-rhap
are numerous." If
stranger m the citv. out
and unable to par for a few dar's their own phvsic.
board and lodging. He further sta-! Sweat doctors
ted that he wan a bK.k-keeper, but af- they don't sweat their patients, their tort j,.
The Improved
New Draw Feed,
ithe motive which led to their des. r- made haste to "raise the wind." TLe
' tion. Ther bej-e to gain in the Iem- next moraing he found a note on his
. 1. . . 1 .... r.n ..-1 1,. 1 , -
ocraiic jtani , hi.ii iu.ieu iu i a- aesk saying that his services were no
iV threats m Olir 0WU. lhiir bin", r r.-o::ireil bv the iroverrn-ienT
I in the boat 1 arranged the whole ! -r dili?tct search, he had found no patients sometimes make them sweat ; ;ove ia tLe tamp 0f tvie enemy ; ftn,i n ol Liiu'ri.-Lt
. I , . r. . wtk.. U'.ni..l .. r. t . ..1 - . 1 . L ft . I ft X. r.. . , , , ,1 1,4 . I , . 1 . , . , , l- i
-m.- m ..uuu u ui-in in max , no v ou n. mumic - v . .-, ripmanii iiiiin!r Ts;iTons
line, nor could Le obtain emplovment ; Bf,t cwmpeHed to sweat around a good ' -ri v -jj t0 Dt.w.fomi j friends. !
at anything that ne n it coajetent to " o "ir Pa.T- "Make us rour leaders or we shall j
perform in a satisfactory manner. The Among Indian dot-tors are the full-' return to o"ur old love." The Demo-.
positions of clerk and fook-keeper, he I bred, haif-liretl. eon-bm-d. and doctors : crtcv believic tLese men to have'
remarked, were all filled, and ap'pli-1 ne t rr tn'H -at -rH--frt la.-t not bred toim ' fnUo-fr," taVe Wn led to sur-;
r .1 r .i 4. . " , - r.i - '
cants ior tucni iar in excess of the jnneaicine tuc lattiT c.ass oem- m . r,.BA..r tK.. r aneient iHiiev so far as
the most numerous. As a g neral ! to f .. tj-)e5c deserters as figure-
iiiiiig, lauiitu uoetois, mr uu , heA r,,r tt,e campaign, knowiniuai
tLeiust-lvca, know nothing whatever . i. .t,.r..t of the lit
-riitnie ar-ir-iH- w.l, . ., t i.
SiTOai a-.ui.Ui riven ' !
TO THE SALE OF RUTTER ! There are iene ' S-wtuir Hafhlt Uiat
oderatka, kaaelr:
Uritnea nmeltic. j
l.. .J . .... 1 I
The new rw Kin lat ua the rite 4 the
TeM,nh U . aiie at t f-.eri I ...
ZZ rMr k ta, UtM lmvr
r1 ' e.-J ww an sma ii rtam.
JaiTi t
"AL bit love" Mid the vife. "It bathed in a cold sweat; 1 a child, and he was thrown xipoa bu
...... i . i. - - :r J ji :..!.. 1 j-jr.l ... ..
paTdu.e W-rk RrBired. looks like blood. ; leu ss uueauij suk ; a iiauueu liim own resOUTCCS, Wltn a mother tO SUJ-
f Ni, Trt -f c we . "1'ooh, pooh !" said Lst Lusbaud, ! d,th warrant, which was drawn'port, at an age when more fortunate
w eiatm that th. iMPtaOvrjt liLimc taking Ler arm under his, "it looks jcP coe Jonn and attached. I j children are acquiring the rudiments
toweaM-f all thewe Kikita. aad thai k 11 111 -.. e: it: 1 ir IhpTf-A toiep as b 1 i.f .n i,l,,n.t;An II. . l .1 .
I . . . i nae a ieuer oj iul iikuon 10 a w eoauiir. t f- z . .7 '' 1 munuuii.. nc niEatru ia uitr
I Com, come, k-ave the letter alone if. 1Ie colored and bowed. . business of salt-boiling at
it troubles you 6o. Let's go to ocr "I sk nothing, captain,", in the i when a mere lad, or at least some
room and prcpart for bed." same gentle voice that always th aar- j 3"ears l0" attaining Lis majority;
And off tLey went They went ae-med his -speoeh ; no man Mb. v"?.1,8 rrosocution of Lis
upon deck aad left me with that beast expected to swerve from duty. I on
of a letter. I remember that I kept ' Jy wish to speak a few words to Lau-
ln iwa all tlr piikita. aad tiial k it
Now Maniifactiired. .
And aulwtt aaexaahwIUa af It 1m,.
ed ia erery euon-.T. .am w wtu (tic ue
LATW.N EKOS, Vt riti Are..Pitttarfh, Pa.
business be met with an adventure at
SacV lt'g Hi -bor, the result of which
illustrated some of the peculiarities of
niand. "I am sorry," said be,
I did not learn a trade."
The appeals vf the young man ex-i
cited our sympathy, but requiring no
farther assistance in tie otice, we
were comjn-Ued to rejdy to his eager
questioning that we could not employ
hira. . . ; "
The door dosed after Lim. and Le
again went out to continue w Lat, ia
all probability, proved to be a fruit
less search fur employ-menu Rut Lis
words lingered behind him, and, as
we ft musing on them, recalled to
mind the oft-repeated expressions of
the mechanic, in which Le reproves
himself for wanWf foresight in se
lecting an occupation. Here I am
doomed, Le says, to toil in a f-hop, at
work which is hard, affording but poor
par. Like a--dog, I must come at the
call of a whistle, or like a servant,
obey the summons of a bell ; had I
about Indians ; many of them never ; pj-y.j the
saw one. Rut that is nothing strange immZnt it
licine. Men have practiced j pretended virtue of these ambitions
e all their lives without enjoy-', w-cntlemcn is too transparent to do
slightcst acquaintance with it j jve even a blind man. We m3r
g strange ;n ik-iuocrauc hauos.
in med
ing the
llerb uch tors are popularly suppos-,1 a fl W from our ranks, tmt we
ed to spend a large portion of their- tair more than recover our loss br
ttm in ntr-iinilprinn.tbi.nrrh tLp fif-bis'.i . i-,f Induct mn
-. . K -" . I I I (- l- Hill V 1IVU, . . . V 1. , " i, - , MM'Vl
LiTbs, .othing oi the son. i t-,;ib. rto bee
A S.-ieWEa or Ru-op. Letters
from Palermo. Rome, and other towns
in the s..cth of Italy, mention a fall
of red or blo-d-colored rain, on the
loth nnd lith e-f March, after at
mospheric conditions which led M.
Tarry, of Taris. and FatL. r Ib-nzo
to TWM Kneh a r.lTM.T,,-,n Tin
lepublicaii party (f i
ration oi fiot , t
coi.'rr--jrrrinTjrn-3 tit- anaivs:s to i-e ei-
actly similar to the sand of the Afri
can deserts.
Lots of them wouldn t know catnip
from "pennyrile". if they saw them
growiDg. They cull their herbs at
the druggist's.
There axe lung doctors and doctors
with very little lungs, although tolera
ble livers. Doctors are good livers as
a general thing.
The throat doctor appears in a va
riety of forms not strictly recognized
in medicine. The hangman is the
"I never goto church." said an hre
verent man to a pious ladv : 'T al-
who Lave' ways spend Sunday in settlin-y ae-
T.reini-Iiewl a-kinst our counts. "There is another uay."
partv, but who have mede up their ?ail-the lady. that wij be spent in
minds that the best interests of the ! th same wav" "What day " asked
nation demand' the continu-nce of thejtb man "The day of judgment,"
same party in power, that has already was the son-ma reply.
done so much toward the development ! -
of our resources, toward the payment j A large party c-f Americans, most
of our debt andthe reduction of ux-t0f them from New York, are travel
ation, toward the estabLishment of; . throu b tU njy La:ivj oa Lom.
rtrofite-niv auu rwu luinumm.
throughout the nation. Erery day
I we are receiving into our ranks men
back, accompanied by guides, and
their baggage on the backs of camels.